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Inaugura #Secultura "100 Artistas/100 Portadas de Milenio"
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Inaugura #Secultura "100 Artistas/100 Portadas de Milenio"
] ACAPULCO, Gro. * 6 de junio de 2018. Secultura Del 8 de junio al 2 de septiembre se presentará en el Museo de las Siete Regiones la exposición “100 Artistas 100 Portadas de Milenio Diario”, la cual retrata la visión de los expositores del arte y la relación con los hechos que acontecen diariamente, así lo dio a conocer en conferencia de prensa el secretario de Cultura, Mauricio Leyva Castrejón.
“Son cien portadas, son cien artistas, estamos en Guerrero “, dijo la directora de la Colección Milenio Arte y curadora de la exposición, Avelina Lésper, quien dijo que esto es el reflejo de una dinámica ininterrumpida de noticias, que plasma toda la naturaleza humana, en donde a través de la intervención de las diversas portadas, se muestra la realidad vista desde la perspectiva de los artistas.
Leyva Castrejón dijo sentirse honrado con la participación de la artista guerrerense Julia López, quien forma parte de esta colección y que refleja el arte local, plasmado a partir de una arista distinta.
Reconoció el trabajo de Fundación Milenio, la cual a través de su labor, se ha convertido en el referente, orgullo y compromiso.
“Estoy convencido que el arte es una de las expresiones que nos ayudan a contar la verdad”, al referirse a todo el trabajo que se desarrolla a través de esta colección.
La exposición estará abierta al público de junio a septiembre, en un horario de 10 a 17 horas, de martes a domingo, en el Museo de las Siete Regiones.
Y en ella se pueden apreciar temáticas como autorretratos, naturaleza, animales fantásticos, efímero, abstracción y tiempo, en las técnicas de acrílico, pastel, crayon, carbón y óleo.
Entre los artistas que exponen su trabajo están Sergio Garval, Gonzalo García, Benjamín Domínguez, Flor Minor, Roberto Cortázar, Ariosto Otero, Esteban Lechuga, Sergio Guzmán, Gabriel Macotela, Diego Narváez, Victoria Goren, Roger Von Gunten, Luis Selem, Diana Salazar, por mencionar algunos.
#100 Artistas 100 Portadas de Milenio#Ariosto Otero#Benjamín Domínguez#Diana Salazar#Diego Narváez#Esteban Lechuga#Flor Minor#Fundación Milenio#Gabriel Macotela#Gonzalo García#Julia López#Luis Selem#Roberto Cortázar#Roger Von Gunten#Secultura#Sergio Garval#Sergio Guzmán#Victoria Goren
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Sportgruppe - Eriz/Spiez - 31. August
Zur letzten Ausfahrt im August und mit besten Prachtwetter versammelten sich gut 30 Gümmeler an der GS Schaller Hochburg. Nach der knappen Ansprache von Lilian übernahm Aldo kurz das Wort und stellte uns einen „Neuling“ vor. Ein echter „Neuling“ war es nun auch wieder nicht, sondern handelt sich eher um einen Rückkehrer – ein Profirennfahrer, der auch beim damaligen Eliteradsportteam GS Schaller seine Spuren hinterlassen hat.
Jeder der drei gleichgrossen Gruppen nahm heute ein anderes Zwischenziel ins Visier. Die Fungruppe steuerte Altavilla an, für die Easy‘s gab es eine fantastische Ausfahrt nach Aeschi – Mülenen und die Mixed Group Sport/Speed unter meiner Führung setzte sich mit der verkürzten Variante Eriz – Spiez auseinander. Wer heute nicht dabei war, der hatte so einiges verpasst.
Zum Einrollen diente einmal mehr das beschauliche Aaretal. Hier wurde auch noch munter geplaudert. Vor allem der Ex Profi war ein gefragter Mann und er wurde stetig in Gesprächen verwickelt. Ab Brenzikofen war dann Schluss mit lustig und die ersten Höhenmeter galten zu überwinden. Ab diesen Punkt begleitete uns Roger ein längeres Stück mit dem Auto und schoss von uns ansehnliche Bilder aus allen Lagen. Mit dieser Spontanaktion hatte wohl niemand gerechnet.
Mit dem ständigen Auf und Ab von Bleiken nach Wachseldorn konnten wir zwar teilweise die Aussicht geniessen, allerdings waren die Sichtverhältnisse nicht so schön klar wie an manchen Tagen. Wegen dem herrlichen Sommertag war natürlich auch das Frischwasser mehr denn je gefragt. Der Brunnen kurz nach Süderen kam uns zu Gute und wurde rege genutzt. Kaum hatten wir wieder Fahrt aufgenommen, bogen wir links ins malerische Eriz ein.
Ab diesem Terrain war der Leistungsunterschied sehr zu spüren. Bei steilen Anstiegen gepaart mit den abschüssigen Abfahrten bildeten sich auf stark kurvenreicher Strecke kurzzeitig zwei kleine Grüppchen. Kaum hatten wir das hügelige Gelände verlassen, stand uns eine lange Abfahrt von Schwanden nach Gunten bevor. Während wir locker den Thunersee entgegenbrausten, kam uns das BOE Bergrennen Gunten – Schwanden entgegen. Auch ein Schalleraner hatte sich diesem Event gewidmet, den wir bei voller Fahrt natürlich mit grossen Jubel anfeuerten. Hoffentlich hat es geholfen.
Mit abwechselnden Führungsarbeiten erreichten wir via Thun und Einigen das Stockental. Zwar wurden wir dort mit bedrohlichen und dunklen Wolken begrüsst, allerdings wurden wir von den paar Wasserspritzern nicht wirklich nass. Kaum im Gürbetal angekommen, hatten wir plötzlich die Easygruppe vor der Nase und fuhren mit ihnen eine Weile zusammen. Da der Zusammenschluss beider Gruppen das Überholen für die Autofahrer noch schwieriger machte, erhöhte die Sportgruppe kurzerhand das Tempo, überholte die Easygruppe und fuhr einen kleinen Vorsprung heraus.
Ich bedanke mich bei allen Beteiligten für die schöne Ausfahrt und die Rücksichtnahme jeglicher Art.
Sportliche Grüsse
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Zacatecas, Zac.- Conformada por la obra de 112 artistas plásticos, fue inaugurada en el Museo Pedro Coronel la exposición Lotería de Artistas, actividad que forma parte del programa de exposiciones del Festival Cultural Zacatecas 2019.
Lotería de Artistas integra obras de pintores, escultores, grabadores, dibujantes, fotógrafos, textileros y ceramistas, quienes realizaron una interpretación desde su perspectiva sobre el juego tradicional de la lotería.
El proyecto fue ideado por David Pérez Feregrino y Lola Izurieta, quienes contactaron e invitaron a diversos artistas para participar en la reinterpretación artística de este juego de mesa mexicano.
Entre los artistas que participan se encuentra Sara María Terrazas, Adán Paredes, Juan Carlos Cázares, Roberto Turnbull, Eddie Martínez, Luigi Fantini, Ismael Nava Guardado, German Venegas , Reynaldo Velázquez, Sara María Terrazas y Roger Von Gunten.
Además de Ernesto Álvarez, Saúl Kaminer, Claudio Ojeda, Nina Roa, Cristina Kahlo, Marisa Lara, Luciano Spano, Darío Castillejos, Juan Alcázar, Leonel Marciel, Zed Desideraja, Maximiliano Javier y Octavio Bajonero, por mencionar a algunos.
