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#California license plate with text DAB THIS#bot#ca-dmv-bot#california#dmv#funny#government#lol#public records
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yesterday I said MOVE might be my fave performance from tour but I’ve been on YouTube all day…AMERICA HAS A PROBLEM got me in a nasty chokehold right now!
The visuals, the outfits, the little waddle during the sample loop.
Hannah and Kyndall’s little bop across the stage, Bey and the twins dancing to the remix, the choreo during the chorus ESPECIALLY. The twins running off to scale those poles that lowkey scare me lmaooo, AND THE FACT THAT CHRIS RAN THAT SB50 CHOREO BACK?!
Yeah. She’s taking it.
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26350005771 远光指示灯-12V 29330002362 E6150F顶锤钻主架 FXJAU-00980 平衡铁4000 4110003124050 柴滤 26101003481 板 4110001089020 三面刃铣刀 28030004211 座椅底板 00970649 至破碎锤钢管 11221034 销轴 4110002578152 标志与标识 29260014501 PLATE_CWT REINF 29240008592 胶管 29240201641 销轴4.8*16 4041015183 动臂联大腔钢管 E210FL3484A09A0 链轨节 14409302 ECU D05211670-BF4M2012-10T2-0767 L955 26330016601 缸体 F12159835 接头GE35L1-5/16UNOMDA3C FZYKLSD 支架 6297000080 上盖板总成 21908004221 中门总成 6233000259 ECU 线束Ⅱ 29270020281 左动臂缸小腔钢管 L968F 29240020281 动臂联三通钢管 4120005942101C 桥壳总成 7100001190 转向泵吸油胶管 4041002242 垫片LGB303-45*100*2 6900018489 前桥总成 29150021971 E6150F主线束 28140011731 电流表 59L1/200/5A 4110000179105 60NM3/h汽化器MS101-06-03 6410007540 加机油口盖150-1003040F 28280019471 起子刮刀97105 A16-6150 操纵箱上盖板 Mail:[email protected] 29220023081 下隔板 6303901593 VCE 黄色面漆 SAL72980T-Y/20K-C1 26330014091 BD05N1前进档离合器总成 4110003273138 左前框架总成 21909008141 后车架总成 14511472 灯罩 4110000038041 防护网HB0287 26180004321 变速箱橡胶圈 11215522 变速箱总成 9300000113 PLATE_LH FRONT SIDE 29150009031 变速操纵阀TY50DK-22B CMT96 MT80C底盘 NIPPLE_6C-18LN LG30000814 小齿轮轴承套 29020014741 刀片CCMT09T308-PM5 WPP20(瓦尔特) 21909008311 旋钮 29190015881 左支撑 B077FY2234AA9E0 发动机线束1000561567 28370000091 头部罩板 4110015515003 前拉杆 11216543 螺栓01010-51025 M10*25 14404578 调整螺母7.5Kw 28010014522 连接臂焊合 FZ0000480 内六角圆柱头螺钉90013550016 4043000749 刀片CNMG160612-KR3215 4110002289046 SB50活塞 6900017813 钢管 LG2938001393 驾驶室 29270008781 履带900×51 RP9260 (作废)GEAR PINION AND DIFFERENTIAL AXLE GE 29280010301 机油尺把手总成 4190003103 PLATE_COVER 29010062071 下盖板后 2907002025048 消声排气节流阀BESL-03 29130023371 流沙管 4110001395 UL电瓶线P70*1900 ZJ4110001385 SPONGE_DOOR_RH 2080900123 弯板 4130002062 垫子 6211000066 前左踏板 29130022551 大臂进油钢管LG6250E2400 A16-4110000509 接头129928-49400 4130002893 暖风接头1303056-D547 4120010588002 喷水壶 FZGAQ-02217 电器架 6410000021 驾驶室LG936LPR 29280009021 转向器出油胶管 29120039551 螺丝 4110001952044 组合仪表盘VENICE-T4 6218000095 LG953轮胎式装载机 26341011811 防滑板 ER616FS 26380004741 发动机罩总成 11211512 华为手环B3商务版 6900018446 接头3104000001 29240008741 电锁钥匙 4110001551042 铲斗3.0*3016-经适件 0L055FW3114G39AA 支撑板 3070900945 O形圈 4120003687005 空调 29010031711 非公路自卸车 14401414 LG6235E零部件图册册 LG29430000741B 右侧盖板 29050012551 左后侧门 28350000521 钢管 4110015693004 筋板 6430000461 右下梯总成 26170022721 螺纹接套 ERS8160 锥阀芯02.01.10.00035 ZJ4110001050006 盘 4043002683 暖风出水管 4190003405 胶管 6210000793 50F除雪机 6410006056 气弹簧YQ10/22-290-660(B/B) 14509339 低温液压油Q/12 BS0238-2012-1888-18L F石川岛60-HZTYC SETTING RING 11213896 支架 14717624 FLG6150-YSJDB 柴油滤清器(精)1125N-001 L953F 4120001966015 40B齿销 14590856 垫圈148039A 28250019791 发动机总成 21376707 上盖板 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 29220201021 控制单元 14403696 4110000997035 润滑脂 美孚维萝斯3# 18L/桶 2080900054 传动油滤清器滤芯0750 131 053H 29030028261 轮辋LGW13-20 6900021797 缸盖24A670190 6410002535 丝座HSGF-125/70*771-1 4110000054123 发动机罩总成 4011001093 L920 OEM 11215460 盖板D04296824 4110003445074 PLATE_FR SIDE LH_3.35M HD ARM 4120000749 优先阀固定板 B5-6135 输油管-滤至缸体S1104040-D878 2070700035 橡胶垫 6420000071 硬管 21905000151 转向缸总成 6391000564 接头 4120018064002 O型密封圈612630030045 5622115A3902 停用-滚针组0750115109 14726876 燃油箱盖板总成 29080006520021 PLATE 