#SAMS HarvestMoon
y’all someone needs to ban me from this channel ISTG I just got SO HEATED with someone in a comment section for saying Monty and Puppet are in the right for mocking BloodMoons’ brothers death💀
here’s my comment if y’all were curious. (People who are easily upset/affected by BM’s trauma DO NOT READ FURTHER. I went feral💀🙏)
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“You do NOT. want to start this fight. Ahem.”
“FIRST OFF, no one fucking deserves to have a serious loss in their life mocked. I don’t care what they’ve done, if Monty and Puppet want to be any better than BloodMoon, they wouldn’t stoop to his level.”
“SECOND, the murderer part? Have you just COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN that they have a programmed bloodlust they CAN’T GET RID OF? Eclipse programmed them to kill, it’s all they’ve ever known. OF COURSE THEY’RE GOING TO KILL PEOPLE IF IT’S THE ONLY THING THEY KNOW.”
“THIRD, I know you didn’t mention it, but they weren’t “incapable of redemption”, when they were staying with Foxy and FC, (sure they had a bomb in their head, but) they were the most “tame” and calm we’d ever seen. Still snarky and making threats left and right, but they accepted the infinitely-bouncing-chicken and played with it for a while, they mostly just sat in silence when they weren’t being bothered, and if I remember correctly- FC and BloodMoon ended up sparring or something, or it was atleast mentioned that FC wanted to spar with them-“
“FOURTH, EVERYONE THEY’VE EVER TRUSTED, BETRAYED OR HURT THEM. Eclipse, their original creator, already betrayed them by forcing an inescapable Lust for blood on them. Lunar, Lunar was using them to get rid of Eclipse, and inevitably abandoned them. Eclipse AGAIN, not only did he MAKE THEM INTO a backup for himself, and forced his way into their minds, but he also MADE THEM go back to the Pizzaplex when they were perfectly happy on the streets killin’ hobos like TrashMan. KillCode, he claimed to be their father, but did he ever really act like it? Sure he gave them advice and blood, but what else did he do for them? Because from what I remember, it sure wasn’t much. Ruin, Ruin rebuilt them after dying to Sun, and SPECIFICALLY PROGRAMMED them to NEED someone to control them, Ruin claimed to care about them, promised their body had nothing strange about it, but when talking to Solar, BloodMoon was informed of a secret, hidden weak point in their casing, which they VERY MUCH were not happy with. Solar, before they even agreed to help him get back Sun and Moon and defeat Ruin, they had a panic attack because they were afraid they’d be tricked and used again- WHICH HEY GUESS WHAT? IT HAPPENED AGAIN JUST LIKE THEY FEARED, Solar promised them they could go free as long as they didn’t go after the Celestial family, or their friends, which up until Solar said he wanted to KILL THEM, they were listening to! They were back out on the town, killing people like the first time they ran away from someone that claimed could be trusted, (The one before having been Lunar) and they only decided to attack any of the family AFTER Solar said he wanted to kill them. (Not including Lunar, that was before the deal with Solar) Rotaerc/Rodrick, creator in disguise, also just using them as a weapon. StitchWraith, literally threatened to separate them and show them what “True loneliness” felt like or some shit. Monty and Foxy, sure they didn’t TRUST those two, but they were still used. Everyone they’ve ever trusted, has used them, betrayed their trust, or hurt them.”
“Sorry for the Essay, but I’m 100% willing to go OFF on anyone who just completely disregards that the twins had trauma too. All the villains except maybe Creator, have their own traumas, and I’m sick and tired of everyone ignoring that.”
