#Romans plauge my mind
altfluxion · 20 days
I could have my GA rn if it wasn't for the fucking Romans! Why can't it be the 1st already, Romans have caused most of the things that plague my daily life. Why is it the 31st 😣
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ask-and-i-answer · 3 years
Virgil: What was that
Logan: Your mom just got served.
Roman: She just got served? I haven't even ordered yet!
-idk where i found this, its been plauging my mind tho-
-warning, Logan does not give any ~~~~~-
Roman: *talking a million miles an hour about anything and everything to Patton, VERY QUIETLY TO AVOID BEING YELLED AT BY LOGAN*
Patton: *Listinging to Roman, and quietly responding every once in a while.*
Logan: *quietly being annoyed by Roman while reading a new book*
Logan: *sets down book and stands from his desk, walking out of his room*
Roman: oh no.
Patton: he's coming.
Logan: *storming down the stairs, dead staring at Roman*
Roman: *terrified*
Logan: *very calmly, without hesitation or breath* roman if you don't stop talking i will come over there and take your vocal cords out.
Logan: *goes back upstairs to read*
Roman: *shook*
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princeanxious · 4 years
if you want context the context I can give is that I needed sleep, and all of these thoughts have been plauging my mind for weeks. it's also just a theretical roman out there in an au somewhere. I just think virgil is a butterfly knife. and I also considered throwing polysexual/romantic (different from polymorphas? idk how that works either) into the mix, but I decided no. now if you wouldn't mind tell me everything you know about slap bracelets.-Vibe
Sorry but like. Are we talking a theoretical butterfly knife?? Or just like. Virgil is a sentient butterfly knife?
Honestly anytime I write Roman I end up projecting him as demiromantic?? So idk friend I just work here xD
As for slap bracelets?? All I know is that they be painful and are a self-inflicted weapon that should be feared xD
Great to have the context tho bc what a mood
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randomprojectedkat · 5 years
read on AO3 here
Parings: none
warnings: Deceit’s mentioned
Chap. 1  Chapt. 2(you are here)  Chapt. 3
"You're dreaming!" Virgil squeaked, paralyzed with both anticipation and fear.
"Please don't insult my intelligence." Logan said, seeming to momentarly shake out of his surpise. "This is clearly not a fantastical situation," He continued, crossing his arms, "and that raises quite a lot of questions." Logan finished. He looked at Virgil expectantly, as if he expected an answer. Problem was, Virgil did not have an answer.
"Well..." Virgil began, internally panicking. "I...um... don't have an...um... answer?" He hesitantly responded, fearing the worst. A scowl crossed Logan's face and Virgil's panic increased tenfold. "ShitShitshitSh-" Logan cut his thoughts short.
"You're telling me that you have hidden something as incredible as this for presumably a long time, and you have no explenation?" He spread his arms in annoyance. "Virgil, here I am with a box filled with questions and you cannot answer one?" Logan sighed and turned. "Very well. We shall come back to this problem after dinner, as I do not want to worry Patton. Please have a sutable explenation when dinner has ceased." He finished, turing to leave the forest and enter Virgil's room. The movement seemed to bring Virgil back to the present, and out of this thoughts.
"Wait!" He called out.
"Yes?" Logan stopped, turing to face Virgil.
"Incredible?" He whispered, almost as though he couldn't believe it.
"Yes Virgil, incredible. Meaning impossible to believe or extrordinary. You should know this." Logan stated, a neutral expression on his face.
"Thanks." Virgil said, a small yet disbelieving smile creeping onto his face."He doesn't hate them." Virgil thought, before a new, and more urgant one crossed his mind. "What about the others?"
"Logan!" He called out. "Please don't tell anyone about this." Virigl said, a note of urgancy in his voice.
"I won't. I wasn't planning on anyhow. You have kept your wings a secret from us for a reason, and I would hate to break the trust we have built up. I trust you will tell your secret in time, to the others." Logan said.
Virgil felt a great weight of worry lift from his shoulders. "Thank you."
"No problem. Now, please let us hurry along before Patton starts to worry." Logan responded, making his way back into Virgil's room. "Are you coming?" He asked when he noticed Virgil had not moved.
