#Rueben Fitch
sunlightmurdock · 1 year
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“Hey, listen, uhh… we fucked up.”
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
The TGM fandom is absolutely sleeping on a truly amazing thing that happens on carries that has all kinds of possibilities in a fic: the swim call!
In all of the TGM fanfiction I've read over the past year, I have yet to come across a single mention of a swim call. What is a swim call, you ask? It's when those on a carrier are given a day off to literally jump off the side of the ship and swim around in the middle of the ocean.
They also have what are called Steel Beaches which is when they have a giant cookout on the flight deck. Another thing I've yet to see in a TGM fic.
Like, look how much fun this 4th of July one is!
Also, apparently the ships have fishing gear on board so people can fish when the ship has down time.
So to all of the awesome fic writers out there in the TGM fandom, I hope this post has inspired you to maybe give our favorite squad of naval aviators some summer fun while they're stuck on a carrier during a deployment.
Because country boys Jake & Bob would totally be egged on into a hilarious fishing contest by Mickey & Javy (who also started a canon ball contest that might have gotten a bit out of control), Bradley would absolutely bring a guitar or an electric keyboard with him, and Natasha & Reuben absolutely dominate the corn hole tournament. Meanwhile, Mav & Hondo are just relaxing on deck with a couple of beers, ignoring whatever shenanigans the squad is getting up to.
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floydsglasses · 5 months
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In desperate attempt at happiness, a group of unlikely survivors stick together for a lengthy hike through the outskirts of San Diego in a world ridden by monster's that kill at the slightest bit of sound
(A Quiet Place- Reuben Edition)
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 25
click here to see the master list
Hi babes! I am so sorry the tags aren’t working correctly, but I am so grateful that you come and look for the story. It means a lot to me. I love you all! ❤️ Happy reading and enjoy! 🫶🏼
A/n: You all finally make it into Legoland. Leia and the squad get a little bit closer. One in specific she draws more fondly of causing Bradley to lose a bet. A day full of nothing, but fun and teasing. 😘
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: cursing, throwing up, teasing/making fun of, but so much cuteness and LOVE 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you.
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Leia let go of Bradley's hand and took off running. She pushed her way through your guys’ little crowd of people trying to get to the front.
“Leia!” Bradley was starting to weave through his friends and you grabbed his arm.
You pulled him back to you and held his hand and rested your other hand on his bicep. “She’s okay. He’s got her.” You looked up to the front of the group.
Bradley looked at you confused, “Who?” You nodded up ahead to the front of the group.
Bradley followed your eyes, “Oh hell no.” He ripped his aviators off. He started to look over everyone as Leia made her way to the front.
You started to laugh at him, “oh hell yes. Get ready to pay and take me on a date, Bradshaw.”
As Leia rushed to the front of the group Hangman felt her pushing him out of the way so she could run into the fun. He looked down and stopped her. He put his hand out and Leia’s chest hit it. She looked up at him.
Hangman was able to stop her, “Hey, Speedracer! Not too fast now. You have to stay with the group, sweetie.” He picked her up. He rubbed her chest, “You okay?”
Leia nodded, “I wanna go ride the rides!” She pouted. She dropped her chin to her chest.
Hangman lifted her chin, “Hey we will, honey bun! You can be my riding partner. How about that? We can ride everything here.” He poked her chest gently and smiled.
“Twice?” She looked at him curiously and brought her face close to his.
He nodded, “Twice.” He stuck his pinky out and she intertwined her’s with his.
Phoenix patted Hangman’s back, “You look good with a kid, Bagman. You look like less of an ass.” She elbowed his side and laughed.
Leia raised her brows, “He does look good!” She winked and pecked Hangman’s cheek. 
You definitely saw that from afar and slapped Bradley and laughed, “Pay up Buttercup!”
Bradley hung his head, “I’ve lost my daughter to Hangman.” He put his hand over his eyes.
You wrapped your arms around Bradley’s waist and went onto your tiptoes to kiss his cheek, “Mama is always right, Bradshaw.”
He looked at you sadly and nodded. You both laughed together.
Leia looked at Hangman in awe and then confused, “But, I thought your name was Hangman?! And what’s an ass? Bradley says F-14s are bags of ass.”
Phoenix and Hangman looked at Leia confused, “Bradley?”
Leia nodded and pointed over at Bradley.
“You’re daddy, love?” Phoenix looked at Leia curious.
Leia looked around confused and shy. Hangman looked at Phoenix and shook his head. She nodded back and shrugged. Hangman patted Leia’s stomach, “That’s okay, honey. But Bradley called an F-14 a bag of ass?” He chuckled.
Leia laughed, “Yea! And he said it was old like Mav! But that's a secret.” She put her finger to her lips. “But what does ass mean and why did she call you one?”
Bob ran up to Leia, “Oh it's just a donkey, Leia.” He looked back to you and Bradley hoping you didn’t hear her say the new word she learned. Luckily the two of you were occupied by laughing at one another. Little did Bob know, she was already familiarized with “ass” from Bradley.
