jjoneechan · 2 months
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rat-rosemary · 1 month
Okay so, dnap au where there is a cold war between angels and demons, and their past battles have created an almost unlivable area in-between their lands where everything is more intense
Sapnap and Dream get stuck in one of those no man lands areas during a snowstorm and stumble across each other while looking for shelter and find themselves in a situation where Sapnap is very warm but loses heat easily and Dream can't make heat of his own but has bit fluffy wings that are perfect for keeping the heat in
Therefore: cuddle or die
Later the snowstorm lessens and they manage to stumble back to the holy lands (which Sapnap very would be killed for being in) and Dream will hiss at anyone who dares even speak loudly in Sapnap's direction
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anon1nn1t · 1 year
please give me everything u can fit in a post about Mr snapchat NSFW and SFW I am DESPERATE it is so hard to find genuine hcs about him he's so over looked >;((
also just found ur account and am in love with everything u have written so far mate can't wait to see more from you, take care of yourself today!!
Stop this is so kind. 🥹🫶 And you’re so right about Sapnap being over looked !! But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. :) Just like my George hcs, I wil add more to this over time. * Also, to the person who sent the ask about Dream, I’m working on it !! *
Feel free to request !
He’s actually such a sleepyhead.
He’s always hunting you down to ask you to cuddle with him so he can take a nap, falling asleep against your shoulder/knee whenever you’re busy.
Sure, he can sleep without you, but if he has the choice, he will always choose to sleep with you in his presence, since it helps him sleep better.
Secretly has so many pictures of you sleeping.
He’s sooo clingy
Constantly kissing you, hugging you, touching you in every way he possibly can.
But as clingy as he is, he knows when he needs to give you some space.
He has some major jealousy issues.
If any man other than him simply looks at you, he will give him a death stare, squeezing your thigh, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
It’s not that he doesn't trust you; of course he does; he’s just possessive. You’re his and his only, and he wants everybody to know it.
Constant fake fighting between the two of you.
But if he ever accidentally actually hurt you? He would be an apologizing mess, begging for your forgiveness, when in reality, you were holding back laughter from how hard he was trying when in reality you didn’t care as much as he thought you did.
As we know, Sapnap has a few insecurities, so I feel like he would need a bit of reassurance sometimes.
He would just randomly ask you questions that you always answered the same
"What’s your favorite thing about me?"
"How much do you love me on scale from 1-10?"
"Why are you with me?"
Please just remind him how much you love him.
Hate to break it to you, but he’s definitely a little bitch during fights.
And if you ever tried to kiss him or hug him mid-argument? Ohhh man.
If y’all were to ever get in a fight, just leave him alone. Literally, just walk off; it’s for the best.
He gets angered pretty easily, as we know, so basically just don’t piss him off.
He doesn’t mind pda at all. He doesn't even realize it’s something that some people don't like because it feels so normal to him.
He bases his mood off of yours. Not even on purpose; it just comes naturally.
You’re having a bad day? He’s having a bad day. You’re having the best day of your life? He’s having the best day of his life.
He spoils you so much, maybe even too much.
Anything and everything you want, he will get for you. It eventually gets to the point where you have to stop pointing out stuff you want because he buys it every. time.
He loves loves loves when you wear his clothes.
"Is that my hoodie?"
"Yes, when is it not."
"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
"It’s just you."
He also loves when you wear dresses/skirts.
He absolutely adores showering with you. Every time you shower together, he’s wishing he could stay in that moment forever and ever.
Late night drives with blasting music ?!?! Instant yes.
Speaking of music, it’s definitely a huge green flag for him if you like his music taste.
He will do everything in his power to protect you and keep you safe.
Do I even need to say he’s dominant ?!
If you ever seriously wanted to try being dominant, he would let you, but it would be followed up right after with him taking over.
I feel like he has a lottt of kinks.
Dirty talk, discipline, humiliation, teasing, overstimulation, daddy kink, orgasm control/denial, etc.
Ass guy 100%
Loves loves loves eating you out.
He loves your thighs so much oh my god 😵‍💫
Continuing off that, he loves to cum on your thighs or inside of you.
Gives you so many markings just to remind you you’re all his.
He’s so rough with you, he just has to give you the sweetest aftercare. :)
I feel like the only times he’d be gentle are early in the morning, late at night, or if one of you needed some comfort.
He totally kisses you the whole time, sloppy kisses, but still kisses.
He would much rather focus on your pleasure than his. You being pleasured brings him pleasure.
His favorite position is either doggy style or reverse cowgirl.
Every time before he’s about to do something new he will ask you if it’s okay. Ex: Moving from giving you hickeys to eating you out, moving from eating you out to fucking you, etc.
I actually don’t think he’s that experienced…
When you’re not around, he will totally jack off to pictures of you. He has no shame about it.
I feel like he only goes for one or two rounds.
Oh, how he loves to get his hair pulled.
He also loves to be praised so much oh my god.
Overall, he is pretty dominant, but focuses on you more than himself. <3
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uftopia · 2 months
posting a bit of an old rivals duo au i had years ago that i never really shared or drew publicly, but i finally wrote up a summary of what i have last night and would like to share (currently unfinished and needs polishing) i would love to start drawing it so this is just context
dream (birth name DayDream and referred to as Day) is the heir to the throne, of (unnamed kingdom/essempi). his older brother is foolish. foolish is a knight in training, hence why he won’t be king next.
for context, most people in this kingdom are fairy hybrids, some with feathery wings, some with classic wings, some like butterfly wings. in each wing category, there are preferred attributes to wings and different classes. the royal family mostly contains thick, feathery wings embroidered with magic in each feather.
