wisleychalke · 2 years
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Cute blep :3
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wisleychalke · 1 year
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Cake, for anybody who needs one on their special day :3
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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Another drawing of the same character :3 I absolutely hate how badly I messed up drawing the legs, but everything else feels passable to me. I was trying to have them crossing their legs as a way of highlighting them relaxing, but had no idea how to do it. I think the main issue for me it still not really knowing how to draw the torso area and me always just kind of having the legs jutting out of the character. Especially here, I can tell I really messed up the left leg, having no idea how it was supposed to turn over the other. Guess I'll add that as another thing I need to figure out at some point.
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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A *really* old drawing that I've been neglecting to upload for quite a while now. A simple drawing of a friend's character, I actually used another gift they had gotten as refernce of it, since their character has been drawn in so many different art styles, that I felt it'd be fine for me to take my pick of which version I preferred the best. Overall, I think it came out really well, though admittedly I'm always unimpressed with myself making these drawings with no background, but even so, I like how much this deviated from the usual way I would draw a character, especially with regards to the eyes. Also, proud of how the legs came out, since I really have no experience drawing legs like these. I know I tried to do so again in another drawing involving this character, and they came out much worse. =w=
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