#Ryoga confused as hell “Sorry what?”
maruren · 24 days
I mean I'm like 90% sure that Shion tried to seduce Ryoga at least once.
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Then he gave up, because Ryoga didn't care.
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welcometothedopeworld · 4 months
"Not" a Vampire ~ *Shion Kaida*
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Summary: You're convinced Shion is a vampire as much as he denies it. It's gotten to the point the others are beginning to tease you for your insistence. That's why you must do whatever it takes to prove you are correct.
Pairing: Shion Kaida X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Drabble
Word Count: 797
Warning: N/A
"Is it true?" You ask, propping your head onto your hands.
Shion glances over at you before rolling his eyes and taking another drag of his cigarette. "Quit asking me that question."
"I will when you answer it."
"Obviously, I'm not going to answer it."
You frown. "I just want to know if it's true or not! That's all! Once you answer it, I'll leave you alone for good, I promise!"
He scoffs at your words. "No you won't."
"How do you know?"
"I know you."
You narrow your eyes at him. "Creepy."
"Not like that, you moron!" He growls back, baring his teeth before taking yet another drag of his cigarette.
You sigh and let your chin drop to the table before you. "Why won't you satiate my curiosity."
"Because your idiotic curiosity is none of my concern." He snaps, flicking his cigarette butt to the ground. 
As he pulls out another cigarette, you grab your lighter and flick it open. He glares at you as you hold the little flame out to him. Despite his reluctance, he lets you light his cigarette and blows the smoke in your face.
You wave it away and continue to pout. "Please? Just tell me if the rumors are true or not!"
"What rumors?" Sliding into the seat next to you, Kenta gives you an unimpressed look. 
"What's everyone talking about?" Ryoga loudly asks, taking the last seat at the table you were sitting at.
Shion shoots another glare at you but you don't pay him any attention. "Is it true that Shion is a vampire or is it just a rumor?"
The two boys stare at you for a good, long moment before laughing their asses off. Shion grunts but you can see the corners of his eyes crinkle. You, on the other hand, huff and fold your arms over your chest.
"You don't have to be mean about it, assholes!"
"Of course a petty little criminal like yourself is swept up in the stupid, asinine rumors!" Kenta wickedly grinned.
"That's a load of steaming dog shit is what it is!" Ryoga adds. "There is no way in hell Shion here is a fucking vampire! If he is, I'll eat my left pinky!"
You sigh and let your shoulders fall. "Seriously, you're all terrible! I hate you guys so much!"
"Well it's your fault for believing rumors." Shion mutters, smirking at you.
Standing up, you shoot back, "It's not my fault! The evidence is pretty damning! Besides, you're partly to blame because you won't put the stupid lies to rest!"
As you walked off, you could hear Ryoga and Kenta jeer at Shion. It only made you scoff and wrap your arms around yourself. You didn't want to deal with their stupid meanness right now. You just wanted to go back to your cell and not think about how they laughed at you.
That is, until you ran into Yuto. "Oh! Sorry!"
"No, no! It's my fault! Completely my fault! I shouldn't have run into you! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He bumbled, gathering the files he dropped.
You helped him collect his wayward papers and noticed something familiar. Carefully, you tucked it away without the guard noticing. You gave him a sugary sweet smile as you handed him the last of his files.
"Again, I'm really sorry, Officer. I did not mean to."
He shook his head and looked down to hide his blush. "No harm done, I suppose."
And with that, he scurried off. When you were alone, you peaked into the stolen file and gasped. Your suspicions were confirmed!
With your evidence in hand, you raced back to the table where Kenta, Ryoga, and Shion were still sitting. You slapped the file down in front of them. While Ryoga and Kenta looked confused, Shion's eyes widened and, if it was even possible, he became even more pale.
"YOU ARE A VAMPIRE! Maybe not a vampire like in all the books and movies, but you have Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, colloquially known as vampire disease!" You shouted in triumph.
"Where did you get this?" Shion snapped at you, crumpling his cigarette in his hand.
You gave a satisfied smirk. "This petty little criminal stole it from Officer Inukai himself! And the poor bastard still doesn't know what hit him!"
"Wait, you stole Shion's file?" Kenta asked, his eyes widening as realization began to dawn on him. "There's files on all of us? With our deep dark secrets printed?"
You shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't say that-"
"I NEED TO GET MY FILE!" He screamed, running out of the mess hall.
"WAIT FOR ME!" Ryoga shouted after him.
Shion gave a low, dark chuckle as he shook his head. "Congratulations, petty, little criminal. You just ruined their lives."
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Do you think that you can write headcanons for Ryu, Ryoga, Hajun, and Dongha? Basically the reader afraid of almost anything (You could move your hand and the reader would be scared) but then they watch a horror movie with the reader and they just hear the reader giggling and laughing like a maniac as if the horror movie was a comedy movie.
Writer's corner: Oh.. I'm so sorry, sweetheart.. But I don't take requests for 4 characters anymore.. qwq.. So.. I think I'll do one for Ryu, Ryoga and Hajun (let me know if you want one for Dongha too!! I can do it later!). Also let me know if there's something you want me to change or fix! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: GN! THEY/THEM
Warnings: sfw
⭐𝐑𝐲𝐮, 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐠𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐮𝐧⭐ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
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⭐Ryu is a playful and childish person! He really likes doing pranks to the people around him- especially Shiki, poor-..
⭐So I guess he'd do pranks to you too!
⭐At first he'd think to prepare the most complex pranks for you- not the basic ones he does to Shiki..