Leia looked at Bob, “Well why couldn’t she just say donkey? Why did she have to say ass?”
Hangman covered her mouth, “Okay now, that’s enough ass talk, honey bun.”
Bob wedged his way in between Hangman and Phoenix, “Guys should we really be using specific words in front of her? Don’t you think y/n and Rooster will be upset if she goes home saying them?”
Phoenix threw her arm around Bob’s shoulders, “Her dad is in the Navy. He may be a pilot, but the sailor’s mouth still applies to him. She’s going to learn them anyways. One word doesn’t hurt.” She laughed at a now concerned Bob.
“But guys-” Hangman cut him off, “Yea ass isn’t even a bad word anyway. You should be more worried about-”
Phoenix put her hand over Hangman’s mouth, “All right! We said one word. Not we are going to teach her every word in the book.”
Bob sighed, “Thank God. I do not want to get punched in the face by Rooster.”
Phoenix moved her hand from Hangman’s mouth.
Hangman patted Leia’s chest, “So sweetheart, what do you wanna ride first?”
“A rollercoaster,” she said with a devious smile.
Hangman laughed, “Easy.” He said super cocky.
Leia’s eyes went wide, “You’re not going to get sick?”
Hangman raised his eyebrows at Leia, “No way, sweetheart. A rollercoaster is like what? 4 G’s? Us pilots pull up to twice as much as that. I’ll be fine.”
“4 G’s?” Leia looked at Hangman like he was dumb.
“Oh, it is like pressure being put against your body when you’re flying.” He smiled at Leia.
She was still looking at him confused.
“Never mind, honey.” He patted her head.
Leia looked at Phoenix and Bob with wide eyes. They started to laugh.
Everyone got onto the rollercoaster, it was Mav and Penny, Hondo and Coyote, Cyclone and Warlock, Payback and Fanboy, You and Bradley, Leia and Hangman, and then Bob and Phoenix. Right as the coaster reached its peak you took a deep breath. Once it went over the edge you could see the drop.
Leia and Bradley simultaneously yelled while going down the hill, “HHOOOLLLLYYYY SHHHIIIIITTTT!”
Hangman turned around, “HAH! Get that Bob, she knows another word!”
Bob looked at Hangman with shock. He pointed to the view ahead. He was terrified. Hangman turned around, “SHIIITT!!!” They started to go down the hill. Everyone was screaming and yelling down the hill.
Bob was freaking out, “I don’t want to die! I don’t want to get sick! Phoenix hold me!”
Phoenix shook her head, “We fly planes and literally get shot at, Bobby boy.” She held onto his hand. Bob was squeezing the crap out of it.
You were being thrown back and forth and all around. You were having a bunch of fun but you knew you were going to hurt tomorrow. Once the ride stopped you could hear Leia yell, “I wanna go again!!!”
You and Bradley turned around and smiled. “Did you like it, baby?” Bradley's voice was already raspy after one ride.
“I LOVE IT!” Leia was bouncing up and down in her seat.
As soon as you all got off the ride, Hangman put Leia down and stood by the garbage can.
Phoenix shook her head and picked up Leia, “A whole lotta talk, Leia. He said he wouldn’t get sick.”
Leia nodded back, “Yea and he’s still an ass!” Phoenix's eyes widened and she put her hand over Leia’s mouth. Leia ripped Phoenix’s hand off of her mouth and start to laugh exaggeratedly. You and Bradley turned around. Your brows were furrowed. Bradley’s expression mimicked yours.
“Oh, crap.” Bob was literally shaking.
Bradley walked up to Phoenix and Leia. He looked at both of them and put his fist up for his daughter to pump. “Damn straight.” He smiled at her. “But you can’t say stuff like that.” He got close to her ear, “Around mommy.” He stood straight and winked at Leia. She winked back at Bradley. He looked over to Hangman and chuckled.
He ran over to Hangman who was hurling into the garbage can, “I guess you can’t Hang, man.” He laughed hysterically and slapped him on the back and left his hand on him. He laid on top of his hand and laughed hard while Hangman was heaving into the trashcan.
You leaned into Phoenix and shook your head, “Oh great. He becomes a dad and now he has dad jokes.”
Phoenix looked at you, “That was a really bad one. No creativity.” You both laughed.
“Be careful y/n. He’s going to come home with new balances and talk about how they feel soooooo good on his feet.” You slapped her on her shoulder and laughed.
The day went on and you all nearly rode all of the rides. Hangman had to take motion sickness pills to keep up with Leia, but couldn’t take it anymore, so he took a break and took a walk with Phoenix. Bob threw up 3 times so Fanboy and Payback comforted him. Mav and Penny talked about how they were “getting too old for this.” Cyclone, Hondo, Coyote, and Warlock were pretty much the only ones who were able to keep up with Leia. You and Bradley went to go to a couple of stores to buy some surprises for Leia while the admirals, Hondo, and Coyote distracted her.
You two walked into the first store, the Minifigure Market. In here you two started to put together a little figure of Leia. The two of you looked for all of the perfect parts to make her.
“I think we should make her 2, babe.”
