#SAIL employment disputes
townpostin · 3 days
Madhu Koda Leads Protest Against Outsider Hiring at Gua SAIL
Joint Unions Demand Cancellation of 18 Non-Local Appointments Former CM warns of economic blockade if July 3 meeting fails to reach consensus. GUA – Former Chief Minister Madhu Koda led a protest at the Chief General Manager’s office at Gua SAIL, demanding the cancellation of 18 non-local hires and addressing worker grievances. "We’ve been protesting since December when these outsiders from…
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becomeawendybird · 1 year
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You Light Up the Path by QuickedWeen (12.2k, T)
With beautiful embedded art by @stellesappho
Louis Tomlinson left his home in Doncaster as a young man with the intent of making enough money to send it back home to his family and support them however he could. None of the farms are hiring as he travels through Yorkshire, but eventually he makes it all the way up to the northern coast where he secures employment on a fishing boat. He's an in-land child at heart trying to keep his head down and make a living in a town of sailors born from the sea.
Harry, or so he likes to be called, is the myth and legend himself known as the Staithes Mermaid. No one has laid eyes on him, but everyone loves to tell tall tales. Until, all of a sudden, a few incidents crop up around town. Then, the Staithes Mermaid becomes an easy scapegoat. The only problem? Harry approaches Louis, a human, for the first time begging for help to clear his name.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Victorian, Fishing, Sailing, Loneliness, Isolation, Mermaid Harry Styles, Sailor Louis Tomlinson, Village life, North of England, Minor Violence, Gun, Territorial Disputes, No Smut
Written for the @1dreversebang
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sissa-arrows · 11 months
The video is a song named “17 octobre” by the rapper Medine (Algerian born and raised in France) the song is about the massacre of October 17 1961. Over 200 Algerians were killed and drowned by the police during a peaceful protest.
Algiers, capital city, at the beginning of the sixties
The pieds-noirs (1) leave the ship, the colonizers kill the rats (2)
1961, summer time, it’s the Algerian war and its festival
And its share of discriminations, of tortures, of abuses from a whole bunch of bastards.
A few degrees north of the equator
I leave French Algeria, with a heartache
This is my story, Ahmed son of Mohamed
My body gangrenous from the misery in North Africa
By the murders on curfew nights (3)
By my fear of French soldiers shooting us
Open your sails small freeing liner
Take me to country of employers
Far from the Arab unemployment of Algiers (4)
Far from those who turn our mosques into churches
Basilica of Notre Dame D’Afrique move away from my sight when the tissues are waved
Shedding a tear in the Mediterranean
A drop of water in the sea containing the pain/grief for my wretched earth/land
Berth in Marseille, autonomous port
Phocean city, a stranger among the natives
Towards Saint Charles, train station
Boarding platform 7, car 6, livestock/merchandise wagon
Meeting the eyes of the local police, striking my heart like a mortar fire
Receive the arrow of hatred from the conscript of the “contingent”
“Your Id!”
“I’m French sir”
Railroad, last stop Paris Gare de Lyon
The mainland France and its million people
A few dozen of francs in my fist
Will be used for first contact in the local cafe
I was looking for warmth but it was bloodcurdling
When my eyes met blue iced colored eyes
Impressed by their lack of hospitality
Is that how they are? Moralizers without morality
Discouraged I resume walking
My feet will take me to the North African neighborhoods
Nanterre, a bunch of slums
Cheap insecure housing for my beginning in this life
“I won’t let the killer of the FLN rule over Paris!
From now on for one hit we receive you will give ten back.” (5)
Here there’s nothing good for the r***** (6) told me the blood thirsty police chief of my district
After pissing on my hands, the peace keeper (7) beat people from the neighborhood on a daily basis (8)
17th day of October, the FLN decided to put an end to the disgrace
Indeed the newspaper of the previous day headlined
“Curfew recommended for all immigrants” (9)
No! The reaction was immediate
Algerians of France in the streets we will walk
Protesting against their racist laws
Occupying their bridge and roundabouts
In a peaceful protest (10) we demand justice for our civil rights
But the police don’t see it that way
For them we’re just a bunch of rebellious rats
Let’s walk toward the Saint-Michel bridge
We will see how this dispute ends
Once on the riverbank I see the welcoming committee
Who wishes to turn this bridge into our coffin
Both sides look at each other
A deathly silence between the two riverbanks
Then a voice rise and scream “Down with the curfew” and the cops start shooting
The first line fall and the manhunt begins
I run, like a purebred horse I gallop
But the bridge is surrounded, we’ve been tricked
On a jail on stilts, we are confined
Not one, not two but a dozen of police sticks come smashing my head
And my bones break under my raincoat
My mouth violently smash the sidewalk
Their mouths l’audit laughing from seeing us
“We will see if the rats know how to swim.
At the bottom of the Seine River you won’t be able to get revenge anymore”
Unconscious, laying in my own blood
All my limbs held by police sergeants
Start my descent where the barge pass by
They make sure I’m dead by hitting my head on the bridge
I fall like some trash in a trash chute
In the fall my neck violently hit the edge
Liquid stabbing all my body, the ice cold river like a hot stake for my sacrifice
Mister Papon judged that it was good to drown us
No firefighters to stop the fire (11)
You don’t stop a fire with a glass of oil
Without thinking about the infantryman and zouaves fighters (12)
My body carried by the current
Will be pulled out of the water around Rouen
Strange water lilies float on the Seine
Full length movie clip the eye on a scene
Water damage for the people of the human-zoos (13)
Dehumanized brown and black people don’t live to be old
A piss bucket in which rats are drown
Black October, lynching (14) in the boulevard
Here there’s nothing good for the r***** (6) told me the police chief Maurice Papon
4 months later they lynch people in Charonne
The c******** (15) and the coco (16) who help the b********* (6)
132 years of French occupation replaced our hearts with embers
Algeria in green and white, star and crescent (17)
Growing duty of remembrance
(1) A pied noirs in a European colonizer in Algeria. Nowadays people use it for all of North Africa but it is historical inaccurate. A European in Morocco or Tunisia was just called a colonizer/settler. And I personally insist on that distinction.
(2) the sentence has two meanings. Colonizers would call us rats so it means colonizers are killing Algerians but in this case it also means figuratively killing Algerians by sending them in ships to go work in France.
(3) the curfew only applies to Muslim Algerians the id would have the mention “FMA” French Muslim of Algeria sometimes it was written directly. It was a specific status under the status of other citizens.
(4) most jobs in Algeria meant working for a colonizer who would refuse to pay you so people would sometimes come to France they would still work for French people but would get paid at least (less than white people)
(5) This is a quote from Maurice Papon the police prefect of Paris back then. There was altercation between the police and Algerians a couple cops were killed many more Algerians were killed. At the funeral of one of them Papon told the police “for each one of us they kill or wound we will kill ten Algerians” and he promised protection in front of the law to cops who would do that.
(6) anti Algerian slur
(7) French cops are called “Gardiens de la paix” which means “Peace keepers”. My posts are enough to show you how much it’s bullshit.
(8) before any French people come after me Medine says “casser du cru” and while it is rare to use it that way du cru can means “from the region” “local”. Given how Medine is and given the context my translation is correct.
(9) France put in place a curfew for Algerians only. Not all immigrants Medine used immigrants because back then the majority of people called immigrants were Algerians and also because this is a song and it sounded better.
(10) The few weapons were confiscated by volunteers before the protest. The goal was to have a big peaceful protest and the organizers thought that if someone was caught with a weapon it would be used to justify killing protesters… they ended up being wrong even without weapons people were killed.
