#Rosa & Reseda
prodhorosha · 5 months
We used to smoke on the fire escape,
now we just smoke in the living room.
Well the lease is up and we'll never see that deposit again.
Rosa's moving in with her boyfriend,
I'm going to drive off somewhere new.
When I so desperately needed a friend,
Rosa was a friend.
Rosa & Reseda // Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties
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pastlight · 5 months
the way Dan Campbell from The Wonder Years and Aaron West & the Roaring Twenties writes about kindness between strangers and the momentary connections with people you'll never see again
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ejzah · 2 years
A/N: In part one of this story, Deeks and Rosa run into one of Max’s old acquaintances. I believe @mashmaiden pointed out that Kensi and Deeks should have had a discussion with Rosa if something like this should occur. So, this chapter is a follow up where they have that discussion.
The Past Haunts, Part 2
“Hey, babe, did you and Rosa have a good time exploring your old haunt?” Kensi asked when she came home from her workout. Deeks accepted her kiss distractedly.
“Uh, yeah, it didn’t exactly go like we planned,” he said, and Kensi frowned, picking up on his tone.
He’d spent the last hour going over his encounter with Gabe. He was kicking himself for how he reacted, but in the moment, he’d panicked. And once Gabe turned his attention to Rosa…his only thought was to protect.
“Didn’t go as planned as in the ice cream shop was closed or something more serious?”
“As in,” Deeks sighed, jaw tightening. “We ran into someone who new Max Gentry. He recognized me.”
“Oh my god,” Kensi gasped. “Was Rosa—”
“No, nothing happened,” Deeks assured her quickly. “He honestly isn’t that dangerous, and I got rid of him quickly.” He dragged his hand through his hair.
Kensi breathed out slowly, looking vaguely relieved, still unsettled.
“I think I unnerved Rosa more than anything. You know, because I had to pretend to be Max.”
“Oh Deeks,” Kensi murmured, expression shifting once again. This time to dismay.
“I know, I should have anticipated that something like this could happen. Max was all over Reseda.”
He was an idiot for letting himself forget that part of his life so thoroughly. He found himself avoiding looking directly at Kensi.
“You couldn’t have. We all have so many aliases floating around, it could happen to any of us.” Kensi grasped his shoulders, waiting until he made eye contact. When he did, he saw way more understanding than he thought he deserved. “So please stop blaming yourself because I don’t.”
Deeks gave a short nod, and forced himself to put aside his own feelings for the moment.
“Ok. But we need to figure out something in case this ever happens again. The next person might not be scared off that easily,” he said.
“You’re right. Is in Rosa in her room?”
“Yeah, she’s finishing her biology paper.”
They found Rosa sitting on her bed with her laptop and several textbooks. She looked up with a smile, gesturing them both into the room.
“Hey, Deeks told me what happened when you guys were out earlier,” Kensi began.
A small line formed between her eyebrows, and her eyes flicked to Deeks before she nodded.
“Yes. Marty explained everything to me.”
“I know that was probably a little disconcerting.”
“It was,” Rosa agreed. “But I felt safe with Marty. And I know that he doesn’t do that kind of work anymore.”
“I don’t, but that doesn’t mean dangerous people from my past aren’t out there,” Deeks said.
“For all of us,” Kensi added. “Unfortunately. Deeks and I talked about what we could do to make sure you as safe as possible if anything like this happens again, and we came up with a plan.
“We’ll have a code word: Tacos.” She flashed Deeks a look, and Rosa flashed the tiniest of smirks. “If either of us says that and nothing else, you leave immediately.”
“Then you find the closest, busiest place you can, and call Sam or Callen immediately,” Deeks continued. “Whatever is going on, you do not stick around. I don’t care how worried you are about us. Ok?”
“I understand.” Rosa looked very serious again, but not quite scared. She squared her chin a little.
“I’m sorry we didn’t talk about this sooner,” Kensi said.
“It’s alright. There will always be danger, but at least I have you and Marty to watch over me,” Rosa said with one of her shy smiles.
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lestreghedifenix · 1 year
Questo talismano si avvale delle corrispondenze con le erbe che ricadono sotto il segno zodiacale solare.
Lo scopo è quello di accrescere il proprio magnetismo e fascino naturale e propiziare genii e spiriti naturali collegati alla propria persona.
Quella di comprare le erbe in erboristeria o di raccoglierle, è una scelta personale,ma il consiglio è sempre quello di raccoglierle da sé.
Vanno messe dentro un sacchettino di stoffa naturale(lino,cotone) e portate sempre con sé.
Si possono usare 3 erbe, una corrispondente al proprio segno in generale,l'altra corrispondente al decano specifico e l'ultima corrispondente al proprio ascendente.
Si può inoltre creare un sacchettino corrispondente ad una persona che si vuole sedurre,inserendo le erbe associate al suo segno,decano e ascendente,insieme ad un suo testimone, e portandolo con sé quando si incontra la persona in questione. Questo non ha nulla a che vedere con i legamenti, serve solo a creare più sintonia.
Di seguito l'elenco di erbe associate ai segni e ai 3 decani:
Ariete - Lavanda(21marzo-20aprile)
dal 21 al 30 marzo - Assenzio
dal 31 marzo al 9 aprile - Basilico
dal 10 al 20 aprile - Pepe
Toro - Rosa (21 aprile-20 maggio)
dal 21 al 29 aprile - Melissa
dal 30 aprile al 9 maggio - Zenzero
dal 10 al 20 maggio - Rosa
Gemelli - Origano(21 maggio-21 giungno)
dal 21 al 30 maggio - Vaniglia
dal 31 maggio al 10 giugno - Acacia
dall'11 al 21 giugno - Menta
Cancro - Lillà(22 giugno-22 luglio)
dal 22 giugno al 1 luglio - Sandalo
dal 2 all'11 luglio - Tiglio
dal 12 al 22 luglio - Ambra
Leone - Incenso(23 luglio-23 agosto)
dal 23 luglio al 2 agosto - Angelica
dal 3 al 12 agosto - Balsamo
dal 13 al 23 agosto - Ciclamino
Vergine - Giacinto(24 agosto-22 settembre)
dal 24 agosto al 2 settembre - Gardenia
dal 3 al 12 settembre - Acacia
dal 13 al 22 settembre - Rosa Millefoglie
Bilancia - Verbena(23 settembre-22 ottobre)
dal 23 settembre al 2 ottobre - Iris
dal 3 al 12 ottobre - Muschio
dal13 al 22 ottobre - Giacinto
Scorpione - Erica (23 ottobre-22 novembre)
dal 23 ottobre al 1 novembre - Tuberosa
dal 2 al 12 novembre - Ginestra
dal 13 al 22 novembre - Cedro
Sagittario - Violetta (23 novembre-21 dicembre)
dal 23 novembre al 1 dicembre - Amaranto
dal 2 all'11 dicembre - Fresia
dal 12 al 21 dicembre - Calicantus
Capricorno - Caprifoglio (22 dicembre-20 gennaio)
dal 22 al 31 dicembre - Narciso
dall'1 al 10 gennaio - Giacinto
dall'11 al 20 gennaio - Menta o Mentastro
Acquario - Felce ( 21 gennaio-19 febbraio)
dal 21 al 30 gennaio - Serpentaria
dal 31 gennaio al 9 febbraio - Mughetto
dal 10 al 19 febbraio - Reseda
Pesci - Glicine (20 febbraio-20 marzo)
dal 20 al 29 febbraio - Gelsomino
dal 1 al 10 marzo - Peonia
dall'11 al 20 marzo - Zagara
Vietato riprodurre o esportare senza citarne la fonte ®️ lestreghedifenix ©️
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lezarus · 1 year
ROSA!!!!!!! and reseda!!!! if u even care!!!!!!!
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writtenwillow · 8 months
Worst Wishes by Movements
Rosa & Reseda by Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties
It’s Called: Freefall by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Tourniquet by Zach Bryan
Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms
Electric Love by Dopamine
Niagara by Chase Huglin
Without Me by Halsey
Island of the Misfit Boy by Front Porch Step
Lydia by Highly Suspect
Lonesome & Mad by Under The Rug, Ariel Posen
Orange Juice by Noah Kahan
Why’d Tou Only Ever Call Me When You’re High by Arctic Monkeys
tagged by: @bluejeanbaby tagging: @musicallyiinclined, @huntrcssqueen, @barkskins
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shanie · 15 days
The Smallest Things - A New Generico!verse Story
Title: The Smallest Things Rating: Very soft T for language Pairing: El Generico & Kevin Steen Characters: El Generico, Kevin Steen, Original Female Character: Generico's Mamá, Original Female Character: Rosa - Mentioned Tags: Angst, Flashback, Sunburn, Childhood, Swimming, Past Canonical Characters Death - Referenced
It's a hot, summer day in Reseda, California.
El Generico and Kevin Steen have another PWG show, like so many before. But on this day, Generico stands on the pool deck of their usual hotel, watching the cloudless sky and a young boy swimming in the pool with his mom.
And remembering.
Remembering when he was a young boy who loved playing in the sun.
Remembering when he was a young boy with a Mamá.
Just a little blurb I wanted to write about Generico's past before he got to Canada. This may become a series, or a multi-chapter episodic fanfic, I don't know. I kind of just want a place where I can put little bits of memory that Generico has about Mexico, without shoving them into other stories as infodumps.
So enjoy this little story about Generico and the sun in Tijuana. Or don't. It's pretty heartbreaking by the end.
Story under cut.
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie The Pooh
It was so hot outside.
Generico stood on the pool deck of the Los Angeles hotel shielding his eyes from the sun.
It would have been a great day to enjoy the pool. He couldn’t swim, but on roasting hot days like that, the water felt good.
But, they were only at the hotel for the day, had a show that night, and then it was on to the next show the following day.
The hotel in Reseda was the same one they always stayed at. Generico didn’t know if that particular hotel had a deal with PWG or not, but it was always a nice place to spend the night.
But it was better when he got to enjoy the pool.
Generico sighed at the sight of a young child in arm floats paddling with his mom in the shallow end.
He looked like he was having fun. Having fun in the sun. Just like he always used to.
Albeit without the pool.
Generico decided when he was very young that the sun was great.
More than great, it was the best.
And there was SO MUCH of it!
First of all, the day was way better than the night. Night was dark, the lights never quite bright enough to make him feel comfy. The shadows frightened him; you never knew what was in them.
But the sun?
The sun made the days hot and bright.
Sometimes it got too hot though. When he got too sweaty and he couldn’t breathe. Those days weren’t as much fun. And some days there was no sun. Those were no fun at all, the rain making everything gross and muddy.
And then there were days when the sky roared and the clouds snarled and it felt like the world was going to end.
Those were the worst days of all.
But some days were just right. The sun would shine just bright enough and the air would be just cool enough.
Those days, Generico wanted to be outside.
His brothers and sisters didn’t understand. They wanted to play and make noise. But Generico? He just wanted to rest. Lay on his back in the yard with his shirt draped over his eyes soaking up the sun.
It would... hurt him. Every time.
Generico didn’t understand. The sun was wonderful. It lit up the darkness, kept you warm, and made the plants grow. Everything was better with the sun... except his pale-white skin.
Because when the time came that his Mamá would bring him back inside, it wasn’t pale-white anymore.
“Little one,” she said as he came inside, “How many times must I say? You can’t lay outside in the sun, you’ll burn.”
And, despite the sting of his rosy skin, he laughed.
“Mamá!” he said as she led him into the utility room, “The sun is AMAZING! I CAN’T stay inside! It’s like it hugs me, Mamá. It’s so WONDERFUL!”
“I know. But, tell me, is this wonderful?”
She squeezed the thickest part of his arm and he yelped at the pain.
“Shhh, Little One. I am only trying to teach you. You aren’t like your brothers and sisters. You’re special. It’s written on your face, flowing through your hair, and sparkling in your eyes. You need to be careful. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
His Mamá always told him he was special.
Sometimes he didn’t understand why. He was different, that was true. His pale-white skin and red hair looked nothing like the rest of his family. But he didn’t understand why that would make him special. There were plenty of other people that he saw in Tijuana who had his skin, and some even had his hair. Why did his looking different make him special?
But then, his Mamá would smile at him, her eyes sparkling the same way that she always said his did, and he FELT special.
This time was no different.
“Will you sit here for me, Little one?” his Mamá said, sitting him down on the corner stool. “I will be right back.”
“Yes Mamá.”
His Mamá smiled like sunshine that would never hurt him, and left.
Their utility room wasn’t fancy. They had a washing machine, but it was old and made noises. They also had a dryer, but it was only used when the sun was hiding. His Mamá would hang the clothing from the lines in the backyard and the warmth would leave them dry and perfect.
Sometimes, when his Mamá and Papa weren’t watching, Generico loved to wrap himself in the blankets she would hang. The way they folded around him and made him feel secure was incredible.
But then, if he wasn’t careful, his sister Rosa would see him and tell on him.
She wasn’t trying to be mean, his mom always said. She just didn’t want her to have to wash again.
Generico’s thoughts were interrupted by his Mamá returning with the bottle of lotion.
“Here we are,” she said, standing behind him. “Now, this may sting a bit. But you can be brave and strong for me, right?”
“Yes, Mamá,” Generico replied. He would be so brave and strong if his Mamá asked him to.
“Alright. Hold still.”
Generico took a breath in anticipation. The initial shock was always the worst and he braced himself.
His Mamá opened the bottle and poured some into her hands before, setting the bottle on the washing machine, she paused.
“Are you ready.”
Generico smiled bravely. “Yes.”
And, gently, his mother pressed the lotion to his skin.
Generico hissed. It really did sting. But he wouldn’t yell, wouldn’t shout.
He had to be so brave.
“There you go,” his Mamá said as she rubbed it in, “It will only sting for a little bit. You are doing so well. I’m sorry if I made it hurt when I squeezed your arm. Sometimes I wonder if you even feel the burn.”
“I feel it Mamá,” Generico said trying to keep still. “I just love the sun so much.”
“I fear the sun doesn’t love you in return.”
Generico was confused.
Of course the sun loved him. Why else would it make the day bright and warm for him?
His Mamá rubbed the lotion on his shoulders and down his arms, retrieving more when needed, before moving to his chest and eventually his back.
It stung. A LOT.
But, in a way, the sting and burn was just another form of heat, as though even though he’d left the sun outside, it’d followed him into the house.
It was nice to think that the sun would stay with him even when it was hiding.
