#Russian orthodoxy
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krasivaa · 1 year ago
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Russia ✨
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snatching-ishidates-wig · 1 year ago
'Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality' in 1905
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St. John's Church in Voronki (built 1905)
"While they [conservatives within the ecclesiastical hierarchy] supported the general notion of self-government for the Church, they were not prepared to see the authority of the appointed bishops or the monastic clergy weakened in any way. Even less were they inclined to accept the argument put forward by the Prime Minister, Count Witte, on proposing the Law of Religious Toleration in 1905, that ending discrimination against the rivals of Orthodoxy would not harm the Church provided it embraced the reforms that would revive its own religious life.
The senior hierarchs of the Church might have flirted for a while with the heady ideas of self-government being bandied about by their liberal brethren, but Witte's insistence on making religious toleration the price of such autonomy (a policy motivated by the prospect of wooing important commercial groups in the Old Believer and Jewish communities) was guaranteed to drive them back into the arms of reaction.
After 1905 they allied themselves with the court and extreme Rightist organizations, such as the Union of the Russian People, in opposing all further attempts by the liberals to reform the Church and extend religious toleration. The old alliance of 'Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality' was thus revived against the threat of a liberal moral order.
This clash of ideologies was one of the most decisive in shaping Russian history between 1905 and 1917."
A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891–1924, Orlando Figes
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rudyscuriocabinet · 6 months ago
Liudmila Knyazeva (Людмила Князева) - Русская классическая хоровая музыка 19-20 в. (Russian Classical Choral Music of the 19th-20th Centuries)
My friend, the Russian composer Liudmila Knyazeva, has composed an album of Eastern Orthodox choral music.  It’s a wonderful venture with the vaunted hymns the Church is known for.  This is an especially nice thing to hear as we as Orthodox prepare for the Marian Fast, as well as for my Saint’s Name Day (Ilija, or Elijah).
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slastena-shipper · 2 years ago
Why don't you support LGBTQ+ and there are no homosexual couples in your AU RealFell?
I'm sorry, but I, like any person, can love something, hate something, accept something, and not accept something, my religion also plays a huge role, I have the right not to love LGBTQ+ and not accept it, because I am true to myself and my religion. This does not mean that I am doing someone bad or wishing someone evil, but tolerance should not work only towards LGBTQ+ people, you should also respect people with a different opinion and religion. All people are different and unique in their own way, understand this. No one is obliged to love you just because you support LGBTQ+, they love you for the actions you have done in life, and it's up to you to decide whether they will be good or bad.
In addition, a law has been passed in my country that prohibits the dissemination of this, especially among minors "Propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, sex change," for which you can get a large fine or even a prison term, depending on how much you break the law. But, no one destroys the lives of people who are already in same-sex relationships. It is simply desirable for them not to engage in perversions in public places and they will not be able to marry. And so, they are free to do anything, any perversions, but within their house behind the wall, of course, like all other couples, including hetero (by the way, hetero can also be fined for perversions on the street, so we don't have any parades dedicated specifically to orientation or other things about which there's not much I can know)
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tamatarkha · 2 years ago
"The influence of Byzantium in the Orthodox world <…> was based precisely on the fact that it was for all the Orthodox peoples of the East the cultural center, from which came out science, education, the highest and most perfect forms of church and social life, etc. In this respect, Moscow was nothing like the old Byzantine Empire. Moscow did not know what science and scientific education were; it did not even have a school or people with a correct scientific education; its entire educational capital consisted of that, from the scientific point of view, not particularly rich and varied legacy, which at various times Russians either directly or indirectly received from the Greeks, without adding anything of their own to it. It is natural, therefore, that the primacy and supremacy of Moscow in the Orthodox world could only be purely external and very contingent."
Nikolay Kapterev, The Nature of Russia's Relationship with the Orthodox East, 1885
"Влияние Византии в православном мире <…> основывалось именно на том, что она была для всех православных народов востока культурным центром, откуда исходили к ним наука, образование, высшие и совершеннейшие формы церковной и общественной жизни и пр. Ничего похожего на старую Византию не представляла в этом отношении Москва. Она не знала, что такое наука и научное образование, она даже совсем не имела у себя школы и ��иц, получивших правильное научное образование; весь её образовательный капитал заключался в том, с научной точки зрения, не особенно богатом и разнообразном наследстве, которое в разное время русские посредственно или непосредственно получали от греков, не прибавив к нему с своей стороны почти ровно ничего. Естественно поэтому, что первенство и главенство Москвы в православном мире могло быть только чисто внешнее и очень условное."
