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gloomyrobbers · 9 months
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you look so cool .
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thatshappinessforme · 17 days
imagine if i was normal and i could hear the intro to robbers without getting nauseous
192 notes · View notes
pinksturniolo · 6 months
Robbers - A Chris Sturniolo One Shot (AU)
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Chris Sturniolo is a part of The Disciples, one of the most notorious Portuguese gangs in Boston. For the past year and a half, you’ve witnessed him take part in the most dangerous crimes. But what happens when one day, you're forced to participate with him? You know it’s extremely toxic and goes against all your morals. Despite that, you just can’t help the way you love him, the way you would do anything for him. Even rob a gas station.
Content Warnings: smut, raw penetration, fingering, oral, themes of criminal activity and violence, mentions of shooting, guns, and blood. descriptions of gunshot wounds, gun play, drugs and drug use, smoking, use of alcohol, murder, robbery, toxic relationship
a/n: I do not condone any actions in this story or promote gun violence. I do not intend in any way shape or form to offend anyone. This is one is a little dark and has a lot of mature themes as well as a gun kink, which can be uncomfortable for people. Please only read what you can handle. <3
word count: 6,452 (!!!!) ik it's long but pls read it all, i spent a lot of time on this one.
Watch this music video before reading, just trust me: The 1975 - Robbers (Official Video) (Explicit) (youtube.com)
Fall 2025
You drop your cigarette to the ground, your sneaker snuffing out the cherry as you crush it against the wet concrete. There’s a light drizzle tonight, temperatures dipping as early September arrives in the city of Boston.
You sigh, leaning your head against the brick wall and tucking your hands into the hoodie of your pocket. What’s taking him so long?
Your boyfriend had been inside the house for 30 minutes now and it was making you nervous. Each time you went with him to these types of jobs, you were scared. You would never let him see that, but you were always worried something bad was going to happen.  
Granted, he knew how to take care of himself perfectly fine, but it was the other people he was meeting up with you didn’t trust. You were constantly on edge every time you would wait for him, anxious whether he would come back to you alive.
He didn’t like the idea of you coming along with him at first, but when you convinced him it didn’t make a difference whether you stayed home and waited for him or if you came along, he eventually gave in, making you take a gun with you just in case you needed to use it.
He had taken his time to teach you how to hold and shoot it properly, making sure you wouldn’t fuck up and accidentally shoot yourself. He taught you a lot of things, like how to throw a good punch without breaking your hand, how to roll a blunt the right way, how to steal from the liquor store without getting caught.
You met Chris almost a year and a half ago now, at a mansion party one of your friends had dragged you to one night. She begged you to go, saying her friend Jonah there knew a guy, who knew a guy, that knew this one guy that had the best weed in the city.
She failed to mention this guy was a member of The Disciples. His name was Chris Sturniolo and he was known to beat up anyone who crossed him. You had heard rumors before about him, he sold a lot of drugs, and he didn’t fuck around when it came to his money.
So naturally, you were a little intimidated when you were introduced, sitting next to him on the large plush white couch. His friends sat around him, smoking and talking amongst themselves, and you noticed the looks they gave you and your friend. You definitely stuck out like a sore thumb.
“Hi, I’m Layla, my friend Jonah said you could get me some K2.” Your friend said, like she had done this a thousand times before.
“What’s up Layla. Who’s your friend?” Chris asked, looking straight to you.
You fought the urge to shrink into the couch, his piercing gaze burning into you. His long hair stuck out from his beanie, smoke filtering through his nose as he inhaled the joint he was puffing on.
“Uh, this is Y/N.” She replies, looking at you hesitantly. “She’s a little shy.”
You smiled awkwardly, the look in his eyes still making you squirm in your seat.
“You look too good to be here, mama.” he says, grabbing a baggie from his pocket, handing it to Layla. She takes it, getting the money from her pocket to give in return but he simply shakes his head. “Keep it.”
She looks shocked, looking at you again and you shrug, unsure why this drug dealer is giving you both a free pass. His eyes haven’t left you, looking you up and down without shame. You feel like he’s undressing you with his eyes but the longer you make eye contact with him, you don’t feel uncomfortable. You feel curious, like there’s a magnetic pull in between you two.
“Want a taste?” he asks, motioning with his head for you to come closer, holding out the joint for you to try.
You hesitate for a few seconds before you scoot closer to him on the couch, your thigh now brushing his. He smirks and holds the joint close to your mouth as you close the gap, leaning forward a little to wrap your lips around it, slightly touching his fingertips.
You take a small hit, inhaling the smoke into your lungs as you lean back into place, his eyes on your mouth as you exhale.
Your friend Laya feels the obvious tension that’s now in the room, watching the interaction between you two. “I’m gonna go find Jonah.” She says to you, and you simply nod, never breaking eye contact with Chris.
