#【 » am I supposed to go dark side or somethin?! ⇢ S2 « 】
shotgunscn · 3 years
@seesgood  gets a plotted starter !!  
       WHO COULD SAY WHO’S FAULT IT WAS? Injuries happened all the time, and with new friends with such convenient abilities the line between life and death was often so narrowly walked. Such a fate had befallen Sam ; when Jake shoved that knife clean into his spine. It had only been a matter of hours before he’d woken, before the senses had taken over and he’d hunted Jake down himself; cleanly putting an end to whatever it was yellow eyes had been plotting. Dean had been with him the entire way, sorrow filled when his brother had passed but relieved when he’d risen again ; confusion riding tightly on that freight train caboose. They’d put it together almost instantly, nearly having forgotten the kindness Caroline had shown him back in Mystic Falls ; when the war between werewolves and vampires had grown too great. The Winchester’s had been injured, both riding that aforementioned line for what seemed like the hundredth time that year —and she’d stepped in, refusing to let her friends vanish from this plain ; a kindness and a curse it seemed ; at least for one of the brothers.
He’d come so close to losing his brother, there was almost no question when Sam knelt beside Jake’s body, new thirst all but taking over him. A faint ‘sammy’ released from lips, but nothing loud enough to stop him —and on Dean had watched, Sam’s transformation completing before his very eyes ; oh how bittersweet it was.
They’d returned not long after, to Mystic Falls, in need of guidance ; Sam’s emotions now dialled to eleven. He’d been adamant about seeing Caroline, and even if that hadn’t been the case he’d need one of those fancy daylight rings should he expect to pass for human.
           Night fall was on them in earnest; and sooner rather than later Sam could sense her, that high sweet smell he’d only faintly noticed before. He greets her before Dean even knows she’s there, sorrow laced into forever twenty three features. “Caroline—“ Voice is heavy, dipped in molasses and grave as their setting ; he couldn’t exactly call her to the middle of town now could he? A crow flies over head, it’s wing flap akin to jet engine for Sam ; it was all so much to handle. “I NEED YOUR HELP.”  
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@seesgood​ gets a plotted starter !!  
        WHO COULD say who’s fault it was? Injuries happened all the time, and with new friends with such convenient abilities the line between life and death was often so narrowly walked. Such a fate had befallen Sam ; when Jake shoved that knife clean into his spine. It had only been a matter of hours before he’d woken, before the senses had taken over and he’d hunted Jake down himself; cleanly putting an end to whatever it was yellow eyes had been plotting. Dean had been with him the entire way, sorrow filled when his brother had passed but relieved when he’d risen again ; confusion riding tightly on that freight train caboose. They’d put it together almost instantly, nearly having forgotten the kindness Caroline had shown him back in Mystic Falls ; when the war between werewolves and vampires had grown too great. The Winchester’s had been injured, both riding that aforementioned line for what seemed like the hundredth time that year —and she’d stepped in, refusing to let her friends vanish from this plain ; a kindness and a curse it seemed ; at least for one of the brothers.
He’d come so close to losing his brother, there was almost no question when Sam knelt beside Jake’s body, new thirst all but taking over him. A faint ‘sammy’ released from lips, but nothing loud enough to stop him —and on Dean had watched, Sam’s transformation completing before his very eyes ; oh how bittersweet it was.
They’d returned not long after, to Mystic Falls, in need of guidance ; Sam’s emotions now dialled to eleven. He’d been adamant about seeing Caroline, and even if that hadn’t been the case he’d need one of those fancy daylight rings should he expect to pass for human.
            Night fall was on them in earnest; and sooner rather than later Sam could sense her, that high sweet smell he’d only faintly noticed before. He greets her before Dean even knows she’s there, sorrow laced into forever twenty three features. “Caroline—“ Voice is heavy, dipped in molasses and grave as their setting ; he couldn’t exactly call her to the middle of town now could he? A crow flies over head, it’s wing flap akin to jet engine for Sam ; it was all so much to handle. “I need YOUR HELP.”  
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@hellcures​ liked the thing for a DRUNK SAMMY starter           HE COULD BE LIKE DEAN ; Sam could drown his sorrows in a bottle too, couldn’t he? Especially after what the eldest Winchester had said. ‘ he said, well he said I might have to kill you, Sammy. ‘ What the hell was that supposed to mean?! And why the hell hadn’t he said something to Sam about it!? Rage bubbles beneath the surface and like a fireman with a hose the youngest hunter attempts to douse it with a hearty shot of liquid ; tequila goes down harsh and forces Sam to grimace as he orders another three from the bartender ; only four shots in— how bad could it be?           At least he’s not alone ; Lana sits next to him, parked comfortably on a subpar barstool ; feeding Sam’s unhealthy coping mechanism. It wasn’t as if he was in any kind of danger, if anyone needed to be talked to about their drinking habits it was Dean— this was clearly some kind of release for Sam ; and knowing her as long as he had the youngest brother knew she wouldn’t try to stop him. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” He insists, clinking his next shot glass with her own, a dribble of liquid finding its way over rims edge with the motion. “I wanna have fun tonight ; —deal with this crap in the morning.” He mutters and SLAMS BACK HIS FIFTH SHOT.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@voxpopuliis​ liked for a thing !! for missouri !!
