#Ruined Colossi
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madcat-world · 2 months ago
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DND: Ruined Colossi - Calder Moore
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Colossi of Memnon by the ruined Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III, Theban Necropolis, Egypt
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1902 to Pithiviers
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burningvelvet · 2 years ago
This photo is taken during the seasonal flooding of the Nile which has important symbolic meaning re: rebirth — but what I really want to share is that I was reading about these statues the other day and learned that in ancient times the legs accrued lots of graffiti from travelers, mostly poetry inscriptions. 11 of the 107 inscriptions are by female writers, which is 6% of all surviving works from the ancient world verifiably written by females (source: Keegan Peter, Graffiti in Antiquity, ed. Routledge 2016). One poet, Julia Balbilla, was a member of Hadrian’s court and friend of his wife Vibia Sabina; she wrote three heavily Sappho-inspired poems to commemorate their travels and visits to the statues. Hadrian was famously gay & his lover Antinous drowned in the Nile a month earlier on that trip; I wonder if Balbilla could have been a lover of Sabina, and if the royal couple had a lavendar marriage? some others have hypothesized this, but we’ll never know.
“Yesterday Memnon received [Hadrian's] wife in silence, / so that the beautiful Sabina might come back here again. / For the lovely form of our queen pleases you.”
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Colossi of Memnon, two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III; 14th century BC
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heavensdoorways · 1 year ago
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Gate of All Nations The Gate of Xerxes -UNESCO World Heritage (r. 486 – 465 BC) Persepolis - IRAN
The bronze trumpets that once signaled the arrival of important foreign delegations to Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the mighty Achaemenid Empire, may now be silent, but it is still possible to capture the sense of awe while visiting the colossal Gate of Xerxes.
Built during the reign of Achaemenid king Xerxes I , who called this his Gate of All Nations, the pillared entrance is guarded by bearded and hoofed mythical figures in the style of Assyrian gate-guards.
On arrival at Persepolis one is confronted by an imposing wall, completely smooth and plain, about 15 meters tall: this is the artificial terrace on which the palaces were built. This vast terrace of Persepolis, some 450 meters long and 300 meters wide, was originally fortified on three sides by a tall wall. The only access was from the monumental staircase, which leads to the Gate of All Nations.
The gateway bears a cuneiform inscription in Old Persian, Neo-Babylonian, and Elamite languages declaring, among other things, that Xerxes is responsible for the construction of this and many beautiful wonders in Persia. Centuries of graffitists have also left their mark, including explorer Henry Morton Stanley.
A pair of colossal bulls guarded the western entrance; two man-bulls stood at the eastern doorway. Engraved above each of the four colossi is a trilingual inscription attesting to Xerxes having built and completed the gate. The doorway on the south, opening toward the Apadana, is the widest of the three.
According to sources, pivoting devices found on the inner corners of all the doors indicate that they must have had two-leaved doors, which were probably made of wood and covered with sheets of ornamented metal.
Persepolis, also known as Takht-e Jamshid, whose magnificent ruins rest at the foot of Kuh-e Rahmat ("Mountain of Mercy"), was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. It is situated 60 kilometers northeast of the city of Shiraz in Fars Province.
Persepolis was the seat of the government of the Achaemenid Empire, though it was designed primarily to be a showplace and spectacular center for the receptions and festivals of the kings and their empire.
The royal city ranks among the archaeological sites which have no equivalent, considering its unique architecture, urban planning, construction technology, and art.
The city was burnt by Alexander in 330 BC apparently as revenge to the Persians
The immense terrace of Persepolis was begun about 518 BC by Darius the Great, the Achaemenid Empire’s king. On this terrace, successive kings erected a series of architecturally stunning palatial buildings, among them the massive Apadana palace and the Throne Hall (“Hundred-Column Hall”).
This 13-ha ensemble of majestic approaches, monumental stairways, throne rooms (Apadana), reception rooms, and dependencies is classified among the world’s greatest archaeological sites.
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encrucijada · 6 months ago
been meaning to send u this ask for a while but if you want to could you please ramble about zaccai and ismene from your #guard dog relationship tag 🎤 👀 you posted a snippet of writing of them and i’ve had worms in my brain ever since i don’t even know what specifically i want to hear about but i just need to Know About Them (<- girl who is being normal about it)
*pulls up my powerpoint* i'm glad you asked
zaccai and ismene aka guard dog are the god/worshipper dynamic @teddywriting and i decided to create one day because i pointed out we didn't have any, quote, "guard dog dynamics". you know those posts where it's like the dynamic between the guard dog character and the object of their affection who is often incapable from stopping said guard dog from killing whatever they deem dangerous to the object of their affection. yeah those.
their story has been baptised as let sleepers lie. it's high fantasy. it's post-apocalyptic. it's the result of shadow of the colossus being my favourite game and also tears of the kingdom coming out, teddy and i just kinda went insane over botw/totk zelink. here's the summary i wrote for it!
Sword of the Gods, Zaccai, has only one purpose instilled in him: give his life for that of the godling the Old Ones left behind after ending the world. In the wake of a land trying to learn how to live again is Ismene, all that remains of divine blood, and what she is meant to do for the people is unclear. They are alone with all the gods left for them being a temple, a ruined land, and each other.
now what does that even mean.
in this world there used to be gigantic gods people call the "old ones" now, as their language has been lost and no one remembers what they were called. they are what happens if you put the nature gods from princess mononoke (like the wolf chief moro), the colossi of sotc, won shi tong from atla, heavenly warriors from nausicaä of the valley of the wind, and dormin again from sotc in a blender. the main feature of gods in this world is their golden coloured blood, their "old blood", which is burning to the touch—basically what if fire was a liquid. these old ones had their temples built around them and once built the temples were just big enough for them, meaning they could move about inside but could never leave. why exactly they ended the world is inconclusive, but ismene suspects it's because they’d gotten fed up of the situation they were in. godhood is just a gilded cage etc etc.
ground zero of the cataclysm is virtually a wasteland, covered in silver flora. this plant life includes the silver grass and silver trees, which existed before the end of the world and were kind of like a gift the gods gave to the humans as every single part of the flora could be utilised or eaten (ismene and zaccai subsist on the silver trees, basically). they live in the temple from the summary, which was built for ismene but has the dimensions of an old temple... meaning it's way too big for just two (2) people. the cataclysm basically rotted the land and so only the silver flora can grow without being affected. think... nausicaä of the valley of the wind's toxic jungle.
