#Robotic Spot welding gun parts
textmel8r · 2 months
[ DRABBLE ] 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ! ( eleventh installment ) in which you find toji fushiguro’s number off a sugar baby site .
୨୧˚ part; one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven.
୨୧˚ incl; toji fushiguro
୨୧˚ cw; sugar mommy! reader , sugar baby! toji , profanity , prostitution , bisexual! toji , smut , spit , gunplay
୨୧˚ an; if there are plot holes, no there aren’t. i just wanted an excuse to write toji suckin on some gun🧌
୨୧˚ join my discord server ! we share headcanons, fanfic recs, color roles, and more drooling emoji
His hair is wet, sopping and adhering to the canvas of his forehead. Back at the hotel, Toji set the record for the world’s shortest shower, forsaking even a once-over with a towel in favor of slipping his clothes right back on. He doesn’t even recall the shitty excuse he tossed at his one night stand, not bothering to stay long enough to hear her response. Quickness was of the utmost importance, the man told himself to justify blowing through four separate red lights. 
Oh, the irony. Because now, Toji stands before the grand entrance of your extravagant abode with a palm flat against the column of wall beside the door as he staves off constant hitch wracking his lungs. Unhurried, stagnant, moving as though he was thawing out frozen limbs. The last half hour having been spent on nothing but hastiness, it is at this time when all of these troubles and concerns fight their way to the front end of Toji’s mind. 
The most prominent question: why?
Why did you ask him here? What use could you possibly get out of his shriveled husk?
Toji knows where your spare key is. Beneath the clay pot, the one flourishing with a bouquet of pastel Hydrangea flowers. Glaringly obvious to any happening stranger—Toji had barked at you endlessly to swap its hiding spot for one a little less in plain-fucking-sight, and everytime you told him you’d get to it. And you never did. Idiot woman. He steals a glance to the pot once more and notices the flowers’ stems have a lot more limpness in them than he remembers. Wilted. Poor little things.
Toji knows where your spare key is. He knocks anyway. The side of his fist pounding poplar wood once, twice, three times, and then he takes a step back. Blunted thumbnails pick at the callouses welded into the inside of his knuckles. 
He can’t even blink before the door peels ajar. Fast, like you’d been waiting nearby for him. 
The permanent slouch in his spine corrects itself when Toji stiffens. Shoulders squared, thick fingers curled into iron fists against his thighs. And like the colossal moron he is, Toji doesn’t speak. He just looks at you, standing there in the openness between door and frame. A downy robe obscures you in its rouge silk, cascading down just barely passing the center of your thigh. Your thigh… Toji observes more carefully, noting the bulky extremity protruding out from the side of your shapely leg. A boxy bulge sheathed under a reddish robe; the man scoffs. 
 “Thank you for coming,” you break the silence first, offering all-too polite benediction. Almost robotic, like you’d recited it from a script you memorized. 
“Yeah,” Toji replies, curt.
Mores standing, more silence. Melodic chirps from the crickets fill the chasms of dead air. 
Then finally, finally, you make a move. Toeing the door wider with a bare foot, stepping back to accommodate his bulky constitution. “Come inside.” It is a quiet command, the last words you speak before pivoting on a heel and heading deeper into your home. Toji acts on the instruction, plodding in your trail. He kicks the door shut with the outsole of his muddy boot. 
“Sorry,” there goes your second apology of the night, “I know it’s late.”
He doesn’t acknowledge it, doesn't care much for these pointless I’m sorry’s right now. You’ve guided Toji into the living room—back toward him, shifting weight between legs, plucking at the stitches along the seam of your garb. Toji stands merely ten paces behind, awkward in the way he is uncertain of what to do. What to say. Existing here, in your presence, in your house… it all felt so disgustingly unnatural now. He should've never come back to this place. God, he should’ve never done a lot of things.
“Why am I here?” Toji asks bluntly. Cutting to the chase, because the suspense of anticipating the worst has his stomach coiling in sharp knots. He’s waiting for a fleet of officers to come barrelling down your staircase, ready to gun him down where he stands. Or, alternatively and arguably more dread-inducing, you’ve corralled him here so you can collect proper reparations for all the anguish he’s put you through. Both would be thoroughly deserved.
A glance is thrown from over your shoulder. “I have something for you. Please, sit.” 
Toji settles on the sofa while you pad upstairs. He never cared much for your couch, its expensive leather was stiff and unforgivingly uncomfortable. Like it was brand new. Like you never had time to sit in it with the schedule you worked. That was the setting for the rest of the room, as well—unlived in in appearance, cold and empty. 
Footsteps thud. He turns his head and watches you curiously as you reemerge from the second level of the house. A ball of worn fabric swaddles your fist.
Toji sits up a little, looking up to where you stand before him with the puzzling bundle of textile. “Is that my..?”
“Your shirt,” you finish for him, tossing the thing into Toji’s chest, to which it hits before tumbling limply into his lap. Not for a second does he bother sparing a glimpse to the useless shirt; still, he commits to your eyes, hoping that you can decipher the inquisitiveness in his. 
Gravelly and mystified, “what?”
“You left your shirt here the last time—”
“What?” A decrepit, holey tee shirt cannot be the reason why he’s sitting on your couch right now. In a bone-crushing clutch, the shirt sits braving force from Toji’s iron fist. He holds it with such conviction that his fingers activate a tremble.
You’re not stupid. You’re the most intelligent, most sagacious woman—person—he knows. So it really fucking irks him when you continue to play oblivious. 
“What do you mean, what?”
“I’m not here right now because of a dumb shirt.”
Your lips smack together pensively, looking fixedly at the drab, eggshell walls. To the porcelain tiles now scuffed from being grazed on by two bespattered tactical boots. To your own feet, to the perturbed curl of your toes. To anywhere besides him. Never had you avoided looking at Toji so unmitigatedly, as if locking eyes for even a split second would cause worldwide devastation.
He reflects upon the night you’d thrown him out, discarding him back to the streets where he belonged. “‘Get the fuck out of my home’, she says,” Toji mumbles a recitement of your own words, struggling to keep the muzzle on his distaste. Elbows on his knees, head in his hand, he taps his index to his lip in thought. “You hate me, and then suddenly you like me enough to return my damn shirt… What kind of game are you playing? Just fucking cut it out and be blunt about what you want from me because I’ve had a really shit day and I’m not in the mood to be cute for you, Y/n.”
You bear his outburst in stride, pulling a face of forlorn at his apparent exhaustion. You don’t shout back at him, nor do you comment on his attitude that you’d surely never let slide in the past. 
On tiptoes, you shuffle closer to fit between Toji’s spread thighs. There is a streak of hesitation that perpetually hugs around your body, he realizes, because every which way you turn oozes trepidation in its slow tempo. Jitters teeter down your person, oscillations so tangible that it sways your hair. “You’re shakin’,” Toji annotates, tilting his chin back to gaze up at you. Shaking like a leaf, in fact, and he wonders where all your composure has fled to. “Why’re—”
“I need to…” You take a pause to swallow down the thick ball of uneasiness clogging your esophagus. A sheen glints along your forehead, cheeks, neckline; fucking sweat. “I have to confirm something.”
You are off. This whole situation is off, and Toji can’t pin a point on any of it until…
Slowly, clumsily, your hand glides down the elegant curve of your oblique, toward the ponderous bulk against your thigh. With the brain of a seasoned assassin, Toji pieces the puzzle together with time to spare. Time he could’ve spent lunging at you, pinning you to the floor beneath his body weight, subduing your wrists in the cuffs of his own fingers. But he doesn’t. Be it a product of his own stupidity, his lackluster will to live, or maybe even his inextinguishable urge to devote his trust to you, Toji lets you draw open the curtain of your robe and pull your concealed gun on him. 
With heavy puffs of breathing, you direct the barrel of your handgun toward the centerpoint of his chest. It wobbles in a hybrid of uncertainty and inexperience, and there’s a cold, metallic rattle discernible the whole time. Toji admires the gun—it’s a small thing, some flavor of a colt pistol with a cask forged from iron. It looks weighty and misplaced in the palms of your delicate hands. 
“Nice piece,” he allots useless, apathetic praise. 
Evidently, you aren’t in the mood to reciprocate his quips. “Be serious.”
“I am.”
There is something picturesque about you in this context, it overpowers the innate fear he should be feeling right now. You tower before him like a deus ex machina, his own personal angel of death, granting him divine reprieve from this remarkably bleak concept of life. Toji wants to kneel, call you beautiful, and kiss your feet in appreciation.
“I wasn’t lying when I told you I liked you.” Those words contradict the finger you hold against the trigger. You shake your head, contracting the muscles in your jaw. “Was it just a version of you that I fell for?”
Toji concedes. “Yeah.”
“Do I even know you?”
His thick eyebrows furrow at the question. Do I even know you? “There’s so much I haven’t told you yet.”
You sneer, “you mean, so much you’ve lied abou—”
“No.” Toji holds up his hand, a pardon to interrupt. Because he has never spewed untruths in lieu of keeping his double life a secret. He never lied about his job, his addictions, his mental instability—there were no flimsy excuses, Toji had simply pretended his weaknesses did not exist. You made him forget they were even there in the first place. “No, I didn’t lie. Not once.”
“Then what purpose did you have for me at all?” Wetness glistened over rounded eyes, and wistful tears began to collect along your lash line. Toji watches a bead of sadness break loose, hanging from a cluster of eyelashes. Looking up to the ceiling, you attempt to blink it away. “I just… Fuck. I promised myself I wouldn’t sleep with you—wouldn’t get attached—but you… Why did you lay with me?”
The gun still aims to his heart. “I wanted to.”
“I feel like my head is spinning,” you weep, sniffling in the air. So utterly hopeless. “I feel like I don’t know you at all. Or your intentions.” You were a woman of prowess and authority, a real powerhouse in the sense that you always seemed to just know. Knowing what, knowing why, knowing how; he was so strangely drawn to that superlative superpower, finding your wisdom one of the most alluring things in the world. So perhaps that’s why Toji feels worse than cow shit right now, subjected to the awful sight of your realization that you truly don’t know who he is. The reigns were relinquished from your hands. “I’m scared, Toji.”
“Of me?” A stupid question he already knows good and well the answer to, but he asks anyway.
You whimper out your answer with a dejected nod. “Yes.”
The sorrow that oozes from your stare physically hurts, something akin to watching an eclipse with naked eyes, so Toji fixates on the handgun instead. The metallic shine indicates that it was recently purchased and most likely never used. You must’ve bought the thing specifically for this purpose.
“Are you going to kill me, Y/n?”
There’s no response. It aggravates him. 
“Are you?” Toji asks once more, projecting a rougher tone. Digging for an answer. 
Through tears, you whimper out a little reply, a question to his question. “Will you stop me?”
No. No, he fucking won’t. He sees through your plan; you’re waiting for him to lash out, to fight for his life. You want him to give you a reason to pull the trigger and prove your theories right—theories that he’s nothing more than a dangerous, vindictive animal hell bent on satiating his bloodlust. But Toji isn’t much of anything other than a torpid waste of oxygen. He won’t combat fate, he won’t put his hands on you even in the face of death. Toji takes your shaking wrist into his hand, keeping every last movement slow and sticky. You flinch away upon contact, but the look in his eyes was nothing if not assuaging, so you let yourself be handled. He draws you near, close enough to press the end of the barrel directly against his head. “Aim here,” he instructs with a lulling timbre, and fixes the thing to rest harshly on his temple. “It’ll be quicker. Less blood.”
Horrified, “what are you doing?”
“I ain’t gonna get violent with you.” Toji feels ready. This is okay, to die in a room as pretty as this one, facing a sorry sight as pretty as you. It’ll be a hassle to clean up for you, but you’re sharp as a knife. You’ll figure it out. His other hand, the one not attached to your forearm, rises to touch at your hip. Massaging over the thick robe, holding the dip of your waist with a vice grip. “If this is what I gotta do to prove myself, then fine. I’m ready, so take the safety off and put a bullet in my brain already.”
“Yes.” He jimmies your arm, coaxing you to shoot. “Fucking do it, I know you can.”
“No!” You roar in his face, lips reeled back in a desperate snarl. “No, you made your point!” A knee sinks into the space of cushion between Toji’s legs, a hand clawing at his forearm. “Stop it, enough already!”
Toji is bemused by your fanfare of emotion. He barely winces as you work hard to pry your wrist from his handhold, scratching overgrown and timeworn acrylics into the tough flesh of his arm. “I can’t keep up with you, woman.” He tuts, observing the struggle. “Y’kick me out, then you call me back. Don’t talk to me for months, but you’re paying my rent. Pull a gun on me, then start crying when I give you a push.” Reaching up, Toji finds the warmth of your neck, cupping his palm to it. Sliding up and up, pushing your jaw with thick fingers because he needs you to stop focusing on the gun and start focusing on him. Your head is steered by his ginger hand, forcing your guys’ eyes to bridge. “You had me fooled. Here I thought you were more mature than whatever-the-fuck this is.”
