#Roofing Marlow
frmulcahy · 1 year
We Have Always Lived In The Castle graphic novel when
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everygayhere · 5 months
May the fun commence
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hey this the first fanfic i've ever posted so like if you could give any notes that would be really appreciated and also go a little easy maybe... possible pls.
summary: Y/N a college student who is traveling to Malibu beach and have a fun vacation and maybe get to know her crush Marlow a bit more, while also avoiding Tara the most annoying person. Little does she know that maybe more interesting paths await her at this beach house. Tara carpenter a free spirted women who likes to have her fun drinking and hanging out with friends and avoiding the one person she knows won't be here Y/N.
Part 1, Part 2
Loud sounds of pelting rain hit the roof. As Y/N sits in her room with the murmurs of the television in the background which has been forgotten. Scrolling through her Instagram mindlessly noticing everyone enjoying their summer, FOMO at an all time high. She has a long exhale of breath as she sees her crush Marlows’s post. Jealousy consumes her as she analyzes the photo of a random girl’s arms wrapped around their body. To close for her comfort she thinks. Quickly scrolling past to see her friend Alva’s post about her lavash vacation and the summer sun, wishing she could be there.
Yet here she lays in the comfort of her bed wasting the day away. You see it’s not like she wasn’t invited to come along with them on their vacation. She just said no. Her parents didn’t mind her going, it's just that sometimes they embarrass her. When she told them that her friends wanted her to come along on their vacation her parents were fine with it; they were actually happy. They couldn’t wait to get their daughter out of their house for some alone time and so their daughter could have fun.
To Y/n credit she was packing to get ready to go but then her mum pulled the stunt of giving her condoms and a sex talk and that just made her not want to go. So now the envy of her friends having fun, well she was stuck at home once again was on her this time, but maybe it was for the best since Tara Carpenter was there. A part of her didn’t mind that she wasn’t on Malibu Beach sun tanning and basking in the warm air but the other part was so pissed off.
A knock was heard at Y/N’s door, “darling hey I was just coming up to see if you were okay or needed anything?”. Her mother questions at the closed door. “Ah no i’m good thanks though mum” Y/N heard her mother sigh as her footsteps became distant. Is it possible for my summer to get any worse she thought to herself. *DING* the sound of a notification rang out into her room, her screen lighting up from the right of her. Of Course it could, why the hell would it not. There on her locked screen lit up a notification of a post Marlow  just uploaded and in the tagged mentions was Tara Carpenter insta. As Y/N clicked the notification the image of Tara and Marlow was brought up to her face. The two of them grinning into the camera with their eyes covered by sunglasses. Marlow was wearing a wife beater while Tara had an unbuttoned Hawaiian style shirt and a Nike sports bra underneath.
Now normally Y/N would be smiling at this photo like a kid in a candy store but she couldn’t seem to hold that expression not when Tara was in it arms crossed over her chest, abs on display her biceps popping out with the sweat that dripped from her arms. Ugh why the hell did Tara have to ruin everything. She just had to be friends with Marlow. I mean who cares if they were friends since the start of college, maybe Y/N didn’t want Tara to ruin her only chance with Marlow. 
That’s it this is how my love life is going to be something or someone is going to always get in the way. No matter what. I am just destined to be alone forever. Y/N thinks to herself as she continues to see her mutuals all hanging out and having fun, couples kissing each other and posting about their life while on vacation. She then decides to get up and leave her room and go somewhere. I mean she has several more weeks before she’s back at school. Maybe she should just go to Malibu and hang with her friends. They did say that she could fly over and stay at their villa when she was ready, and this is her being ready.
Y/N packs her bags once again and heads down stairs where she sees her parents in the living room. They both turn when they hear her footsteps coming down the stairs. “Hey honey, what are you doing with those bags?” her mum asks.  “I’ve decided to get ready to leave for that vacation with my friends in LA” Y/N says looking at her mother with her head held high. “Well that’s wonderful news, but how are you going to get there darling? Flights are already fully booked for the next 2 weeks” her father responded with a confused look on his face. Amelia nudges her husband. “I was just going to drive there, nothing says great freedom like taking a 9 hour and 53 minute drive from here to LA, well LA Malibu beach”  Y/N responded. “ Well okay then have a fun message when you get there and remember safe sex is the best option besides no sex but you know what i mean” her mother smiles at her giving her a wink. “Ew mum like I said I am not going to have sex i’m just going to hangout with Alva and the others” Y/N responded while walking out the front door towards her car. “Okay well don't forget that you have to wear protection when you get a little frisky with girls honey and also, please understand you could still get an STD!” her mother shouts out towards her. “Yes, I know mum, I take health class!” Y/N  responded back, packing her bags into her car.
She hops into the front of her car and puts the directions on her GPS and connects her phone so she can listen to music on her way there. As she’s driving off she decides that this time is probably the best to get herself a coffee. So she pulls up to a cafe and off onto the road she goes. 
Several hours of driving and great playlist’s later she arrives at the villa Alva messaged her when she was driving down. At this moment she second guesses herself on whether or not she should be here. Then she sees Alva on the balcony and texts her telling her she's here, she can see Anika read it since Alva bolts from the balcony 2 minutes later she’s running out of the front door and towards Y/N’s car. “You actually came!!! Oh my god, holy shit I really thought you were bullshitting again.” “At this moment I really do wish I was too.” Y/N responded with dread filling her face.
“Oh come on, it's not that Y/nn” Alva responded by wrapping her arm around her shoulder and dragging her along with her. “Not that bad?... look how many people are here.” as Y/N scans the driveway jammed packed with cars like a goddamn puzzle. With the music blasting out to the where the two stand outside facing the front entrance. “Look it’s really not this packed all the time we just so happen to have a party the day you arrived….” Alva says well looking away from Y/N to the house. Y/N turns back to face Anika and gives her a raised eyebrow “oh really? You know that's pretty weird considering you’re good at planning ahead of time and you knew I was going to be here today.” Alva doesn’t look at her as she response “what… that’s not-” in the middle of Anika responding she turns to Y/n to explain and see the really? Face Y/n is giving her “okay maybe i did know… but it doesn’t matter now you're here and you are going to have fun with me.” Alva gives Y/N a big smile and drags her to the house by her forearm.  ‘May the fun commence.. I guess’ Y/n thought as she entered the front door.
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viva-la-bohemia · 2 years
The Aftermath
“Come on, get up.”
