#Road victims will get direct Bank transfer
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insightfultake · 20 hours ago
Supreme Court Pushes for Direct Bank Transfers to Road Accident Victims, Citing Bureaucratic Delays
In a significant ruling aimed at streamlining financial relief for road accident victims, the Supreme Court has called for a direct bank transfer mechanism for compensation payments, eliminating the need for the existing tribunal-mediated process. The court emphasized that unnecessary delays in disbursing compensation not only exacerbate victims' hardships but also undermine the fundamental objective of providing timely financial restitution.
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khande11 · 1 month ago
Millie Winchester- Season 1
Hook Man- 1
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Sam walked back towards the café after getting off the payphone, trying to find anymore information on John. Millie and Dean were waiting at a table, with Dean on his laptop and Millie looking through John's journal.
"Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis." Dean smirked.
"Bite me." Sam retorted.
"So, anything?" Sam shook his head.
"I had them check the FBI's Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe's fitting Dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations."
"Sam, I'm telling you, I don't think Dad wants to be found." Dean told him while Sam looked away in disappointment. Millie nudged Dean's arm.
"Show him the article." Dean moved the laptop to face Sam. On it was an article about a young man's death.
"Check this out. It's a news item out of the Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It's only about a hundred miles from here."
"'The mutilated body was found near the victim's car, parked on 9 Mile Road.'"
"Keep reading." Millie implored.
"'Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible."
"Could be something interesting." Dean suggested.
"Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything? Doesn't mean it's the Invisible Man." 
"But what if it is?" Millie asked. "Or a ghost or poltergeist?"
"Dad would check it out." Dean added. Sam reluctantly agreed and the siblings drove to the fraternity where Rich, the victim, lived. Some of the fraternity boys looked confused at the Winchester brothers, but most of their attention was on Millie.
"One more time, why are we here?" Sam whispered.
"Victim lived here." A guy slid out from underneath a car, staring at the visitors. "Nice wheels. We're your fraternity brothers. From Ohio. We're new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay." Dean noticed the guys weren't listening to a single word, instead choosing to blatantly stare at his sister. "This is our sister. She's just visiting." Again nothing. Dean clapped his hands loudly, grabbing their attention. He smiled politely, though made it clear he was annoyed. 
The frat boys finally directed the siblings inside, where they knocked on one of the dorm rooms, hoping to get more information. A shirtless frat boy, in yellow shorts and purple paint covering most of his body, looked up at the siblings, though he could only see the brothers.
"Who are you?"
"We're your new roommates." Dean smiled walking over to the guy. The boy held out a paintbrush and paint can to Dean.
"Do me a favour? Get my back. Big game today."
"He's the artist." Dean smirked, pointing at Sam. "Things he can do with a brush."
Sam, looking absolutely mortified, took the brush. It was then that the frat boy noticed Millie stood behind Sam. A dopey grin took over the boy's face. 
Millie smiled politely back, but couldn't stop her eyes from widening at the amount of paint covering the guy's body. "Hello."
"You, uh... you a girlfriend?"
"Nice." The frat boy continued smiling, but quickly stopped when he noticed the bitch face on the giant man stood next to him. Millie grabbed a seat by Dean, not wanting anymore attention from the strange guy.
"So, Murph." Dean started, checking the name on the magazine. "Is it true?"
"We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week."
"Yeah." Murph answered, sadly.
"What happened?" Millie queried.
"They're saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy."
"Rich, was he with somebody?" Sam asked.
"Not just somebody. Lori Sorensen."
"Who's Lori Sorensen? You missed a spot. Just down there on the back." Dean asked, before pointing out this missing spot to Sam, grinning at his little brother's annoyance, while Millie just smirked at Dean's teasing.
"Lori's a freshman. She's a local. Super hot. Though I personally prefer older women." Murph explained, looking at Millie for the last part. Dean cleared his throat and Murph brought his attention back to the conversation. "And get this- she's a reverend's daughter."
Millie and Dean glanced at each other, before Millie leant forward, crossing her legs, placing her hand under her chin and batting her eyes.
"You wouldn't happen to know which church, would you?"
"Our hearts go out to the family of a young man who perished. And my personal prayers of thanks go out as well because I believe he died trying to protect my daughter." The Reverend announced at the church, gesturing to Lori. "And now, as time heals all our wounds, we should reflect on what this tragedy means. To us, as a church..."
The Reverend was interrupted by the door slamming loudly behind the Winchesters. The congregation went silent as they stared at the newcomers.
"...as a community, and as a family. The loss of a young person is particularly tragic. A life unlived is the saddest of passings." The Reverend continued as the Winchesters took a seat. Sam noticed Lori staring at him and gave her a half smile. "So, please, let us pray for peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children."
Everyone in the church bowed their heads in prayer, except for Dean. Millie noticed and nudged Dean with her elbow, encouraging him to be respectful.
After Mass ended, the Winchesters approached Lori after she said goodbye to her friend.
"Are you Lori?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Lori answered, turning to face the siblings.
"My name is Sam. This is my brother Dean and my sister Millie."
"Hi." Millie and Dean waved at Lori.
"We just transferred here to the university."
"I saw you inside."
"We don't want to bother you. We just heard about what happened and..." Millie began.
"We wanted to say how sorry we were." Dean finished.
"I kind of know what you're going through." Sam admitted. "I- I saw someone... get hurt once. It's something you don't forget."
Lori's father, the Reverend walked up to them, interrupting their conversation.
"Dad, um, this is Sam, Millie and Dean. They're new students." Lori introduced.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Millie smiled, shaking the Reverend's hand as Dean did the same.
"I must say, that was an inspiring sermon." Dean kissed up.
"Thank you very much. It's so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord's message."
"Listen, uh, we're new in town, actually." Millie started, while she and Dean led the Reverend away so Sam could talk to Lori. "And, uh, we were looking for a, um, a church group."
"So you believe her?" Millie questioned Sam, while they walked through the library.
"I do."
"Yeah, I think she's hot, too." Dean added.
"No, man, there's something in her eyes. And listen to this: she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car."
"Wait, the body suspended?" Millie paused, thinking back to her research. "That sounds like the-"
"Yeah, I know, the Hook Man legend." Sam interrupted.
"That's one of the most famous urban legends ever." Dean shook his head. "You two don't think that we're dealing with the Hook Man."
"Every urban legend has a source." Millie shrugged. "A place where it all began."
"Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?"
"Well, maybe the Hook Man isn't a man at all. What if it's some kind of spirit?" Sam suggested.
"I told you it was a ghost! I called it!" Millie celebrated, as she went to find some books on the legend.
A little while later, the three were sat a table in the library while the librarian placed some boxes in front of them.
"Here you go. Arrest records going back to 1851." Dean blew some dust off the top of the boxes and coughed.
"Thanks." Dean smiled politely at the departing librarian. "So, this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?"
"Welcome to higher education." Sam shrugged, before noticing his sister. "Millie, you good?"
Millie placed her reading glasses on and cracked her knuckles, with an exited look on her face. "I'm gonna kick your eyes' asses at reading."
Sam chuckled, while Dean looked offended. "Says you, four eyes."
Hours later, the siblings were still looking through the books when something caught Millie's attention. "Hey, check this out. 1862, a preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes. Uh, right here, 'some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh.'"
"Get this, the murder weapon?" Dean started, looking at another page on Karns. "Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook."
"Look where all this happened." Sam told them, pointing at another page.
"9 Mile Road." Dean read.
"Same place where the frat boy was killed." Millie recalled.
"Nice job, Dr. Venkman. Let's check it out." Dean congratulated, leaving the library with Millie following after him and Sam bringing up the rear while carrying the research.
"You're Venkman. If anything, I'm Ray." Millie objected.
The Winchesters drove down to 9 Mile Road and got out the weapons from the trunk. Dean passed Millie and Sam a rifle each.
"Here you go."
"Thank you."
"If it is a spirit, buckshot won't do much good." Sam said.
"Yeah, rock salt." Dean explained, passing the salt to them.
"Huh. Salt being a spirit deterrent." Sam nodded, impressed while Dean took out a coil of rope.
"Yeah. It won't kill them. But it'll slow them down." They started making their way towards the trees.
"That's pretty good. You and Dad think of this?" Sam asked, looking between Dean and Millie. Millie shook her head with a proud smile.
"All Dean."
"I told you. You don't have to be a college graduate to be a genius."
They heard a noise in the trees and paused. Sam and Millie raised their guns, searching the area.
"Over there. Over there." Dean whispered. The two raised their guns to where Dean was looking and a figure came out from behind the trees. It was a Sheriff.
"Put the guns down now! Now!" The Sheriff screamed at the siblings, who quickly held their hands up in surrender and placed their weapons on the ground. "Put your hands behind your head."
"W-wait, okay, okay!" Dean tried pleading.
"Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!" The siblings get on their knees with their hands behind their heads. "Now get down on your bellies. Come on, do it!"
The Winchesters got down on their stomachs, while Dean complained under his breath. 
"They had the guns."
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shelby-love · 5 years ago
“Take the shot.”
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Requested: no
Prompts: none
Warnings: angsty?
Authors note: /
"You don't go in until I say you go in, understand?" Your Sargeant paces in front of you. Everyone in your team is standing next to each other while they wait for other detailed instructions. "Halstead you're with Lindsay. Dawson you're with Y/LN. Olinsky and Ruzek I'll meet you in the back. Everybody if you get shot, you take the shot and we'll get you to the hospital before you die. I want that man dead and I want him dead today do you understand me?"
Everyone let's out a series of yes Sargeant before Voight dismisses you and you all pile up in the cars. You're about to follow Antonio to the car when you feel someone's grip on your forearm. "Be careful out there okay?" Jay looks at you with an uneasy look in his eyes, because he won't be able to cover you today. You used to be partners, but then Voight found out about you two and had to separate you and give you different partners. He didn't want to do it but everyone outside the unit has been pressuring him to do so.
"You take care too." You press your lips to his before pulling away and giving his vest a slap. "Make sure to get shot there." A shot in the vest will hurt and bruise for sure but it's better than having a gun stuck in your arm or something.
"Love you," He winks playfully, kisses you once more and dissappears into his car.
"Do not worry Y/N I'll keep him safe," Erin appears by your side and gives your shoulder a squeeze. You smile at her, "Oh what would I do without you Erin?"
Erin grins and opens her mouth to say something more but a car horn startles her and she runs to join Jay in the car. Annoyed because of the interruption you hop into the car. "Has your wife ever told you that's its not smart to interrupt women talking?"
Antonio casually starts the car and pulls onto the road with ease. "Yes she has but I think I have every right to interrupt two detectives who are talking instead of moving their asses to arrest a serious drug dealer."
"Alright you've got a point Antonio. You've got a point."
Antonio and you lean against the wall of the warehouse and wait for Voight to give you the green light so you can bust the door open. There's come kind of commotion going inside but none of them are caused by the police.
"Our side is clear," You hear Erin say in the intern. Antonio meets your eyes and shakes his head. You grip your gun in your hands and wait for the green light. Just as you're about to ask what's going on shots are fired and the commotion inside is at full blast.
"DAWSON, Y/LN GO GO GO!" Voight's loud voice gives you the impression that not everything is going by the plan he had in mind. Please be safe Jay. You think before Antiono busts the door open and the two of you join the loud party in the warehouse.
With your gun in front of you, you and Antiono enter the empty part of the warehouse. Shots can still be heard but just not where you are. The two of you share a look, Antiono brings two fingers in front of him and points to the right side. You nod and start walking in that direction. You notice the drugs on the table in the middle and calculate: there must be at least 45 pounds of heroin and God only knows how much more there is hidden somewhere in the warehouse.
You try to focus on the sounds from around you but there's just so many of them that aren't near you. You've spun around at least dozens of different times because you felt like the shots were behind you. Just as you're about to speak into your radio that your side is clear a man appears behind a big stack wodden pallets and aims his gun towards you. You duck and crouch behind other pallets and avoid the several bullets he sent your way. With calculated movement you stand up and shoot two bullets at him. He missed the second one but the first one went through his shoulder. The man yelps but doesn't give up as he continues to shoot his fire and then runs.
You run after him with your gun still in your hands, aimed at whoevers in front of you. You continue to chase him through rows and rows of different stocked product in the warehouse. The lights go down several different times but you're still hot on his tail.
The lights go down once more and you take a turn but stumble onto something that makes you trip. Crouching down you feel someone's leg. Thinking of the worst you quickly move your hand up and feel a police officer's badge. You radio immediately and press your two fingers to the officers neck. While checking for the man's pulse you notice his very long beard. He's not Jay. "Officer down! I repeat officer down, shots fired by offenders roll in an ambulance 34 22 West Lincoln!"
The man you shot appears behind you and kicks you down. You can't make him out because of the dark so you take out your gun from your holster but once he strikes your stomach unexpectedly with his leg the gun falls from your hold. You decide to grab his leg and pull him down with you. You hear his gun fall to the floor and even in the dark you know that he's having trouble finding it. You regain yourself quickly and pounce at him. Before you can give him a punch that will knock him out cold the lights go on and at that moment he manages to slam his head against yours. You fall on your back but you're quick to jump on him once again to stop him from grabbing the gun.
The next movements are so fast and blurry that you don't even remember them. A fight for a gun on the floor always ends in someone dead. The gun was lost in the fight but somehow the man got it to fire a bullet into your leg. He took your moment of pain to get on top of you. The blood pouring from his shoulder dripped onto your face as he punched you with his healthy hand. You remember the officer that's unconcios on the ground next to you. There's a gun in his holster.
Even though you're in a lot of pain because the bullet and his wobbly punches you still managed to gather strength in your arms to push him off by pressing his gunshot wound harshly. With him off of you you turn and grab the officers gun and without a second thought you send a bullet to the offenders head before all of your strength leaves your body. Now there's only the pain of the stinging punches and a busted lip alongside a bullet in your leg. You grab your radio before you loose consciousness, "Offender down, shot fired by police. Officer down... Jay?"
"Y/N?" His voice is heard in the radio. Shots seem to become less frequent, "Where are you? Are you okay?"
Before your eyes close you see his face hovering over you. Scared of the thought that your brain might be messing with you because of the blood loss you put your hand up to make sure his face is really real. To make sure he's really here with you. "Stay with me baby, stay with me. Y/N look at me... WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT AMBULANCE?"
Your eyes close.
Paramedics that arrived on the scene push through the ED with Jay behind them. "Y/N?" Maggie takes in your state before she snaps out of it and focuses at her job, "Dr. Choi gunshot victim, trauma 3! Talk to me Kourtney," Maggie tells the paramedics.
"Y/N Y/LN, a 24 year old female. Gunshot wound to the leg from a three feet distance by a 9 millimeter pistol, sevear blood loss. She's been in and out consciousness, her vitals seem to be okay. Blood pressure fell down rapidly while we were in the ambo but we managed to stabilize it."
"Alright I'll take it from here." Dr. Choi says. "We transfer her on my count! One, two, three!"
"Jay?" Your eyes feel wobbly as you pry them open, "Where's Jay?"
"Y/N take it easy and don't move," Dr. Choi instructs before he takes the medical supplies he needs. He cuts your jeans slowly so he can see the wound better. It hasn't stopped bleeding yet. "We need to call the blood bank for... What's her blood type?"
"O positive," Jay appears by the door and answers immediately. Will joins Dr. Choi the moment Jay answers.
"April you know what to do," April dissappears to order the blood.
There's a lot of voices around you and a lot of bodies but none of them belong to Jay. "Jay?"
"Hang on tight Y/N you're gonna be okay," Will tries to reassure you but fails. When he notices the problems Jay seems to be making in the hall he leaves to comfront his brother - your boyfriend. "Jay you need to calm down and let us do our job! She'll be alright trust me, just stay outside."
"I see an entrance wound but no exit wound. The bullets still in there and I think it scraped a major artery and that's why she's bleeding continuously. Y/N can you move your foot for me?"
You do as doctor Choi says and move your foot in the motions he tells you, the pain of moving it is harsh and you whimper. "Let's get a an x-ray, CT and MRI. We need to do a neurovascular exam and a few blood tests to see her overall condition and we need to get her to the OR once we stabilize her bleeding. April sedate her and page doctor Rhodes for me."
"You'll be okay Y/N." April says and that's the last thing you hear before you fall unconscious.
Everyone from the Intelligence is sitting in the waiting room and waiting for Doctor Rhodes to finish the surgery. Will made sure to tell them how optimistic he, doctor Choi and doctor Rhodes were about your contidion. It calmed down 90% of your unit but not Antonio and most importantly not Jay. Antonio blamed himself for sending you there alone. He felt like a terrible partner and a terrible friend.
Jay on the other hand. He didn't feel bad. He felt angry. Angry with himself. With the fact that he let Voight separate you two, he always had your back.
He would always go in there with a gun in his hands and two thoughts in mind - to catch the bad guys and protect you because nothing mattered to him if you weren't safe. If he was there with you nothing would've happened, he wouldn't let it happen.
"Jay... Hey dude."
But he wasn't there.
"Jay calm down!"
And now you were in there alone and in pain.
Two strong hands halted Jay from his movements and stopped his rigid pacing. "She's going to be alright, you hear me? She's going to pull through. This isn't your fault."
"Isn't my fault?" Jay exclaimed and took a step back. "I was supposed to protect her! I'm her fucking boyfriend, I was supposed to have her back and prevent this from happening! Now she's in there and God knows if she'll-" No, she can't die. She won't.
"Jay-" The doors of the OR open at that exact moment and Connor Rhodes steps out with a smile.
"She pulled through like the champ she is," He announced. "Once she's transferred upstairs you can pay her a visit."
Everyone let out a relieved breath and smiled. Of course she pulled through, she's Y/N fucking Y/LN. Jay crouched down and nested his head in his hands. She's okay. Connor gave Jay's back a slap and left to the ED.
After an hour Jay still sat next to you on a chair and carresed your hand. You were still out because of the medication they gave you but it was now fading away enough for you to open your eyes. Before he noticed that you were awake you had a few seconds to admire his profile. Even with his worried yet relieved expression he was the most beautiful man on earth. He noticed you being awake and immediately smiled. You admired his smile too and flashed him one in return. Your smile was probably a bit woozy because of the meds but who cares. He doesn't, that's for sure.
"You're awake," He said and kissed your lips softly before twining your hands together and kissing your knuckles. Your kunckles were a bit colorful because you used them to fight but he didn't seemed to mind at all.