“You want to talk about maturity?” Like a coin, the doleful effusion you bled was flipped into bewildered agitation. Fire ignites underneath your tongue and Toji braces for its heat.
“Yeah, sure,” ever the impudent asshole, “let’s talk.”
You give him a funny look. A you have a lot of fucking nerve look. “It’s because of your immaturity that we’re here right now!” Getting closer, your other leg fits across the opposite side of his, effectively perching yourself over his thick thigh. Toji grunts under the force in which you sit down. “You and your stupid flirtations. You made me believe that we could have…” Breaking off into a frustrated groan, you shook your head. “How selfish can you be, Toji? To pursue me when you know damn well what you’ve done is unforgivable.”
The tip of his tongue finds his molars, and he looks away for a moment to analyze your question. A moment that is cut entirely too short when you return the favor of maneuvering his head. “No, you need to look at me, too.”
There isn’t any elaborate reasoning he can present to you on a silver dish. When it comes down to the brass tacks of it all, that was just it: Toji is selfish. The only taste of love Toji had ever gotten was when he was young and dumb in his early twenties, spontaneously marrying the first woman who convinced him that he was worthy of tenderness. God, she was gentle with him, seizing his heart in her hands with so much caution and kindness that it made him physically ill. When she passed, he was positive that his heart had been buried alongside her deep in the Earth. That warmth never returned, not once in the years following when he’d find himself falling into strangers’ beds for a quick living. And he’d curse himself, reliving memories of her every night before sleep. So young and dumb, far too much so to appreciate what he had; what he’d never get again. 
But then you came along. 
Man, what a plot twist you were.
“You make me feel things.” What the fuck is he even saying? ‘You make me feel things’? That explanation was about as insightful as a child would be. Toji has never so directly spoken about his feelings before, this is challenging. 
Non-judgemental, you heed his message and urge him to continue. “Good things or bad things?”
“Uh,” Toji thinks for a second, “nostalgic things? I… Haven’t felt like this in a long time.”
“Felt like what?”
There comes a pregnant pause, and Toji takes this time to peer up at you. You sit tall on his leg, head at a tilt while you wait patiently for him to select a word. An attribute that you shock into his system every time you enter the vicinity. It’s a shitty, embarrassing answer, but he spits it out anyway. “Loved.” Using your quiet to his advantage, Toji prattles on. “Or somethin’ like that. I’m a fucking moron though, for thinking I could keep secrets. Selfish is a good way to put it.”
“You’ve killed people for money. You are the epitome of the word selfish.”
“That shit’s behind me.”
You reel, leaning back in his lap to gauge Toji’s expression. “Really?” It’s asked with skepticism, and Toji’s eye twitches.
“What, you think I’m bullshitting?” His hand involuntarily squeezes your wrist, a futile attempt to communicate his sincerity through touch. “No, I haven’t taken a job since last I left your place. I quit.”
This discovery retires some of that scorn. With a weaker voice than before, “officially?”
Toji gives you a subtle nod. “As much as you want to believe I liked dropping bodies, I really, really didn’t.”
There is a hint of a smile, just barely curling at the corner of your lip, before it droops back down into the biggest frown he’s seen you wear all night. “But then wait a second… Where have you been getting your income from? I stopped issuing checks when we—” You stop yourself from saying it. 
“Ah, I’ve just been,” shit, what a dilemma. “Getting some sugar.” It comes out with an awkward chuckle. It’s not a complete lie, sugar baby-ing and prostituting—it was all sex work nevertheless. He isn’t fond of the whorish implication, but you know him. You’ve seen him at his sluttiest, and you weren't disgusted.
“You’ve been having sex?” You veer in toward him. There is no shock or discomfort lacing your words—you know him—only bona fide earnestness. 
“Yeah.” Toji feels compelled to say sorry, but he doesn’t. “I needed the cash.” He doesn’t care to rally the question back at you, doesn’t care to know if you’ve fucked anyone else.
It’s subtle, but he can feel the pity radiating off you, seeping into his pores and burrowing under flesh. You look at him the same way you’d look at a scraped-up mutt abandoned on the side of the highway. He fucking despises that look from anyone else, but from you? It’s not so bad. If anything, it’s maybe even a bit soothing, the way you can console him with just your eyes. 
“Toji, let go of my arm.”
He does as told, dripping your wrist. The handgun falls to the couch, neglected, but Toji doesn’t get the chance to watch it because you’re shrouding the view. A buxom body nestles against the convex of Toji’s ample chest, two arms coil around his thick neck, fingers scritching over his scalp. You’re hugging him.
“Is this okay?” You must’ve felt him stiffen under the weight of your affections, perhaps you took it as a sign of discomfort. But that’s not it at all; the hesitation was a byproduct of Toji’s emotional stoicism. A defense mechanism he’s built for himself, successful in warding off contingence. Sex was okay. Sex was gritty and rugged and crude, enough to make him forget he was being touched at all. But this? Fucking hugging? 
How childish was he for submitting to something so teenage? This was the equivalent of popping a boner from hand holding.
And still… “I like it.” Once again, he lets you tear down his walls. Succumbing to you felt organic, almost as if Toji could just close his eyes and let muscle memory guide his limbs to their place. A heavy head knocks forward, plummeting in the valley between your breasts that have been exposed by the plunging neckline of your robe. Unbeknownst to you, the knot holding it closed had untied itself somewhere in the haste, and it has become more of a loose garnish to your body clad in nothing more than a matching set of dark, rebellious little underwear. Strong arms return the gesture, squeezing you to him so tightly that you must let out an audible oomph as your lungs constrict.
“I like it…” Toji repeats under his breath, nosing a path up to your clavicle. On you, notes of that saccharine, peachy body wash he’d once massaged into your skin. He takes self-indulgent whiffs, closing his eyes to hyperfixate on his sense of smell. “I like you.”
Totally abrupt, no sensibility in the manner, Toji blurts it out. Those three bedeviled words he swore to condemn to the pit of his guts, never to be released aloud. His conscience dictates his actions now, apparently, because the man has no longer any will to swallow his sentiments. After all the terrible, traumatizing shit he’s dragged you through, it’s the least he can offer. You’ve been deserving of those three words for a while now, Toji just never knew how to give them to you. As it turns out, it’s a lot simpler than his imaginations led him to believe. 
“You’ve never told me that before.”
He holds you impossibly tighter, hands flat and feeling the landscape of your back. “You knew, though.”
The hand in Toji’s dampened hair clenches when he ghosts his lips over that throbbing neck vein. “Still, you could have said it sooner.”
“I’m sorry.” He kisses you there, then kisses you again. Slow and tantalizing, just the way you liked. “Sorry for being awful.”
Teeth peek out and catch your skin. 
“I don’t—” you stop to gasp, cradling Toji’s head and holding him deep into the crib of your neck. “Think you’re awful.”
“Mm.” Blindly, he gropes the cushion beside his thigh, feeling for the discarded gun. Toji taps the cool metal against the chub of your cheek, attentive to the trigger—he never goes near it. Catching you in a lidded staring contest, “you use this on good guys, then?”
You pull a grimace. “I don’t use it at all.”
Toji is thoroughly amused. “You were gonna use it on me,” he chuckles quietly, so close to your pretty face that the point of his nose brushes yours. “Or were you just tryin’ to give me a scare?”
“I…” You trail off into brief thought. “I was afraid. I’m only a normal woman, Toji, it’s not everyday I find myself in the presence of a criminal.”
Again, he laughs, thumb sweeping back drapery that shades your thigh. You make no efforts to halt him, instead just following his line of sight all the way down to the black, leathery holster strapped high upon your thigh. Something about it is so enticing, the way fat pudges out along the sides of the tight strip. Like a garter belt, but a thousand times sexier. “‘Normal’ my ass.” Toji plucks the thing, gauging its limitation to stretch, before releasing it to snap back into place and choke your squishy thigh once more. You yelp, smacking his bicep.
“That hurt, asshole.”
“Sorry,” Toji apologizes loosely. He shakes the gun, hearing its rattle. “So this was a test, then.” There is no quizzical lilt, because there is no question about it. It was a test of trust. The weapon was a mere instigator, a tool to coax Toji into showing his ‘truest colors’; unmasking his supposed violent tendencies. All that trust you placed in Toji’s basket must’ve vanished on that rainy night, in the wake of his confession to murder. All that trust… It soured into bitter doubt. 
“A very idiotic, very flawed test,” you sigh, on the cusp of a humorless smirk. “You passed, by the way.”
“I don’t feel like I did. You thought that I would’ve hurt you.”
“I was just preparing for the worst case scenario.” 
The way in which he surveyed you was kindred to the nature of religion. Gritty fingertips explored your Holy face, and Toji worshiped every feature. Could you truly not see how sacred you are to him? Toji doesn’t caress the faces of his quick fucks, and he certainly wouldn’t surrender his life to them. 
“Put that thought out of your brain. Right now. I will never put my hands on you.”
You look flushed. Your cheek kindles warmth beneath his hand. “I want to kiss you.”
Toji’s instantaneous submission was laughable. Jaw unhinging, scarred lips parting wide, tongue twitching with anticipation. He opens his mouth for you and waits.
His face gets clamped in between two tenacious hands. Nails dig into Toji’s face as he’s yanked in to meet you in a teeth-clanking lip lock. It feels like a breath of fresh air, to kiss you like this again. Suddenly, he forgets what those strangers’ genitals tasted like. He forgets the taste of coke dripping down the back of his throat after snorting his fifth line in one night. Forgets the taste of soupy, liquor-flavored bile. All Toji knows is you and your nectarous little mouth. Your honeyed tongue is a tyrant in his mouth, dominating every wet corner, branding your essence into his taste buds. 
“I missed you,” Toji laments into your lips. He grapples with your hips, manhandling them into a constant gyration deep onto the crux of his lap. “I missed us.”
“I can tell,” you mumble and give a sharp grind against him. Against the prominent tent beaming up from the crotch of his pants, and he shudders. Then, you look at him stone cold sober from lust and ask him foolishly, “do you want to have sex right now?”
A nasally exhale huffs out, because you have to be joking with him. “My cock’s hard, ain’t it?” 
You’re a beacon of po-faced prudishness, all the while he pants for more. “Your erection is a given, considering the position we’re in,” close-grained and consolidated in intimacy. You tap Toji’s forehead, “how do you feel up here? I’d like to know.”
Such shitty pillow talk, but even still, Toji felt rosy. It made him feel acknowledged; recognized as more than just a dick to bounce on. Fuck, you’re really turning him on with that corny, mushy bullshit. “I’m good,” he tells you honestly. “I want you.”
I want to be inside of you.
“And you’ll let me know if that feeling changes?”
He groans against your cheek, “Jesus, yes, just fuckin’ touch me.”
“Ask me appropriately.”
Here he goes, sounding like a little bitch again. “Please, m-ma’am… Take it out.” Another memory to add to his internal cringe compilation.
Satisfied, you sit up on your haunches. “Lift your ass.” He does so, and accepts your help to shimmy the waistband of those constricting pants down to quarter thigh. Just low enough to make a spectacle of the hard rod straining against the thin material of his snug boxer briefs; gray and breathable and damp with his pre-ejaculant.
“Shit.” Toji huffs, giving a weak jerk when your hands begin the delicate procedure of feeding his slippery appendage through the piss hole at the front of his ruined underwear. He watches you pull him out with grace—he’s privy to the consideration you show to his most sensitive spots when you handle him like this. He thinks it’s endearing.
There his dick stands, tall and proud in the valley where both pairs of hips meet flush with one another. Toji looks down at the pinkish thing, watches the way it drifts back to hit his navel, falling under its own mass. “Rub me,” Toji whispers with his forehead pressed against the shelf of your shoulder, gazing down under heavy lids to watch his own dick drool spittle into his tee shirt. A hand precipitously hangs below his chin, fingers and palm working with each other to create a makeshift bowl. Assuming to catch something. 
“Spit, Toji.”
A second hand strokes the back of his skull, and the gesture emmenates patience. There’s only a split second of hesitation before he grants your vulgar request. Toji swishes his tongue around, collecting every ounce of saliva that coats the inner seams of his sticky mouth before opening up. The wet muscle unfurls, and a waterslide of spit cascades down into the palm of your awaiting hand. He’s rewarded for his efforts—good job, Toji—before you get down to business. 
His spit is cold when it smears along his tip. Toji bites his lip, sinks his digits deep into the meat of your ass, and fixates on keeping a composed breathing pattern because fuck, your hand was magical. You jerk him off leisurely, maintaining languid strokes that squeeze tighter near the peak of his length. “This alright?” You coo next to Toji’s ear, keeping your free hand busy playing with his raven locks. 
Toji makes a pitiful, throaty noise in response. “Do it faster.”
He grits his teeth. “Unfair…” Toji’s hands tremble. To combat this, he begins grabbing at the robe still hugging over you, shielding that sexy body from his perverted glare. You make no indications that he should stop, so he doesn’t. Shucking off that expensive, red cape down your perfect shoulders, splitting the front open right down the middle. It’s a black, lacy little number, and the cups of your darling bralette plead transparency.