“There,” his Mamá said when she was done, “You didn’t shout once.”
Generico shook his head, so proud of himself. “Of course not! I’m the strongest!”
His Mamá smiled, and Generico swore she was lighting up the room like the sun lit up the shadows. “Someday, Little One. Someday everyone will know how strong you are. You will be the pride of Tijuana.”
Generico nodded, looking up at what he knew was the best Mamá in the whole world.
“Someday, Mamá, I’m going to make YOU proud.”
“Oh, my brave boy,” she said, placing a gentle kiss to his head, “You already do.”
“Generico!” Kevin’s voice called from behind Generico.
Generico turned around to face his partner and friend.
“Hey buddy, what’re you doing out here?” Kevin asked, walking over to meet him.
Generico just cast a sad look at the pool, before glancing up once more at the cloudless sky and shrugging sadly.
Kevin would never understand. He never could.
He would never understand the way that the sun used to hug him and the burn made him feel loved.
And could never understand why, on days like that one, he craved the water.
“Hey, it’s ok, buddy,” Kevin said, gripping a hand onto his shoulder, “We got a couple free days coming up later this month. It’s the middle of summer, we’ll have time to enjoy the sun then.”
Generico nodded. Kevin didn’t understand. But then, he didn’t need to.
“Yes,” Generico told him in Spanish. “Very good.”
“Hell yeah it’s good! And one of these days you gotta let me teach you to swim.”
Generico shrugged.
“Come on, what the hell,” Kevin said, his voice starting to get grumbly, “you can’t be afraid of water forever. Man up!” Kevin let go of Generico’s shoulder and grabbed him by the chin. “You gotta be BRAVE! Stop chickening out. You want to call yourself the Pride of Tijuana? Act like it.”
Generico nodded against the pain in his heart, baring his teeth in false bravery.
“Great,” Kevin said, letting go of his chin and patting his cheek. “Now, get inside. We have places to be and asses to kick. Let’s go.”
And with that, Kevin was gone, headed back inside the hotel and, if Generico had to guess, towards their room.
He had to follow. He hadn’t been paying attention when the guy at the desk told Kevin their room number. He kept forgetting to do that.
He took one last look at the pool. The little boy was standing on the side of the pool for a moment before gleefully jumping into his mother’s arms.
Generico choked back a sniffle.
Kevin could never possibly get why Generico didn't like the sun anymore. He still had his mom and dad. They hadn’t left him. They never went away and left him behind with a family that it was suddenly his job to take care of, to feed and protect, and do everything in his power to keep from dying in the summer heat.
But Generico smiled a bit as he thought about what he’d been watching on the television in the lobby.
It would be ok. Everything would be ok.
Because it was sunny then, sure.
But the next morning?
It was supposed to rain.
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usaccidents · 1 year
TARZANA, CA (May 26, 2023) – Rosa Zareaseisan was killed in a hit-and-run crash in Tarzana late Tuesday evening on May 23.
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thornyrose463 · 2 years
A Tale Of Three Dojos (Cobra Kai story): Chapter 7
It was the day of the All-Valley Tournament.
Daryl stepped onto the stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, you've been waiting a long time, but we're finally here. Dojos from all across the Valley have been training for a year for their shot at glory. You ready to meet ‘em?" Daryl asked.
The audience burst into applause, making Daryl chuckle.
“All right. This sensei and dojo need no introduction. He took the All-Valley by storm in 1984 and 85 and quickly became one of the greatest underdogs in the history of the sport. Last year, this dojo came out of nowhere and made it to the finals. They've got some new fighters, and they're ready to show the world that they're the best around. Give it up for Miyagi-Do Karate, led by two-time All-Valley champion Daniel LaRusso!” Daryl yelled.
Daniel and the Miyagi-Do students jogged towards the mat.        
Amanda was sitting next to Anthony, Carmen, and Rosa.
“Whoo!” Amanda and Anthony cheered.
Several people applauded.
“Whoo! Go, Sam! Go, Demetri! Go, Eli!” Moon cheered.
Riley was sitting next to Moon. He applauded.
Riley was wearing a black t-shirt underneath an unzipped black cotton jacket, dark blue denim jeans, and black low-top Converse sneakers with white laces.
Daniel waved and bowed before turning to face Daryl.
"This next dojo took last year's title. But they're under new management. Can they reign supreme once more? And last year's runner-up. He may be wearing a new gi, but one thing is for sure: Robby Keene and his team are ready to strike! Hailing from Reseda, defending champions and still the most badass name for a dojo, here comes Cobra Kai!" Daryl yelled.
Kreese and Terry walked towards the mat. Their students followed them.
“Whoo!” Carly cheered.
Carly was wearing a white t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned dark blue denim jacket, dark blue denim jeans, and beige ankle-length boots. Her naturally straight blonde hair was down. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft brown eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Several people applauded.
Kreese, Terry, and their students stood across from Daniel and the Miyagi-Do students, raising their chins. Daniel locked eyes with Terry. He gave Daniel a tight-lipped smile.
"Finally, this dojo is making their All-Valley debut, though you'll recognize a few familiar faces. Every year, a new dojo rises up the ranks. Does this newcomer have what it takes to win it all? Please welcome Eagle Fang Karate, led by two-time All-Valley champion Johnny Lawrence, his daughter, Sarah Lawrence, and defending champion Miguel Diaz!” Daryl yelled.
Johnny and his students jogged towards the mat.
“Whoo! Go, Sarah! Go, Miguel!” Moon cheered.
Riley applauded.
Johnny and the Eagle Fang students stood next to Daniel and the Miyagi-Do students.
“At the end of the day, only one of these dojos can be crowned the grand champion. Welcome to the 51st annual All-Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament!” Daryl yelled.
The audience stood up and applauded, making Daryl chuckle.
"It's karate time." Daryl said.
Daryl walked off the stage.
"Miyagi-Dos, bring it in." Daniel told his students.
Daniel’s students gathered around him.
Johnny addressed his students. “Eagle Fangs, listen up. Some of you have been here before...”
“And for some of you, it's your first karate tournament. I still remember my first All-Valley, where I stood here proudly with my sensei.” Daniel said.
“Where I pummeled the ever-loving crap out of my opponents as the crowd cheered.” Johnny said.
“And where I faced down the bullies of Cobra Kai. Now, getting here hasn't been easy. There have been some bumps in the road, to put it mildly.” Daniel said.
Sam locked eyes with Miguel.
“They tried to soften you up. That bullshit’s behind us now.” Johnny said.
“Remember what's at stake. If Cobra Kai wins, our dojo closes for good.” Daniel said.
“That means no more Eagle Fang. We're not going to let that happen, are we?” Johnny asked.
“No, Sensei!” The Eagle Fang students yelled.
“Of course not, because we have something that Cobra Kai doesn't.” Daniel said.
Johnny gestured to Miguel. “We have a reigning champion.”
“We have Miyagi-Do.” Daniel said.
“So, let’s get out there…” Johnny trailed off.
“And show Cobra Kai what we're made of. Are you ready?” Daniel asked.
“Yes, Sensei!” The Miyagi-Do students yelled.
“Are you ready?” Johnny asked.  
“Yes, Sensei!” Johnny’s students yelled.
“All right. Good. Let's warm up.” Johnny told his students.
Sarah, Bert, and Mitch walked away.
Miguel took a few steps towards Sarah, Bert, and Mitch.    
“Diaz, a word.” Johnny told Miguel.
Miguel approached Johnny.
“Listen, I know what has been going on with you lately.” Johnny said.
“You do?” Miguel asked.
“You haven't gotten over that little spat with your girlfriend. I can totally relate.” Johnny said.
“Right.” Miguel said.
“My junior prom was an absolute shitshow. I need you to focus on winning. You and Sam will make up, but she's not on your team, and your team needs you, okay? Let's get to work.” Johnny patted Miguel’s shoulder.
Johnny and Miguel walked over to Sarah, Bert, and Mitch.  
“All right, fall in.” Kreese told the Cobra Kai students.
The Cobra Kai students gathered around Kreese and Terry.
“All your training has brought you to this moment. Remember, if you win, you don't just get a trophy. You get the glory. And you get to know forever that you are a champion. I have had students with all the talent in the world squander their moment. Do not let history repeat itself. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment. And above all, do not let anything stand in the way of your victory.” Kreese told the Cobra Kai students.
“Just to be clear, that's not a pep talk. That's an order. And we're all going to follow Sensei Kreese's orders today, aren't we?” Terry asked.
“Yes, Sensei.” The Cobra Kai students said.
Terry repeated himself. “Aren’t we?”
“Yes, Sensei!” The Cobra Kai students yelled.
“Let's go win this! Come on!” Terry yelled, clapping his hands.
The Cobra Kai students cheered.
Daryl stepped onto the stage.
The audience applauded.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to begin our skills competition. Up first, Demetri Alexopoulos from Miyagi-Do Karate, who will be showcasing the kamas.” Daryl said.
Demetri stepped onto the mat. He was holding a pair of kamas.
Demetri bowed.
“Hi-yah!” Demetri yelled.
Demetri grunted as he spun the kamas.
Sam whispered something to Daniel.  
Devon was up next.
Devon stepped onto the mat.
Devon bowed.
Devon grunted as she broke a wooden board with her foot.
Devon grunted as she broke wooden boards with her arms.
Chris was up next.
Chris stepped onto the mat.
Chris bowed.
Chris grunted as he broke a wooden board with his foot.
Chris grunted as he broke a wooden board with his arm.
Chris grunted as he broke a stack of bricks with his arm.
Kenny was up next.
Kenny stepped onto the mat.
Kyler, Robby, and Piper stepped onto the mat. They were holding wooden boards.
“Bow.” The referee told Kenny.
Kenny bowed.
“Positions.” The referee told Kyler, Robby, and Piper.
Kyler, Robby, and Piper stood in front of Kenny.
Kenny grunted as he broke the boards with his fists.
Miguel was up next.
Miguel stepped onto the mat.
Miguel bowed.
Miguel let out a yell before doing some kata.
“Are you kidding me? What a way to start the skills competition! Clearly, Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang came to play. But with such a tight spread, it's still anyone's game.” Daryl said.
Sam was up next.
Sam stepped onto the mat. She was holding a pair of sai.
“All right, baby, you’ve got this!” Amanda yelled, clapping her hands.
Sam bowed.
Sam grunted as she spun the sai.
Robby was up next.
Robby stepped onto the mat.
“Let's go!” Terry yelled, clapping his hands.
Robby bowed.
“Aits!” Robby yelled.
Robby did a backflip.
“Aits!” Robby yelled before getting in a fighting position.
“Aits!” Robby yelled repeatedly as he showed off his fighting skills.
Robby ran forward, did a flip, and kicked the air.
Robby stood with his fists by his sides.
“Aits!” Robby yelled.
Several people cheered.
Piper was up next.
Piper stepped onto the mat.
Piper bowed.
Piper did some flips.
Piper grunted as she broke wooden boards.
Bert was up next.
Bert stepped onto the mat.
Bert bowed.
Bert grunted as he broke wooden boards.
Mitch was up next.
Mitch stepped onto the mat. He was holding a bo staff.
Mitch bowed.
Mitch dropped the bo staff while twirling it above his head. It flew towards the judges’ table. 
The judges gasped.
Several people groaned.
Mitch was embarrassed. He bowed and ran off the mat.
Tory was up next.
Tory stepped onto the mat. She was holding a katana.
Tory bowed.
Tory grunted as she swung the katana.
Sarah was up next.
Sarah stepped onto the mat.
Sarah was wearing a long-sleeved red and black gi with the Eagle Fang symbol on the back. Her naturally straight blonde hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
Sarah bowed.
Sarah grunted as she broke a wooden board with her foot.
Sarah grunted as she broke wooden boards with her fists.
Kyler was up next.
Kyler stepped onto the mat.
Kyler bowed.
Kyler grunted as he broke a wooden board with his elbow.
Kyler grunted as he broke a wooden board with his fist.
Kyler grunted as he broke a stack of bricks with his head.
Eli was up next.
Eli stepped onto the mat.
Eli bowed.
Eli grunted as he broke a wooden board with his fist.
Eli grunted as he broke a wooden board with his foot.
Chris was holding Nathaniel’s legs. Nathaniel was sitting on his shoulders. Nathaniel was holding a wooden board.
Eli jumped up and yelled, “Hi-yah!”
Eli tried to kick the board Nathaniel was holding, but he missed.
Several people groaned.
Daryl spoke. “And just like that, Miyagi-Do has been snake bit as Cobra Kai takes the lead, with our qualifier rounds up next.”
Chris looked at the leaderboard. Cobra Kai was in first place. Miyagi-Do was in second place. Eagle Fang was in sixth place.
“I can’t believe Cobra Kai beat us in skills.” Chris said.
“I thought we had that one in the bag.” Sam said.
“It's my fault. I couldn't break the last board. Sorry.” Eli said.
“Forget that, okay? You all did great. We're on their heels. This is far from over.” Daniel said.
Johnny looked at the leaderboard.
“How the hell are we in sixth place?” Johnny asked angrily.
“The skills events are weighed differently. Gold medals are ten points. Silver...” Devon trailed off.
“I don't give a shit about the math. What do we need to beat Cobra Kai?” Johnny asked.
“Uh, math. To catch up on points, we need to win as many matches in the qualifying rounds as possible. The further we get, the tighter the vice around Cobra Kai's metaphorical balls.” Devon said.
“Okay. Good. Now you're speaking my language.” Johnny said.
George, a member of the All-Valley Committee, spoke to one of the other members. “The thrill of skills. I told you everyone would love it, Sue.”
“Hey, I was always on board. It's Ron who was standing in our way. He even botched up the contract for the garage. I'm just going to say what we're all thinking. This needs to be his last go-round as president. At the next meeting, I'm calling for a vote of no confidence.” Sue said.
Ron was standing on the stage and holding the microphone.
The microphone squeaked.
“What the hell is Ron doing on my mic?” Daryl asked.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the male and female division qualifiers are about to begin. And with them, we enter a new era!” Ron yelled.
The audience cheered.
"That's why we need a very special guest to kick things off. Let's give a big All-Valley welcome to multi-Grammy-award winning, international superstar, Carrie Underwood!" Ron yelled.
Carrie waved as she walked onto the stage.
“Holy crap!” Amanda yelled.
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” Carmen yelled.
Rosa applauded.
“Whoo!” Riley and Moon cheered.
“Yeah!” Carly cheered.