(11) It is a reference to a fire in Paris in 2005 and an other song from Medine. African immigrants in low income housing. They kept telling the city the building was in ruin that it was dangerous that there was no smoke detector nothing… people kept trying to find other places to live but they couldn’t because of how expensive it was and when it wasn’t expensive the landlord would refuse when seeing a Black man or an Arab man. That year there was three deadly fires in those low income housing. The majority of the victims were Black people and North Africans. In one of the fires,the one mentioned in the other song by Medine, there was 17 victims (3 women and 14 children under 10 majority of the victims were black (some sources say all of them were Black) ) and the firefighters took too long to arrive.
(12) A reference to the Black and North African infantrymen who were forced to fight during the two world war.
(13) A reference to the fact that Black people and North Africans were put in human zoos in France.
(14) the French word for a racist lynching is actually a mix between an anti Algerian slur and the familiar word for beating up. Like the word we use today to talk about white supremacists beating up a PoC was created to talk about lynching against Algerians specifically…
(15) this is a deformation of the Arabic word for “brother” it was used mostly as an anti Algerian slur (again I know) but it was sometimes used as an insult against white people who saw Algerians as their equals. In this case it’s to designate those white people.
(16) communists
(17) Algerian flag
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
You Light Up the Path
by QuickedWeen
Louis Tomlinson left his home in Doncaster as a young man with the intent of making enough money to send it back home to his family and support them however he could. None of the farms are hiring as he travels through Yorkshire, but eventually he makes it all the way up to the northern coast where he secures employment on a fishing boat. He's an in-land child at heart trying to keep his head down and make a living in a town of sailors born from the sea.
Harry, or so he likes to be called, is the myth and legend himself known as the Staithes Mermaid. No one has laid eyes on him, but everyone loves to tell tall tales. Until, all of a sudden, a few incidents crop up around town. Then, the Staithes Mermaid becomes an easy scapegoat. The only problem? Harry approaches Louis, a human, for the first time begging for help to clear his name.
Words: 12292, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, (briefly), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Victorian, Fishing, Sailing, Loneliness, Isolation, Mermaid Harry Styles, Sailor Louis Tomlinson, Village life, North of England, Minor Violence, gun - Freeform, Territorial Disputes, No Smut
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/aIe1qmK
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croninmiller · 5 months
6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Corporate Lawyer
Starting and running a business involves navigating through a myriad of legal challenges. From contracts and compliance to disputes and regulations, having a knowledgeable ally in the form of a corporate lawyer in Brisbane can make all the difference. 
In this blog, we'll explore six compelling reasons why your business needs the expertise of a seasoned corporate lawyer.
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Navigating Legal Complexities
Running a business often means wading through a sea of legal complexities, and without the right guidance, it's easy to get lost. A skilled corporate lawyer serves as your compass, helping you understand the legal landscape and ensuring your business sails smoothly. 
Whether it's drafting contracts, understanding employment laws, or compliance issues, having a legal expert by your side can save you from potential pitfalls.
Mitigating Risks and Liabilities
In the business world, risks and liabilities are inevitable. However, with a proactive corporate lawyer on your team, you can identify potential risks early on and take steps to mitigate them. 
From ensuring your contracts are airtight to providing advice on liability issues, their expertise can be the shield that protects your business from legal storms.
Guidance in Business Structure and Formation
Choosing the right business structure is a critical decision that can have lasting implications for your company. A seasoned corporate lawyer Brisbane can guide you through the pros and cons of different structures, such as LLCs, corporations, or partnerships. 
Their insight ensures that you make an informed decision based on your business goals, protecting your interests in the long run.
Resolving Disputes Effectively
Disputes are an unfortunate reality in the business world. When conflicts arise, having a skilled negotiator and mediator in the form of a corporate lawyer can be a game-changer. 
They can help you navigate through negotiations, find common ground, and work towards resolutions that protect your business interests without escalating the situation into a costly legal battle.
Staying Compliant with Regulations
The business landscape is constantly evolving, and staying compliant with the ever-changing regulations can be a daunting task. A knowledgeable corporate lawyer keeps a vigilant eye on legal developments that may impact your business. 
Their proactive approach ensures that your company remains in compliance with all relevant laws, reducing the risk of fines and legal troubles.
Peace of Mind for Business Owners
Perhaps one of the most valuable reasons to have a corporate lawyer on your team is the peace of mind they provide. 
Knowing that you have a legal expert to turn to for advice and assistance allows you to focus on growing your business. It's like having a safety net, ready to catch you if you stumble into legal uncertainties.
A corporate lawyer Brisbane is not just a legal expense; they are an investment in the longevity and success of your business. Their expertise can help you navigate legal complexities, mitigate risks, and provide invaluable guidance in critical decisions. 
So, don't wait until legal challenges arise; consider bringing a corporate lawyer on board to safeguard your business and pave the way for a smoother entrepreneurial journey.
Source From: 6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Corporate Lawyer
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latestgovtjobnews · 6 months
SAIL hiring for roles at Rourkela Steel Plant, Odisha Mines; check eligibility, selection, benefits.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/sail-hiring-for-roles-at-rourkela-steel-plant-odisha-mines-check-eligibility-selection-benefits/
SAIL hiring for roles at Rourkela Steel Plant, Odisha Mines; check eligibility, selection, benefits.
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is inviting applications for various posts in Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) and different mines under the Odisha Group Mines (OGoM). The available positions require candidates to have a B.E./B.Tech degree in relevant fields and post-qualification experience in executive cadre. The experience should be in areas such as blast furnace operation, steel melting shop operation, quality control, mechanical maintenance, hydraulic systems, information technology, mining engineering, project management, geology, and hotel management.
The eligibility criteria for the positions include a minimum of 50% marks for reserved posts and 60% marks for unreserved posts. The industry/organization where the candidate gained experience must be a public sector undertaking, government organization, public limited company, or joint venture of PSUs or the government. The maximum age limit for the posts is specified as of January 11, 2024.
The selection process for the posts will involve a computer-based test (CBT) and an interview. The CBT will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions on technical/professional knowledge and aptitude. The minimum qualifying marks for the CBT will be 50 percentile score for unreserved posts and 40 percentile score for reserved posts. Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview based on their performance in the CBT. The final selection will be based on the combined marks of the CBT and interview, with a weightage of 80:20, respectively.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS categories can also apply for unreserved posts if they meet the eligibility criteria. However, they will have to provide the necessary caste/category certificates issued by the competent authority. Candidates with disabilities (PwBD) are eligible to apply, and they should submit disability certificates in the prescribed format.
The application and processing fee for general/OBC/EWS candidates is Rs. 700, while SC/ST/ESM/PWBD candidates need to pay Rs. 200. The fee can be paid through the State Bank of India (SBI) using the SB Collect facility. Outstation candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed for their travel expenses as per the company’s policy.
Selected candidates will be offered attractive emoluments and benefits, including basic pay, industrial dearness allowance, perquisites, contributory provident fund, gratuity, and free medical treatment. House rent allowance will be provided if company accommodation is not available. The appointment will be on a regular basis, subject to medical fitness.
Candidates should submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the required documents to the designated address. The envelope should be superscribed with the post applied for and the advertisement number. It is important to note that incomplete or late applications will be rejected. Candidates should keep a copy of the e-receipt of the application fee for future reference.