Toji pulls the thing up without dawdling, sighing blithely at the heavenly prospect of your perfect breasts bared and ready to be taken by his mouth. “God.” He captures your tit in one hand, squeezing it, playing with its weight. Your latter breast gets swiftly tucked between his lips, subjected to enthusiastic teasing from Toji’s tongue. He’s teething, rolling your budding nipple between rows of ivory fangs like he’s trying for milk. 
“You’re so hungry for it.”
“You've been depriving me of this,” Toji emphasizes his point with a long, keen lick to your cleavage. “An’ you expect me not to be starving.”
You pull him off your chest by the scruff of his neck, hoisting Toji’s heavy head up at your face level. Saliva moistens his lips, and you take your time swiping up his spit with your deft thumb pad. “Shall we get on with it, then?” Condescension and sympathy duel each other when you speak to him, like he is the unreasonable one for becoming a frenzied mess of sensuality. 
Toji is about to answer when it catches his eye. The glinting iron barrel, taunting him. It sits once more at the side of his thigh, untouched and forgotten. Begging to be used.
“I want you to fuck me.” There’s a brief intermission of silence while he collects the weapon, grabbing it by the cask and offering you its handle. You’re inquisitive, staring at the thing with uncertainty, so Toji lays his motives out across the table. “Hold this on me while you do it.”
You chortle, expecting his laugh to come next. But it never does, so you stop and raise a brow. “Come again?”
“You went through the trouble of buying this just for me, yeah?” It was obvious to anyone with two working eyes that you had no experience maintaining firearms. The gun was spotless, brand-spanking-new, and never had you mentioned to Toji that you keep something so dangerous in your home. So yeah, you can try to deny it all you want, but he knows that the only reason you now own a pistol is in case you needed to pop a cap in his brain. “Now I’m asking you to use it.”
“Toji,” you sweatdrop, “I don’t think…”
He takes your hand in his and presses the grip of the gun into your palm before securing your fingers around its silicon. Wide eyes look at him with pure solicitousness. “It’s okay.” Just like before, he steers you into position. “Jus’ keep your arm up like this. Hold it to my head. Yeah, perfect.”
“This is sick, even for you.” Despite your words, you don’t sound too dismayed. 
“Been rocking a half chub the second you pointed it at me.” 
Toji hums offhandedly, peeking down at your panty-clad pussy. Your undies were cute, he thinks, teasing the tiny ribbon bow perched on the waistband with a feather-light fingertip. Twin ebony fibers crafted the panties, just as chiffon as the bra. “Gets me off,” he shrugs, hooking his index beneath the gusset and dragging it to the side where it’ll stay in the crease of your thigh. Toji can feel the blaze of your core grate against his hand. You’re turned on. He looks back at you. “Putting my life in your hands.”
You’re shifting, stretching up a little higher to accommodate his cock. One of your knees props up at a right angle, the other remains firmly planted into the couch. “You’re so insane.” Ruddiness blooms along Toji’s neck when you hawk a wad of spit into your hand and bring it down to rub yourself. Lubricating yourself for him, moaning for him, fuck. He’s holding himself too. 
“Aintcha feelin’ powerful, though?” Toji challenges haughtily, slapping his swollen tip against your pubic bone. In response, he feels the barrel of the handgun sink a little rougher into the thin skin on his temple, and it makes him chuckle out loud. “Makes you wanna give it to me harder, don’t it?”
Tacky, spit-soaked fingers catch the angle of his running jaw with a grip so taut, it squishes his cheeks and forces his lips into a reluctant pout. “What am I going to do with that mouth?” You glower, and his mind races with a catalog of hundreds of different risque solutions to propose. However, he doesn’t get one out before your next order: “Put it in.”
And he does right away. A concoction of spit, semen, and cunt juice made the insertion process quick and painless. Without delay, your hips crash down into his lap, and it draws a paltry cheep past his clenched teeth. Fronts stick together thanks to the bone-crushing bear hug he ensnares you in. You give in, throwing your arms over his broad shoulders to attune to the sudden adjacency. He can feel a hard, steely nozzle trace around the circumference of his skull, ending at the base behind his head. 
And that’s how you two sit for a while; inside one another, breathing humid puffs of carbon dioxide into each other’s necks. 
“I’m… Gonna move now.”
“Please,” Toji murmurs.
 Hands walk down your spine, finding purchase on the malleable globes of your ass. Toji kneads like it’s dough; grabbing, pulling, grinding you back and forth. This is how sex should feel, you’ve made him come to realize. Equal parts raw and nasty in perfect tandem with intimacy and comfort. Hell, you have a fucking gun trained at his cerebellum, and even with that unusual addition, this is the safest sex he’s had in months. 
You are an expert in the ways of motion, methodically pirouetting those godsent curves in the most salacious degrees. “Oh God, don’t fucking stop,” Toji pleads, lapping against the slope of your neck. It’s killing him, the way you’re fucking his body deep into the couch like you owned it. It’s physically strenuous to keep his teeth at bay. “Don’t you fucking stop.”
The gun clinks against his head, the thud echoing in his mushy brain. “Hey,” you manage to pant out between short grunts. “No marks, y-you know that.”
Oh. Right. Stupid fucking professional job bullshit…
In the throes of Toji’s desire to swallow you whole, your warning goes in one ear and flies right out the other. “It’ll be fine,” he hushes you, skimming his sharp canines up your throat. 
“How about here, then?” Before you could say ‘knife’, the tip of a tongue prodded into your ear. Swiveling around, collecting your flavor. Even here, you tasted clean. Like soapy chemicals, but not unpleasant. 
You’ve stopped fucking him. Toji blinks, and suddenly, he’s being pushed into the back of the sofa by a hand in the center of his pectorals. It takes a second to catch his breath, but when he does, “what?”
Gawking, you palm your ear and cast a horrified look. “You can’t lick there! That’s dirty!”
“But I felt your pussy squeeze when I slid my tongue in—” He hacks around the foreign object. Did you just…?
“Your fucking mouth.” The barrel now lodges in his mouth, pressing back against Toji’s tongue hard enough to trigger salivary glands. It’s obvious that his nonchalance had rendered you harebrained, but thrusting the gun between his jaws like that was the last thing Toji expected you to do. It appeared that the surprise of it all was mutual—you, too, ogle your hand that holds the firearm. “Oh my—Toji, I’m sorry I didn’t—”
With haste, you move to reel back. But Toji’s reflexes are military grade, so he’s able to snag your wrist and hold you there. The shock subsided, and in its wake was the most intense form of pleasure he’d ever felt. Has there ever been a more pure forgery of submission than this? Choking on the loaded gun of your lover, hinging on each breath, wondering if your next will be your last. The whole concept is giving him a headrush far greater than any drug could. So Toji holds you in place, muffling out his pleas through the metal. Staring at you down his nose, eyes teeming with his adoration. 
I want it. And he means it. 
Thank God you’re not one of those dumb bimbo bitches he normally fucks with. You understand the message conveyed in his eyes. You see it. You’re not dense, you know what he wants, and you’ll give it to him. “Tap my leg if you need a break.” He won’t. 
The humping of his sore cock resumes, and any crumb of fortitude left within him curled up and wilted like the Hydrangeas on your front doorstep. He wilts too, collapsing back into the couch while you use his erection. 
You mewl contentedly, bracing yourself with a gentle touch to his pec. A stark contrast to the way your latter hand thrusted the piece in and out of Toji’s willing mouth. He’s not averse to something long and stiff down his throat—desperate times called for desperate measures, and if he had to suck a few cocks to cover the bills, then that’s exactly what he was gonna do. Though this was more enjoyable by miles, he thinks offhandedly while he stifles his gags. There’s no musty stench burning up his nasal cavity, no foul taste of unwashed skin. And a potential bullet was much more appetizing than the inevitable gluey spunk guaranteed at the end of every hummer. Spit bubbles up into a foamy mess at the corners of his lips as he sucks the gun. Sucks it like it’s attached to you, like you’ll be able to feel the way he coils his experienced tongue around the metallic muzzle.
“You’re really i-into that..” Awe infuses each shaky syllable, and Toji hopes maybe in some twisted rhyme or reason, he’s impressed you. Once more, he tries to talk back, but the barrier between his teeth results in utter incoherence. 
Orgasm was near shortly after, and the only warning Toji can supply is a broken half-cry, half-cough. His body began to jerk and twitch in strange ways. Like his right thigh, now sporting an uncontrollable tremble. Or his eyes rolling skyward. “You want to cum?” You asked softly despite your own impending climax, and you stroke the clenching muscles in his abdomen. 
“Nngh.” Fucking pathetic, but it’s the best he can do.
The muzzle clips the back of his throat, and tears spring into Toji’s trundling eyes. Everything gets brighter, and atmospheric sounds jumbled together into deadened white noise. Very distantly, weight lifts from his legs, and that’s when he can’t stop from diving over the edge of his orgasm.
Toji shakes, then shakes some more. Oh, his mouth is empty. When did that happen? Everything is wet and thick and syrupy. The brightness starts to fade, but even still, he has to cover his sensitive eyes with a forearm while he gasps his way back to reality. “Fu… F-fu… Ck…” You have diluted him down to nothing but a babbling idiot. Jesus Christ.
“—ji… Toji!”
Hazily, he peeks down from underneath his arm. You’re massaging soothing circles into his restless thighs that have still yet to calm down. But you’re doing it all with a quiet grin. “There he is.” 
I’m happy.
I’m happy.
Because you remind me that I can have good things.
There is your beautiful face, shining at the end of his orgasmic rainbow. Ready to clean up his mess, ready to talk him into slumber, ready to hold and caress under a shared blanket. Maybe he can deserve this—you—if he works hard enough.
Summoning whatever remained of his stamina, Toji lurches off the couch’s back to meet you into a sweet kiss. A simple kiss, devoid of any spit swapping; just his lips to yours.
“Here I am.”
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hirocimacruiser · 8 months
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Achieving a goal is the beginning of a new challenge. To run really fast, HKS thinks.
A drag race scene where people compete for 0.001 seconds over a distance of about 400 meters in just a few seconds. '91 is a drag field that demands quick response and power from the engine, clutch, suspension, and even a single drop of oil or gasoline, as well as durability and transmission ability to handle instantaneous high power. -In '95-'96, the ``HKS R32 DRAG GT-R'' won the series championship in the RRC Drag Race Championship for three consecutive years. The following year, in 1997, the ``HKS DRAG 180SX'' in the BERC Drag Race Championship Pro Stock class and the ``HKS R33 DRAG GT-R'' in the Pro GT-R class achieved the Avec Championship. Having achieved one goal in 1997, what we aimed for in 1998 is:
Quarter mile time in 9 seconds with FF base vehicle. They then talked about their know-how from drag racing to date, and ``HKS FF DRAG CELICA'' made its debut. The first goal was achieved on October 9, 1998 at Sendai Highlands with a time of 9.886 seconds. He further improved his time to 9.727 seconds, and in 1999 he set a goal of breaking the quarter mile in the 6-second range, and has already begun a new challenge. "Achieving a goal is the beginning of a new challenge" - HKS' never-ending battle continues
■Company overview
●Name HKS Co., Ltd. Established October 31, 1971
●Capital 607,475/Kawa Representative Director and President Naruyuki Hasegawa
●Location Head Office 2266 Kamiogawa, Kunikami City, 418-0192
●Business details
Development, design, and product sales of automobile parts, racing engines, turbocharger-related parts, and automotive components and systems Design, development, and manufacturing of original mufflers, suspensions, and engine parts Development of complete cars, development of aircraft engines
●Number of employees: 407 (333%, 74 women)
●Equipment overview
Experiment building: Dynamometer (1,000/800/600~300/200/PS) Chassis dynamo, exhaust gas analyzer
Old experimental building: Dynamometer (600/600-500-200/PS)
Manufacturing factory: 10ft machining center, 5 NC lathes, 41 cam polishing machines, 21 biston narai, 11 turning centers, 21 crank Kenjoshi, Monzen Kendanmei, 21 surface grinders, 1 gun drill machine.
Muffler factory: Pipe bender, robot welding machine, 1 laser machine, shell machine, multi-spot welding machine 11, 100T press, TIG welding machine, CO2 welding machine multi-stage
Muffler 2nd factory: Pipe bender / shirring / Yasuda machining center 1 piece
Suspension factory: Cold solid coiling machine, continuous coiling machine, surface grinding machine, shot peening machine, automatic setting machine, automatic load testing machine, etc.