day was born weak, and his wings hadn’t grown beyond age 10. they’re small, underdeveloped, and slightly patchy. he can’t fly nor hover, and the townsfolk are biased against that- who is this boy and why does he have the right to be king, when there are so many others who have gorgeous working wings? foolish is the kindest to him alongside his friends sylvee, sapnap, and george (unspoken crush lol)
(his mother was written to be puffy but that and whether the fact that she’s alive is subject to change. his father is dead.)
daydream has never wanted to be king, let alone part of the family. the kingdom hates him, disrespects him, and he finds himself unliked by some of his family members both across seas and across the hall. as pretty and lavish as his life is- he is often overwhelmed and wishes of nothing more than to be invisible. this makes the down dislike him more, calling his behavior ungrateful and selfish. his unease grows by the day. he gains new garments to wear to coronation day. he doesn’t try them on prior.
during his coronation day, after being crowned king, a big ball was held late into the night. a toast was made, gifts were given, and day offered an incredibly short speech.
foolish makes his rounds, insisting on his duties as a guard, and day gets to invite his “lower class” friends, sap and george. getting into the trouble that they do, used to making the most out of nothing, the catering table is flipped and sets off a chain reaction of multiple lights and various things breaking. expensive items and statues are now either broken or unpleasant to look at, and with day’s growing uneasiness, he flees, leaving sapnap and george to fend for themselves in the mess.
because of the commotion, he leaves unnoticed for now, grabbing a “go bag” he packed in his room months ago, and slips on a cloak and scarf to protect his identity.
here is where he begins to meet techno. day (now disliking his name) finds an “abandoned” potato farm, accompanied by a charming house in an open field. there are also apple trees and carrot patches.
day spends the rest of the night settling down and going to sleep in the bed he found, and wakes up to try and tend to the garden. he tries to farm and pluck food from the ground to eat, attempting to replace it and plant as he goes along- but growing up where servants did everything for you, he doesn’t really understand much of it. he starts to break down halfway into the day and sits covered in his cloak, shaking and crying- because what was he thinking, running away like this? he can’t survive, he won’t survive, but he most certainly cannot turn back now.
he makes the shift to dream, his preferred name.
a piglin, who he would learn is technoblade, greets him from behind and scares dream shitless, but he just comments, “i’ve been watching you mess up my farm for way too long, you’re doing this all wrong,” and begins to fix the mess dream made. he explains what he’s doing and why, and replants the potatoes. he invites dream in to eat.
they begin to live together and know each other, dream can’t bring himself to leave and techno doesn’t want to ask. after a bit techno does reveal he knows there’s a lost prince/king, and that dream is him. the conversation goes something like this:
“so, did you ever get a crown?”
“i uh- aah what?”
“you’re not very good at hiding it, being the king. your clothing has the royal sigil on them. you go by ‘dream’, assumingely from daydream. you also don’t seem to know a thing about farming, and don’t think i don’t recognize that jewelry, dude.”
“i don’t…” he cowers.
“i’m not gonna turn you in, i don’t care at all, but i figured we’d get that out there before shit goes down.”
“i thought you were kind of disconnected from that… talk?”
“i’m more connected than you know.”
there’s a couple of neighboring kingdoms that are looking for dream for the ransom money, but none are too concerned when foolish is there, a person more fit to be king. dream eventually decides to go on the run, away from techno to keep him out of trouble- after all, he’s learned to farm and sustain himself. techno stops him before he can go far by himself, “we’re a team. friends, even” dream teases him for that.
they travel, learning even more about each other, such as dream showing his pitiful wings, his relationship with george, his friendship with sapnap, how he was treated and why he did what he did- and the secrets of any royal castle you’ll go in. techno nods along like he doesn’t know.
but techno reveals he was incredibly connected to royalty, in a friendly familial way. he wasn’t related by any means, but his dear friend was king. a crow, with gorgeous green getups and a wingspan that seemed to weigh him down. he had a son with blonde hair, aged 13 years.
he was assigned knight to this kid, protecting him, but he might as well have been a babysitter. he played non stop, and they both enjoyed the casualness of it all, both swearing off of the formalities around each other. tommy hated the fanciness of it all, the rules, boundaries, lack of risk, being the heir.
dream understood.
techno explains that he was so bright and curious, he wanted his freedom more than anything. alongside this techno had begun to train him on how to use swords, bows, potions, and the soil: he believed tommy could make it on his own.
so when tommy set out one day with nothing but the weapons and clothes on his back, techno turned his back to the king, his friend, and let him go.
tommy is presumed dead. techno never forgave himself for that, that boy was like his brother- having grown up with him from age 6. techno was banished from the kingdom and immediately fired, his life spared on the basis of phil not being strong enough to kill another beloved person he knew.
techno enjoys helping dream to an unhealthy amount because of the circumstances. he feels as though if he let dream go that initial meeting, he too may have suffered the same fate by technos allowance. he and tommy are too similar in his mind to let it go.
at this point sapnap and george have fled prison and managed to make it out of the kingdom without getting caught. george, though not well off, is gifted in magic, and manages to follow dreams trail using enchantments. let me tell you they are fucking UPSET at dream for leaving them. this essentially becomes manhunt 2.0.
dream and techno enjoy being on the road together even if dream feels like he’s holding techno back. they don’t even know where they’re running to, but to them it’s the journey not the destination.
(thoughts i had but was unsure about, when furthering the story)
dream eventually gets caught again and taken back to the castle with snfs help, maybe the king title is revoked from him?? but imagine him locked up kind of like in rapunzels tower, unable to really leave bc his wings are disabled. the kingdom didn’t like him before, and now they CERTAINLY don’t
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morgueofstories · 11 months
c!Dream ship rings
Basically rings that I believe c!Dream's partners would give him. I didn't do a lot of c!Dream ships because I couldn't think of how and why they would do a ring for c!Dream. So if you don't see the c!Dream ship you like in this post don't be mad at me
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Techno would craft the ring himself, using the gold and gems from his own collection. The flowers represent roses, Dream's favorite flower. Techno engraved the words "Home is where you are" on the inside of the ring's band. It took Techno a couple weeks to craft the ring as he wanted it to be perfect for Dream.
