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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 20: Second Assist
Characters: Captain Logan “Sy” Syverson, Shane Benton (OFC), various other original supporting/secondary characters
Summary: Shane reunites with friends and family, hashes out some feelings, and gets real with Sy. Can their relationship survive her trauma? And the threat that still looms above them?
Romance and Smut Abound HERE!
Word Count: 4500
Warnings: Mention of rape, alcoholic beverages, violent imagery…feels out the butt.
Author’s Note: You guys are so splendid and beautiful! I can’t thank you enough for your support and encouragement to finish this piece. First, welcome to new readers! I know poor Henry’s injury and subsequent physiotherapy has driven some of you here, and while I’m sorry for him, I’m glad I can consider myself something of a pioneer in this particular genre and provide you some help for your newfound thirst. To my OG readers, it is to you I owe this entire work, parts written and incomplete, and I hope an eventual book deal. I mean to mention you in my acknowledgements, should this ever reach a willing publisher. You’ve inspired me so supremely that I cannot quantify it, even with the words I hold so dear.
Since my last chapter was posted, we’ve said a relieved goodbye to 2020 and a tentative hello to 2021. To be honest, this year has started out worse than last year. Lots of bad weather in my area this winter, my sister is currently on her way to a new life in another state, and my grandmother, the last grandparent I had, passed away in February. Those last two things have been especially difficult to shake off and recover from, both coming to fruition pretty suddenly. Amongst all that, I’ve been pretty distracted by my other fandoms, especially Marvel, and I’ve been reading a killer book series that I’m utterly in love with. (The Throne of Glass novels by Sarah J. Maas. 10/10 recommend.) But I knew I needed to get back into Shane and Sy’s story, especially given the new and rekindled interest in the subject matter. In all honesty, I’ve had most of it written for months. It’s just been a matter of finishing it off to set up the rest of the story.
I really hope you all enjoy Chapter 20, Second Assist, and would love your feedback and notes. You are all so important to this story, and your notes, reblogs, and comments are cherished. Thank you so much for reading! Love from Hannah!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. This is an original work by me, Hannah. Please reblog if you wish to share. Please do not repost either in whole or part, as the work of anyone but myself. Thanks so much for reading!
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If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Shane woke in her warm bed, late morning sun streaming in through her sheer curtains, the heavier drapes parted to let in the light. She wished she'd remembered to close them before now. She really was not ready to be awake.
She was sore. Achy. Her sleep had been fitful and full of shadowy nightmares and muffled screams. Beyond that, she didn't try to remember images or events. She knew the general premise of the dreams. It would take a lot of time, effort, or a miracle to make her forget those traumas she'd been through in the last week. Not even forget. She knew she never would. But move on from them. Accept them. And heal from them…even that seemed a mighty obstacle. One she was not sure she could surmount.
Through the open bedroom door, she could hear Lynyrd Skynyrd and the clanging and sizzling of pans, and she could smell bacon and freshly brewed coffee. Sy had left the room, but had not, it seemed, gone far. She gingerly sat up, stood from the bed, and donned her robe as she walked out into the hall and down the corridor to the kitchen.
The sight before her warmed her heart. There was Sy. In only his boxers, daringly frying the notoriously dangerous breakfast meat. Upon her entry to the kitchen, she could also smell pancakes, and she thought syrup, as well. He seemed to be warming a bottle of the maple unction in a pot of hot water. He turned as she stepped on a squeaky floorboard, and grinned widely at her.
"Mornin' sunshine." And she was struck by the irony of someone with such a radiant smile calling her sunshine. Especially when she didn't feel much like beaming. But she couldn't help return the expression, even through her pain.
"Mornin' bear. Did you go to the store?" She knew she couldn't have any bacon in her fridge, and she doubted her eggs and milk were still good at this point. But she also couldn't think that he would leave her for any reason.
"Nah, some of the guys brought over some provisions. Matt worked on your car all night, too, and filled up the tank. It's as good as new. He and Nate brought ‘er over as well as the groceries. I just had ‘em get stuff I knew your family wouldn't be bringing later. They've had tons of food given to them this week, and they're ready to share. You should have seen your mom loading me down with sandwiches and chips and whatnot when I visited them."
"I still can't believe you met them. I really wanted to introduce you personally." Shane's face fell. She would never be able to get that back. She wanted to cry. Sy had poured her a cup of coffee and sat it in front of her with her favorite creamer.
"Darlin' I’m so sorry. I had to talk to them."
"I know." she sniffed. "I'm not mad. Not at you. Just…"she didn't want to say Elliott's name. "I'm disappointed that the experience was stolen from me." That so many things had been stolen from her. By that monster. There was no other way to describe him. Sy growled. As if he could read her mind. He really just knew her well enough and shared her thoughts.