Lark groaned and clasped the outstretched hand of g-man, his gun-buddy, the man he had done Fortnite dances with at prom while nick and marco laughed from the side Grant Wilson to pull himself up. He looked around slowly at his friends co-workers and made a mental note to take care of the definite concussion that he had. Grant was unloading and reloading his handgun, a nervous tick that had somehow become normalized over the years. TJ, the man who got drunk with him for the first time on the roof of DADDIES and took all the blame when darryl found them, the man that convinced him to be the Ryan to his Sharpay in bop to the top when they auditioned for mamma mia in high school Terry’s glasses were broken in both lenses somehow, and he was flexing his arm in the way that he had done ever since his elbow had gotten popped out of the socket, oh so many years ago.
Lark’s brother was sat on the stairs, twisting his ring and glaring at his shoelaces, for some reason, as if he wanted to ground them into next month. Lark couldn’t quite say he disagreed with the sentiment. The next time he saw his nephew, ooh boy. No more late night Uncle-Lark-Can’t-Sleep-And-You-Spend-Too-Much-Time-Hyperfixating-On-Random-Shit-So-We’re-Going-To-Get-Ice-Cream trips, that was for sure.
He was snapped out of his stewing by Grant lightly hitting him in the arm.
“What the hell even happened, man?”
Lark dragged a hand across his face. “Nick’s kid broke the glass on the Whale’s tank,” Sparrow and Terry’s heads both snapped to him. Lark winced. “And then I ran in, slipped, fell into the tank, and shattered it.”
Grant’s jaw was practically on the floor. “Holy shit dude, how are you even moving right now?”
Lark smirked. “Dunno, but what I do know is that I’m gonna kill that teenager.”
The walk to the parking lot was silent, none of them wanting to actually admit that they had gotten their asses handed to them by their own kids. Lark pushed the door open into the parking lot, sopping wet, sore, and pissed.
He locked onto the kids and opened his mouth, about to relish in the rare gift that was yelling obscenities and Sparrow not scolding him for it. However, his joy and anger vanished quickly and his mouth closed with an audible click.
From behind him, Lark vaguely heard Grant’s gun drop onto the pavement in surprise and Sparrow gasp out a “holy shit”. Then Terry let out an anguished sob and Lark thought that that about summed it up.
their captor, the mean one, the head purple robe, the one who forgot to feed them, the one that tried to kill their dads, the one that tried to kill “spare-ow” because having two backups was unnecessary, the one that gave him his first scar that even henry didn’t know about, ron’s deadbeat dad that tried to kill his own son, the one who killed a man in front of his nephew, the one manipulating terry’s daughter
Willy Stampler was holding the headless body of the very sixteen-year-old that Lark had been planning to yell at until he was blue in the face. Like watching a train crash, he followed the trail of blood to Taylor Swift’s head at the feet of Scary Marlowe, who was gripping a net so tight that her knuckles were white. Her jeans were splattered with blood. She looked horrified, and mere seconds away from sobbing.
Normally Swallows-Oak-Garcia normie, norm, his nephew, his star, his kiddo, his ice cream partner, Teeny the Teen was shrieking nonsensically on the ground, his knees appearing to have given out entirely, and he pulled at his hair as tears streamed down his face.
Lincoln Li-Wilson link, his godson, the kid who he’d watched take his first steps, the kid who’d somehow gotten taller than him in the years that he’d been banned from the Li-Wilson household, in all of his six-foot-three glory, was glaring at Willy with an intensity that could’ve killed a man.
Lark wondered why he hadn’t jumped at the man already, and then saw the cause. He was supporting the small DC-obsessed kid, the one that had spent two months monologuing himself into identity crisis after identity crisis and also apparently had a crush on his nephew? who was leaning his entire body weight on the taller kid, face blank except for a few stray tears working their way down.
Willy looked bored. Taylor’s body thumped on the ground as he checked his watch. “Ugh. I really thought that this would be faster, huh kiddo? Guess some parents just don’t care.”
Scary Marlowe teresa, terry the third, terry jr jr, the emo one, mini-him, edgelord supreme, the one he somehow knew the least even though they had sat at the same table at the wedding squeaked.
Her fingers flew free from their fisted prisons and Lark could see both the indent of the netting and the bloody crescents from her nails etched into her palms.
The net dropped heavily onto Taylor’s head (Lark choked back the bile rising in his throat) and his stupid pork-pie hat tipped off and onto Scary’s shoes.
Normal had stopped shrieking and was full-on sobbing into the ground. And then Row, his better side, his beautiful half, his twin, his six-minutes-older brother, the man that had saved his life time over time, the man that had taken him in without a second thought when he realized that Lark was sleeping on the streets, Sparrow Oak-Garcia stepped forward. His foot caught on a loose piece of gravel and it skittered across the blacktop, catching the attention of everyone.
Lark managed to drag his eyes away from the decapitated child in front of him and lock them onto Sparrow as he addressed the children with what he hoped would be their saving grace.
“Would this be a bad time to say I told you so?”
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valyalyon · 4 months
3 Chromatic Residue
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CW: smut, jealousy, explicit language. MDNI. 1.5K Words.
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Ember was standing in the art gallery, exchanging hot kisses with Arthur as he pressed her against the wall.
He pulled away just enough to talk, “we’ve been dating for a week today. I can’t wait for a month, a year, I bet I’ll shout from the roof about it.”
Her eyes widened and she met his honey eyes, “happy one week, Apollo…”
Arthur kissed her again and was about to respond when the door to the gallery opened.
The man quickly pulled away from Ember and made his way to greet the customer.
Ember stood at the wall for another minute, attempting to catch her breath before following far behind Arthur.
Even if some of the paintings were of her, she tried to make it seem as if she was shopping for art too.
She quickly noticed that the customer was a woman, maybe mid-twenties, and she was uncomfortably nice with Arthur. Ember felt a twinge of jealousy watching the woman flirt with her man, but she felt guilty…
Did she really have any room to be mad at Arthur for flirting with the customer if Ember had still not said she loved him? He had said it so many times, but Ember kept waiting.
The woman’s flirting was tame at first, but eventually she reached out and touched Arthur’s arm as she was laughing, “you’re the most interesting man I’ve ever met, Mr. Marlowe.”
Ember saw the interaction but she wasn’t staring directly at them, trying not to make it obvious that she was ready to explode.
The man laughed, removing the woman’s hand as he did, “don’t touch me, I’m a taken man. Are you looking for any art in particular?”
“Do you do custom paints for customers?” the woman asked curiously, seeming to drop the flirty attitude.
“Depends on the subject. What ideas did you have?” Arthur asked, smiling at the woman respectfully.
“A painting of me,” she replied.
“Portraits would run about…” he began, but the woman interrupted.
“I was thinking a fully nude piece. Maybe even with your inserting yourself in the final product,” her voice returned to the flirty rhythm, and she again reached to touch him.
Arthur stepped back, “I don’t do nude art for anyone other than my beautiful lover. I’d be happy to make a portrait of your face, but please behave a little more professionally.”
“I really want to fuck you, though,” the woman replied.