⭐So he'd probably prepare a bucket full of water on the door and then call your name
⭐Ryu would laugh softly while waiting for you to go upstairs to reach his room, on the first floor of the Bar 4/7..
⭐And then would burst out in a loud laughter after seeing you opening the door and screaming scared while getting all wet because of the bucket.
⭐Let's be honest here: Ryu would prefer you as his target for pranks
⭐Never let your guard down while being around Ryu!
⭐He could have planned something new, some new pranks, to scare you.
⭐Even on Halloween night I could imagine him covering himself in a white blanket while saying: "BOO" all of a sudden
⭐He'd be surprised and disappointed after realizing that you're afraid of everything.. I mean.. Of EVERYTHING..
⭐For example even while being in a supermarket with Shiki and Ryu for buying groceries..
⭐I can see you being confused and not remembering what you had to buy and then Shiki randomly screaming:
⭐You'd surely startle and feel your heart beating faster while Ryu would laugh loudly, making all the other people inside the supermarket looking at him.
⭐"HUH? You really want to watch an horror movie with Ryu-kun?! Heh...... IT'D BE FUNNY SEEING YOU SCARED AT JUMPSCARES! Ryu-kun isn't afraid of anything~!"
⭐I bet Ryu would expect you to ger scared at jumpscares with a smirky expression..
⭐He'd prepare to laugh at your reactions but then he'd feel disappointed because.. You're not afraid of horror movies..
⭐Instead you laugh at them, each time you see a monster or jumpscares!
⭐Your laughter would sound like a maniac's one and, let's be honest... Ryu would feel a little bit scared of it.
⭐"HAHAHhahhahah...... Uhm.. Y/n...? Why are you laughing..? Ryu-kun thinks it's not funny....... "
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⭐Ryoga isn't so good with communication in general, that's why he really seems aggressive most of the time
⭐So I really think he wouldn't blame you for being scared of him at first
⭐If you'd startle when he'd approach or if you'd tremble slightly while holding his hand, well..
⭐Probably he'd chuckle inside himself because of how innocent and small you look compared to him (oh well.. It's easy to be smaller than him actually.. Lol)
⭐He wouldn't say anything in response nor anything to comfort you, since he's not good at speaking peacefully to people without punching them...
⭐But after some times Ryoga would lose his temper and maybe would speak, while sounding slightly intimidating:
⭐"OI... what the HELL is wrong with you?!.."
⭐Ryoga would start being annoyed by your constant fear but also quite amused by that...
⭐Especially when he'd see you turning around and screaming scared because of your own shadow
⭐That would amuse him so much that you would even hear and see him laughing like never before
⭐So you're kind of lucky actually!
⭐Because you'd be one of the few people able to see Ryoga laughing!
⭐But since Ryoga used to be a bullet for his gang while he was out of prison- and it's said that he is very protective of those he cares about..
⭐Well, I'm sure he would try to stop you from watching an horror movie, especially if he grew fond of you.
⭐"Huh..? You wanna watch the movie too..? What the hell?! It's gonna scare you to death!!"
⭐Then he would change his mind but would keep an eye on you each time he'd see something that could scare you...
⭐So each time he sees.. EVERYTHING.
⭐Ryoga would then turn around and open his eyes in surprise after hearing your maniacal laughter
⭐He would raise his eyebrows and look at you with shock after realizing that you actually thought that horror movies were as funny as comedies!
⭐But he would smile slightly.
⭐"Funnier than comedies..!? You really think it's funny stabbing a man to death?!... Hehe.. You're so weird sometimes-"
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⭐Hajun is sadistic. And I'm very tired to start his headcanons by saying it but... it's a fact.
⭐So I can't really help but imagine him chuckling elegantly with a mischievous look each time he sees you getting scared by stupid things
⭐He wouldn't blame you for getting scared by bugs though, because... He hates them too.
⭐But Hajun would definitely laugh amused- always elegantly though, because he's flawless- each time he would see you startling afraid.
⭐He'd move his hand closer to you on purpose to scare you and then would chuckle:
⭐"Haha... I'm sorry. I couldn't resist it. It's funny.."
⭐Hajun would be even more surprised but amused after realizing that you literally are scared of.. EVERYTHING!
⭐How can you be scared of him calling your name?
⭐Or even Anne putting their hand on your shoulder?
⭐Or Allen sitting on the couch while you're laying down?
⭐Hajun couldn't help but chuckle each time, thinking in deep that it's cute... that you look adorable and kind of innocent.
⭐And I'm sure he'd find interesting the fact that you insist to watch an horror movie with him.
⭐"Oh? You really want to watch that horror movie with Allen, Anne and me? Heh.. It'd be interesting.."
⭐After that you all would go to the cinema and take a seat to watch the movie.
⭐During it, Anne would get some jumpscares, Allen obviously would start crying scared- because he's easily scared by horror stuff- while Hajun would keep his attention on you mostly
⭐He'd be curious to see you scared so.. He'd look even impatient.
⭐But then his elegant and mischievous eyes would open wide after hearing you starting laughing like a maniac
⭐Just like Allen, Anne and the other people in the cinema, Hajun would look at you surprised, almost scared by this part of your personality that was completely unknown until then.
⭐"... So.. You're not scared of the movie?.. How interesting.."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Very crackish minific idea: Canalo meets Mei and Reika. Cue Ryoga and Rintaro getting along for once as they try to stab the prince who is harassing their precious girls
Canalo... you had one (1) fucking job...
“So... you take the front, and I’ll take the back, and these two will take care of the sides.” Rintaro said shortly, his eyes narrowed as he glared at their shared target.
