#Role of Predictive Analytics
How Generative AI is Improving Business Forecast Accuracy
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Reference : How Generative AI is Improving Business Forecast Accuracy - Medium
The age of digital transformation is upon us, and organizations are actively searching for inventive methods of outperforming rivals. One of the most revolutionary achievements in this regard is the inclusion of Generative AI into BI systems. Generative AI — a sub-category of AI that can create new data samples that are similar to a given set of data — is the revolutionary in forecasting and planning that BI uses. This article shows how generative AI is going to change the way we use business intelligence for forecasting and planning, its advantages, applications and ethical challenges.
The development of Business Intelligence
However, to start with the place of AI in BI forecasting and planning, it is important to comprehend the development of BI and its role in modern operation. Being a term that encompasses different tools, applications and methodologies, Business Intelligence enable an organization to gathering, analyzing and interpreting data to make the right decisions. Traditional BI platforms were mainly based on descriptive and diagnostic analytics with the focus on past performance and identifying prevailing trends.
Hence, with companies appreciating more and more the crucial role of predictive and prescriptive analytics for future success and competitive advantage, there is a heightened requirement for progressively complicated and competent BI tools. It is at this point where generative AI is brought into the equation, characterized by high-level capabilities capable of reshaping BI forecasting and planning strategies.
Through Generative AI in BI Forecasting and Planning, its capabilities can be utilized.
Enhanced Predictive Analytics
Generative AI uniquely increases the efficiency of predictive analytics through the use of complex data sets with advanced machine learning algorithms that factor out the accuracy of predictive models. It is true that unlike the traditional predictive analytics which mostly rely on predetermined algorithms and patterns, the power of AI is in its ability to create new data points and imaginary characters. This opens new opportunities for businesses to know the changing trends of the market better than their competitors and therefore become more efficient.
Generative AI is capable of identifying hidden patterns and subtle relationships contained in big and complex data sets which traditional BI tools fail to catch. Through the crunching of different variables and factors, generative AI can determine business’ insights into the market trends, customer behavior and possible threats and opportunities so that they can make decisions with aim of making the business to be successful.
Scenario Simulation
One of the further developments of AI generative technology is the scenario simulation which facilitates the forecasting and planning strategizing. Generative AI is capable of simulating multiple business scenarios due to its capability to generate synthetic datasets which are based on historical data. This way businesses are able to check and compare alternative strategies and their expected consequences allowing them to make wise decisions in the course of their planning process.
Realistic and accurate simulation by generative AI help to identify eccentric risks and probable openings, estimate the direction of different factors and see that business strategy is sturdy and responsive. This leads to increased agility and durability of enterprises, which allows them to follow quickly the rapidly flowing changes of market conditions and to grab new business opportunities.
Personalized Insights
The AI technologies also generates the personalized responses by analyzing the user’s behavior and inclination. Such an approach helps to uncover the most appropriate marketing and sales directions, which leads to great chances to increase among clients and their loyalty.
Revealing customer data, e.g. shopping history, browsing behavior and interaction with marketing campaigns, through sophisticated data analysis generative AI can find shortcomings and trends and craft personalized offers and recommendations for customers. It helps in planning and implementing marketing and sales strategies, thus it creates consumer engagement and sales growth.
Automating Routine Tasks
Generative AI might even be able to run the whole of the forecasting and planning activities, including data collection, processing and report writing. It gives BI professional additional spare time to focus more on strategic and analytical applications rather than spending it on simple data arrangement.
Generative AI in automation can help companies reduce routinary and time-consuming jobs and help them to grow in operations’ efficiency, cut down on operational costs and make their decision-making quicker. By doing this BI team productivity and performance will show up eventually allowing the team members to deliver more value to the organization.
Real-time Analytics
Generative AI does real-time analytics to keep tabs on the market updates and, consequently, helps a company to act in a timely manner, whenever there is a need for any market adjustments. However, this ability may be critically vital for industrial sectors that have very volatile markets such as retail, finance, and health care.
Thanks to real-time data analysis, generative AI brings business with a unique opportunity to spot and address emergent trends early, find new prospects, and stay informed about their key performance indicators in order to maximize performance and avoid losses on the spot. Technological advancement gives businesses a real edge of fast-decision making and flexibility, and it helps them to take the most of their opportunities.
Improved Data Quality
Generative AI has a great potential of boosting dat quality through detection and correction of such errors as clashing, inconsistency and outliers in data sets. As a result of this, forecasting will have a stronger fundament and would be more reliable and accurate, which minimizes the risk of making hasty decisions that are based on incomplete information.
Through enhancing data quality, generative AI gives to the businesses the opportunity to acquire better decisions thanks more to evidence and veracity, better shape the predictive models’ reliability and accuracy, as well as to enhance the efficiency of the forecasting and planning processes. This improves the accuracy and trustworthiness of the information promoted by BI which helps the businesses make informed decisions with vigour.
Ethical Considerations
Even if generative AI in BI can bring about positive outcomes in forecasting and planning, one should also think about AI ethic issues which might arise and hinder the implementation of this technology. Enterprises should pay special attention that AI models are trained and applied with data collected and used in accordance with the data ethical norms, privacy and compliance regulations established by the lawmakers.