"Well, don't worry, we'll have a nice dinner with them one of these days, and we can pretend. Sound good?"
"Yeah, and I can feign nervousness." she laughed.
"And I'll pretend too. That I'm scared to meet your dad." he chuckled. "What if he threatens me with his shotgun?"
"I'll pull the ol' 'Daddy, no, I loooooove him!' line, as I throw myself between you!"
"That oughta work." he laughed and kissed her on the forehead as he stepped toward the stove and flipped a pancake.
As they sat eating their late breakfast, Shane's mind wandered. Nothing had changed on the surface, but everything was different now. This cozily mundane breakfast with her boyfriend felt like an out of body experience. As delicious as it was, as wonderful and comforting as it should feel, her guard was up. Even through her amiable façade. She was not the person she was two weeks ago. She was not the same woman who said goodbye to Sy at the base. Maybe that was the real transformation. Maybe that was why nothing felt normal. It wasn't the world, but her own self coming back into it.
"Shane?" Sy asked, gently, but it felt like he was speaking through a megaphone directly into her ear. She was so startled, she nearly dropped the half full mug of coffee that was paused midway to her lips. A bit sloshed out onto the table and splashed her shirt.
"Shit!" she chided herself. It wasn't a big deal, but she felt stupid jumping at the sound of her own name.
Sy reached for the closest towel, hanging from the oven handle, grabbed it and started for her clothes with it. She stopped him. But she couldn't think about why the intimate act made her uncomfortable.
"No, don't, it's fine. These clothes have seen better days, anyway." She pulled the towel from him and began to mop up the small puddles of coffee around her plate.
Sy seemed to note the stains already present on the shirt, as if trying to divine their history. She was something of a messy eater, so the battle wounds of many a barbecue, spaghetti dinner, and hurried breakfast peppered the now off-white SATB club tee she'd gotten her second or third year in college choir. She thought back to a huge room with high ceilings. White, cinder block walls, flecked tile floors, a beautiful, glossy, black baby grand in front of a long whiteboard with black lines to resemble sheet music. She thought about the mnemonic device she'd learned to help her remember what notes appeared on each line, and in the spaces between them. She pondered the deeper meanings and implications of these devices. EGBDF…every good boy does fine. She thought about the "good boys" in her life. She knew many. Her dad, her brother Ethan, Sy, obviously, her many male coworkers and friends…and honestly they did far better than "fine." They were wonderful. But she was letting the "bad boys" she'd encountered dictate her mood. Permeate her psyche. Tear her down. She didn't want to be like this. Then FACE came to mind, and above their purpose of indicating the notes between the lines on the staff, they called her to action. To face these newly minted demons with all the strength she knew she possessed, and she too would "do fine." But as with almost all actions, this was easier said than done.
She felt a warm presence on her left hand which had paused it's torture of the now coffee-infused kitchen towel. Sy's hand was squeezing hers gently.
"Shane." he uttered, barely above a whisper this time. She looked at him through tears that she had not realized had formed. He continued.
"Shane, what can I do, darlin'? I'll do anything."
"Babe, you're doing everything you can, and more. This…this is all going to have to come from me. I…don't know when I'll be myself again…" she paused, tears streaming now. "I'm…I'm different."
"You're not though." he reached for her face, but she pulled away.
"I am, damn it! Sy, I was…" Words had power. And the one she was thinking of had more power than she thought was warranted. She knew that uttering it would take away it's power…and yet mustering the courage and strength to actually do so…seemed impossible. She took a deep breath, and disassociated herself from the statement, even though it was about her own past.
"I was raped." She refused to cry. She felt it all again. She had never said the words. She had never thought it necessary. Everyone understood. Sy, his friends, and she was sure her own loved ones had made the connection. But she knew she needed to say it now to drive home the points she was about to make.
Sy, looked at the table, nodding, not needing to be told in so many words something he already had surmised from the clear evidence. He remained silent. She went on.
"I love you, Sy. I have since the day we met, on one level or another, and I believe that I always will. But I…right now I can't be a proper girlfriend to you. I can't…be with you, touch you, be touched by you, in the way we used to be. In the way you deserve…and I don't know when…or even if…I ever will. Not that I don't want to. That's ALL I want in the world. To go back. To be the woman who fell in love with this…incredible man. To make love with you, but…I can't."
Sy's eyes were full of tears, their predecessors already descending his round cheeks and disappearing into his thick, dark beard.
