#Rock Kohli
letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Meet Cute (2022) Alexandre Lehmann
December 2nd 2022
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musicismylife120191 · 10 months
Sometimes that silver hair still really bothers me. Most times I don’t really care but every now and then it makes me feel so old. And I know I’ve been through some rough shit and genetics def play a role but it still just makes me feel bad sometimes. It’s probably just my birthday coming up.
Times like these, I don’t due my hair because I want to dye it because it’s fun and not because I feel like I need to.
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datharlequinoni · 10 months
*kohli ball rebound sound* YOU'RE NOW LISTENING TO *air speeder crash sound* 102.3 *Muakka roar sound* MATA NUI ROCK FM *explosion* WHERE WE PLAY NOTHING BUT ROCK, ROCK AND MORE ROCK *glass shattering sound* *vahki alarm* THIS AIN'T YOUR TURAGA'S STATION *Piraka Rap starts playing*
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laelior · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Wow, it's been a while since I've written anything but I had a sudden strong urge to write some of Peggy's Reaper War adventures. It's rusty as well but I'm sharing it anyway.
When Peggy had been a girl, her father (bless his heart) had tried to get her into fishing. (“There ain’t been fish in these parts for forever. What’s the point?” she remembered asking. “The point isn’t fish, it’s to fish,” he’d replied, with one of those bemused smiles of his. She hadn’t understood until long after he was gone.) On one of those trips, bored out of her little skull while her father happily cast line after line into the lake without so much as a minnow to show for it, she’d quite literally tripped over a rock with an odd shape pressed into it. The skinned knee she got hardly even registered when she realized she held a real, live fossil in her hands. A trilobite, her science teacher called it when she brought it in to school with her the next week, a creature that didn’t exist on Earth anymore except in the impressions it left in ancient mud that turned to stone. She’d kept that rock for years, fascinated by the perfect shape it left in the stone that told her so much about it. What it looked like, where it lived, how it lived���all from a creature that lived and died hundreds of million of years before she ever even drew breath. It was amazing, really, how much one could draw from just the impression others left in the world around them. She knew, for instance, that Faizah had children she hadn’t seen or heard from since before the Reapers came down from the sky. And that Johnson’s parents had both enlisted in the fight but that he hadn’t been able to contact them for weeks. And that Kohli’s brothers were MIA on the far side of the galaxy. It wasn’t from anything in particular any of them had said. Such was the strong unspoken agreement among the group that whatever and whoever they were before this war came to their doorsteps, the only thing that mattered now was surviving another day. But these pieces of their lives had ways of coming through anyway. And, of course, it was why she felt all the eyes in the room zero in on her when the word “Normandy” came through the radio. The fact that the famous Commander Shepard was her granddaughter was never spoken aloud, but understood all the same. And it put her in the unique and enviable position of knowing her loved one was alive and still in the fight. She sat up straighter in her chair, suddenly aching to hear every word of the report.
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penroseparticle · 3 months
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
I'm assuming no time machine bullshit for Harrison Ford, Tom Selleck, Toshiro Mifune, Rock Hudson, etc.
Rahul Kohli
Tom Hardy
David Harbour
Jake Johnson
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binofathousandparts · 11 months
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This one is also dear to me for entirely different reasons. When the Bohrok Va came out, Pahrak Va was the first of that specific set that I bought, and I fell IMMEDIATELY in love, and with all the memes circulating the internet involving Bonk in some silly context, endeared me to the project even more.
Now, that said, I won't lie by saying that his construction came without difficulties.
With great thanks to the bionicle community, 3D parts packs have been a veritable bounty of resources, with more coming out seemingly by the hour.
One of the pieces within the parts packs that I have access to is the kohli stick, as well as the puck piece that was used as the kohli ball. And if you look to the piece of equipment that the little man is wielding, you will immediately note that it is not the aforementioned kohli stick, but a table-scrap esque construction of one, same with the ball.
So you can imagine my anger and embarrassment when I FOUND the actual piece, after having spent all that time BUILDING ONE FROM SCRATCH.
Still, regardless of the expended emotions, Pahrak Va Kal remains one of my many favorites of these Hjönkles.
