#Roo’s vessel au
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“ Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”, Shakespeare
Remember how Angel Dust was when Sir P first came and how he got praise for being more motivated and invested in the activities and becoming a better person?…I can see Charlie begin to have similar issues when Emily comes along, being a High Seraphim who’s main purpose is to ensure the happiness and well being of the winners in Heaven…would probably have a better handle on how to help others compared to someone who’s not only been very sheltered but has often caused problems because her trouble just understanding other peoples problems….could lead to even bigger problems 🍏
Fun fact the name Emily….means Rival.
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 18/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
I've really debated whether or not I'll post this particular part today or do another mystery and have it revealed in a flashback or something.
But then I said nah I'll give it now so you all can enjoy!
Very dialogue heavy.
I appreciate again your reblogs, likes, and very especially, your comments. Something about seeing your reactions or theories motivates me even more. Nothing says writer's pleasure like the suffering of their readers <3
Once upon a time, all Lucifer wanted was to create and be happy. To love and be loved just the same. Being the Angel of Creation and Humility, his Father often sought his counsel regarding the first creations. He was affectionately called 'my Morning Star' by his Father, reminding him that he will be the first light His creations shall see.
When tasked with guarding the Garden, he embraced that duty wholeheartedly. But with Adam's growing ego and Lilith's festering defiance, he could feel himself struggling. He had tried so hard to make it comfortable for the both of them but it was never enough. The only reason Lilith stayed in the Garden for as long as she did was because Lucifer refused to leave right away.
Lucifer: It's my duty, Lily!
That's what he had said. He loved Lilith but he was still very much afraid of what repercussions his Father may give for his disobedience.
Then comes Eve.
Eve was a lovely girl. She's Lilith but softer. She's Adam but kinder. But she has no free will. Adam treated her like a maid and she took it all with a graceful smile.
And well, you know what happened next.
An apple. A sin. A trial. A fall. Darkness. Fire. He wants to get outOUTOUTOUTOUT!-
A makeshift table with 2 chairs appear in between him and Roo. The Root of All Evil moves to sit and motions for him to join her. Lucifer hesitates but follows.
Roo: See, dear fallen, your old man damaged me enough that I can't get my original form to heal like it was before. And just when I was recuperating my power, you and your sinful lot sealed me! Low blow, by the way. Thanks yo you, my vessel is truly destroyed.
Lucifer: That's why you take on these forms?
Roo: Yoou got it! I can show you what I originally looked like but it's merely confined in this space. Like every caged animal, I crave freedom. Freedom I am not willing to have without a proper vessel.
She giggles as Lucifer's expression dawns in realization.
Lucifer: You... want me? As your vessel?
Roo: Yup!
Lucifer: But- Why?
Roo: Consider it an investment! Why, I can't think of anyone better to powerful enough to control Hell and dear enough to hold against Heaven.
It was Lucifer's turn to scoff.
Lucifer: Hold against Heaven? I don't have any value to the people up there. I am no longer an angel?
Roo had to put a hand in her mouth to prevent her from laughing too much again.
Roo: Naive, little fallen. You really think that?
Lucifer: I know that! Or did you forget that I was exiled into this god awful pit?!
Roo: Ah. But that's all, isn't it?
Lucifer: I- huh?
Roo: Your angelic status is all that they took from you, no? And this place is merely a change of office. You still answer to Heaven, whether you admit it or not. You still watch over humanity, albeit the worst ones. And most importantly, you were not stripped of your heavenly powers. You know why? Because you-
She boops his forehead and it took all of his willpower not to bite her finger off.
Roo: -are God's little favorite.
Lucifer: That's not true.
Roo: Yes it is. Tell me, Lucifer. If God was to punish you for the greatest Sin ever committed, why leave you with power to rule it? If that was you, wouldn't you take away all of their being and leave them to rot in the very bottom of the grave they dug themselves? Why would I cast them out them make them rule it? That's just absurd.
Lucifer: You're speaking nonsense.
Roo: Am I? The old man obviously loved you enough to let you keep your divine powers. He probably could not stand the thought of His beloved son suffering at the hands of some lowly human souls.
The Sin of Pride wants to rebuke but can't get the words out. He always did wonder why he still had his wings, why he could still create, why he was made the King.
'Was it really your love, Father?'
He shakes his head and leaves that thought. He may not be at the bottom of the food chain, that doesn't change the fact that he did not, is not suffering.
Lucifer: And you think saying all that will make me give your reign on my body?
Roo: Of course not! But you asked and I gave my answer.
Lucifer: And what happens if I say yes?
Roo: Not a matter of if, fallen. I know you will.
Lucifer: I need you to be more specific.
Roo: Insurance. We already established that you do not have anything else to trap me with and I'd be more than happy to consume all of Hell. It will be a nice snack before my comeback. So, really, what other choice do you have?
