#Rosita’s Piglets
ash-the-porcupine · 2 years
An art request of one of Rosita's piglets giving Buster Moon a Valentine's gift.
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itneedsmoregays · 3 months
So we know Rosita and Norman's kids are officially called Iggy, Perry, Carla, Gail, Rory, Micky, Moe, Nelson, Hannah, Tess, George, Andy, Freddy, Caspar, Zoey and Leo.
But given how the other eight remain unnamed, I decided to come up with my own names for them:
Asa (both after Garth Jennings' other two kids who voice them)
Vida (after Matthew McConaughey's daughter who voiced the chocolate fondue-diving piglet in Sing 2)
Adeline (after Adeline Krupinski Polidoro who also voices a piglet in Sing 2)
Neil (after Neil DeGrasse Tyson, A.K.A. Waddles the Pig)
Peter (after Peter Porker, better known as Spider-Ham)
Bonnie (after Bonnie Erickson, the puppet designer for Miss Piggy)
And Katy (after Katy Mixon, who voiced Petunia Pig in The Looney Tunes Show)
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing Father’s Day Headcanons
Ash gets Father’s Day gifs for both Buster and Clay. Buster cried the first time she did so and Clay put her logo sticker on his guitar immediately afterwards.
Meena spends the day going to museums with her grandfather to celebrate, always ending the day with a picnic.
Buster watches his dad’s favourite movies with his family to honor him and will visit his grave to leave flowers every Father’s Day without fail. 
Ryan’s family just celebrates it as Mother’s Day 2.0 and will go out for brunch as a family. After meeting Marcus however, he starts calling him on Father’s Day.
Eddie has lunch with his parents before hanging out with Buster and the rest of their family for the day. He also sends a card to Hobbs however.
Johnny will get Marcus a mug with a horrible pun on it and spend the day helping him around the garage. He will also make dinner for him and his uncles.
Rosita and her family will typically play a board game marathon of Norman’s favourite games. She and the kids will let him win on Father’s Day only.
Nooshy makes Marcus a card that she always hides around the garage for him to find and eats dinner with the family.
Porsha spends the day hanging out with Buster and Eddie and will make them really elaborate cards. She will also send a card to Jimmy but it’s much plainer.
Just as there was a special Mother’s Day performance at the Majestic, there is also one for Father’s Day with additional performances by each teen cast member in honor of their dads (yes it is in the fic).
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From willibrim, I requested a picture of Suki being hugged by an animal child as I felt she deserved to be loved from a child.
The kids he drew her with are Rosita's piglets. I was sort of expecting an original kid (like a kitten or cub), but this is still sweet anyway.
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averyangrypossum · 6 months
Fuck it, ratmeat fankid and spooky month OC
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Meet Melanie Rosita Velseb, daughter of Bob Velseb and Dexter Erotoph-Velseb. She is eleven years old and currently is living with her uncle (Jack), after Bob went to jail/died, Dexter disappeared, AND her grandmother disappeared as well. Yeah, she isn’t doing too great… shes schizophrenic and managed to survive a fire when she was 7 which damaged her eye a little.
I should explain how Jack is her uncle real quick btw huh.
In my AU, Jack, Dexter, and Streber are all brothers. Who all kind of went their own ways in life, hardly speaking to each other after Streber went off to college and Jack became a police officer. Meanwhile Dexter was living with their mom and making a living being well…an exterminator. Until he meets lovely Bob at Boys & Grills, where they start dating blah blah blah you get the gist.
He moves out of his moms and in with Bob where they plan to start a life and family together, because not only does Bob love him unconditionally, something Dexter never really felt like he had in life, but he can “fulfill his needs” without Bob judging him bc Bob is…Bob. Then they had sweet ol Melanie. (Fun little fact, Bob calls her his little piglet) But then Bob got arrested when Melanie was 8 years old. This led to Dexter moving back in with his mother. and now instead of just giving Jack the cold shoulder, he now has a full-on grudge against him. Sort of blaming Jack for the loss of his husband and straining their already difficult relationship. Then Dexter goes missing, Streber gets his arm eaten, Bob dies, and Melanie's grandmother also dies.
Leaving her in the care of Jack.
He's trying to be a good stand-in parent figure and often goes to John for help since he's the one with an actual daughter, but Melanie really doesn't like Jack, sharing the same resentment Dexter had.
Also, how exactly she came to life is kind of a mystery…one day she just poofed into existence with Bob and Dexter saying they “adopted her”, but with no previous records of her existence at all and no adoption papers.