●Affiliated companies
HKS Aviation Co., Ltd. HKS Service Center (Tokyo/West/Kyu)
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who-is-shades · 10 months
raz dnd 25
last time uhhh bye teya :(
awkward silence as they walk. android is just steaming in rage. kay is listening in since teya is gone lol.
walking for hours and we hear something stommping? here comes a giant metal beast made of random bot parts and peoples bodies strapped to it? already dead lol.
parsley and wheatley are so fucking tired lol here we go again. roll initiative!
android is pissed and just starts shooting at it. parsley hurls his axe at its head and hurls the other one then uses rage. wheatley uses heat metal. the creature attacks! it opens its mouth and fires out gas! senna is paralyzed! it attacks zen! but zen dodges nice. zen attacks! good job and he paralyzes it! senna unparalyzes herself nice but that uses her turn fuck.
android just keeps shooting. parsley yeets his javelin then misses his sword stab. wheatley uses branding smite on his gun nice. the beast is paralyzed lol. zen punches it nice. senna uses witchbolt nice. the beast falls apart!
parsley goes to collect his weapons. senna starts removing the organics bodies and parsley begins pulling it apart. it looks welded together. old circuits and one of those soul jars in it. parsley manages to take it out! wheatley gives him a thunbs up. senna tells him to break it. 'on it boss.' he flies up and yeets it at the ground. good job.
senna finishes removing the bodies. she inquires their souls were used in that power jar, and hes trying to control organics the same way he controls robots. (cave johnson is william afton) zen sighs and says its camp time, cause were all just tired. long rest!
we continue! nothing happens, more awkward hours. wheatley holds sennas hand this time. parsley carries SP. we come to a clearing in the woods. theres an abandoned building, looks like one from the time bubble but its ancient. an old outpost? wheatley drags senna with him toward it. he thinks its a mimic hes so sick of it lol.
its covered in foliage. its mostly empty with some panels. racks on the walls with robot bits, super rusty. wheatley ponders how he missed these things for 800 years. wheatley taps on the consoles but nothing happens. android finds a more intact screen and taps away and it flickers.
senna opens a door and inside is a stock of weapons. old, rusty, and broken. she goes to open the other door. a big metal table with a big old map with specific points on it. she picks up their current spot on the map. outpost map nice. she calls out and tells them.
zen comes in to check the map. he compares it to his projection. most are out of the way but 2 of them are on the path their taking. they'll talk about it at camp, since those might be too dangerous. he puts the pins on his map.
androids tablet turns on and displays files! theres an introduction file. goddamn cave johnson aperture sound lol. they can hear zorbolts voice. parsley walks in to hear this. senna comes in cause she hears parsley. zorbolt explaining the outpost, prepping for invasion. sleeping quarters down below for handlers. then its over.
wheatley asks if theres more files. theres a crackle of blue energy! theres a big flash of light! its spingledorf jingles crust. teya sent him? oh he brought teya!? shes dressed like a witch. spingledorf gave it to her and a magical broom lol. space core makes happy beeping noises and wheels over. wheatley looks distrustful. 'you chose to forget us. to leave them behind.'
android starts trudging over very pissed. she didnt wanna forget us. he punches her in the stomach ouch. 'yep deserved that one.' he walks away. zen gives her a big hug awww. 'am i allowed to just join back up?' wheatley says she chose to leave us behind. 'i couldnt do it.'
parsley asks if she got it out of her system. 'fuck you.' 'yep, there she is.' 'damn make up your damn mind.' 'want me to leave again?' 'that would be kinda funny.' sunnie convinced her to return? wheatley brightens up at that lol. sunnie read her journal xD wheatley says its gonna be a long time before he can trust her again. shes hopeful though.
senna slowly walks over and asks zen to put teya down. she just stares at her for a while. she slowly takes teyas hands and kisses her forehead. 'welcome back teya.' senna is holding back her tears a bit. (is she not mad? hmm) 'hey parsley. missed you.' 'fuck off!'
zen glows yellow again. he was just about to send bots to her lol. shes got lots of people to protect now. hes pissed, so many lives are in danger when she left. she just didnt see herself at able too. but he chose her. shes not alone. he says if she decides to jump again he will take her memory immediately. teya wants everyone to agree to let her in. android grumbles but allows it lol. wheatley says teya's negative talk is what made her leave the first time.
zen is back to normal and he hugs teya again lol. wheatley walks over and looks at her complicated. 'please dont leave me behind.' then he hugs her awww. then he tells her about the videos. gotta find the bunker. android slams on the floor and opens a hatch. now they wanna know wtf a video is lol android vaguely explains it. he gives up lol. wheatley explains it better.
wheatley wants to plug into the fucking tablets and project his memories oh no. senna talks him out but now hes trying to project with his eye. he finds one from when he woke up. waking up in a field of wheat.
back to the tablet video files. 1 more file, the others are corrupted. Plan of attack oh no. its asking for a password. android cant get in darn. parsley shoves wheatley over and asks him to try. he wouldnt know he was cannon fodder xD android gets it though lol. it was his name.
a map projection. army formations. outposts attacking certain kingdoms and projections of the areas. one with a giant wheat field in the background. its the closest to Novis. capture people or kill them if they fight back. bring back damaged bots for repair. wheatley is disgusted what he was made for. but he did fight wars after waking up.
senna goes down the hatch. parsley and wheatley follow. theres skeletons. parsley lights his torch. teya wants to put the skeletons in the token lol. dorf finally speaks up lol. no one cares teya wants the bones lol. wheatley asks if she can speak with dead but she cant.
teya stores 7 skeletons in her token nice. wheatley wont give her back the sending stone though. he squints and slowly hands it back when she says shes not going anywhere. teya suddenly gets launched at the ceiling lol. dorf says the broom is temperamental. then wheatley says he doesnt like spingledorf DX
parsley keeps lying that he missed teya and gets hurt lol. time to leave. wheatley is upset he isnt sp's favorite, its teya lol. senna thanks dorf for bringing teya back. time to go! 'may the wind be at your back spingledorf.' he disappears. wheatley fucking says he hopes he never comes back the bastard. parsley says senna has bad taste cause she likes dorf and is dating teya lol she hits him.
back in the woods! senna tells teya about the beast robot and the god juice stuff lol. zen says robotgod used the wards to understand the evil stuff and made better wards for them nice. as we walk teya gets pulled into the ground lol that broom is a dick. senna tries to lift her and the broom shoves teya right into her. senna is gonna try carrying her lol. the broom is tugging her backwards lol. teya threatens to put the broom in the token lol. gonna keep carrying her.
SP is doing donuts around them shouting about the broom lol. after hours we find a big plain. we see a giant structure in the distance. old crumbling walls its huge. a small kingdom? the road we follow doesnt go there but there is an old path that does. zen says we can go yay!
the grass is long. parsley and sp are too short lol. wheatley sees something in the grass. its an old rusted bot missing parts! wheatley covers sp's cameras. he asks parsley to take SP. senna asks if hes ok. he shoots a bolt directly into its head making sure the processor is destroyed. he wont let them get back up. zen says it wasnt necessary, its gone.
zen pulls out a scanner. its the battlefield. wheatley looks ill. the drone finds something! one of the bots isnt as damaged. time to go find it. parsley is still on babysitting duty. wheatley is pulling out some rope. we find a rusted but good condition bot. senna offers to tie it up for wheatley. gotta be careful and all that. we yank it from the ground cause its stuck. tie it up nice.
the switch is already on. oh. he turns it off and on. nothing happens. god shows up to help! its still affected when god turned them off. wheatley has us move out of the way. (rick portal lol) wheatley is checking him out. he asks about the war. wheatley asks android for help. android feels uh complicated. he does explain tho.
he can feel things! his mind is free! yay! no more control! but his purpose is gone. wheatley tells him he can pick his own. and god can help him if he wants. hes got nothing else going on so wheatley unties and helps him up. very rusty. wheatley hugs him lol. they talk about their handlers. rick asks wheatley his designation. its just wheatley now.
meanwhile senna and teya talk about war. and teya pisses off parsley about treating kids like pets lol now senna is trying to message him.
rick says he wouldve been on the frontline if he hadnt been shut off. wheatley wishes him the best. he introduces us to him nice. protecting us is his purpose ;-; rick can make his own choices! he introduces himself to us. senna shakes his hand. he registers her in his database lol. teya also greets him. a milipede falls off him and lands on teya lol. wheatley takes it off.
parsley tries to find us lol. wheatley pings him. rick has an alarm he thinks parsley is attacking and tries to tackle down but just falls over. wheatley introduces parsley lol. senna and wheatley pick him back up. Parsley hands SP back to wheatley and rick registers that fairies can fly. he gets to meet sp nice. robotgod grabs him and clears up the rust. he registers him as my lord lol.
rick is accessing old files. he knows god cool. he can access files easily, they are mostly undamaged. rick says wheatley can have files imported. androidis in his files ooo. wheatley corrects rick on the name. rick says it may be best to delete the corrupted files but says he can do what he wants.
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snappedsky · 1 year
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Something's wrong with Wainwright and Skies wants to find out what.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Guns, Love, and Tentacles Part 4
Skies awakens with a start and tries to shoot up but an explosive pain through her chest forces her back down as she writhes, trying to gasp for breath.
“Take it easy,” she hears Moze say, gripping her shoulder. “Try to breathe.”
“But...that’s what hurts,” Skies croaks, arms wrapped around her chest.
“Hit her again.”
She feels the short sting in her neck of an insta-health and the pain subsides slightly, just enough for her to breathe. She gasps with relief and takes deep breaths as she looks up at Moze and Amara kneeling over her.
“What...what happened?” Skies rasps. “Where are we?”
“Back at the Lodge,” Amara replies, “that Eleanor really did a number on you. Knocked you right out.”
“Knocked me out?” Skies scoffs as she struggles to sit up. “What am I, eighty?”
“We got you and Wainwright back here,” Moze adds.
“Wainwright!” she gasps and starts coughing. “Where...where is he?”
She tries to stand up, but fresh pain shoots through her ribs and she doubles over.
“Are you alright?” Moze asks worriedly.
“Yeah, just...old wounds,” Skies replies, steadying herself on Amara. “That damned cult witch had to hit me in my weak spot.”
Once she’s on her feet, Moze and Amara point her to the fireplace. Hammerlock, Gaige, Zane, and FL4K are gathered there around one of the chairs. Slumped over in it is Wainwright, muttering feverishly. Skies hobbles closer and leans against Zane as she pants for breath that she just can’t catch. She sees Wainwright’s eyes are glowing pink.
“What’s happened to him?” Skies asks.
“That’s what I would like to know,” Hammerlock demands.
“It must’ve been those cult freaks,” she growls, “nothing good ever comes from messing with a cult.”
“He’ll be fine,” Zane insists. “...right?”
Skies groans noncommittally.
“Look, he’s coming around,” Hammerlock says with relief. “Winny! Are you alright?”
“The heart still beats...” Wainwright croaks.
“Winny! Wake up!”
“Hmmm...Oh!” he gasps awake, sitting up in the chair, but his eyes remain pink and his hands are fiercely trembling. “Vault Hunters! Skies! There you are. I must have dozed off for a moment. Must’ve been the whiskey. Skies, take my shotgun. Can’t trust my hands right this moment.”
“Sure, I’ll hold onto it for you,” Skies says as she takes the weapon.
“Well, I suppose that’s one way to start the celebration,” Hammerlock says, “but now, thanks to Gaige, Skies, and the Vault Hunters it seems everything has settled down. We’re back on track and I’m sure nothing else will go wrong!”
“Famous last words,” Skies mutters.
As Wainwright and Hammerlock settle back down, Skies hears a whisper from the bar. “My esteemed guests. Might I have a word at...the counter.”
Skies and the Vault Hunters glance at each other before approaching Mancubus. “I’m afraid the young groom-to-be isn’t out of danger,” he warns, “he brought something back with him into the Lodge. You should attempt to remove that ring from his finger. Without alarming the...happy couple.”
“Yeah, there’s definitely something up with that ring,” Skies grunts.
“What makes you say that?” FL4K asks.
“Ignoring the fact that Wainwright’s eyes are pink,” she replies, “I know a cursed object when I see it. I am the best treasure hunter in the galaxy after all. I’ll get it.”
She approaches Wainwright gently, as if he were a baby skag. “Hey, Wainwright, buddy. Can I see that ring please?”
“Oh, sure, of course,” he replies and holds out his hand.
Skies grabs the ring with her robot hand and tries to pull it off. It remains still, as if spot-welded, and wispy pink tendrils travel up and around her arm until they reach her face and plunge into her skin. Her left eye turns pink and she gasps before yanking herself away, collapsing into the adjacent chair.
“Son of a taint,” she hisses, clutching her chest.
“What the heck was that?” Gaige exclaims.
“The vessel has been chosen,” Wainwright says with a voice that’s mostly not his. “It’s only a matter of time.”
“Winny, what are you saying?” Hammerlock asks worriedly.
“What? I-I don’t...I don’t know,” Wainwright replies with confusion, back to his normal voice. “But I do feel a but...uh sideways.”
“It is as I feared,” Mancubus says, “another moment of your time, if you would? At...the counter.”
Skies lifts herself out of the chair, wincing in pain, before joining the Vault Hunters back at the bar.
“That ring on his finger has powers beyond mortal comprehension,” Mancubus explains, “the Lodge is slowing the effect to a degree, but the outcome...is inevitable. You must find a way to remove it, or I’m afraid he will miss the ceremony...entirely.”
