#Roy cornickelson
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amymor-theend · 2 months ago
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I will continue to draw minor characters🙂🙃
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maccreadyswife · 1 year ago
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By the way, I also have concept art of Magnus that Songgu Kwon gave me for free because I spent so much on the one I bought (Charles and Roy Cornickelson). I asked if he ever planned on selling any of Magnus or Klokateers, and he slipped both in for me as freebies (:
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equarretedddd · 2 years ago
co-op headcanons with @lyalyagushkina inspire me to do something with mtl characters that ive never been interested in before… Roy and Damien
hc that Abi and Damien studied together in their youth and Roy often saw her little. he was a second father figure for her, he is very proud of her like looook at her such a good girl shes responsible, persistent, shes studies well and🥺i always wanted a daughter
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mtlsmashorpass · 9 months ago
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black-klok-youth-pastor · 2 years ago
Okay I am now further convinced it’s the latter due to Damien’s introductory line “your stupid whore secretary said you didn’t want to be bothered”. Maybe I’m reading way too much into it (I mean misogyny is a pretty good way to establish a character is a douchebag right off the bat) ,but what if Roy was having an affair with said secretary hence the derogatory comment? And we at least know that kid is puberty aged considering the acne and slight stubble.
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So it makes sense with the timeline as far as we can tell. Brendon I don’t care if I’m only one of two whole people that gives a shit about this, we need answers!
Actually another note about “Dethrelease”: Charles introduces the kid that wants to talk to Skwisgaar about guitar as the “label head’s son” which considering the next episode implies he’s either Damien Cornickelson’s son/Roy’s grandson or at some point Roy remarried and had another kid. Either one makes sense to me honestly.
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fishklok · 1 month ago
New Fic Alert! More of an introduction chapter, but I'm excited.
Abigail has been keeping to herself after Dethklok's breakup, but she promised Toki she'd hang out with him before Roy Cornickelson's funeral. However, Toki insists on bringing his weird friend around and she's starting to suspect that something might be up. Magnus promised the Metal Masked Assassin that he'd keep Toki occupied and gather intel before the funeral, while also making sure he has a good day before the Revengencer's plan carries out. However, the unexpected presence of Dethklok's producer might complicate things. Toki's just glad to hang out with two of his pals.
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sichore · 11 months ago
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If I wait to make proper pictures they'll never get shared so here's some of what I've been working on. I may only be two chapters deep into paint the sky but I've been doing a shitton of worldbuilding behind the scenes. Jimi's evolved beyond the sorta " regular jack-off" POV they were meant to be, so I've been making some additions to the universe.
Megaera "Meg" Millian aka MEGADEATH - Assassin turned lapdog. owns one (1) braincell. Nobody knows how she got here. April Fools joke bit me on the ass
#369 "Onyx Ankara" - One of the earliest and longest surviving Gears and one of the few mfers Charles can trust in this mess. Actually a lead in logistics, supply, inventory and transportation. Onyx fills in a plothole I've long agonized over – how in the fuck did Dethklok not completely fall apart while Charles was dead? Now we know. Jalacy Sabrina Tharpe-Cornickelson - Roy got a little bit close to one of the widows of a Dethklok-related accident and got himself a new wife. Jalacy had a pretty okay relationship with her new step-dad, until he got turned into ground meat by supernatural and human forces. Pretty much forced to become a nepo baby in the wake of the apocalypse and a desire for Crystal Mountain Records to have some fresh talent as their faces. And I haven't got work for her yet but I'm also developing Shayla Puss, an artist from the 80s band Strawberry Pain that Pickles once collaborated with, based on this clipping from the show!
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highlighted text and some above it on the far right reads: "These recording also contain rare group collabs, like Michi T playing lead guitar over Felbrick Zoner's ultra-syncopated drumming, with a shared duet by Strawberry Pain's Shayla Puss and Snakes n Barrels former lead singer Pickles." And ofc Jimi's been getting a lot of stuff, but it's mostly background and future developments. I'm hoping to upload chapter 3 before the end of this month.
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the-loveliest-lotus · 1 year ago
Kloktober 2023: Day 2 - Favorite AOTD Scene
Most if not all of my Kloktober responses are going to include my OC Lucy because I love my sweet summer child and that is currently where the Muse is striking me. <3 This is what would happen if Lucy had been at Ishnifus' funeral with the boys.
Murderface, Lucy, Pickles, Toki, and Skwisgaar were all sitting in a pew at Ishnifus’ funeral, set slightly apart from everyone else. It seemed as though Pickles was the only one who was able to keep it together. Normally, Lucy wouldn’t be like this at a funeral, especially for someone who had been as helpful and kind as Ishnifus through everything that had happened to them. But Lucy had already dealt with flashbacks from PTSD before Roy Cornickelson’s funeral, so after that absolute fiasco and everything else that had been happening lately she was full of nervous energy.
Her leg was bouncing a mile a minute and she was leaned back against the pew with her arms folded across her chest, her gaze ahead but hearing nothing, trying to focus on her breathing. She ran a hand down her face. This wasn’t working. Lucy glanced at Pickles, then glanced around her. She pulled out a weed vape and took a hit, but she ended up underestimating the pull that she took on the pen and started coughing, loud. Trying to cover her coughs and control her breathing was just making it worse, and everyone was starting to stare. She was grateful that Murderface and Toki were currently in the middle of outbursts of their own because at least she wasn’t the center of attention. ‘Thank the gods for small miracles.’
Pickles gave her a look and said, “Auntie Lucy, little help here, please.”
Lucy looked at him, feeling somewhat guilty, and whispered, “Listen Ma, Auntie Lucy’s just trying to hold off and not go do nose candy with a clown right now, I’m losing it.” She didn't mean to get snippy with him. He had to feel as though he was herding cats right now, and she of all people didn't want to be someone who Pickles felt as though he needed to wrangle. She took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, I'm just not ok right now."
He frowned and sighed, he knew better than anyone about her trauma. Pickles just said, “I know,” and squeezed her shoulder briefly before turning his attention back to her other bandmates.
Things seem to calm down even if she was nowhere near her baseline of calm, and she was able to at least stop bouncing her leg. And then Murderface let out the loudest fart with reverb that she had ever heard in her life, and with the weed having kicked in, she started laughing and couldn’t stop.
“I’m sorry,” she tried saying in between laughter. Eventually she was able to calm herself, but everything was quickly turning into a shitshow. And she was still full of nervous energy even if it had dulled down slightly, feeling like she just wanted to crawl out of her own skin. Then she looked up and saw Charles looking down at them. He gave her a look and a beckoning motion with his hand. Lucy glanced at Pickles who looked miserable, but he gave her a little nod. She walked upstairs to where Charles was, grateful to be away from the immediate area of the funeral.
Lucy walked up to Charles with a smug grin on her face, taking in the red robe that he was wearing. Damn, he looked good in red. This was definitely a nice distraction. “Forgive me, Father Offdensen, for I have sinned,” she said, biting her lip.
His lips tugged in a smile in spite of himself. “I thought you were raised Pagan?”