“Why 2?” You kept trying to find the closest hair piece that matched your daughter's.
Bradley was digging in the clothes piece bin trying to find an outfit, “I think we should make her a Jedi AND a regular one of herself.”
“OR how about we make her one as a pilot and one as herself?” You looked at him and smiled.
Bradley slowly turned to you with his mouth open, “My god you’re so smart.” He stopped looking for pieces, grabbed your face, and started to kiss you all over your face.
You laughed and tried to push him off, “Bradley, stop! There are kids in here!” You were looking at some of the kids just standing and watching. He stopped and pulled away with his puppy eyes. You put your hand on his neck and went in for one more kiss, a soft and gentle one on his lips.
He looked at you deviously, “Damn that’s all it takes to get a little more, baby?” He leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “I think I know my new secret weapon.” You put your hand on his face and pushed him away. He laughed into your hand and kissed your palm, “Better be careful baby, some of these suckers on a baby. You won’t stand a chance.” He was pointed at his eyes.
You were unamused, “I already know, Bradley.”
He looked at you confused but then his eyes widened, “No way, SHE HAS THESE!?” He pointed to his eyes, “THESE EXACT PUPPY EYES!” He pointed at you and laughed so loud everyone was staring, “Oh man baby, you’re screwed. We are going to gang up against you. I knew she had my eyes, but the puppy eyes too?” You continued to look for pieces ignoring him as he taunted you. “Oh baby, and then imagine.” He held up a pre-made little lego figure and held cradled it next to his face, “Another one with little baby puppy eyes.” He made his puppy eyes again.
You shook your head, “In your dreams, Bradshaw.” You walked away to go look for extra items to put with your daughter’s figurine.
He ran behind you and put his hands on your waist as he got closer, “Well, if you may know. As if you didn’t know. I am really good at making my dreams come true.” He kissed your temple.
You turned around and looked at him, “I finished her figurine. Go make her as a pilot, Lieutenant.” You walked away.
“God, I love that woman.” His face slack-jawed as he watched you walk away.
You and Bradley went to a couple of more shops to get little building kits for Leia and to get more souvenirs. After a couple of hours, everyone regrouped. Warlock, Coyote, and Hondo came back with Cyclone who was carrying a really tired Leia. He carried her in front of him and she was dozing off on his shoulder. Rightfully so, you all had spent the whole day in the sun at Legoland.
You looked over as they started to approach. You smiled and bit your lip as you saw your slumped-over daughter in Cyclone’s arms. “Oh my gosh! She’s so tired! Bradley, can you please go and get her from him, she must be so heavy!”
Cyclone started to laugh, “It’s no big deal. I carry my boys all the time when they're tired. When they were smaller, I used to carry them both at the same time. I never wanted Davina ( @cycbaby ) to have to do it.”
Bradley leaned into you, “I told you, baby girl… Swoon. A totally different breed when it comes to his wife.”
Cyclone offered to carry Leia to your car, but Bradley knew as soon as she fell asleep that would be a lot of dead weight. So he took her from Cyclone. You all left the park and made it back to where you all parked. Bradley put Leia in her booster seat and came back out to regroup with everyone.
“So you all down to get dinner still?” He looked at everyone. They all nodded and agreed that it was time to eat. You all met at Ruby’s diner. An old-fashioned American diner, burgers, fries, shakes, sandwiches, you name it. Bradley went to get Leia from the back. He started to carry her, but then you remembered you had a stroller in the back of your car in case you ever needed it.
“Bradley wait! You can put her in the stroller.” You opened your trunk to retrieve it.
“What? No isn’t she too big for one?” He turned his body so she was further away from you. “I'm okay with holding her. I love holding her. I won’t be able to do this for much longer.” He cradled her hand against his cheek.
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “You have plenty of time, but I just want you to be able to move around. Eat your food, get up as you please.” You retracted the stroller, “Plus this is a ‘big kid stroller’ she will fit in it perfectly. I promise.”
He looked at his sleeping daughter and made a sad face. He kissed her head and then gently put her into the stroller. You were about to start pushing it when he bumped you with his hip so he could, “Relax, mama. I’ve got this.” He smiled and gave you a kiss. He pushed the stroller with one hand and his other was pulling you in. He rested his hand on your waist as you walked into the diner.
Phoenix was the first to see you two, “Oh woooow. Rooster is out here looking like a dad now.”  Everyone looked over and started ‘ooohing’.
Penny leaned into Mav, “This looks all too familiar to me.” She smiled.
“Carole and Goose?” Mav smiled back.
She nodded, “Carole and Goose. But now it’s Y/n and Rooster.”
You two sat at the end of the table. Bradley parked the stroller right next to him and then threw his arm over your shoulders when you sat down. He leaned back in his chair finally able to relax, “You were right y/n. This is kinda nice.” You nodded at him.
Coyote yelled over to Bradley, “So Bradshaw, are you Daddy Rooster? Daddy? Dad? Pops? Or Bradley?” Everyone started to laugh at the last one.
Cyclone interjected, “I think he’s Lieutenant.” Everyone started to laugh louder.