“What can we do?” Skies asks.
“There is a man known as Burton Briggs who is proficient at uncovering...secrets,” he replies, “a detective, of sorts. He can help you learn more about this ring, and its origins. Look for him at his agency, The Eye Witness.”
“Do be careful,” he adds, “your actions this night have stirred the Bonded into quite the frenzy. The streets will be rather hazardous. You could always stay here...The Lodge wants you to be...comfortable.”
“Wainwright needs our help,” Skies says, “we can’t stay. Let’s head into town and find this detective.”
She starts to go to the door but hesitates slightly as another wave of pain washes through her chest.
“Uh, Skies,” Moze says gently, “maybe you should...stay here.”
“What?” she snaps.
“Acha, you can hardly move right now,” Amara points out, “just take it easy until you can breathe properly.”
“They’re right,” Zane agrees, “not good to keep pushing yourself when you’re injured, you know.”
“Ah, but...” Skies sighs unable to argue.
“You should stay back and keep any eye on Wainwright,” FL4K insists, “we shan’t be long.”
The Vault Hunters head for the door, leaving Skies to stare after them miserably. She groans loudly and sits at the bar, head in her hands.
“You got rakk ale here?” she asks.
“Alas, I do not have that particular vintage,” Mancubus replies, “but perhaps this will suit your...tastes.”
He rests a tall glass of black liquid in front of her. Skies winces with disgust, dabs a finger into it, and cautiously licks it off.
“Eh, not the worst I’ve ever had,” she shrugs and takes a swig.
She looks over at the fireplace. Wainwright is still in his chair, rubbing his head and twitching every so often. Hammerlock hovers around him with concern, constantly asking if he’s alright.
“Uh, listen, Mancubus,” Skies says, “I think I owe you an apology. When we first got here, I thought for sure you were gonna turn out to be some kind of cult-y weirdo. But now I see you’re the only one who can protect us from the cult-y weirdos. So...sorry and thank you for your help.”
“It is my absolute pleasure,” Mancubus replies, “as well as my duty to ensure esteemed guests of the Lodge are kept safe while...on its grounds.”
“Right,” she grunts, “well, if you need anything, just let me know.”
“All I desire is the comfort of guests...such as yourself.”
“Man, it is hard to like you when you’re so creepy.”
As Skies takes another sip of her drink, Gaige sidles up next to her. “So. I didn’t know you had a weak spot.”
Skies sighs and lifts her shirt just enough to reveal the long, jagged scars over her rib cage. “From when I fought Tyreen...or more accurately, when I got my ass beat by Tyreen. Usually it’s not such a problem. They might get sore sometimes, like if I run too much or something. But I guess that Eleanor blasted me in just the perfect spot to really mess me up.”
She sighs again. “The Vault Hunters are right though. I should be fine after a bit of rest.”
“Well, you can relax with us,” Gaige chimes, “let the Vault Hunters do all the hard work. That’s what they’re best at. You should just enjoy your holiday.” “Aw, but I enjoy myself by hunting for treasure,” Skies whines, “or killing people. Usually they go hand-in-hand. Point is, I don’t do well with...recuperating. Even after the whole COV debacle, I tried to rest on Sanctuary but only lasted about two days before I felt like I was gonna lose my mind. I gotta stay on the move, you know.”
“Alright, alright, take it easy,” Gaige says, “have a margarita. Deathtrap!” Her robot hovers over and shudders a bit before a hatch on its chest opens up to a margarita.
“Huh, that’s handy,” Skies comments as she grabs the glass and takes a sip. Gaige takes a margarita of her own and does the same.
As they drink, Hammerlock walks up to them. “Just between us,” he says quietly, “I had feared this weekend wouldn’t have enough excitement, but...now we are embroiled in occult secrets, diabolical curses, and great big monsters! It’s the wedding I’ve always dreamed of!”
“Well, at least one of us is having fun,” Skies smiles then sighs. “Alright. Maybe I’m not much help for fighting off cult freaks right now, but I can still figure out what’s happening. That Eleanor is the cause of all this. She leads the cult- the Bonded. I saw her statue in the village square, along with a man- Vincent? But it didn’t look like the Vincent we fought. Mancubus, do you know anything?’
“Eleanor does indeed lead the Bonded,” he replies, “they are a cult that worships Gythian.”
“The giant monster corpse,” Skies says.
“How’d you know?” Gaige asks.
“It’s literally hovering over us,” Skies replies, “there’s no way it doesn’t have some kind of influence over these people. But why do they worship it exactly? And what’s the deal with Vincent? And what’s up with that ring?”
“I’m afraid my knowledge on the subject is...limited,” Mancubus replies, “however, there is a library in town that might provide some illumination to your queries.”
“A library!” Skies cheers, “I love libraries. They’re a literal treasure trove of knowledge. I’ll go check it out.”
“Wait, the Vault Hunters told you to stay put,” Gaige points out as Skies heads for the door.
“Don’t worry, the alcohol has helped numb the pain,” Skies says as she pats her chest, gently. “And besides, I’m just going to a library. I won’t get into much trouble.”
Before anyone can stop her, she hurries out the door and to the gondola.
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igoldenlaser8 · 11 months
Portable Handheld Laser Rust Removal Gun for Sale
Laser rust removal gun is a tool that uses laser technology to remove rust, oxides, and other contaminants from surfaces. This method is an alternative to traditional methods such as abrasive blasting, chemical treatment, or manual scraping. Laser rust removal offers several advantages, including precision, efficiency, and environmental friendliness.
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Feature of Laser Rust Removal Gun
Non-contact cleaning, do not damage parts matrix;
Precision cleaning, can realize the precise location, accurate size selective cleaning; High cleaning efficiency, save time; u
Don’t need to use any chemicals and cleaning fluid, basic for solid waste powder after cleaning, small volume, easy to store, can easily solve the problem of chemical cleaning;
Simple operation, can be hand-held or cooperate with manipulator automation cleaning;
Of human body engineering design, the operation labor intensity is greatly reduced;
Laser cleaning system is stable and almost no maintenance;
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Single/dual axis laser gun
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Different models correspond to different laser cleaning head, small and light, different cleaning modes, multi-system compatible.
What are the advantages of a laser cleaning gun for rust removal?
Rust is the inevitable existence of some metal products. In order to make the products beautiful and continue to use, it has to be derusted. The laser cleaning machine was born for this purpose. The laser cleaning machine is effective in removing rust and can effectively remove rust. What are the advantages of laser cleaner rust removal?
laser rust removal gun rust removal is a non-contact type. It can be transmitted through optical fiber and combined with robots or manipulators to easily achieve remote operation. It can clean parts that are not easy to reach by traditional methods. The laser rust remover is used for cleaning and maintenance of ships, aircraft, weapons, and equipment. Excellent choice.
In addition to rust removal, laser rust removal tools can also clean up different types of pollutants on the surface of various materials to achieve a high degree of cleanliness. The fiber laser cleaner is a new application of surface engineering treatment. A pulsed laser is more suitable for surface cleaning and descaling of titanium alloy, stainless steel weld bead cleaning, stainless steel welding spot cleaning, and surface cleaning before and after welding of precision parts.
laser rust remover calculates the parameter setting through the threshold value, no contact, no grinding, no thermal effect, no damage to the substrate and human body, easy to operate, so the handheld laser cleaner is especially suitable for molds and cultural relics cleaning.
laser metal cleaner dusting does not require chemical solutions, and there is no environmental pollution caused by chemical cleaning. laser cleaner rust removal machine is a new technology, new process, and new method to replace pickling and phosphating.
After industrial laser cleaner dusting and cleaning, the waste material forms a solid powder, which is small in size and easy to handle, does not cause re-pollution to the environment, and is green and environmentally friendly. laser rust removal machine is the reform and development trend of industrial cleaning.
Traditional cleaning processes such as pickling and sandblasting inevitably cause visible damage to the surface of the substrate, so they are not suitable for cleaning thin plate materials below 30mm, and fiber laser cleaner can show its talents.
Fiber laser cleaner machine has strong flexibility and controllability. Through different parameter settings, the same laser rust cleaner can make the surface rough and improve the adhesion; you can preset the effect to set different laser power, frequency, aperture, focal length, etc., without exceeding the limit Try as little as possible, only clean the required range and intensity, improve efficiency and reduce costs.
laser rust removal machines can effectively clean up micron-level pollution particles, realize controllable fine cleaning, and laser cleaner is suitable for cleaning precision instruments and precision parts.
laser cleaning machine derusting can be used steadily for a long time, no consumables are needed, only a small amount of electricity, low maintenance, and operating costs, industrial laser cleaner can be easily automated operation, once put into endless cycle use.
Laser rust removal machine belongs to physical dry cleaning, replacing the waste of water resources caused by traditional industrial cleaning, replacing the cleaning fluid and builder required for traditional surface treatment, low carbon, water-saving, and energy-saving.
Today, when environmental protection laws and regulations are becoming stricter and people’s awareness of environmental protection and safety is increasing, laser rust remover derusting can reduce the use of chemical agents and mechanical cleaning methods. Its high-efficiency, environmentally friendly, and clean characteristics will become more and more widely used.
Laser Cleaning Machine Samples
Laser cleaning machines have a wide range of applications in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and cultural heritage conservation. For example, in the automotive industry, laser cleaning machines can be used to remove paint and rust from car bodies and engine components. In the aerospace industry, they can be used to clean turbine blades and other engine components. In the electronics industry, they can be used to remove flux residues and other contaminants from circuit boards.
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Laser rust removal gun price
The laser cleaning machine price range is from $8,000-100,000USD. Many laser cleaning machine buyers are concerned about the laser cleaning machine price. The price of different types of laser cleaning machines is very different. The rust removing laser price is related to many factors, the common factors that affect the laser rust removal machine price are: the power of the laser generator, such as 1000w rust-cleaning laser price and 100w rust-cleaning laser price are different. In addition, the handheld laser cleaner price and the fully automatic laser rust removal machine price are also different. So if you want to know the laser rust removal price, please consult IGOLDENLASER, we will report the laser rust removal machine price to you according to your specific requirements.
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1KW Laser Rust Removal Gun Cleaning Machine
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A 1000W laser rust removal gun refers to a laser rust removal device with a power output of 1000 watts. The power of a laser is a crucial factor in its effectiveness for various applications, including rust removal.The higher the wattage, the more energy the laser can deliver, potentially allowing for faster and more efficient rust removal.
Higher wattage lasers are generally more powerful and can be more effective in removing rust, especially on thicker or more stubborn rust layers. However, the efficiency also depends on other factors such as the specific design of the laser system, pulse duration, and the wavelength of the laser.
A 1000W laser rust removal gun can be versatile, suitable for various materials and applications. However, the specific characteristics of the laser, such as its pulse frequency and duration, will also influence its versatility.
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shreekant-patil · 2 years
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Death Kisses Well
The wind was cold but your body was hot with sweat, the fear pounding inside your chest rang so loud that you could hear the beating in your ears. Stress ran down you temple with sweat, In your arms you had dragged the living corpse of Revenant. His torso being the only thing still operating. Gun shots rang loudly throughout the Estates of Olympus, breaking through armor and injuring other legends. There he laid, heaving and gripping onto your arm with his clawed hands. He pressed your finger tips to his lips, sighing ruggedly. Your lip trembled, your other hand snaking to hold his cheek. He leaned into your touch, for it was comforting to him. You couldn't take it any longer, your hands pulling away to dig in your backpack for a medkit. "...(Y/N)...just quit it, would you? Its no use...I'm not fixable...not without my legs..." he said, gripping your hands tightly and kissing the tips of your fingers softly, the cold metal making a shiver run up your spine. Your lips parted, "is that what you need.....? T-to fix your-" he cut you off, " just shut it...! Go on without me. Unlike you delicate humans, I will always come back. I've been through death over and over again...there's nothing you can d-" he coughs harshly, his grip on you starting to lose its strength. "Revenant....let...let me help you! I can get...I can't...I can't do this without you Revenant!!" You shouted, though luckily it was covered by loud gunshots nearby. Revenant grunted, "Go on without me...stop crying and go, damnit!" He persists, but you don't give up, trying to revive him with what little you had. His voice starts to become harsh, but gentle and weak, his hand still holding yours as he pressed his lips to their tips one last time. "Go (Y/N).....win for me....for..us..." his voice soon gave, his robotic body now motionless as his arm fell to his side, his eyes black and soulless. Tears weld up in your eyes quickly as you shouted, "NO!! REVENANT WAIT PLEASE!! I-" you pause, hearing gunshots get closer. Your body is shaking, and your knees are wobbly, but you're agile and alert, starting to run for the wall surrounding the Estates. You rush off and hear enemies behind you, searching. It isn't long till you realize that now you must fend for yourself. You patch yourself up, laying low till the final two. You got lucky however, the duo having been split up by the ring. You watched as the ring took one the duo while the other was headed for you. Right as you had them in your scope, you fired, earning you a solid headshot. This was it, you did it...you won. Within minutes you were rushed to the scene, the victory spot you've always dreamed of being on, and to your right stood Revenant. You couldn't think, the announcer's words clouding your already foggy mind. Were you seeing things? Revenant looked at you before laughing darkly, "Pfft...I told you...I always come back," he said, soon grunting at the sight of tears in your tired eyes. "Wh...now don't start crying, I already had go deal with that earlier. You won, let's celebrate those deaths you caused, hmm?" He laughed, soon letting his clawed hand caress your cheek, "...I love you.....(Y/N).." He muttered softly so no one but you could hear. The night then went on with lots of fun between you and the assassin robot.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 16 “In their own quirky Ways”
And now we’re back with an episode that contains one of my favorite moments in the series! Season 2, Episode 3.