“Alright.” Ryouga stated, offering his hand for the other to shake. Rintaro took it and shook it once. “It is settled. We will have a truce while we four deal with this cur.”
“O-Oi, we didn’t agree to have any part of this...” Touma said, as the Swordsmen of Water and Time drew their respective blades. “Hey Kento, back me up here- What the hell?”
“What?” Kento asked, looking innocently at his boyfriend as his sword thrummed with electricity. “I agree with them. Guy’s hitting on our girl, we should scare him off. By force.”
Touma gave them all a dumbfounded look. “Geez... of all the things for you to get agree on, why did it have to involve bloodshed?!” he exclaimed. “Can’t we just... politely ask him to leave?”
“It is justifiable bloodshed,” stated Ryouga bluntly. “No cur is going to lay a hand on Reika...” Ryouga’s protectiveness would be adorable, if he wasn’t swinging around a giant trident that allegedly got sharper over time.
“And as if that wasn’t bad enough, he’s gone after our Mei, too.” Rintaro said. “Touma, I know you prefer to take a more diplomatic approach, but in this instance... I think the violent route is permissible.”
He pointed at the pair of women who seemed as confused as they were disturbed by the man pursuing them. Reika had her hand around Noroshi, and she had subtly placed herself between him and Mei. Touma’s heart cracked at the sight of Mei’s clearly uncomfortable expression and, despite his best efforts to keep his anger in check, he was starting to see red- and the reason why everyone else was so keen on dismembering this sorry man.
“Alright... fine. I’ll take the right.” Touma acquiesced, conjuring Rekka into his hand. “But no lethal injuries. Just... beat him up a little.” 
The three other swordsmen smirked. “It would be my pleasure,” said Ryouga with a feral grin.
~five minutes and one horribly one-sided fight later~
“Only you would be idiotic enough to pick a fight with other swordsmen, tyra!” laughed the human-sized tyrannosaurus that walked up to the scene, causing everyone to stare at it in shock.
“Oh, Tyramigo, just leave me be!” he whined. 
“No can do, tyra. Have to bring you back to Oto-chan.” He said, then unceremoniously tossed the man onto his back by grabbing him with his mouth. 
He bowed to the swordsmen in apparent apology as the man feebly mumbled complained about being handled roughly. “I’m sorry about Canalo, tyra. Maybe he’ll learn not to be an idiot anymore after this.” And with that, the dinosaur took his leave, with the novelist, his editor, and four swordsmen still gaping at him.
“Was that...” 
“We all saw the same thing, right?”
“A talking dinosaur robot...?”
“And I thought the Kikainoids were something...”
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shifuto · 3 years
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“Hey! Stop struggling! I’m trying to save you,” Alito complained, very exasperatedly, as he tried to free who it seemed to be Ryoga. The former leader of 7 Barian Emperors was in quite a trouble: rope tying his limbs and body, and a cloth bag over his head. From the constant mumbling and elaborated breathing, it seemed like he had his mouth stuffed as well so he wouldn’t be able to talk.
Series: Yugioh Zexal Rating: Mature Pairings: Bettashipping [Alito x Ryoga] Additional tags/warnings: biting/marking kink, blood, kidnapping, post-canon/future au, adult characters
The brown man was on his way to meet some of the other Barians on the bar where him and Gilag were regulars. Alito found his friend completely by accident. He heard so loud sounds coming from inside a container and managed to make his way in, rushing to help. He wondered what happened but considering him, Gilag, Ryoga and even Yuma had issues with the local gangs in Heartland ー and seeing where he found Ryoga, near one of the more isolated district in the city, Alito concluded that was probably what happened, he would ask later.
He didn’t have a knife or other tool to cut the ropes and he judged it wouldn’t be wise to try to drag the other out of there, since Ryoga wasn’t exactly cooperating.
“Calm down! I’m not going to hurt you!” Alito finally loosen the rope enough to free Ryoga’s arms and hands, and receive a big shove as thanks.
Ryoga quickly remove the bag on his head and cloth that covered his mouth, and launches to attack the other. He had another piece of cloth covering his eyes and ears.
The taller man had enough strength to overpower Alito easily, while full of adrenaline and fear. Alito just defends himself, covering his face with his arms. He gets bitten, hard.
Finally, Ryoga removes the rest of the restraints and covers off of his body, while still holding the other in place.
“Alito?! What are you doing here?!”
“T-That’s... that’s my line... get off me.” Alito answered, shaky.
Ryoga takes some time to process what was happening, he was feeling dizzy and confused and his eyes fall on the bloody arm in front of him, then in the bulge his knee was touching. Alito glares at him, face all red and angry, and he jumps back, falling on his bottom, almost as much embarrassed.
“Give me yours too.” Alito demands.
“Wh-What? Mine what??” Ryoga was even more confused.
“Your arm. I’m not the only one who is going to have to explain this,” Alito sounds irritated, “are you doing it or I’ll have to jump at you too?”
Ryoga just stood there.
Last thing he remembers was finding some of the members of that gang, that he and Yuma defeated years ago, and being hit on the back, falling unconscious. Then he wakes up with someone shaking and messing with him and he panics. He had no idea it was Alito trying to free him.
“Ouch!!!” Ryouga yells when Alito bites his arm.
“Now we’re even! Let’s get the hell out of here,” Alito gets up, wiping the blood off his lips, “you should clean yours too.”
“I... can’t get up,” reality finally starts hitting and Ryoga is trembling, “I’m... I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you, Iー”
”It’s okay! I hurt you too, come on, I’ll help you out of here, and you can chill in my place until you feel better, good?” Alito turns back and offer his hand, which Ryoga takes.