Remembering what you told him this morning before you went to the warehouse you say, "I'm sorry I got shot in the leg instead of that dammed vest."
A chuckle escaped his lips, "I love you."
The lines on the monitor spiked up drastically at his words. Drastically enough that when Will came in the room he was shocked to see your heartbeat like that. "Y/N are you okay?"
You said nothing but the pink that was tinting your cheeks gave everything away. "What did you say to her Jay?"
"Will you're my brother but the romantic things I say to her are kind of our private business." Your cheeks flushed even more and your heart spiked up even more. Will cheekily smiled and put his hands up mocking surrender. "Alright. I'll leave you love birds to it then."
Once he was out of the room you and Jay looked at each other.
"I love you to Jay."
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cybersecmagazine · 3 years ago
Phishing Protection: What Types Of Phishing Scams You Should Know About?
Phishing scams are becoming more common and sophisticated. The best way to protect yourself against these types of cyberattacks is to become aware of the different types of phishing scams that exist, as well as how each may impact you. This blog post will walk you through some of the most popular types of phishing attacks.
Regardless of how they are targeted, phishing attacks take many roads to get to you and most people will likely experience at least one form. These include:
Phishing Emails
A popular type of cyberattack is the email phishing attack. It appears in your inbox, usually with a request to follow some kind of link or send them money, usually it's just an attempt for private information like bank account numbers. The sender can look very authentic depending on how much they care about getting their hands on what you have available now.
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Voice Phishing
Voice phishing (vishing) scammers call you and try to disguise themselves as a genuine person or company in order to deceive unsuspecting victims. They might direct you from an automated message, masking their phone number with which they contact you while trying not to let go of any information that could be used against them later down the road. Vishers will always keep your attention by being friendly but convincing at first before getting more intense towards the end.
Domain Spoofing
A false address that looks like it belongs to a legitimate company can be confusing, especially if you are searching for the matching domain. Scammers use this confusion as an opportunity and try their best to take advantage of people by counterfeiting emails or websites in order to lure them into giving out personal information such as credit card numbers or worse yet passwords.
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SMS Phishing
SMS phishing is a scheme in which you will be fooled by an SMS message that imitates the voice of an organization using urgency to get your attention. In these messages, there may also be links or phone numbers included for users who want more information on their offer from whoever sent it out. The risk with mobile messaging services comes from this type of scamming attempt since any contact received through them could potentially have been engineered specifically as part of such schemes.
Social Media Phishing
To avoid being scammed, be aware of the signs and read posts closely. Social media phishing can happen through posts or direct messages on Facebook where criminals try to get you into their trap by using fake names with links that look like they came from your friends. These tricks may sound obvious but many people still fall victim every day so make sure not to let yourself become another statistic.
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Business Email Compromise (BEC)
When a company’s network and systems are not protected, they may be vulnerable to hackers. One way this can happen is through Business Email Compromise (BEC). This occurs when one actor takes over the identity of another person by masquerading as them or sending fake invoices that request sensitive info such as wire transfer requests from CEOs for payment processing without their knowledge.
The best way to protect yourself against phishing scams is by educating yourself and your employees on the different types of schemes that are out there. A little knowledge can go a long way in keeping you from falling victim to this type of cybercrime.
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always5hineee · 5 years ago
Profit Margin- Chapter 19: Spiral
Chapter warnings: Mild language and themes
Word count: 1102
       So Kun had made up his mind to trust Hendery. This meant that the situation was much more urgent than they had expected. With someone after them, there was a chance that someone had highly sensitive information on them, which they couldn't afford. If allegations even rose, they could be in prison for months. Victims would surface- they always do.
       "We need to find that killer. Quickly." Kun directed. "Since Hendery has been tracking them already, it's best if he's one of the ones out on the hunt. Maybe Ten should go as well, he's good at that." Ten and Hendery looked to each other, a spark of anger practically lighting the air between them on fire.
       "That's fine, Ten can stay here." Hendery said with a decent amount of conviction. "I'll take Y/N instead." Everyone looked completely aghast at this.
       "Why would you do that?" Xiaojun asked, the first time he'd ever completely interrupted a conversation. "She's a complete newbie, and we need to make sure she doesn't split." He amended, trying not to seem frantic.
       "What are you talking about?" He said cooly. "She's a trained professional. At least, I'm confident in the skills that I've taught her. Not so sure about Ten."
       "She can handle a gun." Ten admitted begrudgingly.
       "See? Nothing to worry about! Bag ourselves a shithead, call it a day." Kun looked to Y/N.
       "How do you feel about that?" She looked at Hendery. She hated it. She hated it so, so much, and she was still 90% convinced that he was responsible for at least some of the mishaps. But finding who did that to Lucas... that was a chance she couldn't afford to lose. She would put a bullet in the head of whoever dared to try and kill the sweetest man in the entire base.
       "I'll do it."
       "Good, then get strapped and let's hit the road. I have to go grab something, you go down to the range. I'll meet you at the car." Hendery didn't even give her a chance to say anything more as he dragged her out of the room to get ready. Kun dismissed Xiaojun to go assist Lucas. They briefly saw Y/N and Hendery walk back through as they left, which gave Kun the peace of mind to go back to his office. With that, WinWin and YangYang were the only ones left in the conference room.
       WinWin sat on his laptop as YangYang sat on his phone. Occasionally, there was some clicking or the shift of a chair, but they sat in relative silence. Finally, YangYang just sighed.
       "Do you ever feel like we don't do enough?"
       "I mean, I handle the financials, so... no, not really." YangYang's gaze shifted awkwardly.
       "Oh... yeah. But like... in the field."
       "Ten's just so good at everything. Kun trusts him with his life in any scenario. I feel like if he were put in the same situation with me, he wouldn't do that. He'd fear for his life. That makes me feel... I don't know, inadequate? Hendery might be a little crazy, but you have to admit he's powerful. Without Xiaojun, we couldn't function on a day-to-day basis. Hell, he's patched me up more times than I can count. Even Lucas handles the girls, which has gotta be more work than he'd expected. Plus, he's the one that makes sure the managers aren't suspicious of us." Shaking his head, he looked to WinWin again.
       "And you're in 127, that's double the effort. I'm just..." He sat his chin on his hand. "I'm just kind of the backup guy. Grab that girl, drive that car, you know... I'm scared Y/N is gonna take my place, to be honest. For one she's a girl." He laughed breathily. "But even just now, Hendery declined Ten's help in exchange for hers. That's never happened to me. I'm there just in case. I honestly think I'm just here because I'm part of the band."
       "Interesting." WinWin suddenly said.
       "...Interesting?" Glancing up, he amended,
       "Sorry, I was listening, but I just managed to get in contact with one of the banks our funds were removed from. The reason I didn't get the notification is because the money was transferred out in person. I didn't account for that. I've just requested the security footage so- Speak of the devil, we've got it." YangYang stood to walk behind him, looking at the computer screen as he pulled it up.
       "Is that...?" He asked, leaning down.
       "But... I thought he said he had no idea what happened to the money?"
       "He did. But we can't jump to conclusions, there could be a reason for this. He has no other ties to the murders, aside from the first location being our next venue." Brows angling, YangYang thought about it.
       "Do you have the briefing documents from all of Kun's meetings on there?"
       "Of course. Why?"
       "Pull them up." WinWin did as he was told, opening the news headlines. YangYang also pulled something up on his phone, checking between each thing. "Oh... oh my God."
       "What? What is it?" He turned so that WinWin could see his phone. He was cross-referencing the list of murder locations to their tour schedule. It matched up perfectly.
       "Not only that, though." He continued as WinWin's eyes widened. "I thought I noticed something before, but- how many girls were killed in each murder?"
       "The first one was seven, uh..." He clicked through the slides. "The second was seven as well... they're all seven."
       "Is there a list of fatalities or victims? Anything with names on it?" YangYang asked, dreading the answer. After a longer pause, he received it.
       "Pull it up." Hand on WinWin's chair, he leaned over again, reading through a few. Lillian, Willow, Yves... "Go to the next one." He complied. Again, the names were strangely familiar. Xiara, Kayla... Sick to his stomach, he forced himself to sit down in order to maintain his balance.
       "What? What's wrong?"
       "The names- the initials match ours. Even Y/N's. In every case. I have no idea how anyone could manage that."
       "It's a metaphor." WinWin said suddenly, starting to understand. "That's why he took the 500k. He doesn't need the money, that's how much we would have earned if..."
       "If we had sold Y/N." They both said simultaneously.
       "Y/N!" YangYang realized suddenly. "She's out there alone with him! If this is what we think it is, she's not safe."
       "We have to get everyone, quickly." WinWin agreed. They didn't have much time.
Go to Chapter 20
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bamby0304 · 6 years ago
Her Saviours- Ch.12
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Series Masterlist
Summary: During an odd case, the Winchesters came across Y/N, a scared young Omega girl who had been used as a lure for a nest of vampires. After rescuing her from the monsters, John and his sons took her in knowing she was in no state to live among ordinary people. But three Alphas and one Omega is a mixture bound for disaster.
A/N: @sculptorofbeginnings… I am so sorry you had to fix all my mistakes xD
Warnings: Explicit language. ABO dynamics. Angst. Death.
You leaned against the wall by the payphone, chewing on your nail while hugging Sam’s hoodie closer to you. He was on the phone, glancing over at you every few moments as he talked to whoever was on the line.
“Alright, thank you for your time.” Sighing, he hung the phone back up. “Come on.” He reached out and took your free hand before leading you back over to the table where Dean was waiting.
Just over a week had passed since the shifter case.
The bruises from the night hadn’t faded yet, reminding you of what you’d done every time you looked in the mirror. The dread and guilt you still felt from what you did… not a night went by where you didn’t dream of Dean’s dead face staring up at you. Not a night went by where you didn’t dream of the way Dean had looked while the shifter had fucked you and then hurt you.
No amount of logic had been able to erase the image, or the feelings that came with it, from your mind. Even though you knew it hadn’t actually been Dean that night, it still felt like it had been.
So you were sticking with Sam. It had been like a switch that night. After months of him practically ignoring you, seeing you kneeling on the floor, over a shifter that wore his brother’s face, had Sam rushing to your aid. Seeing you bleeding and crying… he hadn’t wasted a second before hurrying over to help you.
That night and every night since, he’d been there for you. It was like it was before, although there was no romance, nothing more than friendship and understanding. You’d gone through something terrible, and he knew you needed someone, and he knew only he would do. So, ever since then, you’d been almost practically glued to each other’s side.
Despite having spent years desperately trying to convince the WInchesters to get you to hunt with them, you hadn’t said a word about it all week. Every time the brothers caught wind of something, you pulled back. The only thing safer than being with Sam, was staying out of danger and in whatever motel room you were holed up in.
“Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin’ cold over here, Francis.” Dean grinned, teasing his brother- trying not to look at you as your gaze fell to the floor to avoid him.
“Bite me.” Sam led you over to the two seats across from Dean and waited until you sat before he took the other seat beside you.
Turning back to the laptop in front of him, Dean asked, “So, anything?”
Sam shook his head. “I had ‘em check the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe’s fitting Dad’s description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations.”
“Sam, I’m tellin’ ya, I don’t think Dad wants to be found.”
Your head fell as your gaze dropped to your lap. Sam looked down at you, disappointed in his father and concerned for you. You were beginning to wonder if you were missing John more and more with every passing day… or less...
Dean watched you both before changing the subject, “Check this out.” He turned the computer around to show Sam. “It’s a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here.”
Looking at the screen Sam read, “‘The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road’.”
“Keep reading,” Dean prompted.
“‘Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible’.”
“Could be something interesting.” Dean shrugged.
“Or it could be nothing at all,” Sam argued. “One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man.” He glanced at you before turning back to his brother. “I don’t think it’s our thing.”
Looking from Sam, to you, and then back, Dean hesitated a moment. In the corner of your eye you spotted the way his jaw clenched and unclenched. Something was agitating him, but he wasn’t going to say anything.
“But what if it is? Dad would check it out,” he noted, and just like that, you knew Sam wouldn’t be able to argue.
Sam looked out at the fraternity house Dean had parked outside of. The frat brothers that were gathered outside watched Baby, clearly confused and suspicious. You sunk down in your seat, already scenting at least three Alphas.
“One more time, why are we here?” Sam asked, turning to his brother with an are-you-serious glare.
“Victim lived here,” Dean answered as if it were that simple.
“You really think this is a good idea?” Sam gestured to you in the back. “Will they even let her in?”
Dean turned to you. “She’s college age, smells like us, Omega, hot… girlfriends sleep over boyfriends’ places all the time.” He turned back to Sam. “Besides, the only motel in town is fully booked, so if you have a different idea…”
Clenching his jaw- much like his brother often did- Sam stayed quiet. Truth was, you really didn’t have many options.
“I’ll be okay,” you spoke up, voice soft.
Sam looked at you with concern and doubt. “Yeah?”
Giving a short nod, you offered him a small smile. “Yeah.”
With that, the three of you climbed out of the car and headed over to a couple of guys who were fixing a car in the driveway. As you approached them, they all stopped working and looked up, eyeing all of you suspiciously.
“Nice wheels,” Dean started, trying to ease the tension. “We’re your fraternity brothers.” He gestured to himself and Sam. “From Ohio. We’re new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay.”
Dragging his eyes away from Dean, the guy standing by the car’s hood looked to you. “Who’s the chick?” He gave the air a sniff. “She’s Omega…”
You sniffed the air back, noting a distinct Alpha scent. Instantly, you stepped closer to Sam. “I’m his girlfriend. Mate-to-be, if you will.”
Sam’s arm draped over your shoulder as he pulled you closer to him, proving your point. “That gonna be a problem?”
The Alpha tried to hide his disappointment as he shrugged. “Chick can stay one night without problems, but the dean doesn’t like Omegas shacking up with pledged Alphas.”
Before you or Sam could comment, Dean shrugged. “We’ll figure it out later. But we’re cool now?”
Giving a short moment’s pause, the Alpha then nodded. “Yeah, we’re cool.”
The Sam had a firm grip on your hand as you followed Dean through the frat house to the room you were directed to. You could feel the tension in his body as his eyes darted around. The place stuck of Alphas, Beta, booze, and sex. It reeked like nothing had been cleaned in over a week. You were struggling not to barf or hide.
Dean didn’t seem to notice or care. You knew he normally would… but things weren’t normal right now. He was pissed, you were avoiding him, and Sam was taking up the Alpha role currently. Things were out of synch.
Walking into the room the boys would call home during the case, you came to a stop at the sight of a scrawny, shirtless guy standing in front of a mirror, painting himself purple.
Knocking on the door, Dean grabbed the guy’s attention. “Who are you?” he asked as soon as he spotted the three of you.
“We’re your new roommates,” Dean answered with a quick smile as he walked further into the room.
The guy stopped what he was doing and frowned at you. “She’s a chick.”
“You’re observant,” you mumbled, sniffing at the air discreetly. He was a harmless Beta.
“She’s Sammy’s girlfriend,” Dean explained with a slight bite to his tone. “And she’s staying for the night. You got a problem with that?”
Looking you and Sam up and down quickly, the Beta then shook his head. “Nah, just as long as you do whatever you do quietly. I don’t mind if you get your freak on, but some of us don’t wanna listen to it.”
It took a lot for Sam to hold back and not rip into the guy.
Not realising how lucky he was to still be standing, the guy turned to Dean and offered him his paint brush. “Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today.”
Without missing a beat, Dean gestured to Sam. “He’s the artist. Things he can do with a brush.”
Having no other choice, Sam took the brush as Dean dropped into a chair and grabbed a magazine. You stood there, awkwardly, as Sam started painting the Beta and Dean started asking questions.
“So…” Dean checked the name on the magazine before going on, “Murph. Is it true?”
“We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week.”
Murph’s face fell as he nodded. “Yeah.”
“What happened?” Sam asked as he continued to paint the Beta.
“They’re saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy.”
“Rich he was with somebody?”
Murph turned to look at Sam as he answered, clearly thinking whatever he had to say was juicy news. “Not just somebody. Lori Sorensen.”
“Who’s Lori Sorensen?” Dean pressed before gesturing to Murph’s back. “You missed a spot. Just down there, in the back,” Dean told Sam, earning a glare as he grinned.
“Lori’s a freshman,” Murph explained. “She’s a local. Super hot. Omega. And get this... she’s a reverend’s daughter.”
Interest piqued, Dean closed the magazine and tossed it back onto the table he grabbed it from, before leaning forward in the chair. “You wouldn’t happen to know which church, would ya?”
Dean opened the door and took a step to the side, waiting for you and Sam to walk into the church before he followed, letting the door close behind him. It slammed shut, disturbing the congression, causing them all to turn to the three off you. The silent church but you on edge as all eyes looked at you with suspicion.
Moving on, the reverend continued, “The loss of a young person is particularly tragic. A life unlived is the saddest of passings.”
Sam pressed a hand to your back as he guided you into the back pew. He then slid in to sit beside you, before Dean took a seat on Sam’s other side. You didn’t miss the way a girl in the front row turned to look at the three of you. You didn’t miss the way Sam gave her a weak smile.
“So, please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children.”
Both you and Sam bowed your head along with everyone else. As you closed your eyes and pretended to pray, however, you found yourself wishing and hoping that things would get better.
Walking behind Sam and Dean, you followed them as they headed towards the girl who had looked back at Sam in the church.
“Are you Lori?”
Hearing her name, the girl turned to answer Sam, “Yeah.”
“My name is Sam,” he started. “This is my brother, Dean, and our friend, Y/N.” Dean gave a little wave, while you offered a small smile. “We just transferred here to the university.”
“I saw you inside,” she noted.
“We don’t wanna bother you,” Sam assured her. “We just heard about what happened and-”
Dean cut him off, “We wanted to say how sorry we were.”
Sam smiled sympathetically. “I kind of know what you’re going through. I-I saw someone… get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.”
Lori’s head dropped as she nodded lightly. Before she could respond, however, the reverend- her father- appeared beside her. “Dad, um, this is Sam, Dean, and Y/N. They’re new students.”
Reaching out, Dean shook the reverend's hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.”
“Thank you very much. It’s so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord’s message.”
Chuckling lightly, Dean looked to Sam, knowing he needed to come up with something so his brother could ask Lori more questions without her father around. “Listen, uh, we’re new in town and we’re staying at the fraternity Rich was part of. But the thing is, Y/N can’t stay there.”
“Of course not.” The reverend nodded. “That is no place for a young Omega.”
“Well, we were wondering if you knew anywhere she might be able to stay?”