Н.Ф Каптерев, Характер отношений России к православному Востоку, 1885
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russianreader · 2 years ago
Red Corners
“The post-Soviet man’s red corner.” Pavel Pryanikov (Facebook), 20 January 2023 Made of large logs of pine, spruce or larch, a tall and spacious northern izba (log-house) was heated by a huge Russian stove. If the stove was the heart of the Russian house, its soul was the Red Corner (red [krasny] meaning beautiful in old Russian) where the family’s sacred objects sat. This area included holy…
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vintage-russia · 5 months ago
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"Радоуисѧ,Невѣсто Неневѣстнаꙗ"
Icon of the Virgin Mary “Tenderness” (19th-20th century)
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soulrestinginstpetersburg · 10 months ago
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commissarred · 3 months ago
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Midnight Office followed by Liturgy at 1 am
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esoteric-ism · 5 months ago
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afflictionangel · 7 months ago
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krasivaa · 1 year ago
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love-promethea · 1 month ago
me n who fr
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jh-newman-opn · 3 months ago
The Moscow Fiasco
At the prodding of @quonunc, here is a quick overview of the incident I fondly referred to as "the Moscow fiasco" in a previous ask about the difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy. It's a subject dear and horrifying to my heart after I wrote my undergrad dissertation on it.
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In short: this is to do with how the Moscow Patriarchate (Russian Orthodox Church, hereafter ROC) is entirely in bed with the Russian government, and how Patriarch Kirill (of Moscow and All Russia) has been responding to the ongoing situation in Ukraine (and former Soviet lands more generally). Picture will make sense lower down the post.
The slightly longer short answer is that Patriarch Kirill is entirely in favour of the Ukraine war, and the ROC clergy are under significant pressure to support that as an official church stance-- my dissertation topic started to germinate when, completely by accident, I came across a 10-minute video of a ROC priest explaining very slowly and carefully that when he met the Pope, he did not talk about Ukraine. Will link this video if I can find it again, but at present it's proving elusive. (EDIT: found it!!! It was the Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary. This video looks like a hostage video honestly £10 says there's someone behind the camera holding a gun to this man's head for legal reasons this is a joke).
The foundation for this belief is obviously completely political (and the history of how the ROC and Russian state are completely entwined is long and complicated to say the least!), but officially the ROC stance is that it's about reclaiming the historic Slavic spiritual unity founded on the Baptism of Rus' in the year 988 by Vladimir the Grand Prince of Kievan Rus' when Slavdom become Orthodox. Proponents of this "Russian World" theory (Russkiy Mir') basically argue that it's the influence of the West that has fractured the unified Slavic people into different, opposing nations, and that by "liberating" Ukraine of this alien ideology of nationhood, the Slavic Orthodox world will regain its historic unity under the common banner of Orthodoxy. All I will say on this is that these people have a very rosy view of Kievan Rus', but that's a post for another day.
This has obviously caused friction within the Orthodox world. Ukraine now has two Orthodox churches-- the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which is in communion with the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is in communion with the Russian Patriarchate. They are not in communion with each other, and Constantinople's decision to grant autocephalous status to the OCoU caused Moscow to schism with Constantinople. Constantinople is also accusing Moscow of heresy (specifically, ethno-phyletism). Moscow obviously denies this. Obvious question for the Catholics among us-- does this mean Russian Orthodox christians are no longer Orthodox? No, because schisms between Orthodox churches are not particularly unusual, and they remain within the general cloud of Orthodox communion links.
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The whole mess is then immortalised in the absolute monstrosity that is the Main Cathedral to the Russian Armed Forces, which is what I wrote my diss on. The YouTube video linked there is promotional material from Russian military-themed TV channel Звезда, and is one of the better sources of info on it-- a lot of English-language sources contain a lot of incorrect information on it-- either because they don't understand the cultural background, or just straight up lies from the Russian govt propaganda arm--, so take anything they say with a grain of salt. Kirill then gives televised sermons from this cathedral in which he talks about the glorious Russian martyrs of the Ukraine invasion, does his best to harmonise Stalinism and Orthodoxy, and oversees military parades for national holidays. This cathedral has a huge amount of weird symbolism and imagery, and I am super happy to talk more about the mosaics and propaganda going on there, because it's a lot (to say the quiet part out loud: pLEASE ask me more about this cathedral because the more I think about it the more scream-worthy facts about it I remember).
You may have seen memes with this picture of the Virgin Mary (below). Yeah that's from this cathedral. And it's a really really fucked up image. Like, more fucked up than you may think. Could have written my entire diss on this image alone and how shockingly awful it is. western orthobro converts who keep reblogging it as if it's somehow cool and macho are just showing how little they know and it's embarrassing.