After explaining everything that has happened and reporting the incident, Alito goes back home with Ryoga. He has cancelled his plans for that night and the rest of the weekend. It seemed like the 2 of them had some things to discuss. And the air around them was very awkward. Alito was tired and decides to shower, he leaves Ryoga be at ease, to grab a drink or food and sit anywhere he pleases meanwhile.
Frowning hard, with his forehead glued to the bathroom wall, Alito jerked off. He’s been aroused ever since he was bitten and he loathed that this was happening, even more because it was a friend of his, even more because it was someone he held in such high regard and was never very close with. He saw the mark in his arm and remembered, that fury and desperate attempt to defend oneself, and the puzzled expression in those deep blue eyes thereafter.
Ryoga was sitting in the couch, lost in thoughts. “Why was Alito hard?” He wondered, the blood rushing to his face and between his legs, “Why am I hard?” he hears a door open and jump on his seat. Alito just stares at him, raising a brow.
“Uh...? Are you alright? Are you sure your head is fine?”
“I’m fine, there’s nothing wー” Ryoga swallows hard, catching glimpse of Alito’s toned torso, small shorts, drying his hair with a towel, “I’m ok, I guess I’m just tired, I should head home...” He finishes, turning his head to hide his blush.
Alito frowns. He knows Ryoga is hiding something, and decides to sit down and pry the answer out himself. Ryoga’s looking elsewhere, his hand pressing on the mark in his own arm, biting his lips. Alito notices the volume between his legs.
“Hm... I want to try something. Is that ok?”
“What do you mean?” Ryoga turns to look around but stops when he see Alito approaching him.
The semi-naked man mouths the side of Ryoga’s neck, licking and sucking it before biting softly. Ryoga flinches and he was ready to shove the other away but Alito slipped his hand on Ryoga’s arm, to his crotch.
“I knew it! Did you realize you’ve been squeezing that arm ever since we got back?”
“So what...? And why did you bite me again?”
“Felt like it.”
“’Felt like it’? Are you playing a game or something?”
“No, but we could try...?” Alito lies down, resting on the couch arm, turning his head enough to reveal his own neck, his hand brushing gently the bare skin. And Ryoga takes the invite.
The long-haired man wakes when the sun was just rising, he wasn’t in his room and his clothes were all the way near the door, on the floor. He squints, still sleepy, and looks besides him finding a familiar face. A friend. Or... maybe they became something else last night. Alito was covered in bite marks, and so was Ryoga. He starts blushing furiously when the memories of the last few hours came crashing down on his head.
“That was fun.” Alito startles him, stretching with a satisfied smile, “this is going to be interesting to explain hahaha.”
“The marks, mine and yours, or are you going to walk around covered up from head to toe?”
“Oh... oh shit.” Ryoga chuckles and both end up guffawing when trying to come up with several absurd excuses.
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linkspooky · 5 years
Top 10 Danganronpa characters
Normally my motto is “No Heroes, Only Villains.” In general I tend to dislike main characters because a lot of authors take short cuts to have the main character feel important, and end up bending the story around them. Whereas while villains are darker characters overall, because the narrative always frames their actions as bad they are usually far more complex characters with deeper, darker, struggles driving them udnerneath the surface. 
The one exception to my rule is Uchikoshi’s Zero Escape series, and Kodaka’s Dangan Ronpa series where I usually end up stanning the protagonist. Due to the fact that the objective of Dangan Ronpa is to inflict as much despair on the protagonist as possible, I can kind of see why this series is the one exception to my rule. 
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1. Mukuro Ikusaba - “I’m so sorry, Junko. I never really understood what despair was. But it’s going to be all right now. I finally understand. So… I’ll make sure I make you happy, Junko. I’ll make sure I fill you with despair. I’ll save Makoto… I’ll make sure the others don’t die. I’ll let them escape from this place…”
Most of the entries on this list are going to be characters I think have a solid narrative in their game/source material, rather than just picking characters I like. For example I like Tanaka, Mikan, a lot of the characters that fill up the killing game cast are faves however I want to judge them for their arc as a whole. Ikusaba Mukuro is my one exception because she is my absolute favorite character in Dangan Ronpa and she’s one of the most wasted narrative potentials. This likely comes as a result of Dangan Ronpa the original being the worst written game of the three, which lets a lot of its characters including Mukuro go to waste. 
Mukuro is a child soldier who’s been trained her entire life. She’s also a victim of sibling abuse, from her only genuine family and the one who loves her. What complicates this is Mukuro is also a bad person, she’s a terrorist who works for despair not because she believes it, but instead to make her sister happy. Mukuro’s lived her entire life to make her sister happy, and her sister loves nothing more than misery despair. You can see where the conflict arises. 
Narita’s rendition of Mukuro makes her one of the best characters in Dangan Ronpa. She’s a heartless murderer, but that’s because she has no one in her life except Junko. Of course life is worthless to her she’s never even been shown how to live. When Mukuro is introduced to ideas like love, she’s actually terrified. She’s so scared of other people she considers just talking to people to be worse than taking a shotgun blast to the face. Mukuro’s just so bad at being herself it’s easier to be the doll that Junko plays with. Which is why her turning from despair to hope because of the connections she made with Class 78, and Makoto still believing in her even after she chose to betray them and start the killing game is one of the coolest narrative ideas in Dangan Ronpa. Too bad it only happens in a Ryoga Narita short story. 
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2. Matsuda Yauske - “Who are you going to report me to? The National Japanese Ugly People Association? That kind of organization would be guilty of discrimination just by existing.”
