#Robot Cleaner  demand
solarpunkbusiness · 3 months
Start-up launches new solar-powered, self-driving boats to clean up ocean waste
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Hong Kong-based marine tech start-up Clearbot is set to launch a new generation of bigger solar-powered autonomous boats to boost its efforts to clean up polluted waters in India.
Clearbot's latest fleet of self-driving electric boats will each have the capacity to pick up around 500kg of plastic waste and other rubbish from the ocean when they are expected to be deployed in March. That is double the capacity of each of the company's current water-borne robotic cleaners operating in the seas and lakes of India.
The start-up founded by University of Hong Kong graduates is hoping to electrify the marine services industry, according to Utkarsh Goel, co-founder and chief technology officer.
"We want to build these boats that do this dirty, dirty job that is happening with [manned, diesel] boats around the world and automate them and make them more sustainable," said Goel in an interview.
Established in 2019, Clearbot started off as a student project to help Indonesian surfers clean up waterways efficiently, as locals were unable to deal with the flow of rubbish. The project led Goel and co-founder Sidhant Gupta to understand the demand for sustainable infrastructure in the marine services industry globally.
In the past year, Clearbot has deployed 13 boats which can each collect up to 250kg of plastic waste per day to tackle projects in Hong Kong and India, Goel said. The self-navigating electric vessels collect waste from the surface of the water and deposit it in designated areas for collection and recycling.
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partofmycharm · 2 years
The Neon Project - Part One (Male Yautja x GN Reader)
Hi everyone! I had this idea in my head and thought it’d be pretty cool to write.  Let me know if you want to see a part two because I’d definitely be interested in continuing!
Summary: You probably shouldn’t have taken that job. Because, now, a Yautja demands your help... but, hey, at least you’re getting paid well. 
Content Warnings: none really, just lots of swearing, SFW
Wordcount: 3063
Hadt’yk’e = (had-ti-yik-ee)
Strips of green neon lights lined the metal pathways and across the width of storefronts and apartment complexes, brightly reflecting off the tinted glass skyscrapers. Various sized ships drifted high overhead, following the holographic lines of designated pathways between the buildings, directing them to and from the docks or landing pads that jutted from the sides of the skyscrapers.
 At this time of night, the streets were quiet. The stores that closed late were dwindling in customers, the workers of which tidying their spaces in preparation. Red holograms flickered back and forth across the surfaces of the glass buildings, bearing the words ‘Human Only Territory’ in bolded letters.
 They suddenly began to flicker and change; the image morphed into the unsettling face of an old female android model, whose features still toed the line of the uncanny valley. It flashed a sweet grin, the shutters in its camera-like eyes adjusting. “Welcome to the Neon Light District. Here, the safety of our citizens is integral. Please make sure you are abiding by the laws and regulations as detailed on Section 3A of your Citizens First guidebook. As the time is now one hour past sun-down, routine shakedowns will now begin. Any and all persons found to be harbouring individuals of extra-terrestrial origin can and will be prosecuted. Thank you for your cooperation. And remember, if you hear the sirens, please evacuate to your nearest underground bunker immediately.”
 The hologram pixelated back into the ‘Human Only Territory’ sign. No one had turned to watch — it was the same announcement that they played day by day, once in the morning, and once at night, without failure.
 You were pulled from your ruminations as a robot council cleaner pulled straight in front of you. Its mechanical, pincer-like arms were held to its boxy middle as it rolled from the alley, its wheels whirring loudly. A few papers of propaganda flew from the over-filling built-in bin, drifting aimlessly through the air before landing by your feet.
 The silhouette of a cobra’s head was bracketed by two lines: ‘The Cobras: Venomous Intent’ and ‘Hey President Eustace: We Bite Back!’, and right at the bottom was: ‘Got a Code? Join Us Today!’.
 “Excuse me,” the robot beeped as it reversed towards you. Its mechanical arms reached out to suction the papers before dropping them back into the rubbish hole.
 You stepped around the knee-high thing and kept walking. Most of the others in the street had disappeared for the raids, most likely stowing away in those community safehouses that some people secretly ran. One had been busted the other day — you didn’t hear much, but you had heard that some folks were taken in. Community safehouses were meant to protect the homeless or the afraid, but since they were illegal, owning one or taking refuge in one was considered conspiracy against the government, thus sending those who didn’t escape into custody.
 The rules were ridiculous — bordering tyrannical, even. But it was the way of life on many planets now, such as the one you walked on now, Elysium. It was supposed to represent the future of human civilisation after years of such perseverance, but its way of life hadn’t been granted safety from the chains of war. It, too, had fallen to its knees during the government’s desperation to regain control in the long war against one of the Universal Powers — a few species that had existed and controlled the expanse of space since before than the birth of Homo sapiens.
 You turned down an alley just as a United Nations Space Military truck pulled onto the near-abandoned street. Taking this as your cue to hurry the fuck up, you quickened your pace towards the flashing neon sign at the end of the dark, narrow pathway. The closer you got to the green tree sign, the more the distant, thumping music became audible. You felt it deep in your bones and chest as you opened the side door.
 Hot air, alcohol, and sweat washed over you all at once. You almost keeled over at the disgusting stench that dared to burn your nostrils, but you kept your balance as the door slammed shut behind you. The music, now on the verge of bursting your eardrums, thumped around you like the world’s biggest speaker. Tight clusters of dancing people congregated on the dance floor, grinding their sweaty bodies against each other in drunken hazes. The tables were packed with bodies, most of which covered in a permanent haze of clouds from artificial drugs.
Strobing lights temporarily blinked the joint into darkness every few seconds. You curled your hands into tight fists as you glared through the mass of alternating colours, each flash making your gut clench with nausea. There was a bar backed with red neon lights, highlighting the silhouettes of shirtless bartenders pouring drinks for waiting customers.
 You tried not to take many deep breaths as you immediately turned to your right and zipped past a few tables of idling customers. A few eyed you up and down, their crooked and musty faces lightening with smugness as they watched you storm away. There was an archway amongst the right wall, where a layer of orange and red beads blocked the way through. You pushed them to the side and stepped into the hallway that stretched to your left.
 About halfway down stood a burly security guard with muscles larger than your head, the size of them almost bulging through the material of his fine suit. He stood patiently, with his thick hands clasped together in front of him.
 You paid him no mind as you walked past him towards the staff-only bathroom. Just as your fingers reached for the handle, a large hand quickly snatched the front of your shirt and pushed you back. The security guard had stepped forward, his scarred face sneering down at you.
 No words were exchanged, but you stared up at him with raised eyebrows. After a few seconds, the security guard grunted, and he relented his hold on your shirt. He stepped back.
 As if nothing had happened, you opened the door and stepped into the brightly lit bathroom, the lights buzzing above you. As soon as the door closed, the music outside ceased. You sucked in a deep breath before you approached the last stall, which was closed.
 After stepping inside, you pressed the flush button with your knuckle, and there was a low whirr from behind the toilet before the wall shifted. It rotated to the side, revealing a just as bright staircase leading down. The wall rotated shut behind you as you stepped in, and your shoes slapped noisily on the smooth concrete as you descended the steps.
 Right at the bottom sat a wooden door, the surface of it painted with the silhouetted head of a king cobra. You pushed it open to enter the small, boxy entrance, where another security guard stood, this time armed to the bone with enough weaponry to hold off a small army. He paid you no mind as the door slammed shut behind you, but the two whispering women in the corner did.
 There was another woman though. She was tanned, with swishing hair that reached her buttocks. Her defined muscles were covered in tattooed patchwork, and she bore two rings in her right eyebrow.
 “Took you long enough,” her voice was deep. You knew her only by the name Temperance. It wasn’t her real name, of course, it was after one of the major arcana of tarot. Other than that, you didn’t know much about her; you’d only worked together once before.
 “It’s not easy getting through the District,” you said. “Soldiers were everywhere in the west zone.”
 “Yeah. I heard talk of a safehouse bust,” Temperance said. She turned on her heel and began to lead you through past another set of beads and into the recreational room.
 “Another one?” You asked. That was two within a week. “Seems like they’re cracking down.”
 “Fletch is worried there are insiders.” Temperance pushed open a door, and they moved past an armoury and an indoor shooting range.
 “Wouldn’t surprise me,” you said. “So, what was the rush to get me here? I was about to go off planet, you know.”
 Temperance laughed. “Wait until you get a load of this,” she said. “Remember that job you took a few weeks ago?”
 “There were a few.”
 “The big one,” Temperance said pointedly.
 You shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah. Why? They get busted, too?”