"Sy, I don't want to lead you on and keep you tied to a relationship with no life in it. You deserve someone who's whole. Someone who can be a fully invested partner for you, and not this broken, damaged--"
"You stop that, Shane. I won't hear no more of this kinda talk. Y'hear? You're my girl. My woman. My person. No matter what. You gotta know I'd never leave ya just cuz you aren't ready for sex again. You don't think that I would, do ya?"
"Well, you went to Virginia…you took that job…knowing the distance it would put between us. Literally and figuratively."
"Biggest mistake of my life." Shane raised her eyebrows in surprise as Sy elaborated. "I couldn't focus on my classes without wishing you were there. Wishing I could team up with you for discussions and hand to hand combat training…that thought got me a little too excited, if you catch my drift." He smirked, pulling a sheepish smile from Shane. "Then in that forest. I dreamt about you every night. I thought of you constantly. I could barely breath sometimes, I missed ya so damned much. I was an idiot. I was insane to think that I needed anything other than you. Any MORE. There IS no more. You're it. You're the MOST! The most important thing in my life."
The declaration hung like vapors in the air, more felt than seen. Tangible yet ethereal.
"And when I found out that you were missing…I was…well, I think I looked like death…and not warmed over. You can ask the program director I met with after I got the news. She could tell I was just sick over it. And as I thought about it on the way home, pieced things together, started thinking about who'd taken you, I got murderous. Shane, I have been in dozens of battles, skirmishes, firefights, you name it. War. But…the sheer bloodlust I felt thinking about what you could be going through…I've never experienced anything like it. Everything was red. Everything. For days. Until I saw you, alive. And then it went red again when I saw the fear and damage on your face." she could tell he was doing his best not to talk about the farmhouse and that basement, but she still flashed back to the moments before and after his appearance there. The moments when she simultaneously prayed to live and hoped to die.
"You don't owe me anything, Shane. I just want you in my life, and I don't care what your presence looks like. Romantic, platonic, or somewhere in between. I'm here for you. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Shane felt the urge to wrap her arms around her boyfriend, but could not seem to move more than one arm to place her other hand on top of his. She hoped the gratitude and love behind the small, but heartfelt gesture landed. It was all she had in that moment, no matter how abundant her affection.
Shane's family's arrival was a complete blur to her. It was joyous, tearful, and the happiest she'd been in a long time. The moment she opened the front door for them, she was surrounded, engulfed with hugs from her parents and siblings. They stood in their affectionate huddle for several moments before Peg waved Sy over with marked insistence. He'd been standing by, observing happily, but not wanting to intrude on the familial reunion.
When they finally dispersed, John asked the two younger men to help him bring in groceries. The women headed into Shane's bedroom for a more private setting in which to talk. Shane filled her mother and sister in the best she could given the rawness of the wounds left on her mind by the events.
She leaned against the headboard cuddling with Gabby while her mom rubbed her feet. She had insisted on doing this thing that had always comforted her children, and made them feel much better when they were younger.
"Well, I'm very proud of you, pumpkin." The girls both looked at their mother, who rather uncharacteristically hadn't spoken in some time. Shane was nonplussed. Peg elaborated.
"You survived something that many women don't. You're talking about it now, which even more women don't. You may think you're broken, but you're just a tree damaged by a storm, but standing stronger than ever." Trust her mom to lay such wisdom on her. When she felt like giving up. When she just wanted pity. When she could only see defeat. Her mother had always found a way to encourage and buoy her and show her the victory.
"Mom's right." Gabby affirmed, and it was Peg's turn to be nonplussed, as the two women, though similar in so many ways, never seemed to see eye to eye. "It's true. Shane I've seen a lot of women come into the clinic in shoes very much like yours. And trust me…some of them…they don't make it to this point. You've got a long way to go before you're fully recovered, don't get me wrong, but you'll get there. You have us. And you have Sy."
"And then there's Sy." She diverted. "How am I supposed to plan any sort of future with him when…" She looked at her mom, and hesitated. Peg rolled her eyes.
"Shane, I know what the two of you get up to when you're alone. You don't have to be shy with me."
"Still…" she took a breath and spoke. "When I can't bring myself to…sleep with him?"
"Look at him, you're kidding, right?" Gabby chided, insensitively, but recanted at the pained expression on Shane's face. "Sorry, sis. Trying to lighten the mood a touch. Too soon. But seriously, I don't think this reluctance you feel will be permanent."
"And even if it is," Peg took over, "that man is out-of-his-mind in love with you, Shaney." She kissed Shane's toe before putting a sock on her foot. "He almost seems to worship you. Now, you know how I feel about using that term outside of religious context, but that is exactly the kind of love I want for you. Devout, and unconditional."