She walked closer to him, “I was, but you know, there’s something about blasphemy that gets ya going when you’re told by everyone around you that you’re going to Hell when you’re a kid.”
He shook his head, smirking, “As much as I’d love to get ah unprofessional right now, I think maybe we should wait for me to take your Confession until after the funeral.” She smirked back at him. They had been using that as a code word for their kinky little get-togethers since when she was in the band early on.
She sighed and said, “I suppose,” in a tone that told him that she didn’t really mind. Lucy leaned over the railing, and Charles stood next to her and did the same. “I’m guessing that you could tell from here that I was losing it.”
“You could have powered a small village with the energy coming off of your leg bouncing,” he said dryly.
She laughed softly, “I’m definitely a bit tense. Thanks for getting me out of the thick of it.”
Charles wasn’t going to tell her about more Prophecy details yet; he’d wait until Pickles got up there. For now, he put a hand on the small of her back, rubbing lightly. She relaxed a little. This was definitely better than doing nose candy with a clown.
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cladestruction · 1 year ago
ok so i’m going to continue with the Charles x Enif story bc oh boy.
Charles has all the files related to the Nile’s Comet case. however, he doesn’t look at them immediately. he gets to mordhaus, instructs the klokateers to study the files, and then he goes check on the boys. they’re all fine and safe, none even noticed what happened, and even when he informs Pickles about the death of Liz Bane he’s like “oh wow, that sucks. anyway–”. after that, he’s still got a ton of other stuff to worry about bc this is Dethklok and there’s always so much work for the manager, also he already heard most of the important information from the police, so the files are sitting at his office for a good couple of days. eventually, he asks the klokateers to give him a brief analysis of what they found. most of it is just a confirmation of the obvious: Exodus was an undercover cult, they were using Pickles to attract new followers, the Nile’s Comet event was a plan to kill Dethklok, etc etc. (NOTE: i like to think that The Tribunal’s knowledge about Liz Bane is pretty exceptional and not at all what the public knows about her. i mean, not even Charles seemed to know what Exodus really was, and much less knew about Liz’s links to the Order of the Dybbuks and all that. so i’ll push the narrative that the true lengths of Liz’s story, power, and influence are still a mystery to everyone but The Tribunal).
but then a klokateer mentions something else that catches Charles’ attention: among the various documents, there was a file of a girl and her interrogation attached. the klokateers inform Charles that she is Liz’s adoptive daughter. she was a victim of the cult, and she was one of the few people to be with Liz the night before she died and that’s why she was interrogated. other than that, there’s not much relevant information. the girl, Enif Bane, testified to not knowing about the cult and even less about the Nile’s Comet plan, and her test results show that she really did have nothing to do with anything. still intrigued, Charles picks up her file and dismisses the klokateers. indeed, there’s not much about Enif. her history is squeaky clean and she looks very normal (too normal, maybe?). the picture in the document shows her with long hair and a shy smile, with no trace of being the daughter of a cult leader. still, Charles instructs the klokateers to keep an eye out for her. not much is seen though, because there’s not much trace of Enif Bane after the incident, and Charles moves on to occupy himself on whatever Dethklok’s next crazy antics are.
one day though, Charles is asked to go to the record label. it’s an ordinary meeting to talk about sales, resources, management, brand deals, upcoming projects and deadlines, etc. and everything is going smoothly when suddenly a young woman enters the office to give Roy Cornickelson some messages and remind him of his upcoming schedule. her presence would not be very interesting if it weren’t for the fact that she looks terribly familiar to Charles, but he can’t pinpoint from where he knows her. Roy thanks her and the woman turns around to exit the office, but not before meeting Charles' inquiring gaze. the moment lasts barely two seconds, but it feels like a painful eternity. Enif immediately recognizes Charles: the famous and feared manager of Dethklok. Charles in turn takes a bit longer to connect the dots (because of the short hair, the cat-like eyeliner and the darker lipstick) but he finally remembers. she saw her, years earlier, in an ID photo from a classified police file. Enif is terrified, but she keeps it hidden and nobody notices. and just as Charles remembers her name, she exits the room.
Charles acts as if nothing happened. the meeting comes to an end and once Charles is out of Cornickelson’s office, he practically runs to look for Enif. he doesn’t find her, but it’s okay. he goes and asks the secretary if he could look at some of the label team’s files (which is actually not weird, he likes studying the people he works with) to find Enif. and he does. she’s Roy’s personal assistant and attends the label’s PR team. she has a good history and great professional references. Charles is ecstatic with this finding because this isn’t the Enif Bane he had been looking for. this is Enif Cordero. (NOTE: i’m still deciding whether Enif, with the help of the cop-friend, managed to hide all the ties she had to Liz and erase them from existence OR if it would still show on her record that she was adopted, but since she already made the name change and legal procedures to Not be Liz’s daughter, it’s fine and nobody even notices. it’s like hidden in plain sight or something. after all, she still has the perfect alibi of “i didn’t know my mom had a death cult!”, and she could have some kind of document, like witness protection but not really. but yeah, i still haven't decided which option is the best.)
after some time, Charles manages to connect all the points. he’s even able to track down (with the klokateers great connections) her true parents from Colombia and learn of their tragic deaths. (NOTE: i’m still not sure if Charles would figure out that Liz and her cult were the one responsible for the massacre. i’m inclined to think that he did but it would also be incredibly sad bc just like the french massacre back in the 1973, the police were not able to catch Liz and she was not charged for her crimes.) by this point, Charles is incredibly intrigued, but his manager-senses want him to hunt down Enif. being the daughter of a cult leader; having been suspiciously absent from the Nile’s comet incident; changing her name and record; and now working with Crystal Mountain Records, Charles can’t help but think of her as a possible threat to Dethklok. he quickly arranges for another meeting to take place, to which he makes sure Enif will attend. this time, it’s a company dinner. Enif is wearing a dark plain dress and spends the night avoiding the countless glasses of wine the waiters continue to serve. as soon as the opportunity arises, Charles approaches Enif and starts a conversation very casually.
Enif is terrified. she’s heard so many rumors of Charles. just that would be enough to freak her out, but it’s amplified by her constant fear of him recognizing her and putting the pieces of her secret together. still, she tries her best to answer just as casually. Charles acts oblivious as if he didn’t just read her entire criminal and school record, her curriculum, and her current contract. he makes her talk about herself, but she manages to tell as little as possible. they are only interrupted by Roy Cornickelson, who comes to greet the two and comment on how happy he is they finally met since he always thought the two would get along. he also comments on how good Enif is as an assistant, and how organized and professional she is. once he leaves, Charles takes the opportunity to invite Enif to work with him and join Dethklok’s management team. his goal is simple: just as with Melmord, he likes keeping his enemies as close as possible, and if Enif joins him, she would be easier to observe, study, and possibly even eliminate. Enif shyly laughs it off saying she’s not very metal herself and that she’s happy with her job in the label. Charles doesn’t insist, but he sure as hell won’t give up.
the dinner is coming to an end and Enif is leaving. just as she is about to get in a cab, Charles reaches her to say goodbye. they shake hands and he comments on how pleased he is to meet her and how much he hopes they can work together in the future. his tone is sincere, but they both know he’s really just saying “i’ll keep an eye on you, so watch your back.” Enif gulps and says likewise. she gets in the cab and watches as Charles goes back to the pary. and that’s when she realizes there’s no going back.