"Tell Patton," Virgil took a shaky breath. "Tell him I'll be down soon." A nod was his responce. Logan, with a final glance back at the anxious side then turned and left Virgil in his room alone. As soon as he exited, it started to rain. Head still reeling from the interaction, Virgil simply stood in the now storming forest. One thought stood out from the jumble of words rushing through his head. "He didn't hate them. He didn't hate me." Taking some unsteady steps back into his room and making sure to close the door to his poket of Imagination, VIrgil let his thoughts run wild. "He didn't scorn me. He didn't mock me. Logan called them...he called them incredible."  A giggle had started to work up his throat, before bursting free. "I-I didn't get called a monster." He said to himself, as though Virgil was trying to convince himself of that truth. Taking a few breaths and blinking back tears beginning to form, Virgil grabbed his sweatshirt and began to slowly put it back on. Carefully tucking his wings in he continued to think. "If Logan didn't hate them, if he didn't call them unrelistic and scorn me, then maybe," Virgil dared to hope, "Patton and Roman, maybe they wouldn't hate them either." Taking one last breath and sparing a glace in the mirror to mke sure his wings were fully hidden, Virgil opened the door and left his room. A new look crossed the anxious side's face. A look of determination. "Let's do this"
"Virgil, kiddo, is that you?" A voice, presumably Patton, called out.
"About time! Come on Brad Pittiful, I'm starved." Another voice, who was identified as Roman, shouted after him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." Virgil called out in responce, starting to decend the stairs that led to his room. Upon arriving at the table where the other sides sat, Virgil cleared his throat. "Hey, so maybe after dinner, we can um...," Virgil paused, thoughts running wild. "Am I really going to do this?" Taking another breath, he knew his answer. "Yes." Noticing the other sides expectant looks, Virgil quickly continued. "Can we maybe have a family meeting of sorts?"
"Why sure kiddo!" Patton responded, his usually big smile faltering. “Is something wrong?”
”Oh, nothings wrong!” Virgil quickly reassured him. “I just...um...maybe had something kinda important to ...um... talk about?" He continued, tripping over his words. Looking to avoid eye contact with any of the other sides, Virgil swept his eyes around the room only to stare Logan straight in the face. He shared a knowing look with Virgil. Looking down almost instantly, he then chose to get a drink from the fridge in an attempt to look busy. "Why did you go and say that for, now you can't back out of it. Look you probably worried Patton." Virgil's thoughts decided to make a comeback. As he reached for a bottle of water, his thoughts continued to race. "Logan seemed to find them facinating. Maybe the others will too. Or..." Virgil sighed, deep and harsh. "Or nothing. I'm going to enjoy a nice quailty dinner with the others and nothing bad will happen." Virgil tried to convince himself. "Deceit wasn't the only one good at lying to himself." Grabbing his water and heading back to the table, Virgil sat down, only to be greeted by a mountian of food.
"Here you go Virgil!" Patton said, placing a plate filled with roast chicken and steamed veggies. "And if you ever have a problem, don't be afriad to lettuce know" He added on, holding a leaf of lettuce.
Virgil let out a small chuckle. "Thanks Pat."
"Patton if I look up and your holding lettuce I will loose it." Logan said, staring intently at a book Virgil had not noticed before.
"Sorry Logan, I just wanted to tell Virgil that we're fruiting for him" Patton responded, trying to hold in a few giggles.
"Patton, where did you get an apple from?" Said Roman, seemingly exasperated.
"One meal, without any puns. Thats all I ask." Logan sighed, closing his book.
"You know I can't help it." The fatherly side said.
"Try too." Logan replyed, rolling his eyes.
"Hey Roman, can you pass the salt please?" Patton asked.
"Sorry Pat, but I can't pick Virgil up." Roman responded, with a smirk. At his name, Virgil looked up.
"What? Sorry I was thinking." The anxious side said, which cause the creative side to frown.
"Oh come on! I was waiting to use that one forever, and you didn't even hear it." Roman exclaimed, throwing his hands up.
"Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." Virgil mummbled, gaining concered look from Patton.
"You ok kiddo?" He asked once again.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Virgil answered, playing with his food.
"Are you sure? Is it the food?" Patton grimmanced.
"What? Oh no! Pat your food is always the best." Virgil reassured him, with a small smile. It was true, Patton was the best cook out of all the sides. None could compare to his home cooked meals. "I just," Virgil took a breath, "I have a lot on my mind."
