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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Stowaway (2021)
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Seeing Stowaway on a small screen is a shame. Even at home, there’s a sequence that creates such intense vertigo it’ll make your legs wobble. In the cinema? It would've been amazing. This is a smart sci-fi movie that focuses on relevant ideas. It’ll have you wondering what you would do in the characters’ shoes.
After the launch of the MTS-42, commander Marina Barnett (Toni Collette), biologist David Kim (Daniel Dae Kim), and medical researcher Zoe Levenson (Anna Kendrick) discover an unconscious support engineer aboard. What is Michael Adams (Shamier Anderson) doing here? How will they manage the two-year voyage to Mars when there are only enough resources for three people?
At the film's core is a moral dilemma. There are four people. Only three can survive. What do you do? Scramble to find a solution? That costs resources, time, and energy. There's only so much to spare before a call must be made. Once every solution has been exhausted… then what? Draw straws? If only it were that simple. Firstly, why is Michael aboard? To sabotage the mission? Even if he isn’t, who’s to say he won’t freak out when he realizes he’s the expendable stowaway? Once the orders from Earth come in, which members of the MTS-42 will follow?
This conundrum would be easier to solve if the people were one-dimensional, but they’re well-written. You understand everyone’s point of view and the actors are charismatic (particularly Anna Kendrick, who you might not have bought as an astronaut but you do as a medical researcher traveling to space under a captain). Sometimes people make decisions that make you wince but only because it's cranked up the uncertainty. Stowaway is missing a little something to push it up to the next level where someone death would make you burst into tears but it’s solid overall.
The best scene concerns a desperate gambit to ensure everyone’s survival. It’s a blend of the Burj Khalifa scene from Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation and Gravity. One false step and you’re falling into a literal bottomless pit. Losing your grip would mean a horrible, lonely death through oxygen deprivation. You might as well take off your helmet and make it quick. There’s so much riding on that scene you’ll be vibrating with anxiety and excitement. The longer it goes on, the more intense it gets because it’ll be harder for them to go back and the obstacles they notice keep adding up. Even if the movie were just ok, it would be worth seeing just for that.
Writers Ryan Morrison and Joe Penna (who also directs) have made all the right choices with this script. Stowaway resists making things easy by having villains or simple solutions. There's nothing simple about the moral dilemma explored here. Watch it on the biggest screen you can with all the lights turned off. Preferably, with someone else holding your hand so you can feel how tightly they squeeze it when it gets at its most intense. (May 6, 2021)
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racielneto · 4 years ago
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#48🎬 Arctic (2018) O filme é igual o “Náufrago”, só que no polo norte: ✅ poucos personagens; ✅  sobrevivência (homem vs natureza); ✅  dilema entre sobreviver e procurar ajuda; ✅  Wilson (é sério, metaforicamente); ✅  pedido de desculpas emocionado; ✅ ótima atuação (no singular mesmo). Enquanto no Náufrago a gente se diverte boa parte do filme vendo o Tom Hanks se ferrar e aprender a viver numa ilha deserta, em Arctic o Mads Mikkelsen já é um cara que sabe se virar num ambiente incrivelmente hostil como o ártico. O interessante passa a ser a habilidade e objetividade com que ele conduz o dia-a-dia, as sacadas, as saídas e ferramentas que ele emprega para se virar no meio da neve. Eu não sei nada sobre lidar com neve, então isso foi massa. Ver a atuação do Mads é sempre bom, e aqui óbvio que ele vai bem, mas o roteiro exige pouco. Não há muita nuance no roteiro para um misto de emoções, acaba sendo aquela coisa de tremer de frio e gritar de dor, mas tem um pouco de espaço para momentos mais delicados, com a ajuda do “Wilson” dele. Aliás, palmas para o roteirista (e diretor) Joe Penna pelo modo como introduz o Wilson na história, tão criativo quanto em “Náufrago”. O filme lembra um pouco Get Out pela naturalidade das decisões do protagonista, ele não toma decisões bobas somente para servir a história. A direção que abusa um pouco demais da contemplação da paisagem, desacelerando bastante o ritmo filme. Não chega a deixar o filme ruim por causa disso, mas é notável, e não deveria ser. Com ótima atuação e direção perfeita, Arctic tem muito mais a favor do que contra. Maaaaas, se você achou Náufrago meio paradão, Arctic não é para você. Raça Score: Massa #arctic #madsmikkelsen #joepenna #ryanmorrison #googleplay #dicadefilme #cinema #everyframeapainting #streaming #metacritic #imdb #DiaNovoFilmeNovo Ps: Joe Penna é brasileiro, esse é o seu primeiro longa metragem e ele começou no youtube. Vale acompanhar! https://www.instagram.com/p/CLac9bXrp8y/?igshid=x17smmjc8f5w
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codycachet · 7 years ago
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#DONTFORGETABOUTTHEBOYS - who are the boys? - #EvanJames #NathenFrost #ZacStevens #JasperRobinson #RyanMorrison #DaveSlick - these are our boys - #DFATB - Please share + learn more. @codycachet
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aarimoore97 · 12 years ago
Ryan Morrison performing "#ThatPower" 2013 ©MPIRE
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aarimoore97 · 12 years ago
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aarimoore97 · 12 years ago
Ryan Morrison performing "K' K' Kiss On My (WooHoo) ©MPIRE 2013 featuring vocals by Nicki Minaj
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