Your head snapped up to look at him. You glared, hard, trying your best to mentally kick him in the shins. How dare he throw you under the bus like that!
Ignoring you, Dean went on, “You know, somewhere safe, quiet. We’d join her, but having just transferred, we really need to make connections, you know?”
“She could stay with me,” Lori offered. “There’s a spare bed in my room, back at my sorority. She doesn’t have to pledge, at least not right away. The girls will understand.”
“That’s a lovely idea.” The reverend smiled at his daughter before turning to you. “For now, dear, why don’t I get you some numbers of people you can call if you ever find yourself in trouble? In times like this, you can never be too careful.” He stretched his arm out and gestured for you to walk along with him.
Glancing at Sam and Lori over your shoulder, you begrudgingly followed Dean and the reverend as he led you back into the church.
After Lori showed you her room at the sorority house and explained that she would be out for the night but would be back later, you both went your separate ways. She headed off home for dinner with her dad, while you started for the public library.
Sam had sent you a message to fill you in on their Hook Man theory, and told you where to find them. It was still weird to see his name on your phone every time he called or messaged. Before that awful night the other week, you’d gotten practically nothing from him.
Meandering through the aisle of books, you eventually found Sam and Dean sitting at one of the back desks, going through piles of paperwork.
Both brothers’ heads shot up to look at you, relief filling their gazes. They worried when you weren’t with them.
“How’d the tour go?” Sam asked as you settled into the seat beside him- you didn’t miss the look of disappointment that crossed Dean’s face.
“Lori seems nice. Scared, but nice.”
Dean spoke then, drawing your attention to him, “You gonna be okay there tonight?”
“Not like I have much of a choice now.” You glared at him.
He shrugged. “Well, it got you talking to me.”
Your mouth snapped shut as your eyes fell to the table. Both brothers watched you for a moment, waiting to see what you might say or do. When you remained silent and unmoving, they got back to work.
Eventually, you mumbled, “I’m not, not talking to you, Dean.”
“You sure about that? You’ve barely looked at me since-” He stopped himself before he made the mistake of saying the wrong words. Sighing, he moved on, “You barely look at me.”
“It’s complicated.”
“Well, when you’re ready to talk about it, fill me in, okay?”
“Guys,” Sam pulled back from the file he’d been reading. “Check this out. 1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes. Uh, right here, ‘some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh’.”
Dean reached over and slid one of the other pages from the file out to read it. “Get this, the murder weapon? Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook.”
Sam pointed to another page. “Look where all this happened.”
“9 Mile Road.”
“Isn’t that where Rick was killed?” you asked.
Both brothers nodded before Dean slapped Sam on the back. “Nice job, Dr. Venkmen. Let’s check it out.” He pushed his chair out and started to stand.
Sam was gathering the papers when he glanced at you. “You coming with us?”
“Am I going to the place where a murderous ghost takes his victims?” You promptly shook your head. “No thanks.”
The bedroom door creaked open.
You looked up from your book right in time to see Lori slip into the room and close the door. She looked over at you as you sat up in bed, lit up by the dim lamp beside you. Then she looked to the other bed, where her friend and other roommate, Taylor, was fast asleep.
“They didn’t make you drink tequila shots and watch Reality Bites, did they?” she asked you, keeping her voice barely above a whisper.
Shaking your head, you closed your book and placed it on the nightstand. “They tried, but I don’t cave easily.”
Her lips tugged up into a smile. “No one else has managed to say no to those girls,” she admitted. “Makes me stand out from the crowd.”
“Well, you’ve got me to stand out with you now.”
Smiling a little wider, she gestured over her shoulder to the walk in wardrobe. “I’m just going to quickly change, okay?”
You simple gave her a quick nod.
As she ducked into the room, you reached over and turned the lamp off. Settling into bed, you tried not to think about what Sam and Dean might be doing. You knew they could be in danger out there, and it scared you, but there was nothing you could do about it now.
Lori emerged from the wardrobe, dressed in an oversized shirt. She slipped into her bed and turned over to look at you. “So… I hope you don’t mind me asking…”
“The bruises?” you asked, having noticed her checking them out earlier. When she nodded, you did your best to explain without actually explaining, “I was attacked, by an Alpha. Sam saved me.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you.”
“I’m sorry about what you went through.”
Her face fell. “Rich… I thought he was a nice guy, but that night he was different.”
“Different how?”
“He was acting like the Alphas my father warns me about. He was… he was determined.”
“Do you think he would have hurt you?”
“No.” She shook her head. “But I know he would have pressured me, and that’s still wrong.”
She had a point.
“Is Sam… is Sam your boyfriend?” she asked hesitantly.
You paused and contemplated the question and the answer. Was he your boyfriend? Simply put, no. He wasn’t. But nothing was ever simple. Sam might not be your boyfriend, but he was something. He’d been something more before. Hell, even though things were weird right now, Dean was something more, too. But neither of them were your boyfriend. It was all very complicated.
“No,” you finally answered, shaking your head. “No, he’s not my boyfriend.”
Lori’s scream woke you.
Shooting up in bed, your eyes instantly landed on the other bed… on Taylor’s body and the blood that had seeped into her sheets and spilled onto the floor. Written on the walls, as if it had been carved into the drywall with a bloody knife- or bloody hook- was a message.
Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light.
Jumping out of bed, you hurried over to Lori as she continued to scream. “Come on.” You grabbed her arm and started towards the door.
It flew open before you could reach it as some of the other girls came in to check what was going on.
“Move!” you yelled shoving them all out of there. “Someone call 911!”
As more girls began to scream and freak out, others jumped to action. You didn’t wait to give anymore orders or to help, though. Instead you hurried down the stairs, your arm wrapped around Lori as you led her out the front.
The instant fresh air swept over her face, she started to hyperventilate.
“Hey.” You grabbed her shoulders and turned her to look at you. “The cops are coming. Just look at me and breathe, okay? Look at me and breathe.”
Lori was clinging to you as you both sat on the edge of the ambulance. She’s only just managed to calm down and stop crying, and was now staring off, in shock. Your hand rubbed at her back, trying to soothe her a little more. You hadn’t left her side since the cops and ambulance had arrived.
The sound of a rumbling and familiar engine caught your attention. Looking up, you spotted Sam and Dean parking across the road.
“Hey…” you turned to Lori, “I’m gonna go talk to them, okay?”
Her grip on you tightened. “Stay with me at my home tonight?”
“Of course.” You nodded and offered a gentle smile. With that, she let you go and watched as you headed over to Sam and Dean, who were now standing by the Impala.
As soon as you reached them, Dean stepped forward and pulled you to his chest. With the shock from this morning, you didn’t even flinch as he held you closer.
“What the hell happened?” he asked, cheek pressed to the top of your head as his arms remained wrapped around you.
“Lori’s roommate was killed last night.”
Instantly, you were pulled back as both brothers looked down at you with wide eyes.
“Her roommate?” Dean asked.
“Were you in the room, too?” Sam added.
You nodded. “She was barely five feet from my bed.”
Sam and Dean glanced at each other before looking up at the house.
“The cops aren’t letting anyone but the sorority girls inside,” you noted, knowing where their train of thought was going. “But I can get you in.”
Leading the brothers down a path, you quickly checked to make sure no one was watching before you jumped through some bushes. It took a moment, but the brothers followed. You were in the backyard of the sorority house, by the garage.
“Why would the Hook Man come here? This is a long way from 9 Mile Road.” Sam had a good point.
“Maybe he’s not haunting the scene of his crime. Maybe it’s about something else,” Dean suggested.
You were almost at the balcony that led into Lori’s room when two girls walked out.
All three of you ducked behind some bushes and a wall, watching as the girls walked off towards the cops down the driveway.
“Dude, sorority girls.” Dean grinned, making you turn to him. “Did you have a naked pillow fight last night?”
“I read a book while the girls did tequila shots. And then I slept while a girl was murdered in the bed beside mine,” you told him tightly.
He swallowed thickly as his grin dropped, being replaced by a guilty and apologetic look.
Once the coast was clear, you turned and looked up at the balcony above. “Give me a boost.”
Both brothers stepped forward, but Dean was closest. You swear you heard Sam huff as Dean helped you.
Dean bent his knee so you could step onto it, and as you went to hoist yourself up had grabbed the backs of your thighs and pushed. The flare of heat that flashed through you almost made you stumble.
Reaching for the balcony railing, with Dean still pushing you up, you managed to hoist yourself over the edge. Sam was next, taking advantage of his brother’s position and using Dean’s bent leg much like you had. Then the two of you helped Dean, grabbing his hands to pull him up.
As soon as you were all on your feet, you led the brothers to a window that led into the wardrobe of Lori’s room. Sliding in, you waited for them to then join you.
Dean went last, stumbling and grunting a little.
“Be quiet,” Sam scolded as softly as possible.
“You be quiet!” Dean snapped back in a harsh whisper.
“You be quiet!”
You turned on them. “Quit your bickering and shut up,” you hissed. “Follow me.”
Edging towards the door, you peeked out and spotted the sheriff pacing the room. Holding a hand up, you gestured for the brothers to stay back while you watched and waited. Soon enough, the sheriff walked out, leaving the room empty.
Ducking out the wardrobe, you took a step to the side and gestured to the still bloody, and now taped off, bed.
The brothers spotted the writing on the wall in an instant.
“‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?’,” Sam read. “That’s right out of the legend.”
“Yeah, that’s classic Hook Man all right.” Dean tapped his nose pointedly. “It’s definitely a spirit.”
Sam grimaced. “Yeah, I’ve never smelled ozone this strong before.”
“I didn’t notice it,” you admitted.
“You were too busy getting the hell out of here, that’s why,” Dean noted, stepping towards you. “You okay?”
“No.” You shook your head. “I was in here last night, Dean. I was sitting on that bed. “You gestured to the bed you’d occupied last night. “I was awake when Lori came home. I was reading, the lamp was on, Taylor was fine. I swear.”
Without a word, he pulled you to his chest and wrapped his arms around you.
Despite what had happened the other week, even though you weren’t completely over it, you were glad to have Dean. The feel of him, being surrounded by his scent, it helped calm you down. If it wasn’t for him and Sam, you were sure you’d be a mess. No one should be able to just walk away, unscathed, from the scene you’d woken up to.
“Hey, come here.”
Pulling away from you, Dean dropped his hand into yours and led you back over to his brother.
Sam gestured to the symbol carved into the all below the writing. “Does that look familiar to you?”
Between Dean’s legs as he sat on Baby’s hood, the two of you looked to Sam as he sat beside his brother, checking out one of the pages from the dead priest’s file.
“It’s the same symbol.” Sam turned to paper so you and Dean could see what he was talking about. He pointed to the medallion hanging from the hook. “Seems like it is the spirit of Jacob Karns.”
“All right, let’s find the dude’s grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down.” Dean shrugged.
“‘After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an Old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave’,” Sam read.
Well… there goes that plan. Can’t burn bones you can’t find.
“Super,” Dean grumbled, giving your hip a tap.
You stepped away from him and moved aside, watching as the brothers pushed off the car and started toward their door. You were right behind Sam, heading for your own door.
“Ok. So we know it’s Jacob Karns. But we still don’t know where he’ll manifest next. Or why,” Sam noted.
“I’ll take a wild guess about why.” Dean gave you and Sam a pointed look. “I think your little friend Lori has something to do with this,” he said before getting in the car.
“Speaking of which,” you ducked into your seat, “can you drop me off at the church?”
“How come?” Sam asked as he got in the car as well.
“Promised Lori I would stay with her, and their home is right next to the church,” you explained.
Dean grinned as he turned the ignition. “You makin’ a friend over there, Y/N?”
“I get her, she gets me, it’s pretty simple Dean.”
When you thought about this place and the people, you realised how welcoming and understanding they were. You knew you could trust Lori, that there was nothing truly complicated about her. The sorority girls had been nice, as well as everyone at the church. People were very kind to young and unmated Omegas.
It was pretty easy to see yourself settling down in a place like this, but picturing it and living it were two very different things. You knew there was no way you were ever going to have that apple pie life. Not when you knew so much about things most people didn’t even realise were real.
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The Smiling Strangler: Eddie Leonski.
Stepping off the tram at the Beaconsfield Parade stop in Melbourne’s Albert Park, the fresh salty smell of the nearby ocean hit me. It was easy to locate the supermarket which now sits in place of the old shops and alcove were Ivy McLeod, aged 38, had sheltered from the cold whilst waiting for her tram on the fateful night she was killed.
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Ivy McLeod.
In the middle of World War Two the Australian government had imposed a brownout on Melbourne and other main Australian cities to reduce risk of attack from Japanese forces. American soldiers had arrived by the tens of thousands to help Australians fight in the south pacific. One of the soldiers, a young man named Eddie Leonski, sent to help protect, instead became a predator of Melbourne women, using the dimly lit streets of Melbourne’s brownout to help carry out his evil and twisted murders.
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Eddie Leonski.
After living in this city for over a year the earlier excitement I had when I first arrived in Melbourne had begun to dull, but on the tram ride to Beaconsfield Parade I felt a renewed appreciation. If it’s one thing I love about Melbourne, it is the many well preserved historical buildings. Few things endear me more to a place than visiting historical sites and exploring the areas history. It was sad fate that Ivy made an impromptu visit to her boyfriend on the night of her murder, declined his offer to walk her to the normally safe tram stop, and then appeared to have missed her tram by only minutes due to it leaving early. Ivy had already been through hard times in her life before her murder, she had not heard from her estranged husband in 5 years and had also undergone a premature hysterectomy.
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Tram stop, Albert Park, Melbourne. 2018.
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The Hotel Victoria, Beaconsfield Parade, Albert Park, Melbourne. 2018.
Having drank first at the Victoria Hotel Victoria  then the Bleak House hotel, (now in it’s place contemporary bar The Beach) American soldier Eddie Leonski was sitting on a low wall bordering the South Melbourne Beach and Beaconsfield Parade when he heard footsteps across the street and saw a woman, Ivy McLeod. Eddie went over to join Ivy in the alcove in the pretence he was also seeking shelter, once inside the alcove he almost immediately placed an arm across her shoulder, quickly bringing up the other arm to choke her. Ivy collapsed almost instantly, hitting her head which killed her. Eddie began to rearrange her body into lewd positions before being interrupted by a man coming out to inspect from a nearby block of flats.
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Beaconsfield Parade, South Melbourne Beach, Melbourne. 2018. (Across the road diagonally is the tram stop and alcove were Ivy sheltered from the cold.)
Walking onto Beaconsfield Parade, I was able to find the Hotel Victoria quite quickly, a beautiful and well maintained historical building across from the beach. Returning to Victoria Avenue, after standing outside the supermarket entrance (as if it were the alcove) which attracted a rather bemused look from the store owner, I caught the tram back to the city and from Elizabeth Street made my way down Collins Street towards Collins Place, the former site of the Astoria Hotel, now an international shopping complex.
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Pauline Thompson.
Eddie’s next victim, the attractive 31 year old Pauline Thompson, who also went by the name Coral, had moved to Melbourne to pursue her career as an entertainer, while her husband stayed behind in Bendigo to wait for a work transfer. Believing herself to have been stood up by a young male friend (who was running late) Pauline decided to join the friendly, young and handsome Eddie for drinks after he approached her at the Hospitality Club on Elizabeth Street.
It was at the Astoria Hotel in Collins Place, they downed gin and squashes before Eddie walked with Pauline back to her boarding house on Spring Street, attacking her just outside her front door. Pauline, according to Eddie had put up quite a struggle. After killing and raping her, he arranged her body into a lewd, half naked position as he had with Ivy. 
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Spring Street, Melbourne. 2018.
Late one May evening in 1942, University lecturer Gladys Hosking, aged 41, was walking home from work, when she ran into Eddie outside a milk bar on the corner of Royal Parade and Gatehouse Street. It was raining and Eddie offered to help the petit woman carry her things while she held her umbrella.
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Gladys Hosking.
Arriving outside Gladys boarding house on Park Street, Eddie asked for directions to Camp Pell (the temporary American military base set up in Melbourne’s Royal Park during world war two). According to Eddie, Gladys offered to take him there, so they walked back up to Gatehouse Street and it was on the grass verge just outside Royal Park that Eddie struck, killing the tiny woman quickly, before half undressing and dumping her body down a bank in the park.
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Gatehouse Street, Parkville. 2018.
A witness had seen an American soldier walking with Gladys shortly before her death and already on the lookout for the killer of Ivy and the similar murder of Pauline, aswell as a number of attacks on young woman by a young American soldier who fitted the same description, police officers were sent to the American Base to investigate alongside the American military. With the evening growing late, I hurried along Flinders Lane to catch the tram up to Melbourne University, the workplace of Eddie’s final victim. The walk from Melbourne University and down Royal Parade would be beautiful anytime, but in the late evening with the smell of early spring in the air is especially charming.Old Victorian Mansions stand in rows along the broad tree lined street with beautifully maintained gingerbread trimmings and roof turrets. It’s the type of area that makes you almost consider if spending most of your pay check on rent would be worthwhile. Arriving at Royal Park, I didn’t stay long as it was getting dark.
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Royal Park, Parkville. 2018.
It was by chance the Uncle of one of the young ladies who survived such an attack, walked past Eddie, during a visit to Camp Pell to help police try identify the attacker. Upon recognising Eddie he cried out and Eddie was taken in for questioning. Eddie, confronted with much evidence, including witnesses and forensic evidence that matched mud and dirt on his pants to the site Gladys body was dumped, didn’t take long to confess. The case was given to the American military to try and Eddie was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging, carried out in the Old Melbourne Goal later that year.
I finished my trip with a quick visit to the Melbourne Goal. It was after hours so I was unable to do the tour, but I had a quick look around the open courtyard inside the old Goal’s walls. It seems interesting that less than a hundred years ago prisoners still languished behind the stone walls and were hung in the courtyard. Another era, yet when you put it into perspective, it almost doesn’t seem that long ago.
Sources of information.
Shaw, Ian W. Murder at Dusk: How US soldier and smiling psychopath Eddie Leonski terrorised wartime Melbourne. Australia. Hachette, 2018. Hore,
Monique. Herald Sun, 2018. Edward Leonski hanged by US military on Australian soil in The Hangman's Journal, part IV
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
September 23, 2020: 6:47 pm:
There is a lot of pressure today from the neighboring terror cells. So far, no intruders have come into the house, but the peripheral pressure from scouts on foot and in vehicles is present. Loud trucks have been the order of the day, all day, with big, noisy trucks going by in both directions on Russell road.
