#Roppongi Art Night
thistledropkick · 7 months
sho for the wrestler ask thing
I like Sho! I like him more since he turned heel!
I've never been a huge fan of R3K as a team - I think Sho and Yoh are both skilled wrestlers but the whole R3K thing never felt all that interesting to me, and I personally don't think the gimmick made any sense for either of them. It's been fun to watch Sho get to do something different and more expressive now that he isn't restrained by his previous gimmick.
I have really enjoyed watching Sho start his heel turn from a very clearly Majima-inspired character and grow over time. He's gotten so much more expressive and interesting on the mic too.
I wouldn't call myself a fan of his exactly but I enjoy what he's doing recently in the role he's currently playing, I'm looking forward to him wrestling Desperado soon, and I'm hoping that he ends up as a member of Strong Style against his will.
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risuola · 1 year
Hi! How about exploring JJK characters as cop with this scenario hehe, ngl this is very Gojo coded for me
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You get back home and see a mess. there was a break into your apartment and your first thought is to call your cop boyfriend.
a/n: i love the concept! thank you for the suggestion <3 i wrote it for gojo, because there’s never enough of this man and imagining him in the police uniform should be illegal, soooo…
cw: slightly angsty. other than that – none — 2k words
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“Police, what city?”
“Tokyo, I, uh…” you muttered through shaking breath and tears blinding your eyes. “There has been a break into my apartment, and I, um, I’m not sure, but I hear noises from above, and-“
“What’s the address?”
“It’s, um, Meguro district…”, you worded the address, two times to confirm it, pushing your back to the front doors, that now had their lock completely broken and useless and sliding down to the ground. The dead roses scattered near your legs in a puddle of stale water reminded you that you were alone. Maybe if the flowers weren’t dead, maybe if it was just few days earlier things would not end up like this, with you along the crumbles of what made your reality bearable.
“I’m dispatching police patrol, please stay on the line, don’t touch anything and remain calm. Help is on the way. Now, tell me what exactly happened?”
That night you were out, with your closest friend, enjoying the excellence of Japanese cuisine in the heart of Roppongi. No matter how long you’ve been living in the capital of Japan, it still amazed you with all of the delicious meals, the tradition that laced through the modern takes on dishes that are well-known for centuries and the absolute art of presentation. All of it made every experience magical but this time you couldn’t fully take it all in, the beauty slipped through your thoughts, as your mind was occupied by heartbreak you’ve just recently went through.
It's been a week, only few days but it felt like a year has passed already. Exactly one week ago you fought with the love of your life. Burning screams of the argument, harsh, heavy words and so much cyanide were poured into the explosion of emotions made for one of the worst days in your life and eventually, after hours of failed communication, after tears and helpless whispers, it all came to an end. A breakup, but what broke that day was not only your relationship with Gojo Satoru, not only few plates and one of your favorite mugs, but also your heart and you doubted it’ll ever heal. You don’t even remember what caused it all to shatter, what brought both of you to the point of cutting the strings that attached you two together for over a year but when it happened, it became obvious that there’s no way to tie them back. It seemed like what you had and built dispersed into nothing but hurt and sorrow. You watched him gathering the things he had scattered all over your place in silence and then, you watched him leave. He left you alone, with your face stained in tears and your throat dry and aching from all the words that hurt it.
That was the reason your friend invited you that night for some chill on the city. She knew how heartbroken you were and cheering you up was the mission of the highest importance. Aware of how fresh all of it was still, she didn’t push much, but it went quite nicely, you really put in effort to keep a bright face, but when you came back to your apartment, all of your good humor turned tail, leaving you with fresh new terror to experience. Something you couldn’t possibly be ready for.
Your doors were open, the lock completely broken and all of your mind quickly envisioned every black scenario that could happen right at that moment. You remained silent and entered when you determined that no on seemed to be inside, but what you were met with made your breath stuck in your throat. It seemed like nothing around you was not broken as if a tornado went through your little apartment, destroying everything on its path but when you grabbed your phone, instinctively searching for the number that your recent history of calls and messages knew all to well, the one that you could recite in the middle of the night from your head, you stopped, with your thumb hovering above the green headphone symbol and tears rolling down your face. You couldn’t call him.
When Satoru heard your address coming through the police radio in his car, he blanked for a moment. The street and number with the brief description of an offence taking place echoed in his head before someone on the line, some other patrol, possibly the closest one to your building, informed that is taking the issue and heading on. A residential break-in? And it was made obvious that the ambulance is dispatched as well, so you had to be hurt? Were you in danger? And if so, why wouldn’t you call him instead of those assholes in the general emergency line?
Questions piled up in his head when he informed the dispatcher that he’s also heading on the place, despite the objections of his superiors. All the way he was thinking that the address might be a mistake. Maybe it was another apartment in the building, or better, the building next to yours, maybe someone got something wrong, but when he got to the place, he realized it’s not. Few police cars and an ambulance were already there and by the look of a man being led handcuffed to the police car, he assumed the offender was captured already. Gojo run up the stairs to reach your eleventh floor quicker than the elevator, because he couldn’t wait any longer for it to go down. Adrenaline rushed through his veins saturating his thoughts with the irrational fear of seeing you there hurt, broken, abused. He would never forgive himself for not being here with you when you needed him.
