#Robin and Argyle will be sidelined for the love triangle
catharusustulatus · 2 years
If Steve dies so Nancy can be with Jonathan, or Jonathan dies so Nancy can be with Steve…if they butcher their characters outside of the love triangle for the sake of the love triangle? Booo I will have my tomatoes ready Duffer bros
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
I am also a Steve fan but I gotta agree with the other anons because c'mon. Even if you think Will was gonna be done dirty there are other characters and other narrative shit too. Dustin is separated from the Party because of Steve, and that is because the writers decided to focus on their duo together instead of writing for the Party dynamic. Because they liked their comedic duo. Eddie was created because of Steve. He died because the Duffers do not want to kill off Steve. Robin's lesbian plot revolves around Steve because of Steve's redemption. Nancy is inserted into a ridiculous love triangle plot again because of Steve. Jonathan is sidelined because Steve is more popular and given more screentime. Are we gonna ignore the reality.
i honestly don’t get what you’re complaining about.
you could say lucas gets separated from the party because of max. or mike does because of will. you’re complaining that the duffers don’t put four characters together all the time and pinning that on… steve?
dustin and steve were with the majority of the party in s2. they didn’t even spend that much time together in s4. so you’re complaining that dustin and the party weren’t together enough in a single season??
eddie wasn’t created because of steve. and he didn’t die because of steve. my opinion is that he died steve’s death. but eddie was created because the duffers wanted a satanic panic character, and he was killed because they didn’t know how to get him out the mess they put him in. they gave him a brotherly relationship with dustin because they know the audience likes that sort of thing. so why aren’t you blaming eddie? why’s it steve’s fault they spent too much time with a completely different character???
i think it’s gross when people try to say robin’s lesbian plot revolves around steve. i do. sorry she had a conversation with her friend about it. but again, you’re just nitpicking all the shit you can blame on steve!!
why not get mad because the duffers forced dustin, lucas and max into a love triangle. why don’t you consider that wasted time, but you do the lesbian plot??
and the majority of the audience likes jancy. so no, they aren’t putting her and steve together for steve. but because the duffers don’t know how to write nancy without a romantic partner.
and again, jonathan isn’t being shoved to the side because of steve. he’s being shoved to the side because the duffers don’t know how to write him, and they introduced too many side characters.
want to blame a lack of screen time in s4 on characters? okay!
eddie. jason. chrissy. patrick. every single parent in the show. fred. every single other jock character in the show. the police, what the fuck did they do? murray could’ve been taken out. (edit: THE RUSSIANS!!!!! thank you anon!) argyle was inserted in the cali plotline. he was there for funny jokes. why is it steve you’re directing your ire at? i’m seriously asking, because it sounds like it’s for no reason at all. and you’re just finding things to complain about.
you are vastly overestimating how much the duffers like steve. because it is very fucking little.
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piedpip3rrr · 2 years
Ok here’s my complete opinions on stranger things 4 which no one asked for but I’m going to give anyway (spoilers ahead obvi)
I never thought that one of my favourite things would be the new characters but I really did like all of them I was sad when Chrissy and Fred died, Argyle was fucking hilarious and it was nice to se Jonathan interact with someone who wasn’t Nance and I even liked Jason despite his assholery
Obviously Eddie was also a great addition, very compelling character who had really nice conversations with the others
Plot wise I thought this season was really good, especially the Hawkins group and I thought that the way they played on actual hysteria about DND that was around in the 80s was really clever
The horror this season was also great and genuinely terrifying so props
I will say El’s plot was my least favourite but I tend to prefer characters with other characters so her being solo most the season was a little disappointing
I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I really did like the California group. Jonathan’s a character who’s at his best when he’s with his family and Will and Mike were well Will and Mike. I will say they were very under-utilised though, like they didn’t even show up in the last episode.
Seeing Suzy back honestly made me so happy for no reason, that whole sequence was just so fun
Lumax were the mvps of the season. Lucas actually getting development and screen time and Max’s plot the entire season but ESPECIALLY episode was wonderful
Also the Kate Bush sequence was the best of the season I think we can all agree
I also really liked Nancy and Robin! They were a fun little duo and I really didn’t expect to enjoy them as much as I did
Joyce, Murray and Hoopers plot was also way more enjoyable than last season so I was very happy about that
Now for things I didn’t like that much!