Alfonso Vázquez Sosa, director del Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura (IZC) “Ramón López Velarde”, agradeció y vio con beneplácito la presencia de algunos de los artistas que participan en la exposición, en el acto de apertura.
Dijo que esta exposición estuvo pensada para Zacatecas desde hace un año y que ahora se concreta para este Festival, además de que puede ser apreciada por propios y visitantes, y que además brinda la oportunidad de que las nuevas generaciones revivan la posibilidad de jugar a la lotería.
Vázquez Sosa enfatizó sobre lo integral de dicha exposición a partir de elementos tecnológicos y musicales que se incorporan a lo visual, y que encaja de manera perfecta con el eje temático del Festival Cultural: Cultura y tecnología; de tal forma que todo está articulado, todo está en función del juego y de la exposición.
Antes, David Pérez Feregrino, dijo que esta exposición se ha ido conformando a lo largo de 18 años y se hizo con el interés de rescatar el juego de la Lotería que se ha ido perdiendo.
“Hemos visitado algunas ferias y hemos visto que ya no se juega; es una lástima porque era gran parte de la cultura de las ferias de los pueblos, y desgraciadamente está desapareciendo”, lamentó.
Con Lotería Mexicana nosotros tratamos de que siga viva la tradición y qué mejor que con obras plásticas y que quede como un legado, también como una muestra a través de un libro para que las generaciones futuras lo puedan pueden consultar.
En su momento Lola Izurieta, agradeció a las personas que hicieron la animación, porque –dijo- es importante que la tecnología nos apoye, dicha animación estuvo a cargo de una compañía, se trata de una importante aportación en la que se complementa la obra con la tecnología.
Lotería de Artistas was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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CerModern'de "Roger Von Gunten Sergisi"
CerModern'de "Roger Von Gunten Sergisi"
“Rupture” (kırılma) akımının son temsilcilerinden ressam Roger Von Gunten’in resimlerinden oluşan sergi, 8 Haziran’da başkentte sanatseverlerle buluşacak.
Ankara CerModern Sanat Merkezi’nden yapılan açıklamaya göre, Gunten’in “Eden” isimli sergisi, 8 Haziran ve 30 Temmuz tarihleri arasında CerModern’de ziyaret edilebilecek.
Zürih’teki Kunstgewerbeschule Okulunda resim ve grafik tasarım…
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CerModern’de “Roger Von Gunten Sergisi” ANKARA "Rupture" (kırılma) akımının son temsilcilerinden ressam Roger Von Gunten'in resimlerinden oluşan sergi, 8 Haziran'da başkentte sanatseverlerle buluşacak.
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89th Academy Awards Winners
Best Picture
Moonlight – Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner, and Jeremy Kleiner
Arrival – Shawn Levy, Dan Levine, Aaron Ryder, and David Linde
Fences – Scott Rudin, Denzel Washington, and Todd Black
Hacksaw Ridge – Bill Mechanic and David Permut
Hell or High Water – Carla Hacken and Julie Yorn
Hidden Figures – Donna Gigliotti, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, Pharrell Williams, and Theodore Melfi
La La Land – Fred Berger, Jordan Horowitz, and Marc Platt
Lion – Emile Sherman, Iain Canning, and Angie Fielder
Manchester by the Sea – Matt Damon, Kimberly Steward, Chris Moore, Lauren Beck, and Kevin J. Walsh
Best Director
Damien Chazelle – La La Land
Mel Gibson – Hacksaw Ridge
Barry Jenkins – Moonlight
Kenneth Lonergan – Manchester by the Sea
Denis Villeneuve – Arrival
Best Actor
Casey Affleck – Manchester by the Sea as Lee Chandler
Andrew Garfield – Hacksaw Ridge as Desmond T. Doss
Ryan Gosling – La La Land as Sebastian Wilder
Viggo Mortensen – Captain Fantastic as Ben Cash
Denzel Washington – Fences as Troy Maxson
Best Actress
Emma Stone – La La Land as Mia Dolan
Isabelle Huppert – Elle as Michèle Leblanc
Ruth Negga – Loving as Mildred Loving
Natalie Portman – Jackie as Jackie Kennedy
Meryl Streep – Florence Foster Jenkins as Florence Foster Jenkins
Best Supporting Actor
Mahershala Ali – Moonlight as Juan
Jeff Bridges – Hell or High Water as Texas Ranger Marcus Hamilton
Lucas Hedges – Manchester by the Sea as Patrick Chandler
Dev Patel – Lion as Saroo Brierley
Michael Shannon – Nocturnal Animals as Detective Bobby Andes
Best Supporting Actress
Viola Davis – Fences as Rose Maxson
Naomie Harris – Moonlight as Paula
Nicole Kidman – Lion as Sue Brierley
Octavia Spencer – Hidden Figures as Dorothy Vaughan
Michelle Williams – Manchester by the Sea as Randi
Best Original Screenplay
Manchester by the Sea – Kenneth Lonergan
Hell or High Water – Taylor Sheridan
La La Land – Damien Chazelle
The Lobster – Yorgos Lanthimos and Efthimis Filippou
20th Century Women – Mike Mills
Best Adapted Screenplay
Moonlight – Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney from In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue by Tarell Alvin McCraney
Arrival – Eric Heisserer from "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang
Fences – August Wilson from Fences by August Wilson (posthumous nomination)
Hidden Figures – Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi from Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
Lion – Luke Davies from A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley and Larry Buttrose
Best Animated Feature Film
Zootopia – Byron Howard, Rich Moore, and Clark Spencer
Kubo and the Two Strings – Travis Knight and Arianne Sutner
Moana – John Musker, Ron Clements, and Osnat Shurer
My Life as a Zucchini – Claude Barras and Max Karli
The Red Turtle – Michaël Dudok de Wit and Toshio Suzuki
Best Foreign Language Film
The Salesman (Iran) in Persian – Asghar Farhadi
Land of Mine (Denmark) in Danish – Martin Zandvliet
A Man Called Ove (Sweden) in Swedish – Hannes Holm
Tanna (Australia) in Nauvhal – Martin Butler and Bentley Dean
Toni Erdmann (Germany) in German – Maren Ade
Best Documentary – Feature
O.J.: Made in America – Ezra Edelman and Caroline Waterlow
Fire at Sea – Gianfranco Rosi and Donatella Palermo
I Am Not Your Negro – Raoul Peck, Rémi Grellety, and Hébert Peck
Life, Animated – Roger Ross Williams and Julie Goldman
13th – Ava DuVernay, Spencer Averick, and Howard Barish
Best Documentary – Short Subject
The White Helmets – Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara
Extremis – Dan Krauss
4.1 Miles – Daphne Matziaraki
Joe's Violin – Kahane Cooperman and Raphaela Neihausen
Watani: My Homeland – Marcel Mettelsiefen and Stephen Ellis
Best Live Action Short Film
Sing – Kristóf Deák and Anna Udvardy
Ennemis intérieurs – Sélim Azzazi
La Femme et le TGV – Timo von Gunten and Giacun Caduff
Silent Nights – Aske Bang and Kim Magnusson
Timecode – Juanjo Giménez
Best Animated Short Film
Piper – Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer
Blind Vaysha – Theodore Ushev
Borrowed Time – Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj
Pear Cider and Cigarettes – Robert Valley and Cara Speller
Pearl – Patrick Osborne
Best Original Score
La La Land – Justin Hurwitz
Jackie – Mica Levi
Lion – Dustin O'Halloran and Hauschka
Moonlight – Nicholas Britell
Passengers – Thomas Newman
Best Original Song
