#S3E2 Red Hood
randomlut · 3 years
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" Just throw in the towel and i promise i'll be gentle "
Jason Todd/Red Hood made reference to Hamilton the Musical in Titans S3E2
high quality version by @buckypascal: here
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ak-the-valkyrie · 3 years
Titans season 3 spoilers ahead!!
Some spoilers for the new 3 episodes of season 3 (S3E1 Barbara Gordon, S3E2 Red Hood, S3E3 Hank and Dove) in no particular order
I was so excited to see Jason as Red Hood (and just the new season in general) it felt like my heart was beating 200 BPM
Hank can't be dead, I refuse to believe it, Hank can't be dead, I refuse to believe it, Hank can't be dead, I refuse to believe it
I believed Jason so badly when he called Hank ("something's wrong with me", "I didn't do that")
Fuck it, I still believe him
Carrie Kelley, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas and Daxton ❤️
I dislike the Red Hood helmet, the eyes are too wide and it looks like he's permanently shocked
Also, the helmet has a nose? No thanks
Though I loved Jason in Red Hood helmet: *dark creepy voice*, Jason without the helmet: *sounds like he's 12*
"JaSoN DoEsN'T ReAd BoOkS" - in the comics, Jason literally had a library in his room and was at the top of his class and would (apparently) sometimes skip patrol to study
What the frick frack paddy whack was that chemical thing Jason breathed in the first episode??!!
*Batman voice*: Where's Rachel??!!
Did they really have to kill off Alfred?
Really dislike that they made Jason into a terrorist. While he has done some shady shit in the comics, I don't think he's ever been a terrorist
Ah yes, it wouldn't be a Batfamily without our favorite dysfunctional batdad
(at least this version finally killed the Joker)
I was so happy to see the Titans kick some ass together, especially Dick being playful as he fights
*Sees some guy in a police uniform with a mustache, riding a bicycle* who the fuck is that? Is that Hank?! No... It can't be Hank. Oh my God it is Hank
The holographic coin and dinosaur in the background of the Batcave was just *chef's kiss*
(was there pedestals with souvenirs from all of Batman's bad guys, 'cause I think I saw the Hatter' s hat and Penguin's umbrella)
The Mad Hatter vs. Jason story Barbara told ❤️
Kori is still a fashion icon
Thanks writers, I now ship GarKon
*sees Hank and Dawn make out while Hank is dying* Hank, you do know sex and arousal makes your heart beat faster, right?
Krypto is the bestest boy I have ever seen
"Does Superman have a library?" "Dunno, think he just has space rocks"
I was so excited to see this season and I can't wait for next week's new episode, really hope they aren't going to make Jason be 100% the bad guy and that he will have some type of redemption
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makuta-tobi · 2 years
Titans S3E2: "tHeY mUsT lEaRn ThE sHoCkInG tRuTh Of ReD hOoD's IdEnTiTy"
anyone who has ever picked up a comic book:
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ashfromthesol · 3 years
Things from S3E2 of Titans, spoilers, yes, blah blah blah
Ohhh classic opening scene with drug king pins...wait Bruce actually did brutally murder Joker? That's a change. Also like that's a big reason for Jay to become Red Hood, so like hmmm.
So no time jump? What? No Lazarus Pit? Or Talia?
Omg Hank's mustache.
They mention Joker's start with the Red Hood...love it!
Holy fuck, what happened to that girl.
Barbara clearly still in love with Dick.
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