ismene was born from a human woman. what are the details of her conception? no idea. maybe it's a virgen maría situation. she's called "the godling", the olympian to the old one's titans. she looks like a human person, except for the fact she's got golden eyelashes, golden freckles, her eyes shine at certain angles, oh and her blood is also golden... and she's burning to the touch. touching ismene's bare skin is like sticking your hand in an open flame. her tears are also golden! but they're more sparkly. she's has severe agoraphobia and social anxiety from being raised in the temple. the feelings of the old ones sorta translated into her and they were used to being trapped, so she was basically born as a caged animal. she's also very good at sitting still for hours and is bad at human physiological tells, like hunger.
zaccai was originally a troublemaker boy named aleister living in a town like a week's travel away from where the temple is now. he lived with his aunt maeve who runs the inn at the town. he offered himself as a volunteer to be the sword of the gods and they proceeded to basically... make him anew. don't you love it when characters are weapons. all that's required of him is to be good with the sword and to love ismene so much he would die for her, just an average healthy relationship. he likes plants, he doesn't remember aleister's past concretely but he has positive associations to plants so he latched onto them... so he's a gardener. he does most of the things around the temple as ismene is basically a living statue, she's an object of worship and that's it. he cooks, when they travel he manages the camping site, etc.
they're autism4autism 🫶
tidbits about the made-up religion
ismene wears a veil. think a wedding veil but richly laced, ismene makes them herself as it is something for her to do with her long hours of free time. regular people aren't supposed to see her, this simulates how old ones were generally hard to look at as they were... uncanny. but also because members of the highest hierarchy in the old religion wore veils. generally only takes it off around zaccai. she likes wearing it around strangers because it gives her the illusion of privacy
springs and pools! prayer and other rituals are done in the water. there's a pool room in the temple ismene sits in for hours at a time praying. only high priestesses and prophets are allowed into the water without permission, and also zaccai. they can be manmade or natural, natural are preferred.
imagery of the gods is allowed, the springs usually have statues rising from the water to mark them as sacred. the temple has stained glass windows but those are of the "eyes of the old ones". these are inspired by the talismans from the last guardian. they're basically like what crosses are for christians or the triforce are for hylians, they're the Religion Symbol. faithful will have them in their homes, etc. not two are the same.
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others besides ismene wear veils too like i said, high priestesses and prophets. though their veils are less... busy?? you can better see the person's face.
the old ones are genderless! but they can be worshiped in male and female capacities for specific means. they are also amoral! they don't work by our code of ethics, they have no code of eithics. they're gods.
after making ismene the old ones went to sleep. where? unclear. underneath the earth is how i've been thinking it, but they could have also jumped into the stars like the giants from hilda or retreated into the ocean. the point is they're asleep, kind of like lovecraft gods, and that's why the book is called let sleepers lie.
the proper way to address ismene is "your grace", zaccai uses "my grace". you call old ones "your majesty". it's fine to also call ismene "godling" or "the godling", older characters have also used "little goddess".
teddy and i had done a few rp threads but we've kinda rebooted and started from scratch, using the previous threads as a loose outline. here's what's happened so far:
ismene and zaccai have been living together for at least two years. ismene thought zaccai was a god like her, the minor god to her primary god. except oops, when they had sex he bled and his blood... was red. not a god. this is know as the Red Blood Incident.
this created a bit of a rift between them they are trying so, so hard to mend. they are all each other has. but they weren’t socialised enough as puppies.
they leave the temple for the first time in those 2(ish) years. they make it to the mountains where they find a commune of faithful who say they live with and worship an old one. among these faithful is a girl around ismene's age named amaryllis (she's important).
ismene and zaccai are brought to the old one... who happens to just be a regular woman. turns out that when you destroy the world and leave it to its own devices so you can raise your new god creates some religious anarchy and people are opportunistic.
ismene is horrified at the sight of this false goddess who has been lying to these people, taking their goods and love and time. ismene orders zaccai to cut off her tongue. so he does! the girl amaryllis helps him hold the false goddess down.
it starts to rain and so our duo is invited to stay at the commune. they find out telling people everything they believed in was a lie, thus shaking their way of life, makes things complicated. zaccai and ismene hang out with the faithful. meeting caspian, who'd been promised by the fraud he could one day have his dead children back. amaryllis tells them the fraud had promised her she'd be reunited with her lost sisters (and also that she'd be a prophet). they meet naida, who had found purpose with the fraud and is pissed now. silas, a painter who came here after his mother died. vesta, the cook who teaches zaccai food just doesn't have to be silver tree byproducts.
silas asks if he can paint ismene so they can have a reference to make a statue out of her. silas doesn't see a goddess. silas sees a hot girl he thinks he can charm but she's too autistic and demisexual to know what flirting is. (he tries to lift her veil to look at her face and zaccai almost kills him lol).
they visit the fraud who is being cared for by a man named rupert, who happens to be a doctor. ismene learns her name is rosa and she did this because, why not, if she could make a place for herself at the top of the food chain why not take it. she gave people purpse. zaccai meanwhile is getting his arm treated by rupert because ismene burned him to prove she was the real deal, rupert implies he knows zaccai. they don't discuss further.
smaller details
"knowledge or faith" is the philosphy of the task ismene (and zaccai by proxy) have set upon themselves. they need to find the knowledge of the old religion the old ones did not explain. they need faith for the new goddess
"do you wish my skin was like hers?" not being able to touch is Killing them. ismene and zaccai share a bed because it's safest (and also because they were literally made and built codependent). meeting amaryllis did no good to ismene's self-esteem. that's a girl who can touch the man you love without hurting him
ismene just burned zaccai on his shoulder blade for stepping into the pool without her say-so. act of incredible violence carried with the intimacy of a lover or whatever
"maybe i am not a god you pray to."
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totally unrelated: the amount of times teddy and i have said "weird possessive sex would fix them" is unreal
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etherium-fr · 2 years ago
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New stone colossus hatchlings are available to Requiem’s pinglist subscribers (link in bio)! Sales will open to the public after 48 hours.
Imbued with ancient Light magic, these stone colossi serve as indestructible defenders of their clans. Ponderous and slow to rouse, many bear mantles of moss, ivy, and even trees. Sorrowful whispers can sometimes be heard while standing close to them, especially after dark, as though they are still mourning the loss of the ruined civilization that created them long ago.