Data Privacy and Security
The AI of the future relies on getting access to relevant and numerous data sets to create meaningful and valued outputs. Companies must have data privacy and security policies to be aware of threats of data misuse, unauthorized access and breaches. Those policies must ensure that only authorized personnel could access sensitive and confidential information of others.
Transparency and Accountability
Therefore, generative AI, which has complex machine learning algorithms to achieve their goals and yield outcomes that are sometimes difficult to decode is one of the advanced technologies of AI. The realm of ethics should include but not be limited to the notion of how the AI “black boxes” function, how decision making comes about, or how any possible biases are identified and dealt with.
Fairness and Bias
AI that is able to creatively could unwittingly therefore keep and amplify the current unfavorable and unfair indications, which is present in the training data for the model. Organizations should eliminate bias and identify mechanisms that can modulate the bias and promote equality. Thus, A.I. must generate unbiased and equitable information.
In the meantime, generative AI is making BI more efficient with imperative analytics, allowing to simulate with different scenarios, wherever applicable providing specific insights on an individual level, automating the routine tasks, availability of real-time analytics, increment in the quality of the data as well as securing the competitive advantage. However, businesses should indeed manage not only the operative questions, but also the ethical aspects confirming due performance when working with data in order to take the best from generative AI in BI.
The prominence of generative AI in today’s business sphere is unimaginable. Businesses always modernize and adapt to changing business environments. This calls for businesses to implement outputs of generative AI in their BI systems into lately. Through the inclusive implementation of the transforming impact of AI with the ethics keeping quiet, companies can become successful because of the cut-throat competition and the fast moving of businesses, in the business world.
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From predictions to planning, generative AI is redefining business intelligence. Learn how it’s revolutionizing forecasting strategies.
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rubylogan15 · 5 months
From predictions to planning, generative AI is redefining business intelligence. Learn how it’s revolutionizing forecasting strategies.
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dieterziegler159 · 5 months
Generative AI is driving innovation in business intelligence by introducing cutting-edge forecasting and planning strategies for success.
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cyber-soul-smartz · 2 months
21st Century Project Planning: Blueprint for Unparalleled Success
Discover the secrets to mastering project planning and achieving unparalleled success! Dive into our latest article for expert insights and practical tips. Don't miss out—subscribe now to stay updated on the best strategies for professional development!
Mastering Project Planning: Crafting the Blueprint for Unparalleled Success in the 21st Century Imagine venturing on a journey without a map, a compass, or even a clear destination in mind. The chance of reaching your goal would be slim to none. This scenario mirrors the challenges faced by project managers who dive into execution without a solid plan in place. The planning phase of project…
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essglobe · 11 months
BI Solutions for Retail: Gain Valuable Insights into Your Business
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BI solutions for retail can help you gain valuable insights into your business data, such as customer behavior, sales trends, and inventory levels. This information can be used to improve your business operations and make better decisions.
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astrocafecoffee · 4 months
Groom Persona chart Observation ✨
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💖 1st house stellium in GPC means your fs maybe someone who is noticeable and stands out in social situations.
💖 5th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be an artist, musician, writer.
💖 7th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be attractive and socially adept, drawing others to them with their magnetic personality and charisma.
💖 Union (1585) in 1st house meaning meeting your fs while attending social events, gatherings, or parties where you can connect with new people/ professional connection/ shared interest.
💖 Union in 3rd house means you can meet your fs during short journeys or travels close to home.
💖 Union in 8th house means you may meet your fs in context where there is a shared investment and mutual dependency, such as through work, joint projects or shared social circles.
💖 Juno in Capricorn means your fs is known for their ambitious and goal oriented nature. They may be highly driven and motivated to achieve success in thier career, personal goals and relationships./ Could be famous too .
💖 Juno in Sagittarius means they can be a foreigner, philosophical and open minded.
💖 Juno in Taurus means your fs may prioritise creating a stable and secure home environment and may value financial stability within the relationship.
💖 Juno in leo means your fs may be confident, outgoing and enjoy being the center of the attention in social settings., Creative, generous, romantic.
💖 sun in 11th house means your fs is likely to possess a charismatic and Magnetic personality within their social circles ,may value friendship highly and their social network may play a significant role in shaping their identity and opportunities.
💖 Sun in 12th house means your fs may be introspective and contemplative with a rich inner world that is not always readily apparent to others.
💖 sun in 6th house means your fs may prefer predictable schedules and organized workflows that allows them to efficiently manage their time and responsibilities., Possess strong problem solving skills and an analytical mindset.
💖 Juno / groom/ Venus in Sagittarius or 21°/9° or in Aquarius or in 9th /12th house means a Foreign spouse.
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💖 Venus in 5th - creativity, music/ art , your fs may have a strong desire for children or a nurturing instinct towards family life.
💖 Venus in 10th house - ambitious, successful, well liked , respected spouse.
💖 Fama in 1st / 7th house - could be famous spouse.
💖 POF in 4th house - fs may have a deep connection to their cultural background or family traditions., May have interest in real estate or property related work.
💖 leo rising means your fs may have a strong desire for recognition and appreciation.may carry themselves with Grace and poise projecting on air of authority and nobility.
💖 Virgo rising -Fs may be modest and humble , health conscious, possess a discerning eye and critical mind.
