#Rosen Engineering
bauerntanz · 10 months
Partners Group übernimmt Rosen
Schweizerische #Partners_Group übernimmt Mehrheit an #Rosen #Lingen. Hermann Rosen hatte einen Hochtechnologie-Teil zuvor ausgegliedert und führt diesen selbst weiter.
Die Partners Group, ein globales, in der Schweiz ansässiges Private-Equity- Unternehmen, erwirbt die Mehrheit der Rosen Group (früher “Rosen Engineering”) von ihrem Gründer Hermann Rosen. Der will, meldete Partners Group heute um 14 Uhr, neben Partners Group “ein bedeutender Partner bleiben und das Unternehmen in seiner nächsten Wachstumsphase unterstützen”. Die Erwerberin  setzte sich gegen…
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electrosquash · 5 months
Plugging this one again because it's a banger and also i love this dude's style somehow?
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stardust-sunset · 5 months
lol it’s after midnight and i’m on the angst train for baylie but i know if i post about it it’ll spoil my comic so now i’m conflicted because i wanna save it but i also need to share it because im crying and i think ill just see myself out lmao
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altocat · 8 months
It's time, folks! After five agonizing months of waiting, we FINALLY get a story update. And I'm here to recap for your convenience! So, spoilers below under the cut.
Story opens up ten days after Shinra reinforcements arrived on the island. They're building a reactor via a site dig. Glenn and crew have been watching Rosen's smoke for days now just in case.
Lucia remarks that Sephiroth did most of the heavy lifting in terms of prep. Glenn is getting ready to celebrate with their upcoming bonus. Sephiroth isn't interested in pay though according to him.
An engineer calls them over and tells them they need to go kill monsters in the area. When Glenn asks where Sephiroth is, the engineer tells him that he's out scavenging corpses and that it's kind of creepy.
Seph has apparently been going off on his own for a while. Lucia suggests they go look for him while they take care of the monsters.
Ugh. More filler monsters. And of course the level cap is trillions of numbers ahead that of the last chapter's. This fucking game smh.
The music on this section is nice. EC has a good soundtrack ngl. Better than it deserves, in my opinion.
After an incredibly tedious fight with a recolored ostrich monster, the gang comes across a shard of materia in the ground. This comes into play later.
They find Sephiroth digging around corpses at the old Rhadoran base. He clarifies that it might LOOK creepy but he's actually looking for the picture of his mother. Like most children with precious comfort items, he ended up dropping it somewhere and he's looking through the bodies to see if it's somehow under them.
So here's some clarification, the photograph is NOT a photograph so much as a locket/necklace that Sephiroth wears. So it's not in his front pocket, he's wearing it around his neck. Neat.
The gang offers to help him look for it, taking out filler monsters in between. Sephiroth mentions that he feels the need to protect the team as the leader. That's his job. There's some cute banter between Seph and the trio. Awww.
All the Rhadorans except Rosen are gone now. Matt keeps going on and on about their religion--Planetology. Lucia is unfamiliar with this concept and Matt explains the concept of mana and souls returning to the planet to Sephiroth.
Glenn feels REALLY guilty now about what they did to the Rhadorans, worried they'll just be forgotten since they're gone now. Kinda too late for that, bud. And now it's just Rosen left alone.
Hojo mention from Seph btw. Hojo told Sephiroth "No matter how logically you explain something, there will always be people who don't understand because they have a different view of the world."
When Glenn worries about the Rhadorans being forgotten, Sephiroth takes what he learned from Glenn earlier about compassion to heart, saying that the PLANET will remember them.
Glenn understands how important mana is now. It's life force, life energy. That's why the Rhadorans hated what Shinra was doing.
They can't seem to find the necklace anywhere. Sephiroth is glumly resigned to accept that it's gone for good.
Instead, thanks to Glenn's sudden moral dilemma, they decide to bury the Rhadorans as a means of "apologizing". Sephiroth eagerly offers to help.
While they're burying the bodies, the island starts shaking. The reactor dig is going to start soon. And THAT'S what will awaken the mana overflow Rosen mentioned earlier. They'll set off explosives that will start a chain reaction. Sephiroth says they're going to have to evacuate.
They're blocked by a bunch of branches. Seph finds the materia fragment from earlier and uses it to incinerate the area to make a path. Glenn gushes over how cool Seph is.