Satoru busted through the door and met with the sight of complete disorder and mess, he almost gasped. He couldn’t imagine how frightened you had to be seeing all of this for the first time, realizing your apartment has been turned into a pile of broken memories, but as he pushed through the crowd that was taking pictures of everything what was broken, he noticed you in what once was your living room area.
You were there, with a blanket draped over your shoulders, surrounded by officers that were pushing you for the typical W’s that consisted of where, what, when, who and why. You sat on what would usually be the bottom of a couch that now has been upside down, visibly distressed and still crying, keeping your eyes down as the paramedic was measuring your blood pressure or whatever else. But you were there. In one piece, not bleeding, breathing quickly, but that was understandable. Sobbing. The cops were harsh on you, gathering your statement, asking for as much specific information as possible, forcing your answers and he knew it was just the procedure being followed, but it angered him nonetheless.
“What the hell happened here?” he almost groaned, stepping forward, when someone, visibly a freshly baked cop, tried to stop him explaining that this is a crime scene and no one’s allowed to get in. “Get out my way, rookie.”
“Let him through,” one of the officers that were around you called, and Gojo was quick to kneel in front of you, quickly assessing if you were hurt anywhere. He double checked. The sight of him made your heart beat faster, what didn’t go unnoticed for the paramedic beside you. Satoru was here, he was there and he came to you, because he cared, right? “We got a call-“
“I heard the call go through,” he cut him off harshly and then turned all of his attention to you, softening his features. The blues of his eyes, usually bright and joyful now were overflowing with concern. “I couldn’t believe it when I heard the address. All I could think was that if it really was your house, you surely wouldn’t just call the police – you would call me. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I assume you know that lady, officer?”, a cop asked and Satoru gave it a sigh, getting up as you stayed non responsive. You were too overwhelmed by the whole thing, the questions, the mess, and the paramedic that tried to force some drugs upon you to help you calm down – Gojo couldn’t blame you for shutting off, so he did what he could in order to finish all of this quicker.
In an hour, you were left alone. He took over the responsibility of making reports, gave few orders and promised to finish the formalities just to get rid of the crowd that invaded your space. Clocking out of the duty, he closed the doors and got back to you.
You were silently picking up pieces of what made your home a home, trying to tidy up, but in all honesty, you had no idea what to do, where to begin. How could you stay here for the night, when your locks didn’t work anymore and in the middle of the night, there was no way of fixing them? Hell, even if the locks would work, it seemed like the building that took pride in the advanced security systems and cameras wasn’t that secure after all. You could go to the hotel, or to your friend, but leaving your apartment open and unattended also didn’t sound well. Your hands were shaking when you tried to clear the floors from everything that was scattered there. Glass in the picture frames was broken, your pillows cut open with the filling thrown all over the place, clothes pulled out of the drawers and everything in between just messed up. As you looked through your belongings, it didn’t really seem like anything valuable was stolen. Jewelry still on its place, your documents untouched and yea, the few hundred yens that you had stored in one of your drawers was gone, but it was hard to believe all of this mess was just for that. Maybe the burglar was looking for something specific.
“Y/n,” Gojo called your name softly, carefully grabbing you by the waist and pulling your petrified form to himself. Immediately, you melted against his chest, wrapping your arms around him, searching for the safety only he could envelop you with. He was more than a home to you; he was everything in the universe that mattered to you.
“I wanted to call you,” you whispered, crying against his black, tight t-shirt that he had underneath his police uniform. The one that you always laughed he bought in the kid section because it was that tight, but nonetheless, you loved it on him. “I wanted to call you, but I had no idea if I should. If I still can.”
“You can always call me. I’ll never leave you without help and I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happen to you,” he cooed, smoothing over your hair, meaning to calm your distressed nerves, but his own heart was beating faster now than it was when he run up eleven floors. The one week of not having any contact with you was torturous to him, it felt wrong not to exchange even a simple hello in the mornings when usually, you would exchange messages for the whole day. He was used to hearing your voice whenever he wanted to, he craved your presence and everything that came with it – the feeling of your soft skin against his own, the subtle fruity scent of your hair, the tickle of your lashes fluttering against his neck when you buried your face there. He missed how your small hands would hide completely in his large palms and he missed how you would climb on top of him while you sleep, shamelessly stealing his warmth because you were almost always cold. Without all of this, his days became empty, incomplete and it only has been few days, but he couldn’t imagine it going on for any longer.
“I was so scared, I-“
“Shh, it’s alright, I’m here.”
“Will you stay with me tonight? I don’t know what to do…”
“Yeah, I will,” he pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head. “And the night after. And the next one, and every other night. If you’ll have me.”
“I’d love that.”
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cyndraws · 10 months
Kaishin secret santa 2023
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This is a Kaishin roleswap au for @blueamphibians! I hope you enjoy this art + my ramblings on the au underneath. Because of course, I couldn't just leave it as one piece of art haha (ehem please buckle in for preparation)
Many thanks to @dcmkkaishinevents / Mack for hosting this event, it was super fun participating and interacting with the community <3 <3 As a side note, I would absolutely recommend it to others who are considering signing up next year. Everyone is very friendly!
