🖤🦇 Dark Little Creature🦇🖤
8 posts
I'm an angel...with a cracked halo, torn stockings, blurred eyeliner and my knickers 'round my ankles.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
A Little Snippet
A sneak peek at the next chapter of Tattoos & Bruises
I promise I haven't forgotten about you all! My life has just been so chaotic as of late I haven't had a change to finish off the next chapter. BUT.... Here is a little piece to keep you in suspense hehe
You must be losing your mind! Standing outside the hall door, you can hear Larissa talking. Wednesday and Enid are waiting on the other to let you in at the right time. Why did you agree to wear a dress and heels? You adjust the dress, its skin-tight and just above the knee, 6-inch heels, your hair wavy and loose, Enid even made sure you had makeup on for today’s event. The things you do for the ones you care for…. Flowers and a little black box ready in hand. Enid and Wednesday tap on the door. Show time. The door slowly opens, you sneak in and what.
As Larissa plans on bring the final assembly to an end, the girls get the plan going. Wednesday starts creating a path as Enid shouts out, asking Larissa what her plans are for the holiday. Her response almost has you tripping over your own feet. “Oh, I have little one I plan on having lots of fun with. Wednesday turns back to look at you “what an apt name Ms” Some how you manage to make to the front without being noticed. Wednesday clears her throat. “There is one more question for you Principal Weems.” Enid snaps her fingers and the entire school steps to either side of the hall. You walk up to her and curtsey. “Principal Weems, would you perhaps do me the honour of making my house a home and move in this tattooed woman?” holding out the flowers and the little box you smile up at her. “You want me to move in with you? You are insane to want to live with me! But how could I turn down a face like your?”
For moment you thought she was actually turning you down. Taking advantage of your new height you put the flowers and box down on the podium, pulling Larissa against you and kissing her. The excitement of girls screaming, and the boys whistling had you giggling against your lovers' lips, before pulling away you lean up to her ear “I am feeling like a very bad girl…just so you know Ma’am.” Letting her go you give another curtsy to her and the students. Her mouth still hanging. “I’ll go wait for you in your office.”
@angelwolf96 @pebbleswritessometimes @weemssapphic
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
Reblog if you want one of these in your ask box:
•A compliment
•A story
•Why you follow me
•A cute message
•One thing you want to tell me
•One thing you want to know about me
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
A New Start
Hello all my dark lil creatures! This will be my new blog. I apologies for any confusion! Kisses to all!! 🦇😘🥰🖤
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
Beautiful Little Creature
Notes: Sorry it has taken so long...things have been crazy 🦇🖤
Chapter 3
The giant groaned as he slowly pushed the marvelous black marble doors open. As you step inside the you whimper as a shiver runs through your body. The room, if that is what one would call it, was bigger than your entire little flat back at home.
The room was dark, lit only by the blazing fireplace, and burning torches mounted along the walls. The longer you stood there, the more nervous you got. This was certainly starting to feel like a very bad idea. Dark and twisted was one thing in your life. But this was starting to get a little too much for your dark little soul. Another groan from behind you and the shutting of the doors made you jump. A whimper stuck in your throat and a racing heart had you quickly heading back to the door.
“Leaving so soon Ms. Ives? We haven’t even had the chance to chat. Why don’t you have a seat before rushing out, you might come to find this is everything you have been dreaming of.”
There was that voice again. Slowly turning around, keeping your head down, trying your utmost best to regain your composure, you took a deep breath before looking up. The gasp that left your lips had you blushing. Your eyes fell upon the most beautiful looking creature you had ever seen. Taller than most, skin that was possibly as pale as yours, the most sweets white curls framing their face. Eyes so blue you had already gotten lost swimming in them.
You found yourself walking slowly towards them, your eyes never leaving theirs. The whimper that was once stuck in your throat had left your lips the moment you sat down in front of them. You were calm yet your heart wanted to leap from your chest. Your mouth was dry, leaving you completely speechless. The figure before you took a seat and smiled wickedly at you.
“Welcome to Netherworld Ms. Ives, I must apologize once again for my tardiness. But if you choose to join me, you will see that running a college like this is anything short from easy.” As a few moments past without an answer the Principal stood and come over to you. A touch to your arm had you snap out of your trans. The warmth of their hand was overwhelming and deliciously pleasant. Your cheeks warmed as you looked up at them. “I do apologize Principal Morningstar; it seems I am at a slight lose for words in your presence.” With a slight tilt of their head and a small smile they return to their chair.
“Most interesting college you have here. Can’t find out much about it, and the town has this ludicrous idea that it popped up over night. Since my arrival, I have yet to see or hear a student or even another staff member. So, if I may, what kind of college is this exactly?” Your words stern and slightly cold. While time here had not been as long as it had probably felt, you wished to leave sooner rather than later. Yet as you shifted in your chair, their gazing had you wanting to stay a little longer.
“It’s a school for special children and young adults Ms. Ives. The students that come here are of unique backgrounds and have very specific futures. We are here to make sure they fulfill these goals and do so with only the finest results. We do not settle mediocracy here.”
