#Rin was so tired of having to prove her humanity
sweeetsh · 4 months
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old paraphrase of Alexandre Cabanel’s The Fallen Angel
tbg quote below
“She was a goddess. She was a monster. She’d nearly destroyed this country.” -The Burning God, page 617
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darklinaforever · 6 months
Interesting to see Sareth and Sessrin on the same list of loves. Because I too love both and don’t think either are bad. Both ships are dependent on the female. Let me explain, in both relations Rin/Sarah decide when they are ready. Neither guys understand affection well, because the girls are one offs. Jareth didn’t know how to properly express his feelings. And Sess wouldn’t have had any clue. I only ship either when they are grown women of course. When they know their feelings :)
The first similar thing that struck me though was that both females when they grow up, after Sess/Jareth who else would possibly follow them? If Rin was ever going to love anyone it would only have been Sesshomaru. And Sarah’s sexual awakening was a magical king that looks like Bowie! Would a human man ever compare? Both women’s choice when they grow up is obvious. Why would they change filet mignon for spam? And their guys would let them. Ever if Sess realized he had feelings when Rin got older he wouldn’t act on it. And Sarah has to invite Jareth back into her world 😉 😆 Sorry if this didn’t make sense but that’s my thoughts
These are two relationships where everything depends above all on the woman.
And I myself can't imagine them as a couple with another man once they're older.
Also, I'm tired of seeing people spit on these two ships without understanding them and using words whose meaning they don't even understand.
Small compilation of important articles on these two ships that I was able to do :
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reverie-quotes · 1 year
Rin was so tired of having to prove her humanity.
— R. F. Kuang, The Dragon Republic
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femurthief-fen · 2 years
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Finished Review: What a devastating read. Truly. I don't know whether I want to rush head first into the next book or sit with my feelings for a bit and read something more relaxing.
“Rin was so tired of having to prove her humanity.” This story follows Rin and her journey after committing the atrocities that ended the previous book. A lot of time in The Dragon Republic is devoted to Rin's mental state and her questionable ways of coping with the weight of what she's done. The more I think about this book, the more I appreciate it. One of my biggest frustrations with the story was how childlike Rin could be when it came to certain decisions. In my head I was mentally projecting myself onto her and demanding that she be smarter about certain choices, but that was not what Rin needed to go through to process her trauma.
Kuang is unmatched in her descriptions of war and trauma. She writes every war scene with such intense and graphic writing that it truly feels like you're just there in the moment with the characters. Every gut-wrenching slash of the sword can be felt through Kuang's words. The war planning in this series is also something to gawk at. In many fantasy books I find the battle strategies to be very simple- which I'm fine with- but you can truly tell that Kuang went out of her way to form strategic battle plans according to how real wars are fought. Kuang emphasizes that even the best battle strategies mean absolutely nothing in true warfare because anything can happen, and articulates that beautifully to the audience.
The Dragon Republic felt like a rollercoaster of emotions and my safety bar just flew off. I think Kuang deserves every ounce of praise she receives for her writing and I will be paying attention to her future works as they come out.
I appreciate the raw horrible nature Kuang writes into the story and that she recognizes the reality of war and conquering and what happens to so many who fall under its destruction. Dark subject matter can be covered in stories like this without exploiting the situation for shock value which so many other stories would do, and also still be necessary to the plot of the story. Also Kuang, all of my favourite characters except two? Really? Did you need to gut punch me into the next century >:(((
“Our world is a dream of the gods. Maybe they have other dreams. But all we have is this story unfolding, and in the script of this world, nothing's going to bring Altan back to life.” Read this series and forfeit your soul to the torture it'll put you through <3
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"Rin was so tired of having to prove her humanity."
- R.F. Kuang
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inuyashaha · 4 years
Yashahime Episode 15
I think so many of my feelings and observations have been stated by others at this point, but here go my rambling thoughts anyway.
First the negative:  It was an oddly structured episode.  The introduction threw us straight into the past, very, very briefly framed by Riku as the narrator.  Did Riku break the fourth wall or were we to assume a listener we did not see?  I’m still not sure.  So much information was thrown at the audience that it did not feel like there was enough times to savor the emotions of the moments ...  very very important moments that showed us Inuyasha and Kagome’s home and married dynamic, pregnant Kagome, RIN HAVING HER BABIES with Kaede, Sango and Kagome being there (I LOVED that), Sesshomaru taking his babies...I’m willing to wait and assume this rushed narrative is on purpose, but it was a little jarring.
Now the good:
Rin is the mommy!  I knew that.  I was convinced on August 1st during the livestream, but it was a sweet (if all too brief) moment.  Mamiko Noto’s voice as Rin was so perfect.  It was sweet, but it was subdued.  It was the voice of a someone who had just birthed twins and knows something awful is about to go down.  To hear her name the babies was a beautiful moment, and how sweet were baby Towa and Setsuna.  Towa looked a little grumpy/sleepy, but baby Setsuna was already smiling :).  I do think they will show that Setsuna, deep down, is a smiling sweet girl like her mother and that circumstances made her like she is.  It also makes me think that we have only seen one side of Towa -- we haven’t really seen what she has inherited from Sesshomaru -- yet.
I loved that all of Rin’s friends surrounded her and helped her have her babies.  The twins hurrying to get Kaede, Sango going for Kagome...it was a community event!  But seriously, to know that if only for a short while, Rin got to be surrounded by love and peace with her babies by her side makes the bitterness of Sesshomaru taking the babies so quickly afterwards a little easier to bear.  Just a little.  Sango the experienced mom.  Kaede the midwife.  Rin the new mom.  Kagome the expectant mom.  Imagine the conversations and bonding.  Their kids should have grown up together :(. 
And I am going to speculate, until the show proves me wrong, that Rin probably had her own hut and continued to live in the village after she married Sesshomaru, or at least after she got pregnant.  The fact that the twins came to get Kaede at night makes me think that she was not in Kaede’s hut.  Wouldn’t Kaede be at her own place at night? 
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Like Inuyasha and Kagome, I think Rin and Sesshomaru had their own place:
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This looks different from Kaede’s hut.  I don’t remember the little pathway on the left, but it’s impossible to tell if they are next to the gate here.  Again, I’m choosing to believe they had their own place.
So, this makes me consider how much Sesshomaru really did settle down for Rin.  He gave up his titles.  He did not take her to a castle in the air.  He let her stay among her friends and start a family WITH HIM but still within the village.  He gave her the best of both worlds.  He MARRIED her.  How many times was she called his wife or bride?  She’s no concubine or human piece on the side.  He MARRIED her.  Since he had not seen his mother in a while, I’m assuming he married her in her village, letting everyone know she wasn’t just some poor village girl taken advantage of by the powerful yokai. And it clearly wasn’t just a human marriage.  All the big bad demons called Rin Sesshomaru’s wife. What honor, respect and love he showed to her, a mere human peasant (though of course we all know she is so much more than that, especially to Sesshomaru).
Was he like many lords and installed her in her own home, visiting and staying with her when he did not have business to attend to?  Or did he tell Inuyasha that he better get used to having another demon hanging out in his forest by the village?  Like...for all intents and purpose, Sesshomaru may have been living in the same village as Inuyasha, both intending to raise their families together.  I love that.  Please Yashahime, don’t dissuade me of this.
Poor Sesshomaru...sigh...I know it doesn’t look great for him right now...but that will change.  The story is not going to make him the villain.  It’s just not.  But yes, poor Sesshomaru.  He got to be happy about his babies being born for all of about two seconds before Zero interrupted him.  Look at his little smile while he listens to his daughters’ first cries:
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He had his worried face on, and then he smiled.  He’s a dad in the waiting room.  And the TONE of Jaken’s voice when he declared that they had been born.  The WARMTH, the LOVE.  Grandpa Jaken I love you so much.
This bitch, though, I don’t love at all:
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Does she have some kind of magic yokai ultrasound that lets her know Sesshomaru had twin daughters and predicted Kagome would have a daughter?  I look forward to seeing how this all unravels, but the fact that she showed up IMMEDIATELY after the girls were born is frightening, and maybe that was why Sesshomaru was at the outskirts of the village instead of closer by?  Clearly, they were expecting some kind of attack, but dang...that happened fast.
Who is this lady anyway?  I’ve seen it speculated that it may be Riku’s mother...and yes?  I could see that.  Did she have a hanyou she was not allowed to keep,  poor Riku tossed overboard, and now she seeks revenge? Or was she rejected by Toga? Those tears of hers.  Who was she crying for?
As many others noticed, this was a little odd:
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What about Sesshomaru’s mother?  He hasn’t seen her in years (such a bad son), and when they go to her castle, she’s missing.  Was she just off doing flying dog stuff in the sky?  Was she shopping for expensive jewelry and designer silks?  I’m assuming she was not at Sesshomaru’s wedding.  Or did Zero do something to her and Sesshomaru just wasn’t aware?  I’m dying to see more of Sesshomaru’s mom.  I want her to meet the twins and just throw out her arms all, “Come to Grandma!  Let me buy you things and tell you stories about your dad.”  But that remains to be seen.
Speaking of grandparents, can I say yet again that I love the honorary grandparents Kaede and Jaken, both trying to protect Rin in their own way.  Kaede doesn’t hold back and calls Sesshomaru a fool (imagine what she was like when Sesshomaru was truly courting Rin) while Jaken comforts Rin when her babies are taken away.  Again, the voice acting by Jaken’s VA is EVERYTHING in this episode.  The LOVE he conveys.  He’s perfect.  I love him.  I do.
And Rin knew the plan. She knew what was going to happen, but poor thing...I wish it could have been different for her.  Look how much she loves and trusts Sesshomaru.  That expression clearly says “Look what I made! Look what WE made!”  I wish we could have seen them react to the babies together. 
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Also, look at how Sango is about THISCLOSE to putting on her slayer clothes and kicking Sesshomaru’s ass when he scooped up those babies and turned away:
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The rest of the episode was such a jumble of events.  Sesshomaru AND Jaken were with Inuyasha and Kagome when the comet arrived, which was after the twins’ birth but before Moroha’s.  Even if they are hanyo, I don’t think Jaken and Sesshomaru would have left newborn babies alone.  Rin was with them.  Jaken even said he was bringing Rin to them (I assume after she recovered from birthing twins).  Further supporting this would be the dream gazing spell business --  Like others have said, I’m pretty sure Rin sacrificed herself to keep her remaining daughter safe after Towa was pulled into the future.
Miscellaneous observations:
1. What the hell is going on with the comet? Every 500 years?  So, the Higurashis might be in for a surprise pretty soon?  Comet remnants are still in the sky though...
2. Why in the hell did Inuyasha bring his pregnant wife along for the comet destruction? Why exactly was she there?  Unless he was too worried about her safety to leave her behind?
3. Riku is one shady fellow.  HE found the compact?  How did he know where to look? I know, I know.  Don’t be hasty, but c’mon.  We don’t have that many episodes left.
4.  I like how they portrayed a pregnant Kagome.  I like this little side view where you can see she’s chunky, but it’s not an exaggerated thing:
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5. Sesshomaru and Rin had babies before Inuyasha and Kagome! On one level, it is very sweet.  Of anyone, Rin and Sesshomaru are very aware of the fragility of life and how fleeting time is.  Look at the names of their daughters.  It makes sense that they wanted a family quickly.  On the other hand, I cannot shake the idea that the brothers did get competitive with each other.  I can imagine Inuyasha knocking up Kagome as quickly as possible after finding out that Rin was pregnant.  Then Sesshomaru has TWO daughters to Inuyasha’s one.  I am longing for some brotherly interactions.  Let Inuyasha call him a hypocrite at least once.  Let Sesshomaru gloat that he has TWO super awesome daughters. Let the daughters watch their ridiculous fathers fist fight while their mothers pour water on them and tell them to SIT.  Please.
6. Besides emphasizing the fact that Rin is Sesshomaru’s WIFE, the episode also emphasized the fact that Rin actually birthed the girls. Rin is in labor, it will be soon, you did well, Rin, Rin resting in bed with her daugthers, her voice weak and tired, the tub used to wash the babies in the background.  There was no magic switcheroo.  The twins were not found beneath a tree.  Sesshomaru did not sprout them from a forgotten limb. They came out of Rin’s body.  She’s the mom. She made them with her husband. End of.
6. Finally, this is the best part of the episode.
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You sure did, Rin. 
Now where are A-Un and Shippo?
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Emp-ire “At Gunpoint.”
Sorry for posting so late. I wrote this yesterday, but have been kind of absentminded lately. I hope you enoy.
Adam woke up with a numb arm and a groan. He rolled onto his side, hearing the clatter of glass as he did, sitting up and slamming his head hard against the table above. He cursed, rubbing his head as he crawled out from under the table and stumbling to his feet. Quiet snoring over by the bar alerted him to another human’s presence and found Ramirez sprawled on top of the bar itself using a boot for a pillow. He looked up to find the bartender smirking at him from behind the bar.
He smiled rather sheepishly boots clattering over the floor as he walked over and unceremoniously turfed Ramirez onto the floor.
The other man yelped in surprise and flailed about for a second before looking up, “Adam!”
Adam looked around the room trying to find his hat, and surprisingly, found it sitting on top of a mounted ram’s head on the wall. He walked over and picked it up, placing it back on his head as Ramirez wobbled to his feet.
“You boys enjoy your night.”
Ramirez squinted at the light leaving in through the window, “That was…. One eventful night, drinking, debauchery and catching outlaws.” He slapped Adam on the shoulder, “What a good time.” A ‘small’ smile crossed Adam’s face, “Leave it to us to manage not to have a normal evening. Now come on, let's go find some horses.”
They found their houses in the stables just outside of town. The place was enough of a tourist trap that it was likely the horses were available to rent. He doubted they would just be allowing anyone to take one for a joyride though and stepped into the stable first with Ramirez walking behind him.
“Smells like horse in here.” Ramirez muttered
“Stop being such a Diva.” Adam said walking forward to where a farm hand was carting away a wheelbarrow of waste and the stable manager was standing patting one of the horses.
The smell of horses and fresh hay wafted over him and he had a sudden flash of his childhood.
His father’s voice echoing in his head.
“That’s it, not too tight on the reins, Adam. There you go.”
He shook himself and walked up to the man who turned, “Mornin’ the man greeted touching the brim of his hat, “What can I do for you.”
Adam motioned a finger at himself and Ramirez, “We were hoping to rent some horses,”
The man looked them up and don skeptically, “Do you boys know how to handle and take care of a horse?”
“I do, my friend there doesn’t… so he'd need something…. Gentle perhaps something you use to teach children.” 
Ramirez frowned, Adam smirked at him.
“Well guess we will have to see. I don’t just rent out my horses to anyone you know. Have to prove you can take care of them and treat em nice before i allow that.”
Adam nodded, “i’d question you a bit if you didn’t have that policy.”
“Well  I can suggest a few.” He turned to walk down the line, “For your friend there, he might want to take Buttercup, she's a sweet old girl, still has some spirit left in her but she's gentle and sure footed out of all the animals I had ever known. How about you sir, what’s your experience.” 
Adam shrugged, “Dad taught me to ride when I was a kid. I can gallup and stay on at a jump, know how to groom and take care of one, but I admit it's been a few years.”
The man nodded slowly and thoughtfully before walking to the end of the stable and patting a stall door, “This is Maroz, she’s a bit stubborn, but I think a man like you might be able to handle her.”
Adam walked over with Ramirez at his back to look at the horse, Stunning, white like a pearl, with thick legs but a long mane managing to look elegant and imperious at the same time.
“Wow, she's gorgeous.”
“Well go on, let her get a sniff at you.”
Adam walked up to the gate offering her the back of his hand fingers slightly curled inward, in an almost fist. She stuck her head forward sniffing at his hand, hot air blowing in great gusts over his skin.
After a moment she snorted and nosed at his hand allowing him to gently pat her along the velvety skin of her muzzle.
“Well hello gorgeous.” He said.
She tossed her head a bit.
The man nodded pleased and opened the gate, allowing Adam o take the rins and walk her onto the floor.
“A firm hand, thats good, a lot of people arent firm, but you have to be. You have to let them know you are in charge. It gives them a sense of security.”
He led Ramirez over to another stall where a silver horse stood tossing her head. She stopped as he approached and sniffed at him.”
He looked a bit nervous, “They are a lot bigger up close.”
Adam smirked, “Oh come on, they’re sweet.” he patted Maroz’s side and the horse tossed her head.
Adam left Ramirez with the stable owner for a moment as he went over to put a saddle on the white house throwing the leather over her back and tightening the girth-strap before adjusting the stirrups. 
The stable owner walked over to check his work and seemed pleased.
Go ahead and hop on take her for a ride around while I get your friend saddled up, and show him a few of the basics.
Adam nodded, throwing his foot up into the stirrup and then hauling his other leg over the back of the horse. She shuffled a bit, but once he had himself situated things started to become more familiar and he gently tapped the rains urging her forward into a slow walk.
Ramirez was still eying the horse like it was going to eat him, which made Adam smile a bit.
He walked her outside and urged her into a light trot ad then into a canter around th stables, his hips moving with her as her body rolled under him.
He lifted his face to the open air.
He had forgotten how much he enjoyed this.
Once that was done, he urged her into a gallup and she responded to him thundering over the desert ground sending up clouds of dust after the. He whooped in glee, leaning low over her neck before turning her around and pulling her to a stop before the doors of the barn.
Ramirez was there strategically trying to figure out how to haul himself into the saddle. He tried once, overbalanced and fell backward into the dirt in a puff of dust. The horse whinnied like it was laughing at him. Adam laughed, “Guess ice dancing doesn't exactly translate into horseback riding eh?”
“Shut up Adam, By the end of today this beast will be my bitch.”
Adam leaned against the pommel of the sadel with some skepticism. Ramirez tried again and ended up hopping away off balance.
He patted Maroz’s neck, “See girl, I did that and I only have one leg.”
“An ENHANCED prosthetic if I may remind you.” Ramirez said. The silver horse sat there with no end to her patient nature.”
Ramirez finally managed to haul himself into the saddle, and from there wasn’t too bad. He had a good sense of balance even at a trot and got the hang of it pretty quickly, walking and even trotting slowly around the small paddock.
The stable master urged Adam t jump the horse a few times, and he managed a few low fences before chickening out at something bigger and pulling the horse to a stop.
The man tapped his chin lightly, “Alright, I suppose you’re capable enough. I’m still gonna give you some instruction before you head out.”
Adam took the instruction very seriously, forcing Ramirez to sit down and listen as well. What they were about to do wasn’t going to be a picnic and they wanted to be as safe as possible while they did it.
After a while they had their extra clothing and bedrolls rolled up and packed on the horses.
They purchased a map and a compass and were waved off into the open country at a slow walk with the sun high overhead.
Adam held the reins gently in one hand, fist resting against his thigh.
“Showoff.” Ramirez mumbled almost white knuckling the reins off to his side.
“I can’t believe you are from Texas and don’t know how to ride a horse.”
“An ice skater from texas, a sexy almost Olympian from the city.”
Adam snorted and laughed, “You asked for this trip, you asked for this to happen.”
“I wanted us to dress up and go drinking, I didn’t think you were going to drag me out into the desert to go live on the land and…. I dont know skin alien rabbits or some shit.”
“We brought food quit being dramatic.”
Ramirez looked up at the sky, “Forgot my harmonica, guess I’m going to have to start singing.”
“Sing what?”