"But, mom, I can't--"
"Did you hear me? I said 'unconditional,' sweetie." Peg interrupted. "No matter what. No matter the obstacle. No matter the distance. No matter the circumstances. Love unwavering. That's what Sy has for you. I've seen it in him. Trust the momma."
The insistence her mother placed on trust had always ruffled Shane's feathers. Gabby's too, who she could feel stiffen slightly beside her. But Shane, for once, really wanted to trust her mother, hoping against hope that she was right. And that she, herself wouldn't screw up the best relationship she had ever been in or was likely to ever be in again.
The girls had begun talking about some of the coworkers who'd brought food in the past week, and Peg couldn't resist remarking on the character of her favorites and judging the ones she didn't care for…oddly enough, getting more or less, the correct measure of them, as Shane saw it.
After what must have been an hour from the time they'd arrived, they heard a knock on the slightly ajar bedroom door. John poked his head in.
"Ladies, we've put a casserole in the oven, and completed various manly projects around the house--"
"Oh, daddy, what projects?" She cringed. She hated that the men had felt the need to "fix" things.
"Babe, your guest bathroom had not one, but two leaky faucets, your kitchen table seemed to be more of a teeter-totter, and half the light bulbs in the living room were out. Among other tiny things. You're welcome." he smirked his crooked smirk so similar to her own, and she returned it as if he was looking in a mirror.
"Thanks, dad."
"Anyway, lunch is almost ready. So, when you've finished your confab, let's eat."
Dinner passed amiably, Shane found a reserve within herself to allow some quasi-normal behavior, as long as you didn’t look too closely. She was talking animatedly with her siblings, making their parents and Sy laugh riotously. Shane noticed some odd looks passing between Sy and her father, but chalked it up to paranoia. She wished at least Gabby and Ethan could stay, but Heather would be over soon, and she deserved her own dedicated time. Shane wanted to give that to her.
She said her farewells to her family with promises to visit them the next day, and at least one more time before her siblings went back home, if she could work it out.
Sy was so wonderful the whole time. Standing by her, a hand resting lightly on her shoulder as they waved goodbye to the departing vehicle. He made her feel so safe. They went into the kitchen and cleaned up from lunch. Well, Sy cleaned. Shane was texting Heather about when she'd be over.
"Heather says she'll be here in about a half hour. She's picking up wine and pizza." Shane told Sy without looking up from her phone. She could see out of the corner of her eye, though, that he had just closed the dishwasher and was selecting a cycle.
"Sounds great. Do you want me to get out of here? Give you guys some time, one on one?" He asked as he dried his hands, wet from preparing dishes for the machine.
She thought about it, and shuddered. She played a scene in her head that startled her. In her mind's eye, she saw Sy leave and then moments later heard a knock on the door. Presuming it was Heather, she opened the door with abandon, only to see Elliott standing there under a flickering porch light, smirking maliciously at her and ready to overpower and abduct her again. She shook the thought from her head, but remained uneasy as she answered his question.
"Uh, no. Thanks. I'm sure she'll want to talk to both of us. She likes you." Shane grinned softly at Sy in an attempt to mask her trepidation over the thought of him leaving her alone for any period of time. She thought it had worked.
"Okay, well, whatever you think, sunshine. I don't wanna get in the way." He was wiping down the countertops. She felt so impossibly full of love for him, she was starting to wonder how she hadn't yet burst with it. She couldn't bear the thought of holding him back from a fulfilling relationship. He deserved everything she couldn't give him right now. And she knew she should make him leave her. Cut him loose. But she was, as she'd been since she'd met him, a weak woman. She couldn't stand the thought of being without him. Of him no longer being hers. And somehow worse, of not being his, herself. She would always need him for so many reasons, not least of which being her love for him. Maybe one day, she'd recover from this trauma, and be able to be who he deserved. To give him what he needed.
"You're never in the way, bear." She walked up behind him, wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed him as tight as she could. He placed a loving hand over hers, sighing and smiling, though she had no visual proof of the latter. It was just a feeling.
Heather's greeting was no less exuberant than that of Shane's family, but it was more joyful and less emotional, even though she was immensely relieved to see her best friend after so long. They talked as if no time had passed, and Shane mustered up the dregs of her former self to have one more interaction for the day. Thank God it was Heather and not someone who would require more. She wouldn't have it to give.
"I am so glad you're okay, Shane! Things around the clinic have been bleak as fuck. Susan is loosing her mind, Anita is beside herself with concern, and the rest of us just plain ol' miss the hell out of you. And not just because of all of the overtime everyone has been pulling to get your patients seen."
"Oh, God, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize…wow, I'm awful. I didn't even think---"
"That you'd be missed? Think again, sister. The place would fall apart if you ever really left. But don't feel guilty. It's the least everyone can do, and they've all said it themselves. We all love you, and know that you'd do the same for any of us if you could at all. Hopefully you won't have to, though!"