Seph cuts down a big tree to make a bridge too. Glenn thinks Seph is SUPER FUCKING RAD OKAY. Seph asks if he's impressed with his "cyborg powers" and Glenn says no, not wanting to hurt Seph's feelings again.
Seph says that he feels he can say anything to the group and that he doesn't want them to hold back. Glenn is in full support mode now and he and Seph seem very in sync with each other. It's very cute. They've gotten close during the gap.
They find another materia shard during a blocked path of rushing water. Sephiroth uses it to freeze the water to move across.
Seph is eager to get his team back to the chief engineer, but Glenn is worried about Rosen. He wants to see if there's a way to make sure Rosen's safe but Seph says there's no time. Glenn seems to be ready to ask Seph something but then drops it.
This section is called "Inseparable". They arrive at the helicopters. Glenn wants to delay the dig so he can warn Rosen in time. But they've already started.
Glenn gets agitated and then punches the engineer, who threatens to tell HQ. Glenn doesn't give a fuck. Matt and Lucia decide to support Glenn. Sephiroth doesn't stop them.
Lucia hijacks one of the choppers and kicks a soldier out after holding them at gunpoint. They're going to fly over to Rosen's Island with it.
A monster shows up just as shit starts to get crazy. It's Stamp the goblin-frog! He's huge and mutated because of the mako. Glenn wants to finish him off for good.
They take care of Stamp and the group is going to go rescue Rosen and Refu. The other chopper throws down a ladder for them for the evacuation but the trio is basically defecting.
Matt said Sephiroth isn't fired because the chief knows that it was the trio's idea, not his. But they're going to have to leave Seph behind so he isn't dragged into this.
Glenn tells Sephiroth to stay safe as the trio departs. Sephiroth is visibly hesitating on whether or not to accept the ladder or follow the group after they've left.
The trio gets ready to take off in their hijacked chopper. And Sephiroth. Is going. WITH them.
Holy fucking shit Sephiroth tried to defy Shinra asrdfghkjgfd just so he could stay with his friends. I'm gonna cry. Fuck, I already am. INSEPARABLE. AHHHHH.
Overall, a decent chapter. Much better than I was expecting. Babyroth is so endearing and it's clear he's now very attached to the trio. Even more than Shinra. Him just suddenly losing the picture/necklace is kind of bullshit but whatever. I guess he had to lose it somehow? Maybe it'll turn up again later.
Sephiroth's rebellion will obviously have consequences later.
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daffi-990 · 8 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the ever wonderful and talented @diazsdimples
I spent the morning skimming through the end half of 3x02 Sink or Swim and tip tap typing away at Chapter Eight of Rival Firefighters 🚒. Excited that I’m up to the tsunami, but also a bit overwhelmed for what I have to write for this chapter because I really want my vision to translate properly to paper (or well, screen in this case. Or word document? Idk but y’all know what I mean ). I’ll just keep typing away and hopefully it’ll all come together and if not … well that’s what editing is for 😅.
Prev snippet here.
Eddie had no idea what to expect as the 118 drove towards the scene of the tsunami.
Being a firefighter he’d seen his fair share of disasters, but as they arrived on scene, his heart sank at the sight of the destruction.
The ocean had swallowed up the once bustling city of Los Angeles, leaving behind only ruin and sorrow in its wake. The streets were flooded, people desperately searching amidst the water and debris for their loved ones. The smell of saltwater lingered in the air and if you closed your eyes, for a moment you could almost pretend you were at the beach, until the anguished cries of the people of Los Angeles echoed around you.
Eddie and the rest of the 118 unload from the engine and make their way into the flooded city in rescue zodiac boats. Bobby and Eddie ride together in one boat with Anderson, Stover and Campbell, Hen and Chim with Smith, Calley and Rosen in the other.
As they move through the flooded streets, they check every single body they come across and tag them so that another team can come through and collect them, ensuring the bodies make it back to their loved ones. Every tag they leave weighs heavily on them, but they can’t let the weight drag them down. People are depending on them. They have to keep moving forward.
No pressure tagging: @thewolvesof1998 @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @athenagranted @exhuastedpigeon @puppyboybuckley @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @the-likesofus @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @tizniz @prettyboybuckley @princessfbi @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sibylsleaves @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @fiona-fififi @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @king-buckley @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @captain-hen @bekkachaos @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag ❤️
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emptymanuscript · 4 months
Well, look at that. They actually found someone who committed voter fraud.
