i love designing pokemon trainers because like depending on the specific era of pokemon character design you can get wildly different interpretations of what makes a “good” pokemon trainer design.
like if you look at npcs from RSE vs ORAS there is a CLEAR difference in design philosophy despite them being fundamentally the same character.
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and yes, part of it has to do with the style, proportions, posing, and just the general fact that there’s a 10 year gap between them, but its clear that the design philosophy itself changed as well. the ORAS youngster adds details that are visually interesting but not distracting— namely the sableye shirt, striped shorts, and band-aid over the nose. the shorts were changed to black so that the distribution of blue wasn’t overpowering, and also added the additional benefit of creating a value hierarchy that leads the viewer’s eye to the most important details of the design: the shirt and the face.
but im getting ahead of myself. i could talk design details all day but my point is that like. wowie! these are all pokemon trainer designs! they all look vastly different because they were all designed by different people and from different eras and yet we can still clearly identify them as pokemon characters one way or another!
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a pokemon trainer outfit can be simple, kinda out there, or REALLY out there! you can do whatever you want forever and ever.
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sghr10423 · 8 months
Hi! Can you draw Sableye? Please.
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ooo yes I love this little goblin so much, big fav of mine!! got funky with the colors on this one
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ourobororos · 2 years
Request: cyrus cyrus cyrus cyrus cyrus cyrus (and some more cyrus) (if possible) (I love cyrus)
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YES i have something from last night actually. yesterday i had a dream and in it they announced gen 4 remakes but ACTUAL remakes like oras with redesigns and changed plot etc and in it cyrus had an eyepatch that like contained the red chain shards.... so i tried to design it heheh
he also had a sableye which confuses me in the sense of why would you have a little freak who eats tasty looking gems if your life purpose is to collect and harness the power of some preddy tasty looking gems and also keep them in your eye socket. i digress but its funny so im keeping it
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Chapter 10: A Letter from Twig
How dare you speak to the Great Twig so flippantly? This disrespect shall not stand. I’m going to act huffy and grumble for the next three hours in retaliation.
 It’s still so funny to me how we found out the timetable for his bad moods. Now if only we could figure out how long he holds a grudge for… I should ask him about Team Skull during my next visit.
Speaking of, I paid the Future Trio a quick visit (and yes, I still hate the nickname, and I will never not be mad at my past self for coming up with it) and asked Dusknoir about the sableye who wanted to move over to the Present. You were right, he’s super excited in that weird Dusknoir-ish way where he won’t admit that he’s excited, but he won’t stop bringing up the thing he’s excited about. Very Dusknoir. Very old man-ish.
As for the “me somehow being a millionaire” thing: I don’t know how money works! You know this! I thought that an oran berry would cost a thousand Poké and you laughed at me! I thought that me paying all the bills at Spinda’s was a friendship tax sort of thing! Humans didn’t I didn’t ever get any financial education for handling Poké, so you can stop making fun of me now. And I’ve decided I’m going to keep living in the world’s most ugly house with the worst decorations ever to spite you. This is on your shoulders. 
Your team does sound really cool. I’m glad you got to meet them. And just imagine how dull their lives would be without the Great Kip to brighten their days with his awesome insights into archaeology trivia and amazing smile. I did the world a favor by threatening to eat your encyclopedias to get you out there. I couldn’t keep you for myself. 
I’m having a kind of rough time 
I’ve been struggling a little bit 
I’m worried about 
I’m doing pretty good out in Verdant Village, so you’d better not be nervous about me getting by despite my lack of financial know-how. I’m taking a break from my merchant business thing, but I’ve barely made a dent in my savings despite digging into them. I’m sending some Poké with this letter— buy your team some drinks and tell them I’m rooting for you guys. 
Love ya.
— Twig
P.S. I called Dusknoir old for you. He did the thing again where he started to argue but couldn’t come up with a comeback. Teamwork makes the dream work.
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xoshepard · 3 months
nothing better to me than when somebody is on a stage with those bright ass lights and theyre wearing shit that sparkles. like yes. my eye is caught. i am beholding the shimmer, the sparkle, the glitter, i love your jewels i love your sequins im going to attack you later and eat them bc im sableye-
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Shantae Pokemon Teams!
I don't normally do crossover material, but in honor of the release of Scarlet and Violet, I have decided "why not?" and made Pokemon teams for the Shantae cast!