On Twitter, there is a whole bunch of coded terror statements about what I said about Russia being fake. Russia is turning out to be a hoax, a false nation, where everything we thought we knew about for 600 years is all invented by the British. Circumstances of that are so big, all encompassing around the world that there is no way to really measure it. All of the Russian embassies and the ambassadors who man them, all fake. Trained with fake accents, there to access global governments guised as economic and trade partners.
The more I think of it, the more it makes sense.
There seems to be a lot of damage control calls being made on the twitter terror command vehicle. Trump used Cuba to say damage control is necessary, and Trudeau seems to have followed with what they are calling a Throne Speech.
There are many coded references to what I wrote yesterday about fake Russia, and fake Cuba, all are hidden in coded news stories.
You can see it in the National Park sign that was damaged with a pizza box and a bear, is complicated, I can decode if asked. A story about a Moose hunter attacked by a bear has coded Russia and Cuba info in it. There is a story about a man who was run over by someone who stole his van, “Ivan the Terrible” is in there. And there are more, lots more. There are no people who are interested in global security, no one interested in preserving freedom for people on Earth... freedom to keep your arms & legs attached, freedom to swim in a river, hike in a national park, walk safely on the street you live on, shop for groceries without being attacked with Nitrous Oxide gas, and some asshole with a sword.
That is the kind of simple freedom that is lost in Oregon already. Only terror soldiers can do those things without any perceived hassle. It’s all a show though, they maintain an illusion that freedom on the simple levels is present.
It’s not present.
In Oregon, when you see someone walking on a sidewalk, those people are scouts, and actors. The scouts are looking for people who are not part of the terror army, the actors are providing illusion that everything is as it should be, and is safe. There are hundred of terror actors who’s job is just to drive around, on a prescribed route, all day long, making the town appear as a normal town. They pretend to go to a store. They pretend to use a mailbox to drop a package into. They pretend to have lunch at a public park... but it’s all a show, as they all monitor Blu-tooth devices, to see if everyone has the correct Blu-Tooth handshake information showing. Those who do not have prescribed Blu-Tooth handshake info, are marked, followed, taken captive, tortured, killed, and replaced with an imposter who will vote into office, more terror leaders from SAG, while using the name of the victim they replaced, and their voting status, to vote as instructed by the current SAG leadership.
The victim’s name, house, car, bank account, assets, furniture, birth certificate. Driver’s License, and every other thing, is used by the terror imposters. Impostor State Police make the arrangements for ID transfer, with a new photo on the license, all of the other info on it can stay the same, they just get a “reasonable facsimile thereof” the victim, to take over the persona of the victims.
All of US Congress, all of the US Governors, and more, are terror leaders who were “voted” into power that way.
That is why things are the way they are.
Britain House of Lords, leads and commands Screen Actor Guild shills in government, and in other powerful places. Screen Actor Guild shills and other leaders, send those commands to the Canadian terror army.
The Canadian terror army does the attacking and other terror activities for cover, maintenance, damage control, financial and sustenance operations, mass murder events, and every other thing required to take over USA.
Nitrous Oxide mixed with Medazolam is the primary weapon used to subdue victims. Swords are the secondary weapon, and follow the exposure of the airborne gas.
Please send help.
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galwednesday · 8 years ago
I’ve seen a lot of threads about boycotting Marvel (for extremely mysterious reasons unknown), and I love giving book recs, so here are some non-Marvel/DC comics to check out while we’re all waiting for Marvel to be less of a raging dumpster fire:
Lumberjanes, by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, Brooke A. Allen (Illustrator), published by BOOM! Box. (Middle grade/young adult.)
At Miss Qiunzilla Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet's camp for hard-core lady-types, things are not what they seem. Three-eyed foxes. Secret caves. Anagrams. Luckily, Jo, April, Mal, Molly, and Ripley are five rad, butt-kicking best pals determined to have an awesome summer together... And they're not gonna let a magical quest or an array of supernatural critters get in their way! The mystery keeps getting bigger, and it all begins here. 
Descender, by Jeff Lemire (Writer), Dustin Nguyen (Artist), Steve Wands (Letterer), published by Image. 
Young Robot boy TIM-21 and his companions struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. Written by award-winning creator, Jeff Lemire, Descender is a rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey. Lemire pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling epic. Created by Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Trillium) and Dustin Nguyen's (Little Gotham) critically acclaimed, bestselling new science fiction series!
Bitch Planet, by Kelly Sue DeConnick (Writer), Valentine De Landro (Artist), Robert Wilson IV (Artist), published by Image.
Eisner Award-nominated writer Kelly Sue DeConnick (Pretty Deadly, Captain Marvel) and Valentine De Landro (X-Factor) team up to bring you the premiere volume of Bitch Planet, a deliciously vicious riff on women-in-prison sci-fi exploitation. In a future just a few years down the road in the wrong direction, a woman's failure to comply with her patriarchal overlords will result in exile to the meanest penal planet in the galaxy. When the newest crop of fresh femmes arrive, can they work together to stay alive or will hidden agendas, crooked guards, and the deadliest sport on (or off!) Earth take them to their maker?
The Unwritten, by Mike Carey (Writer), Bill Willingham (Introduction), Peter Gross (Writer, Artist), published by Vertigo.
Tom Taylor's life was screwed from go. His father created the Tommy Taylor fantasy series, boy-wizard novels with popularity on par with Harry Potter. The problem is Dad modeled the fictional epic so closely to Tom's real life that fans are constantly comparing him to his counterpart, turning him into the lamest variety of Z-level celebrity. In the final novel, it's even implied that the fictional Tommy will crossover into the real world, giving delusional fans more excuses to harass Tom.
When an enormous scandal reveals that Tom might really be a boy-wizard made flesh, Tom comes into contact with a very mysterious, very deadly group that's secretly kept tabs on him all his life. Now, to protect his own life and discover the truth behind his origins, Tom will travel the world, eventually finding himself at locations all featured on a very special map -- one kept by the deadly group that charts places throughout world history where fictions have impacted and tangibly shaped reality, those stories ranging from famous literary works to folktales to pop culture. And in the process of figuring out what it all means, Tom will find himself having to figure out a huge conspiracy mystery that spans the entirety of the history of fiction.
Chew, by John Layman, Rob Guillory (Illustrator), published by Image.
Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why. He's been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.
The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie (Illustrations), Matt Wilson (Colorist), Clayton Cowles, published by Image.
Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever.
Sex Criminals, by Matt Fraction (Writer), Chip Zdarsky (Artist), published by Image.
Suzie’s just a regular gal with an irregular gift: when she has sex, she stops time. One day she meets Jon and it turns out he has the same ability. And sooner or later they get around to using their gifts to do what we’d ALL do: rob a couple banks. A bawdy and brazen sex comedy for comics begins here!
Paper Girls, by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang (Illustrator), Matthew Wilson (Illustrator), published by Image.
In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this smash-hit series about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood.
Saga, by Brian K. Vaughan (Writer), Fiona Staples (Artist), published by Image.
When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. From bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan, Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults. 
American Born Chinese, by Gene Luen Yang, published by First Second. (Young adult.)
All Jin Wang wants is to fit in. When his family moves to a new neighborhood, he suddenly finds that he's the only Chinese American student at his school. Jocks and bullies pick on him constantly, and he has hardly any friends. Then, to make matters worse, he falls in love with an all-American girl... Born to rule over all the monkeys in the world, the story of the Monkey King is one of the oldest and greatest Chinese fables. Adored by his subjects, master of the arts of kung-fu, he is the most powerful monkey on earth. But the Monkey King doesn't want to be a monkey. He wants to be hailed as a god... Chin-Kee is the ultimate negative Chinese stereotype, and he's ruining his cousin Danny's life. Danny's a popular kid at school, but every year Chin-Kee comes to visit, and every year Danny has to transfer to a new school to escape the shame. This year, though, things quickly go from bad to worse... These three apparently unrelated tales come together with an unexpected twist, in a modern fable that is hilarious, poignant and action-packed.
Through the Woods, by Emily Carroll, published by Margaret K. McElderry Books.
'It came from the woods. Most strange things do.' Five mysterious, spine-tingling stories follow journeys into (and out of?) the eerie abyss. These chilling tales spring from the macabre imagination of acclaimed and award-winning comic creator Emily Carroll. Come take a walk in the woods and see what awaits you there...
Skim, by Mariko Tamaki, Jillian Tamaki (Illustrator), published by Groundwood Books. (Young adult/adult.)
Heartbreakingly funny, moving and vibrantly drawn, Skim is an extraordinary book--a smart and sensitive graphic novel of the highest literary and artistic quality, by and about young women. "Skim" is Kimberly Keiko Cameron, a not-slim, would-be Wiccan goth who goes to a private girls' school. When Skim's classmate Katie Matthews is dumped by her boyfriend, who then kills himself, the entire school goes into mourning overdrive. As concerned guidance counselors provide lectures on the "cycle of grief," and the popular clique starts a new club (Girls Celebrate Life!) to bolster school spirit, Skim sinks into an ever-deepening depression. And falling in love only makes things worse... Suicide, depression, love, being gay or not, crushes, cliques, and finding a way to be your own fully human self--are all explored in this brilliant collaboration by cousins Mariko and Jillian Tamaki. An edgy, keenly observed and poignant glimpse into the heartache of being young.
Prince of Cats, by Ron Wimberly, published by Vertigo.
A hip-hop retelling of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet that focuses on Tybalt (derisively referred to as "the Prince of Cats") and his Capulet crew as they do battle nightly with the hated Montagues. Set in a Blade Runner-esque version of Brooklyn, PRINCE OF CATS is a mix of urban melodrama, samurai action and classic Shakespearean theater...all written in Iambic Pentameter!
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airoasis · 6 years ago
Why Legal Firms Should Use IAM and PKI for Cybersecurity - Talk
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-legal-firms-should-use-iam-and-pki-for-cybersecurity-talk/
Why Legal Firms Should Use IAM and PKI for Cybersecurity - Talk
Howdy every person and an extraordinarily heat welcome to the session today the subject for modern-day discussion is do not fall sufferer to cyberattacks use pki and i am for cozy on-line communications globalsign world website online is one of the oldest publicly depended on certificate authorities on the planet in short we are the business of issuing on-line identities just to the whole lot it could be a human being it could be a server it would be a computing device would be some thing we can do this myself my title is golden Yadav i’m earnings engineer for the emea area and i’ve been working with international signal for roughly two years now at present we talk concerning the developing dangers for authorized corporations feasible options we mentioned a few tactics execs and cons with these strategies and if time enables maybe we are able to do a rapid demo Israel with the intention to speak in regards to the growing dangers for authorized organizations i can’t speak concerning the information the percent of legal organizations who have been attacked or the varieties of threats which are be used and stuff like that which I traditionally do but i’m no longer doing it today within the interest of the time we will just speak about one understanding to maintain the assault which show up in the Telegraph on sixteenth of may just 2015 6 greater than a yr now on this exact attack what happened is that this family has bought the property just about 300 thirty thousand instances and while this sale was once happening they had been interacting with their solicitors or e mail or unprotected clear textual content email after the property was bought the sunlight sitters requested the victims to give them the bank account small print so that the proceeds from the sale could be transferred they reply to the email giving the financial institution account important points and the solicitors did the white transfer a few days down the road we eventually understand that money has not yet reached our account and the chase of solicitors they usually said well we pay the money to this account the victims then say no this is not our count our depend is much less they match the emails and they were different they realise what had happened is that while the email used to be in transit it was once intercepted the info was once converted within the e mail and then it was sent out to these different sitters so what basically occurred was once the mail was once manipulated by using the hackers they put their own account important points and they got the money by the time the victims and the solicitors realized what occurred they reached out to the bank they usually got the account frozen sixty two,000 pounds had best been withdrawn the leisure of the cash used to be certainly given back to the victims but the question was once who is liable to pay 62 manufacturers due to the fact you two grants some huge cash soul etc stated no we can now not pay that we abided by means of what you had given in the e-mail the bank said an obeah just a banker we are right here to only keep your cash and provides it to pay where you want to we aren’t accountable so the talk went on for a number of months and the specialists on this specific article within the Telegraph and otherwise steered and said as an alternative that it is the solid sitters we will have to have paid the cash back seeing that they are the BB each intermediate between the victims and the financial institution anyhow that was once it a little what is more major here is to appreciate that exclusive knowledge or ship over an e mail which is not a just right suggestion so what will we do about it one method to that is comfy your emails and how you are able to do that the two approaches of doing it clearly earlier than we talk about those two ways let’s talk speedily contact upon what is digital certificates so any individual and everybody who wants an identity has a key pair and then there is a certificates related to the important thing pair certificates are issued by way of publicly it used to be the style of any authorities like ourselves after D waiting approach and what we do within the vetting procedure we try to figure out who the person is whether the applicant is particularly is who he says he’s after we verify that we problem the certificates and which basically acts like a digital passport so certificates does the identical factor in an internet world what a passport does in the true world it helps authenticate the user after getting a digital certificate you could click on the digital certificates create an electronic mail signal it and ship it throughout to the recipient the recipient gets an e mail almost always he’s going to have icon or some symbol to inform there may be a beam that it’s k it can be a just right male you could believe it there is whatever improper with it and the person click on with that what you are seeing here is outlook specific e mail customers behave another way what you reap with visible signature is that foremost knowledge integrity so whilst you compose an e mail and now not most effective e-mail you are able to do to design records and PDFs and phrase something you wish to have it integrity means that you can not alternate the report or the information patrick has been signed in case you try this this purple ribbon would have trade into some sort of warning sign the same occurs with electronic mail equal happens with documents PDFs and work if the loop tones had finished this when the email used to be intercepted the solid sign would have acquired a purple sign and they’d have proceeded they would have acted on the email second you get is non-repudiation someone signs the information cannot deny later on that I didn’t do it it might be the patron it might be your solicitors it could be the bank it would be this we will state agency in there many different situations selling a property is solely one of the most eventualities there will likely be many other eventualities and 1/3 of direction is authentication when you signal an email the recipient is aware of exactly who it’s come from due to the fact you’ll discover the small print as I just confirmed you here on the screen digital signatures give you three capabilities however the information remains to be readable that you can still print the information in transit that you would be able to discontinue see what is going on and then that you may let it go if you wish to make this their exclusive that you could then encrypt the e-mail this is how you do it you’ve the same virtual certificates compose an email you sign it and now you are taking the recipients public key encrypt and send it to the recipient on the recipients part he’s going to observe his or her personal key after which decrypt the email very simple same procedure rather of only one red ribbon you could possibly see a blue lock as well lock way encrypted and while you picked up the mail you get the small print that is what the electrons should have finished I play to signal and to enter the e-mail and fingers going out from your outbox should be signed some thing confidential should be integrated quite simple nevertheless there is a challenge with this strategy the plus aspect is i’ll talk in regards to the excellent things first is that this will also be setup up and going for walks in simply days time so all we have got to do is to moist a user most of the time takes one or two days depending upon how speedy the vetting can approach certificates may also be issued and you must run day one handy to established the downside is what you just saw signing and encryption is sincerely about s mind signing an encryption now the webmail consumers for illustration Yahoo Gmail scorching mean that do not support a smile out of the field for you to be ready to signal and encrypt these emails you want down load a plug-in or a program and then configure the program which is not easy which is truly clunky works well on your corporate users who run o clock lotus notes or different e mail purchasers however does no longer particularly work good for your freedom users handiest half of of the populace gets covered what’s the technique to this the approach to that is the second procedure 2d solution it’s known as net portal established approach so what we’re suggesting right here is that as an alternative of sending or sharing personal know-how over e-mail you do that on an internet portal so you create an account for the user the consumer logs in and then he can upload or share private knowledge now not best content personal information you can even share contracts illegal contracts some thing one of a kind types of Taylor you have got to get signed file you have to get website online so you use electronic mail most effective as a fellow mechanism when one social gathering requests know-how the 2nd get together will get an e-mail alerting that any person is inquiring for know-how please log on to your portal you could have comfy authentication mechanisms and build around the portal we are able to help various distinct applied sciences you log in securely you furnish information than you sign off when you do that and you have got massive number of customers you may need identification and access administration so you may need to enable the customers to be log in to log into into this tool from considered one of their own applications they do not ought to open a browser sort the URL from some thing they’re doing this click on a link and they log in to click on a button let me just login so you need some thing like single sign-on you want users to log into the system from their possess credentials which they have already got so that you want identification federation and then of direction you manipulate these identities is why you need an identification and entry administration portfolio which anybody like globalsign can support you with that with a view to further discuss this thought this procedure I want to use a rapid demo which is the last part of my session so i will rapidly jump on to browser over right here and that i go browsing to this tool which is referred to as signal glide it’s from certainly one of our science companions what I see here once I login is my dashboard i will be able to see what is happening 7 pending which means that i’ve seven pending documents i have records that are accomplished and records which might be in circulation the documents that have been despatched to me and that i rejected them and so forth and many others let’s with pending so i click on pending and i can see the entire document that are they within the record i click on plus sign it gives me an audit path when the file was initiated who’s asked for it and stuff like that it’s me myself due to the fact that i am simply doing a testing right here I click on on open and that i see the document it is proper there in entrance of me and i learn the file the pattern contract and say okay everything is fine there are three signatories who’ve already signed this before I did and so they’re two text fields over right here now this text discipline to now ask aspect add so i will say london signal on i say 12 july two thousand sixteen 2016 and then I say proceed to sign I say yes what is going down now is that this knowledge that i added as text area is being embedded into the report it becomes part of the record as doc men would have created previous as soon as that’s performed the healthcare professional will be capable to be signed which you are going to peer subsequent now the knowledge that i entered over here is visible it might be some thing it could be financial institution account important points that you are asking your purchasers some thing every other piece of knowledge does not topic and i say sign here i will draw a graphical signature as well which is nothing however just to effectively show to the readers who signed it with the initials and what is going down now is that my pki digital signatures are being up out of this document and the report is already you can download this report so to read it open it with Adobe Reader and your entire signatures may also be validated so what i am trying to say is that you don’t have to be logged in to this device to be capable to validate your signatures you can do it via the redress 12 which is thoroughly free that you could then ahead it to your two different recipients and whoever is the creator at the start most likely gets these files so I click on on that I click on my dashboard overview and i see that one document has long gone under I had seven pen in files I’ve got six and the quantity of report which had accomplished it can be gone up by using 1 so this can be a rapid overview what you can do when that you can gain the portal like this so some other questions you could have I will probably be pleased to take them offline thanks all on your time women and gentlemen have a fine day forward bye-bye