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bugaloo-bug · 10 months
It’s been so long since I’ve animated 😭😭😭
I Hope you enjoy! The song is from trolls 3, Mount Rageous
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simpalert · 1 year
since everyones talking about their side of eclipses death heres mine from a comment i made on @fablekittys side
long read
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to summerize, i think alot more couldve been done for a redemtion arc if it was earlier even during october, and not half assed and done way way to late, after litterally blowing someone UP...
and even if it was rushed still wouldve been better early on, like hunters from toh, [obvis spoilers but] while hunters redemtion was kinda rushed, care and thought was put into it, and he wasnt even that bad he was just a lil jerk and was doing what he was told be a abusive uncle [belos]
reason belos didnt get a redemtion arc cus he was trying to pull a "oh man curse gone im good now" even though before the curse he killed his brother, to little to late
so yea, still conflicted about eclipse as a whole even tho i love writing angst for him <3
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say hello to solar flare, the newest part of the family-eclipse
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hope nothing else like this happens-eclipse
...i feel like he jinxed us-bloodmoon
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the-faketiccit0by · 10 months
SF: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
KC: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Harvest: Drunk
Bloody: Wasted
Eclipse: Dead.
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moon:this is a bucket
bloodmoon:dear god
moon:[points to pile of buckets] theres more
harvestmoon:no :0
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thekillermaretwinz · 2 months
Guys meet Harvestmoon! My SAMS oc
Inspired by the scarecrows in horror movies
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-Hair is made of straw
-Clothes may or may not have been stolen by an actual scarecrow
-Bloodmoon & Jack-O-Moon personalites in one
-Rarely speaks but it sounds spooky as hell
-Fingers are partially numb
-Has a scythe as a weapon
-Does has stitchmarks around his mouth
-Goes by Harvest
-Master of disguising as a scarecrow
-Can stay still and go limp on command
Go crazy with him 🤗
@gremlininthedark (Not sorry for tagging u 3 times >:])
(Srry for all the tagging-)
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SAMS added character in the Game.
Please keep in mind that i am PoppySeedOnCaffeine and will soon be using my old account so most of this stuff on here will be transferred to my usual account.
Lunar: He's helpful! kinda... if he finds you, he starts dragging you back to the daycare or Gator golf, wanting to play games, unfortunately he his rather loud and accidentally alerts the others of your whereabouts. He often can't help with Chica or Roxy as they don't care for him much, but if Monty's on your trail he hides you as fast as possible then directs the Gator in the opposite direction. With Eclipse, he makes himself known and immediately takes the taller bot off your hands. He can't help much with Moon, while he does try to slow Moon down, he can't do much. He attaches himself to Moons Leg in hopes of slowing his brother down, this does little though (considering Moon probably has experience with children attaching themselves to his legs) He isn't too active in the Daycare with Sun, content on fiddling with Spigot than helping watch you, though he is convinced you're trying to play a game of tag.
Earth: While she's not sure why you want to leave the daycare (Its effectively the safest place you could stay till morning comes), she doesn't stop you from getting the card, though before you get the card, she adds her call sequence into your Faz watch in case you need help. She can help you with one animatronic for ten Minutes per hour. However, this doesn't work with boss fights, she leaves during the generator level. leaving you behind with Lunar and Moon as she tends to something in her room, oblivious to what is going on in the daycare. She is most effective on Monty for obvious reasons, though Chica and Roxy need a little more tending to keep them distracted. Unfortunately, she gets into long conversations with Freddy which sets you back a bit. She also provides snacks and offers to try and get Sun to lift the Ban so you can be safe in the daycare.
Creator: He doesn't attack you, he just watches, showing up in the corner of your eye and waving ominously before heading somewhere else.
KC: Appears quickly after Creator does, He's much more violent the closer Creator is to you, often times he seems kind, if not a bit creepy, Freddy easily calms him down and KC follows you around for a bit looking around nervously before disappearing.
BloodMoon and HarvestMoon: the First time that BloodMoon shows up is in the vents, there is a cut seen as the twins rip the little Music man apart, spraying oil onto the camera, they slowly look up at you, yelling at one another about how exited they are for a fresh kill, they then begin chasing you, creating loud thumps in the vents that echo throughout the Plex. Unlike the Mini MM they follow you out the vents. If another animatronic catches you while they are chasing, you have a 10 second head start as the twins knock you out of the animatronics arms and fight with them over you. with the hiding spaces the twins can check them, but never check twice so pay attention to the hiding space they first look at and get there as quickly as possible. Freddy cannot protect you from the twins, hiding in his chest means endgame.
