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Rahul Doesn’t Believe In Parliamentary Democracy: Rijiju
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Bill to amend law governing Waqf boards to be tabled today in LS
The Centre on Thursday will introduce two bills in Parliament to amend the law governing Waqf Boards.
The revised list of business of the Lok Sabha mentions Minority Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju will move the bills.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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कैबिनेट फेरबदल: अर्जुन राम मेघवाल ने किरण रिजिजू की जगह केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री बनाए
न्यायिक नियुक्तियों की कॉलेजियम प्रणाली को लेकर न्यायपालिका के साथ अक्सर आमना-सामना करने वाले केंद्रीय मंत्री किरेन रिजिजू को कानून मंत्रालय से बाहर कर दिया गया है। अर्जुन राम मेघवाल को केंद्रीय कानून और न्याय मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री के रूप में स्वतंत्र प्रभार दिया गया है। रिजिजू को पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय सौंपा गया है।
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Supreme Court: केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री ने मुख्य न्यायाधीश डीवाई चंद्रचूड़ के काम को सराहा, बोले- 'दिल छू लिया'
यूं तो भारत की न्यायपालिकाओं में बेहतरीन जजों की नियुक्ति है। चाहे हाई कोर्ट हो या फिर सुप्रीम कोर्ट या फिर निचली अदालतों में पीड़ितों को इंसाफ दिलाने के लिए एक से बढकर एक बेहतरीन जजों के माध्यम से सुनाए गए फैसले अन्य देशों के लिए भी नजीर बने हैं। ऐसे में बात जब देश के मुख्य न्यायाधीश डीवाई चंद्रचूड़ के काम को आंकने की आई तो खुद केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री किरेन रिजिजू भी उनकी तारीफ किए बगैर खुद को नहीं रोक पाए हैं।
एक फैसले पर किरेन रिजिजू ने की मुख्य न्यायाधीश की तारीफ
देश के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के जज के पद पर नियुक्ती के लिए कई कसौटियों पर खुद को साबित करना होता है। ऐसे में मुख्य न्यायाधीश का पद डीवाई चंद्रचूड़ को सौंपना एक बेहतरीन फैसला रहा है। केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री भी उनके काम के मुरीद होकर उनकी तारीफों के पुल बांधे बगैर खुद को नहीं रोक सके। दरअसल किरेन रिजिजू ने मुख्य न्यायाधीश की जमकर तारीफ एक फैसले को लेकर की। जिसमें एक व्यक्ति को बीमारी की वजह से लिखने में दिक्कत थी। ऐसे में युवक ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट में याचिका दायर कर उत्तराखंड प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा को लिखने के लिए एक लेखक ले जाने की अनुमति की मांग कर कोर्ट में अपील की थी। इस अपील पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के मुख्य न्यायाधीश द्वारा लिए गए फैसले को केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री ने जमकर सराहा है।
क्या बोले केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री किरेन रिजिजू
मुख्य न्यायाधीश की जमकर सराहना करते हुए किरेन रिजिजू ने एक ट्वीट पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए लिखा कि- 'यह माननीय जस्टिस डीवाई चंद्रचूड़ ने दिल को छू लेने वाली कार्रवाई की है। उत्तराखंड के न्यायिक सेवा की परीक्षा में एक दिव्यांग उम्मीदवार को लेखक की सुविधा देकर उसे बड़ी राहत दी है। एम्स ने उसके दिव्यांगता के सर्टिफिकेट दिया था जिस पर जरूरतमंद व्यक्ति को समय पर न्याय मिलना बेहद संतोषजनक है।'
यहां जानिए पूरा मामला
��त्तराखंड के उम्मीदवार धनंजय कुमार ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट में एक याचिका दायर की थी, जिसमें उसने लिखा था कि वह अपनी बीमारी के कारण लिखने में असमर्थ है। ऐसे में उसे परीक्षा के लिए लेखक ले जाने की अनुमति दें। याचिकाकर्ता ने यह बताया कि उत्तराखंड पब्लिक सर्विस कमीशन ने उसकी मांग को खारिज कर दिया है। इससे हताश होकर ही उनसे सुप्रीम कोर्ट का रुख किया है। धनंजय ने यह याचिका के साथ एम्स अस्पताल द्वारा जारी सर्टिफिकेट भी कोर्ट में पेश किया, जिसमें उसकी बीमारी और लिख ना पाने की समस्या के बारे में जानकारी दी गई थी। याचिका पर गौर करते हुए मुख्य न्यायधीश डीवाई चंद्रचूड़ और जस्टिस पीएस नरसिम्हा वाली पीठ ने उत्तराखंड पब्लिक सर्विस कमीशन और उत्तराखंड सरकार को नोटिस जारी कर इस बारे में जवाब मांगते हुए याचिकाकर्ता को परीक्षा में लेखक ले जाने की अनुमति दे दी है।