Arthur rubbed his head in irritation, “Jesus fucking Christ. Get out of my gallery or I’ll call the police.”
The woman left the gallery, muttering under her breath about ungrateful men.
Ember was amazed by how he handled it, almost believing that he had set up the entire situation. She turned her attention to him and his face displayed his irritation.
“Really a waste of my time to walk in here acting stupid,” Arthur commented, shaking his head and turning his attention to Ember, “you make my life better every time I see you.”
Ember’s eyes widened as she stared up at Arthur, “did you really mean everything you said to her or did you just talk like that because I’m here?”
“We’ve gone over this. I’m a man of my word. I meant everything I said, I should have called her ugly too,” the man added, voice hoarse with annoyance.
“That’s mean,” she replied quickly, and turned her attention away from him, deciding to walk away.
Before she could get far, he grabbed her arm and turned her around, pulling her to his chest. He lifted her face and kissed her, “I can show you mean if that’s really what you want.”
“You want to prove that you’re a bad man, then?” Ember’s voice sounded curious and taunting.
“Absolutely,” Arthur said, and pulled Ember’s top off her body, setting it aside and pulling her skirt down her legs, “When you left your panties, I kept them. I love smelling the scent of your pussy juices.”
The younger woman moaned slightly. She watched at him as he removed her panties and smelled them, “that’s not right, you can’t just undress me and try to fuck me wherever, whenever you want.”
“That was one of my requests from my girl,” Arthur reminded her. He let his fingers run up her legs, as he kneeled down, “do you not think you can keep up?”
“Fuck you, of course I can keep up,” Ember responded with anger, looking down at him as she continued, “why do you treat me so bad when I love you?”
“You love me?” His honey eyes opened wide and a smile spread on his face. He stood up, his fingers moving in between her legs to finger her as he kissed her lips, “I love you. I don’t treat you bad… I just want every bit of you.”
When you move, Honey, I’m put in awe of something so flawed and free.
Her green eyes rolled back as she felt the pleasure of his strong fingers inside of her, “mmm, Apollo… that feels really good.”
He went a little faster with his fingers, while his free hand focused on taking off his pants and getting his thick cock out for Ember, “you’re so wet and hot… You drive me insane.”
His muse moaned as Arthur grabbed a chair and sat down, rubbing his hardened cock. Ember slid down onto his cock, wrapping her legs around him and rolling her hips as she lowered herself, “fuuuck…”
He thrusted up to meet her every grind, groaning slightly as he grabbed her ass, then quickly moving his hands up to her breasts and squeezing those as well, “perfect. You’re the best, Calliope. My Ember…”
She bounced faster as his thrusts became harder, and her sounds echoed even louder. Ember’s panting turned on Arthur even more so he smacked her ass several times as she sped up.
Ember had been correctly taking her birth control so when Arthur started to reach his peak, he felt no need to pull out or slow down. His intensity was unreal and the girl was drunk off the feelings he gave her.
The orgasm was mutual and loud, with Ember’s vagina squeezing around his shaft and extracting every drop out of him. They shared wet kisses and their hands greedily felt the skin of the other, as they both repeated, “I love you”.
Two days after her love confession to Arthur, Ember was returning to the gallery from a grocery run. She had needed a few ingredients for their dinner, and had two bags she was easily able to carry with one hand.
As she entered the Artist Alley, she was caught off guard with a familiar scent.
The smell was that of an expensive cologne, accompanied by hints of cigarette smoke, whiskey and the essence of the road.
Lazarus James…
She didn’t make it very far into the aroma, quickly spotting Lazarus as he scanned the crowd for her.
Ember thought she lowered her head in time, but their eyes met and as she picked up the pace as she heard his voice behind her.
She didn’t make it far when he grabbed her hand and stopped her in her tracks. Ember looked at him, then down to their hands, “Lazarus, please let go.”
“I’ve been looking for you since you left me. There’s no one for me like you, Angel… I’m ready to change and be whoever you want me to be,” the older man told her.
His eyes were just as dark as she remembered, his hair a little longer and more unkempt but still black.
Lazarus wore his signature leather jacket and Ember caught herself worrying if he was too hot, before quickly burying the silly thought.
Her green eyes looked into his black ones, and she tugged slightly at her hand, “I’ve had to move on, Lazarus. That was a long time ago and we’re different people. You need to move on.”
“I don’t want to move on,” his voice shook as he responded, “the Cowboy is dead, I’m here… Be mine again.”
“I met someone else… I can’t just drop him because you show back up in my life,” she lowered her eyes, but her hand was still in his. She gazed over his veins, and along his strong arms.
“If you need me, will you call me?” Lazarus reached in his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a folded note, “here… please.”
“I don’t want to take this and give you false hope,” Ember responded, again tugging at her hand to get it away from him.
Honey, don’t feed me, I will come back.
He pulled her hand open and placed his note inside her palm, holding her hand closed after, “it’s not hope. I have to know you can reach me if you need me, it’s the only thing that will keep me calm.”
Ember looked into his dark eyes, but there was a storm coming that she could see behind him. She swallowed and shook her head, “don’t wait up for a call. Bye, Mr. James.”
She pulled her hand away quickly, and turned back down the alley, quickly making it back to the gallery with her groceries.
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3CR and 4CR are both really short, very sorry about that but I wasn't holding back. I wanted things to feel quick, so hopefully I'm doing it semi-right.
Love u all qt pi's !
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Movement by Hozier
It Will Come Back by Hozier
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scotianostra · 8 months
On January 28th 1927 hurricane force winds struck Scotland, killing 22 and seriously injuring 150 people in Glasgow.
The following day, the Larne Times told readers that practically ‘every property in Glasgow was damaged’ - with two tenements completely destroyed. Locals described the crash of falling debris in all corners of the city.
With schools shut down, trams halted, and the telephone systems down - Glasgow was chaotic. Fifty fire engines were on hand to help the city, with eight ambulances continuously carrying the injured to hospital.
On Newark Street, a repairman was crushed by a snapped tree blown down by the winds – killing him instantly. Elsewhere in the city, several of those killed were crushed by falling masonry - such as George McDonald who was rendered unconscious by a falling chimney and died in hospital two days later.
The largest death toll was caused by the collapse of a chimney head at Marlow Street in Kinning Park, with the falling wreckage killing five people outright. The gales threw masses of solid stonework down through successive flights of the homes, tearing occupants and furniture in an avalanche towards the ground.
Two infant children miraculously escaped at Marlow Street. One child, who fell two storeys, was found among the debris - with a dummy still in its mouth, crying but unhurt.
A second child, who had been sitting in a pram on the ground floor, was unscratched by the masses of stones, plaster, and stoves which had fallen around.