 “No.” Temperance clicked her tongue. “Better. Or worse. Depending on your perception.” They stopped at a locked door, and she turned to you, raising a finger. “Now, whatever you do, don’t panic. And be respectful, for fucks sake.”
 “Yes, captain,” you whispered as Temperance turned back around. The cut-out in her loose singlet revealed the twisting tattoo of a ferocious fire-breathing dragon, rippling and twisting with the flexing definition of her back muscles.
 The door opened, and, at a table, stood only two figures. One being Fletch, one of the men responsible for leading the Cobras. He’d spent years in prison for a crime in which he was falsely accused of; his time there having crafted a shell of who he used to be. Faded tattoos covered the expanse of his skin, most of which accumulated during his time behind bars. He was rough and tough, but he cared about his people — he wasn’t like the military or the government. He always said if he went to prison again, at least this time, it would be for something worthwhile.
 The other… individual standing by the table was of certain interest to you. He was massive, standing at around 7’5, his limbs and torso plated with shining armour and leather. Underneath those pieces, his hide was an unusual deep purple, with even darker stripes that were barely distinguishable up and down his frame. In the centre of his abdomen was a white diamond, which easily caught your attention amongst the monotonous palettes. He had a singular feline skull that rested above his codpiece, and a blank mask with words of an unfamiliar language etched across the surface.
 This was a Yautja, you knew that. It wasn’t your first time meeting one, but it would be the first time you’d meet one in a… favourable setting.
 “(Y/N),” Fletch said. “Nice to see you again.” He held his hand out towards the male Yautja, who’d stiffened and folded his arms across his bulky chest as you entered. “This is Hadt’yk’e. He’s an Arbitrator.”
 You could sense the hostility from the very moment you stepped inside. You only managed a nod toward Hadt’yk’e, who hardly acknowledged the gesture. Temperance rose her brows as she moved off to the side, sneaking you a knowing glance.
 “Why am I here?” You asked. You didn’t like the way you suddenly felt vulnerable under Hadt’yk’e’s scrutiny. In response, you, too, folded your arms across your chest.
 “I heard that you were allocated a job a few weeks ago. Right?” Fletch asked carefully, to which you nodded. Fletch turned to Hadt’yk’e, who jutted his chin at you.
 “Your temporary employers were Weyland-Yutani. Were they or were they not?” The Yautja asked in perfect, fluent English. His voice was deep and gravelly, accentuated with clicks on every harsh sound.
 “I can’t disclose that,” you said casually, which earned an unpleasant snarl. Fletch held up a placating hand.
 “In other circumstances, that would be correct,” he said. “But there are bigger things at stake. And as a Commander, I say it’s fine.”
 You almost rolled your eyes. You didn’t care who Hadt’yk’e was or what his title was or why he was here. You respected only the code of the Cobras; in doing so, you’d seen a lot of shit in your lifetime. This guy? Pfft. He wouldn’t kill you, therefore he didn’t scare you. But, alas, Fletch was an authority figure, and he was someone you respected.
 “Yes, they were,” you said plainly.
 “And what is your formal title for this… rebel group?” Hadt’yk’e asked. Oh. So, he was one of those Yautjas, then. It was clear to you that he’d never done dealings with the Cobras before — it wasn’t common for them to do business with a Yautja, but it did occur.
 “I’m a smuggler,” you said. You knew where this was going, and you had the perfect response crafted.
 “And what was it you were smuggling?”
 You just shrugged. “Dunno.”
 The response didn’t sit well with Hadt’yk’e. His muscles tensed, but he didn’t say anything else. After a second or two, he spoke again. “I will not ask again.”
 “Good. Because I don’t have an answer,” you said.
 “(Y/N),” Fletch said with an undertone of warning.
 You sighed. “I don’t know. I was just told it was special cargo, and that I had to be careful and quick.” You weren’t lying. Weyland-Yutani performed a lot of shady shit, and the only ways for them to discreetly transport precious cargo from one facility to the next was through Cobra smugglers, i.e., you. It was the only job you’d ever been allocated from that company. The payout had been decent.
 “Where did you deliver this cargo?” Hadt’yk’e asked immediately after.
 “Some designated meetup point in this District,” you said.
 Hadt’yk’e rumbled. “Where?” He reiterated.
 “I can’t remember. But it was on one of the landing pads in the east zone,” you said. “That’s all I know. Can I leave now?”
 “No,” Fletch said. “We have reason to believe that precious cargo of yours was actually a Yautja. And Hadt’yk’e needs him back.”
 You blinked. “Right,” you said slowly. So, what? They wanted you to smuggle yourself into a Weyland-Yutani facility, find an entire fucking Yautja, and somehow smuggle him out without anyone noticing? What a fantastic idea. “And how is this my problem?”
 “Because you are the one responsible for handing him over.” Hadt’yk’e’s voice was stern. He still hadn’t moved, eerily enough. “Now, you will be responsible for getting him out.”
 “You’re an Arbitrator. Isn’t that your job?” You asked incredulously. God, you’d been right! These guys are fucking lunatics!
 “There’s a problem,” Fletch said. “No one here knows of any Weyland-Yutani facility anywhere on this planet. But, from your information, it must be around this District somewhere. These facilities are basically impenetrable.”
 “Great. Good thing you’re trained for that, right, Hadt’yk’e?” You asked, turning towards the Yautja, who just stared at you.
 “You aren’t funny,” he said.
 “I didn’t say I was,” you quipped. “I don’t understand why you think I can be of any help.”
 “You’re probably the only person on this planet that Weyland-Yutani will trust,” Fletch said. He rested his palms against the side of the table. “So, you’re probably the only person who’ll be able to find them.”
 You wanted to argue. The last thing you wanted was to closely work with a Yautja — one who blamed you for this situation, no less. You couldn’t see how it was your problem; your job was literally to smuggle shit, mostly confidential, from one place to another. It was just a source of income, with a nice added slice of protection from the Cobras.
 Hadt’yk’e didn’t like the idea any more. If he could do this on his own, he would. But Weyland-Yutani had learnt from previous encounters, making his job harder. Although he wasn’t opposed to working with humans, he didn’t particularly like the feeling of asking for help.
 “Do you still have their contact information?” Fletch asked.
 “It was a proxy,” you said, shrugging. “And the channel was disabled after the deal was done.”
 “Send me their information,” Hadt’yk’e said. “And the channel. I can decrypt the data.”
 You stared between the two of them before briefly looking at Temperance, who was bobbing her head to the music that played through her old-age, blocky headphones. You turned back. “So, what? What do I do with this?”
 “Well, once we establish contact—” Fletch started.
 “If we establish contact,” you interrupted.
 Fletch glared. “Whatever. If we establish contact, you can be the one that gets in. You’ll be Hadt’yk’e’s eyes.”
 “They don’t trust me,” you said. “And besides, you need a facial profile to get clearance into any government facility. And last time I checked, I don’t have one.”
 If Weyland-Yutani didn’t front as some giant engineering corporation, there wouldn’t be any problems infiltrating their place as a human. But facial recognition data patrolled their facilities like a pack of wolves to its prey. The questionable stuff happened under the surface, but you had never really cared to know. They’d never been on your radar, and the ship that you’d bought was independently crafted.
 “That’s what Temperance is for.” Fletch gestured towards the woman in the corner, who threw up a lazy gesture when she clocked the attention was on her.
 You turned to Hadt’yk’e, who was already staring at you. “Alright.” You nodded. “I smuggle you in, and I expect some sort of payment. What have you got?”
 Hadt’yk’e had been expecting this. He jutted his chin at her, the curves of his mask catching the low lighting. “Are universal credits sufficient?”
 “Are they traceable?”
 You nonchalantly half-shrugged. “Ten thousand.”
 “I’m not going any lower,” you said. “I’m already risking my ass for shit that’s not even my problem.”
 “It is your problem,” Hadt’yk’e said.
 “Ten thousand, and if you think that’s negotiable, I want an extra grand for every time you inconvenience me,” you said with an unimpressed tone.
 Hadt’yk’e bristled for a brief moment. He untensed his muscles — he wouldn’t let this get to him. “Fine. It is a deal.” He had plenty more where that came from, anyway.
 You smiled at him; it wasn’t mocking but it wasn’t nice, either. It was just another job, you told yourself. I’m only going to break into a government facility. It’s no big deal.
 And as Fletch started talking, you couldn’t help but think about how your employer was a fucking Yautja! You didn’t like the idea of working for one. They weren’t exactly on the top of your Favourite Alien list — not like you were keeping tabs… but, still. The more experienced Cobras dealt with them on the few occasions one had approached them.
