goldenguillotines · 2 months
Riyyao hiiii!! your hoodie looks so comfy!
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"Oh.... uhm... thank... you...?"
"Its... something... my... older... brother... got... me..."
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rustedguillotines · 1 year
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Oof.. yeah that doesn't sound like an easy time.. Sounds really messy if I have to be honest.. But Ketana? Woof.. You should be extra careful about him. I'm sure you already are but.. uh. I don't think he's someone you should mingle with.. Masayo does occasionally speak with him but I think if that guy knew about you or Riyyao. Bad stuff is surely to come. I'd like to say Masayo would intervene but he's not everywhere at one time.. just be careful? Pretty please?
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TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ The Entire Situation Is Effed Up. TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ I Didn't Choose To Be A Descendant Of This Bloodline, But Here We Are...
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ I'm Doing My Best To Be As Careful As Possible, But... TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ It's Only A Matter Of Time Really...
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Ketana...
She sighs in defeat.
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Masayo Said That He's Not... Evil At Heart, But He's In Deadeye's And Rivetess' Clutches. TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ We Wanna Keep Riyyao Out Of All Of This, And Maybe Get Ketana Out Of There... Though I Honestly Don't Know How To Contribute Yet...
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ For Now I'm Just... Making Sure My Little Brother Is Well Taken Care Of...
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
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And older Riyyao I am not rendering for obvious reasons
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
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Riyy boi
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
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2/6 @leethetrashpage happy valentines day!!
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
Fcs pt 3.. guys on my mind
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Riyyao ❦ Rodisa
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"Oh.. uhmm... uh... the blue blood dweller? That uhm.. masa calls sis? or uhmm... wait.. i wasnt.. uhm.. supposed to say that to you.. "mm zzzz...""
I hate you || You’re awful || How can anyone like you || I want to hurt you || You should go die || I wish we never had met || I want to fight you || I don’t know who you are || I have no opinion of you || You seem nice || You’re cute || You’re attractive || You’re a god/goddess || You seem like a decent person || You seem like an awful person || I want to get to know you more || I want you to stay away from me || I’m embarrassed around you || I’m shy around you || I wish you’d kiss me || I would kiss you || I want you to fuck me || I want to fuck you || I want to protect you || I like you || I have a crush on you || I love you ||
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
Hi Astrah! I hear you like to stop by a certain café! what's your favorite drink and/or pastry?
->He nods his head.. a cat meows from his arms and paws gently at him. Beckoning him down for affection he just smiles, petting at the feline..
"Yes... I do..."
"Free drinks... here... are nice.. but... I'm not a big fan... of the tea .... we have..."
->He leans down.. giving the cat a kiss against its forehead, producing a meow from the kitty.. along with some purring..
"I like... Getting the Earl Grey.... tea.. or a ... Americano..."
"I suppose... I like the... little fruit sandwiches they sell... and the tirmasu the... most.. I don't get... the chance... to try the... popular stuff out.. ehhe..."
"Have... your tried.. anything?"
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
grabby hands show me all ur fishies.
I don’t know if I can fit ALL of them here but I’ll put as many as I can and their names.. I have a problem LMAO
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"The Oyabun" -> Akaiss Ritouv / Lammek Ritouv
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"Orphaner Deadeye/The Deadeye/The Wagagashira" -> Masayo Desmus / Ketana Desmus / Riyyao Desmus
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"King of the Sea/Xepher" -> Yutaka ??? / Umegai ???
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"The Director" -> Nobayo ???
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"General Rosethorn" -> Nasuki Uskieh / Cormai Uskieh
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"The Calamity" -> Kyuuga Mahani
(Not related trolls down here)
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Julian Emvema / Natani Yaukul / Asnumo
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Siyona Udvivu / Kiwako Onrusu / Vankit Fauhou / Vernon
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Otrome / Kolist Kokari / Affayo
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Koukoi / Sasuke Paraou / Jisoou
Not pictured: Emikei, Honeyy, Kanasu, Zhever, Hazard and Songbird
I think Heusmu *technically* counts but they can be in limbo as a treat
I do have a problem but I'm not apologizing for it!!!
