#Romantic or not is up to you as always but they are SO important. So love
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livingasaghost · 3 days ago
i think one reason why so many people fail to understand andrew and neil's relationship is because people don't know what it is to be aspec. and obviously the aspec umbrella is wide and varied and no one size fits all, but at the heart of their relationship, neil is demisexual. and i fully believe andrew is some form of aromantic. and obviously their shared history of trauma (of all kinds) colors their relationship and their sexualities and actions. but aspec people (and the people in relationships with those aspec people) develop such different relationships than allo people. they care differently, and it's often the care that becomes most important, rather than (just) the attraction. like yes, i choose you because i see you because i am interested in you because i don't quite understand you but i want to, i need to, and i am committed to sticking around regardless of whether we are a legal partnership or not.
people argue all the time that andreil would grow to say i love you some day, that they'd eventually heal enough to get married, but that isn't healing. that's ignoring a vital part of each of them. not only are they both still learning what love is, but love is not what their relationship is built around. they did not ~FaLl In LoVE~ they built a partnership around taking care of the other person. sure they were attracted to each other in their own ways, but andrew doesn't look at neil like he's his happily ever after romance. neil is the person who wants andrew to live, who wants andrew to be happy, who wants andrew to know that he has value even when he's not a good person. and andrew is the person who wants neil to be safe, who wants neil to be happy, who wants neil to know that he has value even when he isn't playing exy. their "romance" comes from holding each other up, from calling each other on their shit, from being a safe space when the world has proven it is anything but. neil is the one who almost starts to imagine some kind of long-term partnership in such conventional terms and andrew is so unconcerned with what that partnership looks like...he just knows the two of them will continue holding each other up as long as they can. and sure they'll have sex and sleep in the same bed and get cats together and all that "romantic" shit, but it's more than romance. it's a life. it's security. it's a chance to rewrite the trauma of their pasts.
and yeah to an outsider all that is romantic, sure. but i don't think andrew and neil see it like that. their relationships is all facts and truths. they feel safest in these absolutes, in the trust they are building together, in the shared language they are crafting between tentative touches and long stares. but to label it something as banal as ~romance~ undersells just what's happening to them. they don't need to say i love you because they know that all of these pieces that make up their shared life together say that for them, and they wouldn't know what to do with those words anyway. their "love" is not the same as other people's anyway. they don't need to get married because anniversaries and dates and marriages minimize just how long forever is, and they are already joined together by the understanding they share.
if the two of them got married or started "dating" it would send the wrong message to people who will never understand. neil isn't andrew's ~boyfriend~ he's the man who convinced him that life can interesting enough to stick around for. andrew isn't neil's ~lover~ he's the man who refused to let him run away from the life he always wanted. it's not romantic, it's survival. it's selflessness. it's learning how to care for yourself by caring for someone else and letting them care for you.
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moonstruckme · 3 days ago
my queen of comfort 🙇🏻‍♀️
can i pls request a marauders with reader who has seasonal depression and it gets bad especially during the winters??? thank u 🫶
Thanks for being patient with me lovely <3
cw: depression, no harmful thoughts but general apathy and lethargy
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 995 words
It’s warm in your bed. Almost too warm. The backs of your knees and the place where your arm is folded against your side feel uncomfortably heated. But Sirius kisses the back of your neck when he wakes, and you wouldn’t move for anything. 
“Let’s go to the farmer’s market today,” he says, voice sticky with sleep.
You look out the crack in the curtains covering your bedroom window. “It’s so cold out, though.” 
“So we’ll bundle up. You can put your hands in my pockets if you don’t feel like wearing your gloves.” His nose bumps your nape as he kisses you again. “It’ll be very romantic. The woman who sells the apple tarts said she’d be back this week, remember?” 
“Oh, yeah. I’m okay.” 
“You won’t let me get my girl a sweet? I thought you really liked those.” 
“I do, just.” Just. It feels like it’s all you say lately, like all you do is make excuses. Just, just, just. “It doesn’t seem worth it. It’s really gross outside.” 
Sirius’ arm comes around your waist. He doesn’t contradict you. It’s dreary and gray out your window, drizzling rain that bites like ice when it lands on your skin. You’d rather lose track of the day lying here with him, let it slip through your fingers and not think very hard about what it means that you have. Sirius’ fingers playing with yours make this all the more appealing. 
“What if we went to the cinema?” he asks. “That comedy film is showing this weekend.” 
“Didn’t James want to see that one?” 
“Think so, yeah.” 
“You should take him.” 
“I don’t want to take James.” Your joined hands press to your hip, a gentle request for you to turn around. But you don’t want to look at him, and Sirius doesn’t make you. He squeezes your fingers instead. “I want to take you.” 
That’s the important bit. Sirius doesn’t care about the farmer’s market, or even really about the film. You know he only wants you to get up, to go anywhere and do anything at all, and you feel like shit for resisting him. You shouldn’t, either. You know how sadness can sink its talons in the longer it holds you. 
“I’m sorry. Yeah, let’s go.” 
“Don’t be sorry, lovely girl,” he chides fondly. “We don’t have to go if you won’t enjoy it. What do you want to do?” 
You try to muster something for him, you really do, but after a handful of hapless moments you can only be honest. 
“I don’t think I want anything.” 
“That’s okay.” Sirius drops a kiss on your shoulder. “Hey, could you look at me? Please?” 
You roll over, miserable and made more miserable by the aching tenderness in your boyfriend’s expression. This new spot on the bed is colder than where you’d been, but Sirius’ knee bumps against yours, his palm slipping beneath your head on the pillow. He doesn’t hesitate to touch you. Doesn't treat you like you’re breakable or wrong or contagious. His hand flattens under your cheek and warms your skin like he can bleed goodness into you. 
“It’s okay,” he says again, softly. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Sirius tsks. “Now what for?” 
“Making things so hard,” you murmur. You’re trying not to disturb his palm with your mouth movements. 
“Sweetheart, nothing’s hard when I’m with you. I just want to be with you. We can just sit here and talk all day if you want.” 
“I don’t think I’m very nice to talk to right now.” 
“What does that matter? I know I’m awful to talk to half the time. We can be morbid bellyachers together.” 
With some effort, you lift one corner of your mouth. Sirius kisses it rewardingly. 
“You are a delight to talk to, by the way. Always.” 
“A delight?” you whisper. 
There’s a piece of his hair that’s arching over his face, all sprightly and mussed about by the pillowcase. You’re close enough that it moves when you breathe. You blow, and it tickles Sirius’ nose. He smiles. 
“I don’t think I want to talk,” you admit. 
“That’s okay.” 
“I know I’m not fun to be around right now. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make everything miserable.” You look at the dip of his cupid’s bow rather than his eyes. “I love you.” 
It feels important to say. Even when you’re dropping it in his lap awkwardly, like a plea. 
Sirius tilts his head until his eyes meet yours. Dark lashes and silver pools, like moonlight glancing off water. “I love you,” he says, so sincere it burns. “I have another idea.” 
You hum. 
“We watch a film here instead. Or a show, whatever. But first, you tell me how to make french toast so we can have some for breakfast.” 
“You don’t want me to make it?” You don’t want to, but you’d try for him. 
“I want to do something for you.” He kisses you, soft and sweet. He tastes like sleep. “But you’re allowed to help if you like.” 
Allowed amuses you, though you don’t smile. Sirius’ eyes glint like he can tell just the same. 
“You do lots of things for me,” you say. 
“Good. I’d like to continue adding to the tally; it’s how I keep my edge.” 
You look at Sirius, thinking of how much you must love him for it to ache this deeply. Thinking of how he loves you, and how unfair it seems. He keeps doing it even when you give him every reason not to. 
Sirius can tell you’ve slipped away. He strokes his thumb over your cheek. “So, what do you say, gorgeous?” 
You don’t really want to eat french toast. You think you’d swallow battery acid if he made it for you, though. “It sounds nice.” 
“Yeah?” He grins. “Okay, let’s go then, yeah? I’m starving.” 
You give Sirius your hands when he reaches for them, and you let him pull you up.
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pitchsidestories · 3 days ago
What do you fancy love ? II (Alexia Putellas x Jenni Hermoso x Reader)
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romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | word count: 1495
summary: Reader is just a girl who is sometimes insecure, but her girlfriends remind her how important she is to them. requested
author's note: Hi everyone, thank you anon for the request, and hopefully you and the other readers will like this little fanfic.🩷🩷
disclaimer: Everything in this fanfiction is purely fictional and nothing corresponds to reality. Slightly smutty ending.
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You studied the photo on your phone closely. Tilting the device back and forth to avoid the glare on the screen and to find evidence of what you had told yourself over and over again in the past few days. It was Alexias’s post and naturally she looked stunning on it, smiling into the camera. Jenni was captured in side profile as she was turning towards you. She looked as cool as she always did. You were sandwiched between those two gorgeous women and the longer you stared at the photo, the less you felt like you fit in.
You couldn’t resist, your thumb instinctively clicked at the little speech bubble and the comment section opened. You already knew what was about to come.
Y/n just posted .. (let's pretend reader is Teresa in this picture)
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User69: Are all three of them a thing?!
userloveswoso: no way. I mean Alexia and Jenni make sense but…
xXUserXx: yeah, they’re hot together but y/n kinda ruins it. Not sure what they want with her
You felt your stomach drop and your throat tighten immediately. While you continued to scroll through the comments, Alexias’s voice echoed through your shared flat: “Amor, where are you?”
The playful sing-song in felt completely out of place.
You cleared your throat and called: “In the bedroom!”
Instead of Alexia, Jenni shouted from the hallway: “Oh, I’m coming.”
You usually would have smiled about her eagerness to get into bed but right now, your eyes were still glued to that small screen in front of you.