“That son of a bitch pulled it off,” Daryl muttered.
Ron handed the microphone to Carrie and walked off the stage.
“Hello, All-Valley! I am so honoured to be here. I didn't see a lot of karate growing up in Oklahoma, but you guys know I love to compete, just like these wonderful young men and young women. Whoo!” Carrie cheered, clapping her hands.
“Whoo!” Carmen cheered.
“Yeah!” Amanda cheered.
“One thing I have learned is that everyone gets their shot, their chance in the spotlight. Everyone gets their moment. This one’s yours.” Carrie said.
The audience cheered.
Carrie performed a cover of Survivor’s song Moment of Truth.
Ron was standing behind George and Sue. “Her husband's a client. I fixed a crown fracture in his maxillary incisor.”
George chuckled and gave Ron a pat on the back. “We never doubted you, Ron.”
The qualifying rounds ended quickly. Sam, Eli, Demetri, Sarah, Miguel, Robby, Kenny, Kyler, Piper, Tory, and members of various other dojos advanced to the quarterfinals. Daniel was upset that the Cobra Kai students had used Miyagi-Do techniques during their matches. Daniel and Sam concluded that it was Robby who taught Cobra Kai Miyagi-Do’s secrets.
“All right, folks, we've witnessed some great fighting today, but you ain't seen nothing yet, because we have arrived at the quarterfinals!” Daryl chuckled.
The audience cheered.
“Which means things are about to get intense. Of the eight boys and eight girls on this stage, one of each will be named All-Valley champion. And then we'll tally all the points to determine which dojo has earned the title of Grand Champion. And since the points get higher in each round...” Daryl chuckled.
“It’s still any dojo's game! So, you keep your eyes on this here blue mat, because we are just getting started!” Daryl yelled.
The audience cheered.
Miguel fought a boy who wasn’t part of Miyagi-Do, Eagle Fang, or Cobra Kai. He won.
Sarah was up next. Her opponent was a girl the same size as her.
The other girl was a member of the Locust Valley Karate Club.
Sarah and the other girl stepped onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Sarah and the other girl.
Sarah and the other girl faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Sarah and her opponent.
Sarah and the other girl faced each other and bowed.
“On your marks.” The referee told Sarah and her opponent.
Sarah got in a fighting position.
Sarah’s opponent got in a fighting position.
"Ready. And fight!" The referee yelled.
Sarah’s opponent tried to punch her. She blocked the punch and delivered a counterpunch to her opponent’s chest.
“Point!” The referee yelled.
The fight continued. Sarah swung her right leg sideways in a circular motion and kicked her opponent in the face. 
“Point!” The referee yelled.
The fight continued. Sarah raised her right knee, slightly rotated her hips while extending her leg, and kicked her opponent in the stomach.
"Point! Winner!" The referee yelled, grabbing Sarah’s arm and lifting it.
“Yeah, Sarah!” Eli yelled.
Devon was up next. Her opponent was Tory. As soon as the fight started, they ran towards each other. Tory tried to punch Devon, but Devon blocked the punch. Tory tried to punch Devon again, but Devon blocked the punch. Tory punched Devon in the stomach.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
The fight continued. Tory ran towards Devon and tried to punch her. Devon stepped back. She was out of bounds when Tory hit her.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
“Come on, ref! She was out of bounds! Where are your eyes?” Johnny asked angrily.
The fight continued. Tory kicked Devon in the chest, causing her to fall.
"Point! Winner!" The referee yelled, grabbing Tory’s arm and lifting it.
Tory walked over to her fellow students, Kreese, and Terry.
Devon walked over to her fellow students and Johnny.
“I let her shut me out! I should have focused on my low game.” Devon said.
“She has been at this longer than you. There's no reason to feel bad.” Johnny said.
“Oh, I don't feel bad. I only trained for six weeks. I'm going to be stomping all of these weak-ass bitches next year.” Devon said.
Sarah smiled. “That’s the spirit.”
Daniel approached Robby.
Daniel frowned. “You wanted to beat Miyagi-Do so badly you gave Cobra Kai all of our secrets.”
Robby shrugged. “The goal is to win. I did what I had to do.”
“If all you care about is winning, you didn't learn anything I taught you.” Daniel said.
“Everybody thinks their way is the only way. You, my dad, Cobra Kai. Truth is, it doesn't matter which way you fight, as long as it works. And I'll use whatever it takes to win.” Robby said.
“Why? To get back at your dad? Me? Sam? The world? If that's the case, I have another Miyagi-Do secret that you can slip to your friends. Never put passion in front of principle, because even if you win, you lose.” Daniel walked away.
“Alexopoulos has Robson on the ropes. Which of these fighters will advance? Miyagi-Do or All-Star Karate?” Daryl asked shortly after Demetri’s fight started.
Demetri managed to hit his opponent.
“Point!” The referee yelled.  
“Yeah, Demetri!” Eli yelled.
The fight continued. Demetri got two more points.
“Winner!” The referee yelled, grabbing Demetri’s arm and lifting it.
“Newcomer Demetri Alexopoulos is heading to the semis! Next up in the quarterfinals, it's Kyler Park of Cobra Kai versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do.” Daryl said.
Eli and Kyler walked towards the mat.
Kyler taunted Eli. “Your friend's lucky he didn't face Cobra Kai. Can’t say the same for you though, Lip. Going to make you kiss that mat.”
Kyler stepped onto the mat.
Sarah approached Eli.
“Ignore him. He's a bully, but that's not who you are.” Sarah said.
“I don't know who I am these days.” Eli said.
“You’re not defined by your haircut, you know,” Sarah said. “Don't get me wrong — I loved it. I was really digging the purple, actually. But I fell in love with you because of your confidence. I know it’s still in there somewhere. Now, go kick Kyler’s ass.”
Sarah cupped Eli’s cheeks. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. He closed his eyes. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him. A few seconds later, he let go of her. They opened their eyes.
Sarah walked away.
Daniel walked up to Eli.
“Everything good?” Daniel asked.
“Never better. I know who I am now.” Eli said.
“And who's that?” Daniel asked.
“The guy who’s going to win this whole fucking thing.” Eli said.
Eli stepped onto the mat.
The fight started. Eli tried to kick Kyler, but Kyler dodged the kick. Eli and Kyler blocked each other’s punches. Eli punched Kyler in the stomach. Kyler groaned.
“Point!” The referee yelled.
Terry looked disappointed.
“Yes!” Daniel cheered, clapping his hands.
The fight continued. Kyler ran towards Eli. He kicked Kyler in the stomach.
“Point!” The referee yelled.
Kyler let out an annoyed yell.
The fight continued. Eli kicked Kyler in the chest, causing him to fall. He groaned.
“Point! Winner!” The referee yelled, grabbing Eli’s arm and lifting it.
“Whoo!” Sarah cheered, clapping her hands.
Rosa was eating.  
Carmen spoke to Rosa in Spanish. Her words translated to “Mom, are you going to eat all of this?”
Carmen grabbed some nachos and put them in her mouth.
Rosa spoke to Carmen in Spanish. Her words translated to “What can I say? I have the munchies.”
Daryl spoke. “Our next quarterfinal match will be Samantha LaRusso of Miyagi-Do Karate versus Piper Elswith of Cobra Kai.”
Sam and Piper stepped onto the mat.
“You’ve got this, Sam! Just like we practiced!” Daniel yelled.
The fight started. Piper ran towards Sam and tried to kick her. She blocked the kick with the back of her hand. She and Piper blocked each other’s punches. Piper kicked her in the face. She groaned.
"Point! 1-0.” The referee said.
“Whoo!” Carly cheered.
The Cobra Kai students applauded.
“Go, Piper! Go!” A male Cobra Kai student yelled.
Piper taunted Sam. “Robby said that Miyagi- Do was for defense only. And without your defense, you have nothing.”
Sam walked to her side of the mat.
Piper walked to her side of the mat.
Sam’s eyes landed on Daniel before landing on Johnny. She smiled as she jumped up and down, fists extended.
The fight continued. Sam tried to kick Piper, but Piper stepped back. She and Piper blocked each other’s attacks. She spun and kicked Piper in the shoulder.  
“Point, LaRusso!” The referee yelled.
The fight continued. Sam kicked Piper in the face.
"Point, LaRusso!" The referee yelled.
The fight continued. Sam crossed Piper's leg over her shoulders, causing Piper to land on the mat. She punched Piper in the chest.
"Point, LaRusso!" The referee yelled.
“Yes!” Johnny cheered.
“Winner!” The referee yelled, grabbing Sam’s arm and lifting it.
Piper walked off the mat.
Sam walked off the mat.
Sam approached Daniel with a proud smile on her face.
Daniel frowned. “What was that out there?”
“Eagle Fang.” Sam said.
“That's what I thought. How did you pick up so much?” Daniel asked.  
“Why does it matter? I won.” Sam said.
“You didn't win the right way.” Daniel said.
“Maybe my right way is different than yours. Don't I get a choice?” Sam asked.
Robby and Kenny looked at the leaderboard.
“I don't get why they're having us fight.” Kenny said.
“Just the luck of the draw. No matter what happens, the fact that you made it this far at your age is a huge deal. Your brother's going to be impressed.” Robby said.
“Well, I owe it all to you.” Kenny said. “You changed my whole life, but don't think I'm going easy on you now, old man.”
Kenny pretended to punch Robby.
Robby chuckled. “Yeah, okay, wiseass. See you out there.”
Robby lightly punched Kenny’s arm.
“All right.” Kenny said.
Robby and Kenny walked towards the mat.
Daryl spoke. "For our final quarterfinal match, we have a real snake fight. It's Cobra Kai versus Cobra Kai."
Robby and Kenny stepped onto the mat.
The fight started. Kenny got a point. Kreese realized Robby was going easy on Kenny and called for a time-out.
“Are you fighting your friend or your opponent? I thought you wanted to be a champion.” Kreese said.
The fight resumed. Channeling his anger, Robby struck Kenny down with brutal precision, appalling the audience and sending Kenny running off the mat with a bloody nose and tears in his eyes. Robby was going to follow Kenny, but Tory stopped him. She told him Kenny needed to cool off.
Miguel walked towards the leaderboard. He encountered Daniel.
“Well, if it isn’t Mr. Semifinal,” Daniel said.
"Hey, Mr. LaRusso. Looks like it's me going up against Eli in the semis." Miguel said.
"Yeah. Should be a good fight. I caught your last match. Couldn't help but notice you circled your opponent." Daniel said.
"You didn’t have us catching fish for nothing." Miguel said.
Johnny walked up to Miguel. “Diaz, it’s time to get ready.”
“All right. Bye, Mr. LaRusso.” Miguel said.
“Good luck.” Daniel said.
“Thank you.” Miguel walked away.
“Softening Diaz up before our match?” Johnny asked.
“As if you haven't gotten into Sam's head with all your Eagle crap. You've been training her, haven't you?” Daniel asked.  
“You should be thanking me.” Johnny said.
“For turning Sam into someone who can't control her anger?” Daniel asked.
“Better than turning my champion into a pussy who starts a fight and then runs away.” Johnny responded.
“I don't care what happens today. Stay the hell away from Sam.” Daniel told Johnny.
“Yeah. Stay the hell away from Miguel.” Johnny told Daniel.
Daniel walked over to his students.
Johnny walked over to his students.
Daryl spoke. “And now, our first semifinal match will be Miguel Diaz of Eagle Fang versus Eli Moskowitz of Miyagi-Do.”
Eli was stretching his arms.
"All right, don't forget to breathe out there. How are you feeling?" Daniel asked.
 "I'm okay. Not exactly thrilled to be fighting my friend." Eli said.
“It doesn't help that nobody has ever beaten Miguel either.” Demetri said.
Eli frowned.
“Sorry. Shouldn't have said that out loud.” Demetri said.
“At least you know how he'll fight, because Johnny taught you too.” Sam said.
“Listen, don't forget your blocks. Stay patient, all right? You’ve got this.” Daniel patted Eli’s shoulder.
Miguel was jumping up and down.
"All right, you can do this. You've beaten Hawk before. Just remember that killer instinct. Take his ass out." Johnny told Miguel.
"What? Take his ass out? Hawk is my friend." Miguel said.
“He's fighting for LaRusso. He picked his side. Whose side are you on?” Johnny asked.
“Yours.” Miguel said.
“Are you sure? Hawk may be your friend, but if you want to win this, you have to beat him.” Johnny told Miguel.
Miguel furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “Whose side are you on?”
“What do you mean?” Johnny asked.
The referee spoke. “Gentlemen, take your positions.”
“I'm on your side, Diaz. Always.” Johnny said.
Miguel and Eli stepped onto the mat.
“Go, Diaz!” Johnny yelled.
“Finally, a worthy opponent. Not going to hold back, right?” Eli asked.
“No.” Miguel said.
“Good. Neither am I.” Eli said.
Eli shook Miguel’s hand.
The fight started. Neither Miguel nor Eli got a point. When Miguel attempted a flying tornado kick, his back gave out. He fell.
“Miguel!” Sarah screamed.
The audience gasped.
Eli knelt down next to Miguel.
The referee and Johnny ran onto the mat and knelt down next to Miguel.
“Medic!” The referee yelled.
Tears formed in Carmen’s eyes. “Miggy.”
“Sensei!” Miguel screamed in pain.
0 notes
afurioushawk · 3 years
What do you think Carmen and Rosa think of Hawk and the Moskowitz parents think of Miguel?
The Moskowitzes adore Miguel. At first, they were just happy Hawk made any other friend on the planet, since they know how lonely he was with only having Demetri as his sole friend for so long, but they consider Miguel a positive influence on Hawk since he coincided with Hawk starting to come out of his shell more. Plus Miguel’s also a Straight-A student, gets along with almost everyone, and generally avoids most trouble, so they have no complaints about him at all.
Carmen sensed that Hawk might not be the best influence on the planet but she didn’t actually know the worst shit he was up to because Miguel’s not a snitch, and at the end of the day, she trusts Miguel’s judgment when it comes to making friends, which she also wanted for him when they moved to Reseda. Since Hawk is Miguel’s best friend, Carmen’s nothing but friendly to him. And Rosa honestly thinks he’s got a very colorful, outgoing personality and loved his mohawk.
22 notes · View notes
Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties - Routine Maintenance
Tumblr media
Ho ricominciato a fumare
Perché mi piace
Non può piacermi e basta?