The advertisement and application form can be accessed on the SAIL website. Any changes in the employment notice will be communicated through the website, so candidates are advised to stay updated. SAIL reserves the right to reject applications and cancel the recruitment process if necessary. The jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Rourkela, Odisha. The important dates for the recruitment process are mentioned in the advertisement. For further assistance, candidates can contact the designated phone number or email address during working hours.
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is inviting applications for various posts in Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) and different mines under the Odisha Group Mines (OGoM).
Eligibility criteria include a B.E./B.Tech degree in relevant fields and post-qualification experience in executive cadre.
The selection process involves a computer-based test (CBT) and an interview, with the final selection based on the combined marks of the CBT and interview.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS categories can apply for unreserved posts if they meet the eligibility criteria.
The application fee is Rs. 700 for general/OBC/EWS candidates and Rs. 200 for SC/ST/ESM/PWBD candidates.
SAIL Recruitment for Rourkela Steel Plant and Odisha Group Mines
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is hiring for various positions in Rourkela Steel Plant and Odisha Group Mines.
B.E./B.Tech degree in relevant fields and post-qualification experience in executive cadre are required.
Positions available in areas such as blast furnace operation, steel melting shop operation, quality control, mechanical maintenance, and more.
Eligibility Criteria
Minimum of 50% marks for reserved posts and 60% marks for unreserved posts.
Experience must be in a public sector undertaking, government organization, public limited company, or joint venture of PSUs or the government.
Maximum age limit specified as of January 11, 2024.
Selection Process
Computer-based test (CBT) and interview are part of the selection process.
CBT consists of 100 multiple-choice questions on technical/professional knowledge and aptitude.
Minimum qualifying marks for CBT: 50 percentile score for unreserved posts and 40 percentile score for reserved posts.
Selection Process (Contd.)
Candidates shortlisted for the interview based on their performance in the CBT.
Final selection based on combined marks of CBT and interview, with a weightage of 80:20, respectively.
Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS Categories
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS categories can apply for unreserved posts if they meet the eligibility criteria.
Necessary caste/category certificates issued by the competent authority must be provided.
Application Fee
General/OBC/EWS candidates: Rs. 700
SC/ST/ESM/PWBD candidates: Rs. 200
Fee can be paid through the State Bank of India (SBI) using the SB Collect facility.
Attractive Emoluments and Benefits
Selected candidates will receive attractive emoluments and benefits.
Benefits include basic pay, industrial dearness allowance, perquisites, contributory provident fund, gratuity, and free medical treatment.
House rent allowance provided if company accommodation is not available.
Application Process
Applications should be submitted in the prescribed format along with the required documents.
The envelope should be superscribed with the post applied for and the advertisement number.
Incomplete or late applications will be rejected.
Important Dates and Updates
The advertisement and application form can be accessed on the SAIL website.
Any changes in the employment notice will be communicated through the website.
Candidates are advised to stay updated.
Contact Information and Dispute Jurisdiction
Candidates can contact the designated phone number or email address during working hours for further assistance.
Disputes will be addressed at Rourkela, Odisha.
Key Takeaways
SAIL is recruiting for various positions in Rourkela Steel Plant and Odisha Group Mines.
Eligibility criteria include a B.E./B.Tech degree and post-qualification experience in executive cadre.
The selection process involves a CBT and an interview, with the final selection based on combined marks.
Reservation is available for SC/ST/OBC/EWS categories.
Application fee varies based on category. Stay updated on the SAIL website for important dates and updates.
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iilssnet · 9 months
Croatian Maritime Sovereignty: Navigating Legal Seas and Ensuring Security
Croatian Maritime Sovereignty: Navigating Legal Seas and Ensuring Security === The coastal nation of Croatia has a rich maritime history that spans centuries, making its sovereignty over its maritime zones of great historical significance. In recent years, Croatia has been focused on charting the legal seas and ensuring the security of its territorial waters and exclusive economic zones (EEZ). This article explores the historical significance of Croatian maritime sovereignty, Croatia's maritime claims under international law, the efforts to protect its waters from external threats, diplomatic cooperation and disputes with neighboring states, economic opportunities in Croatian maritime zones, and the challenges of preserving marine ecosystems.
The Historical Significance of Croatian Maritime Sovereignty
Croatia's historical ties to the sea date back to ancient times when its Adriatic coastline was an important hub for trade and maritime activities. Throughout its history, Croatia has faced numerous challenges to its maritime sovereignty, but has consistently asserted its rights and sought recognition in international forums. The recognition of Croatian independence in 1991 further solidified its sovereignty over its maritime zones, allowing the nation to fully exercise its rights and responsibilities in the Adriatic Sea.
Charting the Legal Seas: Croatia's Maritime Claims and International Law
Under international law, Croatia has established its maritime claims in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Croatia has a territorial sea extending up to 12 nautical miles, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) stretching up to 200 nautical miles, and a continental shelf extending beyond the EEZ. These claims are in line with the rights and obligations of coastal states outlined in UNCLOS, ensuring Croatia's legal framework for maritime governance and resource management.
Anchoring Security: Protecting Croatian Waters from External Threats
Ensuring the security of Croatian waters is of paramount importance to safeguard national interests, economic activities, and the safety of its citizens. Croatia maintains a strong maritime surveillance system, including maritime patrols, radar systems, and cooperation with international partners. These measures are aimed at preventing illegal fishing, drug trafficking, and smuggling, as well as deterring potential security threats, such as piracy or terrorism. Croatia also cooperates with neighboring states and participates in international initiatives to enhance maritime security in the region.
Navigating Diplomatic Channels: Cooperation and Disputes with Neighboring States
Cooperation with neighboring states is crucial for maintaining stability and resolving disputes in the maritime domain. Croatia has engaged in diplomatic discussions and negotiations with neighboring countries, particularly in relation to maritime boundaries and the delimitation of maritime zones. While many disputes have been resolved through bilateral agreements, some disagreements remain, requiring ongoing diplomatic efforts. Croatia remains committed to resolving these disputes in accordance with international law and fostering cooperation for shared maritime interests.
Sailing Towards Prosperity: Economic Opportunities in Croatian Maritime Zones
Croatia's maritime zones offer vast economic opportunities, contributing significantly to the nation's prosperity. The Adriatic Sea is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year, which in turn generates substantial revenue and employment opportunities. Additionally, Croatia's maritime zones are rich in natural resources, such as fish stocks, oil, and gas reserves, providing potential for sustainable economic development. Croatia actively promotes investments in maritime sectors, including tourism, shipping, offshore energy, and marine research, contributing to the growth of the national economy.
