tagedeszorns · 1 year
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You want some nice Lucius-Vispyrtilo-PWP?
Look no further!
Here's a great fic by @legiopraesagio. And I'm proud to have inspired it with the pic above!
Wellll ... Someone did report my pic and Tumblr took it down.
So I had to make a version of it with the Modesty Screamer of Tzeentch.
The original can be found here
and here
and here
But imagine - not an automated censorship-bot shot my pic down - someone felt enough malice and spite to report it to Tumblr! A real person had this kind of pettinesslevel!
You can't stumble on my pics on Tumblr by accident. My blog is flagged unsafe by Tumblr, so it doesn't show up on search or anything. It's just there, like a submarine full of Astartes-penis and -ass. Lurking in the depth. Found and visited only to the pearl-divers who know it's there.
So some sad sack took it upon themselves to follow my blog, just to snitch on anything they deem snitchworthy.
Imagine the horribly mundane life this person must lead to feel that kind of urge! To lurk in the corner, shooting out only to shit on fun.
How insignificant they must feel all the time to need this small power rush.
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fourgods-nobrakes · 2 years
A short bit set during The Faultless Blade after Vispyrtilo's attempted sacrifice and associated fallout, in which he and his Night Lord cultmate come to an understanding.
Unapologetically soft.
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archive-idium · 6 years
An invasion to the land of canine creatures would form by unrecognised specimen; claiming themselves as space marines seeking for more land to control. If those that would not bow themselves to submission would be treated with physical harm; If not punished with death.
The walls of the area where blocked; to the wolves being unable to flee the territory. Few where lucky to pass through, although It could not be guaranteed that the members of the Rypax mercenary would seek for them in later time.
Seiko was able to hear the sound alarms of a threat invading the area; but the swift reaction was not enough for minions to break through her miniature barricade that was set in the main exit. The female would have little strength, only able to push a single couch.
The minions would locate the girl residing at the corner; with one taking hold of; while his partner went through the home in the hopes to find another of them. Finding another okami was no success; still, the other has looked through what this single woman would keep in her domain, considering that It would take interest of their warlord.
With no seconds more to pass; the minions that set into a pair would retreat with their fine catch and present the captive; hoping It would please Fvarghis.
The wolf would show clear distress in the situation; unsure where she will be thought. It hasn't helped the situation to see slain civilians while she was carried ... Wherever.
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Starter Call (Fvarghis Xerhan)
Press the like/reblog if you want a medium to short starter featuring Fvarghis Xerhan, the blood crazed, drug-addicted, excess fulfiller evil super soldier (AKA Chaos Space Marine of Slaanesh), from the Rypax Raptors.
WARNING: Please note that this muse will most certainly include NSFW themes.
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iec-mediacoverage · 3 years
Sustainable packaging – addressing consumer desire for green brands together
[...]  RyPax solutions are also supported by relevant green certifications such as FSC Standard for Chain of Custody, G7, Environmental Management System and IECQ, providing assurance that materials and manufacturing processes are truly environmentally friendly.
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tesaonews · 5 years
Apple inclui mais empresas em seu programa de energia limpa
O Supplier Clean Energy Program (Programa de Energia Limpa para Fornecedores) da Apple ganhou o apoio de mais empresas parceiras. Lançado em 2015, ele tem como objetivo a produção de energia renovável. Segundo a Apple, agora são 44 fornecedores participantes – o dobro da última atualização -, com a meta de fornercer até 4 gigawatts.
“Toda vez que um de nossos fornecedores se une a nós em nossos esforços para lidar com a mudança climática, nos aproximamos de um futuro melhor para a próxima geração. Nós priorizamos a prestação de nossos fornecedores aos mesmos padrões ambientais que observamos e esperamos. Embora estejamos orgulhosos de nosso anúncio, não deixaremos de impulsionar a mudança dentro de nossa indústria para apoiar a transição para a energia limpa que está ocorrendo globalmente”, disse Lisa Jackson, vice-presidente de Meio Ambiente, Política e Iniciativas Sociais da Apple.
A Apple vem aumentando seus compromissos de energia limpa recentemente. No ano passado, ela anunciou que agora está totalmente alimentada por energia renovável. Esse desenvolvimento significa que mais fabricantes estão usando renováveis ​​para pelo menos uma parte de suas operações.
– Canaltech no Youtube: notícias, análise de produtos, dicas, cobertura de eventos e muito mais! Assine nosso canal no YouTube, todo dia tem vídeo novo para você! –
Apple já utiliza energia limpa em suas fábricas e escritórios
A lista de fornecedores recém-comprometidos inclui: Advanced International Multitech, Arkema, AT & S, Bemis Associates, Biel Crystal (HK) Manufactory Ltd., BOE, Catcher Technology, Compal Electronics, Corning Incorporated, COSMO, DSM Plásticos de Engenharia, ECCO Leather, Fastway Criação, Finisar, Goertek, Golden Arrow, HB Fuller, Precisão Hon Hai, Ibiden, Jabil, Empresa LEALEA, Tecnologia de Lentes, Lishen, Luxshare-ICT, Mega Precisão, Nidec, Pegatron, Grupo Primax, Qorvo, Quadrante, Computador Quanta, RRD, RyPax, SanHuan, Suprimentos SDK, Solvay, STMicroelectronics, Sunway Communication, Sunwoda Eletrônica, Taiyo Ink Mfg. Co., tesa SE, TSMC, Wistron e Yuto.