Alexia groaned and scolded your girlfriend: “Jennifer, you can’t possibly always think of that one thing when you hear someone say the word bedroom.”
“What can I say? I was conditioned like a Pavlovian dog.”, Jenni laughed.
You felt their presence before you actually saw them standing in the doorway.
“Hi, did you get everything at the supermarket?”, you asked, forcing your voice to sound as casual as possible without looking up at them.
From the corner of your eye, you caught your girlfriends exchanging a glance.
“So, we’re not doing it?”, Jenni asked jokingly.
“Doing what?” You finally looked up at them and upon seeing Jennis’s smirk, you added: “Oh, you’re sure you don’t want to do it without me?”
Alexia frowned at you, her eyebrows knotting together in concern: “Okay, something is wrong. Tell us what’s going through your pretty head.”
“Pretty? Me?”, you repeated as she sat down on the bed next to you.
“Of course, you, you idiot.”, Jenni grinned from where she was leaning against the wall.
In contrast to hers, Alexias’s face was serious: “You act like we never say that to you.”
“The people seem to disagree.”, you said plainly and handed her your phone with a heavy heart. Jenni came over, leaning over Alexias’s shoulder as they both read through the comments.
The midfielder shook her head in disbelief. She was hurting for you as she saw what random people, complete strangers had to say about you and your relationship with them.:” Why would they say that?”
“Maybe they’re right.”, you whispered.
With a fierce passion Jenni disagreed:” No, those hiding behind their screens are wrong.”
Alexia said your name softly.
You almost couldn’t bring yourself to look in her beautiful hazel eyes. “Hm?”
“Don’t listen to them.”, she gently replied.
In your mind's eye, the hateful comments from the internet jumped out at you, and you quietly admitted: “It’s not that easy.”
“You can’t possibly believe that shit.”, the striker waved her hands in outrage.
In a tone that did not tolerate any protest, Alexia commanded: “Put the phone away for the night.”
“But..”, you started.
The blonde was quick to interrupt you:” You heard me.”
“Yes, relax, babe.”, Jenni tried to calm you down.
However, your thoughts left you no peace: “I don’t want to relax.” You could feel the panic rising in you as you spoke.
“You should though.”, Alexia responded.
Despite the worried look on your girlfriend’s faces, you observed:” No one says those things about any of you.”
“That’s not true, but besides who cares what they think?”, the raven-haired woman countered.
“I care, Jenni!”, you cried out.
It was in this moment that your lovers realized that you were in your early twenties, your career was on the rise, you still needed to learn how to deal with all of that outside pressure which came with being a public person.
The midfielder hated to see you so sad: “Calm down.”
To her great surprise, you got out of bed and announced: ”I’ll go for a walk.”
“Do you want us to join you or..?”, Alexia asked, sounding cautious.
Purposefully, you put on your shoes. You didn't have to think long about your answer to her question: ”No.”
As soon as you were on your way out, the door was just closing, the blonde let herself fall onto the bed with a tired sigh.
“Jenni, what do we do with her?”, her eyes wandered expectantly to her girlfriend who lay next to her.
Without giving it much thought, the older of the two suggested: “We have to show her that we know better than the stupid comments.”
A dirty smile appeared on Jennis lips: “Well.”
“What if she’s not in the mood?”, Alexia objected.
The dark-haired woman began to stare at the ceiling, confessing with a wry smile: “Then I’m out of ideas.”
“Okay, we’ll try that.”, the midfielder decided.
A surprised laugh escaped Jenni's mouth: “Really?”
“Yes.”, she confirmed in a matter-of-factly tone.
It was early evening and there was a light breeze coming in from the sea that ran through your hair. The sunset was reflected in the water, which you could see from afar.
At the beginning of your walk, the anxiety weighed heavily on your young shoulders, but now that you were almost home again, you felt the weight lighten. The peace and beauty of the moment outweighed and calmed your inner turmoil.
“I’m back.”, you told your girlfriends once you stepped inside your shared appartement.
Again, it was Alexias voice floating over to you: “Come into the bedroom.”
“Uhm, okay.“, you said before you slipped out of your shoes and took a deep breath. You really didn’t feel like talking to your girlfriends again.
“Don’t let us wait.”, Jenni called too when you took too long to follow Alexias instruction.
You reluctantly did as you were told.
The bedroom looked a little different since you left it. There were candles burning everywhere and rose petals on bed. You had no idea from where they had appeared from. But most importantly, both of your girlfriends stood there in matching lingerie.
They looked incredibly hot but the sight of them like that was so surprising that it almost made you giggle: “Oh my god.”
Alexia reached out to you, gesturing to come closer: “Come here…”
“Seriously?”, you asked with a smile, still unsure if your eyes didn’t betray you.
Alexia nodded: “Yes, you know that I’m a serious person.”
“Hard to tell when you’re standing there in your underwear.”, you laughed.
Jenni, seemingly getting more and more impatient, walked over you with that typical mischievous smirk on her lips.
“Yes, and you, pretty girl, are still wearing way too many clothes.”, she grinned, her face close to yours. Skilfully, she slid her fingers under your sweater and started to lift fabric up.
“Excuse me? I didn’t say take them off.”, you protested jokingly.
Shrugging, Jenni pulled the shirt over your head: “No but I did.”
She immediately moved farther down, opening the button of your jeans.
Laughing, you pushed her away: “Stop.”
Alexia took Jennis spot right in front of you. Her thumb grazed over your cheek while she tenderly kissed your lips.
“Baby girl, do you still want us to stop?”
You blinked at her, your brain incapable of cooperating: “Uhm…”
None of your girlfriends moved until you gave them permission to keep going.
But you couldn’t resist, the desire was too strong.
You shook your head: “No.”
The smile Alexia and Jenni shared almost washed away the memory of these nasty comments again. They seemed genuinely happy that they were allowed to take care of you. You only realised that now. It wasn’t just about what you or anyone else thought. It was about what your girlfriends wanted. And they clearly wanted you.
Before you knew it, you laid on the bed in nothing but your underwear. Jennis fingers and Alexias lips were everywhere on your body. You loved it when they did that. It was almost like their playing styles on the pitch, complimenting and enhancing each other’s skills. There was no room for your own thoughts anymore. You were so absorbed in the action that you didn’t notice your phone sliding off the nightstand and landing under the bed. And if you had, you wouldn’t have cared. Their opinions were theirs, but your girlfriends made pretty clear that you belonged to them. That you were loved and desirable.
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ficsinhistory · 3 days ago
Yes, I saw that scene! I don't blame Maddie, it's a very sweet gesture, I would fall for it. Not only that, judging by the way Tom reacted, he has his share of times he did this to calm Maddie down. Not many, but hey, like father like son. I really want to see more of these two and Maddie in particular.
And yes, Amy would definitely be delighted with grand romantic gestures, she's a hopeless romantic lol
And your thoughts on Amy? Immaculate op. Your mind is incredible!
I also believe Amy's history with the Metal Army is probably old and very personal. I theorize that Ivo stole one of her quills too in an invasion of her home - Little Planet - which would lead her to always approach problems thinking of the worst-case scenario. What would explain why the energy of the metal blow would be both blue and pink.
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And yes, I see Amy even with all her empathy, altruism and kindness...being terrible at working in a team. Although I ser her not knowing how to work in a group is more like Amy being incredibly controlling and restrictive, a symptom of her desperately trying to keep the circumstances under control and not getting worse. Something that someone as chaotic and freedom-loving as Sonic wouldn't like.
And I begging this will be the situation.
Amy and Sonic have disagreed several times, from the oldest games to Frontiers. Amy is temperamental and has a strong personality and Sonic hates being ordered around. There will be a lot of friction and both jeopardizing each other's plans before a balance is established.
Perfect opportunity for Sonic to finally feel first-hand what it's like when a loved one throws themselves into danger without thinking twice. And on the other hand, Amy would learn that she hurts the one she wants to protect by being so reckless and daredevil.
Now, about coming from the future is an interesting theory and top tier angst. It's still too early to say anything, so every shot is valid.
My personal opinion is that Amy is actually from the present. The explosion took Ivo to the past, where he made his Metal Army, dominated Litlle Planet, and Amy was sent to live on Earth, a little after Sonic - of course, both would have no idea about each other because I love dramatic irony. She would fight with the metals from then on to prevent further interference.
And what would make her attachment issues come would be - and hear me out now - Amy knowing she won't get out of the mission alive.
My theory is that her chaos powers manifest as visions of possible futures, like a computer that calculates probabilities. However, the trauma messed up this ability of hers, always showing worst-case scenarios and basically what happens when someone functions solely on anxiety. Amy would take it at face value because of trauma and belief in fate (possibly coming from her upbringing on Little Planet).
After all, Chaos energy comes from emotions and hers would be in tatters.
This would culminate in her seeing a possible future where everything is saved but she would die. And Amy... accept it. She would live her life to the fullest based on her belief in unconditional love for all living creatures without ever forming attachments because she doesn't want the future to be harder for her or the people she would get close to.
That's where Sonic and the Wachowskis would come in. They would be a family to her and now she's devastated because she doesn't know how to tell them that there won't be a happy ending for her. That she hasn't had one for a long time. Because, as you mentioned, saving thousands of lives is more important than her and any desires she might have.
But it would be too hard to deny her own feelings. The fact that she doesn't want to die because she finally has love and family and has managed for the first time in years to not think about the imminent death that looms over her.
Tldr -> Amy's conflict is basically this part of Andor.
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With Amy coming along, I can't stop thinking about the Amy-Sonic/Tom-Maddie parallels.
You know, the pink and blue scheme, Tom having a similar personality to Sonic and Amy possibly having some similarities to Maddie, Amy and Maddie possibly being two big city girls with Amy being from New York and Maddie from San Francisco while Tom and Sonic are both from Green Hills, the setup of Amy plus 3 Wachowski siblings as well as Maddie and Tom, who canonically have siblings too.