Thats all, lol - ☆
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saiyansweetheart45 · 11 months
Ideas for the Coffee Shop AU
Hey, everyone! Later this month and throughout December, I'll be releasing the first chapters of my newest story idea! But for now, here's the layout for this lovely (if I do say so myself) new idea. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
The Full Moon Brew Coffee Shop is more than just a place to get a cup of coffee. It’s a haven that offers a break from the day-to-day chaos in the city of Calatonia, presided over by one Koala Connoisseur, Buster Moon, a coffee enthusiast as well as a master showman. The Full Moon Brew is a nook of coziness and even creativity. With the air teeming with coffee and creative encouragement, it’s no wonder the place hosts such an eclectic bunch.
Up and coming rocker Ash goes there at least twice a week to get her caffeine fix, but also likes the atmosphere because it helps inspire her songwriting.
Sweet-obsessed and sass-filled Nooshy likes to busk down the road (before meeting the rest of the gang) for extra pocket money to afford her cream and sugar-loaded coffees. And it combines the two things she loves: dancing and coffee. She also enters the occasional contest held at the shop.
Then there’s introverted British newcomer Johnny who spends anywhere from half an hour to sometimes even half the day, at the place, ordering at least three cups of coffee, all while reading or writing songs as well. It’s like a haven in the new city he's moved with his family to following his dad and uncle’s being transferred for a job. Occasionally, on their lunch break, the three older gorillas stop in to get a little bite of the pastries the place offers and of course an espresso-loaded cup or two. Each. They don’t ever stick around long, but they can see why the youngest member of their clan loves the place so much.
Then, we have the equally shy Meena, whose small family business supplies the baked goods to the coffee shop, and Meena occasionally visits both to subtly network for her family’s business, and to try to become more social, since coffee shops are great for being both social and withdrawn. And she loves their smoothies, and is trying to acquire a taste for coffee, but can’t quite do it.
Enter Rosita, the on-the-go mother that does it all, but always makes some time to get a little pick-me-up for herself and do a bit of work to help her husband, for whom she always orders a special cappuccino before she heads to pick up their extensive brood of piglets.
The tea-loving theater legend Nana Noodleman happens to be one of the top investors for Buster’s shop. The place is small but makes a pretty profit, what with having fresh, homemade treats, along with beverages one can’t get just anywhere. And Buster always makes sure to keep a steady supply of fine teas at the ready for Nana. She even has a special table with a high-backed purple velvet chair by the window just beside the patio overlooking the ocean.
The excitable bundle of Piggy Power Gunter occasionally visits the shop, drawn by the musical selection and the open mic nights. Though by his own admission, he comes less for the singing and more for the dancing. And of course, a caffeine fix here and there is needed for such dedicated dancing.
Another new kid enters. Meet Ryan Collins, a student in a nearby dance academy, who happens upon the coffee shop by complete coincidence. He finds that while he doesn’t much care for coffee, he enjoys the chill atmosphere, a welcome reprieve after his hectic classes under the iron fist of Klaus Kickenklober. Plus, who doesn’t occasionally love a Toasted Vanilla or Hazelnut Steamer?
Two new faces also enter this colorful Coffee shop mix, we have the two rich kids Eddie and Porsha, both of whom are working their first jobs ever under the watchful eye of Miss Crawly. Don’t let her age and dottiness fool you, the old Lizard Lady is a brewing MASTER.
Both prove straight away to be a bit…unskilled to say the least, but they slowly start to adapt, with Porsha even scoring huge brownie points when she creates a new drink for the menu.
And finally, the dutiful, efficient, and long-suffering Suki Lane occasionally stops by the shop to get coffee for herself, but also (reluctantly) for her image-obsessed boss who doesn’t like coffee but is quick to associate himself when the little shop starts to gain more attention.
Suki herself may not particularly like Buster, but she does like the coffee. And she does secretly loathe Crystal's dismissal of it. And dismiss it he does. At least until it starts to gain more popularity, at which point he tries to buy it out. But that meeting goes as well as you'd expect.
This version of Buster has a few slightly different traits; poised, knows his worth, and won't sell himself out for a few beans. He knows why Crystal wants the business and is having none of it. First off, because he knows the price Crystal offered is insulting given the profit the place brings in. Second, and more importantly, because his father bought the property, had the building built with his own money, and personally let Buster design the place, the menu, everything. This place is a symbol of everything his dad worked for and gave him. All the while the man was hiding a terminal illness. This last project was a distraction from the inevitable. And Buster will NOT trivialize that sacrifice.