“I don’t know, country songs and shit.”
“What country songs do you know?”
He shrugged, “Plenty.”
“Like what.”
“There Is the, I love my truck song.”
Adam and the hose snorted at the same time.
“There is the, I lost my wife song, the I like drinking song, the I love country dirt song,and the I love lovin women in corn fields song.”
Adam choked and started to laugh, the sun beating down on them, “I would LOVE to hear your rendition of the love lovin a woman in a corn field song. And yes that is a challenge.”
Ramirez reached up to stroke his chin just a bit, “Hold on, gotta remember the lyrics.”
Adam waited grinning as his friends tared intently at the saddle before him.
“I….. Ah ha um…. Driving my girl down to the field…..er.”
“Go on…..” Adam reached down for his canteen and took a sip
“Getting all ready to uh…. Plow her field.”
He regretted pretty quickly taking that drink as sudden laughter caused him to spurt water out his nose like a broken faucet. He choked and gagged and gasped for air, howling with laughter to the point he was bent double on his horse silently shaking ad slapping his leg repeatedly with murth.
When he could finally speak he sat up and gasped, “You dumbass rymed field with field. You could have at least used yield or wield or healed or kneeled. Heavens above, now I KNOW why you’re a marine.”
Ramirez flipped him the bird, and Adam urged them into a light canter over the dirt. He kept an eye on the horses, making sure not to tire them out too much though he doubted the pase at which they were riding would actually have any adverse affect on them. He doubted Ramirez would be able to handle a full gallop any time soon but was happy to feel the wind rushing against his face and neck.
The air smelled alien, as alien planets tend to smell. It was hard to describe it, almost metallic, like he could taste it, and as the sun set the sky overhead grew purple. They said there was a higher concentration of oxygen on this planet which is what made the usually red to orange sunsets on a place like earth purple on a palace like this. It was pretty in a very strange way, casting an eerie light over the orange red desert as if they had been thrown into some strange space cowboy fantasy, which he supposed they had.
As soon as the sun met the horizon, Adam ordered them to a stop below one of the rock formations against the leeward side and set up camp. There was a pamphlet in the saddle bags that discussed local flora and fauna of the area, what was safe to burn, and what was safe to eat.
They had more than enough food to last them on their trip out to one of the settlements, so they didn’t worry about that as they sat down by the fire watching as the sun cast bright orange streaks of light access a purple sunset. 
Adam leaned back against his saddle watching the horses as they grazed quietly off to the side on strange bluish rock grass that was apparently pretty good for horses.
“Not half bad.” Adam muttered, taking a swig from his canteen.
Ramirez only grunted from where he leaned against his saddle using it as some sort of pillow with his hat drawn low over his eyes.
Adam reached a hand down to his belt, fingers brushing over the stolen knife.
What was he doing?
He had never stolen anything, not in his entire life.
Not even when the person desperately needed to be stolen from. He glanced down at the knife again. What had come over him in that moment? Were his thoughts of Sunny really so profound that he would think about becoming a thief just to impress her.
Was it…. Was it perhaps this whole atmosphere that made him so likely to steal.
The wild west, the final frontier, a place where the rules were fast and loose and finders meant keepers.
Off to his side Ramirez was breathing deeply probably asleep after a long day of riding.
Adam felt that, his legs hurt somewhat, and so he stretched them out, leaning back against the rock.
At least they didn’t have to worry about rattlesnakes or spiders. The biggest issue here were these sort of one eyed looking lizard things that had little spines on their skin that could cause a mild rash on people, though that was only on the people who happened to be allergic to them.
He closed his eyes trying not to think too much and certainly trying not to think of Sunny.
Wherever she was.
Likely alone.
Likely still mad at him.
He cursed himself for ruining their friendship which had taken so long to build. What they had come from before just go go back to square one so many years later. He took a deep breath and tried not to think, just tried to let himself sleep.
He woke to the disturbed nickering of the horses.
Anda cold gun barrel pressed to the back of his head.
He jolted upright reaching for his gun, but the barre pressed harder against the back of his skull, “I wouldn’t try that if i were you, Partner.” the words came out spitting and derisive, and Adam held his hands slowly in the air blinking against the light of their little campfire.
On the other side of the circle he could see another dark figure standing behind Ramirez's gun pointed at his head in a similar fashion to Adam.
Ramirez looked almost as groggy as he felt, and chanced a look at him across the fire.
“Don’t you boys even THINK about trying anything.”
Adam kept his hands where they were his voice calm, “I am sure….. This is all just some sort of misunderstanding.”
He winced as the gun barrel pressed harder against the back of his head.
“No misunderstanding about it ‘friend’ you’re being robbed, so you are going to sit there and shut up.”
“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.” Adam said his hands surprisingly steady”
He watched as the men rifled through their things pulling out food ad ammunition only to shove them into their bags and keep rooting through.
One of them went rifling through Adam’s pockets and gumbelt while they had them sat on the rocks, Pulling out his handgun and the knife which had already been stolen. 
“Are we done now?” Adam asked probably not intending to have such an acerbic mouth, but finding the annoyance biting to the front of his thoughts against his will. And were out before he could stop them.
“Get insolent would you.”
A sharp pain exploded on the side of his head, and he went sprawling to the dirt, his hat rolling off towards the fire.
He groaned and crawled to his hands and knees spitting dirt and blood onto the ground.
Someone knelt in front of him, gripping his chin aggressively and forcing his head back to look up at them, “I-”The man paused and then frowned, “Do i know you…. You look familiar.”
Adam jerked his head away, “Guess I just got one of those faces.”
“No, no I know you from somewhere.”
Adam sighed, this was all playing out like some poorly written trope, and if he knew where this was going ---which he thought he did-- than it wasn’t going to end well.
“You been drinkin again Davis.”
“No I swear, take a look at him.”
There was a shuffling around the fire and Adam’s head was forced back again by a handful of hair as the group leader clomped over the dirt,spurs jangling as he did, coming to crouch before Adam with a contemplative expression. Unlike their encounter with the outlaw last night, this man was…. Well he was a lot more put together. He was clean shaven with a well tanned complexion and a velvety black hat only slightly coated by dust. He wore a red vest over a black shirt, and all the silver buckles that held him together shone in the darkness of the fire.
He scrutinized Adam for a very long time before.
“Well slap my ass and call me Nancy, if it isn’t Admiral Vir of the UNSC.” he spit into the dirt and the rest of the men around the fire moved in to circle around him.
Adam sighed, he knew he had been had.
“Figure that out all on your own '' He wondered staring the man in the face with barely concealed contempt.
Across the fire Ramirez was staring at him with a ‘what the fuck do you think you are doing.” Sort of expression.
The man laughed mirthlessly, “You’ve got a tongue on you, Admiral.” He glanced over at Ramirez, “And who is this, faithful dog or your lover.”
Adam sneered, “I could ask the same thing about you and all your….friends.”: He glanced around the campfire  at the group of armed men.
What the fuck was he doing/?
“You’re funny Admiral,” h looked around, “isn’t he funny boys.”
Around the fire, the group of men laughed with cold derision.
Their leader crouched down, and patted Adam slowly on the shoulder, “I am Happy to see you Admiral, very happy to see you.  I’m a big fan, loved your movie, though learning that you were in support of those alien fuckers put me off a bit, I have to admit.” He placed the barrel of his gun below Adam’s chin and tilted his head back slightly. “Almost didn’t recognize you without the eyepatch.” He tapped the side of Adam’s head with the gun barrel, “Freaky that thing is, referring to Adam’s eye.
Adam snered, “Then you’ll really find this freaky.” 
With a sharp whirr, the steel eye prosthetic jolted to life and flashed upward with a ferrel hiss. No one had time to react before the sharp thud of metal on flesh as his metallic shin drove itself hard into the fork of the man’s legs.
He achieved the desired effect as the man crumbled like a wet piece of tissue gagging and choking into the fetal position.
Adam was grabbed by the shoulders and pinned bodily to the ground, more than five weapons pointed at his face.
Just ahead the bandit leader lay on the ground mewling and gagging every so often.
It took him a good fifteen minutes to recover and when he finally staggered to his feet Adam more than expected to be shot. In a blur of motion the man pulled his gun and pointed it at Adam’s head a grimace still plastered over his face. His hand trembled with what must have been rage but he eventually lowered his weapon, “If you weren’t so valuable, I would shoot you where you stand.”
He glanced over at Ramirez awith a thoughtful expression, “Try anything like that again, and I kill your friend.”
That mande Adam Freeze, and he glanced over at Ramirez with wide eyes,
The man snarled, “Thought that would get your attention, but still…. I owe you.”
Adam probably should have seen the boot coming, but he only registered it at the last moment before blacking out completely.
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petri808 · 4 years
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For Inuyasha Sins Pride. Chapter 2 4800 words. gomen, it’s rushed ;-; please see AO3 source link to the first chapter.
It was a surprise to the kingdom of Chiba to learn the stable hand was really an undercover Prince. But once the initial shock wore off, King and Queen Higurashi gave the couple their blessings to begin a proper courtship. How could they not to a Prince from an ally kingdom. Princess Rin and her retinue were given guest rooms in the palace to use during her visit but Inuyasha requested to stay in the quarters provided to the stable hand. It was an odd request for the royals to approve, but he explained he’d grown comfortable in it and rather enjoyed the work. If anything, it was the reason for his enlightenment.
During Rin’s visit, the two Princesses grow close, almost like sisters, something neither girl had fully experienced before. Kagome was surprised to learn that Rin was not blood related nor born a Princess. The King and Queen of Kamakura were both yokai, but the girl was 100 percent human.
“Wow, so Sesshomaru adopted you... that’s a really amazing story.”
“Yeah,” the girl blushes. “Before he became King, he was the General in charge of the army. I was told he’d found me as an infant during one of the campaigns against a rouge group of wolf yokai who was attacking a village. My parents had been killed so he took me to the castle. I guess, he grew attached and adopted me with King Toga’s blessing. You see Toga, Inuyasha’s father had a love for humans and even sired a son from an affair.”
“Yeah! This is all before my time, but sadly Uncle Inu’s mom died of cancer when he was just a pup.”
“Then who is King Sesshomaru’s mother?”
“King Toga had a Queen. I’ve been told through the castle gossip it was an arraigned marriage with very little love between them.”
“I see... is that why he strayed...” Kagome’s voice quiets down due to the nature of the suggestion. Rin nods her head. “Well, I guess I should be thankful considering Inu was a product of that meeting.”
Rin giggles and smiles. “I’m really happy uncle finally found someone.”
The week passes by in a blink of the eye. So, when the time comes for Rin to go home, she coaxes the couple into joining her. ‘Uncle, you need to let father know you’re alive and most of all courting a Princess.’ It worked. Inuyasha knew his niece was right and begrudgingly agrees to accompany her.
They secure approval from the King and Queen for Kagome to travel with her personal guard, two attendants, and primary tutor, then set off on the five-day journey to the heart of Kamakura. It wasn’t a very difficult journey between their borders, just bandits to watch for. With a yokai soldier guarding Rin and Inuyasha, it dropped the likelihood of attack to almost zero. Whenever possible, the group stayed in towns along the route, but if they didn’t make it by night fall, the two carriages served as sleeping quarters for the women, while the men made-due under the stars.
To pass the time, Sango graciously tutors both Princesses, which Rin greatly appreciated. The woman was like her own tutors who were a bit stuffier, and besides the woman’s pet was a total delight.
“I know, I love it too when she brings her kitty to sessions,” Kagome muses. “Always relaxes me.”
“She is really sweet, but you know she’s not a regular cat, right?” Rin responds.
“She’s not?”
“No, she’s a yokai cat,” the girl giggles with Sango nodding in confirmation.
“I inherited Kirara from my mother,” Sango provides more information. “She’s very protective of me and can transform when she wants to into a much larger cat.” The animal looks up as if in understanding. “But that’s rare now that I don’t go hunting with my family anymore.”
“Huh? I had no idea!”
“You’ve never asked,” Sango laughs. “She likes most people as well, except Miroku, but he’s trying to win her over.” She leans in and whispers, “I think because she knows he’s a pervert.”
“I heard that!” Comes a voice from beside the carriage.
“Tch, figures he’s eavesdropping.”
Rin and Kagome laugh. As annoying as the man was, he was relentless in pursuing something he wants, and Kagome wonders if Sango is the reason, he somehow become her personal guard. One thing was for sure, Miroku was not shy about his obsession either.
“He’s not a bad catch,” Kagome teases her friend. “It could be worse, and I’ve seen you blush when he talks to you.”
“Pf-t-that’s not the point,” Sango looks away as she feels her cheeks heating up. “I’m not interested in a relationship right now.”
“I’ll wait for you my love,” the male voice calls out again. “As long as it takes.”
That sets the two Princesses into full blown giggles and Sango into a heated embarrassment. “Stop listening to us you perverted lecher!”
“Yeah, get! Get away from the carriage,” another male growls. “Leave the girls be and focus on your job.”
“Inu?” Kagome whispers, while Rin giggles and nods yes.
Finally, the combined entourages reach Shiroinu Castle in the capital city of Yuki no Machi. It was aptly named for residing at the base of a snow topped mountain in the winter months. Inuyasha explains to Kagome, his ancestors chose this location as the capital because the mountain provides one side of protection from invasion. The castle had another unique security feature. The two main castle walls were separated with a fifty-foot wide moat running between them, with massive draw bridges and gates. So, even if you breach the first wall, an invader would have to traverse the water before it could reach the inner wall, slowing them down, and providing additional time for the military to react.
The palace staff are thrilled to see that their wayward Prince has returned and quickly usher the group into the castle. The royals retinues are taken straight to where they will be staying during this trip, while Inuyasha, Kagome, and Rin are led into the throne room where the King and Queen await them. It was a tense and nerve-wracking moment with the Prince expecting some backlash and the Princess unsure of how Sesshomaru will receive her. According to Rin, her father was not one to show emotions, rarer still to ever see the male smile. He was a stately King and prided honor above all.
But Rin was excited to see her parents, despite only being gone less than a month. She skips her way to the thrones and takes her place beside her father, giving him a peck on his stone-faced cheek. If it wasn’t for the very, very tiny uptick in the corner of his mouth, one would think he looked angry at her behavior.
“My daughter returns with a surprise I see.”
“I found uncle Inu on my trip to meet Princess Kagome of Chiba, father. Isn’t that wonderful!”
The King keeps his features stoic in stark contrast to the young girls exuberance. “And this I take is the Princess?”
“Yes, father.”
“Inuyasha, explain you absence now.”
The Prince swallows down his desire to snap at his brother. They’ve never had the greatest of relationships because Sesshomaru abhorred the reason of his birth. It was only after adopting Rin that the older males heart began to thaw, just a little towards him. He steps forward, slightly in front of Kagome as a potential shield.
“I went out in search of a possible bride, but one that fell in love not for my title but heart.”
“What does title matter if you’ve chosen a Princess of the same rank?”
“Kagome did not know I was a Prince when we met.”
Sesshomaru’s brow raises. “Explain.”
“I became the stable hand at the castle and that is how we met. I had not intended to fall for a Princess, that’s just how things turned out.”
Such a statement makes the King’s brow twitch in annoyance. He knew his brother was not fond of being a Prince, but to stoop to the rank of a commoner was simply disgraceful in his eyes. They were royals and it was their duty to behave as such. Still, he holds his indignation back for now in light of Kagome’s presence.
“So, you’ve brought your intended to gain my blessing?”
“Aren’t they cute together, father?” Rin chimes in, hoping to break the tension she can sense from the male. “I can confirm everything he’s saying is true, and that Princess Kagome’s parents have also given their blessings for a proper courtship.”
“I see. We will discuss this further after dinner.” Sesshomaru motions to the palace staff. “Please show them to the rooms, they must be tired from the journey.” And with that he dismisses the trio without another word.
Kagome is placed in the same room as Sango, while her other two attendants are in an adjoining room. Miroku will stay in the soldiers barracks area. Of course, Inuyasha has his own room close by along with Rin.
The accommodations are beautifully laid out with finely decorated, gleaming white stone walls. A large four-poster canopy bed, thick rugs, a dressing table with a large gilded mirror, armoires, a walk-in closet, and a fireplace. The balcony overlooks a manicured garden filled with ponds, paths, sweet smelling flowering fruit trees, and benches along the paths for sitting. In the middle of the garden is a gazebo large enough for luncheons, popular with the women of the palace.
“What do you think?” Sesshomaru turns to his Queen.
“Perhaps this is a positive development my King. If this Princess satisfies Inuyasha, he’ll likely settle down.”
“Perhaps...” he sits back on his throne in contemplation.
“And she is the daughter of an ally not a rival. Such relations could prove mutually beneficial. Our daughter also seems to like her.”
“Rin likes everyone,” he fires back.
“True,” the woman chuckles, “but you know your brother has never shown interest in marriage. This one must be special.”
“We shall see.”
This is why he is grateful to have such a woman reigning by his side. Kagura is well educated, tactfully smart, but able to converse without overstepping her position. Sesshomaru’s lucky that his father broke tradition and allowed him to choose his Queen rather than be forced into a marriage. It was one of the first edicts enacted by Toga when he was crowned King to ensure his children married for love. Still, while he did love Kagura, pride made sure she was worthy of the title first. Such a power move was simply necessary when one is a King. As his first duty, he has an entire kingdom of subjects to protect. In order to do so, a ruler must be tactful and careful in all of their decisions no matter the cost.
Kagura reaches over and takes her husband’s hand, lovingly sweeping her thumb over the webbing of the palm. “This could be the blessing we were hoping for.”
All through dinner, Princesses Kagome and Rin keep the table alive with conversations. Most of the topics revolve around Chiba, what it’s like, and Kagome explaining some of the notable areas of the kingdom worth visiting. Eventually, the subject of her and Inuyasha is brought up by Kagura. Inuyasha wonders if this is more like an interrogation, but Kagome sees it otherwise with the older female seeming to have a genuine interest in how the relationship came to be.
She explains how Inuyasha started working at the castle as a stable hand, that it seemed an odd profession for one who would make a better soldier, but regardless he was great at the job. “I was impressed by how well he cared for the horses, especially my own.” The man took pride in his handiwork, was always level-headed and willing to listen when she needed to vent or talk. So, eventually feelings developed and actually it was the day Rin had arrived that they realized it was a mutual attraction. “I remember thinking, wow, this man actually talks back to me,” Kagome chuckles, “servants don’t dare to talk like that to a royal out of fear.” She turns to Inuyasha who looks annoyed with the whole convo. “Well, now I know why.”
That brings a chuckle from the Queen. “I don’t believe I’ve ever equated Inuyasha with patience before. This experience must have had a profound effect on him, or perhaps I should say, you had such an effect on him.”
The cheeks on both Inuyasha and Kagome brighten as they look away to hide their embarrassment. Rin on the other hand giggles amusingly. “When I found them, they started bickering, it was adorable! That’s how I knew, uncle Inu was in love!”
“Bite your tongue brat!” He grumps back but with no real anger to his tone. This only causes the girl to laugh harder.
Through the entire meal, Sesshomaru watches without adding to the conversation. Kagura was better in these situations so he simply observed and so far, he was willing to give Kagome a chance. He was teetering between agreeing to the arrangement or not, placing the same conditions on the Princess that he had on his intended wife. Because no matter if they loved each other, he still felt that they must uphold the dignity he strives for to protect their kingdom. The girl was only a couple years older than his daughter, so it made sense that the two women got along well. But despite her exuberance in chatting, Kagome held a strong poise. He also took into consideration their first meeting where she stood quietly, never speaking out of turn, and following proper decorum of meeting royalty.
“Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru cuts into the conversation during a lull between the women, “I’d like to speak with you privately in the study. Now.” He stands up and walks out of the room without waiting for a response.
Kagome turns to the man concerned, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha reassures her. “This is normal.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Don’t worry my dear,” Kagura adds to allay her fears, “they just need to figure out a few details of this arrangement.”
Neither words of comfort really worked, but as a guest in the palace, Kagome didn’t want to do or say something wrong. “I understand.”
“Let’s have some dessert in the meantime.” Rin suggests to distract the woman. “Kagome you must try the strawberry tarts, they’re delicious!”
When Inuyasha arrives in the study, he finds his brother seated at the writing desk. Sesshomaru’s fingers are steepled and a nondescript expression screwed onto his face. But he could sense the emotions emanating from his brother, the tingling of yokai energy being muzzled. It doesn’t surprise him. Sesshomaru’s behavior when they’d arrived was lacking his normal reactions.
Inuyasha takes a seat opposite his brother and sits casually, trying not to show any disdain. “You wished to speak with me brother?”
There’s a short pause before Sesshomaru sits up straight and begins to chastise his brothers behavior over the last nine months. Of leaving without any word or where he was going and what he was up to. “Inuyasha, you’ve spent your life fighting against the fact you are a crowned Prince of this kingdom. It’s not something you can easily run away from. What if you’d been captured and held ransom or killed, can you imagine the consequences? The potential war you could have started? We have our subjects to protect.” The king leans back against his seat. “Our lives, whether we like it or not will affect the most people. We do not have the luxury of being selfish when it comes to such things.”
“You think I don’t realize such things, I—”
A hand wave cuts off his words. “The question is, have you truly learned the error of your judgment? If you love this Princess enough to seek out our blessing, I would hope you have for her sake.”
“I have,” Inuyasha growls. “I don’t care if you believe me or not. And frankly, I only do this to allay her concerns of courting properly. I’ll marry her if you agree or not.”
A long silence befalls the two brothers as Sesshomaru thinks carefully his next choice of words. His brothers reaction would finalize his decision. If Inuyasha was still the arrogant Prince he’d left as, the answer would not have been a pleasant one.
“After discussing this situation with my Queen, I have decided to allow your courtship under one condition.”
“You are both to stay here for six months for observation. To be blunt, I must make sure that Princess Kagome will serve this kingdom properly.”
Despite spitting out that he didn’t care, Inuyasha knows his brothers blessing is necessary to ensure any marriage has a chance to take place. If Kagome’s parents were to find out that Sesshomaru disproved, they may not allow her to marry him either. Inuyasha holds back a growl. “Fine. I’ll have Kagome send a message to her parents, pending they have no objections we accept your conditions.”
“Very well. You are excused.”
Once the door closes behind Inuyasha, Sesshomaru sits back, musing and a bit taken by surprise. Had eight months outside of these walls really affected his brother so much? It’s hard to believe that a nearly 30-year old fused in their personality could change so drastically and quickly. He’d been ready for an explosion only to be met with submission. That’s not to say he didn’t sense the anger bubbling inside of his brother. Energy is much harder to mask. Yet Inuyasha controlled it. A smile licks at the corners of Sesshomaru’s lips, dare he admit he was proud of his little brother?
Kagome took Sesshomaru’s edict in stride despite Inuyasha’s irritation over it. The younger feeling as if the older should stay out of his love life. She looks at it as an extended vacation since this is the longest, she’s ever been away from home, plus it gave her an opportunity to bond further with Rin who was an absolute delight. It’s surprising how carefree the young woman is considering her father is quite strict about her behavior. Perhaps, despite his emotionless personality, that girl really has him wrapped around her finger.
Many a day is spent in normal royal routine. Tutoring lessons continue like normal with Sango, added lessons such as archery being something Kagome rather enjoyed learning. Her parents never allowed her to use a weapon back home, but here it is encouraged for protection. In the evenings, she spends it with Inuyasha as part of the courting because during the day he has his own duties to the Kingdom to deal with. But he never withholds information from her as if he wants Kagome to understand how a kingdom is truly run. Such a partnership is how Sesshomaru and his Queen rule as well. All the information gives her a better sense of how important their positions truly are.
“How are you liking it here?” Inuyasha questions Kagome during one of their riding times together. Whenever there is a lull in his duties, this is his favorite way to relax away from the castle.
“Mmm, sometimes I miss my family, but I love being here as well.” She chuckles, “for so long I wanted to get away from home, but I guess now I just have a better appreciation for my life.”
“I’m sorry we don’t get to spend a lot of time together.”
Kagome smiles. “It’s fine, really, Inuyasha. You have things you need to do, and I have things to keep me busy.”
Four months have passed by and Sesshomaru has never given them any indication that he was unhappy with Kagome. They saw each other almost every night at dinner or on occasion around the castle, but no real interactions. Rin assures her that this is how he always is, silent, calculating, and observant. When he was a general, much of his success came not because of brawn, but brains, outmaneuvering enemies and losing the least amount of soldiers in the process. Kagome had yet to meet Sesshomaru’s mother who she was told moved away from the castle after the death of Toga a couple years ago. Sadly, she also learned Sesshomaru became King upon their father’s death during a battle later finished by the son.
On a beautiful afternoon with tutoring complete for the day, Kagome ventures into the enclosed garden to relax before dinner. As she walks the pathways, she takes in the peaceful elements it brings. Whoever designed this garden was a master artist. Everything was laid out to bring out a sense of quiet, reflective joy, from the types of plant life chosen to the pond filled with colorful fish. It was easy to lose yourself here for hours at a time.
Even in the night, it’s a beautiful scene and where she and Inuyasha have spent star gazing a few times. In fact, she remembers one night in particular. It was his human night, the one day each month he transforms. Despite the moons absence, the sky was unusually clear and stars inordinately brighter. They sparkled off his dark hair almost giving it an iridescent blue hue and if she thought he was handsome normally, on that night Inuyasha truly shone in her eyes.
She clears a bend in the path that takes one to overhanging wisterias. To her surprise, Kagome sees Sesshomaru sitting there with his eyes closed, relaxed, and leaning against the trees trunk instead of the bench beside it. Not wanting to disturb him, she starts to turn around until a deep voice calls her back.
“Do I scare you?” Sesshomaru questions without opening his eyes. He’d felt her energy approaching.
“Not really.” Kagome turns back to him out of polite respect. “Well, maybe just a little.”
He peeks open one eye. “You have nothing to fear from me Princess,” then points to the bench, “sit. We’ve not had a chance to converse properly.”
O—kay? She sits down on the bench hesitantly. The day had been going so well too, what would Sesshomaru want to speak with her about? The man closes his eyes fully again as if uninterested in this conversation. She finds it odd but isn’t sure if she should be the one to engage first. Proper etiquette dictates that she allow him to start it off, so she stays quiet.
He could hear the slightly palpitating heartbeat of anxiety and smell a minute amount of intrigue mixed with unsurety. It’s clear that the woman really held no true fear of him, or those senses would be amplified, but mostly just nervous of the unknown. These unconscious reactions tell volumes about an individual and is why he sat there silently for a few minutes analyzing them.
“Tell me Princess, for I am curious, why do you believe my brother is worthy of your hand?”
Well that is not a question Kagome expected to be hear.
“I’m sorry my lord, but I do not quite understand. Do you believe that I am somehow better than him?”
“I watched Inuyasha grow up and he has never shown an ability to be responsible for himself and certainly not another person’s life. Both marriage and crown requires such an ability. It is true he appears to have grown in the span of a year, but I wish to determine if it is for show in order to gain your hand or Inuyasha has truly changed.”
Kagome reflects on his words for a moment making sure she’s understood them. Is Sesshomaru testing her or does he really not trust his brother? She chooses her words carefully. “I mean no disrespect, but I believe your distrust of your brother is mistaken. I am not discounting his past for creating your disillusion, only in that you still do not believe he is capable of change.”
She sighs, “the truth is, it is I who was not worthy of Inuyasha. When he came to our kingdom, I was a lot like what you describe of his past. I hated my title and envied commoners because I was frustrated with all the rules of being a Princess. I couldn’t see past my own selfish desires.” Kagome smiles softly in reflection, “and it was Inuyasha who showed me how misguided I was behaving. I believe that when Inuyasha left here and lived amongst the commoners, he gained a new perspective not only of them but of himself. That self-reflection allowed him to realize the important roles and responsibilities of a royal to the commoners. He might not like the rules sometimes, but he understands the importance of them now and so do I.”
She stands up and bows low. “Lord Sesshomaru, I humbly beg you to give your brother a chance to continue to show you he has changed for the better.”
After a few moments of silence, he opens his eyes to see the Princess still standing there with her head bowed to him. “I shall take your request under advisement you may return to your walk Princess.”
“Thank you lord Sesshomaru.”
It’s only after she can no longer see him that Kagome releases the breath, she’s been holding in. She poured out her true feelings on the matter and now it was up to the King who she hopes heard the honesty in her voice. It’s not easy to admit out loud ones failures. She knows a few months and one conversation is not enough to truly sway someone’s mind, but it was merely the opportunity to do so that she requested. By the time she exists the garden, she decides not to mention the full conversation to Inuyasha for fear of sparking an argument.
Another month carries through as if the conversation never took place, but the feeling as if she was being watched played on her from time to time. Deep down Kagome knew that’s exactly what was happening, Sesshomaru had them stay to be observed after all. But it wasn’t until that day in the garden that it came back to the forefront. At the same time, she knew that the best way to handle the situation is to continue doing her best to prove she could be a proper, capable Princess.
But the time is ticking away and soon enough the six months would come to a close. The one positive thing Kagome had to draw upon was Inuyasha’s proposal of marriage and her acceptance that came at the beginning of this month. He promised to put a ring on her finger regardless of his brothers decision. It gave her a sense of warmth and also pride at how much they’d both grown in this time. Together, they could do anything and if both their parents rejected their marriage, to hell with them, they’ll just build that house by the lake and live happily ever after.
Of course, she hoped it would all turn out in the end but that didn’t help her steadily growing nerves. She wonders, agonizes of the Kings decision until finally, with just two more weeks to go, she and Inuyasha are summoned back to the throne room.
“Inuyasha and Kagome, I have made my decision.”
The couple steps forward hand in hand. Inuyasha squeezes hers in an effort to comfort her, despite his own trepidation.
“If marriage is what you choose, we will grant our blessing, but Queen Kagura wishes to make a request.”
“Request or demand?” Inuyasha questions.
This time, instead of Sesshomaru, it’s the Queen who speaks up. “It is a request, but after I explain what it is, I pray you accept it for it is important to the kingdom.”
Kagome squeezes Inuyasha’s hand, looking up with a gaze to keep silent. “Please continue,” she requests of the Queen.”
“As you know a kingdom must have an heir, but sadly I am unable to bear children. Therefore, my request is that if you should bear a son, he will be raised to become the next heir apparent of Kamakura.”
Such a shocking revelation takes Kagome and Inuyasha by complete surprise. They see a slight film of moisture building in the woman’s eyes despite her stoicism, and it immediately tugs at the Princess’s heart. She looks to Inuyasha who’s ears are withered as if moved by his sister-in-law’s plight as well. “That would be alright, wouldn’t it,” she questions him. I cannot refuse such a request Inu.”
“I agree,” he smiles and lifts her hand, kissing the back of it, then turns to his family. “We would be honored to fulfill your request.”
“You do understand,” Sesshomaru steps in to clarify, “that it would require you to stay in this kingdom?” The couple nods in agreement. “Very well. We shall begin preparations for your wedding...”
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the-inner-weebs · 4 years
K-Drama Recommendation Masterlist
Coffee Prince (2007) 커피프린스 1호점 ~
Genre: Food/Friendship/Comedy/Romance/Drama
𝐆𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝗼𝗼 ~ Choi Han Gyul
𝐘𝗼𝗼𝐧 𝐄𝐮𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐞 ~ Go Eun Chan
Choi Han Gyul is the grandson of chairwoman Bang of Dong-in Foods, a company that has a thriving coffee business. He has never had a job and does not care for responsibility. Han Gyul is hung up on his first love, Han Yoo Joo, who only sees him as a friend.
Go Eun Chan is a 24-year-old tomboy who is often mistaken for a guy. Her father died when she was 16 years old and since then she has taken over as the breadwinner in her family.
When Han Kyul and Eun Chan meet, he, not knowing that she is a girl, decides to hire her to pretend to be his gay lover so that he can escape the blind dates arranged by his grandmother. After getting an ultimatum from his grandmother, Han Gyul takes over a rundown old coffee shop, later renamed "Coffee Prince," to prove that he's capable, both to his grandmother and to Yoo Joo. In order to attract female customers, he only hires good-looking male employees. Eun Chan, desperate for money, continues to hide her gender to get a job at Coffee Prince.
Director: Lee Yoon Jung
Secret Garden (2010) 시크릿 가든 ~
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Drama/Melodramatic/Supernatural
𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐁𝐢𝐧 ~ Kim Joo Won
𝐇𝐚 𝐉𝐢 𝐖𝗼𝐧 ~ Gil Ra Im
The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won, an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection, and Gil Ra Im, a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.
Director: Kwon Hyuk Chan/Shin Woo Cheol
Personal Taste  (2010)  개인의 취향 ~
Genre: Comedy/Romance
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝗼 ~ Jeon Jin Ho
𝐒𝗼𝐧 𝐘𝐞 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Park Gae In
Jeon Jin Ho is a straight guy who is mistaken as gay when he applies to become Park Gae In's roommate. His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he's known for his stoic poker face. He's a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out a women's feelings. Gae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However, that doesn't stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Gae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her?
Director: Song Hyung Suk/Noh Jong Chan
What’s WrongWith Secretay Kim (2018) 김비서가 왜 그럴까 ~ 
Genre: Friendship/ Business/Comedy/Romance
Park Min Young ~ Kim Mi So
Park Seo Joon ~ Lee Young Joon
The series revolves around the narcissistic Lee Young Joon, the vice president of a company run by his family. He is very self-absorbed and thinks highly of himself, so much that he barely acknowledges the people around him. Lee Young Joon has a capable and patient secretary Kim Mi So who has remained by his side and worked diligently for 9 years without any romantic involvement. However, Mi So now wants to set her life & focus on herself so when she decides to resign from her job, hilarious misunderstandings ensue. After 9 years of their strictly-workplace relationship, can it now develop in something more?
Director: Park Joon Hwa
Goblin (2016) 도깨비 ~ 
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Fantasy/Melodrama/Supernatural
Gong Yoo ~ Kim Shin
Kim Go Eun ~ Ji Eun Tak
Kim Shin was once an unbeatable general in Goryeo's military who died a tragic death. He now possesses immortality but is tired of living while everyone else around him dies. For 900 years, Kim Shin has searched for his bride, a mortal who can pull out the sword and end his life. One day, he encounters Ji Eun Tak, a positive, upbeat high school student who can see the dead and has gone through tragic events, yet still stays strong. She claims to be the Goblin's bride who can end his immortal life, but what appears to be an easy task, only gets complicated, as the two fall in love.
Director: Lee Eung Bok
Moorim School (2016) 무림학교 ~
Genre:Action/Romance/School/Drama/Martial Arts/Fantasy
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐖𝗼𝗼 ~ Yoon Shi Woo
𝐇𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐢𝐧 ~ Wang Chi Ang
𝐒𝐞𝗼 𝐘𝐞 𝐉𝐢 ~ Shim Soon Duk
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝗼𝗼 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Hwang Sun Ah
The Moorim School is a hidden school that can only be seen by special individuals, it isn't focused solely on high academic scores but on physical abilities. The school teaches its students great virtues which include honesty, faith, sacrifice, and communication. The teachers and students at the school come from different countries and each has their own stories. Everything is very extraordinary and normal until a student who doesn't seem to fill the role wanders into the academy and changes the destiny of all the students.
Director: Lee So Yeon
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017) 힘쎈여자 도봉순 ~
Genre: Action/Thriller/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Supernatural
Park Bo Young ~ Do Bong Soon
Park Hyung Shik ~ Ahn Min Hyuk
Ji Soo ~ In Gook Doo
Do Bong Soon is a petite, unemployed woman who is honest and kind. She appears little and sweet on the outside, but she is in fact very, very strong. In her family, for generations the women have been gifted Herculean strength to use for the greater good. If abused, however, their power will be taken away. Whilst standing up for herself after gang members bully her, she finds herself approached by Ahn Min Hyuk, the handsome and somewhat childish CEO of Ainsoft, a gaming company. Ahn Min Hyuk, who holds a great distrust towards the police, witnessed the whole exchange of Bong Soon's superhuman strength, and now wants to employ her as a bodyguard after being threatened by an unknown enemy. Min Hyuk falls in love with super-strong Bong Soon at first sight, but there's a catch. Bong Soon has eyes for someone else; police officer and childhood friend, In Guk Doo, whom she has known since high school. When chaos ensues after a series of kidnappings in Do Bong Soon's hometown of Dobong-dong, Dobong-gu, Bong Soon must decide whether to use her strength and stand up to evil, or play it safe and keep her powers hidden from the world. Combined with the love triangle she faces between In Guk Doo and Ahn Min Hyuk, as well as having to keep Min Hyuk safe, Bong Soon's life is thrown into turmoil. Can she use her strength for the greater good, or will it prove in the end to be too much?
Director: Lee Hyung Min
He is Psychometric (2019) 사이코메트리 그녀석 ~
Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Fantasy
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐠 ~ Lee Ahn
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐞 𝐄𝐮𝐧 ~ Yoon Jae In
𝐊𝐢𝗺 𝐊𝐰𝗼𝐧 ~ Kang Sung Mo
After losing his parents in a fire, Lee Ahn acquires the power of psychometry, the ability to read a person or an object's past through physical contact, and he decides to use it to take bad people down. While he does not know how to control his power yet, he meets Yoon Jae In who tries her best to hide her painful secrets. Together with his foster guardian, prosecutor Kang Seong Mo, and the latter's colleague, investigator Eun Ji Soo, they team up to solve an elusive case that has been haunting the lives of Ahn, Sung-Mo, and Jae In. The case revolves around the life of prosecutor Kang his mother and father who were the main cause of the fire. Jae In and Lee Ahn heal each other through their past present and future and find the culprit.
Director: Kim Byung Soo
Memorist (2020) 메모리스트  ~
Genre: Action/Thriller/Mystery/Crime/Supernatural
Yoo Seung Ho ~ Dong Baek
Lee Se Young ~ Han Sun Mi
Dong Baek has an extraordinary ability. He can peer into the memories of whoever he touches. With his supernatural power, get it done attitude, and eye-pleasing looks, he is fervently revered worldwide as a superstar detective. However, when his punches meet with suspects before words, he can be a bit of a headache to his comrades. Starting from the age of twenty, Han Sun Mi is the youngest to have passed the bar exam, obtain a doctorate in criminal psychology, and become a senior superintendent in the police force. Having solved five cold cases that even a detective with supernatural powers couldn't do, she is a genius profiler. She has a secret that drives her to do what she does. These two highly-skilled professionals meet their match—a serial killer with abilities that transcend theirs combined. It's going to be a fight worth watching.