Matsuda is also a character that could have had greater importance to the series as a whole, but I do think Dangan Ronpa Zero enough to tell his story. Matsuda is an almost perfect protagonist of a tragedy, his heroic qualities are what drag him underneath the surface of the water and cause him to drown. He’s just a kid who wants to protect his childhood friend no matter what the cost. After losing his mother, he made a promise that the two of them were going to spend the rest of their lives taking care of each other and Matsuda does his best to fulfill his end of that promise. 
Oh, also that childhood friend is a terrorist trying to destroy the school he is currently attending, and also killing several innocent people and forcing him to hide the bodies. Matsuda is deep down a very good person, but he hides it under his apathetic attitude and his harsh tongue. It shows that good people are perfectly capable of doing bad things. Matsuda knows exactly how wrong his actions are, but he takes them anyway out of desperation. We see him agonize over what he has to do, and then never forgive himself when he does. The rapid deterioration of his mental state because he a doctor, is hurting people, and even hurting the one he loves by protecting her is so compelling. Junko’s claws are already dug so deep into his skin, but he doesn’t want to escape because even with her arms wrapped around her neck at least Junko is still holding onto him. 
Matsuda’s a character whose both selfless to an unhealthy extent, and also self-motivated. Junko points this out (helpfully) and his complexity comes from the fact he’s not either or, but both at once. Yes, he’s trying to fix what happened to his mother by fixing Junko’s brain. Yes, he wants to protect Junko because that gives him a place to belong. However, at the same time he is doing all of this because he does genuinely love Junko, and that’s his despair. You can tell despite Ryoko being a Junko who does not care about despair, who is happy go lucky and completely dependant on him like he wants, she chafes him. He can’t stand Ryoko deep down, because he knows Ryoko is not Junko. Matsuda defines him entirely by his use to others and he fell in love with the girl who only knows how to use and manipulate others. It’s a match made in hell. 
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3.  Enoshima Junko - Hope is harmony. A just heart, moving toward the light. That is all. Despair is hope’s polar opposite. It is messy and confusing.
The most hardworking character in any story is the villain. Junko defines Danganronpa, Junko practically is Dangan Ronpa. That being said while her appearances in the main games are fun to read, she really shines as a fave of mine in Dangan Ronpa Zero. This is the few times we get a peek at what’s going on inside of Junko’s head instead of having to view from what she decides to show us on the outside. 
Junko’s so fascinating because she’s just too smart for the world around her. Her brain’s not broken, it works a little bit too well. She sees no point in making relationships because everybody around her acts so predictably they might as well be playing roles on a stage. Everyone is reading off of a script without even knowing it. 
You get the sense that Junko this amazingly talented girl, idolized, worshipped, loved by all, always in the center of the spotlight, just wants any life that’s not hers. Despite having been handed everything she can’t enjoy a single part of life. She has a very “I’m taking my ball and going home attitude” towards hope, if Junko can’t see the appeal of hope, if she can’t enjoy her school life then no one should be able to. 
There’s something viscerally pleasing to read in her desire to break the world around her. If everybody is reading from a script then burn the script. If everyone fits too easily into a box then she should destroy all the boxes. Junko herself is more of a personified Jungian Shadow, meant to drudge up the worst parts of society from the bottom of the ocean and make it float and burn on the surface of the water like long buried oil. However, I also find her character to be unique and compelling, not because she’s a psychopath but rather because she isn’t. Junko is capable of loving people, but she’s so bored that you’re guranteed to be worse off if she likes you, because you’re going to be disected while still alive just to prove you’re a living person and not a doll. 
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4. Saihara Shuichi - “The only time I can use my detective talent is after someone dies… A detective…can’t save anyone. I’m only useful after it’s already too late.”
Welcome to the I-Like-Dangan-Ronpa protagonists list. Shuichi is my favorite protagonist for a main sereis game, because he’s really the only one who has a strong arc through all six chapters. Makoto is the original danganronpa protagonist, but he’s much more interesting when he’s deconstructed by the other characters around him. 
Shuichi’s so interesting as a protagonist because he doesn’t always keep on hoping. In fact he gets scared, he runs away, he lies in his bed for days doing absolutely nothing. Shuichi is just as sensitive of a boy as Makoto is, but that emotinoal sensitivity is a flaw because it makes him fragile. Makoto would never give into despair, but Shuichi does which makes him all the more strong for pulling out of it. 
He’s timid, easily gets pushed around by others, what makes Shuichi so appealing is because he’s a terrible main character. The game even highlights this in the protaognist swap, Kaede was too strong, and Shuichi too weak to be a lead. There’s even hatemail in the game that’s like Shuichi sucks bring Kaede back and it’s hilarious. He has none of the strength of normal main characters. In fact he’s a walking bundle of nerves and weaknesses. Despite being a detective he’s not even as great as investigating as Kirigiri, and definitely not as cool. Yet, Shuichi struggles so much for every single step in the way. Most of the Dangan Ronpa games end with We’ll keep on hoping, which is a fine message but also pretty generic. DRV3 has the strongest themes of the series and it ends with Shuichi saying I don’t give a damn about hope, I’m going back to my real life. Which is all the stronger because you find out that Shuichi isn’t special, nor was he even that great of a person, he’s just kind of an creepy anti-social kid that sucked. His improvement feels so great because we’ve seen him accept that past self, but at the same time leave it behind. 
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5. Akamatsu Kaede “..And that's why we need to expose the mastermind and end this dumb killing game! So we can smile with everyone else!”