(da: Lead Paint & Salt Air)
1. Lead Paint & Salt Air
Vernice al piombo e salsedine
   Ad Asbury Park in un appartamento che ho preso in subaffitto
Mi sono trovato un nuovo lavoro: vado in giro a imbiancare le case
Il sole sul collo e qualche soldo in tasca
Almeno qui l'aria è fresca
   Guardo le famiglie che passeggiano coi figli in vacanza
Gratto via decenni di vernici al piombo e salsedine dalle verande
Da solo coi miei pensieri e una brezza che arriva dall'oceano
Sorrido per la prima volta quest'anno
   E cammino da solo nella foschia della sera
Sotto il bagliore dell'insegna del Paramount
Guardo il cielo che si riempie di luce violenta il 4 luglio
   Passo le serate in una bettola appena oltre la passerella del molo
Un triste open mic, io suono queste canzoni del diavolo
La gente mi urla che vuole sentire Springsteen o Dylan o la Mitchell
Ma io so solamente queste
   E cammino da solo nella foschia della sera
Sotto il bagliore dell'insegna del Paramount
Guardo il cielo che si riempie di luce violenta il 4 luglio
   Ho ricominciato a fumare
Perché mi piace che così mi passano in fretta le giornate
Ho ricominciato a fumare
Tanto prima o poi di qualcosa devo pur morire
Quindi perché non di questo?
Ho ricominciato a fumare
Perché mi piace
Non può piacermi e basta?
Ho ricominciato a fumare
   E cammino da solo nella foschia della sera
Sotto il bagliore dell'insegna del Paramount
Guardo il cielo che si riempie di luce violenta il 4 luglio
       2. Just Sign the Papers
Firma i documenti
   A un tavolone di legno in un ufficio appena fuori da Ann Street
Potrei anche essere in mezzo all'oceano da quanto ti sento distante
Ma amore, tesoro, ti prego...
Merda, scusami, non volevo chiamarti amore
   Faccio scorrere il dito sulla grana del foglio
Tengo lo sguardo basso, mescolo il caffè
Dovevo liberarti prima
Lo so che ho reso tutto più difficile di quanto doveva essere
E mi spiace, sono rimasto la stessa testa di cazzo di quando ci siamo conosciuti
   Tu eri i fanali posteriori, come un'ancora di salvezza quando è arrivata la tempesta
Ti ho seguita tutta notte fino a che ha smesso di piovere, come un lungo addio
   Perdo il filo mentre gli avvocati iniziano a riscrivere la nostra storia
Le cose che abbiamo costruito insieme vengono buttate giù mattone per mattone e sparpagliate in modo uniforme
Brucia i ricordi, disperdi le ceneri in giro per Fort Greene
   Tu eri i fanali posteriori, come un'ancora di salvezza quando è arrivata la tempesta
Ti ho seguita tutta notte fino a che ha smesso di piovere, come un lungo addio
E poi all'alba con la luce del giorno ho visto che accostavi
Ti ho amata come i fanali posteriori, come un'ancora di salvezza, come un lungo addio
   Forza, firma i documenti
Non dirmi di restare nella stanza
Non voglio ricordarmi di te in questo modo
Forza, firma i documenti
Non dirmi di restare nella stanza
Alla luce del sole vedo pozze di inchiostro blu che si asciugano
   Forza, firma i documenti
Non dirmi di restare nella stanza
Non riesco a tenere la mano ferma ma calco anch'io la penna
Forza, firma i documenti
Non dirmi di restare nella stanza
Giuro che ho visto fiorire dei gigli selvatici dall'ultima lettera del mio nome
   Forza, firma i documenti
Mettiamo fine a queste tenebre
Mi dispiace per ogni singola cosa che ti ho fatto passare
       3. Bloodied Up in a Bar Fight
Pestato a sangue in una rissa da bar
   È un tipo di vuoto nuovo
Una città sulla spiaggia d'autunno
È un tipo di silenzio nuovo mentre conto le crepe del muro
Non mi è rimasto più nessuno da chiamare
E sono rinchiuso nella cella di una galera
Sono le tre e un quarto
Riesco a intravvedere le previsioni del tempo alla TV dell'atrio
Sarà una settimana di pioggia
   Ma sono un paio di occhi neri a cui hanno appena fatto il culo sotto la luce del cartello di uscita
Lo sbirro mi dà un consiglio da amico
Mi fa "Meglio non crearsi problemi con la gente che frequenta quelle persone"
Pestato a sangue in una rissa da bar
   Nessuno ha sporto denuncia
Dovrebbero farmi uscire per le dieci
E il barista ha detto che stavo difendendo un amico
Hanno aggredito uno che imbianca le case con me
E gli sbirri mi fanno tutti domande
"Ce l'hai un posto dove andare?"
A casa di mia mamma non sono più troppo il benvenuto già da maggio
Non so che cosa direbbe
   E con mia sorella non ci parlo più di tanto
Secondo me è stufa di star dietro alle mie stronzate
Vive sù a Boston ora
Si è fatta una vita con un marito e un figlio
Io cerco di non intromettermi
   Ma sono un paio di occhi neri a cui hanno appena fatto il culo sotto la luce del cartello di uscita
Lo sbirro mi dà un consiglio da amico
Mi fa "Io cambierei aria prima di incontrare ancora quelle persone"
Pestato a sangue in una rissa da bar
   Non posso disturbare la mamma
Non posso disturbare Catherine
Non riesco a respirare dal naso
Mi sa che forse me lo sono rotto
E ormai padroneggio l'arte di scomparire nel bel mezzo della notte
Pestato a sangue in una rissa da bar
       4. Bury Me Anywhere Else
Seppellitemi da qualsiasi altra parte
   Resto immobile durante il controllo dei freni
Quando le guardie se ne vanno sono di nuovo da solo
Uno che conoscevo al college mi ha dato l'elenco dei punti di cambio equipaggio
Faccio nuovi progetti
Salto su un treno a Bethlehem come se avessi di nuovo 19 anni
   Ho gli occhi puntati su L.A.
Mi farò una nuotata nell'oceano al mio compleanno
Avvolto in un sacco a pelo e dagli scarichi del diesel
E il sole che spunta dalla Catena delle Cascate mi dice che sto arrivando
   Ho preso la linea nord su un container da Chicago
Mi sono aperto un passaggio in mezzo al grano invernale
Il fiato ghiacciato resta sospeso nell'alba a Whitefish
E sono mezzo addormentato
E tra poco cambio treno a Wenatchee
Viaggio sulla spazzatura per il resto della settimana
   Perché ho gli occhi puntati su L.A.
Mi farò una nuotata nell'oceano al mio compleanno
Avvolto in un sacco a pelo e dagli scarichi del diesel
E il sole che spunta dalla Catena delle Cascate mi dice che manca poco
   Seppellitemi da qualsiasi altra parte
Non potevo morire nel New Jersey
Dovevo dimostrare a me stesso che ero in grado di seminare i miei spettri
Che potevo star bene prima o poi
Non sono stato sempre un codardo
Seppellitemi da qualsiasi altra parte
Seppellitemi da qualsiasi altra parte
       5. Rosa & Reseda
Rosa & Reseda
   Prima andavamo a fumare sulle scale antincendio
Adesso fumiamo direttamente in sala
Sulle seggioline di plastica che ha lasciato l'ultimo inquilino
Sono venuto a Reseda per gli affitti bassi e le tenebre lontane e apatiche
Ho risposto a un annuncio su Craigslist, era Rosa che cercava un coinquilino
   Lei serve i tavoli durante la settimana
Prende tutti i turni che può
Io imbianco case che non mi posso permettere
Tiriamo avanti con quello che abbiamo per pagare l'affitto
   Prima andavamo a fumare sulle scale antincendio
Adesso fumiamo direttamente in sala
E le faccio sentire le canzoni che ho scritto l'anno scorso quando le cose si sono offuscate
E il suo tipo è davvero un bravo ragazzo, lavora da Jiffy Lube
Mi insegnano lo spagnolo la sera, e mangiamo quello che lei porta a casa dal lavoro
   Secondo loro potrei fare successo se ci provassi
Vengono a vedermi a tutte le serate open mic
Lui sta guardando in giro se trova un furgoncino che mi posso comprare
   Lei serve i tavoli durante la settimana
Prende tutti i turni che può
Io imbianco case che non mi posso permettere
Tiriamo avanti con quello che abbiamo per pagare l'affitto
   E la mamma vuole sapere com'è il sole della California
Mi fa che ad Island fa freddo, mi sa che non ne può più
Dice che Catherine è tornata a vivere da lei; suo marito sta parecchio male
C'è un dottore che sperano riesca a fargli una diagnosi
   Prima andavamo a fumare sulle scale antincendio
Adesso fumiamo direttamente in sala
E l'affitto è scaduto e quel deposito non lo rivedremo mai più
Rosa andrà a vivere dal suo ragazzo, io col furgoncino mi cercherò un posto nuovo
Quando avevo un disperato bisogno di un'amica, Rosa è stata un'amica
       6. Wildflower Honey
Miele millefiori
   Mi sono messo in piedi in mezzo ai fiori, tutti sbocciati di un giallo splendente sulle punte
Come se li avessero incendiati e poi spenti ma tutte le braci fossero rimaste accese
E sono passato di fianco a una collina in Texas dove i cactus avevano tutti le braccia alzate
Come se li avessi beccati a pregare con un predicatore evangelico o un dio assente
   E scivolo nel sonno mangiando miele millefiori
Nella calura della sera coi finestrini abbassati
Restando in disparte sul ciglio della strada
   Ho cantato in una bettola a St. Louis
La mia chitarra ha cominciato a suonare di merda
Me la sono fatta sistemare a Nashville
La signora mi fa "ragazzo mio, non puoi pigiare i tasti così forte"
E ho trovato dei ragazzi di Philly che erano disposti a suonare nella mia band
In cambio di qualche birra al bancone e con la promessa di andare in posti che non avevano mai visto
   E scivoliamo nel sonno mangiando miele millefiori
Nella calura della sera
Guardiamo le lucciole che arrivano
Restando in disparte sul ciglio della strada
       7. Runnin' Toward the Light
Corro verso la luce
   Una volta odiavo tutte le band outlaw country che mio padre mi faceva ascoltare da piccolo
Perché mentivano spudoratamente sulla vita che facevano
E io invece volevo solo ascoltare delle canzoni sincere
Ma adesso sono la colonna sonora sul furgone
E le cantiamo a squarciagola in autostrada come portafortuna sotto il sole che arde rovente
   Corro verso la luce sulle spalle di un sogno
Canto nel sonno
Corro verso la luce
Mi trascino per strada
Lo canto nel sonno
   La panna si fa strada nel caffè della stazione di servizio tra la pace e il rosa dell'alba
Ieri sera abbiamo suonato nell'ennesimo baretto di camionisti
Per la prima volta c'era qualcuno che cantava le nostre canzoni
Disegniamo un venti con la bomboletta sul cavalcavia
Come un patto di sangue con i vagabondi che siamo diventati
Sotto il sole che si accende delicato
   Corro verso la luce sulle spalle di un sogno
Canto nel sonno
Corro verso la luce
Mi trascino per strada
Lo canto nel sonno
   Questa è per Rosa e per Catherine e per mamma e papà
Questa è per Robert e per Jesse e per lo staff del Thunderbird
Vi renderò orgogliosi di me
Vi renderò orgogliosi di me
Vi renderò orgogliosi di me
   Corro verso la luce sulle spalle di un sogno
Canto nel sonno
Corro verso la luce
Mi trascino per strada
Lo canto nel sonno
       8. God & the Billboards
Dio e i cartelloni pubblicitari
   Secondo voi Dio li legge i cartelloni pubblicitari?
Inondati di luce fluorescente
Gettano un'ombra sulla bettola
Abbiamo suonato presto stasera
Non ti eri fatta sentire negli ultimi tempi
Ti penso continuamente
   Novembre nel Dakota, un freddo interminabile
Guardo l'olio esausto che cola dai tubi di scappamento e inizia ad annerire la neve
Penso a Dio e ai cartelloni pubblicitari
Espiro e rispondo al telefono
   Appena cominci a parlare ho già capito
Lo sento dal nodo che hai alla gola
Ma certo che vengo a casa
Ma certo che vengo a casa
   Le cose stavano andando bene negli ultimi tempi
Ho la mia band e loro hanno me
Non so bene se abbiamo un futuro o se ce ne deve essere uno
Però era bello avere uno scopo, una cosa in cui credere
   Da bambini ti consolavo quando avevi paura del buio
E tu sei sempre stata brava a cucire: evitavi che io cadessi a pezzi
Ci tenevamo in orbita, stelle binarie
   Sarà dura mollare tutto
Ma lo sento dal nodo che hai alla gola
Ma certo che vengo a casa
Ma certo che vengo a casa
   Se hai bisogno di me, vengo a casa
Se hai bisogno di me, vengo a casa
       9. Winter Coats
Cappotti invernali
   Ho visto mia sorella stesa a letto che fumava una sigaretta dietro l'altra
Con la finestra aperta e novembre che entrava in casa
Mi sono fatto il segno della croce
Pucciando le dita nel piatto dell'acqua santa calcificato di verde
   Provavo compassione per la tua anima provata e ti ho sempre evitata
Mi sento come un cappotto invernale abbandonato nello scantinato della chiesa dove ho pianto
Non ci posso credere che sono di nuovo qui
   Ho aspettato che uscissero tutti
Mi sono seduto all'organo e mi sono messo a suonare un inno lento e tranquillo
Tu in quel momento sei spuntato da dietro la panca
Mi hai quasi fatto morire di paura
Non ti vedevo da che eri un bambino
   Provavo compassione per la tua anima provata e ti ho sempre evitato
Ma se ti senti come un cappotto invernale abbandonato nello scantinato della chiesa
Ti capisco
Ti capisco
   Ma Cristo se sei diventato alto
Hai lo stesso mento di tuo nonno
Mi sa che tua mamma ha parecchio da fare ultimamente
Perché non ti siedi un po' qui con me?