Across Scotland, 22 deaths were recorded - nine of these due to the collapse of buildings. In one case, a man trying to get home by way of the train tracks to avoid falling masonry was killed by a night train.
On February 1, the Lord Provost announced the opening of a relief fund for the hurricane. He appealed to Glaswegians: “Great distress has been caused to many deserving citizens by the disastrous hurricane of last week, especially those who have bereaved and rendered homeless by the collapse of their houses, and the destruction of their furniture and other belongings.”
Elsewhere in Scotland, a horse-lorry driver was killed by a flying piece of iron from a nearby building in Dundee. An East Lothian farmer lost her life when the roof of the farm hen house collapsed on itself.
The damage in Glasgow was estimated at around £250,000, which is £16million by today's standards.
Those lost in the 1927 hurricane included; Nan Dicke (12), Hugh Gallacher (44), James Brown (46), Martian McIntyre (25), Lizzie McIntyre (8), Charles Rennie (4), James Duncan (2), George Henderson, Charles Connelly (36), George McDonald (39), and George Hunter (21).
The video shows footage from British Pathé of the aftermath of the tenement terror.
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felineverdure · 8 months
anywaysss manga jean >>> anime jean
dont get me wrong he is still one of my best bois. finally caught up to the anime and was lowkey upset that a lot of good jean dialogues/reactions/little things were shafted, cut out or moved to other characters. (mostly s1-s3 stuff.) some rambling of mine on parts that they change that i dislike.
one small thing that they changed it up for anime was his motivations for joining the mp. sure we all know that his purpose was to live what little time he has left comfortably in the interior. but he also emphasize on being sick living in the frontline towns that is prone to titan attacks which is pretty normal and valid reason to want to escape to the inner walls imo. animes only sees jean as a spoiled brat bc eren says he is but manga jean is not?? also his face calling out marco in manga is just * chef kiss *
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2. this one bugged me A LOT. i think they move this whole dialogue to a another character. ( i cant rmbr) basically jean aint dumb. he went on to school eren on the 'reclaim wall maria operation' aka the culling when eren chastised him for his 'selfish' reasons for wanting to join the MP. here we we have the classic pessimist, defeatist jean kirstein. (also lowkey baby anarchist)
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3. his jealousy towards eren isnt really purely from his crush on mikasa but more of eren dragging mikasa and armin into 'an early grave'
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5. jean eventually stopped slacking off but likely to get back on eren (love his level of pettiness)
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6. after training everyone wants to be in marco's team with marco as a leader which prompts marco to tell jean he makes a much better leader than him. (i find it weird that they insert the dialogue in the trost arc itself. it gives little time for jean to digest the idea of him being a leader whereas it makes more sense here in the manga, pacing wise)
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7. his motivations to join the scouts. its not just eren or marco words that inspired him into joining. NO. trost arc made him realized he does care about his comrades. his decision to joining the scouts includes him wanting to not have to worry about his other comrades dying. (i feel that this doesnt translate well in the anime ugh) if u noticed, connie and sasha's fear was 'to be eaten by titans' for jean its 'watching his comrades be eaten by titans' its not about him saving humanity or be a leader. he just doesnt want his friends to die.
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8. strategist jean!!!! (i know this is included in the anime but i like the manga ver more. it feels like he has more confidence and authority here) and reiner's thoughts on jean's change.
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9. after the entire military rescued eren from reiner & bert, suffering huge losses, jean gave eren a reality check. (i think this part was shorten greatly and moved to another scene in the anime) + the scene of the scouts noting how jean has changed was removed completely.
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10. when jean managed to bring marlowe and hitch to help them. levi says GOOD JOB JEAN.
& the whole scene was changed from the MP compound to the MP checkpoint where jsc busted through with a cart. manga was pretty badass in that we were shown how levi squad arent children anymore, having the need to wound the mps to reach their goals. (plus jean and sasha busy being baddies on the roof sniping and shooting arrows at the mps ??? )
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11. I CANT FORGIVE YOU REINER line. it make no sense in the anime for them to remove this because annie's 'what about me' makes no sense without that line!!! also makes their conversation on the flying boat and titanic scene more impactful later on.
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12. jeans & floch relationship!!!! please please trust me when i say floch makes one of the best jean relationship & interaction because how they are each others foil and weakness. the anime straight up made jean a floch hater and floch that one weirdo who cant take a hint. their relationship is so subtle and nuanced in the mange. PLUS jean straight up tries to stop floch from bleeding to death, something the anime cut out bc they dont want to show someone cared about floch!!! also trying to stop someone from dying even tho its 100% happening?? not a very jean like reaction me thinks (ooooh). and the manga panel focusing on flochs dying words with jeans stressed expression is so so good
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13. THIS
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ok anyways these are just some of the things i can think of reagarding to jean at least. there are also other parts of the story that i was upset that they didnt include. i know anime runs on strict time limitations but *grumble* *grumble*
other things that im upset about: eren kruger adaptation in anime was meh. warriors training era was cut out. RBA spying days was cut out too which is a big L IMO. also facial expressions in the manga were so much more impactful than the anime version like how??????? and manga is jean is top tier hot. i hate what mappa did with him.
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orangetubor · 3 months
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Me giving The Marlowe a smoochie kiss
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The Marlowe hiding under her table because the roof is leaking and she's so so frightened
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The Marlowe trying to scratch her ear (she cannot reach) (she has arthritis)
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fix you too.
maybe we could be something somewhere down the road...
not proofread, all over the place, I need something to get the song stuck put of my head 😝
pink is the girl character (doesn't get a name, you can think its you if you want 😘)
blue is jj
purple is both
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by the looks of the ceiling there's rain getting in through the roof...
she lived in an old house. it was a nice size but super old. made of bricks and wood. there was constantly problems that needed to be fixed. new refrigerator, new lights in the bathroom, new AC, new door hinges, new window seals. you name it, it needs to be replaced.
the old soles in these boots are worn and cracked....
jj never threw anything away, even the things that were gone 50 miles back. he knows he needs new boots and other stuff but he can't afford to fix anything at the moment. he doesn't have time or money to put effort into stuff that's just going to get worn and beat down anyway.
and I need some work myself...
she had issues from when she was younger. trauma that she had never done anything about. she knows its there, she knows she needs help, but shes just too exhausted to get anything done from the talking relationship with jj
when my edges ain't so rough
jj knew he had rough edges. he was never going to be anywhere close to being perfect, and he owned up to it. the so called edges weren't harmful, but they sure did get in the way of the relationship
i keep taking the broken and thinking ill be the glue...
she always gotten herself into things she couldn't handle. she knows, but she doesnt learn. she's had boys like jj in the past, trying to be the girl that makes everything perfect, but it just leads her to a broken heart. she doesn't want it to happen with jj.