Kaede is also another comnentary on Makoto, but instead of passive she’s active. I’ve always called her an aggressive optimist. Makoto will just be very tolerant of other people, be patient with them, listen to them, whereas Kaede wants to be friends and she will beat your tragic backstory out of you if she needs to. 
This is once again a case of a great Dangan Ronpa character going to waste, but the protagonist switch gave us Shuichi so while I’m disappointed I can still live with the choice. What I love about Kaede and Shuichi as dual protagonists is how well they compliment one another. Kaede is friendly and social but she’s not necessarily nice or empathic. Shuichi is nice and empathic, but he’s anti-social and too timid to go out and make friends. I like deconstructions of empathy because Shuichi is kind of too empathic, he’s always so concerned with how others feel he lets his own heart get trampled over. Kaede’s the exact opposite, she’ll trample over other people trying to make them happy because she’s just too headstrong. 
She’s a version of Makoto where her relentless optimism, her ability to make friends, both of these things are flaws because Kaede doesn’t really understand other people’s struggles the same way Shuichi does. Which is why both of them shine the best when they’re together because as a duo they really don’t get along that much underneath the surface. Kaede is all about trusting everyone, but in the end she takes everything into her own hands. Shuichi acts like he wants everyone to rely on him but at the same time his self esteem is so low that he wants someone else to come and take the responsibility away from him. Which is why their relationship which seems to be perfectly complementary on the surface falls apart. Another thing I love about the two of them is most of the Dangan Ronpa guy/girl investigation duos are basically the girl just giving hints and being perfectly helpful to the guy the entire time, whereas Shuichi and Kaede both lie to each other while pretending they’re each other’s most trusted person. 
It’s a really great arc even if I wish Kaede had lived to see the consequences of the two of them falling apart and failing to trust each other rather than dying. 
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6. Hinata Hajime / Izuru Kamukura  “I’m not interested.”
Hinata Hajime is a boring rehash of Naegi Makoto whose only major difference is being slightly more anxious for the first five chapters, and then he becomes one of the most amazing characters in Dangan Ronpa. If you reread SDR2 knowing the Izuru Twist, Hinata’s character becomes a lot more distinct. 
The best way I’ve ever heard Hinata described is “Like Makoto, but not genuine about it.” Makoto is just a friendly guy who really likes everyone and really wants to help everyone, he’s kind of simple. Whereas, Hinata wants to be that person really desperately but he can’t. Because Hinata wants to be important. When he helps someone he wants to be relied on. When he makes a friend, he wants them to be an important friend. He wants to be selfless, but he can’t stop thinking about himself for one minute because he’s an anxious mess. 
DR3 is bad, but one of the few things it got right was Reserve Course Hinata’s genuine attitude. He seems angry and confrontational, but that’s only because he hates the idea of other people looking down on him. He’s always worried about what other people think of him, so being so confrontational helps him be avoidant. Nobody looks too close if he pretends to have a strong personality. 
Hinata is just someone so intensely disatisfied with himself he decided to get a surgery to take his brain out of his head and let him become someone else. Except Hinata can’t escape himself because Koameda is walking around as a walking callout post for him. This is what you look like. This is how you act. This is what you became in your desperation to become special, Komaeda just doesn’t hide it. 
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7. Fukawa Toko “My theory is that happy people can only write happy, shallow novels.“
Everybody told me to wait until UDG before I judged anything about Toko, but she was one of the few Non-Junko characters that I loved from the first game. What I like about Toko is how ugly, and miserable she is at all times. Toko’s like so unlikable that people generally get along with her split-personality better than her, because even though Jack is a serial killer she’s less difficult to deal with. 
Toko’s actually pretty low empathy. She doesn’t feel that much guilt over Jack being a serial killer. She doesn’t see herself in people suffering in front of her, even when they’re literal children who turned to murder because their parents were abusing them so badly she’s like nope, nope, nothing to see here. However that’s the appeal, Toko’s literally had the empathy beaten out of her. The reason she doesn’t feel those things is because she can’t. 
Toko’s so obviously broken, she’s a bundle of inferiority complexes and trauma just trying desperately to hide herself together. She’s an obvious victim of bullying, and yet she’ll bully people the second they get close to her. She’s not soft, or nice at all, and will say things to hurt you. Toko responds to ugliness with ugliness. She responds to hatred with hatred. She’s cinderella but she wasn’t able to remain kind when her wicked stepmothers abused her, os she became a serial killer instead. There’s something so raw about a girl cut apart with scissors desperately trying to piece herself back together. 
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8. Shingetsu Nagisa  "D-Don't be stupid! That's not true! I'll be a kid until I die! I would rather die right now than become an adult! Don't you believe me?"
I love all the kids from Ultra Despair girls, but once again Nagisa is my favorite because he has the most developed arc out of all of them. Nagisa is continually acting burdened by everyone around him. He’s always way in over his head, up to his neck in blood and has no idea what to do. He’s also the only one who seems to be consciously aware that they’re doing something bad and trying to justify it to himself. 
Nagisa is always overburdening himself, but much like Matsuda he does this because it’s the only way he knows how to function. If he wasn’t useful to everyone around him he would be thrown out. Nagisa continually pushes himself into unhealthier and unhealthier situations. 
And the best part about his arc is we get to see him crumble. He has this narrative where everyone always has expectations for him, and being told that nobody expects anything from him is his breaking point. He’s begging people to use him. He descends into a screaming fit and you realize this is a kid who has been used his entire life and thinks being loved is having someone who needs you. 
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9. “I am not like you. I believe in power. No matter how many I make into victims, even if it means my death, I shall destroy despair. That is my resolve!”