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thetheaterfam · 3 months
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it was a bright and sunny day at the moon theater, amelia was talking to buster when she noticed rosita paysing back and forth, hey rosita what's the matter amelia asked, oh it's nothing sweetie it's just that me and norman made reservations for a restaurant tonight but we forgot to call a baby sitter rosita replied
have you asked gunter amelia asked
gunter is busy, ash is busy with a gig, johnny is going to go visit his dad, meana's grandfather is sick, and buster....I don't think buster can handle 25 kids
well I can babysit amelia said, really you think that you can watch 25 kids rosita asked, yeah I always like to visit the little dudes amelia replied
thank you again for watching the kids amelia rosita said, it's know problem rosita amelia said, ok so the kids have already had dinner and bed time is 9:00 rosita said, ok I got it rosita you and norman go have a good time amelia said before shutting the door
ok kids what shall we do now amelia asked heading to the living room, cany you tell us a story auntie amelia one of the piglets asked, sure go pick out a book and I'll read it amelia replied pointing to the little book shelf
no auntie amelia tell us a cool story like... how did you get that cut on your ear another piglet said, oh it's not really interesting all that happened is that I was fighting this bad guy and he...he hurt me amelia said trying to hid her sadness
that was really mean of him auntie amelia another piglet said climbing the chair that amelia was sitting in
yeah it was
why is it so dark in here rosita asked as norman threw the keys on the kitchen table, hey rosita come look in the living room norman said with a chuckle, rosita headed to the living room and what she saw melted her heart, all the piglets were snuggled up to amelia who had fallen asleep in the chair, well I guess they wore her out norman said, yeah let's let them rest rosita said before the two of them headed to there room
Ok I hope you guys enjoy 😊 this is part of an art trade with @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
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lemonisntreal · 2 years
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Some of my first serious Rosita sketches that I actually took kinda seriously [numbered in order].
May or may not be a simp for this fictional pig milf @-@
We're really sleeping on the raw power this pig has, like- she built a machine out of stuff just laying around the house- that does all of her chores and takes care of her children- in what was probably less than 12 hours.
Pause Sing at the timestamp 28:35 [clock in the top left corner] and 29:20 [mini clock waking up the piglets] and you can see, at longest, she worked from 9pm to 8am on that entire machine. 11 hours. And she made all that.
Like for a god, she really doesn't get enough love. Smh my head.
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nooshymalide · 11 months
Everything wrong with the following picture:
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I mean, what the f*** is this??!
1. Caspar, Stay away from Jimmy Crystal!
2. Where is Rosita to take him away from that wolf when you need her?
3. Why is Johnny staring at those minions like some sort of psychopath?! I thought he was nice--
4. Shouldn't Jimmy be in prison? Who let the dog out--
6. Are Jimmy and that buff guy friends now?!
7. Since when did Jimmy have friends?
8. Where the heck is Porsha?
9. Where are the rest of Rosita's piglets? Is she doing favouritism and only took SOME pigs to the movies?!
10. How do all these characters in different dimensions KNOW each other?? I mean, there was an illumination movie (forgot the name) with the New Moon Theatre in the background at one scene, but all THIS? No!
11. Why does Gunter look like he's having a STROKE?
12. Why is Clay just acting like it's okay for Gunter to have a stroke?
13. Where's Mike?!
14. And what about Suki?!
I could go on and on and on about what is wrong with this, but I won't because I'm leaving that to you...
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kai-selfships · 2 years
Part one: main characters
Picrew link, art by Naylissa on various social medias
(One year passes in between movies so for characters who are in both movies, there will be two ages listed)
I’m posting this here instead of on my main because you guys are used to me being cringe <3
Also, important: I chose each character’s ethnicity based either on where in the world their species of animal lives, or (for animals that live all over, like pigs or mice) other contextual things (like Gunther’s accent)— basically, please understand that I’m not making Johnny black because he’s a gorilla, but because gorillas in real life can be found in equatorial Africa— however if you’re black and still find this offensive, please dm me and you can explain to me what’s wrong, and I’ll do anything I can to make it better :)
Buster Moon (he/him, gay and trans)
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36-37 years old
Autism, bipolar, and PTSD (after working with Jimmy Crystal)
Hair started going gray due to stress, so he dyed it all
Forgets to eat a lot
Works too much, gets bad burnout
Is best friends with Rosita; she reminds him to eat and sleep and stuff when they’re on the road
Has electrical burn scars on his hands from when he and Ash messed with the electric fence on Clay’s property
Was dating Eddie in the first movie, but they broke up which is why he’s not there in the second movie
Rosita (she/her, bi and ace)
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40-41 years old
Latina (I chose this for her because of her name)
ADHD, depression
In canonverse she had two litters of piglets, one with 15 and one with 10
In human au she only had five kids— Carrie, Hannah, Kelly, Leo, and of course Casper
Her husband, Norman, is very supportive of her identity— they were going through a rough patch in the first movie because he was taking on too much work (hes a Lawyer) and didn’t have time to spend with family, but they work on it together and have a much healthier relationship now
She got a degree in journalism and used to work for a newspaper
She has been closeted bi all her life, but only found out about the “asexual” label once she met the theater group (mostly Gunther) and learned more about the queer community
Speaking of Gunther…
Gunther (he/him, queer)
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39-40 years old
Immigrated from Germany when he was a teenager
Was not accepted by his family for being queer— he hasn’t had any contact with them for most of his adult life
He’s very well adjusted and stable now, though
A lot of his energy goes towards helping out his friends at the theater, who are still figuring out who they are— like Rosita!