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Fuchsia Ketana but you try talking to him and the ego smothers you alive.. same with Masayo and Riyyao
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Out of your characters who Is or would be the (that would fit in a boyband i mean):
Best Singer
Best Dancer
Fan Favorite
Hmm. I'm also going to throw in an extra bonus category for funny ehhee
Best singer:
Julian has an extremely successful solo career as of the current moment! He has been training since he was little.. mimicking your ancestors little quirks does help! A lot of his fans really do like how much emotion he puts into his music.. almost like they can feel it themself?
Milo has always used singing as more of an outlit for those repressed feels or kinda as a charm point to get the chance in bed with someone else lmfao. But. Milo has a sinful voice and is KEENLY aware of it. It's hypnotic and smooth. Perfect for those saucy songs they like to sing about.
Best Dancer
Lammek might not look like it. But he is incredibly coordinated on his feet and definitely knows how to dance. He might not be professionally trained or even practices night and day HOWEVER. He learns incredibly fast. Definitely would pick up what was taught to him rather fast. All for the sake of learning, no?
Natani is just. That bitch. He has incredible control over his body and he knows it. Like Julian.. Natani has been practicing since he was a kid. Always had a passion of learning different types of dances.. even at some point WAS a choreographer himself before he debuted. Now a lot of his fans look forward to seeing his.. ahem. Spicy dance numbers. :eheh:
(Bonus!) Best Rapper
Riyyao once he gets a firm grip on life and. Has a little more support. My boy got some mad fuckin flow. While a lot of his rap might not be as angry or heavy handed as others. My guy is basically slinging poetry? He knows his words. He jsut has to find the confidence, ya feel?
Kyuuga.. Look. He might be an insufferable pick but he can go hard. I'm talking like. (3.3 words/seconds) Levels. A lot of the times he struggled to actually lipsync for music videos or with the music playing in the back. It's pretty jarring.. to the point when he was apart of GOLDEN BOYS. they just.. excluded his verses from the track for live versions. Unlike Riyyao.. Kyuugas rap is a lot more pointed and he has a lot more confidence
Fan favorite
Akaiss... (pathetically looks out the window) He might be an completely shitty person however the public does not know this. At all. Ever lol. He is extremely charismatic and a super well rounded performer. He definitely goes out of his way to leave impressions (intentionally) to fans to try and spread the word about how genuine/caring/sweet he is... even if in reality he's not at all
Nakaou.. Look at him. I feel like he's the type fans would see and be like omg!! goofball!! but Nakaou is a sweetie. Unlike akaiss.. he is genuine and doesn't spread things like that? Lol. He also does enjoy interacting with fans within reason. He might be also considered pretty stern because he doesn't like when people overstep. While he is a nice and thoughtful person.. When he gets irritated he loses all his playfulness really fast.
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[Masayo texting Rodisa]
CA: And Hes Seen Riyyao.
CA: He's Seen MMe WWith You.
CA: He's Seen MMe WWith Riyyao.
CA: He's Seen YOU. WWith Riyyao.
CA: He HASNT And WWont SAY Shit Unless He's Fuckin Called On It.
CA: The PROBLEMM Is If Ya Start MMakin' Fuckin' MMoves The WWay You Are- Yer Gonna HaVVe His Hand Forced.
CA: He's A Lil Fuckin Shithead But He KnoWWs Better.
CA: Unless You Did It Infront Of His Superiors, Yer Fine. Fer NoWW
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TA: Are you sure? TA: I haven't really seen or noticed him... TA: Then again, that's probably intentional, huh?
TA: Either way, I should talk to Lammek about this... TA: I have ways to deal with being recognized, don't worry too much about that, I just...