Phoenix looked over at Hangman with a concerned look. He was laughing and shook his head at her. He stopped laughing and mouthed, “Don’t.” She nodded and laughed with the group.
Bradley just laughed slightly and looked at you as he addressed everyone, “I’m giving her her time. I know it's all-new, she will call me what she wants when she’s ready.” He smiled at you and you smiled back at him.
Hondo cleared his throat, “I believe we were talking about Leia, not y/n, Bradley.” Mav spit out his water and everyone started laughing super loud. Penny and Cyclone were helping Mav wipe the water off of the table. Everyone started to laugh even louder. At this point, all eyes were just on the group.
Bradley was still looking at you, “Yea, her too.” He started to laugh. He looked at everyone and shook his head, “I really hate you guys, get off my back.” He threw napkins at that side of the table, “Horrible! Each and every one of you.” He pointed at all of them and started to laugh as the group mocked him playfully.
He leaned over to you and kissed your cheek, “I love you, beautiful. Thank you for everything.” He placed his hand that wasn’t on your shoulder on your thigh and squeezed it, “I mean it, baby. Thank you.”
You leaned back into his arm and looked at him with googly eyes, “I love you too, Brad. But you don’t need to thank me for anything. You planned this trip by yourself.”
He shook his head slowly at you while he bit his lip, “Oh sweetheart you don’t understand. I am thanking you for everything. For being here with me, for Leia, for loving and taking care of me. You’re the greatest thing to happen to me. You know next to Leia.” He kissed your cheek.
Mav slung his arm around Penny’s shoulder and leaned into her ear, “They are literally a carbon copy of Goose and Carole. It’s crazy.”
She looked down at the opposite end of the table where the two of you were sitting. You had your foreheads pressed against each other. You were playing with the buttons on Bradley’s Hawaiian shirt. He had his chest pressed up against your shoulder. He had one arm around your shoulders and the other pulled your knees to face to him. He left that hand resting on your knee. He said something that made you giggle. He was smiling so big at you as you continued to fiddle with his buttons and giggle. Mav and Penny looked at you both smiling. Some of the guys noticed Penny and Mav smiling looking in your direction. They all looked down at you both. They didn’t say a word.
Hangman was right across from the both of you. He leaned into Phoenix, “Take a picture of them, Nix. I’m sure they’ll cherish it.”
She looked up from her phone at Hangman. He nodded his head to you two. She looked and smiled big. She lifted her phone and snapped a picture of you both. “They’re so in love.”
Hangman shook his head as he looked at you two, “Rooster’s got it bad. Real bad. But it’s a good look for him. Y/n and Leia make him a better man.”
Phoenix chuckled, “I bet you $50 that he’ll ask her to marry him before the end of the year.”
Hangman threw his arm around Phoenix’s shoulders, “I am not betting on that. I know better than that. I already know that's going to happen.”
The two of you were off in your own little world. You didn’t feel all the eyes on you both as you two continued your cute little moment. You two were completely lost in each other's presence.
Leia officially has a favorite member of the dagger squad. 😉 Everyone likes to pick on Bradley. 😭 Mav and Penny agree that you and Bradley are just like Carole and Goose 😫 Do you think Phoenix will give you and Bradley that cute photo she took from the diner? 💕 I’ll see you in the next part, besties! 🫶🏼
The tag List will be in the comments!
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topguncortez · 2 years
lol y'all thought I was joking huh
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love, rec yourself)
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well, holy shit. ok. i admit, i was going to do a massive challenge, get 50 or so prompts and let you guys let me know what you wanted to write. but nope. changed my mind. there are a few challenges out there now atm were going to do this a bit differently.
Send me an ask and consider:
Is there an amazing fic/writer we should know about that must be put out there to the wider audience? REQUIRED: please tell us about their fic(s), and why it floats your boat. 
Do they create fan art/mood boards/playlists that are incredible? Which is your favourite and why? REQUIRED: link me. Show me why they are so divine.
Do they leave the most remarkable comments on your creations and you’re all 🥰 (and just goo when you read and re-read their amazing reviews)?
Are they just too amazing for this hellsite and deserve a special shout-out? REQUIRED: what makes them so special? 
We write for reasons only we can tell ourselves. We all have that fic that stands out for you and only you. Tell me, what fic is your baby? Give me a blurb and a link and let me signal boost it to let other’s hear all about it too! 
I will start publishing Spreading the Love and Rec Yourself from Sat 27 May x
And thanks again for every follow… except if you’re underage (it’s right there, clear as day that this blog is 18+) or you’re a bot. Thank you for every comment, ask, reblog, fic rec… likes. It’s been so much fun, thank you for being so supportive and wonderful x
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
Behind the Glass (an NHL x TGM crossover)
San Diego, CA. The newest city to put in for a bid for an NHL expansion team. Why California needed a fourth team, no one really knew, but no one was going to complain either. Especially if it meant that people weren't having to drive up to Los Angeles or Anaheim (or even San Jose) to catch a game.