💖 Scorpio rising - fs may have mysterious allure and a penetrating gaze that leaves a lasting impression on those the encounter, have a rich inner world with complex emotions that run Deep.
💖 industria(389) in 3rd house - your fs career-
musicians, blogger, public relations, possess creative ideas, small business owner.
💖 industria in Libra - your fs career may be something with public relations or marketing, art or design, legal advocacy, or event planning.
💖 industria in Aquarius - you fs may be in technology or IT specialist, social activism , scientist or researcher, humanitarian work or international development.
💖 industria in Pisces - creative arts , healing arts , oceanography or marine conservation, healing arts , charity work.
💖 Industria in Aries - entrepreneur, may thrive in leadership roles , sales , marketing, or sports management.
💖 industria in Taurus - financial sector, buisness ownership, agriculture, horticulture, real estate, painting, sculpting or in music composition.
💖 industria in cancer -
Hospitality, home based business, psychotherapist, food blogger, art therapy.
💖 industria in gemini - social media influencer, journalist, writer, teaching profession, tour guide , hotel manager.
💖 industria in Scorpio -
- psychology and counseling, detectives, private investigator, forensic scientist ,holistic/ energy healer.
💖 Industria in Virgo - doctor, nurse , scientist, data analyst, , office manager, project coordinator, teachers, or instructors.
💖 industria in leo - actors , musicians, artist, brand ambassador, publicist, marketing manager.
💖 industria in Sagittarius - professors , researchers, journalist, media, philanthropy or in social justice advocacy.
💖 industria in Capricorn -
Buisness and management, politician, policy advisors , civil servants, lawyers, engineering, architect, judges.
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💖 Northnode in 7th house suggests that your relationship with your fs may have karmic significance., Soulmate placement.
💖 Northnode in 3rd house means your fs may play a significant role in facilitating your growth and development in the areas of communication, intellect and learning.
💖 Karma conjunct ascendent/ descendant - karmic relationship.
💖 your fs may share similar placement like your groom pc. Example - if your sun in Aries in GPC, they could have sun in their 1st house or at 1°,13° or 25°.
💖 Groom conjunct vertex - fated/ predestined encounter with fs. They may have a profound impact on your life and personal growth. they may serve as a catalyst for important experiences, growth opportunities and transfermetive changes is in your life .your relationship with them maybe characterised by depth, intensity and sense of spiritual or emotional connection.
💖 Groom conjunct Venus -
The conjunction of groom and Venus indicates are strong attraction between you and your fs. there may be a magnetic pull or chemistry that draws you together, fueling feelings of romance ,passion and desire. your FS may possess qualities that you find irresistibly attractive both physically and emotionally.
💖 your fs may be drawn to individuals who embody the qualities associated with the seventh House lord for example-
* if the 7th house lord is sun then your fs may be attracted to individuals who support their ambitions, encourage their creativity and contribute positively to their self expression. they may be drawn to partners who are confident, self assured and have a strong sense of individuality.
* if 7th house lord is moon - your fs desires a partner who can meet there emotional needs and provide a sense of comfort and belonging. they are drawn to individuals who are empathetic, nurturing and emotionally supportive. emotional intimacy is a priority for them in the relationship.
* if the 7th house lord is Venus -
Your FS values relationships highly and seeks harmonious and loving partnership. they may prioritise finding a romantic partner who complements their own sense of beauty and aesthetics. partnership is Central to their sense of fulfillment and happiness.
* if the 7th house lord is mercury - your fs places a high value on mental simulation and intellectual compatibility in the relationships. they seek a partner who can engage them in stimulating conversations and share their interest and ideas.
*if the 7th house lord is mars - your fs may seek a partner who can match their level of energy and enthusiasm and they may be drawn to firey and spirited individuals. they thrive on excitement and adventure in their relationships.
* if the 7th house lord is saturn - your fs value tradition and stability in relationships. they may have traditional views on marriage and may seek partners who share their values and commitment to building a secured and enduring Union.
* if the 7th house lord is Jupiter - your fs seeks meaningful and enriching connections in their relationships. they may be drawn to partners who share their values and aspirations who can inspired them to expand their horizons and pursue their goals with confidence.
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Thanks for reading ~💫
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we-stan-cale · 6 months
I meant to post something about when Cale received the letter from the God of Death, but that whole bit is just too damn good. I basically focused on reading it and didn't really think of writing about it.
This is where we truly start to learn about Kim Rok Soo's past. There were a lot of teasers before - learning that his Korea has monsters, that he was a Team Leader, that his company dealt with monsters and corrupt guilds. That he had an ability like Record.
There were some flashbacks, especially to some of his interactions with Choi Jung Soo (who we learned died before him back when Cale had that memory after fighting the golems) and Lee Soo Hyuk...
And then we got the letter from the God of Death, and Kim Rok Soo had a truly traumatic flashback to when they all died.
I think this is the first time we truly saw him shaken? The guy with the perfect memory, the guy who could record and playback everything, experienced something so traumatic that his records were broken.
We see that Kim Rok Soo was an analyst. A very good one. One able to predict a terrible monster (and thus felt guilty that his entire team died fighting said monster -though he seems to have worked through that. Some. Mostly.