The loud music of the party vibrates through the room, making it hard to hear but you don’t need to exchange words to know what you both are thinking. He takes another hit, holding the smoke in his mouth as he leans even closer to you, placing a hand on your jaw, silently telling you to open your mouth. When you do, he hovers his lips over yours, blowing the smoke into your mouth and you inhale, holding it for a few seconds until you blow it out.
He then moves his head down, placing a single soft kiss on your neck, directly under your jaw and whispers in your ear, “Meet me in the bathroom.”
Needless to say, you’ve been attached to each other since that night, a whirlwind romance from the start.
Chris finally comes around the side of the house, backpack around his shoulder. You sigh in relief, and he smiles when he sees you, putting an arm around your waist as you walk next to him towards the car. “Worried about me, baby?” He teases, opening the passenger side door for you.
“Always.” You reply and he closes the door, walking around to get into the driver’s seat, throwing the bag in the back. He takes off, one hand on the steering wheel and the other rests on your thigh. You can’t help but notice something a little off about him though. He’s not very talkative like he usually is, and his hand grips the wheel a little too hard, his body tense.
“Chris, what happened in there? Why did it take so long?” You ask, looking at him until he finally makes eye contact with you. And what you see makes your stomach turn because you see an emotion across his face that you’ve never seen before.
He licks his lips nervously, looking back to the road. He knows that you noticed. “We’ll talk once we get back to the house, okay?” he replied, giving a reassuring squeeze on your thigh.
You were only about 10 or 15 minutes away, but you had a strong feeling that something was really wrong. “Don’t bullshit me. Tell me now.” You demand. He looks at you, not liking the tone of your voice. “Please.” You add a little softer and he sighs, knowing that you wouldn’t let it go that easily.
“The deal went fine. Jason seemed to be satisfied with the profit from last month. But he wants me to do a job next weekend…” He starts, looking more nervous by the minute.
“Okay? What job?” You pry, not understanding what was wrong. Jason is Chris’s “boss” and usually gives the orders on what to do. He also supplies Chris with all the drugs he needs to sell, cutting him in on half the earnings. Which is considered generous in his line of work. As long as Chris does whatever he asks.
“He wants me to hit a gas station. The one on the corner of South Street. But it’s not just any old gas station. It’s a front for a drug spot and they’re stealing a lot of our customers. So, I gotta bust it. But Jason doesn’t want anyone dead, he’s gonna have some of his guys go in after I’m done and take them to the warehouse. I just gotta get away with the cash and drugs.” He explains.
“By yourself? What about Tommy?” You ask. Tommy was one of Chris’s partners and usually went on jobs like these with him.
Chris stays silent for a few minutes, his eyes focused on the road. He makes a left turn, both hands on the wheel now. The streetlights passing cast a yellow tinted light into the car, and you can see whatever internal struggle is going through his head right now on his face.
“Chris?” You say quietly, leaning forward to try and get him to look at you.
He doesn’t though, his jaw clenching and hands tightening on the wheel.
“Not by myself… He wants me to bring you.” he finally says quietly.
You’re unsure of what to say, not really processing what he’s telling you.
“What do you mean? Bring me with you to the job? Isn’t that what I’ve been doing?” You ask, utterly confused about what’s going on.
“I mean he wants you to do the job with me. Be my partner.” He replies, now pulling into the driveway of his house and putting the car in park. Now he turns to fully face you and his expression is a mix of anger and regret.
“Ever since you started tagging along with me, Jason hasn’t liked it. He says this work is no place for a woman. I really don’t give a fuck about what he says, I never have. I’m not stupid, I know I’m risking a lot by even having you around someone like me. But I told you from the start, I will always protect you. Nothing and no one is gonna lay a fucking finger on you.” He says, his hand coming up to stroke your face.
You grab his wrist, holding his hand there. “Hold on- he wants me to help you rob the gas station?” You ask, your heart racing as you now understand what Chris means. You knew Jason never liked you, you got a dark vibe from him the few times you had been around him. In fact, you don’t think he liked anybody. Chris told you many stories of how ruthless he could be.
“Baby, you’re not doing anything he says okay? I’ll take care of it.” He said, the tone in his voice making it clear he doesn’t want to discuss this any further.
Before you can question him more, he gets out of the car and comes around to open your door, helping you out and closing it behind you as you both walk into the house and upstairs to his room.
He takes off his hoodie and shirt, and turns on the shower, letting the water run so it can warm up.
“Chris… If I don’t go with you, who’s going to?” You ask, the gears turning in your head.
He shakes his head, looking at you with an unreadable expression. “No one.”
You furrow your brows in confusion, still not grasping the big picture here. “You can’t go by yourself. That would be too dangerous.” You speak.
“Y/N, please stop. We’re not talking about this anymore, okay? I’ve told you enough already.” He replies shortly, taking off his jewelry and setting it on the bedside table.
“Just answer me one thing.” You continue, determined to get the full story. “What happens if you go against what Jason says and do the job by yourself?”