"Is somthing the matter? Is a beast plauging you?" Roman started up. "I shall slay it for you if needed!" He went on, standing up and stricking a pose to emphasis his point. This movement caused a small smile to appear on Virgil's face.
"Family would never abandon you. No matter what, Roman and Patton, they will always be by my side." Virgil felt his worries easing up, if only slightly. Patton, noting how everyone seemed to be done with dinner, came around for everyones plates.
"Since Virgil has something to tell us, let's all meet in the living room and hear what he has to say before desserts. How does that sound?" Patton said after disposing of the dirty dishes in the sink.
"Adequate." Was Logan's responce, as he stood up and walked to the couch.
"What he said." Roman replyed, gesturing to Logan, and going to follow him to the couch.
"Ok great! Whenever you're ready kiddo." Patton told Virgil, before going to join the others in the living room.
"Y-yeah. Ok." Virgil answered, playing with the cuff of his sweater. "I can't believe I'm going to go through with this." Virgil's thoughts made a comeback as he inched his way to the living room. Virgil took one last breath before going to stand in the living room. Sweeping his eyes around he was met with expectant faces. "W-well I called this meeting because I have something kinda important to say but I don't know if I can go through with it now and-and," Virgil felt his face begin to burn as he continued rambling. "And I really don't know how to start saying it so, um, I-" He stopped suddenly, not knowing how to continue.
"It's ok, take your time kiddo!" Patton encouraged, putting his thumbs up.
"Yeah, yeah." Virgil responded. "It's probably easier to show you anyway." He continued, struggling to take off his sweatshirt. "Here goes nothing." Virgil mummbled, finally pulling off his sweatshirt. Stretching his wings out and ignoring the gentle gasps that came from the others, he finished. "I sorta have, um, wings?"
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all-da-fandoms · 7 years
Logan’s Experiment (Roleplay To Fanfiction)
A/N: Welcome to my first ever Roleplay to Fanfiction story! Whenever I do these I will tag it with: The fandom, The Ship, and Roleplay to Fanfiction! alrighty then. This was made thanks to a good friend @eyelessella go check them out! Genre: fluff, slight angst,
Ship: Analogical (romantic)
Tag list below the cut enjoy!
@zadi-jyne @musicsavedmefromdeath 
His alarm went off, and he turned it off, instantly pulling out a journal as he wrote down thomas' latest dream for about 5 minutes, 5:05. he goes to brush his teeth. 5:10. He gets dressed. 5:30. He meditates. 7:00. Patton wakes up, starting to make breakfast. 7:06. Princey wakes up, singing the village song from beauty and the beast. 7:10. Logan comes out to join in breakfast. 7:20. Virgil comes in...But he didn't, he shattered his schedule and Logan checked his fob watch. 7:25. He was never late. Logan grew concerned and hesitated before going upstairs and he knocked on Virgil's door. "Virgil, are you okay? You are late for breakfast.
Virgil spoke between his tears as he tried to concentrate on listening to his music " Go away!" He yelled locking the door , he wasn't feeling well at all today , in fact its been getting worse , he started to feel emotion towards Logan and he didn't know how he would feel if Virgil  had told him so he just decided that he wouldn't step foot out of his room.
Logan hesitated before pulling out some paper clips and got to work, he had to fix the schedule. he got in and sighed "Virgil, I came to check to see if you were....okay..." When he entered he was shocked too see virgil Virgil was hidden deep in his closet ....crying? This confused Logan and he stood off to the side turning of the music and he lowered to a kneeling position, staying closer to Virgil's current level and he sighed. "I want to help you virgil. I am worried about you. You come in everyday at 7:20 for breakfast, but you broke your pattern today...I only want to understand why.”
Virgil seemed shocked as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink and he realized oh god he was staring. He turned away “P-personal reasons”
Logan sighed. "you don't have to tell me Virgil. But I want you to know I'm here for you."
Virgil curled deeper into the corner and he nodded weakly, unable too find words. Logan would probably think he’s a freak. Why hadn’t he shooed him off yet? God he was an idiot.
Logan gave a small smile, a rare sight, and he held out his hand "Shall we eat then?" he started to stand up, but moved slowly.
Virgil stared at his hand and hesitantly took it and turned away with a scowl and a blush.
Logan knew what was happening with Virgil, he was the logical one after all, but he also wanted to make sure this was what was actually happening. He needed all the facts and he knew just how to do it.