Dream bursts into tears when Techno proposes with the ring a wintery night, the northern lights and stars the only witnesses to the lovely event as Techno puts the ring on Dream's finger.
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Sapnap crafts the ring using nether roads and gold, and he enchants the ring with fire protection like how blaze hybrids would do when getting married to other blaze hybrids, as it prevents the ring from melting. It takes Sapnap a few tries to craft the ring and he has to ask Bad to help him, but Dream loves it and that is all that matters.
Sapnap almost dropped the ring in his excitement to put it on Dream's finger which they still laugh about years later.
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Sam is meticulous when making the ring, he doesn't want it to be flashy to the point it looks fake and cheap but also wants it to be symbolic of their relationship. After creating many designs and making a few test rings, he goes for a simple gold band with an emerald in the center that reminds him of Dream's eyes.
Sam is initially worried that Dream won't like the ring because of how simple it is, but his fears disappear when Dream kisses him, stopping him mid-ramble. Dream pulls away from the kiss and tells him that he loves it, and that is all Sam needed to hear to put the ring on Dream's hand.
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Punz's expertise in making stuff involving gold and gemstones is only for weapons, so he decides to try and find Dream an exquisite ring that no one else has. He manages to hear a rumor about a ring being sold in a black market auction that was found in the End and believed to have been worn by one of the rulers of the End before the kingdom fell into the void. The ring is said to have been made by End crystals, Nether Stars, and Amethysts, making its value extremely high.
Punz won't tell Dream how he obtained the ring and why he had gone to a black market that suspiciously went up in flames hours later.
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Farfadox uses Netherite ingots to make Dream's ring as that is how rings are made in Demon culture as it shows how much you respect and love your spouse. Farfadox manages to obtain a pink diamond (which is a rarity as there are so few to be found) and places it in the center of the ring, surrounded by engraved roses.
He proposes to Dream in the rose garden that he had built for his lover, and the way Dream's eyes sparkle as he says yes makes Farfadox feel like the happiest man in the entire universe.
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alittledizzy · 3 months
this a big ask and feel free to ignore but you seem like the right person to come to.
can you give like a dnf overview for those of us who know almost nothing but are sooo curious (minecraft? face reveal? queer?)(i follow for dnp lol)
Okay so... I'm gonna try and do a bullet point overview and for the purpose of not getting in the weeds I am not going into the controversies. I'll be happy to discuss that part - OFF anon.
Dream and George met on a Minecraft server when Dream was 16, George was 18/19 and became best friends.
When Dream decided to start youtube when he was 18, he asked George (and Sapnap) to come along with him. They both said yes.
In 2019, George started talking about moving to America. At the time Dream lived with his girlfriend, though they broke up by 2020. (George and the girlfriend did not get along. But that's also a whole other can of worms because she fucked Dream up pretty badly with consistent cheating and verbal/physical abuse.)
Plans for George to move to the US got more concrete and at some point over 2021 became him moving into a house with Dream and Sapnap.
Dream also came out multiple times in this general period of time. He came out in a post on reddit, on twitter, and on a stream. He does not explicitly state that he's bisexual, but he does explicitly state he isn't straight.
Sapnap had already moved in with Dream for Dream's protection since he was being swatted pretty regularly. Dream had plans for a face reveal but people were stalking and harassing him both to 'reveal' him and also because at this point the Kiwi Farms targeted attack on him had gained a lot of steam.
Speaking of: George used face cam pretty regularly, but Dream did not face reveal. Based on things he's said it seems pretty clear he was trying to lose weight but at some point set the goal of face revealing once George was in America because he wanted George to see his face before anyone else.
George applied for his Visa and would have had about a 6-9 month wait, and then was denied. He had to apply a second time, and wait another extended period of time, which put it September 2022 when his visa finally was approved. This means they'd known each other for seven years and he'd been trying to move to the US to live with Dream for three years at that point.
George arrived in the US and Dream posted his first video with a face camera on. George posted a vlog meeting Dream irl for the first time, which is a great starting point for a watch.
In terms of the ship stuff: they've always had a heavily flirtatious relationship and Dream is open about how attractive he finds George. They've acknowledging having a conversation about if they'd date or not.
Once in a while Dream will reiterate that they're not dating, and we know he spent 2023 having a variety of hookups but no confirmed relationships. (Which lines up with his long history of women that flirt with him complaining he'll be great to them and make them feel good but always says he doesn't want a relationship.)
2023 was pretty wild for them in terms of nonstop travel, events, and making very little content besides Dream's music. So far in 2024 we've seen a complete 180 of that and Dream and George have noy traveled at all, staying at home in Orlando together. (Sapnap has traveled and spent time in LA, but alone.)
This is partially due to controversy, I'm sure, but also seems to be just in line with a rededicating of themselves to Minecraft and content impending. They're working on a project that hopefully will come out soon.
Right now in terms of what they've publicly told us, they're just in the category of Super Not Normal About Each Other. Here are a few of the Not Normal things that are just fun from a shippy pov:
Before George moved, they were open about living most of their life on a call together. This includes sleep calling and staying on the phone while taking showers.
One of Dream's early videos was gifting his friends money to thank them for supporting him. He gave Sapnap and another friend $500 each. He gave George $5000.
Dream took 'am I in love with my best friend' quizzes on stream twice with George on the call and neither treated it quite like a joke.
Dream sent George an oversized Dream hoodie which George has worn repeatedly and even admitted to spraying with cologne before he'd put it on. Dream took pictures of George in the hoodie (a private call, not one fans were in on) and then later shared them saying they were the cutest pictures of George ever.