 You sighed internally. I should have never taken that fucking job.
Part Two —>
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jazzytrait · 2 years
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Eddie aged up and the vault is buzzing with activity as all the adults try to keep up with the demands of the 3 toddlers.
☐ throw 3 gold star parties ☐ craft cleaner-bot, gardener-bot, party-bot, fixer-bot ☐ have 2 children (1 of 2) ☐ reach top of engineering career (3 of 10) ☐ max programming skill (3 of 10) ☐ max handiness skill ☐ max robotic skill (5 of 10) ☐ complete super parent aspiration
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floorscrubbing-robot · 11 months
Revolutionizing Hygiene with Autonomous Floor Scrubbers
In the realm of cutting-edge technology, the rise of autonomous floor scrubbing robots has revolutionized the way businesses approach cleanliness. These intelligent machines are not just cleaning tools; they represent a significant leap into a future where automation and efficiency coalesce. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the wonders of the autonomous floor scrubbing robot, delving into its functionalities, benefits, and the impact it has on various industries.
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For More Information Please visit, autonomous floor scrubbing robot
The Marvel of Autonomy
Autonomous floor scrubbing robots are equipped with advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and mapping technology, allowing them to navigate spaces independently. These robots can detect obstacles, map out the cleaning area, and chart the most efficient cleaning path, all without human intervention. This level of autonomy ensures thorough and consistent cleaning, even in complex environments.
How They Work
These robots employ a combination of sensors, cameras, and algorithms to interpret their surroundings. They identify obstacles, avoid them, and adapt their cleaning patterns accordingly. Equipped with rotating brushes and powerful suction capabilities, they effectively scrub, mop, and dry various types of flooring, leaving behind spotless surfaces.
The Versatility of Applications
Commercial Spaces : Retail stores, offices, malls, and restaurants maintain impeccable cleanliness for enhanced customer experiences.
Healthcare Facilities : Hospitals, clinics, and labs demand stringent hygiene; these robots ensure sterile environments essential for patient well-being.
Industrial Settings : Manufacturing plants and warehouses with expansive floors utilize these robots for efficient and safe cleaning, optimizing operational productivity.
Key Benefits
Efficiency : These robots operate tirelessly, covering large areas without tiring, ensuring optimal cleaning even in high-traffic spaces.
Cost-Effectiveness : While the initial investment might seem substantial, the long-term savings on labor costs and increased productivity make them highly cost-effective.
Safety : By autonomously avoiding obstacles, these robots reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace, creating a safer environment for employees and customers alike.
Data-Driven Insights : Some models offer data analytics, providing insights into cleaning patterns, allowing businesses to optimize cleaning schedules and resource allocation.
 Embracing a Smarter Future : The advent of autonomous floor scrubbing robots signifies more than just advanced cleaning solutions. It heralds a new era where businesses embrace automation to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and elevate overall productivity.
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By incorporating these robotic wonders into daily operations, businesses are not only ensuring impeccable cleanliness but also future-proofing themselves in an increasingly competitive world.  As industries evolve, the autonomous floor scrubbing robot stands as a beacon, illuminating the path toward a cleaner, smarter, and more efficient future.
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anamoon63 · 2 years
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To distract himself a bit, Robin focused on building his next plumbot, Prototype 005, a very flashy robot, brightly colored and equipped with the Steel Chef trait chip, ready to help in the kitchen of the most demanding families or of some modern five-star restaurant.
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There was no doubt that Prototype 005 would sell quickly, especially now that Rob had become a big seller due to his new 'powers'. Thanks to them, his sales had increased significantly, improving his financial situation, which allowed him to produce even more sophisticated plumbots.
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Another thing he did in those days was to restart his experiment with the Forbidden Fruit, which so far had not given him good results, but he kept trying, for Juliette, and for the whole team.
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He took the time as well to build new trait chips for Prototype. The more traits he had, the higher its price would be in the market. Although, being unable to travel to Oasis Landing, it would be difficult to get nanites for high-end trait chips. So, for this time he had to settle for simpler ones like Friendly Function and Competent Cleaner.
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Meanwhile, he discovered another of his recently acquired 'skills': the ability to 'consume' space rocks to increase his brain power, a new motive that replaced the normal energy one. If he kept that up, he would function better during the day, and some nights he didn't even have to sleep, just 'restore' this brain power.
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Of course, he kept this new skill a secret, as he considered it a bit frightening. He himself was afraid of it, let alone if Ann, Juliette, or anyone else could see him reducing huge space rocks down to small stones, and then to pure energy to 'feed' his brain.
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He had caused enough chaos around him without scaring his loved ones with such an oddity. He wished he knew what the heck was going on with him... Well, actually, he had a slight idea of what it could be, he just didn't want to accept it.
"Good heavens, not that, please… If I'm an alien, I'll never be allowed in Oasis Landing again."
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ranaitsan · 1 year
i had to call him sensei!-chp 2
It's been five years since I woke up in this dream, I've become a simple, custom-made machine engineer. It's a long story after I forced the boys to serve me despite their attempts to betray me and escape from me. They even used a funny gang of naive boys to play gangsters, but then a terrible accident happened, and I will tell their story later! Anyway, I disguised myself in decent public clothes brought by the boys, and worked for the bakery as a cleaner, so I met an inventor who was a regular customer of the bakery and liked to narrate about his inventions and the importance of the astermite stone (I will talk about this stone later) in making them and about his dream of becoming a famous inventor who invents machines according to Demand with supernatural features and abilities, the bakery owner didn't pay him much attention to his stories but he was happy to have a loyal customer who buys lots of bread from him daily. Unlike me, I was interested in his stories, so he used to come to me whenever he visited the bakery to tell me about his new invention, and I used to exchange parties with him about how some parts work and their defects. After a while, our relationship continued until he suggested that I work for him as an assistant and a trainee, given my interest in the field and the creative ideas that I have. I accepted his offer because he suggested to me a wage greater than the wage I receive from the baker, and he also promised me that if there was a large order, I would share with him a percentage of its profits. I soon worked for him until I gained experience in the field and became his assistant literally and represented him in his absence, and I received special orders and sometimes confidential ones due to their use… My life improved from a vagabond without a family to a businesswoman of a middle position between the middle class and Noble, that inventor's dream was almost fulfilled and our business increased… Also, I bought myself a new identity. Since I do not know the name of the owner of this body, I have chosen a name: Dianthus caryophilus, a name I borrowed from the name of my aunt's favorite flowers…
I lost hope that what I am experiencing now is a dream, and doubts began to convince me that it was reality, but if this was true, then what exactly is going on? I do not believe in the theory of rebirth in another life! Also, I did not die before waking up in this body, as far as I remember, I slept during the lesson at school. I don't think I had a heart attack at that time? Is it time travel? If that was the case, I should have traveled through time in my body and not in the body of another person. I cannot say for sure that this is not the case, because the theory of time travel is still science fiction in my world, and it has not been proven how to do this and its conditions… and also this world. A little different from the world of history that I studied, here they do not use electrical or mechanical energy, but rather use strange electromagnetic energy extracted from a strange and common stone here called astromite, it is a stone that supplies energy to machines and has strange formulas, as they use it in lighting and spacecraft that fly Such as planes for travel, and there are also some robots that derive their energy from them, but they are not very common, only governments use them. There is something more strange in this world! And it is that there are vampires, where there was a great conflict between humans and vampires, which led to a great war between the two clans that led to many victims as a result of enmity and hatred… I did not believe their existence until I saw them with my own eyes many times, like that time when the boys wanted Assassinate me and they sent street boys, they intended to torture me and they trapped me in a backyard, but unexpectedly there was a raging vampire napping there so he was awakened by the noise we caused so he didn't even attack them while I managed to escape through a narrow corridor, it was dangerous but he saved me in At the same time, I've since learned not to go into backyards, they're dangerous. And once I was walking until I saw an attack of a vampire revolting on a person, it was a scary and strange scene that I was amazed, and of course I thought it was just a dream and I would not be harmed in reality, so I kept watching, so the vampire turned to me and tried to attack me until a hunter saved me him and cut off his head. (Hunters are people working for the church, who exterminate rampaging vampires.) I didn't pay much attention to it despite the bloody scene, because I thought it was a dream, so I thought it was fun, but it happened to me several times and they survived it with difficulty, as if I was targeted by them every time, and with the evaporation of the idea that all this was a dream, it started to cause me anxiety and fear. Our humble shop had a very distinguished clientele, one of whom was an alchemist who made various potions and sometimes offered his goods to us as part of the exchange of commercial favours. The results are negative, which means that my blood type is "lonja".
it has a smell that attracts vampires, although I have not been injured or scratched, however, I am always exposed to danger. I agreed to that, and he pricked my finger with a needle and took a drop of my blood and put it in a cup containing a special liquid, so the color of the liquid changed, so he told me that this is evidence that the result is negative. It is difficult for them to track me or smell my blood, of course it was not free but I have my own opponents as a special treatment from a business partner. And since that day, I've been less vulnerable to vampires…
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
What do you think it would happen if Game! Terra meet Gigamix! Terra?