Little fluff piece under the cut.
Emerald eyes, scanning a horizonless sea of gems, whose facet intelligence matches but a fraction of your own. To wordless cause, you shepherd your carapaced flock across a stretch of foreign desert, whose sands are alien and unclean to those who heed your guidance.
Their wordless questions drown amidst the chittering of mouthless tongues, and pounding of restless hammers. "Guide us," they cry. "Give us task, so that by our task we may exist"
And so you conduct them; each gesture obeyed in your concerto construction. Pylons condense from strange sand into familiar rock. Hedrons now inscribed with scripture of a voiceless hand.
To clean it all, the land must have example of what is to be considered clean.
Timeless, and buffeting, like the stone of which you comprise.
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heraet · 1 year
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╰   ┈   [ rahul kohli , 41, demi man, he/they] in the time of dragons , SAMWELL BARATHEON is entering the game of thrones . said to be benevolent + altruistic , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be avoidant + insecure. when asked about them , people are always reminded of the indirect action of hands that don’t hold but hover; a forgotten ruin of a wall amidst the waves; someone that has to stay, like in every story; doors that lead to nowhere, a useless escape; the easy air of community built on respect . though they are THE RULING LORD OF STORM’S END , their true loyalties lie with house baratheon and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THE SEPARATION OF THE REALMS above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .
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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.
basic information.
full name: samwell baratheon. nicknames: sam, sammie. title: ruling lord of storm’s end. age: forty one. place of birth: storm’s end, the stormlands. gender & pronouns: demi man & he/they. orientation: biromantic & bisexual. allegiance: house baratheon. spoken languages: common tongue. religion: faith of the seven. status: unwed and unbethroted.
faceclaim: rahul kohli. height: 6’5’’ or 196cm. hair: black, some slight greying on the sides. often unruly.  eyes: dark brown. facial hair: slightly greying beard. dominant hand: right. clothing: often dressed as if house baratheon is even more broke than it is. only browns and the occasional yellow.
moral alignment: lawful neutral. temperament: melancholic. zodiac: taurus. element: earth. mbti: istj, the logistician. enneagram: type 1, the reformer.
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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.
“these walls are unbreakable.” every day, the words from the nurse, lost in the unsettling haze of childhood, seep through his memories and into the present. “the storm king made it so, and the gods of the trashing winds and the deadly sea - they cannot get to ya, not to this day.” it was meant to be comforting. the world seemed to go up in air but storm’s end would stay. she’d tell tales of the storm king’s love, as if the stone around them was a statement to that and not to the fury that would make a man declare war on the gods and win. it always comes back to the anger of man. 
samwell understood it then. they whispered back to the nurse, once: the world is so obvious to me, i feel like i’ve done this all a million times before. these walls are unbreakable, she said. these walls are unescapable, they heard. all his life, sam’s pressed his hands, his forehead, to the cold walls and hoped to sense something. the whispers of forgotten magic, the curses of goneby gods, the anger of the kings. reality warped at the walls. those who walked through it never seemed to return right, as if it warned that their souls were not meant to handle the world. the air outside seemed to burn through his lungs. the doors were portals, opening to any world but reality, for that only existed inside the walls. their prison. their only real thing. it echoed with the booming voice of his father and he can still feel his words stuck between the rocks. he shall ask for them to be scrubbed clean again this week. 
sam looked at anger like an illness and kept it far away from his organism, but he spared no moralities for those who caught it. his lord father never paid him much mind - the quiet second son, perched on windows, people watching in the kitchens, organizing the most dull hunting expeditions possible. yet, samwell was always there. it was as if the air carried a warning, and before any fury could reach its climax, there was the child, always too tall for their demeanor. sammie never yells. sammie never fights. sammie never intervenes. he’s a bothersome wall between lord baratheon and the world, immovable like the stone around them. 
life was already a shaky concept, barely felt by the man who spent his days split between the surreal woods and the oppressive kitchens. a person of few friends and even fewer acquaintances. his life passed him by, despite his original role. all that made some semblance of sense was the simplicity of the chase, all emotion set aside for body and sound alone. it was the crossbow in his hands and the lawfulness that’s not man made. patience that can be merciful, purpose that can be deadly and unkind. a hunter’s justice. all that made sense was watching the cooks work and helping them carve a boar. at the end of any given day, the one thing anchoring him to the world was knowing that people around him would go to bed with meat and bread in their stomachs. that was how he’d spend his life, showing care. 