Lucifer: I am not just going to let you use my body to get out of here and destroy Hell another way!
Roo: Woah! Who said I'll be destroying Hell? I just want a vessel so I can explore! Plus, as soon as I enter your body, your little Ring would be back to normal.
She produces a golden contract out of the blue and lays it down for Lucifer to see.
Roo: So, let's make a deal.
Lucifer: No.
Roo: Hush. Let me finish. I get my vessel and I won't touch a single thing in Hell anymore. Your body will act as my new "container" by which, until your demise, will remain yours.
Lucifer: What? My demise?
Roo: Yup!
Lucifer: I'm immortal. If we go through with this, you'll never see the light of day again.
This is too good to be true. Not only will Roo be sealed for good but then Hell will safe. So why-
Roo: Then what's the fuss? You trap me forever and with you being immortal, won't even have to think about the other end of the bargain. Fun, right?!
Lucifer: No. What are you not telling me? Why after my 'death'? Is something going to happen that will permanently kill me?
She just gave him a menacing smiles.
Roo: Time is relevant, fallen. There will always be slips and an ancient being like myself, I'm bound to see something in between.
Lucifer: Quit being cryptic!
He is at his wits end. The longer he stays here the worse it gets outside!
Roo: Let me put down the basics of this offer then: I get my vessel and I'll stop this little party trick of mine. I will reside inside you until your 'hypothetical death' by which I'll claim all your being, powers and all. I'll even throw in a sweet deal of letting you keep your soul or have you give it to whoever you wish.
Lucifer: .....
Lucifer: I want to add conditions.
Roo: Be my guest~
Lucifer: In the aftermath of my death, you will do everything in your power to protect Hell and its people against anyone or anything that puts it in danger as long as you reside in my body. That means I also prevent you from leaving this vessel for another to get out of that clause.
Roo: Wonderful-
Lucifer: Hold on. I'm not done. Since you said that you do not wish to have property of my soul, you are to give it to Charlotte Morningstar. She will also ascend as acting ruler of Hell upon my death, not you. But you get to keep being the most powerful demon in Hell.
Roo: Hmmm. Sounds fair. I like those odds, my friend. So-
Roo holds out her glowing red hand. She no longer wore Charlie's face but instead she is now a blob of shadows and eyes. Lucifer has to narrow his eyes to prevent him from being blinded.
Roo: It's a deal then?
Lucifer can already feel Roo's energy inching inside him
Lucifer: Deal.
A handshake. A drop of blood. And a binding contract.
The game is set.
Holy shit?? This was so long??
Fun fact: this was one of the scenes I wanted to do in my first AU post, the radioapple one with Lilith and Eve. But this is more fitting here now.
please leave what you think!
If there are some changes then it's me proofreading it after posting a;sdkla
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ronunknown0413 · 2 months
Roo's vessel, successor, and child(Son/Daughter):
Luci:I am my mother's savage daughter
The one who runs barefoot
Cursing sharp stones
I am my mother's savage daughter
I will not cut my hair
I will not lower my voice
(Roo isn't actually and necessarily evil in my AU/Blog, she's more like God who is on the morally grey side. While God is Lucifer's father, he never actually had a mother before he met Roo, they had a close familial relationship, like God, Roo sees Lucifer as her favorite. Also if you're wondering about the daughter part, Luci is actually genderfluid and goes by any pronouns)
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mrfleshwizard · 1 month
Possible AU Charlies is daughter of adam and lilith, but nobody knows. It is based on dark ritual from dragon age. In few words after Eve ate the apple she is cursed to become vessel of Roo. After her death her body is using by roo but her soul it is trapped. The elders found a way to destroy or at least to sigil Roo but it is going to destroy Eve' soul forever. So lilith propose a plain;if they got achildren together before the battle,this child who have the eden original magic that would attract Eve's soul in body,in this body there would be two soul and original divine magic. Despite Adam doesn't trust Lilith he wished Eve's soul don't die. They make the ritual,so Lilith can have piece of eden but then Lilith loves Charlie she become more of goal and she had moment "what I have done" and giving up her plian of conquest for not using charlie as weapon. This au adam never wanted to kill charlie but he wants to push her away.
Idea of Charlie being child of Adam is something I don't see too much, but it is great AU idea.
Charlie being an weapon is aganist Roo is great but also sad, since in the show Charlie isn't that type of person craving violence, war or murder.
Edit: I had AU idea in my head where Charlie's power was key to free the other gods and return their power.
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diamondkat · 5 months
The backstory for Alastor in this AU is inspired by the fact that I always suspected that Alastor was under a contract even before the show confirmed it. The way his powers work seemed to go beyond being voodoo or radio-based. My original headcanon was that he had multiple contracts with several ancient eldritch beings but for this AU, his contract is with Roo.