Nothing good.
Terra is a jerk to the point where he barely tolerates himself, I doubt Terra would like it if he ever met a counterpart, no matter which timeline he originates from.
Spoiler Warning (Mega Man Archie Comics; Ra Moon & Stardroid arcs), mentions of gore, war, genocide & homicidal jerk behavior from Terra's end
Game!Terra is a major downgrade from Gigamix, the bars from there are all low to be honest. Don't get me wrong. Terra's entire role in the game-Archie as well-is pretty dark for Capcom's standards in the eyes of the real world. But not as dark as Argia's characterization of him portrayed.
Game!Terra is much more moderate and eased. Not to mention far less apocalyptic and fairly tame.
Gigamix!Terra is another story; in every single way you can think of. Psychopathic; no humanity with violent tendencies and motivations. Genocide isn't even the tip of the iceberg; only one phase of a multi-stepped plan, bringing Earth's inhabitants toward a deserved demise.
It won't stop at that. Oh no, Gigamix!Terra barely just begun; chaos will rain, despair shall infect the Earth at core, and Terra will view it all; the end of humanity, the devastating death of Earth. And he will laugh.
Gigamix!Terra will watch, look upon the insects in evil glee as disorder quakes Earth's balance of nature off the axis. At peace with what he is, and what he is meant to do; destroy. Completely, utterly obsessed over destruction and pure devastation. His infernal hatred of life in general keeps his motivation at peck performance.
While Game!Terra is sociopathic at worst, he held some symbiose of a bond, a fondness for family. His brothers are highly regarded, a respected group of powerful forces not to be reckoned. Fast and strong, too good to be true. Better than tools, more than their bodies give. Cleaner then trash to throw away when Game!Terra finishes.
He is a great team leader, an experienced strategist in extraordinary war planning. Demanding but respectful, strict but mindful of their foes as they jump into battle. Game!Terra knows just what to say to bring his brother's minds together and fight as a single opposing calamity.
Dare say he cares for their safety (I'd say he cares for the Kuiper droids too. A basketball coach would for his team, one he trained til he could no longer sweat, pieced together day and night.)
Yes, Game!Terra is still an asshole; will kill, will destroy. Capable of berating and insulting others who don't deserve it, beneath him in knowledge and force. Given his line of work, that is predictable.
In the end, from how its put, he fulfills his position; a weaker servant to Sunstar. A world-conquering servant, laying patient underneath his great master. A job he is devoted too.
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Violence aside, Game!Terra isn't nearly as incredibly extreme compared to his Gigamix version. Game!Terra is still selfish as hell, boundless in his strictness. But at least he contains some glimpses of humane emotions.
Brief as it is, its there.
Despite everything, Game!Terra cares for his brothers, nonetheless. As much so as a true brother would, looking after his family. He values them; hears their opinions, knows their efforts, respects their strength and works together in a common goal. He relates to the burdens, to any pain they may suffer. Training to look beyond weakness, exploit to adapt.
Most importantly, I feel like I should state this as clear as possible:
Game!Terra wants to rule Earth, not erase it.
Meanwhile Gigamix!Terra can't make it more obvious how much he fucking hates Earth and the universe.
Ok, seriously. Back to violence again.
He is out here floating in Earth's orbit, all crazy smiles like a motherfucker. Declaring war not only to robots, not only to humanity. But literally Earth itself.
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Look at this bitch. Think he gives any fucks? Any shits?
If you said "yes" you're lying.
This pale ass bitch couldn't give a shit about anything. Especially when it comes down his own brothers, he doesn't even regard them as true siblings in some English translations of the Gigamix manga if we are really stretching the line paper thin.
Do I even need to talk about the stupid eyeball scene?!
Gigamix!Terra is horrible and terrifying. His brothers-oh no sorry, let me correct myself. His brethren are mere subordinates; soldiers meant to die doing as they were made to do. Tools to be used in Gigamix!Terra's plans to destroy the Earth.
It seems not much of a difference but given these are the Stardroids from 2 vastly separate worlds, I deem it very notable.
But back on the topic of your question, I really really can't see them getting along good.
I see Gigamix!Terra being kind of baffled at first, but then grows owl-like curiosity. You'd be pretty interested in meaning another version of yourself if you lived in the same timeline.
But that doesn't make Gigamix!Terra any less fucking creepy. A blank, blinkless stare and a harmless head tilt wearing a sinister smirk that doesn't reach his eyes.
Not surprised that different versions of him exist, existence is filled with different, limitless possibilities. It's a big world, just with small people. Interesting, this quite unexpected union. Fairly intrigued upon seeing an in-game self.
If Game!Terra lives then how many others are out there? None Gigamix!Terra bothers counting.
Their meeting will be less then friendly, however. No pleasantries, just empty stares, empty words. Tension will fill the air between, distrust and a dramatic show of their so similar powers. They are predators, equipped with flawless, apex senses and speed. Daring the other, their strange twin to move first, spark the inevitable battle. An aura of conflict, a heavy weight. Total unrest from Game!Terra's end, refusing to unveil any type of vulnerability. No one knows you better then yourself; thoughts, emotions and innermost turmoil.
It's a living joke, a possibility born from another impossibility. And they await the other to laugh. To call "sike", a signal for the illusion to fall flat. It doesn't happen, much to their displeasure. They view each other as potential threats, and almost groan in annoyance. More enemies to deal with in the future, more stupid problems to sweep under the rug.
Sure, they talk. Nothing wrong with a little chit-chat to learn about the other's intentions, mysterious as these weird circumstances are. Could be worse, they both know better. But the tension only worsens after Gigamix!Terra learns his in-game counterpart deals with planets and the weaklings differently...
a lot differently.
The silence is deafening. But then, it finally breaks. Something happens, slicing the insufferable quiet in half.
Gigamix!Terra laughs, quite literally at himself.
It's hilarious that this...
broken, weaker version of himself actually exists.
(I'm sure you can brainstorm some guesses about what happens next.)
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owlixx · 2 years
Kirby Extra Mode Thoughts
Kind of forgot to make this post as I slowly fizzled out of doing Kirby extra modes, but here’s a few reviewed roughly in the order I happened to do them.
Meta Knightmare Ultra (Super Star Ultra)
Really enjoyed this one, but that’s easy since Super Star Ultra is already my favorite. This one uniquely ties together the different “games” of Super Star, as opposed to a lot of the other extra modes that just remove the level transitions. The movement is so fluid in this game, and giving Meta Knight extra moves on the touch screen is killer.
Dededetour (Triple Deluxe)
Triple Deluxe is my Kirby guilt pleasure, so I knew I’d love this one. Hammer is already one of the most fun copy abilities, so a whole game with a better version of it is a ton of fun. Dedede lacks the bottom screen touch moves of Meta Knight, but the novelty of getting to play as him is pretty cool. The final boss against Dark Meta Knight was also pretty cool and perfectly balanced. The best part about this mode though is the wrap holes that let you skip parts of levels or even entire levels. That easily makes this mode feel unique, and skipping some of the boss rematches was so cool. I found that to be a lot more rewarding than the energy power ups in…
Meta Knightmare Returns (Robobot)
At first, I was disappointed by the lack of warp holes, but this ended up being maybe my favorite Kirby experience. Managing Meta Knight’s energy levels by balancing health versus speed versus boss-killing special moves reminds me of what Squeak Squad was going for but handled much cleaner. Being able to clear obstacles using Meta Knight’s sword that were previously robot-only really makes him feel as powerful as the lore would imply. But by far the best part was the Galacta Knight fight. The cutscene introducing the fight is perfect, and the fight itself feels like a perfectly balanced 1v1 duel, easily my favorite boss fight in the entire series.
Really just mentioning this to record my performance. I couldn’t clear Super Star Ultra’s arena, although I don’t think I really did research on which ability to use (probably because I was dead set on mirror already). I destroyed Return to Dream Land’s arena by simply using Tornado. Robobot’s Arena was interesting because I intended to use ESP but quickly lost it and pivoted to using Stone, where I finally learned how useful it is for boss-clearing and how much the move set had evolved.