(Hey Blue, I had more art planned but unfortunately many things came up. But I hope you enjoy this anyways! I might draw some more for you later ^-^ Thanks so much for this prompt <3 <3)
Edit: I have decided that now you will receive a completed arts + ramblings + some WIPs behind the scene hahahaha https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/737208478471487488/kaishin-secret-santa-2023-extras-basically-wips?source=share
AU ramblings under the cut (ngl it's a lot):
Random details and notes that don't really fit anywhere. Mostly about the fanart:
Kaito is 1 year older than Shin and is taller than him
This scene is set over the Haido City hotel. In the distance you can see Shiriyomi Trust Hotel (can't full recognise it behind Kaito but I assure you I drew it lol), Tokyo tower (easy to spot) and Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (Just behind Shin on the right, the one with the lights in a --u-- shape) Main reference: https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Haido_City_Hotel
I was also screaming at the Kaishin pic in ED70 throughout this LMAO.
Kaito breaks through Shinichi's mysterious KID persona in this drawing and Shinichi shyly reveals his face behind the mask. Kaito then produces a blue flower, claiming it matches Shinichi's beautiful eyes (he's also the one who bred it)
Kaito has extra pockets sewn into his uniform to carry more tricks. This wasn't really necessary in canon, but here, Kaito has to be prepared to investigate at any moment.
Lmao help me render hair *stares at Kaito's* Cool effect but not quite right. I need to go experiment later.
Kaito/Shin getting shrunk (aka Conan situation) never happens in this au. But Haibara and the other victims are still around. Haibara still lives at the professor's.
Yusaku was much more entangled and involved with Toichi and his fight with the Black Org. Side note but in this au, Snake is from a division of the Black Org
As a result, they both end up being killed during the fateful accident. Yes, both Shinichi and Kaito are there for it. They were going to be introduced to each other on that day, but well,,, we can see the way it ended.
It wasn't well known that the Kuroba and Kudo family were close at all. Extra vigilance was taken after the funerals to ensure their safety. Their families parted ways for the better or worse after thsi event.
Yusaku's and Toichi's friendship/rivalry included collaborating for some heists, having a second secret base in the Kudo mansion, and Yusaku donning the Night Baron costume... even if he was just hidden in a car and sending information to Toichi via an earpiece lol.
After their husbands' deaths, Yukiko and Chikage meet up occasionally and travel together in secret.
Shinichi never became a famous detective. The years after Yusaku died in the tragic accident, Yukiko and him tried their best to move on with varying success. Shinichi's dream to become a famous detective never came to fruition.
This was because for various reasons including not having Yusaku's guiding hand to develop Shin's detective skills, was only being taken to crime scenes for a year, and of course the trauma.
After avoiding detective work as much as he could (well considering that he's still a corpse magnet), Shinichi finally starts to dig through his memories. From then, he uncovered a strange inconsistency with the logic of his father's death and starts to obsess over the idea that it was a murder.
Shin painstakingly and slowly investigates in the shadows with his *ehem* admittedly rusty detective skills and chases after the very little crumbs left by the organisation. What he uncovers is that the accident wasn't one at all, but premeditated murder by an encompassing third party.
Shinichi finally finds a lead to,,, Jii Konosuke. This takes quite a few years, and Shinichi is 15 when he confronts Jii.
Jii reveals everything after Shinichi's deduction and also mistaking him for Kaito. And such Shinichi is brought into the fold. Shinichi also makes up his mind to take on the KID mantle, greatly sympathising with the fellow teen whose father was also involved.
The years after Shinichi uncovers the truth, he learns many skills such as disguise, acting and magic from Jii and Chikage. However, his magic skills will never be on par with Kaito's.
Shinichi in this au has more acting and disguise skills from living with his mother. She passed this skills onto him, and they bonded over it to recover from their grief.
When Shinichi is 17, he officially takes on the role of KID. Chikage permanently locked the KID cave in the Kuroba house, and the KID cave settled in its new home in the Kudo mansion. Inside the second base previously used by Toichi and Yusaku.
Shinichi as KID:
Well, he's just as dramatic as Kaito in canon, but it's a different kind of dramatic. Shin is more of a mysterious and cryptic phantom thief and wears a menacing Night Baron mask. He overall speaks less, and when he does, he says a lot of dramatic lines. Like in theatre almost, with plenty of double meanings.
He takes on a lot of aspects from the Phantom Lady and Jii's interpretation of KID.
And also, I was inspired by the Black Knight, Shiragami in canon, and AngelicSentinel's fantastic fic, Heart of Eternity. I guess you could describe it as more theatrely, cool and princely. He's still very athletic (laughing at Shinichi being Tarzan as Shiragami)
Unlike Kaito, Shin's notices often involve cryptic riddles. It satisfies Shinichi's puzzle loving side and adds to his mysterious reputation.
It's funny to me how Akako's 'Demon of Light' moniker is still accurate haha
Shinichi investigates a little in the shadows and is overall a touch more hot-headed than Kaito KID
He uses a lot more gadgets to cover for his lesser magic skills. He's still learning though! A lot of them are references to Conan's and KID's in canon. Between Jii and Agasa, he gets a lot of them haha. This includes:
Mask/monocle -> voice changer, mask to cover for poker face, zoom and night vision, tracker, microphone and radio, gas mask.
Transmitter/microphone -> button stickers, bugs in general, cufflinks. In some cases, a camera but it must be asked for first. Shin uses these to cover for Kaito's doves in canon.