Note: This will contain Pokemon from Scarlet and Violet, so if you want to go into that game completely blind, you might want to wait until you've had a chance to play to look.
Shantae - All-Rounder/No Specialty
Shantae, of course, goes for a wide variety of Pokemon rather than settling on one particular type, giving her plenty of tools to help her prepare for anything!
Of course, I'm sure some of you noticed a slight theme going on there, and yes, I can confirm that these are meant to correspond to her classic transformations!
Except for Tsareena. I tried to fit in a Pokemon that could represent a transformation from Half-Genie Hero or Seven Sirens, but I couldn't decide which one to use, so instead I opted for Tsareena to represent Shantae as a belly dancer. It helps that I can imagine Shantae saving a poor Bounsweet from some bird pokemon before bringing it onto her team, and then cut to later when it's fulled evolved and Tsareena will snap your spine in half if you look at Shantae wrong. Similar reason to why I opted for Milotic for the mermaid transformation, considering you have to evolve it from Feebas at full friendship.
Sky - Flying Type Specialist
For Sky, I imagine she's a coordinator rather than a Gym leader, but she does still go for a full team of Flying types!
Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Now, I'm sure you're wondering, "which one is Wrench?" The answer: None of them, actually! In this case, Wrench is the Empoleon that Sky started her journey with. She doesn't use him for battles or contests, but she does still have him out and with her quite often, occasionally even using him as transport.
Bolo - Steel Type Specialist
In contrast, Bolo is absolutely a Gym leader, and he's all Steel, baby! Considering how gym battles work, his full team probably doesn't come into play that often, but when it does, this is his roster.
Since I'm sure some of you picked up on a trend, I will go ahead and say: yes, Bolo has a Torterra. He's retired it and it lives with his mom now, but he comes around to visit quite often, so it recieves plenty of love!
Rottytops - Ghost Type Specialist
A rival coordinator to Sky - and later Shantae's girlfriend - Rottytops is, to no surprise, a Ghost type specialist. Of course, just because it's expected doesn't mean her wide variety of ghouls aren't any less effective.
"So," I hear you wonder, "since Shantae, Sky, and Bolo got the Sinnoh starters, does Rotty have a starter as well?" And the answer to that is...not in the traditional sense. When Rottytops set out on her journey, she got two Pokemon from her brothers: Mimikyu from Poe, and Phantump from Abner. And she still loves both dearly!
Plink - Psyhic Type Specialist
Moving on to the other half-genies...I'm sure you can guess what types they specialize in, so rather than go on and on about it, I'll just show them off and move on!
Slowbro (Galarian form)
Vera - Grass Type Specialist
Zapple - Electric Type Specialist
Raichu (Alolan form)
Harmony - Ground Type Specialist
One thing I will say is that, for most of the half-genies, I'm imagining them as Gym leaders, same as Bolo. Harmony, however, is absolutely a Champion. No questions asked.
Uncle Mimic - Rock Type Specialist
As one would probably expect, Uncle Mimic is a Pokemon professor here. As for his team, he's a rock type specialist, specifically focusing on Fossil Pokemon!
As can be seen by his choice of Pokemon, he's less interested in battles and moreso using his Pokemon to help with his relic hunting, i.e. pushing away debree and helping him reach places that would otherwise be inaccessible to him. It's also why Stonjurer is there as the sole non-Fossil Pokemon, to help boost them via Power Spot.
Risky Boots - All-Rounder/No Specialty
Like Shantae, Risky Boots doesn't settle on one type, instead focusing on building a team that gets the job done. She does have a slight leaning towards Dark types, but that's about it.
For anyone wondering - I did try to avoid using the PLA Pokemon here, since, you know. Hundreds of years in the past, probably not a lot of those Pokemon left in the modern day? Made an exception for Risky Boots, however, because if anyone could find a near-extinct Pokemon and then bring it onto their team, it's absolutely Risky Boots. Also! If you're wondering about the Tinkerbats, the Tinkerbats are Pawniards here; Kingambit is there to act as their commanding officer more or less
Aaaaand I'll leave it here for now! I don't necessarily plan on making a follow-up with the other Shantae characters, but if any of you are interested in that, let me know!