Virgil took a few deep breaths attempting to pray his blush to go away. He really didn’t need this. Not when Roman would be in there. God Roman was annoying. It eventually went away, so now, he was finally fit to leave his room. Even though Logan practically dragged him out, he didn't of course, but he had his plan and was ready to go about it, he stopped and glanced at his shirt "wait. this is the wrong tie. Come, we need to stop by my room" he said, he turned to head into this bedroom to get a new tie. he hoped this worked, he would switch ties, and then see how Virgil reacts to the way he'd do it. hopefully that gives him enough evidence.
Virgil tried to get away because oh shit, his room? He couldn’t do this! Nononono, he tried to get away but his socks caused him to glide against the floor. Unfortunately he could only glide along.
Logan made it into his room and closed the door with Virgil inside. "It'll only take a second, then we can get breakfast." he said calmly as he started switching ties, humming to himself.
Virgil blushed  and got uncomfortable and looked at his feet , he waited for logan to be done. " wh-why did you bring me in here  for you to change  your tie..”
"Hm?" he turned and shrugged. "Well it would only take a second, you don't mind do you?"
" i uhh... no i dont " he avoided eye contact. What was Logan doing? He was doing something. Weather he knew it or not.
Logan walked over. "If you mind, that's fine, I'll remember next time." he adjusted his tie. "Is this tight enough?" He quietly observed Virgil, looking for any signs that he may have an attraction too Logan.
Vergil shakily adjusted it a bit. " now it is " he said awkwardly, swallowing thickly. " c-can you keep a secret?"
Logan glanced at Virgil, was this the moment he’d tell him? Would he finally go against all his instincts? Only one way to find out. "Oh? Well of course, I do tend to act as a mediator out of us all."
" i-i have a crush on someone and i-i don't know how to tell them" Virgil looks away shyly. God, he was gonna see him as a freak wasn’t he? He never should’ve said that.
Logan smiled and flattened his tie. Ah yes, here it was. Best way to address it is vaguely. "My advice? As scary as it sounds, just tell them. of course there's a chance you'd get rejected. but if you enjoy the person I think you enjoy, I'm 98 percent positive you won't get rejected."
" okay , i like you " he practically ripped open the door and ran to his room, slamming the door as he curled up in his room.
Logan took a deep breath as he walked over to virgil’s room door and let out a sigh, knocking on the door "virgil. I already knew." he said with a soft smile.
He peeked his head out the door " y-you did Logan, ..." He was stunned. Was this all a prank? He stared at the smiling trait, confused.
Logan chuckled, holding his hands behind his back. "I'm the logical side, I notice things. and remember what I said about said crush you confessed too?" he said, leaning closer, smiling at the younger trait.
Virgil was hesitant before he leaned a bit closer too match logan, he was nervous, his stomach was doing flips and he prayed he wouldn’t panic.
Logan gently reached in and took Virgil's hands and carefully pressed a gentle kiss, a sure and strong kiss, gently pulling him closer as his eyes fluttered shut.
Virgil blushes, and suddenly, they were in space. Floating among the stars and the entire universe slowed and the moment felt like it would last forever. This is the moment he finally kisses the one he loves and it’s amazing and slowly he kisses back melting into the embrace , gripping logan's hand.
Logan wanted to stay there with Virgil in his embrace but unfortunately, they needed to breathe. Logan hesitantly pulled away and suddenly, they were back, in between virgil’s room and the hallway. He sighed, swallowing thickly. "Breakfast?"
Virgil nodded , he was breathless and blushing very heavily  " y-yea” He smiled and hesitantly took Logan’s hand as Logan walked him off.
Patton grinned jumping up from his seat “AND THAT’S WHEN YOU TWO GOT TOGETHER!!!” he cheered, hugging virgil tightly. Virgil rolled his eyes “we told you as soon as we walked in” Roman rolled his eyes “Not as exciting as how me and Patton got together” Logan and Virgil stared at each other then stared at Patton and Roman, dumbfounded, Roman glanced at them both “Wait, did you not know?”
                                                     THE END
A/N: Thanks for joining me on this adventure, please reblog and like if you enjoyed, reblogs make me happy makes my fic spread like the plauge! I love you all Always Keep Fighting and you are Fam ILY See y’all later Sisters, Brothers, and non-binary others! Chris out!
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