gude’s passing was a powerful shaking of the walls. the entire world ( which was, really, mostly his family ) seemed to crumble before his eyes and, like always, sammie did nothing. he was frozen in the knowledge that he would not be a wall and a hunter forever. his father called it immediately, how unfit he was. perhaps that’s why he spent the following decade thorn between pretending samwell did not exist, and trying to awaken something in them. to shake out the fury or strength. neither seemed to work. 
the cursed family heirloom seemed to make the walls thicker. it’s a role, and it isn’t instinctual. it is a broken bone healed wrong, the middle forever soft. just because he hopes to do right by the role, doesn’t mean it is his. there is something they could call samwell, but it is outweighed by the role, and there’s a comfort in that, despite it all. lord baratheon can’t crack, can’t cry or rage or leave. sammie, if he must, can shield himself somewhere within to do all that. the role takes over and they are solid rock. 
he loves like a duty too. unconditional and relentless, despite all injury and reason. when his lord father dies, sam finds no forgiveness to be given, but mourns him all the same. he may have learned little in the previous decade, but he spent it loving and caring for the people around him, regardless. they take the news of the financial destitution of house baratheon like they took all fury: quiet and ready. lord baratheon may pace the halls all night and may pretend to not hear the whispers about their unfitness for the role, but he is planning. in his unsteady hands, he holds many lines. the need for gold, the welfare of their people, the state of his family, and eyes pointed north, to the crownlands. 
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newsalvations · 7 months
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rahul kohli, bisexual + biromantic, cis man + he/him → isn’t that lucretius 'lucky' sharma? i’ve seen them hanging out with the djinns. i hear they’re 1500, but they’ve only been in alexandria since it's founding. they seem to be mischievous + magnetic, but also shrewd + callous.
full name: lucretius rahim sharma
nickname(s): lucky, luke
age: 1500
date of birth: december 16
hometown: venice, italia
current location: alexandria, louisiana
species: djinn
ethnicity: indian
nationality: none?
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
orientation: bisexual + biromantic
occupation: club owner, pawn shop owner
living arrangements: on his own
language(s): english, arabic, latin, spanish, french, greek, german, russian, chinese, hindu, hebrew
accent: vaguely european
face claim: rahul kohli
hair color: black with bits of salt and pepper
eye color: brown
height: 6'7"
weight: 224 lb
build: average
tattoos: none
usual expression: unamused
distinguishing characteristics: his facial hair
positive traits: mischievous, magnetic, opulent
negative traits: shrewd, callous, gaudy
myers brigg: esfp
zodiac sign: sagitarrius
element: fire
enneagram: the achiever
temperament: choleric
hogwarts house: slytherin
moral alignment: lawful evil
primary vice: pride
primary virtue: charity
fears: having no purpose or value
hobbies: reading, drinking, partying
father: claudius (deceased)
mother: aisha
sibling(s): quintus, ignatius, brutus, regulus
pet(s): none
weather: damp, foggy
season: winter
color: black / red
music: classic rock
movies: horror
beverage: liquor
food: liquor lol
animal: cats
preference: vers top, dominant
kinks: breeding, dom/sub, control of partner in and out of the bedroom, handcuffs, roleplaying, etc
anti kinks: scat, vomit, etc
claudius was descended from roman generals who still lived in the area and he was a warlord who wanted to maintain control over the city he was born in, venice. he met aisha, a beautiful woman who landed on the city's ports and quickly got the attention of the local population- including claudius, who knew he needed to have her to himself. their romance quickly picked up and she would give him four sons.
little did claudius know was that his wife and sons were all djinn. as their oldest son, lucretius, began to develop his own gifts she was forced to confess the truth. claudius saw this as a net positive and used her gifts to help him maintain control of the city and its ports. as he grew more powerful and ruled over venice, his relationship with aisha began to wain.