Rumble 3D
I cleared the three levels here and the first two worlds of Blowout Blast. Blowout really evolves the formula a lot here, but both are a neat look forward at the control scheme in Forgotten Land. I’m not a fan of the super tight combat design where one mistake cascades and ruins the whole fight.
Meta Knightmare (Nightmare in Dreamland)
I used an online save file to access this without 100%ing the main game and the extra mode. This mode was HARD, with half-health and a total lack of invincibility frames on any of Meta Knight’s attacks. I was used to abusing those frames in later games so I was constantly getting hit by basic enemies. I do like the idea of Meta Knight as a glass cannon, with high risk and high reward, killing bosses easily but demanding platforming perfection. However, I was running out of energy by this point so I employed the use of rewind for this one.
Extra Mode (Return to Dreamland)
I started this one, but it just wasn’t different enough to keep me engaged.
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techsciresearch · 2 years
United States Solid Waste Management Vehicle Market Size, Growth & Trends 2026
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Surge in demand of robotic Solid Waste Management Vehicle in the country is driving the growth of United States Solid Waste Management Vehicle Market, in the forecast period.
United States solid waste management vehicle market are anticipated to show a robust growth in the upcoming five years, 2022-2027. The market growth can be attributed to the rising demand of management of solid waste generated in the country. Moreover, the government funded awareness drives and schemes have created enough concerns among the general population about the rapidly degrading environmental health. The concerns are driving the surge in the demand of vehicles that can easily and comfortably transport the waste from each nook and corner of the country to the degradation sites where proper waste management process can be carried out. Daily generation of the solid waste is too high in the country. According to EPA, a common American in a day can produce about 5.5 to 6 pounds of trash. Environmental Protection Agency of United States (US EPA) is the governing body that handles and regulates the solid waste management in all the states. EPA promotes and encourages the processes of solid waste management by source reduction, recycling, composting, landfills, energy recovery from waste, and managing the transfer stations.
According to TechSci report on, “United States Solid Waste Management Vehicle Market By Vehicle Type (Auto Tipper or Hopper Tipper, Garbage Compactor Truck, Dumper Placer, Earth Moving Equipment) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, United States solid waste management vehicle market is anticipated to show a robust growth in the forecast period 2022-2026 with an impressive CAGR on the account of rising demand of better and convenient transportation system of the solid waste management as well as the surge in the demand of the better management of the solid waste that is being produced daily in the country. Moreover, exponential rate of expansion of industrial activities and inappropriate methods of waste management are expected to boost the growth of the United States solid waste management vehicle market in the next five years. Due to rapid population growth and urbanization, the solid waste production has increased therefore authorities have been making stricter rules and regulations regarding the solid waste management and industrial wastes, the process involves a major category of vehicles that transports the garbage from door to door and transports it to the solid waste management factories, which is driving the growth of the United States solid waste management vehicles market in the next five years.
According to the U.S. classification of trucks (class 1 to class 9), refuse collection trucks fall under the class 8 category, which is considered a category for heavy trucks. In the U.S., while heavy trucks contribute merely 4% of total vehicles, they are estimated to be responsible for ~30% of vehicle emission and ~26% of fuel usage. Also, demand of electric and hybrid electric vehicles that may help in the solid waste management is increasing. Mostly for the heavy duty trucks which contributes to the hazardous fuel emission. The electric and hybrid vehicles would have great impact on the emissions with their cleaner economics and outsized impact. Thus, the factor is also inclusive in the list of driving factors of the United States solid waste management vehicle market growth in the upcoming five years.
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The United States solid waste management vehicle market is segmented by vehicle type, regional distribution and competitional landscape. Based on vehicle type, the market is further bifurcated into auto tipper or hopper tipper, garbage compactor truck, dumper placer, and earth moving equipment. Auto tipper or hopper tipper are anticipated to hold the largest shares of the market and assert its dominance over other type of the solid waste management vehicle market on grounds of the surge in the demand and requirement to collect the garbage from door to door. Auto tippers are a refuse compactor vehicle, that is mounted with solid waste collection equipment. It is often designed for lifting and unloading the garbage from bins, and small collectors. Garbage compactor trucks are a kind of portable compactors. A compactor body is mounted on a truck along with a container. It is designed to be transported by specially designed Hook Loader Unit, which is driven to the dumping ground/processing plant for discharge of compacted garbage. Dumper placer is a truck that is mounted with hydraulically operated arms and lifting mechanism that collects, lifts, transports, tips, etc.
Holding the largest revenue of the market shares, a partial list of the market players includes Waste Management Inc., Republic Services Inc., Waste Connection Inc., Clean Harbors Inc., Covanta Holding Corporation, US Ecology, Inc, Oshkosh Corporation, Dover corporation, New Way manufacturers, Amalgamations Repco Ltd, among others. The market players are actively involved in the development of the technologically advanced composter vehicles such that the transportation and the solid waste management cost can be reduced. Since the government has acute responsibility in the sector, the venturing capital and other financial sustenance is not an issue and supports the further growth of the market in the upcoming five years.
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“Solid waste management vehicles with the technological advancements are capable to automatically lift, and tip over the garbage containers to collect the garbage. More advancements may include features like recycling of garbage and separating the non-recyclable from the recyclable waste. Market players must attenuate themselves with the government policies and governmental norms for the future settlement of the market. Since the waste management companies often have their own trucks and compost vehicles; solid waste management vehicle manufactures must collaborate with the management companies and supply the demands,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
Press release : https://www.techsciresearch.com/news/5963-united-states-solid-waste-management-vehicle-market-to-grow-with-an-impressive-cagr-until-2026.html
“United States Solid Waste Management Vehicle Market By Vehicle Type (Auto Tipper or Hopper Tipper, Garbage Compactor Truck, Dumper Placer, Earth Moving Equipment) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of United States solid waste management vehicle market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in United States solid waste management vehicle market.
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aussietridentgroup · 18 hours
Understanding the trends shaping the global supply chain  
The global supply chain is like a lifeline for businesses. It supports everything from the products we buy to the services we use.
However, challenges raised in recent years have shown how fragile it can be. With the rise of technology, customers want more, and a pandemic like COVID-19 shifted things the way they were.
Now, every business, especially transportation companies in Australia, is putting more effort into being more flexible and overcoming the challenges that come the way of the supply chain.
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Top Trends Shaping the Global Supply Chain
Digital Transformation
Digital technologies are entirely changing the way the supply chain operates. Take a look at a few modern-day technologies in the Global Supply Chain. 
IoT: IoT– Internet of Things. Shipment tracking is not a new technology, but accurate shipment tracking is indeed a new technology. No more lags and problems of delay tracking. With advanced technology, businesses and customers can know the exact location of their shipments. For example, a reputed interstate transport company in Brisbane uses IoT to track precise shipment locations across the country. 
AL & ML: AL– Artificial intelligence & ML — Machine Learning. These technologies are like super smart assistance for your businesses. These technologies can help in route planning, predicting upcoming demand for products, and keeping inventory track records. 
AI-powered softwares allows companies to make quick and smart decisions. It saves time and reduces overall costs. 
Blockchain: Consider blockchain as a digital ledger. It keeps a record of every transaction secure in the supply chain. It enhances transparency, and transparency builds trust, especially in food and pharmaceutical companies. 
These technological advancements are making the supply chain more efficient and transparent. 
Automation & Robotics 
Automation is no longer a choice, as labour costs are rising and demand for speed is increasing. Following is the breakdown of how we are handling goods. 
Automated Warehouses: Automated robots are used to move items around the warehouse quickly and safely. For example, Amazon's Kiva robot helped the rapid picking process and ensured seamless, faster deliveries. 
If you are looking for a cheap warehouse in Australia, automation can make these spaces more efficient. 
Drones & Autonomous Vehicles: Some reputable product delivery companies are testing advanced drones, robots and self-driving vehicles for autonomous delivery. This technology can make delivery possible in hard-to-reach areas without impacting human lives. 
Sustainability & Green Supply Chain
Now, more and more businesses are becoming aware of how important it is to save our planet. This shift is encouraging businesses to make their production and delivery of each process environment-friendly. 
It starts with cutting carbon emissions and utilising eco-friendly packaging. 
Green Logistics: Green logistics is all about encouraging smarter and cleaner transportation. Companies are investing more in electric vehicles and rethinking delivery routes. So they can cut the use of fuel and make less of an impact on the environment. 