6230000286 L955F装载机 26330035901 消音器进气管 4120004559 轮辋LG13.00/2.5-25 F玉柴85-6-JL 支架 FZ0000905 密封环Φ52 BD08-00043B 4110015916054 空调 4110002186 油管总成24A154100 6410004727 销2×40 Q5002040 6220000437 座 11222938 停用-油底壳ZL20-034001 550*550*480 26340007081 合页板 11220919 LG953轮式装载机 9200001414 动臂油缸HSGF-125*70*686-1325A 26261006052 线路板DISPLAY /L10952-1 F190001R15W40P 圆柱销 403022 4120000552001 胶管F3811519161616-1800-FS1800 11217708 仪表台线束 14673598 前车架 2080900125 抱箍(44-64) 6399005194 轴承盖PY180-H.1-2 6900020014 非公路自卸车 4190001304 蛇皮塑料管ZL50.8A-1-10 11215572 停用-LG953倒车镜 29150020911 单向节流阀 亚德客ASC200-08ASC200-08 26370003181 槽钢 A70-LGW6150E 短方管 4110003492247 左前支撑 4110003180024 油水分离器座 4120008862013 密封件包 4090000290 壳体 4110003666003 管接头 1K012-42361 7300001005 导向板毛坯 4120009720022 P-铲斗总成 F71M8-01961 FRAME_WA SIDE RH LC 29070012531 右支架焊接总成 F4022841 垫片ZL50.2.1-16 28420000091 六角头螺栓U311A-4B9365+A 5332114A29 胶管F481CACF080804-1200 29090011591 PLATE_REINFORCEMENT 29380018581 支架 3214523657 支架 14588822 空心螺栓 0737 835 153 M16*1,5 6410001489 管夹 6399004191 曲轴皮带轮 612600020847 6390202331 前挡风玻璃 LG28250020261B 制动蹄总成 14734683 步进继电器HF3503/12-G20C-B 14637546 4110000186204 PLATE FKCSQ3104046KG01 HOSE_LGB163-012218 16037148 激振机构 51-4311-033 油路块固定板 29170031992 滤清器 29280014222 胶管F481CAB2100605-1430 6241000017 法兰 Mail:[email protected] 4120005263 四腿链条索具LSJ4-8*1100 29170021371 多楔带轮-水泵F04254513 FKC27120104241 侧板焊合 29010063751 导风罩DB0689 LG7300000463-1 管夹 3979593 4110003445152 三通钢管 4110000186242 喷油泵法兰612600082057 4190003625037 第三联接口 7200002352 高压内六角M8*100 4190003135008 前车架线束 4041001802 上水室总成4110001019-103(浙江龙勇) 6215000581 ECU D05211670-BF6M1013-19T2-1433 FLG6210-CMSZC PLATE 11210842 PLATE (L=59, W=49) 4130000447 销轴60*N*230-1N00G 3114081 行走液压系统 29270016261 A型轴套 φ65*φ75*61 6430001295 仪表盘总成ZL2-203J12 LFT18 14556109 三腿扁平吊带 2*1T*1.5m+1*1T*2m F31E9-1019F LG6250E履带式液压挖掘机60250064S0200-(短斗杆) 4110001589008 电瓶线LGB340-50*450P1L10L10-4 26141016761 行程开关XCJ-102 E3603115G3908 铲斗BG340 29120009361 后围下体 E6205FC 29260010901 底座 ZJ4110001595015 GUARD-SOFTENER BAR-FRAME 29170081351 回转马达轴 LG955N 6256000044 转斗缸小腔胶管 26280003511 固定板 4110000011241 停用-护板 17243848 动臂前端润滑油管 4011015309 动臂油缸HSGF-170*90*774-1361 14568829 LGW6150E驾驶室合码 4110000036302 P-螺栓GB16674-M8*25EpZn-10.9 4043000112C 开关框架总成 LG2938001469 机油收集器总成S1010010A84D 4785464 LG670宣传单页 26291001051 燃油管I 4110001645456 SCREW DL10TB-3510014 4110001061092 多路阀进油钢管 11216163 挂衣钩支架 4110001952153 内底座 29170192471 踏板 28110000131 弹簧卡环F04292209 26290032131 密封圈 seal 179395 11219347 动臂后销 LG8937003029-2 前车架线束 4030000425 马达轴承 4110000754001 LG968驾驶室围板总成 29171004551 调整垫-喷油泵1111056B52D 彩色纸箱530*530*180 9200000702 壳体16427200 29290041321 中臂回转钢管 29090013352 后吊环D00-172-07+B 4120010302028 保险丝盖固定螺钉 28060006201 MT76底盘 29330058471 驾驶篷线束 L920 4110000415153 手电钻 14566714 29050203971 堵头4H-27 3110700038 散热器总成 6303901402 喷油泵齿轮DKC000-1111003A 3070700256 密封件包H70690100 29170103521 离合总泵 F800101470 操纵软轴 29260044442 P-阀体 29290048974 前盖 4110003022068 板 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 5122000138 向耐震压力表0-25MPa2.5级 4110000556194 操作台架 4190001346 L955装载机零部件图册 21909010941 回油接管组件D7018-1104250 LG918 26130017301 台架 4120004847 燃油箱总成 14883679 4190001940001 中冷进气管 4110003380069 螺栓 M10X20 Q150B1020 29340031311 LG936L宣传册 4120001895 AT140粘接胶600ml FZ0000226 PLATE-1 12744742 密封垫(油底壳垫) 4110001542 护板 26180007661 十字凹头螺钉M4*25 F61N6-40101F 固定板 29340031401 CAB 29240017842 驾驶室胶垫R60-7 4110000186765 棘轮扳手 17mm 71425917 WURTH 612600130533 14741965 发动机机罩 6390902762 软管20411-14-04TZ/20491(25)-14-04H11TZXEC2 29130010921 地板垫皮 2090900015 支撑板 26340009931 喷漆线屏蔽工装 FAB-M-14 60113346 COVER ACCESSORY 4120009742018 套筒O型环1/2 26320001811 中间传动轴CDZP-722 4043002526 四通接头 C0960WF05 气缸(SMC CS1BQ140-300) 4110001923113 摇臂座(末挡)C84AL-84AL603+A 6410003241 套 26380005351 轴套ZL20-036001 4110001477046 LG952H左台架 F81E1-19630 L955F轮式装载机 20459235 4110002247052 SDLG LG952L GPE Wheel