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O post Apple inclui mais empresas em seu programa de energia limpa apareceu primeiro em Tesão News.
source https://tesaonews.com.br/noticia-tesao/apple-inclui-mais-empresas-em-seu-programa-de-energia-limpa/
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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It's a 3 on the Marine Meat Monday-d20!
I don't remember if I ever did Vispyrtilo for MMM - and since I can't do Lucius or Fabius again (I WANT to, but it wouldn't be fair, would it?), have a sleepy Eagle King and his first coffee.
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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WH40ktober gave me the prompt "Hoard" and so I drew Vispyrtilo stealing and hoarding more of Lucius' horrible t-shirts.
Look how happy Dumb Bird™ is!
The Dark Prince truly favours their Raptors, for gifting them so many shirts!
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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Day 7 of WH40ktober-prompts: Meal
I really like crows. And I like Chaos Raptors, especially the Dumb Birds™, a.k.a. the Rypax, a very slaaneshi Raptor-cult infesting Lucius' ship. (They are very useful, but not the brightest bulbs on the tree)
Crows around here are picking walnuts from trees and place them on the street for people, bikes, cars to run over, thus opening them for the crows to get their meal.
Since Rypax may be not very got at opening protein rations, in my HC they are placing them in the corridors of the ship for their brothers to open and then drop from the rafters to collect their bounty.
My HC tend to lack respect for the grim darkness of the far future.
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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Yes, they are real! 😁
Every once in a while I get reblogs or comments by people expressing their sadness that Lucius' (and in the latter stages of their lifecycle: Vispyrtilo's) shirts are not real.
And then I can go and make their day by telling them: No! Au contraire, mon ami! All those shirts are real. There are people out there who are allowed to vote and operate a one-ton-vehicle, who designed those shirts for real!
I love to entertain the thought that I have made the world a better place by directing people to buy those shirts and wear them.
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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Day 12 of WH40ktober gave me: Precious!
So here's Vispyrtilo stealing another one of Lucius' horrible, horrible shirts. Waeving it into his current nest high in the rafters of the Cohors Nasicae's Strike Cruiser, to feast on the touch of Slaanesh all over the ugly beautiful shirt.
A few days later another of the Rypax-flock will steal it from him, too. One of the usual feuds amongst the Dumb Birds™ will erupt and cease as fast as it began.
Chaos Raptors are such useful warriors, but their brain is so, so small.
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tagedeszorns · 7 months
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Some Slaaneshi Raptor for Marine Meat Monday!
The Rypax are such a versatile cult. And have the nicest warp-sourced mutations.
The uncensored version can be found here. And as usual: Art has to be free! Nudity and sexuality is nothing unnatural or shameful. Censorship is deeply wrong and is making us, as a human people, dumber and more timid and easier to lead by autocrats. Stop censorship!
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tagedeszorns · 3 years
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"What are you?"
*sad bird-noises*
"That's right. An idiot sandwich!"
My eternal WiP has reached the first colouring-stages! I don't know why it's taking this much time.
Lucius telling Vispyrtilo in a calm and measured way how very rational and well thought through the idea of taking a walk half naked on the hull of the Diadem with the Geller field turned off, was.
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tagedeszorns · 3 years
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Vispyrtilo stole a new shirt - work in progress
@crysdrawsthings excellent piece of Fulgrim and Lucius (and assorted daemons) having tea invoked the urge in me to draw more stolen shirts.
He may call himself the Eagle King (well, akshually Fulgrim called him that first. Or was it his predecessor with that stupid crown-thing ...? I'll have to read that up again), but Vispyrtilo and the Rypax are much more like magpies. Stealing things they like, hoarding shinies. And shirts. Because they are a very slaaneshi cult and shirts worn by a Champion of Slaanesh smell veeery good to them.
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tagedeszorns · 3 years
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Vispyrtilo and his newest stolen shirt!
It's not as horrible as the last ones - maybe it's a futile attempt to deter any thieving-attempts. But, as can be seen: That didn't work.
I love Chaos Raptors! The more gods-changed the better.
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tagedeszorns · 3 years
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POV: You are Lucius' shirt-drawer and Vispyrtilo is about to raid you, to get in posession of another horrible t-shirt.
I'm obsessed with Chaosraptors. Totally love these crazy mutants.
I have tons of headcanon for them, since the official lore is sparse and not much beyond "crazy, nonverbal, haughty, very crazy, hunting whatever they feel like, did I mention crazy?"
I mean, someone has to take care of their gear without getting eaten. And there must be a way to keep them in line while raiding, else they are just an expensive distraction. Such things.
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