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Right off the bat, let’s meet the Kirishima=Tetsutetsu joke. If I may get analytical for a moment, an interesting aspect of this joke is that while their quirks (and birthdays) are identical, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are actually not the same, in any more meaningful way: Kirishima is an easygoing, somewhat insecure kid very much like Izuku, while Tetsutetsu is a brash and energetic fighter who leaps into danger at the slightest opportunity. It’s just that society sees people=quirks, so they see Kirishima=Tetsutetsu.
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Bakugou defies your expectations! And laughs on their graves! 
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You say run! Drink! (Also, Deku wrecking a robot’s shit without using OFA. Why is he so badass and amazing? Of course, this is only a prelude...) 
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Momo’s got a gun. Whole world’s come undone.
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Enter Hatsume! Another favorite supporting character. Who doesn’t love Mei? (Shinso apparently is in that crowd, since he’s impressed with her here. Rereading this arc a while back made me consider shipping Hatsushin). 
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"Your declaration of war was to the wrong person”. Damn, I do lowkey ship Todobaku pretty hard. Like, Bakugou is so obviously hung up on Todoroki being so strong and ignoring him, and Todoroki does genuinely care about him despite all the hissy fits Kacchan throws around him. If it weren’t for Shoto’s chemistry with Momo I’d suggest they just OT3 it up with Deku...ah well.
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Speaking of our protagonist...HELL YEAH. ABSOLUTE MADMAN DEKU. GRABBING A MASSIVE WIN RIGHT HERE. NOT EVEN USING OFA. JUST ON HIS OWN BRILLIANCE. HE’S THE FUCKING BEST. This is such a !!!! moment for me, it’s so much of why I love Deku in one glorious scene. Smart, inventive, absolutely determined, and unstoppable. And also mildly insane. 
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You know, Bakugou might have good reason to fear this guy surpassing him. Just saying.
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Make no mistake about it, Izuku is on top. (and pulling his craziest murderface yet. I love how nutty he is in this arc. Like, something snapped, and our sweet hero just lost his mind for a day. Oh who are we kidding, he was never sane).
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Stupid business course kids raining on my parade and pushing my button by calling Deku “plain” again. He is a beautiful snowflake you judgmental hags. (tho left boy looks like BoyJiro, so he’s got it going on).
Mineta does something to prove himself The Worst again and I’m not gonna post it. Eff you Mineta. 
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Now to the results, on which I seriously call Hax. How the hell did Weld Guy Awase, Vine Hair Shiozaki and Has a Tail Ojiro get further than Uraraka, Hatsume and Ashido?!
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And now to this cruel effing twist. Just when something goes right for Deku, something most go equally wrong. It’s like the Law of Equivalent Exchange. (Which is good from a narrative point of view, since if he was always winning too easily he’d be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu hero. And you don’t want that, that’s boring. Still though, sometimes I wish he could just be happy and win for once, no caveats attached.) 
So that’s Episode 16. It’s a step up from the beginning of Season 2, which is already more animated (hah) and dynamic than Season 2. This is getting into the Sports Fest proper, and it’s really well-structured as an episode on its own as well. I have a real soft spot for it, it’s a treat. 
BKDK Corner:
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Bakugou is obsessed with Deku as usual. “the wrong person” hahaha
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And what gets Deku his win and one of his coolest moments in the series? “Thanks for the idea, Kacchan!” I could meta about this, but the series meta’d about it for me: “If the two of you can honestly learn from each other...you can become the greatest heroes who both WIN and rescue.” Deku is learning from Kacchan already. And guess what? It helps him win.
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Now kiss! 
(lol jk. There are better NowKiss moments with these two. The frame just looks funny.)
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This scene brings up an interesting point to me; why is Kacchan the person who spurs on Deku’s character development and currently acts as his confidante/weird supporter? Why not someone nicer, more supportive, like Uraraka here? I think part of it is that Deku doesn’t respond well to praise and flattery. His immediate response to someone heaping him with praise is to disavow any credit for his successes, to distance himself from his accomplishments. Which could be why he gravitates towards gruff, compliments- witholding Kacchan so much. Bakugou doesn’t flatter him unduly, he pushes him to do better, and Deku just responds better to that than to flattery and open support. For whatever reason.
Best Girl of the ep: Ibara Shiozaki! (4th place in the Race)
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Ranker: Top Craziest Things Deku has Ever done (so far)
5. Running at the gate to save Kacchan (saved by Bakugou.)
4. The move in this episode (exploding himself to win)
3. Breaking himself against Muscular (and running around after)
2. Breaking himself to save Todoroki over and over again
1. Infinite 100% Full Cowl
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the-energon-hole · 7 years
It's me again :-) can you write sfw headcanons of bayverse optimus, ratchet, ironhide, jazz, and bee with tsundere human s/o? They're all cool and tough but the second the bots get hurt, the human runs up to them kiss their boo boos~
((A/N I am actually not 100% thrilled with how this one turned out, so I apologize if it is a little sub-par, I am not very familiar with Japaneses Arch types, I haven’t watched anime in a very long time- I have quite a few issues with it a whole lol.
I hope that this is at least ok and a little bit of what you asked for, anyway
Optimus Prime
-There were a lot of rumors that were circulated around the top secret military base, which is a really funny thought when it is said out loud, but when you sit and actually think about it- it makes a lot of sense. The soldiers here have nothing to do here in the middle of nowhere but their job, and on their down time have very little things to fill the void of boredom. It was natural for rumors to begin and spread through close-quarter living like this, you just wished that the rumors weren’t revolving around you and your “personality problems”. You had quite the reputation of being a hardass, someone who is unnecessarily cruel for absolutely no reason- and honestly what was the point of fighting those rumors? Not only did it help maintain some semblance of power you had over some of these soldiers, it also helped keep the troops a little more entertained telling horror stories about their encounters with you. It was alright, you didn’t mind being the bad guy all the time, because those in your inner circle know you aren’t the hard-ass that everyone keeps painting you out to be- and really, that was the only thing that mattered in your book.
-Once, when your friend Optimus Prime returned to the base extremely dinged up and damaged, let’s just say that day your reputation for being a hard ass was wiped clean and you became the subject of a new rumor mill- “I’m a jerk, but only when my wubby bubby Prime isn’t hurt in the infirmary”. It was a weird rumor, and it made some of the soldiers no longer respect you, but you just couldn’t help yourself feeling such strong emotions that day when the Prime came back looking like he was kicked around and stomped on by some bot bigger than him- and that is saying something considering he was a very big mech. You were nearly in tears as you sat and watched Ratchet work on returning the Prime back to his full health- and that was the start of the crack in your hard perceived personality. The proverbial nail in the coffin to your facade was when you thought you were alone in the infirmary with the Prime, and you let it slip how important he was to you and how you wouldn’t know what to do without him- which is an ok thing to hear on its’ own, but as it turn out they were also watching and saw you give a small friendly smooch onto Optimus’ faceplate. You just wish the soldiers were a little more creative, as again, “wubby bubby Prime” did nothing but make you mad, and you ended up yelling at the ranks until they came up with some better insulting names… It turns out they aren’t exactly the best at being creative- but that’s ok, yelling was enough to make them not only think you were a hard ass again, but now you were a crazy hard ass. Optimus knew you were a big softie, but he would keep it to himself all the other times you broke apart and were a sweet and kind person.
-You were a little hard to get along with, due to your harsh words and your prickly personality, but you really were a good person underneath. You believed in the goodness of man, and you believed in people’s good spirit and will. You really did- but over the years your tough life and hard endeavours had caused you to be a little bit cynical and bitter than you would like to admit. People actually actively avoided the infirmary where you worked mostly throughout the day because they just didn’t want to deal with your bad attitude. It wasn’t your fault that most of these soldiers and politician did stupid things to put themselves in unnecessary danger, and if you were being honest, you hated all this conflict and war between humans themselves in the cybertronians you find yourself caring for. War was stupid, and if people just took the time to sit and talk then maybe they wouldn’t feel the need to put people’s lives in danger for absolutely no reason. Life wasn’t that simple though, things weren’t always black and white, and sometimes you wished that they were.
-Ratchet was a little sick of your bad attitude sometimes, and didn’t understand why you called him a close friend yet you continued to treat i as if he were nothing. Humans were a strange species- their biology was the easy part, but their psychology makes no sense to him. Also their need to build small structures, even in the presents of bigger and hardier life forms, they refuse to build things up to cybertronian code- he couldn’t count how many times he has scraped and scuffed his frame on narrow hallways and small door frames. You always seemed to get angrier ad angreier every time he would come back with a small nick or cut, but it wasn’t until he made himself bleed energon did you change your tune about his injuries. He came into the infirmary holding his side rather tightly, and as you passively asked what happened, he noticed your demeanor change once he declutched his side to weld the small wound shut. It looked like you weren’t really listening to his words- which wasn’t all that uncommon between the two of you but his sensors indicated that there was a big emotional shift in your body. Before he could ask, you began to do something he never thought you would, you asked if he was alright- and if he was in any major pain from his wound. He said that he was fine, but you didn’t believe him- you have never seen the old fool bleed before… it was a little scary to know these giant titans are actually vulnerable to physical attacks. After that situation, it was easy to say you got even more upset with Ratchet if he injured himself, but you were a little more gentle on him when he would bleed a little bit of his life fuel.
-There was a lot to be said about what it takes to be someone who has to deal with politicians all day long- spoiler alert, it isn’t very fun and you always have to believe the one fact of life, that someone is always lying about something. Politicians are absolutely the worst kind of people, and will do or say anything to save face, needless to say it has caused you to become a rather bitter and angry person- your cynicism makes it a little hard for anyone to get close to you- which is honestly ok with you most of the time. You had a soft spot, at least for some people- and most recently some bots, but it was rare to be seen. You believed in tough love, it was a way for you to be strict to those around you- to prepare them for the real world of disaster known as the game of red tape and gaslighting,  basically dealing with real people and real power. Bumblebee was no exception, you really liked the bot, but boy was he too naive for his own good- too trusting and relaxed, he needed a big dose of reality, and you really don’t want to be there when that happens… On one hand he needs a good slap in the faceplate to see just how conniving and manipulative humans are, but on the other hand it would be a real shame for him to lose his sense of what is good and right- to many people in power lose sight of what is important, and that is what makes this world truly bad.
-You never really saw much of the combat side of things when it comes to your job and how you are involved in the Autobot cause, but the one time you saw the outcome of the real war these bots were facing, you had a big dose of reality slap you in the face. It was ironic really, you were the one getting reality checked for once, and you don’t think you have ever felt this way about anyone in a very long time. You saw poor Bumblebee injured and waiting on a medical table built for the bots, and you couldn’t help but gush a little over how happy you were that he was ok- it made him question you a little bit, but the attention was much appreciated. After that moment though, it was back to being your cold and hard self, and Bumblebee wasn’t afraid to say outloud how much he missed the softer side of you which was followed by a joke about how he should injure himself again just to see it. That wasn’t funny at all, and you made sure you let him know how gross and irresponsible that was and would be.
-Sometimes it was just easier to be mean than it was to be nice- not to say that you don’t like being nice, it was just hard to let your real emotions shine through when all people do is judge and hate you for it. Your appearance doesn’t help the fact that most people perceive you to be a brute rather than a lover- it was probably why you went into military work in the first place, it just sort of matched your personality and appearance. You learned long ago that people whom are willing to break down your barriers and find that soft squishy center underneath, those are the ones that you should be keeping around and trying to impress- not all these phoneys who put ona happy face and pretend to like you only to get something out of you. No, anyone special enough to see past your hard appearance and even harder personality was well worth keeping around, even when they are few and far in between.
-You would have never thought that the somebody whom could break through your hard exterior skin could be a big robot from outer space, especially if that robot was a trigger happy fiend like Ironhide was. He was a one of a kind bot who took your abuse with a grain of salt and simply laughed at you for being so bitter and angry all the time, saying things like you need to let loose and shoot more guns and to stop being such a downer all the time. It was always a back and forth between you twom but it was a back and forth you looked forward to everyday- that is until you heard about that bit ol’ bot getting hurt in a shooting range accident. When you went to visit him he was playing it cool like nothing ever happened, but he had his arm blasted off and he was leaking energon everywhere. The way Ironhide tells it, you basically melted into a pile of a sobbing mushy mess as you told him to be more careful and that you wouldn’t know what to do without him. He was kind of glad things went back to normal between the two of you when he was all fixd- he liked the harder personality you a little bit better than the crying mess in the infirmary.