Preserving Marine Ecosystems: Conservation Efforts and Environmental Challenges
Croatia is committed to the preservation of its marine ecosystems and biodiversity, recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy and sustainable maritime environment. The country has implemented various conservation measures to protect endangered species, regulate fishing activities, and combat pollution. However, Croatia faces challenges in addressing environmental threats, such as overfishing, marine pollution, and climate change. Collaborative efforts with international organizations and neighboring states are essential to tackle these challenges and ensure the long-term sustainability of Croatian marine ecosystems. Croatian Maritime Sovereignty: Navigating Legal Seas and Ensuring Security === Croatia's maritime sovereignty holds great historical significance, rooted in its rich maritime heritage and the assertion of its rights as an independent nation. By charting the legal seas and abiding by international law, Croatia has established its maritime claims and governance framework. Anchoring security through robust surveillance systems and cooperation with neighboring states, Croatia ensures the protection of its waters from external threats. Diplomatic channels are navigated to foster cooperation and resolve disputes, while economic opportunities in Croatian maritime zones drive prosperity. Lastly, Croatia's commitment to preserving marine ecosystems underscores its dedication to the environment and sustainability. As Croatia continues to navigate these challenges, it remains a steadfast steward of its maritime sovereignty, ensuring a prosperous and secure future for its coastal nation. Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 9.7 (after 1900)
1901 – The Boxer Rebellion in Qing dynasty (modern-day China) officially ends with the signing of the Boxer Protocol. 1906 – Alberto Santos-Dumont flies his 14-bis aircraft at Bagatelle, France successfully for the first time. 1907 – Cunard Line's RMS Lusitania sets sail on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. 1911 – French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum. 1916 – US federal employees win the right to Workers' compensation by Federal Employers Liability Act (39 Stat. 742; 5 U.S.C. 751) 1920 – Two newly purchased Savoia flying boats crash in the Swiss Alps en route to Finland where they were to serve with the Finnish Air Force, killing both crews. 1921 – In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first Miss America Pageant, a two-day event, is held. 1921 – The Legion of Mary, the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, is founded in Dublin, Ireland. 1923 – The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is formed. 1927 – The first fully electronic television system is achieved by Philo Farnsworth. 1929 – Steamer Kuru capsizes and sinks on Lake Näsijärvi near Tampere in Finland. One hundred thirty-six lives are lost. 1932 – The Battle of Boquerón, the first major battle of the Chaco War, commences. 1936 – The last thylacine, a carnivorous marsupial named Benjamin, dies alone in its cage at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania. 1940 – Romania returns Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria under the Treaty of Craiova. 1940 – World War II: The German Luftwaffe begins the Blitz, bombing London and other British cities for over 50 consecutive nights. 1942 – World War II: Japanese marines are forced to withdraw during the Battle of Milne Bay. 1943 – A fire at the Gulf Hotel in Houston kills 55 people. 1943 – World War II: The German 17th Army begins its evacuation of the Kuban bridgehead (Taman Peninsula) in southern Russia and moves across the Strait of Kerch to the Crimea. 1945 – World War II: Japanese forces on Wake Island, which they had held since December 1941, surrender to U.S. Marines. 1945 – The Berlin Victory Parade of 1945 is held. 1953 – Nikita Khrushchev is elected first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1963 – The Pro Football Hall of Fame opens in Canton, Ohio with 17 charter members. 1965 – During an Indo-Pakistani War, China announces that it will reinforce its troops on the Indian border. 1965 – Vietnam War: In a follow-up to August's Operation Starlite, United States Marines and South Vietnamese forces initiate Operation Piranha on the Batangan Peninsula. 1970 – Fighting begins between Arab guerrillas and government forces in Jordan. 1970 – Vietnam Television was established. 1977 – The Torrijos–Carter Treaties between Panama and the United States on the status of the Panama Canal are signed. The United States agrees to transfer control of the canal to Panama at the end of the 20th century. 1979 – The Chrysler Corporation asks the United States government for US$1.5 billion to avoid bankruptcy. 1984 – An explosion on board a Maltese patrol boat disposing of illegal fireworks at sea off Gozo kills seven soldiers and policemen. 1986 – Desmond Tutu becomes the first black man to lead the Anglican Diocese of Cape Town. 1997 – Maiden flight of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. 2005 – Egypt holds its first-ever multi-party presidential election. 2008 – The United States government takes control of the two largest mortgage financing companies in the US, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 2010 – A Chinese fishing trawler collides with two Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats in disputed waters near the Senkaku Islands. 2011 – The Lokomotiv Yaroslavl plane crash in Russia kills 43 people, including nearly the entire roster of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl Kontinental Hockey League team. 2017 – The 8.2 Mw  2017 Chiapas earthquake strikes southern Mexico, killing at least 60 people. 2019 – Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and 66 others are released in a prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia.
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Navigating Business and the Law: A Guide! 📚💼
Legal matters are the heartbeat of business – just as vital as the market itself! ⚖️ Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, the right lawyer is your key to success. Let's unravel why and how!
1. **From Day One:** 🏢 The journey begins with registration, but it's not just paperwork. Crafting your company's charter, especially in partnerships, requires precision. An experienced lawyer crafts a charter that aligns everyone's interests, paving the way for a smooth ride.
2. **Partner Puzzles:** 🤝 Partnerships can hit rough waters, even at 50/50. Disagreements can leave your business paralyzed. An expert lawyer's advice prevents future deadlocks and potential crises.
3. **Drafts & Deals:** 📝 Creating rock-solid contracts is an art. Whether it's sales, supplies, or employment, your lawyer ensures your documents are airtight. Plus, they're your shield against major market players – advocating for terms that suit you.
4. **Smooth Sailing:** ⚓️ Got a dispute? Your lawyer's your compass. Negotiations, legal counsel, and if necessary, litigation – they've got your back.
5. **Choose Wisely:** 🤔 When picking a lawyer, match their specialization to your needs. Don't shy away from seeking referrals or checking their track record. Remember, a genuine lawyer won't promise a guaranteed win – their commitment to protecting your interests speaks volumes.
So, whether you're a startup rising or a seasoned player, the right lawyer is your strategic partner. Make informed choices and pave the path to a legally sound, thriving business! 🚀 🔗Learn more at maimonepc.com
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investmasterph · 1 year
The Impact of Global Events on Forex Markets: A Veteran Trader’s Perspective
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Hello, fellow traders! Having spent over two decades in the world of Forex, I’ve seen my share of market ups and downs, many of them driven by major global events. In this article, we’ll delve into how geopolitical developments, economic pronouncements, and global crises can cause significant fluctuations in currency value and Forex trading.
Quick Plug: Ahoy, fellow traders! As a sea-hardened navigator of the Forex markets, I want to recommend decodefx.com (from Decode Global) as your chart and compass. It offers a wealth of trading tools to help you stay afloat in the turbulent Forex waters. With its user-friendly interface and up-to-the-minute news features, you’ll be well-equipped to react to global events and steer your trading ship successfully. And remember, in Forex as in seafaring, knowledge is power. Happy sailing on Decode Global: Start Trading Today!, shipmates!
Global Events: The Undercurrent of Forex Markets
Forex markets are impacted by global events, both predictable and unexpected. Economic data releases, policy decisions by central banks, political shifts, natural disasters, or global pandemics, all can cause drastic changes in currency value.
Economic Announcements: A Domino Effect
Regularly scheduled economic announcements can have substantial effects on the Forex markets. Central banks’ decisions about interest rates, employment data, GDP reports, consumer sentiment indices, inflation figures — all these directly influence a country’s currency value. A stronger-than-expected economic report can strengthen a country’s currency, while a weaker report can have the opposite effect.
Geopolitical Events: A Catalyst for Change
Political events, such as elections, referendums, diplomatic conflicts, wars, or trade disputes, can introduce uncertainty into the Forex markets. Traders closely watch these events as they can lead to increased volatility. For example, Brexit caused significant swings in the value of the GBP.
Global Crises: A Tumultuous Tide
Unexpected global crises, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or financial crashes, can cause immense volatility in Forex markets. They can lead to changes in risk sentiment, prompting traders to move away from riskier, “higher-yielding” currencies to the relative safety of “lower-yielding” currencies.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example, causing significant shifts in global Forex markets as countries struggled to deal with its economic impact.
Navigating the Stormy Seas
To navigate the Forex market effectively, it’s crucial to stay informed about global events. Monitoring economic calendars, staying abreast of the news, and being aware of upcoming geopolitical events can help you make more informed trading decisions.