The first time we really got to see them interact irl at length was a stream they did around Christmas. Here's a supercut that just really shows the vibe between them.
Initially in late 2022 Dream was wearing a very specific chain. At some point in January 2023, George started wearing that chain (the specific one Dream used to wear) and has not been spotted without it since.
At one of his concerts Dream described George as a friend he just met a year ago that he's so in love with.
The entire song Spotlight which everyone immediately associated with George, to George's embarrassment and pride.
And there's obviously way more... but I feel like this is a good starter kit for Them.
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soothinglee · 1 year
(no longer in use- go to page to see updated!)
my favorites: ಇ
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↳how they hype you up (dteam) (hc)
↳ holding their face reactions (dteam)(hc)
↳nicknames they call you (dteam)(hc)
↳it looks like i'm best
↳little things you do (dteam)(hc)
↳in sickness and in help
↳reacting to you being sick(crewboys) (hc)
↳asthmatic sibling (hc + text) ಇ
↳ where are you ಇ
↳how they hype you up (dteam)(hc)
↳holding their face reactions (dteam)(hc)
↳nicknames they call you (dteam)(hc)
↳little things you do (dteam)(hc)
↳patch me up ಇ
↳reacting to you being sick (crewboys)(hc)
↳pickup lines
↳how they hype you up (dteam)(hc)
↳holding their face reactions (dteam)(hc)
↳nicknames they call you (dteam)(hc)
↳little things you do (dteam)(hc)
↳reacting to you being sick(crewboys)(hc)
↳series!: "please don't go." one - two - three
↳wolf hybrid reader (sbi) - two
↳skilled protecter(hc)
↳you're weak, who can i help(hc)
↳series!: "goodbye."
one - two - three - four -
five - six - seven - eight
↳revenge - two
↳midnight skies
↳you're weak, who can i help(hc)
↳series!: "goodbye."
one - two - three - four -
five - six - seven - eight
↳you're weak, who can i help(hc)
↳wolf hybrid reader (sbi) - two(hc)
↳just go
↳charged creeper
↳momma and dada
↳protection and love(hc + text)
michael (the pig):
↳watering and learning
↳series!: "the peguin and the duck." one - two - three
↳reacting to you being sick(crewboys)(hc)
↳why won't it stop
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peter parker:
↳save me (tom)
↳science homework help (andrew)
↳left in the dark
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↳ser mia
↳i'm tired
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timothee chalamet:
↳like will smith
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stranger things
steve harrington:
↳series!: "cursed." one - two ಇ
eddie munson:
↳i only have eyes
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the last of us
joe miller:
↳stab wounds and a somewhat grateful patient ಇ
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scream 6
ethan landry:
↳what it's like dating ethan (hc + text) ಇ
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tao xu:
↳slow train | two ಇ
↳intoxicated romance in parisಇ
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nikaizkool · 1 year
Manipulative bf feral boys + sweater duo + partners in slime
Never let’s you go out. Basically traps you but since George and sapnap are living with you two you aren’t lonely
Cooks for you buys you shit but never under any circumstance would he let you go out with a guy friend “no you can go out you’ll probably just cheat on me and the fact you’d cheat on me after everything I’ve done for you is sickening”
• Sapnap
Not that manipulative just like an angry dad when your out past your curfew “babe come home now.” When you came back home he’d be very distant and sad guilt tripping you into apologizing and staying home with him
You’d break up and get together on and off very annoying
Sex lots of it he just seems like the kind of guy to have breakup sex so ▪️🦇🕴️
• George
When he wants to do something you say no to “if you love me you’d do it” if you wanna do something he dosent want to “you need to stop being selfish and be more considerate of my needs.”
Bend you over—sick fuck who likes to quick fuck. Very needy when your talking with your friends “babe can you do this dishes it’s your turn”
• Charlie
- I can’t see him really being manipulative or possessive but I feel like if he were he’d only keep you to himself.
“Oh I didn’t know you were going out tonight I was gonna surprise you with a date—but it’s alright—it’s just I really was looking forward to some alone time, I just feel like you have been going out a lot—I feel like your distancing yourself from me.”
-definitely very clingy hugs from behind in public
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Whispering stuff in your ear around your friends “your mine my love”
-does anything to prevent you from leaving, party’s, sex, dinner, dates, anything. If you both went out together he’ll be very protective and make you leave early. Very subtle stuff
-definitely like very possessive distracting you from your friends making him your only worry
- giving you everything you want, flowers, candy, blankets, anything to distract you from everything else “can you stall stream while I cook babe?”
- when you plan to leave he becomes all hot n sexy he starts feeling romantical, starts kissing your neck bear hugging you all that good stuff “but baby your not really gonna leave me here like this are you? Your friends can wait”
- progressively becomes more demanding through the relationship “what do you mean ‘can I go out’ no the fuck—we’re watching a movie babe” he’d hide your phone for a couple days then “find” it.
Puppy eyes all the time, “but my darling we were supposed to hang out today it’s, date night” never lets you go anywhere except the mall and if you do it can only be with him. He monitors everything you do.
“Where were you last night my dear? I didn’t see you this morning?” Constantly bombarding you with questions about your whereabouts. “I was on life 360 and say you were out with f/n. I told you to stop hanging out with them—they aren’t a good influence”
Strict but gentle dad energy all the way “darling may I see your phone I gotta look something up” looks through all your texts ruins your friendships with people who say you and wils relationship is toxic the deletes texts he sent.
Reloads your social media every 5 seconds when your out if you post a dance on TikTok hed create multiple accounts saying your ugly till you delete the video afterwards hed Comfort you.