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medivigor · 5 months ago
CHAPTER 2: Metallic Tension
Word count: 5632 words
Sitting amongst a dark room leading to a long table. Six people sat in silence. No words to be spoken. The four who had been sitting in silence wore bronze masks that obscured their features. Except for the two people who sat in the two chairs directly in front of a throne. One is an old man in a military uniform. The other dressed like a holy priest that came straight from the Vatican. 
“Any news from him?” The general asked. His eyes merely shifted to a man that stood in front of a set of solid TV screens dressed in a fine business suit. His stance produced a form of pride for his job. Yet he didn't answer. 
The priest spoke with a deep almost Italian droll.“Do you believe our master might be in trouble?”
The man in the suit scoffed at their bickering. “Nonsense. He's capable. He's obtaining what he needs from who we believe to be ‘The Man Who Stands Behind The Shadows’.”
“Nonsense? He's been gone for too long!” The general hissed as he slapped his hand on the table.
The grey haired man standing by the TV's pointed at the general.“Stifle your tone, General! Need your overall outlook on the prophecy be obscured? Master Salacia is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Capiche?”
The general furrowed his brows with displeasure. “If you believe he is. I'll hold my tongue.” 
“Good.” The suited man hummed in approval to the general's words before he stood aside. His gaze focused on the TV's turning on to a picture of a skyscraper called ‘Crystal Mountain Records’.” Now that I have spoken my peace as well as yourself, General. I believe we can get down to business. The newly created Band known as Dethklok has recently made a deal with Roy Cornickelson. The founder and lead executive of Crystal Mountain Records.”
The General spoke up with a slight snarky exhale. “What exactly is the purpose of watching a death metal band? They have no significance to this so-called ‘prophecy’!” 
“Wrong! They most certainly do have great significance in this prophecy. More than you could ever truly understand. They recently lost their rhythm guitarist, Magnus Hammersmith due to falling out!” The finely dressed man pressed a button as the picture on the interconnecting tv screens switched to the picture of a newspaper titled: ‘Magnus Hammersmith kicked out of Dethklok: Brutal Beating Between Bandmates!!’.
Their face, despite being black and white looked beaten in and decimated by someone's brutal punches as he threatened the reporter who took the photo of him. Especially with the next article depicting their punch to the face by the seemingly ‘wronged man'.
The suited man clicked a few more times as he spoke. “Magnus Hammersmith had Stabbed his former bandmate Nathaniel Explosion in the back after a night of practice on their song ‘The Hammer’. It escalated thanks to an argument Magnus had with Pickles the drummer. Former singer and guitarist to the eighties rock band ‘Snakes N’ Barrels’.”
“Significance Senator!” The general sneered. 
“Thanks to his leaving..” The Senator bit his cheek momentarily before he continued.” Magnus was replaced just a day after his departure. By this young Norwegian man, Toki Wartooth. The significance of this, General. Is simple. The prophecy wall.” The screens switch. A dark depiction of drawings on a cave wall with five knightly figures turned towards a rounded red object in the sky.
“By god..” The general sat back. 
“It is them..it has to be..” The priest murmured. 
The Senator hummed as he lowered his head. A small confident smile crossed his lips. His tone is low with just as much confidence  as his smile. “Mr.Salacia has business. He assured me personally that he is fine. All we must do. Is wait…” 
Magnus wasn't aware of his surroundings. A dark corridor with flickering lights with blood that dripped freely from the walls. The deeper he went the more those hall's grew visceral. Unsettling to bear witness to the unforgiving brutality that had befallen the unfortunates that had their blood expunged from their bodies and had that red liquid used as a paint for the tiled and metal walls. 
His expression didn't change however. He treated the overall views of blood and gore as if he was used to its grotesque smell and appearance. Each step he took down the corridor echoed endlessly like a never ending echo chamber. His eyes focused on faceless people with glowing white lifeless eyes that stared hungrily back at him. 
Their mouths were coated in blood. They're lips dripping. Twitching as they stomped in a primal form. Unified and deep onset rhythm that kept going as he reached two double doors. 
Silence. A dark foreboding silence around him. The darkness matching the ambiance clouded by shadow and eerie connections. The floor beneath him reflecting his visage back at him. But when he looked down his form was different. He was older. His hair holds streaks of grey. His beard matches his hair. Wrinkles coating his face with an unforgiving punch from old age. And the thing that made him furrow his brow was his left eye. It glowed vibrantly. A bright yellow as it would stare back at him. 
Sharp clawed fingers that looked familiar wrapped tightly around his ankles. Pulling him under as a sharp gasp left his lips. His hair suspended as if he was underwater. Mouth opening as bubbles would rise above him into an endless void above. There was nothing. Till arms wrapped around him in a loving caress. An embrace he wasn't expecting as he looked at those sharp nails that lovingly wrapped around his neck. 
His calloused damaged hand grabbed at one of the hands loosely. The silence of everything around him was overwhelming. It didn't end. But the sensation of lust fuled him. Turning around in the suspension was like turning in the water. Slow. Till everything became solid again. Slow movement returning to normal. His hair dropping yet still dry as if water had never touched his curly brown locks. 
His eyes came into contact with Sal's hazel hues. Something about that smile..hypnotic. Warm..
Magnus’ expression was completely empty. Unmoving as Sal smiled towards him. His head cocking to the side as he spread his arms out as if to tell him to embrace him. No words were needed. He obliged in the offer. One step at a time his feet causing ripples on the ground beneath his feet. 
As if he was walking on water. His arms wrapped around Sal in the embrace. Until a sharp pain coated his neck. Blood spewing free from his lips. His eyes lidded as he stepped back. Blood. His neck was bleeding. Fingers brushing against his open wound as muscle was exposed as he collapsed. Falling back to see blood coating Sal's sharp teeth. His lips drenched in crimson as he would lick blood free from his fingertips. Each breath hitched and shaken. 
“What's the matter, Badger? You 
look..T̶͑͑̕̚Ĕ̵̢̪͕̅́R̵̃͛R̶͋İ̶͗̊F̷̢̳͎̍̓̂I̶͂̃Ȅ̶̽̉̑̎̕͝D̷̏.” His tone is low. It reverberated like a bass tone that shot through Magnus’ chest like a bullet. Looking at his reflection on the water his form appeared older much like he did. Taller. Wearing a fine suit as its reflection would move separately from Sal. Stepping closer.” No one will save you..a pathetic fool with only one purpose in life.”
He couldn't talk. He could only listen as he would push himself back. Any word attempted to be spoken was met with a gargle. Putting pressure on the wound. 