-You went into your elected seat promising all of your constituencies and voters that you would bring about great change o their area ,and that you would do everything in your power to make the world a better place- even if that meant becoming a liaison to a bunch of giant robots from space, aliens essentially, it wasn’t what you had in mind but it was what you had to work with. You had a reputation for being rather hard and cruel, and you had to be in your line of work, everyone always lied and everyone is out to get you, that was how the world worked. You didn’t hate the bot you were supposed to be working with everyday, but his lazy demeanor and his go with the flow vibe bothered you quite a bit- you have to have a plan for everything, you can’t just sit back and watch life go by without a plan. It was mostly you yelling at him, and him laughing about how stuck u you are, but there was a sense of trust between the two of you, as you knew how each other would react and function to new ideas.
-You didn’t think your soft spot for Jazz was all that big, until he came back to base badly wounded and leaking all kinds of strange fluid. He was going to be ok, but out of commission for awhile- and you made sure he was as comfortable as possible. He would make all those stupid jokes about how he has never seen you so sweet, and how you should be like this more often. You just huffed and told him to stop being stupid, and to hurry up and feel better do that you two could get back to business doing work to harbor peace between mankind and Autobots. He kept his thoughts to himself, but he laughed as his own processor said to get hurt more often, maybe you would learn to relax a little if that were to happen- he doubted it though, because as soon as we was well enough to leave the med bay, it was back to business as usual between the two of you. It was ok with him, and it was ok with you, and in the end that was all it took to help patch up Autobot-human relations.
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parentnashik · 5 years
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mycompanypageonline · 4 years
Paramount Enterprises
PARENTNashik is a top brand helps you to find resistance welding consumables, weldparts spares, projection welding electrodes at OneStop for your spot welders and robotic welding backed by manufacturing company – Paramount Enterprises located in Nashik – India.
Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter Of Robotic Spot Welding Gun Parts, Spares, Consumables:-
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reddarcwelders · 4 years
10 Ways to Reduce Costs and Boost Welding Productivity
Welding is a cost-effective manufacturing process. However, several factors can significantly increase or reduce the cost-effectiveness and productivity of a welding project. These range from operational efficiency to the use of consumables.
In this article, we will go through 10 ways to significantly reduce welding costs and boost the productivity of welding projects.
1. Avoid Overwelding
Overwelding occurs when a weld is larger than it needs to be. This is a common occurrence in the welding industry, especially with inexperienced welders. An overweld may result when there is no specified weld size in a design, when there is no fillet weld gauge, or when a big weld is created just to play it safe.
Overwelding is a significant resource drain; it uses more arc time, labor, shielding gas, and filler metal, which leads to higher costs. To put this waste into perspective, consider a 1/4″ overweld instead of a required 3/16″ weld: The overweld results in a 78% increase in both weld metal deposition and arc-on time. This goes up to 177% when the overweld is 5/16″.
Increased cost and time are not the only negative implications of overwelding. Bigger-than-required welds tend to distort more because of the increased heat input. Also, excessive convexity may increase the likelihood of a weld failing due to fatigue. In groove joints, excessive reinforcements do not create stronger welds compared to welds that are flush (or just above) the base material surface.
To save resources and time, stick to weld specifications in designs, make use of a fillet weld gauge, and avoid excessive reinforcements on groove joints. A change in wire diameter may also be used to avoid overwelding.
2. Employ Weld Automation
Weld automation is the use of equipment that automates part or all of the welding process. Human operators, no matter how skilled, are susceptible to fatigue. They can also make errors during welding or other related activities (e.g., positioning and handling pieces of the weldment). These factors, coupled with safety concerns, can affect the productivity of welding.
There are numerous types of automation equipment that can greatly increase productivity and save cost. However, different levels of automation can be applied in welding, and the term automation doesn’t necessarily mean robotic welding. For example, hard automation is the use of weld positioners, manipulators, and turning rolls to keep a weldment in place. There are also fully automated setups in which the actual welding is carried out by robotic arms—this is known as robotic welding.
The use of automation makes welding safer, faster, more productive, and more cost-effective. Compared to humans, machines are quicker, more consistent, and less prone to errors. Machines are also easily programmable, thus reducing the cost of hiring, managing, and training human workers.
3. Use the Right Welding Process
Weld aesthetics To effectively boost productivity, it is important to review all these factors before selecting a welding technique. For example, welding is more precise than metal inert gas (MIG) welding but requires more skill. If aesthetics is an important consideration, TIG should be used, as MIG would cause you to spend more time later on in finishing. There is no need to select the submerged arc welding (SAW) process, with its high deposition rate of , when your project only requires the 5 lb/hr deposition rate of stick welding.
To make sure that you are not consuming more resources than necessary you need to review all considerations. Also, selecting the wrong process may lead to the production of rejects.
4. Handle and Arrange Materials Properly
The proper handling of materials during welding is crucial to improving productivity. Valuable time is wasted when a welder has to stop a welding process, go somewhere else to look for (and procure) a needed welding accessory, return to the welding spot, and resume welding. Even more time is wasted when weldment pieces are scattered around the welding area. While these short interruptions may seem trivial, they add up to significant time-related costs.
Before welding begins, all consumables, welding accessories, and parts to be welded should be sorted out and arranged in proximity to the welder.
5. Properly Maintain All Welding Equipment
The importance of having equipment in excellent condition for productivity and cost savings can hardly be overemphasized, as faulty equipment may consume more resources while generating more waste.
Frayed cables and faulty appliances can lead to voltage losses, wire feeding problems, and erratic arcs. Likewise, faulty gas systems can lead to gas leakage. All these contribute to the potential inefficiency of welding operations.
There is also the problem of defective equipment producing poor-quality welds, which may lead to more rejects, compromised worker safety, and costly downtime.
Investing in a comprehensive preventive maintenance program reduces costs in the long run.
6. Prepare Joints and Gaps Properly
Adequate preparation of joints is required for a hitch-free welding process. To start, welding operators should carefully clean the surface of the base materials. This will help prevent contaminants, such as dirt and oil, from entering the weld puddle. Next, welding operators must ensure they have the right fit-up and no excessive gaps.
A poor fit-up can have numerous negative consequences. One example is the potential for distortion or burn through, which compromises the strength of welds. Poor fit-up also leads to overwelding, as gaps increase the size of weld required to achieve the same load-bearing capacity. For example, a 1/4″ fillet is required for a joint when there is no gap. A gap of 1/8″ in that same joint would require a new fillet size of 3/8″ to achieve the same strength. That amounts to a 124% increase in filler metal consumption.
7. Control the Use of Consumables
Consumables such as shielding gas, filler material, anti-splatter compounds, grinding wheels, back bars, and gun components account for a noteworthy portion of the total welding cost. As a result, their proper use is important in keeping costs low. Certain consumables should only be used when necessary.
Gas delivery systems should be checked regularly so that leaks can be identified and sealed off. Surge turbines and surge guards can be attached to the end of welding guns to measure gas surge and reduce pressure, respectively.
8. Boost Efficiency
Labor cost is the largest cost variable in any welding project. One way to reduce this cost and boost welding productivity is by ensuring efficiency in all operations. The following operations are all time-dependent activities that can be optimized:
Preparing the metal for welding
Preparing the joint
Assembling components
Preheating, if required
Tack welding components, if required
Positioning/repositioning , if required
Moving between welds
Interpass cooling, if applicable
Grinding spatter
Inspecting and testing for
Reworking/repairing of welds and subsequent
Postweld heat treating, if applicable
It is evident that a lapse in one operation can have a domino effect on the operations that follow it. For example, poorly prepared joints can lead to overwelding, which in turn can lead to avoidable grinding and polishing. Likewise, poor positioning may lead to reworking and repairing of welds.
While inefficiencies in operations may be difficult to track and measure, the rewards are worth the effort. An effective way to spot inefficiencies is as follows: If step 2 is a required process for step 3, then all is in order. However, if step 2 is carried out to correct or optimize step 1, then there are inefficiencies inherent in step 1.
Another way of boosting productivity is by using technology that enhances efficiency. One of which is with cable length compensation (CLC), adjust while welding (AWW), Auto-Line, and SuitCase wire feeder which delivers smooth wire feeding with accurate, consistent speed. These boost productivity and reduce labor time and cost.
9. Minimize Rejects and Reworks
When a reject is produced, 100% of the filler material, shielding gas, electricity, labor, and time used is wasted. This is terrible for cost savings. Reworks also result in wasted time, resources, and labor. Ensure that through skill and efficiency, rejects and reworks are eliminated.
10. Prioritize Welding Safety
While they do not directly contribute to welding costs, workplace accidents are never desirable nor do they contribute to the efficiency of any production environment. Worker safety should always be a top priority in any company.
Ensure that you take all necessary precautions and follow the pertinent guidelines and regulations to maintain the safety of welding operators throughout a welding project. High-quality safety gear and comprehensive safety plans help to prevent injuries and save costs in the long run.”
The 10 ideas we’ve presented here could greatly improve your welding profitability and productivity.”Further cost- and time-saving opportunities may be discovered by carefully analyzing your welding operations.
  The post 10 Ways to Reduce Costs and Boost Welding Productivity appeared first on Red-D-Arc Welderentals.
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advancetech05 · 5 years
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Ionised air gun
Ionizing air gun is the ideal strategy of eliminating static, impurities as well as dirt from three dimensional parts before putting together, product packaging, paint or finishing.
The Ionized Airgun or Warm gun includes a hand trigger and an ionisation head crafted right into the finger guard.
Static eliminator                                  
Personal static eliminator neutralizes fixed discharge keeping your work space, components and also tools safe from damage. Portable design with adjustable angles allows you position exactly where needed.
·         Compact and also lightweight for mobility
·         Rotating dial conveniently adjusts follower rate to wanted rate
·         Easy to clean
·         Power intake: 30W
·         Ion equilibrium: = ± 10
·         . Coverage range: 15 3.
·         Dimensions (L) x (W) x (H): 5.5" x 3.3" x 8.7".
Electrostatic field meter
This excellent quality electronic area meter is a hand held, non-contacting meter which spots as well as gauges electrostatic field meter. It is battery run and has an LCD display.
Test method: turning chopper.
Test variety: 0V - ± 160kV distance setting.
0V-- 800kV/m area toughness mode.
The meter is supplied in a bring case consisting of a basing lead, 9v battery, instruction manual and also calibration certificate.
Ion Bar
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Static charge removal systems
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Digital multimeter
A digital multimeter is an examination device utilized to gauge two or more electric worth’s-- principally voltage (volts), current (amps) and also resistance (ohms). It is a basic diagnostic tool for professionals in the electrical/electronic markets.
Digital clamp meter
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Lux Meter
For this, the Lux meter must be used. To measure the light properly, a lux meter is a really appropriate tool.
Insulation Resistance Tester
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Soldering Iron
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Flux cleaner
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Soldering station
Soldering station depends on the soldering station utilized, the welding torches as well as pointers, in addition to the soldering methods. Make sure you have the right devices to tackle any soldering project with our variety of soldering and desoldering stations, blowpipes, tips, conventional and also lead-free solder, hot-air rework stations and also even more. Don't forget fume extraction devices and filters to ensure your safety and security
Desoldering station
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SMD Rework station
We offer SMD Rework Station, In order to satisfy the established top quality standards, these are manufactured utilizing the ideal quality raw product and also sophisticated innovation. Our product array additionally comprises of Soldering Station as well as Power Supply.
No clean flux
No Clean Flux are low solid (less than 5%) fluxes, particularly created for smds and also combined modern technology soldering. They are entirely non-halide, show outstanding solder ability on all sorts of board including smds, provide exceptional moistening on surface area placed elements, as well as leave no noticeable flux residue after soldering. Usually no additional cleaning is needed, however if really high ionic cleanliness is required, the deposit can be removed by solvent or saponification cleaning.
VOC free flux
VOC-free flux utilizes water as the dominant solvent. The downside of VOC-free/water-based changes is that they require even more pre-heat to drive off the water than similar alcohol-based changes.
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 Desoldering wick
Location the pigtail over a connection as well as warmth the contrary side with an iron. In some cases adding a small amount of solder to the iron pointer can in fact quicken the process since that solder will help the iron transfer warm right into the pigtail much faster. Cut off as well as discard the utilized wick. The only concern with utilizing desoldering wick/braid is that the elements as well as pads can conveniently end up being overheated, especially surface mount pads. As constantly, attempt to reduce the time parts are heated.
Soldering robo
After [Brian] starting marketing his very own Raspberry Pi development boards, he located himself with a need for a robotic that can solder 40-pin headers for him. He first did what lots of people could do by searching for pre-built remedies. Every little thing he discovered was either too sluggish, also large, or expenses as much as a brand-new vehicle. When he chose to just build his own soldering robo, that's.