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batterymonster2021 · 6 years ago
Why Legal Firms Should Use IAM and PKI for Cybersecurity - Talk
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-legal-firms-should-use-iam-and-pki-for-cybersecurity-talk/
Why Legal Firms Should Use IAM and PKI for Cybersecurity - Talk
Howdy every person and an extraordinarily heat welcome to the session today the subject for modern-day discussion is do not fall sufferer to cyberattacks use pki and i am for cozy on-line communications globalsign world website online is one of the oldest publicly depended on certificate authorities on the planet in short we are the business of issuing on-line identities just to the whole lot it could be a human being it could be a server it would be a computing device would be some thing we can do this myself my title is golden Yadav i’m earnings engineer for the emea area and i’ve been working with international signal for roughly two years now at present we talk concerning the developing dangers for authorized corporations feasible options we mentioned a few tactics execs and cons with these strategies and if time enables maybe we are able to do a rapid demo Israel with the intention to speak in regards to the growing dangers for authorized organizations i can’t speak concerning the information the percent of legal organizations who have been attacked or the varieties of threats which are be used and stuff like that which I traditionally do but i’m no longer doing it today within the interest of the time we will just speak about one understanding to maintain the assault which show up in the Telegraph on sixteenth of may just 2015 6 greater than a yr now on this exact attack what happened is that this family has bought the property just about 300 thirty thousand instances and while this sale was once happening they had been interacting with their solicitors or e mail or unprotected clear textual content email after the property was bought the sunlight sitters requested the victims to give them the bank account small print so that the proceeds from the sale could be transferred they reply to the email giving the financial institution account important points and the solicitors did the white transfer a few days down the road we eventually understand that money has not yet reached our account and the chase of solicitors they usually said well we pay the money to this account the victims then say no this is not our count our depend is much less they match the emails and they were different they realise what had happened is that while the email used to be in transit it was once intercepted the info was once converted within the e mail and then it was sent out to these different sitters so what basically occurred was once the mail was once manipulated by using the hackers they put their own account important points and they got the money by the time the victims and the solicitors realized what occurred they reached out to the bank they usually got the account frozen sixty two,000 pounds had best been withdrawn the leisure of the cash used to be certainly given back to the victims but the question was once who is liable to pay 62 manufacturers due to the fact you two grants some huge cash soul etc stated no we can now not pay that we abided by means of what you had given in the e-mail the bank said an obeah just a banker we are right here to only keep your cash and provides it to pay where you want to we aren’t accountable so the talk went on for a number of months and the specialists on this specific article within the Telegraph and otherwise steered and said as an alternative that it is the solid sitters we will have to have paid the cash back seeing that they are the BB each intermediate between the victims and the financial institution anyhow that was once it a little what is more major here is to appreciate that exclusive knowledge or ship over an e mail which is not a just right suggestion so what will we do about it one method to that is comfy your emails and how you are able to do that the two approaches of doing it clearly earlier than we talk about those two ways let’s talk speedily contact upon what is digital certificates so any individual and everybody who wants an identity has a key pair and then there is a certificates related to the important thing pair certificates are issued by way of publicly it used to be the style of any authorities like ourselves after D waiting approach and what we do within the vetting procedure we try to figure out who the person is whether the applicant is particularly is who he says he’s after we verify that we problem the certificates and which basically acts like a digital passport so certificates does the identical factor in an internet world what a passport does in the true world it helps authenticate the user after getting a digital certificate you could click on the digital certificates create an electronic mail signal it and ship it throughout to the recipient the recipient gets an e mail almost always he’s going to have icon or some symbol to inform there may be a beam that it’s k it can be a just right male you could believe it there is whatever improper with it and the person click on with that what you are seeing here is outlook specific e mail customers behave another way what you reap with visible signature is that foremost knowledge integrity so whilst you compose an e mail and now not most effective e-mail you are able to do to design records and PDFs and phrase something you wish to have it integrity means that you can not alternate the report or the information patrick has been signed in case you try this this purple ribbon would have trade into some sort of warning sign the same occurs with electronic mail equal happens with documents PDFs and work if the loop tones had finished this when the email used to be intercepted the solid sign would have acquired a purple sign and they’d have proceeded they would have acted on the email second you get is non-repudiation someone signs the information cannot deny later on that I didn’t do it it might be the patron it might be your solicitors it could be the bank it would be this we will state agency in there many different situations selling a property is solely one of the most eventualities there will likely be many other eventualities and 1/3 of direction is authentication when you signal an email the recipient is aware of exactly who it’s come from due to the fact you’ll discover the small print as I just confirmed you here on the screen digital signatures give you three capabilities however the information remains to be readable that you can still print the information in transit that you would be able to discontinue see what is going on and then that you may let it go if you wish to make this their exclusive that you could then encrypt the e-mail this is how you do it you’ve the same virtual certificates compose an email you sign it and now you are taking the recipients public key encrypt and send it to the recipient on the recipients part he’s going to observe his or her personal key after which decrypt the email very simple same procedure rather of only one red ribbon you could possibly see a blue lock as well lock way encrypted and while you picked up the mail you get the small print that is what the electrons should have finished I play to signal and to enter the e-mail and fingers going out from your outbox should be signed some thing confidential should be integrated quite simple nevertheless there is a challenge with this strategy the plus aspect is i’ll talk in regards to the excellent things first is that this will also be setup up and going for walks in simply days time so all we have got to do is to moist a user most of the time takes one or two days depending upon how speedy the vetting can approach certificates may also be issued and you must run day one handy to established the downside is what you just saw signing and encryption is sincerely about s mind signing an encryption now the webmail consumers for illustration Yahoo Gmail scorching mean that do not support a smile out of the field for you to be ready to signal and encrypt these emails you want down load a plug-in or a program and then configure the program which is not easy which is truly clunky works well on your corporate users who run o clock lotus notes or different e mail purchasers however does no longer particularly work good for your freedom users handiest half of of the populace gets covered what’s the technique to this the approach to that is the second procedure 2d solution it’s known as net portal established approach so what we’re suggesting right here is that as an alternative of sending or sharing personal know-how over e-mail you do that on an internet portal so you create an account for the user the consumer logs in and then he can upload or share private knowledge now not best content personal information you can even share contracts illegal contracts some thing one of a kind types of Taylor you have got to get signed file you have to get website online so you use electronic mail most effective as a fellow mechanism when one social gathering requests know-how the 2nd get together will get an e-mail alerting that any person is inquiring for know-how please log on to your portal you could have comfy authentication mechanisms and build around the portal we are able to help various distinct applied sciences you log in securely you furnish information than you sign off when you do that and you have got massive number of customers you may need identification and access administration so you may need to enable the customers to be log in to log into into this tool from considered one of their own applications they do not ought to open a browser sort the URL from some thing they’re doing this click on a link and they log in to click on a button let me just login so you need some thing like single sign-on you want users to log into the system from their possess credentials which they have already got so that you want identification federation and then of direction you manipulate these identities is why you need an identification and entry administration portfolio which anybody like globalsign can support you with that with a view to further discuss this thought this procedure I want to use a rapid demo which is the last part of my session so i will rapidly jump on to browser over right here and that i go browsing to this tool which is referred to as signal glide it’s from certainly one of our science companions what I see here once I login is my dashboard i will be able to see what is happening 7 pending which means that i’ve seven pending documents i have records that are accomplished and records which might be in circulation the documents that have been despatched to me and that i rejected them and so forth and many others let’s with pending so i click on pending and i can see the entire document that are they within the record i click on plus sign it gives me an audit path when the file was initiated who’s asked for it and stuff like that it’s me myself due to the fact that i am simply doing a testing right here I click on on open and that i see the document it is proper there in entrance of me and i learn the file the pattern contract and say okay everything is fine there are three signatories who’ve already signed this before I did and so they’re two text fields over right here now this text discipline to now ask aspect add so i will say london signal on i say 12 july two thousand sixteen 2016 and then I say proceed to sign I say yes what is going down now is that this knowledge that i added as text area is being embedded into the report it becomes part of the record as doc men would have created previous as soon as that’s performed the healthcare professional will be capable to be signed which you are going to peer subsequent now the knowledge that i entered over here is visible it might be some thing it could be financial institution account important points that you are asking your purchasers some thing every other piece of knowledge does not topic and i say sign here i will draw a graphical signature as well which is nothing however just to effectively show to the readers who signed it with the initials and what is going down now is that my pki digital signatures are being up out of this document and the report is already you can download this report so to read it open it with Adobe Reader and your entire signatures may also be validated so what i am trying to say is that you don’t have to be logged in to this device to be capable to validate your signatures you can do it via the redress 12 which is thoroughly free that you could then ahead it to your two different recipients and whoever is the creator at the start most likely gets these files so I click on on that I click on my dashboard overview and i see that one document has long gone under I had seven pen in files I’ve got six and the quantity of report which had accomplished it can be gone up by using 1 so this can be a rapid overview what you can do when that you can gain the portal like this so some other questions you could have I will probably be pleased to take them offline thanks all on your time women and gentlemen have a fine day forward bye-bye
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zeroviraluniverse-blog · 7 years ago
11 Incredible Stephen Hawking Quotes
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11 Incredible Stephen Hawking Quotes
The great filmmaker Albert Maysles once explained the power of nonfiction moviemaking by saying, “When you see somebody on the screen in a documentary, you’re really engaged with a person going through real life experiences, so for that period of time, as you watch the film, you are, in effect, in the shoes of another individual. What a privilege to have that experience.”
A privilege, yes, and a privilege that’s outsized for us today. We now have access to thousands of documentaries online, allowing us all kinds of shapes and sizes of shoes to step into. To extend our personal knowledge of human experience. Thousands of little empathy machines. Small windows into lives that aren’t our own.
Here are 25 of the best documentaries that you can stream right now.
1. 13TH (2016)
Following the breakout prestige of Selma, Ava DuVernay constructed an exploration of the criminalization of black individuals in the United States, crafting a throughline from slavery to the modern private prison boom. Eschewing an overdramatized style, DuVernay calmly, patiently lays out facts and figures that will drop your jaw only until you start clenching it.
Where to watch it: Netflix
For those only familiar with Aileen Wuornos through Charlize Theron’s portrayal in Monster, Nick Broomfield’s documentary offers a considered portrait of the human being behind the murderer. In his first film about Wuornos, The Selling of a Serial Killer, Broomfield considered her as a victim of abuse and betrayal, with her image commodified. In this follow-up, he takes us all the way to the day of her execution, wondering how anyone would think she was of sound mind.
Where to watch it: Netflix and Amazon Prime
“Too big to fail” entered the lexicon following 2008’s bursting housing bubble, but while the world’s largest banks skated through, Abacus Federal Savings Bank was deemed small enough to prosecute. Steve James (of Hoop Dreams fame) has crafted an intimate, Oscar-nominated look at the Chinatown bank that became the only financial institution to face criminal charges in the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis, starting at the family level before zooming out to the community and country.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
4. BEING ELMO (2011)
Narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, puppeteer Kevin Clash shares his childhood growing up in Baltimore and the road to a career as a furry red monster on Sesame Street. It’s a delightful peek behind the curtain to see how magic is made, featuring interviews with legends like Frank Oz and Kermit Love. Pairs well with I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story (which is available to rent on Amazon).
Where to watch it: Netflix
Both quaint and prescient, the televised debates between William F. Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal during the 1968 Republican National Convention show us a midpoint between idealized civic discussion and the worst instincts of modern punditry. This sly documentary explains the force of this rivalry, its ironic popularity as televised circus, and the aftermath of all the clever insults.
Where to watch it: Netflix
A bright palate cleanser that shouldn’t be overlooked just because it isn’t emotionally devastating. The success of this film is its ability to transfer other people’s obsessions to the viewer. Tom Hanks, John Mayer, historians, collectors, and repairmen all share their abiding love for the click-clack of a device that defies obsolescence. You may crave a Smith Corona when it’s all over.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
Patience is rewarded in this thoughtful, dazzling cinematic quilt of footage collected from 25 years of Kirsten Johnson’s career as a cinematographer. Her lens takes us to Brooklyn for boxing, Bosnia for post-war life, Nigeria for midwifery, and more.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
8. CARTEL LAND (2015)
Raw and fearsome, Matthew Heineman’s documentary puts you in the boots on the ground of the Mexican Drug War. This gripping look at Arizona Border Recon and the Autodefensas of Michoacán shows what happens when governments fail citizens who are in the line of fire.
Where to watch it: Netflix and Amazon Prime
This isn’t the documentary you’d expect it to be. Kitty Green took an experimental approach that’s less about rehashing the true crime sensationalism of the headline-owning murder of a child beauty queen and more about how many stories can be contained in a single story. Green auditioned actors from JonBenét Ramsey’s hometown and, in the process of making several dramatizations, interviewed them about what it was like living in the area during the 1996 investigations (and what they think really happened).
Where to watch it: Netflix
There’s nothing like hanging out with Werner Herzog in an ancient cave. Herzog filmed in the Chauvet Cave in southern France to document the oldest known human-painted images, which is fortunate for us because the cave isn’t open to the public. It’s a wondrous nature documentary about us.
Where to watch it: Netflix
11. CITY OF GHOSTS (2017)
Another brutal hit from Matthew Heineman, this documentary carries the audience into the Syrian conflict through the eyes of citizen journalist collective Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, which both reports on war news and acts as a counter to propaganda efforts from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Some documentaries are interesting, but this one is also necessary. 
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
12. DARK DAYS (2000)
Before Humans of New York there was Dark Days. This delicate, funny, mournful project is a true blend of reality and art. Marc Singer made it after befriending and living among the squatter community living in the Freedom Tunnel section of the New York City subway. Despite never making a movie before, he decided that shining a light on these homeless neighbors would be the best way to help them.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
Covered in spray paint and questionable facial hair decisions, this documentary displays the transformation of Thierry Guetta from clothing shop owner to celebrated street artist, but since Banksy directed it, it’ll never shake the question of its authenticity. Real doc? Elaborate prank? Entertaining either way.
Where to watch it: Netflix
14. GAGA: FIVE FOOT TWO (2017)
It’s incredibly honest. As much as an inside look into the life of a global pop superstar can be. Lady Gaga (real name Stefani Germanotta) spends a healthy amount of the movie standing around without makeup, waxing wise and humorously before jumping face-first into her work and fanbase. The film focuses on her time crafting her Joanne album and her Super Bowl halftime show, but they could make one of these every few years without it getting stale because Gaga is a tower of magnetism.
Where to watch it: Netflix
In the middle of gang violence in Chicago, CeaseFire attempts to use members’ direct experiences to ward off new brutalities. Dubbed “violence interrupters,” Ameena Matthews, Cobe Williams, and Eddie Bocanegra are at the heart of this vital film about ending community violence by employing disease-control strategies, and the Herculean task of reversing systemic criminal activity without losing sight of the humanity of the people affected.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
Let’s hope that this meditative, sumptuous documentary never leaves Netflix’s shores. The portrait of then-85-year-old Sukiyabashi Jiro’s quest for unattainable perfection is both food porn and a somber-sweet consideration of the satisfaction and disquiet of becoming the best in the world at something and, somehow, striving for better.
Where to watch it: Netflix
When someone tells you it can’t be done, show them this. The simple title both celebrates and belies the smallness of one person fighting a system. Joe Piscatella’s doc follows the explosive growth of the Hong Kong protest movement engaged by teen activist Joshua Wong when the Chinese government refused to act on its promise of granting autonomy to the region, and it is a dose of pure inspiration.
Where to watch it: Netflix
Joshua Oppenheimer and Anonymous’s sequel to the Oscar-nominated The Act of Killing features an Indonesian man whose brother was murdered during the 1965 purge of Communists talking to his brother’s killers while literally checking their vision. His bravery and composure are astonishing, as is the insight into the many rationalities unrepentant men use to shield their psyches from their own heinous acts. A peerless piece of investigative art.
Where to watch it: Netflix
An absurdist rabbit chase and a deliberate provocation, writer/star Louis Theroux’s punk documentary poked the bear of the infamous religion in order to get access to it. They auditioned young actors to recreate real-life events described by ex-members, got denounced by the church, and even got into a “Who’s On First”-style argument with a member (“You tell him to turn the camera off then I’ll tell him to turn the camera off!”). Serious subject matter by way of Borat.
Where to watch it: Netflix
20. THE NIGHTMARE (2015)
This documentary by Rodney Ascher should be seen by everyone and somehow be banned from being seen. Not content to profile people suffering from sleep paralysis—the condition where you can’t move or speak while falling asleep or awakening, yeah—Ascher riffs on the hallucinations that sometimes accompany the ailment. As if being frozen weren’t enough. The result is a true story that’s just as effective as a horror film.
Where to watch it: Netflix
21. PUMPING IRON (1977)
A landmark docudrama about the Mr. Olympia competition, this is the film that launched a wannabe actor from Austria into the public conscious. Arnold Schwarzenegger is brash and beautiful in this celebration of body perfection which finds a balance between joy and the teeth-gritting agony of endurance. Great back then, it’s now a fascinating artifact of the soon-to-be action star/politician.
Where to watch it: Netflix
22. STOLEN SEAS (2013)
Constructed using real audio and found footage of the 2008 hostage negotiation aboard a Danish shipping vessel, filmmaker Thymaya Payne’s film isn’t content to simply shine a light on the horrific reality of a Somali pirate attack; it strikes to build a contextual understanding of what these attacks mean for the rest of the world. For all of us.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
23. STORIES WE TELL (2013)
An absolute personal stunner, actress Sarah Polley directed this docudrama about the scariest thing you can reveal to the world: your family. It’s an emotional, gamut-spanning search for identity that requires reconciling conflicting views about your parents and digging through buried secrets. Polley bringing them into full view, for all of us to see, is a selfless act that resulted in an outstanding piece of art.
Where to watch it: Amazon Prime
A modern classic of nonfiction storytelling. Through archival footage, interviews, and reenactments, documentary royalty Errol Morris used this film to argue the innocence of a man destined for lethal injection. It tells the story of Randall Dale Adams, who was sentenced to death for killing a police officer in 1976, despite evidence that the real killer—a minor at the time—had committed the crime. A must-see for fans of Making a Murderer.