he'd spend less time with her or their sons and soon began to resent them. he didn't like aisha trying to teach them about her culture and where she came from. when lucretius was sixteen years old, aisha caught claudius in bed with one of his hand maidens and was furious. she decided to punish her husband by making him hallucinate all sorts of things until he was deemed mad by his own guards and locked away in a dungeon.
this was when lucretius began his rule over the city with his mother for the next decade, though whispers began to spread that they were witches who poisoned claudius and explained why aisha hadn't aged in nearly thirty years. lucretius and his family fled the city in the night, settign their home on fire before they took a ship and headed out east.
lucretius spent some time in constantinople where he was a loyal advisor to the emperor at the time and even his lover. the other advisors swore lucretius was poisoning the emperor and attempted to imprison him, though he always slipped through their fingers. he'd return to the city years later when the emperor was on his death bed to say his final goodbye.
he spent the next several centuries traveling across the middle east and asia, discovering more of his own gifts and becoming stronger. him and his brothers would go their own ways around this time, one brother ended up in russia while another brother ended up india and another stayed in egypt with lucretius for some time.
around the 15th century, lucretius had made connections with the ottoman empire. he was a lover to the sultan and although he encouraged peace with the byzantinians, the sultan refused. thanks to his extensive knowledge of constantinople and how it was built, he helped his lover invade and take it over. like his mother, lucretius would eventually feel used by this lover who slowly lost interest in the djinn once he got what he wanted. lucretius would make the sultan begin to hallucinate and be deemed to mad to rule, with one of his closest generals killing the guard.
once again lucretius spent the next few centuries never staying anywhere for too long and coming to truly resent humanity, who he felt only cared about him for his gifts. he'd spend some time back on the italian peninsula during the peak of the renaissance, becoming the muse for a handful of artists who would gain notority with time.
the djinn was an advisor for the tudor dynasty briefly and some have sworn they saw him in france during their revolution, even believing he may have been one of the reasons to cause the madness but he swears he was back in india at this time.
lucretius would end up in the new world, wondering if he'd ever find somewhere he could settle down at. this was when he found what would one day be alexandria, a beacon for the supernatural and where he met other djinn like himself along with creatures he had never known existed.
building various businesses in town, including a popular nightclub that has gained a notorious reputation, lucretius isn't the most approachable or heartwarming and tends to keep to himself unless you have something he wants.
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tfgadgets · 2 days
IND vs BAN 1st Test, Day 1 Live Score: Kohli out for 6 as Mahmud rocks India - India Today
IND vs BAN 1st Test, Day 1 Live Score: Kohli out for 6 as Mahmud rocks India  India Today India vs Bangladesh LIVE, 1st Test Day 1: Yashasvi Jaiswal, Rishabh Pant Solid As India Score 88/3 At Lunch vs Bangladesh  NDTV Sports IND vs BAN: Shubman Gill joins Virat Kohli in unwanted ducks list for India  India Today Meme fest starts as India’s top order crumbles against Bangladesh: Hasan Mahmud…
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Original blog post on - 14th April 2013
The last of the West Indies.
It was only 45 nautical miles from Tobago Cays to Grenada and with the favourable wind behind us for most of the way we once again had to slow down sailing with reefed headsail only to ensure we reached there at the break of dawn rather than having to anchor in the dark if we had travelled there with full sails.
Once again it was a reasonably flat and non rolly bay for our anchorage that was amongst a few other yachts just outside the main commercial harbour in 5 metres of water. Facing the bow was a huge volcanic rock and a beach that looked like it had volcanic sand (almost black) gone was the beautiful white sand from the beaches on Tobago Cays.
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We could see the working harbour about one kilometre away on the left hand side and we knew about the Port Louis Marina on the right hand side that existed beyond the rock formation based on the guide books and the navigational program we were using. This is where a few super yachts as well as many other cruising yachts similar to ours were berthed.
After breakfast six of us got into the dinghy to head to Port Louis Marina. Colin stayed on the boat to catch up on some much needed sleep having done the graveyard shift from 12am to 2pm.