As mentioned earlier I really wish the California plot line wasn’t so sidelined
As a Byers family enthusiast it is genuinely so annoying to see them being paid dirt despite their impact on the plot most importantly Will who felt like he didn’t do anything this season
I’m really sad they just gave all the lab kids the same powers, like it makes sense but Kalis illusions were so interesting and I just wish it wasn’t all telekinesis
Also the fact that all of them are dead is just ugh idk I know no one liked the kali episode in season 2 but I wish the other kids did something relevant (besides 1 obvi)
My biggest gripe of this season was Steve and Nancy, I genuinely don’t understand the need to reignite the love triangle, let Nancy be happy, let Steve move on and let Jonathan be relevant Jesus
It’s just so tiring at this point, Nancy and Jonathan having problems is fine especially when their problems were caused by Jonathan’s messy past (in general I feel like Lonnie and the Byres situation isn’t paid enough attention but that’s a problem with the whole show, not just this season)
But Steve moved on from Nancy and now he likes her again!? Unless this is a bait and switch I really don’t like it.
Another issue is Billy. Imma be honest I’ve hated Billy since season two but the fact that his abusive and racist behaviour is just not addressed much just bugs me
Like max mentioned it in her letter too him but I feel like the fact that he actually sucked and the complications about that in regards to his death wouldve been really interesting
All in all a solid season, good music, amazing cinematography but just a few issues imo
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twin-scars · 2 years
Can everyone stop calling the Duffer Brothers geniuses? Yeah they tell a good story but they raise more questions than they answer and they’d rather rely on what the audience loves rather than what they themselves want to write.
Their arrogance annoys me--especially since they can’t even remember details about their own characters. They have plot holes they have zero intentions on doing anything about, and create new characters only to kill them all off.
Spoilers for season four below
I feel like it was lazy fucking writing sidelining the Byers, Mike, and Argyle. There were so many lost opportunities to show the Byers and Eleven as a family. And what the fuck did they do to my precious Jonathan? Ignored him and made him a pothead that keeps his thoughts secret from the person he loves. Jancy always faced their problems and talked them out but NOT THIS TIME.
And Jonathan was always the responsible one in his family, looking after Will, cooking meals, and working. We saw none of that.
And he’s not a druggie for smoking pot. A lot of people smoke pot for a bunch of different reasons. Pot is NOT bad. People make it seem like he’s doing hits of acid or ecstasy or something and selling Joyce’s jewelry for crack. He’s simply self-medicating, and that’s what (some) depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed people do, and it’s clear Jonathan is going through some shit. It’s perfectly normal. It’s almost like the Duffer Brothers want people to not like him, even though he’s the sweetest, best character in the whole show (and Nancy too).
I really think they want people to forget he exists, almost. Don’t get me wrong, I love Steve, I think he’s an awesome character, but people think he’s king and Jonathan is horrible because he took photos of Nancy and smokes pot. What in the actual fuck, Duffers? If Jancy is endgame why treat him like this. Steve did some pretty shitty things, far worse than Jonathan.
The whole love triangle is so supremely stupid. People keep calling my favorite princess/badass Nancy Wheeler a cheater and a slut because she she got with Jonathan before her and Steve ‘officially’ broke up, and now they say she’s cheating on Jonathan with Steve. The poor girl can’t get a word in edgewise to tell him to fuck off, she’s not cheating. She loves Jonathan.
How many times did she fight and break up with Steve? Even her diary mentions she ‘made up’ with him.
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And why is this triangle a thing in the first place? It’s like they want to water her down into a ‘prize’ for Jonathan or Steve. Nancy is a badass. If her and Jonathan ever break up (I hope not) she should be single. It makes zero fucking sense for her, as she has a smart, independent personality... Steve is...well, Steve.
And can the Duffers stop worshipping Steve? We get it, you like him. He’s super selfish, telling Nancy his dreams without any consideration for hers. And Robin pushes her to get back together with him. ‘You have a Tom Cruise poster!’ Yeah Robin thanks for pointing that out, it reminds her of the time STEVE let his fucking friends spray paint that she was a slut on the movie marquee, then the following fight where Jonathan kicked his ass.