Loader 8290118 液压油散管左 6214000465 挡环24C014040 4120002358108 回转减速器总成 11224380 后黄油管(左) 11216877 销子Φ8*33 LGS9530006 28060004121 筋板 EFJ 28380000051 六角头螺栓Q150B1032 29130024421 胶管 4110000054266 变速箱支座 4041001251 前车架标识包 974661 六角头螺栓2H5330(3/8-16×73.02) 4180000427 筋板 4120004775 PLATE_BACK(B/BRG) / ARM WA(2.5M) 14573731 停用-盖板 6293000135 十字开关四向自锁 C2MN-F4 29290037625 O形圈103×3.55 GB3452.1-82 16055000 支架 11222693 夹板-毛坯件 26020003621 垫片 4110000940 P-多路阀KM300-21-I 28130005731 SIM卡 4110001161001 中心密封圈XM60-3510083 4110000924113 海绵 26030006311 地乐204 300g 4120007000 CLIP 4120017438 助力泵 11220150 缸筒总成24A035530 4120006982010 右后围板 6222000356 链条 26010008031 四五档拨叉轴7DS180-1702065 29170090922 排气管支架 28100010921 钢管总成 26330064971 胶管87392Y-20-20Z/87312Y-20-20ZXGH493-20X1 4110003226025 PLATE 11212211 后车架 14563468 溢流阀1C010-3692-2 26180019551 塑料端盖/J-110 29030022891 螺柱 M8X30 Q1200830TF2 29370017611 半轴 L038HW3215AK6E0 驾驶棚支座 F61N6-31360 TOP PLATE 4120017558007 海绵 26330031991 中间齿轮盖板1001154490 29220011221 衬垫130242 FXG6207-SXZC 上盖板 LG936L 4013000325 LG956N传动轴总成 4120001153023 止动螺钉 04B0027 3090900008 QSH303064-液力传动油8#-18L 14401862 LG958传动轴总成 6410005174 HEX. SOCKET SCREW M10X16 11220232 操作台总成 4043003189 主从动齿轮21050116010/21050416010 29050034853 五通梭阀 329451-02249 排气门弹簧下座612600040443 26120001051 钢管 6220001232 左内侧板 89260017402 格莱圈扩张器 6253000163 散热器总成L920-YE MT86 29290043751 普通木箱 4130000632A 凸轮轴衬套61560010029 28010017791 主滤芯P641459 4120000183 内六角圆柱头螺钉01302247 26031003941 板 LG9150000267 动臂LL3380Q 26141002501 天线170MH250*200CM 4110001005154 WEAR PLATE; DRAWBAR 6410006528 压力补偿器(斗杆联)R908200439 29030035601 驾驶室BHL 17004392 FRAME; FRONT W/A; G960 4120008862034 上板 6264000193 胶管F371C90C202010-1150-PG950 29420003981 螺丝刀世达62212? 60113257 29050032681 机油冷却器壳体紧固件总成0429 9501 29070024621 散热器减震器总成 ZJ2712011499 护网 6280000056 953前铰接架焊接变位机(手动) 29010069742 E680F挖掘机保养包 MT86H 29040008441 前车架附件 LG2905001958 YAMAWA 丝锥 NPT1/8 26130015751 连杆瓦 2040900068 线束总成N44A-10 2922002245101 活动偏心块 4011015020 上盖总成 14532426 11223206 气缸MBB80-800 6410001946 电机8407.173.1903 403401-402-410-412 4110002117017 中央电器控制盒CECB-1 29341009031 螺母GB6185-M20EpZn-12 26170044501 前输出轴封油盖/输出轴后端盖 28280018741 变矩器642652 F72Q6-51001 高压油管部件(第三缸)D26-003-30B+A 1690300036 盖板 11222169 LG918轮式装载机-E1806215KA601 L056FW2115A29EHCKD 燃气滤清器芯612600190993 29260001152 泄流阀 ZFJ 26380002961 弯管接头 28230012241 起重永磁铁YC1-2 26181019791 焊接法兰-M18 29420000261 螺钉 4120001824 变速操纵机构 F11213493F 交流接触器LC1D38M7C 14404548 调压阀20963807 11212512 中冷器 LY-LGG9220-2A-35-000 14400692 风扇皮带 26070001451 输出轴法兰 ZJ4110000209 衬套245000062 11215114 沙滩椅 3110900317 板 28120006861 预滤器 6220001276 19件冲击螺丝批组套 力易得E1139 6212001470 CAB TRIM_ROOF 29050040301 L920轮胎式装载机 4110002170001 板 26241002081 L956F双手柄替换单手柄换下液压模块 4110003492132 L958F轮式装载机 4110001592130 CEC0056-SDLG底漆固化剂 11217014 软管LGB127-006080 4110016279 轮毂14530464 4041002141 齿轮R24 4120001485 固定夹M8N3293 26140003751 橡胶管夹 F210CDHS 螺栓GB5783-M12*35EpZn-8.8 6900014057 密封圈106*3.1 JS-LQQX-07 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 28350000881 轮胎23.5-25-16PRTL-TL516 29170010661 车门焊接框架 4120003147 急停按钮XB-BS542 6410004639 斗杆破碎锤右钢管 14585001 4110000038233 圆垫板YJ315Y-00018 4110015946 上梁 29220009851 锁扣CH-40870 14503226-02 导风罩LY-LG946L-3-00-001 LG2908000902-1 转向器 BZZ-630 29260031211 工作泵吸油钢管 4110001593003 发动机总成WD10G220E21(G0312) 4030001212 法兰 6234000268 配重铁总成 4043000545 滤膜 4120006751 后车架 4110000129274 齿轮 4120008317 脚踏 A89-6210 燃料调节器 14884842 管 6299000233 后车架 F31Y1-03851 斗杆油缸HSGL-60*35*347-590 LG953 4110000186633 螺栓 4110001044 发动机总成 F31Y1-16210 档位控制器0501 216 205 4120003326 液压油箱总成 6223000235 交流发电机组件 19279-6401-0 J4120005996 胶管 26441000811 后保险板 4120006272015 LFT30传动轴总成 217 左盖板 4110004063158 管总成129004-59811 14405184 石棉垫 14402680 O形圈GB3452.1-128*2.65G 26180014881 气缸盖进气弯管C12AL-12AL031+A 16068038 F31Y1-31320 软管LGB106-012135-A 6264000637 销轴LGB301-65*120*225-40Cr 29020009971 轮辋14.00/1.5-25 