Where to watch it: Netflix
25. TIG (2015)
When you get diagnosed with cancer, the natural thing is to perform a stand-up act about it the same day, right? Comedian Tig Notaro became famous overnight when her set confronting her same-day diagnosis went viral, and this documentary from Kristina Goolsby and Ashley York focuses on the year that followed. A rocky year that deals with death, a new career chapter, a new relationship, and possibly a new child. It’s okay to laugh through the tears.
Where to watch it: Netflix
0 notes
unmayapadhi-blog · 7 years ago
My Critical Incident
I am uploading my critical incident in my Blogger as I thought it may be essential for some to read it for different purpose and also due to Sidharth Parida’s repeated threatening that no police official is going to help me as Lipika Jena has been fulfilling all sexual demand of police officer Mr.Meher and DCP.
I have decided finally to write it as I am going to be murdered directly or thru somebody by Sidharth Parida and Lipika Jena any moment. I am giving this open declaration with full consciousness, cool mind and much maturity that incase I am getting killed or die due to accident or something else, then you have to conclude that it is done by Siddharth Parida, Lipika Jena, their associates(includes Siddharth’s brother) and nobody else. Now I am 100% sure about it. Actually they have been threatening and terrorising me on a regular basis for the last 8-9 months to even finally kill me.
Still I can’t imagine that a lady from a low profile area and conservative family becomes so dangerous due to blackmailing done by her boyfriend to take extreme revenge against me including capturing all my earnings, assets, properties etc. The details of the concerned persons are as follows:
Lipika Jena(Jana). Father’s Name: Mr.Biswanath Jena(Jana). Permanent Address: Block Road, At/Po-Chandbali, Bhadrak-756133.
Siddharth Parida. Father’s Name: Mr.Brajakishor Parida. Permanent Address: At/Po-Chandbali, Bhadrak-756133.
The summary of this incident is mentioned below.
1) Lipika Jena had maintained extreme level intimate and physical relationship with me by promising that she will marry me. Though still I can’t believe it, but it may be possible that her target from the beginning only was to capture all my earnings, assets, properties etc. by maintaining this relation.
2) She tried to break up from her boyfriend Siddharth Parida, but that was bounced back for her. He got furious and mad after watching several videos of our intimate moments.
3) Then there was no other option left for Lipika than to go completely against me as per the direction of Siddharth, as he blackmailed her repeatedly by telling that he will show those intimate videos to her family, neighbors, friends, colleagues and everyone.
4) Siddharth started completely destroying me by l taking huge money (target 20 lacs, reduced from 30 lacs), different assets and as many other things as possible from me; l creating the situation to put me behind the bar permanently by making viral of videos of my intimate moments with Lipika, then again complain to police thru her with additional rape charges l making me totally disgraceful in the entire society and l finally killing me thru his associates if the situation demands.
5) On the background, Siddharth also started creating extremely embarrassing situation for Lipika(I am sure she is not aware of it) by which she will either suicide or become completely mentally disable. He truly determined to viral all videos about my intimate moments with Lipika. He decided neither to marry her nor to allow her to marry me after knowing this relationship. He planned to earn huge out of this affair. He strongly assumed that his path for a new life partner will be clear as everyone in the society is going to curse and taunt Lipika.
There may be some people including media houses who can propagate targeting me to get their mileage, as our society is more comfortable with a woman being the victim instead of a man. So I would request all of you very sincerely to check the genuine matter first before accepting or believing anybody’s(including police) remarks or statement as well as commenting anything about me related to it, otherwise you will only be embarrassed later on when someday everybody will know the exact genuine matter. This is fact that whatever I am mentioning here are 100% true and genuine.
It’s very difficult but by any way if you get a chance to watch those intimate videos from the police station, you will conclude that her following complains in FIR are totally fake, fabricated and unjustified. And the same thing must be for her statement to the magistrate.
1) That I have molested her. You will find very high level of intimacy, affection, romance, activeness, interest, enjoyment etc. from her side.
2) That I have harassed her from the day 1. You will find her always extremely happy, smiling, loving, caring, enjoying etc. You will never find one situation also where she is opposing or ignoring me for any acts.
3) That I have forced her to go to hotels. You can understand from sl. no.1 and 2 only. Also there are several proofs in whatsapp and tele conversation that she was only pushing me to go to good hotels.
4) That I have forced her to do shameful acts in hotel room. Again you can understand from sl. no.1 and 2 only. I am extremely sorry to write it, but you will realize that she was very much addicted to unnatural sex.
5) That I have clicked photos and recorded videos of her obscene moments without her knowledge. You will find in majority cases that she is looking or pointing at the smartphone camera while talking something related to it, which only proves that she was very much aware of it. Actually she initiated it by telling me that we should also watch our intimate physical/sexual acts to enjoy further, and this is a normal thing the lovers do. And to add here, she was technically much more sound than me as far as operating smartphone and camera are concerned.
6) That I had deposited amount in her bank a/c forcefully. Actually I could manage to transact thru bank only once as every time she was insisting for cash payment including for her all purchases. I felt her money oriented from the beginning, but ignored that due to her extreme level intimacy with me. Also a layman can understand that if she was really genuine or perfect then simply she could have returned that amount(that one bank transaction) by bank transfer immediately at that moment itself. Else atleast she could have returned that amount in presence of police officers on the incident date.
7) That I had forced her to go to hotel again and again by blackmailing her with those videos. She can’t show you a single proof like sms, tele conversation, whatsapp, email or any other thing about it. If you get any genuine proof about it then I am 100% culprit in this case and no further discussion. Whereas there are many proofs in whatsapp and tele conversation about how she was curious and interested to go to hotels and other places every time till 1st week of Feb’17. Again why not she complained to her family, friends, boyfriend, police etc previously than waiting till March’17. She had video recorded of our romantic and sexual acts till February’17 1st week. And the dispute started from 2nd week of February’17. You will find that the same level of intimacy, romance, and sexual eagerness were there from her side till February’17 1st week. Does any sexually harassed lady act like this way?
I can tell you one thing repeatedly that if you compare her FIR with one video clip only, you will conclude that my statements are 100% true.
Now let me take you thru the background of this entire incident.
I had never married though it was my desire in life to marry somebody, having children and live a happy married life like others. But it didn’t happen. I had accepted the reality that it is not going to happen with me. Truly speaking I was also never desperate for marriage as it was not happening, that to make it at any cost forcefully or like that. Again though I was very sad due no life partner, but won’t agree at all that I was completely frustrated or mad for not getting married, because I had not chosen any wrong path of indulging myself in bad habits like drinking, smoking, going to prostitutes/massage parlours, attending different type night/sexual parties etc. due to it and all these time I tried on a regular basis to be more discipline, I used to do exercise, yoga, meditation, reading different things and spending most of the time on official works on a regular basis to manage this situation. Yes one thing where I could not improve in these situations was to socialize, as I was introvert type from the early days. I lied to many people that I am married and having one child. The fact is I was not able to handle those situations when someone used to enquire or discuss why I am not married till date. It was really very awkward moment for me in all those situations and I was getting completely blank/choked/embarrassed internally. Most of the cases I found that people were enjoying by passing jokes or comments about it. So I used to avoid all social interactions, functions, gathering(except important official meetings). I have been very discipline, workaholic person from the beginning which many people know very well and that is the main reason still I was managing this life smoothly.
Lipika Jena took complete advantage of this overall situation. The way she put me in her trap from the beginning(May’2016), I could not realise her ultimate intention until Feb’2017. From the day one her approach was mingling with me. The starting point of her close approach was my fluency in Bengali speaking as I used to interact regularly with our head office people in Bengali only. She asked me with extreme curiosity that how I am speaking Bengali so fluently, though I am Oriya. She wanted to become very close with me by telling that they are originally Bengali(their actual title is Jana) and so many other things. She requested me very seriously to talk to her only in Bengali by that she will be fluent as hardly she was able to talk in that language at that time. I am a very reserved person and hardly talk to any woman colleagues on unofficial and personal matters, which you can verify as many times as possible from different sources. She came to know from some source before joining only that I am not married and she extracted this information from me very smartly within the first 3 days of her joining itself. She was very much smart to grasp from the initial interactions that I am not married, there is no dependent in my family, I was earning good, I have enough cash balance, I have investments/assets/property etc. which were may be very lucrative for her. Initially in May’16 she used to tell me repeatedly to talk to her on a regular basis anytime 24 hours to become happy, mind free and more energetic as she understood that I am not very social. I took that positively and started talking to her time to time unofficially. Though I am very much matured but in this case I was somehow carried away as I found her very much natural and genuine. Then it became a regular thing. She used to do many whatsapp chatting with me daily after and before office hours. She only taught me how to use whatsapp, which I never used before which you can verify too. So automatically the closeness started developed. Then after some time she persuaded me regularly to spend time with her daily by going to different places in my car and also for shopping, entertainment, eating etc. Initially I was completely hesitant about that mainly because what to answer if I face someone known to me. Then gradually I started doing that on a daily basis. During that period she even started physically close with me in office, in my car and outside places by holding my hand, hugging, kissing etc., which I reciprocated too. Then I started feeling and realising seriously that I am in love with her. Just to confirm I asked her many times in June’16, whether she genuinely likes me and every time she instantly replied that she love me, very much satisfied with me overall and her family would have been very happy if I marry her as I know Bengali also very well. During this period she thanked me so many times for helping her in all respect, helping her lot to learn many official matters, doing so many things for her and ofcourse making her Bengali speaking fluent. She mentioned many times that “mu kemiti esabu runa sujhi bi” i.e. “how she is going to pay back for all the kind supports and benefits received from me”. There are several proofs about it in whatsapp & telephone conversations. Then she insisted me to spend nights with her in different hotels at Bhubaneswar and Puri. Sidharth Parida was her boyfriend for last 7 years which is very difficult to imagine/understand, as after that also how come she involved with me at the very extreme level. Though I was interested for marriage commitment first and then to indulge in physical sex related activities, but she insisted me from the beginning that we should spend some quality time first by spending days and nights to understand each other properly. This is absolutely and undisputedly the fact that I was not at all ready to go for physical sexual relation with her before coming to a conclusion that she will marry me definitely. Had I interested only for sex I would have gone for so many other alternatives in all those years previously like attending different night parties, involve with call girls, going to massage parlour/prostitutes, visiting Bangkok/Nepal etc. as I was financially perfect. But I had never done those things. Please find out from whichever way possible, if you get atleast one case of mine of this type. You won’t believe that I didn’t avail foreign country visit sponsored by my company for 5-6 times in last some years, which includes Bangkok, Pataya, Nepal, Singapore etc. You understand what I mean to say. It’s a sincere request to you all, please investigate these thoroughly.
She also told me from the beginning that she is not very happy with Siddharth and thinking seriously to change her decision to marry him due to the following reasons.
1) He was unemployed till date though she started working 5-6 years back.
2) He is very lazy, slow type and very much indiscipline in basic life style.
3) He used to spend most of his time in browsing internet, google, youtube and playing games in his smartphone/laptop.
4) He is not hard working at all and believes in shortcut ways to get success.
5) He didn’t get select in any campus interview of the MBA(Event Management) program which he completed from mumbai.
6) Her father is not interested at all about this marriage with Siddharth as the character of his father is not good. His father has maintained relationship with multiple women for which there is regular disturbance between his parents and most importantly Siddharth is unemployed till date.
7) After several serious discussions by her also he didn’t try for job seriously for a very long period.
8) He was only interested for sophisticated job with high salary that doesn’t involve hard work, which is like dreaming.
9) There was force from her family for immediate marriage(as her sister was 2 years younger) and she was in complete doubt how and when Siddharth will start with a job.
She also told me many times that she is very much afraid as Siddharth is going to create several troubles for her as well as me if we are not handling that break up situation very calmly and slowly. She insisted me regularly during September’16 to wait for some more time, as I was in favour of immediate marriage. I told her very clearly and repeatedly from the beginning that it will be very painful for me to live further incase she is finally denying for marriage after spending so many days and nights with me. I touched her feet and begged also many times while telling it, because this was very much true for me. In December’16 she finally committed to marry me by February’17 end. She also told me that she needs to pay/return huge amount to Siddharth for finally breaking up with him. I assured her about those payments from my side.
I had provided huge amount to her during these 10 months between May’16 to February’17 as she created such emotional situations time to time by citing different reasons, sometimes requested, even demanded also and those are mentioned below.
10,000 in May’16 first week for managing her relocation from Angul to Bhubaneswar.
10,000 in May’16 third week for shopping related
20,000 in June’16 second week as she needs personally for different requirement.
30,000 in July’16 third week for treatment of her piles(disease), but she used it for some other purpose as I realised later.
50,000 in August’16 third week for starting settlement with her boyfriend for break-up/separation. I could manage only this payment by bank transfer, as every time she was insisting me for cash payment only. She was very serious about cash transactions only with her including all purchases for her. I could not read her intention properly at that time.
20,000 in August’16 fourth week for her urgent requirement.
50,000 in September’16 last week again for settlement with her boyfriend for break-up/separation.
40,000 in October’16 first week for puja shoping etc.
25,000 in November’16 second week for her personal requirements
25,000 in December’16 second week for her sister’s treatment of skin problem & piles.
50,000 in January’17 for her father’s treatment of hernia operation and blood clot on the neck.
Apart from all these I spent around or may be more than 2 lacs on her shopping dress materials, make up items, several other women accessories, daily use items, smartphone, laptop, external hard disk and so many other things. Adding to that I can’t calculate the amount which I spent on her for daily food and other items like apple, all types of dry fruits, dark chocolate, Horlicks, protein drinks, fruit drinks, milk packet, fish, chicken, gas refilling, mobile charging, doctor fees, medicines…..what not. I am really feeling very cheap to write it, but this is the fact. I was almost like those husbands who fulfill their wife’s demand or expectation daily very obediently. I had never done that for anyone even in my family also.
Again I have not calculated the spending on restaurants, KFCs, Dominos, Subways, fast food joints, etc. for her regular eating while going out in the evening and also for her daily lunch 50% times. There is also huge spending on hotels for staying around 40 days/nights including fooding and other entertainments over there. Ofcourse there is huge spending on petrol for my car with which where she has not visited atleast in Khurda, Puri, and Cuttack districts’ complete areas within this period that I am not able to recall.
Though I was afraid of going to hotels as unmarried couple was not allowed but she encouraged/insisted me from the beginning. But still I was afraid about that, so initially I had to take help from one of my known person to spend holidays and Sundays with her in his unoccupied house at Surya Nagar. That time she even arranged Identity card of one married couple(may be from her hostel mates) and insisted me to go to good hotels. Truly speaking she was very much interested to get the feeling of high standard hotels. From July we started going to certain good hotels with that duplicate id-cards, as unmarried couples were not allowed. Then after staying in some hotels we were confident, so went to many more hotels subsequently with our own id cards only.
She may say that she was addressing me as ‘Apana or Apni’ so how come it is a love affair. I asked her 2-3 times initially after closeness, why she is not addressing me as ‘Tame or Tumi’, she replied me very interestingly that she will do that after our marriage, because if she uses it now then it will be her habit and there may be awkward situation if she uses the same infront of our colleagues at any moment. And I accepted that as there was logic.
After spending some days and nights with me(on Sundays and holidays only) she was so much sexually inclined towards me that she wanted to spend nights on the working days also, and sometimes all of a sudden. So for that we used to go to that unoccupied house at Surya Nagar from time to time. Even there are some instances when she spent nights with me when Sidhharth was there at Bhubaneswar. You won’t believe, those days after spending some time in the evening with Siddharth, she used to go with me from her hostel at 10pm to this house at Surya Nagar.
I am giving in detail about the hotels where we stayed together just to request you that if possible please check with these hotels staff members like security guards, reception, room attendants etc. including going thru their CCTV camera recording(if possible) to understand whether there was a little bit of force from my end towards her while in the hotel during these period. Please check their CCTV recording of restaurant where we had taken our complimentary breakfast, to observe her body language as she was smiling, gossiping, enjoying completely while eating with me. This is because she had complained in FIR that I took her to these hotels forcefully. She also complained everywhere that she begged me in the hotel room that she is having boyfriend and after that also I had forced her to do shameful acts. By chance if you see any of those video clips any day, you won’t stop laughing. She has mentioned in FIR so many fake, fabricated and unjustified statements for which I am really mum. It is extreme level shocking for me. You will find that the level of intimacy from her side was extremely high and there was absolutely no force from my end. You are going to say that she was very much inclined towards me and she was fully enjoying with me. This is very genuine fact that I have not done anything to her slightly with force also and there was never any hesitation and objection from her end while having these romantic and sexual acts. You will also get a feel that she was rather more sexually inclined as compare to me in most of these intimate situations.
She stayed with me for around 60 nights in different places, which are mentioned below.
HHI, Bhubaneswar–5 times/9 nights(24.12.16 to 26.12.16; 12.11.16 to 14.11.16; 5.11.16 to 6.11.16; 3rd week of July; 3rd week of August)
Excellency, Bhubaneswar–2 times/3 nights(30.9.16 to 01.10.16; 1st week of July)
B&BA Guest House, Bhubaneswar–3 times/6 nights(14.1.16 to 16.1.16; 21.1.16 to 23.1.16; last week of July)
Balaji International, Puri sea beach–2 times/3 nights(28.8.16; 4th week of August)
Pal Height, Bhubaneswar–2 times/3 nights(2nd week of July; 1st week of August)
Sungreen, Bhubaneswar–1 time/2 nights(3.12.16 to 5.12.16; )
Arvind Inn, Bhubaneswar–1 time/2 nights(17.12.16 to 19.12.16)
Stellar, Bhubaneswar–1 time/2 nights(31.12.16 to 02.1.17)
La Franklin, Bhubaneswar–1 time/2 nights(1st week of February)
B10 International, Bhubaneswar–1 time/2 nights(last week of January)
Sandy’s Tower, Bhubaneswar–1 time/2 nights(last week of October)
Valenti, Puri–1 time/1 night(9.12.16 to 10.12.16)
Prabhupada, Puri sea beach–1 time/2 nights (10.12.16 to 12.12.16)
East & West, Puri sea beach–1 time/2 nights (4th week of September)
In a vacant house at Surya Nagar, Bhubaneswar area many days and night between June’16 to Feb’17.