"City of Stars" from La La Land – Music by Justin Hurwitz, Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
"Audition (The Fools Who Dream)" from La La Land – Music by Justin Hurwitz, Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
"Can't Stop the Feeling!" from Trolls – Music and Lyric by Justin Timberlake, Max Martin, and Karl Johan Schuster (Shellback)
"The Empty Chair" from Jim: The James Foley Story – Music and Lyric by J. Ralph and Sting
"How Far I'll Go" from Moana – Music and Lyric by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Best Sound Editing
Arrival – Sylvain Bellemare
Deepwater Horizon – Wylie Stateman and Renée Tondelli
Hacksaw Ridge – Robert Mackenzie and Andy Wright
La La Land – Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan
Sully – Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman
Best Sound Mixing
Hacksaw Ridge – Kevin O'Connell, Andy Wright, Robert Mackenzie, and Peter Grace
Arrival – Bernard Gariépy Strobl and Claude La Haye
La La Land – Andy Nelson, Ai-Ling Lee, and Steve A. Morrow
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – David Parker, Christopher Scarabosio, and Stuart Wilson
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi – Greg P. Russell,[n 1] Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush, and Mac Ruth
Best Production Design
La La Land – David Wasco and Sandy Reynolds-Wasco
Arrival – Patrice Vermette and Paul Hotte
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them – Stuart Craig and Anna Pinnock
Hail, Caesar! – Jess Gonchor and Nancy Haigh
Passengers – Guy Hendrix Dyas and Gene Serdena
Best Cinematography
La La Land – Linus Sandgren
Arrival – Bradford Young
Lion – Greig Fraser
Moonlight – James Laxton
Silence – Rodrigo Prieto
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Suicide Squad – Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini, and Christopher Nelson
A Man Called Ove – Eva von Bahr and Love Larson
Star Trek Beyond – Joel Harlow and Richard Alonzo
Best Costume Design
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them – Colleen Atwood
Allied – Joanna Johnston
Florence Foster Jenkins – Consolata Boyle
Jackie – Madeline Fontaine
La La Land – Mary Zophres
Best Film Editing
Hacksaw Ridge – John Gilbert
Arrival – Joe Walker
Hell or High Water – Jake Roberts
La La Land – Tom Cross
Moonlight – Nat Sanders and Joi McMillon
Best Visual Effects
The Jungle Book – Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones, and Dan Lemmon
Deepwater Horizon – Craig Hammack, Jason Snell, Jason Billington, and Burt Dalton
Doctor Strange – Stephane Ceretti, Richard Bluff, Vincent Cirelli, and Paul Corbould
Kubo and the Two Strings – Steve Emerson, Oliver Jones, Brian McLean, and Brad Schiff
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – John Knoll, Mohen Leo, Hal Hickel, and Neil Corbould
Governors Awards
The Academy held its eighth annual Governors Awards ceremony on November 12, 2016, during which the following awards were presented:
Academy Honorary Awards
Jackie Chan — Hong Kong martial artist, actor, director, producer and singer.[16]
Anne V. Coates — British film editor.
Lynn Stalmaster — American casting director.
Frederick Wiseman — American filmmaker, documentarian and theatrical director.
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If you are in the mood for a distraction, enter my occasional Oscar pool! Email me your choices before the start of the Oscars, Sunday February 26th, 8:30pm EDT on ABC. You must vote in all categories. Winners receive a prize in the mail!
Previous winners include: Patty, Jane, and Sam!
List below and at these two links.
printable ballot:https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/docs/PS17_0003_AwardSeason_Oscars_Ballot_Printable%20%282%29.pdf
Best picture:
“Hacksaw Ridge”
“Hell or High Water”
“Hidden Figures”
“La La Land”
“Manchester by the Sea”
Lead actor:
Casey Affleck, “Manchester by the Sea”
Andrew Garfield, “Hacksaw Ridge”
Ryan Gosling, “La La Land,”
Viggo Mortensen, “Captain Fantastic”
Denzel Washington, “Fences”
Lead actress:
Isabelle Huppert, “Elle”
Ruth Negga, “Loving”
Natalie Portman, “Jackie”
Emma Stone, “La La Land”
Meryl Streep, “Florence Foster Jenkins”
Supporting actor:
Mahershala Ali, “Moonlight”
Jeff Bridges, “Hell or High Water”
Lucas Hedges, “Manchester by the Sea”
Dev Patel, “Lion”
Michael Shannon, “Nocturnal Animals”
Supporting actress:
Viola Davis, “Fences”
Naomie Harris, “Moonlight”
Nicole Kidman, “Lion”
Octavia Spencer, “Hidden Figures”
Michelle Williams, “Manchester by the Sea”
Best director:
“La La Land,” Damien Chazelle
“Hacksaw Ridge,” Mel Gibson
“Moonlight,” Barry Jenkins
“Manchester by the Sea,” Kenneth Lonergan
“Arrival,” Denis Villeneuve
Animated feature:
“Kubo and the Two Strings,” Travis Knight and Arianne Sutner
“Moana,” John Musker, Ron Clements and Osnat Shurer
“My Life as a Zucchini,” Claude Barras and Max Karli
“The Red Turtle,” Michael Dudok de Wit and Toshio Suzuki
“Zootopia,” Byron Howard, Rich Moore and Clark Spencer
Animated short:
“Blind Vaysha,” Theodore Ushev
“Borrowed Time,” Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj
“Pear Cider and Cigarettes,” Robert Valley and Cara Speller
“Pearl,” Patrick Osborne
“Piper,” Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer
Adapted screenplay:
“Arrival,” Eric Heisserer
“Fences,” August Wilson
“Hidden Figures,” Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
“Lion,” Luke Davies
“Moonlight,” Barry Jenkins; Story by Tarell Alvin McCraney
Original screenplay:
“20th Century Women,” Mike Mills
“Hell or High Water,” Taylor Sheridan
“La La Land,” Damien Chazelle
“The Lobster,” Yorgos Lanthimos, Efthimis Filippou
“Manchester by the Sea,” Kenneth Lonergan
“Arrival,” Bradford Young
“La La Land,” Linus Sandgren
“Lion,” Greig Fraser
“Moonlight,” James Laxton
“Silence,” Rodrigo Prieto
Best documentary feature:
“13th,” Ava DuVernay, Spencer Averick and Howard Barish
“Fire at Sea,” Gianfranco Rosi and Donatella Palermo
“I Am Not Your Negro,” Raoul Peck, Remi Grellety and Hebert Peck
“Life, Animated,” Roger Ross Williams and Julie Goldman
“O.J.: Made in America,” Ezra Edelman and Caroline Waterlow
Best documentary short subject:
“4.1 Miles,” Daphne Matziaraki
“Extremis,” Dan Krauss
“Joe’s Violin,” Kahane Cooperman and Raphaela Neihausen
“Watani: My Homeland,” Marcel Mettelsiefen and Stephen Ellis
“The White Helmets,” Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara
Best live action short film:
“Ennemis Interieurs,” Selim Azzazi
“La Femme et le TGV,” Timo von Gunten and Giacun Caduff
“Silent Nights,” Aske Bang and Kim Magnusson
“Sing,” Kristof Deak and Anna Udvardy
“Timecode,” Juanjo Gimenez
Best foreign language film:
“A Man Called Ove,” Sweden
“Land of Mine,” Denmark
“Tanna,” Australia
“The Salesman,” Iran
“Toni Erdmann,” Germany
Film editing:
“Arrival,” Joe Walker
“Hacksaw Ridge,” John Gilbert
“Hell or High Water,” Jake Roberts
“La La Land,” Tom Cross
“Moonlight,” Nat Sanders and Joi McMillon
Sound editing:
“Arrival,” Sylvain Bellemare
“Deep Water Horizon,” Wylie Stateman and Renee Tondelli
“Hacksaw Ridge,” Robert Mackenzie and Andy Wright
“La La Land,” Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan
“Sully,” Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman
Sound mixing:
“Arrival,” Bernard Gariepy Strobl and Claude La Haye
“Hacksaw Ridge,” Kevin O’Connell, Andy Wright, Robert Mackenzie and Peter Grace
“La La Land,” Andy Nelson, Ai-Ling Lee and Steve A. Morrow
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” David Parker, Christopher Scarabosio and Stuart Wilson
“13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi,” Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush and Mac Ruth
Production design:
“Arrival,” Patrice Vermette, Paul Hotte
“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” Stuart Craig, Anna Pinnock
“Hail, Caesar!,” Jess Gonchor, Nancy Haigh
“La La Land,” David Wasco, Sandy Reynolds-Wasco
“Passengers,” Guy Hendrix Dyas, Gene Serdena
Original score:
“Jackie,” Mica Levi
“La La Land,” Justin Hurwitz
“Lion,” Dustin O’Halloran and Hauschka
“Moonlight,” Nicholas Britell
“Passengers,” Thomas Newman
Original song:
“Audition (The Fools Who Dream),” “La La Land” — Music by Justin Hurwitz; Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
“Can’t Stop the Feeling,” “Trolls” — Music and Lyric by Justin Timberlake, Max Martin and Karl Johan Schuster
“City of Stars,” “La La Land” — Music by Justin Hurwitz; Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
“The Empty Chair,” “Jim: The James Foley Story” — Music and Lyric by J. Ralph and Sting
“How Far I’ll Go,” “Moana” — Music and Lyric by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Makeup and hair:
“A Man Called Ove,” Eva von Bahr and Love Larson
“Star Trek Beyond,” Joel Harlow and Richard Alonzo
“Suicide Squad,” Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini and Christopher Nelson
Costume design:
“Allied,” Joanna Johnston
“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” Colleen Atwood
“Florence Foster Jenkins,” Consolata Boyle
“Jackie,” Madeline Fontaine
“La La Land,” Mary Zophres
Visual effects:
“Deepwater Horizon,” Craig Hammack, Jason Snell, Jason Billington and Burt Dalton
“Doctor Strange,” Stephane Ceretti, Richard Bluff, Vincent Cirelli and Paul Corbould
“The Jungle Book,” Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones and Dan Lemmon
“Kubo and the Two Strings,” Steve Emerson, Oliver Jones, Brian McLean and Brad Schiff
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” John Knoll, Mohen Leo, Hal Hickel and Neil Corbould
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2017 Oscar Nominations
ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE NOMINEES: CASEY AFFLECK Manchester by the Sea ANDREW GARFIELD Hacksaw Ridge RYAN GOSLING La La Land VIGGO MORTENSEN Captain Fantastic DENZEL WASHINGTON Fences ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE NOMINEES: MAHERSHALA ALI Moonlight JEFF BRIDGES Hell or High Water LUCAS HEDGES Manchester by the Sea DEV PATEL Lion MICHAEL SHANNON Nocturnal Animals ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE NOMINEES: ISABELLE HUPPERT Elle RUTH NEGGA Loving NATALIE PORTMAN Jackie EMMA STONE La La Land MERYL STREEP Florence Foster Jenkins ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE NOMINEES: VIOLA DAVIS Fences NAOMIE HARRIS Moonlight NICOLE KIDMAN Lion OCTAVIA SPENCER Hidden Figures MICHELLE WILLIAMS Manchester by the Sea ANIMATED FEATURE FILM NOMINEES: KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS Travis Knight and Arianne Sutner MOANA John Musker, Ron Clements and Osnat Shurer MY LIFE AS A ZUCCHINI Claude Barras and Max Karli THE RED TURTLE Michael Dudok de Wit and Toshio Suzuki ZOOTOPIA Byron Howard, Rich Moore and Clark Spencer CINEMATOGRAPHY NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Bradford Young LA LA LAND Linus Sandgren LION Greig Fraser MOONLIGHT James Laxton SILENCE Rodrigo Prieto COSTUME DESIGN NOMINEES: ALLIED Joanna Johnston FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Colleen Atwood FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS Consolata Boyle JACKIE Madeline Fontaine LA LA LAND Mary Zophres DIRECTING NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Denis Villeneuve HACKSAW RIDGE Mel Gibson LA LA LAND Damien Chazelle MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Kenneth Lonergan MOONLIGHT Barry Jenkins DOCUMENTARY (FEATURE) NOMINEES: FIRE AT SEA Gianfranco Rosi and Donatella Palermo I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO Raoul Peck, Rémi Grellety and Hébert Peck LIFE, ANIMATED Roger Ross Williams and Julie Goldman O.J.: MADE IN AMERICA Ezra Edelman and Caroline Waterlow 13TH Ava DuVernay, Spencer Averick and Howard Barish DOCUMENTARY (SHORT SUBJECT) NOMINEES: EXTREMIS Dan Krauss 4.1 MILES Daphne Matziaraki JOE'S VIOLIN Kahane Cooperman and Raphaela Neihausen WATANI: MY HOMELAND Marcel Mettelsiefen and Stephen Ellis THE WHITE HELMETS Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara FILM EDITING NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Joe Walker HACKSAW RIDGE John Gilbert HELL OR HIGH WATER Jake Roberts LA LA LAND Tom Cross MOONLIGHT Nat Sanders and Joi McMillon FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM NOMINEES: LAND OF MINE Denmark A MAN CALLED OVE Sweden THE SALESMAN Iran TANNA Australia TONI ERDMANN Germany MAKEUP AND HAIRSTYLING NOMINEES: A MAN CALLED OVE Eva von Bahr and Love Larson STAR TREK BEYOND Joel Harlow and Richard Alonzo SUICIDE SQUAD Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini and Christopher Nelson MUSIC (ORIGINAL SCORE) NOMINEES: JACKIE Mica Levi LA LA LAND Justin Hurwitz LION Dustin O'Halloran and Hauschka MOONLIGHT Nicholas Britell PASSENGERS Thomas Newman MUSIC (ORIGINAL SONG) NOMINEES: AUDITION (THE FOOLS WHO DREAM) from La La Land; Music by Justin Hurwitz; Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul CAN'T STOP THE FEELING from Trolls; Music and Lyric by Justin Timberlake, Max Martin and Karl Johan Schuster CITY OF STARS from La La Land; Music by Justin Hurwitz; Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul THE EMPTY CHAIR from Jim: The James Foley Story; Music and Lyric by J. Ralph and Sting HOW FAR I'LL GO from Moana; Music and Lyric by Lin-Manuel Miranda BEST PICTURE NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Shawn Levy, Dan Levine, Aaron Ryder and David Linde, Producers FENCES Scott Rudin, Denzel Washington and Todd Black, Producers HACKSAW RIDGE Bill Mechanic and David Permut, Producers HELL OR HIGH WATER Carla Hacken and Julie Yorn, Producers HIDDEN FIGURES Donna Gigliotti, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, Pharrell Williams and Theodore Melfi, Producers LA LA LAND Fred Berger, Jordan Horowitz and Marc Platt, Producers LION Emile Sherman, Iain Canning and Angie Fielder, Producers MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Matt Damon, Kimberly Steward, Chris Moore, Lauren Beck and Kevin J. Walsh, Producers MOONLIGHT Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner, Producers PRODUCTION DESIGN NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Production Design: Patrice Vermette; Set Decoration: Paul Hotte FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Production Design: Stuart Craig; Set Decoration: Anna Pinnock