Chris doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look at you. You know that you probably pissed him off now by pressing him for answers, but you didn’t care. You deserved to know the full situation. If he was in danger, you needed to know.
A few minutes go by, steam starting to fill the room from the shower. He simply sits at the edge of the bed with his back to you, running a hand through his hair.
“Chris. What are you not telling me?” You say, your voice slightly rising and there’s a hint of desperation as the pit in your stomach grows. There was something completely off here.
“Fuck.” You hear him silently curse before he finally tells you. “If I don’t make you do the job with me, I’m dead. It’s his sick fucking way of showing his power over me. He knows that I won’t put you in danger. So, he’s using my life as leverage.” His head is now turned slightly towards you, staring at the spot on the bed next to you. He’s afraid to look you in the eyes.
You’re speechless as he gets up and goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Tears fill your eyes, and you feel sick to your stomach. It seems you’re now faced with an impossible choice.
Either risk your life and freedom to commit armed robbery or have Chris murdered by his sadistic gang boss.
When Chris finally comes out of the bathroom, you’ve created a lake of tears on your pillow from crying so hard. You’re extremely upset with him for dropping that bomb on you and just leaving you there in shock. But honestly, you probably would’ve just argued with him till your lungs gave out and maybe it was a good thing he left you alone to process.
You know Chris too well to know that he’s made his mind up about the deal Jason has given him. He’s going to give up his life just so you don’t have to risk yours. But you’ve just as equally made up your mind as well. There’s no fucking way you’re letting Chris go by himself on that job.
“Baby… I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He says, getting in bed next to you. You’re faced away from him and he lays close to you, snaking his arm around your waist and pressing kisses to your shoulder. “I know thisis fucking crazy, okay? But I couldn’t keep it from you. Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s going to be- “You cut him off, turning around abruptly to look at him.
“I’m going on that job with you. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you go alone.” You interrupt. His face is soft, obviously not taking you seriously and he brushes your hair back, letting his hand trail down to rest on your shoulder.
“Just get some rest, Y/N. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” he replies.
“No Chris, I’m serious. You’ve taught me how to take care of myself, right? And we have until next week, we can plan- “You start but he shakes his head, placing his hand back on your jaw, his thumb softly rubbing across your lips, stopping you from continuing.
“No. I don’t want you getting into this. This is not up for debate. This is dangerous now.” He says sternly.
You grab his hand from your face, a little roughly, now placing a hand on his neck, looking deeply in his eyes. “Do you really think I give a fuck about how dangerous this is? Chris, I’ve been by your side through a lot of shit. If we can just get through this job and do what Jason says, we’ll be fine. No one is dying, okay? I love you and you’re going to let me help you. And that’s the end of the discussion.” You tell him, a flicker of emotions crossing his face as you speak.
He doesn’t say anything. He simply wraps his arms around you, pulling him into you and you lay your head on his chest while you both drift off to sleep.
It takes a few days for Chris to accept the fact you’ll be going on the job with him. He’s a little distant from you at first, angry with you for what you’ve decided but mostly just afraid of what will happen. Since he’s met you, he’s wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. He knows his lifestyle is not good for you, not good for anyone. And now that it’s come to this point of putting you directly in the line of danger, he’s scared shitless. And he wants to kill Jason for putting both of you in this position.
But he goes over the plan with you, making sure you know every step.
Tommy will drop off both of you across the street from the store, and once you get inside, you’ll only have 30 minutes to get in and out. You’ll hold the cashier at gunpoint while Chris goes in the back office where the drugs and money is supposed to be stashed.
There will probably be another guy back there, but he’ll take care of him. As soon as Chris is done, a couple of Jason’s men will come in and finish the job, taking the rivals to him, and you both can leave with Tommy. The gas station is only a few miles from the Disciples’ warehouse, so once you get there you can drop off the goodies and be done.
Easy, right?
Chris goes over the steps again at least a dozen times on the day before the job. You start to get irritated, and he notices, giving you a hard look as your eyes glaze over when he’s talking. “Y/N. Pay attention, please.” He says, as he unloads the bullets from his .45, taking it apart to clean it.
You roll your eyes and rest your chin in your hands from where you sit on the bed. “Chris, I know the plan already. Can we talk about something else now?” You whine, watching him as he puts the gun back together.
He smirks at the tone in your voice. “Just making sure, baby.” he replies.
You can’t help but stare at him as he puts the parts of the gun back together, his arms flexing with his movements, veins in his hands popping out. A pair of black sweatpants hangs lowly on his hips, his shirt is off, and his hair is messy from the nap you took together earlier.
Also, the little pink pill you popped with Chris about 20 minutes ago is starting to take effect as you feel a slight floating sensation in your body, your heart rate picking up just a little. The air around you becomes intensified and Chris looks over at you, noticing your longing stare.
“You good?” He asks, eyes travelling down your body to your bare legs hanging off the edge of his bed. The only thing you have on is an old t-shirt of his and your black panties.