Solar-powered warehouses are another step businesses take to make the supply chain environment-friendly. 
Circular Supply Chain: This supply chain focuses on giving products a new life. Instead of increasing waste by throwing it, businesses can give a new life to it. More focus is given to the reuse and recycling concept. This not only eliminates waste but also saves money in the long run. 
If you are searching for a warehouse for rent in Brisbane, then consider one that’s built with sustainability objectives.
Resilience and Risk Management 
In the past few years, businesses have faced many challenges, including the pandemic, political conflict and natural disasters. These unexpected and uncontrollable events have shown how important it is to build a flexible and stronger supply chain.
Now, businesses are more focused on keeping themself diversifying and staying adaptable. 
Diversifying Suppliers: Diversifying suppliers is like having a backup plan. Companies are eliminating their dependency on one supplier. They are expanding their sourcing network by contacting various suppliers in different regions. It not only helps get competitive pricing but also helps get products on time without delay. 
Better Supply Chain Visibility: It's like having a bird’s eye view. With real-time data and advanced tools, businesses can see and resolve problems before they create any trouble in the supply chain. Better visibility allows them to address the problem early and reduces the chances of potential damage. 
On top of that, finding an affordable warehouse for lease in Sydney can be a smart move for companies. 
E-Commerce & Customer-Centric Supply Chain
We all get used to quicker and more convenient delivery with the rise of online shopping trends. This shift is forcing companies to make their product delivery more convenient and secure. 
Flexible Delivery Options: Businesses are moving one step ahead. Nowadays, people can choose whether they want their product delivered to their doorstep, picked up from a store or any locker. Customer’s choices are prioritised. This is referred to as Omnichannel Fulfillment. 
Faster Delivery: Customers want same-day or next-day delivery. Although this is quite tough, companies are doing their best to make it happen. How? They adopted a simple strategy – look for a small warehouse for rent near the location of their consumer’s residence and use advanced and smart technologies to ensure timely and secure delivery. 
There are a number of changes occurring in the global supply chain. To keep up with the changes, businesses need to be flexible and adapt new technologies to meet customer demands. Automation and robots are making material handling more efficient. Businesses are searching for warehouses near their customer's locations to meet the demand for speedy delivery.  Connect with Aussie Trident Group for big or small warehouses for rent in Australia. We have warehouses for all businesses in major cities. 
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newsmarketreports · 3 days
Dyson Locations: A Global Network of Innovation and Engineering Excellence
Dyson, a global leader in technology and engineering, has made a name for itself through revolutionary products such as bagless vacuum cleaners, bladeless fans, and high-performance hair dryers. Established by Sir James Dyson in the UK, the company has rapidly expanded its presence across the globe, with research and development hubs, manufacturing facilities, and retail stores that reflect Dyson's commitment to innovation. This article explores Dyson’s key global locations, highlighting how each contributes to the brand's mission of pushing the boundaries of design and engineering.
1. United Kingdom: Dyson’s Home and Innovation Hub
The United Kingdom remains the heart of Dyson's operations. With its headquarters located in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, Dyson’s UK operations house its global research, design, and development facilities. The sprawling campus, known as the Dyson Technology Campus, is where many of the company’s most groundbreaking innovations come to life. This state-of-the-art facility is home to thousands of engineers, scientists, and designers working on the next generation of Dyson products.
In addition to its Malmesbury HQ, Dyson opened a second UK location in 2017, the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology, which combines higher education and real-world engineering experience. Here, Dyson trains future engineers in a unique environment that merges academic learning with hands-on experience in solving real engineering challenges. The UK locations are the lifeblood of Dyson’s innovation pipeline, driving research in robotics, energy storage, and artificial intelligence.
2. Singapore: Dyson’s Manufacturing and Global Headquarters
In 2019, Dyson made headlines when it shifted its global headquarters to Singapore, signaling the growing importance of Asia in its operations. Singapore serves as a critical hub for Dyson’s manufacturing and supply chain operations, allowing the company to be closer to its key markets in Asia and benefit from the region’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem.
Dyson’s Singapore Technology Centre is a state-of-the-art facility focused on advanced manufacturing technologies and cutting-edge product development. The company’s decision to move to Singapore also underscores its focus on sustainability and technology, as the city-state is a global leader in smart manufacturing and energy-efficient practices.
Singapore is also the location where Dyson produces some of its most iconic products, including vacuum cleaners and high-end personal care products like the Supersonic hair dryer and Airwrap. With a strong presence in Singapore, Dyson is well-positioned to continue its expansion into the growing consumer markets in Asia-Pacific.
3. The Philippines: A Key Manufacturing Hub
Dyson’s expansion into the Philippines is a testament to its commitment to scalable and efficient manufacturing. The company has invested heavily in its production facilities in the Philippines, focusing on the high-quality production of its motors, which are the heart of Dyson products. The Philippines plays a crucial role in Dyson’s global supply chain, producing millions of digital motors annually, which are used across its range of vacuum cleaners, hair care tools, and air purifiers.
Dyson’s facility in Calamba, Laguna, is one of its largest manufacturing sites, equipped with advanced robotics and automation to ensure precision and efficiency in production. This site is part of Dyson’s strategy to maintain control over critical components of its products while scaling production to meet global demand.
4. Malaysia: Another Pillar in Dyson’s Global Manufacturing Network
Malaysia is another key location for Dyson’s global manufacturing operations. Dyson has been working in Malaysia for over a decade, operating factories in Johor that produce essential components for its product lines. Like its facilities in the Philippines, Dyson’s Malaysia operations are centered on the production of high-performance digital motors and other key technologies that set Dyson products apart from competitors.
These advanced production capabilities are crucial for maintaining Dyson’s competitive edge in the global market. Malaysia’s role in Dyson’s operations demonstrates the company's focus on leveraging the strength of Asia’s manufacturing prowess while maintaining the quality and precision that Dyson products are known for.
5. China: Expanding Retail Presence in a Growing Market
China is one of Dyson’s fastest-growing markets, driven by the country’s rising middle class and increasing demand for premium household appliances and personal care products. To meet this demand, Dyson has invested in expanding its retail footprint across China, with flagship stores in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. These stores are designed to provide customers with a fully immersive experience, showcasing Dyson’s full product range and giving consumers the opportunity to try products before purchasing.
Dyson’s China operations are focused on retail and marketing, but the company is also increasing its R&D efforts in the country. By establishing innovation centers in China, Dyson is tapping into the country’s rapidly growing technology ecosystem and vast pool of engineering talent.
6. Japan: A Long-Standing Market Leader
Japan has long been one of Dyson’s most important markets, with the company enjoying a strong reputation for innovation and quality among Japanese consumers. Dyson operates several retail stores across Japan, including flagship locations in Tokyo and Osaka, where it showcases its latest technology in hair care, vacuuming, and air purification.
Japan is also home to one of Dyson’s key research centers, where the company focuses on refining its product design and functionality to meet the needs of the Japanese market, which values high-quality, compact, and energy-efficient solutions. Dyson’s ability to blend British engineering with the exacting standards of Japanese consumers has made the country a vital part of its global strategy.
7. United States: Expanding the North American Market
Dyson’s presence in the United States has grown significantly over the years, with a strong retail network and service centers located across the country. Dyson’s North American headquarters is based in Chicago, Illinois, where the company manages its operations across the United States and Canada.
The U.S. market is particularly important for Dyson’s personal care and vacuum cleaner segments. Dyson has flagship retail locations in major cities such as New York and Los Angeles, where it offers interactive experiences for customers to explore its innovative products. The company’s growing market share in North America reflects its successful strategy of offering high-performance, premium products to consumers seeking cutting-edge technology for their homes.
Dyson’s global network of locations is a reflection of its commitment to innovation, quality, and expansion into key markets. From its roots in the United Kingdom to its growing presence in Asia, North America, and beyond, Dyson continues to set the standard for engineering excellence and technological innovation. With research and development hubs in the UK and Singapore, manufacturing sites in Malaysia and the Philippines, and retail operations spanning the globe, Dyson is well-positioned to continue delivering groundbreaking products that revolutionize the way we live and work.
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Why Choose the Zodiac FreeRider Robotic Pool Cleaner?
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Keeping your pool clean can be a demanding task, but with the right tools, it can be much easier and more efficient. Imagine diving into a sparkling pool, free from dirt and debris, while spending less time on cleaning. The Zodiac FreeRider Robotic Pool Cleaner is a cordless, advanced solution designed to simplify your pool maintenance and provide crystal-clear water. The FreeRider not only saves you time but also ensures that every inch of your pool is spotless. Gone are the days of tangled cords and complicated setups—this robot takes care of the cleaning for you, so you can relax and enjoy your pool.
