#Robert De Niro age
tcmreads · 1 year
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al pacino in ‘the godfather’ (1972) dir. francis ford coppola
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thevisualvamp · 2 months
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Now and then
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mayonnaise8995 · 6 months
I love when my mum is cringing at age gap relationships in Hollywood, and I'm just sat there knowing I'd marry 90s Robert De Niro in a heartbeat.
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Eddie Redmayne talks about his beginnings as an actor learning from own mistakes and the experience to work with stars like Robert De Niro, Kate Blanchett and Michelle Williams, during a warm and candid conversation at The Toronto International Film Festival
Source Fabiawaintal on you tube and Tik Tok
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hansatorium · 8 months
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Johnny Boy steals from the fridge!!!
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Happy Birthday Martin Scorsese!
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alliluyevas · 1 year
they need to invent menopause for men
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Robert De Niro & Monica Bellucci
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ilostyou · 1 year
Did you know that Robert De Niro just had his 7th kid at the age of 79? His eldest child is 51
i think i heard but didn’t realize how old he was LOL and that age gap is wild to me. all the headlines this morning have been abt how al pacino surpasses robert de niro as hollywood’s oldest dad 😭
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worldnewsforus11 · 5 months
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eeveearoace-creative · 11 months
Since Goncharov is trending again, I want finally to share the poster I made a few months back! Unfortunately, I couldn't find the original image I used to create it (I looked for the photo, I really did! But I lost a record of it when I got my new computer). But anyway! Please enjoy this poster. I like it a lot :)
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[Image ID: A movie poster for the fake movie "Goncharov". There is a black-and-white photo of a clock-tower. Near the top, text reads: "Martin Scorsese Presents / Goncharov / A film by Matteo JWHJ0715". A bit below that, text reads: "Robert De Niro as Goncharov / Harvey Keitel as Andrey Daddano / Cybill Shepherd as Katya Goncharov". Text near the bottom reads: "Domenico Procacci - Producer, Roy Walker - Set Designer, Micheal Kaptan - Costume Designer, Sophia Loren - Actor (Sofia Daddano), John Cazale - Actor (Joseph "Ice Pick Joe" Morelli), Al Pacino - Actor (Mario Ambrosini), Gene Hackman - Actor (Valrey Michailov), Lynda Carter - Actor (Dancer #2)". In the corner there is a logo for "Tumblr Studios", as well as an "R" age rating - "Restricted - Under 17 required accompanying parent or adult company". End ID]
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iconuk01 · 2 months
RIP to the undisputed Grand Master of the B-movie, especially the B-movie punching well above it's weight
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This pic was taken in 1982 at a restaurant in Rome. It features writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, director Sergio Leone, Muhammad Ali, and Robert De Niro. They all had dinner together with the guy on the right, Gianni Minà. He was an Italian journalist, and he passed away on 27. March 2023 at the age of 85.
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magazinewankersworld · 11 months
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Charmaine Sinclair
From Chertsey, Surrey in the UK, Charmaine became a Page 3 girl at the age of 16 in the late 1980's. She soon became a very popular model in British men's magazines, especially Paul Raymond's stable of magazines including various appearances in Mayfair. Her career in adult movies began with a softcore series of films as the title character Samantha Spade. Various hardcore films followed as well as appearances in Playboy magazine specials. She was allegedly the girlfriend of Robert De Niro in the early 1990's, who apparently saw her in a men's magazine and had his people arrange for him to meet her. De Niro was later questioned by French police in 1998 over an illegal call girl ring where it was revealed in court that Sinclair was at one point a £3,000 a night sex worker. Charmaine retired from the adult business in the late 1990's, but returned as a host on various Sky TV adult shows in the UK in the late 2000's and later as cam girl in the 2010's.
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kemosabeko · 1 year
RE Actor AU!
I thought I could hide it but I really can't anymore
*this is mostly about wesker but will I apologize? Nah. Imma do my own thing.
A/N: these are very, VERY self-indulgent
Warnings: None, just fluff and crack
Also this is my first post in Tumblr so idk how do texts/posts works in here :p
This was created because my current hyperfixation rn is wesker (YES)
You'd think with his role he'd be uptight and quite the serious actor. Yknow those types.
Oh boy oh boy would you look at that. He just brought another coffee for everyone on set.
Always there to help crews moving their things, especially the heavy ones like camera.
Helps fellow actors with their script and scene.
But the most noteworthy trait of his is being a family man.