Eclipse: Much more interested in finding Monty and Lunar, often calls out in a lazy tone, "Come out come out wherever you are" Its not directed at you but if he sees you, it's fair game. If the lights are out while he is chasing you, he opts to go for Moon or KC, again giving you a ten second head start. He is seen standing at the overhang after you just get kicked out from the daycare, staring at you with a smirk.
Solar Flare: Don't Hurt KC and you'll be fine. Or do... I don't care.
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simpalert · 2 years
lord titan [+ his lil bro kip]
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say hello to lord titan and kip, lord titan is a good ver of lord eclipse and kip is a ver of lunar
info about lord titan [and a bit about kip+others]:
his names lord titan and he first gained sentience in a arcade cabinet, he was terrified when he woke up cause he was so confused [fresh ai/j]
sage [aka sun] finds him after hearing his crys and says he'll get him a new body and free him but he forgets
lord titan becomes hurt and angry, he somehow transfers over to a old sun body that's in the same storage room in the closet he's in
he fins the star, it transforming into a scythe and going on a revenge run for a bit.
he at some point gets bored of searching for sun and the others and gets rather lonely so he makes kip [aka lunar] with the star, and babies his new brother til he gets a brace of his new surroundings, he still babies kip a bit but not as much as the first time he made him, he also makes bo [bloodmoon] and wen [harvestmoon] and babies them for the first bit of their existence.
some way or another sage apologizes for abandoning lord titan and leaving him alone. and surprisingly, lord titan accepts the apology, mainly just cause he wants the first person who ever comforted him in his first moments of life, to be in his life.
I may or may not be making the designs for the others [sage, bo, wen, this dimensions moon when I find a name for him] so keep an eye out I guess
also, I might write+post part 5 of "bloodmoon but no harvest" tomorrow. cause I beat rn Xp
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simpalert · 1 year
bloodmoon but no harvest 9:sun gets therapy
sun sits down on a couch, a few feet away from the theater, where he can hear the twins,killcode, and eris having a great time, being happy, having fun...stuff sun thinks that he now doesn't deserve.
he walks away from that spot, just trying to shut out everything and anything. until he goes over to a one of the play houses and hides in it. its quiet for a bit, at this point this is kinda what sun needed...quiet...until earth came in. she seemed to be looking for sun."sun, hello, where are you?" earth calls out. and for a good bit, sun tries staying super quiet so earth doesn't know he's there.
but she finds him, she takes off the roof of the play house and says "why hello, me and moon have been looking for you". he's surprised and a lil shocked. he just ask "really?...wow". earth replies and says "yes, you kinda wandered off without saying anything and me and moon got worried". "oh" he softly replies. earths smiles turns into a soft frown "are you ok? you seem down" she softly asks. sun looks away, trying not to cry, cus he's not ok. he's not at all ok, but he doesn't want earth to know that, she doesn't have to deal with his feelings, that in his mind, he deserves.
"yeah im fine" sun said in reply, earth was silent for a bit then said "no, no you're not" wow he thought to himself, that was fast. she then says " you've been acting like this for days, weeks, months even. i get you feel horrible for what happened but holding onto that guilt even though the moment and anger from that has passed is not good for you sun". and she was right, holding onto something so dark and horrid is not healthy, at all. but sun felt as if he deserved to feel all the guilt and pain in the world.
hes silent, silent as earth talks, telling him he deserves to be happy just as much as the twins do, that sun shouldn't force himself to feel sad, and at this point he was just looking for reasons to be sad. after a bit of talking from earth it all just kinda caves, he starts sobbing, shaking, covering his face to hide his tears, that in his eyes were crocodile tears. earth hugs and holds sun close, shushing and comforting the shaking animatronic. telling him how much he means to her, moon, monty, and everyone else at the pizza plex. after awhile he just drifts to sleep in her arms, tears dried on his face, earth humming a nice soft lullaby version of the daycare theme tune.