It’s also vital to implement risk management strategies to protect your capital during periods of increased volatility. This could include setting stop losses, diversifying your portfolio, or simply adjusting your trading strategy to account for current events.
To conclude, global events significantly impact Forex markets, influencing currency values and shaping trading strategies. As traders, understanding this relationship helps us navigate the volatile waters of the Forex market, enabling us to make more informed, and hopefully more successful, trading decisions. Happy trading, folks!
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lawassociate45 · 1 year
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
The Pirate Code
The famous Pirate Code as it is often romanticised and shown in popular modern culture was a contract or code of conduct by and for pirates. Normally, each pirate ship had its own code, which laid down basic rules of conduct, disciplinary measures, rules for the distribution of booty and compensation for injured crew members. It was not a code of honour or a contract with fixed principles that applied to all pirates - rather, it was usually a kind of disciplinary law or employment contract that the crew entered into in order to be able to expect regulated procedures and guaranteed remuneration. However, there were also some generally accepted principles that were observed by many pirates. For example, no gambling on board.
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The Pirata Codex in Pirates of the Caribbean (x)
Even if pirates aspired to have a free society detached from the government, rules were still needed to have an organized system on board. Even though it was often said that the captain of a ship was elected, the reality was that the more successful and strong-willed with experience became and remained captain. In order to have a certain degree of order, however, the code was drawn up, to which every crew member had to adhere.
It is not known when the rules of the code were established, but the first known code is said to have been established by the Buccaneer Bartolomeu Português in the 17th century, others are known from the 18th century.  Nine complete or nearly complete sets of pirate articles have survived to the present day, most notably from Charles Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates, of 1724, and are therefore disputed. But records of admiralty court cases against pirates have also survived. Part of Henry Morgan's code is preserved in Alexandre Exquemelin's book The Buccaneers of America of 1678. Many other pirates are known to have had articles, including those of Irish pirate George Cusack and the late 17th century Caribbean captain Nicholas Clough. One reason that few pirate articles have survived is that pirates on the verge of capture or surrender often burned their articles or threw them overboard to prevent the papers from being used against them in court, as the navies did with their signal books to prevent them from falling into enemy hands.
Here are two of them to give you an idea of what a codex might look like.
These articles were written down by Alexander Exquemelin in his book Buccaneers of America (1678). However, the latter sailed as Henry Morgan's (1635 –1688) physician, so it is very likely that these articles were very similar to Henry Morgan's actual articles. Exquemelin writes that the buccaneers chose to:
"Agree on certain articles, which are put in writing, by way of bond or obligation, which every one is bound to observe, and all of them, or the chief, set their hands to it."
The rest of the articles themselves were as follows.
1. The fund of all payments under the articles is the stock of what is gotten by the expedition, following the same law as other pirates, that is, No prey, no pay.
2. Compensation is provided the Captain for the use of his ship, and the salary of the carpenter, or shipwright, who mended, careened, and rigged the vessel (the latter usually about 150 pieces of eight). A sum for provisions and victuals is specified, usually 200 pieces of eight. A salary and compensation is specified for the surgeon and his medicine chest, usually 250 pieces of eight.
3. A standard compensation is provided for maimed and mutilated buccaneers. "Thus they order for the loss of a right arm six hundred pieces of eight, or six slaves ; for the loss of a left arm five hundred pieces of eight, or five slaves ; for a right leg five hundred pieces of eight, or five slaves ; for the left leg four hundred pieces of eight, or four slaves ; for an eye one hundred pieces of eight, or one slave ; for a finger of the hand the same reward as for the eye.
4. Shares of booty are provided as follows: "the Captain, or chief Commander, is allotted five or six portions to what the ordinary seamen have ; the Master's Mate only two ; and Officers proportionate to their employment. After whom they draw equal parts from the highest even to the lowest mariner, the boys not being omitted. For even these draw half a share, by reason that, when they happen to take a better vessel than their own, it is the duty of the boys to set fire to the ship or boat wherein they are, and then retire to the prize which they have taken."
5. "[I]n the prizes they take, it is severely prohibited to every one to usurp anything, in particular to themselves. . . . Yea, they make a solemn oath to each other not to abscond, or conceal the least thing they find amongst the prey. If afterwards any one is found unfaithful, who has contravened the said oath, immediately he is separated and turned out of the society."
The following is an example of a Pirate Code put forth by Captain Bartholomew Roberts (1682-1722). Black Bart’s code is given because he is probably one of the most successful pirates, capturing over 400 ships in a 3 year span of time. This code most likely enabled many of his successes by keeping everything fair and avoiding mutiny and problems with the crew.
I. Every man shall have an equal vote in affairs of moment. He shall have an equal title to the fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized.
II. Every man shall be called fairly in turn by the list on board of prizes. But if they defraud the company to the value of even one dollar, they shall be marooned. If any man robs another, he shall have his nose and ears slit and be put ashore where he shall be sure to encounter hardships.
III. None shall game for money either with dice or cards.
IV. The lights and candles shall be put out at eight at night and if any of the crew desire to drink after that hour, they shall sit upon the open deck without lights.
V. Each man shall keep his piece, cutlass, and pistols at all times clean and ready for action.
VI. No boy or woman to be allowed amongst them. If any man shall be found seducing any of the latter sex and carrying her to sea in disguise he shall suffer death.
VII. He that shall desert the ship or his quarters in time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning.
VIII. None shall strike another on board the ship, but every man's quarrel shall be ended on shore by sword or pistol.
IX. No man shall talk of breaking up their way of living till each has a share of 1,000. Every man who shall become a cripple or lose a limb in the service shall have 800 pieces of eight from the common stock and for lesser hurts proportionately.
X. The captain and quartermaster shall each receive two shares of a prize, the master gunner and boatswain, one and one half shares, all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen of fortune one share each.
XI. The musicians shall have rest on the Sabbath Day.
Incidentally, the practice of parley as we see it in Pirates of the Caribbean has not actually been passed down among pirates, but the term was actually used to denote official negotiations between state belligerents.
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iviemcneill · 2 years
Discuss Certain sorts of Laws.
Every resident must know the Law of the Fatherland. There's no excuse for not knowing the law. It'll not help an individual defend him or herself in an exceedingly legal crisis. Ignorance can never be explained away.
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Even once you haven't acted against the law, you may have to know the law to shield yourself from those that might violate the law. Understanding one's rights and privileges aren't only beneficial, but it's also essential. You may never know when the knowledge you've got at your disposal might be available convenient. Having it ready before any crisis strikes will facilitate your take immensely wiser and more informed decisions which you may not regret later. Even as there are varied disciplines within the field of drugs, there's a good range of divisions when it involves the law. As an example, everyone knows that you just don't visit a general lawyer for a severe, you wish to consult a good professional lawyer and law organization during this case like Ivie McNeill Wyatt Purcell & Diggs. Likewise, for each particular sort of law, some specific attorneys focus on that specific field. It helps to go looking and identify the appropriate attorney for your particular case, rather than heading to the closest or most familiar attorney for each case.
This article briefly lists the categories of law:
Admiralty Law:
The maritime law is additionally called jurisprudence and governs all U.S. All countries have maritime laws and that they are liable for their vessels irrespective of which ocean they're sailing in. Jurisprudence Attorneys represent cases of all matters concerning cargo disputes, oil pollution, fishing regulations, international trade, cargo, and injury that takes place on docks and vessels. Law Attorneys also present you advice on trade laws, legal matters regarding environmental groups, and thus the conservation of species. 