Proof, sheeple, PROOF. It does, in fact (if extremely rarely) happen.
I particularly love that it's someone who could do it at all (but was still caught) because he had two houses. He voted from where he lived AND his vacation home.
I think that nicely sums up who is actually committing voter fraud in this country.
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germanpostwarmodern · 7 months
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Hans Uhlmann (1900-75) undoubtedly was the pioneer of steel sculpture in Germany. Initially trained as an engineer Uhlmann by the late 1920s started to experiment with plaster as base material for plastics. In 1933 he was imprisoned by the Nazi police after Uhlmann had been caught distributing pamphlets opposing the regime, a "crime" he was sentenced to one and a half years of imprisonment for. After his release he tried to stay under the radar and took a regular job but in secrecy started to work on new sculptures made from wire and sheet zinc.
After the end of the war Uhlmann was asked by the US allies in Berlin to serve as art expert at the newly installed national education agency, a job he held until the summer of 1946, and organized a number of exhibitions of formerly banned artists. After a brief interlude as curator at Gerd Rosen Gallery he was named professor at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin in 1950. After his retirement in 1968 Uhlmann lived reclusively in his Luckhardt designed row house on Schorlemerallee.
Although Hans Uhlmann was a prominent figure of the German postwar art scene there is relatively little substantial literature on him. Today's book is the artist's catalogue raisonné from 1975, published as part of the "Schriftenreihe der Akademie der Künste", a series that also includes significant publications on Hans Scharoun or the Brothers Luckhardt. It also contains a long description of Uhlmann's life and work by Werner Haftmann and although the text at times is a bit too much of a praise it nonetheless accurately describes the different phases of Uhlmann's career which began with abstract heads, continued with spatial lines and concluded with foldings, towers and columns, all of which are documented in the book's catalogue. In view of the catalogue's age and despite its quality it nonetheless is time for a new and revised edition of the sculptor's catalogue raisonné. But with the current Uhlmann retrospective at Berlinische Galerie there hopefully also will be renewed interest in the sculptor’s work.
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studyaxis · 2 days
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22 Sept '24
— cafes, work & my best friend's introductory physics paper.
i don't do (or like) physics but my best friend wrote a paper for me to understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) Paradox and Bell's Theorum because i wanted it — she loves distraction and i like disturbing her busy schedule.
now, she is a physics undergrad (so cool) and i gave up studying physics in 10th grade (yes, i took the mandatory applied physics class in my first year of engineering and passed it with much effort) but i am interested in what she does and she gives me very long paragraphs for everything, but this required a proper academic paper-style response, it seems. the absolute best.
(i've read this before. but i like reading it randomly because she lives in the USA now and it's like her voice is in my head instead of over phone calls which i don't pick up because now i have classes when she's available and she's sleeping when i am. it's still nice to hear her idiot voiceover from this paper, though. she's written "The EPR bros were not having it". Such a dumbass (affectionate).)
edit: got busted for this so this is her studyblr: @minmin-vs-physics 🩷 that's my kid! You can find the paper I'm reading here.
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othmeralia · 2 years
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Let's play a game!
This board game is Ecology: The Game of Man and Nature.
The object of the game is to lead a population through four ages of Civilization, Hunting, Agricultural, Industrial, and Atomic, to reach an ideal Environmental Age.
Urban Systems, Inc. was a consulting and research firm, whose president, Richard H. Rosen, was an ecologist and environmental engineer. While teaching undergraduate air pollution classes at Harvard, Rosen produced a number of anti-pollution board games for educational purposes.
There are a few more photos on our digital collection site, so please click here to check them out!
Image citation: Science History Institute. Ecology: The Game of Man and Nature. Photograph, 2022. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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zkylearnstherope · 10 months
AvPhysics - An Analysis [Finale]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - [Part 4]
All the questions have been finally answered...
How did TSC_0 avoid crashing into the sun?
Like I said, everything in AvPhysics was intentional and calculated, I don't think Alan/Terkoiz would just randomly decide, "Ehh let's fan the sun with a hat." That's why I didn't include it in my analysis before. But I finally found out why-
Credits to @Toxic
It was a horse reference. Can't believe I completely missed that. I was imagining him as a bull rider, you know, like those rodeo things.