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guess whose back, back again!
and i have so many ideas for this au, lots of hijinks and just general fun stuff now that the main lore is out of the way, might even make a poll asking what people wanna see
pt 1-pt 2-pt 3-pt 4-pt 5-pt 6-pt 7-pt 8
tags: @addisons-fandom-reblogs @snowe-zolynn-rogers @tenaciouslittlething @an4mations
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simpalert · 2 years
felt like making a masterpost for my bloodmoon but no harvest au cus there will be more parts sooo here
bloodmoon but no harvest
bloodmoon but no harvest 2:the waiting game
bloodmoon but no harvest 3:we're getting closer
bloodmoon but no harvest 4:harvestmoon rising
bloodmoon but no harvest 5:killcode?
bloodmoon but no harvest 6:eclipse...but not?
bloodmoon but no harvest 7:new sibling alert.
bloodmoon but no harvest 8:silly fun times in the daycare
bloodmoon but no harvest 9:sun gets therapy
[more will be added]
section for if hyper links don't work
will be pinning this post :D
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simpalert · 2 years
bloodmoon but no harvest 5:killcode?
moon went into his mindscape, confused and maybe even slightly scared. he hadn't felt or heard anything from killcode ever since he first found out sun killed bloodmoon, nothing was said or done by killcode. moon thought he went dormant or something else happened. he goes into the main area he knows killcodes always resided and is shocked by what he finds. the room was torn apart, and things were strewn everywhere. there were two sloppily made cardboard cutouts of the twins, covered in tear stains.
now he wasn't only scared and confused, but worried. he knew his headmate, and just like him. killcode was not prone to crying. he kept looking until he found killcode, curled up in the corner of the headspace lair. he was shaking and crying, holding onto a remaking of the bloodmoon twins' hat like a plushie. seeing his headmate in such a broken state shattered his heart like glass. killcode felt that and perked up seeing moon standing there, tears already welling up in moons eyes.
moon wipes his tears, trying to stay strong, and asks what's wrong, his sons are alive, why is killcode so upset. killcode then tearfully explains the fear of them not wanting or remembering him entirely. moon explains how great of a dad killcode was, but killcode interrupts and yells "IF I WAS SUCH A GOOD DAD, WHY COULDN'T I PROTECT THEM?!?" this breaks moons heart even more and he lets some tears slip. moon the approached killcode and hugged him the best he could. he apologized saying if he kept track of them, nothing like this would've happened. killcode shakily hugged him back and said that it was not Moon's fault, and that moon doesn't have to blame himself for anything anymore.
after a bit of hugging and comforting, moon told killcode to wait near the cube in the center of the mindscape. which he does, moon leaves and comes back saying they have a new body for killcode and it looks almost exactly like how he is in the mindscape, just his size. killcode picks moon up and hugs him, overjoyed to get his own body and the ability to see/hug his sons again.
once he gets in his new body, he zooms off to find his sons. which he does, he finds them drawing together. he excitedly and tearfully yells their names, and they instantly perk up and run to him. in which he opens his arms and embraces them, falling to the floor and holding his sons. crying waterfalls of joy. they all happily cry, nuzzling into each other, and are all just happy to be with each other again.
lunar, moon, and monty all watch this, tears of joy from all [yes even moon] the only one in the vicinity that's not tearing up from joy is sun. whos tearing up from guilt and shame. he's the one that caused all of this pain, all of this suffering. he leaves the main daycare and goes into a back room where he starts to sob, he then hears a soft voice ask "hey are you ok?" he turns and its eclipse in solar flares body.