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The militarism of the ROC since this whole thing has also gone bonkers and there's a huuuuuge amount of corruption and weird stuff going on. The tension between the clergy and the laity has been extremely high for decades, and has spilled over most notably in Pussy Riot's Punk Prayer stunt, an exhibition called Осторожно, религия! (beware, religion!), and some shenanigans in church-building more generally. On this particular incident I would point to the blessing of nuclear weapons and the canonisation of a patron saint of long-range nuclear missiles as key moments. The cathedral also has matching mosaics of Putin and Stalin, a fact that the Russian government very much wants you to think never happened (officially the mosaics were removed, but they absolutely were not-- muggins here found them and has the pictures to prove it).
The main takeaway from this topic is that situation is obviously complicated and the repercussions for everyone involved-- particularly Russian and Ukrainian laypeople-- are unpleasant to say the least. It gives something of a window into the Putin regime and its propaganda arm (Epiphany swim, topless horseriding pictures, Soviet-style policies, I could go on) more than anything else, because the situation inside the ROC is still quite obscure. From talking to people who know Kirill personally, it's not clear quite what he thinks is going on or why he's involved the way he is. Either way. Fiasco.
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crlnblck · 11 months ago
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thepatristictradition · 6 months ago
Suffering is not What You Think
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(The Penitent Magdalene)
So often you hear, when people leave their churches, their gripes surround suffering. Why would God allow suffering? Why would God allow babies to be murdered and die of cancer? Why would He allow war and cannibalism and pedophilia? Why did God allow me to see my mother die? Why did he allow this or that?
What I cannot help but notice is that the people saying this are never talking about their own suffering.
"Why does God allow war?" said a cowardly young man who has never seen bloodshed. "Why does God allow cancer?" said a woman who is perfectly healthy. "Why does God allow abuse?" said a man who had the privilege of watching the sex abuse crisis of the RCC play out on the TV screen and not in the sacristy. "Why did God allow my mother do die?" said a daughter who is still alive.
We may mourn, and we ought to mourn, the sorrows and the fallenness of this world, but witnessing suffering is not the same as suffering.
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(Just Take Them and Leave Me Alone)
This was never more clear to me than when I spent a summer arguing with my anti-natalist, atheist sister. She would spend hours berating my poor mother and father for the heinous crime of having children. During one of these spats, my sister turned to me and said, "How can you support natalism?" which she said like a slur, "your grandmother abused you from the moment you were born."
Now, this is true. Truer than she knew, or, if I have it my way, will ever know. My grandmother (who was my and my sister's primary caregiver) always despised me because I was born with a deformity. Her hatred only intensified when my sister was born. My sister was, in her eyes, perfect. As a child, my sister would ask for me to be abused in front of her, for her amusement, by my grandmother.
My sister witnessed plenty of my suffering, but she experienced not an iota of it. And yet, she used my suffering as a way to say that all of human life is suffering. She used it to discredit the worth of all human life.
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I find this is always the case. When I was an atheist, I was confused by people who brought up the "problem of suffering". I never viewed my suffering as something that made my life worse. Even as an atheist and a child, I saw clearly how the suffering I experienced and was experiencing was driving me toward a larger purpose. This pattern of thought followed me into the sexual abuse I experienced in middle school and into my conversion.
My atheist associates, whose suffering I know well, likewise never cite their suffering as a reason for their disbelief. When you really get down to it, "God is a big meanie" is not a reason to reject His existence, say these associates of mine.
It is only being a witness to suffering-- usually an impotent witness-- that causes this specific kind of apostasy. Even if my sister had stopped encouraging it, I still would have been abused. Her behavior would have made little difference. It is the same for the sufferings I listed earlier. Regardless of what we tell ourselves, no boycotting, no Instagram post, and not even tax evasion or immolation will stop the Genocide Israel is purporting against the Palestinians. We, far removed, poor, and powerless foreigners, are impotent. We can do nothing to help someone with a terminal illness not die-- it's terminal. We can do nothing to help the kidnapped children we see on the news, taken from their homes halfway across the country. We cannot bilocate, live forever, or have infinite money.
When these people say, "Why does God allow suffering?" they are actually asking, "Why does God allow my impotence?" The implication is that, of course, they would solve these sufferings if only they were not impotent. Is this the case? I don't know; who am I to judge the heart of another man?
Whatever the case, it is clear to me that witnessing suffering is of some different metaphysical nature than the actual experience of suffering. I've written a little about this privately, so I will get around to expanding upon it in further posts.
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