and breaking your heart is the last thing I wanna do...
jj loved her. even if they werent together. being friends for as long as they have made them love each other. he never wanted to hurt her. knowing that hes imperfect and not exactly the material she needs in a relationship, making him not want to get to involved. he loves her so much he doesn't know if he wants to be a thing with her.
i know that a younger me couldn't sit here now and tell those blue eyes no...
she always had a crush on jj maybank, making it so much harder to move on from whatwhat wasnt even a relationship. she knew it was better if they fixed themselves for each other before going in with a relationship. there was so much to do, overwhelming her to the point where she couldnt think about her feelings. his blue eyes were hypnotising but she was too focusrd on being perfect for him that she had to wait
when you get your shit together
jj knew she had problems. he was the first to be told when her parents starting fighting when they were in second grade. he knows she's not ready either. he knows she needs to prepare herself before jumping into a relationship with the jj maybank. he needs her to be able to help him. they need to help each other
i don't want to have to fix you too
they both are fully aware they have shit to do before they can fix eachpther. if their both broken, how can they care to heal eachother. the bills and payments are stacking up. they need to fix everthing to settle down enough to have a relationship.
maybe we could be something somewhere down the road
they know once they do get themselves together, they would make a great couple. a poor boy with a great sense of humor and a comfortable girl that laughs. once their ready, they'll be perfect.
song- fix you too by Megan Moroney and Kameron Marlowe
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ailendolin · 1 year
for the prompts, maybe 9 for Gabrian, please~?
Thank you so much for the prompt "Trust" for these two! I hope you enjoy this little post-movie ficlet!
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
Chance Meeting
It was a coincidence, really, that Gabriel was passing by the Earl of Croydon’s house just when Ian was roughly being shoved out of the front door by a guard. She had been on her way to the market but all thoughts of buying fabrics for Bill’s latest play fled her mind when she saw Ian stumble down the stairs and land hard on his knees in the mud. A small bag of belongings landed next to him in the street.
“Now get lost!” the guard growled before he carefully locked the house behind him. He left without sparing Ian a second glance and Gabriel stood there for a moment, shocked. She’d known Croydon’s house was to be cleared out this week and that Ian, being Croydon’s former servant, had been tasked with doing the packing up – Bill had told her as much after his latest talk with the Earl of Southampton. She hadn’t known that Ian would be treated like a common thief, though. Seeing him get kicked out of what was, essentially, his home by a stranger as if he were no better than a common household pest made her blood boil.  
She had half a mind of going after the guard and giving him a piece of her mind when movement across the street caught her attention. Ian was shakily getting to his feet and the slow way in which he moved made it glaringly obvious that that poor leg of his hadn’t gotten a chance to heal over the last few days. It took him far longer than it should have to find his balance and when he finally did, his leg trembled visibly. He made quite a sorry sight as he stood there, dripping mud and with his few belongings lying at his feet. Gabriel had been in his place once, a long time ago, and when his attempt to retrieve his bag made him wince in barely suppressed pain her old back injury twinged in sympathy.
“Wait, let me help you,” she said and hurried across the street. She picked up the bag – it was awfully light – and handed it to him.
“You’re – you’re one of them,” Ian said shakily and took an unsteady step backwards. He looked as if he’d seen a ghost and Gabriel didn’t blame him. She’d still been an assassin the last time they’d met, and he didn’t seem to have heard that the queen had granted her asylum.
“Not anymore,” she said with her best reassuring smile. “I’m working for Bill now – Bill Shakespeare? The man who wrote the play?”
Ian swallowed hard and clutched his belongings more tightly against his chest. “I – I had nothing to do with what happened with Mr Shakespeare’s wife or – or Mr Marlow, I swear!”
He took another step away from her and his injured leg slipped on the muddy ground. Acting purely on instinct, Gabriel’s arms shot out to steady him.
“Careful,” she said softly and released him once she was sure his leg would bear his weight.
“Thank you,” Ian whispered without looking at her. “Are you going to stab me now?”
Gabriel laughed because otherwise she might cry. “Of course not. I tried to tell you: I work for Bill now – as a seamstress.”
“Oh,” Ian said and finally dared to look at her. “Congratulations?”
This time, Gabriel’s laugh was more genuine. “Thank you. They’re really good people – and they happen to be looking for someone to take care of their house here in London.”
Ian blinked. “You – you can’t mean me.”
“Why not?” Gabriel asked. “You’re a hard worker. I’ve seen that myself. And you’re out of a job, are you not?”
“Yes, but – I’ve worked for Croydon,” Ian said, resigned. “No one in their right mind would want to employ me after what happened. And Mr Shakespeare has more reason than most not to want me under his roof.”
Gabriel shook her head. “If Anne and Bill can forgive me for the part I played in the plot, they can certainly forgive you for just doing your job.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Ian mumbled, looking down at his feet.
“Well, I am,” Gabriel said and, taking matters into her own hands – literally – gently took hold of his arm. “Please, just come and have dinner with us. Trust me: they’ll be glad to see you.”
“No one is ever glad to see me,” Ian muttered.
Gabriel knew what that felt like only too well.  
“That’s not true,” she said softly. “I was glad to see you, just now. We’ve been wondering what had happened to you – Anne, Bill and I.” She paused. “I did not lie when I said you would be welcome in their home.”
She knew it would take a long time for Ian to trust her – to trust anyone, really, after the way he had been treated by Croydon for years – but when he tentatively nodded and allowed her to lead him down the street, Gabriel felt her heart lift with hope. Hope that he would let them help him, that he might stay–
That perhaps one day, he would look at her and see a friend rather than someone he should fear.
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justellie-b · 1 year
‘In the Belly of the Beast’ 6x17 commentary with Andrew Marlowe, David Amann and Rob Bowman.
Andrew: It's interesting watching the maturity that Beckett has in this. In other episodes, she would have run out into traffic after this guy with blinders on and ended up running off a roof like she did in ‘Always’. But there's a maturity to her in this, much more tactical, much more emotionally detached. She wants to take this guy down, but she wants to do it in a smart way. It's part of her arc of growth.
David: She's not really willing to throw her life away anymore. So it's a simple and clear way to express that.
Rob: Look at the guy, the hand, decision time. Not gonna run off a roof anymore.
I love this! Such a short scene but shows the beautiful character growth in Kate Beckett. ‘In the Belly of the Beast’ commentary was really fascinating to listen to, made me appreciate the episode more!
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sidewalkstamps · 1 year
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D. C. Messinger Contractor (Photo taken by me March 26, 2023)
There were many listings for Messinger’s work, mostly as a designer but earlier included some contracting. He was the designer and contractor for a residence for an Emma Thompson at 408 E. 66th St. He was a contractor with L. O. Fiscel (?) on a bungalow for Ruth Williams Ingraham in Washington Heights at Reservoir & Gladstone streets. At that time Fiscel & Messinger were located at 315 W. 61st Street. In the same year, he was released from a lien by National Lumber Company. (Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 3, Engineers and Architects Association of Southern California, 1909.)