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ghostwor1d · 1 year
sorry about all the inactivity!! ive had my hands full…
the joltik and larvesta are doing great! i named the joltik peaches and the larvesta mal :) the sableye egg is still—well, an egg—but its coming along good!
<there’s an image attached of peaches the joltik curled up in what is presumably ev’s hand.>
mal’s been getting along with molly and miles too! (and in case you were wondering, no, i still havent caught molly. yes she still chews on my hair.)
<another image is embedded, this time of mal the larvesta, molly the misdreavus, and miles the chandelure. theyre all playing and look rather happy.>
in slightly worse news, marble is still acting weird. no clue whats up. im also not sure if i have the ability to accommodate for toast anymore. i love him a lot! i do! but….i dont know. im just one person. i cant handle everything. none of my coworkers want him. if anyone wants him, please contact me. if not, im going to see if i can give him to one of the older kids at the daycare. im going to miss him.
thanks for sticking around. see you soon
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phantastus · 2 years
I was thinking of making a Silent Hill x Pokemon AU, mainly with Alessa as a teenager gaining a connection to Giratina. I was curious what sort of team you see some of them having. Mainly Alessa and Claudia (they'd both be teenagers but you can go canon ages if you want). And maybe some other SH characters for fun like Harry, Lisa, Dahlia, Maria, Heather, and/or Henry? I know you have Heather in an pkmn RP too so that's part of why I figured I'd ask. Thanks~
Hey there-- sorry it took me a bit to get to this question, but Pokemon crossovers are (unsurprisingly) My Passion (tm), so I wanted to actually devote some time to this!
The funny thing about the pkmn RP I have Heather in is that, just because of the way RP goes, many of the Pokemon Heather wound up training and becoming close to are NOT ones I ever would have originally picked out for her. So if I was picking out a Heather team completely from scratch/based on what fits, it would probably wind up different than the motley crew she assembled in Route 29/Victory Road.
(Just for kicks, this was the ride-or-die team she defeated the Elite Four with:
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... and her original starter was a Growlithe! The game started back when we were on GEN 4, believe it or not!! Some notable team members she's gained since then are Claudia's starter Vulpix, Talonflame, a shiny Lucario, a shiny Infernape, and Silvally (known as 'Silphally' in-game because Silph Co. stole the Type: Null blueprints from Team Aether and started putting bootleg Nulls on the market, lmfao), and she is slowly collecting Every Horse Pokemon because she turned into a bona fide Horse Girl somehow. If you want to read about any of her technicolor animals, they all have mini bios over here.)
BUT AHEM, onto your question-- I'll put these under a cut so it doesn't murder anyone's dash.
I really love specifically building balanced teams, so I'll do that and list some extras for each character. (Yes, I have thought about this extensively).
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Runners-Up/Extras: Haunter, Vibrava, Shedinja, Espurr Thoughts: Heavy lean towards psychic and bug-types specifically! Unsurprisingly, also tends to favor commonly-misunderstood Pokemon.
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Runners-Up/Extras: Sawsbuck, Noctowl, Watchog, Florges, Wyrdeer Thoughts: Admittedly had adult Claudia in mind while picking these, as a young child or teen obviously she'd be more likely to have pre-evos. Ninetales I've just always associated with her, 3 out of the 4 remaining are just a play on the offering of a reed and a snake to the sun lol.
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Runners-Up/Extras: Clodsire, Herdier, Tynamo, Bunnelby, Dedenne, Zigzagoon Thoughts: Lots of ground and normal-types with the occasional outlier. Is probably a magnet for small/childlike Pokemon.
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Runners-Up/Extras: Spritzee, Fletchling, Cinccino, Ledian, Buneary Thoughts: Tends to only want cute, non-threatening-looking Pokemon. But ones that can do same real damage if they need to.
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Runners-Up/Extras: Grafaiai, Hydreigon, Arbok, Wobbuffet, Galarian Slowking, Sableye, Claydol, Toxicroak, Gliscor, Whirlipede, Mandibuzz Thoughts: Dark and Poison all the way down, unsurprisingly has a bunch of traditionally creepy and sinister species.