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TSC_0 was actually side-kicking the rocket and waving his hat, because he was doing what is called horse "spurring". Riders do it to encourage the horse to perform specific moves, speed up, or most importantly- change its course.
Here's an image for your reference.
Why was the rocket marked as quantum entangled?
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Also credits to @Toxic
Unlike the 1D strings, this rocket is 3D (or maybe more). TSC_-1 had to make its parts entangled so that when it passes through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (wormhole), it will retain the same form when it finally becomes its full size.
Remember, the TSCs had to shrink themselves to enter the singularity. So enlarging something would presumably, require effort as well.
What did TSC_-1 selected on the wormhole?
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Credits to @donaardaardendrian. You can see their replies in [Part 3].
He didn't select 2D (which I assumed to be back to the AvA universe). He actually selected "2B" which means selecting a different universe from the one they're currently on.
It basically establishes that TSC_-1 is going to end up on another AvE Episode (instead of home). A cool little detail if you ask me.
Was the power of creation demonstrated inside the singularity, explainable in quantum string theory? Or is that solely just TSC's abilities?
The nuclear engineer described what the TSC versions are doing as having access to extradimensional supertechnology. Not exactly a conclusive answer, but I guess the power of creation is just TSC (?). And that it's not possible/achievable in terms of quantum string theory.
How does AvE tie in with the original AvA Universe?
The wiki defines AvM as a spin-off series, so AvE is probably going to be a spin-off series as well.
Personally, as of now, I don't think this is the same TSC from the AvA Universe. Since this episode introduced the concept of parallel universes, there's a high chance this is a different version from our TSC.
But why would Alan suddenly introduce multiple versions of a character?
Well, he already kinda does. I've always thought that, for example: AvM Yellow vs AvA Yellow are two different people. But that's just me.
Also, AvPokemon was observed by other characters. The gang was eating popcorn as it happened. So far, AvE is just TSC. It's why I think he's a different one, from an entirely different universe. I don't think he'll ever come to AvA. He's just a separate thing.
Last notes:
I recommend watching the nuclear engineer's video, because he explained the Doppler Effect really well.
I couldn't come up with any reason as to why the apple got caught up in the Inner Horizon, other than to make us visually see that TSC_0 is shrinking.
Thank you to everyone who liked the Analysis. Here on Tumblr, Reddit, and Discord. You guys made me feel that the effort was worth it.
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 1 year
Hi Engie !
If you're looking for something to read, I heard that a newly mit graduate had done a quite interesting thesis about the Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array.
Also, the scientist's name is Gordon Freeman, I think you two should collaborate, you guys could do some wild shit
Engineer: Well, you're a bit late to the party, pardner. I'm already very well aware of Dr. Freeman, worked with him before actually.
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frank-olivier · 14 days
The Legacy of John Bell: Redefining Our Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
John Bell was initially motivated by the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox, which questioned the completeness of quantum mechanics. The EPR paper argued for the existence of "elements of reality" not captured by quantum mechanics, suggesting that hidden variables might account for the apparent randomness in quantum measurements. Bell was intrigued by the possibility of hidden variables and sought to determine whether they could be consistent with the predictions of quantum mechanics. His 1964 paper "On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox" provided a clear mathematical framework for testing this idea, leading to the formulation of Bell's theorem. The theorem is closely associated with Bell-type inequalities, which are mathematical expressions that local hidden variable theories must satisfy but are violated by quantum mechanical predictions. Bell's inequalities serve as empirical tests for these models, and their violation in experiments suggests the presence of nonlocal effects. Other papers mentioned in the discussion are the 1975 paper titled "The Theory of Local Beables", wherein Bell explores the concept of local causality and derives inequalities related to beables, which are elements of a theory that can have definite values independent of observation, and a 1977 paper titled "Free Variables and Local Causality" delving into the concepts of locality and causality in quantum mechanics.
Adam Becker: The History of Bell's Two Theorems (Harvard Foundation of Physics, November 2020)
Discussion on Non-Locality (Quantum Engineering Grenoble, November 2020)
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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brightwingedbat · 2 years
This is a general blog, but I'm massively in a GW2 brainrot so you can largely expect me to be like this for a long time.