Shane nodded, eyes wide in agreement. She wouldn't wish the last week of her life on her worst enemy. On the worst person in the world. Except maybe the people responsible. Tit for tat.
"Well, I'm sorry my absence has caused extra work for all of you." Shane looked into the deep glass of Chardonnay Sy had poured her from the bottle Heather had brought. She felt about as small as the air bubble making it's way up the sloping curve of the stemless vessel. She felt a guilt that she knew was fully void of logic. It made no sense for her to feel guilt for being kidnapped. But she had always had this notion, this nagging voice in her head that told her that her misfortunes were a direct result of her decisions. That she'd inadvertently stepped on the butterfly that resulted in the monsoon she was currently experiencing, and whatever cataclysmic events she would face next.
"Why in God's name are you apologizing for this, Shay?" Heather's tone was kind, but still mildly scolding.
"If I'd never been with Elliott, none of this would have--"
"Bitch, are you a fortune teller?"
"No, but--"
"Time traveler?"
"I wish!" Shane chuckled. But she really did wish.
"Have you any real and proven success at consistently predicting the future?"
"I don't, but--"
"No. No buts. No howevers. You had no idea what becoming involved with Elliott could have done. Were there signs, sure. But you can't look on the past as a rubric to judge the quality of your decisions. You know that. You can only learn from your mistakes. And you have."
"Heather's right, sunshine. You really have learned. You look for Elliott's behaviors in mine and shut me down quick if you see 'em. You're not going to let yourself go down that road again. And I'm proud of you for it."
Shane silently worried her wine glass. It was hard to argue with such truth. But it was hard to agree when her own feelings were in such stark opposition. So she did neither.
"Well, I've preached my sermon for the day." she laughed. "I've taken up enough of your time. Oh, your phone. It's in my purse. I think it's fully charged, but I turned it off."
Shane thanked her friend, then Heather hugged them both and took her leave.
"Y'okay, bug?" Sy asked her after what she surmised was several minutes of silence. Minutes she didn't notice as they passed.
"Mmm…" she trailed off.
"Can I do something for ya?" And she really thought about the question. He could probably do a lot of things for her. He could make love to her until she felt whole again, even if it hurt her at first. Not an ideal option. He could probably get them both some new identities and enough money to spirit her away to somewhere her past wouldn't follow. If she became someone new, literally, would she have to bring that old baggage, those old scars, with her? Again, suboptimal. But he could definitely take the source of all grief and turmoil in her life far into the Missouri back country, somewhere not even the hunters would venture, some fallow field or forgotten cistern, and end him. Snuff out his spark of life like a candle caught in a tornado. Spill a fatal amount of his monstrous blood onto the unforgiving earth and send him to the Hell to which he was undoubtedly destined. But did she want that? Did she want another soul as a scar on that of the man she so deeply cherished? He'd say it was worth it. He'd say he'd take a thousand more for her. A million. That was Sy.
"Nothing comes to mind." She lied. And he knew it was a lie, but didn't push it. She was so grateful that he respected her, not for the lie itself, but for the reason she wasn't giving him the whole truth just now.
His phone went off and he picked it up as he stood from his seat at the table. She could only hear that it was Matt, the guy she thought she understood had the car place, before she heard tension in Sy's voice. Even from the next room, she could tell something was wrong, though he was talking too quietly for her to make out words.
She heard him suddenly shout a stream of profanities that he rarely said at all around her, at least, let alone together. There was a bang, and the walls of her kitchen quaked like the tectonic plates beneath them were shifting.
Sy walked back in, his face was red, as were his knuckles. He was shaking an injury out of his hand.
"What's wrong?" she asked, deep concern at his appearance and demeanor, suddenly ominous.
"I need to fix your wall in there." he grumbled, evading, without success. She'd be doing therapy on his hand, next.
"What's really wrong?" she repeated, sternly.
"That was Matt. Elliott's…escaped, somehow. He's in the wind."
Shane's heart became so heavy, she could almost feel it smashing through the kitchen floor and burying itself deep in the cement floor of her basement.
"Oh, God! No! What if he goes to the police!?"
"Fuck that, I'm more concerned about him coming after you!"
The two stared, faces full of equal measures of concern for the other.