Se ti piace quella canzone te la posso insegnare
Vieni qui, mettiti all'organo
È facile, te lo giuro, te lo giuro
   Metti la mano sinistra qui, così
Ora la destra
E poi si, mi, do diesis minore e poi al contrario
E sai, mi spiace per il tuo papà
Ti ho visto durante la messa
Lui sarebbe davvero orgoglioso di quanto sei stato forte
   Provavi compassione per le loro anime provate e li hai sempre evitati
Ma se io sono un cappotto invernale abbandonato nello scantinato di una chiesa, potrei tornare utile
Se hai freddo ti posso riparare
E magari posso fermarmi qui per qualche tempo, non so, se vuoi qualcuno con cui parlare
       10. Routine Maintenance
Manutenzione ordinaria
   Tutti quanti di nuovo sotto lo stesso tetto
Mi siedo sulla tua sedia preferita
E gioco con i filamenti che si staccano
Dormo nella stanza di Catherine su un lettino
Lei sul mio con Colin perché così c'è più spazio per lui
E caro papà, lei non è nelle condizioni di prendersi cura di niente
   Per cui lo porto io a scuola
Gli dico che va tutto bene
Cerco di darmi un aspetto semidecente, almeno i professori sanno che è al sicuro
E scopo le foglie, sgorgo il lavandino
Una volta tanto cerco di essere una persona su cui si può contare
   Fuori in garage ascoltando le notizie della sera
C'è da cambiare l'olio alla macchina della mamma, già da sei mesi ormai
E passavo quelle serate gelide a tremare qui fuori con te tenendo ferma la lampada
Si vede che una o due cose le ho imparate
E Colin sembra interessato, per cui faccio finta di intendermene
   E allora svito il tappo, lo faccio sgocciolare
Cerco di trovare il filtro giusto da sostituire
E le do una lavata, un tocco di riverniciata
Una volta tanto cerco di essere una persona su cui si può contare
   Negli anni che sono passati da quando abbiamo disperso le tue ceneri
Sammy è stato venduto agli L.A. e poi ai Kansas
Negli anni che sono passati da quando è successo tutto quanto
Sono stato in giro a cercare dove fosse andata a finire la luce
Credo di avere trovato dov'è la luce
   E allora gli preparo il pranzo da portarsi domani, poi vado a letto
Non voglio vedere che buio c'è di notte
E spalo la neve, riparo il cancello
Una volta tanto sono una persona su cui si può contare
0 notes
phantomcomet · 4 years
to celebrate the death of 2020, here’s a handful of random LawRusso aus. 
Post Reconciliation Memory Loss AU (probably preslash)- Daniel ends up losing his memory and ends up thinking he’s nineteen again. With Lucille in Jersey, the only person that Daniel knew at that age is Johnny. Johnny ends up babysitting Daniel, who is snarky, distrusting, and angrier than Johnny’s ever known him to be. As Daniel’s memories start trickling back in, Johnny starts filling in the blanks about what happened in 1985. 
Pet AU- Miguel finds a cat near the apartment building, but Rosa is allergic so he gives it to Johnny. Johnny does not want a cat, but he can’t exactly toss it back outside. The cat needs shots and it’s ear looks a little weird and Johnny’s never had a cat in his life. Johnny takes the cat to the vet and the veterinarian turns out to be recently divorced Daniel. 
Required 80s Movie AU (AKA Footloose AU)- Daniel teaches Johnny to dance. I will not elaborate further.
The Other Required 80s Movie AU (Breakfast Club)- OG Cobra Kai, Daniel, Ali, and Jessica all get detention after a fight breaks out in the cafeteria. Stuck together for seven hours, the teens start working some shit out. 
Middle Age Monster Hunters- Johnny ends up training Miguel how to be fight monsters after a close call. As Encino becomes more dangerous and Johnny gains more students, Daniel also finds himself with students. When the two groups eventually collide, it comes out that once, about 30 years ago, Johnny & Daniel teamed up to kill a man vampire. All this is the past coming back to bite them in the ass. (Reseda is a hellmouth, lol.) 
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justice4harwin · 4 years
All Too Well
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Summary: Johnny Lawrence was a troubled guy, very few people could get him to let his guard down.
Series if one shots telling the story of the one girl who made him happy.
Part 1: Johnny takes Noelia home to meet his mom.
Late April/Early May 1983
Johnny would never admit it out loud, but he was nervous the first time he bought Noelia home to meet his mom. He had picked her up from home, since she still didn’t have a license and her parents needed the car to go to work anyways, and kept his eyes on the road for most of the trip.
He should've said something. Like how pretty she looked in her pale pink dress, or how nice her hair looked that day (not that it ever looked anything but). Instead, all he managed was a curt “Hey” and he pressed on the gas immediately, not even giving her time to put on her seatbelt. 
She had an attractive lemon pie in her lap, zealously cradled in her hands. It looked good. It looked so damn good, but he couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth, afraid that his voice would shake.
“Do you mind if I switch stations?” she asked, to which he shrugged, and didn’t even complain when that pop shit began to stink his car. He made a face though, and she giggled. He cracked a small smile of his own, and the tension seemed to ease.
When they pulled up to his house, she paled, eyeing the place up and down.
“Uh,...wow.” she mumbled, so soft he almost didn’t catch it. She began to fidget in her seat. “Nice place.”
“Thanks.” he replied, lamely.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, neither really knowing how to proceed. He knew he should get out of the car, open the door for her and hold the pie so she could get out, but it was like his ass was glued to the leather seat, as if Duth had finally taken revenge from the time he and Jimmy made him get stuck to his bike seat.
“Johnny, are you sure this is a good idea?”
He turned. Noe was already looking at him, the green flecks in her eyes standing out in an almost unnatural way, as usual. It was hard to focus with eyes like those.
“This.” her eyes deviated to the house for a fraction of a second before returning to him. “I don’t think your mom will like me. This is,...I don’t,...” she sighed and uttered something to herself he didn’t understand. “Look, I don’t belong in places like these, unless I’m the help, that is.” the last part came out low and sardonic, but he wasn’t that dumbstruck by her hotness to not catch it.
“Hey, no, c’mon, Noe, don’t say that.” he smiled in what he hoped was an encouraging manner, but her skeptical face told him of the results. “My mom’s been begging me to bring you home.” that wasn’t a lie. Laura had taken to ask every morning if that day was the day she’d meet the lucky girl who put a smile on her boy’s face. He wished she had relented a little, especially the particular day when Jimmy had stayed overnight. The guys still made fun of him. “Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about.” Except his asshole stepfather, but mom had promised he’d be nice. She always kept her promises, but Sid was known for not giving a shit about anything. He knew Laura would forgive him. “Especially with that pie you got.” he reached down to try and lift the lid in the hopes of snatching a few berries, but Noelia’s hand slapped his away. He chuckled and nodded towards the house. “C’mon, I promise it’ll go well. Besides, I already met your folks, so it’s only fair you meet mine.”
Her relenting smile was all the answer he needed, so he got out of his firebird and quickly made his way to the other side, opening the door and accepting the plate she handed him.
She got out a little awkwardly and ran her hands over the skirt of the dress and her fingers through her hair. That last part was to no avail; it was always tangled.
He handed back the plate and closed the door, turning back to the house. To hide his trembling hands, he put one in his pocket and the other on Noe’s back. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a curtain moving and held in a snort.
He let her walk in first, and barely closed the door when his mom appeared in the foyer, her blond hair flowing in soft waves, her long, flowery dress making her look like she was gliding rather than walking. She was smiling from her to ear, her blue eyes shining as she looked from her son to Noelia and back, taking in the scene as if it were a miracle come true or something.
He felt Noe tense up, and he softly squeezed her waist.
“Hey mom,” he cleared his throat and quickly hid his other hand again. “This is Noelia. Noe, this is mom, Laura.”
Laura clapped her hands together and put them against her cheek, positively delighted.
“Oh, I’m so happy to finally meet you, dear.” she stepped in front of Noe, who looked like a terrified deer, and proceeded to hug her gently.  “I’ve been dying to meet you, but I see why Johnny wanted to keep you for himself.”
Noe chuckled ungainly.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mrs Lawrence.” she offered her the pie. “I hope you like lemon pie.”
“Oh, dear, you shouldn’t have.” she accepted the dessert and motioned towards the dining room. “It looks so good; where did you buy it?”
“I-I made it, ma’am.”
Laura’s eyes widened slightly.
“Well, now I’m even more excited to try it. Rosa? Could you put this in the fridge, please?”
The table had already been set up for four people, and the first course was being laid out. He knew they were almost late, but that was because someone, ehem, decided to change outfits six times. He had a feeling Noe had just been stalling.
She was looking around the place, the further they advanced the more she pressed herself to his side. He had some idea as to what she was thinking. The place was bigger than her parent’s apartament in Reseda.
He pulled the chair back for her and gently back in before taking his seat to her right. Across from the table, he saw his mother hiding a grin behind a glass of wine.
The seat at the head of the table remained empty, and something told Johnny that Sid would be making an entrance, as usual.
Laura didn’t even look in that direction, placing her forearms on the edge of the table and looking at Noelia.
“So, tell me dear, you moved here about a year ago, right?”
How did she even knew that? Probably Ali or one of her friends.
“Yes, ma’am. My parents and I used to live in Wisconsin.”
“Oh please, call me Laura, dear.” she waved a hand to rest importance to the matter. “And how are you liking it so far?”
“It’s great not having winter anymore.”
His mom kept firing questions, but Johnny relaxed, and little by little, so did Noe. His mom didn’t have a mean bone to her, and her curiosity was starkly genuine. As the minutes passed between them, everyone seemed to forget about Sid’s tardiness. Johnny bent his leg, placing his foot on the seat and an arm around Noe’s chair, joining the conversation here and there. He kept playing with her locks, gently pulling at them here and there, waiting for her to turn with a fake annoyed expression only to play the fool.
Noe was just telling his mom about her singing lessons when they heard the front door slam shut. His girl was the only one to jump, startled, while everyone else remained impassive, having grown too used to Sid’s antics long ago.
He strode into the room, already complaining. Johnny was quick to sit properly, Noe turning to him when she felt the absence of his touch.
“I fired that jackass today. I had it with him!” he was saying, his obnoxiously loud voice not relenting even as he sat.
“Who, honey?” Laura was the only one whose mood didn’t seem too tainted by his presence.
“Barney!” he gave her a look Johnny didn’t appreciate, as if his mom were stupid for not guessing who he was talking about. Right, cause usually, Sid didn’t have anything bad to say about anyone, especially his employees. 
“Oh, and what did he do?”
“The ungrateful bastard had the audacity to come ask me to reconsider his 'paternity leave'.”
Laura hesitated for a moment before forcing a smile onto her face.
“I’m sure you did the right thing.” Sid opened his mouth to keep going, but she cleared her throat and diverted her eyes towards him and Noe, who stared at his stepfather with her mouth slightly agape. “Honey, this is Noelia, Johnny’s girlfriend.”
“Uh. So she is real after all, eh?” he asked, looking her up and down. The cobra didn’t like that at all, so he leaned forward as casually as he could, hiding her at least partially. Sid’s eyes settled on him then. “Or did you have to pay her, boy?”
“Sid.” Laura sighed.
Johnny clenched his jaw.
“I didn’t.”
“Maybe not to come over tonight, but-”
“Oh, look! Dinner is ready.”
Rosa served them the first course as quietly and as quickly as she could, retreating back into the kitchen before Sid found a reason to yell at her as well.
They ate in silence for a few minutes, the teens keeping their eyes mostly on the plate in front of them.
As the main course was served, Laura spoke again.
“Honey, did I tell you that Noelia bought us dessert?” she smiled brightly at the girl, her approval too obvious. “She made it herself, and I’m sure it tastes as good as it looks.”
“Remember Bobby’s birthday, ma? Noe made his cake.”
Laura’s mouth hung open.
“Why, yes! It was simply divine. All those details! And so delicious!” she turned to Noe, beaming. “I didn’t know you made that as well.”
She nodded, returning her smile.
“Yeah; I like making birthday cakes, and Bobby’s mom couldn’t find someone on such short notice, so I offered.”
“Well, it was the talk of the party. It absolutely outshined the birthday boy.”
Noe chuckled as she reached for the glass. His mom wasn’t lying: that cake was the most delicious crap Johnny ever had. It had been a pity that she hadn’t made it to the party, but his boys made sure to let her know how well liked it had been, in great detail.
“So, I take it you like cooking as well as singing?”
Noe nodded more enthusiastically, and the blond teen smiled at her infectious mood.
“Yes! I love it! I was thinking of going to culinary school after I graduate. I thought about being a baker, but I think I’d prefer to be a chef.”
“Or you could be both?” Laura suggested. “Why limit yourself, dear?”
Sid snorted, and Johnny’s mood was ruined again.
“You want your son to marry a cook?” he asked his wife, pointing at him with his knife. He snorted again. “Like it’s not bad enough she’s a-”
“Watch it.” he warned, tense.
“-a gold digging, illegal mexican-”
“I’m from Winsconsin.”
“Watch it, man!”
"Mom's Italian though…"
“-She also wants to 'work' in a kitchen.” he said it while doing air quotes. “As if serving someone else wasn’t denigrating enough.”
“C’mon, Sid.” Laura threw her napkin on the table, seeming tired of his crap. “Just stop it, please?”
“Why?! You know it’s the truth! Just look at your son?”
“Hey! Enough!”
“He’s a pathetic little loser. You think a hot piece of ass like that would go out with him for his personality?” he said the last word in a flamboyant way as he leaned over to her. 
“Of course I do! Johnny’s a lovely boy.”
“He’s a loser! A good for nothing,...”
Sid and his mom kept on going back and forth, but Johnny didn’t listen anymore. Out of instinct, he reached to his left for his walkman and found Noe’s leg instead. Before he could retreat his hand, she had grabbed it with both of hers, holding his in a tight but comforting grip.
They kept staring at the windows in front of them. This was why he was so nervous. It wasn’t about his mom; he knew she’d love Noe, it was because of that asshole she married.
He just wanted a quiet night with his two favourite girls, as stupid as that sounded. He should’ve known it wouldn’t be a regular night in the Weinberg house if Sid didn’t throw himself into a monologue about how great it was that Johnny wasn’t his kid.
Rosa picked up the plates silently and quickly, but gave the young couple a sympathetic glance.
“Johnny, sweetie, why don’t you give Noelia a tour of the house?” 
“Oh, great! Show her where the safe box is while you’re at it! Hell, I’ll just give her the code!”
The blond stood, not wasting time and pulling Noe up with him rather harshly. She kept her mouth shut as he led her out of the dining room and of the house all together.
He hurried to his car and opened the door for her, closing it with much more strength than he meant. He got into the driver's seat as well, Sid’s screaming muffled now, and turned on the engine.
He carelessly pulled out of the driveway and into the street, driving off with no real destination in mind.
Noe said nothing for several minutes, and neither did he.