Director: So Jae Hyun, Kim Hwi
Tale of the Nine-Tailed (2020) 구미호뎐 ~
Lee Dong Wook ~ Lee Yeon
Jo Bo Ah ~ Nam Ji Ah
The mythical nine-tailed fox, or gumiho, Lee Yeon had to settle in the city many centuries ago. Able to transform into human form, he eradicates supernatural beings that threaten the mortal world. His real aim is to find the reincarnation of his lost first love.
The talented television producer Nam Ji Ah works in a show that features urban myths. In the past, her parents were involved in a mysterious car accident and disappeared, and she suspects that Lee Yeon might be connected with this accident.
The half-brother to Lee Yeon is the captivating Lee Rang.  Despite being half-human himself,  he harbors a deep-seated contempt for all people. For sport,  he will unleash his seductive prowess upon his human-du-jour,  by promising to grant them their wishes, only to trick them into paying a hefty price for their earthly desires.
Director: Kang Shin Hyo
Heal Me Kill Me (2015) 킬미힐미 ~
Genre: Psychological/Comedy/Romance/Drama
Ji Sung ~ Cha Do Hyun
Hwang Jung Eum ~ Oh Ri Jin
A traumatic childhood experience leaves Cha Do Hyeon, suffering from memory loss and dissociation. The latter has resulted in the creation of seven distinct personalities. Wanting to regain control over his life, he asks Oh Ri Jin, a first-year psychiatric resident, to help him, but she eventually falls in love with one of his personalities. Ri Jin’s twin brother, Oh Ri On, a famous mystery novelist, investigates Do Hyeon and his family.
Director: Kim Jin Man, Kim Dae Jin
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020) 사이코지만 괜찮아 ~
Genre: Psychological/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Family
𝐊𝐢𝗺 𝐒𝗼𝗼 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 ~ Moon Gang Tae
𝐒𝐞𝗼 𝐘𝐞 𝐉𝐢 ~ Ko Moon Young
𝐎𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞 ~ Moon Sang Tae
The story of a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who lives on 1.8 million won (approximately $1,520) a month and a storybook writer suffering from an antisocial personality disorder. A man who denies love and a woman who doesn’t know love defy fate and fall in love, finding their souls and identities in the process.
Moon Gang Tae is a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who was blessed with everything including a great body, smarts, ability to sympathize with others, patience, ability to react quickly, stamina, and more. Meanwhile, Ko Moon Young is a popular writer of children’s literature, but she is extremely selfish, arrogant, and rude.
Director: Park Shin Woo/Jung Dong Yoon
Emergency Couple (2014) 응급남녀 ~ 
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Drama/Medical
𝐒𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐢 𝐇𝐲𝗼 ~ Oh Jin Hee
𝐂𝐡𝗼𝐢 𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐤 ~ Oh Chang Min
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝗼 ~ Gook Chun Soo
Jin-Hee led a satisfying life as a dietitian. She then met medical school student Chang-Min. Despite his wealthy family's strong opposition, Jin-Hee and Chang-Min decided to get married. Chang-Min's family is full of doctors. Chang-Min though gave up his medical internship and began working as a pharmaceutical salesman. Their marriage life was not happy. Chang-Min's family looked down on Jin-Hee and even Chang-Min seemed to change. Chang-Min began to think terribly of Jin-Hee and they finally divorced. After their divorce, Jin-Hee became a medical student and now works as an intern. Chang-Min also graduated from medical school and begins to work as an intern. One day, they meet in the emergency room of a hospital where they will both work together.
Director: Kim Chul Gyu
Doctor Stranger (2014) 닥터 이방인 ~ 
Genre: Thriller/Romance/Drama/Medical
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐉𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐤 ~ Park Hoon
𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐞 𝐘𝐞𝗼𝐧 ~ Song Jae Hee
𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝗼 𝐑𝐚 ~ Oh Soo Hyun
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐞 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Han Jae Joon
As a child, Park Hoon and his father were kidnapped by North Korea. In North Korea, he was trained to become a doctor by his father who was already a doctor. Park Hoon became a genius-like heart surgeon. He then flees to South Korea. Park Hoon begins to work as a doctor in South Korea's top hospital Myeongwoo University Hospital, but he feels like a complete outsider. To bring his love from North Korea, he does anything to make money.
Director: Hong Jong Chan/Jin Hyeok
Blood (2015) 블러드 ~
Genre: Action/Vampire/Romance/Drama/Medical/Supernatural
𝐀𝐡𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐞 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 ~ Park Ji Sang
𝐆𝐮 𝐇𝐲𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝗼𝐧 ~ Yoo Ri Ta
Park Ji Sang is a doctor specializing in hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery in the best cancer research hospital in the country. He is also a vampire. Despite seeming cold and unfeeling, Ji Sang masks his soft heart and inner pain and yearns for closeness with people. He believes very strongly in the sanctity of human life and suppresses his thirst for blood to treat terminally ill patients and save lives.
Among his colleagues is Yoo Ri Ta, a hotshot physician who entered medical school at the age of 17 and is also the niece of the chaebol group chairman who owns the hospital. Ri Ta is highly capable but snooty and prideful, yet Ji Sang finds himself falling for her. He also gets drawn into a conflict between good and evil as he encounters Lee Jae Wook, a two-faced hospital chief who gains everyone's trust with his gentle demeanor but inwardly harbors a dangerous ambition for power and a talent for cruelty.
Director: Lee Jae Hoo/Ki Min Soo
D-Day (2015) 디데이 ~ 
Genre: Romance/Drama/Medical
Kim Young Kwang ~ Dr. Lee Hae Sun
Jung So Min ~ Dr. Jung Ddol M
An unprecedented 6.5-magnitude earthquake has struck Seoul, destroying roads and buildings, and preventing ambulances from reaching victims. Woefully unprepared for such a massive disaster, Korea can only watch the desperate situation and listen to the pleading cries for help. Hae Sung, a competent surgeon, can’t resist doing everything he can to help the injured people during the emergency. This upsets his hospital and they put him on a blacklist, as his benevolent help is against the hospital's profit. Ddol Mi, beautiful and ambitious, chased money and fame as a doctor, but now wants to become a truly compassionate doctor after meeting Hae Sung. Woo Jin has been building a successful career as Korea’s rising doctor, but secretly, he truly cares about being a genuine doctor, saving the lives of the sick. These three characters team up to rush into emergencies, holding onto hope in the most desperate situations, and taking all sorts of risks for the sake of saving lives.
Director: Jang Yong Woo
Hospital Ship (2017) 병원선 ~
Genre: Romance/Drama/Medical
Ha Ji Won ~ Song Eun Jae
Kang Min Hyuk ~ Kwak Hyun
Lee Seo Won ~ Kim Jae Gul
Army doctors board a hospital ship, which is a floating hospital that serves people who live on remote islands. But were these doctors interested in helping underprivileged people for free? Not at all. There is the non-army doctor Eun Jae, a cold perfectionist surgeon whose fast-track career was derailed. Kwak Hyun who practices internal medicine is the first army doctor to volunteer for duty on the hospital ship. Then there is the irritating Jae Geol, an oriental medicine doctor who drew the short straw and now has to serve on the hospital ship. A bunch of doctors with different backgrounds finds themselves afloat at sea. They are too old to be called youthful doctors as they are all in their thirties. Though they have skills obtained through long years of studying in medical school, their hearts and souls are barren. This is a coming-of-age story about doctors who have experienced setbacks in life that they are trying to bounce back from while they learn how to be a compassionate doctor and pursue fulfilling lives.
Director: Park Jae Bum, Kim Sang Woo
Doctor John (2019) 의사 요한 ~
Genre: Mystery/Comedy/Romance/Life/Drama/Medical
Ji Sung ~ Cha Yo Han
Lee Se Young ~ Kang Shi Young
“Doctor John” is a new medical drama about doctors specializing in pain management. In a refreshing take on the genre, “Doctor John” will portray the doctors’ search for the cause of their patients’ mysterious pain as a thrilling chase, almost like a detective hunting down the perpetrator behind an unsolved crime. 
Cha Yo Han is a genius anesthesiologist, who is also the youngest professor at his medical school. The brilliant doctor goes by the nickname “10 Seconds,” referring to his ability to figure out his patients in the 10 seconds that it takes for them to enter an examination room and walk to their seats.
Kang Shi Young is a legendary anesthesiologist, who was always at the top of her class throughout medical school. The talented doctor inherited her skills from her cool-headed, rational mother, while she inherited her empathy, listening skills, and warm bedside manner from her father.
Director: Jo Soo Won
Pinocchio (2014) 피노키오 ~
Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Comedy/Romance/Melodrama
Lee Jong Suk ~ Choi Dal Po 
Park Shin Hye ~ Choi In Ha
The idealistic Choi In Ha has her work cut out for her when she becomes a broadcast journalist, especially when she suffers from a condition known as “Pinocchio syndrome,” which makes her break out into hiccups whenever she tells a lie. Her rookie colleagues include Choi Dal Po, whose shabby appearance masks his true eloquence and sharp memory; Seo Bum Jo, a wealthy heir who has had everything handed to him in life; and Yoon Yoo Rae, whose fangirl knowledge comes in handy in covering the news. The 20-something newbie reporters pursue justice as they try to discover themselves in the process.
Director: Jo Soo Won
I am Not a Robot (2017) 로봇이 아니야 ~ 
Genre: Friendship/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Sci-Fi
𝐘𝗼𝗼 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝗼 ~ Kim Min Kyu
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐞 𝐒𝗼𝗼 𝐁𝐢𝐧 ~ Jo Ji Ah
𝐔𝐡𝗺 𝐊𝐢 𝐉𝗼𝗼𝐧 ~ Hong Baek Gyun
Kim Min Kyu is the largest shareholder of a financial company. He suffers from a "human allergy", preventing him from normal interactions with other people. He becomes interested in a robotic project named Aji-3 created by the Santa Maria robotic team. The team is headed by Hong Baek Gyun,  inventor of Aji-3 and world-renowned robotics professor. He modeled Aji-3 after his ex-girlfriend, Jo Ji Ah, a struggling inventor that also works as a personal shopper to make ends meet.  Just when Kim Min Kyu wants to test the robot, an accident causes the malfunction of the robot's battery. Hong Baek Gyun begs Jo Ji Ah to take the place of Aji-3 and pretend to be the robot so they can get funding from Kim Min Kyu. But, Aji-3 becomes the closest thing that the lonely Min-Kyu has to real contact with another person.
Director: Jeong Dae Yun
My Shy Boss (2017) 내성적임보다 ~
Genre: Business/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Melodrama
𝐘𝐞𝗼𝐧 𝐖𝗼𝗼 𝐉𝐢𝐧 ~ Eun Hwan Ki
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐲𝐞 𝐒𝗼𝗼 ~ Chae Ro Woon
When a young, energetic employee joins a public relations firm with an introverted and severely misunderstood boss, she makes it her life’s mission to show the world who he really is.
Eun Hwan Ki is the boss at a PR company. He is really shy. So shy that even his employees don't know him that well. He prefers to hide in his office. Everyone thinks he is a cold, prickly, arrogant grouch. They call him the "Silent Monster".
Chae Ro Woon is a recent hire at the same company. She is energetic, bubbly, loves to be the center of attention, and always has something to say. The exact opposite of her boss, who she seems to have an old grudge against. Her goal in life is: to expose the big boss man for who he really is and take her revenge.
The same company also employs Kang Woo Il, co-boss at the company. He, unlike his partner, is warm, sensitive, and well-liked.
Eun Yi Soo is a chaebol heiress who has been engaged for three long years.
Director: Song Hyun Wook
Thirty But Seventeen(2018) 서른이지만 열일곱입니다 ~
Genre: Friendship/Music/Coemdy/Romance/Life/Drama/Family
Shin Hye Sun ~ Woo Seo Ri
Yang Se Jong ~ Gong Woo Jin
Woo Seo Ri, a violin prodigy at 17 who was about to study in Germany, got into a bus accident and fell into a coma waking up 13 years later. Mentally she is still only 17, while physically she is now 30.
Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years before, Gong Woo Jin does not want to have a relationship with others.
This series is about a man and a woman whose lives in their own ways essentially stopped when they were 17. Together, they use all their might to try and open the door to the happiness that they once thought had been closed to them.
Director: Jo Soo Won
Romance is a Bonus Book (2019) 로맨스는 별책부록 ~
Genre: Frienship/Business/Comedy/Romance/Life/Drama/Melodrama
Lee Na Young ~ Kang Dan Yi
Lee Jong Suk ~ Cha Eun Ho
Cha Eun Ho is a successful and handsome writer who is also the youngest chief editor at a publishing company.  He has a calm demeanor and remains reasonable at work.  He then becomes involved in the life of his childhood friend, Kang Dan Yi who was once a popular copywriter. She is now divorced, a single mother, unemployed and struggling in life though still attempts to find a job, but even with her once good career, she cannot. 
However, in a desperate attempt to find a job, she lies about her background and begins to work as a temporary worker in the same building under none other than Cha Eun Ho. As they become involved in each other’s life more than often, a love story begins to unfold.
Director: Lee Jeong Hyo
DoDoSolSolLaLaSol (2020) 도도솔솔라라솔 ~
Genre: Music/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Melodrama
Go Ah Ra ~ Goo Ra Ra
Lee Jae Wook ~ Sun Woo Joon
Goo Ra Ra is a naive rich girl, who dreams of being a great pianist with her father's love guiding her. But her path becomes rocky when her father passes away, and she finds herself going bankrupt. Being scammed of home and needing an escape, she goes on a ride where she encounters an accident trying to avoid Sun Woo Joon, a diligent worker trying to meet ends. Being hospitalized with a broken arm and no place to go, guilty Sun Woo Joon decides to take responsibility and take care of her. With Go Ra Ra’s naive personality, she slowly begins creeping into Sun Woo Joon's heart, while trying to deal with the challenges of living an adult life.
Director: Kim Min Kyung
You’re beautiful (2009)  미남이시네요 ~
Genre: Friendship/Music/Comedy/Romance/Drama
Jang Geun Suk ~ Hwang Tae Kyu
Park Shin Hye ~ Go Mi Nam 
Jung Yong Hwa ~ Kang Shin Woo
Lee Hong Ki ~ Kang On Yu
The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung's voice was hurting. However,the new member, Mi Nam, had to go to the States to repair a botched eye job just before signing the contract. His agent came up with the idea of having his twin sister, Mi Nyu,to stand in for him and pretend that she was her brother. The two of them grew up in an orphanage and Mi Nyu, who was all set to become a nun, agreed to this charade as she didn't want to spoil her brother's chance of fame which would make it easier to look for their mother.
Director: Hong Sung Chang
Boys Over Flowers (2009) 꽃보다 남자 ~ 
Genre: Friendship/Comedy/Romance/School/Youth/Drama
Gu Hye Seon ~ Geum Jan Di
Lee Min Ho ~ Goo Joon Pyo
Kim Hyun Joong ~ Yoon Ji Hoo
Kim Bum  ~ So Yi Jung
Kim Joon ~ Song Woo Bin
Geum Jan Di comes from a poor family who owns a dry-cleaning shop. One day, she visits Shinhwa High School, a prestigious school for the wealthy, and saves a student trying to commit suicide because of bullying. For her heroic act, Jan Di receives a swimming scholarship and starts attending the school.
In school, she meets the notorious F4, the most popular and powerful group of boys at the school, consisting of Gu Jun Pyo; the leader of F4 and heir to the Shinhwa Group, Yoon Ji Hu; the grandson of a former president of Korea, So Yi Jung; a skilled potter who comes from a family that owns the country's biggest art museum, and Song Woo Bin; whose family runs the country's largest construction company.
Her life at school starts out miserable, as she doesn't fit in with other students because of her status, and later becomes worse when she is labeled as the new bullying target of the F4.
Director: Jeon Ki Sang
To the Beautiful You (2012) 아름다운 그대에게 ~
Genre: Comedy/Romance/School/Youth/Drama/Sports
Sulli ~ Goo Jae Hee
Choi Min Ho ~ Kang Tae Joon
Lee Hyun Woo ~ Cha Eun Gyeol
Tae Joon became Jae Hee’s strength during her toughest time, and she leaves the US for Korea to enroll in a men’s physical education high school to help Tae Joon restart his high jump career.
Tae Joon announces his retirement from the high jump national team and closes his heart, but his closed heart begins to open after meeting Jae Hee.
Eun Gyul is confused about his sexual orientation as he falls in love with Jae Hee who is masquerading as a man. The student-athletes have a fun time training with each other and are not tied down to setting a record or competition. 
Director: Jeon Ki Sang
Strongest Delivery Man (2017) 최강 배달꾼 ~
Genre: Friendship/Business/ Comedy/Romance/Life/Youth
Go Kyung Pyo ~ Choi Kang Soo
Chae Soo Bin ~ Lee Dan Ah
Choi Kang Soo is a deliveryman. In spite of his humble beginnings, Choi Kang Soo is fearless and gives it all in everything he does. Lee Dan Ah is another delivery worker. She hates her current socioeconomic status so much that she, like many young people, calls her country “Hell Joseon.” Lee Dan Ah is so focused on making money and changing her life that she has no time for men. But when she comes across the charming Choi Kang Soo, her attitude is due to be moved.
Together, Choi Kang Soo and Lee Dan Ah have a budding competition and romance in their quest for glory. And, for them, glory means being like rich folk Lee Jin Yoon and Oh Jin Gyu. They compete to conquer life but, as our two delivery workers soon learn, being the strongest does not guarantee success.
Director: Kim Shin Il, Jeon Woo Sung
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016) 역도요정 김복주 ~
Genre: Friendship/Comedy/Roamnce/School/Youth/Sports
Lee Sung Kyung ~ Kim Bok Joo
Nam Joo Hyuk ~ Jung Joon Hyun
Bok Joo is a weightlifter who is pursuing her dream of winning the gold medal but she then finds romance for the first time in her life. While she is a woman who trains with heavy steel weights, she is also very feminine when it comes to relationships. To focus solely on weightlifting would jeopardize her relationship but leaving her weightlifting career for love would keep her from attaining her dreams. Can she find a way to have love as well as glory at the age of 20? The characters within this drama are elite athletes in weightlifting, swimming and rhythmic gymnastics who work hard to reach their goals in life. It covers their coming-of-age stories and relationships through hectic life.
Director: Oh Hyun Jong
Itaewon Class (2020) 이태원 클라쓰 ~
Genre: Food/Friendship/Business/Romance/Life/Drama
Park Seo Joon ~ Park Sae Ro Yi
Kim Da Mi ~ Jo Yi Seo
Kwon Na Ra ~ Oh Soo Ah
Park Saeroyi's life has been turned upside down after he gets expelled from school for punching a bully and his father is killed in an accident. Following his father's steps, he opens a pub named "DanBam" in Itaewon and, along with his manager and staff, strive towards success and reaching greater heights.
Director: Kim Seong Yoon
One Spring Night (2019) 봄밤 ~ 
Genre: Romance/Life/Drama/Melodrama
Jung Hae In ~ Yoo Ji Ho
Han Ji Min ~ Lee Jung In
Feeling trapped in a stale four-year relationship and reluctant to take the next step into marriage, Lee Jung In stumbles into Yu Ji Ho's pharmacy one morning, nursing a hangover after a night of drinking with her friend. As she tries to reassemble herself before going to work, Jung In discovers that she has forgotten her wallet and cannot pay. Ji Ho kindly helps Jung In, despite her prickly personality. What begins as an innocent daily interaction, develops into a deeper attachment as the two find themselves drawn to one another. They embark on a secret friendship while navigating the minefield of familial and societal expectations. 