याचिकाकर्ता के वकील ने भी की तारीफ
वहीं इस पूरे मामले में याचिकाकर्ता के वकील ने फैसले की तारीफ करते हुए ट्वीट कर कहा है कि - 'हमने साढ़े 11 बजे रिट पिटीशन दायर की थी। जिसका डायरी नंबर सुबह सवा 10 बजे मिला। सुबह साढ़े 10 बजे उसे मुख्य न्यायाधीश के सामने पेश किया गया। मुख्य न्यायाधीश ने मामले पर सुनवाई की और उसी दिन अंतरिम आदेश पारित कर दिया। मुख्य न्यायाधीश के इस कदम से जनता का न्यायपालिका में विश्वास कायम रहेगा।'
वकील के ट्वीट पर कानून मंत्री ने दी प्रतिक्रिया
याचिकाकर्ता के वकील द्वारा किए गए ट्वीट को संज्ञान में लेकर ही केंद्रीय कानून मंत्री ने ट्विटर पर रिप्लाई करते हुए कहा कि - कानून मंत्री की मुख्य न्यायाधीश को लेकर यह तारीफ ऐसे समय सामने आई है, जब सरकार और न्यायपालिका में कॉलेजियम सिस्टम को लेकर मतभेद खुलकर सामने आ चुके हैं।
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"Complaints Are Received Against Judges From Time To Time": Law Minister
Kiren Rijiju said complaints related to the retired judges of the Supreme Court and the high courts are not handled by the Department of Justice.
New Delhi: The law ministry receives complaints regarding serving and retired judges from time to time but it is concerned only with appointment and service conditions of serving members of the higher judiciary, Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju informed Rajya Sabha on Thursday.
He was responding to the question "whether as per the Union minister for Law and Justice, a few former judges of the Supreme Court are part of an anti-India gang".
The minister was also asked to reveal the source of the information and whether in view of national security, the government has informed the chief justice of India and the Union home ministry.
While in the English version of the written reply, Mr Rijiju has not given a direct response to the four sub-questions, in the Hindi version, he replied in the negative.
He responded with "ji nahin" to sub-questions A to D.
"From time to time, complaints are received in the Department of Justice (in the law ministry) against sitting as well as retired judges of Supreme Court and high courts. Department of Justice is concerned only with the appointment and service conditions of the sitting judges of the Supreme Court and high courts," he said.
He also said complaints related to the retired judges of the Supreme Court and the high courts are not handled by the Department of Justice.
Accountability in higher judiciary is maintained through an "in-house mechanism", he said, recalling that the Supreme Court in its full court meeting on May 7, 1997 had adopted two resolutions -- one dealing with restatement of values of judicial life and the other with in-house procedure for taking suitable remedial action against judges who do not follow universally accepted values of judicial life.
As per the established "in-house mechanism" for the higher judiciary, the chief justice of India is competent to receive complaints against the conduct of judges of the Supreme Court and the chief justices of the high courts.
Similarly, the chief justices of the high courts are competent to receive complaints against the conduct of high court judges.
"The complaints/representations received by Department of Justice are forwarded to the Chief Justice of India or to the chief justice of the concerned high courts, as the case may be, for appropriate action," he said.