        “PLEASE, I’m beggin’ you —I gotta know what happens.                               I don’t . . . I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
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shotgunscn · 4 years
continued from HERE @screamsfate​
         SLEEP COMES SPORADICALLY ; but it comes none the less— and for once Sam’s mind blessedly keeps the images of Jessica at bay, instead it’s dreamless— imageless; inky blackness that allows for some actual rest ; and so the youngest Winchester sinks deeply into worn motel mattress. Hours tick past this way until a knock at the door has both brothers awake and wide eyed. Dean reaches of his ivory handled sidearm while Sam raises from his resting place, adrenaline coursing through his system like electricity through a live wire. His own firearm finds it’s way into dominant hand and falls behind his back should the company be less of a threat than they might figure —but a midnight call is never good ; they can only imagine who might be on the other side of that door. Hand on doorknob feels alive and buzzing with anticipation— until jade shaded hue finds peep hole and realizes there’s no need at all for such precautions. It’s only Lydia and she’s already proven her worth to the brothers, she might be some sort of monster— but she doesn’t intend to harm the brothers, least not as far as they can tell. Dean’s a little more weary than Sam of course ; that’s the way she goes— but Sam can tell ; deep down, Lydia’s one of the good guys— she’d never do anything to hurt them.
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“Hey, what’s wrong?” Six foot four hunter questions, tucking his weapon into his belt as he moves to usher the strawberry blonde inside. When no motion to move is made Sam’s brows furrow, head cocking to the side slightly as Dean raises from his own bed. “Lydia?” Sam sounds off again, noting the some what far off expression laced across her features. Shattering scream sounds off then and on instinct the Winchester’s both move to cover their ears, palms flat as eyes screw shut. A Banshee’s scream could be dangerous, they’d done enough research to figure as much. This tableau continues for a few moments, Sam and Dean both crippled by the sound until the closest brother finds the will to move. Sam reaches out and grasps the woman by her arms, struggling all the while through the pain of her screech. “Lydia!” He shouts back— “Sam, No!” Dean interjects ; instincts kicking in as he begins to move forward, fire arm drawing as if to put an end to the girl who’d been nothing but kind to them thus far.                “Lydia ; snap out of it!” Sam encourages, shaking her slender frame slightly as he speaks. If she doesn’t stop soon they’ll have no choice but to take action, WHAT OTHER CHOICE WOULD THEY HAVE?
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@hellpierced​ liked for a starter !!
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           “I DON’T KNOW if I can do it.” The youngest Winchester laments, sorrow laden jade hues falling into chocolate orbs. It was Jake’s fault ; that knife he’d plunged inches deep into his spine —if it hadn’t been for him— no ; NO it was Azazel who should have the blame ; the demon who’d taken everything from him, Jake had only been a pawn ; another victim in yellow eyes’ plan —the soldier had only done what he thought was necessary . . . taking Sam’s life— putting him into transition.
Brows knit together as hands intertwine with the elder vampire. It’s Katherine’s blood that’s saved him from passing on— but now Sam’s faced with the horrible truth; allow nature to take it’s course and have him die a second and final time — or turn, feed on human blood and complete the transition. Lose lose, the only question was which was worse.
“Look Sammy I know we’re up shits creek without a paddle here—“ Dean comments, his pacing feet like woodpeckers beak for Sam and his heightened senses. “But I say you take the out man, at least for a little while huh? There’s gotta be somethin’ we can do —some mojo we can swing to deal with— . . .things.” He doesn’t like it in the slightest ; hell hunters were already eyin’ his brother like he was a trophy to be won. Hunt the bad thing and kill it —his own words, now come to bite him in the ass. It was the lesser of two evils though, vampire trumped demon boy wonder that was for damn sure. Unnatural was one thing but hell— that was a whole other ball game, one Dean had no intention of batting in.
“Oh yeah? What’s that Dean, lores pretty clear ; there’s no cure for vampirism.” Frustration flashes like a hot wave over Sam, followed by an intense flooding of despair and anguish. It hadn’t been enough to feel like a freak while he was human ; now he was full on monster mashing— one of two curtain calls to choose from and the band was getting ready to pack up shop.