Also click here if you want to see my personal art posts on here
Gonna make a big post of most of my GW2 ocs to pin because I'm certainly not running out of this brainrot anytime soon. A bunch of characters are from future headcanon stories. The main ones you'll see me play in-game are these; Commander Nastazya Ragewelder (Warrior) Wayfinder Marcus Furyclash (Revenant) Mercenary Tantalus "Rust Scarjaw" Locksmith (Thief)
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Magister Vithgar "Chip" Ironwelder (Engineer) Ash Soldier/Tailor Calypso "Cali" Fellstalk (Necromancer) 'Self-Insert' Rolan Brightwing (Mesmer)
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Commander Tharrhon "Rhon" Lionheart (Guardian) Olmakhan Bacchus "Barkhide" (Ranger) Primus Tonold Cubguider (Elementalist)
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Mad Director Kytos Corpsetaker (Necromancer) Apothecary Salvo Serumflask (Necromancer) Ash Soldier Kheir Longear (Ranger)
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Some extra character details below.
Main charr - Commander Nastazya Ragewelder - Ferocious, strong, stubborn and heavily combative. But protective and kind to her friends and family. Female charr, Blood Legion, Berserker. (Born 1295 AE) Marcus Furyclash - Strong and cunning, originally vicious with a cocky side, trauma changed him to be somewhat soft-hearted and caring but still a bit of a jokester. Male charr, Blood Legion, Revenant Renegade. (Born 1297 AE) Tantalus "Rust Scarjaw" Locksmith - Once imposing and charming. Now a spiteful, vengeful and sadistic male charr, ex-Iron Legion, Marcus' brother, Daredevil/Deadeye. (Born 1299 AE) Igna Earthvein - Dignified, proud and respectful female charr, Ash Legion, Weaver. (Born 1288 AE) Vithgar "Chip" Ironwelder - Curious and inventive yet quite grumpy male charr, Iron Legion, Nastazya's half-brother, Mechanist. (Born 1301 AE) Calypso "Cali" Fellstalk - Quiet, reticent but efficient female charr, Ash legion, Chip's twin sister, Nastazya's half-sister, Harbinger. (Born 1301 AE) Torna Trickeye - Smug and mischievious transfem charr, Ash Legion, Virtuoso. (Born 1299 AE) Pyraxus Wrathscald - Intense and fearsome, justice-driven male charr, Ex-Flame, Ex-Ash, New Flame Legion. Firebrand. (Born 1288 AE) Bacchus "Barkhide" - Massive yet pacifistic male charr, friend to animals, a travelling nomad for a time. Ex-Blood Legion, Olmakhan. Druid/Untamed. (Born 1292 AE) Tonold Cubguider - Sentimental old male charr, Nastazya and the Render Warband's Primus, Blood Legion, Elementalist. (Born 1259 AE)
Non-charr - Prosthetist Blinnk - Intelligent, though mischievious and snarky male asura. Priory Magister, inventor alongside Chip. Synergetics College. Elementalist. "Rosen Lotus" Dealg - Benevolent, though naive male sylvari. Adventurer. Mirage. Thiefmaster Slade - Challenge-seeking male human thief, head of a Thieves Guild. Secretly Shining Blade. Daredevil. Revna Shadewing - raven-blessed female norn. More details to decide still. Soulbeast. Other charr - Raeve Gorehorn - Serious, cold, extremely war-minded female charr. Iron Centurion, Engineer. Nastazya, Chip and Cali's mother. (Born 1270 AE, Branded & slain 1320 AE) Unglot Fearripper - Powerful, unrelenting, viciously loyal to the legions. Blood Legionnaire, Warrior. Marcus and Tantalus' mother. (Born 1267 AE, slain 1314 AE) Fulvius Smokelash - Casual-minded womaniser male charr, Ash Legion, Thief. (Born 1300 AE) Nal Venomtooth - Mostly cold and serious, easily flattered female charr, Blood Legion, Ranger. (Born 1303 AE) Maxim Woundbind - Patient and helpful pudgy male charr, Iron Legion, Engineer/Medic. (Born 1289 AE) Ursa Metalcrunch - Reckless and relentless female charr, Blood Legion, Warrior. (Born 1292 AE) Tyrana Lifeguider - Eager and earnest female charr, Tonold's Granddaughter, The Render Warband's Second Primus (Born 1314 AE) Zinnia Fogstare - Old and