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Runners-Up/Extras: Sneasler, Masquerain, Sylveon, Gorebyss, Bruxish, Vivillon Thoughts: Glamorous and beautiful Pokemon-- she and her team all seem really snobby but she actually treats her Pokemon extremely well. I MAY NEED TO DO HENRY AND HEATHER ANOTHER TIME THOUGH, I am very tired! I kept myself very restrained here lmfao if I allowed myself I could probably ramble forever about Pokemon. Hope it's fun to look at anyway!
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sonatacomic · 2 months
Oreo is collaborating with Pokemon and it's very cute! 😂✨
Too bad there's no free card or something like that inside lol *freebiethinker XD.
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All of them is very cute. Too bad, no trapinch evolution line or Chimecho ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ. They only take the familiar pokemon... which I understand why.
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//Totally not good with photo.
//But hey!
//You can see the Lapras there!
// And cute Dratini and Sableye!
Among the pokemon above... I really like... no one 😂 /slaps /justkidding.
For the Kanto starter, I really like Bulbasaur more than Squirtle and Charmander. But indeed I think Charmander is very handsome- cough- wait don't think too far!
And I didn't really fond of Pikachu. Jigglypuff too. Rowlet too.
The rest... I like it. Not the main party I adore, but I like them. Especially Dratini and Lapras ⭐✨.
Oh yes. Yes. And I bought a cheap Genshin Figurine I see at marketplace.
Don't you think it's pretty çute? ☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆
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It's the Seven Statue figurine; Barbatos and Morax! My sis is always using Zhongli. Meanwhile I can't say the same with my Venti X"D. Too many new character, I tend to forgot to use the old one 💦💦.
I think I bought these around... let see... 1-2$? I buy it along with a Doraemon zodiak figure but I forgot to photo that one.
Can the small toy like this be called figurine? A chibi? A nendroid- wait that's different too...
Oof whatever!
Welp! I play Wuthering Waves.
At least- I meant- I try to play it. Since I really love Punishing: Gray Raven. But... perhaps the game isn't really for me (and my phone) XD.
I don't hate it tho. I'll probs play it occasionally. But I can't say that I love it like PGR.
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The talk is start from food, figurine, and wuthering! Haha! So random, I like it!
I should write something like this again sometimes.
Well the next post is about Reverse:1999 hehe!
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mcrizzystardust · 5 months
HEY what’s your favorite Pokémon :D
.... you know, when i left the same ask in your box first, i should have known you'd ask me the same, but alas, i somehow did not anticipate this 😭
so, um.
this is going to be a long post..
i have found that i am utterly incapable of choosing a single (or even 2. or 3. or 4.) favourite(s), so, to make this easier for all of us, im gonna tier rank all my favourite pokemon!!
impidimp, morgrem, goomy, gible, obstagoon, quaxly, quaxwell, quaquaval, gengar, clefable, golett, golurk, psyduck, sprigatito, floragato, meowscarada, toxtricity, sableye, gligar, zangoose, blacephelon, sobble, drizzile, mudkip, marshtomp, swampert, litten, torracat, pumpkaboo, chespin, noibat, slowpoke, sewaddle, swadloon, leavanny, krookedile, espeon, umbreon, sylveon, shinx, archen, sharpedo, kricketot, gallade, cacturne
maractus, noivern, scorbunny, raboot, cinderace, espurr, dratini, dragonair, dragonite, riolu, sliggoo, joltik, mimikyu, petilil, lilligant, tepig, pignite, politoed, spoink, grumpig, gastly, rockruff, cosmog, wartortle, breloom, scizor, mudsdale, mareep, starly, dreepy, smeargle, nihilego, oshawott, leafeon, yamper, corvisquire, victini, zorua, houndoor, scolipede, lurantis
litwick, lucario, goodra, toxel, gabite, garchomp, drakloak, dragapult, inteleon, lycanroc, marshadow, flapple, seviper, sandile, krokorok, squirtle, mudbray, flaaffy, popplio, brionne, primarina, pancham, vaporeon, piplup, boltund, buneary, lopunny, chimchar, kecleon, bidoof
teddiursa, spinda, cutiefly, ribombee, clefairy, grimmsnarl, vulpix, ninetails, emolga, haunter, incineroar, stufful, bewear, meowth, skiddo, wooper, octillery, bounsweet, jynx, yanmega, eelektrik, eelektross, ampharos, applin, eevee, jolteon, flareon, glaceon, shaymin
okay so!! explaining my tier s's:
impidimp is just. like, hes such a fucking menace, and he looks so stupid, and i can't help but love him with my entire heart. same for morgrem, my lil scene kid 🥺🫶
gible is such an ipad kid, im dying on this hill
obstagoon is so silly!! look at him!!!!
