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dhruvchahal · 1 year ago
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kusumsays · 2 years ago
Few hours, many joys
Beautiful are the nights, Around the city lights, On the highway. We set off for the trek when rains brought cool breeze all the way, And it washed away all the dust of the day. A halt at the toll plaza with no sleep, We were an hour or two away from the base we had to visit. Got to spot an old movie van Among many vehicles made by the man Surrounded from everywhere by the nature, I realized once again the human is a small creature. We fell asleep in the bus Till the guide woke all of us. Santhepete was arrived at, and we gathered at the old architecture. While being instructed, the peacock chirped, we watched city lights at the beginning of an adventure. Rural route and a few hours for sunrise, We embarked on the trail where aura of cattle and trees always lies. Carved out of boulder rocks were stairs, trails and gates with the carved design of the fish, We looked at the huge mountains and forest so close by. It looked fascinating under the night sky. We reached at the top after a short hike. Two dogs were there, it was no surprise. We lied down on the huge mountain rock watching the skies. Cool breeze bought cheers and it simply felt nice. Short bonfire and some songs Sun was ready to come up but the clouds played along. We started descending and there was morning light. The route was thus enlightened, so was the vibe. Having some coconut water at the base, I saw the village and the cattle awake It was time to wave a goodbye to the village, to the goats, to the cows, to the buffaloes, to the water spillage. A short nap of an hour and the bus reached another rural place Where we had a homely breakfast with the view of beautiful blue lake and greenery. If there would have been no trip planners, such place is hard to trace. Witnessed silk farming and the humanity of the localite. They welcomed us truly with an innocent smile. Their courtesy and grace will always be valued, remembering those silkworms in whites. Looking at the Nandini Milk Centre, there, I did realize how rural touch exists on urban life. Going back by bus, I waved the huge mango fruit farms a good-bye. I gathered many memories, to keep, in some hours, which slowly passed-by.
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At Santhepete after descending - 1
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At Santhepete after descending - 2
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At Santhepete after descending - 3
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Breakfast at another village
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This view - 1
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This view - 2
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At the summit of Uttari Betta - 1
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At the summit of Uttari Betta - 2
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At the summit of Uttari Betta - 3
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At the summit of Uttari Betta - 4
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At the summit of Uttari Betta - Bonfire
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Going back to the base - 1
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Going back to the base - 2
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Going back to the base - 3
Silk farming and amazing people of rural Karnataka - 1
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Silk farming and amazing people of rural Karnataka - 2
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Silkworm and cocoon
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Nandini Milk Centre at the second village
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wiki-blogs-by-kakuli · 2 months ago
The Role of Vocational Education To Empower Rural India
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Growth and development mark the progress of a nation, but the challenges the education system in rural India has to combat often limit the exploration opportunities for students.
Please read: How To Vocational Training in Rural India Bridges Education and Employment?
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agra24 · 2 months ago
आगरा: जंगली सूअर का कहर, किसान और परिवार पर जानलेवा हमला, बाह में दहशत का माहौल
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बाह के खेड़ा राठौर गांव में जंगली सूअर का आतंक अपने चरम पर है। बुधवार सुबह 50 वर्षीय किसान रामसिया पर जंगली सूअर ने जानलेवा हमला कर दिया। किसान ने अपनी जान बचाने के लिए 15 मिनट तक सूअर से संघर्ष किया, लेकिन इसके बाद भी खतरा टला नहीं। सूअर ने घर में घुसकर उनकी बहू पर भी हमला कर दिया। फसल से लेकर जान पर हमला रामसिया ने बताया कि वह सुबह अपने खेत में आलू की फसल देख रहे थे, तभी जंगली सूअर खेत में घुस आया। उसे भगाने की कोशिश में सूअर ने उन पर हमला कर दिया और उन्हें सरसों के खेत में गिरा दिया। सूअर ने उनके पैर और बांह पर गंभीर चोटें पहुंचाईं। गांव वालों ने लाठियों से ��चाई जान चीख-पुकार सुनकर गांव के लोग लाठी-डंडों के साथ मौके पर पहुंचे और सूअर को खदेड़ा। लेकिन यह खौफनाक मंजर यहीं खत्म नहीं हुआ। घायल किसान के घर में घुसकर सूअर ने उनकी बहू खुशबू पर भी हमला कर दिया। सिर में कई जगह गंभीर घाव हो गए। परिवार के सदस्यों ने किसी तरह सूअर को भगाकर खुशबू को बचाया। चिकित्सा सहायता के लिए आगरा रेफर रामसिया और उनकी बहू को प्राथमिक उपचार के बाद गंभीर स्थिति में आगरा के एसएन मेडिकल कॉलेज रेफर किया गया। डॉक्टरों के अनुसार दोनों को गहरी चोटें आई हैं और हालत पर नजर रखी जा रही है। गांव में बढ़ती दहशत देवीसिंह पुरा गांव में पिछले कुछ दिनों से जंगली सूअर के हमलों की घटनाएं बढ़ रही हैं। मंगलवार को भी एक जंगली सूअर किसानों के पीछे भागा था। ग्रामीण अब अपने खेतों और घरों में भी खुद को सुरक्षित महसूस नहीं कर रहे हैं। वन विभाग से कार्रवाई की मांग रामसिया की पत्नी गुड्डी देवी ने बताया कि जंगली सूअर न केवल फसलों को बर्बाद कर रहे हैं बल्कि अब इंसानों की जान पर भी बन आई है। उन्होंने वन विभाग से तत्काल कार्रवाई और जंगली सूअर को पकड़वाने की मांग की है। वन विभाग का बयान बाह के रेंजर अमित कुमार ने कहा, "हमें मामले की जानकारी मिली है। ��ीम को मौके पर भेजकर जंगली सूअर को पकड़ने के प्रयास किए जाएंगे।" ग्रामीणों का कहना है कि यदि जल्द कार्रवाई नहीं हुई तो हालात और भी गंभीर हो सकते हैं। Read the full article
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newshawkers · 2 months ago
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smsehgalfoundation · 3 months ago
How Is India Managing Water Stress In Rural Areas?