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whump-card · 1 year ago
Forged Divinity Chapter 25: Leannan Comes Home
2150 words
CW: past institutionalized slavery, religious themes, very vaguely implied past mutual noncon
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In the afternoon of the second day they left Lake Ontario behind, turning southward up a river. The further along they went, the higher the riverbanks rose, turning into cliffsides. After dinner Enjolras pulled Leannan onto the bow to watch as they approached a massive bridge, larger than any that Leannan had ever seen, crossing the river high, high above them. There were little buildings, built upon the bridge, and tiny people walking along it, and a series of contraptions that looked almost like giant mouse traps.
“What are those?” Leannan asked, knowing now that Enjolras enjoyed answering questions.
“Trebuchets,” she grinned at him, “King Gauthier’s leftovers didn’t stand a chance.”
At the mention of Gauthier – Ransom – Leannan’s stomach did a flip. He looked down at the water rushing beneath them, his hand going to his talisman.
“Leannan?” Enjolras put a hand on his shoulder, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Enjolras!” Leannan quickly smiled at her.
She didn’t really look like she bought it, but she didn’t press him either. She squeezed his shoulder as they passed under the bridge.
“We’re in La Libera territory now. You’re safe.”
The last two words didn’t really mean anything to Leannan, but he was curious to see just how large La Libera’s territory was. They continued up the river, passing the ruins of another bridge before approaching another intact one – but this time, the marvels lay beyond.
First, on the left-hand side, was a massive tower, jutting straight up into the air in a glassy cylinder. A short bridge connected the top of the tower to the top of the cliff, and at the base of the tower was a ramp down to a dock.
Beyond that were the waterfalls.
Leannan hadn’t even realized the how much noise they had been making until he connected the sound to the source; the roar had grown so slowly as they approached, he’d barely noticed over the yacht’s engines. Now he understood that the deep rumble came from an incalculable amount of water falling, sending up massive clouds of mist so thick that he could barely see the falls through it at all.
Leannan felt incredibly small in comparison. The waterfalls were titans, giants, colossi. They were impossibly huge, impossibly loud things that just kept growing as they got closer – angels. They were angels, blessing his skin with moist, cool air.
They sang.
“Welcome to Niagara Falls!” Enjolras said, grinning.
The yacht docked under the tower. A pair of people in the same uniforms as the crew were waiting, with a wheelchair for Jeanette. Leannan, Jeanette, Enjolras, and two of the crew disembarked.
They ascended the ramp. They entered the tower.
They entered a strange box of a room, doors sliding closed behind them, and Leannan grabbed Enjolras’ arm when the whole room shuddered.
“Don’t worry,” she said to him softly, “It’s just an elevator.”
When the doors opened again and they stepped out of the little box, they had been transported to the top of the tower. They exited onto the bridge connecting the tower to the cliff, Leannan completely distracted by the waterfalls off to the right. As their group reached the other side of the bridge his view was obscured by trees, thick with evening birdsong. They walked straight for a short while, on road of cracked pavement, before turning right. Ahead of them was another much smaller bridge, crossing the river above the nearer waterfall, preceded by a checkpoint of sorts; a trio of armed guards manned a small building and a gate across the entrance of the bridge.
Their group approached, and Enjolras gently pulled Leannan forward.
“This is Leannan,” she told the guards, “And that’s his friend, Jeanette. I’m clearing them both to come across.”
One of them brought her a clipboard and pen from the guardhouse, and she filled out some paperwork. After scribbling for a few minutes, she returned it and the three of them were let through, leaving their uniformed escort behind.
It was growing dim as the sun lowered. As they crossed the bridge, metal panels clunking beneath their feet and rattling beneath Jeanette’s wheels as Enjolras pushed her, solar-powered lamps posted along the railings flickered to life, lighting the way. Leannan stared off to the right, at the unreal looking edge where the water dropped off, obscured by mists.
“Oh, Leannan, look!” Enjolras took his arm again and pointed ahead of them.
At the other side of the bridge was a small crowd of perhaps twenty people, some carrying solar lanterns, the white spots of light weaving and dancing excitedly. They wore the same kind of simple linen clothes as Leannan did, dyed bright colors. Two broomsticks were held up with a banner between them, spelling out a message Leannan couldn’t read. The crowd craned their necks and pointed at the approaching trio.
No – they were pointing at Leannan.
“It’s them,” Enjolras said, nudging him forward and releasing him, “Go see them!”
Leannan realized, then and there, that he hadn’t ever considered what it would be like if it was real. He’d been disappointed enough times to know not to get his hopes up. So he hadn’t thought about what it would mean to see them all again.
His family.
They were waiting for him.
The metal bridge sprang away beneath his feet in an instant, and the misty air whipped his face as he sprinted forward, leaving Enjolras and Jeanette behind. Each impact of his feet against the bridge sent a heavy jolt up his body, grounding him, reminding him that this was real, it wasn’t a dream, this wasn’t weightless and blurry and destined to end in lonely tears. They were calling his name, reaching out their arms for him, and he needed to get there faster, get there before they were taken away again.
Someone stepped forward, putting herself first. Round. Golden-haired.
“Shannon!” The name ripped out of Leannan’s throat, a name he hadn’t spoken aloud in twelve years.
“Leannan!” she called back, holding out her arms.
Leannan crashed into her, nearly knocking her over, but they were caught by a dozen hands and held upright as the crowd closed in around them, turning into a many-armed, many-layered hug with Leannan squished at the center.
“I thought you were dead!” Leannan sobbed, “Oh my God, I thought you were dead!”
He looked up over Shannon’s shoulder at the faces pressing towards him. Many, he recognized. Siobhan. Owen. Fiona. Callum. Some he didn’t – younger faces. Teens. Children. All grinned at him with unconstrained joy as his eyes danced across them, trying to look at all of them at once, not wanting to miss a single face or a single second.
Tears streamed down his face. He couldn’t muster any words except “Oh, God, oh my God!” His throat burned, and his legs felt like they might give out.
So he clung to his sister, and was held.
It was too good to be true. Far, far too good.
“Is this okay?” He pulled back to look Shannon in the eyes, cupping her face, “Is this allowed? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
She smiled at him through her own tears.
“No one’s going to get in trouble!” she laughed, “Everything’s okay, you’re safe now.” Her eyes lit up. “Oh!” she turned, “Clary! Aisling! Where are the boys?”
The crowd undulated, letting four people approach. The first two were Aisling and Fiona. Aisling had rich brown skin and eyes, her hair gathered in a puff at the nape of her neck as soft as the waterfall mists. Fiona – Clary? – had their copper hair cut close to their scalp, and their once alabaster skin was tanned by the sun.
They each held by the hand a boy around twelve. No, Leannan knew they were twelve. The boys had their respective parent’s colorings, but their body shape? Their chubby cheeks and mischievous eyes?