Despite some confusing and wrong information given to us, once at the marina we were easily able to locate the customs and immigration office to complete our entry requirements into Grenada. Once again in a cricket loving country, the immigration officer, young Sheldon was eager to talk about cricket. As the skipper Patrick was required for signing the documents but as per previous ports I completed the forms seeing I had made myself his personal assistant attending to all ship paperwork. (Just to inform you Hestia is not officially a yacht or a vessel or even a boat but a "ship" registered with the Australian registrar of ships via our international registration of the yacht and not just a NSW registration since it has now been transferred off the French registry of marine vessels). With both Patrick & I present there, Sheldon started his conversation with a loaded question "so you are from India and he is from Australia, so how did the household cope when India beat Australia 4-Nil in the recent test series?" Neither of us knew about this test series but we played along anyway. Patrick pleaded that he did not understand cricket (tongue in cheek) and I laughed. Sheldon launched on his cricket expertise about how the young Indian team with the likes of Kohli and Avinaash was much better than the old Australian team that needed some new blood and revamp. This while there were 4 other skippers waiting outside the office in the heat to get their clearance!
After a pleasurable conversation and a lot of time in this 2 person sized office we departed as now having officially arrived in Grenada.
It was our first day there but as always Patrick and I had a list of tasks to achieve including buying some more groceries and fresh fruit. One of the main reasons for coming to Grenada was in a slim hope that we may be able to find another LPG gas bottle for the galley that we had not been able to secure in St Maarten or elsewhere along the way.
Mind you this was on a Thursday (day) before Good Friday. The shops would be closed the next day and although we might be able to get things on Saturday we were planning on leaving Saturday evening latest.
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It was a day of mixed success, we managed to walk from Port Louis Marina to the town. On the way there we found a decent supermarket, no luck with the gas bottles and a market where we bought lots of fresh fruit and vegetables including some local fruit for the crew to taste.
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After a quick break for some young coconut water, the Indian way, we headed back and managed to get a ride in the local transport buses at $1 (Eastern Caribbean) per person. This was a 17 person mini-bus that had about 25 passengers and two crew (driver and ticket seller) cramped in it like a can of sardines....including the smell. Patrick was sitting in the single passenger seat in the front of the bus when a very oversized lady put her arm out to get a lift. I looked in the back and it was crammed already and wondered where this person was going to fit. The bus conductor opened Patrick's door and in moved this giant of a lady pushing Patrick almost onto the lap of the driver and hindering him from using the gears. It was an interesting experience to say the least.
We then got off at the Supermarket and did a big shop, the tough bit was carrying it back to the marina where we had the other crew waiting for us with the dinghy.
We then found a local baker in the Marina complex, an elderly couple from South Africa that reminded you of elderly couples that you read in a fairy tales, hardworking people, proud of their product leading a simple but complete life spreading joy where they can.
We ordered 24 Hot Cross Buns to be picked up in the late afternoon that we could enjoy on Good Friday and hopefully over the Easter Weekend.
Back on the boat, Colin caught trevally was devoured for lunch and we headed back to the marina to get the laundry done and pick up the hot cross buns. Unfortunately there was no coin laundry at this marina and so a decision was made to go by dinghy to the yacht club across the pier after picking up the buns to source options for both laundry and wifi facilities.
The yacht club (RGYC) reminded me of the CYC back in Mumbai a colonial style building with traces of bygone glory and fabulous location and views. Dusty flags from other yacht clubs around the world hung in lines from the ceiling. Unfortunately we were too late for laundry but we were assured that there would be someone there first thing tomorrow if we returned in the morning. While Georges accessed internet he bought me a gin & tonic. Phil, Sibylle and Colin went looking for some tourist information in the meanwhile.
I noticed an interesting and reasonably priced menu here and a mental decision was made to bring the crew back for an Easter treat for dinner that night.
Although the menu for dinner did not match the menu on the board seen earlier in the day, it turned out to be a pleasant evening for all a we sat on the yacht club terrace and enjoyed the Caribbean meal with either fish or chicken options. We had a few drinks and finishing it all with some local ice cream.