In this blog post, we will explore why it is the perfect choice for anyone looking to maintain their pool with minimal effort.
1. Cordless Convenience
One of the biggest advantages of the Zodiac FreeRider is that it’s a cordless robotic pool cleaner. Traditional pool cleaners often come with long cords that can tangle, limiting their overall range. The FreeRider eliminates this issue completely with its built-in battery and no need for external power cords. It moves freely across the pool without getting stuck. This makes it particularly handy for pools of all shapes and sizes, allowing it to reach every corner and ensuring a thorough clean.
2. Efficient Cleaning with Advanced Technology
The Zodiac FreeRider is packed with cutting-edge technology to deliver optimal cleaning performance. It uses advanced filtration systems to remove debris like dirt, leaves, and even smaller particles that may be hard to see. The robotic cleaner is equipped with smart navigation technology that allows it to map out the pool, avoiding obstacles while ensuring no area is missed.
Additionally, it cleans not only the floor but also the walls of the pool, ensuring every part of your pool is spotless. Whether your pool is big or small, the Zodiac FreeRider adjusts itself to clean efficiently without wasting time or battery power.
3. Easy-to-Use Design
It is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who may not be tech-savvy. Setting up the cleaner is quick and simple— you just need to charge it, place it in the pool, and let it do the work. There is no complicated installation or configuration required, which is a significant benefit compared to other pool cleaners that might need a more involved setup.
4. Battery Life 
When choosing a robotic pool cleaner, battery life is a key factor to consider. The Zodiac FreeRider is powered by a long-lasting battery that provides up to 2.5 hours of continuous cleaning. This is usually more than enough time to clean most pools in a single session. After use, simply remove the cleaner from the pool and plug it in to recharge.
The cleaner is also designed to conserve energy, meaning it uses only the power it needs, extending the battery life further. This makes it an environmentally friendly option as well, reducing energy consumption.
5. No More Relying on Pool Pumps
Traditional pool cleaning methods often rely on your pool’s filtration system or pump. This can lead to extra strain on your pool equipment and higher energy bills. This robotic cleaner operates independently from your pool’s pump, reducing wear and tear on the system and making it a more cost-effective option in the long run. 
By not relying on external pumps or filters, this robotic pool cleaner makes maintenance easier and helps you avoid costly repairs down the line.
6. Durable and Built to Last
The Zodiac FreeRider is designed with durability in mind, using high-quality materials that ensure long-lasting performance. With proper care, this robotic cleaner can serve you for many years, reducing the need to buy replacement cleaners frequently. Its robust construction also means it can withstand daily use, even in harsher pool environments. 
Additionally, this model comes with excellent customer support and warranties through retailers like Vipool & Spa, so you can trust that any issues will be quickly resolved.
Why Purchase from Vipool & Spa?
We are your trusted supplier of high-quality pool and spa products, offering great prices and excellent customer service. When you purchase the Zodiac FreeRider from Vipool & Spa, you can expect fast shipping, reliable support, and a wide range of accessories and pool care products. We also offer Mastertemp heaters, which can be paired with the FreeRider for comprehensive pool care. When you buy from us, you can trust that you are getting genuine products backed by the manufacturer’s warranties.
The Zodiac FreeRider cordless robotic pool cleaner is one of the most convenient and efficient ways to keep your pool clean. With its cordless design, advanced technology, and ease of use, it is a perfect choice for pool owners looking to simplify their maintenance routine. For a complete and worry-free pool care experience, Vipool & Spa has everything you need.
Still concerned about your pool? Contact us today! Don’t let pool maintenance drain your time—let us help you with our expert solutions!
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ankitab · 5 days
The Rise of Smart Cleaning: Insights into the Robotic Vacuum Cleaners Market
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the global robotic vacuum cleaners market is projected to reach $33.3 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 26.9% from 2024 to 2031. This market growth is driven by the increasing penetration of smart and connected home products, rising demand for energy-efficient appliances, and growing disposable incomes. However, the high maintenance cost of robotic vacuum cleaners poses a challenge to market expansion.
Download free sample report here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5181?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=23-09-2024
The proliferation of internet-connected and voice-controlled robotic vacuums is expected to create significant growth opportunities for market stakeholders, despite the navigation challenges that impact the market's growth.
The global robotic vacuum cleaners market is segmented by type, distribution channel, operation, price range, and application. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the market at regional and country levels.
Market Segmentation
By Type
The market is divided into cleaning robots, hybrid robots, and mopping robots. In 2024, the cleaning robots segment is expected to hold the largest share, accounting for over 48% of the global market. This dominance is due to the high demand for smart and connected products, the need for improved functionality and performance without human interference, and the emphasis on maintaining clean and hygienic homes. Cleaning robots leverage technologies such as online home mapping, remote access, and anti-collision systems for efficient cleaning.
The hybrid robots segment, however, is projected to register the highest CAGR, driven by the need for Wi-Fi connectivity, advancements in mopping technology, and a growing focus on hygiene. Hybrid vacuums combine vacuuming and mopping functions, offering a two-in-one solution that saves time and effort.
By Distribution Channel
The market is segmented into online and offline channels. In 2024, the online segment is expected to account for over 83% of the global market share. The growth of this segment is attributed to the rise of e-commerce, the convenience of shopping from home, a wide range of available products, competitive pricing, detailed product information, and the ability to compare different models. Online platforms allow companies to showcase a variety of products, attracting customers with diverse preferences. This segment is also projected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Browse in depth: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/robotic-vacuum-cleaner-market-5181?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=23-09-2024
By Operation
The market is divided into self-driven and remote-controlled robotic vacuum cleaners. In 2024, the self-driven segment is expected to account for over 68% of the global market share. The adoption of AI and IoT in robotic vacuums, along with innovations in sensor technology and internet connectivity, drives demand for self-driven models, which are cost-efficient and offer faster cleaning.
The remote-controlled segment is projected to register the highest CAGR, driven by the increasing demand for AI-enabled vacuum cleaners, strategic developments by key players to offer remote control functionalities via smartphone apps, and advancements in home appliances. Remote-controlled vacuums come with handheld devices and transmitters for easy control.
By Price Range
The market is segmented into below USD 200, USD 201 to USD 500, and above USD 501. In 2024, the USD 201 to USD 500 segment is expected to hold the largest share, accounting for over 40% of the global market. This segment's growth is driven by the demand for additional features such as security cameras, advanced sensors, and compatibility with voice assistants like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
The above USD 501 segment is projected to register the highest CAGR, driven by increasing investment in premium appliances, the popularity of smart home devices, and the demand for high-end vacuums with stronger suction power, better filtration systems, and specialized attachments.
By Application
The market is segmented into residential and commercial applications. In 2024, the residential segment is expected to account for over 78% of the global market share. This growth is driven by busy consumer lifestyles, technological advancements in home appliances, and increasing awareness of hygiene. Innovations in residential robotic vacuums, such as UV sterilization and security cameras, enhance their functionality. This segment is also projected to grow at the highest CAGR.
Geographical Analysis
The market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2024, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to account for over 45% of the global market share. This growth is driven by the emphasis on clean and hygienic homes, shifting consumer preferences towards smart home appliances, and the availability of advanced products. The higher purchasing power in countries like China and South Korea also contributes to the demand for automated electronic products. The Asia-Pacific region is projected to record the highest CAGR of over 24% during the forecast period.
Buy now: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/56393135?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=23-09-2024
Key Players
Key players in the global robotic vacuum cleaners market include:
ECOVACS Robotics Co., Ltd. (China), Beijing Roborock Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Anker Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (South Korea), Shenzhen Proscenic Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Neato Robotics, Inc. (U.S.), Cecotec Innovaciones S.L. (Spain), LG Electronics Inc (South Korea), Dyson Limited (U.K.), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), and Sharp Corporation (U.S.).
These companies are analyzed based on their product portfolios, geographic presence, and key growth strategies.
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Meticulous Research®
Contact Sales: +1-646-781-8004
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dh5ryxhgbctgr · 6 days
Sine Wave Filters Market Performance and Future Trends Review 2024 - 2031
The sine wave filters market was valued at approximately $2.59 billion in 2023. It is anticipated to grow to $2.76 billion in 2024 and reach $4.5 billion by 2032. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 6.31% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2032. As demand for efficient power quality solutions increases, the sine wave filters market is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years.