Geniuses? Yeah, whatever. Okay rant done. lol
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Yeah it’s very unclear what’s happening exactly in Cali. Basically the only knowledge we have abt that house is that someone saw a scene where an elderly Mexican gentleman invited Jonathan and Argyle inside, which makes it p obvious that Argyle lives there, and another scene where the two of them were smoking on the roof. But, we’ve also seen Joyce’s car parked there, which has led some to speculate that maybe the Byers are renting out Argyle’s fam basement or smth. But we don’t know yet if anyone other than Charlie, Eduardo, and the other guy have been seen filming there, since the source went quiet. And they’re wrapping at the house on Tuesday, so hopefully then ppl will be comfortable sharing what they saw. Plus idk if you saw but Charlie, Millie, Noah, Finn, and Argyle were spotted filming at the airport recently. And someone said they were also filming at a local high school.
I def don’t think Jonathan’s gonna get a Steve-level amount of screen time this season, what with all the new characters and all the craziness happening in Hawkins and Russia too, but I know he’ll at least get more than s3. He’s in a team that includes a big fan-fav, a new fan-fav, and two of the most popular ST ships. He’s not gonna be hurting for screen time at all. I think there is a genuine concern for his dramatic plot being somewhat overwhelmed by the group he’s in, but at least we know he has an actual plot of his own instead of being dragged into Nancy’s. And Jonathan’s gonna have lots of time with his fam + getting a new friend, which is what we’ve been asking for since s1.
I def don’t think this is you, but I know there are lot of Jancys who are all butthurt over them being separated and pessimistic abt Argyle overpowering Jonathan. Those are legit grievances + concerns, but I just think sometimes you have to give to get. Do I wish that the writers could’ve written Jonathan and Nancy independent character arcs without separating them? Of course! But if that’s what it takes to keep them from being sidelined like usual, I say bring it on! I’m actually real excited to see what this season has in store for Jonathan and Nancy, so it makes me sad to see some ppl dreading it. 😢
Re: the house I’m still confused on whose it is as it could go either way as Byers’ or Argyle’s from what we’ve gotten. Argyle’s would make more sense. But if it’s really the Byers’ house, they’d need to explain how on earth they could afford it bc it makes no sense. Renting out part of Argyle’s house might make more sense money wise, but imo doesn’t much otherwise. Would they really have Jonathan and Argyle know each other both from living together *and* working together? It just seems like it would be one or the other— like you’d expect they’d become friends bc they met at HS and/or working at SBP.
Re: Jonathan and screentime, you always have to wonder if he’ll get screentime after the way he’s been so underwritten for two seasons. S4 at least gives us /a chance/ to see him in new situations like having a friend finally (have also wanted that since s1), also finally some Byers fam moments, a new setting and how that affects him, that he might be going thru a lot and not just dealing with it/keeping it all inside, that he might go thru some changes and not just be so static, and also that he might have even more responsibilities when Joyce leaves. They’ve set up a v good plotline for him but will they deliver by writing it lol? Idk. Just look at how many new characters there are and how much less they are shooting in NM compared to Hawkins. It’s also true given how much they like new characters they could sideline Jonathan through Argyle… or not. It will just be int to see him have a friend tho, and see NM as Cali and the newness of that, so I’m v curious for all of that and def hope they don’t just sidekick him again.
Re: jancy, I’ve been disappointed with how they’ve been written after s1 and I don’t think the duffers have bothered to write them well and jancy as a whole has been sidelined. There have def been some sweet scenes bet them still and some of their dynamic still carries over from s1, but imo they needed to do something to mix up what they’ve done to them. I also would have liked to see them be written bettter together, but I don’t get how you can like jancy and not like them as independent characters too, or like jancy, but be fine with how Jonathan has been written as a sidekick and largely lost all the other parts of his personality from s1. I hope they don’t tease love triangle again and I believe they’ll still put them back together, but while others I’m sure disagree, they needed to be apart and we needed to see something different w how they are written. Imo, they can only be interesting if they are written as equally solid characters with personalities apart and together. If they don’t have personalities independent of one another, what is the point? So I’m def interested in how the show is mixing it up and we’ll get to see Nancy w Robin and Jonathan in Cali. It’s different and I want to see how it impacts them as characters, and also how they then handle jancy later in the season when they see each other again. I’m sure they’d have a lot to work out! And that could be int/new to see too.
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