Messinger was located at 216 (and sometimes also 217) Bradbury Bldg in 1919. That year’s notices included designing two bungalows and garages on Hillcrest Terrace for D. H. Harrocks. Messinger “prepared the plans” for G. F. Sloan to build a “2-story 19-room hollow tile residence on Irving Blvd. near Sixth St. for J. E. Adams” and for a double bungalow to be built at “163 East Forth-seventh Place” for Chas. Roth, containing “two flats of four rooms and bath each” with “concrete foundation, redwood siding, shingle roof, pine trim, oak and pine floors, disappearing beds, water heaters, plumbing, wiring.” Messinger was designer and superintendent for the construction of a bungalow and garage (5 rooms) at 1239 Kenmore Ave. for A. M. Shaw (Southwest Builder and Contractor, p. 23, December 19, 1919).
He also “prepared plans for a 2-story frame and plaster flat building to be erected on Gramercy Place between 6th St. and Wilshire Blvd., for Gertrude R. Nash., was the designer for a bungalow and garage at 1839 N Van Ness Ave.,  and was the designer for a 2-story, 10-room resodemce at 857 S Bronson Ave.
This was the best little blurb I found about him:
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Most of this information was from Southwest Builder and Contractor, F. W. Dodge Company, 1919.
By 1925, he had moved again to 1210 Taft Bldg. in Hollywood (some say that was the fictional Philip Marlowe’s office) and had “completed plans [to] build two-story, 6-stores, 12 offices at the northeast corner of Porter Ave. and Brand Blvd., San Fernando, for B.A. Munn” (Building and Engineering News, Volume 25, Issue 1, 1925).
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meanstreetspodcasts · 2 years
Episode 520 - Marlowe Matinee (Adventures of Philip Marlowe)
This month, Philip Marlowe returns to the big screen with Liam Neeson starring as Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles gumshoe. To celebrate, I've picked three old time radio Marlowe mysteries with the great Gerald Mohr. We'll hear "The Restless Day" (originally aired on CBS on January 8, 1949), "The Headless Peacock" (originally aired on CBS on July 16, 1949), and "The Man on the Roof" (originally aired on CBS on April 4, 1950).
Check out this episode!
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internetkatze · 2 years
dont actually know that much about em so
🖊 anika and marlowe
Anika never talks about their past except to drop some very vague-yet-alarming statements sometimes and then move right along like they never said anything weird. They LOVE costumes and dressing up and already had a detective coat ready to go just in case a Real Detective ever dropped out of the blue to offer them a job (isn't that convenient!!!). Speaking of which they love fictional detectives and have read a metric ton of detective novels. We decided The Great Mouse Detective was released in the 40s for the sole reason of being Anika's Favourite Movie. They easily fall asleep in moving vehicles. They're the kind of person who says "oh, I know a place!!" and takes you to the roof of an abandoned building. Actually they love walking into random shops and restaurants just to see what they'll find there, so they know every hole-in-the-wall hidden gem in the city. They are friends with rats and pigeons and won't hesitate to pick them up off the street and gush about how cute they are. Their birthday is September 5th. Tax fraud creature.
Already did Marlow but bonus Marlow fact: Y'know all those detective novels Anika reads? Marlow doesn't know a single one of them. She's vaguely aware of Sherlock Holmes, and that's about it.
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violetswritingg · 6 days
Only in Darkness
Jason Todd X OFC!
"Only in Darkness can you see the stars."
Marlowe Knight stumbling upon a girl prophesied to end the world and going on the adventure of a life time.
Rating: M (Blood, cannon typical violence, sibling rivalry, scars, torture, trauma, angsttttt)
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
Chicago, Illinois
The Doctor stood at his kitchen Island, preparing himself breakfast, glass mixing bowls set out before him holding different ingredients, not a speck of disorganization could be seen amongst the expensive countertops and fine dishes. Something seemingly so psychologically clinical about it all, the plain ringtone interrupting him from continuing to stir the contents in one of the pans on the stove.
“I trust you’re calling me with good news.” The man spoke, almost robotic in his phrasing, cold and clipped.
 A woman’s voice on the other side of the phone, “Not yet, we’re experiencing some difficulties with the patient, but we understand how important this is.”
The doctor, obviously not happy with what he’s just been told, frowns, and grabs a metal device with a clear button on top from next to his phone and moves it around in his hand. Manicured nails lightly scratching along the side of the technology, his thumb coming to rest on top of the button as he spoke down at the phone, “I’m not sure you do.”
His thumb circled the button, caressing the device as the woman spoke again, a twinge of panic under her own strict cadence.
 “We have been able to secure the independent contractor.”
The man’s head tipped ever so slightly to the side, his frown turning up at the corners. His thumb leaving the button and dragging down the side of the body.
“Good, I’ll be seeing you shortly.”
Marlowe didn’t know where she was along the route to Chicago, but she could barely keep her eyes open while driving. Even with the plethora of energy drink cans littering the car she had borrowed from the Columbus safe house. So, going until she could see the little sign for lodging at the next exit she got off the road and pulled up to a rundown looking motel.
Not the best place, and there was definitely something nicer up the road but she was just too tired to really care too much. So, pulling her half-asleep self from the car she went into the front office and called out. A surprised looking woman came out from the back, bags under her eyes she attempted to cover with makeup and blood shot eyes, as well as the slight fizziness in on one side of her hair let Marlowe know she had woken the woman up. With a wince Marlowe apologized under her breath.
“It’s okay, no worries, how can I help you?” The woman asked, eyes slightly brighter at the prospect of actually having someone renting out one of the rooms.
“I need a room for the night, one bed.” Marlowe rasped out, and the woman nodded.
“Any preference, ground floor, second floor? Front? back?” The woman obviously tried to joke, her own laugh falling pitifully from her lips.
“As secluded as it gets, please.” Marlowe attempted, succeeding in making the woman smile. Paying and being handed the key with a ‘let me know if you need anything, I’m in room 101.’ From the owner.
 Finding her room in the back corner of the motel on the second floor, Marlowe’s eye also caught the fire escape the lead down the ground but also up the roof. A small smile caught her lips as she settled in for the night.
She took a quick two-hour nap and was right back at it. Pulling out her laptop, she spent the next hour trying to read the same paragraph over and over until it stuck in her brain. Her frustration building the longer she tried, and the more tired she got.
 Her not so concentrated concentration was broken by her phone ringing, a young Michael Jackson singing to her.
“I could feel you thinking too hard.” Jason’s voice came softly across the speaker.