We see how he interacted with his friends, really his family. And in a subordinate role, unlike most of what we've seen.
There's this bit where he'd overused his ability and had a bloody nose, and Lee Soo Hyuk tells him
‘Kim Rok Soo, wipe your nosebleed. You should get some rest if you have overloaded.’
Which contrasts with after their deaths, when he's briefing the reinforcements and notes
The reinforcements all focused on his explanation, but nobody said anything about wiping his bloody nose.
So much desolation from such a small thing.
And the request to retrieve their bodies! Over and over again, we've seen how much Cale cares about retrieving bodies and showing respect for the dead. Insisting on improving the graves at Harris Village, recovering all the remains from the Path of No Return, protecting the dead in the fight against Adin...
While that didn't solely come from this incident (the losses in his monster torn Korea played a role, this is why he truly understands how important that is for the ones left behind.
And we also see how he didn't want his team to fight that monster. He knew, with all his analytical skills, that it was too powerful. That it was likely that they'd all die. Even though even more people would die if they didn't (since the guild in that area had run away).
He straight up says how it made him feel.
The reinforcements had been too late. Boom. Boom. Cale’s heart suddenly ran wild. The sense of responsibility, anger, and sorrow that had made Kim Rok Soo’s heart boil had risen. 
A responsibility to stay alive (even if he doesn't really want to), to carry on in Lee Soo Hyuk's place ('I leave it to you').
We learn why he despises the concept of heroic sacrifice so much, why he works so hard to come up with plans that ensure nobody has to. That nobody is ever in the position where they feel compelled to do so (though if it does come to that, he'd rather be the one to do so... Than be the one left behind. Again.)
And there's this, that he thinks after Raon and Alberu break his flashback (such good friends and family) and he finishes the letter.
Cale knew that he was selfish and bad and that he cherished people who were important to him the most.
Selfish - because he wishes his team had run away and survived? Bad - because he knows that if they had, many more would have suffered instead?
He cares, he cares so damn much. And he also seems to hate himself quite a bit, though I say that not just because of this. Also his hypocrisy towards scars, where it's fine in Mary and Hannah and a sign of survival, but disgusting and something to hide in himself. That, and numerous other things that don't seem obvious at first because damn is he good at masking it and seeming normal, but yeah...
This whole scene is just so well done, means so much, answers so many of our questions, and once you know about it you can see how it affected everything.
Addendum: we also see a contrast between what Cale recalls here, and what Choi Han experiences with Choi Jung Soo's memories. Especially how he saw Kim Rok Soo use a metal board as a shield to defend him, and shortly after broke an arm.
Cale didn't mention that at all, didn't explain why he couldn't move when you he reinforcements came.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Peter and Zara were also at Gordonstoun. Zara being the in same year as W. So there was precedent in H's generation as well of sending kids to Gordonstoun. They did know the kinda academic+outdoorsey life a child that age would experience at G.
H's problem isn't the school he attended. It's he himself. There were no checks & balances on him once he was at school. No discipline for him once he hit his teens. Teachers couldn't discipline him, he constantly bullied other boys, staff. Took advantage of his RPOs. Wasted his time stoned or skipping classes. He did visit home- Windsor castle or Highgrove just as much as William did. He did his grandparents and they spoiled him rotten.
The Queen Mother spent an hour every other week with William telling him and teaching him about his legacy, his family's role etc. essentially grooming him for his role as king. She was pretty strict and no-nonsense. And if Harry had been made to do this he would have hated it. For a child William or Harry's age that mandated hour would have been a chore. But William put up with it and in hindsight saw how invaluable it was.
Harry probably spent that hour watching TV, horse riding swimming, eating sausage rolls and would have relished the fact that William is being punished. At the same he also saw that William getting extra attention.
What I'm saying is, Harrys problem is he himself. It would be the case wherever he was. William, in the same situation, chose different because he is made differently.
After Eton Harry was given so many opportunities, he had so many people in side family and outer circle who supported him, loved him, mentored him, guided him, covered for him. He had therapy, he had expert advisors, very competent staff, opportunities to get some.perspective because of all the charities and organizations he worked with.
At no point did he make better choices. If something was done for him to put him on the right path he went along with it until it got too hard. Then quit and it's on to the next thing. He didn't go to university. All his other cousins did. He could have had his pick of whichever uni, whatever course and he would have skirted through. Then he had his military career handed to him. But the moment it became non-glamorous actual work he quit.
I still think he was motivated to quit because William and Catherine had started having a public role and we're getting the limelight, so he thought he should also be a public figure and be admired.
We can only blame Charles and Harry's childhood trauma and his wounded inner child to a certain extent. When he becomes a bully, an abuser, an entitlement addict...when he starts sabotaging his loved ones ... It's on him.
William and Harry, with the exact same upbringing and trauma, with just 2 years between them, have turned out to be complete opposites. That's a great argument in favour of nature vs nurture.
I mean, everything and everyone warned him against Meghan. Most people predicted 7 years ago how their relationship would go. And yet he made that choice, stuck with it. The rest is history in making.
Anon hits it right on the nail - I like the analytical side of royal-watching precisely for what they point out: nature vs nurture, and how the royals are fascinating case studies for it.