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Aviation Law:
Laws are instituted by state and federal governments to reinforce safety in traffic. Aviation Laws within us govern aircraft operations and therefore the maintenance of aircraft facilities.
Bankruptcy Law:
When a person or a corporation files for relief of debt, it's termed Bankruptcy. Within us, there are specific courts that handle bankruptcy rulings and specialty attorneys who handle these cases. A rudimentary goal of the national bankruptcy laws passed by Congress is to convey debtors an economic "fresh start" from oppressive obligations.
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Civil Rights:
A Civil Rights Attorney has the responsibility of defending the rights and privileges granted to all or any us citizens. These include freedom from slavery, freedom to vote, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and also the right to be treated fairly publically places.
Consumer Rights:
The Attorney General of a specific state houses the division of Consumer protection and its team of consumer fraud attorneys. Complaints about misleading advertising or business practices that are unlawful are filed which division investigates and mediates on behalf of the patron.
Corporate Law:
A corporation could be a legal entity created through the laws of its state of incorporation. Individual states can disseminate laws referring to the creation, organization, and dissolution of corporations. many countries follow the Model Business Corporation Act.
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Criminal Law:
A "crime" is any act or deletion (of an act) in breach of a law prohibiting or controlling it. Though there are some common law crimes, most crimes within the U.S. Are established by local, state, and federal governments. Criminal laws vary significantly from state to state. There is, however, a Model legal code that is a decent cause to achieve an understanding of the essential structure of criminal liability.
Employment Law:
Employment law may be a wide area surrounding all areas of the employer(worker) connection except the negotiation process protected by labor law and negotiation. Employment law consists of thousands of national, condition statutes, executive rules, and judicial findings.
Immigration Law: 
Federal immigration law determines whether someone is an alien and therefore the associated legal rights, duties, and obligations of aliens within us. It also furnishes means by which individual aliens can evolve naturalized residents with full rights of citizenship. 
Ivie McNeill Wyatt Purcell & Diggs provide you to give all beneficial information about the laws. Everything they have mentions the law about certain types of laws, this organization gives you all types of serves that you are looking for in terms of laws.
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kny111 · 4 years
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Slave Ships
Slave ships were large cargo ships specially converted for the purpose of transporting slaves. Such ships were also known as "Guineamen" because the trade involved human trafficking to and from the Guinea coast in West Africa.
Atlantic slave trade
In the early 1600s, more than a century after the arrival of Europeans to the Americas, demand for unpaid labor to work plantations made slave-trading a profitable business. The peak time of slave ships to the Atlantic passage was between the 18th and early-19th centuries, when large plantations developed in the southern colonies of North America.
To ensure profitability, the owners of the ships divided their hulls into holds with little headroom, so they could transport as many slaves as possible. Unhygienic conditions, dehydration, dysentery and scurvy led to a high mortality rate, on average 15% and up to a third of captives. Often the ships carried hundreds of slaves, who were chained tightly to plank beds. For example, the slave ship Henrietta Marie carried about 200 slaves on the long Middle Passage. They were confined to cargo holds with each slave chained with little room to move.
The most significant routes of the slave ships led from the north-western and western coasts of Africa to South America and the south-east coast of what is today the United States, and the Caribbean. As many as 20 million Africans were transported by ship. The transportation of slaves from Africa to America was known as the Middle Passage of the triangular trade.
Conditions On Slave Ships
Enslaved People
The Slave Trade Act 1788, also known as Dolben's Act, regulated conditions on board British slave ships for the first time since the slave trade started. It was introduced to the United Kingdom parliament by Sir William Dolben, an advocate for the abolition of slavery. For the first time, limits were placed on the number of enslaved people that could be carried. Under the terms of the act, ships could transport 1.67 slaves per ton up to a maximum of 207 tons burthen, after which only one slave per ton could be carried. The well-known slave ship Brookes was limited to carrying 454 people; it had previously transported as many as 609 enslaved. Olaudah Equiano was among the supporters of the act but it was opposed by some abolitionists, such as William Wilberforce, who feared it would establish the idea that the slave trade simply needed reform and regulation, rather than complete abolition. Slave counts can also be estimated by deck area rather than registered tonnage, which results in a lower number of errors and only 6% deviation from reported figures.
This limited reduction in the overcrowding on slave ships may have reduced the on-board death rate, but this is disputed by some historians
Sailors and crew
In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the sailors on slave ships were often poorly paid and subject to brutal discipline and treatment. Furthermore, a crew mortality rate of around 20% was expected during a voyage, with sailors dying as a result of disease, flogging or slave uprisings. While conditions for the crew were far better than those of the enslaved people, they remained harsh and contributed to a high death rate. Sailors often had to live and sleep without shelter on the open deck for the entirety of the Atlantic voyage as the space below deck was occupied by slaves.
Disease, specifically malaria and yellow fever, was the most common cause of death among sailors. A high crew mortality rate on the return voyage was in the captain's interests as it reduced the number of sailors who had to be paid on reaching the home port. Crew members who survived were frequently cheated out of their wages on their return. These aspects of the slave trade were widely known; the notoriety of slave ships amongst sailors meant those joining slave ship crews did so through coercion or because they could find no other employment. This was often the case for sailors who had spent time in prison.
Abolition of the slave trade
The African slave trade was outlawed by the United States and the United Kingdom in 1807. The applicable UK act was the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act and outlawed the slave trade throughout the British Empire. The US law took effect on 1 January 1808. After that date, all US and British slave ships leaving Africa were legally pirate vessels subject to capture by the United States Navy or Royal Navy. In 1815, at the Council of Vienna, Spain, Portugal, France, and the Netherlands also agreed to abolish their slave trade. Between 1807 and 1860 British vessels would capture slave ships and free the slaves; they captured 1,600 ships and freed 160,000 slaves in this time.
After abolition, slave ships adopted quicker, more maneuverable forms to evade capture by naval warships, one favorite form being the Baltimore Clipper. Some had hulls fitted with copper sheathing. This was very expensive work that at this time was only commonly done to Royal Navy vessels; however, it increased speed by preventing the growth of marine weed on the hull, which would otherwise cause drag. The speed of slave ships made them attractive ships to repurpose for piracy, and also made them attractive for naval use after capture; USS Nightingale and HMS Black Joke were examples of such vessels. HMS Black Joke had a notable career in Royal Navy service and was responsible for capturing a number of slave ships and freeing many hundreds of slaves.
There have been attempts by descendants of African slaves to sue Lloyd's of London for playing a key role in underwriting insurance policies taken out on slave ships bringing slaves from Africa to the Americas.
List of Slave Ships
Antelope, Spanish slave ship captured near Florida in 1820 with 283 slaves aboard, leading to The Antelope case.
Aurore, along with Duc du Maine, the first French slave ships that brought the first slaves to Louisiana.
La Amistad, general-purpose cargo ship that also carried slaves on occasion. A successful slave revolt on ship gave rise to a case that reached the Supreme Court in United States v. The Amistad.
Brookes, sailing in the 1780s.[25]
City of Norfolk, fitted out in New York City by Albert Horn.[26]
Clotilda, burned and sunk at Mobile, in 1859 or 1860.
Cora, captured by USS Constellation in 1860.
Creole, involved in the United States coastwise slave trade and the scene of a slave rebellion in 1841, leading to the Creole case.
Desire, first American slave ship.[27]
Duc du Maine, along with Aurore, the first French slave ships that brought the first slaves to Louisiana.