“Ť̸̑͗̄ȍ̷̐ ̶̢̧̙̗͎̝͍̋ͅd̴̛̂̍͝i̴̓̈́e̶̹̞̾̓.” People emerged from the darkness. Their eyes are yellow. Matching Sal's hues that had shifted from Hazel to yellow. The people around him..Pickles, Murderface, Nathan, And Skwisgaar. Their faces exhibiting hateful sneers as they stared at him like animals. Nathan holding a metal pipe in his hand. Sharpened at a point. His eyes wide. 
“G-gak!” He could barely speak. Pickles being the first to grab his arm. Magnus struggled to push him away as Murderface came up from behind and wrapped his arm tightly around his neck before Magnus' free arm met Pickle's face before Skwisgaar could grab his other arm. He knew if he didn't get out of here he would die like Sal said. 
But once he shook Murderface off of him. He turned around to face Nathan. His eyes wide as he swung the pipe at him. His face being sent to the side with the barsh impact. The ringing of the pipe sent through bone and tooth. 
Teeth flew from his mouth. The pain numbed by the adrenaline that seeped into his bones. But the numbness didn't alleviate the stunning blow as Skwisgaar took his right arm. Pickles taking his left leg. Murderface his Left arm. And Nathan using his foot to break his free leg with a mighty stomp that made Magnus shreek in agony. 
His voice was broken. Muffled as his blood filled the water beneath him.”whhh..!?” He asked why. Though it came out as a devastated cry.
Nathan raised the pipe over his head in a stabbing motion as Sal appeared before him. Taking his place directly beside Nathan so Magnus could get a good look at him. His hands are placed firmly behind his back as he gives him a cheeky grin. 
“Why? Oh Honey Badger~” He cooed. Taking his place at Magnus’ side. His gaze amused. Taking joy in what he was looking at. A man bleeding out. Being held down by his former bandmates turned ravenous and blood thirsty; about to be impaled by a metal pipe by none other than Nathan Explosion.” It's fate for you. To be broken. Alone. Obscured from life..Now that's how you're meant to live. In obscurity..” Sal hissed slowly before he patted Magnus’ bruising cheek.” Kill him.” 
Magnus shook his head. Begging through muffled garbled gags. Tears filling his eyes as he looked at everyone around him. They were smiling now..their teeth exposed bloody gums and destroyed decayed teeth. Eyes now bleeding as Nathan raised the pipe. And as the pipe connected with his abdomen…
He woke up. His eyes widening as he breathed. In, out. In through the nose and out through the mouth with a cold sweat so unforgiving he had to go and wipe his brow free with one of the dirty towels provided by the motel. Sal was awakened by his sudden outburst. 
“Magnus? You alright?” He asked as he entered the bathroom behind Magnus. His hands placed gently on his shoulders before he tensed slightly.
“I'm fucking fine!” Magnus yanked his shoulders free. His face was pale and cold. Sweat drops dripping free from his forehead.
“I'm seeing the opposite.” Sal said with a steady tone.” Wanna talk about it?” 
“Why? So you can make fun of me?” He let a sharp ‘tch’ leave his lips.” Bullshit.” 
Sal smiled lightly. As he gently put his hands back onto his shoulders Magnus tensed. Then relaxed to his touch. “Look everyone has nightmares. Common. You can talk to me. What happened?” 
“I can't remember..” He lied. But the lie was somehow believable enough for Sal to take.” It's all hazy..I just know I died..and the band was there..” 
“Oh? Were they the ones who did it?” 
Magnus stiffened once more to the question. There was no way..but it was just a guess.. right? His brown eye shifted to Sal's reflection. Looking him in the eye. Nothing..he hadn't seen any sign of yellow. He was fine..he sighed. 
“Yes..they impaled me.” He murmured as he clenched his abdomen.” That's all I remember.” He turned to look at Sal. Pulling his phone out that he neglected since last night. The time reading eleven in the morning. It was late anyway. Text messages from Charles as well as calls went unanswered. He didn't bother. He only saw a glimpse of ‘we found someone new’ before he deleted the messages and blocked everyone associated with the band. Then threw his phone at the mirror. A loud ‘crack’ as the pieces of glass shattered on impact. His reflection split into a multitude of different reflections. He can almost see that old figure in the glass till Sal caught his attention. 
“Hey hey. Calm down before you hurt yourself!” He said calmly as Magnus bore his teeth. The words bore into his head.
“What!? I'm acting crazy!?” He snapped. Sal gave him a look of concern more than defensiveness.
Magnus breathed. His good eye lowered in shame.” Fuck..” 
Sal cupped his face. Any normal man would push him away. But Magnus refused to do so. He actually leaned into his touch. “You need to unwind more. I heard there's a concert going on back at the Depths of Humanity you wanna go? Unwind then?” 
Magnus sighed. His body slacks slightly. He merely gave in. “Sure, fuck it. I have nothing better to do.” 
“Oh~?” Sal cooed lightly as he pinched his cheek. Magnus swatted his hand away with a look of sheer annoyance as if he was bound to stab him for that. 
Magnus shoved him. However Sal merely giggled at him as Magnus spoke.“Bad move to pull with a guy who has a knife. Why the hell are you laughing!?” 
Sal chortled before he cleared his throat and spoke his best through the laughter. “You're definitely not a tiger! You're a damn Honey Badger!” 
“You better not call me that, asshole.” 
Magnus took that moment to brush his hair. As much as Magnus would rather not use Sal's hairbrush out of the risk of lice. He assured him he was ‘as clean as a whistle’. He'd find out if his scalp started to itch later. His knots are gone. Doing the same with his beard as he withdrew a comb from his pocket and brushed out the harsh knots thanks to the booze he drank last night. 
“What time is this stupid damn concert huh?” He asked as Sal fitted his spiked cuffs in the main room.  Snapping the buttons on, checking for his wallet and then sum. 
“In an hour, not sure who's really playing though. However, It's their first real gig. Figured we could make fun of how shit they are.” He was going off of rumours now was he? Magnus smirked and rolled his eye.
Magnus laughed before he yelled back into the main room. Looking at himself in the shattered mirror as he gently touched his still swollen eye. Studying a few cuts from the attack. “Sure you want me to go? Next thing you know people are going to think you're gay.”
Sal raised a brow despite not being physically seen by Magnus.” What makes you think that?” 
“Common! You gotta be kidding right? People would most likely think you beat the shit out of me or something.” Magnus was hung over. His thought process immodestly went to the first thing that would result in being judged for being gay. Just because he was going to a concert with another man. Nothing going to friends. Nothing about any other reasonable thing. 
He was insecure about his sexuality. Being bisexual or just being gay was something that the band frowned upon so he had to hide both that and his relationship with his manager. But Sal seemed convinced that his thoughts were incorrect. 
“Are you?” Sal asked. 
“W-what? No!” He lied. Till sweat dripped down his forehead. He vaguely remembers telling him he didn't mind sharing a bed when he was very hammered last night. And he had a boyfriend. 
“You're lying to me. You said last night you had a boyfriend.” 
Magnus’ lips clamp shut from embarrassment.” Dammit..way to go you blabbering asshole..” he breathed in.” Fine yes..I'm Bisexual. I'm into guys more than women. Okay?”