quaxly, quaxwell and quaquaval are all drag kings and i love them so so so much and im HHHNNGNGHH /aff
gengar and clefable holding hands onfgcgjdj!!!
golett and golurk are my little babygirls. LOOK AT THEM.
psyduck is actually me. hes so autistic coded!!!! and just,,, look!!!!!!!
sprigatito, floragato, meowscarada: weed cat <3
toxtricity is my lil goofy boy!! my son!!!!
sableye is so 🥺🥺🥺
gligar sees right through my soul and for that i need to give him a lil smooch on his forehead
zangoose!!! need i say more???
sobble is so me, like, yes i love to cry, now come give me a hug you little goober. and drizzile is so emo kid, that lil fucker is screaming along to hell above by ptv as we speak!!
mudkip, marshtomp, swampert are like. three of my favourite favourites!! like if i had to pick a starter, i would be fighting for my life trying to pick between mudkip and quaxly
litten, torracat: fire boyos 🥺🫶
pumpkaboo NEED I SAY MORE
my boyfriend is so chespin coded and i have to love chespin for that
noibat is so cute!! and definitely a 2021 alt girl!!! we stan!!!
slowpoke is one of my top pokemon tbh!!! hes so me
sewaddle, swadloon, leavanny NEED I SAY LITERALKY ANYTHING ELSE? also, swadloon is SO ME
krookedile is just such a vibe, hes just chilling, hes just hanging out!
espeon + umbreon, because thats me and @aaron-hamiltion :)
shinx is so goddamn cute like i just know that fucker is out there scratching up my couch and i'd forgive them for it
archen is so @aaron-hamiltion
kricketot just feels so homey and comfortable, like i just wanna play my fiddle with them :))
gallade is so gender
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floccesyfluff-fest · 6 months
"First of all sorry for making a joke about that prank yesterday. That was really insensitive of me," Asteria says. She gives him a frosted cupcake with the word 'SORRY' on it and a bag of some actually really nice coffee. "Please accept these as a token of my apologies."
And as for the entries…#1: a soft little Marill, a cultural reference to how historically restaurants in the Hoennese International Union would have live Pokémon that you could pick for your meal and not just fish. #3: Archie's shiny Mega Anchor, and this time we know for sure Asteria actually legitly borrowed it. And for the grand finale, #2: They get out many colors of chalk and all work together to draw the most elaborate, difficult hopscotch game on the ground. The wheel probably meant "hard" in terms of physical hardness, but they love thinking outside the box!
Scavenger Hunt - Day 7 [ 3, 2, 4 ]
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Sableye ignored the apology gift for now, as he needs to judge. He snickers at the Marill, who clearly isn't sure why they are there. That Mega Anchor is awesome as well, even if it's a hassle of an accessory. Then here's a surprise! Instead of an object, they made an event! Sableye went to try it out when it was done, but between it's intricate design and his stubby legs did not let him have a good time. Still, he will allow it, because it was indeed hard.
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"Not the kind of answers I expected, but very well done. 9 points. Love to see it. As for the cupcake and the coffee... Don't worry about it, water under the bridge. Hope this next part doesn't offend you, though." Gatz calls a friend over who has a Hisuian Growlithe and has it sniff the items carefully, while Gatz himself pulls out a kit from under the table and starts double checking Growlithe's verdict by putting samples in small tubes... Yes, he is checking for poison.
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pokemonxhyperfixation · 10 months
She's Actually the Worst /pos
So here's the Jo'on team I teased announced.
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(This was the closest character to Jo'on I could find, sorry)
Instead of starting with earlier members of the team, I'mma start with Mienfoo. While I did check her wiki page while making her team, I'm still not 100% certain she's part of the Myouren Temple, but since I like my personal head canon that she joined the temple basically just as a self-help thing, I'm giving her the Mienfoo. (She basically treats her membership into the temple as though it's like a yoga class lol.)
Sableye is one I think is pretty obvious. Jo'on is a gal who likes her gems and jewels, so I think Sableye is a rather fitting member of the team.