Another very important thing is that she used to take video recording of our intimate moments from her as well as my smartphone most of the time. She is technically very much sound than me about using smartphones and cameras. I started using smartphone from 2016 only before that everybody used to tease me as I was not having that after being in a higher level post also. Actually she initiated it by telling me that we should also watch our intimate and sexual acts to enjoy further, and this is a normal thing the lovers do. You will find it 100% true after some verification only, whereas she has reported everywhere that she was not aware of it and I used to do that. Also you will find in majority cases that she is looking or pointing at the smartphone camera while talking something related to it, which only proves that she was very much aware of the recording of these acts. The fact is she used to keep all these videos in her external hard disk and laptop that were bought by me. Truly we used to enjoy watching these videos from time to time.
During these stays we did everything (rather much more than that) which happens between a married couple or lover. Both natural and unnatural(she was more addicted to it) sex many times a day, body massaging of each other, discussing many things about our past/present/future, exercising, watching movies/our intimate videos, spending lot of time in warm water in bath tub etc. are the regular affairs.
She told me several times that I have given her the best sexual satisfaction overall undisputedly as compare to her boyfriend Siddharth, the proof of which is there in whatsapp and telephone conversations. Now she can tell that I am very aged person, but then how come she forgot the same while indulging herself in extreme level intimacy and sexual activities with me for this period.
Suddenly in January’17 last week she tried to convince me to postpone our marriage for some months due to financial problems, but I assured her about all financial supports from my side. Then she expressed that she is not able to close the break up settlement with Siddharth due to his shrewd and aggressive approach. As a result, I started suspecting and stopped giving any further money to her. She was supposed to take around 2 lacs from me in February’17 first week. Then she convinced me that if we show some of our intimate video clippings to Siddharth after sending some emails that she is having affair with someone else, then Siddharth will definitely go for break up with her. Though I was not interested this way but finally she sent certain mails and showed some video clippings to him from fake accounts through internet. But that was bounced back and resulted in a completely dangerous situation for her. Finally Siddharth got hold of all those video clippings from her laptop/external hard disk, gone mad completely after watching those and finally started blackmailing her in different ways by telling that he will show those videos to her family, neighbor, friends etc. After some days she started reacting totally different with me and emotionally torturing me over phone that I have video filmed those sexual acts and sent to Siddharth. Her approach was completely changed and I felt that she was recording those tele conversations as planned with Siddharth for misuse. So I also tried to be somehow cautious. She stopped coming to office and started doing everything in a very cheap and dirty manner as per the direction of Siddharth to save herself from her misdeed.
Then she repeatedly told me that Siddharth will definitely FIR to police for this matter, incase I am not paying him 10 lacs immediately. Actually this was the conspiracy of Siddharth to blackmail me for capturing all my earnings, assets/properties(including my family) etc. I had never imagined that she will take this matter to police and FIR with so many sections of IPC. This must be noted here that I never met or talked to Siddharth before facing him for the first time in police station, whereas he has mentioned completely false in his witness statement that he met me before many times, where I threatened him and bla.. bla..
Mr.Meher and other police officers were watching those intimate videos provided by Siddharth in his laptop on that day and were discussing among themselves that there was complete and blindly support and involvement from Lipika in those acts. But very interestingly this point was nowhere mentioned in the initial forwarding letter from police station and even case diary(mentioned very lightly) too.
I repeatedly very clearly told Mr.Meher at the police station that these video recordings were done by her and all those are there in her laptop and external hard disk, but to my utter surprise he repeatedly forced and suggested me to surrender there for whatever she is raising and the matter can be settled and closed there itself at the police station. He repeatedly told me that Siddharth and Lipika have informed him to settle this matter at the police station only and for that I have to accept that these videos were captured and sent by me. I was very seriously suspecting on that day why Mr.Meher is so much inclined to her and why he is not able to handle it neutrally and matured way. Separately over there, Lipika also suggested and requested me repeatedly to surrender by which Siddharth will be cool and the matter can be settled there itself. She also requested me to do it keeping her critical situation in mind. Mr.Meher tortured me mentally and physically at the extreme level for long hours on that day while repeatedly telling me to surrender. I did not accept this blame at all there, as I sensed serious conspiracy behind it. And ultimately Mr.Meher went outside that room and tell his subordinates that I have accepted that these video clipping were sent by me to Siddharth. There was nobody at that moment from my side to help me to complain against it to higher police officials or to address it differently. I should not blame other police officials in that police station as they followed Mr.Meher’s direction only. They even told me unofficially that they are helpless though they feel about some conspiracy against me. Siddharth and Lipika demanded 30 lacs from me on that day night at police station(when no one is there) for settlement, which I didn’t agree at all.
The fact which I came to know much latter from Siddharth that there was a unique deal he had with Mr.Meher and DCP. Lipika fulfilled their every sexual demand starting from that day. It was really very shocking for me. How can she go upto that extent? Fortunately, I was able to record this statement of Siddharth two times, as he used to threaten me regularly by giving this remarks. I will give it to my lawyer as this recording may help me during case proceedings.
Mr.Meher had gone thru all videos as shown by Siddharth in his laptop in Lipika’s and my presence. Though he realized that there was complete intimacy and support from Lipika’s side in those videos, but he did not raise any question to her against her complain of forcefull acts, molestation, harassment etc. done by me. All my electronics equipments like Laptop, I-pad, Smartphones, External hard disks, pendrives etc. were checked very extensively by the police officers themselves as well as with the help of Siddharth on the incident date, but they could not find a single video clipping of this type there. But there was nothing mentioned about it anywhere in the forwarding letter or case diary.
Mr.Meher had handed over my laptop, I-pad, smartphones to Siddharth and asked me to provide its accessing password to him in all our presence on the first day. This was only to destroy all evidence against Lipika. Though I repeatedly informed and requested Mr.Meher that the evidence will be destroyed by Siddharth, he didn’t cooperate with me at all rather he forcefully pushed me out of that room. Siddharth and Lipika got enough time to manipulate, delete, transfer etc. from all these equipment. Later on Siddharth told me that he had copied all files from my external hard disk, smartphone and laptop to his external hard disk without anyone’s knowledge at the police station on that day itself. This guy is technically very sound and can tamper/misuse anything for his benefit. He also openly told me that he has got all my personal details(password) like bank account, credit card, debit cards, investment, email id and so many other things.
I was totally handicapped after this incident as all my necessary materials like Laptop, I-pad, Smartphones, external hard disks, internet wi-fi/datacard, pen drives and so many other things were seized by police from everywhere. Whereas none of these type of equipment possessed by Lipika(mainly) and Siddharth were seized by the police officers, wasn’t that very suspicious? I could not do anything further as all official and personal data/information were kept over there. It had been a really pathetic situation for me and there had been no other things left for me but to spend every day only by doing prayer, yoga, meditation, reading books.
It’s an open commitment as well as challenge from my side that if any investigating agency finds any proof that I have ever tried to do anything on Lipika forcefully, then I am the only culprit in this case without any further discussion. Always my approach towards her was very soft and polite. I have handled her very much delicately while on outing, having romance, physical contacts etc. Every time I asked her first whether she is comfortable or not, whether she likes/enjoys it or not, whether anything I do differently by which she can enjoy more and after getting her positive response and suggestion only I have done the needful. This is more than 100% true. Unlike others, every time I had given first priority to her liking areas whether it is sex, romance, eating, entertainment and others by sacrificing mine. Even officially also I had never shouted on her for any negligence in work, whereas for other staff members I used to be strict to get the work done in time.
Let’s go thru another very important aspect too. She was having a boyfriend for last 7 years, whereas I was unmarried. In this situation I can commit a mistake which many will believe and accept, but how come she has gone for this extreme level intimacy and sexual relationship. If she is dedicated about her boyfriend, if she is fully determined to marry him, if she is coming from a good cultured family(which I strongly felt earlier) then how and why she will do all these extreme level intimacy, romance, sexual acts, spending so many days and nights with me. Can anybody believe this that one can’t get a job of 10,000 at any other organisation after having 5-6 years’ experience also and for that only she did all these things? Actually she joined in this organization with 2,000 less salary than her previous job which is another proof that I acted very much professionally at the interview and her selection. She could have very easily left this job in the first or second month itself if there was real trouble for her. The genuine fact is she enjoyed the entire period of 10 months with this company.
Let’s talk about another very sensible thing. Why she didn’t complain to her boyfriend, family members, employer, colleagues, her hostel mates and even police atleast once previously in 9 months, if there was real harassment? She was in direct contacts with several officials at our head office including HR dept for handling different official works. There are several proofs which show that she was really enjoying these 9-10 months in this company. How she realized this harassment after 9 months and complained to police first that’s again without informing the employer? I would also suggest you to check with her father, was he really so much financially weak and also bed ridden due to serious illness to take care of her? The fact is as I know very well that her father was completely hesitant about her coming to Bhubaneswar for doing job. Again the best part is her parents are not aware of this police case till date. Please cross verify these anyhow.
The way I have taken care of Lipika during all these times, it is much more than that of a lover or husband and even parents too. What I have not done actually? Every moment asking her whether she is OK or needs anything. taking her to doctors whenever there is slightly illness also, taking her to all the places she likes for shopping, eating etc., dropping her at Cuttack in very early morning when she used to go to Chandbali, picking up from Cuttack Bus stand while returning, doing all very small things for her like refilling her gas cylinder, bringing vegetables suddenly if that is exhausted, bringing different packets from Chandbali Bus sent by her parents and so many different things, OMG what not…. These are apart from several other things as I mentioned previously.
This is my ultimate statement that if you find any simple but genuine proof also from sms, whatsapp, phone conversation, email or any other thing that I had ever threatened her to viral these videos, then undisputedly I am the culprit. I would request the respective authority again and again to check/cross verify it very minutely, because her statement is completely fake, fabricated and unjustified. Actually she has done all this as per the direction of Siddharth only as there was no other option left for her. Siddharth and Lipika had arranged witnesses who have actually never met me earlier and don’t know anything about this matter.
After my release, they started harassing me regularly to get 30 lacs, my investments, many assets and family property also from me. They have been using two vital things while harassing, threatening and terrorising me all these months (a) putting me behind the bar permanently by making viral of these videos, then complain to police again and (b) adding rape charges against me. Whenever I told them initially that I will complain to police, they replied that Mr.Meher and DCP are under their full control as Lipika has been fulfilling all their sexual demand and so no police is going to entertain me. Truly I could not believe internally till date that how Lipika went up to that extent? Is it only for monetary benefits or she has done all these as per the direction of Siddharth due to his blackmailing? Though I thought to approach police, but actually convinced with their remarks(Lipika fullfiling sexual demand) mainly due to the completely biased, negative and non-cooperating approach of Mr.Meher towards me that I realized from the first day. I gave them a good proposal that they can stay with me and I am going to take care of their everything starting from accommodation, fooding, all entertainment, any type of expenses in a very best manner and that is again anywhere in India. But Siddharth was not at all interested for that.
Siddharth and Lipika did everything possible in extremely dirty manner by which I had to lose my job where I was associated for the last long 11 years. The entire scenario was so much shocking for me at that moment that I was completely destroyed internally and became totally speech less. I was not able to talk for some days due to this shock.
While harassing after my release, Siddharth provided me one used general type mobile and one used redmi 3s prime smartphone with 2 SIM, already created whatsapp account in it, different types of softwares/apps loaded in that etc. and warned me to use those for maintaining contacts with him. He is technically very smart and wanted to keep me under his total control without leaving any evidence for his involvement in misdeeds. These softwares as I understood are mainly for tracking me as a whole. Even Siddharth was able to catch me instantly if I try to switch off the mobile, changing SIM, not charging the battery in time etc. Siddharth was always interacting with me in the already created whatsapp account in that smartphone.
In April’17 I paid them 2 lacs in 3 parts and requested seriously to reduce their demand of 30 lacs to 5 lacs as it is not possible for me to pay any amount higher than that. They were not at all ready for any negotiation and completely determined with that 30 lacs. I begged them several times but no benefit. Then I stopped going out of my home for some time and did not respond to their whatsapp and phone call too. Then he started coming to my home(my room) with his associates very smartly with pre-plan by which nobody else knows about it. As I was staying in the first room with a separate door almost adjacent to our main entry gate, so it was easier for him to do this mischief. He observed it smartly when he came with the police on the first day for thorough checking and seizure of all materials from my home. I was totally helpless as every moment he was threatening and terrorising me by telling the same which I mentioned previously.
After several level of my requests, discussions, meeting, their harassment, threating and so many other things till June’17 end they negotiated it to 20 lacs. By that time I had already paid them total 4.5 lacs. This 20 lacs payment was also totally out of my reach. Actually the way Mr.Meher tortured me mentally and physically at the extreme level in the first 2 days, I lost complete faith on police. Again the way the society, govt. authority, police and mainly media were handling, highlighting etc. sexual harassment, video viral cases time to time I was very much afraid and my mind was not working at all to get any solution, support from any other side. Also I was not in talking terms with my brother and sister from April’17 only, as from some discussions it was concluded by me that they are also strongly of the opinion that I have done this sexual harassment and bla.. bla.. As per them I have brought very bad name to our family by involving in this police case and they have been going thru extreme level shock, depression etc. due to that. Again I was not in a position mentally to consult any of my friends and relatives as I was so much depressed due to this sexual harassment label/tag put on me.
Siddharth, Lipika and their associates treated me very badly during all these periods. They used so much dirty/slang language for me and my parents; nobody did that in my entire life. In the meantime I lost 3 good job opportunities at Bhubaneswar itself, where I was finally selected and just about to join. In two cases it was due to my fault, as I informed Siddharth and Lipika with excitement and another one I could not understand actually. To my utter surprise in all these 3 cases the employer came to know about this sexual harassment case with even documentary proof like FIR, Case Diary etc. No doubt it was all done by Siddharth only. I begged them many times during that period by touching their feet that I can’t leave without working somewhere as for me without job means like leaving in a jail only, how can I spend so much time daily and by that finally I will be mentally ill. Even I proposed them that let me work somewhere and every month I am going to pay them 70-80% of my salary, but that was not accepted. The fact is Siddharth was determined to finish me completely after taking different things(as mentioned previously) as much as possible from me. This is his ultimate revenge on me and nothing else.
I told them afterwards that it is not practically possible for me to pay 20 lacs also as I don’t have that much amount with me. They told me to sell my parents property to manage it or make it in their name as a last option. I can’t imagine this and I can’t do it whatever the case may be. I thought about it many times that if by chance Siddharth is making viral of those videos, how can I prove my innocence then? After seizure of all electronics items from me from my office, home, everywhere by police at the beginning there was nothing left with me, then how and where can I get those videos? But my initial experience with police officer Mr.Meher as well as Siddharth’s remarks of Lipika fulfilling sexual demand of Mr.Meher and DCP, has completely destroyed my confidence level. I have been very much afraid that police is going to definitely put me behind the bar permanently.
Siddharth Parida is such a horrible person which is completely out of my imagination. He discussed with me several times from July’17 or August’17 that he is going to sell all these videos to several porn sites to earn huge amount. Though Lipika has been threatening me along with Siddharth for all these months for making viral of these videos and then complain again to police against me as I am not fulfilling their demand of 20 or 30 lacs and other things, but I don’t think she is actually aware of this ultimate plan of Siddharth. Her image also will be completely tarnished by this way and how she is going to survive in the society. Actually Siddharth is blackmailing her at the extreme level and that’s why she is not able to find out what he can do actually. Siddharth believes in money, wealth only and nothing else. He wants to have huge money, assets etc. with this type of short cut ways only. He told me several times till date(after my release) that he will start a mega event management business at Bhubaneswar for which he needs 50 lacs. Even he told me very clearly that now he is going to utilise Lipika sexually for several influential persons to be successful in this business. Can you imagine how mean is this person and what extent he is thinking? He also told me that it will be a great revenge by him on Lipika for betraying him. The worst part here, Lipika is not aware of it and also not able to realize it.
Again if Siddharth is really going to viral these videos, then how I am going to face anybody? Oh my god this is really going to be the ugliest situation in my life. What to do? Who is going to help me? Should I borrow from the market again to meet their further monetary demand? I have never taken any financial help from anyone including my family member as I am such a person who can’t do it. Again what is the mistake I have done for which I will pay so much? This is completely injustice. I am confident to win this legal case anyhow because there are several proofs in my favour. But if Siddharth is really going to viral these videos and complain to police against me and also add IPC section for rape charges then the situation will be completely out of my control and he will put me behind the bar permanently.
One day when I told Siddharth and Lipika that I am going to contact all media house at Bhubaneswar and explain this matter to seek their help, they were somehow afraid as I realized from their body language. But still they threatened me instantly that they are going to involve media in a mega way before I can do anything like that. As per Siddharth‘s conversation on different dates later on, I feel he is going to utilize media houses too to tarnish the image of Lipika also in addition to mine. His plan is that he is not going to marry her as she has cheated him. He is rather going to keep her as mistress/prostitute type and utilize her sexually to gain financial benefits in his business and other cases.
Though I paid total 8 lacs in several parts between July’17 to October’17 by exhausting myself completely, but after receiving that also their approach was completely different and negative as usual. I was feeling seriously that they are not going to leave me after receiving total 20 lacs payment also. Most important thing is they were strictly accepting only cash and I was not able to keep any proof of it.
Siddharth is technically very sound person whether it is smartphone, computer, internet, video/audio editing, networking, hacking, etc. actually everything. I realized this as he used to do these types of works most of the time in my presence. I understood very clearly that Siddharth is doing everything very smartly for not leaving any clue about his involvement in harassing, blackmailing and terrorizing me at the extensive level, may be for viral of videos, may be for my murder and so many other things. During all these period he used many different types SIM in that smartphone and general type mobile provided by him to me as well as in my phone. He used my mobile SIMs for different purposes at my room(home) and other places too. He used internet in his and also my friend’s laptop with different datacard or wi-fi belongs to him and me using different SIMs always while present at my room(home) and also other places. He forcefully took my mobile phone with SIM, my friend’s laptop, internet datacard with SIM from my home several times during this entire period either directly himself or thru his associates. I am very sure that he must have been misusing these equipment for wrong purposes. He has been doing all these types of misuse while present at my room(home) also. Many times he took different code received in those SIMs, from me thru whatsap when I was at home. Siddharth as well as his associates(includes his brother) have used everything of mine(from mobile to financial instruments) even using myself(for calling to someone, buying something and so many other things) from time to time basis during this entire period and definitely these are for misuse. Though I was feeling that he is grossly misusing all these but I was helpless to complain to anyone, because every time he was threatening and terrorising me directly or thru his associates by telling the same thing what I mentioned already. He never brought his personal mobile to my room(home), so it’s same for not leaving any evidence. He maintained very secrecy whenever he came to my room(home) like by checking with me in whatsapp prior to his entry, keeping bike at distance place etc. He used to ensure that nobody else should watch him at those times. I had to keep close my room door most of the time due to their presence.