“Honey Badger, common.” Sal said with a chortle. He wasn't mad?” I'm no different. I used to have a lover at one point. She casted me out..but it didn't stop me from mingling with the males if you catch my meaning~” 
Magnus blushed. Then remembered. Didn't he call him Honey Badger in his nightmare? Coincidence.. it had to be it. Right.  
“You got quiet, Badger. You okay?” 
“I'm fine!” Magnus sighed.” Can we just go? Last thing I need is you coming onto me.” Grumbled and quiet he was blushing up a damn storm thanks to this metal head asshole. His eyes shut tightly as he left the room and made his way to the car through the stairwell.
“Common Magnus I was just fucking with you. Don't let my teasing ruin the day.” Sal had to run to catch up with Magnus. He had already jumped into the unlocked car and crossed his arms.” Is it still about the band?” 
Magnus hadn't bothered looking at Sal once he got in the car and asked him his question.“That band was my livelihood. I gave up my job to become a fucking famous man..its pointless. I just want to get fucked up. Have fun. Get my mind off of the fucking shit..” He cursed. 
“You don't have to tell me twice.” 
The drive was mostly quiet. Popping a pill of excedrin helped his hangover headache earlier so listening to loud music wouldn't destroy his head. Megadeath's ‘Sweating Bullets’ playing freely in the background of his mind as he noticed how packed the venue was when they pulled up. 
“Jesus..it's packed..” as much as the parking lot was full he noticed the back door to the bar that was clearly in an open alleyway. He couldn't..his eye was playing tricks on him as he watched a suited man enter the back door and vanish from sight. Magnus bit his lip. It had to have been a joke. A cruel joke..but maybe it was someone else. He hoped..preyed in his head that who he saw wasn't HIM!
“You look tense.” Sal turned his head to look at Magnus. 
“Oh..you know..just excited.” He grumbled. His eyes focused on the back door as if the man would come out again. It was their first gig wasn't it!? THEIR first gig! He could almost make out balaclavas of the Klokateers past the stairwell well as Sal parked across the street due to a packed house.  
As Magnus left the car his body felt heavy. He never wanted to see them again. Obscure. Obscure. It rang in his head like a montra. The aching sound of his abdomen being impaled. Being destroyed mentally and physically by this. His life work was given to an autistic man with a body too muscular for his mentality. His life is gone. And if this was the band he thought it was. He doesn't know what he'd do. 
As they grew closer the sounds of metal music hit his ears. The sound muffled Sal's words if he even was talking. His heart drummed in his chest as his face contorted with mixed emotions of fear and anger. 
And as they made it into the pit. His worst fears hit him. His song is being played on stage. With Dethklok and a young kid around the age of eighteen doing his job! Everything around him slowed to a crawl. His eyes were deadlocked on them. Mostly the kid who was wielding the Gibson Flying V. A hand on his shoulder walking him up from his catatonic state. 
Sal..out of everyone around him he and Magnus were the only ones not having fun. No. Magnus stormed off. But not without Sal no. He walked up to the bar. And grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the tabletop he drank just last night. And a napkin from the same napkin dispenser Sal used to fix his still wrapped up hand. 
Sal smirked. And nodded. He couldn't hear it but he could see the words fly out of his mouth with despicable approval. Something shivered up his spine. A slight sensation that felt as if an invisible hand was guiding him his eyes glowed yellow. As well as his own in a tangent unison. In his mind he could almost hear him speaking. Whispering beautiful nothings. 
‘Do it. They casted you out. Stole your song. Might as well burn them down. But don't kill them..” 
The command was clear in his mind. His yellow eyes shifted. And Magnus turned back to face the stage. His grip on the neck of the bottle was as tight as his heart that thumped with unrelenting wrath. 
Sal reached into his pocket and withdrew his lighter. Slapping it in his hand. 
Leaning in he whispered.” You look so hot when your angry~” 
Magnus’ cheeks flush. His mind a shattered mess of both semi arousal towards Sal's words. And angry towards his band for playing his song. Each person around them slowed to a crawl as Sal bit his ear.” Show them who the king is~” 
He took the lighter offered by Sal. And slowly shoved his way through the crowd. The song ended on a high note before Magnus shoved his way to the front row. The Klokateer didn't notice him. But the one who did. Was Nathan. His green hues wide as Magnus lit the napkin. And threw it at Pickles’ drums. The bottle instantly engulfed the drums in flames as the crowd gasped. Pickles screeched as he dove off his drums to safety. 
“Woah what tha fuck dood!” Pickles yelled as Skwisgaar yelled. The new kid doing the same as people scrambled to put the fire out. 
Magnus couldn't help but smile. Eyeing Nathan with a spiteful grin as he raised his middle fingers towards him before backing into the crowd. He could see Nathan coming for him. He jumped off the stage. Sal grabbed his wrist as he pulled him through. Their heavy breathing makes way for Nathan's appearance as soon as they enter the car. Starting the engine Sal chortled. Magnus rolled the window down as Nathan could only say his name in an angry voice.
As Sal sped out Magnus hung out the window.  His hair flying in his face as he yelled out to Nathan. His good eye filled with anger but relief for committing arson.“That's for stealing my life and work away you autistic fuck! Eat a bag of dicks!” 
“‘Eat a bag of dicks’? Really?” Sal giggled like an amused child. 
“Don't question me. I'm pissed off.” He hissed as he breathed. If anything he matched Nathan's words in that moment..and it seemed like Sal actually liked it. 
“You look cute when your crazy, Honey Badger~” 
“I need a drink..know anyplace?” Magnus asked as Sal smirked.
“I know just the place for you. Women everywhere. Perfect place for my little arsonist.” 
He wasn't kidding. Five miles across Phoenix Arizona was a stripper bar. Almost as run down as the motel Sal was living in for the time.” I don't mind this one bit.” Magnus said with a smile. He was actually excited. 
“Magnus.” Sal hummed. His eyes shifted as he turned to face Sal. His eyes widening to a sudden kiss. The flavour of something he could only describe as fruity as tongue would intertwine with one another. He wanted more..so much more by that point. His mind numb to whatever drug he laced his mouth with. His eyes shut. Taking it in before Sal took that initiative to back away. Magnus’ hues dilated beyond belief to whatever drug he put in his body.” How do you feel~?” 
“Like an..angel touched my lips..what did you take..?” He asked with a slight mellow tone as Sal popped a slip of paper on his tongue. His tongue is strange..purple. the slip of dissolving paper almost instantly vanished as his own eyes dilated.
“Acid~ it hits better with a kiss. Don't you agree, Honey Badger?” 
Magnus’ mind was gone. Mostly influenced as the world around him seemed to melt into various colours. Twisting and conjoining in on one another before him. Sal falling apart. Becoming something else. Then like a glitch would become himself again as he spoke in a slurred but energised tone. “Fuck..yeah. let's get fucked up!”
Magnus's actions that night were not really his own. The drugs influenced his violent and uneasy behaviour as he would assault the bartender and freely hand out the beers and heavy liquor to everyone. The strippers would get a grope and give Magnus lapdances with sal breaking every rule in the joint. 