blind yet determined female charr. Gets a new lease on life as a Revenant, joining the Legion's battles once more. Iron Legion, Revenant. (Born 1270 AE) Salvo Serumflask - Curiously pacifistic male charr. Combat medic, would prefer only to heal wounds than fight. Abandons legions during Civil War to be an apothecary. Zinnia's son, Ex-Iron Legion, Harbinger. (Born 1305 AE) Flavia Brittlebreath - Frail and sickly female charr, forced to be gladium due to being unable to graduate fahrar. Ultimately leaves the legions overall. Eventually meets Salvo some years after the apothecary is set up, who cares for her and eases her ailments. Salvo's mate, Gladium. (Born 1312 AE) Sabina Duskmeld - Roguishly charming female charr, loyal and efficient soldier. Calypso's mate, Ash Legionnaire, Spectre. (Born 1300 AE)
First Rage Warband (Graduated 1313 AE, collapsed 1320 AE) - Tullia Ragemelt - Curious yet cautious female charr, the voice of reason. Engineer, mainly uses flamethrower. Nastazya's mate (20-25.) (Born 1295 AE) Faust Edgerage - Sassy and witty scout, good with knives. Male charr, Thief. (Born 1295 AE) Clio Wildrage - Quick-tempered and rough yet fiercely loyal female charr. Ranger. (Born 1294 AE) Graw Ragehammer - Quiet, imposing and very large male charr. Hammer Warrior. (Born 1294 AE) Slain in the Brandscar in 1320 AE, only Nastazya, Dinky and Howl survive. Graw Halfbrand - Graw Ragehammer, half branded by Kralkatorrik for 16 years before being purified in 1336 AE. Still half crystal, but no longer fights for control. Now a dedicated Crystal Bloom rather than a Blood Legion soldier.
The Render Warband (Graduated 1349 AE) - Galvar Bladerender - Crybaby-turned-stoic male charr, excellent strategist and defender, Nastazya and Marcus' son, Guardian/Willbender, Legionnaire (Born 1331 AE) Vita Limbrender - Impulsive and chaotic female charr, incredibly skilled with weapons of all sorts, Nastazya and Marcus' daughter, Bladesworn, Frontline (Born 1331 AE) Lorranu Fangrender - Level-headed and dignified female charr, Galvar's mate(20yo+), Fulvius and Nal's daughter, Ranger, Scout (born 1330 AE) Patia Skullrender - Smart, strong and determined female charr, pre-fahrar friends with the twins, Vita's mate(18yo+), Maxim and Ursa's daughter, Scrapper, Frontline (Born 1331 AE) Allius Stormrender - Quiet, poetry-reciting male charr, reads a lot, Tantalus and Igna's son, Tempest, Support (Born 1329 AE) / Mal Shieldrender - Strong, protective and loyal female charr, ex-Claw Warband, Warrior, Frontline (Born 1336 AE) Dagar Liferender - Meek, yet resolute short male charr, Salvo and Flavia's son though he does not remember them. Ex-Claw Warband, Necromancer, Combat Support (Born 1344 AE)
Other cubs - Bolt Holodriver - Overly enthusiastic inventive male charr, Chip and Reeva's son, Holosmith (Born 1326 AE) Spark Screwdriver - Methodological and curious male charr, Chip and Reeva's son, Scrapper (Born 1326 AE) Rivet Piledriver - Mischievous and humourous female charr, Chip and Reeva's daughter, Mechanist (Born 1326 AE) Peregrin Silvertone - Shrewd and confident nonbinary charr, Nastazya and Marcus' cub, Ranger/Trader. (Born 1336 AE)
Grandcubs - Tygil Daggerbite - Quiet and serious male charr, Galvar and Lorranu's son, Thief, Scout (Born 1352 AE) Ashnea Deathshot - Confident and snarky female charr, Galvar and Lorranu's daughter, Deadeye, Sniper (Born 1357 AE) Vitus Mistrender - Egotistical bloodline-proud male charr, Galvar and Lorranu's son, Revenant Commander, Frontline support (Born 1363 AE)
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divergentcooking · 9 months
The Sad Bastards Cookbook by Rachel A. Rosen and Zilla Novikov. "Eating—picking a meal, making it, putting it into your facehole—can feel like an insurmountable challenge. We wrote this cookbook to share our coping strategies." FREE for PDF download, by subscribing to their newsletter, or Amazon Ebook.