My teaser reblog kinda spoiled Kingler's presence. For one thing, she has Kingler lookin ass bangs. More notably though, I'm personally part of the group that believes that Jo'on cons rich men with dates, and I like the idea that she LOVES sea food since it's probably a massive luxory in gensokyo (in this case, sea food means foods you can ONLY find in the sea) given that the place is land locked. I imagine she caught caught a (more than likely fresh water) Kingler due to a mixture of it's battle style gelling with hers (I imagine Jo'on mostly uses physical attackers, if you couldn't tell), as well as occationally (with the Kingler's concent) taking one of the claws as a treat. (Crabs can grow their claws back, so I imagine Kingler can too, plus, it's domestic, so it probably doesn't need them as much.)
So, Scrafty is here based on what I kinda see Jo'on as. I know she's a blinged up God, but the way I see here, she's just a really fancy, well dressed thug, and I think this fact would lead to her almost seeing herself in Scrafty. They're buddies. (My more thuggish, short tempered Jo'on idea mostly comes from an idea I had that Jo'on can, will, and has multiple times before beaten people who harassed her sister to death with nothing but her bare hands and the rings on them.)
Diancie is here pretty much as the crown jewel of her collection of expensive jewelery. She doesn't ONLY treat it as an item, obviously, it is a living thing afterall, but she DID get it as a gift from some rich ass hole she was conning money out of. Probably was given it as "some weird Carbink I found," but I imagine she ABSOLUTALLY knows what Diancie really is. While I see Sableye as her REAL partner Pokemon, Diancie is a close second.
Honestly, the main reason I see her having a Steelix is just because I think Steelix is the big, rough and tumble bruiser type Pokemon that Jo'on would like to use (please ignore its mediocre offenses).
I would have given her a Pokemon to represent Shion, but I both like this team spread for her too much, and also couldn't think of anything to represent Shion that wouldn't come off as HELLA disrespectful. (Yes, I did consider using Garbodor to rep Shion, but I feel like doing so would have probably made Jo'on beat me to death, so yeah.)
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judyjudkins · 5 years
spider-man pokemon au
Peter contrary to popular belief doesn’t have any spider pokemon until after he creates his hero persona. His companion is actually a lil Furret Uncle Ben caught as a Sentret for Peter when he moved in. Her name is Furry and he has to live with that (he was like 5 or whatever of course he’d name her something like that). She probably goes out on spider things with him, she has her own costume and everything, and clings onto his back when he’s swinging. He does befriend a Spinarak during this time, but she’s more of a wild pokemon that just like hanging out with him.
Ben probably has a doggish pokemon, probably like a normal type, or something like a Growlithe. I can’t shake the idea of May having a Kangaskhan. It’s probably like a relatively small one, she helps May around the house a lot and is Mom.
Max definitely has a bunch of electric types that follow him around after his transformation into Electro. Just like hordes of wild pokemon that like to hang out around him. I like the idea of his partner being like a lil Pichu he dotes on. Just a babey.
Otto has an Omanyte you can’t change my mind. It evolves into Omastar a little after he becomes Doc Ock. As an Omanyte it’s shy and gentle with everyone, but after it evolves it stays very loving with its trainer but is an absolute bastard with everyone else. I can also see him picking up a Malamar later or something like a Porygon.
Norman has a shiny Glameow, she wears sweaters probably and is very spoiled. His partner tho is a Sableye. He also kept his wife’s Sneasel after she passed away and Sneasel is Sableye’s goth gf. I can’t tell if Sneasel is really big or Sableye is really small, but compared to her Sableye is teeny.
Harry has an Eevee for Symbolism tm and also because I can see him with a Flareon. He might also have a Poochyena. Eevee I can see Norm pressuring him to evolve it into an Umbreon, dark types are probably like a weird family tradition or something. Oh my god there’s exactly an episode in the first series about this oh my god anyway.
They have so many pokemon in that house I’m not even done why. do they. Anyway When Norman does Goblin things he meets a Gengar and a Crobat pair that lives in one of the lesser used Oscorp warehouses. Again they’re more like wild pokemon that like hanging out with a person, but they take a shine to him. When he goes out on Crimes they follow, Gengar floats just behind Crobat to look like he’s riding a glider and imitates all of Goblins moves, especially when he’s on a dramatic villain monologue. No one can tell if it just really likes him or is making fun of him. On mimicking/mirroring notes, his Sableye probably does the same thing with more mundane stuff. Like a toddler. When he’s doing paperwork it probably tries to do it too and has to be set up with like paper and crayons off to the side so it doesn’t try to do his work for him lmao. God I really love pets/pokemon mimicking their owners it’s so cUTE.