He gets along surprisingly well with Ash, probably because Ash really needs a really positive friend to hype him up
Gunther has been doing dance since he was a kid, and is really good at it
Johnny (he/him, gay)
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19-20 years old
Very sweet and supportive with his friends
Kind of a puppy punk— he’s discovering a lot of new music and ideas through Ash haha
Always bruised and sore from dance practice
Loves skateboarding
Used to straighten his hair (like in the first movie) but now he takes better care of it
Helps Nooshy get tattoos and piercings because they’re afraid of needles
His late mother is the person who inspired his love for singing
Also loves to do other kinds of art
Dropped out of school at age 16 to help out at the garage so his dad could focus more on his other business
His best friends in the group are Ash and Meena
Ash (he/him, transmasc)
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19-20 years old
Actually went to middle school with Johnny, but neither of them remember the other
Gives himself stick and pokes
Came out and started his transition in between the first and second movies
Also has electrical burn scars on hands like Buster
Is kind of withdrawn from his family— they love him a lot and want to rebuild their relationship, but Ash feels guilty for having chosen his ex-boyfriend over them when he gave him an ultimatum
Still doubts himself about his gender identity a lot because he grew up thinking everyone felt that disconnected with femininity
Loves getting piercings
He still wears really artistic makeup for shows
Hasn’t even thought about dating anyone after his ex— not because he carries a torch for him, but because he feels like his mind and body has been “ruined” by having spent so much time in such a manipulative and toxic relationship (I’m toootally not projecting haha /sarcastic)
Meena (she/her, transhet)
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23-24 years old
She and her family are Indian (I chose this because in the second movie she’s a lot smaller than Alphonso, and to make it work with both of them being amab I decided she’s an Asian elephant and he’s an African elephant)
Anxiety, dyslexia, rejection sensitive dysphoria
Her parents have always been supportive of her transition, but it took her grandparents a few years to warm up to it
She has been out as a trans girl since she was a young teenager
She’s been taking singing lessons since she was a kid
Attends a community college in the area and is really self conscious about the fact that she’s not pursuing any other higher education because her cousins and parents are all very scholarly
Her parents are both professors
Gets really dysphoric about her height and size
But she feels really EUPHORIC about her beautiful long hair and the jewelry she likes to wear!
Looks up to Buster a lot even though sometimes he doesn’t make the best choices
Miss Crawly (she/her)
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82-83 years old
Half blind and hard of hearing
Was very good friends with Buster’s late parents
Is extremely good at cooking; always feeds the theater group when they work late rehearsing or putting on a show
Is actually married, but none of her friends at the theater know her husband very well
Has two adult children too; she loves them very much and talks on the phone with them a lot, but they both live out of state so she only sees them and her grandkids every few years
Doesn’t mind when Buster doesn’t have the money to pay her; she may technically be an employee, but she views her job at the theater as just helping out a family friend
Is definitely more competent that she appears to be
Porsha Crystal (she/her, lesbian)
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19 years old
Has lived in Redshore City all her life
Has a lot of followers on her official social media, but she also has a few secret accounts so she can goof off with her friends without her dad knowing
Really admires Ash, even if he took a while to warm up to her
Dyes her hair as a way to be in control of her appearance— Jimmy always chose her hairstyle and clothing so she looked “normal”, but didn’t mind if she dyed it because that’s kind of typical for modern teens
Loves to do colorful and fun makeup
Had a little bit of a crush on Suki when she first started working for Jimmy, but obviously that was one-sided because Porsha’s a lot younger than her
Nooshy (he/she/they depending on the day, genderfluid and bisexual)
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21 years old
Was homeless prior to meeting the gang, now lives with Johnny
Dyes his hair black
Is afraid of needles
Gets a lot of nightmares and doesn’t sleep well
Doesn’t spend a lot on clothes, upcycles their own stuff
Still just does street performance as her job
Clay Calloway (he/they, trans, genderqueer, bisexual)
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62 years old
He and Ruby are t4t
Stealth in public, and has no living family members— the only people who know he’s trans are his friends, who he came out to after a few months of getting to know better
Ash is like their grandson
Completely left behind their old life when they moved to Redshore
Ruby transitioned later in life— when they first started dating, they were technically a mlm couple
Literally hates Jimmy Crystal so so much and is very open about it
Porsha helped them start a social media account. He’s not very active on it besides replying to fan messages and posting things about the shows he does.