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Good Friday was a day for seeing the island with almost all official business closed. We had booked a taxi for 5 of us for a 6 hour tour from 10am. The taxi and the rate had been confirmed the previous night via email at US$20 person, total $100 for a 6 hour job. The fellow had been happy to accept our business but seemed disgruntled when he picked us up in the morning, partly because we were late and partly because he had realised that a cruise liner with its wealthy passengers had arrived in the morning and he could have made 50% more money on the same tour. Sadly this set the tone of the tour and although we saw some interesting areas on the day and managed a beautiful walk to Concord falls as a guide he provided us with no commentary on the area and all the conversation revolved around money and time. Not enjoyable at all.
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Our most interesting visit for the day was a moderate grade bush walk to the Seven Sisters Falls of which we only saw the Concord Falls. The water fall was amazing or so Patrick tells me but I refused to jump in the water with over 50 local teenagers hosting a barbecue and a day of get-together to meet the local girls. the kids were brave to say the least as they climbed the slippery rocks and got to the top of the falls about 18 meters high and jumped into it.
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I found it a bit intimidating to strip to my bathers with all the local boys scanning the foreigners. Just as we were leaving a group of American teenagers arrived with their local tour guides and jumped onto the pool. They were about 10 of them and I wished they had arrived earlier.
Also being a Good Friday we missed out on the rum distillery and nutmeg factory which were both closed due to public holiday.
We viewed a lake created by a meteoroid that had unique eco-system.
We finally managed to buy a second hand 10 pound fibreglass gas bottle from one of the local convenience stores at the marina that was almost full of gas and they accepted our offer that represented a good discount off the new price. So whilst not the size we originally wanted it was at least enough gas to get us to Panama where hopefully we will be able to purchase a larger gas container especially for the big passage from Galapagos to the Marquesas in French Polenesia some 6,000 kilometres away that we plan to sail in under 3 weeks. This is one of, if not the longest passage in world cruising.
Back at the boat Patrick swam 400 metres to the beach with the black sand and volcanic rocks jutting out from the sea floor. Colin was kind enough to ferry me in the dinghy to the shore to meet up with the others. This beach was full of local kids playing cricket, football and practicing karate or some sort of martial arts. Nick and Georges swam there as well. It was a lovely evening with a beautiful sunset.
Dinner was pasta (ghackets und hoerndli mit oephelmues) i.e. minced beef with horn shaped pasta and apple sauce by the Swiss couple. The crew rating was "delicious!". I had the vegetarian version and it very good too. We finished off the meal with some Swiss chocolate.
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It was a pleasant break in Grenada and we had an early night in preparation of the early start for one of the tough legs anticipated. We were heading for Bonaire around 420 nm away the next day with anticipated 20-25 knots wind conditions according to the grid file Patrick downloaded from his Maxsea navigation software.
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Alkaline Water: The New Health Trend Sweeping Across India
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In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where the old-world charm seamlessly blends with the fast-paced modern lifestyle, a new health trend is making waves among the city’s health-conscious denizens. It’s a trend that’s not confined to the glittering gyms of South Mumbai or the posh cafes of Bandra but has found its way into the homes and hearts of people across the nation. This trend is alkaline water, and it’s more than just a fad—it’s a lifestyle choice that’s here to stay.
The story of alkaline water in India is one of serendipity and science. It began with whispers in the corridors of Bollywood studios and cricket fields, where celebrities like Aamir Khan, Deepika Padukone, Malaika Arora Khan and Virat Kohli were seen hydrating with bottles of water that were said to be more than just H2O. It was alkaline water—water with a higher pH level, touted for its health benefits and its ability to neutralize the body’s acidity.
As the trend caught on, more and more Indians began to explore the world of alkaline water. But as they did, a crucial question arose: What exactly is alkaline water, and are all alkaline waters the same?
The Alkaline Water Phenomenon
Alkaline water has become a buzzword in health circles across India, touted for its ability to balance the body’s pH and offer a host of health benefits. But as this trend gains momentum, it’s essential to distinguish between naturally alkaline water and ionized alkaline water—two very different products often mistaken as one.
Naturally Alkaline Water: A Gift from Nature
Naturally alkaline water comes from springs where it acquires minerals from rocks, such as calcium and magnesium, which naturally increase its pH level. This process can take centuries, ensuring the water is imbued with the earth’s goodness. The result is a type of water that not only quenches thirst but also replenishes essential minerals.