It was a contract that was established when he was a child as every member of his father's side of the family is expected to have a contract with Roo. On his father's side, Alastor comes from a long line of dark magic practitioners who say that they can trace their ancestry all the way back to Cain. For generations, they had been trying to create the perfect vessel through which the will of Roo could best manifest itself. However, whenever they thought they were close to achieving it, the person was driven mad by the power. This was until the birth of Alastor.
Alastor's mother was a voodoo practitioner while she was alive. She didn't know what Alastor's father was involved in when they met. It wasn't until Alastor's 6th birthday that she discovered the truth. Alastor's father had tried to induct Alastor into the family cult. Alastor had proven to be a good conduit, too good. The magic was too much for someone so young. It twisted and bent the child, the same way it bent reality around him.
Alastor's father had not expected it to go so badly. He had high hopes for his child. He knew Alastor would be a good conduit but he thought he would have time to teach him control, to make him strong enough to withstand it. He didn't. It happened too fast.
It took the combined efforts of Alastor's mother and father to get it under control. Alastor's mother spent the rest of that night praying and pleading with her ancestors and the loas to help her save her son. She succeeded but the cost was high and even though she succeeded in saving him, he would never be allowed to be a practitioner of her religion due to being marked by evil.
The relationship between Alastor's parent quickly fell apart after that. Alastor's father turned out to be from a family with plenty of money and influence so he was able to take Alastor away from his mother. Alastor only got to see her once a year until she died when he was 12.
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primordialhazbin · 5 months
What really doesn't make any sense to me about the whole Lilith/Eve/Roo ordeal is the reason why real/fake Lilith would leave Hell and go to Heaven to be a secret hidden by her ex-husband.
Why would a woman who had Resist posters everywhere leave the realm she thrived in? Why would she leave her mission to empower her people? If it was Roo/Eve that ascended to Heaven, then why would that be again? Why would the Root of all Evil have ominous images of herself with the latin word for Waiting (Expectare) and yet chill in Heaven for as long as Adam lived? Why would Lute's ultimatum even matter to her because at the end of the day, why wouldn't Roo/Eve/Lilith want to return to Hell?
Idk if I'm on the right path with my AUs, but the only way that I could explain this is with Roo using Eve as a vessel & her ascension to Heaven being the only thing that separated her from the entity that's been leeching into her Venom style. As for Lilith... I genuinely don't think she's been around for a very long time. This is primarily why I believe she's either stored away, or has a different identity altogether. (The Rosie theory)
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mxacegrey · 3 years
Peter Parker Gay Ships galore and some good old angst. I take requests!!!
Updated 31st August 2021
Chapters so far:
- Agent Recluse
- Dad Rhodey
- HYDRA Peter Parker
- Peter Barton
- Get with the times Steve (fem Peter)
- Prompt
- Temporary Bliss
- Adopted by the Bartons
- Spidershield
- Whump
-Save me from spiralling please
- Spiderfrost: Underestimated
- Infinity stone vessels
- Replaced yet found (1 & 2)
- Infinity dance & crack
- Spiderfrost: King of his heart
- Spiderfrost: Asgardian Peter
- Secret Identity
- Forgotten and left behind
- Blow ups
- Misunderstandings
- Spideydevil
- Suicide Squad: Misfit
- Wake Up
- Adopted by supervillains
- Identity reveal
- Peter Maximoff
- Peter/Pedro Toomes
- Spideyflash: Secret Relationship
- Peter Parker-Ross
- Peter Parker-Harrington-Connors
- Peter Barton-Lokison
- Peter Benjamin Wilson
- Sugar Daddy
- Incest
- Pyotr Kravinoff-Marko
- Spideypool switch-a-roo
- Popstar
- FBI agents
- Peter Parker: Time Child
- Mafia AU
- "Peter, No!"
- Subspace
- Murder husbands
- Rags to riches
- Used as bait
- Accidental kiss
- Friends with benefits
- Armour
- Sharing clothes
- Forced to beg
- Teacher/Student
- Hand Jobs
- First Time
- Dub-con
- Stripper
- Tentacles
- Semi-public sex
- Cum as lube
- Pillow Talk
- False impressions
- The morning after
- Punishment
- Mother henning
- Huntsman and Black Widow
- Spidey Vs Venom
- Not coming back
- Hulk & Spiderman
- My uncle Rus
- Cheer Up
- Reverse Flash
- Peter and the magic men
- Peter x Mantis
- Peter x Cooper ~ childhood best friends
- Green Goblin
- Miraculous Spideydevil
- Peter x Lucifer
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the-silentium · 4 years
The Lost Future Pt. 2
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Masterlist Part 3
Pairing: soulmate!Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Soulmate AU where the soulmates share their wounds. || Along with your brother, you are transported into the 1960's with a bunch of kids you don't know. Turns out they are trying to stop the 2019 apocalypse and you are playing a key part of it.