Very subtle “babe I have to go—“ he wrap his arms around you whining till you give in
When you go out together and he sees you eyeing someone he’d whisper to you “Your only mine-yeah?”
After you’d get home he’d guilt you “you don’t fucking love me anymore do you? I loved you Y/n I really did I can’t believe you.”
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bantaro-bird · 2 years
I have no idea what to call it, but I'm working on an AU where Dream is this creature. He's a monster with white skin and glowing insides that can turn into a cute little felt toy as a disguise.
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Badboyhalo, Skeppy, and Sapnap (10) are taking a walk on a path through the woods. As they approach, the monster worries its large figure and glowing features will give it away, so it turns into its toy form, hoping it'll be overlooked. Sapnap picks the toy up and decides to keep it. He names it Dream.
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Sapnap sleeps with Dream every night. He believes the doll will keep him safe.
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Dream can't stay in toy form forever. He still needs to eat to survive. At night, after Sapnap has fallen asleep, Dream sneaks away to find food.
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For a while, Skeppy and Bad start to think the house is haunted. They sometimes swear they see something moving in the dark or hear thumping in the night. They sometimes see unsettling things they can't explain. One experience even leads Bad to believe Sapnap's doll is haunted.
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One night, as Dream is sneaking out to get food, it turns out Sapnap is not as sound asleep as he thought.
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Dream goes limp, hoping Sapnap will just believe he was seeing things. This does not happen.
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Sapnap lays down, holding Dream facing him. He tells Dream he's not going to sleep or letting him out of his sight until Dream moves, so he had better do it already! After a couple of hours Sapnap is out like a light and Dream is able to go eat. The next morning Sapnap wakes up and sees that he failed to keep the doll under constant watch. He picks Dream up and looks at him. He tells him, "It's okay. I already know you can move. You don't have to show yourself. I'm sure you're just being careful, you know? You wanna keep the advantage so you can really take the bad guys off-guard. I get it."
Sapnap brings Dream with him everywhere he goes. He runs into some bullies (Quackity maybe?) who make fun of him for carrying around a doll. Sapnap tells them it protects him! They make fun of him more. Quackity says, "Oh, really? Can it protect you from this?" He pushes Sapnap, causing him to stumble and drop the doll. Sapnap starts to cry as the bullies mock him more. "What about this?" Quackity asks as he rears back for a punch. When his fist is launched forward it's stopped suddenly by a large freakish white claw. Quackity stumbles back and stares in disbelief.
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The monster bares its teeth and snarls at the bullies, who turn tail and run.
From here we get a fuzzy gap... Dream and Sapnap become friends. How that develops I haven't worked out in detail as of yet. I just know that it starts with Dream deciding to protect Sapnap and Sapnap being grateful. And Sapnap being excited to have a sick ass monster friend.
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Skeppy and Badboyhalo find out about Dream:
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As a note: My DSMP!BBH design is a size shifter and I'm carrying that over to this AU. Defaulty 9ft but can get bigger and smaller than that. Nothing extreme, but he can definitely get significantly bigger than Dream.
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Anyway that's everything I have so far :P
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patchesbff · 6 months
for me dream being an alpha comes down to two things: his inherent need to provide and protect (how he instantly defends his friends with his whole heart whenever shit goes down; his "bring your friends with you" mentality for his entire career; jumping to grab George's hand when he accidentally cut himself; the way he grabbed George a fork not once, but TWICE during sapnap's birthday stream) and his natural ability to lead (bro had a group of thirty following his lead in that wolf minigame during squidcraft; george and sapnap always going to him for his approval on their content; literally any MCC watch any MCC and you'll Get It this motherfucker cant NOT lead his team oh my god)
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bleue-flora · 2 months
You're so right it's so rude of me to forget about Punz
I am sadly sick with silly idea disease right now so I'm spinning the kids getting on the dsmp in my head rn
(First of all, C!Dream immediately glaring at C!Techno and C!Phil when he realizes that you just told the kids everything????)
(He suddenly understands how C!Tommy got like that a lot more)
I imagine the kids would extra love C!Dream (and probably C!Techno but he's terrible with kids and they know from their own Techno that he gets overwhelmed by people quickly) because he has a big cool cape they can hide under. P!Tommy says he looks like batman
C!Dream builds carves a quick room for nap time in a mountain and when someone goes to check on them they find C!Dream passed out and several kids napping under his cape like baby chicks hiding under their mom's wings
(Okay, also silly ideas: P!Punz pointing at C!Dream super excited because his best friend is gonna be the coolest person in the world, P!Sam trying to put on a brave face and protect C!Dream from other adults when he sees he's uncomfortable, any time any adult gets too angry or shouty the kids will side eye them an ask if they need nap time)
Okay that's it *explodes*
P!Punz being protective of c!Dream for some reason is so funny to me. I imagine p!Dream, p!Punz and c!Sam watch all the superhero movies and stuff including The Avengers and Arrow. So even though they were too young to see c!Dream when he was bleeding out into the table, they still put together a rough picture of what happened (lots of scars like Oliver Queen -> torture). But in general I imagine all kids younger than 13 (ya know PG13 lol) weren’t allowed to see c!Dream until he was properly healed and such, so they didn’t get the download on what happened. C!Dream would still be glaring at c!Phil and c!Techno because they let some of the kids see him so vulnerable and more or less told them everything.
Yeah c!Techno is not good with kids but they think his (backup cape - c!Dream refuses to return the one he left in prison something about finders keepers… damn children encouraging him to use kid logic…) cape and pig appearance is so cool. One afternoon Dream indulges the kids and builds a little bat cave in the mountain next to Ranboo’s house. It’s hard work though and eventually he gets tired and in need of a “batnap” forcing some of the younger ones to join him, they snuggle under the warm cape a little closer than is comfortable for Dream but he falls asleep anyways… it’s the first sleep he’s had in ages without a single nightmare. C!Phil and c!Techno make sure no one pounces on the group, p!Tommy does anyways. Understandably, c!Dream reacts badly to a kid attacking him and his baby chicks and ends up punching p!Tommy, breaking his nose. P!Tommy precedes to whine the rest of the day about how both Dreams are his “abusers”… both Dreams role their eyes, making p!Tubbo and p!Ranboo giggle.