HAIL, CAESAR! Production Design: Jess Gonchor; Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh LA LA LAND Production Design: David Wasco; Set Decoration: Sandy Reynolds-Wasco PASSENGERS Production Design: Guy Hendrix Dyas; Set Decoration: Gene Serdena SHORT FILM (ANIMATED) NOMINEES: BLIND VAYSHA Theodore Ushev BORROWED TIME Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj PEAR CIDER AND CIGARETTES Robert Valley and Cara Speller PEARL Patrick Osborne PIPER Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer SHORT FILM (LIVE ACTION) NOMINEES: ENNEMIS INTÉRIEURS Sélim Azzazi LA FEMME ET LE TGV Timo von Gunten and Giacun Caduff SILENT NIGHTS Aske Bang and Kim Magnusson SING Kristof Deák and Anna Udvardy TIMECODE Juanjo Giménez SOUND EDITING NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Sylvain Bellemare DEEPWATER HORIZON Wylie Stateman and Renée Tondelli HACKSAW RIDGE Robert Mackenzie and Andy Wright LA LA LAND Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan SULLY Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman SOUND MIXING NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Bernard Gariépy Strobl and Claude La Haye HACKSAW RIDGE Kevin O’Connell, Andy Wright, Robert Mackenzie and Peter Grace LA LA LAND Andy Nelson, Ai-Ling Lee and Steve A. Morrow ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY David Parker, Christopher Scarabosio and Stuart Wilson 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush and Mac Ruth VISUAL EFFECTS NOMINEES: DEEPWATER HORIZON Craig Hammack, Jason Snell, Jason Billington and Burt Dalton DOCTOR STRANGE Stephane Ceretti, Richard Bluff, Vincent Cirelli and Paul Corbould THE JUNGLE BOOK Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones and Dan Lemmon KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS Steve Emerson, Oliver Jones, Brian McLean and Brad Schiff ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY John Knoll, Mohen Leo, Hal Hickel and Neil Corbould WRITING (ADAPTED SCREENPLAY) NOMINEES: ARRIVAL Screenplay by Eric Heisserer FENCES Screenplay by August Wilson HIDDEN FIGURES Screenplay by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi LION Screenplay by Luke Davies MOONLIGHT Screenplay by Barry Jenkins; Story by Tarell Alvin McCraney WRITING (ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY) NOMINEES: HELL OR HIGH WATER Written by Taylor Sheridan LA LA LAND Written by Damien Chazelle THE LOBSTER Written by Yorgos Lanthimos, Efthimis Filippou MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Written by Kenneth Lonergan 20TH CENTURY WOMEN Written by Mike Mills *taken from Oscars.org*
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LOS ANGELES, CA – Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs, joined by Oscar®-winning and nominated Academy members Demian Bichir, Dustin Lance Black, Glenn Close, Guillermo del Toro, Marcia Gay Harden, Terrence Howard, Jennifer Hudson, Brie Larson, Jason Reitman, Gabourey Sidibe and Ken Watanabe, announced the 89th Academy Awards® nominations today (January 24).
This year’s nominations were announced in a pre-taped video package at 5:18 a.m. PT via a global live stream on Oscar.com, Oscars.org and the Academy’s digital platforms; a satellite feed and broadcast media. In keeping with tradition, PwC delivered the Oscars nominations list to the Academy on the evening of January 23.
Academy members from each of the 17 branches vote to determine the nominees in their respective categories - actors nominate actors, film editors nominate film editors, etc. In the Animated Feature Film and Foreign Language Film categories, nominees are selected by a vote of multi-branch screening committees. All voting members are eligible to select the Best Picture nominees.
Active members of the Academy are eligible to vote for the winners in all 24 categories beginning Monday, February 13 through Tuesday, February 21.
The 89th Oscars will be held on Sunday, February 26, 2017, at the Dolby Theatre® at Hollywood & Highland Center® in Hollywood, and will be televised live on the ABC Television Network at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT. The Oscars also will be televised live in more than 225 countries and territories worldwide.
Nominations for the 89th Academy Awards
Performance by an actor in a leading role
Casey Affleck in "Manchester by the Sea"
Andrew Garfield in "Hacksaw Ridge"
Ryan Gosling in "La La Land"
Viggo Mortensen in "Captain Fantastic"
Denzel Washington in "Fences"
Performance by an actor in a supporting role
Mahershala Ali in "Moonlight"
Jeff Bridges in "Hell or High Water"
Lucas Hedges in "Manchester by the Sea"
Dev Patel in "Lion"
Michael Shannon in "Nocturnal Animals"
Performance by an actress in a leading role
Isabelle Huppert in "Elle"
Ruth Negga in "Loving"
Natalie Portman in "Jackie"
Emma Stone in "La La Land"
Meryl Streep in "Florence Foster Jenkins"
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
Viola Davis in "Fences"
Naomie Harris in "Moonlight"
Nicole Kidman in "Lion"
Octavia Spencer in "Hidden Figures"
Michelle Williams in "Manchester by the Sea"
Best animated feature film of the year
"Kubo and the Two Strings" Travis Knight and Arianne Sutner
"Moana" John Musker, Ron Clements and Osnat Shurer
"My Life as a Zucchini" Claude Barras and Max Karli
"The Red Turtle" Michael Dudok de Wit and Toshio Suzuki
"Zootopia" Byron Howard, Rich Moore and Clark Spencer
Achievement in cinematography
"Arrival" Bradford Young
"La La Land" Linus Sandgren
"Lion" Greig Fraser
"Moonlight" James Laxton
"Silence" Rodrigo Prieto
Achievement in costume design
"Allied" Joanna Johnston
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" Colleen Atwood
"Florence Foster Jenkins" Consolata Boyle
"Jackie" Madeline Fontaine
"La La Land" Mary Zophres
Achievement in directing
"Arrival" Denis Villeneuve
"Hacksaw Ridge" Mel Gibson
"La La Land" Damien Chazelle
"Manchester by the Sea" Kenneth Lonergan
"Moonlight" Barry Jenkins
Best documentary feature
"Fire at Sea" Gianfranco Rosi and Donatella Palermo
"I Am Not Your Negro" Raoul Peck, Rémi Grellety and Hébert Peck
"Life, Animated" Roger Ross Williams and Julie Goldman
"O.J.: Made in America" Ezra Edelman and Caroline Waterlow
"13th" Ava DuVernay, Spencer Averick and Howard Barish
Best documentary short subject
"Extremis" Dan Krauss
"4.1 Miles" Daphne Matziaraki
"Joe’s Violin" Kahane Cooperman and Raphaela Neihausen
"Watani: My Homeland" Marcel Mettelsiefen and Stephen Ellis
"The White Helmets" Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara
Achievement in film editing
"Arrival"Joe Walker
"Hacksaw Ridge" John Gilbert
"Hell or High Water" Jake Roberts
"La La Land" Tom Cross
"Moonlight" Nat Sanders and Joi McMillon
Best foreign language film of the year
"Land of Mine" Denmark
"A Man Called Ove" Sweden
"The Salesman" Iran
"Tanna" Australia
"Toni Erdmann" Germany
Achievement in makeup and hairstyling
"A Man Called Ove" Eva von Bahr and Love Larson
"Star Trek Beyond" Joel Harlow and Richard Alonzo
"Suicide Squad" Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini and Christopher Nelson
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score)