“What are you doing up?” Marlowe checked the time; Bruce would have sent him back from patrol by now.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Jason responded, his voice lilting up at the end, his smile and amusement evident.
“I had some work to do, stopped for the night and wanted to feel productive.” Marlowe sat back against the headboard and played with a loose thread on the bottom of her sweater.
“How’s that going for you?” Jason asked, a smile in his voice, and Marlowe puffed out a breath through full cheeks.
“Like shit.”
Jason’s laugh brought an uncontrollable smile to her face and Marlowe couldn’t fight the yawn that came over her.
“So, definitely thinking too hard then.”
“You could say that, yes.” Marlowe sighed.
“I knew it, I’m always right about these things Marlowe.” Jason laughed and Marlowe couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“I take it back.”
“Can’t do that, it’s against the rules.” Marlowe could picture in her mind Jason leaning back in a chair or on his bed, arms crossed and smirk painted wide on his lips. Wild blue-green eyes lit up with mischief and overwhelming warmth that would make Marlowe’s whole body fill up with what felt like bubbles ready to burst.
“And who made these rules? I’d like to have a conversation with them.” Marlowe barked out a laugh, moving to lay on her side on the bed, legs curling into her chest slightly.
“Me. Mission accomplished… Speaking of missions, Bruce mentioned something about Chicago.”
“You keeping tabs on me?” Marlowe slowly rolled onto her back, eyebrow raising to the ceiling.
“How else am I supposed to know if you’re okay?” The bubbles burst and Marlowe sighed, knowing that she was already failing to keep Jason updated like she told him she would.
“Hey, I get it. You’ve been busy, I know it can’t be easy going at it alone.”
Marlowe paused, grabbing a strand of dyed blonde hair, and twirling it. Slightly brassy from not keeping up with it. The once beige blonde looking warmer than she thought looked good on her.  Just more evidence that she hadn’t really been keeping up with anything lately, all by herself. 
“Yeah…. Alone.” Marlowe dropped her hair and sat up slowly, mindful of her ribs, and wincing when they twinged.
“But you got this, and you have me if you need me. But you’re a certified badass, so I know you got this. You’re gonna find him and beat his ass like he deserves…” Marlowe knew he wasn’t done, so she waited, “And if you go a little farther than that, I won’t hold it against you, and I know Bruce won’t either.”
Jason liked to think he knew Bruce, and he did, kind of. But Bruce would hold it against her, for a while maybe. Not forever, because she knew the thought had crossed his mind at least a dozen times with some of his rogue gallery who had done a fraction to Bruce compared to what The Mist did to her. But that thought scared her.
The thought of going too far, she already had once so far on an innocent life. A cop that was just doing their job. She couldn’t even remember her name. Guilt, hot and heavy as a lead weight pulling her under water settled in her chest. She really liked Jason, they were best friends, but she knew that she couldn’t tell him any of this, because just like he thought he knew Bruce, he thought he knew her.
But the truth is, he never wanted to see her as anything less than a ‘certifiable badass’, but she was scared, and she knew that if she told Jason he would brush her off and tell her it would all be okay because she was amazing at what she did.
He was a great hype man, just sometimes missed the que to get a bit more emotional. It just wasn’t something Jason did. As if Jason was afraid that any kind of positive association would break him. And if Marlowe was honest, she was in the same boat. Wanting him close but not that close.
Close enough to be there, but not to see the whole picture. She wasn’t ready for that. They walked a dangerous line and they both knew it. Jason was just a bit more reckless than she was.
“You okay?” Jason asked, breaking Marlowe from her introspective ditch.
She was too tired for this shit.
“I think I’m gonna call it for tonight, thanks for calling. I’ll be better about keeping you updated, okay? I promise.”
They said their goodbyes, Jason telling her not to miss him too much before hanging up. Leaving Marlowe to stare at the home screen photo on her phone. The cracks in the screen cutting through the smiling faces of her, her dad, Sadie, and Hailey.
Marlowe turned her phone off with a sigh and rolled over.
The next morning Marlowe was awoken by the Staff, the living weapon nudging her with excited shifts of light and high-pitched whines.
“Someone had a good night’s sleep.” Marlowe sarcastically grinned. A wolfish quality to her smile that made the Staff dampen, sounds of protest leaving Cosmo. Marlowe softened and chuckled as she rubbed sleep from her eyes, “You are a child.”
The Staff shut themselves off and Marlowe scrambled to catch them before they hit the floor. Wide awake now, glaring at the staff, and grumbling under her breath as she set them down on the bed and proceeded to get ready for the day. Eyeing the dark roots starting to come in on the top of her head with a huff.  
 Once showered and all packed up Marlowe made her way to the front office, texting Jason that she was about to get on the road again as she opened the door.  The bell chimed as she ran into something solid and was knocked back slightly. Maintaining her grip on the cellphone in her hand. Not wanting to drop it and break it literally a day after she got it.
 “What the fu-”
 Marlowe’s eyes snapped up to brown eyes she hadn’t seen since DC, hands gripped her shoulders, Dick looking at her like she may disappear if he stopped looking at her.
The last thing Marlowe expected was for Dick to pull her in and hug her, his arms cinching around her shoulders as hers went shock still by her sides. Her duffle bag and phone hanging by her side, having put her case in the car she was borrowing from Bruce already.
“Are you okay?” Dick breathed, scanning her over when he pulled back, holding her at arm’s length. The man only slightly relaxing when he couldn’t see any visible blood stains or injuries. Flashes of DC coming back to him in waves.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Can you let go now?” Marlowe pried herself out of his hold, looking at him like he had grown a third head. “What are you doing here?”
 “What am I-” Dick’s eyes widened and he huffed, putting his hands on his hips his shoulders bowed forward and he seemed to hover over Marlowe, “What are you doing here? Kory told me she left you in Columbus on your request. With a stab wound and severe blood loss, why are you not still in bed?”
Marlowe’s jaw ticked as her eye narrowed at Dick, the man seeming to understand he went a little overboard but not apologizing. Only sighing and running his hands through his hair and trying to take her duffle bag from her, motioning her to come with him.
Marlowe took a step back, shaking her head. “I can’t Dick. Rachel is safe and I have to go-”
“Rachel isn’t safe anymore Marlowe, something happened at the convent, Rachel lost control. She’s here and we need all the help we can get.” Dick knew phrasing it like that wasn’t fair, but he had just found her again.
“What? I- what are you saying right now?” Marlowe barked out, disbelief and confusion coloring her cadence.
“Rachel needs you.” Dick reiterated, and he saw the conflict raging on inside her eyes.
“She probably hates me now Dick, she doesn’t want me around.” Marlowe spoke, her voice breaking in the middle of her sentence, “Plus I have somewhere I need to be.”