Wristwatch -> Clock of course for his heist times, tranquilliser, emergency flashbomb (KID has one in canon too)
Shoes -> jet powered rollerskates (equivalent to skateboard). Of course, Shin still kicks things but it looks more to take down the occasional criminal, trigger emergency traps, and more. He doesn't kick often because it doesn't really suit the image of KID + it's a unique skill to have.
+ other usual KID gadgets -> smoke, flash, sleeping bombs, grapple gun, hang glider, etc.
He's still an aspiring magician
Since there's a rising amount of cases in Beika, Kaito gets recommended by Nakamori because of his magic skills. The idea is that his knowledge of magic tricks will help uncover the criminals' tricks... Well this includes basically all cases lol. It works though! And the news of Meitantei Kaito starts to spread.
Kaito falls in love with the dramatics and triumphs of figuring out a criminal's trick. He starts to get called into Beika every time a case is discovered. One different to Shin is that Kai gets called to the cases instead of the cases coming to him.
His detective persona is like KID's in canon - flirty, dramatic, confident, charming, a bit of a pervert, and a classic showman's personality. Aoko is sick of it hahaha.
Kai's deduction show is very dramatic. He uses flashy magic tricks to reveal evidence and tricks, and uses his magic to take down criminals.
This includes his acrobatics, trusty card gun and traps he set beforehand. I like to headcanon that Kaito invented his cardgun first before integrating into KID. Kaito's cardgun includes the normal sharp cards (Kaito uses it to pin down criminals with their clothes, cut ropes, etc), tranquilliser laced cards, smoke and flash bombs. And also sleeping bombs but he uses it vary sparingly because even that toes the law a little too much... Megure is exasperated but the criminals are taken down quickly without much harm so he lets it slide
Kaito also follows in the spirit of dubious investigation. He changes his voice, uses his doves to spy on others, uses disguises (very very rarely), and is noisy overall.
Kaito and Hakuba:
Has a detective rivalry with Hakuba.
Hakuba still thinks, even in this au, that Kaito is KID. After all, Shin's profile is very similar to Kaito's. Kaito vehemently denies it but acts like a KID fan around Hakuba to annoy him. He isn't really though, citing KID's magic to be third rate, but he is still intrigued.
Hakuba offhandedly slips in wording and insinuations to Kaito's huge annoyance. You can imagine them bickering at a crime scene while Megure is just Too Used to this.
Much later on, when Kaito learns Shinichi's identity, Kaito tells Shinichi's about Hakuba's warnings. So Kaito is kinda a messenger between the two. Despite Hakuba being annoying, Kaito knows he can trust him.
~ Other character interactions:
Shinichi and Kaito:
Shinichi is still a corpse magnet. So he encounters a case, calls the police, and escapes as fast as he can after giving a witness statement. This is partly to avoid the awkwardness of meeting Megure and the police officers (he hasn't met them since his father died), as well as his new night job.
This results in the most frustrating yet amusing situation where Shin and Kaito miss meeting each other for quite a few years. Shinichi is busy hurrying off while Kaito is called to the scene and busy listening to the details.
Quick sketch I may/may not fully finish in the future:
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Description: Set in suburban Beika. Shinichi is at the foreground, looking at his watch and worrying about meeting Jii on time. Meanwhile, next to a police car, Megure merrily discusses case details to Kaito. Kaito is glancing over to Shinichi in curiosity while keeping an ear open. He has his hands in his pockets. Behind Megure, the scene has police tape barring entrance.
Kaito thinks KID is a third rate magician but can appreciate the dramatics and mysteriousness. He is Intrigued. This leads to a meeting later on. Kaito uses his connection to Nakamori.
Shinichi is of course startled by Kaito's namedrop.
... Sorry no more details/plan about their meeting. It's definitely a dramatic face off though.
Regarding Shinichi's identity reveal, I was playing around with the idea that Snake is there, threatening the two at gunpoint and sneering over the '"lovely family reunion between father and son". It would definitely spur Kaito to grill Shin for more details
Shinichi and Hattori:
Hattori hears about the "Meitantei of the East" and goes off to meet him and challenge him to a deduction battle. He doesn't know how to contact him, so he goes with the strat of wandering around Beika until he runs into a case. He figured that with the high rate of cases being reported, he's eventually run into Kuroba ,,, yeah hahahaha Thats his entire plan
Luckily for Hattori, his detective luck exponentially multiplies with Shin's and a scream runs out. As Shinichi is reporting the crime and tried to head off, Hattori slings an arm around his shoulders to stop him from sneaking off.
Hattori loudly greets him as Kuroba despite Shinichi's insistence that "No, I am NOT Kuroba, please get your arm off me". Insert much scepticism from Hattori.
Even after they part ways, this isn't the last they see of each other. Hattori keeps wandering around Beika while running into Shinichi. They eventually become friends huhu.
Shinichi and the Detective Boys:
The Detective Boys admire Kaito a lot. Obviously they've watched the news reports on TV. So when they see him at the park playing soccer, they glomp him HAHAH Poor Shinichi
At this point I think people mistaking Shinichi as Kaito can be a running gag. The Detective Boys keep annoying Shinichi and even attempt breaking into the 'Edo house' to see the ghosts... Shinichi is still not happy. And also, when they visit Haibara, they're basically next doors so Shinichi's never going to get them out of his life.
Despite the annoyance, he eventually becomes fond of them and takes on the big brother sort of role.