"Jackie" Mica Levi
"La La Land" Justin Hurwitz
"Lion" Dustin O’Halloran and Hauschka
"Moonlight" Nicholas Britell
"Passengers" Thomas Newman
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song)
"Audition (The Fools Who Dream)" from "La La Land" Music by Justin Hurwitz; Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
"Can’t Stop The Feeling" from "Trolls" Music and Lyric by Justin Timberlake, Max Martin and Karl Johan Schuster
"City Of Stars" from "La La Land" Music by Justin Hurwitz; Lyric by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
"The Empty Chair" from "Jim: The James Foley Story" Music and Lyric by J. Ralph and Sting
"How Far I’ll Go" from "Moana" Music and Lyric by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Best motion picture of the year
"Arrival" Shawn Levy, Dan Levine, Aaron Ryder and David Linde, Producers
"Fences" Scott Rudin, Denzel Washington and Todd Black, Producers
"Hacksaw Ridge" Bill Mechanic and David Permut, Producers
"Hell or High Water" Carla Hacken and Julie Yorn, Producers
"Hidden Figures" Donna Gigliotti, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, Pharrell Williams and Theodore Melfi, Producers
"La La Land" Fred Berger, Jordan Horowitz and Marc Platt, Producers
"Lion" Emile Sherman, Iain Canning and Angie Fielder, Producers
"Manchester by the Sea" Matt Damon, Kimberly Steward, Chris Moore, Lauren Beck and Kevin J. Walsh, Producers
"Moonlight" Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner, Producers
Achievement in production design
"Arrival" Production Design: Patrice Vermette; Set Decoration: Paul Hotte
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" Production Design: Stuart Craig; Set Decoration: Anna Pinnock
"Hail, Caesar!" Production Design: Jess Gonchor; Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh
"La La Land" Production Design: David Wasco; Set Decoration: Sandy Reynolds-Wasco
"Passengers" Production Design: Guy Hendrix Dyas; Set Decoration: Gene Serdena
Best animated short film
"Blind Vaysha" Theodore Ushev
"Borrowed Time" Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj
"Pear Cider and Cigarettes" Robert Valley and Cara Speller
"Pearl" Patrick Osborne
"Piper" Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer
Best live action short film
"Ennemis Intérieurs" Sélim Azzazi
"La Femme et le TGV" Timo von Gunten and Giacun Caduff
"Silent Nights" Aske Bang and Kim Magnusson
"Sing" Kristof Deák and Anna Udvardy
"Timecode" Juanjo Giménez
Achievement in sound editing
"Arrival" Sylvain Bellemare
"Deepwater Horizon" Wylie Stateman and Renée Tondelli
"Hacksaw Ridge" Robert Mackenzie and Andy Wright
"La La Land" Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan
"Sully" Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman
Achievement in sound mixing
"Arrival" Bernard Gariépy Strobl and Claude La Haye
"Hacksaw Ridge" Kevin O’Connell, Andy Wright, Robert Mackenzie and Peter Grace
"La La Land" Andy Nelson, Ai-Ling Lee and Steve A. Morrow
"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" David Parker, Christopher Scarabosio and Stuart Wilson
"13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush and Mac Ruth
Achievement in visual effects
"Deepwater Horizon" Craig Hammack, Jason Snell, Jason Billington and Burt Dalton
"Doctor Strange" Stephane Ceretti, Richard Bluff, Vincent Cirelli and Paul Corbould
"The Jungle Book" Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones and Dan Lemmon
"Kubo and the Two Strings" Steve Emerson, Oliver Jones, Brian McLean and Brad Schiff
"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" John Knoll, Mohen Leo, Hal Hickel and Neil Corbould
Adapted screenplay
"Arrival" Screenplay by Eric Heisserer
"Fences" Screenplay by August Wilson
"Hidden Figures" Screenplay by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
"Lion" Screenplay by Luke Davies
"Moonlight" Screenplay by Barry Jenkins; Story by Tarell Alvin McCraney
Original screenplay
"Hell or High Water" Written by Taylor Sheridan
"La La Land" Written by Damien Chazelle
"The Lobster" Written by Yorgos Lanthimos, Efthimis Filippou
"Manchester by the Sea" Written by Kenneth Lonergan
"20th Century Women" Written by Mike Mills
Watch Oscar Nomination Video Clip:
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With 14 nominations, La La Land ties the record held by All about Eve (1950) and Titanic (1997).
With their Best Picture nominations for Moonlight, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner become the first individual producers to have nominations in the Best Picture category in four consecutive years.
La La Land is the first musical with original music and story to receive a Best Picture nomination since All That Jazz (1979) and the second since Anchors Aweigh (1945).
With his Best Picture nomination for Manchester by the Sea, Matt Damon becomes only the third individual to be nominated in the Acting, Writing and Best Picture categories. The others are Warren Beatty and George Clooney.
Denzel Washington is the seventh individual to receive Acting and Best Picture nominations for the same film, joining Warren Beatty,
Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper.
In the acting categories, seven individuals are first-time nominees (Andrew Garfield, Mahershala Ali, Lucas Hedges, Dev Patel, Isabelle Huppert, Ruth Negga and Naomie Harris). Six of the nominees are previous acting winners (Denzel Washington, Jeff Bridges, Natalie Portman, Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Octavia Spencer).
Meryl Streep extends her lead as the most nominated performer with her 20th nomination.
Kubo and the Two Strings is the second fully animated film to be nominated in the Visual Effects category. The first was The Nightmare before Christmas (1993).
With a running time of 7 hours 47 minutes, Documentary Feature nominee O.J.: Made in America is the longest film ever nominated for an Academy Award.
Mica Levi, nominated for Original Score for Jackie, is the eighth woman to be nominated in the music scoring categories.
Thomas Newman's nomination for Original Score for Passengers is his 14th and brings the total for members of the Newman family (Alfred, Lionel, Emil, Thomas, David and Randy) to 90, more than any other family.
Stuart Craig has the most nominations for Production Design of any living person with 11. The all-time record in the category belongs to Cedric Gibbons with 38 nominations.
Kevin O'Connell and Andy Nelson, each with 21 nominations for Sound Mixing, are tied for the most nominations in the category since nominations began going to individuals in 1961.
With their nomination for Sound Editing for La La Land, Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan become the first female team to be nominated in the category. Six other women have a combined total of 10 nominations and five wins for Sound Editing.
Kim Magnusson, with his sixth nomination for Live Action Short Film, has produced the most films nominated in the short film categories of any living person.
"The Empty Chair" from Jim: The James Foley Story is the seventh song from a documentary feature to be nominated and the fifth in the past five years.