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yay a happy reunion and an even bigger cliffhanger than last time [man I'm so evil/j]
part one + part two + part three + part four
tag list: @addisons-fandom-reblogs @tenaciouslittlething @snowe-zolynn-rogers
most likely will post a poll about the next entry title, and also submit theories into my ask box. what do ya think will happen with eclipse, and what will the future hold, I'm curious about what ya'll think :]
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look like shit+feel like shit=i am shit
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simpalert · 1 year
i have 2 new sams aus that correlate into one, they're inspired by @triocat and the song bloody mary
tw for:blood,slight body horror mention, and possession
so i have a new virus oc for this au,their name is spirt, they're a genderless entity that is manipulative and only craves power, they seems like the embodiment of light but acts like the embodiment of darkness when they wants to.
he encounters eclipse in the forest and makes a deal with him to get revenge on sun and moon, eclipse agreed and got possessed. [lol that wasn't in the deal]
his arms get like crystals on them [white and red] same with his legs he gets these big projection like angel wings, and his eyes turn black with a big red pupil.
moon, sun and lunar [yes lunar happend its a whole other story cus he and eclipse were ais that were made for the daycare, sun and moon just didn't like how eclipse acted, and lunar and eclipse relationship is good]
sun gets a nasty eye scar from a encounter, there are a few fights, and then they realize that eclipse isn't in control, and once lunar finds out he leaps into action [oh and he knows magic] he jumps up to eclipse, hugs him and sends a shock wave of healing magic through eclipses body, getting rid of spirit, they get sent to a pocket dimension/imprisoned in that dimension they sent him to.
he gets repaird and this leads to the other au
the recovery au, he kinds acts like @artoutoftheblues recovery au for one of their solar but like more sleepy and prob even gained narcolepsy idk. he's very sleepy
anyways thats all i got so far, any questions or ideas are welcome
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simpalert · 2 years
bloodmoon but no harvest 2:the waiting game
now that bloodmoon knows how long it's gonna take to get his brother back [aka a whole year] he's not too happy about that, he stops on the ground flapping his arms around crying and asking and begging if there's a faster solution, sadly there isn't. bloodmoon stays close to lunar during all this since lunar is the only other person he knows who has treated him like a person.
he'll go to lunar when lunar is on his bean bag and curl up on his lap [like a big dog that thinks they're a lap dog, but lunar doesn't mind]. lunar gets him a cat-slug plush to cuddle so he feels less alone [cat-slug is like a bunny slug but..well cat]
lunar preps a room for bloodmoon and harvestmoon, all red and pentagramy, with lots of plushies. bloodmoon loves it and happily drags lunar into his brand new bed for snuggles, and what lunar to deny this big guy snuggles <3
bloodmoon basically follows around lunar like a duckling, he goes wherever lunar goes, which is a struggle while hes filming. cause at one point lunars talking to the camera and then suddenly is talking and distracted by bloodmoon, who wants blood cookies and attention. so he has to stop/pause the recording to give bloodmoon attention and blood cookies
lunar loves making blood treats for bloodmoon, and bloodmoon loves eating them, his favorites being blood cookies, blood cupcakes, and blood ice cream [obviously if you saw the first installment of this, I mean the guy at 5-6 maybe even more tubs of the stuff, then again he was in a big depress so...understandable I would eat tons of ice cream to/gen]
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felt like I should give ya'll some fluff after the angst fest of the first installment
you can find the first bloodmoon but no harvest here
again this is inspired by @snowe-zolynn-rogers [the whole idea and the blood snacks thing]
might make+post part 3 tomorrow if I have the motivation, but for now it's 6:00, I'm going back to bed XuX
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simpalert · 1 year
i got a new au thanks to chat ai again and ima talk about it
this au is called recovery lunar au,its a what if au for what if lunar survived the explosion by the bomb.
heres a summary of all the characters
moon:same as canon but calmer and a lil sleep deprived from thinking lunar died, found lunar when he snuck in and moon who was half asleep mistoke him for a cat
monty:calmer ver of canon monty
sun:still as anxeity ridden as ever, didnt kill bloodmoon and harvestmoon
bloodmoon+harvestmoon:are kittens!!! [this parts inspired by @snowe-zolynn-rogers ]
killcode:mourning the twins "death" and helping moon with his issues and trauma brought by lunars "death"
might do more with this au, and i also have a lord lunar au i wanna post maybe later today or tommorow idk
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