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ash-the-porcupine · 2 years
The Sing gang playing snowball fight.
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itneedsmoregays · 3 months
The Steff Pearce Series - Babysitting
“Steff, thanks a lot for doing this.” Rosita smiled gratefully as she allowed the skunk inside her family's apartment.
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all, Rosita!" She replied before quickly lowering her voice. "Always happy to give you guys a breather.” Ever since hearing about Gunter’s hectic first time taking care of them, the Moon Theatre Troupe had all agreed to take turns babysitting Rosita and Norman’s kids. And this evening was Steff’s turn.
“We’ll be home around 9pm." Norman added, pocketing his phone. "Remember, call us if there’s any problems and…”
“No candy even if they ask ‘pretty please’.” Steff finished with a giggle. “I got it covered. Now you two go have a nice evening to yourselves.”
“Thanks, Steff." Rosita said, grabbing her purse before heading out the doorway with her husband. "We’ll see you later!”
With one final nod, Steff shut the door before quietly making her way up the stairs. She loved every opportunity she got to interact with the piglets. When they weren’t hyped up on sugar or attempting to try on her glasses, they were a very sweet bunch. Ash would have joined her, but decided that being around 25 excitable piglets with her still-healing wrist wasn't the best combo.
Reaching the top, the skunk tiptoed over to the piglets' bedroom door and quietly pushed it open. She poked her head inside to see all 25 tucked in and sound asleep. Satisfied, Steff began closing the door behind her; this evening would be a breeze.
"Auntie Steff?" A little voice piped up.
Freezing mid-step with a wince, the skunk turned around to see Vida, one of the girls, fully awake and staring from her top bunk with eager eyes. One by one, the rest of the children followed suite.
So much for a breeze. Steff thought before putting on a smile. "Hey, kids."
Instantly the entire bedroom was abuzz with happy chatter. A few piglets clambered out of bed to tug excitedly on her hands and dress.
"Where's Mommy and Daddy?"
"Is Auntie Ash here too?" 
"Can we have some candy?"
"Are you and Auntie Ash gonna get married?"
Blushing at that last question, Steff pointed to each piglet with a respective answer. "They'll be back later. Her wrist still hurts very badly, so she's resting until she's all better. No, you can't. Maybe someday."
She knelt down to pick up them all up in her arms before they could charge out the door, setting them back in their beds.
“Now come on, Mommy and Daddy want you guys to be fast asleep, and I'm sure Auntie Ash would too. Kids like you need their rest."
"But we're not tired!" One of the boys, Oscar, whined.
"Well… would a bedtime story help you go to sleep?" The skunk asked. "Maybe… The Three Little Pigs?”
“Aww, Mommy’s read us that one already.”
“Yeah, can we have a new story?”
“A new one, huh? Umm…" Steff glanced at all the other storybooks on their shelf, having a strong feeling all of them had been read. Just then, an idea lit up her mind. "Sure.”
Grabbing a children's chair from the foot of the bed, she pulled it to the bedroom's centre and sat herself down.
“Where’s the storybook?” Caspar tilted his head in confusion.
“There is no storybook." Steff grinned. "This bedtime story is different… because we’re gonna make it up ourselves.”
All the piglets looked puzzled. Whoever heard of a bedtime story without a book?
“I used to play this with my parents when I was your age." The skunk explained, her smile growing in anticipation. "One of us starts telling a story and then we all take turns telling it. And the best part is you get to use your imaginations! You can tell your part of the story however you want! So whoever goes last gets to decide how it ends! Does that sound like fun?”
Every piglet in the room was now beaming at this idea. “Yeah!”
“Should we give it a try?”
“Want me to start it off?”