Words: 3500 words
Warnings: Violence, swears, angst, fluff. FRENCH WORDS Y'all have to bear with my French Canadian ass.
A/N: Yay part 2 is out! We are almost at the best part :3 I love comments and feedback 💜 The French words are translated so no need to go on google translate and have a bad traduction. Also, I anyone want to be tagged in the next part, feel free to ask. Enjoy!
After everyone had calmed down and the two slashed hands were taken care of, the food was shared and people scattered to different places in the house and bunker. Andrew hasn't left your side until 11, asking non-stop how you were feeling and catching you up about what happened into his life while you were away. 
"So yeah. Oh and I got a puppy." You squealed in excitation. You loved dogs and puppies were the best. You already knew what breed Roo's companion was, you both had wanted one for years but you would never deny your old Mountain Bernese, Berrick, all the love and attention he deserved. 
"You got a Samoyed?" Oh how you wanted to shower this little ball of white fur in cuddles and kisses. 
"Ya. Named him Yukon. He's the happiest puppy of the world but damn! He loves mud better than his food! I swear, he starts dancing when it rains and the second we open the door, he rolls into the closest puddle of mud." You laugh wholeheartedly, the image clear in your mind. Your joy was short-lived when you caught the sight of a certain blue-eyed boy. Your soulmate. 
The thought felt weird but incredibly right. Deep inside you, a primal desire was burning for you to dive right into the newfound relationship without any back thought and see what would happen next. Unfortunately, you knew what would happen next. It was inevitable. 
So maybe you could save Five from a major heartbreak and just reject him. It would hurt every party involved, but it was the best option. You couldn't lead him on, make him love you, and then break his heart. From what you learned while being around Five today, is that he has walls around his heart. So tall. So thick. You were sure any trauma that would leave someone else broken in thousands of pieces would not even bother him. But your link with him gave you a secret passage through these defenses making you one of the few things that could hurt him. 
"Do you really want to do this to you? Deny yourself to be happy?" Damn him and his perfect reading of you. 
"You know what I'm going back to when we go back in 2019." 
"I do. That's why I say that you should enjoy it while it lasts. You deserve it." 
You scoffed at his comment. "It would be selfish. He would suffer because of me." 
Andrew sighed, he would never change your mind and he knew it. He softly patted the back of your hand before getting up. "All I say is you have your last chance." He made his way in another room, where his not so comfortable bed was waiting for him to try and sleep as much as he could before another day began. 
You harshly wiped the fresh tears for your eyes, but your throat was constricting despite your best efforts. At least, you managed to keep your sobs in, the only telltale of your predicament being the regular shakes of your body. 
You froze when you felt fingers stroking your arm in a reassuring manner. You didn't dare to breathe, in fear of letting a sob escape your lips. No one else could know.
"I'll kill him if he hurt you." Your ragged breath caused the pressure on your arm to increase slightly. You really tried to resist. You tried. But you needed the comfort. Just once. You would allow it just this once. 
"That's what brothers do. You should know that." Five hummed before moving closer. You didn't know how your body knew that Five was going to get onto your bed and sit so that your head would be on his lap, but it did. Your desire to cry came back full force when you realize how heavenly the feeling was. His hand in your hair, his fingers tracing lines on your arm, his patience when waiting for your shaking form to calm down. You felt so dirty to enjoy his presence while knowing that you were digging the grave of his happiness. 
"I'm definitely killing him." You laughed, tapping his legs in a playful manner. His chuckles sounded like music to your ears and you knew right then that you signed your fate. You needed to hear it again and maybe if you were lucky enough, you could hear his laugh before everything ended. 
"Sooo…" You turned on your back so you could try to discern his handsome features in the dark. "Why does Klaus call you old bastard? We are all born on the same day, right?" 
"Yes. But when I jumped into the apocalypse, I got stuck there for 45 years, meaning that my mind is 58 years old." The three lasts words were so low that you almost missed them. Almost. "Deal breaker?" Your bandaged hand reached for his, testing the water. 
"No. Never." You closed your eyes the second his fingers interlaced with yours. You tried to engrave this perfect moment, your first intimate time with your new-found soulmate in your memory.  
"I'm sorry." Five's whispered. His fingers were tracing the border of the bandages covering your hand. 
"For what? You didn't hurt me." You admired his hair, contemplating how soft they would feel under your fingers. 
"Yes I did. I was a hitman. I got stabbed, I barely survived an explosion, I hurt myself in the apocalypse so many times that I'm surprised I didn't die from an infection-" Your furrowed brow made him ponder. "You never got hurt because of me?" 