Enter: The San Diego Tomcats. Named after the retired F-14's and an homage to the Naval Base and Weapons School right there on North Island.
Expansion drafts were never fun for anyone; players leaving their teams, administration trying to make deals, fans losing their favorite players, searching for the best coach... but hockey players aren't the only people who have to relocate. Y/N Champaign, a.k.a Lens, an assistant NHL photojournalist who was working with the Pittsburgh Penguins was asked to move to San Diego to work with the Tomcats. While there, she does the one thing she swore to never do: fall in love with a hockey player.
A story of blood, sweat, tears, ice, cursing, and romance, Behind the Glass follows Lens as she navigates a new team, and new emotions.
The Team
Bradley Bradshaw (C): Center, drafted from Washington Capitals
Rueben Fitch: Left Defense, drafted from Nashville Predators
Mickey Garcia (A): Left Wing, drafted from New York Rangers
Jake Seresin (A): Right Wing, drafted from Dallas Stars
Javy Machado: Right Defense, drafted from Boston Bruins
Robert Floyd: Goalie, drafted from St. Louis Blues
Beau Simpson: General Manager
Soloman Bates: Assistant General Manager
Tom Kazansky: Head Coach
Pete Mitchell: Assistant Coach
Bernie Coleman: goalie coach
Natasha Trace: Athletic Ttrainer
Y/N Champaign: Team Photojournalist
@cassiemitchell and i already are aware of each other writing a hockey fic, we literally talked about it so don't make it a thing to pit us against each other, we're friends. it's pure coincidence that positions are near identical
dm me to join the tag list or fill out the form here, the fic will be 18+ and I WILL be checking bios!
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callmemana · 9 months
Dad Hats & The Squads:
I don’t really know why, but if the dagger squad and chaos squad were to have a best dad hat competition these are the hats I think each member would wear. Please feel free to add to them if you find a better one. 🥰 Thank you for coming to my TedTalk!
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swiftsgirlfriend · 9 months
glass onion but the dagger squad:
bradley bradshaw - actor!!!! rich famous actor, kinda himbo maybe like the birdie jay of the group but much less offensive
jake seresin - kinda gives the miles bron of the group vibe, rich maybe old money, all hanging on to his ‘golden titties’
natasha trace - gives major claire debella vibes. maybe not a mother or anything but hardcore girlboss politician or lawyer or something like that
reuben fitch - IDK WHY BUT GIVING BENOIT BLANC VIBES?? like maybe the moustache just gives detective but in my mind hes benoit.
mickey garcia - he would probs be the duke of the group. defo not right wing mens rights vibe but gives twitch/yt streamer vibes maybe just a gamer?
javy machado - i cannot decide who he would be cs the only person left us cassandra/helen but he def does not give them vibes so maybe id make him an added person to the group and make andi an oc?? or shes just not part of this ig🤷‍♀️
robert floyd - def gives lionel vibes, super smart and nerdy, stylish and definitely quite scared of jake(miles) and finds it hard to say no to his demands
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
The Better Man Universe: Group Chats pt. 5
The group chat that goes along with ‘tis the damn season
Never trust the girls, they’re always up to something 🎄🎅🏻❄️☃️
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hecate-steps-on-me · 1 year
Okay here we go original and TGM
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
Happy One Year Anniversary of when I saw Topgun: Maverick for the first time! 😆
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111moonstone111 · 2 years
here are Top Gun: Maverick characters as dogs. (dogs I like)
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell as the Boxer
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky as the Blue Heeler
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw as the Bernese Moutain Dog
Jake "Hangman" Seresin as the Cane Corso
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace as the Border Collie
Robert "Bob" Floyd as the Beagle
Reuben "Payback" Fitch as the Basset Hound
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia as the Cocker Spaniel
Javy "Coyote" Machado as the Golden Retriever
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader p. 30
click here for the master list
Hi babes, I am finally back! I am sorry for the long wait. 
Bradley’s first night on solo daddy duty. Let’s hope he makes it through the week without you! I have faith in him, Daddy Brad is my fave 😍 I hope you are all enjoying the story! I love you all so much and thank you for being here! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: Bradley is officially on daddy duty while you're away for a convention. How will he continue to do while you’re away? Today is also Leia’s honorary call sign party!! Things might also get a lil spicy later on 😏 Another Bradley POV! 😁
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: cursing, adult banter, nudity, drinking, but an overwhelming amount of LOVE 😍
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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You had meetings all morning and afternoon. It was getting into the late evening and you had one more meeting at 8 PM.  So much for relaxing the day before the chaos. Presenting ideas to the board for approval, in preparation for the meeting the following day. You were beyond exhausted. You are also introverted, so you felt super overwhelmed and overstimulated. You finally returned to your room for a little break. This was only the first of five… well now 6 very tedious workdays. You took off your blazer and heels and relaxed on your hotel bed. You pulled out your phone and saw a picture that Bradley had sent of him and Leia. They were matching. She was next to him wearing a smaller version of a flight suit like Bradley’s, some aviators, and rocking a fake mustache. You laughed to yourself. 
