tagnoob · 4 years
Darkpaw Announces and Adjusts Plans for the Rizlona and Aradune Time Locked Progression Servers
Darkpaw Announces and Adjusts Plans for the Rizlona and Aradune Time Locked Progression Servers
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Sometimes it pays to wait a bit after Daybreak announces something as they are a company that is willing to change their mind in front of a live studio audience.
That can be a good thing.  As I said back in the SOE days, they do try to get to the right answer.  The problem is that their starting point does seem oddly wrong at times.  I don’t think this was necessarily one of those times, but…
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mischievousblade · 4 years
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EverQuest launched new progression servers
The Aradune and Rizlona server launches are set for May 27, get prepped by finding other players on our forums or discord!
more info
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tagnoob · 4 years
EQ Aradune Server Remains Over Crowded
EQ Aradune Server Remains Over Crowded
In addition to launch day problems on Wednesday, the Aradune “Truebox Dedicated Progression” server remains over crowded.
Nostalgia goes live
Rather than being able to simply log in and adventure, players are finding long queues most hours of the day.  Daybreak has spent some time in the past creating a structure that could absorb more players on these special servers, adding the ability to spawn…
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tagnoob · 4 years
EQ Aradune and Rizlona Servers off to the Usual Rocky Start
EQ Aradune and Rizlona Servers off to the Usual Rocky Start
Yesterday was the big day, the day that saw the launch of the two latest EverQuest progression servers, Aradune and Rizlona.  You can read more details about these servers at a previous post.
Nostalgia goes live
And things looked to be going better than normal, with the server launches hitting the promised noon Pacific Time launch window unlike so many past launches so that Daybreak was able to p…
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tagnoob · 5 years
New Servers and Server Merges and More with the EverQuest Anniversary
Aside from the habit of writing a post about the EverQuest anniversary in advance, as I did with yesterday’s post, I also seem to have to follow up with a reaction post to things announced with the coming of the anniversary.  And so it is today.
An image I can really only use this year
The EverQuestteam put up a post with all sort of news yesterday.  There was, of course, the heroic character for…
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