Best Picture Release Dates:
Hell or High Water - August 11, 2016
Moonlight - October 10, 2016
Hacksaw Ridge - November 2, 2016
Arrival - November 10, 2016
Manchester by the Sea - November 17, 2016
Lion - November 24, 2016
La La Land - December 8, 2016
Fences - December 15, 2016
Hidden Figures - December 24, 2016
#film#oscars#89th Academy Awards#89th Oscars#the academy of motion picture arts and sciences#The Academy Awards#academyawards#2017 Oscars#2017 Academy Awards#fences#Hidden Figures#lala land#Manchester by the Sea#Arrival#lion#moonlight#Rogue One: A Star Wars Story#Rogue One#denzel washington#taraji p. henson#janelle monae#Viola Davis#Pharrell Williams
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No se pierdan la muestra "Horizontes" curada por nuestra querida Pilar Bordes en la Galería Eme Espacio de arte (Prado Norte 135 CDMX). Gilberto Aceves Navarro, Manuel Felguérez, Fernando García Ponce, Alan Glass, Roger von Gunten, Pedro Friedeberg y Joy Laville. 👏❤🎨🖼 #arte #cdmx #galeria #pintura #grabado
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Ciudad de México.- Una muestra conformada por 44 obras de taller, de varias etapas creativas realizadas entre 1950 y 1974 por la pintora mexicana Lilia Carrillo, fue inaugurada hoy en la Galería Andrea Pozzo, de la Universidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de México, por el artista plástico Manuel Felguérez y el director general del Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura (IZC) “Ramón López Velarde, Alfonso Vázquez Sosa.
Piezas en collage, estampas y dibujos de diversos formatos de gran relevancia en la historia del arte en México pudieron ser apreciadas en este espacio bajo el título: Lilia Carrillo: la permanencia y el tiempo; exposición que fue posible gracias a la colaboración interinstitucional de la Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México-Tijuana, con el Gobierno de Zacatecas.
Fue la Universidad, a través de la Dirección General de Formación de Incidencia Ignacianas, así como la Coordinación de Creación y Reflexión Artística; el maestro Manuel Felguérez y su esposa Mercedes Oteyza; el Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura y el Museo de Arte Abstracto Manuel Felguérez, las instancias que colaboraron para que esta exposición fuera presentada este día.
Lilia Carrillo García (1930-1974) fue una pintora mexicana perteneciente a la llamada Generación de la Ruptura. Su acercamiento a la pintura fue con Manuel Rodríguez Lozano y posteriormente, obtuvo su título de maestra en Artes Plásticas por la Escuela de Pintura y Escultura “La Esmeralda” con los profesores, Agustín Lazo, Antonio Ruiz y Carlos Orozco Romero.
En 1953 viajó a París y estudió en la Académie de la Grande Chaumière. En 1966 participó en la exposición “Confrontación 66”, realizada en el Palacio de Bellas Artes; en 1969 pintó el mural, La ciudad desbordada, contaminación del aire; para ser expuesta en Osaka, Japón; bajo el tema Progreso y Armonía para la Humanidad en el pabellón Hacia un mejor entendimiento mutuo a través del arte.
La obra de Lilia Carrillo tiene su fundamento en el informalismo abstracto, influencia artística de Europa, cuya característica es el desempeño performativo, contemplativo e introspectivo en el acto de pintar.
La inauguración de la exposición de Lilia Carrillo contó con la presencia de los precursores del abstracto en México: Manuel Felguérez y Roger Von Gunten; el director del IZC, Alfonso Vázquez Sosa; Víctor Becerra Femat, director del Museo de Arte Abstracto “Manuel Felguérez; Malú Block y Graciela Toledo de la Galería Juan Martín, entre otras personalidades.
Inaugura Felguérez exposición de Lilia Carrillo en la Ibero was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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89 cérémonie des oscars
Meilleur film
Note : la catégorie du meilleur film récompense les producteurs.
Moonlight, produit par Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner et Adele Romanski (en)
Comancheria (Hell or High Water), produit par Carla Hacken et Julie Yorn
Fences, produit par Todd Black (en), Scott Rudin et Denzel Washington
Les Figures de l'ombre (Hidden Figures), produit par Peter Chernin, Donna Gigliotti, Theodore Melfi, Jenno Topping (en) et Pharrell Williams
La La Land, produit par Fred Berger (en), Jordan Horowitz (en) et Marc Platt
Lion, produit par Iain Canning, Angie Fielder et Emile Sherman
Manchester by the Sea, produit par Lauren Beck, Matt Damon, Kimberly Steward (en), Chris Moore (film producer) (en) et Kevin J. Walsh
Premier Contact (Arrival), produit par Shawn Levy, Dan Levine, Aaron Ryder et David Linde
Tu ne tueras point (Hacksaw Ridge), produit par Bill Mechanic (en) et David Permut (en)
Meilleur réalisateur
Damien Chazelle pour La La Land
Denis Villeneuve pour Premier Contact (Arrival)
Mel Gibson pour Tu ne tueras point (Hacksaw Ridge)
Kenneth Lonergan pour Manchester by the Sea
Barry Jenkins pour Moonlight
Meilleur acteur
Casey Affleck pour le rôle de Lee Chandler dans Manchester by the Sea
Andrew Garfield pour le rôle de Desmond Doss dans Tu ne tueras point (Hacksaw Ridge)
Ryan Gosling pour le rôle de Sebastian Wilder dans La La Land
Viggo Mortensen pour le rôle de Ben Cash dans Captain Fantastic
Denzel Washington pour le rôle de Troy Maxson dans Fences
Meilleure actrice
Emma Stone pour le rôle de Mia Dolan dans La La Land
Isabelle Huppert pour le rôle de Michèle Leblanc dans Elle
Ruth Negga pour le rôle de Mildred Loving dans Loving
Natalie Portman pour le rôle de Jackie Kennedy dans Jackie
Meryl Streep pour le rôle de Florence Foster Jenkins dans Florence Foster Jenkins
Meilleur acteur dans un second rôle
Mahershala Ali pour le rôle de Juan dans Moonlight
Jeff Bridges pour le rôle de Marcus Hamilton dans Comancheria (Hell or High Water)
Lucas Hedges pour le rôle de Patrick Chandler dans Manchester by the Sea
Dev Patel pour le rôle de Saroo Brierley dans Lion
Michael Shannon pour le rôle de Bobby Andes dans Nocturnal Animals
Meilleure actrice dans un second rôle
Viola Davis pour le rôle de Rose Lee Maxson dans Fences
Naomie Harris pour le rôle de Paula dans Moonlight
Nicole Kidman pour le rôle de Sue Brierley dans Lion
Octavia Spencer pour le rôle de Dorothy Vaughan dans Les Figures de l'ombre
Michelle Williams pour le rôle de Randi dans Manchester by the Sea
Meilleur scénario original
Manchester by the Sea – Kenneth Lonergan
Comancheria (Hell or High Water) – Taylor Sheridan
La La Land – Damien Chazelle
The Lobster – Yórgos Lánthimos et Efthimis Fillippou
20th Century Women – Mike Mills
Meilleur scénario adapté