They've been foreshadowing this couple since the second movie, fight me!!
(and Tom x Maddie are the parents and couple ever, I love them!)
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(Also, please give Maddie more prominence. She's awesome!)
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accio-victuuri · 15 hours ago
assorted fake stories ❤️💛💚
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the title explains what these are, fake/fanfiction stories between them. it’s been awhile since i made something like this and i’m happy that i can share one now. none of these are real. don’t ask me to explain further or provide details — it is what it is. don’t break your brain trying to setup a timeline of when this or this happened cause a lot of these are already mentioned. also feel free to interpret it however you want. ✨
i may put a bit of commentary on some of these but the rest is pretty much understandable. the way these are written, seems to be by different OPs and somehow like contributions they are sharing.
The behind-the-scenes footage was shown, but there was a video that was not. The two people were surprised when they were stabbed. B went to check the wound, but accidentally walked too fast. He was originally trying to check the wound, but he lost his balance and fell on Z, kissing Z. It was so funny and love. Believe it or not, the two people were red, red! Those who have the video have seen it.
There is also a segment of counting stars on the rooftop that has not been played (to be supplemented by me). There is audio, but no video. The audio is very sweet. They spent the Lantern Festival in 2021 together, and did not miss any important festivals.
B and Z both talked privately about how B had lost his temper in the backstage of SDC and at work. The fans behind the SDC show were really fierce, and he was really angry. He complained more than once that he was speechless. He actually gave tickets to CPZJIE before he met her.
Another time was in TTXs backstage. Help me, this is a true story. A fan shouted to B in the backstage, "Brother, I love you. Be nice to Brother Z." Oh my god, the whole backstage was silent, the atmosphere was so depressing, B's face turned black quickly, the staff quickly took the girl away, everyone was so embarrassed, the people around B said that they were helpless, some fans were too crazy, they really didn't know the occasion, and they always didn't know what was going on.
When we were singing our song in 2019, there were many illegitimate fans and CPF on Z's flight. CPF asked Z to pass on a letter to B. Z received it and the fans went crazy (covering his face). I was not a fan at that time. My friend told me about it. Then CPF blocked the illegitimate fans and shouted "Z, go away" because there were too many people blocking him and it was very dangerous. Later, Z told a stylist, CPF, I thank them (only rational fans).
I don't know if it's for Valentine's Day this year. In previous years, we were together on Valentine's Day and it was more of a ritual. Z is a person with a strong sense of ritual. B learned to be romantic and ritualistic. Last year on February 14, Z flew over to accompany his boyfriend for two days. Last year, B celebrated Z's birthday in advance and sent him a multi-layered cake on his birthday. It was so exaggerated when I saw the scene. It was not the big one from the crew. He sent a little prince cake.
It was B's birthday, and Z flew over to the crew to accompany him. B's assistant picked him up.
* B is Bobo and Z is ZhanZhan. ohhhh. I particularly like this one because of the part that showed how they appreciate the rational fans. That there is a time and space for everything. I don’t fault Bobo for being mad or maybe taken a back when the person shouted something related to ZZ when he was in his place of work. same thing with ZZ. there must be boundaries.
B likes to send flowers, but he is sometimes busy, so he either orders them to be sent by others, or asks the two men around him. The two men ( Yanyan and Lele ) are also straight men, and their faces will turn red if they hold flowers every day, so the task is left to the female GZRY. YanYan is permanent, but female assistants are transient
So when Lele, who was next to B, had his birthday, Z also went after filming and then rushed back to the crew.
Many people say that B is possessive, but I think Z's possessiveness is hidden. He really has big and small accounts ( on weibo ) . I've seen them all. B's account always records his love diary. Z, who is a very ordinary person, also has his account. All of B's girlfriends ( fans ) follow him. Big pepper (XZ) , no matter big or small, he follows them all. He also sees what people are talking about and how they analyze it. When the behind-the-scenes footage was released, people were so excited that he was so scared that he unfollowed them. I was so amused because the next day I saw that those big bloggers were no longer on his follow list. Sometimes they don’t know anything, but most of the time they are inexplicable. I don’t know if they are really inexplicable or just pretending to be inexplicable.
Z can write new TikTok songs for him, and learn different ways to make a heart shape. What kind of lover’s hobby is this? I don’t know if B really likes to tease Z regardless of the occasion. He is so rude. Z calls him a rude, which makes me laugh. If Z is shy when they meet, he will kick B. If he wins too much in games, he will get angry and complain about him to others. When he has teased enough, he will let him win. This is quite straight male style.
Most of the time they are sweet and loving, they won't let us know when they quarrel. When B is in a bad mood, he will show it on his face. If you pay more attention to him when recording TTXS, you will know it. And every time he gets angry, I think it has something to do with Z. Just think I am in love. But he will handle work and private emotions maturely. He will focus on work. At most, they will argue, for example, they will choose some controversial topics, such as sweet or salty rice dumplings? With cheese or without cheese, weird.
They spent the New Year together, with their parents, went to eat seafood together, and then made hot pot at home. How could I know how to make hot pot? Because the hot pot Z bought was called cheese hot pot.
There is also a very funny quarrel, it is said that when two people quarrel, the loser is always B, if he bravely runs away from home, then the farthest distance B can go is at the door of his home, and finally he will wait for Z to open the door. It's true, sometimes the face of the B is too bad, and it can often be solved with just one phone call.
B really listens to Z. He told Z not to get into trouble again, to protect himself, to be good, not to have wild thoughts, and not to wrong himself. So he always buys the best and sweetest things for Z because he is afraid that Z will wrong himself. Now Z is more and more able to protect himself when he goes out. B must be very relieved.
Z is really weird, he likes to watch horror stories, he is also very childish, he likes the fairy tale movies we watched when we were young, like Ponyo and Sosuke, then he pops up to chat with B, I guess they are the only ones who understand each other.
There was so much fake information that fans were so confused that they had no idea what they were talking about. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have fun eating melons.
The crew was together. On B's birthday, they received a radio on the rooftop. Z said that he would be B's sun, warm everyone and warm the little stars (it was said that they held hands, but they didn't see it). They only heard singing, which was about holding hands and walking forward one step, two steps, three steps, four steps.
In 2019, they returned to Chongqing and traveled to Japan together (to make up for the regret?). This is a rumor. In 2020, they went home together for the Chinese New Year, but stayed for a long time due to the epidemic. Z loves to cook for B.
I can't help it, love is like this, I will like him wherever he stands, he is a good guy, he is good at saying sweet words, it seems that B takes care of all the housework, he also likes to do housework, he said in an interview, his cooking will also be disliked by Z at home, Z is from Chongqing, he will try to cook light and reduce the spiciness.
We went to DYZY together and walked together. When I attended Chanel, I introduced Mr. Zhou and brought Z with me.
I don’t know about the engagement, I haven’t heard of it, but my sister asked about it, and B said there’s no rush. Eat melons, eat melons, I think they are very ambitious in their careers, marriage and engagement are groundless.
B treasures his green microphone so much that he cannot touch it even in the backstage. It was given to him by Z.
There is a very ugly scarf Z knitted for B.
At TTXS lot of interesting things happened. In the backstage, H and DL were chatting together. They mentioned that ZZ was praised for her great acting and B was so good. He listened silently without saying anything. Then, I don’t know why the words got to him. He said, yes, I watched it. It was very well acted. Help me, why didn’t I watch it? When The Wolf was released, he chased the staff around him and asked them to watch it. He would also check and ask what they saw. One sister was really busy and didn’t chase so fast. It was so funny. She directly asked, did you see the kissing scene? B stopped talking. You little guy, you are still being controlled.
The necklace that I refuse to take off was given to me by Z. Bones are a token of love, let me put the timeline, it's so messy, I'll write whatever I think of now.
When I was crazy, I heard that there were masks (I was just watching the show), that is, after 227, B and Z were together, but they had to separate for work, B was very worried and kept pulling Z by the car, anyway, the two of them were close to each other, there were masks at the time, everyone was passing it around, guessing it was a mask kiss.
B really can coax Z to sleep, weird, right? How do I know? Because he would recite the lines in the car, Call Z, recite the lines in a low noise, and finally hang up and say he fell asleep...Z has been having trouble sleeping, and B tries every way to coax him. But when he was filming, there was a rumor about him XD, he took sleeping pills to sleep. B took every step by himself, and he would keep it to himself when he was wronged. But now he will tell Z everything. If he doesn't tell Z, he will be scolded. Compared to Z, he is the big boss.
(After so many years, everyone who has talked to me knows that my memory is really bad, so if there are any deviations in time and events, please don’t be too serious~~)
I was very happy during the recording in April 21. There was a reason why I was so happy that I jumped on F. I was very unhappy before this, but I laughed this time. If fans waved and said hello to him in a friendly way, he would also smile and say hello back. Actually, there is a reason for being unhappy. You can’t even see him making a phone call backstage. That day, he called someone and said he missed you. He said he missed you with a bit of grievance, and then he was like eating candy during the recording.
The joke about washing machines is that B is the spokesperson, but he didn’t get the product right away. He sent it to his gege first and used it. He was photographed using it and it was hilarious. The same goes for clothes and shoes. He was the recipient, but Z always helped him receive the goods right away. When multiple brands come, you will know that Z has helped B draw countless paintings, and the sideline is similar. You know, if you don’t bet, you will have shares. There are also some ridiculous sidelines that have nothing to do with their current skills. It’s so funny. I heard that there are both in Chongqing and Chengdu. There are peripherals and clothes (already had them a long time ago). B had a celebration party (March 21) and drank very happily (he can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk). After drinking, he sang in KTV. The one he sang was a boy, and he was out of tune. Boys love love songs. He likes to hum songs in private, just like he is doing street dance. He has a special song called (Slowly Falling in Love with You) which he recorded for his lover in TTXS on Z’s birthday. It is special. For this reason, he secretly practiced humming songs before recording.