Suddenly he jumped, almost losing control of the wheel, but didn’t react further as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry.”
He scoffed.
“Why’re you apologizing? He’s the one being a dickhead.”
“I know.” she pressed her lips into a thin line. “None of what he said it’s true, Johnny.”
He stopped at a red light and looked at her worried face, relaxing just a tiny bit.
“I know that, babe. Don’t worry. Sid hates everyone, and everyone hates him back, so he hates them even more and wants to make them as miserable as he is.”
“No, shit.” she chuckled. “I really liked your mom though.”
That lifted his spirits.
“She liked you too.”
“You think?” she sounded so hopeful.
“I know.”
He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.
“Where are we going?”
“The guys said they’d be at the arcade. We could join them if you want?”
“So long as you buy me dinner, I’m sold.”
He was getting quite hungry as well.
“The usual?”
She smiled and nodded, leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
He would never hear the end of it if his friends saw him at the moment.
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sadecesiir · 4 years
José Martí (1853—1895) Versos Sencillos (1891)
I Yo soy un hombre sincero De donde crece la palma. Y antes de morirme quiero Echar mis versos del alma. Yo vengo de todas partes, Y hacia todas partes voy: Arte soy entre las artes, En los montes, monte soy. Yo sé los nombres extraños De las yerbas y las flores, Y de mortales engaños, Y de sublimes dolores. Yo he visto en la noche oscura Llover sobre mi cabeza Los rayos de lumbre pura De la divina belleza. Alas nacer vi en los hombros De las mujeres hermosas: Y salir de los escombros, Volando las mariposas. He visto vivir a un hombre Con el puñal al costado, Sin decir jamás el nombre De aquélla que lo ha matado. Rápida como un reflejo, Dos veces vi el alma, dos: Cuando murió el pobre viejo, Cuando ella me dijo adiós. Temblé una vez -en la reja, A la entrada de la viña,- Cuando la bárbara abeja Picó en la frente a mi niña. Gocé una vez, de tal suerte Que gocé cual nunca: cuando La sentencia de mi muerte Leyó el alcalde llorando. Oigo un suspiro, a través De las tierras y la mar, Y no es un suspiro. -es Que mi hijo va a despertar. Si dicen que del joyero Tome la joya mejor, Tomo a un amigo sincero Y pongo a un lado el amor. Yo he Visto al águila herida Volar al azul sereno, Y morir en su guarida La víbora del veneno. Yo sé bien que cuando el mundo Cede, lívido, al descanso, Sobre el silencio profundo Murmura el arroyo manso. Yo he puesto la mano osada De horror y júbilo yerta, Sobre la estrella apagada Que cayó frente a mi puerta. Oculto en mi pecho bravo La pena que me lo hiere: El hijo de un pueblo esclavo Vive por él, calla y muere. Todo es hermoso y constante, Todo es música y razón, Y todo, como el diamante, Antes que luz es carbón. Yo sé que el necio se entierra Con gran lujo y con gran llanto, - Y que no hay fruta en la tierra Como la del camposanto. Callo, y entiendo, y me quito La pompa del rimador: Cuelgo de un árbol marchito Mi muceta de doctor. II Yo sé de Egipto y Nigricia, Y de Persia y Xenophonte; Y prefiero la caricia Del aire fresco del monte. Yo sé de las historias viejas Del hombre y de sus rencillas; Y prefiero las abejas Volando en las campanillas. Yo sé del canto del viento En las ramas vocingleras: Nadie me diga que miento, Que lo prefiero de veras. Yo sé de un gamo aterrado Que vuelve al redil, y expira,- Y de un corazón cansado Que muere oscuro y sin ira. III Odio la máscara y vicio Del corredor de mi hotel: Me vuelvo al manso bullicio De mi monte de laurel. Con los pobres de la tierra Quiero yo mi suerte echar: El arroyo de la sierra Me complace más que el mar. Denle al vano el oro tierno Que arde y brilla en el crisol: A mí denme el bosque eterno Cuando rompe en él el Sol. Yo he visto el oro hecho tierra Barbullendo en la redoma: Prefiero estar en la sierra Cuando vuela una paloma. Busca el obispo de España Pilares para su altar; ¡En mi templo, en la montaña, El álamo es el pilar! Y la alfombra es puro helecho, Y los muros abedul, Y la luz viene del techo, Del techo de cielo azul. El obispo, por la noche, Sale, despacio, a cantar: Monta, callado, en su coche, Que es la piña de un pinar. Las jacas de su carroza Son dos pájaros azules: Y canta el aire y retoza, Y cantan los abedules. Duermo en mi cama de roca Mi sueño dulce y profundo: Roza una abeja mi boca Y crece en mi cuerpo el mundo. Brillan las grandes molduras Al fuego de la mañana Que tiñe las colgaduras De rosa, violeta y grana. El clarín, solo en el monte, Canta al primer arrebol: La gasa del horizonte Prende, de un aliento, el Sol. ¡Díganle al obispo ciego, Al viejo obispo de España Que venga, que venga luego, A mi templo, a la montaña! IV Yo visitaré anhelante Los rincones donde a solas Estuvimos yo y mi amante Retozando con las olas. Solos los dos estuvimos, Solos, con la compañía De dos pájaros que vimos Meterse en la gruta umbría. Y ella, clavando los ojos, En la pareja ligera, Deshizo los lirios rojos Que le dio la jardinera. La madreselva olorosa Cogió con sus manos ella, Y una madama graciosa, Y un jazmín como una estrella. Yo quise, diestro y galán, Abrirle su quitasol; Y ella me dijo: "¡Qué afán! ¡Si hoy me gusta ver el Sol!". "Nunca más altos he visto Estos nobles robledales: Aquí debe estar el Cristo Porque están las catedrales." "Ya sé dónde ha de venir Mi niña a la comunión; De blanco la he de vestir Con un gran sombrero alón." Después, del calor al peso, Entramos por el camino, Y nos dábamos un beso En cuanto sonaba un trino. ¡Volveré, cual quien no existe Al lago mudo y helado: Clavaré la quilla triste: Posaré el remo callado! V Si ves un monte de espumas Es mi verso lo que ves: Mi verso es un monte, y es Un abanico de plumas. Mi verso es como un puñal Que por el puño echa flor: Mi verso es un surtidor Que da un agua de coral. Mi verso es de un verde claro Y de un carmín encendido: Mi verso es un ciervo herido Que busca en el monte amparo. Mi verso al valiente agrada: Mi verso, breve y sincero, Es del vigor del acero Con que se funde la espada. VI Si quieren que de este mundo Lleve una memoria grata, Llevaré, padre profundo Tu cabellera de plata. Si quieren por gran favor, Que lleve más, llevaré La copia que hizo el pintor De la hermana que adoré. Si quieren que a la otra vida Me lleve todo un tesoro, ¡Llevo la trenza escondida Que guardo en mi caja de oro! VII Para Aragón, en España Tengo yo en mi corazón Un lugar todo Aragón, Franco, fiero, fiel, sin saña. Si quiere un tonto saber Por qué lo tengo, le digo Que allí tuve un buen amigo, Que allí quise a una mujer. Allá, en la vega florida La de la heroica defensa Por mantener lo que piensa Juega la gente la vida. Y si un alcalde lo aprieta O lo enoja un rey cazurro, Calza la manta el baturro Y muere con su escopeta. Quiero a la tierra amarilla Que baña el Ebro lodoso: Quiero el Pilar azuloso De Lanuza y de Padilla. Estimo a quien de un revés Echa por tierra a un tirano: Lo estimo, si es un cubano; Lo estimo, si aragonés. Amo los patios sombríos Con escaleras bordadas; Amo las naves calladas Y los conventos vacíos. Amo la tierra florida, Musulmana o española, Donde rompió su corola La poca flor de mi vida. VIII Yo tengo un amigo muerto Que suele venirme a ver: Mi amigo se sienta, y canta; Canta en voz que ha de doler. "En un ave de dos alas "Bogo por el cielo azul: "Un ala del ave es negra "Otra de oro Caribú. "El corazón es un loco "Que no sabe de un color: "O es su amor de dos colores, "O dice que no es amor. "Hay una loca más fiera "Que el corazón infeliz: "La que le chupó la sangre "Y se echó luego a reír. "Corazón que lleva rota "El ancla fiel del hogar, "Va como barca perdida, "Que no sabe a dónde va." En cuanto llega a esta angustia Rompe el muerto a maldecir: Le amanso el cráneo, lo acuesto; Acuesto al muerto a dormir. IX Quiero, a la sombra de un ala, Contar este cuento en flor: La niña de Guatemala, La que se murió de amor. Eran de lirios los ramos, Y las orlas de reseda Y de jazmín: la enterramos En una caja de seda. ... Ella dio al desmemoriado Una almohadilla de olor: El volvió, volvió casado: Ella se murió de amor. Iban cargándola en andas Obispos y embajadores: Detrás iba el pueblo en tandas, Todo cargado de flores. ...Ella, Por volverlo a ver, Salió a verlo al mirador: El volvió con su mujer: Ella se murió de amor. Como de bronce candente Al beso de despedida Era su frente ¡la frente Que más he amado en la vida! ...Se entró de tarde en el río, La sacó muerta el doctor: Dicen que murió de frío: Yo sé que murió de amor. Allí, en la bóveda helada, La pusieron en dos bancos; Besé su mano afilada, Besé sus zapatos blancos. Callado, al oscurecer, Me llamó el enterrador: ¡Nunca más he vuelto a ver A la que murió de amor! X El alma trémula y sola Padece al anochecer: Hay baile; vamos a ver La bailarina española. Han hecho bien en quitar El banderón de la acera; Porque si está la bandera, No sé, yo no puedo entrar. Ya llega la bailarina: Soberbia y pálida llega: ¿Cómo dicen que es gallega? Pues dicen mal: es divina. Lleva un sombrero torero Y una capa carmesí: ¡Lo mismo que un alelí Que se pusiese un sombrero! Se ve, de paso, la ceja, Ceja de mora traidora: Y la mirada, de mora; Y como nieve la oreja. Preludian, bajan la luz, Y sale en bata y mantón, La virgen de la Asunción Bailando un baile andaluz. Alza, retando, la frente; Crúzase al hombro la manta: En arco el brazo levanta; Mueve despacio el pie ardiente. Repica con los tacones El tablado zalamera, Como si la tabla fuera Tablado te corazones. Y va el convite creciendo En las llamas de los ojos, Y el manto de flecos rojos Se va en el aire meciendo. Súbito, de un salto arranca; Húrtase, se quiebra, gira; Abre en dos la cachemira, Ofrece la bata blanca. El cuerpo cede y ondea; La bata abierta provoca, Es una rosa la boca; Lentamente taconea. Recoge, de un débil giro, El manto de flecos rojos: Se va, cerrando los ojos, Se va, como en un suspiro... Baila muy bien la española, Es blanco y rojo el mantón: ¡Vuelve, fosca, a su rincón El alma trémula y sola! XI Yo tengo un paje muy fiel Que me cuida y que me gruñe, Y al salir, me limpia y bruñe Mi corona de laurel. Yo tengo un paje ejemplar Que no come, que no duerme, Y que se acurruca a verme Trabajar, y sollozar. Salgo y el vil se desliza Y en mi bolsillo aparece, Vuelvo, y el terco me ofrece Una taza de ceniza. Si duermo, al rayar el día Se sienta junto a mi cama; Si escribo, sangre derrama Mi paje en la escribanía. Mi paje, hombre de respeto. Al andar castañetea; Hiela mi paje, y chispea; Mi paje es un esqueleto. XII En el bote iba remando Por el lago seductor, Con el sol que era oro puro Y en el alma más de un sol. Y a mis pies vi de repente, Ofendido del hedor Un pez muerto, un pez hediondo En el bote remador XIII Por donde abunda la malva Y da el camino un rodeo, Iba un ángel de paseo Con una cabeza calva. Del castañar por la zona La pareja se perdía; La calva resplandecía Lo mismo que una corona. Sonaba el hacha en lo espeso Y cruzó un ave volando; Pero no se sabe cuándo Se dieron el primer beso. Era rubio el ángel; era El de la calva radiosa, Como el tronco a que amorosa Se prende la enredadera. XIV Yo no puedo olvidar nunca La mañanita de otoño En que le salió un retoño A la pobre rama trunca. La mañanita en que, en vano, Junto a la estufa apagada, Una niña enamorada Le tendió al viejo la mano. XV Vino el médico amarillo A darme su medicina, Con una mano cetrina Y la otra mano al bolsillo: ¡Yo tengo allá en un rincón Un médico que no manca Con una mano muy blanca Y otra mano al corazón! Viene, de blusa y casquete, El grave del repostero, A preguntarme si quiero O Málaga o Pajarete: ¡Díganle a la repostera Que ha tanto tiempo no he visto, Que me tenga un beso listo Al entrar la primavera! XVI En el alféizar calado De la ventana moruna, Pálido como la luna, Medita un enamorado. Pálida, en su canapé De seda tórtola y roja, Eva, callada, deshoja Una violeta en el té. XVII Es rubia: el cabello suelto Da más luz al ojo moro: Voy, desde entonces, envuelto En un torbellino de oro. La abeja estival que zumba Más ágil por la flor nueva, No dice, como antes, "tumba"; "Eva" dice: todo es "Eva". Bajo, en lo oscuro, al temido Raudal de la catarata; ¡Y brilla el iris, tendido Sobre las hojas de plata! Miro, ceñudo, la agreste Pompa del monte irritado: ¡Y en el alma azul celeste Brota un jacinto rosado! Voy, por el bosque, a paseo A la laguna vecina; Y entre las ramas