4110001907009 垫片 26370009041 油管 2907002025056 停用-标准斗0.23×765(无侧齿) 6900005625 隔块A3914284 4110003380015 行程开关 JLXK1-211 2080900176 平键22*1000 F0A23008 t2*86*68 M086HWB04 驾驶室总成 LG29330058651 挖掘机产品经销协议 F190001R10W30(铁) 前车架线束 29060009121 软管20441-22-06TZ/20411-22-06TZ×FC687-06×9 26170027251 接头 ABC10-02-A 29260041571 导管 29140015301 左后支撑 11211655 带可换导柱莫氏锥柄平底锪钻Ф56*Ф22 29120030111 定位块 6410004890 钢管 4190000312001 左挡板 4041002425 斗杆3050 29290045581 胶管FH621CACA151508-3150-PG750 29051001891 回油管总成 29090010141 仪表台线束总成 28350001991 左翼箱 6900021177 十字凹口螺钉 6410007097 右侧中盖板总成 6410007949 通讯线 9针 母对公 LG9140000409 工作装置总成 4030000192 机滤 6410006115 矩形密封圈 13B0108 11217596 红外线摄像头AE-CM111 29190016871 后车架线束 E6812213A2902 过载补油阀ZL50106C 4110001060040 PLATE_SWING MOTOR REINF 6231000639 从动齿轮轴21020411010 ZFJ LG2926004128 3 盖板A9W00-1003273 29281000653 铰接螺栓Q/YC901-1C0610 29040013131 油管锥套 直径10 26330071661 螺栓GB5782-M16*90EpZn-10.9 4120016416016 铜垫圈Q/SC598-10*22-B00001817 26290003571 电瓶线P15*1950 LGS820 Read the full article
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sorel Black Cow Hair Apres Ski Winter Ankle Boots 8.5 M.
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] SB50 Anderson Power Connector – 600V 50A Grey Anderson plugs are a dedicated electrical part used by campers on their vehicles, trailers, and caravans as part of a 12-volt, high current, dual battery system. Their main benefit is that they allow auxiliary batteries to be charged while driving. This product is known as SB50 Anderson Power Connector, SB50 Power Connector , SB50 Connector , SB50 Battery Connector, SB50 Heavy duty connector, Anderson Power Products 940 Connector. Note: These Anderson plugs are cleverly designed that they can plug into each other while keeping the correct battery polarity. An Anderson plug can only connect to another Anderson plug if you flip one of them over otherwise they will not push into each other, this clever design prevents short circuits and makes for a universal plug and play system. The Plug is Impact Resistant Polycarbonate and Connectors are Silver plated Solid Copper Terminals.; Provide simplified assembly and minimize the number of components.; Silver-plated copper contacts inside housings that strongly force the contacts together.; Contacts feature a sacrificial tip that allows high current circuit interrupt. Prevents accidental cross mating of circuits.; For signal transmission or the added safety of a premade ground position.; Durable in use.; Easy to use. Series: SB50; Manufacturer Part No:992; Manufacturer: Anderson Power Products; Brand: Anderson Power Products; Product Type: Heavy Duty Power Connectors; Housing Material: Polycarbonate (PC); Contact material: Pure copper silver plating Product: Housings; Current Rating: 50 A; Voltage Rating: 600 V; Wire Gauge: 16 AWG ~ 6 AWG; Cable size: (up to 13.3 sq mm); Vibration resistance: Excellent; Color: Grey Applications: Battery Chargers; Solar Panels; Wind Generators,; Tow Trucks, Snow Plows, Farm Equipment, Jumper Booster Cables, Welding Equipment, Winches, Electric Vehicles etc. [ad_2]
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“But we can’t have denser development here, it’ll wreck the neighborhood character!”
The neighborhood character:
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Manning V Kuechly Game Recognize Game: Future Hall of Famer Luke Kuechly hangs em up
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In a rare voice of dissent from transit-boosters, the San Francisco Transit Riders advocacy group has spoken out against the housing development-near-transit state Senate Bill 50 earlier this month.
That clap-back also may have earned the group the ire of its own members, as well as the state senator who authored the bill, leading the organization to walk back its comments just this week, on Monday.