That was all Leannan.
Leannan swiped a hand across his face, suddenly realizing he must look like a right mess. His eyes darted nervously between the four before him, his heart starting to pound.
The last time he’d seen Aisling and Fiona, it hadn’t been pleasant.
Especially for them.
But Shannon was holding his hand, letting him lean on her, and that gave him some strength.
“Fiona?” he tested.
The redhead smiled.
“It’s Clary, now.”
“Yeah!” their boy chimed in, “Ma’s not a boy or a girl, they’re too cool for that.”
Clary laughed, and ushered the boy forward.
“This is Rory,” they introduced him, “He’s – well, he’s yours.”
“Hi, Leannan.” Rory waved, suddenly shy.
“Hi,” Leannan breathed. Breathing was a bit hard, actually.
The other boy pushed forward.
“I’m Peter, and you’re my dad too.”
“Oh.” Leannan couldn’t think of anything else to say – couldn’t think at all, in fact. He felt himself tilt, slowly, like he was out of sync with time, and his feet shuffled to keep his balance.
Aisling was suddenly close, holding his other hand.
“This is too much, isn’t it? I knew it would be too much…”
“Is he okay?” Peter chirped.
“I’m right here, Leannan,” Shannon murmured into his ear, “Everything’s okay.”
“Can everyone back off, please?” Clary called, “Give him some air?”
“Yeah!” Rory shouted authoritatively, “Give him some air already!”
“No!” Leannan sobbed, tightening his grip on Shannon and Aisling’s hands, “Don’t leave, please don’t leave me!” His legs finally gave out, and he collapsed to the ground. Shannon dropped down and hugged him tightly.
“We’re not going anywhere. We’re all here, everyone’s here.”
“Maybe the rest of the reintroductions can happen tomorrow, hmm?” Enjolras’ voice cut through the murmurings of the crowd, and her hand settled heavy and comforting on Leannan’s back. “Where can he sleep?”
“We set up a room for him,” Clary said over Leannan’s head, “But now I think we should all spend the night together, in the common room. What do you think, Aisling, Shannon?”
Before either woman could reply, the boys and the other three children were already cheering on the idea.
“Yeah! Sleepover!”
“Sounds like a plan,” Aisling said, “You kids run on ahead and get out the extra pillows and blankets, okay?”
Thrilled at being given a mission, the gaggle of children raced down the path into the dark, so familiar with their home that they didn’t bother with a lamp.
Leannan sat on the ground while all this negotiating occurred, head bowed, drawing every ounce of strength that he could from Shannon’s hug, Aisling holding his hand and Enjolras’ touch on his back.
They were here. They were real. They were alive.
“Leannan, can you stand?” Enjolras asked him, pulling him back into the moment.
“I think so,” he sniffled.
“We’ll help,” Shannon said firmly.
They got him back up, and started walking along the paved path. Trees loomed around them, but after a minute of walking the woods gave way to an open field and a long building, built of logs. They entered a large door into a bright and cozy interior: a large room with a vaulted ceiling crossed with beams, home to two large couches that faced each other and a host of cushy armchairs. The far wall hosted a wood stove, quiet and empty for the summertime. There was a piano in one corner. The floor was covered in tufted, woolly rugs. A ceiling fan was suspended from a centered beam, shedding warm light and turning in lazy circles. A clock ticked on the wall. A sleeping cat on one of the armchairs startled awake, sized up the entering group, and fled, through an open doorway in the corner. The children emerged from the same doorway a moment later, bearing armfuls of fluffy blankets and pillows.
Leannan was sat upon one of the couches and a blanket thrown around his shoulders. He watched numbly as everyone bustled about him, setting up little nests to seep in on the couches, in the armchairs, on the floor. Shannon, Aisling and Clary helped the smaller children get settled. Peter and Rory got into a pillow fight. Even Jeanette was helped out of her wheelchair and onto a couch, pillows carefully arranged around her by Callum and an older teen. Enjolras, too, kicked off her boots and climbed onto the couch next to Leannan.
Of course she would stay. She was their master.
Leannan met Jeanette’s eyes. Her expression was a little bewildered, but when she saw him looking she smiled.
Leannan found himself smiling back. He shifted and leaned against Enjolras.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” he whispered.
“I’ve been trying to bring you here for a long time,” Enjolras replied. She put an arm around him and squeezed him in a side-hug. Leannan pulled the blanket around him tighter, and nestled down, exhaustion settling deep into his bones. Enjolras pressed her lips to the top of his head.
“Welcome to Goat Island.”
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Taglist: @angst-after-dark, @sunshiline-writes, @flowersarefreetherapy, @thecyrulik
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thefirstknife · 2 years ago
I come in good faith. 1) It bums me out a bit how simple the mechanics are for RoN. Raids are the best content in Destiny, and I think they're the best when the team is building on each other. I don't feel that when half the raid is just doing add clear. I love giving new players active mechanical role in raids, but RoN only has 2-3. 2) We already separate contest clear and WF, or we should, so if they bump difficulty/complexity give us 72h. Felt great to take real breaks and not ruin sleep.
Honestly, more time is always better. Not only for everyone's health, but also because there are time zones and for some people the time of the launch is simply not possible. More time would definitely be better so more people can check out contest mode. In this case though, I would say that after a while a non-contest mode option should also be available sooner so people who can't do contest mode can attempt the raid before the weekend is over.
As for mechanics, I don't know. I don't think they're too simple in the sense that there's not much to do. They're definitely streamlined and smooth without adding too much to it with each encounter. Root is really the only one like this, so to me, it's not a problem since it's just an added variety to the types of raids we have. Root is also really good for teaching and beginner raiders.
I also think that add clear in Root is more than just add clear. It isn't just killing meaningless adds to pass the time, it's essential to make sure that the runners can do their job. To me, these two roles are definitely building on each other, more so than in any other raid. Add clear in raids tends to be just something that isn't really relevant and boils down to basically not participating in the raid at all.
But in Root, given the types of encounters and the add density, add clear becomes an actual part of the mechanics. You're not just killing stuff for the sake of killing, you're killing because the adds are specifically designed to disrupt mechanics. Their density, positioning and type are all deliberately made to be disruptive so add clear isn't just chilling around, they have to focus on specific spots and prioritise. This is especially evident in the boss room with colossi who are designed to stand in the way of the runner and shoot missiles that slow you down.