Moonlight – Barry Jenkins et Tarell Alvin McCraney, d'après la pièce Au clair de lune, les noirs paraissent bleus de Tarell Alvin McCraney
Premier Contact (Arrival) – Eric Heisserer (en), d'après le livre L'Histoire de ta vie de Ted Chiang
Fences – August Wilson, d'après sa propre pièce du même nom (en)
Les Figures de l'ombre (Hidden Figures) – Allison Schroeder et Theodore Melfi, d'après le roman du même nom de Margot Lee Shetterly
Lion – Luke Davis, d'après le livre Un long chemin de Saroo Brierley et Larry Buttrose
Meilleurs décors
La La Land – Sandy Reynolds-Wasco et David Wasco
Premier Contact (Arrival) – Patrice Vermette (en) et Paul Hotte
Les Animaux fantastiques (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) – Stuart Craig et Anna Pinnock
Ave, César ! (Hail, Caesar!) – Jess Gonchor (en) et Nancy Haigh
Passengers – Guy Hendrix Dyas et Gene Serdena (en)
Meilleurs costumes
Les Animaux fantastiques (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) – Colleen Atwood
Alliés – Joanna Johnston
Florence Foster Jenkins – Consolata Boyle (en)
Jackie – Madeline Fontaine
La La Land – Mary Zophres
Meilleurs maquillages et coiffures
Suicide Squad – Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini et Christopher Nelson
Mr. Ove (en) (En man som heter Ove) – Eva von Bahr (en) et Love Larson (en)
Star Trek : Sans limites (Star Trek Beyond) – Joel Harlow (en) et Richard Alonzo
Meilleure photographie
La La Land – Linus Sandgren
Premier Contact (Arrival) – Bradford Young (en)
Lion – Greig Fraser
Moonlight – James Laxton (en)
Silence – Rodrigo Prieto
Meilleur montage
Tu ne tueras point (Hacksaw Ridge) – John Gilbert
Premier Contact (Arrival) – Joe Walker
Comancheria (Hell or High Water) – Jake Roberts
La La Land – Tom Cross
Moonlight – Joi McMillon et Nat Sanders
Meilleur montage de son
Premier Contact (Arrival) – Sylvain Bellemare (en)
Deepwater (Deepwater Horizon) – Wylie Stateman (en) et Renée Tondelli
Tu ne tueras point (Hacksaw Ridge) – Robert McKenzie et Andy Wright (en)
La La Land – Ai-Ling Lee et Mildred Iatrou Morgan
Sully – Alan Robert Murray et Bub Asman
Meilleur mixage de son
Tu ne tueras point (Hacksaw Ridge) – Kevin O'Connell (en), Robert McKenzie, Andy Wright (en) et Peter Grace
Premier Contact (Arrival) – Bernard Gariépy Strobl et Claude La Haye
La La Land – Andy Nelson, Ai-Ling Lee et Steve A. Morrow
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – David Parker, Christopher Scarabosio (en) et Stuart Wilson (en)
13 Hours (13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi) – Greg P. Russell (en), Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush (en) et Mac Ruth (en)
Meilleurs effets visuels
Le Livre de la jungle (The Jungle Book) – Robert Legato (en), Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones (en) et Dan Lemmon (en)
Deepwater (Deepwater Horizon) – Craig Hammeck, Jason Snell (en), Jason Billington, et Burt Dalton (en)
Doctor Strange – Stephane Ceretti (en), Richard Bluff, Vincent Cirelli et Paul Corbould (en)
Kubo et l'Armure magique (Kubo and the Two Strings) – Steve Emerson, Oliver Jones, Brian McLean et Brad Schiff
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – John Knoll, Mohen Leo, Hal Hickel et Neil Corbould (en)
Meilleure chanson originale
City of Stars dans La La Land – Paroles et musique : Benj Pasek, Justin Paul et Justin Hurwitz
Audition (The Fools Who Dream) dans La La Land – Paroles et musique : Benj Pasek, Justin Paul et Justin Hurwitz
Can't Stop the Feeling! dans Les Trolls (Trolls) – Paroles et musique : Justin Timberlake, Max Martin et Karl Johan Schuster
The Empty Chair dans Jim: The James Foley Story – Paroles et musique : J. Ralph et Sting
How Far I'll Go dans Vaiana : La Légende du bout du monde (Moana) – Paroles et musique : Lin-Manuel Miranda
Meilleure musique de film
La La Land – Justin Hurwitz
Jackie – Mica Levi
Lion – Dustin O'Halloran et Hauschka
Moonlight – Nicholas Britell
Passengers – Thomas Newman
Meilleur film en langue étrangère
Le Client (فروشنده) – Asghar Farhadi Iran (en persan)
Mr. Ove (en) (En man som heter Ove) – Hannes Holm (en) Suède (en suédois)
Les Oubliés (Under sandet) – Martin Zandvliet Danemark (en danois)
Tanna – Martin Butler et Bentley Dean Australie (en nauvhal)
Toni Erdmann – Maren Ade Allemagne (en allemand)
Meilleur film d'animation
Zootopie (Zootopia) – Byron Howard, Rich Moore et Clark Spencer (en)
Kubo et l'Armure magique (Kubo and the Two Strings) – Travis Knight (en) et Arianne Sutner
Vaiana : La Légende du bout du monde] (Moana) – John Musker, Ron Clements et Osnat Shurer (en)
Ma vie de Courgette (My Life as a Zucchini) – Claude Barras et Max Karli
La Tortue rouge (The Red Turtle) – Michael Dudok de Wit et Toshio Suzuki (en)
Meilleur film documentaire
O.J.: Made in America (en) – Ezra Edelman (en) et Caroline Waterlow
Fuocoammare – Gianfranco Rosi et Donatella Palermo (it)
I Am Not Your Negro (en) – Raoul Peck, Rémi Grellety et Hébert Peck
Life, Animated (en) – Roger Ross Williams et Julie Goldman (en)
Le 13e (en) (13th) – Ava DuVernay, Spencer Averick et Howard Barish (en)
Meilleur court métrage de fiction
Sing – Kristóf Deák et Anna Udvardy
Ennemis intérieurs – Sélim Azzazi
La Femme et le TGV – Timo von Gunten et Giacun Caduff
Silent Nights (en) – Aske Bang (de) et Kim Magnusson (en)
Timecode – Juanjo Giménez
Meilleur court métrage d'animation
Piper – Alan Barillaro et Marc Sondheimer
Vaysha, l'aveugle (Blind Vaysha) – Theodore Ushev
Borrowed Time – Andrew Coats et Lou Hamou-Lhad
Pear Cider and Cigarettes (en) – Robert Valley et Cara Speller
Pearl – Patrick Osborne
Meilleur court métrage documentaire
Les Casques Blancs – Orlando von Einsiedel et Joanna Natasegara
Extremis (film) (en) – Dan Krauss
4.1 Miles (en) – Daphne Matziaraki
Joe's Violin (en) – Kahane Cooperman et Raphaela Neihausen
Watani: My Homeland (en) – Marcel Mettelsiefen (de) et Stephen Ellis
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Fallece a los 75 años Susana Sierra; “una pintoraza”, la definió Tamayo
Fallece a los 75 años Susana Sierra; “una pintoraza”, la definió Tamayo
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (apro).- La pintora Susana Sierra, discípula del pintor de origen suizo Roger von Gunten, falleció la madrugada del miércoles en Cuernavaca, Morelos, en donde residía desde hace tiempo. Sierra nació en la Ciudad de México en 1942. Realizó estudios de Historia del Arte en Italia y Francia, entre 1964 y 1965, y […]
La entrada Fallece a los 75 años Susana Sierra; “una pintoraza”, la definió Tamayo aparece primero en Proceso.
Nota completa en : Proceso
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