P!Punz is pretty proud to have great taste of best friends in both worlds. C!Phil points out that c!Punz actually betrayed c!Dream, so p!Punz decides he shall take over his job as c!Dream’s bff. C!Dream finds it cute and his mannerisms make him miss c!Punz.
Both Dreams flinch at the sound of angry adults even if it’s not directed at them. Whenever the adults get angry p!Techno, p!Sapnap and p!George run off and hide while p!Dream stays put, ready but scared. P!Sam and p!Punz both know about c!Dream’s parental abuse in some manner and automatically go into protective mode whenever p!Dream looks even remotely uncomfortable around the adults. And after p!Sam notices c!Dream acting similarly, he starts taking a protective stance for him too. C!Dream finds it sweet even if sometimes his brain conjures imagines of c!Quackity killing p!Sam in seconds just to get to him, other times be thinks about how it should’ve been the his Sam, the Warden, standing over him protecting him…
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wildpeachfarm · 29 days
I promise there's a point to this essay.
My nontradional omegaverse take is there IS no hierarchy. Alphas are not "the head" of the world (and reversely, neither are omegas). It's more common in more animalistic/wolf-shifter universes, I've also seen it portrayed (excellently, imo) in medieval settings (Legend of Zelda). Each secondary gender has its own role to fill that is equally as important and a pack instantly crumbles without it.
Alphas serve as pack protectors, first line of defense. Strong, heavy, can be intimidating, everything you'd want someone tasked with protecting a large group to be, but also gentle at the same time- you want you youngsters to feel comfortable going up to them if something is wrong.
Omegas serve as "household" runners. "Head of the house" essentially, the way someone might refer to a father as a head of the house. (Finger in mouth, gag, but you get my point). Strong willed, ferocious, don't take nonsense from no one, and will drag an alpha around by their ear if they must. Bossy, but still caring and nuturing. Kid bearers (if they wish) and healers and teachers, incharge of pack health and finances and that type of thing. Quick to think, quicker to act, and capable of running alphas in circles if they want to.
Betas are the ""everything"" inbetween still but its different. Betas can be "alpha leaning" or "omega leaning", depending on their own personal preference. While the alpha is taking a more directive role in protection, alpha-leaning betas might take a more passive one, such as "base fortifying", den building, weapon smithery. While omegas take a more directive role in pack leadership, omega-leaning betas take a more indirect role, such as nannying, textile work, kitchen and household work, or assisting pack omegas should they need/request it.
You see this less because usually omegaverse is social commentary and this.. doesnt really reflect society. Maybe an ideal one, but not the one we'd be commenting on, yknow?
That all being said with this nontraditional setup in mind, Dream is an alpha, George is an omega, and Sapnap is a beta that falls perfectly in the middle of the scale.
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omg so many omegaverse thoughts rn
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bubble-popping · 4 months
In case anyone was wondering, my c!Punz hc's are about as unhinged as they come. Like, him being a wolf hybrid is intrinsically linked with his sense of self and direction in life. My hc backstory for them is quite fucked up but mostly it provides the reasoning why he jumps at this immediately defensive and protective role for c!Dream and why he's so adamant to stick by his side.
(gist of their backstory in pretty much every dsmp au I have unless otherwise stated is that after running away from home they're picked up by a man he only ever knows as his Handler who trains them and puts them in hybrid fighting rings. He's rescued by c!bbh who raises them alongside c!Sapnap and Dream on the MunchyMC server. they start mercenary work pretty early, so there's some distance between them and the rest of the og8 at the start of the dsmp but they never forget their true loyalties.)
Taking orders is all they know. It's the constant they can count on, and they need it like they need air. He can't handle not having direction. He's whoever people need him to be, so they mostly maintain a stoicism. (overt emotion has only ever gotten them hurt)
When Dream says he needs someone to count on, they almost don't ask for the money. Dream insists, says the partnership needs to look as business casual as possible.
But he can't help some of his hybrid tendencies. They can't help rushing to defend him even when the threat is gone. He can't help the overwhelming urge to open his jaws and clamp them down on anyone that dares turn a blade against him. It takes so much to hold back during the staged finale. They have to close their eyes and turn away. (or else everyone would see them change to a bloodthirsty red)
It's why, as heart-wrenching at it is, they're able to sit and wait for Dream to return without visiting and blowing the cover. It's why the whispers of the Egg don't take long to convince them.
But in the end Dream was always who he was devoted to. The Egg didn't pat his head and praise him for a job well done. Everything it promised was nothing compared to what they could have with Dream. The Egg didn't provide the direct orders he needed.
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mysterious-gizem · 9 months
Part 1:
For years giants hid from the human race, a small yet brutal and chaotic species. Until eventually the giant race grew to realize they could overthrow the human's easily, human's were cocky, they couldn't accept that they weren't top of the food chain anymore.
Oh, that was their first mistake.
The giant's only requested equality.
Yet, human's waged a war against beings that were stronger, faster, and ofcourse, bigger.
And that was the second mistake, upon many more they would make.
Giant’s prevailed, ofcourse. This time the human's were the ones hiding, small human civilizations stayed strong, deciding to fight back against the giant's. The giant's respected the effort and proposed a peace treaty.
Most of humanity instantly agreed, a few were stubborn and believed that if humans were on top before, they could do it again.
