#Rheya Apostolous
gaiuskamilah · 6 months
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when he's a sad little boy cowering behind his shield desperate to be loved. a tool begging for you to break him. or whatever
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trystcnthorne · 1 year
in honour of bb franchise being revived let’s take a moment to appreciate their face cards
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puredoesnotmeankind · 26 days
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One of these is not like the others
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dutifullynuttywitch · 1 month
What if Gaius had his moment of payback?
Gaius Augustine, Rheya Apostolous
688 words
Rating: T (cw: death)
To: @gaiuskamilah
Happy birthday Jam! I’m so glad I met you through this crazy little fandom! Hope you are having a wonderful b-day!!! I’m incapable of drawing or editing, so I thought I’d gift you a little drabble of our favorite former big bad… what if MC lets him have his moment of retribution?
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Gaius steps onto the brightly lit stage, his eyes fixed on the figure before him.
He chuckles bitterly to himself. After centuries of mind control, what was one more moment of pretending?
He roughly throws Kamilah, Andrian and Lily at her feet.
“My goddess, I have found your wayward children, as you wished.”
“Well done, my knight. Keep them to the side while I complete my ritual.”
The first vampire hardly spares him a glance, too engrossed in draining the life energy from the mesmerized, adoring crowd.
Gaius takes advantage of her distraction, inching ever closer to her.
His maker.
The one who had controlled his mind for most of his immortal life.
Soon to be nothing but flecks of dust under his boots.
He surreptitiously reaches for the dagger, but she catches the movement. Suddenly, every muscle in his body freezes. He can’t move a finger.
Rheya’s lips curl into a cruel smile.
“Gaius, my dear,” she purrs, her voice dripping with condescension, “you look troubled, standing like a statue with your new friends. Tell me, were you so terribly unhappy by my side?”
Gaius’s jaw clenches, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.
“You took everything from me, Rheya. My freedom, my will, my very soul. I will never forgive you for that.”
Rheya’s laughter echoes beyond the lit stage, cold and mocking.
“Forgive me? Oh, Gaius, you were always so naive. You were nothing before I found you. I gave you power, immortality. You should be grateful. On your hands and knees, revering me with everlasting gratitude.”
“Grateful?” Gaius snaps, his eyes blazing with fury, “You turned me into a monster, a puppet for your twisted games. But no more. Tonight, it all ends.”
“You cannot defy me. I am your maker.”
“You may have created me, but you do not own me. Not anymore.”
“What a tender little speech. You were always one for grandstanding, my sweet Gaius.”
Rheya approaches her former soldier and wayward child. She trails a perfectly manicured finger along his cheek, a mocking glint in her eyes.
Suddenly, Rheya stalls. Her eyes grow wide as she struggles to move.
“Not so fun being frozen in place, is it Rheya?”
Magdalene steps out from the shadows, brow creased in concentration. Droplets of sweat fall from the extreme effort required to immobilize a literal goddess.
“Any time now, Gaius.”
She grinds out, not taking her eyes from the now furious Rheya.
He realizes Magdalene was able to undo Rheya’s mind control.
Gaius smirks at the young vampire, admiring her fearlessness, her strength.
He catches movement. Adrian, Kamilah and Lily prepare to attack, should he fail in his task.
That would not happen.
With a swift motion, he draws a black dagger from his coat. It glints under the spotlight, black blood dripping from its sharp point. Its energy spreads rapidly throughout the theater, significantly weakening all the immortals present.
For the first time, Rheya is fearful.
“That… that cannot be…”
“The blood of your beloved. Sweet retribution, do you not think?”
In a blur of movement, Gaius lunges at Rheya, the dagger plunging into her heart.
The goddess gasps, her eyes filled with shock and pain.
“Gaius… you…”
“It’s over, Rheya,” Gaius whispers, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and relief. “You will never control me again.”
He stands there, gazing as the lifeless body of his maker turns to dust.
Centuries of mind control, violating the very essence of who he was, avenged at last.
A slow smile spreads across his sharp features.
Whether he lived or died now, it didn’t matter.
It was over.
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vampirkit · 7 months
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Time Towers Over Me, by VampirKit
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celestial-passions · 1 year
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My Mc and the Bloodbound characters as anime characters. Couldn't for the life of me get a darker skin tone filters for Kamilah, Lily, Priya, Jax and Rheya. And some of thier names and Surnames changed too bc of this filter.
Bonus, Dracula and The Assho-Err I mean Baron.
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Lowkey want a Bloodbound anime series now 🤔👀
Tags: @surrenderronnie1 💙💜💙
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deadcellmate · 10 months
Or, the brief life of Iola Apostolous Summary: A young woman considers the visions of the Goddess of Blood she's been plagued with. Wordcount: 1,983 Rating: Mature Content notes: Canon-typical violence Read it on AO3
They must have taken her because she was in danger.
There were moments of her mother that Iola remembered. The warmth of an embrace. The smell of crushed sage and ceremonial incense, mixed in with something metallic and raw. Learning how to swim in the ocean. Laying outside, her head resting against her mother’s chest, looking up at the stars. Fingers brushing through her hair. A scolding because she’d run outside to play on her own.
She remembered her father too. A man who could make her laugh, often joining in a lower, booming timbre. A man who would pick her up and swing her in circles until he got tired. A man who would sneak her dates, all don’t tell your mother. A man who would carry her whenever she was tired. A man who loved her unconditionally.