“You don’t know that— not for sure ; we nail down some of those originals we can get some answers, maybe Bonnie can get in touch with some spirits who know somethin’ hell Sam —I don’t know ; but I know I don’t wanna lose my brother, okay? . . . Please. I can’t do it again.” The pain had been unreal, when he’d thought Sam was finished. The eldest Winchester would never be able to explain the rush of relief he’d felt when Sam had taken that gasp of air. Bittersweet — but still sweet.
               More pain flickers over soft features; he doesn’t want to die— of course not what sane person did? But this, drinking blood to survive — even animal blood was a line Sam wasn’t sure he wanted to cross. Head falls on heavy shoulders and sigh falls like a thousand bricks onto Sam’s lap. Everything dialled to eleven is getting to be too much ; he’ll need to feed soon if he’s going to survive— won’t BE LONG NOW.  
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @flavacultro​  ↹  ❝ With everything that happens in our lives, love just feels like an invitation for more pain. ❞
               LAUGH ESCAPES Sam’s nostrils as beer bottle falls away from lips, corners of lips barely flickering. Brows fly upwards as head flicks to one side. “Sure seems that way.” He nods, placing bottle down against shoddy bar top. Jessica, Madison — both stolen away because of the life he lived, what a fool Sam had been to think he might actually have a chance at real happiness. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve it.” But just as idiotic as it seemed to invite love into the lives they had, it was far more moronic to think they had any shot at keeping IT OUT. 
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shotgunscn · 4 years
  @lovehonoured​  ↹  ❝ Don’t you dare lift me up. ❞
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      “TOO LATE!” The Winchester grins, wrapping both arms firmly around the goddesses waist. “Upsy Daisy!” He half chuckles, mood only slightly soured by the sound of oncoming feet pounding the pavement behind them. Antheia had insisted on helping him with this case, which had involved a small bit of breaking and entering ; he’d blame her later for his lack of focus, playfully of course —how was he supposed to canvas properly when SHE WAS HIS COMPANY?
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shotgunscn · 4 years
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @noblecide​  ↹  ❝ revenge isn’t worth much if you end up dead ❞
        HE WINCES AND PAIRS THE ACTION WITH A NOD, bow of brows flickering up with the motion before Sam casts emerald hues out the window. Wise words from the mouth of someone who’d taken their last breath years ago. He couldn’t deny Tate was right, there was no point in going after yellow eyes if the brothers were just going to end up like him. “Yeah well— wish someone’d given Dad that lesson.” He mumbles, eyes falling everywhere before they finally come to rest on the blonde ghost. “You’re right though, we need to be careful ; smart. ‘Just hate sittin’ around with our hands in our laps : Y’KNOW?”
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shotgunscn · 4 years
       @bluebracelet​  ↹  ❝ I think there’s something about this house that you’re not telling me. ❞
         WRISTS CROSS OVER ONE ANOTHER ; pistol gripped in one hand with flashlight securely snug in the other. They’d had to play the part so many times ; it’d be unnatural if Sam didn’t know the proper position in which an officer of the law held their firearm. “What makes you say that?” He questions, subtle wave of anxiety flaring deep down in his stomach. Sam does his best to push it down, footsteps quiet as they inspect the abandoned home. Typical ghost haunting ; with a little questioning the Winchester’s had been able to suss out the remains. A ribbon the current residents daughter used now to tie one of her dolls hair back ; only issue— the little girl had a lot of dolls ; enough to make even the most rational of people believe at least one of the lifeless eyes were following you. Without warning flash of cold air hits the duo and heavy oak swings open allowing the youngest Winchester only a moment to warn present company. “Hopper—  watch out—!!” All six foot four of the hunter is knocked backward, air escaping lungs as he collides with the wall ; supernatural force enough make him see stars. Simultaneous force tosses sheriff back like rag doll before image materializes before him. A girl, no older than ten flashes into reality : her clothing modest, old but not ancient. She looks to the other, eyes filling with sadness before evaporating into rage. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” She shrieks and flickers again in and out of existence, this time inches from Hopper as both ghostly hands seem to thrust directly into his chest cavity.               Dizzy but not unconscious Sam finds his legs and raises as quickly as he can from his spot on the floor. He rushes forward, gangly limbs devouring hardwood before he can place himself in an appropriate position : he fires one round— iron bullet filled with salt; and the little girl dissipates. Huffs sound off in unison as the Winchester takes a knee, pistol tucking into jeans as both hands come to rest on Hopper’s shoulders. “Hey! Hey! Hopper, YOU WITH ME?”