Of course, I can understand that for some that still isn't enough and they would still prefer raw mechanics over any sort of add clear. But also consider that most raids are like that and that there really isn't a raid which has this sort of focus on a high-pace action packed encounters with a lot of adds. Adds are mostly a minor nuisance otherwise, but in Root they're a part of the mechanics.
This is definitely the sort of critique I can understand however, since everyone has their personal preferences and sometimes they won't be met! I know a lot of people dislike Vow over the symbol-heavy mechanics, but I personally adore Vow's take on symbol-mechanics. I'm also, for example, not a fan of mechanics where you have to swap buffs around between people so in DSC I tend to get confused and it's not my favourite thing, but to some that's the best part.
My least favourite raid thing is boss damage because that's just everyone standing somewhere and shooting heavy and I just don't care at all for huge boss health bars. It's the least engaging part of raids for me. If bosses fell over once we finished the mechanics, I'd be happy. But I also know that a lot of people love damage sponge bosses. I do like Rhulk and Nezarec as bosses though, they're super unique and I love that they have a personality and movement during the fight. Especially Nezarec who spends the entire time with you in the arena.
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pinklocksoflove · 2 years ago
“I have travelled far and seen much,  In the east, apes that walked like men among the overgrown ruins of an ancient city. I found an amphitheatre where the ancient dead walked and the memories of ancient battles stained the sand. Towering colossi that the locals referred to as the avatars of gods. These avatars that stalk and spread destruction in their wake. However, in my opinion these are not gods. These are what men want the gods to be. Weapons. Weapons that crush their foes and have them driven before them... There are many wild and savage places in this world to explore.” Nafiif holds out a leather-bound album that bears photographs of the things she saw on her various adventures.
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meme-archivist · 7 months ago
untitled sword thing
Despite the best efforts of the Great Heroes, the grand plans for a unified republic never came to be. Decades later, during a tournament of petty-kings and their best show-soldiers, the insanity that sparked such long decades of bloodshed inexplicably returns. The continent begins to tilt back towards violent ruin, as rulers draw lines in the sands and earth with pike formations and bastions.
In all of this is a single lone mercenary who just wants to survive, and some odd voices in his head following that ill-fated tournament.
198X Burning
arcane fantasy meets atomic fusion. advanced interceptor weapons are strategized with in the same breath as towering colossi. the world has changed much from the ages past and it seems to be changing again.
amidst all this a rank and file soldier of the Falantyri National Army must navigate an increasingly violent war... and a possible, small, maybe even significant relationship with his superior officer. Of course this might be errant dreaming but in that case why does he hug him so?
...did i mention there's catboys? a lot of them.
there may be at least ONE scene where they make out.
Thank You For Your Time
Aftermath of a great war, which has touched many and left much destruction. A traveling master of physik encounters an strange nomad on the road. At the nomad's request, the traveling master allows them to come along.
Mostly an SoL where they help people and relax together.
untitled sword fanfiction
mostly just fanfiction that i wanted to put together about a universe I liked. mostly just writing a literal background character. gnoll [Knight] versus the world, herself and this stupid smug-ass elf.
writers, listen up...
i've fallen out of touch with the writeblr community a lot in the past few years, and i want to rectify that. the community aspect was what made me fall in love with tumblr, and what improved my writing for the better.
the golden days of my writing were when i was highly active and engaged in this wonderful community, but life and work and the horrors of self publishing have overtaken my energy in the past year. however, i have been really struggling with original writing, and i want to get back into the community here.
that said...
you write fantasy with queer characters
are an indie author
post frequently about your wips (taglists are a bonus!)
are queer
are a very active and friendly writer
if any of these apply
please, please reblog and tell me about your wip. gush over it. infodump. characters and ships and worldbuilding and plot, i want it all! this is your invitation to be as selfishly indulgent as possible. let's make some new friends and restore some community!!
boosts appreciated!
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janatours · 3 days ago
Middle East Tours 
Some of the most popular destinations in the Middle East Tours  include Dubai, with its stunning skyscrapers and luxury shopping; Petra in Jordan, an ancient city carved into rose-red cliffs; and Istanbul, where vibrant markets and historic sites blend East and West. Additionally, Jerusalem offers a rich tapestry of religious and historical significance, while the scenic landscapes of Oman provide a tranquil escape.
 dubai Tours Packages offers a wide range of cultural experiences for visitors. The city is home to traditional markets, known as souks, where you can explore local crafts, spices, and textiles. Additionally, visitors can enjoy cultural performances at the Dubai Opera or explore the rich history of the region at the Dubai Museum.
turkey is home to a variety of popular destinations that offer rich cultural experiences and stunning landscapes. Istanbul, with its vibrant bazaars and historic sites like the Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace, captures the essence of the country's diverse history. Cappadocia is famous for its unique rock formations and hot air balloon rides, while the ancient city of Ephesus provides a glimpse into the classical world with its remarkably preserved ruins.
morocco tours packages  often include visits to the bustling markets of Marrakech, the stunning sand dunes of the Sahara Desert, and the historic medinas of Fes. Travelers can also explore the charming blue streets of Chefchaouen, the coastal beauty of Essaouira, and the majestic Atlas Mountains. Each destination offers unique experiences, from camel rides and traditional Moroccan cuisine to exploring ancient sites and local crafts.
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One Of Our Middle East Tours
13 Nights -14 Days Egypt & Jordan Holiday Packages
Explore the splendors of 13 Nights / 14 Days Egypt & Jordan Holiday Packages, Experience the rich cultural heritage with Jordan Travel Package, Try Egypt and Jordan Combined Travel Package, Enjoy a tour from Cairo to Petra Jordan, scout Cairo attractions, Live a different atmosphere with amazing Nile view Between Luxor & Aswan, Explore the beauty of nature with Egypt to Petra, Embark on a fantastic trip visiting the highlights of Jordan. Explore Mount Nebo, Madaba, and the Dead Sea.
Day 1:
Upon arrival at Cairo airport, you will find our representative waiting for you with a sign with your name after that you will visit the most famous Giza Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Valley temple then transfer to the hotel for check-in and overnight.
Day 2:
Pick up from the hotel and start a full-day tour to visit Memphis the first capital in ancient Egypt to visit the open air Museum and the colossal statue of king Ramses II after that drive to Sakkara to visit the first Pyramid built in history the Step Pyramid then visit the private tombs of the high officials to see the daily life scenes after that drive back to the hotel and overnight.
Day 3:
Pick up from the hotel to visit the Egyptian Museum to see the famous collection of king Tutankhamen and the other collections then drive to Old Cairo to visit Islamic and Coptic Cairo, the Hanging church, Ben Ezra Synagogue, and Amr Ibn El Aas Mosque after that drive to Khan El Khalili the famous bazaar after that drive back to the hotel.