Director: Ahn Pan Seok
Crash Landing on You (2020) 사랑의 불시착 ~
Genre: Military/Comedy/Romance/Drama/Political
Hyun Bin ~ Ri Jung Hyuk
Son Ye Jin ~ Yoon Se Ri 
Tells the story of two star-crossed lovers, a South Korean heiress and a North Korean elite who also happens to be an army officer. One day, while paragliding, Yoon Se Ri has an accident caused by strong winds, leading her to crash land in North Korea, where she meets Ri Jung Hyuk, a North Korean army officer, who agrees to help her return to South Korea. Over time, they fall in love, despite the divide and dispute between their respective countries.
Director: Lee Jeong Hyo 
Extracurricular (2020) 인간수업 ~ 
Genre:  Friendship/Psychological/Crime/Life/School/Youth/Drama/Mature
Kim Dong Hee ~ Oh Ji Soo
Park Joo Hyun ~ Bae Gyu Ri
"Extracurricular” is centered around three high school students who start committing crimes to earn money and the unpredictable dangers they face as a result.
Kim Dong Hee will portray Ji Soo, who goes from a model student to a criminal after committing an unthinkable act. Jung Da Bin as school bully Min Hee, who gets caught up in Ji Soo’s crime. Park Joo Hyun will portray Ji Soo’s dangerous partner in crime Gyu Ri, while Nam Yoon Soo will appear as Min Hee’s boyfriend and the school’s most popular guy Ki Tae.
Director: Kim Jin Min
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lyricfrost13 · 4 years
BNHA/Naruto reincarnation au
Ok ok so the trope is that one character is reincarnated into another world, either as another character or as a new insert in the world right?  I had a kind of cracky idea for this one.  
It’s a bit long but basically a ton of characters from My Hero die during the War arc and are reincarnated as Naruto characters, which changes canon timeline but not a ton at first because they all think they’re the only one. Like, literally Minato is All Might, Aizawa is Kakashi - Team 7 is Izuku (Naruto - trust me I know it’s weird, but nearly-adult Izuku in a child’s body is here to cause problems on purpose), Bakugou (Sakura - the temper and eventually the ability to smash boulders? Yes. I know Naruto and Sakura could be flipped but I have Reasons), and Todoroki (Sasuke - evil older brother, fire stuff, kinda stoic) - there’s more under the cut because I don’t have the energy to write an actual entire fic but I need to put it down. Maybe at some point I’ll write the rest. 
Yagi thought it was a dream for a while.  Thought it was a nightmare, some days - but being Namikaze Minato was oddly satisfying in that he earned every bit of his power along the way.  He was proud of it, the strength and speed and intellect. The only person he ever told about his old world was Kushina - and she believed him.  His heart ached when his team fought and died and fought more - he tried to reach Kakashi in his grief, but the boy wasn’t happy. 
Aizawa doesn’t tell a soul that he’s someone else, that he’s a fraud, not a genius.  He doesn’t dare make a friend in Obito or Rin, still aching because all he can think is Mic and Oboro and his fucking class all gone.  Minato’s sunny smiles in the midst of being a deadly destroyer of armies makes him think of All Might and Izuku, the heroes, the best of them.  It hurts when it’s all taken away, and he uses his knowledge of how not to strain eye-related powers to cover his Sharingan when not in use and dives into ANBU to avoid thinking too hard about everything. 
Touya aches. He’s a genius of his clan, blew his first fireball so hot that it charred his throat for a week and glowed blue-white instead of red. This world doesn’t leave him burned beyond repair, and killing isn’t what makes a villain - but he still becomes one, for his little brother’s sake, because while Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto are gone, he still has Sasuke. (Another suicide mission fueled by revenge - only this time it’s him that has to die in the end, not his father.)  Itachi’s new flames are black, not blue.
Hawks is tired of lies.  So tired of being loyal to a system that’s full of false promises.  He might be a shark instead of a bird now, but he still flies the coop and joins up with a group that comfortably reminds him of the League. 
Izuku grieves everyone - of course he does - in the quiet of his little apartment. He’s reminded again and again of the fact that he’s different for whatever reason.  This time, instead of crying, he shouts - he laughs - he pranks the shit out of everyone to just be noticed for something that’s actually under his control.  If he can’t be the #1 hero, then dammit he’ll be Hokage - the strongest leader he can manage to be. 
Katsuki doesn’t know what the fuck to do. One, he’s become a girl - gender didn’t really matter all that much to him compared to strength and intelligence before, but it was still weird. What frustrated her more was his lack of quirk - explosions had defined Bakugou for so long that frankly, she was still going to research Iwa’s explosion corps and do something about that to add to her repertoire. Somewhere along the line Ino attached to her like the limpet Kirishima and Mina always had - getting up in her personal space without caring one way or another, understanding when she refused to speak, encouraging her temper every once in a while. The one annoying thing is that Ino interpreted her need to get stronger than the current projected Rookie of the Year as a crush.  Which - no. Sasuke was objectively good looking for a kid, but he was also intellectually a hell of a lot younger than Katsuki-Sakura, and he always uncomfortably reminded her of Todoroki. 
Shouto thrives at first - glad not to be the only one with expectations, even if he winces at the idea of an older brother shouldering so much responsibility.  He lives for having an older brother to look up to, to get close to.  He’s a little miffed that his clan’s specialty is fire-based, but hey, at least his father doesn’t expect him to be his successor - until he does. Until Itachi starts going on more and more missions, poking his forehead and saying “Another time, little brother,” more and more often. And then the massacre happens, and Sasuke wonders why he ever trusted that things would be so stable and ok.  He’s going to get strong, drag Itachi kicking and screaming back to Konoha, and rip his eyes out so he never does that again.
Kakashi is late again. Sasuke was more irritable than usual - after Wave, their sensei had promised to help him learn the Ice Release that Haku had done, and he’d really wanted to have that in his arsenal to have something more familiar. Sakura and Naruto had begun sparring in their boredom, and in the middle of it, Naruto slipped and hit one of Sakura’s sore spots from the mission.  She snarled.  
“Fucking deku, what the hell!” she said.  
Naruto yelped and fell forward, following through too far on a punch, eyes wide.  Sasuke stared, blinking.  
“Interesting,” said Kakashi’s voice behind them.  Sasuke was staring at Sakura in shock, and Naruto looked like he was staring at a ghost.  Sakura’s cheeks were turning pink. 
“What are you looking at me like that for?!” she demanded.  
“Problem children,” Kakashi said.  All three faces whipped to face him, mouths gaping, eyes wide. 
“ . . . Aizawa-sensei?” asked Shouto quietly. 
“What?” demanded Bakugou.  “All of us?  Who the fuck are-Icy-hot? Deku?” 
“Kacchan!” Izuku’s expression on Naruto’s features was - well.  Kakashi cursed inwardly - had things gone well, fuck, he’d be the kid’s older brother figure.  This wouldn’t have gone this far.  But the elation of not being alone was too much, even with that sting of he was right in front of me and I did nothing.  
“If we’re all back here,” Sasuke said quietly, “Who else might be?”
“Well, this changes things for us, but not for anyone else,” Kakashi explained.  “As far as the world knows, we’re the same as we’ve always been.  However, you studying Iwa explosion tactics and you wanting to learn ice release jutsus makes a lot more sense now.”
. . . 
Gaara had always had it in him to destroy.  From dust to sand to death - it was all the same.  The Ichibi raging against a jagged seal had only exacerbated an already damaged mind, one that couldn’t handle the empty space where All for One used to be. Instead stood rage.  
Yashamaru had helped, for a while. Gaara had almost even considered telling his greatest secret to his siblings - that he was once a terrible monster of a human, Shigaraki - but his uncle’s death shattered that thought quite thoroughly.  That was all it took to turn him once again into a monster, until a kid with another tailed beast inside him raged against his pain hard enough to scrape at his most protected secret: He didn’t want to be a monster or a villain. 
Naruto had that blinding smile as he fought he’d only seen a few times before - on Midoriya Izuku. 
. . . 
When Itachi next faced Sasuke, he had expected pain and rage. 
Instead, his little brother created a prison of ice mirrors, Sharingan flashing as he finished the sequence of signs.  His teammates screamed from outside the dome, and Itachi grimaced as he readied a stance - when had Sasuke learned anything about ice?  Why would he - 
“You’re going to give me answers, aniki,” he said.  “One of which is this: Touya, what the hell?”
Itachi stared.  And stared.  
“Apologies for not having the hair dye remover and livestream set up, but yes,” he replied.  
. . . 
Shikamaru was . . . well.  He wasn’t an idiot.  Talking about reincarnation and heroes and another life was a way to get a trip to T&I and never leave.  It didn’t mean he didn’t use his skills - Aizawa would be proud of how lazy his son had gotten in his next life, he bet. 
So when he saw Team Seven act a lot differently at the beginning of the chunin exams than he recalled, he was on high alert to find out what was going on. Naruto had learned some level of volume control, Sakura had tempered whatever her issue with Sasuke was, and Sasuke had - not softened, but definitely cooled off.  Seemed more attentive to his teammates. 
And Kakashi had certainly become more present, if the way they were presenting themselves with high-quality gear was any indication.  
Chunin Exams, Sports Festival - didn’t matter, he was still going to prove himself. No matter the fact he didn’t have his quirk anymore, he still kept asking questions. 
“Hey, Sakura.  Naruto. Sasuke. You ready for this?”
“We’re going to pass,” Sakura said. “No other option.”  He raised a brow. 
“You sure about that?”
“Sakura-chan said it, so she means it,” said Naruto.  Sasuke nodded. 
“What about you and your team?”
“Well, it’d be a drag to take the exam again. Guess I’ve got to get the promotion now,” he sad, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Gotta scope out the competition - I’m not here to make friends.” 
All three stiffened, and Naruto’s eyes lit up.  
Shikamaru spluttered. 
“You’re not the only one,” said Sakura immediately.  “Shoulda figured, eyebags. Would have thought Aizawa would be a Nara too, but it still fits.” Shikamaru was, of course, reeling.  
“Aizawa’s here?!  Wait, who are you three, then, if you know?”
“I’m Deku,” said Naruto, and yeah, that tracked.  
“Who the fuck else?” asked Sakura, and yep, her temper and Bakugou’s were just about the same amount of hair-trigger.  Which left - 
“And you’re Todoroki,” he said.  Sasuke nodded. 
“Kakashi’s Aizawa.  He’s gonna be really glad that you’re here, Shinsou. Talk to him when you get the chance.”
. . .
“You might be a monster, but so am I,” Naruto insisted as Gaara’s wild gaze turned on him. 
“No, no, I was born a monster,” Gaara insisted. “I destroyed everything I touched, it all was decay, I ended a world -”
Oh. Oh. 
“And All for One’s gone now,” he said. 
The Ichibi’s form flickered, and the sand surrounding the boy flailed whiplike and dangerous. 
. . . 
Naruto entered the seal and frowned.  It - his body, his spirit felt different. Somewhere between Naruto and Izuku. The mindscape shimmered, and a blond figure stepped forward - the First Hokage. But another step forward, and he shifted into someone else equally, no, more familiar. Naruto choked. 
“All Might?!” he gasped. “You’re the Fourth?  But - how - how is this?” he was helpless for words. Minato stiffened, staring at how the spirit before him shifted back and forth between a young man with whisker marks and blue eyes and a mop of green fluffy hair. 
“Izuku? You’re Naruto?” he asked quietly. His son nodded vigorously. 
“It seems I’ve bestowed quite the power and burden on you twice over,” he mused.  “Come here.  It’s not every day a father gets to see his son for the first time in over a decade,” he said, arms open.  Naruto blinked.  
“My - my father?”
“Yes,” he said with a sad smile. “I only ever told your mother about my past life. She even believed me!” 
Izuku-Naruto stumbled forward and sobbed into Minato-Yagi’s shoulder, clutching him tightly.  
“It’s not just us,” he said, “Aizawa and Todoroki and Kacchan and Shinsou and - there’s more out there, I’m sure of it. Not everyone, but more. And I’m going to save them all this time.” 
Minato smiled. 
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unlockthelore · 4 years
Piece of the Sun
Upon his return, Sesshomaru seeks out Rin and learns about a story she’s told. From the fic Feathers in the Wind on Ao3. For more updates, follow the feathers in the wind tag on this blog. 
Sesshomaru was hardly surprised to find Rin missing from her study. Jaken groveled at his feet while he passed with a heavy glance quietly demanding to know where she’d gone. Cautiously, the imp lifted his head and peered up at him.
“To t-the quarters where the kenin reside, m’lord,” he warbled, clearing his throat as he blurted out. “I’ve told her more than once visiting them is beneath a lady’s stature, but she simply won’t listen!”
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and Jaken choked on another outburst, quickly bowing his head. Of course Rin wouldn’t listen, he thought to himself as he strode through the castle corridors, ignoring those who lowered their gaze. Sunlight tinted the shoji and brought the images on them to life, rolling hillsides painted in sun gold. The corner of Sesshomaru’s lips twitched upward at the memory of Rin painting in earnest.
Colors streaked across her nose, the sides of her fingers, and her elbows when she finished. Tired and wanting, throwing her arms around him to the onlookers’ surprise, the wet paint staining his clothes and a chilled silence fell. When no punishment came, he could feel a collective breath taken but his attention was solely on his wife’s cheerful smile at her accomplishment.
The ache to see her returned and Sesshomaru pressed on, leaving the castle’s main building to one of the others on the outskirts. It was smaller and less extravagant but reminded him of the village his half-brother resided in. Children ran about the dirt paths surrounded by trees, their mothers and fathers committing to chores, washing linens Sesshomaru had seen folded neatly and pressed to Rin’s hands from attendants he hadn’t put a name to although she did in earnest.
By a few of the huts, doors open to allow air to circulate, children gathered on the veranda while a gaggle of women and men tended to the laundry lines nearby. Sheets billowing in the wind granted him limited view of what kept the children’s attention but he heard a voice, familiar to him as the blades resting at his hip.
Not minding the clothes lines, Sesshomaru brushed aside a few comforters and stared down at the woman on the other side who stifled a cry and clutched a few cloths to her chest. Her wide eyes and trembling mouth almost made him scowl but it couldn’t be helped. Many who tended to the castle knew of his reputation, wisely fearing what he would do if they displeased him. Even then she and the others nearby who stopped at the sight of him were human with remarkably low spiritual energy. They wouldn’t prove much of a challenge to him at all. More of a nuisance really.
“G-Good afternoon, Lord Sesshomaru,” she took a half-step backward then bowed clumsily, nearly knocking her head against the hilt of Bakusaiga.
Sesshomaru’s gaze swept from one end of the line’s post to the other as they bowed to him. A low hum simmered in his throat, gaze flicked up to where a young woman in pleated skirts emerged from the flock of children at her heels. With her back to him, she crouched down and showed them something in her hands. Their chorused gasps of awe and excitement were dulled by her giggling and Sesshomaru was hard pressed not to smile.
“Ah, were you looking for Lady Rin?”
His gaze snapped back to the woman in front of him, wringing the cloths in her hands before handing them to the man crouched beside her. After wiping her hands on the towel tucked in the front of her obi, she cupped a hand around the side of her mouth, turning back toward the smatter of huts huddled together. “Lady Rin!”
At once, it was as if the sun had come out. Rin turned with confusion pinching her lips, one of the children clinging to her neck with a whine, attempting to distract her.
“T-Tomoe, stop that…” The woman called, casting a wary glance up to Sesshomaru then away. “Lady Rin, Lord Sesshomaru’s arrived.”
It didn’t occur to him she couldn’t see him with the comforters on the clothes line blocking her view. Pushing one aside, Sesshomaru peered past it and met Rin’s gaze. Her eyes growing impossibly wide, mouth falling open then snapping shot.
“Sorry, sorry, little ones,” she said hurriedly, prying the little girl’s hands from her neck. “I’ll come play with you another day, okay?”
A cacophony of cries and whines to say followed her as she leapt off the veranda, thanking the woman on the other side of the line with a squeeze to her hands, then grasping Sesshomaru’s sleeve as she pulled him away. It wasn’t until they were further away, striding through the open fields that he allowed himself to smile.
Often times, armed with momentary fascination and a journal, Rin absconded from their home to sate her curiosities elsewhere. Demons who swore loyalty to him weren’t very kind to her but Rin hardly let that stop her. Earning the favor of humans and several others with her cheer and infectious laughter, interacting with those beneath her, despite her position as Lady. One of her charms, Sesshomaru deduced. No matter how far she’d risen in social status, Rin remained warm and welcoming to all who crossed her path.
“You didn’t have to stop,” he pointed out, staring down at her as she slipped her hand in his own.
“Of course I did.” Rin shrugged, sweet and patient as she squeezed his hand with an upward wink. “Suspense is what keeps them coming back after all.”
Sesshomaru scoffed, not minding slowing his pace to allow her to tuck her arm around his to keep him close. The warm line of her body obscured by their clothes drew his attention. A familiar scent reminding him utterly of home and safety leading him to guide her to a less taken path beneath joined tree boughs allowing slivers of sunlight as she liked to play in when the mood touched her. Pinpricks of light danced across her skin, her eyes closed, long curved eyelashes almost brushing across rounded cheeks. He found himself staring at her more than the road ahead. Committing every last detail to memory as if it was the first he’d seen it.
Something smooth and hard brushed against his sleeve and he glanced down, noticing a stone in the palm of her hand. With her fingers curled around it, she shifted her hand out in front of them. “Neh,” she prefaced, always when she was going to ask him something mind-boggling. “Would you believe I had a piece of the sun right here in my hand?”
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow and glanced at her then her hand. Absolutely not. If she were holding a piece of the sun, it would have burned her hand and how would she have gotten it anyway? Looking to her again, his silence seemed to answer her question and she huffed in mock irritation.
“So mean,” she whined, holding the stone to her chest. “You would doubt your wife that easily? I’m crushed.”
Sesshomaru highly doubted that but he found amusing how she sulked. Bottom lip poked in a sullen pout lasting for all of a second before she tossed the stone in the air, catching it in her palm. For something so precious, she treated it with such frivolity, he couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“Well, the children believed me. Although I’m not sure how the story ends…”
He arched a brow. That was new. Rin’s vast imagination often lent a wealth of endings to her winded stories. “No?” He questioned when she seemed lost in thought, slipping his arm from her grasp to set his hand against her side. Almost immediately, she pressed close to him, slipping her arm around his waist.
The stone held up between her thumb and forefinger as she angled it to catch the sunlight, its surface almost seeming to glow. “I told them it was a sunstone, fallen a long time ago after a fight between the sun and moon.”
Sesshomaru hummed. With a story like that, finding a satisfying ending would be difficult. They passed over a wooden bridge overlooking a river cutting between the land, smooth rocks along its banks, gravel and sand trodden over by numerous trips by those who lived nearby. Rin’s footsteps slowed when they’d reached its center and Sesshomaru looked down at her curiously, hearing a thud and catching the stone rolling across the planks. A soft touch to his cheek, the smell of flowers and plush lips catching the corner of his mouth, stealing his attention. Chiming bells from the anklet she loved to wear reminding him of the difference in their height as he leant down to kiss her.
This is what he missed most. Unabashed affection, her arms slipping around his neck, smile pressed to his mouth as she kissed him again and again.Sweetness coated her lips and invited him with nip after nip until they were reddened and swelled. Rin’s giggles stammering his heart’s beating.