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कॉलेजियम के मीटिंग मिनिट्स को सार्वजनिक करना एक उचित और साहसिक निर्णय है
न्यायाधीशों के पास अपने पक्ष में जनमत बनाने के लिए मीडिया के माध्यम से जनता तक जाने की स्वतंत्रता नहीं है, जो विधायिका, कार्यपालिका तथा एक सामान्य नागरिक को आसानी से सुलभ है। ऐसा पहली बार हुआ है कि, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने अपने कॉलेजियम प्रस्तावों के माध्यम से तीन प्रमुख नामों- सौरभ किरपाल, सोमशेखर सुंदरेसन, और आर जॉन सत्यन को क्रमशः दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय, बॉम्बे उच्च न्यायालय और मद्रास उच्च न्यायालय में…
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Watch "Kiren Rijiju Removed : सुप्रीम कोर्ट का डर..सरकार का घमंड टूटा !" on YouTube
‼️Fear of Supreme Court.. Ghamand tuta sarkaar ka...(The ego of the government is broken)‼️
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[ad_1] New Delhi: Union Minority Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju on Sunday said that minorities in India are enjoying more freedom than ever, adding that the population of minorities is even increasing more than the Hindus. In a post on X, Kiren Rijiju shared a video of former Israel Amba Read More [ad_2] Source link
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[ad_1] New Delhi: Union Minority Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju on Sunday said that minorities in India are enjoying more freedom than ever, adding that the population of minorities is even increasing more than the Hindus. In a post on X, Kiren Rijiju shared a video of former Israel Amba Read More [ad_2] Source link
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Kiren Rijiju ने PM Modi से मिली चादर निजामुद्दीन औलिया दरगाह पर चढ़ाई, मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती का 813वां उर्स में भेजी
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने हर वर्ष की तरह इस वर्ष भी अजमेर शरीफ स्थित ख्वाजा मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती की दरगाह के लिए चादर भेजी है। इस चादर को लेकर केंद्रीय मंत्री किरेन रिजीजू दिल्ली स्थित निजामुद्दीन औलिया की दरगाह पहुंचे है। यहां उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की ओर से दी गई चादर चढ़ाई है। हजरत निजामुद्दीन औलिया पर चादर देने के बाद इस खास चादर को निजामुद्दीन स्थित हजरत निजामुद्दीन औलिया की…
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"Pushing Around An MP Not 'Mardangi'": Kiren Rijiju's Swipe At Rahul Gandhi
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18th Lok Sabha set to begin today, Kiren Rijiju extends warm welcome to newly elected MPs
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Minister of Minority Affairs Kiren Rijiju on Monday extended a warm welcome to the newly elected members for the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha, which is set to begin on Monday.
In a post on X, Rijiju expressed his readiness to assist the members and emphasised the importance of coordination for the smooth functioning of the House.
“The First Session of the 18th Lok Sabha begins today, the 24th of June, 2024. I welcome all the newly elected hon’ble members. I shall always be available to assist the members as Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. I’m positively looking forward to coordination to run the House,” stated the BJP MP.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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Political leaders from both Houses of Parliament on Sunday met each other on the cricket field for a noble cause. The Rajya Sabha Chairman's XI, captained by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju, faced off against the Lok Sabha Speaker's XI, led by former Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur, in the TB awareness match.(ANI) The "TB Mukt Bharat Awareness Cricket Match," a 20-over cricket match, was played between Lok Sabha Speaker XI and Rajya Sabha Chairman XI, to promote awareness about tuberculosis and stress the importance of public health in India's road to become a 'Viksit Bharat' by 2047. BJP MP Anurag Thakur led the Lok Sabha Speaker XI team, while Union Minister Kiren Rijiju was the skipper of Rajya Sabha Chairman XI. "With the slogan of fitness...this event has been planned to invigorate individuals via sports. I believe everyone will be energetic. “Our mantras are 'TB Free India' and ‘Fit India Movement’,” Union minister Kiren Rijiju told ANI. "Without fitness, you cannot serve your country. "You need to be mentally and physically fit," he added. Lok Sabha Speaker XI's skipper Anurag Thakur stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a goal of making India tuberculosis-free by 2025, ahead of the worldwide aim of 2030. “If you see from 2015 till date, there has been a 38 per cent drop in TB-related deaths in India. There has been an 18 per cent drop in new cases. This number is around 8 per cent globally,” Thakur was quoted by ANI as saying. "This means India is doing better than the rest of the world. But India is the most populated country. There is a treatment for it. The government provides free medicines and provides ₹1000 for it. The cases are tracked as well," he added. Thakur further stated that such events will be conducted in many states in the future, with MPs teams playing alongside MLAs, so that every public figure is informed and makes others aware as well. “We shall carry out the vow to create India TB-free...We shall accomplish Prime Minister Modi's aim of making India TB-free...I appreciate how wonderfully all of the players performed. Hitting a tonne vs not hitting a tonne is a different story. The century is irrelevant; the sporting spirit driving the game is to create a TB-free India,” he said. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha commended the initiative, saying, "It is wonderful that MPs from both the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha have come together for such a noble cause." I want to see more efforts in which political leaders from all parties come together to fight for vital causes like this."The Lok Sabha Speaker XI defeated the Rajya Sabha Chairman XI by 73 runs. Anurag Thakur scored 111 runs. Deepender Singh Hooda, a Congress MP, was named the match's best bowler, while BJP MP Nishikant Dubey was named the best fielder.