Up Next: Chapter 21-Patient Education
#netflix#netflix sand castle#captain syverson#Captain Syverson x OFC#captain syverson fanfic#sigh for sy#henry cavill#henry cavill fanfic#henry cavill x reader
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Output of musical endeavours since April, roughly speaking
Here is the list I needed. I put it into a database because it is very confusing to handle. About 52 short pieces, 42 of them in 2 collections. Some with varying instrumentation. If I can get some inspiration from these tropes - these musical phrases, in 9 months of experimenting,at the same time studying Gradus ad Parnassum and various music books I had long forgotten about, surely there are other 'real' composers who have been composing all their lives who can also. My latest is a barbershop quartet version of Psalm 96. I could use some feedback from a real quartet - tell me if it is singable! These are all available on my YouTube channel here. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDrmacdonald/videos Let me know if you think you would like to perform them for real. I would like to work with some performers. I am looking locally. I can help with anyone who would like to work on new material, all 929 chapters, 23000+ verses are available in music XML or PDF format online - look at the music page.
Chapter, Verse
Part of
2 SAMUEL1:19-27quintetstringsElegyHebrew ISAIAH9:1carolSATB, percussionA baby is bornEnglish or Hebrew ISAIAH12chorussoprano SATB, congregationYou will draw waterEnglish JONAH1storySATB harp or string suiteStoryEnglish PSALMS33chorusSATB harpShout for JoyHebrew PSALMS96chorustenor TTBBSing to Yahweh a new songEnglish SONG1chorusSATBLet him kiss meHebrewSong 1 SONG2:1-7chorusSATBSong, part 1 continuedHebrewSong 2a LAMENTATIONS1:1-4chorusSATB, orchestra or organ + timpaniAlephEnglishMay become part of U-L below QOHELET3:1-15chorusSATB, stringsA timeEnglish PSALMS6:3chorusSATBKyrie eleisonGreekMissa brevis 1 ISAIAH6:3chorusSATBSanctusLatinMissa brevis 2a PSALMS118:25-26chorusSATBBenedictusLatinMissa brevis 2b ISAIAH53:7,12bchorusSATBAgnus DeiLatinMissa brevis 3 GENESIS1:1-5recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe first dayHebrewUnleashing Leviathan PSALMS19:1-7recit, chorussoprano, SATBThe heavens recount the glory of GodEnglishU-L-02 JOB1:1,19-22recit, chorustenor, SATBThe man from UzEnglishU-L-03 JEREMIAH20:7recitbass, harpYou have seduced meHebrew or EnglishU-L-04 JOB3:3recittenor, harpPerish! day when I was bornEnglishU-L-05 JEREMIAH20:14-17duetbass, harpLet it be darknessEnglishU-L-06 JOB3:4-8duettenor, harpLet it be darknessEnglishU-L-07 PSALMS110:1,2, 5-7choraleSATB, organAn oracleEnglishU-L-08 GENESIS1:6-8recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe second dayHebrewU-L-09 PROVERBS8:1-4,22-24,27,29-32, 34-35ariasoprano, alto, SATB, harp, percussionLullaby for an Infant HumanityEnglishU-L-10 JOB38:1-2chorussoprano, SATB, harpAnd Yahweh answered JobEnglishU-L-11 JOB38:4-7chorusSATB, harpWhere were youEnglishU-L-12 PSALMS111:1-3choraleSATB, organHallelujah, I will thank YahwehEnglishU-L-13 PSALMS112:1-3choraleSATB, organHallelujah, A happy person fears YahwehEnglishU-L-14 GENESIS1:9-13recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe third dayHebrewU-L-15 PSALMS24ariaalto, SATB, harpThe earthEnglishU-L-16 JOB38:1recitsoprano, harpAnd Yahweh answered JobHebrew or EnglishU-L-17 JOB38:8-11chorusSATB, harpOr who screened in OceanEnglishU-L-18 PSALMS113choraleSATB, organPraise, servants of YahwehEnglishU-L-19 GENESIS1:14-19recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe fourth dayHebrewU-L-20 PSALMS8:4:7ariatenor, organ, harpFor I see your heavensEnglishU-L-21 JOB38:31-32chorusSATB, organThe Pleiades, Orion, and the Great BearEnglishU-L-22 PSALMS115:16chorusSATB, organThe heavens’ heavensEnglishU-L-23 GENESIS1:20-23recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe fifth dayHebrewU-L-24 JOB7:12chorusSATB, harpAm I the sea or a dragon?EnglishU-L-25 JOB40:15-19chorusSATB, organBehemothEnglishU-L-26 PSALMS114:1-3achoraleSATB, organRedemptionEnglishU-L-27 PSALMS115:1choraleSATB, organNot to us, YahwehEnglishU-L-28 GENESIS1:24-31recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe sixth dayHebrewU-L-29 JEREMIAH4:23-27duetsoprano bass, harpI saw the land + GenesisEnglish and HebrewU-L-30 PSALMS144:3trioATB, harpWhat is this humanity + Psalm 8EnglishU-L-32 JOB7:17,19trioATB, harpWhat is this humanity + Psalm 8EnglishU-L-33 JOB41chorusSATB, harpLeviathanEnglishU-L-34 PSALMS116ariasoprano SATB, harpYahweh heardEnglishU-L-35 GENESIS2:1-3recitsoprano, harp, unison chorusThe seventh dayHebrewU-L-36 PSALMS92ariaalto SATB, harpto the SabbathEnglishU-L-37 PSALMS117ariasoprano SATB, wood blockPraise, all nationsEnglishU-L-38 PSALMS150choraleSATB, harp, wood block, organ, trumpet, timpaniPraise, all breath-bearingEnglishU-L-39
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Jean-Baptiste Craipeau
Todd Wilson explores a cappella music in France with Youtube multitracking pioneer, singer, and musician Jean-Baptiste Craipeau
Todd Wilson had a chance to interview Jean-Baptiste Craipeau for our email newsletter. Todd is one of our founders and serves the Nashville Singers as Executive Director and Artistic Director.