"Nope. Never. Did you?" He shook his head. His fingers slowed their motions on your hand, telltale of his mind working at light speed. You couldn't stop yourself this time and reached for his dark strands, combing your fingers through their softness. For a tiny second, Five tensed, stopping his ministrations simultaneously but soon relaxed and leaned into your hand. You smiled and massaged his scalp just like your mother did to you when you weren't well. "Maybe our bond couldn't link us through the timelines." He sighed before a tired smile stretched his lips. "I'm glad." 
You giggled, trying to suppress the yawn building in your throat, but failing miserably. A kiss fell on your uninjured hand followed by a stroke on the cheek. "Get some sleep." Your whine got a chuckle from him. "We'll have plenty of time after we stop the apocalypse." A last kiss landed on your forehead and Five moved to get up.  "Good night, mon âme soeur." 
You smiled at his flawless use of French. "Bonne nuit, my soulmate" 
Just after breakfast (read here the rest of yesterday's diner) everyone gathered in the bunker to assess yours and your brother's powers. 
"So, Roo can kinda dematerialize himself? I don't know how to explain it." The Hargreeves were all sat on couches, watching them intently. Vanya had woken up and was briefed of the recent events. 
"Just show us." Diego played with a knife, obviously bored. 
Andrew placed himself in the middle of the room while you joined Five and sit on the ground between his legs. Andrew pointed to Klaus who was fiddling with a controller. "Throw it at me." 
The surprised cough of Klaus made you giggle. His left hand went to his chest dramatically, his eyes wide. "Me? Throw an innocent controller at you?" Letting go of the act, Klaus' eyes returned to normal, a smile on his face. "Fine." 
The throw was messy and weak, hitting its target on the chest nonetheless before falling to the ground and a back piece of it broke. Your twin lifted his arms as to say "see?" He then pointed to Diego, shiny knife still in hands. "Throw it at me. Don't hold back and don't deviate." 
The room stopped breathing. "Sorry, what?" Diego was incredulous, just like everyone else, minus you. 
Confident, Andrew nodded. "You heard me. Bring it on." 
Allison and Vanya tried to dissuade their brother, clearly afraid that someone would be gravely hurt in this process. "You asked for it." You weren't surprised by the amount of force Diego put behind his throw. The knife flew at an incredible speed, passing right through Andrew leaving no hole, no blood, nothing. On the other side, the wall wasn't as lucky. 
"What?!" Diego was on his feet in a second, quickly getting to his knife to inspect it while your brother flashed a smug grin. "Things pass through you?" His eyes went from the broken controller at their feet to the weapon, trying to figure out what really happened. 
"When I want them to." Hands digging in his pants pockets, Andrew swung himself on his heels and toes. "It comes very handy in fights."
You had indeed witnessed a fight between Roo and 3 bigger tugs, the outcome hasn't surprised you, but seeing it was very impressive. He had to time his punches so his body would be fully materialized when the punch landed all the while taking care that his body was dematerialized for any punch threw at him. His power had no secret for him and he mastered it completely. Unlike you, who lacked practice. 
Andrew then sit on the floor, his eyes not leaving yours. It was your turn. You nodded. Your nervosity was making your hands shake a bit. It has been a while since you last used your power and you were scared that you would embarrass yourself in front of the perfectly trained Hargreeves. A deep breath entered your lungs before you concentrated on visualizing Roo's soul. 
You could see it neatly, a pale ivory flame softly floating within Andrew's seated form. You projected your own soul forward, reaching for the silky edges of your brother's and pushed him into the back seat. You took control of his body, slight nausea hitting you in the first seconds. You blinked quickly, adjusting to your new vessel and assessed the scene before your new eyes. 
Your real body was laid down on the floor with a panicking Five leaning over it. He slowly shook its shoulders, your name falling from his lips in an urgent tone. Allison and Vanya scurried to help him, Klaus and Diego watched seemingly paralyzed and Luther was the one to slap the back of your current head. 
"What's happening to her?" 
"I'm fine. I told you, my body just shut down when I project myself." A furious Five raised his head to meet your eyes and you suddenly felt very small despite Andrew being taller than the blue-eyed boy. 
"Y/N? It's you in Andrew's body?" You nodded, unsure of what you just got into. "You didn't tell us shit!" His harsh tone caused a lump to form in your throat, blocking almost completely your airways. You knew you'd screw something up. Andrew's soul became agitated, its pure ivory slightly turning grey on the edges. You could feel his anger at the back of your mind, his need to punch something. I don't care that this midget is your soulmate. He better watch how he talks to you. You cringed at Andrew's thoughts. 
"Sorry." You muttered. You quickly projected yourself back into your body to try and appease everyone. You pondered if leaving the room was a good idea, fleeing from the trouble you had just created and more importantly, trying to forget Five's anger directed at you. The ex-assassin was thinking ahead of you, because even before you could set up your mind, a hand caught yours keeping you in place. He helped you get into a seated position and positioned himself right behind you, encasing you with his legs on each side of yours. 