Authored by State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), transit-oriented agencies, think tanks and other groups have flocked to SB50 as a needed bill to hasten more housing development, even as neighborhood groups in San Francisco push back, arguing that more housing density will tax already-overburdened city services.
At the December 17 San Francisco County Transportation Authority's board meeting, the Board of Supervisors approved a resolution opposing Senate Bill 50 (SB50).
In his resolution, Supervisor Gordon Mar charges that unless transit improvements are made in tandem with new housing, it will lead to more crowding and less reliable service. It's a seemingly reasonable position on the surface but creates an impossible situation which has been used to stifle both new housing and transit improvements.
Which is why it surprised many when the Transit Riders group spoke out in support of the resolution.
“I’m here also to support Supervisor Mar’s resolution,” Cat Carter, acting executive director of the Transit Riders told the transportation authority board during public comment. “While we support increased development of housing in San Francisco, it’s not like there are a ton of empty seats on Muni buses and trains.”
State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) lashed out on Twitter the next day in response.
“Yesterday, transit group @SFTRU opposed #SB50. It argued density by transit strains transit,” Wiener tweeted to his 59,000 Twitter followers on Dec. 18. He continued, “It’s a classic NIMBY claim: No housing until infrastructure is perfect. It’s also pro-sprawl, pro-carbon: ‘Until transit is great for me, you can’t live here. Just drive in from Tracy.’”
Supervisor Gordon Mar's district includes both the N-Judah and L-Taraval rail lines, where neighborhood groups strongly opposed transit and safety improvements for the existing housing.
The Transit Riders group have since clarified they do support SB50 but don't want transit improvements to lag behind.
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Senate Bill 50 Threatens L.A.’s Historic Neighborhoods
Senate Bill 50 (SB 50) is a proposed state-wide bill that is intended to increase density and streamline the production of multi-family housing development in California. If passed, SB 50 would override local land use restrictions, allowing multi-family buildings to go up near “high quality” train and bus stops.
While the intent of providing more housing may be good, we believe the bill and its approach is highly problematic as currently written. It poses a one-size-fits-all solution and a blunt, statewide fix that would outstrip local authority and planning.
As part of a statewide coalition of preservation organizations, the Conservancy has requested amendments to SB 50 to ensure adequate preservation safeguards are added to the legislation. Specifically, we want to ensure that the legislation would allow for a review process and exemptions. We have asked for safeguards that would protect designated historic structures and historic districts.
Preservation and density are not mutually exclusive, or an either/or choice. We believe there can be a healthy balance with thoughtful planning. We want to ensure that the revised bill language will not impose a one-size-fits-all approach and unnecessarily harm California’s unique historic resources and neighborhoods. If passed without adequate safeguards, this legislation threatens L.A.'s older and historic neighborhoods.
How You Can Help
SB 50 will go to the California Senate’s Appropriations Committee this Thursday, May 16.
Please contact your State Senate representative (find your representative here) and the members of the California State Senate Appropriations Committee and urge them to include adequate safeguards for preservation in this bill.
SB 50 is moving quickly, so don’t delay in getting in touch with your representative and the members of the committee!
Appropriations Committee
Email and/or call each of these legislators; they play a key role in the possible passage of SB 50:
Chairman Anthony Portantino, (916) 651-4025
Sen. Pat Bates, (949) 598-5850
Sen. Steven Bradford, (916) 651-4035
Sen. Brian Jones, (916) 651-4038
Sen. Jerry Hill, (916) 651-4013
Sen. Bob Wieckowski, (916) 651-4010
Thank you for your support on this issue!
Learn more about SB 50 »
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“Housing Density,” a timely and thought-provoking show now at the Skyscraper Museum in New York
What is the backstory behind this one. . .
In 2016, for example, activists in Upper Manhattan derailed a proposal to construct a 15-story, 355-unit residence on the site of a derelict garage. The building was to be the first private project under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing program, which requires that in new developments on rezoned land, at least 20 percent of units must be below market rate. Without the rezoning, the developer was free to put up a 14-story building with no affordable apartments.
But in return for the rezoned extra square footage, the developer agreed that half of the units — 178 of them — would be rent-subsidized. Opponents still took to the streets, declaring the construction of any new market-rate housing “an existential threat to our homes and our community.” The developer abandoned the project.
In California, a similar dynamic has threatened pro-densifying legislation like Senate Bill 50, which aims to encourage transit-oriented midrise development, disallow some low-density single-family zoning and extend the rights of homeowners to build backyard accessory units — “granny flats,” as they’re called. The proposed bill, facing a deadline to pass the State Senate, now includes some targeted protections for existing renters. But a growing coalition of tenant activist groups, including the Housing Rights Committee in San Francisco, opposes it — saying the legislation doesn’t do nearly enough to prevent landlords from harassing vulnerable renters and predicting its passage would “exacerbate real estate speculation, which has already played a key role in displacing low- and moderate-income tenants, immigrants, seniors and families across California.”
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Yesterday was rough. We had a path to pass #SB50 - our legislation allowing more housing near jobs and transit - but the votes didn’t go as anticipated, given the aggressive brass knuckle politics at play. It’s disappointing, but it’s a temporary setback. We’ll be back - and fast. Because we must. Because we’re in crisis and have no choice but to take bold action. This is about California’s future and ending a broken housing status quo that’s harming millions of Californians each and every day. We will never give up. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_T9QxB5ky/?igshid=1u9ad7oi5l33a
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Brittanie Bianca(@sheisb.alexx) & Ashely Everett before Beyoncé’s Super Bowl 50 halftime show performance!