“Mhm.” You nod, staring at the gun in his hands.
There was just something so hot about him holding it like that.
He walks over, now standing in front of you, and places a finger under your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him. Your eyes are glossy and low, and he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, admiring how pretty you look like this.
“You high baby?” He says lowly, and you reply with a nod of your head as he holds one side of your face in his hand, bringing the gun up to lightly stroke over the other side.
This causes a chill to run down your spine, wetness immediately pooling in your underwear. You’re not scared. You trust Chris completely, even if it was loaded.
He then lets it trail down further slowly, over your neck and between your breasts, dipping down your stomach to in between your thighs where he teasingly rubs it over your panties, bumping against your clit.
You sigh into his hand that’s gripping your jaw and his thumb slips into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around him, looking up into his eyes. His pupils are blown out, watching you get pleasure from his weapon between your legs.
You know its crazy but the sexual energy behind it turns you on more than anything.
He removes it suddenly, placing it on the bed and before you can whine in protest, he climbs on the mattress behind you, instructing you to scoot back so he rests against the pillows, and you sit in between his legs. There’s a large mirror in front of the bed and you lean back against his chest and watch while he trails his hands down your arms, and then your hips, resting on top of your thighs and squeezing.
Your head falls back as he places his lips on your neck, kissing softly and sucking at the skin there, leaving his mark on you. He massages your inner thighs, thumbs brushing close to where you need him the most.
“Don’t tease me.” You breathe, gripping his knee, one hand going up behind you to tug on his hair.
“What do you need, baby?” He mumbles into your neck, his hand now pressing over your underwear, palming your heat. You buck your hips slightly, pulling harder on his hair. He grunts into you, his other hand squeezing your waist. You feel his hardness growing, pressing into your ass.
“I need you. Please.” You whimper, your head resting against his shoulder. He gives into you, loving the way you beg for him, and dips his fingers into your underwear, slicking through your folds, arousal coating his fingers.
“So wet for me…” He rasps, rubbing your clit in slow, agonizing circles, making you melt into him. You moan out loud, sinking your teeth into his neck as he pushes your panties to the side now, and moves his fingers down to your entrance, pushing one in all the way to the knuckle and then pulling it all the way out, once again going back up to massage your clit.
He’s torturing you and you’re a mess beneath him, leaking out onto the sheets, squirming from the pleasure and he holds you down firmly. “Chris, please.” You beg, unsure what you’re trying to say as he has you in a state of bliss.
“Be a good girl for me.” He responds firmly, watching you in the mirror as he thrusts two fingers back inside you, stretching you out, wetness coating his hand. He moves at a faster pace now, curling as he pushes them deeper. He holds you tight, your head thrown back in ecstasy, puffing hot breaths against his neck, sweet moans filling his ear.
“Fuck, Chris, just like that.” You whine, feeling a familiar warmth in your abdomen build. He doesn’t stop, his thumb now circling your clit, his fingers hitting your g spot with each thrust.
“Look at me baby.” He demands and you lift your head up, making eye contact with him in the mirror, watching as he fucks you with his hand, your legs spread open for him.  
“I’m so close.” You moan, the sparks of pleasure he’s created spreading within you. You move your hips with each thrust of his fingers into you, Chris moaning with you as your ass repeatedly grinds back against him.
“Already, mama?” He teases, unable to hide the smugness from the fact he’s always able to make you finish quickly.
“Chris.” Is all you can manage as his fingers continue to slip in and out of you, pushing you to the edge.
“I know, baby, you’ve been so good for me. You can cum baby, cum on my fingers.” He praises, and his arm is around you, holding you as your body shakes, basically riding his hand at this point. Seconds later, you release the tension that’s been building, crying out loudly as warmth floods your body, thighs clenching and your juices releasing onto the sheets beneath you.
You’re extremely tired now, your body relaxing against him as he slowly moves from under you, getting up from the bed to grab a towel to clean you up.
He does so, rubbing your legs gently, brushing your hair back from your face as you lay against the pillows. He presses a kiss to your forehead, laying down next to you.
“Get some rest, baby.” he says quietly, cuddling close to you as your eyes grow heavy. “But Chris, don’t you want- “you start, knowing he needs to be attended to as well.
He shakes his head softly. “Not now, mama. Too stressed over tomorrow. Let’s just go to sleep.” He answers, and you sigh, wrapping your arms around him and falling asleep.
It’s a dark, cold night in the city, no heat in the van as you sit in the back with Chris, pulling your hood up onto your head. You’re parked in the alleyway across from the gas station, hidden from anyone who might be out on the streets.
You bounce your leg in nervousness, feeling the hard metal of the gun in your hoodie pocket. He places a hand on your thigh, trying to calm you down. “You can still back out of this you know.” He says and you lace your fingers through his, shaking your head. “I’m fine. You’re not going in there alone. I’m just a little nervous.” You respond.
