#Robyn π
nyenylon · 3 months
Jewels Robyn π Tad
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Bro doesn't know his limits so I told him 2πr AAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHRRRH (help)
Isn't he an ugly bastard? Don't you want him dead? Don't you hate his design and wish he would die? Don't you believe they should reconsider shape language? Don't you think it's all over for circles? Should we kill this guy? Yeah we should? Well we can't.
@artsycloudysleepy :3
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ramseyesscom · 4 years
Issue Eighty-Seven
Subscribe to Sincere Positive Things!
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's time to get out the corned beef and cabbage, slice off a piece of soda bread, and watch a newly Oscar-nominated animated film from Ireland! Wolfwalkers, which was nominated yesterday, is a gorgeous, hand-drawn film from Tomm Moore who was behind 2009's The Secret of Kells and 2014's Song of the Sea. As with those previous films, Wolfwalkers returns to the world of Irish folklore with this story of a young girl named Robyn trying to make her way in a new town who makes a new friend named Mebh who seems to live out in the dangerous forests. And then we learn that this new friend turns into a wolf at night, and has accidentally passed this power on to Robyn as well. The story is wonderfully engaging, but I can't get over how beautiful this film was. The design and shapes are all brilliantly conceived and used for storytelling, and the drawings have a roughness to it that demonstrates the craftmanship and toil that went into the creation of this movie. You can feel that there was a human being behind every pencil stroke, which sometimes gets lost with some of the sleek computer animated fare of the modern era. Wolfwalkers is an adventurous tale of friendship, family with just a twinge of sadness; in other words, the perfect film for St. Patrick's Day! Check out the trailer below.
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Speaking of March holidays, last Sunday was Pi Day (π-day)! If you missed it: don't panic. Because, thanks to this cool link from reader Chris A., now you can flip it around and make pi your own thing! Tell MyPiDay.com your birthday, and it will calculate through however many digits of pi it takes until it finds your birthday within the endless number. My birthday doesn't appear until 849,005 digits in! Whichever one of my readers emails me back with the fewest number of digits it takes to get to their Pi Day will get a shout out in next week's issue! Just email me here!
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gregorgregor · 7 years
Get to know me better
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @brinkofdon
1. nicknames: I do not have any
2. gender: Male
3. star sign: Aquarius
4. height: 5’10.5″
5. time: 1:00am
6. birthday: Jan 26
7. favourite bands/artists: The Presets, LCD Soundsystem
8. favourite solo artist: Robyn?
9. song stuck in my head: Nothing stuck right now, so I decided I was going to list the first song that randomly played, and it was a great one that gets stuck in my head all the time anyways: “Golden Years” cover by Susumu Yokota
10. Last movie you watched: "Flashpoint Paradox”
11. last show watched: “The Magicians”
12. when did i create my blog? 2012?
13. what do i post: Forests, Mountains, and selfies
14. last thing i googled: Weather
15. do you have other blogs? yeah, a photoblog that I have sadly been neglecting. @rocky-mountain-dreams
16. do you get asks? Not too often unprompted
17. why did you choose your url? I needed something
18. following blogs: 280
19. followers: 4102
20. favourite colours: Grey-Blue or Blue-Green
21. average hours of sleep: 7?
22. lucky number: π
23. instruments: I learned a bit of guitar, but I don’t enjoy playing a lot of the music one typically plays with guitar so I stopped.
24. what am i wearing? I am in bed, so nothing.
25. how many blankets i sleep with: Duvet, sheet, and a loose blanket I can use to supplement as needed.
26. dream job: I am happy with what I am doing, but like I answered in a previous ask, maybe an ecologist?
27. dream trip: Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, and Scotland.
28. favourite food: OOoooooo I like a lot of things. Beef Fajitas, curry, potato and leek soup with bacon...
29. nationality: Canadian
30. favourite song right now: Eh, not sure I truly have one. I was just listening to the Boys Noize remix of “My Moon, My Man” by Feist and I love it a lot. I also listened to “Computer Camp Love” by Datarock a thousand times today...
I am going to go to sleep now since I work in the morning, and I do not have time to tag 20 people. So, as per usual, I will tag a few recent people I talked to. And if you are reading this right now, consider yourself tagged, and please tag me back if you do it!!
@maniacsyndrome, @westbound8952, @omarrawr, @googspecial, @jdgentleman, @humble-pirates, @naturedouche, @drawing-bored, @trsmith46, @lascauroch
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Issue Eighty-Seven
Subscribe to Sincere Positive Things!
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's time to get out the corned beef and cabbage, slice off a piece of soda bread, and watch a newly Oscar-nominated animated film from Ireland! Wolfwalkers, which was nominated yesterday, is a gorgeous, hand-drawn film from Tomm Moore who was behind 2009's The Secret of Kells and 2014's Song of the Sea. As with those previous films, Wolfwalkers returns to the world of Irish folklore with this story of a young girl named Robyn trying to make her way in a new town who makes a new friend named Mebh who seems to live out in the dangerous forests. And then we learn that this new friend turns into a wolf at night, and has accidentally passed this power on to Robyn as well. The story is wonderfully engaging, but I can't get over how beautiful this film was. The design and shapes are all brilliantly conceived and used for storytelling, and the drawings have a roughness to it that demonstrates the craftmanship and toil that went into the creation of this movie. You can feel that there was a human being behind every pencil stroke, which sometimes gets lost with some of the sleek computer animated fare of the modern era. Wolfwalkers is an adventurous tale of friendship, family with just a twinge of sadness; in other words, the perfect film for St. Patrick's Day! Check out the trailer below.
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Speaking of March holidays, last Sunday was Pi Day (π-day)! If you missed it: don't panic. Because, thanks to this cool link from reader Chris A., now you can flip it around and make pi your own thing! Tell MyPiDay.com your birthday, and it will calculate through however many digits of pi it takes until it finds your birthday within the endless number. My birthday doesn't appear until 849,005 digits in! Whichever one of my readers emails me back with the fewest number of digits it takes to get to their Pi Day will get a shout out in next week's issue! Just email me here!
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nyenylon · 4 months
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Thinking about times past and how terrible they were
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