“Not interested in the story?” She murmured, a smile in her voice.
Sesshomaru scoffed at the suggestion of eagerness. Even if it was true. “You kissed me.”
“I told you you were missed, didn’t I?” Rin asked with playful exasperation, seeming to think on it for a second before adding with a breathy sigh. “Oh, I didn’t…” Another kiss filled the silence between them, his face cradled between her palms. “You were missed…”
He opened his eyes, staring at her from beneath his lashes, the blurred visage doing little to take away from the sight of her. Wanting to burn it into his memory for when she was here and when she was not.
“As were you…”
He could hear the loud thump of her heart, see the moment her smile fell then returned with such brightness it almost burned his eyes. Nimble fingers working into his hair as she pulled him closer, pressing feathery kisses to every inch of his skin she could reach. Tucking his arms beneath her, he lifted her carefully and suppressed a shudder at the kiss to his forehead, delighting in the surprised look she gave him.
“Well now you’ve made a big mistake,” she said with a beguiling grin. “Now you’ll have to carry me home, I’m afraid.”
Sesshomaru chuckled softly, allowing the moment of expression to feel her heart skip and see the utter fondness in her eyes. He expected no less from her, telling her such as he cradled her in his arms.
“Are you calling me predictable now? I’m offended.”
Predictable? Never. In all the centuries he’d wandered the world, he’d never met someone who confused him as much as she.
“Take it back,” she whispered against the shell of his ear, warmth curling and settling as heat stirred in his stomach. “Or I’ll be mad.”
Mad? He raised a brow, almost willing to leave it simply to know what mad was like for her. So often, he’d seen her cheerful and upbeat or despondent and sullen. What would her anger be like? Before he could make up his mind on the matter, Rin leant back and stuck her tongue out at him. “Joking. It would take more than that to make me mad, I’m afraid.”
What a shame. Although, he did prefer this smiling and happy Rin. Pressing a kiss to her cheek when she turned her head, he hardly expected her breath to hitch and the sharpness of her gaze.
“What was that for?”
He stared at her incredulously. “I missed you.” Wasn’t that obvious?
Perhaps not or perhaps Rin was simply pleased by the slightest showing of his affection, so often he gave it to her, he thought she would be accustomed to it by now. If anything, she seemed pleased just as the first time he’d shown it. Her nose brushing against his cheek, smile hidden in a press of lips against his jaw. Hugging close to him with her face tucked against the column of his throat.
“I have a piece of the moon right here in my arms,” whispered against his neck in a sing-song voice, her love-drunk giggling making him roll his eyes and clutch his piece of the sun a little tighter.
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ziracona · 4 years
hi can we pls have some uhhhh 🅱️uentin Smith headcanons, and some killers hcs if you want! I also lowkey hc Jake and Claudette to both be some degree of autistic, I imprint like a baby bird on my fav characters so I hc both Jake AND Quentin to be trans, and Quentin and Meg are ADHD infodump pals. Literally sitting around the cabin taking turns talking about something they love while the other is sitting there... no thoughts... head empty... they r supporting each other
Nice! And Claudette is canonically autistic according to her archives description as far as I can tell, and I’m so glad! You should check out @askthedreamwalker if you’re interested in Quentin art bc their Quentin is trans and they have really nice art! Also u right as hell about Quentin and Meg. He gets v excited and Meg and he can special-interest back and forth for hours One person is pitcher, pouring information into empty pitcher2, then the other takes a turn and pours back into first pitcher. Info dump support friends. Heaven.
And hells yeah, I love son boy! Idk if you mean ILM headcanons or general, so I’m just gonna go with gen. 
Quentin’s got a big sense of justice. Not okay with people getting away with terrible shit, which makes the realms extra unbearable (somewhere in the distance Yui and Tapp are like ‘cheers mate’). Holds people very accountable. Boy is very fair and got upstanding character. Expects people to operate with like bare minimum decency and ain’t about to let that shit go if someone wants to be a bastard. Last person ever to let a killer get a pass for going around murdering people in-realm and would hold them extremely accountable and be v willing to kill one in a fight and view them with disgust and righteous anger, but also be one of the first people willing to forgive a killer if they genuinely reformed, or got thrown to the survivor side by the Entity and actually chose to shape up and proved they meant it. He has a huge sense of justice and righteous anger, but also believes in forgiveness and second chances. (Within reason. If any of the particularly bastard killers like GF or Nightmare or Clown showed up with a completely ooc change of heart they will never have anyway, Quentin would be like “…listen. …There are some things only God can forgive…U gotta take this one to him…and away from me. Forever…”. Boy got those high-quality standards 👌
Used to be kinda high-strung, but then his life was a living hell for so long that he ran out of energy entirely and now he has no choice but to be mostly chill. If he gets a burst of energy, the old excitement power switch flips back on and he is both way more talkative and active, and happier. Unfortunately he is usually so worn out he’s about to drop.
Got a bit of a martyr complex. The fact that literally locking himself in hell with his worst nightmare worked does not help. Feels massive guilt over the fact that the Nightmare is in the realm bc of him, but is still kind of glad bc it means he’s not out there murdering his family. Hates that he feels that way because he thinks it’s kind of wrong. Views being stuck in the realm as sort of penance for having brought Krueger unintentionally. Afraid to tell other people it’s his fault because he’s scared they would never talk to him again, and the idea of losing his friends and complete isolation here is unbearable. Feels guilt over that choice, because he feels like he’s in a way lying to them, and that if they would hate him if they knew the truth, they have a right to. Boy loves his friends hard, but does not trust them to forgive him, or to trust in him, so he’s not always completely honest about not just that but anything he’s struggling with. Very sad dumbass. Suffers alone because he’s afraid to ask for help, and/or does not think he deserves it.
Really loves the other survivors and would do anything he could to protect them. Dies in the majority of his trials because he battles endlessly trying to keep the others from being the ones who die. In a way, he’s trying to make things up to them, but he would absolutely do the same just because he loves them, and did for a long time before he ever figured out Krueger and him being taken was his fault (not that I personally think that’s a fair way for the boy to view it). Optimistic externally, struggling internally. Absolutely refuses, ever, to give up, but is always right on the threshold of having a breakdown. Pushes the others to find a way to escape and tries to give them hope. Takes a lot of shit. Will not fight back much if teased just be like -__- and moves on. Doesn’t let people boss him around though, and will always do what he thinks personally is the right thing. Extremely forgiving. (Except to himself.)  Snark boy if opportunity presents itself. Can I offer you a shot of adrenaline in this trying time boy? the rest of the time.
Gives people the benefit of the doubt. Not a hoe. Would commit to a s/o very dedicatedly. Also not the kind of asshole who would cut down on time w friends when in a relationship. Boy’s love is not a zero sum game. Would die or kill for Laurie. Loves Claudette and learning botany tips from her. Thinks she is pretty and admires her kindness and skill and refusal to let the world change who she is, and wishes he was more like her. Has not told her that. Is a lot more like her in that regard than he thinks he is. Pretty damn good in a fight bc he always gets back up. Determinator. Still in love with Nancy and loyal af. Misses her a lot. Does not open up about himself as much as people think he does. Misses his dad and Nancy and his dead friends a lot, especially Jesse. Doesn’t actually talk about his problems much. Just suffers in silence because he doesn’t think he can ask for help.
Takes his faith seriously. Prays a lot, and struggles with feeling completely abandoned by God, but won’t give up on that either. Tries hard to believe he cares and things will change. Dedicated to trying to make sure that regardless of what his friends believe in, they are okay. Very sad and alone but tries to not think about that. Tries to help friends stay hopeful. Is both baby and badass sass boy in one package. Fight hard, love hard, someday will get to sleep for a whole year. 
If you are nice to him once, will assume that means you are friends now. Genuinely cares deeply for every single survivor at the campfire. Wants to protect people. Constantly suffering bc that’s impossible here. Really just wants everyone to be okay someday, including himself, and simultaneously kind of feels like he no longer deserves to be okay in the end at all. Tries not to think about that. Massive guilt issues. Bottles it up. Loyal as hell. Would die for his friends so much it actively worries them and they’re like “Quentin…please. Quentin-stop—stop. You’ll die again. I swear to god Quentin! I can die this time! Quentin!!! Come back here right now!” But he never comes back. Big sibling energy. Regularly people be like “Damn u could make a pretty fine lil brother out of this” and then they do. He loves so hard. Please be nice to him. He’s always trying so hard and never thinks it’s enough. He works so hard.
Triggers include being grabbed by his hair and jerked around, losing his necklace, the cave, and the Nightmare within 15 feet of someone he loves, so homeboy has just, a lot of bad days. Is playing a fun game called ‘I will absorb trauma forever and not get help for it and then one day it will kill me’. Needs to learn to depend on his friends.
Good sense of humor, enjoys reading and music. Will talk way too much about things he likes and not notice he’s done it and then feel bad. Dumbass sweetheart, will think he’s doing a great job flirting and be proud of himself when he did not, in fact, do a suave job, but it’s cute. Tries hard. All the time. At everything. God he tries.
I would do killer hcs too but this already so long and I cut like half of what I initially wrote rip. I have too many thoughts. Head full. : ( Here’s just a few little ones:
Myers does not like working for the Entity. It tried to pull a fast one and be like, “Yes tis I, another voice in your head,” and Michael was like “Bitch it’s my head. I don’t know you!” and that did not work. While Michael very much would love to kill Laurie and get inner peace, working for the entity provides 0% daily Michael needs, and he hates it. Sometimes he just does what the fuck he wants and gets in trouble (homeslice is the only killer who can kill survivors with no mori and no perk for it. Michael cannot be controlled). Does not like being here at all. He doesn’t cause the Entity a lot of trouble like Krueger does, so it doesn’t consider him a problem killer, but they do not have a ‘Ah yes my favorite killer’ kind of thing going. Michael hates the spider-monster. He is so tired of everything at this point. Boy is suffering. Would fight the Entity if he knew how. Has been hurt by it before, and does not like that, because it takes longer to heal than he is used to.
Myers has a few times had his home area be close enough to the campfire that he could see it in the distance, and he watches them when that happens. For hours. He is lonely, but does not realize that, and probably never will. He does stand there and watch them, being sad and not realizing he’s sad at all. It’s the closest he ever gets to human interaction aside from killing people in trials.
The Entity hurts Max sometimes, not because he has done anything wrong, but because injuring him without providing even a way to prevent it keeps him peak feral and afraid, just like it wants. No time to recover or learn or grow. Just anger and pain and fear.
The Entity promises Rin a lot of things. Not because it has to, but because it enjoys the taste of her suffering. One of her addons is paper cranes, one of 1000 to make a wish, as the description says. I’ve always interpreted that to mean it likes to screw with her and offer her things like that she can do between trials, in the moments of lucidity she occasionally has when completely alone. ‘Make 1000, get your wish,’ but every time she hits 999, it blows the ones she’s made away, and she has to start over. Unclimbable hill. Just to watch her struggle. That kind of thing. Intentionally tends to send survivors her way it knows she would dislike killing the most, just to watch her have to do it against her will and bask in the horror of what she cannot make herself not do.
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Healing Technique: Sesskag oneshot
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Kagome offers to give Sesshoumaru a massage. But she's not flirting, definitely not. Never.
Rated T
For Sesskag Week 2019 - Day 3: Flirt
Healing Technique~
Kagome noticed it without really understanding how or why. It had just caught her attention again and again.
Sesshoumaru had pulled a muscle.
Or at least, it seemed that way. Maybe the Daiyoukai's joints were stiff, or he'd recently gotten a crick in his neck, but whatever the case, it didn't change the fact that he was currently rubbing the back of his neck, again. He'd been doing so on and off for three days now. Naturally, he'd been subtle about it, not making a peep of discomfort. Deadly fingers would comb through his long hair, feigning disinterest in the group's chatter, before casually rubbing the flesh or rolling his shoulder. The briefest flash of relief warmed his eyes before they were hidden by lowered magenta lids. The sight of it always made her stomach flutter.
Rinse, lather and repeat. Kagome was sincerely tired of dog demons and their damned pride.
She stood, having had enough.
Approaching his slightly reclined position against a tree outside the hut, she met his curious, steady gaze. "Um..."
This part proved tricky. Though she considered him a friend, the demon lord had given no indication he felt the same. He visited the village for the sake of Rin and tolerated the miko's chatter or her tea offerings, but that was all. "I have this... healing technique you might be interested in." Kagome winced. It wasn't a complete lie.
"This one is not injured." He arched a perfect silver brow.
She grit her teeth. Of course. "S-still. I could really use your help by having someone to practise on. Alone."
"Hn, would your friends not suffice?"
Kagome looked at him flatly. "No. It's just for Daiyoukais."
Assessing her with an unreadable expression, thin lips curved slightly. "How specific."
He stood without another word, gesturing with a graceful motion of his hand for her to lead on. Kagome's heart suddenly went into a fluttering panic. Ah, crap. I'm really going to try and massage a killing machine, aren't I?
Awkwardly padding away from the village huts, she caught Sango's eye, who smiled encouragingly while bouncing one of her twins on her knee. Blushing, Kagome hurried up a hill. Don't get the wrong idea, Sango.
This was Sesshoumaru. The cold-blooded ally who had aided them in the last battle against Naraku, who cared for Rin and occasionally saved them- but paramount in Kagome's mind was one thought; He disliked humans.
So he'd never look at her that way. They were in no danger of misunderstanding. It was fine, totally fine.
Kagome led the way through the trees to the opening of a small, quaint cave within Inuyasha's forest. It was spacious enough for their purposes, and private, not too far away from a babbling brook. A mat had already been laid out, along with some soft materials to make it more comfortable.
Sesshoumaru shot her a look. "This was premeditated."
She sweatdropped. "Yeah, a little. But you could have said no."
"Hn," fierce golden eyes swept down her miko attire.
"Now uh, I-I just need you to take off your armour and hanjuban."
Sesshoumaru complied, flicking open the secures of his battle attire and lifting off the chest plate, before disrobing, complying suspiciously easy. Kagome felt her damned cheeks heat again and quickly turned around. "You're going along with this a lot less stubbornly than I thought you would."
"Did you think me like the half breed? Kicking up a storm over every minor thing?"
Kagome laced her fingers, thoughts turning to Inuyasha and their break up a few months ago. "No, it's just that you're quite a private person."
"Hn," his breath fanned over the back of her neck and Kagome jumped, glancing over her shoulder.
Lean, strong muscle filled her gaze. His chest appeared as built as she'd figured it would be, but the bold magenta stripes dipping low on his hips caught her eye. They drew attention to his abdomen, disappearing under the material of his pants.
Kagome drew in a breath. Certainly, a half-naked Daiyoukai was something to behold. Catching his gold eyes, which seemed to smile even as his mouth remained still, she huffed. "A-anyway!" She took a shaky step back, trying and failing not to get flustered. "Please lie down on your stomach on the mat!"
Now he seemed to pause, assessing the mat. "...This one does not like such a vulnerable position."
"You can hold your sword if it makes you feel better." She teased as payback. When he bristled, she decided to relent. "Alright, sit down instead."
This he agreed to, settling down on the mat and looking at her expectantly, back straight and muscles tense. Kagome smiled encouragingly, before approaching. He seemed to grow more alert the closer she stepped, claws twitching on his folded knees. She wondered why he seemed so...keen?
Stepping around him, she leaned down to kneel at his back, settling behind him.
Sesshoumaru glanced over his shoulder, expression slightly guarded. "What are you doing, miko?"
"My healing technique. Try to relax, and... please don't kill me," she mumbled, pushing back her sleeves. Reaching out, it took all her willpower not to back down under the heavy, intense stare he fixed her with. Kagome quickly grasped the silky silver strands of his hair and pushed them over his shoulder. "Hold this!" She squeaked, hating that they felt exquisite.
Soft palms then settled on the nape of his neck. Using the pads of her thumbs, she massaged the warm, pale skin, blushing all the while. Sesshoumaru tensed, a low growl escaping him. Kagome quickly moved to a lower area, using her fingers and causing the growl to roll into a low, rumbling noise.
Her heart thundered in her chest. Red cheeks deepened into a lush crimson. A part of her realised her mistake. This felt far too intimate between them. True she'd been held by men before, pressed up close to kidnappers. She'd been kissed by Inuyasha. Yet this was different. It felt personal. She'd never touched a man in such a way before. Why had she thought she could do this, again?
But as she kept smoothing her hands over the muscle of his back, Kagome began to feel the tense areas. Embarrassment melted into concentration. It was clear he must have been in discomfort, judging by the amount of time she had to take unwinding a bundle of tense nerves at his lower back.
She blinked, noticing goosebumps whisper over his flesh. The demon shivered.
"Are you cold?"
He straightened. "Do not be foolish."
They were silent for a time, only broken by Sesshoumaru's soft exhales or quick hisses of air he quickly smothered. Kagome became almost used to touching him, feeling the youki simmering under the surface of his skin. He felt so warm and smooth in some areas, yet hard and strong in others. Kagome could almost maybe admit that she enjoyed this strange closeness.
"Do all humans engage in this behaviour before mating?" He uttered.
Kagome squeaked, hands pausing. "E-excuse me?!"
His striped cheek turned, and he glanced at her. "Was that not the reason for demanding my presence, alone? In a secluded area. Disrobed."
"No!" She wailed, humiliated. "This isn't a ploy to seduce you! I'm massaging you. H-haven't you ever had one before?"
She'd figured such a prestigious lord would have luxuries open to him. By the look the Daiyoukai was giving her however, apparently he didn't engage with such things. It also occurred to her that she had not, in fact, clarified what they'd be doing together.
Light fingertips strayed away from his skin, curling into her palm. Kagome looked at him uncertainly, caught between embarrassment and a strange flutter in her chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...give you the wrong idea that I was flirting or something. Should I stop?"
"Do as you please," he muttered, a wry smile touching his mouth that made him appear strangely discontent.
Heat curled in her stomach. Why did he seem disappointed? So unsurprised and jaded, like he'd known from the start there was no hope of her wanting to lie with him. Her mind reeled, hands remaining frozen. Outside, the chirping of birds nesting in the trees and the bubbling water in the brook sounded so much louder.
Seeming to sense her confusion, the demon quietly continued.
"No one is permitted to touch this Sesshoumaru in such a way. Not even lovers."
"Then why allow me to?"
Sesshoumaru turned to face forward, muscles locking. She could feel the tension radiating off him in waves.
Slowly, haltingly, traitorous fingers reached out again. This time, the miko glided her hands over the hard plains of his body, careful and considerate. She took more notice of the battle scars littering his skin. She knew from experience with Inuyasha's wounds that only the most fatal and powerful blows left scars on demons bodies. The rest disappeared, mended perfectly on their skin.
And apparently, no one else had touched them. Just her. Kagome looked at the back of his head, emotion squeezing her chest.
Seeing one particularly harsh scar that curved under his shoulder blade, a mad impulse seized her. Brushing her palm over the spot, Kagome dipped down and pressed her lips gently to it.
Immediately realising what the hell she'd done- Kagome reeled back, only to have steel fingers grab her wrist.
Sesshoumaru had turned, long hair sliding forward over his shoulder to pool on the ground. The sunlight behind him caught the strands of silver and illuminated them with a soft radiant glow. Inhuman, molten eyes stared at her, gliding down to her mouth. She could practically feel the heat of his gaze slide down her skin, warming it until a fever spiked her heartbeat into overdrive. Long claws captured her chin and held it a willing hostage.