Tommy sits in the driver’s seat, smoking a cigarette and passes it to you. You take a drag, trying to calm your nerves down.
 “It’s okay, Y/N. 30 minutes, in and out, and we’ll be good, okay? Just remember the plan.” Chris reassures you, giving you a kiss before he pulls his ski mask on. He has a black long sleeve on and black pants, his gun tucked in his waistband.
You tie your bandana on, only your eyes visible, your hair tied back under your hoodie. “Come on.” He says, sliding the door open and helping you out. “Pull up when you see us come out.” He tells Tommy, who nods as Chris shuts the door.
He turns to you, his eyes soft and places his hands on your shoulders. “Last chance, baby. Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks.
“Yes, I’m not bailing on you now. Please, let’s get this over with.” You say and he pulls you in, hugging you tightly before you both cross the street quickly.
It’s 1 am, the streetlights glow on the pavement, the open sign of the gas station blinking.
He gives you one last look before he pulls open the door, both of you raising your guns at the man standing at the register.
 There’s a pure look of shock and terror on his face as he raises his hands in the air. Your eyes scan the store, grateful to see nobody else inside. “Don’t make one fucking move!!” Chris screams at him as he moves toward the back door behind the counter.
You stand in front, keeping your gun aimed at his head. The man’s eyes flicker between you and Chris, his hands shake slightly. You feel bad for him but then remember how Chris told you he’s involved in one of their rival gangs and probably has done worse than you.
Chris kicks open the back door, and you watch as he disappears into the room, hearing him shout at one of the men that must be in there. You can’t make out what he says though and focus back on the clerk. You keep your expression blank as he stares at you, his arms still raised.
“Did Michael set me up?” He says and he flinches as you move your gun closer to him.
“Shut the fuck up.” You say, refusing to engage in conversation with him. You assume he must be referring to his boss, and he’s unaware that his operation has actually been busted by the Disciples.
As if he can read your mind, he speaks up again. “I just started this job. Michael hired me to run the register here, I had no idea what was going on in the back. I thought he only owned this place, I didn’t know who he really was.”
You furrow your brows in confusion at his words. Was he saying that he didn’t know his boss was actually a gang leader? You now realize he looks very young, like he could still be in high school.
You shake your head, your gun never wavering from your aim at him. “Stop fucking talking!!” You yell. For all you know, he could just be making this up, trying to mess with your head.
What was taking so long?
Chris was still in the back, and you couldn’t hear anything.
“Please, you gotta listen to me-“The clerk starts again but he’s interrupted by a gun shot popping off in the back, making you flinch and your heart instantly drop.
You panic and Chris suddenly runs out, large duffle bag on his shoulder, while you hear the man in the back scream, “Shoot him!” He sounds in pain and you get a glance of him on the floor, his leg bleeding and it’s obvious now that the gunshot was from Chris.
Before either of you can react, the clerk pulls a gun out from under the counter, aiming it at Chris.
It all happened in the blink of an eye.
The sound of the gunshot rang out, making you lose your ability to hear for the next few seconds as you watched Chris go down, clutching his stomach in pain. Blood started to spill out on his hands, staining his shirt a crimson color. The gas station clerk was as shocked as you were, standing there frozen, gun still pointed.
You don’t know how or why, but you just knew you both wouldn’t get out alive from this if you didn’t do something.
So, you shot back, aiming for his shoulder. It hit him right where you intended as he doubled over immediately, screaming in pain.
You grab Chris who was still on the floor, helping him stand up. “Baby, come on. Please, we have to go now.” You plead. He grabs onto you, able to stand as you lead him out of the store.
He’s moving as fast as he possibly can, one arm around your shoulder, his other hand covering his wound. You see the van pull up on the other side of the street, your heart beating out of your chest.
You’re trying not to panic, looking up and down the street for any signs of police. There was hardly anyone out. Chris almost falls, shouting out in pain. “Fuck!” He yells and you stop him from falling.
You can barely hold him up, but you use all your strength to make it the last few steps to the van.
“I know baby, I’m so sorry. We’re almost there, Chris, just a few more feet. You can do it.” You say, and he’s shaking, still gripping onto you for dear life. You finally make it to the van, the door sliding open, Tommy helping you both in before he quickly shuts it and then hops back into the driver seat, taking off down the street.
“Holy shit, what the fuck happened in there?!” he says, looking at both of you with wide eyes.
“Shut the fuck up. I need to stop him from bleeding out. I’ll tell you later.” You snap, taking off your hoodie and wrapping it around Chris’s torso. You apply pressure, glancing at him.
He’s pale, breathing rapidly and panic in his eyes as he looks at you. You grab his face with your other hand, brushing his hair back. “It’s okay baby. Don’t worry. We’ll get back to the house soon and get you bandaged up, okay?” You reassure him, trying to keep yourself from crying.