"So you're seriously not gonna eat us?" The brunette hesitantly asked the giant, the giant was just rather relieved that both the humans weren't crying or defensively screaming at him like a few minutes ago.
"L-Look, they forcefeed me human's here, just so they can get rid of other humans they find...inadequate." The taller sighed, "Honestly, it's a miracle they didn't make me eat you." The way the giant said it so casually set some unease upon the two men.
"W-Well I'm Dream, what about you guys?"
Small talk, okay, this might help out our situation.
"I'm George, this is Sapnap." George said whilst addressing to the raven haired male, who was holding him in a protective matter. Sapnap seemed to ease up easily to Dream, George was still rather hesitant yet he considered his situation at the moment and theres really no reason the giant should be nice to them.
"It's nice having company..." Dream blurted out, Sapnap stared up to be met with those unruly bright green eyes, it being the only feature they can get from the other with dim lighting; Sapnap coughed, "How long have you been...down here?"
Silence, it wasn't fairly long, but it was eerie nonetheless.
"Maybe a few months? I don't know, they gave me a clock but it was too small for me to read so they took it away." The giant explained solemnly. "Best if you get comfy, until you guys can escape, it's not safe." Both humans quietly listened as they began to tiredly spur out ideas on how they could possibly escape.
Hour's have passed, both human's falling comfortably asleep side by side eachother, Dream looked down on them, uncomfortably shifting ever so often; afraid of crushing them on accident, the area was too small, if he kneeled his head would already be pushing up on the ceiling. With two other people to worry about he felt even more cramped.
George stirred awake, groaning at the pain that his entire body was currently recieving, the brunette realized Sapnap wasn't near him; his senses became more clear, recognizing a few familiar chattering voices.
"-And suddenly, BAM! George shot an arrow through the zombies head, it was so cool since the forest was on fire and he could still hit the zombie even with his bulky weird goggles." Sapnap giggled.
Dream and Sapnap snapped their attention to the now annoyed brunette, "My goggles aren't weird! They help keep the sun from hurting my eyes when I'm trying to shoot something." He huffed. A raspy chuckle came from the giant as he watched the two humans, it's the most entertaining thing he's seen in a while.
As the raven haired man and brunette bickered a loud rumble interrupted them which caught them off gaurd. They both stared at Dream, who was embarrassed, the giant was avoiding their gaze. "Sorry..." He mumbled. "Do they really not feed you daily?" Sapnap grumbled.
"No- but I've gotten used to not eating for while."
It's been a long, long while...
"They basically took everything off of us besides clothes..." George announced while patting down his pockets. "Look I think we need to keep thinking of a way on how to get you two outta here." Dream said while biting down his lower lip anxiously.
"Sapnap said we could try luring the gaurds in a rushing out, but what about you?" The brunette asked the giant, "I'll be fine we just need to get you guys out." George nodded, not wanting to pry on why he was so persistent of getting them to leave.
Sapnap interjected, "Actually I was thinking about it, that Quackity guys probably thinks were dead. If were the one's making a commotion the gaurds might just inform duck man instead." Dream listened carefully to the human's conversation. "How do we even know if the gaurds can hear us?" The brunette asked, "For all we know this room is sound proof."
The brunette turned to Dream, "What can you tell us about this place?" Startled by the sudden question; Dream thought for a moment. "I-I don't know much, Sir comes visit once a month, and he observes me whenever he makes me eat someone..." Dream mumbled, feeling guilty he couldn't provide more insight.
"Okay...we need more time to figure out a plan..."
Dream suddenly grew more worrisome, while George and Sapnap were oblivious to it; Dream figeted with his fingers, he silently thought of his own plan on how he could get his new friends out of this gruesome, cruel place.
George speculated the liquid that dripped on him, suddenly gaining an idea.
"Dream, do you know what's above you? We're obviously underground but what's above the ceiling." The giant thinks for a moment, "I-I think it's like a lake maybe, or perhaps a waterhole?"
"Hey Dream is it alright if we climb up your knee so we can take a look at the ceiling?" The giant nodded as he positioned himself properly. George grabbed the fabric of the giant's jeans as he began to climb, Sapnap following suit.
George began to press his hands against the dirt ceiling, some small rocks and pebbles were practically the only thing that was holding it together; plus the tension aswell ofcourse. "Hey Sap do you think Dream could break through this?" Hearing his name Dream snapped his attention towards the two men.
"Hell yeah, Dream's definitely strong enough to break through that." George pondered for a moment, "So Dream have you ever tried breaking the ceiling." "No- didn't wanna risk anything, they already barely feed me. I don't know what's really up there, the lake might be surrounded by gaurds for all I know."
"Well we gotta try right? You've been here for months! Probably already developed scoliosis." The brunette explained, "Me and George can hold onto your clothes or something while you push the ground upward."
"Sure? L-Like now?" Dream asked as he shifted uncomfortably. "Better now then never right?" Sapnap snickered as he clung himself on Dream's shoulder while George clung on the other. Dream took a deep breath before positioning his arms.
He grit his teeth as his muscles tensed, the ceiling slowly giving out. Dream panicked as he thought the room was going to cave in, with a rush of adrenaline he gave punch upwards and he hauled himself up, the water dropping down into the room below making the area shake. They were all soaked and it was around mid-day the sunlight burned their eyes yet Dream picked himself up and ran.
George and Sapnap were still tightly clinging onto the man, the giant being kind enough to make sure they didn't fall aswell. Once they reached deep into a spruce forest the giants knees buckled and he fell to the ground.
Sapnap and George both climbed down, fixing themselves at the same time. The two cheered as they turned around to congratulate the giant.
The human's eyes widened in shock and amazement, this was the first time they both got an actual look at the giant before them.
Dream had dirty, unkept hair, George wasn't too sure if it was blond or brown. The bright green eyes that illuminated were now looking a more natural forest green, his clothes were ripped and dirty, overall the giant looked like a wreck.