Day 4:
Pick up from the hotel early morning and transfer to Cairo airport to take the Domestic flight to Luxor, arrive in Luxor and meet our guide then start a full-day tour to visit the West bank, Valley of the Kings “we will Enter3 royal tombs” then visit the temple of Queen Hatshepsut temple at Dier El Bahari and the colossi of Memnon then transfer to the valley of the Queens to visit the famous tomb of the Queen Nefertari  the most beloved wife from King Ramses II then transfer back to the cruise ship for embarkation, lunch, and dinner at the cruise ship and overnight.
Day 5:
Pick up from the cruise ship by our guide and start a full-day tour to visit the most famous Karnak temple the largest temple in the World after that transfer to visit Luxor temple then transfer back to the cruise ship,  after lunch the cruise ship start to sail toward Esna, reach Esna and cross the famous Esna Lock then sail again toward Edfu, reach Edfu, and overnight in Edfu.
Day 6:
Pick up from the cruise ship and visit the Edfu temple of God Horus after that back to the cruise ship, sail toward Kom Ombo, and reach Kom Ombo to visit the temple shared between the 2 Gods Sobek and Haroris after that transfer to the cruise ship, sail again toward Aswan, reach Aswan and overnight.
Day 7:
Pick up from the cruise ship and start a full-day tour to visit the famous Aswan High Dam, and Philae temple of Goddess Isis then drive to visit the unfinished obelisk after that drive back to the cruise ship and overnight.
Day 8:
Pick up from the hotel early morning and transfer to Abu Simbel to visit the great temple of King Ramses II and the small temple of his beloved queen Nefertiti after that  drive back to Aswan, arrive in Aswan, And transfer to the hotel in Aswan for check-in and overnight.
Day 9:
Pick up from the hotel and start a full-day tour to visit the famous Nubian Village to see the real Nubian Lifestyle then visit the Botanical garden to see a very famous collection of rare birds and plants after that transfer to Aswan airport to take the domestic flight back to Cairo, arrive at Cairo airport then transfer to the hotel in Cairo and overnight.
Day 10:
Pick up from the hotel early morning and drive to the second capital of modern Egypt Alexandria to visit the Great-Roman monuments, the Catacombs of Kom El Shokafa,Pompey’s pillar then visit Montazah gardens And King Farouk palace after that transfer to the library of Alexandria which contains more than 8 Million books After that visit Citadel of Qaitbay and the Mosque of Abu El Abbas after that drive back to Cairo,arrive in Cairo and transfer to the hotel overnight.
Day 11:
Pick up from the hotel and transfer to Cairo airport to take an international flight to Amman-Jordan, Arrival at  Queen Alia International airport, where you will be met by our representative to help you through formalities, then transfer to Amman for a City Tour of Amman, which includes Amman Citadel, the Roman Theatre, and Grand Husseini Mosque, and King Abdullah Mosque & Folklore Museum. Proceed to Jerash one of the best preserved roman outposts in the world, known as the Pompeii of the East for its extraordinary state,  Visit Umm Qais, then head back to your hotel in Amman for a drop-off.
Day 12:
Pick up from your hotel in Amman and depart to get some free time on the Dead Sea Shore the Public beach. Then onto Mukawir for a visit following the road to Mount Nebo where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land. Afterward, head to Wadi Jadid for an overview and then to Madaba where you will visit Saint George’s church and see the incredible mosaic of the Holy Land. Transfer to your hotel in Madaba for a drop-off.
Day 13:
Pick up from Madaba Hotel and head to The “Red-Rose” City Petra. The world wonder is without a doubt Jordan’s most valuable treasure and greatest tourist attraction. It is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans. The entrance to the city is through the Siq, a narrow gorge, over 1km in length, After the Siq, you will be facing the Treasury, and then proceed to the Roman-style theatre. Get into your private car and around the city of Petra to see the Bedouin lifestyle there and then see the overviews of Wadi Musa.
Day 14:
Check out from Petra Hotel then transfer to Queen Alia International Airport by our representative to help you with the final airport formalities.
The mentioned tour itinerary include the following:
Private English-speaking Egyptologist tour guide.
Entrance fees to all the mentioned sites.
Transportation with private A/C van to all the mentioned sites.
The service of meet and assist at the airports.
5 Nights hotel accommodation with B/B bases.
4 Nights accommodation Nile view cabin at a 5-star deluxe cruise ship with full board bases.
1 Night hotel accommodation at Aswan with B/B bases.
3 Nights hotel accommodation at Amman with B/B bases.
Domestic flight tickets Cairo / Luxor – Aswan / Cairo.
International flight tickets Cairo / Amman one way.
Service charge and tax.
The tour itinerary not include the following:
Visa Entry to Egypt.
Optional tours
Any other items not mentioned.
Tipping Kitty.
 For more
·        Middle East Tours: https://bit.ly/3DRteL1
·        Egypt Packages: https://bit.ly/3TgGpvV
·        WhatsApp: https://wa.me/201143320224
         Email: [email protected]
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domikotravel · 17 days ago
Luxor vs. Aswan: Which Nile Cruise Destination Should You Pick?
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The Nile, forever new and old, among the living and the dead, its mighty, mystic stream has flowed through history.
The winding waters of the legendary Nile River hold over 5,000 years of Egyptian history, culture, and landmarks. A cruise down this mighty river is the finest way to trace the footsteps of pharaohs and relive the grandeur of ancient Egypt.
As you sail down the Nile, the riverbanks unfold two vibrant cities with iconic monuments - Luxor and Aswan. Both destinations offer their own unique charm and attractions. Choosing between them can be quite a dilemma for first-timers!
So, if you're planning for the dream luxury holiday tours in Egypt, should you pick Luxor or Aswan as your Nile cruise destination? Let's weigh the pros and cons of each to help you decide!
Nile Vistas and Scenic Surprises
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Cruising around Luxor, glimpses of the Nile highlight stoic Colossi statues fronting lush agricultural land against the Theban Mountains. Sailing at sunrise and sunset casts a dramatic glow over breathtaking ruins.
The major Aswan attractions overlook vistas showcasing the river's most striking islands, like Kitchener's Island with its lush botanical heaven or the romantic Agha Khan Mausoleum set against the Nile.
Upstream lies the legendary Philae Temple's row of structures built to impress with a dramatic arrival by river barge! The view approaching Aswan becomes riveting as wildlife frolics on the banks and merchant dhows ply old trading routes.