He literally SHOWS OFF his twins to his co-workers.
Everyone is a victim
"Chris look at this. They're walking"
"Yeah you showed that to me like five times alr-"
"they're WALKING"
Okay biggest victims are Chris and Leon
Jill and Chris are people who entered the industry the same time as Albert and has worked on multiple projects with each other. Hence, their closeness.
Now back to the general cast
Chris and Claire are literally siblings in real life
This franchise is actually Ada's first acting role in the industry! Which immediately became a huge boom to her career, which she didn't expect.
She was actually originally working as a stunt woman, but one time a manager suggested her to do acting after seeing her try to double a character since the original actor was sick, and she couldn't be more thankful that she took the risk.
She's very skilled in martial arts!
She and Albert are some of the few casts that don't do double-stunts.
Leon is a child actor starting from the age of 7.
Came from a very wealthy (aristocratic) family
Y'know that one story of Tom Holland when he talked about RDJ and was absolutely stunned when he entered the set?
Yep. That's literally Leon on his first day on set.
Look. He's worked with a lot of big shot names. Cate Blanchett, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman, you name it!
But has he ever worked with this man with basically a face and body carved by the greek gods themselves, slicked back hair, and possibly the smoothest and healthiest skin ever, who's basically his entire fucking idol and goal to work with? NO!
So why, should he NOT FREEZE UP when he finally met him on set?
Albert saw a blonde, handsome boy sticking out like a sore thumb from the entrance of the set. He quickly realizes that this is the actor they cast for the protagonist. He walks up to them and smiled warmly.
"Hey! we got a new face around here. You must be Leon Kennedy right? Nice to meet you! I'm Albert Wesker"
He stretched out his hand to shake with him, but all Leon could think was
"oh my god... it's ALBERT FUCKING WESKER"
Poor blondie basically stopped working for a few seconds, before he realized how stupid he looked and was on his way to ruin his first impression.
He quickly snapped out of his shock and went to shake his hands and OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO SMOOTH AND WARM AND HIS SMILE--
Had to take a breather when he went to his tent after that encounter.
After that and throughout the shooting, they became closer and eventually became close friends
Which is how Albert met you but that's for another story.
Carlos has a HUGE and I mean, simp level of huge, crush on Jill.
This man really was the real smooth operator cause when he heard that Jill, together with a male character, will be the MC for the third franchise? Oh this man was on a MISSION.
Immediately auditioned and prepared for the role like his life was on the line (on his defense, it was)
The first to hear about this was Chris.
Which he then gossiped to Albert.
To which they both supported Carlos by giving him tips about what Jill likes, hates, her fave foods, her favorite movies, all of that and etc.
Literally had them plotting the most insane shits for a date
Thankfully, their shenanigans bear fruit after a year when Jill finally accepted him as her boyfriend.
Man was so over the moon, he deadass called the other two in the middle of the night to talk about what happened.
Albert was NOT happy being interrupted in his sleep, but decided to let it slide hearing the joy in the younger man's voice.
After all, he wasn't so different when the same thing happened to him with you.
Oh also, did I ever mention that Albert ADORES children?
Which is why he found Sherry so cute! Even though she plots pranks with Leon and Claire occasionally.
Throughout the years, they have become absolutely close friends that they consider each other as family (I'm starting to hear Dom Toretto)
Leon and Ada also eventually became a couple after years of painful pining (the rest of the cast and crew had to suffer witnessing their years of pining for each other)
They often do a late night chats with each other, sometimes they do IG live together when everyone's free.
The fans ABSOLUTELY eats them up because it's their source of meme and crack content from the cast.
The Behind The Scenes were filmed by almost all of them, or whoever wants to.
Tons of them are Chris tripping over almost everything.
Claire trying her stunts and being extremely proud when she successfully does one without her double.
Carlos just playfully punching and having beef with the camera.
It also includes Albert teaching Ada some stunts on how to do them better and more safely, and vice-versa.
And then you got Luis, Ashley, and Leon straight up doing a mukbang ASMR for one of their BTS (they failed horribly cause they, especially Luis, can't stop laughing)
Luis tries teaching Ashley spanish but eventually gave up. But after a few months, Ashley came up to him and said in almost perfect spanish "soy un raton rubio"
Loverboy felt like a proud parent he started singing out of nowhere.
*I feel like I really have so much more to put but maybe I've finally exhausted my ideas so here they are!
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alliluyevas · 1 year
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