"Yo man, you alright?" Sapnap tilted his head as he watched the blond raise his head.
The giant bared his teeth, "I-I gotta go."
The two males watched as the giant stood up and fled, both looking at eachother with a worried gaze, pursing they lips and hoped they would meet the giant once again.
As fate would have it, they would.
It was inevitable.
Yoo, I finally got an idea for part 2, Sheena helped me a lot TwT. I got a bit lazy at the end(sorry lmao)
(Honestly, idk if you still wanted to be tagged)
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morgueofstories · 11 months
Drunz Bodyguard AU
The Bodyguard was the most picked option so here is the post about it:
Dream is a popular musician and while walking out late at night after a concert gets attacked and burned by a psychotic fan. This leaves him with multiple wounds all over his body, becoming blind in his right eye and where he also has a huge burn on the right side of his face and neck
Sam, who is Dream's manager, decides to hire a bodyguard for Dream as the criminal is still at large. The bodyguard he hires is Punz who is experienced at his job. has worked for multiple successful people and is highly recommended in his field
Punz is told by Sam to protect Dream in the way of 'protect him so we can make more money' instead of 'protect him as he went through a traumatic event'; Sam is also trying to force Dream to go along with doing a comeback tour even though Dream isn't ready to perform
Punz originally thinks that Dream is a snobby rude person who thinks the world is at his feet like all the other people Punz worked for in the past. Dream snaps at Punz and everyone around him which reaffirms how Punz thinks about him
When Punz finds Dream backstage after a rehearsal, he gets punched by Dream when he taps him on the shoulder. At first, Punz is angry and is thinking about quitting when he notices that Dream is crying
Turns out that a stagehand said something that triggered Dream and made him experience a flashback of the night of the attack and he lashed out because he thought Punz was his attacker.
Eventually, Punz realizes that Dream being mean to everyone is a self-defense mechanism when he is afraid and realizes that Dream needs to get more help than what he had received after the attack
As Punz helps Dream get better (ie. helping him sneak out to a festival Dream wanted to attend that Sam told him he couldn't go to, find another therapist as the first therapist didn't help Dream get to the root of his problems, reach out to Dream's old friends Sapnap and George who he drifted apart from while his career was taking off), the two slowly begin to develop feelings for one another
And nothing bad will ever happen
Jk, Punz gets shot and Dream gets kidnapped by his attacker
That's all I will reveal bye!
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ravenxd · 1 year
W E L C O M E T O . . .
EDIT 7/16/2023 - I made this masterlist last year and never posted it because I didn't finish it but I will update it if I come across the ones that belong here.
Thank You so much for 2 amazing years:)
This masterlist contains works for 2021 that I'm not really proud of.
Being Dream's FTM! S/o and Cockwarming him after sex [☆]
- Dream has morning wood, he gets hard inside his s/o, praising,
Saturday At Midnight [3 A.M Thoughts / ♤]
- Making out, Cc! Dream/ use of his name, implied sex, generally fluff, grinding,
Craving Your Touch [☆]
- make up(ish) sex, riding sub! dream, mommy kink,
Comparison [♤]
- Dream's s/o wearing his hoodie, size kink(?), spooning, dry humping
Stress [♡]
- dream feeling overwhelmed so his s/o tries comforting him
My Dream [☆]
- showing everyone that Dream is yours<3
Inducing [☆]
- dream with a breeding kink, cockwarming,
Dream XD
My God [☆]
- breeding, just breeding,
Cockwarming gnf while he's editing. [☆]
- Cockwarming, calling George daddy, hickeys,
Little Darling [☆]
- breeding kink, neck bites, blood
Feeling So Good [☆]
- george making his s/o squirt, overstimulation
All For Me [3 A.M Thoughts/ ☆]
- thigh riding, editing sap, squirting
Too Much [Blurb/ 3 A.M Thoughts/ ☆]
- sapnap cumming to the point where he's so tired he can't anymore,
Head while streaming [☆]
- Sapnap gets head while streaming/ blowjobs under desk, swallowing, sir kink,
Soft Sex with Sapnap [☆]
- ^^^^
Overprotective [☆]
- slight dark turn at the end, overprotective sap, war mentions,
Getting High [☆]
- getting high with sapnap<3, weed, making out
Sitting on His Lap [☆]
- sitting on Sapnap's lap while he works<3, suggestive,
Jealous Punz gucking his gf raw [☆]
- Unprotected Sex, manhandling, possessive Punz,
MCC Practice [☆]
- Punz gets head during mcc practice, sub(ish) punz,
Corruption [☆]
- tentacle porn/ reader getting fucked by the egg, corrupted punz,
A King on His Throne [☆]
- Slight Voyeorism, breeding kink, dirty talking,
Thinking About Eret.. [☆]
- eret literally radiates big dick energy, size kink, his voice is so<3../ voice kink, praise and degradation,
Technoblade [SFW ONLY]
Protected by the Blood God [♤]
- yandere technoblade, techno warming up to a human
Karl Jacobs
True [☆]
- loss of virginity, soft sex with karl, praising,
3 A.M Thoughts About Poly! DreamTeam ! [☆]
- Competetive Breeding, Potentially Hinted Corruption, no protection, cumming inside
Another Way To Show Love [3 A.M Thoughts/ Full Smut]
- Double Penetration in the same hole, Cum Eating/ george eating out his gf after sap and dream nut in her, blowjobs, recording/picture taking, little bit of angst, aftercare<3.
Marking Me Up [3 A.M Thoughts/ ☆]
- jealous dteam, implied sex, how they give their s/o hickeys
How It Came to Be [♡]
- How the relationship came to be,
Whispers and Praises [☆]
- only cc's comfortable with nsfw, praising,
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