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Who is George Soros, the Center of Political Debate in India?
On Monday, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju called on all political parties, including the Congress, to unite against external forces undermining India’s interests. His comments followed allegations by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that former Congress president Sonia Gandhi had ties to an organization funded by the George Soros Foundation, which reportedly supports Kashmir’s independence.
The BJP claimed that Sonia Gandhi’s role as co-president of the Forum of Democratic Leaders in Asia Pacific (FDL-AP) Foundation, which allegedly advocates for Kashmir's separation from India, signifies a collaboration aimed at undermining the nation’s growth. BJP officials also accused Rahul Gandhi of using Soros-funded groups to criticize the Indian government, especially in relation to economic issues surrounding the Adani Group.
Who is George Soros?
George Soros, born in 1930 in Budapest, Hungary, is a prominent investor, philanthropist, and political activist. Having survived the Nazi occupation during World War II, Soros emigrated to the United States in 1956. He is best known for founding Soros Fund Management and his extensive philanthropic work through the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which he established to promote democracy and human rights globally.
In 1970, Soros founded Soros Fund Management, one of the most successful hedge funds in history. He became famous for his bold currency speculations, most notably during the 1992 Black Wednesday crisis when he made a profit of $1 billion by short-selling the British pound, earning the nickname “the man who broke the Bank of England.”
Philanthropic Efforts
Soros is one of the world’s leading philanthropists, having donated over $32 billion through OSF since its inception in 1979. His philanthropic efforts have included scholarships for black South Africans during apartheid, supporting democratic movements in Eastern Europe, and funding social justice initiatives worldwide. His foundations have also supported educational programs, including the Central European University in Budapest, and advocated for drug policy reform and LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S.
Political Influence
Soros has been a key supporter of progressive political causes, particularly in the United States, where he has funded candidates like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. His financial contributions have made him a target of criticism, particularly from conservative circles, who accuse him of using his wealth to influence political outcomes.
In the U.S., Soros is often viewed as a major backer of liberal causes, but his political donations have also drawn sharp criticism from Republicans and supporters of Donald Trump, who claim that Soros’s funding of progressive organizations undermines U.S. politics.
Soros’ Legacy and His Son’s Role
In 2022, Soros transferred control of his $25 billion financial and charitable empire to his son, Alex Soros. Alex, 37, is now the chairman of the Open Society Foundations and manages his father's political action committee, which channels funds to progressive political campaigns. He is also the sole family representative on Soros Fund Management’s investment committee.
As George Soros steps back, his son Alex is continuing the family’s legacy of political activism and philanthropy, with a focus on maintaining the principles of open societies and social justice worldwide.
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Notice for moving resolution to remove V-P Dhankhar extremely regrettable: Rijiju
New Delhi: Union minister Kiren Rijiju Tuesday dubbed the Opposition INDIA bloc’s move to submit a notice for removal of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar as “extremely regrettable” and said the government is very proud of him. Talking to reporters here, the parliamentary affairs minister said the vice president, who is also chairperson of the Rajya Sabha, is extremely professional and…
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Union minister Kiren Rijiju interacts with Chinese language troopers in Arunachal Pradesh | Watch video | Newest Information India
https://www.hospitalitycareerprofile.com/?p=26973 Union minister Kiren Rijiju interacts with Chinese language troopers in Arunachal Pradesh | Watch video | Newest Information India Union minister Kiren Rijiju on Friday stated that he interacted with troopers of China’s Folks’s Liberation Military (PLA) alongside the Sino-Indian border close to Tawang. Union minister Ki Read More :- https://www.hospitalitycareerprofile.com/?p=26973 #india #viral #meme #usa #trending #sport #politics #news
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