Good Enough by Leanne Brown. "Good Enough, is a self-care cookbook that offers personal and vulnerable storytelling, delicious recipes, and encouraging advice to teach you how to accept yourself, love yourself, and find peace through the act of cooking." From her website.
Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown. "Good and Cheap is a gorgeous cookbook for people with limited income, particularly on a $4/day food stamps budget." FREE PDF download.
Crip Up The Kitchen by Jules Sherred. "A comprehensive guide and recipe collection that brings the economy and satisfaction of home cooking to disabled and neurodivergent cooks." From his website.
Color Taste Texture by Matthew Broberg-Moffitt. "An accessible family cookbook that offers solutions rather than tricks to empower the food-averse, autistic, and picky eater, with 46 recipes." From Penguin Random House.
"Introducing, Tray!" "By keeping a tray full of no prepare necessary food, in the fridge it can be used to aid neurodivergent or fatigued people."
King Arthur has lots of tips for baking including baking with chronic fatigue, baking with brain fog, and baking with arthritis.
SuperCook. "Supercook is a recipe search engine that lets you search by ingredients you have at home."
Just the Recipe "Get the instructions without the fluff. No more popups, ads, or life stories."
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mhstark3000 · 8 months
@xtraterrestrials liked for a starter call from an adult morgan
"Alright, so Einstein Rosen Bridge, right? We both know what that is? Stay with me, imagine engineering one so that you could roll out of bed in the morning and immediately appear wherever you wanted to go. Disneyland? As easy as walking out your front door."
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Hilary Rosen debates file-sharing at Oxford https://web.archive.org/web/20021208065047/http://tirian.magd.ox.ac.uk/~nick/UnionDebate/
#15yrsago LOLCat programming language: LOLCode https://blog.notdot.net/2007/6/LOLCodenet-Now-your-LOLCats-can-use-the-CLR
#15yrsago US terrorist watchlist “galloping toward the million mark” https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-10-23-Watchlist_N.htm
#10yrsago Colbert to Trump: I’ll pay $1M to your favorite charity if you let me put my balls in your mouth https://web.archive.org/web/20121027135746/http://americanlivewire.com/steven-colbert-makes-1-million-dollar-charity-offer-to-trump-to-stick-his-balls-in-his-mouth/
#10yrsago Aviation vulnerability: Scan boarding passes to discover if you’re in for deep screening; print new barcodes if you don’t like what you find https://puckinflight.wordpress.com/2012/10/19/security-flaws-in-the-tsa-pre-check-system-and-the-boarding-pass-check-system/
#5yrsago Epson uses dubious patent claims to nuke ink sellers’ listings from eBay https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/10/epson-using-its-ebay-trusted-status-make-competing-ink-sellers-vanish
#5yrsago Those “heroic rogue GOP senators” just helped Trump shield Equifax and Wells Fargo from lawsuits https://theintercept.com/2017/10/24/after-day-of-feuding-jeff-flake-and-bob-corker-join-trump-to-upend-a-major-consumer-protection/
#5yrsago Simple steps your small organization can take to defend itself against cyberattacks https://www.cs.rice.edu/~dwallach/howto-electronic-adversaries.pdf
#5yrsago Kaspersky’s explanation for possessing secret NSA cyberweapons is a doozy https://theintercept.com/2017/10/25/nsa-workers-software-piracy-may-have-exposed-him-to-russian-spies/
#5yrsago San Francisco may finally get decent internet access, thanks to municipal fiber https://www.wired.com/story/san-francisco-municipal-fiber/
#5yrsago Why electrical engineers should support the right to repair https://spectrum.ieee.org/why-we-must-fight-for-the-right-to-repair-our-electronics
#5yrsago How the Chicago School’s extremist ideology destroyed the American economy with unchecked monopolies https://web.archive.org/web/20171024130131/https://www.thenation.com/article/america-has-a-monopoly-problem-and-its-huge/
#1yrago The Dems’ most secret Congressional committee: The Steering and Policy Committee runs the show and we’re not even allowed to know who’s on it https://pluralistic.net/2021/10/25/people-do-stuff/#personnel-are-policy
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