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astroeleanor · 1 year
❤️✧˚ ༘ ⋆The Synastry of Acts of Service & Being Taken Care of in a Relationship✧˚ ༘ ⋆❤️
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It's crucial to acknowledge that while astrology offers profound insights, every relationship is unique, shaped by the individuals involved, their experiences, and their choices. Astrology, in this context, provides us with a lens to better understand and appreciate the forces at work in our relationships. The concepts discussed in this article should not be taken as definitive or predictive of any specific relationship. Every relationship is unique, and its success depends on a multitude of factors, including communication, respect, and individual choices.
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Love and relationships are a beautiful interplay of emotions and actions that revolve around acts of service & taking care of one another. These acts form the foundation of a strong and nurturing partnership. In this post, we'll delve into the profound insights that show the dynamics of nurturing, being cared for, and experiencing acts of service in relationships. These elements not only enrich but also sustain the bonds between two individuals who have chosen to share their lives and hearts.
🌿The 6th House🌿
The 6th house is closely linked with daily routines, service, and health. In synastry, 6th house connections can show how partners experience love through practical and tangible ways. The small, often unnoticed acts of service that are essential for sustaining a relationship can be seen through this house. Additionally, it represents how partners support and take care of each other in their day-to-day lives.
• 6TH HOUSE PLANETS When one partner's planets fall into the other partner's 6th house, it can indicate a sense of being loved and taken care of through acts of service and practical support. For example, if one person's Moon falls into their partner's 6th house, they may feel cherished by their partner's attentiveness to their emotional needs.
If 6th house connections are prominent, it can suggest that the foundation of the relationship is built on mutual service, care, and support. Both partners may feel loved through the shared responsibility and attention to each other's needs.
Remember that the planet person is the one bringing the energy forth, and the house person is usually the receiver. The roles can switch, though!
🌕 The Moon 🌕
The Moon represents our emotional needs and the way we nurture and are nurtured in relationships. Ultimately, Moon connections in synastry can indicate if the emotional needs of both individuals are in sync or complement each other.
MOON CONJUNCTION If your Moons are conjunct (in the same sign), you may feel deeply nurtured by the emotional bond you share. This aspect often leads to a sense of emotional fulfillment and being taken care of because your needs are so similar. In other words, you have a natural inclination to nurture and care for each other in the same way. You may also find comfort and a sense of home in each other's presence.
MOON OPPOSITION Moon oppositions may bring some challenges, but they can also create a strong magnetic pull. Partners may take turns nurturing each other. Their opposing emotional styles can initially create some challenges in understanding and connecting with each other on an emotional level. For instance, Part A has a Pisces Moon while Partner B has a Virgo Moon. If Partner A is feeling overwhelmed by their deep emotions, Partner B's practical and analytical nature can provide a grounded perspective and practical solutions to emotional issues. On the other hand, Partner A's intuitive and empathetic nature can help Partner B open up emotionally and connect with their own feelings.
MOON TRINE & SEXTILE Moon sextiles and trines indicate emotional harmony and ease. Partners who share these aspects often have a natural flow of emotional care and support. This dynamic makes it natural for them to understand and support each other's emotional needs. Moon trines, like Moon sextiles, indicate emotional ease. For example, Moon trine Moon aspects enhance the depth of emotional understanding between partners. It can also indicate that they have an innate ability to tune into each other's feelings and provide emotional support without much effort.
Saturn is associated with structure, responsibility, commitment, and stability. In synastry, it plays a significant role in shaping the level of duty each partner feels toward the other and the commitment they are willing to invest in the relationship. The Saturn person is usually the one taking care of the planet person, though the roles can switch!
• SATURN CONJUNCTIONS When one partner's Saturn is conjunct a partner’s planet or a crucial point (such as the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant) in their partner's chart, it can create a strong sense of responsibility and commitment. Acts of service in this context often revolve around building a secure future together. For example, if Partner A's Saturn conjuncts Partner B's Moon, they help Partner B become emotionally mature, and they tangibly take care of their need for safety through acts of service.
• SATURN OPPOSITIONS Saturn oppositions can bring challenges related to sharing responsibilities and authority in the relationship, but they also provide opportunities for growth. The partners may find themselves taking on shared responsibilities and learning to navigate issues together. The Saturn person usually has the most responsibility. Moreover, Saturn oppositions can also create a sense of being taken care of through shared lessons and responsibilities a couple faces together. They may appreciate that they are helping each other grow and mature, even if it's not always easy.
• SATURN TRINES & SEXTILES These aspects indicate that both partners can excel in working together to achieve long-term goals. There’s mutual support and shared responsibilities that promote stability. Saturn trines or sextiles in synastry often bring cooperation and a sense of ease when working together towards long-term goals. Partners may share tasks and commitments in a way that promotes stability and balance. This can include financial planning, household duties, or even working together on professional projects.
• SATURN’S HOUSE The house placement of one partner’s Saturn into the other partner’s birth chart signifies a sense of responsibility and commitment related to the themes of that house. For example, if one person's Saturn falls in their partner's 3rd house of finances and possessions, they may feel loved through their partner's words of affirmation, love letters, kind text messages, etc.