It's so funny. Didn't the fake material say the song "Occupy Shoulders" before? I don't need to say this, right? They just sang the backing vocals. At that time, everyone said what he was doing with the recording studio?
Rules of my World is also for lovers, to coax people, and for his only boy. The cover is also blatant (here the old fans said, I know it all, do you need to tell me?Okay, it's not necessary to make up some non-existent candies, such big ones, why not write them in)
Z always carries snacks with him. B doesn't like them, but he can't live without them. That's why he buys Z any food he sees, and he always talks to him, guessing whether he will like it, and then he becomes silent and plays with his phone, and I don't know who he is talking to. But in the end, it was basically true.
* the song is by Karen Mok called Growing Fond of You or as directly translated something like Slowly Falling in love with you.
When the Nanjian ended ( CQL fanmeet ) , the two did not separate. They dated together for a night. Many WFs saw it at that time. I heard that some cried and quit being fans and shut up. I think many of them said that WFs would not cry even if they saw them crying. They did not personally cancel that.
A few fans talked about why the two of them were so persistent in visiting the set even though they were busy. It was because B wanted to give Z a sense of security. Of course, B was very attached to Z. In the past, Z did not allow him to meet so frequently, so he would sneak attack from behind and scare Z. No matter how busy he was, he would still find time to meet. Driving for two or three hours was nothing. It was very tiring. He was not tired at all. In order to meet, they tried countless ways, using a stand-in, or hiding in the back of the car. Commonly known as the strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain. You don’t understand, after being apart for a long time, the child needs to recharge and replenish energy, whether it’s a power bank or Snickers. I used to preach to him, but I felt bad, but I enjoyed it very much. LOL
He would act like a spoiled child and ask what are you doing here~ Straight guy B just speaks straight to the point
Expression: Because I miss you.
So, B accompanied Z to the first show ( ADLAD ) in Wuhan. Z was very nervous, and B said that he had to be by his side at important moments.
After 227, I felt that Z became more clingy. We just happened to be fans in 2020, and we met too often. It was really like a long time since we last saw each other. It was 2020. During that period, I was really worried about him. I couldn't leave him. Later, when Z returned to work, I would often meet him despite all difficulties. For example, for Street Dance, I rented a small house to accompany him, and often cooked delicious food for him. As for the crew of BAH, in fact, Z also went there for a long time. Baili was busy on both sides, so it was not so frequent.
As for OOL before 227, I don't know how he got so angry and made trouble on the set. But I only know that he often went to that set. I heard that he was always a little depressed and unhappy at work. But he was so cold to everyone, just not as lively as before.
* i love them so much and it’s so cuteee how they visit each other on set 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and to those who don’t know WF means Weifen or solo fans. and OOL filming is mentioned again hahahahahaha! i personally don’t believe that WYB made “trouble” there tho. I take it as him being there, knowing how popular they both are at the time is trouble enough.
Z has secretly posted something about B on his Moments. Unexpected, right?
If they meet to make fun of someone, Z likes to pinch B's face (everyone knows this, right?). Many people see him and die of laughter. Every time he visits the set, he must do one thing, rub his face. Many people around me have become accustomed to it.
In private, Z likes to act like a spoiled child, and BZ spoils his girlfriend like a boyfriend. Meaning, anyone who has watched BBKP knows that Z is still weak when he should be weak, because B is really an extremely chauvinistic man. Z would wear hot pants and sit on B in front of staff. If a woman likes B and is known by the big pepper 🌶️, he would do such a thing. Don't be surprised, he does it more.
It doesn’t matter. There are even more exaggerated ones. If I say it, I will be beaten. I am either the first wife or the third wife. The second room is really not good. I can’t do that, hahaha, but you can do it however you want.
B is not shy or bashful in private, he is carefree and not so refined? I don’t know if this description is accurate, isn’t it the love of a straight man, if you love him you buy him things? So his money is given to Z, and he reports everything, big or small, to him, it’s not an exaggeration at all, really not at all, but Z is not actually a frugal person, hahahaha he likes to buy things, he buys bags, small bags, he likes small bags, he buys Lego, watches, clothes for B, usually couple clothes, B always finds reasons to wear them together, he just wants to show off.
Many women like B but they all get rejected by him in a domineering manner. Z will have it too. It’s not surprising. They eat so many melons. What can’t they do in the circle? But they are really clean. In the turbulent entertainment circle, they stand firm and support each other without being polluted. So many people are optimistic about them. I think it’s their character and love.
Actually, they don’t call each other husband, wife, or baby in public, but they do so in private. B likes to act like a spoiled child and listen to Z, but he is a very mature and stable person. He knows the ways of the world.
He also has to take sides. He can handle relationships very well. He is very comfortable and calm, clear-headed, and never listens to the company's white cloth. When he first became famous, the company asked him to pair up with the company's girls. Yes, definitely not. Some people listen to the company because they can cooperate and win-win. He will never let it violate the bottom line. Z is entrusted to him, so what are you afraid of? He has the right to speak and make decisions in the company, but it is far from enough to protect Z. (I will really cry) So when my brother got into trouble, he worked desperately. (I will talk about the timeline later, write it tomorrow, write it together with other melons, and focus on this aspect.) He worked very hard in 2020. I think he is really anxious. No one can be more anxious than him. But he has done it now, they have become so strong, it was so hard for them in the past years, but B really did protect Z well.
His parents took on a lot, and he was just a walking tool to show off his affection. When they go shopping by themselves, they will say they are shopping with their mother. They bought a dog but they don’t have time to take care of it, so they let their mother take care of it. Their mother walked the dog for them in Beijing and later returned to Chongqing. In fact, it was Z who sent soup to B from afar (he really would send soup). He dotes on B too much (his foot was injured during SDC). He sent it to SDC and to the company. Moreover, the soup he made was very bland. Eating too much salt would cause swelling. If you don’t believe me, go check it yourself. B calls it a sweet complaint. Then they advertised to the public that his mother sent them soup and braised beef in soy sauce. His mother loved them very much and approved of them. Although she disagreed at first, she was finally convinced. She would send them gifts on holidays.
In the past, Z was very busy, so B would go to see his mother on his behalf. At the beginning, I heard that they were more accepting. His mother understood and did not bend over backwards for love. Believe it or not, B strongly opposed it, and B's father especially disagreed. In the end, I heard that they had a falling out, but clever B persuaded his father by persuading his grandmother and mother. In the end, his father also helped Z on GS. He heard that B was the first to come out, that is, after the weak connection, he rashly confessed to give Z a sense of security. But it is also like this. I think they are becoming more and more determined. Parents all hope that their children are healthy and happy. Seeing such madness, I guess they can't object too much. In 2021 years, they specially invited their parents to their home in Beijing to celebrate the New Year together.
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yanderes-galore · 3 days ago
Hi sorry for this being so late ! Can I please request yandere Luffy in gear 5 please 🙏 (prompt J 2 )
“Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?”
“Prompts 2 O )
So it's a little crush when you fawn over him but it's an obsession when I pay attention to you?”
please can the reader be a female (if not gn is fine ) for the request of it helps maybe Luffy starts getting jealous when reader is fawning over usopp please and Luffy starts getting jealous 💗
Sure! Warning, I'm not at Wano quite yet so... Plot isn't entirely like Canon.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Gear 5! Luffy Prompts O-2 + J-2
“Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?”
“So it's a little crush when you fawn over him but it's an obsession when I pay attention to you?” 
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Unhealthy power dynamic, Threatening behavior, Clingy behavior, Forced relationship.
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Luffy was never quite sure why you being around Usopp made him feel... irritated? Even before Wano, way before the fight with Kaido, you always encouraged Usopp. You entertained his stories, even if they're lies...
Normally... Luffy wouldn't be affected.
So why was he so moody when you acted all sweet with Usopp?
It's not like Luffy knew the first thing about girls. He knew fighting, adventuring, and eating. His crew was his family... that's all.
Crushes seemed beyond him.
Luffy always considered you an important part of his crew. He hung around you like you're his best friend. To him, he never considered his clingy affection might be an attraction.
Since the two years you were away from each other, it seemed you and Usopp had gotten... close. That should be fine for Luffy. A close crew happens to work well together.
But something about your dynamic never settled well with Luffy.
Usopp seemed much more confident with you. He always wanted to impress you and you'd reciprocate. You always seemed to fawn over him.
Yet for some reason that makes Luffy... upset...?
Luffy wanted you to be like that with him. Why didn't you seem to fawn over him like you do Usopp? Do you... like him more?
Do you like Usopp more than him?
That thought has tormented Luffy right up until Wano. He keeps glancing at you, trying to grab your attention during big fights. He wants to eat with you... play with you...
Yet you keep looking at Usopp like he's adorable or something?
Luffy couldn't help but feel bitter when you paid more attention to Usopp. To Luffy, you used to hang out with him all the time. Now you've been ignoring him as the Straw Hats encounter more threats in the New World.
You probably saw signs of Luffy being upset. It was... unusual to see him disinterested. He'd perk up when you spoke to him or sat next time...
Yet he'd look anxious when you chose to speak to Usopp.
Truthfully... you and Usopp managed to meet and interact more within the two years the Straw Hats were disbanded. To the point you both developed small crushes on one another. Since then, you've been beside one another...
You never thought it would affect Luffy since he was so inexperienced with romance.
You hadn't expected Luffy to feel that way... yet it appears that it began to bubble up after his fight with Kaido.
"See? SEE? Look what I can do!"