Mac definitely has a Drapion. He didn’t even get it after he started being Scorpion he just always had the lil guy. It was fate.
It’s hurting me so hard not to give JJJ a Loudred just for the Jokes tm. It physically pains me not to. I can see him also having a small bird like a Fletchling. He sends it through the office with little notes that say shit like “get back to work” for when he can’t come out to yell Personally. No one blames the little bird though and most give it a little pet before it flies off again.
Speaking of birds yes Adrian has so many. He’s got maybe a Braviary or a Staraptor that looks just as old as he is. I’m leaning towards old grey shiny Staraptor but I love Staraptor so I’m kind of biased. Smaller bird pokemon probably follow him around when he’s flying and doing crimes, like the little fish that hang out under mantarays and whale sharks. Flying under the shadow of this Bigger Bird who doesn’t do anything to them to protect themselves from Less Friendly Big Birds.
MJ has a Charmeleon definitely. Maybe also a Lillipup but deffo a Charmeleon.
I can see Gwen with dragon types. A little Dratini maybe.
That’s literally all I can think of at this point but like. Spider-Man Pokemon AU.
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prof-peach · 3 years
Is it true that Sableye are thieves by nature? My mom won't let me get one because she says they're unruly kleptomaniacs and won't bond with their trainers, but there's a lady in my building who has one and it seems very gentle. (I know too that some pokemon are harder to train than others, but I'm not 12 and this is not my first pokemon.) I think ghost types are often very misunderstood, but I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
The traditional notion that they steal things is only proven by individuals who are underfed, or malnourished. Of course now and then you do get kleptomaniac Sableye, just as you get humans who do the exact same thing, but I don't think your mom is stopping you making friends with humans right? Theres the same chance a human has that issue, seems illogical to shame the species for a man-made flaw. When they do not get enough precious gems and minerals, they steal them. If they don't, they get sick, they suffer heavily, their body starts to break down. We would steal food if we we're starving, right? No different. Treated well, with love and care, they're just as affectionate and loyal as any other pokemon. Yes of course there are Sableye that are tricky, mischevious, energetic, difficult, but theres eevee like that too, and clefairy, and snubble, the list goes on. It's a personality thing, not a species thing. If you want one, and you think you can care for one, and give it the expensive diet it needs, then i'd say go for it. They need a dark small den space, no bigger than twice their body size, and you shouldn't go in there without permission. They can be real fussy about how their space is laid out and treated, so give them room to make their own minds up. Offer bedding, pillows, blankets, some like stuffing from inside pillows, others like plush feathers and down from flying types, soft sand is a winner with the species, but let them choose, they'll start to fill their space with the stuff they want eventually. They get minor health issues, and tend to become sluggish and nervous if left out in the sun for too long, so carry an umbrella for protection, and try to take walks in the evening or at night. Let them dig! They looooove to dig, tunneling is their jam. Though their diet is mostly semi-precious gems and ores, they do also consume the odd root or bug, even small mammalian species like rattata, given the chance. They need trace nutrients in these things, to be at their peak. This is an Omnivorous species, so don't be shocked by that. Theres a lot to love, but make sure you can afford one, they aren't a pokemon for someone who's always struggling financially. A lot of trainers take them to the underground to rummage for gems and jewels, so theres always that option, which lets them dig AND feed. Winner, winner ruby dinner.
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Chapter 8: A Letter from Kip
Dear Twig,
I’m glad you found a home so fast, and in somewhere that sounds like such a perfect place to live. I was worried when you said you wanted to move out, but Verdant Village seems like a perfect place to stay for the time being.
Lyra really does sound like a duplicate of Manaphy— and I can’t believe that she idolizes you so much! The way you wrote about her reminded me of how I acted around Dusknoir as a kid. How does it feel to be the Great Twig, huh? 