Five's muscles on your back softened only slightly. Allison stayed close by despite everyone else regaining their initial place. "Now can you explain?" You didn't want to meet their eyes in fear of what you would see, so you kept your eyes low. 
"I can project myself into someone else's body. It’s like I take the wheel of their body and they are in the backseat. They can still see and hear what’s happening and when I get out, they remember everything. They just don’t know it was me.” You paused, trying to see if you missed anything. “Oh, and I can hear their thoughts and access their memories too. That’s pretty much it.”
“So you can possess anyone?” Andrew obviously didn’t like Diego’s tone despite it being a legitimate question. 
“As far as I know, yes. But I’ve not used my power much and I would never use my power on you guys. I’m not dumb.” 
Diego lifted his hands in the air in surrender even though his face clearly showed that he didn’t believe you. Klaus' way of watching you, elbows on his knees, eyes reduced to slits, a hand under his chin, set off alarms in your head. A stupid comment was coming your way. “Sooo. How is it to have, ya know, an extra appendage?” You nearly choked on your saliva at the pretty forward inquiry and your brain went blank for a second. You should have known. It was written in the sky that Klaus would get stuck at THAT fact. 
“Seriously Klaus?” Allison wasn’t impressed. Like. At all. 
You shivered at the memory of the first time you tried your power. You didn’t know what it was at the time, so you let Andrew persuade you to try it on him. The trick was, you two were kids back then and Andrew had a very tiny bladder. To top it all, you didn’t know how to get out of his body yet. “Eeeeh. J’essaye de pas y penser? Parce que c’est inconfortable pis troublant en criss.” “I try not to think about it? Because it’s really uncomfortable and fucking disturbing.” The reboot of your brain apparently forgot to change the default language from Canadian French to English, causing a chorus of what? in the room. A very familiar laugh followed suit, annoying and embarrassing at the same time. Your only comfort was found in the shape of Five’s arms wrapping around your waist.
“How long can you last into someone else’s body?” Five’s hot breath in your ear made you shiver for a totally new reason. You would have loved it if the moment hasn’t been broken.
“That’s what she said!” You were very, very close to hit someone, them being Roo or Klaus, you had no preference. Back at home, you weren’t known for your patience, quite the opposite. Your nickname wasn’t Panda for nothing. You liked to pick fights, even if it meant some black eyes at the end of the day. You tried to get up, escape the grip keeping you on your butt, with no big results. 
“I need an answer.” The serious look on his face made you stop squirming. 
“So far? An hour? A bit more? Why?”
Five nodded, a content smile on his perfect lips. His head tilted a bit to the side and he watched you like it was the first time he ever saw you. “You can stop the apocalypse.”
Andrew’s unstoppable laugh abruptly came to an end at those words. “I’m sorry. She what now?”
The plan was brilliant, not that you expected anything less from Five. The only issue was that you would need to take over someone’s body for way, way longer than an hour. The only way for you to do just that was to practice. And boy, did you practice. The Hargreeves way. 
You panted, the return to your original body was brutal and spontaneous. Every muscle in your body was screaming in pain, your lungs were burning and your heart was a movement away from exploding. You laid on the couch, staying as steady as possible to appease your aching frame. If it wasn’t enough, even your mind felt on fire. The multiple jumps from body to another was getting its toll on your mind and to help your cause, the ones you possessed were instructed to fight you back as much as they could. 
The Hargreeves and Andrew rotated between themselves to be your target. Undoubtedly, Diego was against it, but after some persuasion Five’s-style, he soon joined the training and damn did he fight you whenever his turn came.  
Each day you made progress, but as soon as you hit the pillow at the end of the day, you were gone for a good 14 hours to be able to function again. On the good side, you were now able to stay in a calm host for more than a day and managed to keep a hostile one for a good 10 hours. At one point, Five had instructed you to jump from a host to another one. You had shown him the middle finger as quickly as your suffering muscles allowed you, indulging to his demands nonetheless. Jumping from a person to another was difficult to say the least. You often lose focus while transferring, catapulting yourself back into your own body or the second host would immediately put you K.O. the moment you tried to push them in the back seat. 
It was safe to say that you hated these trainings. Each time you had to remind yourself why you were doing it and in the end, you made it. It took 2 whole days, but you made it. And today you mastered it.
“You last 9 hours in Luther and 7 in Klaus. That’s more than enough.” Five appeared at your side and took your hand in his, stroking the back of it slowly. You noticed said boys exiting the room to give you both some alone time. 
“No more training?” Your hoarse voice made Five frown. He leaned over you to grab something on the coffee table and as carefully as he could, he bring the water bottle to your lips. You make a last effort to take the bottle yourself, not surprised when your hands don’t move an inch. 