“Chasing ghosts isn’t going to help you.” Dick took a step towards Marlowe, who didn’t move back but still wouldn’t look Dick in the eye.
“That’s rich coming from you-
“One day, just stick around for one day. We can figure out how to protect Rachel and go after the Mist. Please Marlowe, just one day.” Dick pleaded, Marlowe finally looking at him. Her eyes narrowed as she huffed, biting the inside of her cheek.
“One day. And then I need to leave.” Dick would take it, if it meant being able to keep an eye on her. Marlowe handed over her bags to Dick and went into the front office pay for another night.
Dick led Marlowe to one of the three cars in the parking lot, carrying Cosmo across her back and her duffle bag much to Dick’s protest. The closer they got to the car the slower Marlowe’s feet moved, static filling her ears, muffling the sound of car doors opening and closing and shoes sinking into gravel.
“The fuck?” Kory breathed out as soon as she laid eyes on Marlowe, drawing attention to her figure partially hiding behind Dick.
The older teen and Rachel met eyes and Marlowe tensed up when Rachel stepped towards her, closing the distance between them, piercing gaze cutting into Marlowe.
“I’m sorr-” Marlowe couldn’t even finish the second syllable before Rachel had her arms thrown around Marlowe’s middle in a tight grip.  
“I missed you.” Marlowe felt a jolt through her ribs but dropped her duffle bag and wrapped her arms around Rachel’s shoulders. Holding on just as tightly, the tension in her body draining as Rachel tucked herself under Marlowe’s chin.
“Hi. I’m Gar.” The newest member caught Marlowe’s attention as Rachel pulled back, keeping a grip on Marlowe’s jacket sleeve. Marlowe looked on at the boy with green hair with a suspicious gaze and a tense smile.
“Okay listen up, we’re all in one piece, more or less. We need to figure out where we stand and determine what’s mission critical.” Dick spoke, pacing a couple steps by the door of his motel room, Kory leaning back against the wall between the bathroom and entry way, Rachel and Gar devouring pizza from Edder’s, Marlowe sitting on the bed. Rachel joined her and offered her a bite of her pizza. Marlowe turned it down with a soft smile in thanks.
“Mission critical?” Rachel asked, shifting on the bed, making Marlowe’s position move in a way that should have disturbed her ribs, but Marlowe didn’t feel the usual jolt.
“Is that a cop thing? Sounds like a cop thing.” Gar asked, holding a whole box of pizza.
“I had some combat training when I was younger.” Dick stood up a little straighter, putting his hands in his pockets, Marlowe giving him a look. Receiving a clear signal to stop from Dick, she just rolled her eyes and let herself fall back on the bed, arms by her head. It was weird how nothing hurt the way it did not even a couple hours ago.
“He’s also a cop greenie.” Marlowe said, tilting her head back to meet Gar’s eyes for a second before going back to how she was before.
“I’m sorry, you were referring to “we”?” Kory spoke up, her eyebrows coming together in judgement.
“We as of right now are a group of people who share a common enemy.” Dick danced around the subject and Marlowe brought her hands to her face, groaning internally.
“Which makes us what?” Kory pushed.
There was a tense pause from Dick as he looked at everyone in the room and took a breath, “Let’s call it an alliance. One born of mutual need.”
Marlowe wanted to just leave the room, this was ridiculous.
“And what is that?” Marlowe didn’t want to like Kory but she had to applaud the woman for not backing down. It was almost laughable how uncomfortable Dick looked right now. There were not many people in this world who get under his skin.
“To stay alive.” But of course Dick had to ruin the fun and get all serious, Marlowe pushing herself up and leaning back against the headboard.
“We have no idea how long we have until they find us.”
“You just said they, who are “they”, what do they want?” Asked Gar and Marlowe had the same question but was really worried she knew the answer already. Her eyes locked with Dick as the man shot her a glance and her stomach dropped.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Marlowe groaned, scrubbing her hands over her face and glaring at Dick. The man cleared his throat, Gar looking back and forth between Marlowe and Dick and looking more and more concerned.
“We don’t know who they are, but they want me. And they’re willing to hurt anyone in their way.” Rachel spoke up, being honest with Gar but not necessarily calming him down in any way when Rachel looked at Marlowe and grabbed her hand. As if making sure the older teen was really there and alive.
“They’re some kind of doomsday cult. Which is enough said. Don’t give them more credit than they deserve, I was off my game the last time they showed up. Won’t happen again.” Marlowe corrected, glancing at Gar when she did, before looking to the girl in front of her and squeezing Rachel’s fingers with a small grin.
“It’s because of her… Abilities.” Dick further confirmed. Nodding along silently.
“They make violence look like an art form.” Kory spoke up absently, eyes looking through everything in the room and into the distance.
“The people that attacked us fought in unison. They were perfectly coordinated, we’re not.” Dick started up, not liking the dampened air left from Kory’s comment, “We can’t fight like that unless we learn each other’s moves.”
“Inspiring.” Both Kory and Marlowe commented, the two women glancing at each other with uncomfortable looks.
“And how do you suggest we do that?” Kory recovered, directing her question to Dick with a raised eyebrow.
“We stick together,” Dick’s shoulders shrugged ever so slightly before his eyes cut to Marlowe and then back to Kory, “And we train.”
Marlowe puffed out a breath, “I was really hoping you wouldn’t say that.”
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Colm Meany as Scott Pitcher, mayor of Mystery Alaska (1999) in a scene with Hank Azaria. Colm was born in Dublin and has 144 acting credits from a 1973 Irish tv episode two 2024 films. This is his second honorable mention, after The Commitments.
His other notable credits include episodes of Moonlighting, Remington Steele, and Tales from the Crypt, The Dead, four episodes of One Life to Live, Dick Tracy, Die Hard 2, The Last of the Mohicans, 52 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Con Air, 173 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Layer Cake, Get Him to the Greek, 52 of Hell on Wheels, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2018 as Big Daddy), Tolkien, Seberg, and Marlowe.
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sherry-sid-and-marlow · 3 months
About Sherry, Sid, and Marlow!
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Three wildly different women find themselves under one roof, navigating the ups and downs of daily life. Sherry, a rich and spoiled college dropout, suddenly finds herself cut off from her father’s wealth and evicted from her luxurious apartment. Forced to adapt to a lower-middle-class lifestyle, Sherry moves in with Marlow and Sid after overhearing their need for a third roommate.
Marlow, the kind and smart college student, and Sid, the short, emo, jobless gamer with a penchant for conspiracy theories, become Sherry’s new unlikely roommates. Together, they face the humorous challenges of cohabitation, from Sherry’s cluelessness about basic chores to Sid’s outlandish theories and Marlow’s efforts to maintain peace.
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