🫀Venus & Jupiter🫀
Venus in synastry can show how partners spoil each other with acts of love and kindness. A partner’s Venus sextile, trine, or conjunct the other partner’s planets (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Ascendant) can indicate that they indulge each other with romantic gestures and expressions of love. The Venus person is usually the one indulging in kind acts of service, though the roles can switch.
Jupiter has a similar role, representing generosity and indulgence within relationships. A partner’s Jupiter sextile, trine, or conjunct the other partner’s planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter Ascendant) can indicate a sense of shared growth and abundance in the relationship. The Jupiter person is usually the one being generous and benevolent towards the planet person, though the roles can switch.
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Spy x Family Naegiri + Izuru Kamukura AU
Kyoko Kirigiri as the spy suddenly tasked with making a family appear out of thin air. As a young girl, her father died in the early bombings and her mother, fearing for Kyoko’s safety, sent her on a train to her estranged grandfather. Said grandfather was the leader of an intelligence agency and from then on Kyoko was trained in all things related to spying. Even after her grandfather’s death she still continued with this career, believing that it was her duty to give other people a peaceful lifestyle that she will never be able to truly understand.
Makoto Naegi as the assassin who needed to swallow his moral quandaries to look after his sister. As he has gotten older he felt like he couldn’t leave because a lot of his targets were dangerous people. The current peace is so fragile, he wants to do everything he can so that more people can have hope for the future.
But who would their telepathic child be? I know Shuichi is often depicted as a naegiri baby but I don’t think he is chaotic enough to get into the same shenanigans that Anya does. What character would purposefully cause so much chaos for their own amusement?
Izuru (Kamukura) the young telepath who is desperate for anything to escape the eternal boredom. Everyone’s thoughts are so predictable. Even going to the outside world quickly become boring for the young boy.
Izuru is definitely smarter than Anya in canon, but not as smart as he is in DR. He is good at the sciences, the technical stuff and the hard rules the language and arts, but he is so apathetic that he struggles with emotional nuances in all these subjects. Perhaps the reason why scientists thought he was a failure is because Izuru didn’t care enough about what people thought and the results of the tests.
Whether he escaped or was kicked out, Izuru survives using his telepathy. He decides to use a different name to cover his tracks, calling himself “Hajime” when other people ask. Through all this, nothing reduces his boredom and he never tries to bond with anyone. He gets adopted for his intelligence and kicked out for his creepiness 4 times.
Then one day Kyoko arrives at his orphanage, and Izuru reads the most interesting mind he has ever encountered, the mind of a spy. Surely if there are any people in the world that could keep Izuru entertained, it would be the thrilling, dangerous life of a secret agent. Izuru also supposed they have something in common since Izuru created the “Hajime” identity.
The two have a different bond than Loid and Anya initially. Kyoko and Izuru initially find a decent rapport due to their naturally stoic and analytical personalities. Their first roadblock is when Kyoko has to get Izuru to do something he is not interested in (Such as studying subjects he is not interested in or befriending kids/targets). Kyoko realises the two haven’t actually been acting like parent and child before then. Kyoko buys parenting books for research and realises that Izuru’s behaviour may be a trauma response for his past. Izuru experiences an unknown emotion having an adult not throw him out when he’s being difficult. Also, Kyoko understands Izuru more than other cuz she herself can be very detached to individual problems. For Kyoko it’s due to her upbringing and because she is usually busy focusing on the bigger national issues.
In comes Makoto who takes Yor’s role as the “emotionally intelligent parent” in the family. Izuru immediately wants this harmless-looking deadly assassin under his roof, and tries to set the two adults up. Unlike Anya who sings about she wants a mama, Izuru is probably like “Hello, my mother is a single woman who is considered attractive by many people. How would you like to snatch her up before the rest of the competition.” Complete deadpan 5 year old here. Makoto and Kyoko are very shocked, but they do end up talking and eventually settle into the arrangement they do in canon.
Here Makoto acts as a stronger emotional glue to Kyoko and Izuru as the two are too stoic to develop a proper bond on their own. Makoto is also very caring towards Izuru and tries to be supportive when he knows that Izuru struggles with emotions. Both with his own or other people. Izuru is a soo a bit shocked by this because before he was always demonised for supposedly having no emotions but Makoto accepts Izuru just the way he is. I think Izuru quickly becomes attached even if the boy can’t explain why, and Makoto is happy to have such a cute stepson.
As for how Makoto covers his assassin skill, unlike Yor with clumsy lies, Makoto has a “talent” for disguising attacks and assassin skills as dumb luck- sometimes good sometimes bad. You know that martial art that is based on the fighter being drunk during? Well Makoto is similar except it’s not drunkenness but clumsiness that Makoto uses. Partly out of practice to disguise his skills, and partly due to Makoto-brand luck, it often looks like he slipped and accidentally hit someone so hard they passed out. Or he slipped, tumbled down a hill and landed on the bad guy. Kyoko never gets suspicious because Makoto’s klutziness is so extreme it can’t be faked. Surely.
Like the original all 3 grow to become a family, even if they don’t realise it for a long while. Perhaps the character who ends up with the most change by the end is Izuru turned Hajime.
I see Izuru’s character progression in this AU like this:
In danganronpa, a boy named Hajime turns into lab creation Izuru Kamukura.