After such atrocities Magnus would take more acid with Sal in a private back room while the bouncer would have to heal from the punch Magnus gave him. Slipping one slip of acid on his tongue Magnus called it ‘The Angel's Kiss’. A melting kiss that destroyed his mind just as much as his tongue. Fingers lacing hair intertwining his fingers in Sals fine coarse hair that felt as smooth as silk between his fingers. Sal reciprocates the process then continues their night of violence. 
The cops were called after five hours of their antics. Sal had stolen money from the register's while Magnus waved his knife around. Taking the time to leave and head back to the motel. Only to stop. 
Magnus gazed at the empty bar. Everything that was acid in his mind made the long haired man bare his teeth in anger. It was always that bar.” Let's fucking go.”
“You wanna rob it?” Sal asked with a sly smirk. Holding up a brick he stole from a construction site they ran through earlier that day.” They have to have a shit ton of money in there~” 
“Not worth it. I got plenty now that we stole it from the titty bar.” Magnus cackled as he grabbed his stack of one hundred in his pocket. It was a decent five hundred. A total of a thousand split between the two.” You know. At first I thought you took me there because you just wanted a normal time.” He said as he looked at the Depths of Humanity. His bruised eye narrowed for a moment.” Now I think you took me there to let off some steam.” He turned to him.” Thank you.” 
“Please. I needed that too. Nothing like a little arson to fix a bullshit day.” 
Magnus smirked.” You knew that whole time, that it was them didn't you~?” He hummed.
Sal rolled his head with a knowing look.” So what if I did? I wanted that to happen. Common, Honey Badger. Let's get out of here.” The time on the clock said it was eleven oh seven PM. His expression laxed slightly. As Sal pulled into the parking lot he looked over to Sal.
“I want to taste you..” 
Sal chortled as they both left the car. Magnus itching as Sal started his way up the stairs. “My your greedy~ I didn't think my tongue work would really get you going like that~” 
“You have no fucking idea.” He murmured. Still clearly high off his rocker. His judgement didn't change but for some reason he felt broken. His soul shattered inside even when he was kissing Sal. His eyes closed as the door did. Slipping his shirt off to find his chest tone and well built as Sal slipped free from his own to expose his chest. He was far more muscular than Magnus initially thought. It only made his cheeks flush more as his fingers would trace each crevice with his fingers. 
His drugs wanted the full experience. But something was telling him to take it slower. He just met him last night! And yet it felt like Magnus knew him for years as Sal gently placed his fingers under his chin. And kissed him. He was taller than him. If anything this guy was as tall as Skwisgaar. His work with his tongue felt like a song on his tongue. Each time he could feel the tongue in the back of his throat he felt a sense of complacency and completion. He wanted Sal to take control. His damaged fingertips tracing every craving the sensation of naked floors against his hand but refrained as he was thrown onto the bed. 
“W-wait..” Magnus breathlessly reached out towards Sal. Which worked as he raised a brow.” No penetration. It's our first night..might as well take it slow..alright~?” 
Sal smirked lightly. Crawling on top of Magnus like a predator stalking his prey. Straddling him with his muscular thighs as he leaned in. Kissing his neck with each word breathlessly spoken through a whisper.” Oh babe..please..I know how to make you melt without using my hands~ no penetration..? I think I'm capable of doing this for my Honey Badger..” 
Each kiss got an auditory moan out of Magnus. Sal joined him in on the moans as Magnus would knee his package. Sal gently grinding against its touch with a light twitch on his package before he bit down on Magnus’ neck. The bite made his body arch beneath him. The overall sensation of someone else doing the work made him melt. All he had to do was lay there. Those hazel eyes staring into his partly black eye and brown hue from his still intact one. 
“Let me do the work, Honey Badger..” he muttered as he would slowly undo his pants. And pull them down. His hard erection exposed through the baggy boxers he wore. Sal doing the same with his belt as he moved Magnus back on the bed. Stretching his belt in his hands.” Do you trust me~?” He asked as Magnus stared at his belt and smirked.
“I do..” his hands gently crossed over the bed frame as his belt was laced between the bars and his hand. Careful not to do it too tight for the sake of his hands. Locking the belt through one of the holes to lock the belt into place. And placed himself back over Magnus. His tongue rushing up and down the left Nile rendering a fine pleasured moan from his prisoner on the bed. His eyes rolling and bobbing in ecstasy in his head with a suckle. 
“I won't last much longer if you keep teasing me like this, a-asshole..” he murmured. 
“Now now~ don't get so angry..I'm just getting started with you..” he said as he stopped his erection. A squeeze that got a sharp inhale from Magnus that made him smirk in amusement. Stripping his boxers free he got a full view of a fine body. Magnus took in every inch of Sal's tone muscular body. His expression shifted with excitement as his member would twitch with excitement. The mere thought of him alone on top of him made the broken man gag on his own saliva. ” You like what you see Honey Badger~?” 
“I do..my fuck your sexy..” Magnus admired it like a piece of art. 
Sal laughed as he then did the same with Magnus’. His blush intensified as Sal went to his duffle bag and pulled out some lube. “You fucking know it..” Sal got back. His hips practically sitting on Magnus as he grabbed his member and started to lick. Like a lollipop. Listening to his tongue flicking across his urethra with vigour it drove Magnus crazy watching him take every inch of him in. His throat closing tight around his member he felt himself twitch. 
“Oh jesus, fuck..” His hips involuntarily thrusting upwards to go deeper. His body shaking with pleasure before he felt Sal struggle. Lifting himself back to remove his throat from Magnus. His tongue then gently partaking in a taste of the balls. His fondling drives Magnus insane.” No no..not yet..I don't want this to end..” 
His way of saying he was close..? It seemed like something Sal was wanting to hear as he took the lube and lathered his hand in it. His wet hand gently wrapped not just around his own erection but Magnus’  and slowly started to pump. Careful to not hurt either of them with his fingernails.
“That's it, Honey Badger..moan for me..” Each rhythmic pump makes both of them arch their backs. Magnus inhaled deep through his teeth with the urge to not let go too early. He wanted the pleasure to last and never really end. Though sex was always a temporary thing. His finger caressing the tip of Magnus’ shaft like a toy. Wiping the precum free from his leaking tip.
“God I think I'm going to cum soon..” he hissed. Biting his lip not wanting to come too soon as Sal did the honours of plugging his tip with his thumb as he used the other to continue pumping.
“Not until I say, Badger..” Sal gagged through a moan. Each pump brings him to the same point. Sacrificing himself to pleasure Magnus till the end where he finally got a piece. He'd make it up to Sal. Right now he gladly took in what Sal was giving. The ride of a lifetime far kinkier than anything Charles could possibly muster up in the bedroom when they were dating. Their relationship grew stale. 
This hypertension in bed with Sal gave Magnus a drive. Energy. And he felt himself coming. 