The sine wave filters market has been gaining significant traction in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for cleaner power in various applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the sine wave filters market, exploring its definitions, trends, applications, and future outlook.
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What Are Sine Wave Filters?
Sine wave filters are electronic devices designed to reduce the harmonic distortion in electrical systems, ensuring that the output waveform closely resembles a pure sine wave. They are essential in various applications, particularly where sensitive equipment is used, as they help improve power quality and efficiency.
Types of Sine Wave Filters
Passive Filters
Constructed using passive components like resistors, inductors, and capacitors.
Typically more cost-effective but may have limitations in performance under varying loads.
Active Filters
Utilize operational amplifiers and other active components to provide superior performance.
Offer better adaptability to load changes and can be more efficient in terms of energy consumption.
Hybrid Filters
Combine elements of both passive and active filters.
Aim to provide the benefits of both types, addressing specific application needs.
Market Dynamics
Growing Demand for Renewable Energy Sources
As renewable energy sources like solar and wind become more prevalent, the need for sine wave filters to manage power quality increases.
Industrial Automation
The rise of Industry 4.0 and automation technologies necessitates high-quality power for efficient operation.
Electrification of Transportation
The shift toward electric vehicles (EVs) has created a surge in demand for power quality management solutions, including sine wave filters.
High Initial Costs
The investment required for high-quality sine wave filters can be a barrier for some industries.
Technological Complexity
The design and implementation of advanced filtering systems can be complex, requiring specialized knowledge.
Emerging Markets
Developing economies are rapidly industrializing, leading to increased investments in power quality solutions.
Technological Advancements
Continuous innovation in filter technology can enhance efficiency and reduce costs, expanding market reach.
Key Applications of Sine Wave Filters
Industrial Applications
Sine wave filters are widely used in industrial settings, particularly in:
Motor Drives
Manufacturing Equipment
Commercial Applications
In commercial environments, sine wave filters help ensure:
HVAC Systems
Lighting Solutions
IT Infrastructure
Residential Applications
As more households adopt smart technology and renewable energy solutions, sine wave filters are becoming crucial in:
Solar Power Systems
Home Automation
Geographic Overview
North America
The North American market is driven by the increasing adoption of advanced power quality solutions across various sectors. Strong regulatory frameworks also support the integration of renewable energy sources.
Europe has witnessed a significant push toward sustainable energy practices, creating a favorable environment for sine wave filter adoption. Countries like Germany and France lead the charge.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to experience the fastest growth due to rapid industrialization, urbanization, and an increase in electricity consumption. Countries like China and India are key players in this market.
Future Outlook
The sine wave filters market is poised for significant growth in the coming years. As industries continue to focus on improving energy efficiency and adopting cleaner technologies, the demand for high-quality power solutions will rise. Innovations in filter design and technology will further enhance market prospects.
In summary, the sine wave filters market is influenced by various factors, including the increasing need for power quality management in industrial, commercial, and residential applications. With ongoing technological advancements and growing awareness of the importance of clean energy, the market is expected to thrive in the foreseeable future. Businesses looking to invest in sine wave filters should consider the diverse applications and benefits they offer to enhance operational efficiency and sustainability.
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owlixx · 2 years
Kirby Extra Mode Thoughts
Kind of forgot to make this post as I slowly fizzled out of doing Kirby extra modes, but here’s a few reviewed roughly in the order I happened to do them.
Meta Knightmare Ultra (Super Star Ultra)
Really enjoyed this one, but that’s easy since Super Star Ultra is already my favorite. This one uniquely ties together the different “games” of Super Star, as opposed to a lot of the other extra modes that just remove the level transitions. The movement is so fluid in this game, and giving Meta Knight extra moves on the touch screen is killer.
Dededetour (Triple Deluxe)
Triple Deluxe is my Kirby guilt pleasure, so I knew I’d love this one. Hammer is already one of the most fun copy abilities, so a whole game with a better version of it is a ton of fun. Dedede lacks the bottom screen touch moves of Meta Knight, but the novelty of getting to play as him is pretty cool. The final boss against Dark Meta Knight was also pretty cool and perfectly balanced. The best part about this mode though is the wrap holes that let you skip parts of levels or even entire levels. That easily makes this mode feel unique, and skipping some of the boss rematches was so cool. I found that to be a lot more rewarding than the energy power ups in…
Meta Knightmare Returns (Robobot)
At first, I was disappointed by the lack of warp holes, but this ended up being maybe my favorite Kirby experience. Managing Meta Knight’s energy levels by balancing health versus speed versus boss-killing special moves reminds me of what Squeak Squad was going for but handled much cleaner. Being able to clear obstacles using Meta Knight’s sword that were previously robot-only really makes him feel as powerful as the lore would imply. But by far the best part was the Galacta Knight fight. The cutscene introducing the fight is perfect, and the fight itself feels like a perfectly balanced 1v1 duel, easily my favorite boss fight in the entire series.
Really just mentioning this to record my performance. I couldn’t clear Super Star Ultra’s arena, although I don’t think I really did research on which ability to use (probably because I was dead set on mirror already). I destroyed Return to Dream Land’s arena by simply using Tornado. Robobot’s Arena was interesting because I intended to use ESP but quickly lost it and pivoted to using Stone, where I finally learned how useful it is for boss-clearing and how much the move set had evolved.
Rumble 3D
I cleared the three levels here and the first two worlds of Blowout Blast. Blowout really evolves the formula a lot here, but both are a neat look forward at the control scheme in Forgotten Land. I’m not a fan of the super tight combat design where one mistake cascades and ruins the whole fight.
Meta Knightmare (Nightmare in Dreamland)
I used an online save file to access this without 100%ing the main game and the extra mode. This mode was HARD, with half-health and a total lack of invincibility frames on any of Meta Knight’s attacks. I was used to abusing those frames in later games so I was constantly getting hit by basic enemies. I do like the idea of Meta Knight as a glass cannon, with high risk and high reward, killing bosses easily but demanding platforming perfection. However, I was running out of energy by this point so I employed the use of rewind for this one.
Extra Mode (Return to Dreamland)
I started this one, but it just wasn’t different enough to keep me engaged.
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madenatrecycling2 · 8 days
Innovative Technologies Driving E-Waste Recycling in the UAE
The rise of technology in recent years has led to an increase in electronic waste (e-waste) globally, and the UAE is no exception. As the demand for electronic devices continues to grow, the need for effective e-waste recycling solutions has become crucial. Madenat Recycling, a leading recycling company in the UAE, is at the forefront of adopting innovative technologies to tackle e waste recycling in UAE and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Automated Dismantling Machines
One of the biggest challenges in e-waste recycling is the safe and efficient dismantling of electronic devices. Advanced automated dismantling machines have been introduced to streamline this process. These machines can efficiently disassemble a wide range of electronic products, from smartphones to large appliances, ensuring that valuable materials like metals and plastics are recovered with minimal manual intervention.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Sorting
AI-driven sorting systems are revolutionizing the way e-waste is handled. These systems use machine learning algorithms to identify and sort different materials, such as metals, plastics, and hazardous components. This increases the accuracy and speed of sorting, leading to better recycling rates and reduced contamination in waste streams.
Robotic Recycling Systems
Robotics is playing an important role in the recycling of complex e-waste items. Robotic arms equipped with sensors can extract valuable materials, such as gold, silver, and rare earth metals, from discarded electronics. These systems are particularly beneficial for recovering materials from devices with intricate designs that would be difficult to process manually.
Chemical Recovery Processes
To further enhance material recovery, chemical recycling techniques are being adopted. These processes involve the use of specialized chemicals to safely extract precious metals and other valuable components from e-waste without damaging the environment. Madenat Recycling is exploring the use of environmentally friendly chemicals to improve the yield of high-value materials.
Blockchain for Traceability
With the increasing focus on transparency in the recycling industry, blockchain technology is being used to track the lifecycle of e waste recycling in UAE. By using blockchain, recyclers can ensure that e-waste is properly processed, and all recovered materials are accounted for, from collection to final disposal. This technology also helps in meeting compliance and regulatory standards.
Madenat Recycling is dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge technologies to address the growing e-waste problem in the UAE. By investing in automated systems, AI-driven sorting, robotics, chemical recovery processes, and blockchain technology, the company is not only contributing to environmental sustainability but also setting a new standard for the e-waste recycling industry in the region.
Embracing these innovative approaches, Madenat Recycling is paving the way for a cleaner, greener future in the UAE.
To Know More  https://madenatrecycling.ae/e-waste-recycling-in-uae/
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