“Okay, okay, settle down." Steff chuckled at their enthusiasm. "Here goes." Thinking for a moment, she then began the improvised tale.
"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was… a brave and beautiful knight. And she was on a quest to rescue a princess who was trapped in a… big scary castle."
"Wait." Adeline interrupted. "The knight is a girl?"
“Yep. Girls can be knights too.”
The young piglet looked like her mind had been blown. “Whoa.”
Smiling, the skunk continued. "The journey was long and dangerous, but the knight was sure she could do it on her own. 'I don't need help from anyone', she said proudly. But then she came across… a giant river with no bridge. 'Oh, no! How will I get across?', she thought."
Steff then gestured to a piglet on one of the lower bunks. "Okay, Gail, your turn."
"Ooh, okay, okay!" She giggled eagerly, taking a moment to think. "But it's okay because there was a… big robot! And he was, uh… stuck in a muddy puddle! And the robot said, 'If you help me out of this puddle, I'll carry you over the river'. So the knight pulled him out and then the robot carried her across. 'Can I come with you?', asked the robot. 'Well… okay', said the knight."
The rest of the kids took to the game very quickly, each of them adding their own imaginative details to the story. And Steff avidly listened to them all. Twenty minutes has passed by the time they reached the final part, and nearly all 25 piglets had fallen asleep. A few were just barely keeping their eyes open to hear the ending.
“And so the robot, the flower, the gummy worm, the ninja, the football and the building block monster all helped the knight…" Asa paused to let out a big yawn. "…find the key to free the princess. Then she and the princess got married. And they all… lived…”
The piglet's words gave way to light snoring. Finally rising from her seat, Steff gently pulled the covers over him.
"Happily ever after." She whispered. With a tender smile, she tiptoed around each bunk to tuck the other kids in.
“That was… the best bedtime story ever, Auntie Steff.” Nelson said before he too drifted off.
"I'll say." With a yawn of her own, the skunk massaged her eyes as she closed the door behind her. She was sound asleep on the couch by the time Rosita and Norman came home.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. Final!!
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
This is mainly just the performances this time but it's the last one!!
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Ok, when the curtains open you can hear all of Rosita's kids cheering for their mom and it's so cute I swear.
Also, they built this entire set in ONE AFTERNOON?!?! That's just impressive mate. Like seriously impressive.
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Coolest on stage costume change in the series and I will stand by that. The lights and everything? Perfection.
Mike puntable moments counter: 35
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The piglets immediately swarming Rosita because they liked the show and to hug her is just... so sweet. I love them.
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Also love the immediate havoc they start causing backstage.
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Before going on Johnny does a few bouncing steps like boxers do before fights and I can't believe I never noticed that before.
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Ok ok ok, I know I've mentioned that Johnny's story can easily be read as a queer allegory but he's literally playing a song known for being a queer liberation song that was written by a queer British singer.
And the people who would likely pick up on that? His British family. Just saying. Elton John is pretty famous after all.
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Our favourite supportive uncles!!!! <3
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Look at Marcus in this moment. He's seeing his son that he's apparently had no contact with in weeks doing what he loves and is good at, existing healthy and happy and in a much better place physically than he is. He's happy for him. He's happy for him because he loves his kid.
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And then we get to see him panic because he messed up and he misses his kid and wants to fix things. He wants to tell him how proud he is. So he decided to fix it in his own way. Is that way legal? No. But should that surprise us? Also no.
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Stan and Barry being supportive brothers in the background. I love them, they're so silly.
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Girlboss moment. <3
Also, new guitar!
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Excuse me you two, I was vibing, why are you here?
Lance puntable moments counter: 32
Becky puntable moments counter: 4
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So... Ash is amazing. Just straight up. She's awesome.
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Marcus's smile when he realizes he's about to see his son again. I'm sobbing.
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Gunter and Rosita are me rn I swear.
Also, this is on live tv Mike, a gang wants you dead, not your smartest decision in this movie and that's a low bar to trip over mate.
Mike puntable moments counter: 34
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But the way Marcus hugs Johnny like he's the most precious thing and the world and is scared to break him has me in a chokehold rn. Like one of those hugs and I'm 100% sure all my problems will be solved.
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Nancy, come rescue you idiot boyfriend. Also, Mike's performance was only so visually cool because of the helicopter so I'm deducting performance points.
Mike puntable moments counter: 35
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They're both so awkward, I love them. <3
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Mike. Stop. Bullying. A. Literal. Child.
Mike puntable moments counter: 45
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The cute thing here is Eddie picked all the stage hand stuff up from Meena apparently so he's helping out his former mentor and I just think that's sweet.