When Kaito and Shinichi get acquainted, they take the DB on outings a lot. The DB is very fond of Kaito-nii-san and Shinichi-nii-san.
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roppongi-division · 6 months
Night was beginning to fall on the division of Roppongi and the man of the hour Kai Quinlan was relaxing in his home when he heard the doorbell ring. Pausing what he was doing Kai got up from where he was comfortably seated and walked towards the door, opening it. There on his doorstep were 2 boxes, one of them being far bigger than the other one. Sighing Kai began to drag the gifts inside even struggling a bit with the bigger gift which was quite heavy. Finally dragging the gits inside Kai decided to open the smaller one first. 
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The first gift was a golden cake in the shape of a Buddha with several arms. To Kai, it looked like someone had made his speaker in a cake. Seeing there was also a card the DJ picked it up and began to read. 
Happy Birthday! Zakari-san said it was your birthday so I hope you enjoy the cake I made you. I tried getting it as close as what your speakers look like so I hope I don't disappoint! 
– Kanra A.
Turning his attention to the other gift Kai reached over to open curious as to what could someone have sent him that was so heavy.
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Much to Kai’s shock, the second gift was a brand-new state-of-the-art production console. Who the hell hand sent him this? These things often ran people a small fortune. Seeing a note alongside the gift Kai picked it up and began to read.
Happy Birthday. Consider this my gratitude for the gift you helped Mireya make for my birthday. The gesture means more to me than you'll ever know. Now let's see what you can do with it “Wolf of Shadows”.
–  Reika A. 
"Daaaaaaaaamn." Zakari said, looking at the cake that Kanra sent to her father, which was sitting on the kitchen table.
"Zakari!" Mireya shouted, frowning at her son.
"Sorry mom, but it's true!" Zakari grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "I mean, these kinds of cakes are what you'd you normally see in a bakery or on T.V. or something, not in actual, real life. I only know one another person besides Kanra-chan who could make cakes like this."
"Well, it is certainly impressive." Mireya agreed, looking at the cake from all angles. "I have to wonder how long it took that young child to make this."
"I don't know, but I hope Kanra-chan sends me a birthday cake like this when my birthday rolls around!"
"Ha, we'll see, dear."
"...Do we have to wait for dad to cut this cake?" Zakari asked, hoping the answer was 'no' as he really didn't think he could wait that long.
"Knowing your father, he'll probably be in the studio all night again, especially since Reika sent him that production console." Mireya answered, with a sigh.
"Does that mean...?!"
"Yes, go ahead and cut it, son."
The matriarch of the family shook her head with a grin as her son rushed into the kitchen to grab a large knife to cut the cake with. As she watched him, she turned her head slight back towards the hallway where she was sure her husband was in his music studio right now...
...And not surprisingly she was right, as the radio personality host, her husband, was busy, once more, fine-tuning his equipment as he knew to make up for this gift, he was going to have make sure the socialite of Shizuoka had a good song when the end of the year rolled around...
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sinelanguage · 7 months
Mori Art Museum— this is the type of museum I typically like but not a subject I like because it can feel on the nose (environmentalism/ecology). it’s not Bad as a topic, it’s just evoking a pretty consistent emotion of “this sucks right” and yeah I Know. that being said, while some things a bit on the nose but a good number of stuff that made me feel disquieted and that’s why I go to museums lol so win overall
The museums itself is on top of a tall tower next to a luxury shopping mall (lol). The view from the tour was completely clouded over when I went, which kind of made for a weird foggy ambiance, where the sky-high views were completely whited out until you walked closer and could look through the clouds to see the city below. Pretty cool atmosphere— the particular curation only used natural light which helped.
THAT being said: there was something so. incredibly funny about going to this conceptual art exhibit and, when leaving and going back to transit and passing by fucking Gucci. My brain did cartwheels and I stood in the crowded subway car going ?????? all the way home.
Pieces that stuck out:
Night Colonies by Apichatpong Weerasethakul
They were playing a short film about bugs taking over this guys room. There’s kind of this initial ambiguity of is the puttering run sound is bugs or rain, but really it’s both. i don’t know what was captivating about this. they had quotes too which were mostly unrelated, and I didn’t really get the point of, but I did like the close ups of bugs. mostly a vibe. there was another piece next by where you’d walk on shells and you got that noise too, so mostly the quiet bug noise + shells + rain was a good mix. what was the point??? look I don’t know.
Quandary Medicinals Roppongi Jed Geys—
This was a neat way to end the exhibit. One of the cooler and more optimistic pieces— basically this guy put together a map of local (like, in the same neighborhood) medicinal plants, then put plants dried and on display and photos of where they were found. (I can’t find this link online lol. betting I wrote the name down wrong)
The Disturbance - Monira Al Qadiri: LMAO this piece. ok so this pieces is part of all the promotional materials of the museum, front cover with people posing at all. it generally seems like the prototypical selfie bait for a museum— these giants pearls hanging above just enough to pose under. very stunning, cool to look at, cool to pose with.
the promotional materials fail to emphasize that they MUTTER. it’s so funny. oh my god. sorry people watching was so good. you could watch as people got unnerved. 10/10. muttering pearls killed me.