Ionized Alkaline Water: A Modern Invention
In contrast, ionized alkaline water is created using a mechanical process called electrolysis, which artificially increases the pH level of regular water. While this process can produce water with a high pH, it doesn’t provide the same natural mineralization that occurs in naturally alkaline water.
The Health Benefits of Going Natural
When it comes to health, naturally alkaline mineral water is the superior choice. Its mineral content is not only beneficial for hydration but also plays a role in maintaining bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, the antioxidants found in naturally alkaline water can help combat oxidative stress, which is linked to a range of chronic diseases. Natural minerals in water are essential for maintaining optimal health. The bioavailability of these minerals, which refers to the proportion that is actually absorbed and utilized by the body, is significantly higher when they come from water sources. This is because water-soluble minerals are more easily assimilated into the bloodstream. Consuming mineral-rich water supports a variety of bodily functions. Calcium and magnesium, for instance, contribute to bone strength and cardiovascular health. Potassium aids in muscle function and electrolyte balance, while zinc plays a critical role in immune response and wound healing.
The natural absorption process of minerals from water is gentle on the digestive system, making it an ideal way to replenish essential nutrients. Moreover, the presence of minerals in water can enhance hydration, as they help maintain the balance of fluids within the body. Incorporating natural mineral water into one’s diet is a simple yet effective strategy to boost overall wellness. It ensures a steady supply of key nutrients that are readily available for the body’s needs, promoting long-term health and vitality.
The Downside of Ionization
The ionization process can lead to water rejection during bottling, as the altered structure of the water can affect its purity and taste. Moreover, the health claims associated with ionized alkaline water are often not supported by scientific evidence, making it a less desirable option for those seeking genuine health benefits. Moreover before Ionization, the water is often demineralised using RO to remove impurities. In the quest for optimal health, many have turned to demineralized and ionized alkaline water. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) raises concerns about the long-term consumption of such water, particularly demineralized reverse osmosis (RO) water, due to potential health risks.Mineral Deficiency Dangers Demineralized water, including that processed by RO systems, is stripped of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium. These elements play a crucial role in our health, supporting bone strength and various bodily functions. Regular intake of water devoid of these minerals can lead to deficiencies, with potential impacts on overall wellness and nutrition.
Cardiovascular Concerns: The WHO has linked low-mineral water consumption to a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease. The lack of essential minerals can disrupt the body’s mineral and water balance, affecting heart health and organ function.
Alkaline Water’s Alkalosis Risk: While ionized alkaline water is often marketed for health benefits, excessive use can cause alkalosis, a condition where the body’s pH is overly alkaline. Symptoms can include gastrointestinal issues and a decrease in natural stomach acidity, which is essential for digestion.
Kidney Health Implications: For those with existing kidney conditions, ionized alkaline water may exacerbate issues due to its pH imbalance. It’s crucial for individuals with renal concerns to consult healthcare professionals before altering their water intake.
The WHO advises caution when it comes to the regular use of demineralized and ionized alkaline water. The absence of critical minerals and the potential for pH-related health issues underscore the importance of choosing water sources wisely for long-term health and vitality.
Which is the best naturally alkaline water in India?
In a market where ionized alkaline water is becoming increasingly common, Aava naturally alkaline mineral water emerges as a beacon of natural purity. As one of India’s first and only naturally alkaline mineral water brands, Aava natural mineral water has set itself apart by offering water that is not just alkaline but is also rich in natural minerals. Originating from the ancient Aravalli Hills, Aava water’s naturally alkaline pH8 is a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality and health.
Conclusion: Embrace the Natural Choice
As the alkaline water trend continues to gain momentum in India, it’s important for consumers to make informed choices. By choosing naturally alkaline mineral water, you’re not just following a trend; you’re making a conscious decision to invest in your health and well-being.
So, as you contemplate adding alkaline water to your wellness routine, consider this: Are you ready to experience the natural difference that’s sweeping across India?
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yolacricket · 6 months
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westeroslive · 6 months
pls drop ur mw fcs + positions!!
