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miuimusic · 1 year ago
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everlast-archives · 1 year ago
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Hi, I'm Dungeon Master Judie. I run a homebrew campaign called Everlast, which is intended to be part of an interconnected universe with my other, later campaigns. These are some of the characters of this campaign.
The character depicted at the top, Milneam, is a God who has newly returned to the pantheon after centuries of self-exile.
The second character is Chakkaron MaCoiye, or simply "Chakka". He is a Sun Elf and a Warlock of the Great Old One.
The third is a character I based off a Hatsune Miku song ("the beast.") named Edrich. Yes, he's depressed.
The fourth is Prince Derilan Ashenclove of the Druidic Kingdom, Cordette. He's a very sweet lad.
The fifth is a Warforged made to look like a porcelain doll. His name is Corvellion.
And finally, we have Princess Ruanna of Stardelle. A very fair and kind young lady.
Feel free to ask further questions about these guys. I usually run my game 12pm-4pm EST some Fridays, and 4pm-8pm EST every other Friday. I have two different parties despite this basically being baby's first campaign. I will also be using this blog to track the progress of the two parties, so keep an eye out for the tags "party1" and "party2".
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pit-o-sims-and-figures · 4 years ago
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My sim, Ruanna Mayberry, as an adorable bubba.
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noire-star · 6 years ago
So I think I’m going to be a TDP blog for a while now...
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I thought I couldn’t love Runaan any more and then I got absolutely demolished by the fact he raised Rayla/thinks of her as a daughter :’)
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arthwend-art · 3 years ago
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The US cover of A Taste of Gold and Iron
- excellent yearning on Evemer’s face
- includes Kadou’s long hair (though it’s longer in the book)
- includes Kadou holding a coin as a reference to his ability to “taste” metal
- canon accurate blue uniform for Evemer
- just very pretty art over all
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The UK cover of A Taste of Gold and Iron
- more likely to be (accurately) placed in Adult Fantasy (this is not a YA novel!)
- fantastic quote “One lives for his kingdom” / “One lives for his Prince”
- Title looks like gold
- Evemer very slightly leaning towards Kadou is Very Good
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Perfect combination of covers plus the emojis used in the fan discord by ruanna
This very Excellent Book is by Alexandra Rowland (@ariaste) and published by Tor (@tordotcompub) and Tor UK!
It’s being released August 30th, 2022, and you can preorder it now as a hardcover or ebook, and you can add it on goodreads.
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beatrixacs · 5 years ago
Thanks for the tag @reyloforcebalance and I apologize for taking so long to do it but I was away on my holiday and checked Tumblr only for messages. 
Rules: tag eight people you want to get to know better
favorite colors: I am a simple person - black and red (For the Horde!)
last song you listened to: for some strange reason, I haven’t listened to a music for the whole week so the last song is ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’ from Les Miserables (2012) movie I saw in the middle of the week.
favorite musicians: do I have one? I am kind of flexible person. But if I was to pick one - Eminem. 
last tv show you watched: way too many. Stargate Atlantis, The Handmaid’s Tale, Cursed, Frasier... 
last film you watched: Les Miserables (2012)
favorite original character of yours: Well... I could choose Terri from my story Christmas Meeting because she is sort of my relaxed me but I should probably go with Ruanna, my main character from the original story I have been writing on and off for a decade.
spicy, savory or sweet: how about spicy and sweet together, hm? (chocholate with chilli!)
sparkling water, tea or coffee: coffee, definitely.
pets: do not have any, have never had any but I want one - preferably a dog. The only ‘pet’ I have is a porg plushie named Reylo. :D
Tagging @brasandsocks, @geranition, @hundan, @indestinatus and @tivaholic4
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444names · 2 years ago
cornish forenames