The answer you got is certainly not something you were expecting. While most schools wanted their pupils to try to their best abilities, hearing them tell you that they wouldn’t settle for anything less than greatness seemed harsh and unfair to children. No matter what their futures are meant to be.
“Well, I have never been one to force a child to do more than what I know is their best. But I always make sure that their best is achieved. No reason to push them if one knows that a B student will never be an A student.” You paused for a second, you could have sworn you saw flames dancing in their eyes. “I would also very much like to understand what you mean by special children? I find it hard to believe that this is a school for special needs students.”
A knock on the door had the Principal standing up with a slight smile. “I am sorry Ms. Ives; I unfortunately have other matters I need to attend to. I will have a contact and further information emailed through to you later this evening. I have been informed that you have been looking at transport and a house?” You were about to speak when they raised a hand and continued their thought “I have taken it upon myself to have it all arranged. Your goods will be collected from your hotel, and everything should be ready for you by the time you leave here. Please can you let me know what else you require so that we can arrange to have it delivered to your new home.”  Irritation had set in by this point. Who the hell did they think they were. “Principal Morningstar, I have not even accepted the job, I also do not take kindly to my personal space and life being interfered in. This is a boundary that, I don’t how or why, has been greatly overstepped.”
The doors behind you opened, the Principal leaning over you, their hands on either side of the arm rests, their face inches from yours. “Feisty little thing aren’t you Ms. Ives? Whats done is done, and let’s be honest with one another shall we? We both know that you are going to accept my offer, how could you not?”
The principal ushered you out the office and the doors shut once again behind you. You were speechless yet oddly hot and bothered by the situation that had just happened. You blindingly walked through the school, somehow naturally just knowing which way to head out as if you have been walking these corridors for years. Once outside you found a car already waiting outside for you, waiting to take you to your new home, and seemingly your new life.
@pebbleswritessometimes - 😘🥰🖤 kisses to you babes @justcallmelittleone
@gwendolinechristieiscute - tagging you from here hun. Other blog was linked, so have started over separately.
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
Beautiful Little Creature
Notes: open to feed back. Hope you enjoy 🖤🦇
Chapter 2
You were up earlier than normal, for some strange reason, the interview had you very anxious. It wasn’t as if this would have been your first, and it certainly wouldn’t be your last. Yet you couldn’t shake the nerves that had you up and pacing your hotel room 4am that morning.
By 6:3am you were showered and standing in front of the cupboard. Staring blankly at all the clothes that you had brought with for this day. More than one option, yet you could decide which one to wear. Skirts weren’t always your thing, even though they normally end up making head turn. No, that’s not something you need for today. Not at a school. A slim fitting pair of black slacks, a white blouse and heels. That should be perfect. 7:00am you were in the bathroom finishing up your hair and makeup. Nothing special, a little base, eyeliner, and mascara. Your hair you curled lightly and twisted into a pin up look. Taking a final look at yourself you sighed. For the first time it bothered you that you hadn’t changed your hair colour to something normal. The emerald green stood loud and proud. Too late now. The piercing your face held would also just have to stay. Tattoos were concealed. This is who you are. The school board wanted you, so they must know what you look like.
By 7:30am you were in a cab and on your way to Netherworld College. “You know Miss, I personally have never taken anyone up to the school. The name alone freaks me out. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into here.” The drivers voice sounded as anxious as you felt. He had a fair enough point. Everything about this school seemed odd, the name, the Principals name, the fact that no one actually knew a thing about the place. “Honestly Mister, I haven’t the faintest idea what I am facing.” You saw the concern in his eyes as he glanced back at you in his rearview mirror. You couldn’t help start wondering what it was you were actually doing. Dark and mysterious may have been your way of life, but this seemed more life risking than you even deemed normal for yourself.
Driving through massive iron gates you swallowed hard. The grounds seemed darker all of a sudden, as if the sun was dimmer past the gate. Glaring out the window your eyes widened as you came up to the massive stone structure. While your anxiety grew, there was something oddly comical about your current situation. Here you are, at a castle like structure, coming to meet a Morningstar, the Principal of the school called Netherworld. To top it off, while Lily is what you had always gone by, Lilith was truly your name. Stepping out the car the driver gave you a smile and was out of there before you could ask him to wait.
As you walked up the steps the stupendous door slowly opened. Stepping in your found the entrance to be empty. Who opened? “Lily…I think it’s time we call this for what it is.” Whispering to yourself you slowly started stepping back. Deciding that maybe this isn’t the best idea. As you turned so the doors closed. Pulling on the oddly warm handles you started to panic. A low voice came ringing behind you, a squeak left your lips as you turned and pressed against the door. “You must be Ms Ives, they were concerned that perhaps you had gotten lost. If you’ll follow me, I shall take you to the Principal.”
“They? I am sorry, my understanding is I am meeting one person, who is they?” Confused and still unsure what your situation, you waited for the obscenely large man to provide you with an answer. “That is who you will be seeing Ms Ives, you will soon understand. Now please, they don’t like to be kept waiting.” Falling into step with the man you thought you already understood. The Principal must have been non-binary! This might not be such a bad idea then. At least the two of you would have the same sort of understanding, and then maybe they wouldn’t have too much of an issue with your physical looks.