To see Luffy in his awakened form was... strange for you. You thought your captain had died during his fight with Kaido. However... here he was...
Looking like a rubber sun god who defies any sense of reality you knew... drums going off as he smiles excitedly.
Luffy had shocked you while you were checking Usopp over for wounds. You had been trying to help Chopper tend to the wounded after the battle. Yet before you could check Usopp over, Luffy practically flung himself towards you.
Oh... You were with Usopp again...
What's new....
But... maybe you'll pay attention to him now?
"Luffy—?" You try to question before your captain tackles you excitedly. His new form had an excitement that seemed infectious. Although... His wide smile also felt eerie.
He exudes power... and it makes you a bit cautious.
"Come with me! Come on! I missed you!" Luffy chirps, practically nuzzling against you affectionately. You try your best to process the situation yet are unable to before Luffy drags you off.
You can't struggle against the rubber man as he giggles, running off with you like you're a stolen treasure. Admittedly... you found yourself smiling despite the overwhelming situation. Again, his happiness was infectious.
By the time Luffy stopped running, you were in a more private spot. Luffy's arms were practically coiled around you like snakes. You could barely move and just felt Luffy giggling into your neck for a moment.
"Aren't you impressed!? I've never felt more at my peak!" Luffy laughs, pulling back to squish your face. You feel... strange when he pulls at you...
Is everything rubber now...?
Are you?
"That's... amazing, Luffy!" You try to say, chuckling softly. Luffy seems to perk at the sound, his grin wider than ever as he cuddles into you.
"... I missed hanging out..." Luffy murmurs into your skin, feeling his cheeks heat as he looks at you. You smile softly in return...
You... You have been neglecting him, huh...?
All in favor of Usopp...
... Usopp...
"Luffy... Me too, buddy... but we should probably go back to the crew." You murmur, tensing when you hear his giggles pause for a moment...
... why was the silence so damn eerie?
“Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?” Luffy says suddenly, his pink eyes nearly looking red as he looks into your own. For a moment, there's no joy... which makes you nearly suffocate in his grip due to the tension.
"... no, you're right, buddy... I should... sorry." You murmur, seeing Luffy smile again as he begins to spin you around.
"Yeah you should! You've been spending too much time with Usopp." Luffy laughs, although you sense a certain air of... malice in it.
You nod quietly, Luffy humming before he presses small excited kisses on your skin. You freeze, finding that behavior odd. Luffy's never... done that.
Despite the drums and his laughter making you feel warm, you push against him. Luffy doesn't relent when you push his chest. Yet when you squirm, he pulls back in confusion.
"What's wrong?" Luffy pouts, looking you over. He doesn't get it. Why don't you love him?
"Luffy... You've been acting strange lately..." You murmur, surprisingly finding yourself cupping his face. Wow... his new form makes it hard for you to think straight.
"I have?" Luffy tilts his head. "Is it strange to pay attention to my favorite girl? You're just so pretty and fun and... you spend all your time with Usopp...."
"Have you been hating Usopp being around me this whole time? Just because me and him love one another? For months?" You ask.
There's more eerie silence that not even drums permeate for a moment.
You feel like you said something wrong.
"Luffy... That's obsessive... Let's just—"
“So... It's a little crush when you fawn over him... but it's an obsession when I pay attention to you?” Luffy asks, eyes burning a certain fire that reminds you of what he is in this moment...
A god.
"I... Luffy, no, please just listen to me...." You try to plead, feeling like you're going to get yourself in danger.
He may be a silly joy boy at this moment...
But Luffy has a lot of power at his disposal.
"But I love you!" Luffy insists, nuzzling closer as he squishes you against his body. "I love you more than him... I-I may not fully understand it but... but I don't want you to ignore me!"
"Luffy, it's okay..." You're trying to placate him but...
"Tell me you'll love me." Luffy says darkly. "Tell me you'll pay attention to me... and just me... not Usopp...."
"Please just tell me that...." Luffy pouts, refusing to let you go.
You look him over again. You and Usopp might not be dating but you still care for him. Yet considering Luffy's no longer in the best mood even as Gear 5...
You just need to give him what he wants.
"Sure... Sure, Luffy... I love you. I'll pay more attention to you." You smile softly, making you hear the drums of liberation again. "But right now... won't it be better to go rest? I'm sure Wano will throw you a feast...."
Luffy seems to perk up at the mention of food and your confession. Yet instead of letting you go, he continues to spin and squish you with excited giggling. That supernatural warm feeling in you is back again too....
"Yeah!" Luffy laughs, holding you up to look at him. "But first, I want to spend more time with you like this! Just you and me...."
Despite your anxiety about Luffy's behavior... You find yourself unable to stop smiling.
It's then Luffy plays with you in his Gear 5 for just a while longer. To him, it's like a mini celebration. Both for Kaido's defeat and the fact you're his now.
You, on the other hand, are trying your best to comprehend what you just signed up for...
Hopefully you can think properly when Gear 5 wears off... Right now... You can't seem to stop laughing in Luffy's arms, even if you wanted to.
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themareverine · 2 days ago
Hi!! For your valentines day event I was hoping to get a drabble with Charlie Kenton or Leopold! You pick! I'm leaving this totally up to you and PG-13 is okay, I'm 23 and use she/her pronouns o7
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— Renaissance
Leopold Mountbatten x fem!reader
tags: fluff, some backstory added in for context, reader is an ex-girlfriend of Stuart's, Kate x Stuart mentions, definitely some blue balling of a kiss.
a/n: this definitely got away from me, honey! I haven't ever played with Leopold, and it was so much fun! This was quite the challenge. I've kinda been in a writing funk the last few days, so I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this, but, please enjoy it anyway, if you can!
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They don’t lie about the city that never sleeps. 
It doesn’t, not truly. Sunlight may exit left and give way to starlight, but the city’s blood never stops pumping in its concrete veins. Forever time starved and anorexic in the thrumming life of a big city, there’s never enough of the twenty-four seven left.
The clock always spins out of control, there’s always a redline, nothing is ever on time but somehow, also, never truly late. 
Anonymous faces are millions among millions, rubbing elbows and fighting to look away all while never really accomplishing the task – one is truly nameless in a neverending current, without really even having to be anyone at all. 
New York is a Goliath that breathes unlike any other giant of its kind, and she didn’t really realize how right Hollywood got it until her sneakers had scuffed Jamaica Station’s dirty pavement three weeks ago, feet throbbing as her calf muscles all but lacerated from bone.
Still, the chill of spring cutting through her clothes kissed her in the early mornings, watching the fingers of skyscrapers reaching from the earth into flat, gray sky.
It had taken an hour tracking her luggage, fighting the hive of bodies at JFK on a Friday – that crushing feeling of being packed into open air like a sardine had her head spinning, buildings and street signs blurring together like watercolors. 
Veins of taxi-yellow had conquered her dreams the first night she’d dreamed, curled under comfortable blankets in her college best friend’s apartment — she’d lost a cab to a local, who’d all but shoved her off the curb with nothing so much as a by-your-leave. 
Cabs mocked her, public transportation chuckled and would shake its head, if possible, at the naive little lamb behind her eyes, taking in the wilds of the urban jungle all too much of the first time. 
Her first day alone in the city, Stuart had warned her not to venture far from the apartment without escort – his vacation from his mad scientist work didn’t start until the weekend. “We’ll go out and you can get your first taste of the city, just you wait — but stay here. Bart needs the company anyway,” he’d offered nothing else, naturally. Stuart never had felt a need to share important details. 
Simply just thrust the half-abandoned coffee in his Back to the Future mug into her hand as she took up the doorway to his room, speaking around the pencil between his teeth as he wrangled into a jacket.  
And Bart was quiet enough, sure. She liked dogs — her parents had four of them at the farm, coupled with the flocks of geese and chicken, horses and the odd smattering of dairy cows laying around the lazy sunlight of spring. 
They’d all but donned black in grief when she announced she would be taking time in New York to see Stuart, the man she was supposed to be married to, if heaven allowed. 
Overwhelmed at the prospect of their progeny returning to the only man who had ever bothered to date her romantically, they’d deflated as soon as the evidence became irreconcilable — Stuart’s girlfriend, Kate, would be only a phone call away if she needed anything. 
Her mother had gasped so audibly it could be heard from the team currently bunking at the International Space Station. 
But where Bart was good company she could handle, Stuart’s unexplained roommate — Leo, no, Leopold right? –  was not.
Very much unexplained, actually, his presence in her ex’s apartment.
Stranger things certainly happened within the lines of New York City, she knew. And Stuart hadn’t felt it necessary to share this information with her the first night in.
What a guy. 
She’d almost felt her heart eviscerating into atoms when she’d padded out of Stuart’s room in socks, a too-big Batman T-shirt and sleeping shorts — thank God she's opened to sleep clothed. Looking like hell warmed over and in desperate need of caffeine, to boot.
Stuart didn’t possess a mirror in his room, and a passing glance by the TV offered somewhat of a reflection that confirmed she’d slept like the dead. Hair similar to something from the 80s, wilding in every direction – hadn’t even bothered.
Why would she? This was Stuart’s apartment, he confirmed he lived alone. Or, well — had. Past tense. 
Last night’s booze from Stuart’s tragic supply of in-apartment food still lingered in the back of her mouth, threatened to make a reappearance when Leopold had just  stood up from the couch in the living space, stretching long arms over his head in a catlike, very-much-there stretch. 
Stars aligned and her anatomy reborn in places you don’t confess, in the blink of an eye. As he’d come about sharply on his foot, wide eyed and milk white with surprise, as if she were the unexpected intrusion into Stuart’s little apartment. 
Three weeks ago she’d thrown War and Peace at the Duke of Albany’s head, all but threatening decapitation. An offense that, in Leopold’s time, surely, would have her head rolling. 