He nods his head, grabbing your hand tightly as he winces in pain.
What the fuck did you just get yourself into? The many times you and Chris had gone over the plan, and it still didn’t go accordingly. Now Chris was wounded and the drugs and money you were supposed to retrieve still at the store. You’re not sure how you both are going to get out of this.
You tell Tommy to drop you guys off at Chris’s house instead of the warehouse. Once you get there, he helps you take Chris inside and you tell him to lay low for now, until Chris gives him the next order. He leaves, and you silently pray Jason doesn’t get to him before you guys decide what to do, or worse, get to Chris.
He’s lying on his back on the bed, and you put a pillow under his head, trying to make him comfortable. He winces in pain as you take your hoodie off from around his waist, his hands gripping the sheets harshly. You pull his shirt up. The bleeding is very little now but it’s all over his shirt and stomach, as well as your hands and you get clean, damp towels and bandages for him.
Luckily the bullet only grazed him, you notice as you clean him up, not seeing a deep wound.
You’re almost done putting the gauze and bandage on, making sure it’s tight as he looks at you, and grabs your arm, stroking it softly.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry mama.” He says weakly and you give him a soft smile. “Don’t be sorry. Just be glad we both got out alive. Are you okay?” You say and he nods. You help him pull his shirt off, his wound now clean and bandaged. You give him some water and a left-over Vicodin he had in his stash, hoping that will help with his pain.
You sit next to him on the bed now, running your hands across his chest and shoulders, his eyes closed at the feeling of your soft hands.
“Chris… what do we do now?” You ask, knowing you can’t avoid the inevitable.
He looks at you, his hand resting on your knee. “I never told you this, but I have an older brother who lives in Vermont. I’ve been thinking about going there for a while now… starting over with you.” He responds. “Would you go with me?”
“Baby… I would go anywhere with you.” You say and lean down to press your lips to his.
You kiss him softly, careful not to hurt him. You start to pull away, but he holds your face there, deepening the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. He moans at the contact, making you throb in your core, but you pull away, not wanting it to go any further.
“Chris. We can’t, you’re hurt right now.” You say but he shakes his head, pulling you back to him.
“I don’t care, I need you Y/N.” He replies and kisses you again. You give in, allowing him to mesh his tongue with yours again. You suck his bottom lip, nipping it lightly with your teeth and trail your hand down his chest, making sure to avoid the spot where his wound is, feeling his stomach tense under you.
He groans into your mouth as you palm over his crotch, already rock hard and straining through his jeans. “Fuck, mama. Don’t tease me.” He breathes, as you rub your hand back and forth over him, feeling yourself grow wet at the sound of his voice.
If it was any other instance, you would drag it on and make him beg for it like he does with you, but you didn’t want to do that to him right now.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna take care of you.” You say softly, unbuttoning his jeans as he lifts his hips, sliding them down his legs and removing his boxers.
His long, thick cock lays against his stomach and you grab it pressing a kiss to the tip and then letting a pool of saliva drip down him, coating him before you take him all the way down your throat, your nose brushing his pelvis. “Fuuuck…” He moans out, his hands holding your hair back from your face, pulling it into a ponytail.
You gag slightly, but quickly adjust to his size, bobbing your head up and down him. Your hands rest on his thighs, and you hum around him as he pulls a little on your hair, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip from the feeling of you taking all of him in your throat.
“Yes, baby, feels so good. You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” He groans, making you moan again and he’s gently bucking his hips up, already feeling himself close.
You continue for a few good minutes, pausing only to catch your breath, your hand jerking him up and down before he pulls you up, helping you remove your clothes as he gives you a needy look.
“Come here, please. I wanna cum inside you so bad.” He says and you waste no time, sinking down onto him, the pleasure making you both cry out. You lay on top of him, your hands in his hair and kiss his neck, starting to grind yourself down on him.
“Is this okay baby? You’re not hurting?” You check, making sure not to put too much pressure on his lower stomach.
“Fuck no. Don’t stop.” He replies, grabbing your hips and helping you ride him.
He’s moaning in your ear, and you continue sucking and kissing his neck, leaving hickeys on his skin. You clench around him, your hips rolling, the feeling of his tip kissing your g spot making you soak all over him.
It’s only a few minutes before you’re both panting and sweating, the sounds of your wetness and skin against skin filling the room, driving you both to the highest point of ecstasy.
“Shit- feels so fucking good mama. I wanna fill you up.” Chris says, his fingertips digging into you as he squeezes your waist, feeling his release building.
You moan his name, your head falling to his shoulder, fingers knotting in his hair as you continue to bounce on him. “Cum inside me baby, please.” You whimper, and you feel his hips stutter, rhythm becoming sloppy as he starts to release into you. Your orgasm hits as well and he moans loudly as you feel his cum paint your walls, your legs shaking.
You stay there for a little, Chris holding you as you both catch your breath before climbing off him.