TA: I think at this point it would be stupid to leave Lammek in the dark...
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[Masayo texting Rodisa]
CA: Its Not Just About HIMM!!
CA: Its About Keeping MMy FaMMily Fuckin Safe!
CA: Yer Apart Of MMy FUCKIN FaMMily!
CA: You Should Be WWorried About YERSELF TOO!
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TA: And I appreciate it, Masayo...
TA: But I always knew they'd get me one night. TA: Decided that it was all worth it anyway, even if at some point they'd dig their claws into me.
TA: Don't worry about it... TA: I'd rather Riyyao stay safe, when it comes down to it.
TA: I'll... talk to Lammek...
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[Masayo texting Rodisa]
CA: Yer Boy Fuckin' WWONDER There Has Another One Of OUR Fuckin' Sibling Under His Payroll!
CA: Ketana WWorks As LaMMMMek's Bodyguard!!
CA: IF Yer Fuckin' Stupid AND HE FINDS OUT..
CA: Yer Not Only Jeopardizing YERSELF.. MMore Than Ya Fuckin' Already Are!
CA: BUT Yer Selfish MMOVES Could Fuck Up EVVERYTHING IVVe Been Doin Ta' Protect Riyyao!
CA: Secretly Fuckin' Datin' LaMMMMek Isn't Tha Fuckin' PROBLEMM
CA: Yer Getting Far Too GUNG-HO!
CA: The Fact I Found OUT Should ShoWW Yer Not At All Careful!
CA: MMight As WWell Just Go Out N' Shout It To Yer Fuckin' CoWWorkers N' The Public!
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She's staring at her phone for several minutes, barely able to stomach any of the information given. Her mind was racing left and right, scrambling for any shred of hope in this fucked up situation.
She couldn't believe that Lammek would be involved with her family. Even if it wasn't clear as to how this involvement looked exactly, but she still found it hard to believe... Yet...
She remembered...
She remembered bumping into Ketana that one time, trying to pretend like she had no clue who he was... but there had been recognition in both of their eyes.
There was an undoubtedly high chance that their Ancestors already knew... a shockingly high chance, in fact.
Rodisa was doomed, her time ticking. She'd always known there would be an end of the line, she just hadn't thought it would come so soon... but even if she was going to lose in the near future, Riyyao could still be saved...
TA: .... if it's about Riyyao...
TA: Don't worry about him... TA: I'll make sure he stays safe...
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[Masayo texting Rodisa]
CA: And It IS A BIG DEAL! HUGE ONE! HoWW AMM I Supposed TA WWORK Properly KnoWWin Yer NoWW In SoMMe Relationship WWith HiMM!? He's MMy Superior! Ya!?
CA: NoWW I HaVVe TA WWORK Under HiMM And Act Tha' BROTHER Part!
CA: YER Tryin' Ta BloWW It OVVer!?
CA: Tha' Only TiMMe Clothes END Up In That GUYS Place Is Either Because He's Pailin' SoMMeone Or He Bought NEWW Clothes!
CA: And Last I Checked!?
CA: He Ain't The Kind Ta WWear Yer Frilly Ass Top!
CA: Ya Don't Need Ta' Fuckin' Tell MMe EVVerythin' But This Is PRETTY IMMportant Infos!
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TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Excuse Me?!
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Yes, We Are Dating! TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ We Have Been For A Good While Now!!! TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ And We've Been Very Careful About It Too! TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Literally Nobody Noticed A Difference!
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ What The Heck Do You Mean By Acting As My Big Brother? Contrary to Riyyao I Happen To Be A Fully Grown Adult! TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ Not To Mention That He's A Very Kind And Caring Man!! He Doesn't Need You Hounding Him Because Of Me!
TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ If I'd Known He Was Your Boss I Would Have Mentioned It To You! TA: [() ≡ *:・゚✧ So Will You Just Calm Down Already!
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