Under the picture, he wrote, “Who is who, mama? ;) We both miss you so much!” You saved the picture to your phone and made it your new background. You looked at the time, 7 PM. It would only be 4 PM for them. You texted him back.
Y: I can’t tell the difference! Are you sure that Leia is in this picture, or are you standing by a mirror? ;) I miss you two so much :,(.
He replied quickly, B: I swear one of these fine pilots is Captain Leia. LOL. How are you? How is work?
Y: I need more pictures of her in that flight suit! Where did you even get that?? 
Y: Work is so tiring. Meeting after meeting, I have a small break right now. ;)
B: Mav got it for her! I will definitely send more pictures through the night. The squad is coming over to hang out with us. Give Babygirl her honorary callsign :D
B: My poor baby. When you get home I will give you all the full body massages… for free <3
Y: A callsign! That is so cool, you’ll have to share it with me later!
Y: A full body massage…hmmm you will have to fill me in on these details later ;)
B: I’ll let you know, baby girl :)
B: Oh I will definitely fill you in later ;) ;) <3
You threw your head back onto your bead, “Damn it, Bradshaw.” You played oblivious.
Y: Sounds good, I have to get back to work now. Definitely fill me in on those details later. ;) I love you both! Have fun tonight! xox
B: We love you! xo <3
Bradley’s POV
I looked over to Leia napping on the couch in her flight suit and crooked mustache. I laughed and went to go give her a kiss. I started to prepare some finger foods. Then there was a knock at my door. When I answered It was Cyclone and Mav. I put my finger on my lips and gestured with my other hand for them to come in quietly.
Mav in a whisper, “Where is little Leia?” He bent down to untie his boots. 
I pointed in the direction of the couch where she was fast asleep. They both started to walk over and Cyclone bursted into laughter. He rested his hand on Mav’s shoulder and hid behind his back. He tried to quiet down his laughter. Mav covered his mouth trying to hold in his laughter. 
Cyclone straightened himself out and looked at me. He pointed at Leia, “What the fuck is she wearing, Rooster?” He yelled in a loud whisper. “God, if you weren’t right here I would think that was your ass passed out on the couch.” He was staring at Leia with his knuckles between his teeth trying not to laugh. “I’m going to go barbecue now before I wake up Rooster Jr.” He patted me on the back and made his way out the sliding door laughing. 
Mav came next to me and slapped his hand on my back, “I can see you are making use of the flight suit I ordered for her.” He started to laugh, “But, you could have done without the mustache.” He walked over to the refrigerator and put the beers away. 
“I think the mustache was the icing on the cake.” I turned to him and rested my hands on the counter.
Mav let out a chuckle and started to put beers into the fridge, “No it really is, she looks exactly like you. It's scary.” 
I looked back at her and laughed. “I’ll be back. I have to go get changed. Mind watching her for a minute?” 
Mav shook his head and gestured for me to go and change. I went to my room and peeled myself out of my fairly worn flight suit and threw it in the hamper. I took a quick shower and threw on some casual clothes. I made my way back downstairs and half of the squad was already in my kitchen. I looked over and Leia was still asleep. I decided to let her sleep until everyone got there. 
“I thought that was you sleeping on the couch when I came in, Bradshaw.” Hangman pointed his beer bottle over to Leia.
Fanboy nodded and swallowed the beer in his mouth, “It’s scary how much she looks like you, Rooster.” He sipped his beer and looked over at Leia, “Is she going to wear that mustache all night? Cause if she is, her callsign is just going to be Rooster Jr.” He laughed. 
“I really don’t know, she might want to keep it on all night if she gets the same attention I get with mine.” I winked at them.
Phoenix rolled her eyes, “You are so full of yourself, Bradshaw.” She scoffed and sipped her drink. 
“Where is everyone else at?”
Hondo looked at his phone, “They said they’d be here in 20 minutes. They’re getting more beer and some more food.” 
“I think I’ll wake up baby girl then.” I walked over to Leia and sat down slowly next to her. I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek. “Baby you have to get up now, The squad is here.” She groaned and turned the other way. I kept rubbing her back and gave her another kiss, “Okay baby when you’re ready.” I stayed with her until she woke up. She is definitely like me, she does not like having to wake up. 
Phoenix came and sat with me. “Let me try.”
Phoenix scratched Leia’s head, “Hey Leia, It’s Phoenix. Your daddy invited us over to come and see you, princess.” Leia turned and opened her eyes to look at Phoenix, she was squinting because of the bright lights and she smiled. Phoenix started to laugh, “I like your mustache.” She poked at it with her index finger. Leia looked at me, “Can I take the stache off, daddy? It’s itchy.” I nodded and peeled it off slowly. 
Phoenix looked at me with a slacked jaw. “She called you daddy, Rooster.” 
I nodded and smiled at her, “Yes, she does. It's the best nickname in the world.” Leia crawled into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I stood up and carried her over to say hi to everyone. 
Everyone came up slowly to her and gave her high fives and kisses. She was so loved by everyone. The rest of the squad showed up with beer, apple juice for Leia, snacks, and presents for my girl. They all greeted Leia as she was still trying to wake up. 