You can subscribe to our newsletter by texting the word SINGERS to 42828
Published December 11, 2017
TW: When did you know you wanted to be a singer?
JBC: I've been fascinated by and exposed to vocal music since I was a kid. My dad has always been a choir director so all sort of vocal music was played in the house and I got the chance to sing solos as well which reinforced my love for vocals.
TW: Your arrangements sound like they were influenced by the work of some of my favorite a cappella groups, like Take 6, the Singers Unlimited, and the Hi-Los. Are there other a cappella arrangers or groups that have inspired you along the way?
JBC: These are my 3 favorite vocal groups but I may want to add The Real Group, The Kings Singers and Bobby McFerrin
TW: Outside of a cappella, what soloists or other bands/groups seem to find there way most often to your personal playlist?
JBC: I've had some intense periods of listening to several bands for the last 10 years including Jaco Pastorius, Queen, Earth Wind & Fire, Bill Evans and Snarky Puppy.
TW: You have a plethora of multi-track a cappella videos on your Youtube channel. That's how I learned about you. Many of these videos have been featured in our newsletter over the years. As far as I can see, eight of them have over 100,00 views and THAT'S AMAZING! What about your Daft Punk cover of "Get Lucky" do you think caused it to attract so much attention - over a million views (so far)?
JBC: I had a pretty active period on YouTube some years ago where I built an audience. I tried different things and some of them worked better than others ! I can't explain why...
TW: Can you describe the popularity of a cappella music in France?
JBC: There is a scene in choral and classical singing in general, but the jazz or contemporary a cappella is not so popular. People barely know groups like PTX for example. They seem to always love a cappella music when they hear it though.
TW: In your response to my request for this interview, you mentioned being a fan of ACOUSTIX. I'm flattered. How did you discover barbershop harmony, and what about barbershop captured your interest in this American art form?
JBC: I started doing multitracks around 2005 and when I decided to put some clips online I found some guys doing split screen videos on YouTube ! I was amazed by the concept of showing each parts in squares. These guys were doing barbershop tags. I kinda fell in love with the sound of well balanced and tuned chords. I had never heard barbershop before, so I searched for quartets doing this and of course I quickly found Acoustix, which remains one of my favorites. The thing that I love the most about barbershop is the tuning challenge : the goal is to have all chords ring, which is the best school for a cappella lovers/singers. When a fifth rings and you hear overtones, it's a very exciting experience. Also some arrangements are pretty advanced for only 4 parts so I soon started transcribing songs to understand more this style which is very unique!

TW: Your a cappella group Accent is described as an online collaboration of musicians from several countries looking to bring you the best in a cappella and jazz. But I've also seen lots of videos of live performances, tags, promos, and jingles recorded all over the place. My three-part question about Accent is this: 1) What brought you together? 2) What are some of your aspirations as an ensemble? and 3) What can you tell us about Accent's new recording project "In This Together?"
JBC: As I said before I was doing multitracks videos, and most of the other guys were doing the same. We all met on YouTube sharing our passion for a cappella/jazz/barbershop music by sending arrangements, transcriptions, rare recordings etc. Very geeky stuff haha! I first "met" Simon Åkesson from Sweden on a forum about The Hi-Lo's. I discovered this group through Take 6 when they mentioned their influences. Simon amazed me by his knowledge and very refined vocal work! I'm talking about 2006 or something, he already had arranged a ton of stuff, composed a mass etc. So we get along pretty quickly having the same background in music (classical, jazz, rock lovers). He's the most talented person I know! It took a while til we decide to record a song together ! It actually started as a quartet with Andrew (Canada) Evan (USA) and my brother, then Danny joined (Canada) and then we thought it would be great to cover Gold Mine by Take 6 ! So I contacted Simon again and the London Based James ! Funny thing is I met James some years before at a Take 6 concert in London. He reached out to me and from that day we kept chatting and sharing stuff together.