la veo, Y por el agua camina. La serpiente del jardín Silba, escupe, y se resbala Por su agujero: el clarín Me tiende, trinando, el ala. ¡Arpa soy, salterio soy Donde vibra el Universo; Vengo del sol, y al sol voy; Soy el amor: soy el verso! XVIII El alfiler de Eva loca Es hecho del oro oscuro Que lo sacó un hombre puro Del corazón de una roca. Un pájaro tentador Le trajo en el pico ayer Un relumbrante alfiler De pasta y de similor. Eva se prendió al oscuro Talle el diamante embustero: Y echó en el alfiletero El alfiler de oro puro. XIX Por tus ojos encendidos Y lo mal puesto de un broche, Pensé que estuviste anoche Jugando a juegos prohibidos. Te odié por vil y alevosa; Te odié con odio de muerte; Náusea me daba de verte Tan villana y tan hermosa. Y por la esquela que vi Sin saber cómo ni cuando, Sé que estuviste llorando Toda la noche por mí. XX Mi amor del aire se azora; Eva es rubia, falsa es Eva; Viene una nube, y se lleva Mi amor que gime y que llora. Se lleva mi amor que llora Esa nube que se va; Eva me ha sido traidora; ¡Eva me consolará! XXI Ayer la vi en el salón De los pintores, y ayer Detrás de aquella mujer Se me saltó el corazón. Sentada en el suelo rudo Está en el lienzo; dormidoAl pie, el esposo rendido; Al seno el niño desnudo. Sobre unas briznas de paja Se ven mendrugos mondados; Le cuelga el manto a los lados, Lo mismo que una mortaja. No nace en el torvo suelo Ni una viola, ni una espiga: Muy lejos, la casa amiga, Muy triste y oscuro el cielo. ¡Esa es la hermosa mujer Que me robó el corazón En el soberbio salón De los pintores de ayer! XXII Estoy en el baile extraño De polaina y casaquín Que dan, del año hacia el fin, Los cazadores del año. Una duquesa violeta Va con un frac colorado; Marca un vizconde pintado El tiempo en la pandereta. Y pasan las chupas rojas Pasan los tules de fuego, Como delante de un ciego Pasan volando las hojas. XXIII Yo quiero salir del mundo Por la puerta natural: En un carro de hojas verdes A morir me han de llevar. No me pongan en lo oscuro A morir como un traidor; Yo soy bueno, y como bueno Moriré de cara al Sol! XXIV Sé de un pintor atrevido Que sale a pintar contento Sobre la tela del viento Y la espuma del olvido. Yo sé de un pintor gigante, El de divinos colores, Puesto a pintarle las flores A una corbeta mercante. Yo sé de un pobre pintor Que mira el agua al pintar, -El agua ronca del mar,- Con un entrañable amor. XXV ¡Yo pienso cuando me alegro Como un escolar sencillo, En el canario amarillo, Que tiene el ojo tan negro! ¡Yo quiero, cuando me muera Sin patria, pero sin amo, Tener en mi losa un ramo De flores, y una bandera! XXVI Yo que vivo, aunque me he muerto, Soy un gran descubridor, Porque anoche he descubierto La medicina de amor. Cuando al peso de la cruz El hombre morir resuelve, Sale a hacer bien, lo hace, y vuelve Como de un baño de luz. XXVII El enemigo brutal Nos pone fuego a la casa; El sable la calle arrasa, A la luna tropical. Pocos salieron ilesos Del sable del español; La calle, al salir el sol, Era un reguero de sesos. Pasa, entre balas, un coche: Entran, llorando, a una muerta; Llama una mano a la puerta En lo negro de la noche. No hay bala que no taladre El portón; y la mujer Que llama, me ha dado el ser; Me viene a buscar mi madre. A la boca de la muerte, Los valientes habaneros Se quitaron los sombreros Ante la matrona fuerte. Y después que nos besamos Como dos locos, me dijo: “Vamos pronto, vamos, hijo; La luna está sola: vamos.” XXVIII Por la tumba del cortijo Donde está el padre enterrado, Pasa el hijo, de soldado Del invasor; pasa el hijo. El padre, un bravo en la guerra, Envuelto en su pabellón Alzase; y de un bofetón lo tiende, muerto, por tierra. El rayo reluce; zumba El viento por el cortijo; El padre recoge al hijo, Y se lo lleva a la tumba. XXIX La imagen del rey, por ley Lleva el papel del Estado; El niño fue fusilado Por los fusiles del rey. Festejar el santo es ley Del rey; en la fiesta santa ¡La hermana del niño canta Ante la imagen del rey! XXX El rayo surca, sangriento, El lóbrego nubarrón: Echa el barco, ciento a ciento, Los negros por el portón. El viento, fiero, quebraba Los almácigos copudos; Andaba la hilera, andaba, De los esclavos desnudos. El temporal sacudía Los barracones henchidos; Una madre con su cría Pasaba dando alaridos. Rojo, como en el desierto, salió el sol al horizonte; Y alumbró a un esclavo muerto, Colgado a un seibo del monte. Un niño lo vio: tembló De pasión por los que gimen; Y, al pie del muerto, juró Lavar con su sangre el crimen! XXXI Para modelo de un dios El pintor lo envió a pedir: ¡Para eso no! ¡para ir, Patria, a servirse los dos! Bien estará en la pintura El hijo que amo y bendigo: ¡Mejor en la ceja oscura, Cara a cara al enemigo! Es rubio, es fuerte, es garzón De nobleza natural: ¡Hijo, por la luz natal! ¡Hijo, por el pabellón! Vamos, pues, hijo viril; Vamos los dos; si yo muero, Me besas: si tú... ¡prefiero Verte muerto a verte vil! XXXI En el negro callejón Donde en tinieblas paseo, Alzo los ojos, y veo La iglesia, erguida, a un rincón. ¿Será misterio? ¿SeráRevelación y poder? ¿Será, rodilla, el deber De postrarse? ¿Qué será? Tiembla la noche: en la parra Muerde el gusano el retoño; Grazna, llamando al otoño La hueca y hosca cigarra. Graznan dos: atento al dúo Alzo los ojos y veo Que la iglesia del paseo Tiene la forma de un búho. XXXIII De mi desdicha espantosa Siento, ¡oh estrellas!, que muero; Yo quiero vivir, yo quiero Ver a una mujer hermosa. El cabello, como un casco, Le corona el rostro bello: Brilla su negro cabello Como un sable de Damasco. ¿Aquélla? ...Pues pon la hiel Del mundo entero en un haz, Y tállala en cuerpo, y haz, Un alma entera de hiel! ¿Esta?... Pues ésta infeliz Lleva escarpines rosados, Y los labios colorados, Y la cara de barniz. El alma lúgubre grita: "¡Mujer, maldita mujer!" ¡No sé yo quién pueda ser Entre las dos la maldita! XXXIV ¡Penas! ¿Quién osa decir Que tengo yo penas? Luego, Después del rayo, y del fuego, Tendré tiempo de sufrir. Yo sé de un pesar profundo Entre las penas sin nombres: ¡La esclavitud de los hombres Es la gran pena del mundo! Hay montes, y hay que subir Los montes altos; ¡después Veremos, alma, quién es Quien te me ha puesto al morir! XXXV ¿Qué importa que tu puñal Se me clave en el riñón? ¡Tengo mis versos, que son Más fuerte que tu puñal! ¿Qué importa que este dolor Seque el mar y nuble el cielo? El verso, dulce consuelo, Nace al lado del dolor. XXXVI Ya sé: de carne se puede Hacer una flor; se puede, Con el poder del cariño, Hacer un cielo, ¡y un niño! De carne se hace también El alacrán; y también El gusano de la rosa, Y la lechuza espantosa. XXXVII Aquí está el pecho, mujer, Que ya sé que lo herirás; ¡Más grande debiera ser, Para que lo hirieses más! Porque noto, alma torcida, Que en mi pecho milagroso, Mientras más honda la herida, Es mi canto más hermoso. XXXVIII ¿Del tirano? Del tirano Di todo, ¡di más!; y clava Con furia de mano esclava Sobre su oprobio al tirano. ¿Del error? Pues del error Di el antro, di las veredas Oscuras: di cuanto puedas Del tirano y del error. ¿De mujer? Pues puede ser Que mueras de su mordida; ¡Pero no empañes tu vida Diciendo mal de mujer! XXXIX Cultivo una rosa blanca En julio como en enero, Para el amigo sincero Que me da su mano franca. Y para el cruel que me arranca El corazón con que vivo, Cardo ni oruga cultivo; Cultivo la rosa blanca. XL Pinta mi amigo el pintor Sus angelones dorados, En nubes arrodillados, Con soles alrededor. Pínteme con sus pinceles Los angelitos medrosos Que me trajeron, piadosos, Sus dos ramos de claveles. XLI Cuando me vino el honor De la tierra generosa, No pensé en Blanca ni en Rosa Ni en lo grande del favor. Pensé en el pobre artillero Que está en la tumba, callado; Pensé en mi padre, el soldado; Pensé en mi padre, el obrero. Cuando llegó la pomposa Carta, en su noble cubierta, Pensé en la tumba desierta No pensé en Blanca ni en Rosa. XLII En el extraño bazar Del amor, junto a la mar, La perla triste y sin par Le tocó por suerte a Agar. Agar de tanto tenerla Al pecho, de tanto verla Agar, llegó a aborrecerla; Majó, tiró al mar la perla. Y cuando Agar, venenosa De inútil furia, y llorosa, Pidió al mar la perla hermosa, Dijo la mar borrascosa: "¿Qué hiciste, torpe, qué hiciste De la perla que tuviste? La majaste, me la diste; Yo guardo la perla triste." XLIII Mucho, señora, daría Por tender sobre tu espalda Tu cabellera bravía, Tu cabellera de gualda: Despacio la tendería, Callado la besaría. Por sobre la oreja fina Baja lustroso el cabello, Lo mismo que una cortina Que se levanta hacia el cuello. La oreja es obra divina De porcelana de China. Mucho, señora te diera Por desenredar el nudo De tu roja cabellera Sobre tu cuello desnudo: Muy despacio la esparciera Hilo por hilo la abriera. XLIV Tiene el leopardo un abrigo En su monte seco y pardo: Yo tengo más que el leopardo Porque tengo un buen amigo. Duerme, como en un juguete, La mushma en su cojinete De arte del Japón yo digo: “No hay cojín como un amigo”. Tiene el conde su abolengo; Tiene la aurora el mendigo; Tiene ala el ave: ¡yo tengo Allá en México un amigo! Tiene el señor presidente Un jardín con una fuente, Y un tesoro en oro y trigo: Tengo más, tengo un amigo. XLV Sueño con claustros de mármol Donde en silencio divino Los héroes, de pie, reposan: ¡De noche, a la luz del alma, Hablo con ellos; de noche! Están en fila: paseo Entre las filas: las manos De piedra les beso: abren Los ojos de piedra: mueven Los labios de piedra: tiemblan Las barbas de piedra: empuñan La espada de piedra: lloran ¡Vibra la espada en la vaina! Mudo, les beso la mano. ¡Hablo con ellos, de noche! Están en fila: paseo Entre las filas: lloroso Me abrazo a un mármol: "¡Oh, mármol Dicen que beben tus hijos Su propia sangre en las copas Venenosas de sus dueños! ¡Que hablan la lengua podrida De sus rufianes! Que comen Juntos el pan del oprobio, En la mesa ensangrentada! Que pierden en lengua inútil El último fuego! ¡Dicen, Oh mármol, mármol dormido, Que ya se ha muerto tu raza!" Échame en tierra de un bote El héroe que abrazo: me ase Del cuello: barre la tierra Con mi cabeza: levanta El brazo, ¡el brazo Le lucelo mismo que un sol!: resuena La piedra: buscan el cinto Las manos blancas: del soplo Saltan los hombres de mármol! XLVI Vierte, corazón, tu pena Donde no te llegue a ver, Por soberbia, y por no ser Motivo de pena ajena. Yo te quiero, verso amigo, Porque cuando siento el pecho Ya muy cargado y deshecho, Parto la carga contigo. Tú me sufres, tú aposentas En tu regazo amoroso, Todo mi amor doloroso, Todas mis ansias y afrentas. Tú, porque yo pueda en calma Amar y hacer bien, consientes En enturbiar tus corrientes Con cuanto me agobia el alma. Tú, porque yo cruce fiero La tierra, y sin odio, y puro, Te arrastras, pálido y duro, Mi amoroso compañero. Mi vida así se encamina Al cielo limpia y serena, Y tu me cargas mi pena Con tu paciencia divina. Y porque mi cruel costumbre De echarme en ti te desvía De tu dichosa armonía Y natural mansedumbre; Porque mis penas arrojo Sobre tu seno, y lo azotan, Y tu corriente alborotan, Y acá, lívido, allá rojo, Blanco allá como la muerte, Ora arremetes y ruges, Ora con el peso crujes De un dolor más que tú fuerte, ¿Habré, como me aconseja Un corazón mal nacido, De dejar en el olvido A aquel que nunca me deja? ¡Verso, nos hablan de un Dios A donde van los difuntos: Verso, o nos condenan juntos, O nos salvamos los dos!
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lestreghedifenix · 1 year
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Questo talismano si avvale delle corrispondenze con le erbe che ricadono sotto il segno zodiacale solare.
Lo scopo è quello di accrescere il proprio magnetismo e fascino naturale e propiziare genii e spiriti naturali collegati alla propria persona.
Quella di comprare le erbe in erboristeria o di raccoglierle, è una scelta personale,ma il consiglio è sempre quello di raccoglierle da sé.
Vanno messe dentro un sacchettino di stoffa naturale(lino,cotone) e portate sempre con sé.
Si possono usare 3 erbe, una corrispondente al proprio segno in generale,l'altra corrispondente al decano specifico e l'ultima corrispondente al proprio ascendente.
Si può inoltre creare un sacchettino corrispondente ad una persona che si vuole sedurre,inserendo le erbe associate al suo segno,decano e ascendente,insieme ad un suo testimone, e portandolo con sé quando si incontra la persona in questione. Questo non ha nulla a che vedere con i legamenti, serve solo a creare più sintonia.