The silky baritone of his voice dipped low and pleasant. "Will you tease, and say that was a healing technique just now, cruel miko?"
Heart thundering, her throat became dry when a sharp claw smoothed over her bottom lip, thumb grazing.
"I-I just...wanted to..." she murmured, trailing off when hot breath fanned over her lashes.
A wet, lazy tongue slid over her cheek, causing the miko to jolt. "Mn...?"
"I just wanted-" shaky breath hitched, blue eyes hazing as her thighs pressed together. "To make you feel good-"
But it was a lie. Or at least partially so. Hadn't she been masquerading under a friendly face just to spend time with him because of his dry humour, sharp tongue and wonderful way of emboldening her? Hadn't she been pleased when he pulled a muscle, because it meant a reason- an excuse to be close to him. Feel that which was forbidden to touch. In reality, hadn't she been flirting? Dancing around the subject of wanting him. Her body hummed alive, wanting the thing she'd denied herself out of so many things; fear of inadequacy, rejection, and-
"Silence," he uttered, nipping her ear. "If you wish to please this one, follow through with your actions. I refuse to misunderstand you. Be clear, and bold, just as this one has seen you be before."
Kagome blushed and leaned back. She then exhaled and set her shoulders, summoning her courage. It was a small thing now, tamed by heartbreak, but she blew the dust off it and coaxed her bravery alight.
The barriers of hesitation inside her mind fell away, and leaning up, her left her in a dizzying rush as she pressed her lips to the hollow of his throat.
Strong arms caught her about the waist, and she squeaked, feeling herself be pulled flush against him.
Kagome scraped blunt nails over the very skin she'd massaged, willingly straddling the demon lord. The more they touched, the more a feeling grew to towering heights, until her body sighed with catharsis right along with his.
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sesskagarchive · 5 years
Alternate Universe Serial
These fan fictions are serial works that are not traditionally set in the Feudal Era Canon and are not compliant with/do not feature elements of the Inuyasha Canon. 
They may be set in the modern era or in a historical time other than the Sengoku Jidai. 
They may retain youkai and miko or make all the characters human. They may feature multiple different tropes like college, celebrities, etc
‼ Please note that these themed lists may always be expanded based on the suggestions and recs we get, so the lists might change at any given time, even after they’ve been reblogged ‼
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A Dangerous Shot by sesshomarusama33
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: **COMPLETE** Canon. Kagome is kidnapped by a witch under Naraku's order. What will happen when she is accidentally cursed and the only two people who can save her can't get a long? Told in 100 word snippets. Rated for later chapters. EDIT: Chapters 7 and up will no longer be 100 words! ^^
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A Woman! by Sugar0o
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Loosely based of off 'Mulan.' Kags decides to take her fathers place in the war for the West, but gets caught unexpectedly. AU, S/K, evey1s a demon mostly **COMPLETE**
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Birth by cutebaby
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Sesshomaru stands to loose everything unless he can secure a heir by his upcoming birthday. His advisors and himself are now in a race against the clock to find the perfect child, but how does his secretary, Kagome, fit in? This is an upload from backup because the story was lost. Thanks to all my readers for letting me know.
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Business Associates by KJ
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome and Sesshomaru have been dating for 7 years, but Kagome is tired of their passionless arrangement. She wants a man who will love and support her and her dreams. She ends their relationship and heart break ensues. Will he just let her go? Can they settle their differences? This is AU, rated MA. There will be lemon. There is a possibility some of the characters will be OOC. Status: WIP
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Capital Offense by Oroyukae
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: It was wrong; it was illegal...it was reciprocated. Like his father before him, he could not deny what he felt for the human female. For that, he would pay dearly. He found himself faced with the question he had asked his father numerous times...was it worth it? {Complete}
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Clutter by forthright
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: AU. Mrs. Higurashi decides to help her daughter put her life together; enter Sesshoumaru, professional organizer extraordinaire. A romantic comedy told in 100 word snippets. COMPLETE
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Cop Troubles by LibraCourt
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Troubles, troubles, and more troubles. Sesshoumaru has to deal with it all from working with a human partner to being given a poison that sends him into a heat. How will he handle it all? What other troubles will he face?
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Crystal Hearts by SmilingFool
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Warning Inside... What happens when Evil longs to be loved? Fate steps in giving Naraku a chance to prove his heart is not all Black and Evil. Naraku finds himself drawn to a little girl that is being abused and finds a way to stop it. Naraku being the 'Evil Creator' and business hanyou he is begins working on a project that could extend human life called Crystal Hearts. His project is soon discovered and his research stolen by an unknown force that is also out to kill his new stepdaughter Kagome in fear that she will stop the war that is to come. What will happen when Evil turns against Evil? Read and find out. Enjoy. Pairings are Sesshoumaru/Kagome. Status: WIP
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Dancing with Scissors by piratequeen0405
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome's niece, Rin, is left orphaned by a tragic car wreck, leaving Kagome to raise her alone. Or so she thought...help comes from an unexpected source, Sesshoumaru. The only problem is that they can't stand each other. Will they be able to act like adults for the sake of their niece...and maybe find love in the process?
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Dear Stranger by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Via exchanging e-mails, a romance is beginning to bud between two strangers. But Kagome knows that falling in love is not an option – that would be bad for business. Status: WIP
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Dramatic! by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: Filming a TV drama can be surprisingly difficult, when one has to deal with a quirky scriptwriter and an unruly cast. There were days when director Takahashi pondered how the hell she ever ended up in such a mess…
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Everyday Love by Priestess Skye
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Based on the picture series by Youkai Yume. Love is expressed in a myriad of ways. Sesshoumaru and Kagome grow and develop in their relationship with each other. Series of interconnected one shots. Sess/Kag
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Hallowed Desire by Demonlordlover2
Posted on: FFnet, Spark Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru wanted more than a mate. He wanted her, Kagome
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Happily Ever After by Miss Teak
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: Struggling to maintain her old family shrine, Higurashi Kagome could not be more thankful for the miracle that came in the form of a letter telling her that the Higurashi family owned forty percent of a traditional Japanese inn in Tsumago, Nagano prefecture. However, in exchange for the profits made by Shiraito inn, Kagome would have to marry the devastatingly handsome yet arrogant owner and serve as the inn's okami. Happily ever after? No way! Status: Abandoned
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Letters, Love, War by Aura
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: A reply to r0o's letter challenge. Kagome and Sesshomaru stay in contact through nothing more than letters during the second world war, eventually realizing they mean more to each other than either knew. Nominated for Best Romance and Best Alternate Reality 4th Quarter 2010!
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Maid for You by luna-magic-2005
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Inuyasha plays a prank on his older brother Sesshoumaru - by purchasing him a mail order bride! Except something seems a little off about this one… Drabble series. COMPLETE!
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Maid with Care by Aimee Blue
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: A drabble series revolving around Kagome's unusual job in Sesshoumaru's cosplay cafe. Status: Abandoned
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Make Up Your Mind!! by Koishii_Beloved
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru and Kagome, both, have agreed to a divorce. Kagome is all ready for it, but what happens when Sesshoumaru decides to back out?
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Mother of My Heir by gildedglass
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: The night before Sesshomaru broke up with Kagome, he took all he could from her. Now, years later, he is trying to create a heir to no avail; his children do not bear the mark. There can only be one reason; his heir already lives... with a woman who wants nothing to do with him. Status: Abandoned / Hiatus
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My Bitter Sweet Life! by Moonlight Silk
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: When time fades and past memories disappear, Kagome tries to see the bright side of life by looking to the future. But can the heart feel what the mind cannot remember when old love reappears? Will the truth set her free, or will it destroy what peace she had found in the darkness? Only time will tell.
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My Second Self by LikeABlueThread
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Orphaned Kagome is raised by monks in Feudal Japan, and determines to find a way to build an independent life for herself. Jane Eyre done SessKag style. Complete!
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Omikuji by ironlotus
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Every year, Kagome picks an Omikuji fortune on New Year's Eve with the same wish: May this year be the year that brings happiness like no other! But she doesn't get what she's expecting, especially once her fortune starts coming true. Her supervisor and friend passes on. People around her are acting more and more oddly. The world as she knows it gets flipped on its head. This year's fortune couldn't be worse. [[Epilogue Posted! Finally Complete!!]]
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Paper Cranes by midori Haru
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Meeting, attraction, courting, commitment. For most of the world relationships form in the normal fashion from start to culmination. Naturally normal isn't enough for Sesshoumaru. And he wonders why he runs into problems trying to build a relationship from the wrong end
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Pompeii by aijoinu
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: When a God finds his other half he will literally move the earth to make her his
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Sea Swept by AshMish111 
Posted on: AO3, FFnet Rating: T Summary: A Mermaid’s Dream; A Prince’s Hope. He was not the one she left it all behind for, but he would he the one she wanted to stay for. Little Mermaid AU, with a twist! SessKag
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Stay-cation by Shastuhh
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Its has been a long six months Kagome has gone through multiple life changes, she has lost a loved one, lost her first love, graduated college, bought a house and now all she is looking to do is take a stay-cation to rest, relax and recharge. She runs into Sesshomaru in the store as she is doing some last minute shopping and finds out he is doing his own type of vacation and she invites him to stay with her. He has longed to get to know her better and make her his one and only and he is not about to pass up this opportunity.
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Step Into Love by StormieLikeWeather
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet, Tumblr Rating: MA Summary: Kagome meets her new step brother for the first time, only she doesn’t know it’s him. With hearts in their eyes, realization bursts the bubble. While Sesshomaru could care less, Kagome is stuck between wanting to be with him and wanting to meet familial expectations. - Updates are sporadic. Status: WIP
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Tables Turned by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: A false accusation caused him to lose everything he had. Finally free again, he disguises himself and sets out to gain back all that once was his. But things don't always go as planned and he ends up working as an assistant in the company he once founded. And his boss is a woman. [Complete!]
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That’s My Girl! by Kanna37
Posted on: AO3, FFnet Rating: K+ Summary: Little Sesshoumaru and Little Kagome have a series of tiny adventures on the playground… a collection of interrelated chibi one-shots. Status: Hiatus
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The Divorce by The StoryTeller of Old
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Kagome’s having trouble keeping her marriage together. Sesshomaru Taisho, business tycoon, billionare, doesn’t spend enough time home. So, Kagome feels lonely. A new worker from her job, incites something in her. Will sparks fly? How will Sesshomaru react when his mate throws down divorce papers? Status: Hiatus
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The Gladiator by Liv
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Born into royalty as a young child, Sesshomaru’s territory comes under attack, his entire family and people slaughtered, leaving him the sole survivor of the Western lands. Sold into slavery, Sesshomaru grows up to become a gladiator, strong and unfeeling…until he laid eyes on her. The daughter of one of the city’s leaders, Kagome is beautiful, kind and full of light, but when she catches the eye of a ruthless politician Naraku, the one responsible for the murder of Sesshomaru’s family, can she be saved by the handsome gladiator whose golden eyes pierce through her soul and whom her heart yearns for? Inspired by the movie Pompeii. Rated MA for graphic violence and other adult-themes. Status: Hiatus/Abandoned
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The Sculptor and the Statue by EagleFeathersInMyHair
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: The story of Pygmalion and Galathea with Sesshoumaru as the artist and Kagome as his most revered work, told in two chapters. *Part 2 of Sess/Kag in Mythology Series*
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The Sword Smith's Secret by MissKatt
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru despises the blade his father has left him. When he goes to Totosai to demand a sword to be forged, he meets an unexpected assistant that will have a role in forging his sword. Now, he is forced to win her favor in order for his sword to be fabricated for the impending war. What happens when she turns out to be more valuable than what he thought? Status: Hiatus
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The Third Parties by Miss Teak
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: "If I keep reminding myself of how wrong my feelings for her are, I might finally do something right." She was the third party in his half-brother's three-year relationship. He was merely a good friend. Watching her get hurt over and over again, Taisho Sesshoumaru wanted to tell Higurashi Kagome to let go. Yet he could not, not when he knows he could never let go of her just like how she could never let go of Inuyasha.
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Twisted Hearts by Eternal fire1
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary:  “Marry me.” Kagome's eyes widened. “I…I don’t love you.” She said weakly. If Sesshoumaru could have laughed, he would have. “Stupid miko.” He said. “This is not about love. This is merely business.
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Yakuza-Miko by NicoRavenPen
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Modern Day AU. After her 18th birthday, Kagome manages to get caught up with some boys at school that everyone else considers Yakuza because of their 'tattoos' and mannerisms. Turns out, they're a clan of youkai and she just happens to be the answer to all of their problems...Rated MA for coarse language and potential violence. Status: WIP
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Ch3 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Chapter 3
 Edit - Warning borderline NSFW and violence.
Completely in a different plane of residence, Kagome felt an odd disturbing tingle in the back of her head. Kind of like that stranger danger feel you get. This was one of those times she wished she was home lying on her fluffy pink bed, away from all the crazy kidnappers lurking about, attempted murderers and what not. And she's not even getting paid for all her good deeds here.
Today was honestly turning out to be one of the most eventful days in all her time in the past, and that was saying a lot. All she had wanted was to relax in the hot spring. Yet here she was, pack half-empty, shoeless and wearing only a makeshift fur dress, speeding through the air in Sesshoumaru’s arms. 
She twisted a bit in his hold, trying to meet his eye. “Um, Sesshoumaru? Thanks for saving me back there, but where exactly are we going?”
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019
Sesshomaru held the miko close, his arm tense around her middle as he thought about his next move. Rin and Ah Un needed to be fetched, while he knew his Mother would be expecting them. Leaving her waiting would only cause more problems. He scowled. "To Rin."  She was his ward, and as such, a priority over his Mother's antics.
Kagome managed to bite her tongue before 'That's great and all but why are you taking me with you?' got the chance to slip out. She just got saved by someone who may have come to her aid a number of times, but tried to to kill her just as much as well. She was also quite aware that they were well above the ground and she really didn't want to splat because she ran her mouth off.
Unnoticed  be her she had actually muttered those words. Sesshomaru  looked down on her and raised one eye brow. He could tell she hadn't actually meant to say it out loud, but her defiance, her seemingly untameable mouth did something to him.
They arrived back at the campsite but Sesshomaru was somewhat dismayed to find it empty. No sign of Rin, Kohaku, Ah-Un, or his Mother. He already knew from the arrow earlier that his retainer wouldn't be present, for that he would give him a good stomping later. 
 Lifting his nose into the air, Sesshomaru took in the scents as Kagome took a step forward in front of him, glancing around at the cold fireplace. He growled, causing her to glance back at him in worry, as he caught the scent of his mother's debilitating poison, knowing it meant that she had knocked out the others and used Ah-Un to carry them to her sky palace. 
 A deeper inhale confirmed her and Ah-Un's scent mixed with the others heading into the sky...but what was this other scent he smelled now? It was so fresh and...pure. Was this the miko's scent his mother had mentioned earlier? 
 Sesshomaru took a step forwards and wrapped his arms around Kagome, securing her in place as he bent his head to confirm his suspicions. Yes, there it was as he inhaled around her neck, past the smelly fur pelts from the wolves and the remaining taint coatings from Naraku earlier, he smelled her spice and she was everything nice. 
 Kagome was beet red as she was pulled into Sesshomaru's embrace and held by him in a seeming hug as he sniffed her neck. For several moments she could form no words but that quickly changed as the hug continued.
Her heart was beating so fast and hard that she thought it was going to fly out of her rib cage and run away out of sheer embarrassment. 
Painfully aware that all she was bearing was what the daiyoukai had given her, she cleared her throat, "Ummm, I though we were going to Rin-chan?" she congratulated herself for sounding more confident than she felt.
Inukimi allowed herself the smallest of smiles as she watched the two of them through the seer's orb embedded within her ring, her labors up until this point finally providing some fruit on her quest for grandpups. 
 A shame the whelp of a stepson in front of her had spent so much time pining after the lost affections of the undead while mostly shunning the living, she would've been receptive to receiving grandsons from him as well but it seems he has squandered any romantic chances with his longtime companion over the years during their adventures together. 
 Still, he would surely be jealous of any relationship that developed between the miko and her true son, something that she would be able to twist to her advantage. For now she just needed to make him and his companions stay put for a while longer. 
 "My dearest stepson, won't you and your companions please stay and be my guests for a while? Your companion and others are coming to join me here and then I can tell you all the reason I've inv...gathered all of you here. In the meantime, please feel free to help yourselves to the banquet in the great hall and rooms are being prepared for you all as we speak," said Inukimi as she turned around, clearly dismissing them as she watched her son and hopefully his soon to be intended resuming their flight to her sky palace.
Just as suddenly as he had embraced her, Sesshoumaru stepped away, his face the same stoic mask he always had. “Hnnn. Yes, it would seem Mother is playing her games again. We shall have to follow to her palace.”
“Mother???” Kagome asked in shock, still trying to calm her beating heart. What the heck was that just now? “You have a mother? I mean, of course you have a mother but- nevermind.” Realizing his other words, she snapped to attention. “Wait she took Rin? Is she okay??”
“Hn. Come, Miko.” 
He gathered her up again and took to the skies. Kagome didn’t think about their positions, just worried for the little girl. She clutched her bow tightly.  Whatever they were about to encounter, she’d fight to keep her safe.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 5:03 PM
While Miroku salivated over a heaping plate of food and the prospect of what he considered to be an impromptu tryst vacation with his wife, Sango was busy glaring daggers at him. "What are you doing? This could be poisoned for all you know." She snapped. Mere centimeters from his mouth, she slapped a chicken wing from his hand. Inuyasha eyed the youkai claiming to be Sesshomaru's Mother. She certainly seemed bastard-y enough to be the asshole's mom, but what the hell did she want with him?
 Walter205Last Monday at 10:30 PM
"Half son of the West though you may be, you are still of the line and thus need to be properly taken care of for the good of the future ruler over the Western Lands. Although your half breed nature makes you unsuitable for offspring, there are still many tasks in serving the Royal Family that one of their own blood would be the most well suited for," said Inukimi, drawing Inuyasha's hackles as well as earning side glares from his companions present.
 "Keh, so you're telling me Sesshomaru gets to have all the fun then? And why bring my companions along?" asked Inuyasha as his voice dripped with sarcasm. 
 "Some of your companions can provide ample advice and demonstrations for mating and childbirth/raising for when the rituals arise, particularly if my son chooses someone who is...less than full demon. Others provide ripe candidacy for being mated. And as for Sesshomaru, do you think my two sons are the only offspring I have?" Inukimi asked coyly. 
 As if summoned on cue, two younger female Inu dog demons appeared in the banquet hall, taking up positions on either side of where Inukimi sat. One seemed very much like Sesshomaru in appearance, but with longer hair, softer facial features, and a much more voluptuous appearance. The other appeared similar to Inuyasha but was a tad more petit and curvy in nature. 
 "Allow me to introduce my two daughters, my full daughter Inuemi (Beautiful Dog) and my half daughter Inukui (Ugly Dog), the former born soon after Sesshomaru was, the latter the result of a revenge affair after Inuyasha was conceived, which proved most disappointing on my end," stated Inukimi as she gestured to each of them in turn.
 imjaneeesLast Tuesday at 12:45 AM
Before Inuyasha could even get a single word out, there was a very loud, "RIN-CHAAAAAAAAN!" heard from way above.