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LG50F.04315A-323A 36403000033 DIFFERENTIAL LONKING
LG50F.04315A-323A 36403000033 DIFFERENTIAL LONKING
4120009292029 RS232转RS485转换器 型号:UT-201 4043003169 仪表盘YB680G 29170042471 驾驶室总成 29381000151 PLATE 4120007841 SB50油封 28350002551 左刮刀LG07-ZGD-20 28140012161 O形圈OR 70 204-011 FKC4110000724019 密封圈BABSL-60*85*8 29020201001 LG956L轮式装载机 21145970 F31N8-17420 空滤滤芯C-X-32 29030049391 电瓶线LGB340-25*450A1L8L10-1L2 4120008791 角钢 6399000327 软管20411-16-06Z/20491-18-06TZ*SR1SN-06*23 4120010744 放平护板 4110015756 电式压差发讯器E7-0.35 11316507 HEX. SOCKET SCREW, M12x35 6430001121 O型圈80*3.1(变位机维修) 29280017261 止退垫76 8278920 二横梁总成 J4110002946002 板 2060900672 磨擦片 28300004361 第3高压油管部件C26AB-26AB623+B 26330044321 锁销 29240005371 功率变换线束 6231000261 限压阀17202333 29170014221 电瓶线LGB340—15*500P1L8L10—1L1 6900018732 台湾式胶条 3*10 4120010450 钢管 28809007061 停用-销20461-30820 4120008204007 SWITCH 29360017711 后玻璃 JN3A-12V 4110001948067 阀块 26350009001 变速箱模式开关CJKB2XJJB-BSXMS 29170075271 覆盖件附件 11215795 变频器(西门子6SE6440-2UD21-5AA1 1.5KW) 29100016131 PLATE 6212001041 法兰螺栓01754-50816 4045000087 弯板焊合 29240022301 右翻转支架 26330016881 摩擦片隔离架总成 4120016963 脚踏垫 29010038081 零部件图册 7200001978 液压操纵总成 6410004133 停用-LG978夹木叉总成(合叉,宽1769,开口3080) 14511553-A 6231000221 LGS812H电瓶箱总成 14404794 29330077452 永久磁铁BD08-00038 13022243 6264000233 机油冷却器壳体紧固件总成4299502 14404795 FZ0000270 座椅LG01E 14404796 4190001639 螺塞 CM38*1,5 DIN 7604 0636 305 206H 14404797 FXKAY-00129F LG690F小挖驾驶室总成 6618000071 突缘总成 14404798 14525834 LG948L装载机保养包 F71M8-01101 LG936装载机 4110000988126 支架 29370201912 L952岩石斗(2.4m3) 26240012391 前车架附件 3060900168 六角头螺塞D02A-168-01+A 4120006263004 弯板 29130015471 法兰盘 11705143 29280020803 驾驶室总成(先导) 11217509 空气过滤器TM178G150P3 6410007954 凸轮轴包 26331029322 蒸发器线束GQZ198-051 6399002021 提升能力标识 3214880326 3110900505 前、后大灯A0-B11077 329453-03234 4110016168 左电瓶箱 14402032 29010026611 仪表盘 655.7.16 29260036361 软管LGB128-003055 B00001241 29260038771 活塞杆总成24A115010 WZ25.11.19-1 28250006041 硬肩板 4110001061046 螺栓24313800 LGZJ27150109041 停用-罩盖 2808000066018 半轴 4190000779 LG918工作装置附件模块 11214899 安全阀XDYF25-01 29260032011 E6600FP机型标识 4110000565105 卡轨0.11 11116814 3190006017 螺栓1008601-56D 29010053921 PLATE 11212773 喉箍91-114 29310014841 LG968N 轮胎式装载机 29090007691 机油滤清器滤芯1000491060 29050015521 LG936L分体驾驶室 6390400107 PLATE 28010017071 锁环13-24.00-02 扭矩扳手80-300N.m/700N 6303001170 单体泵挺柱总成D04298064 4110002654028 板 4120000558022 固定板 32936222 4110001477065 六角螺栓M8 WZ25.7.1.4 3214543708 电缆固定架 3110900777 OIL COOLER_ASSY COOLING MODULE 6253000448 胶管F7816A6N202020-1500 21909010391 后板 4120004421 斗齿 29031010861 气动接杆 6260-08P 3/4″蓝带 29170305981 O型圈 4110000049012 车体板-17 2040900056 轴向压力表,接头M10*1 Y-40Z 0-1MPa 14405516 后车架JR955 LG5111001026 右侧刃 4110000186176 燃油箱总成 14514011 HOSE 4120001715010 凸轮轴轴套C02AL-7M4046+A 14408001 加强板 29300000071 板 29340057171 营销公司服务车专用工具套装 F612600020283 接头 4110001423009 丝座LGB311-2*M16*240*20 11223200 螺钉 4016000231 动臂LD3710A 6214000315 变速杆总成 26260002551 左前扶手 22499250 4120000730040 发动机总成WP6G125E201(DHB06G0086) 26020005631 下平衡铁 4120006566019 停用-门锁 LGZJ27010109622 胶管F481CACA080804-3350 CQ676130B 29250012191 右振动轴 FKC4110000724021 21T回转马达翻转架 6389900058 2013款春秋工作服上衣Y6 29340037011 下右钢管 11164693 后车架及附属 F4110000322001Y 活塞R909443003 29360022641 配电柜 1000*500*1500 LG2926004497 4 油门电机ET12-174-RECN2S 14717653 压板 11211248 钎杆-锻打M型10000T-X-MF 26160007251 至铲斗缸大腔钢管 21909013131 汽缸垫 1523236 4110002126161 螺栓组合件GB9074.17-88-M6*25DCR 1523237 29240040821 轴卡 1523623 29050034501 竖板t22×126×196 1523624 29220024781 发动机D7ELBE3 11035603 