“No more training. Now you need to rest.” His hands slipped under your shoulders and knees and he lifted you like you weighed nothing. You so desperately wanted to stay awake, enjoy being in his arms before the last lap to stop the apocalypse began so you fought the exhaustion as much as you could. 
"You're so beautiful." His comment just above a whisper made you hide your face in the crook of his neck in self-consciousness. You were never one to like receiving compliments, always waving them off or at least say it back. The latter would have been a good option if you weren't scared of where that led you. 
"Five?" He hummed, waiting for you to continue. "What if I screw everything up?" 
Five finally reached your attributed bed, carefully setting you down on the covers before joining you. He stayed at an acceptable distance from you, so if a certain male was to pass, there shouldn't be any blood spilled. His hand went to your waist, slowly caressing the skin exposed by your misplaced shirt. 
"You won't. We trained you for this and I know you can do it. You're my soulmate after all." His signature smirk was back on his lips. His confidence relieved some of the anxiety that was slowly expanding at the back of your mind and you started to think that maybe you could do it. You could really save the world. "What do you miss the most to do? In 2019 I mean."
You furrowed in brow, deep in thoughts. You missed doing a lot of things.
"When I was a kid, once a year my parents would take us to a drive-in movie theatre. I've not done that in a long time." Five found himself reciprocating your dreamy smile. 
"It's a date then."
"It's a date." He repeated. "The first thing we'll do when we get back is go to that drive-in theatre, then I thought we could go stargazing at one of my favorite place." 
It was so unexpected, tears formed into your eyes in a flash despite your best efforts at repressing them. It didn't take long for Five to notice the water rolling down your cheeks, worry tainting his sharp features. 
"Shit. Is it too soon?" 
"No." The speed of your shaking head almost made you dizzy. "I'd love to go there with you." Even the radiant smile on your face couldn't stop the flow of tears cascading from your eyes, leading Five to see them as happy tears. He smiled in return, reducing the distance between your two bodies to none as he cradled you into his chest, his face buried in your hair. 
Your mind wanted to scream at the universe. Yell for the unfairness of your predicament and for how much pain your selfishness would inevitably create. 
The events of the day got to you, your mind getting foggier and your breath steadier. As you were about to fall asleep, three little words flew to your ears, soft, almost indiscernible but pretty clear. 
"I love you."
Part 3
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 10/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Notes at the end!
Lucifer should've known that even in his sleep, his torment would not stop.
He should have been wiser, but exhaustion dulled his senses, making him lower his guard.
He thought that maybe, maybe, the universe would give me just this little moment. And at the beginning he really thought that. He felt weightless. Like he's not the Morningstar, the fallen angel, the King of Hell, the Sin of Pride, a father or a lover. Like for the first time in a millennia, he simply existed.
So forgive him for his surprise when darkness swallowed his dreams before he could savor them fully.
Roo: Hello, fallen. Been a while, hasn't it?
Lucifer: Roo.
Roo: Don't look at me like that. Our deal is still in effect, you know. I can't do anything more than this even if I wanted to.
Lucifer: You saying you want to do more then? Like harm me?
Roo: Ugh, you silly creatures, always so pessimistic. Can't someone just chill and have fun?
Lucifer: I highly doubt the root of all evil and chaos embodiment just wants to 'chill'.
Roo: Believe what you will, fallen. I am many things, but I am no liar.
Lucifer: Your sister surely is.
Roo had to laugh at that. 
Roo: Yin in every Yang or so they say.
Lucifer: What? You're telling me you have good in you?
Roo: I would think the fact that you get to keep your soul was a sign in and of itself.
Lucifer: That's less than the bare minimum.
Roo smirked and rested her head on her hand, a gesture that grated Lucifer's nerves. He couldn't help but think he should take a page from Adam's book and wipe that shit-eating grin off her face.
Roo: Had the old man never told you to not look at a gifted horse's mouth? 
Lucifer: Enough. Why are you really here?
Roo: If you must know, I merely wanted to ask how you are doing! After all, meeting The Fates must have been quite the experience.
Lucifer: You were looking?
Roo: I wanted to see if my vessel works well. It's not my fault I can see everything you see, hear every thought you think, feel every pain you wish never happened but also desire to inflict onto yourself. I wanna ask, does your pity party ever stop?
Realistically, Lucifer knows that Roo is messing with him; she was deliberately provoking him, reveling in his inner turmoil. She's luring him in, and he's taking the bait.
There's a creeping cold that's getting worse the longer they talk. He thought nothing of it at first but he's now starting to feel it under his skin.
He's well aware of the threat in front of him but doesn't mean he's not going to bite back with force.
Lucifer: I think you're forgetting who delivered the final blow in the first war. You know, the blow that led to your defeat?