They all turned up to see Kagome, dressed in what seemed to be Sesshomaru's clothes, snuggled quite comfortably in the daiyoukai's arms. One arm was over the Western Lord's shoulder while the other hand was pointing an accusing finger at Sesshomaru's mother and apparently his sisters, "You! The ones who look like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in drag! Where's Rin-chan?!"
She wasn't normally like this, no. But she was stressed, a little hungry, a lot molested and tired. Also, she loved children, more than that, she loved Rin, the girl was adorable.
 SlayerLast Tuesday at 3:23 PM
"Rude!" Yelled the female who looked similar  to Inuyasha. 
"Yeah well I have had a day lady so dont push me!" She pushed herself out of Sesshomaru's  arms and walked up to the female. And poked her right in the boob. 
Inukimi glared at the feisty little human and growled at her older brother. "Make her stop Sesshomaru."
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 3:36 PM
InuKui pushed Kagome's finger away from her chest with a wave, "Don't get all uppity about Mother's antics." Frowning, she took a well loved scroll from her kimono, and began walking away, bored, "Mother, next time you summon me, be sure it's not for something so stupid." 
InuEmi tilted her head, "Can she do that?" 
Sesshomaru's jaw ticked, already sick of the situation. "Mother." 
"What" InuKimi snapped, but behind her fan she was smiling devilishly.
 revangLast Tuesday at 4:19 PM
“I tire of your games. Where is Rin?” Sesshoumaru asked, sounding unconcerned.
Ignoring him completely, Inukimi approached the feisty young miko with interest. “So you are the one whose wholesome scent was emanating from that strange cat garment.” Kagome’s face changed instantly from one of determination to a look of utter mortification. She had seen her panties?? And smelled them??? “Though now it is hard to catch beyond the disgusting scent of wolves. We shall have to take care of that, come along.”
Too stunned and embarrassed to protest, she felt herself being led away by Sesshoumaru’s mother’s light but firm grip on her arm.
“Cat garment?” Miroku asked, exchanging a mystified look with the others.
“Hey! Bitch where are you taking Kagome??” Inuyasha called, gripping Tessaiga and starting after them.” 
“Don’t bother,” Inuemi sighed, shaking her head and putting an arm out lazily to block his path. “Once she gets something in her head there’s no stopping her. Especially when it comes to making someone her dress-up doll.”
“Dress-up doll? What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he growled.
Sesshoumaru huffed. “Clearly she means to put the miko into some proper clothes, or are your senses so weak you could not tell she was wearing a mere fur beneath the haori this one lent her?”
“Yeah, hey what the hell? What was Kagome doing with you? What did you do to her, you bastard?” Inuyasha snapped, moving around Inuemi to threaten his prick of a brother.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 9:15 PM
Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha, deciding whether to deign the half breed with a response, but it wouldn't be very courteous to have a fight break out in the banquet hall, so he answered, albeit in his normal short and to the point monotones. 
 "I came upon your wench while she was being attacked by an incarnation of Naraku. I repelled the attacker and brought her here to be reunited with her companions," he answered simply. 
 "Keh, why was she wearing nothing but fur pelts?" Inuyasha asked again. 
 "That little brother would be up to your discretion to find out, as you've claimed time and again to be her protector," Sesshomaru sarcastically replied before turning to walk out the door. 
 Inuemi placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. He turned to see a look of pity on her face as she glanced from her slightly older brother to the younger one. 
 "Don't worry, she remains untouched and I'm sure we can ask her ourselves once she is properly cleaned up and clothed. For now, perhaps we could enjoy some food over the exchanging of tales. I'm most eager to hear of your adventuring, younger brother," said Inuemi, very specifically leaving off the half- part with a warm smile on her face. 
 As the now subdued Inuyasha would come to find out, while Inukui was every bit as brash and arrogant as he was, Inuemi was the polar opposite to Sesshomaru in personality and interests. The only supreme conquest she was interested in was knowledge and was a bit of a book and scroll worm, although she was looking forward to the possibilities in starting a family.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 10:11 PM
Noticing things settled down, Miroku pulled his currently not pregnant wife into a closet. "Miroku! What are you thinking!?" 
He waggled his brows, "Since we aren't needed, I was hoping to squeeze in a little alone time before having number four." His hand skated over her backside, and her face flushed. 
"Ahhh, here!?" A broom fell between them, and she huffed, "I require more than a servant's closet to get in the mood you know!"
Far back in the opposite wing of the shiro, Rin and Shippo were using their calligraphy paints to draw funny faces on the nanny Shippo had tricked asleep. "She will look so funny with a curly beard!" Rin giggled.
"Serves her right for trying to teach us calligraphy." Shippo snickered.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 10:29 PM
Sesshomaru was walking outside when the skies began to darken ominously, a familiar scent appearing that elicited a growl from him before a cloud of miasma appeared. 
 "Lord Sesshomaru, please pass along a message to the others, if they feel so emboldened to face me then they shall suffer the same fate as this one," came the unmistakable voice of Naraku from the miasma cloud as a pair of objects fell from it. 
 The first was the head of the wolf demon known as Kouga, before his body plopped down next to it. Little holes dotted the places on his body where his five jewel shards had been located at previously. 
 Sesshomaru had just drawn his sword when the miasma cloud vanished. Sheathing the Bakusaiga, he pulled Tenseiga instead and attached Kouga's head to his shoulders before reviving him. 
 "Unnhhh, what? Naraku, where are...You?" stammered Kouga as he looked around before setting eyes on Sesshomaru. 
 "Wolf, go bathe," stated Sesshomaru before sheathing Tensiega and going about his way.
 revangLast Tuesday at 11:10 PM
Reaching what seemed to be the family wing of the palace, Inukimi pulled Kagome into a chamber partitioned off from a large indoor spring. Eyeing her up and down, she said, “While you do look good in my son’s colors, it simply won’t do for you to be going about the palace in such attire. Take off that filthy pelt. I am sure you are worn from your travels- please make use of my private baths. There are an assortment of oils and potions here you may use to your pleasure. Sasako will assist you, and when you are finished, come to me. We will get you into some proper clothes.” She indicated the quiet servant who had followed them into the room, and left with a cunning smile.
Still reeling from the whirlwind that was Inukimi’s overwhelming force of personality, Kagome stood blinking for a moment in the center of the room. She did have to admit she felt pretty disgusting. On top of just normal travel filth, she had been in the process of bathing before this all began, still halfway dirty, and then that wet grime had only gotten worse, attracting all kinds of dirt and debris as she fled sopping wet through the forest. Sleeping in a pile of furs in a cave certainly hadn’t helped, plus who knew where this pelt had been before she had it right against her bare skin as a makeshift dress all day. 
She was definitely not going to say no to a bath and some fresh clothes. She could put up with being made plaything for a noblewoman for the time being. Plus it was Sesshoumaru’s mother, who apparently existed and also did not kidnap Rin after all- not in the true sense of the word anyways- Kagome couldn’t be rude to her.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 10:31 AM
"Well," Kagome couldn't repress her grin, since InuKimi wasn't the child snatching monster she'd believed her to be, "I can't decline a nice hot bath." She had reservations about being a dress up doll afterward, but any clothes that didn't stink sounded amazing at this point. Her matted hair hung as she bowed a thank you. 
Suddenly screams and giggles barreled through the door, revealing two familiar children. Though, Kagome mused, last she'd seen them, they had not been covered in splotches of ink.
InuKimi glared at the Nanny, who sported a fancy drawn on mustache and goatee. "What is the meaning of this?!"
The Nanny caught both children by the back of their kimono before they could run and hide, "You ordered me to care for two children!"
"Yes?" InuKimi's brow quirked. Usually she wouldn't tolerate this sort of behavior from a lowly staff member, however  her interest was piqued. 
"These are not children!" The Nanny cried, "These are little hellions! I refuse to take care of two bratty, malicious, beasts!"
"They are not bratty, beasts!" Kagome shoved her finger under the Nanny's nose, "You must not be competent enough to care for them. Which doesn't matter anyway, because they are mine!"
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 11:41 AM
"Really one would think a being of your station would know not to speak badly of a mothers children right in front of her." Inukimi said as she snapped open her fan. "Why dont we send the children to their father , uncle, and aunts."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 11:50 AM
"Rin dear? Why dont you and little Shippo go to the dining hall  and eat." InuKimi smiled down on the children completely disregarding the nanny standing there with her mouth hanging open.
Once the children had run off she turned her calculating golden eyes on the stork youkai she had been assured could handle the children.
"As for you you are dismissed from the employment to this house you have 12 hrs to collect your belongings and leave." Inukimi looked back on Kagome and gave her a dazzling smile. "I am afraid she came highly recommended but she simply will not do for keeping my darling grandpups in line now will she? Let's get you cleaned up my darling daughter and into some more suitable clothing." She led Kagome down the hall and into a huge bathing house
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 12:05 PM
Wide eyed, Kagome let her -Sesshomaru's Mother lead her to the bath. She'd have to ask Sesshomaru what the heck she meant by 'darling daughter' and calling Shippo one of her grandpups. Things were getting weird. The day settled on her heavily, and as soon as InuKimi left her alone, she sank into the water and closer her eyes. "Back to square one."
Her eyes snapped open as soon as something warm and wet dripped on top of her head. Fingers massaged her scalp, taking her back to Tokyo and getting her hair done at the salon. Claws lightly scratched. She sighed. Too tired to complain about the servant suddenly washing her hair, she let them do their job. She deserved a little pampering after all the hell she'd been put through.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 12:08 PM
Kagome was washed massaged oiled and had her feet done and nails buffed before she was allowed to leave the bathing area. It seemed that Sesshomaru's  mother had a day spa all her own in this odd floating castle.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 12:27 PM
"Oh!" InuKimi clapped her hands together as the servant ushered Kagome into her rooms. "Look at that! Even human skin can glow like a Goddess's with proper care." 
Kagome blushed, not sure exactly what to say in this type of situation, "Um, thank you?"
His Mother twirled her finger in the air, and the servant turned Kagome in a small circle. "My, my, you do have nice hips. It's a wonder no one has pumped you full of their young already." Her lips made a thin line as her attention snapped to Kagome's face. She grabbed her chin, peering too close for comfort, "What are your flaws?"
"Well...It's not like no one has offered." Her jaw clenched, and she pushed InuKimi's hand away from her face, "I mean I'm sure I have flaws... but that's not why I'm not barefoot and pregnant."
"Ah..." It clicked very quickly in her mind, "So you prefer attention from females then, that does pose a problem, though only a minor one."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 12:35 PM
"WHAT?! No I dont prefer the attention of females.....not that there is anything wrong with that. I just havent been interested in any of my 'suitors' either they are rude and crude too soft and sweet or they smell bad." Kagome supplied
"Definitely  not having sex with a jerk or a pansy and who wants a stinky male sweating all over them yuck." Kagome made a disgusted face.
 revangLast Wednesday at 12:42 PM
“Besides, I’m only 18, and we’re still running all over Japan battling Naraku!” she huffed. “Wait why are we even taking about this??”
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 1:07 PM
"18!?" InuKimi shouted, "You're practically a grandmother's age for a human!" She shook her head, completely ignoring most of what Kagome had said, "No, no, this just won't do at all. I have to find someone for you quickly, before you become decrepit and die."
Kagome's eyes were wide, "No, thank you?" Sesshomaru's mother was seriously crazy, there was something wrong with her. Obviously the years were wearing her brain thin. "I'm good, so if that's all, I'm just going to get dressed and go..."
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 1:22 PM
"Nonsense  girl. You need a mate. A mate will care for you and give you pups and protect you from all harm. We shall simply have to find the right male.....it is a male you want yes?"
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 1:45 PM
"Well...yes..." Kagome cringed, "But I'm not ready to settle down. I'm fighting Naraku, and have important things to do."
"Yes, I'm sure you do." InuKimi nodded while shoving a stack of silk at an uncomfortable looking servant, "Get matching obis for these, color coordinate everything. Honestly why am I having to tell you this?" She waved the servant away with her fan, and looked back at the miko in her possession, "Now those very important things include finding a suitable Mate, and giving me grandpups. Your Mother will not be around forever you know, I expect many grandpups from you." 
"You? My mom?" Kagome shied away, backing toward the door the servant had just rushed out of. 
InuKimi's smile made Kagome cringe, "Oh yes, my darling daughter. You are part of my pack now."
The door swung inward. The servant rushed through with more piles of silk. 
Kagome bolted.
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ratbound · 5 years
–– You hadn’t thought you were doing anything wrong. In your mind it was just a normal camping trip, albeit into a forest deeper than most. There wasn’t much that you had heard about the Mistwood, other than its general location. You prepared everything you thought you would need; food, water, supplies to make a fire, a simple first aid kit, and most importantly… a tent. In a way, you were trying to prove that you were able to do something like this on your own. Trying to prove that you were capable of surviving, gathering information, and being useful. 
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You left notes of course, and at least let your brother, Haru, and Shouto know you’d be away camping for the weekend. 
It seemed to be going well, at least at first. Most of what you found were old ruins that behaved in strange ways, inverting only when you saw them from the corner of your eye. Thinking that maybe you were seeing things or reached a point of exhaustion, you decided to wander a short distance away from them to set up camp. Settling down with your notebook, you jotted down your findings as you ate the mushrooms you’d foraged. They were tough, and tasted burnt from being left on the fire too long, but you stomached them regardless. 
Eventually you stopped trying to find the right words to describe what you saw, and went to sleep. The forest was nice and warm, and despite the uneven ground, you sunk into the kind of sleep that goes right down to your bones. It’s the sort of comfort that only comes after a long stint of gardening, once your body believes that it’s truly earned it.
It’s for that reason you almost don’t wake when you hear a sharp crack echoing in the distance, your eyes slipping shut once more until you feel the slightest pressure against the shell of your ear. A child’s voice speaks in a whisper, as if they’re telling you a secret.
     “ You should go mister, they’re coming. They’ll be here soon. They’ll eat until there’s nothing left of you.” 
You jolt upright, heart pounding in your throat as you take in the words. Who would let a child come out this far? Did you just dream it? Stay still for a few moments, contemplating on what to do before another crack sounds in the distance. You decide to take the risk and leave your tent. If there’s a child lost somewhere in the woods, you should try to help them get home, now. 
When you look around, however, the only thing left in the fog is the shape of the shifting buildings you had wandered through earlier. Beyond the old stone, and the hoots and howls, you hear another large crack. It’s close. Close, and too large to be a deer or a bear. 
Normally you’d rely on where the rats of the forest would take you. Away from the danger. However, they don’t come, and you can't will them to. The child’s voice never returns, either. 
You decide that going home early might be a better idea. However, you make the mistake of going back into the buildings, thinking that maybe the child you heard might be scared and hiding there. You leave the tent where it is, taking your backpack and nothing else. 
The inversion of the buildings seem to have become more aggressive, you notice. You try to focus on shining your flashlight in every corner, hoping to find the owner of the child you heard earlier. The cracking from outside has stopped, or at the very least, you believe you’ve navigated far enough from the source. It’s at this point you brave calling out a bit louder. 
“Hello? If you’re here, please, come out. I only want to-” you call to the child as you round a corner of a building, but your voice is cut short as heat hits your face. It takes a moment to register the damp breath, and the fact that you are staring at teeth in the darkness. 
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Then they begin to open, and draw nearer as you watch in horror. You only barely manage to surge backwards before jaws clamp down, inches from your face. The teeth open again, but this time you realize they’re coming. You jump back to get as much distance as possible before turning to run. There’s only a split second where you see the face attached to the maw, its flesh pulled too far forward to be human despite the shape being so reminiscent. It’s eyes are beady, sunken in so far that you’re sure it can barely see. But you don’t think it needs to. It can tell where you are. 
It had been hanging from the ceiling before, but you hear it drop behind you as it ambles after you on too long limbs. The creature lets out a sound like metal against metal, yet somehow guttural and undulating. It’s a horrible sound that vibrates through you, and you nearly trip from shock. It’s enough to make the trees you dodge through feel less real than they are. 
The ground shakes around you as you try to escape, and once again, it screams. You smash into a tree, rolling down a short hill. You try to get your legs to move, but they do so too late. You feel something sharp pierce into your front, knocking the wind out of you in a way you can barely comprehend. You transform almost immediately. Your bag drops with loud thud where your body used to be. In the corner of your mind, you barely register the sound of thundering weight shifting, and then quickly leaving.
It’s the last thing you remember when you wake up, autumn leaves bigger than you are collecting against your pile of clothes, and your bag. 
Your body feels too heavy to move, and your mouth is incredibly dry, filled with a bitter taste that makes your eyes water. Despite the weight on your small shoulders, you struggle with one paw to look over the mountain that is your bag. 
The buildings are nowhere to be found, and instead, you find yourself alone by a pool of water illuminated by rays of moonlight. The gurgling rush of a distant waterfall would be enough to lull you back to sleep, were it not for the searing pain blooming under the fur covering your side. 
You try to close your eyes, to let yourself fade back into the comfort of the dark. But each time you do, the waterfall seems to become louder as if it’s asking you to stay – to not give up just yet. 
You crack your eyes open. It seems far away, but by the time you’ve struggled to the water’s edge and taken a drink, you hardly notice the time that’s gone by at all. Cold coats the sore edges of your throat, and without any strength left, you fall into the water. It’s all you can do to keep your snout above the rippling current, clinging to the edge as you fade out again. 
In the morning light, the world is smaller again. You’re on a trail, clothes and bag next to you as if someone had set them there for you to find. Red wounds still bloom along your arm and your ribs, but they’re far cries from the gashes they once were, threatening to take you into sleep.
You shakily dress yourself, remembering the voice you heard, and the beast you saw. It feels as if it happened weeks ago, though it couldn’t have been more than a few hours. You wonder... if you hadn’t transformed, what would have become of you? Would you have lived? Would that beast have left?
It causes you to pause.
That thought stays with you as you make your hobble your way to the edge of the forest, your body heavy, almost too sluggish to go on. You send a text to Haru, once you reach the edge of the city, sending a location signal before propping yourself up on a lone tree. 
It isn’t until you see a tuft of Haru’s white hair coming over the hill that the pressure you’d felt in your throat builds, and your eyes begin to sting. It’s in that moment you realize all of the things you almost lost. It isn’t until you see him that you realize you get to go home today, and see the people you were risking your life for. You had thought you’d lost them, all because you felt like you needed to do this on your own. All because you didn’t think to ask one of them to come with you.
 You cry as you realize that, more than anything, you want to see your brother. You don’t care what crazy story he tells you, just so long as he stays by you while you go to sleep. You want Haru to pick on you in that fond way of his, telling you jokes you don’t quite understand. You want to play video games with Badou again, and see get him riled up over it. You want to tell Hatori you’re sorry for snapping at him the first chance you got, instead of telling him that you know he’s hurting too. You want to tell Rin that you’re tired of being at odds with her, and tell her you want to understand how she looks at the world. 
You want Honda-san to come back home, so you can show her what you’ve learned to cook while she’s been away. You want that stupid cat to come back to haunt you, so that she can smile so brightly it lights up a whole home. 
You want to go to school, and garden with Shouto. You want to eat zaru soba with him, and fall asleep next to him again. Like you did in your dreams.
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And you realize, it’s all possible. You get to do those things now because when you needed it the most, you were able to turn into a rat. 
You don’t know how to process this realization. The feelings are complicated, and have a long history that can’t just be changed in a day. 
But you won’t forget. You’re alive. 
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