Our influences as a group are quite obvious. We love The Hi-Lo's, The Singers Unlimited, Take 6, The Real Group. These groups are the main reason why we are together! We recorded a first CD in our own places but this second CD is special for us cause we recorded together in the same room, all standing in circle. The songs are all originals from group members or legends like Mervyn Warren or Siedah Garrett which we feel so lucky to have around us!

TW: You guys recently spent some time with Jacob Collier in the UK. Is there a new vocal or arranging collaboration in the works?
JBC: This was probably the most exciting moment in Accent so far! This guy is a genius, probably the most unbelievable musician of his generation ! The funny thing is that he contacted me when he started doing his one man band thing on YouTube. So I really saw him grow very fast and big ! Very inspiring. We don't have any collaboration in mind at the moment, but it's a great idea...Let's work on this !
TW: When did complete your first vocal arrangement. Do you remember the name of the song?
JBC: I think it was Fly Me To The Moon that I wrote for 5 parts, later on I adapted it for 6 and now we sing it in Accent as part of our show.
TW: Can you describe the arranging process or what basic elements you feel every good arrangement should include?
JBC: I think it's important to have a unity in the song and to decide what do you want to keep from the original and what do you want to change...could be the tempo, the groove, the style, the chord progressions etc. There's so much you can do! You just have to take some decisions. Also the more I arrange the more I try to build a song. Starting somewhere and going to another place. Rather than harmonizing chord by chord or phrase by phrase. It's about creating some moments-tension/release.
TW: Do you arrange for your own multi-tracks or for Accent exclusively or do other groups ever commission you to create a custom chart?
JBC: Most of my work so far has been for my multitracks or for the groups I'm part of. But I'd love to work for some choirs or groups at some point.
TW: Do you ever encounter writer's block, times when your creative juices are not flowing adequately enough to get an arrangement started? If yes, how do you usually overcome that situation?
JBC: Oh yeah, it happens all the time haha! I think what helps me is to try to "zoom out" a bit. I try to sing the melody again and again, find a way to make it more simple and effective. It's okay to write complex chords but they have to work together too. A good tool for that is to check both vertical and horizontal approach to an arrangement. Adding some rests here and there, make sure singers have time to breathe etc. Simple tips but always good to keep that in mind!
TW: What is some advice you could share with aspiring arrangers?
JBC: Go transcribe all your favorite songs/arrangements! That's the best school! Start with easy pieces maybe only 3 parts, then SATB pieces then more closed voicings. I had the bad idea of starting to transcribe vocal music by Take 6! My ears weren't ready yet...so it was a bit frustrating. I don't want this to happen to anyone else !
TW: You've had a chance to work with some amazing performers over the years. What is some of the best advice you have been given by another singer/arranger/performer?
JBC: The best advice would be to listen closely, pay attention to details and do your homework so you are ready when you need to!
TW: What are your thoughts on the evolution of the music industry and songwriting over the course of your lifetime? Are you happy with this evolution?
JBC: I think the music industry evolved a lot with the digital music and internet in general. I personally love how it turns out : everyone can record their music with almost anything and it's easy to share it to the world. But it's somehow difficult to sell this music aside from touring! So the best is to build an audience that go to your show!
I kinda miss the old recordings that sounds very natural and live though. That's why I rarely listen to the radio because of these really compressed mix, that sound unnatural and unmusical in a way (No dynamics). My albums collection consists mostly of old CDs haha!
TW: Do you have a day job like so many of us, or do you make your living as a professional musician?
JBC: I'm lucky enough to live from music. I play in many bands of any kind, from classical vocal ensemble to acoustic folk trios, even some rock bands. I'm excited by any kind of music and I really think any opportunity helps me to become a better musician.
TW: What personal accomplishment are you most proud of outside of music?
JBC: Being the father of 2 kids! Alicia (2,5 yo) and Gabriel (1 month). It's just amazing!
TW: Do you have any hobbies outside of music?
JBC: I like sports in general, traveling and going to the beach during summer! Just wish I had more time for these things!
TW: What new and exciting projects do you have on the horizon?
JBC: Accent always come up with cool ideas to help us working with new people, new challenges etc. We really love collaborating with big bands or lead singers, so maybe we will go in that direction!
TW: How can our subscribers find out more about YOU and Accent while you're at it?
JBC: We are active on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You can follow us @AccentVocal! Feel free to drop a message!
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