Elisabeth, sailing from Jamaica for West Africa.[citation needed]
Erie, the ship owned and captained by Nathaniel Gordon, the only American executed for slave trading
Esmeralda, captured 1 November 1864 off Loango, West Coast of Africa, by HMS Rattler (1864) and Taken to St. Helena to prize court by C.G. Nelson midshipman in command.[citation needed]
Fredensborg, Danish slave ship, sank in 1768 off Tromøya in Norway, after a journey in the triangular trade. Leif Svalesen [da] wrote a book about the journey.
Gallito, Spanish slave ship carrying 136 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble 16 November 1829.
Guerrero, Spanish slave ship wrecked in the Florida Keys in 1827 carrying 561 Africans.
Hannibal, an English slaver of the Atlantic slave trade.
The Hawk, The Hawk sailed for Calabar, with instructions to buy 340 slaves.[28]
Hebe, Portuguese slave ship carrying 401 Angolans when captured by HMS Nimble 13 July 1832.
Henrietta Marie, sank in 1700 near Marquesas Keys, Florida, excavated in 1980s.
Hermosa, a schooner whose 1840 grounding in the Bahamas led to a controversy between the US and Britain over the 38 slaves who had been on board the ship.
Hope, American brig that brought slaves to Rhode Island
Isabella, British slave ship that brought the first 150 African slaves to the American port of Philadelphia in 1684.
Joaquina, Spanish slave ship carrying 348 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble 10 November 1833.
Josefa, Spanish schooner carrying 206 slaves when captured by HMS Monkey 7 April 1829.
Jesus of Lübeck, a 700-ton ship used on the second voyage of John Hawkins to transport 400 captured Africans in 1564. Queen Elizabeth I was his partner and rented him the vessel.
King David, sailing from St Christophers, on St Kitts in the Caribbean 1749.[29]
La Concord, a slave ship captured by the pirate Blackbeard (Edward Teach), used as his flagship and renamed Queen Anne's Revenge. Run aground in June 1718.
La Negrita, Spanish slave ship carrying 189 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble May 1833.
Lord Ligonier. See Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley.
Don Francisco, a slave ship captured in 1837. Sold as a colonial trader and renamed James Matthews. Excavated by Western Australian Museum in 1974.
Madre de Deus, 1567. John Hawkins captured this ship and transported 400 Africans.
Manuela, built as clipper ship Sunny South, captured by HMS Brisk in Mozambique Channel with over 800 slaves aboard.
Manuelita, Spanish slave ship carrying 485 Africans when captured by HMS Nimble 7 December 1833.
Margaret Scott, confiscated and sunk as part of the Stone fleet in 1862
Meermin, a Dutch East India Company ship active between southern Africa and Madagascar, whose final voyage in 1766 ended in mutiny by the slaves: around half the crew and nearly 30 Malagasy died, and the ship was destroyed.[30]
Midas, 360-ton Spanish slave ship captured by HMS Monkey 27 June 1829. Midas had left Africa in April 1829 with 562 Africans, but only 369 were still alive when she was captured, and 72 more died of "smallpox, diarrhea & scurvy" before Monkey and HMS Nimble could take Midas into Havana.[31]
Nightingale, clipper ship captured by Saratoga near Cabinda, Angola in 1861 with 961 slaves aboard.
Pons, American-built barque captured by USS Yorktown on 1 December 1845 with 850–900 slaves.[32]
Providencia, Spanish brig carrying 400 slaves when captured by HMS Monkey in 1829.
São José Paquete Africa, a Portuguese slave ship which sank off the coast of South Africa in 1794 killing over 200 of the enslaved men and women.
Tecora, Portuguese slave ship that transported the slaves who would later revolt aboard La Amistad.
Triton captured by USS Constellation in 1861.[citation needed]
Trouvadore, wrecked in Turks and Caicos 1841. 193 slaves survived. Project commenced in 2004 to locate the ship.[33]
Wanderer, formerly last slave ship to the U.S. (November 1858) until Clotilda reported in 1859 or 1860.
Wildfire, a barque, arrested off the Florida coast by the US Navy in 1860; carrying 450 slaves.[34]
Whydah Gally, a ship that transported cargo, passengers, and slaves. Captured by the pirate Captain Samuel "Black Sam" Bellamy and used for piracy, eventually grounded during a Nor'easter at Cape Cod and sunk in April 1717. 
Zong , a British slave ship infamous for the1781 massacre of 132 sick and dying slaves who were thrown overboard in an attempt to guarantee that the ship's owners could collect on their cargo insurance.
Source: Wikipedia / Slave ships
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newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, May 7, 2021
60 years since 1st American in space: Tourists lining up (AP) Sixty years after Alan Shepard became the first American in space, everyday people are on the verge of following in his cosmic footsteps. Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin used Wednesday’s anniversary to kick off an auction for a seat on the company’s first crew spaceflight—a short Shepard-like hop launched by a rocket named New Shepard. The Texas liftoff is targeted for July 20, the date of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic aims to kick off tourist flights next year. And Elon Musk’s SpaceX will launch a billionaire and his sweepstakes winners in September. That will be followed by a flight by three businessmen to the International Space Station in January.
The U.S. birthrate is falling; other countries have faced the same problem (Washington Post) With the U.S. birthrate declining for the sixth year in a row and undergoing its largest drop in nearly 50 years, according to provisional data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States is facing a dilemma with which many wealthy nations in Europe and Asia have long grappled. Instead of trying to ramp up immigration, some governments have tried subsidizing fertility treatments, offering free day care and generous parental leave, and paying thousands of dollars in cash grants to parents. But there’s little evidence that these policies have been effective on a large scale. South Korea, for instance, spent roughly $120 billion between 2005 and 2018 to incentivize having children, but its birthrate continued to fall. Singapore began offering new child-care subsidies, more-generous maternity leave policies and grants for new parents that today amount to $7,330 per baby. But those interventions didn’t reverse the trend: Singapore currently has the world’s third-lowest fertility rate. And Japan, Russia, Estonia and other nations have similar problems.
Protest road blockades halt Colombian coffee exports, federation says (Reuters) Road blockades connected to anti-government protests in Colombia, which marked their eighth day on Wednesday, have halted shipments of top agricultural export coffee, the head of the grower’s federation said. The protests, originally called in opposition to a now-canceled tax reform plan, are now demanding the government take action to tackle poverty, police violence and inequalities in the health and education systems. Twenty-four people, mostly demonstrators, have died. “We are stopped completely, exports are stopped, there is no movement of coffee to ports nor internally,” federation head Roberto Velez said in a phone interview.
20 dead in Rio de Janeiro shootout (Reuters) At least 20 people, including a police officer, died on Thursday in a shootout during a police operation against drug traffickers in Rio de Janeiro’s Jacarezinho shanty town, O Globo newspaper reported on its website. Two passengers on a metro train were also wounded in the shooting in the northern Rio neighborhood, the newspaper said.
Gunboats and blockade threats as U.K., France clash over fishing (NBC News) The U.K. and France were engaged in a naval standoff on Thursday as a long-simmering dispute over post-Brexit fishing rights escalated in the English Channel. France deployed two maritime patrol boats to the waters off the British Channel island of Jersey, its navy said, after the British Navy dispatched two of its own vessels to the area late Wednesday. The dueling moves came as a flotilla of French fishing trawlers sailed to the Jersey port of St. Helier to protest over fishing rights. The French government has suggested it could cut power supplies to the island if its fishermen are not granted full access to U.K. fishing waters under post-Brexit trading terms. Clément Beaune, the French secretary of state for European affairs, told AFP on Thursday that Paris will “not be intimidated” by the British. On the other side of the Channel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged his "unwavering support" for the island after he spoke with Jersey officials about the prospect of a French blockade. Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands with a population of 108,000, is geographically closer to France than Britain. It sits just 14 miles off the French coast and receives most of its electricity from France via undersea cables.