FB_1 固定板 11035606 29330069441 工具箱总成03000TLB-S 11035607 3120901058 行走MCU进水管 11035608 11213746 胶管 4190000799010 LG760矿用自卸车-7600411111900 1523318 29330031421 卡箍1001428754 1523319 4043001307 贴盘LGB315-110M*190*37M GB6172-M12EpZn-05 11218179 台架线束 29170059191 仪表盘PARIS-T4 4110001089098 吸油法兰盘 GB308-8-GCr15 14400156 温帆 WFLCN1116720 26330042151 护网总成 29050014481 SQUARE-TUBE 29380010351 中冷支架 4120006313 增压水泵CDM3-19 29240043351 后车架线束 696-3701020A 26290010801 油封 2120900458 主泵盖板 14408372 放平护板 6105Q-1002037 14671107 行星齿轮轴 3214553489 14506354 上架JU6135 LG7300000831-1 气缸盖垫 17004343 低压氮气室总成 新增 4110003532001 黄油胶管 28230003541 空心螺栓 Q21-18 M22*1.5 4120002847 储油筒 11211280 上罩板 29240103071 LS溢流阀保护帽R907260042 930A5.1.7 LG2929010064 LG978装26.5-29无内胎轮胎 3001211AA102 胶管总成 29010024591 二轴总成 29060011341 机油泵总成 6410005797 划线漆专用稀释剂(11kg/桶) 4120000423 挡油罩C04AL-6N7174+A 29170078291 停用-六角螺钉 FZXYF952 活塞BD05-01101 4011001078 变速箱总成 29260000701 过渡胶管 4120008479 钢丝刷 4120011000006 停用-钢管 14402281 WASHER PUMP 11218578 垫密圈CQ72330 26370006181 中间输入轴 2120900150 操纵软轴 29360018721 垫密片 329453-02338 26130009101 LG953地板垫皮防护膜 28250020181 L956F轮式装载机 4120005371015 密封圈T0001-6.8-1.9 29080008481 黑醇酸防锈漆 乐化 LG2912002249A 空调 29330061391 传动油散进油管 21044436 FKC4190000283009 P-橡胶板 29170186952 LG938L轮式装载机 4110015282 支架 F04283327 11215361 转向器BZZ5-320A 28230015411 挡块1G777-16324 26010012751 加注防冻液标识(西语) ZL50F.9-15 29020014041 停用-止动阀 ZL20-032001 4110003226275 壳体总成TF450V450B01-2 4110001003147 燃油管17002466 6410006112 板 6212000578 主阀VE28M-4 F612600140083 圆管LGB318-89*4*308 4120008934 胶管F462CACA181810-520 29250013741 三角带 29260040423 螺栓119620-79310 29030022551 中顶板 I1-2815000218 吊钩(环链葫芦JPK15 3吨 ) 6900005047 ZL50E宣传册 4120009211003 停用-档位标志 ZJ4110001338012 组合轴承 6900017932 驻车制动标识 6270000349 后支架 955891 4120003846 叉立板 FKC612600081227 轮辋螺栓 F11FK-20090 推土铲刀架焊接 4110001592114 导电嘴 Φ0.8 4110000696010 铁木结合箱-9 1450*260*190 WZ25.7.1.2-14 11210031 导轮座 29080001011 摇臂轴部件J3100-1007100A 4120016828032 缸盖24A070014 29290012971 垫片 28100010901 O形圈 29030040171 铁木结合箱 6430001063 SPARE PARTS CATALOG 28809026671 转向缸总成 6410006902 进出水法兰组件 1G388-7270-2 6224000015 HOSE_ASSY SPECIAL FLMJ 后侧密封条 26240021511 HEXAGON SCREW_M20X110 4110002676007 停用-LGG8180平地机-8218011114801 4041000580 LGRS7120宣传册 26160005411 消声器进气管 28131003891 散热器总成LG680 7300001646C 卡子胶条LGB320-TA1700 部件 4110015916090 左平衡箱总成CPH185.1 F11N6-90020 六角螺钉 4120006288070 夹箍D24B-119-30+A F81EM-10012 原色纸盒 26240010721 LG978标准斗(4.2m3) 4120007008001 RIVET S1002629A52D 4120009998117 支架 16060631 铆螺母GB17880.1-M8*15EpZn-ML10 14527693 E550HV4488S09A0 计量测试结果报告单-质记63号 14558005 15404745 电瓶线LGB340-25*3150P1L8L8-3L1 9100001605 集滤器垫片1001166312 B00001318 4043002708 上架JUP650 13033415 11222883 操纵箱 29070020131 后支架 329453-02340 29340036521 驾驶室总成 ZL50F.11.10 28230014351 PC400销子 D33-129-01+B 29340015061 侧卸斗1.8*2760 29290007731 CLAMPING PLATE 29310028441 加强板 11220973 螺母 26270002291 L956F STANDAND MACHINE F11N8-23000 LG660液压挖掘机操作及保养手册(英) 17004324 常温液压油模块 粘度等级46(98) 6231000153 直接头LGB155-01418 984078 4120003814003 稳压阀1784C 21455743 4110001060213 动臂油缸HSGF-170*90*757-1378B 21496705 29260020121 密封环 21242584 29370015311 水管结合组 GR0607009 22358673 29050040161 转向销油管副厂 997824 26200004431 O型圈028131 14402829 缸盖RB502-WGG090055-1 26331043901 LG958L装载机驾驶室装配总成 9150000369 P-螺栓GB5782-M10*45-10.9 29070012281 加力泵至 前隔板油管 6261000258 动臂LL3410G 21901728 28010003971 发动机罩标识包 21455710 4120007160003 密封件包 26170023351 堵塞30040297601 27130003491 燃油箱总成 3120900752 后围板 14403864 26260009971 举升联右大腔钢管 26270002871 摇轴臂 6233000672 地板垫皮 2110400154 停用-停油电磁阀总成D0 2113789 