shotgunscn · 4 years
@hellpierced​ liked for a starter !!
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           “I DON’T KNOW if I can do it.” The youngest Winchester laments, sorrow laden jade hues falling into chocolate orbs. It was Jake’s fault ; that knife he’d plunged inches deep into his spine —if it hadn’t been for him— no ; NO it was Azazel who should have the blame ; the demon who’d taken everything from him, Jake had only been a pawn ; another victim in yellow eyes’ plan —the soldier had only done what he thought was necessary . . . taking Sam’s life— putting him into transition.
Brows knit together as hands intertwine with the elder vampire. It’s Katherine’s blood that’s saved him from passing on— but now Sam’s faced with the horrible truth; allow nature to take it’s course and have him die a second and final time — or turn, feed on human blood and complete the transition. Lose lose, the only question was which was worse.
“Look Sammy I know we’re up shits creek without a paddle here—“ Dean comments, his pacing feet like woodpeckers beak for Sam and his heightened senses. “But I say you take the out man, at least for a little while huh? There’s gotta be somethin’ we can do —some mojo we can swing to deal with— . . .things.” He doesn’t like it in the slightest ; hell hunters were already eyin’ his brother like he was a trophy to be won. Hunt the bad thing and kill it —his own words, now come to bite him in the ass. It was the lesser of two evils though, vampire trumped demon boy wonder that was for damn sure. Unnatural was one thing but hell— that was a whole other ball game, one Dean had no intention of batting in.
“Oh yeah? What’s that Dean, lores pretty clear ; there’s no cure for vampirism.” Frustration flashes like a hot wave over Sam, followed by an intense flooding of despair and anguish. It hadn’t been enough to feel like a freak while he was human ; now he was full on monster mashing— one of two curtain calls to choose from and the band was getting ready to pack up shop.
“You don’t know that— not for sure ; we nail down some of those originals we can get some answers, maybe Bonnie can get in touch with some spirits who know somethin’ hell Sam —I don’t know ; but I know I don’t wanna lose my brother, okay? . . . Please. I can’t do it again.” The pain had been unreal, when he’d thought Sam was finished. The eldest Winchester would never be able to explain the rush of relief he’d felt when Sam had taken that gasp of air. Bittersweet — but still sweet.
               More pain flickers over soft features; he doesn’t want to die— of course not what sane person did? But this, drinking blood to survive — even animal blood was a line Sam wasn’t sure he wanted to cross. Head falls on heavy shoulders and sigh falls like a thousand bricks onto Sam’s lap. Everything dialled to eleven is getting to be too much ; he’ll need to feed soon if he’s going to survive— won’t BE LONG NOW.  
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