Little did you know, little could you ever imagine, that once those doors had closed behind you, your life was about to change. A change that one would only read in stories, a change that someone maybe even fantasied about. As came to halt in front of the most magnificent marble doors your heart sank. ‘L. Morningstar’ written above the door frame. Whatever or whoever was behind that door had you now wanting to know more. Your nerves buzzing softly through your veins, excitement slowly taking over. The man knocked and you found yourself holding your breath.
From behind the door, you heard the most beautiful voice one could ever imagine. Soft yet dripping with command. “You may enter” It was only three simple words. But it was three words that had you wanting to burst through the doors and do whatever the voice commanded.
Chapter 3
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
Chapter List
🦇 Chapter 1
🦇 Chapter 2
🦇 Chapter 3
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
Beautiful Little Creature
Notes: Let me know what you think 🦇
Chapter 1
There was something about the darkness that always had you captivated. Standing at the window, watching the rain fall and the lightening strike through the sky you could help but wonder what it was. From your home to your own dress style portrayed darkness. You even recall your grandmother once confronting your mother, asking her if you were a witch. At the time you felt offended, yet now nearly thirty, dressed in all black with the only color to show would be the obscenely bright green hair and blue eyes that were soul piercing, you could see what the old woman was going on about.
Being the black sheep of the family had become somewhat of your trademark. Dark clothes, pale skin, bright colored hair, piercings and tattoos. You certainly stood out from everyone else, and not in ways they appreciated. The cherry on the cake for the family came when you decided to let them know that you were not interested in men, but in fact, you were gay. Most blocked and cut you off from their lives. Hard to believe that in the 21st century, something as simple as loving the same gender and still be treated as if you have some incurable and spreadable disease.
Though to be frank, it never really bothered you when you pushed aside. You never really got a lone with either side of your family. Their old ideologies and mannerism never suited you and was never something you could follow or agree with. Times had changed and thinking patterns need to do the same.
You had barely stepped out of college when you were contacted by the board of some college about a teaching position, before you knew you found yourself on a plane, heading to Vermont for an interview at an academy you had never heard of before, to meet the Principal that you had yet to even speak to. The thing was weird, but after from research you found the school to be well renowned. A place of absolute beauty. A school for extremely gifted children. While some information seemed vague, it peeked your interests. There had been mentions of the Principal on the website, yet no photos, and certainly not enough to tell you if you could possibly be working for a man or a woman.
After your call you booked a ticket, you decided to get there weeks before your interview. You wanted to see the town beforehand. You didn’t want to accept a job in a place that you were comfortable with and didn’t know. Two weeks would at least give you time to look around and get a feel. It would also give you more time to find out about the school from the public its Headmaster or Headmistress. Arriving earlier also provided you and opportunity to look around at houses. If you were going to stay, you wanted the perfect place to make your own in your possibly new little town.
The two weeks went quickly, the town was small but quant. The people seemed nice enough, yet getting the answers you were looking for seemed impossible. No one actually knew much about the school, about the students or about who ran it. According to the town, one day it was just there. Now while things can happen quickly, a school can’t just pop up overnight. You had tried contacting the school, you wanted to confirm your appointment, the only answer you got was “The Principal will contact you regarding your appointment” That was it, and mid of the second week you had still not heard a thing. You had taken time to have a look at a few houses and had your eye on the perfect one, you had looked at a car and had planned a list of everything else you would need for your move. If someone could just let you know what was happening.
It was a Thursday evening when the rain came rolling in, the thunder crashed, and the lightening lit the night sky when you heard the notification on your laptop. You forced yourself away from the window and your thoughts about your past to take a set at the desk and look at what it may be. An email, from a: Principal L. Morningstar. The surname had you laughing. If your grandmother was alive you would be phoning her. The idea of telling her that her ‘witch’ granddaughter had an interview with the Devil would have been the greatest thing in your life.
Good evening Ms Ives,
I apologize for my tardiness; the past two weeks have been chaotic and contacting you regarding your interview had slipped through the cracks.
I am aware of the late hour, but if you can come tomorrow around 08:00am for your interview?
If my late mail has created any inconvenience, please let me know. I am more than happy to set up for another day and time.
Principal L. Morningstar
The surname had you giggling once again, you had to wonder what the ‘L’ stood for. You wanted to respond by saying that you didn’t care about an interview, you accept the position. The idea of being able to tell people that your boss was Principal Morningstar, created an excitement in like no other.
Good evening,
I understand.
8:00 tomorrow morning is perfectly fine.
L. Ives
You paused before adding your name, you decided that you wanted to test the waters a little. L. Ives. Your L. for Lilith. You wanted to see if the ‘devil’ on the other end of the pc had a sense of humor. You truly hope that they did.
Chapter 2
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darklilcreature ¡ 2 years ago
Mater List
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Beautiful Little Creature
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