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I love how everyone who showed up just completely are vibing with every song, no matter the tempo, mood, or genre. They're just supporting the singers whole heartedly.
Also, why is like every gorilla in the crowd wearing beanies? It's only the gorillas. What's with the beanies?
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Awww, they look so happy!!
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And with that, all the troupe's problems (and Eddie's inheritance) are gone!
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Nana looks like a cat being held and loved against her will.
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I love this movie. I so love this movie. <3
Ok! So that took way longer than planned. But Next I get to watch a ton of shorts!!!
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This is the complete list of characters I would have cameo at a Universal Animation assemblage similar to Once Upon a Studio.
Felix the Cat: Felix the Cat
Woody Woodpecker: Woody Woodpecker, Winnie Woodpecker
An American Tail: Fievel Mousekewitz, Tanya Mousekewitz, Papa Mousekewitz, Mama Mousekewitz, Yasha Mousekewitz, Tiger, Henri le pigeon, female pigeons, Tony Toponi, Bridget, Honest John, Gussie Mausheimer, Warren T. Cat, Digit, Maus Street Maulers, Cat R. Waul, TR Chula, the Cactus Cat Gang, Miss Kitty, Wylie Burp
Land Before Time: Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky, Spike, Littlefoot's grandparents, Chomper
Opus 'n Bill: Opus, Bill the Cat, the ducks
We're Back!: A Dinosaur's Story: Rex, Elsa, Woog, Dweeb, Louie, Cecilia, Vorb, Stubbs, Captain Neweyes, Dr. Bleeb
Casper: Casper the Friendly Ghost, Stretch, Fatso, Stinky
Babe: Babe, Fly, Rex, Ferdinand, the mice
Balto: Balto, Jenna, Boris, Steele, Muk, Luk, Nikki, Kaltag, Star, Dixie, Sylvie, Rosy
Rocky & Bullwinkle: Rocket J. Squirrel, Bullwinkle J. Moose (in their 2D/CG 2000 looks), Fearless Leader, Boris Badenov, Natasha Femme-Fatale (in their 2D 2000 looks)
Curious George: Curious George, Ted the Man in the Yellow Hat, Maggie Dunlop
The Tale of Desperaux: Desperaux, his parents, Chiaroscuro "Roscuro", Chef Andre, Boldo
Despicable Me: Felonious Gru, Lucy Wilde, the Minions, Dr. Nefario, Margo, Agnes, Edith, Kyle, Vector, Mr. Perkins, Silas Ramsbottom, Eduardo Perez/El Macho, Antonio Perez, Scarlett Overkill, Herb Overkill, the Nelsons, Balthazar Bratt, Dru Gru, Marlena Gru, Fritz, Clive the Robot, the Vicious Six, Master Chow, Wild Knuckles' henchmen
Hop: EB, Easter Bunny, the Pink Berets, Carlos, Phil, bunnies, chicks
The Lorax: the Lorax, the Once-ler, Ted, Audrey, Mrs. Wiggins, Granny Norma, Aloysius O'Hare, O'Hare's bodyguards, Sy the Delivery Guy, the Hummingfish, the Swommee-Swans, the Barbaloots
The Secret Life of Pets: Max, Katie, Duke, Gidget, Snowball, Mel, Buddy, Pops, Tiberius, Rooster, Chuck, Liam, Daisy, Hu, Sergei, wolves
Sing: Buster Moon, Miss Crawley, Herman, Rosita, Norman, their piglets, Gunther, Johnny, Marcus, Stan, Barry, Ash, Lance, Becky, Eddie Noodleman, Nana Noodleman, Mr. and Mrs. Noodleman, Hobbes, Meena, her mother and grandparents, Mike, Nancy, Suki Lane, Porsha Crystal, Jimmy Crystal, Jerry, Nooshy, Darius, Klaus Kickenklober, Clay Calloway, the Q-Teez
The Grinch: the Grinch, Max, Fred, his mate and calf, Donna Who, Cindy-Lou Who, Bean, Buster, Bricklebaum, Mabel, Groopert, Axl, Izzy, Ozzy
Super Mario Bros.: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Bowser Koopa, Donkey Kong, Cranky Kong, Kamek, penguins, Giuseppe
Migration: the duck family, Delroy, Pigeon, Erin
Characters I'm unsure would make the assemblage:
The Veggies of VeggieTales
The Jetsons, Mr. Spacely and anyone involved in Jetsons the Movie
And for real-life people:
Steven Spielberg, David Kirschner, George Miller, and Chris Meledandri as themselves.