You check his bandage, making sure it’s still on good and then grab one of Chris’s shirts throwing it on while he puts a clean pair of boxers on.
The early morning light is now shining through the bedroom window, and you both kiss lazily, exhausted from the events of the night. He holds you close and you try not to think of what will happen next, focusing on the feeling of his hands in your hair, gently massaging your scalp, while he whispers “I love you.”
a/n: omgggg this was a crazy, long one but i really hope you guys enjoyed it!!!! im almost at 100 followers thank you guys so much. pls leave me more messages i wanna know your thoughts!!🩷
matt series next? 👀
taglist <3
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forever2014 · 1 year
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danswank · 2 years
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b3mym1stake · 9 months
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the 1975 debut era moodboard
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zenasfuxk · 2 years
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sevikasbeloved · 10 months
I’d let officer Sevika arrest me…
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(Real and you’ve inspired me)
You were a criminal, a real dirty crook, you did nothing for others benefit and everything for your own.
So, it was inevitable that you’d be ratted out eventually by some scum that couldn’t handle a couple pearls being taken from their high-rise.
You basked in the dark coloured drink before you, in the only bar that bordered piltover and the undercity.
It was the only place you could rob a piltie and nobody would turn an eye, mainly because fissure folk outweighed those pompous bastards in here anyways.
The drinks were cheap, music was better than anywhere else at this time of day, so it became a safe heaven, somewhere you’d put your feet up after robbing and stealing, without thinking to look over your shoulder.
At least, until today.
All of a sudden, and almost ironically, the bar door fell flat against the ground, a loud thud which seemed effective in quietening the room in an instant.
A gaggle of enforcers came trudging in, guns cocked at every inch of the room. A couple of screams and cries from the richer side of the room called the attention of two guards who headed towards them, one of them waving their arms up, saying something you could only just make out through their headgear,
“Stay calm, if you haven’t done anything wrong today, you’ll get home in one piece.”
You muttered shit, under your breath, your eyes darting around the room to find any other way out.
For the first time, there was really no way out.
Sure, you could probably bust a window open and run like hell, but they had guns… so.
You sat there, trying to shroud yourself into the cushiony booth in an attempt to hide yourself.
Quickly, you realised the futility of your actions as they began searched of every individual person, not letting anyone leave before then.
You reached your hands into your pocket, the smooth beads of pearls suddenly feeling red hot under your touch.
“Fuck this.”
You mumbled as you made the resolve to take your chance and run for it. You weighed it up - either you stay, and get caught or run and maybe not get caught, and you were going to really fucking bet on that maybe.
You slipped out of the booth not so soon catching the attention of the enforcers as they began arresting dozens of people native to the lanes - you rolled your eyes, how unsurprising.
You pushed ahead, through crowds of people all in uproar or disbelief at the sudden raid of the bar, most just trying to get out without being caught.
You found a door that sat in the back corner of the room, doing a double take before sliding between the small crack you made in the doorway so as to not draw any attention.
You quickly got ahold of your bearings realising you were in a kitchen/pantry of sorts, which could be useful depending on how long the siege would take.
You look around you, noting a metal slab repurposed as a kitchen counter, a storage space overflowing with cooking equipment and an unreasonable amount of eggs, and a small window that sat just above your head.
You attempted to push it open just from where you were stood but it seemed stuck to its framing. You moved to prop your knee against the kitchen counter, putting more weight on the window as you pushed with a little more force and…
The sound of glass shattering rang through your ear as you braced yourself against the wall, your face scrunched together as though it would do much to muffle the deafening sound.
You put a hand over your mouth, listening very quietly for anything but the loud uproaring that was occurring outside.
Once you were sure that you’d gotten away with it, you looked up again at the window, now with glass shards dangerously lining it’s frame.
You grabbed a tea towel, that had clearly seen better days, wrapping it around your fist as you began punching out the rest of the glass until you felt it clear enough for you to make your exit.
A smile grew on your face as you realised that you’d gotten away with it, that maybe becoming more definite as time went on.
You hoisted yourself up with ease as you drag he yourself head first out of the window, it being to small to manoeuvre in any other position.
You found yourself on the outside, landed flat on your stomach, face rubbing into the dust and dirt on the ground.
You spat a couple pebbles from your mouth as you stood upright, dusting off your jacket before putting your hands in them, making sure you still had the-
“fuck! The pearls.” You exclaimed, louder than you wanted to, you looked down one way of the alley you were in, sure that there was no one there until you heard a voice rip through you.
“Ma’am, I think you dropped something.” Your skin rose violently on the back of your neck as you felt their breath fall against it.
You turned around with a feigned smile on your face, that smile dropping almost immediately when you realised you were face to face with an enforcer in that eye-sore of a royal blue.
You rolled your eyes, “let’s just skip this part, I’ve had a day.” You said, uninterested in stroking a cops ego.
They simply played with the pearls in their hand, their headgear frustratingly good at covering their entire face.