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@vamprincess​  ↹  ❝ Nothing scares me anymore, because I can’t feel it. ❞
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       BROW FURROWS AS SORROW FILLED EMERALD ORBS fall on Rosalie. He knows they’re not evil ; Dean’s needed some convincing but eventually he’d come around to it. The Cullen’s aren’t bad people, they’d just experienced an unfortunate set of circumstances . . . each of them different and yet so vastly the same— and Carlisle had done his best to reconcile all of it ; hell of a job he’d done. Lips screw to one side as he leans, forearms resting on damp wooden balcony. She seemed cold— at the beginning, but the more Sam get’s to know her the more he realizes how much pain she’s seen— and continues to see ; nothing about her says she wanted this life; in fact the blonde seems almost envious of Bella, Sam and Dean too. The young hunter wouldn’t be surprised if she’d accept being ganked-- difficult as it might be for her family.              “I’m sure that’s not true.” He says evenly, catching her golden gaze. “Your family— you must be scared of losing them?” He knows the feeling ; nothing else in the world having consequence— nothing but family. Sam would have done anything in the world to bring his father back, or jess— his mother. So much loss and too much pain ; something inside him told Sam their souls might just be TWISTED IN THE VERY SAME WAY.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@desireshappiness​  ↹  ❝ You mind doing a little bit of thinking with your upstairs brain?❞
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          “W-WHA— UHH. . . I-I DUNNO WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT.” The Winchester stammers ; eyes peeling away from the blondes body. Idiotic of him to have thought she wouldn’t notice ; and really it hadn’t been intentional in the slightest— really Sam was surprised at himself ; checking out women in plain sight was more of a Dean move ; maybe the elder was rubbing off on him after all.             Awkward clearing of the throat sounds and Sam swallows uncomfortably ; one hand moving to rub the back of his neck as if to remove the newly elevated heat level within his body. “Anyway; what’s the plan? How can we help?” He questions, brows furrowing as emerald hues REST FIRMLY ON REBEKAH’S.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
continued from HERE @flavacultro​             HE THINKS IF HE IGNORES IT —IT’ll GO AWAY. But Sam should know better than to assume something so moronic. He remembers what happened ; how that black smoke shoved itself down his throat— what it made him do ; the people he’d killed. How could she say it wasn’t his fault? He was a HUNTER ; he knew how to keep demons at bay and it had still gotten its claws in him. If anything she should be furious with him ; how could he have been so STUPID?!             Weak smile flickers over lips, turning up corners for a moment before the façade falls. She’s only trying to make him feel better ; it isn’t the truth. “I shouldn’t have been so reckless.” He chides, head shaking as emerald orbs land anywhere but Jo. Shame fills him, coats the young hunter in a thick molasses and makes him loathe himself. What kind of a hunter was he? How pathetic could he be? “I went after it alone. That’s how it got me ; I was stupid and careless and it could have— I could have hurt you, Jo. I’M SO SORRY.”
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shotgunscn · 4 years
continued from HERE @velethei​
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           WHY IS HE EVEN ENTERTAINING THIS? She’s a monster ; a vampire —she should be on the floor and sputtering right now not bearing her soul. But still . . . she had a point. He stands across the room from her ; recognizing her frame from their earlier encounter. Dean had been all blades and dead mans blood —and she’d escaped by the skin of her teeth ; ironically. But now she was back ; back to ask for his help, seemed idiotic from a survival stand point . . . what was the game plan here? 
               Jaw clenches and nostrils flare, emerald hues narrow as fighting stance relaxes if only a tiny bit. “Give me one good reason I should trust you? How do I know the second we leave you aren’t gonna’ sink your fangs into me.” His tone is accusatory but already resolve is wavering ; Dean’s taken the impala —off to celebrate a job well done —that’ll teach them to think twice WHEN THEY THINK A JOB IS FINISHED.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @hellpierced  ↹  ❝ buffet. my muses spreading their legs for yours. ❞
        AIR ESCAPES NOSTRILS PAIRED WITH SIDEWAYS SMIRK. Sam hadn’t expected her to be here ; but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t relieved. They’d managed to keep Elena safe but the hunt for Klaus was still on going— and no one could quite seem to understand the youngest Winchester’s penchant for the five century year old vampire ; but what did that matter? They hardly understood him anyway.
“I was worried sick.” He chides, shaking jacket from shoulders only to haphazardly toss the heavy fabric away, it landing with a hearty thud against the back of an armoire. Bed creaks gently beneath his weight as mattress shifts to accommodate him. Burly hands carry the hunter forward and come to a stop on either side of Katherine’s hips allowing him to capture her lips in his own fiery kiss. The group could say what they wanted about her ; how awful and selfish she pro-ported to be but Sam knew the truth. Katherine was frightened and with good reason —no one was out to protect her ; the world was already terrifying ; IT WAS EVEN WORSE WHEN YOU WERE ON YOUR OWN.
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