In this world, a lab creation called Izuru becomes a boy named Hajime.
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rubylogan15 · 5 months
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
2024 gmmtv bl + gl predictions/wishlist
okay okay, i know it's only july. but i'm a little crazy, so i'm already thinking about the 2024 lineup. some general observations that are informing my predictions:
the 2023 lineup features 9 bls and 1 gl (out of 22 total series). 2 of the bls are ensemble casts (our skyy 2, only friends). so we can probably expect ~10 ql series next year.
as a general rule, it seems like gmmtv's main pairs will get a series every other year or so, although some popular pairings may be mains two years in a row.
they also seem to give lead roles to one or two new main pairings per year - usually pairs that have been floated as side couples in series that aired the year prior (e.g., milklove, perthchimon)
*please note that this is entirely speculation and i don't intend to start any wars in the notes. also: i will be talking about the pairs from an analytical/business perspective; if that makes you uncomfortable, i recommend you just keep scrolling*
bl predictions (in no particular order)
winny x satang series
rationale: given the success of their pairing in my school president and the many fanmeets/brand sponsorship events they've had together this year (including some solo events abroad), this is almost a guarantee. genre prediction: i'm guessing it will be a romcom with a bit of a darker/angstier edge to it, since winny and satang are great at the enemies to lovers trope and are talented dramatic actors.
2. pond x phuwin series
rationale: since fish upon the sky, these two have been a very popular pairing (particularly in thailand, it seems). along with joongdunk and geminifourth, they're part of the 'new gen' group that gmmtv has do a lot of fanmeets/brand sponsorship events (which means $$$ for gmmtv). their last series, never let me go, aired mostly in 2023 but was scheduled for 2022, so a 2024 series would be in keeping with the every-other-year rule. genre prediction: i think their next series will lean more towards the romcom end of the spectrum, given that never let me go was a lakorn and (regrettably, in my opinion) wasn't as popular as fish upon the sky.
3. gemini x fourth series
rationale: this is another no-brainer, really. this pair is so wildly popular that they're already having a solo concert together. both are very good actors (and performers) despite their young age. gmmtv would be stupid not to capitalize on their popularity and skill. genre prediction: probably still romcom, but with a little more "maturity" than my school president. they're young, but that hasn't ever stopped gmmtv from upping the intensity of the physical intimacy, in particular (e.g., phuwin was 19, about the same age as gemini and fourth, when never let me go was filmed).
4. first x khaotung series
rationale: though these two certainly aren't bound to the branded pair model, they excel when they act opposite to each other. the eclipse garnered a lot of popularity for them, and that's only going to grow after only friends. genre prediction: these two can carry heavy, emotional scenes and dark themes extremely well, so it'd be great to see them in a darker genre (the eclipse, while dealing with heavy topics, still had a lot of lighter romcom moments). personally, i'd love to see them lead a p'aof production, which might be likely since p'aof worked with (and was impressed with) the two of them on moonlight chicken. a period drama with these two would be super interesting.
5. neo x mark series
rationale: these two are the wildcard pairing in only friends and were originally the side couple in cooking crush (before they switched out mark due to overbooking him). this is consistent with gmmtv's tendency to float a couple in a series or two before giving them a series of their own. they're both in the same boat, having been relegated to the "funny side character" role for a while, but they have tremendous potential to do more, and gmmtv seems to recognize that now with their decision of casting them in only friends. genre prediction: hmm this one is tricky, since these two can do romcom and drama equally well. if i had to guess, they'll give neo and mark an "edgy"/"sexy" sereies because they're willing to go there and they can execute it well, which isn't necessarily true of all other gmmtv pairs.
6. force x book series
rationale: okay, i know i said gmmtv usually doesn't give pairs a main series two years in a row. but in forcebook's case, i think it's likely. for some reason that i don't personally understand, enchante didn't seem to resonate with a lot of people, but their popularity has skyrocketed since a boss and a babe and will only grow more when only friends airs. i think gmmtv will go with the momentum and give them another series in 2024. genre prediction: forcebook have done two romcoms already, so hopefully they'll get to branch out into another genre. personally, i think a mafia-type series led by these two would be really sick.
gl predictions (in no particular order)
gmmtv is testing the gl waters with milklove-led 23.5 this year. given the popularity of idol factory's gap the series (which surpassed 2gether's viewing stats by a wide margin), gmmtv will need to invest in the gl market in order to remain competitive. that's why i think there will be at least 2 gls in 2024, rather than just one.
view x june series
rationale: view and june will star in dangerous romance and 23.5 this year, indicating that gmmtv is looking to brand them or at least give them main roles in 2024. they're both talented actresses who have a lot of experience and can easily handle heavier material. it's just a matter of how well they're received as a pair in the series that air in 2023. genre prediction: we don't know what their dynamic will be like in their 2023 series, but i think a lakorn-style, enemies to lovers narrative would suit view and june well and give them a chance to showcase their great acting skills. a sci-fi series would also be really neat!