“So I heard you wanted a ‘rad’ call sign, Leia?” Payback talked to her as she laid down on my shoulder.
She nodded her head, “Daddy said I have to get my call sign from a squadron.” 
Payback nodded at her, “We will take care of you, Captain Leia.” He patted her head and then patted me on the back, “I see you have a new nickname Rooster. It suits you well, bro.” 
I smiled at him and gave him a fist bump, “Thanks, man.” 
Coyote came up behind and kissed Leia on the forehead, “Hey baby Rooster! You look adorable in your flight suit.” He poked at the Tomcat patch on her shoulder.
She gave him a fist bump and laughed, “Hi, Coyote. Thank you, papa Mav got it for me.” She smiled sweetly at him.
Leia sat up and looked around and whispered in my ear, “Daddy can I go say hi to Bob?” She pointed to Bob as he sat on a stool sipping a beer and making conversation with Fanboy, Hondo, and Mav. 
“Of course, sweetheart.” I gave her a kiss on her cheek and she was on her way over. She put her hands out and Bob leaned down to give her a hug. Then put up his hand high, she jumped up, and gave him a high five. She started to show off her flight suit that Mav bought her. I smiled because she was starting to get comfortable with everyone.
I made my way through everyone and went out to the backyard to see Cyclone. 
“Admiral Simpson.” I patted him on the back as he continued to barbecue some ribs. He looked over his shoulder, “Bradley, please. No need for the formality out of work, Cyclone is perfectly fine.” 
I nodded, “Yes sir. So where is Warlock? Will he be coming?” 
He flipped a couple of ribs over and then closed the grill’s lid. “He won’t be able to make it, He had some things to get done after work. Hey, can you get me a serving tray? These are done.” 
I nodded and went into the kitchen to get a nice serving tray. I brought it back out and Cyclone loaded all the ribs onto it. I carried it into the house and set it on the stovetop. 
Cyclone started to cut them so they were in singles and not a slab. “All right ladies and gentlemen, ribs are finished.” He picked one up and started to eat it as he moved out of the way so everyone could get their food.  
Everyone lined up with their plates to grab some ribs. Fanboy carried Leia while Bob held her plate while she picked the ribs she wanted. I felt so at ease knowing my daughter had so many people that cared for and loved her. I knew you would be too.
Leia went and sat with Phoenix and Hangman on the couch to eat. She sat in between them giving them no room for comfort, but it didn't seem like they’d mind. 
Hangman helped Leia eat her ribs, “The messier you are, the better Leia. Really get your hands and face in there, sweetheart.” Hangman put his teeth to the ribs and started to rub them back and forth across his teeth. The sauce got all over his lips and cheeks. He looked at Leia as he did it and she copied. 
They laughed while Phoenix rolled her eyes. She got up and went to get a wet napkin for not only clean Leia’s face but Hangman’s too. 
“Thank you, Phoenix.” They said in unison. 
Hangman put his hand up for Leia to high-five. “Nice job, honey. The messier the better!”
Leia continued to rub her face in the rib. Then she gasped. “Daddy!” Her mouth gaped. “My tooth fell out!” She held it in her hand. 
Hangman leaned over and look into Leia’s hand, “Oh my gosh! She really did lose a tooth! Daddy Rooster, look!” He pointed down excitedly at Leia’s hand.
Phoenix ran over and cleaned up Leia. Leia ran over to me and laid against my chest, “Look, daddy! Do you think the tooth fairy will come? Will she know where to find me?”
I picked up her tooth and held it up high in the light. I looked around at everyone and smiled. I looked back down at Leia and smiled, “I most definitely think she will come, baby. She’ll know where to find you.” I kiss the top of her head and placed her tooth back into her hand. “Keep it safe, sweetheart!” 
Leia unzipped one of the pockets on her flight suit and placed her tooth in it. She zipped the zipper back up and patted the pocket, “Nice and safe!” 
Leia jumped around in front of me. She was so excited.
“Give us a big smile, Leia!” Fanboy called over to her.
Leia smiled and she lost one of her bottom baby teeth. She had already lost her two top front teeth. She looked so adorable. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She ran around the living area showing everyone her toothless grin. Everyone gave her high-fives. 
I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and you were FaceTiming me. I answered and your beautiful face showed up. You were just getting ready for bed after a long hard day at work. God, you looked so good. 
“Hey, my smart girl! Everyone is here.” I showed my phone around to show you every one.
I held my phone above my head with both hands, “Everyone say hello to y/n!” Everyone waved and said hi to you. “Hang on baby, I’m going to step into the backyard.” I went into the backyard and sat on one of the lounge chairs.
“Okay, now I’m alone. Hey beautiful.” 
“Hi, Bradley. I just finished work. One day down, five more to go.”
“You’re one more day closer, baby. Then you’ll be home and I’ll give you your full body massage.” I winked at you.
You smiled back and blushed, “I can’t wait. I miss you and Leia so much. How is she doing?”