What do you think?
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vixx-ari · 2 years
Christmas Headcannons🎄(Sing 2016/2022)
Rosita is the main cook when making and baking everything
One time the whole group decided to do the making and baking themselves to surprise her. The outcome was not the best. Rosita, ofcourse, appreciated the effort.
Meena's the only one allowed to cook without suppervision though.
Mike's playlist is the only Christmas playlist that is the only playlist that doesn't have one song that's impossibly out of place.
Gunters Christmas playlist is the best though, bc ofcourse it is
Nooshy put 'Never Gonna give you upon her Christmas playlist and is way too proud when she rickrolls everyone at the Christmas Party.
Speaking of Christmas Party, I feel like they'd reserve a restaurant for everyone, or all just take over someone's house everytime.
Once they had to celebrate Christmas on a plane to perform "out of this world" overseas. All I'll say is a flight had never been jollier.
Everytime they meet up for Christmas they have a group sing along to whatever Christmas song they can find.
They definitely tried to mistletoe Meena and Alfonso many times. They only succeed once and Meena will never live it down.
Eddie used to have dinners and Nana with his parents at Christmas but always ran away to have fun with the rest of the group. Nana always covers up for him bc she's the best.
Johnny is the main target for Ms. Crawly's christmas sweaters, since he's the only one who 1) can fit them and 2) doesn't have the heart to refuse her. But the sweaters are fashionable though so it's worth it
Assuming Clay first meets the piglets at Christmas time, they all think that Clay is Santa's in disguise. Clay hasn't been the most Christmasy for a while bc, yknow, a decade and a half in complete isolation from the outside world and all. But he just rolls with it bc why not and the only person who have resistance to the piglets cute little faces is Rosita.
(They eventually figure out that Clay is infact not Santa's but its fun believing it)
Porsha is surprisingly one of the best at giving gifts. No one knows how but she just is somehow.
Shes the one who gets Buster his nice red Christmas suit bc she said, and I quote "I love you with all i have but you desperately need other clothes"
They all go caroling together
Mike used to carol at christmas time for extra cash but stopped cause it really didn't do much for his bank account. He made the mistake of telling everyone and they all dragged him out to o it just for fun, much to his dismay. They ended up attracting a whole crowd in the first 30 mintes.
Every pair has ended up under the mistle toe once which mostly just ends with sweet kisses on the cheek and hugs
When the actual romantic pairs end up under, you just know it is gonna end in catastrophe
Ash and Buster do that thing where she sings and he plays the piano with everyone relaxing around them. Sometimes with enough (affectionate) peer pressure they'll do a duet.
Ms Crawly is infact the person who would give socks and scented candles as a chritmas present and it's great.
Tying back to my last comic; Buster never got that many presents as a kid, mostly bc they just didn't really ever have the money for more than one present and an outing to a resterant. He never complained ofc, tho it was a bit sad when other children whould talk about the great presents they would get and he's be like "uh, I got a pokemon shirt?". Then after his father died he's get presents from mainly Ms. Crawly, occasionally Eddie and he'd give hmself a gift that wold mostly be like a book or smth. Ofcourse with his new theater family he has like 7 presents which he is so surprised and grateful for. The theatre family when they find out all he's been getting for Christmas for years is books, coffee cups and the one watch eddie got him,they all went on a legal heist to get him everything he has ever wanted. Ofcourse he keeps the list very short so they don't work themselves out but he's so impossibly happy.
Anyways, that's all i've got. Happy 25th of december you lot :D
Now get outta here ya filthy animals (lovingly)
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stinkyhyena9000 · 1 year
What's your favourite headcanons for Clay Calloway?
Ooo favorite headcanons? That's a hard one haha!! I've definitely got a couple favorites though!!
♫ Clay's favorite flower is the dandelion, because it is a "dandy lion" (yes, he likes it for the joke).
♫ Please take note of the fact that when they're spreading seeds, they look like Clay's mane, and the way they spread seeds is kinda like someone passing away, so yeah there's also that correlation. (I've though this through so much asduhsa)
♫ After Sing 2, Clay goes to live in Calatonia with Rosita and Norman, and the piglets view him as a sort of grandpa!!
♫ He still visits his house, but just to make sure everything is upkept and taken care of, with help of the Moon Crew of course. Especially Ruby's garden.
♫ That leads me into the next headcanon. Ruby got Clay into gardening! He's never been as good as her at it, but he sure tried his best!!
♫ Clay Calloway is also secretly really into astrology!
Thank you for the ask!!
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