“Hey!” You called out to them as they seemed to stare you down, the pearls rolling between their fingers.
“These yours?” They finally said, stopping their movements at once, putting you on edge a little.
It was a trick question, and a question you’ve answered wrong many times. You held your wrists out for them, reiterating your earlier point without words.
“Shame,” they mumbled, pulling the string of pearls into a line as they stepped closer to you, “they’d look pretty around your neck.”
You scoffed, your brain quite literally short circuiting at what you just heard.
“Are you really a cop?” You whispered as though you’d just uncovered a secret.
You could just about make out a chuckle as they reached into their pocket, pulling out a badge. You narrowed your eyes at them before looking down at said badge, it reading;
Sevika Lanes
Piltover’s Finest Sheriff
You gulped, and you imagined it was loud as your hearing seemed to block itself out after that. You also imagined the sheriff was talking to you, but you couldn’t tell with the mask on their face.
“I can’t-“ you spluttered out, “hear you… under that.”
You heard her mumble something but before you could make out what she said she grabbed your hand, forcing it open as she placed your pearls in them. She held your wrist for a moment, the blackened eyes of her mask staring you down. You assumed she was making sure you wouldn’t run, you nodded, hoping that would be enough as words escaped you.
She let go, slowly putting her hands to her head as she pulled her mask off painfully slow. You thought she must have been testing you, because you could’ve run, at any point.
And for some inexplicable reason, you didn’t. You were curious, a sickening feeling when talking about a cop, but it was a feeling very real to you indeed.
Her mask fully off she shook her head, letting stands of her hair fall down out of its tight ponytail and onto her face.
Her eyes were dark yet light in colour, they stared at you with a lustful urgency and all too soon you realised her intentions, and you were more than happy to oblige.
She smirked deviously as she watched you take her in, as though she knew how alluring she was. You’d forgotten about the pearls in your hand until she went to grab them again, you, instinctively pulled back and just as you were about to reverse your choice, you realised you were still a thief and she was still the sheriff.
“Fuck, I am so confused right now.” You admitted, feeling a sudden honest streak course through you.
She stepped even closer into your space, “about what?”
You raised your head to meet hers, the hand clutching the pearls moving behind you as she did.
She tilted her head slightly, her eyes flickering across your features,
“What’s so confusing about me, sweetheart?” She whispered, her eyebrows pressing together at their centre, wrinkles becoming ever more prominent.
“Everything.” You whispered back, taken so easily by her entrancing voice.
“Mmm.” She hummed, keeping little space between you as she pulled off her heavy duty gloves, revealing fingers that weren’t any smaller.
“Let me do my job then,” her hands found purchase on your waist, “and clear things up for you.”
You nodded, words truly escaping you.
You’d had fantasies before, sure, cops and robbers, it was a good fantasy, but you never ever imagined it to ever happen, especially considering the amount of pigs on the force.
But she?
A wolf.
Her fanged teeth dug into your neck, biting and sucking assertively as she easily had her way with you.
Your hands gripped in her hair as she growled at the sensation. She pushed you up against the wall that you’d just fallen from, one of her hands dropping to your thigh and another rising to your breast, both kneading ardently into your skin.
“You startin’ to get it, baby girl?” She mumbled from beneath your jaw, placing sloppy kisses along it as her lips made their way to yours.
She let them ghost over yours as she pressed her head against yours,
“Been casing you for a long time, y/n.” She smiled a wicked smile.
Your eyes pried opened, you realising just then that they had been closed.
“Huh…” you breathed, still in a state of pleasure and confusion.
“You’re good at what you do I’ll give you that.” She continued, not bothering to stop for an explanation.
Her warm hands left your balmy body, and you suddenly seemed to come to, despite never having really left.
She pulled out a pair of cuffs as she turned you and pressed you up against the wall, her body still flush against yours.
You couldn’t even find the words…actually you could.
“Fuck you.” You spat as she tightened the cuffs on you.
She smiled, her laugh vibrating through your body.
“Cute.” She responded, pulling you off the wall, hiding you out of the alley and into the Main Street just before the bridge.
She collected cheers and congrats from her fellow officers and she placed you in the back of her car.
You looked up at her filled with rage over getting played by a pig in wolfs clothing. She seemed to noticed your seething rage, a smile on her face as she cupped your face in her now gloved hand.
“Sweetheart, don’t be so mad.” She whispered, her face in a false pout before returning to its natural smirk, “you’ll have me all to yourself in no time.”
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tote-bag-chic · 10 months
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robbers shirt are you fucking kidding me
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hannelore-core · 9 months
robbers - the 1975
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// babe, stay //
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wrestletotheground · 5 months
ross should've gotten more screen time in the robbers mv because. hello.
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morphinebite · 4 months
if happy ever after did exist
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i’d still be holding you like this
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mattysduality · 6 months
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// and cause you’re my medicine //
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