It’s hard to describe why I like Munakata. His confrontation with Makoto is one of my favorite scenes in the series, but out of context Dangan Ronpa dialogue always sounds so ridiculous. Munakata, no we need to kill the concept of despair, we need to kill everyone whose ever even felt sadness. If you disregard how the hope vs despair conflict kind of got ridiculous in DR3, there’s a lot of interesting parts about Munakata’s character.
He’s like a version of Makoto’s character who grew up into someone really unpleasant. He’s trying so hard to be the symbol of hope that Makoto just kind of is on accident. He’s one of the few characters who is a strict idealist that I like, because it shows how much Munakata cares about ideas over justice or hope over people to the point where he ends up being the reason that the people he loved dies. 
I like Munakata because he’s a bad person even though he’s fighting for objectively good reasons. He’s such a strict utilitarian he always uses people and has to be in control. He’s terrible to his own close friends. You get the sense that he never really knew either of them. That’s why it’s fun to see him destroy everything with his own hands, and realize after the fact that even when he was nothing left to fight for he has to keep going. Kodaka originally said he was going to die, but he realized making him live at the end with no reason to live was the better option and I agree it was the best possible conclusion to his character. 
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10. “Because you know I...things like murder, these kinds of abnormal crimes, from the bottom of my heart... LOVE THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING.” 
Takumi is a big weirdo and I love him. He’s a unique vigilante killer who kills other serial killers not because of any sense of justice, but rather because he thinks they’re all way too lame and he wants to find a really cool killer that lives up to his standards. Takumi is all about the spectacle of killing.
His brain is so weird that to him the feeling of watching his classmates cut apart with a knife is similiar to the feeling of falling in love. He’s a copycat killer but only because the killers he meet are so incompetent and unmotivated that he has to show them how to do it better. 
You get the sense that some part of Takumi is dead inside, because when he’s not killing people he’s lounging around acting like a NEET. He likes murder because the knowledge that death is so close is the only thing that makes him truly feel alive and life worth living to him. Ironically, he’s searching for a way to live in his grim fascination with death. There’s just so many tropes turned on their head and inverted for Takumi to the point where black becomes white and white becomes black that it makes his whole story so fun. 
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nekosayuri · 7 years
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Family: Uchiha.
I recreated this family first, ages ago, pretty much when Konoha was still empty. <3 it’s probably no surprise if you know me even a little (I mean, I use them in my previews too nowadays xD that’s how much I love them.)
I first created Sasuke and Sayuri in Belladonna Cove for the heck of it, but then I got really attached, especially to their kids. Back then (2014ish), my ACOH story was also not all that developed past their 20s, but playing their sims inspired me a lot, and the kids they had became their kids in my story too (well, only the first three, cause come on, eight kids?!) I literally let their sims guide my writing. <3
Since I wrote little Sim/story profiles for them, I posted them separately first, but here’s the all at once post. :D
This is like the first time I ever do this, but I really wanted to try, so sorry if I’m confusing! 
Uchiha Sayuri, previously Amamiya, is first, cause why not? She’s one of the main OCs. Self insert originally, too, so I’m a little biased. :D
Sayuri never really fit into the Ninja world. Something about the occupation always rubbed her the wrong way. She knew she was born in a Ninja village to a Ninja family, but was that really all there was? Was her destiny really to fight and kill? She refused that. It took many years, and some friends in high places, but with effort and stubbornness, Sayuri got people to follow her dream and make it a reality: a village where kids could be kids, without the pressure of the Ninja world on their shoulders, where they have a choice and can make their own way. A place where she would want her own kids to grow up.
Nowadays, Sayuri is the head of the Diplomacy department of Konoha’s government. A skilled negotiator who is not afraid to get in the thick of it, she’s solved many situations that could have ended far worse. She gets personally involved, though, which takes its toll. But she can’t help it– this is how she is. She wouldn’t be so good at it otherwise.
Sayuri is a family sim with a pleasure secondary. Her zodiac is Cancer, with a personality of 5/4/5/5/6. She’s relatively in-the-middle there for someone as revolutionary as her, but despite being kinda shy, she’s also VERY stubborn and willing to fight for her dreams/goals/whatever.
Traits: Family oriented, nurturing, over-emotional, bookworm, and terrible cook.
Turn ons: black hair, logical (may have been influenced a little over the years she was married to Sasuke… xD). Turn offs: bad at cooking that should be a turn off, ugh! Right now, it’s robots, because there’s no such thing, yet! I can never find turn offs that actually make sense.
Sasuke is next, this is my attempt at explaining what he is like in my story?
Sasuke spent 10 years living a life that wasn’t his, pursuing a goal that was forced on him by his brother, Itachi. When he came out on the other side, he couldn’t recognise himself anymore– not the person he was before the whole thing started, not the person he had become over the years. He had nothing left but a hollowness inside that scared him. But he was wrong, and there were people who were there to show him that. As soon as he saw in himself something good that could become bigger, he grabbed it with both of his hands and never let go.
Nowadays, he’s the Head of Shield, a team of elite ninja, chosen only by him and the Hokage. They’re the very best for a reason. Each and every one of them are experts in their field and they normally go on the most dangerous missions, and come back alive. That must say something! Due to his position, Sasuke also has a seat on the council. Though he clearly cares about his position and the village itself, Sasuke would prefer to stay out of harm’s way most of the time… so he can come back home to his family at the end of the day.
Random facts: the name ‘Shield’ was chosen by the Hokage, Naruto, at the time. It’s inspired by a word he heard while visiting the Cloud village. Also, ‘dangerous’ isn’t the same as it used to be 10-20 years ago.