Verdict: With attractions perched on stunning islands and the eternal flow showcasing Nubian life, Aswan edges ahead for river vistas!
2. Excursions to Nearby Attractions
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Given its location nearer vibrant cities like Cairo or Giza Pyramids and Sphinx, Luxor offers easy day-trip access to legendary sites via air, train, or Nile cruises, including:
Pyramids of Giza and Great Sphinx of Giza
Mummies Room at the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities
Old Cairo sights like Babylon Fortress, Churches of St. George and Abu Serga
The medieval market of Khan el Khalili
Whereas Aswan's unique location makes it perfect for the deep discovery of cultural gems exclusive to southern Egypt, including:
Abu Simbel Temples and Monastery of St. Simeon
Nubian village tours offering interaction with artistic tribes who migrated from Sudan
Camel trek or 4X4 Jeep safari across the magical Saharan desert
Kitchener Island's exotic palm groves and rare botanical species
Mountain hikes across the Eastern desert to abandoned Red and Black Monasteries
Verdict: For easily blending iconic Cairo-Giza visits, Luxor wins. But for deep discovery of Egypt's southern heritage, Aswan all the way!
3. Cruise Options and Trip Customization
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Sailing from Luxor unlocks flexibility to combine iconic multi-day sailings between Luxor and Aswan (round-trip) with diverse add-on packages catering to every interest, timeline, and budget, including:
Short Breaks: 3 to 5 Day Luxor to Aswan or vice versa
Classic Cruises: 7 to 10 sailings with comprehensive sightseeing at both destinations
Extended Journeys: 12 to 14 Day cruise with stops at key ports dotting the Nile
Felucca boat rides for an intimate sailing experience on a traditional Nile sailboat
Day trips to major landmarks like Karnak Temple or packed sightseeing across East and West Bank landmarks
Aswan cruises primarily focuses on shorter duration and budget-friendly packages in Egypt of 3 to 5 days with fixed stopping points between Aswan and Luxor. While customization is more limited, slow cruises along the Nile onboard smaller vessels offer a sense of sailing on a real-life Agatha Christie novel set during the vintage 1920s!
Verdict: Luxor river sailings offer greater flexibility for extended durations and diverse customizations. But Aswan charms with that old-world romance!
Luxor vs Aswan: Which Should You Choose for Your Egypt Nile Cruise?
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Like most travelers, you're likely torn between discovering ancient Egypt's star attractions versus going offbeat for hidden southern highlights.
Here's an easy way to decide:
If you're a first-timer seeking archaeological icons, Luxor guarantees an action-packed experience with tombs of legendary pharaohs and towering temple treasures like Karnak's Great Hypostyle Hall - the world's largest religious structure fronting the Nile!
Whereas Aswan promises a sense of sailing on an Agatha Christie thriller while revealing rarely visited antiquities in a less crowded, peaceful Nile setting including romantic Philae after dark!
Either way, you can't go wrong with a Nile cruise vacation for tracing the ancient footsteps of pharaohs and reveling in the natural beauty of the legendary Nile River.
And for checking out readymade Egypt holiday packages, get in touch with leading tour providers like Domiko Travel to find your perfect Luxor or Aswan Nile cruise match.
Their Egyptologists can customize diverse sailing options between these two cities - from luxury 5-star cruises to laidback Felucca sailboats. Allowing you to enjoy Egypt Nile cruises however you like!
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brownhairedbookworm · 2 months ago
He gave her hand a gentle, loving squeeze and started walking. Magnus was vast, even this smal stretch of road felt giant, like walking in the ruins of colossi
"...And you thought I was going to get stuck in ruins."
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 months ago
Cairo and Luxor Classic Tour Package
Cairo and Luxor Classic Tour Package
This tour package offers an unforgettable journey through Egypt’s most iconic historical sites. Start in Cairo, where you'll explore the world-famous Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. The museum holds a vast collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts, including the treasures of King Tutankhamun. A visit to the Citadel and the bustling streets of Khan El Khalili Bazaar will give you a deeper insight into Cairo's vibrant culture and heritage.
Next, you'll head to Luxor, often referred to as the world’s greatest open-air museum. Luxor is home to some of Egypt’s most breathtaking ancient monuments, including the Valley of the Kings, where pharaohs like Tutankhamun were buried. You’ll also visit the grand Karnak Temple and the impressive Luxor Temple, both of which offer stunning examples of ancient Egyptian architecture. A cruise along the Nile River is a highlight of this part of the tour, offering a unique perspective of the temples and surrounding landscapes.
Throughout the Cairo and Luxor Classic Tour, you’ll be accompanied by expert guides who will share stories and facts about each site, bringing Egypt’s rich history to life. With comfortable accommodations, seamless transport, and personalized service, this tour is perfect for those seeking a deep dive into Egypt’s ancient wonders while also enjoying modern comforts. It’s the ideal package for history enthusiasts and those looking to explore the timeless beauty of Egypt.
Cairo and Luxor Classic Tour Package by Maestro Online Travel is one of our indispensable Classic Holidays Egypt that is the key to exploring the enigma of ancient Egyptian history through Cairo and Luxor Holidays visiting the Great Giza Pyramids and Luxor Sightseeing.