Some additional things I liked but didn’t get the name (b/c there was a no photo policy and I got nervous):
The maggot cage??? I forgot what this was called and I was in a no photo zone and couldn’t write it down. Anyway there was a box where this guy put maggots in and then a lightbulb at the bottom, so the maggots would turn into flies go to the light die and get shunted out a pipe. dire. then he cast the flies in resin and it’s in a museum, in a little corner away from everything else. this was my biggest “um???? Excuse me???”
overall: enjoyed the vibes here even if the subject matter was not it. glad I went but glad I ditched the group to go because everyone else im traveling with would not have vibed with this HAHA.
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seps-travel-blog · 1 day
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After this we walked around roppongi, because we wanted to go to the Art Night this evening.
Roppongi is one of the rich districts of Tokyo and you can clearly see this in the beautiful architecture.
(And also the prices of the restaurants )
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shoutabe · 16 days
HEARTH 翔太 → 咲哉
shouta doesn't like to ask his dad to tagalong on his work trips that often, but he forced himself to this time. with his signature youngest-child-puppy-dog-pout at maximum level, he made himself brave and received a yes rather quickly, even when he wasn't only asking for a spare ticket for himself, but also for a friend.
he vividly remembers the two of them talking about homesickness very early on in their friendship, and ever since then, they've dreamed about visiting their homeland together. while he knows deep-down that their conversation wasn't intended to be romantic, he couldn't help but paint their reveries in hues of rose and vermillion; framing them with chrysanthemums how they do in all of his favorite manga.
maybe it's pathetic of him to long for his friend so badly, but as sentimental as he is, he finds it difficult not to want to continue growing closer to him. increasing levels of intimacy is scary, but somehow, shouta is unafraid of leaning into it. he doesn't think anyone's ever made him feel as safe as sakuya makes him feel, and even if friendship is all that's on the table for them, he's glad that they're in one another's lives. ultimately, that's all he can really ask for.
sighing while finishing up the last bit of the dishes from breakfast, shouta places the final rinsed pan into the drain-tray. "so! we have literally all day to do whatever we want," he begins, sauntering over to the dining table to reclaim his cushion.
"we're in minato, so we can roppongi hills, or we can go to the national art center, or hang around odaiba..." each suggestions sounds fine to him, so he wonders what's on sakuya's mind. "we also can travel outside of minato, too. my dad left one of his credit cards, so we're covered!"
days like this don't come often to him. typically, he has some sort of schedule or itinerary laid out for himself, but since it's still early in their trip, he thought easing into it would be the better approach. that, and well, sakuya's more spontaneous than he is, so he's trying to speak his language a little bit, too. "also, i'm still sorry that all of my collectible plushes fell on top of you in the middle of the night, but at least they're soft? it could've been much worse—it could've been all the posters in frames."
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markeduke · 4 months
All About the Finest Dating Club of Tokyo Where Romance Blooms
In the heart of Tokyo’s vibrant Roppongi district lies a sanctuary of refined romance: Roppongi Orchid. Nestled discreetly amidst the bustling streets, this distinguished dating club stands as a beacon of exclusivity, catering to those who seek nothing less than perfection in their romantic pursuits.
Operating on a meticulously curated membership basis, Roppongi Orchid 交際クラブ extends its invitation only to a select few. Among its ranks, a captivating ensemble of college students and office professionals awaits, each meticulously trained to deliver an unparalleled dating experience tailored precisely to the desires of its esteemed members.
At the core of Roppongi Orchid’s allure lies its cadre of sophisticated and meticulously trained women. These enchantresses epitomize perfection, exuding grace, charm, and intellect in equal measure. Whether one seeks the pleasure of a memorable dinner companion or yearns for intimate moments of relaxation, the women of Roppongi Orchid stand ready to fulfill every whim and desire.
Central to the ethos of Roppongi Orchid is the unwavering commitment to its members’ satisfaction. From the moment one steps through its discreet entrance, every detail is meticulously curated to ensure an experience that transcends the ordinary and approaches the extraordinary.
The allure of Roppongi Orchid lies not only in its exquisite companions but also in the ambiance it cultivates. Step inside, and you’re transported to a world where luxury meets intimacy, where every interaction is imbued with an air of sophistication and allure. Whether reclining in the plush confines of its private lounges or savoring a candlelit dinner for two, every moment spent within its walls is an indulgence to be savored.
What sets Roppongi Orchid apart is its unwavering dedication to excellence. Each member of its staff is meticulously trained to anticipate and fulfill every need, ensuring that every encounter is nothing short of perfection. From the seamless coordination of romantic rendezvous to the discreet handling of special requests, the team at Roppongi Orchid leaves no detail overlooked.
But beyond its impeccable service and opulent surroundings lies the true magic of Roppongi Orchid: the connections forged within its hallowed halls. Here, amidst the flickering candlelight and whispered confessions, bonds are formed that defy explanation. Whether a fleeting encounter or the beginning of something more profound, the connections made at Roppongi Orchid linger long after the night has faded into memory.
For those who seek refinement and sophistication in their romantic pursuits, there is no finer destination than Roppongi Orchid. Here, amidst the glittering skyline of Tokyo, love takes on a new dimension, where every moment is infused with passion, intrigue, and the promise of something extraordinary.