She believed him, of course. Why would he lie about time travel? Why would Stuart have scientific evidence and K-Mart photographs, all for lies? Stuart didn’t even like K-Mart.
He could barely carry on a conversation with the same barista he’d been getting coffee from for three years. 
It wasn't unthinkable, time travel. God himself had parted seas, held the sun in place for Joshua. Time travel was not beyond the realm of the Almighty, reasons aside.
How and why didn’t really matter, not in the blip of a grand scheme of a person’s life — Leopold had stumbled into the modern age for a reason, bless him. For what, who was to know? 
Divisions of her were grateful, three weeks into the arrangement, to not be the only one in the city not from here. To have company that understood the shock and awe of new wonders, of a city with it’s own voice.
Leopold was as naive and innocent to this world as she was to New York, a combination she found riveting and more thrilling than she’d admit in therapy. A renaissance man in an era that had forgotten renaissance. 
What a trip. “Lost in your thoughts again, hm?” 
Jarred by the light brush of Leopold’s hand against the back of her own as they cut through the bodies clogging  the afternoon sidewalk, she tucks a little closer to his side. Rests a stabilizing hand on his arm, trying not to knock into those waiting at the crosswalk. 
Often during these last three weeks, she got so lost thinking not only about Leopold’s situation, but him — how he takes up more space than God, but not in an aggressive way. A smile as bright and lovely as any Monet, that races the sun.
How his otherworldly charm cracks like a whip when he wants it to but isn’t cutting or belittling to those without — and the way he moves. Regal and alive in a way that’s as raw and natural as the world beneath her feet. 
He’s more alive than any man she’d ever known, so otherworldly. 
Reading a thousand fantasy manuscripts in her nine-to-five had ruined her for most men in the world, the idea so far away in between pages font choice. Nobody of Leopold’s caliber existed outside of fiction, she’d stake her life on it. The upper echelon was an understatement—people just didn’t dare dream about men like him.
A prince charming on a white horse— minus the horse and the Cinderella-esque backdrop. 
“Yeah, just a little,” her spine straightens a little more as his hand comes to linger at the low of her back, a sort of medieval courtesy that’s only ever written about. It sparks low embers in the fire of her gut as they cross the street with the others, she nods towards the subway stairs cutting down into the earth,  “Sorry, just—thinking. We’re going this way, I think,” puffing out a breath, “if my sense of direction is right.”  
He hums quietly, taking to her left to allow her access to the stair’s rail, “You possess more of a head for direction than any other woman I’ve had the pleasure to know,” he chuckles, his elbow extending politely, the nod of his chin gesturing for her to loop her arm through his.
“I trust you implicitly in this, my dear.” 
My dear.
Her heart kicks like a mule against her ribs.
“Such blind faith you have, Leo,” her nose scrunches, and she dips her gaze to her feet lest he notice the pop of color on her cheeks, “Could be leading us to Timbuktu for all you know—I’ve never been to New York. You probably know this city better than me, my lord.” 
His chest rumbles with a low, pleasant chuckle that’s almost growling.
“A venture to Timbuktu does not sound so unpleasant, such company considered."
His smile is genuine, nearly flawless—wrinkles around his eyes deepen with the effort as he leans in to whisper in her ear, “And—do be careful about such flattery, my lady. I’m prone to blushing under the attentions of the fairer sex.”  
Heat pouncing into the pit of her stomach, she swallows the gaps that threaten to knock her back teeth.
For all of a few seconds she expects to be speechless, but his endlessly charming wink produced a wry little smile of her own. 
“Is that right?” Elbowing him gently in the ribs, she giggles, “You don’t strike me as the type to blush, Leo,” brushing a curl behind her ear, “especially not with the ladies—not with all that suave charm. I still can’t believe you’re not married in your world,”
It's a topic she’d been hesitant to address, but he’d assured her he didn’t mind discussion the affairs of marriage over the course of their quick and blossoming companionship.
“But I understand. To give your heart away is a divine act. To love, well — that’s selfless. And hard.” 
He nods, once. Firmly. Too firmly for a man of his stature.
“Indeed. If I recall my uncle’s frustrations properly, ‘tis one of my many fiercely tiresome flaws, I’m afraid,” the venom behind his words is contained, but on a blade’s edge. Wlilling to fly at any moment.
The muscle in his jaw ticks with effort, “And to love is to be selfless, certainly, though in some cases it demands more of us than we think we can bear.” 
Weighty shadows behind his eyes shoves her into silent corners. 
Her arm slides through his proffered one like it’s the easiest thing in the world, more at home at his side than she’s ever felt. Leopold leads her down the stairs graciously, hand over hers on his arm in a sort of protection she’d only ever seen depicted in period films.
The landing comes up quickly, and he guides her a little closer to his side in the crowd, until her hip brushes his. And how the fibers of her jacket kiss the little pull of Stuart’s leather jacket draped across his frame may as well topple mountains in her soul.
The maw of the subway track looms beyond them, dark and ominous, more dungeon-esque than she’d ever imagined.
People pile in. Open air shrinks around them rapidly, forcing her to a snug against Leopold’s side that, by all counts, is far too intimate for her conservative liking.
He doesn’t seem to mind, however, too busy watching people and eyeballing for the train. She can feel the thrum of his heart from here, the bite of aftershave he’d borrowed from Stuart so alive on his skin it may as well reach out to smack her. 
His hand firms over hers still looped through his arm, the rumble of an engine in the darkness signaling the arrival of their train.
“Extraordinary,” he shakes his head, marveled as the subway comes up quickly in a burst of light and steel. It pulls to a sharp stop as the doors pop open with a static hiss, and Leopold is frozen in an airy, almost fond, wonder. 
“Whoever would have thought, beneath this very city. Boggling, simply wondrous.”  
Taking her arm, he tugs her forward into the car not at all unlike an eager child. A sweeping gaze down the length of the car and Leopold decides they will stand, reaching above his head for the standing bar.
His chest opens to a broad that empties her mouth of any and all moisture as she collects her breathing, straightens the line of her long jacket. 
She situates her purse when Leopold’s arm gently slips around her shoulders, drawing her into his chest beneath his arm. His smile down at her is soft, a tender gaze considering the features of her face as she shyly peers up at him through her lashes.
Here against his ribs, she can feel the throb of his heart, how his lungs fill with breath and empty steadily, like the rising of the sun. 
And he’s so beautiful, so everything she’d only ever wrote about in diaries and film and poetry she’d never showed the world. 
His warmth intoxicates her blood, she’s keening beneath his quiet shadow — she can’t breathe properly when his gaze drops from her eyes to her mouth.
It’s that Hollywood moment everyone talks about, but few ever experience, and her skin explodes with chill when he manages to pull in a sharp little inhale that straightens his spine, squares back his shoulders. 
Gnawing on the inside of her cheek, her toes curl within her sneakers — it’s almost surely that moment. Her brain laps with the thought of kissing him, wondering how he’d taste; experiencing for the first time how a kiss could shatter the very glass ceiling of the known universe. 
At one point in her life, she’d never imagined kissing anyone but Stuart—the man her parents loved like a son. How long ago that felt, almost as if it were another lifetime, on another planet. 
She can’t fathom how, in any time, he’d be the right man when the right man stands right in front of her. 
His arm around her shoulders shifts to gently skip his thumb along her arm, tenderly. “Do you know you are beautiful thing?”
A small smile forms around the words when her eyes snap up, breathlessly, and Leopold drops his hand from the standing bar above them to tip her chin up with tender fingers, “I have seen many women in my time, but few so fiercely beautiful,” his eyes hold hers, and she can’t help but notice he swallows a little breath.
“Stuart is a foolish man, letting you slip away if he truly once possessed you as his own. Unimaginable.” 
Tears well behind her lashes, his warmth pounding at walls around her heart. The way he looks at her, his eyes soft and so deeply honest, rattles her places she can’t quite identify. It’s like ripping open heavy curtains to a darkened room deprived of sunlight, flinching at pervasive light. Hurts, but in a good way—like removing a thorn. 
And there are thorns to remove, many of them — Stuart had contributed little to what the world has done. 
Looking away, she goes to step out from beneath his arm. Leopold retaliates, pressing her closer, his arm firm along her shoulders. Unyielding, like a sentinel pillar.
Wanting to rest a hand on his chest, she pulls it away as if he is a furnace — the heavy throb of his heart beneath her hand is all too hot, all too intimate, to fathom. 
His brow lifts, curiously, “It would please me if you’d allow me to kiss you,” with all seriousness he graces her with title, breath shallow and even.
He edges her a little closer, and almost mindlessly, she lifts on her toes to meet his angle.
“I’ve wanted to do so since the first moment I heard you say my name.” His lower lip rolls in, tempted, “Say my name. Speak it, and I’ll be yours.” 
It escapes her, suddenly, how many times she’s said his name in the last three weeks — but it doesn’t matter. Now it takes on an entirely new meaning, a weight that threatens to change the small universe between them.
Only able to be reborn beneath his gaze, she feels her chest swelling with warm pride—with a riotous joy that rattles her all the way down. 
Never had she imagined hearing such words, such love. In seconds, she’s Aphrodite, lost to the ages in the weight of his gaze, adrift in his words. Who even spoke like that, anymore? Nobody, she knows — nobody here, nobody like you. It only could be the words of a man out of time, a man in renaissance.  
Weighing the weight of his name on her tongue, she swallows how wrong the short of Leo feels, now.
He can never be Leo again — Leo was a man shacking up with her ex boyfriend in New York City, starry eyed and funny in his innocence. A friend, someone she could enjoy talking to. 
He no longer existed. Leopold took his place, burying any boyish fantasy between them.