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oh, i'm happy to. for fcs david  oakes,  alicia  von  rittberg,  amy  james  kelly,  anya  taylor  joy,  marina  ruy  barbosa,  mark  addy,  laurie  davidson,  esther  yu,  julianne  moore,  kaya  scodelario,  jonah  hauer  king,  camila  mendes,  joey  batey,  ni  ni,  matt  smith,  cailee  spaeny,  jessica  henwick,  havana  rose  liu,  jung  chaeyeon,  wang  yibo,  jacob  elordi,  celeste  cortesi,  dev  patel,  rahulk  kohli,  margot  robbie,  oscar  isaac,  pedro  pascal,  daniel  sharman,  lewis  tan,  kylie  bunbury,  beren  saat,  aaron  fontaine,  aishwarya  rai  bachchan,  oscar  isaac,  idris  elba,  jacob  anderson  (especially  as  lord  zalyne!),  ju  jingyi,  kristine  froseth,  mahesh  jadu,  dev  patel,  marina  moschen,  aaron  taylor  johnson,  han  sohee,  nam  joo-hyuk,  archie  renaux,  anna  sawai,  peter  gadiot,  fiona  palomo,  charles  melton,  cillian  murphy,  danny  sapani,  jasmine  tookes,  and  samantha  logan. and for positions: the  last  starks,  the  ruling  lord  manderly,  the  ruling  couple  of  house  arryn,  the  lady  royce,  ruling  lord  velaryon,  the  last  tyrell,  ruling  lord  hightower,  the  last  lannisters  of  casterly  rock,  lord  heir  greyjoy  and  his  salt  wife,  the  harlaws,  the  ruling  lord  tarth  /  master  of  ships,  the  remaining  martells,  the  prince-admiral  moraqos,  the  first  magister  of  lys,  the  first  child  of  the  sealord,  and  the  head  of  the  rogare  bank.
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paynewriting · 7 months
On to today's questions, or at least today's answers from Ask the Characters. And a big open question from Charlie to anyone that wanted to answer:
What’s y’all’s favorite desserts?
Lots of people wanted to answer.
So, there are these waffles that they first made with hot rocks from Etara, you'd throw dough on them, then more rocks on top, and get this thing that cooks with a lot of hollows in it, and you could fill them with so many toppings. Nowadays the Pyrotates will heat the stones for it so you can get it way more consistent and reliable. I adore them.
Topped with red chocolate, puffed rice, spun sugar and berries to match my dress.
Which is why I have to let the kitchen know whatever I'm planning to put you that day in so they can prepare them appropriately.
I just like the waffles with fruit on.
Bless you.
Hot spiced chocolate, it makes me feel very warm, but with the chunks of fluffy stuff . . .
The Shadow:
Yes, that! Those are lovely as they start to get chocolatey.
The college kitchens have this lovely dish that heaps layers of pastry, meringue, cream and fruit. It's just lovely, beautiful presentation piece too.
I have kept having to tell the chefs not to name it after you. But there is a version they do late, where they break up the leftovers and just pile them all in a bowl they call a College Mess, that I have a soft spot for.
So, there is a burnt cream dessert that I really enjoy and the bakery in Port Ouwermouth nails, and breaking the top is so satisfying. Of course there is a treat to it being 'dragon burnt' back in Castine, but I love it regardless.
There is this chocolate that Kara sent us some of once, it's full of nougat, biscuits, nuts, all sorts. But I also just love any chocolate that was can get. It'll turn up off of the trade ships coming down from the Weeping Valley and Ruby has got it to the point where the captains will bring a few bars along just for us.
Being a knight brings some sway, even out here, and they know we're happy to pay for them.
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thebeardedcaptain1 · 8 months
KL Rahul and Ravi Jadeja missed second test
After losing the first test, hosts India have been rocked with further bad news that KL Rahul and Ravi Jadeja will miss the second test against England. Vice-captain who scored 86 in the first innings, will be a big loss for Rohit Sharma’s men. That loss of the former Punjab XI player has been felt more due to star player Virat Kohli already being unavailable for the first two tests. Depending…
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bharatsearch · 8 months
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