Day 1: Arrival Cairo Egypt
You will start your Cairo and Luxor Tours package with a meeting and assistance service upon arrival at Cairo airport by Maestro Online Travel REP. Transfer to your hotel in Cairo Welcome drink upon arrival at the hotel in Cairo, and Check in with free time to relax, Optional tours are available, Overnight in Cairo
Day 2: Pyramids, Museum, Khan El Khalili Tour
Breakfast at a hotel in Cairo, Meet up with Maestro Online Travel personal Egyptology guide, and explore the wonders of the Great Giza pyramids area which are the most famous monument in the world & in Egypt. Also, you have the chance to take a camel ride (Extra charge). Proceed to the mighty sphinx and ask your guide about the reason for the head of a man and the body of the lion. Take your private car to Egyptian Museum, the richest museum of Egyptian antiquities in the world. After you finish your Cairo Museum drive to have lunch in a good quality restaurant in Cairo including services and charges. Drive to the biggest market in Middle East Khan El Khalili Market. When you finish your day tour in Cairo tell us your feedback about the Cairo tour before arriving at your hotel. Overnight in Cairo Hotel
Day 3: East Bank Tour in Luxor
Breakfast at your Hotel in Cairo, Maestro Online Travel tour leader will drive you to Cairo Airport, fly to Luxor (flight around 1 hour) arrive Luxor, immerse you inside the historical temples and ruins of Luxor, and see around Luxor Temple, is a large temple located in Luxor East bank built for the god Amun, after that have a short ride to the amazing Karnak temple The complex is a vast open-air museum, and the second largest ancient religious site in the world, after the Angkor Wat Temple of Cambodia. Walk around Karnak temple and have a look at Magic Lake and amazing obliques, have free time in Karnak temple, and after that drive to have Lunch in Luxor restaurant. When you finish driving back to your hotel and overnight
Day 4: Luxor West Bank Tour
Breakfast and after that drive to West Bank visiting the wonders of the valley of the kings and Hatshepsut temple passing on Colossi of Memnon, begin your day tour in Luxor west bank with the royal tombs of Thebes (Luxor) and climb down the tombs for kings and nobles (the ticket valid for 3 tombs). Valley of the Kings is your gateway to Royal tombs for 62 Kings and nobles in ancient Pharaonic time, after that drive El Dier El Bahari and visit Hatshepsut temple, the only queen who ruled Egypt, continue your West bank tour in Luxor and stop on Colossi of Memnon for the king Amenhotep III. It's time for Lunch and after finishing your Lunch drive back to Luxor Airport, fly to Cairo, arrive in Cairo, and transfer to your Cairo hotel and overnight
Day 5: Final departure
Breakfast, check out and leave your room before 12PM, Maestro Online Travel representative escort you to the Cairo Airport terminal for the final departure
For more info
·         [email protected]
·         https://www.egyptonlinetours.com/
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nileeholiday · 3 months ago
Explore the Pharaohs’ Nile on your Cairo and aswan tour packages
Egypt is a country with a sumptuous history and this is easily seen when one tours along the River Nile. From Cairo’s kaleidoscope of chaos to the timeless silence of Luxor and Aswan, a Nile river cruise is the best way to explore the Land of the Pharaohs.
Among the most beloved tours is the Day trip to luxor. Located only an hour away from Aswan, Luxor was the imperial capital of Egypt during the New Kingdom period. Including the extraordinary Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple Complex and the Valley of Kings & Queens, this vast outdoor museum allows you to wander through the ruins and breathe in the air of ancient Egypt, with the statues of ram-headed colossi towering above. Enter royal burial chambers adorned with complex carvings in hieroglyphics and marvel at the grandiose coffins of kings and queens such as Tutankhamen and Hatshepsut.
Are you planning for Day trip to Luxor from Cairo by flight? Further afield to the south is the famous site of Abu Simbel, the colossal rock-hewn structure housing two temples belonging to Ramses II and dedicated to him and his queen Nefertari. Though it is easily possible to visit on a day trip from Aswan, going by private car gives more opportunity to marvel at the size of the four giant statues that stand in front of the Great Temple.
Many Nile cruise itineraries involve Aswan to Abu Simbel by car of the west bank of Luxor, Philae Temple and an included felucca sailboat ride around Elephantine Island. However, if you would like to have a full service tour and travel, including half day or full day trips as well as multi- day travel through the major cities of Cairo, Luxor and Aswan with their major attractions we can design a Luxor and Aswan Travel for you. Our experienced guides will take you through the highlights of the Nile valley in the time you have and with the things that interest you.
Get in touch with us today to begin planning your holiday to Egypt and know about the Abu Simbel trip from Aswan price!
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cleopatra222 · 5 months ago
Luxor Nile Cruise Tour Package: Discover Egypt's Timeless Treasures
Highlights of the Luxor Nile Cruise Tour
Exploring Luxor’s West Bank: The journey starts in Luxor, where you will step back in time to explore the West Bank, home to some of Egypt’s most impressive archaeological sites. The Valley of the Kings, one of the most significant ancient burial grounds, houses the tombs of pharaohs, including the famous tomb of King Tutankhamun. As you wander through the valley, the intricate wall carvings and vibrant hieroglyphs will give you a glimpse into the rich history of the New Kingdom era.
The tour continues with a visit to the Temple of Hatshepsut, Luxury Nile Cruise in Egypt an architectural marvel built to honor Egypt’s first female pharaoh. Its grandeur is a testament to the ancient Egyptians’ engineering prowess. Don’t forget to stop by the Colossi of Memnon, two imposing stone statues that stand guard at the entrance to what was once a massive temple complex.
Discovering Luxor’s East Bank: On the East Bank of Luxor, the Karnak Temple Complex awaits. This sprawling site, dedicated to the god Amun-Ra, is the largest religious structure ever built. As you walk through the colossal Hypostyle Hall, with its towering columns adorned with intricate carvings, you’ll be transported to a time when this temple was the center of religious life in ancient Egypt.
The Luxor Temple, located just a short distance away, is another must-see. This temple, illuminated at night, offers a magical experience, especially when viewed during an evening stroll along the Nile’s promenade.
Cruising the Nile: One of the key highlights of this tour package is the serene cruise along the Nile River. As your luxury cruise ship sails from Luxor to Aswan, you’ll witness Egypt’s rural landscape come to life, with lush green fields, traditional villages, and the occasional glimpse of ancient ruins dotting the riverbanks.
Relax on the deck, enjoy the warm sun, and take in the peaceful scenery as you sail towards more incredible destinations. Most cruise ships offer world-class amenities, including spacious cabins, gourmet dining, and entertainment, ensuring that your journey is as comfortable as it is culturally enriching.
Temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo: Along the way, you’ll stop at the Temple of Edfu, dedicated to the falcon god Horus. This temple is one of the best-preserved in Egypt, with towering walls and magnificent carvings that tell the story of the god’s mythological battles. Another stop is the unique double-temple of Kom Ombo, which is dedicated to both the crocodile god Sobek and the falcon god Horus. Its dual dedication and stunning riverside location make it a fascinating stop along the Nile.
Aswan’s Historic Treasures: The cruise culminates in Aswan, where you’ll explore the Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis. This temple, located on an island in the Nile, is not only beautiful but also a symbol of the lengths Egypt has gone to preserve its ancient heritage. You’ll also see the Unfinished Obelisk, a massive stone monument that gives insight into ancient Egyptian stone-working techniques.
Why Choose the Luxor Nile Cruise Tour Package?
The Luxor Nile Cruise Tour Package offers a unique blend of adventure and comfort. It allows travelers to experience the best of Egypt's ancient wonders while enjoying the relaxing ambiance of a luxury cruise. With expert guides to bring Egypt’s history to life, this tour is perfect for both history enthusiasts and those seeking a leisurely exploration of one of the world’s most captivating destinations.
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