2. sizzy girl group series
rationale: this one might be more of a personal wish than a likely prediction, since gmmtv hardly gives sizzy the time of day. but! jan and aye have played queer characters before, and ciize has repeatedly expressed interest in doing a gl (even talking to jane about being paired together). they're all great actresses and performers (sizzy concert when??), so it really would be amazing if they got their own series. genre prediction: i'm feeling a rom-com for them. my personal dream is a series about a literal girl group of performers (like sizzy itself) so that there can be original music for each episode like in my school president. bonus points if nanon can guest star as their slaytastic manager (i'm never getting over their love score collab).
ensemble predictions (in no particular order)
given the growing number of branded and un-branded pairs within gmmtv, gmmtv will have to lean more into ensemble series (like only friends) in order to give everyone screen-time.
a light-hearted romcom (like our skyy 2)
rationale: this would be an opportunity to give airtime to any branded pairs that don't have their own series, or more work for popular pairs. a light-hearted romcom with a stacked ensemble cast would be a huge moneymaker for gmmtv with lots of fanmeet/concert opportunities (like my school president). cast predictions: we could see many members of the my school president gang (geminifourth, markford, potentially also aun and prom) here. this could also be a chance to float new gl pairings!
2. a more mature, jojo-style series (like only friends)
rationale: other production companies are ratcheting up the heat of their series; gmmtv will do so too in order to stay competitive. for better or for worse, sex sells, and like only friends, a series like this would attract a lot of attention and excitement on social media. cast predictions: this is where some of their older, more established pairs come into play. we could see jimmysea or offgun here. or even joongdunk or pondphuwin, since these two pairs are being pushed in the direction of higher heat. this could look like a mafia or gang-war style series, or maybe something with paranormal/horror themes.
bonus: things that probably won't happen but i would desperately like to see
namtan, tu, ploypach and/or prim gl (please i'm begging i would DIE; can you imagine a period piece with these four?? the costumes alone would have me on my knees)
joongdunk/pondphuwin vampire series (i don't care if it's cringe; did you see joongdunk's dumdum performance??)
breaking up branded pairs (imagine, for example, if joongdunk/pondphuwin switched partners; or winnysatang/markford; or jimmysea/forcebook)
fluke pusit main series (i mean, come on)
midnight museum season 2 khathadome canon (not brothers, please be serious)
okay, that's it. feel free to add your own predictions/wishlist. remember: these are just my own ideas and opinions! don't take anything i say too seriously haha
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saylessastrology · 1 year
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Life as an Earth Moon
Taurus x Virgo x Capricorn
1. Grounded Emotions: You likely have a steady and grounded emotional nature. Even when emotions run deep, there’s an inherent desire to manage and express them in tangible ways.
2. Practicality: Emotions are often linked to real-world concerns. You might measure your emotional well-being against practical accomplishments or the tangible aspects of life, such as financial security or a stable home.
3. Loyalty and Consistency: Once emotional bonds are formed, they are long-lasting and dependable. There’s a genuine sense of commitment and loyalty in relationships.
4. Security-seeking: Emotional security is vital. This can manifest as a desire for a stable home, financial security, or reliable relationships.
5. Resistant to Rapid Change: Quick or unpredictable shifts can be unsettling. You might prefer a more predictable and structured emotional environment.
6. Sensory Connection: You may connect emotions with sensory experiences. Comfort food, physical touch, or being in nature can be grounding and emotionally nourishing.
7. Methodical Processing: Instead of impulsively diving into emotions, there’s a tendency to process feelings methodically, seeking understanding and practical solutions.
8. Reliability: People might often see you as a rock—someone dependable and steady, especially in times of chaos or upheaval.
9. Value-driven: Whether it’s personal values, material value, or the value you bring to others, these play a significant role in emotional fulfillment.
10. Realistic Perspective: While you might have dreams and aspirations, your emotions are often rooted in reality. There’s a preference for setting achievable goals and seeking tangible results.
Taurus Moon:
1. Stability Seeker: You crave emotional stability and predictability, finding comfort in routines and traditions.
2. Sensual: You connect deeply with the physical world. Touch, taste, and other sensory experiences influence your emotional well-being.
3. Loyalty: Once you form an emotional bond, it’s deeply rooted and enduring.
4. Resistant to Change: Rapid or unexpected changes can be unsettling. You prefer gradual shifts in your emotional landscape.
5. Value-Oriented: Material security and the finer things in life can play a significant role in how you feel.
Virgo Moon:
1. Analytical Processing: You tend to analyze and dissect your emotions, seeking to understand and even improve them.
2. Service-Oriented: Helping others and being of service can be closely tied to your emotional well-being.
3. Detail-Oriented: Small things matter. You might be sensitive to subtle shifts in your environment or in people’s behaviors.
4. Self-critical: You may hold yourself to high standards emotionally and can be self-critical if you perceive any shortcomings.
5. Practical: Your emotions are often linked to practical matters. Solutions and tangible actions can help you cope with emotional challenges.
Capricorn Moon:
1. Emotional Control: You often feel the need to keep your emotions in check, presenting a composed exterior, even if there’s turmoil inside.
2. Duty and Responsibility: A sense of duty and responsibility strongly influences your emotional landscape.
3. Ambitious: Your emotions can be tied to your goals, ambitions, and how you perceive your own success.
4. Cautious: You might be wary of exposing your vulnerable side, taking time to trust and open up emotionally.
5. Seeking Structure: You find emotional solace in structure, order, and having a clear path or plan.
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