Lipika has been telling our colleagues, associates whoever she met during this entire period, about FIR and legal case against me for sexual harassment. She has destroyed my reputation completely in my professional circle. Siddharth and Lipika have tortured me mentally at the extreme level during these last 8-9 months which I can’t express. Whenever I think about those tortures it is like electric shock. It is completely unbelievable for me, how Lipika who was involved with me romantically and sexually at the extreme level, now torturing me like such a dirty manner. Can you expect it from a lady? Please believe me it is extreme level shocking which is nothing less than death actually.
One serious thing to mention here as I am almost sure that I am going to be killed by Siddharth and Lipika at any moment. It is a sincere request that my dead body should not be handed over to any of my family members or relatives at all. Yes I am 100% serious that nobody from my family or relation should touch my body. My brother and sister also strongly believe that I have done this harassment as well as other things as reported by Lipika. I don’t want at all that they do anything for me post death as that is also going to add severe pain for me.
If I die as mentioned previously, I do not have any objection to donate my each and every organ especially to a very poor person, but with a condition that the authority needs to bury me rather than cremating. Please simply bury me after my death and don’t cremate me at all. It’s my last wish.
I have paid total 12.5 lacs to Siddharth after this incident(my release) till October’17. There is hardly any money left with me. I have been trying seriously to borrow money from the market to address their remaining demand. I am not able to approach any of my known people as I have never done that earlier. If I borrow from the market, I have to pay high interest. From September’17 Siddharth has become much more aggressive. I have observed completely different and ultimate negative wave from his body language. He started feeling that I won’t be able to pay more to him. He was not ready to wait any more and he wanted to finish everything very fast.
I know that people are going to create mockery by passing different comments out of this episode. I have to inhale those, the way I have been taking so many other pains previously. Let’s see how much pain I can absorb altogether? I can bet you that Siddharth is still unemployed and spending his days just like that only. Please check with the employer incase he tells about his working in any organization, because he has been lieing to everybody in this matter too.
Sexual Harassment term is so sensitive, it’s like Aids disease. I have serious respect for this term, but if it is used wrongly like in my case then how to manage the situation/society, how to face people, how to face colleagues etc. As I realized that the body language of everyone is like they are suspecting first, even family members too. Some of the cases where people are not talking negative but their body language tell the different thing. I seriously felt that many people including my ex-colleagues started ignoring me, some used to comment very badly related to it for their entertainment. Oh God whenever this “sexual harassment tag” coming to my mind, my heart is getting completely destroyed, I am getting completely traumatized and I feel the same thing will continue after my death also.
Had Mr.Meher handled this case in a very neutral, matured and clean manner the entire episode could have been sorted out in a very amicable and decent manner at the police station on the first day itself and Siddharth also would not have got that much courage to destroy me completely by regularly blackmailing, harassing, threatening and terrorizing. By chance if you can see some of these video clippings once, then from her over all body language and conversations(everywhere in those videos), you will come to the conclusion that all my statements are true and all her complaints are fake, fabricated and unjustified. I have been feeling very strongly that overall the main culprit is Siddharth Parida and not Lipika Jena as he must have forced her regularly and extensively to become extremely negative towards me, giving all fake, fabricated and unjustified complaints against me by threatening her that he will show all those video clippings to her family, friends, neighbors and everyone.
If I am getting killed and after that if media people ask Mr,Meher about this case he will definitely present completely fake and fabricated story against me. It’s my sincere request to media people, just see those videos once in the police station and then you are definitely going to ask him how come he accepted completely fake, fabricated and unjustified complain of Lipika and Siddharth? Also how they put so many sections under IPC against me after knowing that they are telling completely fake, fabricated and unjustified things. And there itself you will conclude that Mr,Meher has destroyed my life like anything.
Siddharth has not been meeting me for last so many days. But he has been still continuing all mischief and putting extensive pressure on me thru whatsapp and his associates for paying the rest amount. There is definitely something suspicious. I have been very strongly feeling that Siddharth’s ultimate intention is to kill me with the help of his associates any time as he has still maintained extreme level revenge against me due to my relationship with Lipika. From all my observations I am 100% sure that he is not going to leave any clue about his involvement in this murder. Even I strongly feel that to prove his innocence he will be available either in the police station or some other secured place, may be even out of Odisha when his associates kill me.
I am sure that after receiving total 20 lacs also Siddharth is not going to stop. He is going to demand my other assets, investments, parent’s property and so many other things. My life is completely hail now. I will request my last employer to address my all official expenses of around 8-9 lacs which I didn’t take previously for many years. If I get that then I may manage this situation, else nothing is clear to me. I can’t touch my parents’ property at all, no way that is possible for me.
I would again very seriously request as well as remind my family members and relatives for not touching my body and doing anything for me after my death as Siddharth and his associates are going to kill me certainly.
I am extremely afraid and feeling very alone nowadays. Believe me it is extreme level painful situation and nobody should go thru it ever. What to do ultimately? Nothing is coming to my mind. I have been praying to God extensively in these months. I have been doing yoga and meditation extensively too, expecting every day that something miracle will happen and the situation will change.
It’s a great lesson from this life that if you remain silent expecting that the other side person(s) will change, realize his/her faults, understand your critical situation and finally the matter will be smooth, then your life also will be finished like mine. I may be completely wrong, but believe me there is hardly any improvement after 8-9 months also after doing extensive meditation, prayer, yoga etc. apart from addressing Siddharth’s all demand.
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nedsecondline · 8 years ago
Netanyahu’s new plan: Getting rid of Israel’s Palestinians
Netanyahu’s proposal to revoke citizenship from tens of thousands of Arab citizens is yet another calculated move meant to absolve Israel of responsibility for the fate of its native population.
By Marzuq Al-Halabi
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister office in Jerusalem on June 18, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
The idea of territorial or population swaps as part of a final-status agreement with the Palestinians is not new. Many have previously propounded it, whether as part of an honest effort at resolving the conflict, or as a way to whitewash population transfer. A new proposal put forth by Prime Minister Netanyahu would transfer the Arab villages of Wadi Ara — adjacent to the northern West Bank — to the Palestinian Authority, in exchange for annexing the settlements to Israel. A typical Bibi-esque response to weighty political questions.
One can easily dismiss the proposal as an attempt by the prime minister to placate the Israeli public, in light of the mass funeral for the three men from Umm al-Fahm (in the Wadi Ara area) who killed two Border Police officers at Al-Aqsa two weeks ago — an act that, in their eyes may have earned them a ticket to heaven, but left behind a nightmare of violence, confusion, and embarrassment. It is possible that Netanyahu, as opposed to his minister Tzahi Hanegbi, did not want to threaten the Palestinians — even those in Israel — with a third Nakba, and thus decided on the more sophisticated route of territorial swaps, in which Israel will give up on sovereignty in the Wadi Ara area (known as “The Triangle”), including Umm al-Fahm.
Netanyahu’s idea needs to be viewed as part of his search for an outlet for the current tensions, and as part of the public discussions on a final-status arrangement and a range of “creative” ideas that will pave the way out of the current strategic tie-game between Israel and the Palestinians: Jews are unable to make the Palestinians disappear, while the Palestinians cannot return to their lost paradise while ejecting the Zionist crusaders from Palestine. I tend to see it as another Israeli idea whose goal is to overcome this international tie, from the point of view of the demographic reality between the river and the sea.
In light of developments in Israeli politics since the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, one can safely establish that the right-wing elites in Israel do not want any further Palestinian participation in Israeli politics. This has become all the more clear since they came into power.
The Right views every act — be it political or legal — that hints at fully recognizing Palestinians’ citizenship or their potentially pivotal role in the political sphere, civic identity, peace, and war, as a call for intervention to change direction toward exclusion.
Palestinian citizens of Israel participate in a Land Day march in the Negev. (Corinna Kern/Flash90)
Many of the right-wing, populist crusades against Israel’s Supreme Court came on the heels of rulings in favor of Arab citizens. Even the idea of holding a referendum on a potential Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories without asking Arabs, or that will be decided by a relative majority, is intended to neutralize the political power of Israel’s Palestinian citizens. The same goes for the changes that have been made in the Basic Law regarding the Knesset, over who is eligible to be elected to the parliament, mostly target Palestinian candidates or slates.
The banning of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in 2015 was another step in that direction. The incitement and hate-mongering against the Palestinian public in Israel serve the same purpose, as do the the proposed laws that seek to rescind the status of Arabic as an official language. All these join a long list of laws and amendments over the last several years that seeks to deepen the chasm between Palestinian citizens and the state.
It’s important to mention Israel’s land policies that are fed by a Zionist worldview of redeeming the land through taking control of the maximum amount of land with the minimum amount of Palestinians. In fact, the withdrawal of a democratic Israeli identity and the rise of an aggressive, Jewish, right wing took place vis-a-vis Palestinians in Israel, all while turning them into an internal enemy. This is how the new Jewish identity, in its current incarnation, is being built.
This concept creates forces us to deal with the demographic question, which betrays the motivation behind the actions of the right-wing elite. At the end of the day, the elites are not driven by a desire for a historic deal, God forbid, with the Palestinian people, which lost its homeland in a conflict with the Zionist enterprise, and not even an arrangement that will lower tensions and prevent, God forbid, more victims. The elite are busy with the question of how to get rid of those same wild, rioting, terrorist natives. From this point, public discussion becomes a spectrum that ranges from separate roads for Jewish settlers to full-on transfer, either through curfews or through population and territory swaps.
All these practices have taken place between the river and the sea since the late 1940s. This is the inevitable result of refraining from dividing the land between its two peoples. As long as there are no solutions on the horizon, he who is in control will only try to improve his position and his rule. Checkpoints and curfews are apparently not enough, as we have seen over the past two weeks in East Jerusalem.
I believe that these acts of oppression are not a result of the reality on the ground, but rather of the mind of the lords of the land.
Border Police officers throw stun grenades at Palestinians at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif compound, Jerusalem, July 27, 2017. (Activestills.org)
The practical significance of Netanyahu’s plan is not the transferring of territory to a Palestinian state, but rather absolving Israel of responsibility for the rights of the people living here. In other words, abandoning the people there just as the Palestinian people in Gaza were abandoned to their torturers. We must admit that Netanyahu’s proposal is cunning, and now that it is out in the open, it can be deployed in the future. Regardless of whether the plan is ever implemented, Netanyahu and his followers will have the ability to exploit this plan to the very end, using it as a constant threat, especially when we consider how journalists and the media dance to Netanyahu’s tune whenever it has to do with Palestinians.
Either way, I am not impressed by Netanyahu’s proposal, and view it as another calculated step in the Right’s attempt to weaken and cancel the political status of Palestinian citizens of Israel. The prime minister wants to abandon the Palestinians to a territorial and governmental emptiness — somewhere between military occupation and a Palestinian entity bereft of any ability to govern. This is how the apartheid regime established designated areas for natives, or rather isolated, blood-soaked entities. The colonialist structure always led to criminal ideas that allowed the regime to absolve itself of responsibility for the fate of the natives.
Marzuq Al-Halabi is a jurist, journalist, author. He writes regularly for Al-Hayat. This post was originally published in Hebrew on Local Call.
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phyllislkim · 8 years ago
9 Stuff You Failed to Find out about Film Transfers To DVD Hampton Roads.
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novemberai-blog · 8 years ago
Ask a real estate question from Riley Aviles
Q: Does the tax basis change when you inherit a home that was in a trust?
The trust currently owns the house. My mom is the trustee and I'm to get the house upon her passing. I've a duplicate of the trust and will. Without increasing the tax basis of the house may I set the title in my name? Lawyer Answer Richard Samuel Price
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A: I really believe that you will be discussing the assessed value for property taxes. A transfer of a home from parent to child might be excluded from reassessment for property tax purposes. For the primary residence, there's an unlimited exclusion. For all other property, the exception is restricted to the first $1M of value. You have to file an application for the exclusion with all the tax assessor within 36 months of the transport. In short, that implies the property taxes should remain precisely the same.
Visit website
Q: I own a condo in Indiana and rent out my basement. Itis a shared entry. Do I need any kind of renters or license ins?
I live in this condominium. I 've roommates in the basement who would not have a written lease with me. Just verbal. Attorney Reply Alexander Florian Steciuch
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A: It's going to depend your geographical area. There is absolutely no statewide renter system or database. Some cities require all rental units in their jurisdiction to be registered. As an example, Bloomington requires that your property be registered with all the city and scrutinized if you're renting out rooms or the property to others. Is your condo a portion of a housing association or condominium association? They might have more rules regulating renters which you will have to abide by should you be a part of such an organization. As an overall guideline, it is almost always a smart idea to own insurance to cover harm to the home and it's also clever of any renters to have renter's insurance in case there is burglary, larceny, fire, etc.. Finally, get your renter's lease arrangement in writing. In a few cases in every instance having something signed and in writing although its needed to be able to own an enforceable contract depending on the duration of the lease is preferable over a verbal contract. It gives the court something in case you ever need certainly to litigate, to examine and will help protect everyone involved.
Q: My neighbor has a camera pointed directly at my front door and bedroom. How to request them to change the angle of it?
Weld County Colorado. The camera supplies no surveillance of the owners property. Attorney Answer Tristan Kenyon Schultz
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A: It is possible to just ask they to shift the angle. At issue is whether the camera use is an improper invasion of your privacy. You'll find nothing improper using an exclusive party pointing a camera in front of someone's home, while an attorney would need to review all the details. This can be clear in the event the camera has got the capacity to view beyond just what an ordinary passerby on the road could see. Colorado along with the US have really poor privacy laws (esp. When compared with continental Europe).
Q: If I'm my last living parent and the only child simply expired do I have to go threw probate?
Attorney Answer Vincent J. Bernabei
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A: Your parent's estate may be subject to probate in case assets were possessed by your parent in their own name during the time of his/her death, and there's no joint owner nor any named beneficiary on your parent's account. Examples add a property in your parent's name or a bank account in your parent's name with no payable on death beneficiary named. Depending on the worthiness of your parent's assets, there are several alternatives to probate. As an example, you may be able to transfer ownership of the assets by way of a little estate affidavit rather than a formal probate proceeding. That is a much faster and cheaper procedure than probating the estate.
Q: My brothers and I own a house that was my grandmas. None of us live in the home.
Assistance that is medicaid will be likely needed by among my brothers, it seems him being a partial owner when he dies I 'm concerned about medicaid recovery might not hinder that nevertheless. It is my understanding we own this house as "tenancy in common". What exactly are our choices with this property in order to avoid any support or potential medicaid restoration from medicaid? Attorney Answer Dr Kenneth V Zichi J.D.
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A: There CAN be retrieval against YOUR BROTHER'S share of the house in case you possess as Tenants in Common. This could result in a forced sale or other 'issues' for you along with another common owners, as the individuals who paid for the brother's care (the citizens) work to regain the cash they paid. The just '100% simple and positive' means to address this is always to buy your brother's interest out then, and at its fair market value for him to utilize that cash until it runs out to purchase his own care. You'll be able to look at some 'fancy' medicaid qualifying trusts and they MAY work, however ultimately, your brother using his own cash for his care is the only way to assure 100% medicaid to pay won't attempt to recover against his assets.
Q: Real estate agent:e-mail hacked, hacker sends wrong wiring tips the morning of the closure before I could call.
Am I at fault? Florida broker. Lawyer Replies Richard Paul Zaretsky
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A: You're definitely on the short end of the stick that is wrong - See this link for an article I wrote precisely with this scenario - where your email was infiltrated using a malware that took control of your email. See this link: YOUR EMAIL WILL BE VIEWED = YOUR CLIENTS VICTIMIZED : THE HACK STORYLINE - actvra.in/4Ph6 (you'll most likely have to type this into your address line in your personal computer.) The aforementioned link is an article that was copied in the Real Estate Council magazine of The Fund and a few Realtor newsletters. As for obligation, you need to advise your broker, inform your liability insurance company (since this is a problem likely along with your own personal e-mail, you need to inform both your homeowner's insurance as well as your professional liability insurance underwriters). I guess the banks for the buyer (who sent the cash to the phony cable instructions) was advised. It could possibly be that the cable can be recalled by them. Also, the thief in these types of scenarios is generally notoriously haphazard and they don't cross their "t's" and dot their "i's" - so the wire may in fact not have successfully gone through. There could likewise be obligation of the party which was to have the resources - for them not correctly safeguarding the wire directions - if it had been their e-mail that was endangered. Begin with the bank, since it is time sensitive. Afterward the broker and insurance carriers. And all the best.
Q: Can my neighbor which is the sole access to my house, and who purchased the private road on which I dwell, limit my access?
I live on a triple dead end and possess 4 contiguous dwellings in the neighborhood while my neighbor's extended family possesses 7 contiguous houses, 2 of which were assembled in the twenty years since we bought our house from his cousin and also the other 3 from his uncle. He purchased the private road that goes just to my houses(and ends facing my house) from exactly the same uncle and now needs to trade it for a sizable part of our first multi-acre lot so he can construct another house. From what little I remember of real-estate law from law school, I've told my husband the neighbor cannot impair the sole use of our property and so we do not need to own the road, especially as we neither wish to give up any land nor support another house in our small area. I feel this is borderline blackmail. Thank you in advance. Attorney Reply Tristan Kenyon Schultz
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A: Your memory is right. Being the law, there are always complexities, but the dominant (original) estate and its particular successors cannot limit or prevent use of an earlier authorized servient estate when the sole method of access is via the dominant estate. Moving out of English common law, you quite likely have a "right of way" easement. In case the easement is recorded you have a simple case (in your benefit). In the event the easement is not recorded, you will have to demonstrate the importance and existence of the easement (from your facts this should not be extremely hard).
Q: I reside in a house made of two flats the complete home is infested with bedbugs what can I do?
I've an apartment in Nyc, and Ive had bed bugs for the past 1.5 years due to the bottom flat in my building having them. My landlord didnt fix the difficulty and has had someone who is merely an area bug man. Ive told her about it many times over the phone and in person. She only asks me and I keep paying because Im frightened she will kick me out. What should I do? Ive needed to block my whole apartment of and live simply in my family room and sleep on the ground. Lawyer Replies Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq.
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A: See: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/bedbugs.page Additional information are required to provide an expert evaluation of your problem. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. You're able to also read more about me, my credentials, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in the following areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Contracts & Business, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This solution doesn't constitute legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship
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