In a world where true luxury is often elusive, Roppongi Orchid stands as a rare gem—a haven of opulence and elegance where the pursuit of pleasure knows no bounds. So, come, let yourself be seduced by the enchantment of Roppongi Orchid, where your satisfaction is not only guaranteed but elevated to an art form.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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peakwealth · 5 months
Move slowly and do not break things
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Kyoto neighbourhood temple, April 2024
Good news. Japan's long running experiment with fiscal irresponsibility, decades in the making, is going well. The international bailiffs haven't shown up in the middle of the night and even Tokyo's stock market has perked up, something long deemed utterly improbable. Life goes on, everything is spic 'n span, the dazzling food halls of the department stores are busy, as are the more modest shopping malls that have come to disfigure suburban Japan. And, of course, the trains run on time. How all of this is possible remains hard to explain, just as hard as when I last visited, in 2016. (1)
Look around, though, and you can see how prosperity is quietly seeping away. Industrial output is falling, household savings have evaporated and tax revenue has been going down since 2017 - the latter obviously... concerning if not calamitous for the world's most indebted country.
As the economy loses speed, incomes decline and the per capita GDP is by some metrics now less than Italy's. The government just keeps issuing new bonds to cover the annual shortfall, adding to the pile. Perhaps inertia has something to do with it, the assumption that if the budgetary trickery has worked so well for so long, why change it now? Or there simply is no alternative: as the country needs to keep going, the tap of fictional money cannot be turned off.
Geriatric Japan continues to be the gentlest of anachronisms. It is leading the way, showing other countries how to age with a measure of dignity. Until recently, the big cities had remained immune from demographic erosion, but that is no longer the case. The population is in decline in all of the prefectures. But it is in the countryside that the phenomenon is most visible. The elderly go about their remaining business in silence and many village houses show few signs of life. Look closer and it is obvious no one lives there any more.
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Abandoned houses in the village of Sekigahara, near Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture (April 2024)
The government has faced at least this part or reality: immigrants, mostly Asian, are finally becoming a more common sight in the cities. It doesn't make Japan a multi-ethnic society like the UK or Canada, but it signals, as I wrote earlier, an unprecedented change to the fabric of Japanese society, accustomed as it is to cultural homogeneity and ethnic exclusivity.
Still Japan carries on in all its Japaneseness. Some of it is frozen in time, some of it is up to date, but it is clear that much of what constitutes Japan's face to the world goes back a long time: Sony, Hitachi, Toyota, Yamaha, Mitsubishi, Canon are names that belong, in essence, to the 20th century. The commercial brands that established Japan's global identity, even the smaller ones like Kikkoman (sauce) or Shimano (bicycle gears) have little novelty value. Uniqlo is one of the few Japanese brands to have spread worldwide in recent years.(2)
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Not enough of those. (National Arts Center, Roppongi, Tokyo)
Like Europe, Japan has missed the boat of global connectedness. It hasn't come up with anything that compares to Facebook, Apple, Google or Amazon. Not invented there. Instead Japan continues to manufacture earth moving equipment, 35 mm cameras and mass market wrist watches. This is not to belittle Japan's efficient manufacturing sector, its rigid work ethic or its still thriving creativity. But it is not what creates the trillion dollar corporations of the 21st century. Japanese smart phones? Swept aside by the Samsungs and Xiaomis of Korea and China.
I noticed a corporate slogan of Hitachi that said "Inspire the Next" but in reality Japan hasn't inspired much in a long time. It is not a frivolous country, much of it is dull, static and regimented. Japanese society is unfailingly civil and conservative, too obliging to foster disrupters and visionaries. Not too many Elon Musks have popped up in Japan. It is not part of the Japanese genius.
In many ways one should be grateful for this because it can be argued that the Instagrams and TikToks of this century have not made the world a better place. Au contraire, they have made the global rat race a lot rattier. They have brought anxiety to billions and the scourge of disinformation and post-truthism. So instead of obsessing about Japan's demographic and industrial sunset, we might as well let them potter on and be grateful for our reliable Toyotas and our Panasonic appliances.
(1) The total of Japan's publicly issued bonds (national and local) now stands at around 1,300 trillion yen or around 225 % of annual GDP. The government gross debt-to-GDP ratio is even higher at 258,2 % (2023).
By comparison: Germany 68,6 % China 71,8 % USA 126,4 % Italy 149,8 %
Source: Japanese Public Finance Fact Sheet. (www.mof.go.jp)
(2) If you think Nintendo, think again. The company was founded in the 19th century.
ALSO SEE EARLIER POSTS LIKE: "Better not make fun of geriatric Japan" - https://peakwealth.tumblr.com/post/116037791897
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takmiblog · 1 year
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マクドナルド ラジオ大学
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rkhemlani · 1 year
June 8th - Free Day/Last Day in Tokyo
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After a super super fun night of going out in Shibuya, Nico and I cannon-balled into the onsen at 6:15 in the morning. We soaked in the tub for about twenty minutes, which felt really nice after a long day of hiking at Mount Takao. I threw in a load of laundry, but then forgot to take it out because I fell asleep. We woke up around 9:30 to start to get ready for the Ghibli Museum, which displayed the fascinating anime movies that the brilliant Hayao Miyzakai has produced. Although I haven’t seen any of the movies personally, Nico and some of the others provided insight and explained the wonderful works. We saw a short Ghibili Studios film that was based on one of the movies, My Neighbor Totoro, which was incredibly lighthearted and wholesome. We even met with a another UF student that was participating in an exchange program; go gators! The group was starving after the museum, so we found a restaurant that made delicious yakitori, fried chicken, and dumplings. Nico, Vishnu, and I got boba tea after our meal, and it was not good at all to be honest. We then met up with Xander at the Mori Art Museum, which displayed an immersive and gorgeous collection of art that was related to school subjects such as Math, Science, Philosophy, Language Arts, etc. Vishnu really wanted to go to a famous ramen stand, but the line was so long, so Nico, Xander, and I left to another one that was closer to our hotel. Tonight is our last night in Tokyo, so I think we will head to Roppongi to have some fun!
