#Rise of the Runelords ACG
amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends Side Quest #1 - Separately Together
Artist @sheastandefer
Since our party has moved on to the Skull & Shackles box, my friends asked to borrow Rise of the Runelords to introduce to their friends. The indoctrination spreads!
In their game, Lini vehemently argued in favor of the party all sticking together location by location, despite the Stone Head henchman damaging everyone at the location when fought. The party relented and stuck together at the first location...where Lini proceeded to encounter and acquire a Pteranadon, which only lets you explore again if you move first. So Lini flies away on her dinosaur to explore new and different frontiers, meanwhile, the next player explores, hits the Stone Head, and everyone left behind promptly gets clobbered. THANKS LINI.
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sirrogue · 6 years
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Amiri and Friends #11 - Take Your Time
Artist: @sheastandefer
The downside of playing a melee fighter: small hand size and lots of weapons means not exploring very many times per turn. A few rounds and Seoni and Lem closed three locations between them (with help from the Academy text). Meanwhile, Amiri has been banging her head on one location, exploring once or twice a turn, still not closed...
(To be fair, it turned out the henchman was on the bottom of that location pile!)
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guvatara · 6 years
Pathfinder ACG: Возвращение рунных властителей
Pathfinder ACG: Возвращение рунных властителей
Эту игру Pathfinder ACG: Возвращение рунных властителей у нас локализовали Hobby World на площадке Crowd Republic, а так же там были профинансированы дополнения к этой игре и продолжение ее. (more…)
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #18 - Runeforged Metal Alche-bard
Artist - @sheastandefer
Deeper into the player meta this week, our players have all recently (some more recently than others) finished watching Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and are fairly obsessed with talking about it. We are nearing the end of the Runelords box, and despite knowing it’s not the same, one player is very eager to play the alchemist Damiel in the next box, Skull & Shackles.
One of the rewards for finishing Adventure 5 is the Runeforged Weapons special, which gives everyone a bonus against cards with the Transmuter keyword for the rest of the Adventure Path. Upon reading that, Lem immediately clapped his hands together (mimicking the FMA alchemy form), prompting chastisement from Seoni on the finer distinctions of alchemy.
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #19 - What a Charmer
Artist: @sheastandefer
The final journey to the Xin-Shalast had the party making their way through three iterations of the Death Zone location, high in the mountains rife with wildlife. While fewer than usual locations, they are heavily weighted towards banes, and tough to close. Amiri and Seoni were caught unawares by a herd of stampeding aurochs and got a bit overrun.
The Leng Spider henchmen defending the area, however, are susceptible to diplomacy as an alternative to combat. While the heavies were off getting trampled, Lem was charming the local spiders into letting him pass and closing the other two location spaces without having to face most of the baddies inside. (He even had to come over and help the party sneak by the lingering aurochs at the last location. Thanks, Lizard!)
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #14 - To the moon, Lem
Artist: @starwars
Lem managed to uncover the villain unusually early in the game, with no means of fighting in hand. Seoni could only watch as the bard got clocked by the Black Monk, discarding his hand AND burying his discard pile after that, effectively making him half dead for the rest of the game. Bad luck, but it felt like another instance of “Where the hell is our damn fighter???”
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #4: Upstaged
Artist: @sheastandefer
After using a newly-acquired Spyglass to scout her location, Amiri found a henchman and moved it to the top of the deck so she could fight it and close her location next turn.
...until Seoni moved over and scummed her kill. :)
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #17 - DISINTIGRATE!
Artist - @sheastandefer
A bit of meta (dis)integration, this week; Seoni and Amiri’s players always bring brownies to Lem’s player’s house for their weekly games. While Seoni was contemplating using her fancy new Disintegrate spell to blast a baddie, Lem’s player was foolishly trying to dig out a center piece from the tray of brownies. As it gradually crumbled into smaller and smaller pieces despite his attempts, and Seoni was muttering calculations about using Disintegrate, Lem hollered in frustration, “MY BROWNIE IS DISINTIGRATING!” And thus, this comic was born. :D
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #1: One Lem Band
Artist: @sheastandefer
Our first big villain fight, we naturally sent in Amiri to attack, but the bard also went into full support mode, playing Lem’s Flute bonus, “singing” with Lem’s support power, playing a blessing, etc. As the bonuses piled up, it became a joke that Lem was breaking out the one-man-band style getup to give as many bonuses as possible!
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #13: No weapons, no problem
Artist: @sheastandefer
We had the bad luck of a unique henchman that deals damage before you act ending up at a location that also deals damage before you face a monster (unless you can make a significant Acrobatics check, which none of us can).
Luckily, even with no cards in hand (discarded for damage), Amiri packs quite a (literal) punch and was able to defeat it with only minor buffing from her companions, hiding safely in the bushes Woods.
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #11 - Take your time
Artist: @sheastandefer
Amiri learns one of the drawbacks of being a melee fighter in this game: small handsize and lots of "reveal" cards means low hand cycle rate and fewer explores per turn. After the first few rounds, Lem and Seoni had closed three locations between them, while Amiri was still slogging through all the monsters at her first location.
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #9: Forbidden Treasure
Artist: @sheastandefer
After spending an inordinate number or resources opening a Locked Chest barrier, Amiri rolled a 1 on the d4 random items from the box, and it turned out to be a crow bar, a tool ideally suited to...opening locked chests. *sigh*
Clearly a rival adventuring party encountered the chest before we got here, opened it, took the actual treasure, and left their crowbar here to troll us.
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #7: Delay of Game
Artist: @sheastandefer
Approaching endgame, Amiri was heading in against a (hopefully) final fight against a villain that had the caveat of having to start the fight over if you roll a 1 or 2 on a d6 after defeating it. We spend an inordinate amount of time going back and forth trying to maximize Amiri’s chances of fighting over multiple fights, if necessary. In the end, Amiri charged in and didn’t roll a 1 or 2, so it didn’t matter.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #10 - Extra Crispy
Artist: @sheastandefer
After encountering her third fire-based creature in a row with “after you act, <monster> deals 1 Fire Damage to you,” Amiri was feeling stripped of armor, card in hand, and a bit steamed at taking damage despite winning the fights.
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #2: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Artist: @sheastandefer
This scenario, Amiri was having trouble finding things to fight, while Seoni and Lem were getting overrun with henchmen. We made it just through, but Amiri wasn’t pleased with her lack of fight time.
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