4120003698001 铲斗总成(0.6) 4180000408 后车架电气总成 28809028560411 转向器总成 11213400 支架 6217000044 链盒(BZ0.5-5) 4110000331039 轴承{6210} 29310018541 右防护板 4110001089397 板 1690700022 水分流环 14401464 起吊标志 67-3600-010 前车架 29430003701 美式货钩 T8/320A 7T 4030001404 非公路自卸车 FS017-24072 海绵 4110000924141 缸盖24C105260 29170080131 板 29070010522 销轴 4190003196 配重螺丝(lg6210) 29340001011 油封FB115*140*12 53 100 029 29330070881 压力表(径向,表头Φ100,接头M14*1.5) 29330047431 右上覆板 7270-11141 29050022981 覆盖件附件 26240019771 T型抱箍φ101.6(+2.4-5.6mm) 6420000718 PLATE 14530625 U形螺栓 F71N6-20040 发动机罩总成 6619000185 挡圈24E008026 4110001923058 调整垫片15841-98680 4043016876 软管LGB128-212155 29150034442 铰接转向图形标志 29070024091 BREATHER CAP 29170070211 进气胶管 4110000619 WIRE_LH CABIN CABLE HARNESS 9110000002 覆盖件附件 3214530648 黄油嘴 M10 26170022902 气管接头 JPU-10/01 29330077221 右下弯板 4120009292037 桥板 29010031611 警示灯LTE5002 24V LED 14533615 21909014151 IECU A44-4110001948 轮胎GB2980-20.5-25外胎 11223423 销轴LGB301-90*150*280-40Cr LG2926002566 2 油箱左支板 994014 26160004061 牛津布袋(亚冠) 21909007371 停用-驱动轮 J5301000177 斗齿 4120002263006 护罩 125磨光机用 29260022111 垫圈 28220005681 三通接头 6390200066 右侧内耳轴润滑油管 29030046371 剥胶芯1/21/2 4120010567 反馈胶管 L068FWL215G29AC FOOT PLATE 26291006561 TUBE 11215419 胶管F372CACF1818(SL90)10-1200 4110000565074 LG770矿用自卸车 4110000561153 三级行星架总成 9100001398 非公路自卸车 4110001061045 支腿 LG62310000084 法兰盖 4110001952062 海绵 6253000310 PLATE 11221230 开关阀C179901 14403426 分动箱总成 6410007833 线束 29141006591 弯板 29010065061 一级行星架总成 29010079831 燃油箱总成 4110003445033 信号发生器612600190384 26330006861 筋板 4043001719 门板 4120001803002 ZFAP3095摆动型驱动桥总成 29311003831 吸油滤芯 29120030311 弹性挡圈A=2,35 0730 513 418 4110000184011 L955F线束总成 20852764 11222945 阀体137581G 27140000151 密封垫 3214529090 HOSE ASSEMBLY 9314-02360 3100900024 支架 6390202301 停用-LG968轮胎式装载机-X6812213A39 29150203152 CLAMP-CT-650 L TS SS 14410259 胶管20412-18-06TZXGH493-06CROWNX595 29330077172 压盖 29020007921 桥油管 FLF16015 管路(油缸)FC15(D)—00049 6264000498 轮胎GB2980-16/70-20 4190003625019 冷凝器下壳体GKL33-5.0C-30 4120009276 油底壳垫片HA0189 984330 29030038371 侧面灰贴 FKC2712010381010 中冷器6357.021.3000v1 3070700080 P-走线胶套 11214829 PLATE 26240033282 吊耳 ELG916D 导向套HSGF-180/100*891-2 6900012986 喷油器KBAL-P523 6900019612 推拉窗下玻璃 1002030-52D 2020900146 工装5870 048 200 29170062641 活塞环 29380001488 停用-推拉窗框 4011000490 销轴GB882-B8*45EpZn-35 11214727 工作泵总成 992979 11220140 板 14406476 皮带 5002111YA2 后桥总成 29070025621 轴套 29300008881 主传动总成 6410003376 右挡风框锁 14506959 4110001121110 后车架 29330053041 驾驶室总成 4110001654207 右台架 11219259 油环C05AB-6I0499+A LG7300000436-1 停用-车门 660.1.5.2 6430000284 密封件包 4110000186759 PLATE_LH BTM 29020021711 发动机进水管 21909004041 继电器(欧姆龙)LY4N DC24V 29080008171 黄油管 29260015671 轴承30222 14401176 7300000848 垫圈 06B0008 4120009291032 电源线 28071002221 隔套 GB96.1-14EpZn-300H ZJ4130000028 标志标识 F61N8-31310 驾驶室旋转警示灯模块 6410007565 小筋板 E5813215A3602 调温器总成HA10002932 14562311 14514499 BUCKET 26341016061 电池 BR-AGCF 2W/6V(FANUC 数控系统用) 14404374 85*95销套 4190002423 软管 ZL30F.12.6-4 4110016180 发动机控制单元G1600-3823351 6410005709 密封件包24A104090S 29290053711 调整垫片 2617002815012 限位盖505038 11219057 焊接直角接头体 ZJ27100108381 导向套5440-1030 4015000203 传动油散进油管 14402420 茶叶渣桶 6900019394 海绵 6410000888 1/2×120接杆 615GJ0102 11216066 铲斗BG100 3215185096--- 7200000007 活塞 ZLZO-032106 L036HW3115AK6E0 轮毂 4190003150 25T挖掘机履带块模块 2810000340061 固定圆盘 26341012033 加强筋 11214838 车轮轴 4130001492002 SCREW_HEX HD_M24X110 4110001026086 板 6261000265 压冷管9011KC0001 4120005019006 前安装座 28010004651 制动泵 电瓶车升降平台用 6211000098 手动阀 4HV3-15L 神州 Read the full article
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