Speaking of Dusknoir, he said it’s been a while since you paid them a visit. Tell them I said hi when you do! I know I’m keeping up a letter writing rapport with them, but Dusknoir is the slowest letter writer ever. He seems like he thinks a letter needs to be a running summary of every event to happen while I’m gone, and I’m pretty sure he waits until something interesting happens to send one. Apparently one of the sableye is thinking of moving out of the Future and into the Present. I think his name was Jasper, or maybe Jet? Maybe Tourmaline? I’ll check. I have a hard time keeping their names straight.
I just checked his last letter— it’s Jet who wants to move. I think Dusknoir’s happier about the idea than he lets on. We might be getting a new addition to the Future Trio soon— what should we rename them? Future Quartet? The Future Four? I know you hate that the nickname you made up for them stuck, but it's so much easier than saying all their names one after the other. You were a genius to start it. 
Speaking of you unknowingly being a genius, yes, you have a small fortune stored away. I thought you knew! I’m sure Poké is a pretty different currency from what humans had, but I thought you would’ve picked up that four million is kind of a big number. You never bought anything, and your favorite hobby was going on expeditions, so you were kinda built to travel the path of becoming disgustingly rich. Why do you think I always asked you to pay when we stopped by Spinda’s Cafe? 
Please put that money to good use and stop living like a bachelor. You said you felt like Gardevoir was judging your decor, and I can almost guarantee it. You stuck an old wanted poster of Grovyle up in Sharpedo Bluff that one time when we were redoing the whole layout and called it good. I love you, but you do not have an eye for interior design. 
My team has been really helping me get the ropes on this new unit of study— Aipom is a whiz when it comes to digs, and Darmanitan is the most amazing tutor anyone could ask for. Spearow reminds me of Loudred in the weirdest of ways. You were right about giving up on doing the work myself and just asking for help. It’s so much easier to get done when I rely on people. You were always trying to get me to understand that, and it’s never been more obvious than it has been now. 
Pay the Future Trio a visit and tell Dusknoir he’s old for me. I miss them, and I miss you. 
Write back soon.
— Kip
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
I don’t remember if this has been asked, but what Pokémon do you think the CR people would have? As many or as few as you’d like
Oh god it has been asked and I freeze every time because special interests colliding, FAK. I just forget every Pokémon I've ever known.
Yasha would have an absol and a comfey. Ampharos also very good choice for her because I mean it's a sheep and a badass. Obstagoon(they wrestle). Midnight lycanroc (he's the best boy and you know it). Gengar. Molly took it in and raised it from a gastly and when ownership passed to her after he died... Yasha and haunter both evolved in a way.
Beau has a sandshrew because I'm projecting and I said so. She grew up in a mudhole town and it was her first and dearest friend. It does not fight and if you insult it Beau will skip the battle and lay you out flat herself. It also never evolves and this is because sandshrew is my boy so Beau gets the sandshrew. Dairon gave her a meditite for early training, which is hilarious to me because Beau hates meditation and by the time she's learned to be cool with it she has a medicham that can kick her ass. Like her reward is a viable sparring partner. A pancham picked a fight with her one day - her, not her Pokémon - and apparently she proved herself because now she can't get it to leave her alone. It loves head scratches. It will initially punch her in the ribs if she gives them but only after she's done. Later on it grows to love them unironically and also she's a huge and warm pangoro who looks after Beau. Greninja. Toxtricity because she can't be poisoned and it rules. It really likes yasha and that's mutual. Lucario.
Jester has a gardevoir that will absolutely destroy anyone who fucks with her. Slurpuff. Totodile. Starmie. Alolan ninetales. Furret or stufful.
Veth: inteleon, sableye, parasect, salazzle, vileplume (for alchemy reasons but also she kind of loves that it smells bad). Thievul.
Fjord: honedge, gyarados (yes he got swindled into a magikarp and made it work), tentacruel, rayquaza (I don't usually do legendaries for characters but I mean, primordial snake god thingy is right there). Zoroark. Blastoise.
Caleb: litten (as a familiar, never evolves) umbreon, cubone that showed up hungry one day (alolan marowak) mudsdale, munna (takes away bad dreams). Ditto.
Caduceus has a gorgeous meganium, a shaymin, a shroomish, a trevenant, a diglett, and mimikyu. He's probably seen what's under the hood (if anyone was going to...). Girafarig. It just makes sense.
I'll think about other campaigns but the m9 are for obvious reasons the ones I've actually thought about.
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