The top sustainable rural development NGO in India, S M Sehgal Foundation, shares how the country manages water stress in its rural areas.
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zoofsoftware · 7 months ago
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From the fields to the festival, Bailpola is a tribute to the tireless bullocks who work beside us. 🐂🌾 Wishing everyone a joyous Bailpola! 🎊✨ . . .
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insightfultake · 7 months ago
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vilcart · 7 months ago
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ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರೋತ್ಸವ ದಿನದ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು - ಆಗಸ್ಟ್ 15 ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಯನ್ನು ಉತ್ತೇಜಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ವಿಲ್‌ಕಾರ್ಟ್ ಸಧೃಢ ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ಭಾರತವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಲು ಬದ್ಧವಾಗಿದೆ.
స్వాతంత్ర్య దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు - ఆగస్టు 15 గ్రామీణాభివృద్ధిని ప్రోత్సహించడం ద్వారా విల్కార్ట్ బలమైన గ్రామీణ భారతదేశాన్ని నిర్మించడానికి కట్టుబడి ఉంది
இனிய சுதந்திர தின வாழ்த்துக்கள் - ஆகஸ்ட் 15 வலுவான மற்றும வளர்ச்சி அடைந்த கிராமப்புற இந்தியாவை உருவாகக வில்கார்ட் உறுதி கொண்டுள்ளது
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placement-india · 7 months ago
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Key Highlights in Union👥 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 for Job💼 Seekers
The Union Budget is a crucial financial document that significantly influences India's economic and social landscape.
Annually set by the Union Finance Minister, it outlines essential statistics and benefits for various groups, forming the foundation of the country's economy.
Table of Contents👇 ▪️About Union Budget 2024 For Job Seekers ▪️Green Signals to Start New Startups ▪️Tax Slab for the Job Seekers ▪️Support for the Rural India ▪️Support for the Gig Economy ▪️The Focus is on Better Education and Research ▪️Women’s Employment Programmes
Explore in Detail: https://www.placementindia.com/blog/key-highlights-in-union-budget-2024-for-job-seekers.htm
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dilipchauhan · 10 months ago
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masterclassofcl · 11 months ago
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Unlock rural opportunities with IRMA's MBA in Rural Management! Drive sustainable change and lead with impact. Gain insights, mentorship, and practical skills with @masterclassofcl.
Take action now and register for The Master Class to unlock your potential! 💼 www.themasterclass.co.in/register
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wiki-blogs-by-kakuli · 3 months ago
How to Make Education System Accessible in Rural India?
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Access to quality education system is still a major challenge in rural India. The schools in rural region are facing several challenges due to many factors. One of them being limited learning materials.
To learn in detail pleasego to: https://tinyurl.com/2pcc6j7w
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letsdiskuss11 · 1 year ago
What are the potential political implications of the farmers Delhi march ?
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shinykittenland · 1 year ago
"Unveiling Heritage Marvels: North India Tour Packages Await Your Adventure."
Take an amazing trip of North India, a place where vibrant modernity coexists with ancient heritage. Book exciting north India tour packages at best deal for holidays in famous travel places of Rajasthan, Delhi, Agra, Golden Triangle, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab. If you are looking for a wonderful North India tour, choose from our North India tour packages, where you will experience the culture, heritage, traditions, and history of north Indian beautiful destinations. A trip to the region will be for some of your favourite memories. While you may like to go for a tour to hill stations, pilgrimage sites, heritage wonders or serene quaint offbeat places, a holiday with well-designed North India tour package will overwhelm you with its purity, splendour, correlation with nature and rejuvenation.
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samratinvestments · 1 year ago
Gandhi's Legacy to Rural Empowerment from 'Swadeshi'
Discover the transformative impact of microfinance in rural India and how it aligns with Mahatma Gandhi's principles.
Gandhi's Legacy to Rural Empowerment from 'Swadeshi' and Microfinance Impact in rural growth.
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