Di seguito l'elenco di erbe associate ai segni e ai 3 decani:
Ariete - Lavanda(21marzo-20aprile)
dal 21 al 30 marzo - Assenzio
dal 31 marzo al 9 aprile - Basilico
dal 10 al 20 aprile - Pepe
Toro - Rosa (21 aprile-20 maggio)
dal 21 al 29 aprile - Melissa
dal 30 aprile al 9 maggio - Zenzero
dal 10 al 20 maggio - Rosa
Gemelli - Origano(21 maggio-21 giungno)
dal 21 al 30 maggio - Vaniglia
dal 31 maggio al 10 giugno - Acacia
dall'11 al 21 giugno - Menta
Cancro - Lillà(22 giugno-22 luglio)
dal 22 giugno al 1 luglio - Sandalo
dal 2 all'11 luglio - Tiglio
dal 12 al 22 luglio - Ambra
Leone - Incenso(23 luglio-23 agosto)
dal 23 luglio al 2 agosto - Angelica
dal 3 al 12 agosto - Balsamo
dal 13 al 23 agosto - Ciclamino
Vergine - Giacinto(24 agosto-22 settembre)
dal 24 agosto al 2 settembre - Gardenia
dal 3 al 12 settembre - Acacia
dal 13 al 22 settembre - Rosa Millefoglie
Bilancia - Verbena(23 settembre-22 ottobre)
dal 23 settembre al 2 ottobre - Iris
dal 3 al 12 ottobre - Muschio
dal13 al 22 ottobre - Giacinto
Scorpione - Erica (23 ottobre-22 novembre)
dal 23 ottobre al 1 novembre - Tuberosa
dal 2 al 12 novembre - Ginestra
dal 13 al 22 novembre - Cedro
Sagittario - Violetta (23 novembre-21 dicembre)
dal 23 novembre al 1 dicembre - Amaranto
dal 2 all'11 dicembre - Fresia
dal 12 al 21 dicembre - Calicantus
Capricorno - Caprifoglio (22 dicembre-20 gennaio)
dal 22 al 31 dicembre - Narciso
dall'1 al 10 gennaio - Giacinto
dall'11 al 20 gennaio - Menta o Mentastro
Acquario - Felce ( 21 gennaio-19 febbraio)
dal 21 al 30 gennaio - Serpentaria
dal 31 gennaio al 9 febbraio - Mughetto
dal 10 al 19 febbraio - Reseda
Pesci - Glicine (20 febbraio-20 marzo)
dal 20 al 29 febbraio - Gelsomino
dal 1 al 10 marzo - Peonia
dall'11 al 20 marzo - Zagara
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pivitor · 5 years
My Top 10 Albums of 2019
2019 will go down, for me, as the year my beloved iPod died, and I finally bit the bullet and signed up for Spotify Premium. Thus, I listened to more new music in 2019 than I ever have before, and realized how much of it I found disposable. Bands I grew up loving put out mediocre efforts, new darlings grew in directions I wasn’t interested in following, but thank god, thank god there are still plenty of terrific musicians putting out work that resonates deep within my soul. Music is subjective, so I wouldn’t dare call this a “best of” list, but below are the ten new releases of 2019 that I listened to the most, vibed with the most, that just plain ol’ meant the most to me this year.
(PS: Don’t think too much about the exact order and ranking here. It changed multiple times even as I was writing this. What really matters is that all ten of these records rule)
10. Radar State -- Strays
Radar State are the Avengers of the early 2000s mid-west emo scene -- a band combining The Get Up Kids’ Matt Pryor and Jim Suptic, The Anniversary’s Josh Berwanger, and The Architects’ Adam Phillips into a single supergroup. Pryor has described the project as “just having fun with [his] friends,” and that dynamic shines through loud and clear in Strays. It’s like each member is pushing the next to just create the catchiest song they possibly can, and the competition leads to great results; Pryor favors fast and sloppy punk and Berwanger moody earworms that fuse themselves into your brain through sheer repetition, but it’s Suptic who fulfills that edict best with his shiny, addictive pop love songs. Radar State never quite hits the emotional highs of its members’ main projects, but that was never the point in the first place; Strays is just fun from front to back, and it’s an album I’ve returned to consistently throughout the entirety of 2019.
Highlights: Making Me Feel, Self-Hurt Guru, Artificial Love
9. The Early November -- Lilac
Lilac is an album about learning from your mistakes and making a conscious choice to be better, and it’s a theme, an ethos that truly defines this release on every level. The Early November originally planned to release Lilac back in 2018, but ended up scrapping the original recording and going back to the drawing board, knowing that they could do better, and funneling that ambition, all their lessons learned, into their most ambitious release outside of The Mother, The Maker, and the Path (“but less self-indulgent,” I say with love). Horns, piano, and a wide variety of tempos spice up the proceedings, and the lyrics are more raw and honest than ever, but Lilac’s greatest weapon is the vocals, which Ace Enders wields with virtuoso skill. He plays with different cadences and deliveries, giving every song a unique feel, moving from soft and pleasant (“Perfect Sphere [Bubble]”) to menacing (“My Weakness”), from the joy of “Ave Maria” to the cathartic, powerhouse vocal explosion of “Hit By A Car (Euphoria)” to the pure, crackling, barely contained emotional breakdown threatening to burst right out of the chorus of “Our Choice.” There’s no other vocalist out there quite like Ace Enders -- and no other record quite like Lilac.
Highlights: Hit By A Car (In Euphoria), Ave Maria, Comatose
8. Magazine Beach -- Sick Day (EP)
Most year-end lists probably overlooked this record, a debut four-song EP from a small DIY band released in mid-December, and man oh man are those critics missing out. Sick Day isn’t just the biggest and best musical surprise I received all year, but quite possibly the most fun I had listening to music in 2019. Seriously, I played this on loop probably two dozen times the day I discovered it, and spent that evening forcing friends to listen to it too. Magazine Beach’s tongue-in-cheek lyrics, gonzo riffs, and stunning background harmonies are combined with vocals whose flatter, sardonic tone initially masks, but soon reveals their perfect cadence and quick crackles of emotion; they’re as close to a perfect pop-punk package as I heard all year, with their quirky, relatable songs about flaky friends, overstuffed social calendars, and other mid-twenties challenges filling that gaping Modern-Baseball-You’re-Gonna-Miss-It-All-shaped hole in my heart. If this had released earlier in the year, and I’d had more time to see how long it truly stuck with me, it might have placed far, far higher on this list, but either way I look forward to carrying this album forward with me into 2020, and I look forward to following Magazine Beach’s future career closely. I think they could go places.
Highlight: Living Room
7. Masked Intruder -- III
It’s easy to look at Masked Intruder and think that they’re more of an act than a band, just because they’re so good at playing hardened-yet-harmless criminals on stage, at enchanting an audience with their antics and banter alone. Thankfully, they’re equally skilled as musicians as they are performers; III isn’t just quick content for their live shows, but an entertaining, addictive, artfully made pop-punk record in its own right. Okay, maybe pop-punk is a bit too restrictive a descripter -- between the doo-wop, call-and-response harmonies and the raging riffs and solos, III sometimes sounds like a modern spin on sixties rock and roll, which is something I did not know I needed but absolutely needed. The lyrics never break kayfabe, but there’s some real clever stuff going on beneath the surface of these silly crime-themed love songs; contrasting the creepiness of Blue’s romantic pursuits with the shenanigans of a typical radio love song shows how few differences there actually are between the two, how creepy the entire genre is when you stop to give it any thought. It’s thoughtful and subversive without ever being preachy, just one more spinning plate kept perfectly balanced in the act that is III.
Highlights: Not Fair, Maybe Even, I’m Free (At Last)
6. Martha -- Love Keeps Kicking
Martha’s secret weapon is the empathy and compassion their songs cultivate for their subjects. Love Keeps Kicking is an album largely about the way love can kick you when you’re down, yet throughout the album Martha never villainizes even the bad actors in relationships. “Into This” finds the narrator jerked around by a potential partner who just won’t clarify what they are to each other, but the song isn’t out to attack the partner, simply to get a solid answer. Likewise, “Love Keeps Kicking” lays out a myriad of detailed complaints about romance and relationships, not to insult, but simply to find a way to endure them. “Orange Juice” rues the way the narrator diluted their partner just by being with them, showing impressive (and heartbreaking) levels of self-awareness. That kind of emotional maturity and complexity makes the true love songs (“Sight For Sore Eyes,” “Wrestlemania VIII”) all the more joyous, and makes their social commentary (“Mini Was A Preteen Arsonist”) that much more effective. Martha are a wonderfully catchy, fun band filled with great harmonies and British twang, but it’s their earnest, compassionate storytelling that truly made me fall in love with them, and with Love Keeps Kicking.
Highlights: Wrestlemania VIII, Love Keeps Kicking, Orange Juice
5. Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties -- Routine Maintenance
Hot take (?) incoming: Dan Campbell is the best songwriter of our generation. I already sang his praises pretty thoroughly last year when discussing my favorite album of 2018, but Routine Maintenance is just further proof of this truth, almost Campbell flexing. The previous Aaron West record was a character study of the worst year of a man’s life, but Routine Maintenance expands Aaron’s world in terms of scope, characters, and themes, all to the project’s (and character’s) benefit. The record is a tale of redemption, taking Aaron from rock bottom to a new place of security, all through the power of friendship and community, the power of music, and the power of family, of fulfilling your responsibilities to them, of finding your role and your home wherever you are, with the people who care about you, with people you can make proud. They’re themes Campbell has been exploring throughout his entire career, but brought down to a more personal level, and somehow that makes them hit harder than ever, perhaps because it makes the way they can fit into any listener’s life that much clearer. I’ve cried listening to this album. I’ve cried hearing these songs live. There’s true, true catharsis on Routine Maintenance, and it’s because Campbell’s taken Aaron West on a real journey, and it’s one I feel blessed to have been able to follow.
Highlights: Runnin’ Toward the Light, Rosa & Reseda, Winter Coats
4. Pkew Pkew Pkew -- Optimal Lifestyles
Pkew Pkew Pkew’s 2016 self-titled debut was an album told solely in the present tense, not worried about the future, but simply about the drinks, pizza, skateboarding, and parties to be had right here, right now. It was a blisteringly fun, gang-vocals filled powerhouse of a record that solidified Pkew Pkew Pkew as one of my new favorite bands. Optimal Lifestyles, though, is an album that has started to look back, if only to question the present. Are they still content to be these same fun-loving, hard-drinking party guys? Ultimately, as proven by lyrics such as “Shred until you’re dead, or until you break your wrist again” and “We lead thirsty little lives, and all we want’s another,” the answer they come to is a resounding “yes,” but the journey they take to find that answer not only makes it feel earned, but opens Pkew Pkew Pkew to some exciting new songwriting avenues, be it the touching introspection of “Drinkin’ Days” or the surprisingly beautiful nostalgia of “Everything’s the Same” (or even the more raucous nostalgia of “Mt. Alb,” for that matter). Don’t let words like “introspection” and “beautiful” scare you, though -- The Boys still rock as hard as ever, as the wailing, chugging guitars and even a totally rockin’ saxophone solo fully attest to (though I do miss all the gang vocals). And I’d be remiss to not mention “I Wanna See A Wolf,” an absolute songwriting clinic. In only a minute and nineteen seconds, Pkew Pkew Pkew takes a simple statement -- “I wanna see a wolf” -- and unravels it until it reveals a song about longing for freedom from the careers that cage our lives, even when they’re our dream. I don’t know if Pkew Pkew Pkew could have written this song three years ago. Talk about growth.
Highlights: I Wanna See A Wolf, Point Break, Adult Party
3. The Get Up Kids -- Problems
After their most popular record -- 1999’s Something To Write Home About -- the Get Up Kids’ next three albums all went on to be incredibly divisive among their fans. While all three records showed significant creative growth, none really sounded like what came before (personally, I very much enjoyed two of those records -- sorry, There Are Rules -- but I guess I’m not most fans). Problems, though, sounds like the natural evolution of Something To Write Home About without ever feeling derivative of it -- it sounds more like “the Get Up Kids” than anything the Get Up Kids have released in over a decade, which is an incredibly exciting thing let me tell you. Yet, Problems still benefits from everything the band has learned in that time: there’s new introspection (“The Problem Is Me”), a wider storytelling scope (“Lou Barlow”), and a shift from wallowing in their own pain to examining the pain of others (“Satellite,” which Matt Pryor has said is based on one of his sons). Problems also manages to pack in absolute bangers like “Fairweather Friends,” sensitive, tender ballads like “The Advocate,” and mid-tempo jams like “Salina,” a guaranteed future Emo classic that threatens to dethrone the Kids’ own “Central Standard Time” as The Quintessential Emo Song. Problems is the synthesis of just about everything that has ever made the Get Up Kids special, and it not only makes for one of the year’s best albums, but one of the Get Up Kids’ best as well.
Highlights: Fairweather Friends, Lou Barlow, Salina
2. PUP -- Morbid Stuff
The A-Side of Morbid Stuff is perfect -- a legitimately flawless five song stretch of punk rock that continues to blow my mind almost ten months after its release. The unmistakable opening notes of “Morbid Stuff”; that irresistible background riff from the bridge returning in “Kids’” second chorus, combined with some of the most nihilisticly romantic lyrics I’ve ever heard; the raucous sing-along that is “Free At Last”; the purest, most undiluted diss-track of the year in “See You At Your Funeral”; and, finally, the best song of the year bar none, “Scorpion Hill,” a sonic journey through multiple musical genres, telling a story of uniquely American misery that legitimately moves me to tears. The B-Side doesn’t quite live up to these first five tracks -- there’s a couple stand-outs (“Bare Hands” needs to make it into a live set pronto), a couple songs more interesting in concept than execution (sorry, “Full Blown Meltdown”), and a few more perfectly fine, standard PUP tunes (and I swear I don’t mean that as an insult!) -- but, well, how could it ever really have anyway? All together, it still makes for an outrageously enjoyable album that reaches the upper echelons of what 2019’s new music had to offer. That PUP was not only such a terrific band right out of the gate, but has remained so this far into their career, makes me so, so happy.
Highlights: Scorpion Hill, Kids, Free At Last
1. The Menzingers -- Hello Exile
It took me a few listens -- and, truthfully, seeing it played live -- to truly crack this album. At first it was a bit too slow, the vocals a bit too filtered, but once it clicked, I lived and breathed Hello Exile and nothing else for months. The slightly slower pace gives the Menzingers a chance to play around with some new musical tricks, be it the back-and-forth opening or the fun background guitar melodies of “Strangers Forever” or the almost hypnotic vocal melodies in the choruses of “Portland” or “Hello Exile,” and they pay off with great effect. Lyrically the Menzingers are at the top of their game; tracks like “High School Friend” and “Strain Your Memory” are more adept than ever at painting stories that make you nostalgic for a life you never even lived, but absolutely feel like you have, and lines like “it only hurts til’ it doesn’t” hit your heart with sniper-like precision. “Anna” may be the quintessential Menzingers song, a tale of longing, love, and location that drove the entire scene into a frenzy that still hasn’t subsided. “Farewell Youth” is the best closing track the Menzingers have ever released, a song about grief in multiple forms that manages to find poignant takes on each and every one of them. I’m not yet sure whether Hello Exile is the beginning or the end of a chapter for the Menzingers, but either way, it’s clearly an essential and unmissable part of their story, and one I feel privileged to be able to experience.
Highlights: Anna, Strangers Forever, Farewell Youth
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