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
4 Must Visit Art Exhibitions of This Month!
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Unlock your creativity with our weekly art guide, presenting 4 extraordinary exhibitions this month. Explore captivating art that expands your horizons and fuels personal growth. We've got you covered with essential information for efficient planning. Stay tuned, mark the dates, and embark on an unforgettable artistic journey. Let inspiration guide your steps! Reverential: Saint Francis of Assisi at The National Gallery NGI 658 El Greco Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1590-95 Unveil the enigmatic life of Saint Francis of Assisi through captivating religious art at The National Gallery. Explore the evolution of his portrayal, from medieval wall panels to a surprising Marvel comic cameo in the 1980s. Marvel at masterpieces by Caravaggio, Botticelli, and Antony Gormley, each drawing inspiration from this canonized figure. Discover why Saint Francis captivates artists and behold the artistic legacy he left behind. A remarkable journey into his world awaits you! When and where> - 6 May-30 July, 2023 - Saint Francis in Meditation', 1635-9 © The National Gallery, London For more about the event visit> nationalgallery.org.uk/ Macabre: Hunterian Museum re-opens After a long-awaited refurbishment, London's beloved (and delightfully macabre) museum re-emerges with its spine-chilling collection of anatomy and surgery. Brace yourself for a glimpse into unsettling glass cases showcasing dissected toads, sections of spinal cord, and even half of Charles Babbage's brain. An unforgettable journey awaits the daring and curious. Prepare to be captivated. When and where> - 16 May 2023 onwards,  - Hunterian Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London For more about the event visit> hunterianmuseum.org/ Kelly Akashi, “Infinite Body” Enter the captivating realm of "Infinite Body" by artist Kelly Akashi. Broken casts of her body blend with organic materials, rocks, crystals, and petals, exploring the biological memory of the self. Altar-like arrangements on rammed earth platforms feature bronze, carved stone, crystal, and hand-blown glass objects. From personal references to hidden symbols, Akashi invites contemplation of time, the body, and our place in the vast natural world. A thought-provoking artistic journey awaits. When and where> - Apr. 27–June 10, 2023 - Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, Los Angeles For more about the event visit> artsy.net/partner/tanya-bonakdar-gallery Roppongi Art Night Immerse yourself in Tokyo's artistic extravaganza at Roppongi Art Night! With captivating outdoor installations, live performances, cultural exhibitions, and workshops, this nocturnal celebration is a must-attend event. Discover the genius of renowned artists like Takashi Kuribayashi and Tomoko Konoike, alongside promising talents. Mark your calendar for May 27-28 and prepare for an unforgettable journey into Tokyo's dynamic art world. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind cultural experience! When and where> - 27 May28 May 2023 - 6-10 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo For more about the event visit> roppongiartnight.com/2023/ Read the full article
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Roppongi Art Night Akan Kembali Diadakan Pada Bulan September Ini
Roppongi Art Night Akan Kembali Diadakan Pada Bulan September Ini
Berita Wisata Jepang – Untuk pertama kalinya dalam tiga tahun, Roppongi Art Night akan kembali sebagai acara skala penuh pada bulan September ini, Festival tahunan ini merupakan salah satu acara seni yang paling ditunggu-tunggu di kota itu, tetapi edisi terbarunya harus ditunda dan dibatalkan karena komplikasi terkait Covid-19. roppongiartnight.com Simak Juga : 8 Destinasi Wisata Pantai Yang…
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paralleldiaries · 6 years
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We saw a huge unstable wooden tower which is six meters high and full of holes built among the tall buildings in Roppongi. The singer Satoko Shibata popped up from a hole with her guitar and sang. The drummer Shinji Wada appeared on the stage with his drum set on his shoulder. Performers from the group Contact Gonzo were climbing the tower, fighting each other. We could not anticipate what would happen. On the night of the tower (THEATER) performance at Roppongi Art Night, my friends contacted me one by one. We met in a vast square among the crowds to see this theater work by Teppei Kaneuji. Four days ago, Teppei told me this work came from a postcard-size drawing that he made 20 years ago when he was completing his master's degree. The idea gradually grew from drawing to animation and has now become a theater work involving almost 30 talented actors, performers, and musicians who come in and out of a structure he designed in collaboration with an architect. It was amazing, and to experience it brought us a strong, fresh sensation.
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(Photographs by Masahiro Otani)
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ddddoooxooobbbb · 7 years
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instagram:hhhinagggiqqqu flickr:Kana Sasamoto
六本木アートナイト2017の『にゅー KEN-KEN-PA! で六本木ジャック』の撮影をしました。 
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doraemonfanclub · 2 years
Doraemon by MADSAKI
👉 https://www.instagram.com/p/CisHxQuP2YF/
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