He was a man, standing like the sun, extending to her a sort of thing only ever envisioned. Where Leo was a boyish wonder, Leopold was a man of purpose, driven. Powerful. Man enough to bend the very boughs of time and space. 
Her lips form around the syllables and consonants of his name. And it tastes so good, a sweet thing that she’ll dine on with every breath God decides to lend.
How many times does she say his name to make him hers? A hundred? A thousand?
Uncountable lifetimes of him would never be enough. 
So she says it again, again, again and again. 
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baphometsss · 2 days ago
(i was gonna send this in an ask but it got too long lol sorry) @mythalism re: your tags i'm not esp into the idea of the madonna complex re: mythal bc i think, like a lot of freudian ideas, it's insufficient at best and downright harmful at worst
like YES he did put her on a pedestal and yes that's part of the madonna complex, but i think it kind of does solas a disservice when it comes to his intellect bc his thinking is not really black and white enough for that imo. i think he was deluded about her but that was mainly borne from extreme devotion, and that level of devotion can only come from someone who is deeply emotionally unfulfilled
i think it's a lot more likely that he grew to distrust so many people during the war that the only person he really felt he could trust was mythal. mythal used him and kept him on a string so she could use his intellect as a weapon. he was a tool that she believed to be obedient and unconditionally loyal to her. then she went and betrayed him too, which was too much for him to accept, because it meant that he really couldn't trust anyone at all, and that screwed him up majorly and 'broke' him.
unfortunately it's similar to a really common thing that men do w/their emotions irl. i'm not trying to make a 1:1 comparison here because the context is wildly different, but we know that the ancient elves were highly emotional beings so i think it tracks. men have this culture of being emotionally shut off from their friends because vulnerability is seen as a weakness, so they put all their emotional vulnerability into their romantic and family relationships w/women. they see women as the kind of epitome of emotional vulnerability, so they unload on them in this really unhealthy way that leads to more emotional turmoil bc it's just too much. they bottle things up and don't share it with any of their male friends, and so they overwhelm the women in their lives with their emotional needs. when that woman inevitably fails to be able to meet them, she falls off the pedestal and she turns into the awful she-devil for not being there for him. or god forbid she has needs of her own that take precedent or are put on him to fulfil bc that's not allowed for someone with no autonomy. it is partly madonna complex but there's a lot more to it on the guy's part too.
like i said it's not a 1:1 comparison bc we're talking about a war and a genocide and mythal was probably never as 'good' as solas wants to remember her being, but it really makes me think of that. rather than toxic masculinity however it's a matter of repeated betrayals and traumas that fosters his behaviour re: mythal. solas didn't have anyone he could trust with his most intimate thoughts and feelings like he once did with mythal and other spirits long passed, and he's desperately clinging to that relationship bc his ability to trust has been broken so completely and he can't handle the trauma and guilt of the war alone. and ofc unlike mythal and the evanuris, solas holds a LOT of guilt about the titans and the blight. so no matter how much she screwed him over, she always stayed on that pedestal bc the alternative (dealing with it alone) was so much worse. (there's also the fact that mythal understood him as wisdom unlike the others who brought out the worst in him, and that mirror is important for him to retain his nature as wisdom and not pride, the latter of which which his trauma pushes him towards more and more)
essentially he's put all his emotional eggs in one basket regarding mythal. by the time inquisition rolls around, he's also been betrayed by his general and close friend, and he really doesn't trust anyone at all, so he's regressing even further. it makes the romance/friendship all the more special because the inquisitor shows him that it's only by opening yourself up to trust other people (the key being multiple people) again that you can really start to heal and move on instead of wallowing alone forever in your pain and grief.
The whole 'refuge for Mythal' thing is really interesting bc it shows that Solas really saw Mythal as being on his side when it couldn't be more obvious that she enjoyed the power of being queen of the Evanuris. He calls it a 'struggle' in the regret memory, but I don't think she was struggling as much as he thinks. Even Felassan realises how delusional he is about her. It's one of many things Solas is in denial about.
That said, it does seem like he was much more aware of Elgar'nan's evil than she was; I truly believe that Mythal found a kindred spirit in Elgar'nan and thought that she was the right one for him. She tempered him and mitigated the harm he did as much as she could (which doesnt seem to be that much, in all honesty). Whether or not they had romantic feelings for each other is up for debate, but I think it's very possible. There was likely an element of tension at being evenly matched in the way they were that gave their relationship a pathological edge. It was only when Solas told her about the Evanuris using the power of the Blight that she finally decided to take him seriously and challenge her husband and the rest of the Evanuris head-on.
It's also really revealing that the Blight was her final straw. Mythal obviously had no issue with slavery as long as her slaves were treated well. It's very reminiscent of real world attitudes some had towards their slaves ie that as long as you don't abuse them it's okay. They don't understand the fundamentally unethical nature of owning another person. It's why I don't buy the benevolence retcon because slavery is inherently cruel--something that both Solas and an elven Inquisitor can argue with Dorian about.
Yeah, Solas really is an unreliable narrator with Mythal and I really wish we'd had more perspectives other than his. I long to see Mythal in all her cunty glory but alas it will never be
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serendipitys-dragon · 1 day ago
Froggy Cake
Written for BigBday2025
Word Count: 356
Ship: Nosy Neighbors (can be read as platonic or romantic)
It wasn’t that BigB hated his birthday per se, he just believed that there were more important things to think about when you’re literally trapped in a death game where your life is 24 hours long. Apparently, though, Pearl was of a very different opinion. “Oh c’mon mate!” She laughed, brushing off his surprise as he climbed up their tower to find their ‘living room’ draped in colorful fabrics and makeshift streamers. “You didn’t think I’d let you forget your birthday, did ya?” “Oh Pearl,” BigB breathed, “thank you.” He grinned as his gaze landed on the frog themed cake Pearl had put on the table. “This is great.” Now it was Pearl’s turn to grin, “I knew you’d like it! C’mon now, take a slice. We can’t have it getting cold.” “But it’s so cute!” BigB argued as he approached the table. “I feel almost bad.” “Well, there are other frogs in the pond,” Pearl replied her eyes twinkling as she produced a knife. “Here, get as much as you want.” “Aren’t ya gonna sing me Happy Birthday first?” BigB teased as he took it from her. “Oh, right! Ah, nuggets,” Pearl exclaimed. “I forgot the candles! I’ll be right back!” As promised, Pearl promptly returned, candles in hand. “Alright,” she murmured as she lit them, leaning over them studiously before straightening with a flourish “make a wish!” BigB squinted in mock concentration, peering into the small flames like a fortune teller into a crystal ball, “I wish… I wish…” He turned to an eager Pearl with a mischievous grin. “I wish to win Limited Life,” he stated before blowing out the candles. “That’s a good wish,” Pearl replied, her smile soft. Her voice was imbued with that edge of tenderness that always accompanied discussions of victory, a sort of sadness, almost. “And I promise that I’ll make sure it comes true.” “Well,” BigB remarked, only a little regretful as he sliced into his beautiful cake. “I already have one wish that’s come true.” “And what’s that?” Pearl questioned as he handed her the plate. BigB turned to beam at her, “The best teammate ever.”
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loving-jack-kelly · 2 months ago
jack race and crutchie have the kind of co-dependent friendship/brotherly relationship/love that only comes out of being each others' sole support systems during the worst times of their lives. they can read each others' minds. they know immediately when something is wrong. they will be so so mean to each other but the instant anybody else is mean to one of them all bets are off. they communicate in sentence fragments incomprehensible to anybody else. they each know and guard the others' secrets with the type of intensity usually only seen in secret societies. ride or die to the most literal degree possible.
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elenasalvatore1 · 2 days ago
I have to make a remark that I meant book!Ginny Weasley. And I meant bookHinny.
One of the most important thing is that Ginny a bit cruel in her jokes. She uses people's weaknesses to laugh and look good against their background, which is a very mean trait. Remember Ron. He really wanted to join the team. Ron is insecure, and Ginny knows it. What Ginny does is she trips up and makes fun of Ron in front of the team and calls him an idiot. It's very cruel. it is not the issue of the age. It is her age. She uses people's weaknesses to laugh and look good against their background, which is a very mean trait. Remember Ron. He really wanted to join the team. Ron is insecure, and Ginny knows it. What Ginny does is she trips up and makes fun of Ron in front of the team and calls him an idiot. It's very cruel. Ginny doesn't care about other people's emotions. Considering that she has no idea what Harry has been through, the fact that Harry is an introvert, the fact that she doesn't try to get to know him, is not Ginny's advantage as Harry's partner.
Mrs. Weasley and Hermione didn't approve of Fleur. Ginny pretended to be sick and was really insulted by the "cow" but she smiled than to Fleur’s face. It is hypocritical.
Second: I can’t agree with you in part that She doesn’t love Harry for his popularity. She loved him because he is a heroic friend. She uses a lot words for that «you was too busy to save world », « I like you so much because you can’t be happy if you don’t fight against V. », «she never gave up on him » and she asked Hermione how to get a guy, when she even didn’t talk to him. The statement that they spent a lot of time doesn’t work here as she started from crush, she used boys to attract his attention. So it has nothing with loving Harry. It is her idea to get a hero.
if you reread my « essay » you will notice Ginn’s selfishness. She always worries about Her worries, but she really does not care about Harry.
i like Harry so much as person, he deserves much more than such relations.
If you read more attentively you will notice, that I think that development for them as romantic couple should be at war. That is why « they grow up in romantic partner is not for them » that you mentioned. I suppose that their relationship could be the most fantastic example of true love. That is based on trust, acceptance, understanding, closeness that make people as the most important ones. And it is amazing.
in HP series there are other examples of friendship between male and female characters . Harmony will not spoil it.