“She’s fine baby, I promise. She actually just lost a tooth right now.”
“What! Really!? Which tooth came out?”
“One of her bottom front teeth, she looks so cute.” I laughed, “She’s showing off her toothless grin to everyone inside.”
“Aww how sweet! Make sure she puts it under her pillow for the tooth fairy.” You winked at me.
“I most definitely will, baby. The tooth fairies are going to be extra generous tonight.” 
“The squad is staying over tonight. They’ve all had some to drink.That and we all also have the next three days off.”
You nodded and smiled, “How is she doing with everyone?”
“She is great, we are all taking great care of her while you’re gone. She misses you, but I miss you more.” 
“That’s great to hear. I miss you too, Bradley. So any clue of what her call sign will be yet?”
“No, we aren’t sure or have even talked about it yet. But the night is still young. We have time. We are all off tomorrow. Thankfully.” 
“Mmm, well you’ll definitely have to tell me what it is when she is given one.” 
“I will baby. What are you going to do now?”
“I’m going to change out of these clothes and clean up.”
“Change in front of me, beautiful.” I smiled seductively at you. 
“Bradley Nicolas Bradshaw, your friends are over. I am not doing this now.”
“Come on baby, have a little fun.” I laughed. “Just a little bit. No one is going to see. I’ll even go somewhere else to make sure.” 
You sighed, “You owe me.” She smiled. “Should I give you a strip tease?” You bit your finger.
“I think you most definitely should, baby girl.” My breathing was baited. I had never asked anyone to do something like that over a call. I was really testing the waters now. You started to slowly undress and my body became tense. I got up and started to walk around the backyard. You continued to take off your shirt, then your slacks, left in just your bra and underwear.
“Should these go too?” You asked sweetly but nasty at the same time. 
I bit the inside of my cheek, “I really think they should.” I tried to keep calm, I felt my pants getting tighter and tighter. 
You slowly started to remove the remaining of your clothing, then you were there on the bed naked. I took a deep breath and admired the comfort you had with me. You were mine. All fucking mine. 
“Is there anything else you want me to do?” Your hands lingered over your body. I fucking wish they were mine. 
“Surprise me, baby.” I bit my lip. You looked at me with lust building up in your eyes. My baby was feeling super confident as you should. Then the sliding door opened and Leia came out, “Daddy Mav is looking for you, Is that mommy!?” She tried to grab my phone and I shoved it into my pocket. 
“No baby, I already hung up. But mommy said she will call later to say goodnight to you.” She nodded and walked back inside. I pulled my phone back out.
“Shit that was close. Mav is looking for me, baby. Can we continue later when it is just you and I?” I smirked at you. 
You nodded, “I can’t wait. I love you, Bradley.” You blew me a kiss.
“I love you, y/n.” I blew you a kiss back. Then you ended the call. 
I leaned against the wall. “Holy shit.” 
I shook my head and laughed. I straightened myself out and readjusted before I opened the sliding door to head back into Leia’s callsign party.
Leia lost a tooth with the squad 🥹 They were so excited for her. I can only imagine they’ll just shower her in gifts 😭 You and Bradley got a little intimate over the phone and were almost caught by your daughter 🫣 THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL, BESTIE. I’ll see you all in the next part, babes! 🫶🏼
Tags are in the comments! 🥰 
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topguncortez · 1 year
Hello! I saw this and now I’m here to enable you
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WHO GAVE JAY ELLIS A BABY AND WHY WAS IT NOT ME??? the way his WHOLE hand wraps around that lil munchkin. . . my ovaries are crying.
Payback is for sure the more laidback dad out of the dagger squad. He likes to play the "good cop" but won't hesitate to step in and put his foot down when needed. He is the KING of dad jokes. He's got a whole arsenal just waiting to be used at any given time.
Idk why, but Hangman gives me the vibes that he would be the best co-parent ever. Like you two didn't work out, but he's not gonna take that out on the kids. If you need help with something, he's the first to volunteer to do it. When you get back out on the dating scene, his one request is that he gets to meet them before the kids.
Bradley is the ultimate coach dad. It's like his life long dream to coach a kids sports team. And he coaches the hell out of some pee-wee football. He's gotta remind the kids (and himself) that it's just a game and it's okay if they lose. But he is coaching (or attempting to) every sports team his kids get involved with. He is their biggest cheerleader.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
You know how I think would be an amazing sugar daddy, Payback.
it’s been discussed before how attentive, caring and loving rueben would be and this ties perfectly into him being a sugar daddy. he buys you anything you want. little pieces of jewellery that are custom made, a handful with his initials on and a handful with yours.
he has a yacht that he takes you on outside of fightertown, fucking you on the deck in your gucci swimsuit. he’ll shower you in cash and loves fucking you in a bed literally, made out of cash. he sits back in his armchair and watches you dance for him, slipping hundred dollar bills into the waistband of your bikini, his gold chain hanging perfectly on his chest.
he takes you flying in one of his many planes and leaves you his credit card when he leaves for work.
god i need him, carnally
thank you so much for this wonderful thought dear anon!! 💌
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