Roo's nonchalant and playful facade cracked just a bit that Lucifer knows he struck a nerve.
Lucifer: Hell, shouldn't you be more thankful to me? Without my actions in offering the fruit to humanity, you wouldn't have gained the power you so desperately craved to rise again. And now, here you are, benefiting from my influence once more.
The Sin of Pride couldn't fathom where this sudden surge of confidence came from, but he refused to cower any longer. Roo had expected him to tremble in fear, to bow before her as if she were someone superior to be revered on.
He's sick and tired of everyone assuming he should be the one on his knees, begging for mercy.
Lucifer: How are you the root of all evil when I'm the one who started sin. You should be worshipping me! Now that I think about it, in some twisted way, I was your creator-
His mockery was short lived when the dreamscape glitched and suddenly it wasn't Roo in front of him; it's The Root of All Evil.
Laughter erupted from the shadowy figure, a grotesque sound reminiscent of a rabid hyena's. Refusing to be intimidated, Lucifer continues to put oil in the fire.
Lucifer: Bringing out the big guns for a little comment? Insecure much?
He's bullshitting at this point but damn him if he's going down without an ounce of victory. He also thinks he's lucky to have said as much at all.
The abrupt stop of laughter sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, and then gravity seemed to solidify around him, pressing down with an oppressive force.
Michael: All you had to do was listen.
Lilith: You're exhausting, Lucifer.
Charlie: He's defending this hotel! How come he could have faith in me but my own father can't.
Y̵̛̞̝̳̥͍̏͛͊ö̴̼̭̜̖́͗̒͝ü̴̩͚͆͑ ̵͎̉̒̄̄ả̶̭͈͍̟̳ṙ̵̡̲͙̼͎è̸̮̳̲̊͂̔̍ ̴̠͔̯̘̬̑͝s̵̜̪̗̯̚è̴͇͌̇ṅ̷̘̝̀t̶̛̹̝̄͘ẻ̶͓̱̬͔̅̉ͅn̵̥̽̋̌̓ĉ̴͜e̶̯͇̤̺̤̅̀̅d̵̝̰̬̗̋ͅ ̶̝͕̩͇̱̎̋͝͝ẗ̶̢̊͠õ̶̡̦͖͒̈́̍̍ ̸̧̏F̸̧̬̪̂̋a̸̞͈͍͇̔̓͘͜l̶̬͙̤͈̝̑̕l̵̼͂.̴̱̘̣̽̏̕͜
Lucifer screams. But instead of despair, he feels anger bubbling within him. What the hell is happening to him? He's been snapping more. Why did he snap at Michael? Why did he tell him that he can't wait for Heaven to be destroyed? He never wanted that. All he wanted was to give Eve free will. All he wanted was to love Lilith. All he wanted was for Charlie to be safe. All he wanted was for everything to STOP!
Roo: What's the matter, little devil? Never seen real evil before?
The cold is becoming unbearable now. The lake is frozen and all the greenery had been turned into crystals, consumed by the creeping frost that made them look like solid darkness.
Lucifer gritted his teeth, feeling the chill seeping into his bones, threatening to overwhelm him. He refused to give Roo the satisfaction of witnessing the King of Hell tremble; regardless if it's in fear or not.
Roo: Let me show you just how good of a person I can be. 
Then she's suddenly up on his face and brings a finger to his forehead.
Lucifer can feel Roo's corruption going further inside him and at the same time, a lot of somethings are coming out. It must be his remaining divinity because that's the only reason he can think of on why his Father's tether is screaming and clawing at him. 
He feels himself choke from everything happening all at once but he can't move. Roo has him locked in place and he never felt so helpless.
'Am I going to die here?'
No. Roo said that she won't be the one to deliver him to his demise. Nevertheless, he thinks that this is it.
Roo: Remember these words, fallen. A message from The Fates that you did not get to hear.
Charlie. He wants Charlie.
Roo: With the first soul's ascend, all began to unfold.
Tears begin to form in The King of Hell's eyes. Be it from the pain or fear, he doesn't know. 
Roo: It will end at a star's fall, as the threads have foretold.
Michael! Where is he?! He promised Samael he'll always protect him!
Roo: Trumpets will sing, as the sky recites a prayer.
'Father. Help me.'
Roo: An instrument of Heaven shall come down and be the devil's slayer.
He struggled to remain conscious; he fights to stay awake but he can't even move a finger but his efforts were in vain as he collapsed to the frozen ground, utterly drained. Through hazy vision, he can see Roo staring down at him with a gleeful smile.
Roo: See you soon, my fallen~
He wakes up to the smell of Marigolds.
In Nifty's voice: How was that?!!
You have no idea how long I spent making that rhyme prophecy thingy.
As always, your kind words and actions are greatly appreciated!
My DM's are always open for theories and introspections <3
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