Ukraine wants aid, NATO support from Blinken’s visit (AP) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with his Ukrainian counterpart in Kyiv Thursday, telling him that he was there to “reaffirm strongly” Washington’s commitment to Ukraine’s “sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.” Blinken also assured Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba that the U.S. was committed “to work with you and continue to strengthen your own democracy, building institutions, advancing your reforms against corruption.” By visiting so early in his tenure, before any trip to Russia, Blinken is signaling that Ukraine is a high foreign-policy priority for President Joe Biden’s administration. But what he can, or will, deliver in the meeting later with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is unclear.
India hits another grim record as it scrambles for oxygen supply (AP) Infections in India hit another grim daily record on Thursday as demand for medical oxygen jumped seven-fold and the government denied reports that it was slow in distributing life-saving supplies from abroad. The number of new confirmed cases breached 400,000 for the second time since the devastating surge began last month. The 412,262 cases pushed India’s tally to more than 21 million. The Health Ministry also reported 3,980 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 230,168. Experts believe both figures are an undercount. Eleven COVID-19 patients died as the pressure in the oxygen line dropped suddenly in a government medical college hospital in Chengalpet town in southern India on Wednesday night, possibly because of a faulty valve, The Times of India newspaper reported. Hospital authorities said they had repaired the pipeline last week, but the consumption of oxygen doubled since then, the daily said.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid gains chance to form government, oust Netanyahu (Washington Post) Yair Lapid, a former news anchor and leader of Israel’s centrist opposition, was picked to negotiate a new governing coalition Wednesday, opening the possibility of Israel getting its first government not led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in more than a decade. President Reuven Rivlin tapped Lapid to make the next attempt to form a government one day after Netanyahu failed to assemble a parliamentary majority after 28 days of effort. Under Israel’s system, Lapid also has four weeks to craft a power-sharing plan. If he falls short, the president could open to the process to any member of the Knesset or call for Israel’s fifth election since the spring of 2019. Lapid will face a stiff challenge in trying to find common ground among the range of anti-Netanyahu parties elected in March. As a bloc, they would control enough seats to secure a majority. But ideologically, they range from the far right to the far left of Israel’s political spectrum. They also include Israeli Arab parties that traditionally play no part in supporting governing coalitions but that may be needed this time.
Instagram fuels rise in black-market sales of maids into Persian Gulf servitude (Washington Post) The advent of Instagram in recent years has helped create an international black market for migrant workers, in particular women recruited in Africa and Asia who are sold into servitude as maids in Persian Gulf countries. Unlicensed agents have exploited the social media platform to place these women into jobs that often lack documentation or assurances of proper pay and working conditions. Several women who were marketed via Instagram described being treated essentially as captives and forced to work grueling hours for far less money than they had been promised. “They advertise us on social media, then the employer picks. Then we are delivered to their house. We are not told anything about the employers. You’re just told to take your stuff, and a driver takes you there,” said Vivian, 24, from Kenya. Domestic servants sold on the platform described encountering threats, exploitation and abuse. The agencies which marketed them, meanwhile, made thousands of dollars. In response to a request for comment last month, an Instagram spokesperson asked for the list of accounts identified by The Post so company officials could investigate. Instagram has since deleted these accounts.
Nonuplets: Woman From Mali Gives Birth To 9 Babies (NPR) A Malian woman has given birth to nine babies, in what could become a world record. Halima Cissé had been expecting to have seven newborns: ultrasound sessions had failed to spot two of her babies. "The newborns (five girls and four boys) and the mother are all doing well," Mali's health minister, Dr. Fanta Siby, said in an announcement about the births. Professor Youssef Alaoui, medical director of the private Ain Borja clinic in Casablanca where Cissé gave birth, said the babies were born at 30 weeks. The newborns weighed between 500 grams and 1 kilogram (about 1.1 to 2.2 pounds), he told journalists. The clinic has deployed a team of around 30 staff members to aid the mother's delivery and care for her nine children.
Nigeria reels from nationwide wave of deadly violence (The Guardian) Nigeria’s president Muhammadu Buhari has come under mounting pressure from critics and allies alike as the country reels from multiple security crises that have claimed hundreds of lives in recent weeks. An alarming wave of violence has left millions in Africa’s most populous country in uproar at the collapse in security. Attacks by jihadist groups in the north-east have been compounded by a sharp rise in abductions targeting civilians in schools and at interstate links across Nigeria. Mass killings by bandit groups in rural towns, a reported rise in armed robberies in urban areas and increasingly daring attacks on security forces by pro-Biafran militants in the south-east have also all risen. In April alone, almost 600 civilians were killed across the country and at least 406 abducted by armed groups, according to analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations. The violence has left much of the country on edge and Buhari facing the fiercest criticism since he took office.
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youthincare · 5 years
VANCOUVER – Bus and SeaBus service will come to a standstill for three days next week as striking transit workers walk the picket lines.
The system-wide shutdown is set to take place next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, according to Gavin McGarrigle with Unifor.
”We’ve tried everything we can to avoid disruption on the passengers, but like any labour dispute at the end of the day, the power that the workers have is the power ultimately to withdraw their labour,” McGarrigle said.
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No talks between the two sides are currently scheduled, but McGarrigle said the employer, Coast Mountain Bus Company, has plenty of time to avoid the shutdown.
“If they come to the table with a reasonable offer, we’ll sit down and we’ll try and get this thing done,” he said.
TransLink spokesperson Ben Murphy said the work stoppage will have “a devastating impact on this region” and called it “completely unnecessary”.
“We condemn this action by the union, and we urge them to return to the bargaining table with more reasonable wage demands,” he said, adding that while TransLink is assessing how it could offset the effects of the shutdown, realistically there isn’t much the transit authority can do.
The latest round of contract talks between the two sides broke down last week, with compensation remaining a key sticking point. Unifor wants Coast Mountain Bus Company to consider a wage comparison to Toronto bus drivers and SkyTrain maintenance workers: a difference, they say, of about $3 per hour.
The company says their wage offer of a 9.6 per cent increase for drivers and a 12 per cent increase for tradespeople is already in excess of other public sector settlements.
Job action began Nov. 1, with bus drivers not wearing uniforms and maintenance workers not working overtime. Recently, bus drivers began refusing overtime on set days, as well. There have been SeaBus sailing cancellations and bus service cancellations on some routes as a result.
Murphy raised the idea of mediation, something he said the union has refused. Previously, Unifor has said it doesn’t think a mediator would be helpful at this point.
“We have reached the point now where there is a $150 million gap in wages, and that needs to be resolved, quickly,” Murphy said.
McGarrigle said the ball is in the employer’s court when it comes to a return to bargaining.
“What we’re clearly signalling is that the patience of workers is at an end, and it’s time for them to stop blaming the workers and come to the table with a fair offer,” he said.
The union is also planning to hold a rally outside the TransLink headquarters in New Westminster next Thursday at 1 p.m.
A planned driver overtime ban will continue this Friday.
As for whether the full service shutdowns will continue after next week, Unifor said it will probably make a decision sometime next weekend.
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