Sasuke is a family sim, too, with a knowledge secondary. His zodiac is Leo, with a personality of 7/4/8/3/5 (mostly head-canon, really). He’s a bit of a clean freak and his active personality is literally his core. 
Traits: Athletic, disciplined, brave (a condition for his job), social disaster, natural cook. 
Turn ons: fitness, creative. Turn offs: fat.
Kaito is the eldest and the only boy in the family besides Sasuke. I admit I was delighted their first kid was a boy. :D
Kaito is a genius. Everybody knows that. He’s “perfect” in every way (ask his fangirls), and so he should be, he’s an Uchiha after all. Kaito sees it a different way though, he just wants to be left alone, so he can read his books and do his ninja training and hang out with his friends and figure himself out. Everybody is in such a hurry to put him on a pedestal... 
Kaito is a teenager (15 story-time), so he has only one aspiration, knowledge. His zodiac is Aries, with a personality of 5/4/7/3/7. He was born in game and everything was copied over, although originally I had Sayuri encourage him to be nicer, so that was copied over as well. He’s hell of a lot like Sasuke, personality wise, but his attitude towards people is more like Sayuri’s. xD
Traits: Genius, brave (from Sasuke), terrible cook (from Sayuri). Teens in my game will have only three traits, get another one as YA, and last one as adults.
Turn ons: athletic, brown hair. Turn offs: jewellery.
Mikoto got her name from Sasuke’s mother, because she was born with her eyes (grey which is lighter than Sasuke’s.) It’s mostly not a thing to name your kids after your parents (with some clan exceptions), but meh. 
Right from the start, there was one thing that stood out about Mikoto: her unending care for others. Even as a young child, she would take care of her friends and her little sister, watching over them as if she were their mother. She got more into art as she grew, and she loves painting. She doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life, you know? She’s only 13 after all! She still has two years before she has to decide whether to go to Ninja school or the Academic one, and she’s going to take her time figuring it out.
Mikoto is a child in the sims, despite being 13 story-time (I kinda figure Teen stage starts at 15), so her aspiration is still to grow up. Her zodiac is Aquarius, with a personality of 4/5/5/5/6. Again, born in game and everything was copied. She’s obviously a lot like Sayuri with the whole in-the-middle thing.
Traits: nurturing (from Sayuri), artistic.
Hikari was born in the middle of the night, when Sasuke and Sayuri caught a glimpse of a falling star just before Sayuri went into labor (that actually happened in my game, I’ll add a link to the picture when the archive actually works -_-). Anyway, I’m a bit of a cliche, so obviously she got her name from the stars lighting up the night sky. XD
Hikari is not like Kaito and Mikoto. She’s not unsure, she’s not confused. She knows exactly what she wants: to be a ninja, of course, so she can be as strong as her father, or even more! so what if she’s just 10 and has plenty of time to make up her mind? 
Hikari’s aspiration is to grow up in the sims, since she’s still a child. Her zodiac is Cancer, with a personality of 5/3/8/4/5. She got her active trait from Sasuke and her shyness from Sayuri. :D born in game, copied faithfully as always.
Traits: Shy, athletic (from Sasuke).
Bonus: The cats!
From right (sitting cat) to left: Kuro, Kurona and Ryoma. 
Sasuke found Kuro on a dark, rainy night when he was just a kitten. He never cared for animals all that much, but when their eyes met, he couldn’t just leave him be, either. Kuro had the kind of eyes that reminded him of his own, at the time-- aloof, independent, but also lonely and lost. So he took him in for the night. That was when he was 17. Needless to say, Kuro stayed. But Kuro came with his own dark past and his own troubles... he’s a ninja cat, after all!
Fun fact: Kuro means Black in Japanese. That’s how creative his name is! Sasuke’s idea.
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It was again a dark, rainy night when… ok no, it was a sunny weekend day, when Sasuke and Sayuri were 21, that Kuro came running in frantically and begged (by meowing, a lot) for them to come with him. When they arrived at the destination, they found a pregnant white cat, but she seemed sick. They took her to the animal hospital, who decided to get her kittens out ASAP. Luckily, everybody survived. The kittens were given homes, and the pretty white cat, well… Kuro got attached to her, so Sasuke and Sayuri ended up taking her in, too. Need I mention she’s also a ninja cat?
Fun fact: Kurona was given her name because, well, there’s Kuro, so if we add na (supposedly, a short for nya, which is the sound cats make in Japanese), you get Kurona. It was Sasuke’s idea
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Ryoma is their son. He was a part of a litter of four, but the other three were given away because there was just too much chaos at home and Sasuke couldn’t stand it. There was some whining and crying from the children, who were all old enough to understand what was happening, but what had to be done was done. For some odd reason, though, Sasuke decided to keep Ryoma... the hyper, wild kitten! 
Funny fact: He got his name from a character in Prince of Tennis. Yep. No story reason there. XD (the other kittens were named Ryoga, Nana, and Kana. Two males, two females. :D) 
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A note on ninja cats for interested people: they’re not like normal cats. Their lifespan is much longer (closer to humans), even though their ability to breed is similar to normal cats– basically, they can breed as soon as normal cats, but they lose that ability the older they get (halfway through their life). As always, females sooner than males. Another thing is that they do understand the human language, and they can also talk! That said, both Kuro and Kurona escaped from their ninja village before they actually learned to talk, so neither of them can. They do understand the human language though, as they’re taught that sooner than to actually talk it. They can also read it, but not write.
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