“I'm almost there..” Sal murmured. His lip had a slight indent from him biting it. A drop of blood formed as Magnus could barely see it. It looked almost black in the darkness. And as he leaned In. Kissing him as he tasted that drop of blood..it was funny. It didn't taste like what he expected. Sweet almost. 
If only he knew what that drop of blood did to a man..
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kevingotabigasschin · 2 years ago
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In my version of the funeral scene in Metalocalypse, where Nathan apologizes to Pickles and the band for being a s***ty person towards them, Nathan also apologizes to Misery (who wasn’t present) even though she wasn’t there to hear it.
He had been looking for her in the crowd at Cornickelson’s funeral before the speech but didn’t see her there. 
Nathan still thought she would come back to the band and maybe show up at the funeral, but she didn’t, she wasn’t close to Roy like the boys and Charles were (since she appeared later in their careers) so it really wouldn’t make sense for her to go. 
(Mind you this was before Dethklok found out she died) 
Nathan had held on to hope that Misery would come back but no one could find her, not even Charles. 
Nathan had already bumped up Payne’s (Misery’s friend) status from alternate bodyguard to full time, but he hadn’t clicked with Payne like he did with Misery. 
It’s not that he didn’t like Payne she just wasn’t like Misery at all. 
Payne had tried to get Nathan to talk about Misery to make him feel better about her disappearance (since she was there when Nathan and Misery’s huge argument happened) but he either pretended not to know who Payne was talking about or just brushed it off. 
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It wasn’t that he was glad Misery was gone, just like with Toki and Abigail, he was secretly trying to deal with the pain of knowing she was gone and presumably never coming back and when Nathan finally got confirmation that Misery was dead by footage sent from Magnus that was the final nail in the coffin. 
In a way, Misery’s walkout after their argument was a step to him realizing that maybe he was in the wrong about the entire situation. 
Misery had tried her best to support and stand by Nathan even though she knew he was wrong, and he gave nothing back, she was the only one besides Skwisgaar and Payne to put up with his bulls**t and he really just let go of her because he didn’t want to admit he was wrong. 
Nathan absolutely deserved to fail after she left I’m sorry, and this is coming from a Nathan fan. 
He was literally the reason she died, and now that she’s dead, now he cares, so f**k him.
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gointothevvater · 3 years ago
Just for fun, I’ve put together a reference sheet for St. Cecilia’s relationships with Dethklok, plus Magnus and Charles! It’s more a reference for me, but maybe you guys’ll find it interesting, too! 🖤
Pickles the Drummer: Their relationship is a complicated one. They've known each other for ages, and they've been together through the highest highs and the lowest lows, all the way down to rock bottom. She partially blames him for her late teens and early twenties being the fiasco they were, and she cut off contact with him for a long time after the SnB breakup. During the run of the show itself, the two reconcile somewhat and even become more or less friends before Abigail shows up and things start to crumble again. They have a hard time admitting it, but there's love between them, and there has been for a long time. They're both afraid to try getting together again, though, as there's a mutual fear of the relationship ending as it did the first time, with them both hurt to the point of self-destruction. They're back together at the end of Doomstar, but there's no way of telling if the love between them is enough to keep them together or if they'll just fall apart all over again. 
Magnus Hammersmith: They were more off-and-on than anything, but they were together for years, even though quite a bit of it was long-distance. It wasn't supposed to be a serious thing. It was just supposed to be a quick fuck. Then it was a performance to get back at Pickles, but Magnus quickly realized that St. Cecilia's feelings for Pickles were too strong for her to be of any use to him in his revenge plot. The basis of their bond formed because they understood each other on a level they've never known with anyone else: Former Snakes N' Barrels guitarist St. Cecilia Jameson and former Dethklok guitarist Magus Hammersmith both understand on a fundamental level what it's like to be left behind and forgotten. Magnus caught a bit of feelings himself, and when Roy Cornickelson's funeral came around, Magnus warned St. Cecilia not to attend. It was their last interaction, and it forever cast him in a positive light for her, even after she learned what he was doing with the Metal Masked Assassin. During Doomstar, she stuck with Charles and Dethklok solely to try and find Magnus. She was devastated by the loss.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: St. Cecilia and Skwisgaar have a surprisingly tight bond. They’re narrative foils, matched in their snobbishness and their high sex drives and their guitar skills. The two of them often have brunch together, talking shit and drinking. She's good for him; He's never had a female friend before. And it’s nice for her to have a guy friend who has no interest in sleeping with her. His presence makes her feel lighter, in a way: She’s not bogged down by expectations of sex when she’s with him. He’s her best friend, though they don’t get to see each other very often. She adores him.
Charles Offdensen: St. Cecilia really likes Charles, actually. He's basically the only person on the show who's really "on her level" class-wise. He attended Harvard, and she attended Oxford, so they have a great deal to talk about. They play a lot of chess and fence on occasion, and if it weren't for her feelings for Pickles and his obligation to the Church, they just might have gotten together. A time or two, we catch him quietly watching her, or her shooting wanting looks his way. There's a very real spark between them. There’s a moment in Doomstar where they hold hands, but that’s as physically close as they get. 
Nathan Explosion: They get along pretty well. Their first meeting was at a singers-only Crystal Mountain party, and they ended the evening with a quickie in the coatroom. He wrote a song about the encounter by the name of Glasgow Smile, but Pickles never figured out that it was about St. Cecilia, which Nathan thinks is just the funniest thing. He mostly sees St. Cecilia as one of the guys once she meets with Dethklok again for the SnB reunion. It's a been there, done that kind of deal. She's not brutal, but she's funny and she's fun, and goddamn, is she pretty, and they would absolutely hang out if they could get their schedules to line up.
William Murderface: St. Cecilia actually has a begrudging fondness for Murderface. He's awful, but he's also pretty funny, and she likes to hear him talk about knives and medieval weaponry, as her family home is full of such things. They also have the same car (Lamborghini Aventadors, hers in metallic rose gold and his matte black), and tend to race on occasion. They clash over things, of course, but she likes being around him more often than not. He’s made fun of her accent and she’s made fun of his lisp. She’s also been his pity date to a record industry shindig at least once!
Toki Wartooth: Within the series itself, St. Cecilia hasn't given Toki much thought. He's cute, but he's just sorta there. His incident during the SOBERTOWN USA concert really scared her, and she more or less avoids him after that. She's used to seeing violence from Pickles, but seeing it from a guy she barely knows and to such a degree really put her off.
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maccreadyswife · 1 year ago
Okay uhhh. Would anyone. Wanna buy my Songgu Kwon storyboard art of Roy Cornickelson and Charles Offsensen? I also want to sell my Klokateers.
Charles and Roy for $150-200, Klokateers for $75 OBO
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waitingforseason5 · 4 years ago
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@kyushuplease​ This is from the 2012 S4 episode: Dethcamp. Wrt catching up on the show, it depends on what season you last watched. 
Regardless, here is The Great Metalocalypse Plot Round-up of Key Events:
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Season 1:
Dethklok are revealed to be apparent demigods, according to Sumerian cuneiform.
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Dick Knubbler becomes Dethklok’s music producer.