Honestly, it's not important to me how predictable couples are. The main thing is how their relationship is developed. that is why I prefer Harmony with its depth and sense. By the way. and hinny are even more cliches. Hinny is a real Cinderella tale. Romione is a topic for a separate post, everyone in Romione will just be unhappy.
Hinny could be just a school romance but it isn’t connected with true love.
Ya'll really gonna come in here and tell me you love Harry Potter but you hate Hinny.
You're going to tell me to my face that you love Harry James Potter, a man who has been through so much. Lost his whole entire family., and you're going to deny him his greatest source of comfort.
Are you actually going to tell me that you think ferret face or someone who Harry has described as a sister to him is a better fit for him than someone who makes him happier than he can ever remember being.
He was willing to die happily just thinking about her kissing him. Literally his last dying thought but you're gonna come here and tell me that you hate true love.
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yuripira4e · 10 months ago
if I see one more person saying they shipped Edwin and the cat king I’m just going to assume media literacy has died
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pocketramblr · 4 months ago
I always found it slightly awkward how media makes siblings or people who see each other as siblings call each other brother/sister all the time as in real life you almost never see people do that with their own siblings (maybe someone out there like that)
In the case of Arkham Shadows I see why they did though because Bruce quite literally tells Harvey he loves him and Harvey says it back. Can't have the audience think Batman is in love with the DA.
They had Bruce pay for his college, pay for his campaign, pay for his surgery, pay for his therapy and had Harvey have him as his best man at his wedding. Wow..... Sugar baby Harvey is real.....
The calling sibling title thing is less common in English than in some other languages for sure- me and a couple of my siblings do it on occasion, but it's for a bit then. More common is when I call one of my close family friends "my sister" or "my nephew" when talking about them to someone else because it's faster and easier to say that than to say "my friend who I've known since she was born and lived with for a few years and consider a little sister" or "child of a close family friend who considers me an aunt" to someone who doesn't know them. Which is a lot of words to say that if they wanted to fully sell me on the brothers thing they should have either had a different bit or should have referred to the other as "my brother" when talking to an unrelated character instead.
But "oh no we have to make Bruce not look gay" has been a problem DC has struggled with more than once for many decades and it basically never works so I guess at least they didn't try to solve it this time by having Bruce pick a lady love over Harvey or cutting the holding hands thing
Because I saw that scrapbook! I know Harvey has been Bruce's sugar baby since he was ten years old! But we can't have Bruce take Harvey's hand and call him the love of his life because ok technically that's Gotham but also because gay. And we can't have Bruce take Harvey's hand and call him his best friend because they're not ten anymore and somehow that seems gay also. So brothers it is, I guess. Even if I think my brothers would bite my finger if I ever tried to pay for everything for them on that scale, guess it's different at billionaire levels
#I'm actually simultaneously a believer in grew up like brothers and absolutely down bad romantically#(and harvey as a representation of Gotham itself as a love)#like an election in two (three) positions at once#but the point remains- you can't really fully cover the care by slapping a brother label on it like dc tries to to avoid it being too gay ig#which is very funny because did you see all the bi Tim and Dick stuff in Gotham Knights- but Robin has always had more freedom than Batman#in the 'can we let anyone think he's anything other than totally straight' department#anyway now I'm thinking about how on earth-3 all the characters get a morality flip#but Two Face/Three Face is the only one i can think of who gets a gender flip as well#as if 'oh if we had just originally conceived of Dent as a woman it would have been better (morally) because then it wouldn't have ended up#looking so gay'#but no they did not explore that thread because apparently uh having love interests in the joker and riddler was more important#which you'd think should reflect back on standard issue harv eddy and clown but uh. not really no they don't want to admit it#and i suppose 'well no three face wouldn't have a thing for owlman because he's technically not a version of Bruce he's a version of b's#brother'#but like then again. if Harvey is his brother. then shouldn't something have been used there to connect it#in any way at all#but no#instead I'm left with many thoughts about Harvey as a brother as a lover as a personification of gotham and as a woman but#i am still very sleepy rn so i don't know how many of those thoughts are coherent#but all that to say#YEAH SUGAR BABY HARVEY#guess it wouldn't be comforting for Harvey to shakily ask what he is#and Bruce to answer 'you're my companion who i turn to for affection in and give you obscene amounts of money in turn'#but like. it also wouldn't have been incorrect.#... though 'sugar baby harv as part of the representation of Gotham itself' probably has something to it too#but i digress I'm sleepy#pocket talks to people#anon#* i meant 'electron' not 'election' in that earlier tag
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romantic-ageru-yo · 3 days ago
GT thoughts part 3 - first-time watching the Super 17 saga
I really liked the tournament filler episode, poor Satan omg, he misses his buddy so much! I love Pan keeping up the tradition of throwing these tournaments because 'fame and fortune ew' xD Also Uub not being able to fight Satan because of his Buu-influence almost made me cry, Satan and Uub need to hang out together and be friends, that should be a thing! ;-;
Earth Gero gets to meet Space Gero! This saga made it even more obvious that they are literally just the same person (both visually and personality-wise) If you pulled a line of dialogue out of this saga and asked me to tell you which one of them said it, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you xD
Poor Trunks getting completely beaten up by a corrupted 17, his future-self warned him about this shit!! -_-
All the past villains returning from Hell to cause chaos reminded me of Fusion Reborn, so nothing really to say here other than I wish they spent a bit longer on some of those fights. Vegeta VS Nappa could've been a whole THING, they have so much history together, and yet I can't even remember Nappa getting a single line of dialogue here
I loved Chi-Chi and Videl getting sick of being on the sidelines and running off to go join the battle, that is so much truer to both their characters than Super ever was; Chi-Chi was always trying to run off to battles strapped with automatic weapons, Videl used to run out of classes to go fight crime! These are not 'sit back and do nothing' girls! I only wish that Bulla was also interested in getting in on some of the action here too... one day, one series will finally let her do something
But speaking of the girls, that leads me to my absolute favourite part about this saga...
18 is my favourite character, and letting her have both the hardest emotional gut-punch and be a vital part of defeating the villain? I am very very happy =u= <3
Krillin's death scene DESTROYED me, there was so much emotion; from 17 still caring enough about 18 that he took the time to come looking for her, Krillin begging 18 not to join 17 on his rampage, 17 one-shotting Krillin because Krillin was starting to get through to him, 18's screams of grief (god I hope that voice actress didn't hurt her throat), 18 beating the shit out of her own brother (something we've never seen before!) 17 then deciding to one-shot Marron because he still can't bring himself to fire at 18, and 18 stepping in front of the blast because 'no you fucking don't that's my daughter' There was so so much to that scene 100/10 perfection, thank you GT <3 <3 <3
And then! Later when Goku looks like he's about to be done in, 18 steps back in, and 17 still can't bring himself to harm her, they love each other so so much omg, having the key to defeating the villain being to appeal to his love for his sibling was so touching and something that barely ANY franchises ever do, everything's always about romantic love, but sibling love is just as important and valid <3
And then!! Goku comforting 18 afterwards because she's just lost both her husband and her twin brother, two of the most important people in her life, Goku is such a sweetheart, thank you Goku ;-; <3
One final arc to go, and the Dragon Balls are cracked but I'm sure they're fine I'm sure all of this is fiiiiiine what could go wrong... >_>;
I've made it one of my goals this year to fill in some of the gaps in my Dragon Ball knowledge and watch the movies/series/etc that I've never watched properly before; we're starting with Dragon Ball GT which I only saw a few random episodes of back in the 90s and I remember not really liking what I saw of it at the time
I've just finished the Black Star Dragon Ball saga, so here are a few first impressions from a proper watch-through
It's definitely just giving me OG Dragon Ball vibes with little shit Goku and wacky adventures with shooting Kamehamehas at volcanoes (why is that a recurring thing, and why does it work xD) and dressing Trunks up as a woman to trick the guy who's kidnapping girls is just the whole Oolong thing all over again, it's very nostalgic
Trunks is like 'we can't get involved in other planets' politics!!' and then they uh... get involved in every planets' politics that they land on xD Also Trunks being as terrible at flying/landing the spaceship as Bulma was in the Namek arc? Perfection, 10/10, no notes <3
Pan is fine in this, I don't know why I've seen people complain that she's horrible in GT? (unless I just haven't reached the parts with her being terrible yet, or she's terrible in the dub which isn't the version I'm watching) She's just acting like a bratty preteen because, y'know, she IS a preteen?? Also she's giving me strong Videl vibes which I love, back when Videl was allowed to have a personality, I actually like Pan a lot more as a character after what I've seen so far
I've seen people bring up the Para Para Brothers before when showing examples of why they think GT is bad, but why have I never seen anyone complain about the absolutely disgusting creep that sexually assaults Pan while she's in doll form?? The Para Para Brothers were fine by comparison, annoying and odd perhaps, but the other guy was literally making me feel physically ill
They really just abuse the crap out of this poor little robot omg where are the robot protection services?? Please protect this little guy!!
Myuu is just Space Gero, that's all I've been calling him, that's his name now
You know I can kind of see why some people ship Trunks & Pan; this show gives them a lot of chemistry together and never bothers to explain the weird age gap. If this was the only Dragon Ball series you'd ever seen for whatever reason, and you didn't have the context, you probably would pair them together... which then raises the question of why do GT and Super both kind of set Trunks up with these girls he has weird age gaps with?? Give this poor man an actual non-problematic love interest, he has already suffered enough!
Anyway, I'm onto the Baby saga now, which I know means we're going back to Earth to spend more time with the characters I'm actually interested in, so yay!!
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 11 months ago
ok yeah, I'm willing to put Young Royals up as one of, if not the best teen drama ever written
and not just writing! cinematography, costumes, music, performances! this show truly is a masterpiece
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n4rval · 1 year ago
ough. toriel my beloved
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