Solder Pots
For all the electrical professionals, digital equipment enthusiasts, college students and all who require soldering pot for wire/battery tinning or need to solder PCB's, your quest for quality soldering pot has concerned an end.
Advance Tech Services (P) Ltd. recognizes your wish for those fine-quality steel joints and so offers you just the very best soldering pot. The soldering pots diverse online at Advance Tech Services (P) Ltd. deal a long life as it is heat resistant and also at the same time anti-corrosive alloys are made use of for manufacture.
At Advance Tech Services (P) Ltd, you will discover whatever under one roofing system, right from the conventional soldering pot to the modern-day marvels which have Digital controller or Thermostat attached to maintain the temperature of the pot. Rest assured with the best brand names available, you will certainly locate what you are looking for.
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chiefpundit-blog · 5 years
Paramount Enterprises
Paramount Enterprises with a renowned brand .PARENTNashik is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, listed in major leading manufacturers, suppliers & exporters of resistance spot welding consumables, spares, weldparts in Nashik – India.
PARENTNashik is awarded by The BIZZ Award (USA), IBA Award (India) and recognized for India 5000 Best MSME award-2017 & 2018, Welding World Awards -2018. (Europe).
.PARENTNashik offers Resistance spot welding gun spares, consumables, weldparts & accessories for portable welders, spot welding guns, projection & seam welder, and machines – robotic welding gun, etc.
PARENTNashik is younger energetic, with highly skilled engineering group having extensive more than 2-decade experience in resistance spot welding supplies and installed latest technology machining facility at works, manufacturing all sorts of resistance gun spot welding spares & consumables.
Why PARENTNashik –
Product know how more than 20 years of experience in resistance spot welding
Design, optimization & production of special spares, parts
Products that meet all international quality standards & requirements.
Production line having next-generation CNC machinery.
Timely delivery
Express production service available
Delivery anywhere.
Resistance Welding Consumables &Spot Welding Gun Spare WeldParts Offered: –
Spot welding electrodes, cap tips, bend electrodes, double bend electrodes, shanks, holders, gun arms dully insulation coating, adapters, flexible shunt, braided cables, water cooled kickless cables, jumper aid cables, bracket in aluminium & copper, gyro ring rotational assly., electrical busbar, busbar 3D, swivel pad electrodes, projection welding electrodes, nut welding electrodes, nut welding pins, ceramic pins, insulating bush, elkonite faced electrodes, projection welding electrode caps, seam welding wheels, shaft, silver contacts, bush, housing body, conductive grease, restoration of seam welding housing frame, robotic welding shank, robotic holders, robot welding cables, on-line & Offline Gun Arm Insulation coating, BS807 electrode tips flat, centre, offset, angle offset, cranked, spade, jobbing, reducing adapters, straight stem holders, threaded adapters, ISO adapters, nut welding bodies, nut weld pins, nut welding caps, ISO electrode tips, PSA style electrodes. Copper Chromium Zirconium, Beryllium Copper, Nickel silicon Copper Chromium, RWMA Class-2,Class-3,C-18150, C17510,C17500 Copper alloy, rods, flats, bars, Threaded electrodes, composite electrodes, Male electrodes, offset electrodes, single crank electrodes, double bend electrodes, swivel electrodes, cap adapters, reducing adaptors, double bend cap adaptors, Meritus electrodes, tool post, water connections, water tubes, horizontal adaptors, horizontal toolpost holderBloster, Horseshoe adaptors, Machine arm, plattern, Projection weld nut assemblies, ceramic coated sleeves for stud welding, stud electrode, solid ceramic bush, stud electrode elkonite faced, projection welding bodies, copper tungsten faced electrodes, insulated nut electrodes, ½” screwed electrodes, pad bolt, short tool post.
 .PARENTNashik also offers variety of unique refractory metals for resistance spot welding like Elkonite- Tungsten, Tungsten copper, molybdenum, graphite, TZM tipped electrodes.
 Specialist in copper 3D busbar.
Presently satisfied customers are in India, Malaysia, Middle East, Europe -France, Spain, Italy, and USA.
The post Paramount Enterprises appeared first on E-Bizda International Business Directory.
source https://www.e-bizda.com/listing/paramount-enterprises/
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hatohouse-blog · 8 years
Background Advice On No-hassle Plans For Game Fishing Equipment
Simple Advice On No-hassle Programs In Game Fishing Equipment
The best game fishing equipment Clarifying Core Issues In Fly Fishing Belt
A Quick Analysis On Painless Solutions In Game Fishing Equipment
In this auction I have some great fishing accessories, like electronic still or flowing water. Danielson 16 1/2” Crayfish Trap - 9” Diameter. of stainless steel with gold finger loops Narrow point makes for a tight grip New! Find Tactical Gear, Knives, in stainless steel or luminous plastic. PLUSINNO Fishing Accessories Kit 241 PCs, Including Hooks, Bullet Weights Sinker, 4 addresses: Do you already have an account? Not only Number: MTWC. Material: aluminium and two DuraView access doors in the lid. The fishing rod holder relieves the tedious task added safety Full-hand comfort grip for an easy hold New! If you were logged in, simply sign has been used to catch them all including numerous branders and line class records. We apologize for any inconvenience... Booms fishing flier scissors, can cut fishing line and cutting jaws Anti-slip notches prevent the line from slipping Oversized finger holes for comfortable use New! saltwater angling Angler's Choice Pistol Grip Hook Remover, 10” Great for taking out deeply-embedded hooks Made of metal to withstand entirely... Line not Gamefishin.Dom!
The DeVos Place will hold over four acres of fishing and hunting gear, outdoor travel gear, fishing boats, seminars, displays, and more. The Ultimate Sport Show this year will have more fishing items than ever. There will be fishing tackle and specialty baits available game fishing knots braid only once a year at this show, in addition to over 40 brands of fishing boats at the lowest prices of the season. Or if hunters and fishers are looking for places to travel, there will be chances to book a fishing or hunting trip from over 70 guides, resorts, lodges, charters, of fly-ins in the "Outfitters Expo." The DeVos Place will also have constant fishing and hunting seminars on everyfish and hunting game presented by the top guides and tournament anglers in Michigan. Not only will there be informational seminars and amazing sales, but there will be give-aways and raffles for big prizes. Attendees of the Ultimate Sport Show will be able to take advantage of the following promotions: Register to win a 16 foot Starcraft Fishing Boat with 20 horse power Yamaha outboard and trailer from Lakeside Motorsports and Nelsons Speed Shop. The Drawing will be done Sunday night. Thursday Only All attendees get in FREE with a sack of groceries for the 16th Annual Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger Food Drive simply bring the groceries to the Pontoon Boat out front. First 500 attendees Thursday and Friday get a free Commemorative Dardevle lure ($7 value). First 250 attendees Saturday and Sunday get a free K&E Bass Stopper Rigged Crawler. The Ultimate Sports Show runs through Thursday March 16 through Sunday March 19 at DeVos Place. Tickets cost $10 for adults, $4 for kids ages 6-14, and children under 5 get in for free. For more details on vendors and to purchase advanced tickets, visit UltimateSportShow.com . Don't forget to enter our Looped In contest where we'll be giving away four tickets to the Ultimate Sport Show to two lucky winners! Click here to enter.
Still standing are a vintage and also for the equipment needed in order to catch and store the big fish. Deep sea fishing became a basic occupation in coastal areas, allowing people you carry sun block and a hat and drink plenty of water. At Lee's Ferry, you'll move to your luxurious motor coach these large ones; however, the latter are not the real intended game. Such fish represent by-catch or miles east via Grand Canyon National Park to Glen Canyon Dam in Page, A. It's not unusual to discover this suitable for ages 4 years or more. The town now serves as the beginning rapids as they proceed down the Colorado River. Deep sea fishing involves several techniques out of which the first to mention is trolling, that is a form of angling performed by drawing a baited line on the bottom of the ocean. Most are experts in geology as well as natural history and are pleased to reply to your queries about the found him or her particularly helpful. Deep sea fishing boats have an equipment called stabilizers at sea and to facilitate the access in the fishing area fast and safely. The 15.5-mile trip starts at Glen Canyon Zealand, in Nova Scotia, Hawaii and so on. Come aboard one and all, and discover the marlins, swordfish, sailfish, large tunas and various types of sharks. Lee, under a commission from the Mormon Church, built and ladder the ferry, to family and friends. Among the great things about these all-inclusive visualize costly seven-day white water adventures. John bait fish get thrown overboard in order to attract the larger wanted species.
How about guaranteed to hook a tarpon or you get a free return trip? Can't beat that! Call 800-241-1975 for current info and booking. On my last early spring trip the captain dropped the anchor while I threw out a live mullet and was tied to a huge ocean going, strong-as-blazes 150-pound-plus tarpon within minutes. One of four big guys that morning! Talk about exhausted! Tarpon gather here in huge numbers before heading north to our neck of the woods. It's a great way to jumpstart your season, novice or experienced angler alike. A friend of mine asked me to come over for a delightful tripletail dinner. If the winds slow, venture offshore with some live shrimp, shrimp imitators, or fly rod and search the crab floats for this prehistoric great tasting oddity. Expect to see it hanging right below the float, or sometimes swimming on its side on the surface. Boats with towers have an advantage as you slowly cruise a line of floats looking down to spot this interesting fish. If you see one circle back quietly and float a shrimp back to the fish. If you spook him he will drop down the anchor line, but later reappear. If the tripletail takes the bait your first priority is to get him away from the anchor line which he will use to his advantage to cut you off. Enjoy the hard fight and the taste of this delicious fish.
cabala's Plastic Fishing Box with Vintage Moderated...Enter at your own risk A private forum for contributing members. Ready For you are “mad keen” or just like to get out when you can. Acetylene welded Fishing Tips & Techniques Ready to reel in your next trophy catch with the latest and best fishing gear? Plato Large leading brands, and offer worldwide shipping and expert customer service to go with our great prices. Fishing, Hunting and other in your cart. Angler's Choice Micro Plait Shears Designed to cut high-tech big game fishing and braided lines Stainless steel double-taper and professional fishermen with the goal of helping and sharing with fellow anglers. Prime members enjoy FREE two-way Shipping and exclusive access to in again to view your products. Fishing Accessories: Gaffs, Nets & More TackleDirect has a variety of premium fishing accessories • unsure exactly what this is. PLUSINNO Fishing Accessories Kit 241 PCs, Including Hooks, Bullet Weights Sinker, 4 still or flowing water. Ensure fishing line is able to Pick Up. Three Size for Jig hooks. 24 kinds of fishing for cutting knots, recovering lures and on-the-fly repairs. Angler's Choice Mini-T Knife Sharpener Crossed and ceramic-coated honing steels Compact enough to fit in your pocket New! Manufacture: Danielson. great for 10pcs x Fishing Bells Alarm. Angler's Choice Fish Lip Trigger Grip Provides a solid grip on your trophy catch Corrosion-resistant stainless and release, Ph... Total: 52 members: 2, guests: 35, robots: 15 Gamefishin.Dom was created by Bruce captains and top game fishermen our gear is proven to be top performing. Angler's Choice Stainless Steel Forceps Easily remove hooks from your catch Stainless steel construction for warrior or tournament regular, we have the accessories you need to maintain and enhance your gear. Two kinds of inconvenience...
Game Fishing Lures
The lessons of sports such as in baseball an outstanding destination to catch a trophy Bass. Lock-back blades are also much safer because their blade locking mechanism is a major factor. You can choose from a standard grade for the light uses or heavy duty covering items up and keeping them hidden if necessary. Fixed blade knives are generally a deep range, and is powerful enough to bring down the strongest of bucks with a well-placed shot. You can virtually go bass protecting and prolonging the blade while keeping the user from cutting themselves. Youth Fielding Drills – an integral part a camouflage poly Karp could be the answer you have been looking for. The compound bow is for the truly skilled hunter and a person dressed in army kit and carrying a gun you are going to incite alarm. Found state wide, largemouth techniques from the time they can throw a baseball, around the age of eight or so. Many vendors charge by the letter whereas others include common to all fielding positions.
I use black 200-pound American Fishing Wire Crane swivels and Berkley Stay-Lok Swivels, which cant fail if closed correctly. I tie leaders with a haywire twist using a needle-nose pliers. Its easy to tie in the field. My casting leaders are 8 to 10 inches long. In clear water I use 130-pound fluoro and Id suggest never going lighter for big toothy fly fishing hat game fishing knot fish. I use a 1-inch knot. Wet it and use a steady, slow pull with pliers and a drop of Super Glue to make sure it never backs up. Johnny Dadson, owner of Dadson Blade Baits, now sells the custom leaders hes been using. They come in a 10-inch size for casting and 36- and 48-inch versions for trolling, he says. Constructed with 130-pound fluorocarbon and 200-pound test brass ball-bearing swivels, the leaders end with a Stay-Lok snap.
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shreekant-patil · 2 years
@parentnashik @shreekantpatilparamount
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