Murderface’s backstory is brought to light in Performanceklok.
A fan going by the name of Edgar Jomfru is thrown in Mordland’s jail after attempting to pirate ‘Fansong’.
We learn that Toki Wartooth has a kind of “everything I love dies!” schtick going on for reasons unknown.
The Tribunal’s General Crozier sends in a hitman for hire to assassinate Dethklok, but ends up dying in a comically brutal way.
Crozier locates another assassin, who happens to be the hitman’s younger brother, who then swears revenge against the band for being the apparent cause of his demise.
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The Metal Masked Assassin (MMA) crashes one of their big concerts and pursues them into the Arctic wilderness. This is where we find out that their CFO is secretly a badass, as he singlehandedly defeats the Assassin. All the while this is happening, the Klokateer army is facing against the Tribunal’s army - to which the Klokateers are defeated. Mr. Salacia shows up and kills the Cardinal and puts Crozier to sleep before they could kill Dethklok - and ultimately alter the course of the prophecy surrounding the band.
With the death of a religious figure, the gears of the prophecy are set in motion...
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Season 2:
Vater Orlaag takes the Cardinal’s place at the Tribunal.
The MMA helps Edgar Jomfru to escape Mordland prison grounds and they form an organised terrorist group known as The Revengencers.
Pickles’s brother, Seth gets married to Amber - they have a kid which may be supernatural.
Nathan Explosion gets in touch with his Yaneemango roots, and the band discover their spirit animals.
Nathan oceanic abilities are made evident in this season, as well as his backstory in Dethgov.
Toki’s backstory is revealed. Toki’s father dies and an episode later, he goes full berserker mode in Snakes N’ Barrels II.
Dethklok completes their album, and their 5 respected planets begin to align.
Murderface continues development on his side gig: Planet Piss.
The Revengencers attack; Mordhaus burns.
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Crozier gets brainwashed and possessed by Mr. Salacia. 
Edgar has a change of heart and spares Dethklok - ending up being recaptured by the Klokateers.
The season ends with the apparent death of their manager.
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Season 3:
Charles comes back apparently from the dead, and stops Dethklok from signing their careers away.
Skwisgaar’s backstory is revealed in Fatherklok.
Pickles backstory in Rehabklok.
Charles goes into full dad-mode in Doublebookedklok, and we find out that he’s The Dead Man in the Dethprophecy - the shepherd that would never lead the Chosen Ones astray.
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The final shots of the S3 finale show that Edgar is now working for Charles behind the scenes, and we then have a brief flash of Charles/His Demonic Form/Mr. Salacia, before the finale’s end.
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Season 4: 
Mordhaus is rebuilt, and Mordland is once again rejoined from the air to the Earth.
Nathan’s connection to the Whale Prophet is shown; his state of heightened emotions seems to cause tumultuous weather again, and he destroys the record that his band had just completed.
Edgar informs Charles that the Whales around them are signalling something, which he deciphers as “Dethklok must go back into the water...”
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Abigail Remeltindtdrinc joins the staff as a record producer, and throughout the episodes, Nathan develops a soft spot for her.
This and the destruction of the record, puts a strain on Nathan and Pickles’s relationship.
Meanwhile, Toki befriends the band’s former rhythm guitarist (aka. the one he replaced).
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We see through a flashback that Magnus Hammersmith was kicked out of the band because of how violent and hard to work with he was.
Dethklok break up.
Since he needs the band together, Mr. Salacia finally gets off that throne chair and shows up at their final concert - killing Roy Cornickelson in the process.
Charles and the high holy priest Ishnifus Meaddle give Dethklok a tour of the Church of the Black Klok - an underwater church dedicated to the prophecy surrounding the band.
It’s revealed that they are to fight the Half Man (aka. Salacia) in a final battle to decide the fate of mankind.
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Before anything further can be explained, they attend Roy’s funeral.
Nathan finally apologises to Pickles, they make up, and Dethklok are revived once again.
The funeral gets invaded by the Revengencers. Magnus reveals that he was with the Revengencers this whole time, and therefore stabs and kidnaps Toki, along with Abigail.
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The finale ends with Charles telling them that they need to produce a final song that’ll be their salvation against the Half Man. The band themselves swear revenge against the attackers, and they set to find Toki and Abigail. 
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The Doomstar Requiem Special
The Doomstar is born.
Abigail and Toki have been held captive for quite some time underground the building where Toki had his first audition.
His band of brothers have lost themselves with drinking, partying, doing drugs, in an attempt to forget the pain of their missing guitarist, and former record producer.
Ishnifus encourages Charles to let Dethklok have the chance to prove their heroic capabilities (since they are destined to lead a far greater battle in the near future)
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Since this breaks Charles’s oath as band manager, Charles sadly hands in his resignation and leaves the band alone with Ishnifus.
Along the way, Murderface meets a shapeshifted younger version of Mr. Salacia, who then “accidentally” scratches him with his infected gauntlet spikes. Thus, sealing Murderface’s fate as the Traitor among Dethklok.
Ishnifus dies protecting Dethklok against the MMA - turns out, his death was prophesised. 
Dethklok then gather the courage and determination to rescue their bandmate-bro and Abigail, while awakening their inner powers, with the Doomstar turning to red. They unconsciously use the powers of the Dethlights to render the MMA to nothing but a crimson cloud. 
Magnus sees that he was in the wrong the whole time, and commits suicide.
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Dethklok are reunited; Charles is initiated as the new High Holy Priest; and the afflicted Murderface spirals onto a dark and twisted path.
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folkdevilism · 4 years ago
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METALOCALYPSE - SEASON 4: "Church of the Black Klok" ⮑  Magnus, Abigail, and Toki at Roy Cornickelson’s Funeral
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nightklok · 4 years ago
Inspired by @agaricales ship tier list!! I decided to go for a creative route and use ships I either completely made up or are completely rare! (might be an exception to one or two pairings though but they’re still not the popular ones!) Was gonna have an explanation on why I shipped every single one but half the fun’s in the mystery!
MY OG rarepair: Trindle/Edgar
My rarepair OTP: Abigail/Pickles (I’ll explain eventually-)
They are wholesome if you think about it: Charles/Abigail, Amber/Skwisgaar, Nathan/Edgar
My crack/ADHD pairings: Trindle/Magnus, Trindle/Magnus/Edgar, Magnus/Knubbler, Melmord/Magnus, Melmord/Trindle, 
Goth Solidarity: Nathan/Lavona, Nathan/Trindle, Trindle/Lavona
They never deserved to die therefore they’re soulmates: Roy Cornickelson/Ishinifus Meaddle
Himbo wants to be crushed: Melm/Lavona, Charles/Lavona
One Night Stand and Bitter Exes: Pickles/Twinkletits, Charles/Dethklok Minute Host
I ship them in a fake marriage, they still divorce but are good friends kinda way: Amber/Pickles
I ship them only as unrequited: Skwisgaar/Charles, Young Salacia/Murderface
Sin ships: Seth/hit by a bus, Magnus/therapy, Rockso/decapitation
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