Aillan Ailleja Aillo Ailloryan Aillowen Alana Alanan Athwen Athwenwyn Beren Berenna Berestrok Berever Berezena Berlemo Berra Berwastin Bleday Bleder Bledereth Blemel Blenna Blenory Blensa Blestin Blewa Blewan Blewanana Blewena Blewenna Blewitto Blewlyno Bryan Bryenna Caday Cader Cadereger Caderleja Cadern Caderwen Cadoroc Cadorwan Cadra Cadran Cadren Cadrezza Cadroc Cadroca Cadrok Cadrona Cajan Casca Casekezen Caswan Ceena Ceensa Ceenwan Checca Checcas Cheday Chelwyn Chelza Chestanna Cheven Chevenna Chevi Clejan Clessa Clewan Clewlyona Colana Conenep Conep Conepa Coneppa Conepus Conwan Conwen Conwens Conwin Conwyn Cressen Crevi Crezen Daved Daven Davenna Daverra Delleja Dello Dellyn Delwyn Delyn Delza Demel Demelwyn Demelyn Demes Demessa Demest Demestan Deregen Derist Derra Derran Derwan Derwenan Deryenna Dewana Dewen Dewitto Dewlyn Digor Digorven Digoryan Drelyn Dywal Dywan Dywas Dywascas Dywasco Ebreld Ebren Ebressa Ebrethest Ebrethwen Ebrewasca Ebrezza Eledra Elejan Elejwyn Elewen Elewenna Enowen Esena Esengark Gawel Gawenna Gawensa Gawlyn Geres Gerestin Gerlen Gerra Gerran Gledra Glenifer Glewan Glewlyn Goroc Gorok Gorvenna Gorwan Gorwen Gwena Gwengulew Gwenna Gwenniven Gweno Gwens Gwenwin Gworver Gwynwanna Heban Hebanna Hebas Hebassen Hedan Hederen Hedern Hediassen Hediastin Hedroc Howalwyn Howan Howana Howen Howenep Howenna Howensa Hydra Hydran Hydrel Hydren Hydrena Hydrested Hydreth Hydronwin Hydronwyn Iunwan Iunwen Iunwin Iunwyn Jenepa Jengargh Jengark Jennal Jenow Jensa Jenwin Jorwen Joryan Jowas Jowen Jowengark Kekezen Kekezenna Kenca Kenen Kenepa Kengark Kengulemo Kenifery Kenna Kennal Kennallo Kennamel Kennamsyn Kennan Kenowen Kenwan Kenwin Kerellan Kerelyona Kerenwel Keres Kereth Kerevi Kerewa Kerewlyon Kerezza Kerlejan Kerran Kerwan Keryan Kevederen Keven Kevenepa Kevens Kevenwith Keverenna Kewalan Kewan Kewenep Kithecca Kitho Lalewal Lalla Lalwyn Lithwen Lithwena Litto Loved Lovensa Loveren Loverlemo Loverran Lowen Lowenca Mabanna Mabasco Mabaswan Madan Maday Mader Mador Madra Madran Madwur Masco Masenca Masenep Massa Maswala Maswalwyn Melek Melen Melewin Mellan Mello Mellor Mellowen Melow Melyn Melynory Melyon Melyoroc Melza Meregerwa Meren Merew Meristan Metheder Methelwyn Metho Methwenna Methwensa Metrevi Morhestin Morocasen Morok Morona Morver Morwan Moryan Moryen Moryfern Myghallan Myghalwyn Nalwyn Newal Newan Newast Newen Pasca Pasenna Passena Paster Pawen Pawlyona Pawlyor Pedias Pediasca Pediaster Pediaswan Penifen Penna Pennan Penwyn Perwalla Peryan Pethedian Pethester Petho Petrona Rewal Rewana Rewen Rewenna Rewin Rewlyn Rosek Rosena Rosenna Rosennan Rosensa Ruana Ruanna Sevedian Sevena Sevenor Severes Severevi Severewin Severn Sowelowan Sowen Sowenca Sowenwan Sowenwyn Splan Splana Steday Stedias Stedrana Stenepus Stenifena Sterello Sterra Taledra Talen Talewin Talla Tallan Talleja Tallemo Tallenna Tamelyn Tamestin Teccassa Tegenen Tegenepus Tegenna Tegennan Teger Tegeren Tomasca Tomasco Tomasek Tomassen Tomastan Tomaswan Trelory Trelwyn Trenana Trenca Trensa Trest Trestan Tresten Trestin Trestroc Treth Tretrok Trever Treveth Trevi Trewan Trezen Trian Triasen Triassen Triaswan Tristin Tristrok Tryan Tryenna Tryfen Tryfenna Tryluen Varghal Veppa Welestin Welewen Wellor Welow Welwyn Welza Wenca Wenifer Wennan Wensa Wenwasca Wenwenna Whelory Whelyn Whestin Wheven Yessa Yessen Yessena Yestan Yestana Yestenor
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pretty-pauline · 4 years ago
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Free People Muche et Muchette Ruanna Shawl Wrap.
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“Gypsy Road”
24″ x 20″ oil painting by Ruanna Shadd Yoder
Original available for sale & contact me to buy the original: or buy prints/cards and more on fineartamerica.com or zazzle.com
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auldobermman · 6 years ago
Ontem depois que a Ruanna partiu eu ouvi o morto falar seus velhos paradigmas. Ele disse que "agora que os medos partiram, não terá mais o que temer. E pra isso, precisará deixa que o velho morrar para que o novo se estabeleça, você não pode ficar dividido." Juro, que só quando a merda toda acontecer é que eu vou entender...
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f-247 · 6 years ago
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hes not an arcana oc but uhh heres ravanas older brother
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usanewsgoogle · 7 years ago
King tide driven by super blue blood moon inundates Torres Strait island | Australia news
Water surges through Yam Island homes in social housing complex as residents plead for help
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Flooding on Yam Island in the Torres Strait from a king tide driven by the super blue blood moon. Photograph: Ruanna Zoe Kepa
Yam Island in the Torres Strait has been inundated by a king tide, driven in part by the super blue blood moon…
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joserenatoworld · 5 years ago
Músical e vocal de Ruanna Gonçalves:"Seria uma homenagem a Sérgio Moro"?
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Ruanna, a 77-year-old Tibetan woman living in a remote Chinese village overlooking the Mekong river, says her Catholic faith has never been in doubt.
from Reuters: World News https://reut.rs/2BE6BsY
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pretty-pauline · 4 years ago
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Free People Muche et Muchette Ruanna Shawl Wrap.
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“Gypsy Grove”
30″ x 26″ oil painting by Ruanna Shadd Yoder
Get a print, card, and more @ fineartamerica.com or zazzle.com
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