And then, a fire. Screaming agony from burning bodies, the smell of smoky flesh, the pounding boots against the ground, getting carried onto a boat. When she was out on the water, begging the people who claimed they were taking her to safety to bring her back to her mother, she heard a piercing scream, haunted and broken.
There were other bits and pieces, things that didn’t always make sense. She remembered a large stone room with a throne, stained with something rust colored. She remembered a spacious courtyard, grand parties full of laughter. The Sons of Ares had rescued her after The Goddess of Blood murdered her mother and father, and the memories of who they were, where they fit into Mydiea began to fade.
Iola always knew there was something different about her. People were wary around her. But she wasn’t sure what made her different until the dreams started.
She was fifteen years old, ten years after her rescue. There were dreams of a striking, willowy woman with dark hair, tawny skin, and full lips, eyes glowing iridescent red. Sometimes, she swam in the ocean, traversing down to the bottom, just as Iola liked to do. She’d sit at the bottom of the sea and scream, the sound muffled by the water. Other times, it was snippets of conversation, between a tall, muscular man with long, dark umber hair and an infectious smile and an increasingly sullen, lanky man with dark curls and dark hair. A soldier and a prince. The woman’s soldier and prince.
They felt familiar somehow. She could swear she’d seen their faces before—the soldier carrying her on his back when she was three years old, the prince trying to mask his obvious discomfort with her.
It was impossible. She was trying to fill in the blanks of her past, trying to understand who she was before she was brought to a village on the Greek coast, adopted by a fisherman and his wife, taught to pray for the downfall of The Goddess of Blood.
But then the dreams began to change. There were visions of violence, of the woman tearing out soldiers’ hearts—Sons of Ares soldiers. Visions of an underground cavern full of women in white. She’d bite into their necks, draining their blood until they died.
The Goddess of Blood. Iola wanted to tell somebody about her visions, but she knew she couldn’t. She didn’t know what it meant. Did the Goddess of Blood have a psychic connection with her? Could she control her? Worst of all, what would happen if Iola told anyone about the things she saw? They’d see her as a liability, tie rocks to her feet and drown her in the ocean. Her lungs would give out eventually. She’d rot at the bottom of the ocean until the end of time, if the creatures that lurked beneath didn’t get to her first.
The most terrifying dream of all wasn’t of carnage and bloodshed. It came to her a year after they started; a dream that began pleasantly. She was playing in the ocean, a child again. Not even a child. A baby. Her father, dark haired and smiling, lifted her up, arms outstretched.
She understood this was a memory. Not hers. She’d seen things through the eyes of the prince or the soldier or the Goddess of Blood in her dreams, things she understood to be memories. This felt like that, like she was simultaneously looking down and viewing the scene, detached from above, and like she was seeing this through her father’s eyes.
And then, she was reaching for somebody, a figure out in the distance, swimming towards them. As the figure got closer, she recognized her: the Goddess of Blood. She was smiling, at ease and happy.
She reached for Iola, scooping her in her arms.
“Did she cry at all?” The Goddess of Blood asked.
“No. She was perfectly happy here.” Her father said. “She’s just like you. She loves the ocean.”
And as The Goddess of Blood took her in her arms, cradling her close to her neck, Iola smelled that familiar scent: crushed sage and incense, something slightly metallic. Blood, she realized.
Her mother was The Goddess of Blood.
They must have taken her because she was in danger, Iola eventually concluded. The Goddess of Blood must have killed her father. She must have killed the other villagers too, feasted on their blood. The Sons of Ares had been lying in wait, and they intervened. The story added up. She’d tried poking holes in it, wondering if she’d been kidnapped or rescued.
The Goddess of Blood may have birthed her, but she wasn’t her mother. Something had to have happened to her, something that twisted her and made her into the monster the Sons of Ares and everybody within a two hundred mile radius of Mydiea fear her, not even dare to utter her given name. Iola was pretty sure was one of the only civilians who knew her true name, who had heard it hundreds of times: Rheya.
There were dreams and memories that altered this perspective; moments of peace, of the sort of domesticity Iola hoped she would have whenever she had children, but they were always starkly juxtaposed against visions of abject horror: a human sacrifice where The Goddess of Blood would rip out a heart, she would bathe in blood, she would terrorize innocent civilians and children. She would urge her soldier to do her bidding, telling him that he would have nothing and nobody if anything happened to her.
Eventually, Iola learned to live with these dreams, viewing them as nightmares. She tried to live a normal life, silently vowing to herself that she would never tell anybody about her connection to The Goddess of Blood, not even Ajax, the soldier she’d found herself falling in love with.
He was the son of a merchant, descended from East Africans who’d ended up in Greece several generations back. She didn’t hesitate to say yes when he asked her to marry him. They were lucky; Iola would be well looked-after with Ajax, and she loved him. She could see herself spending the rest of her life with him. Her parents didn’t have to worry about arranging a marriage.
They had Miranda nine months after their wedding. Iola thought she knew what love was when she met Ajax; she was wrong. She loved Miranda beyond reason.
She feared for her too. She hoped Miranda wouldn’t inherent the same propensity for nightmares that Iola had. She was going to have to tell Miranda the truth at some point, explain what she was to her, where she came from. But until then, she’d enjoy the fact that during the day, when she wasn’t asleep, all was well.
Until it wasn’t.
The Sons of Ares had anticipated this attack, had known that eventually, The Goddess of Blood was going to find them. It was why they’d opted to set up their base of operations in a remote fishing village, far away from Mydiea. The key to their success was the way they were able to keep a low profile.
They’d had a plan in place in case they had ever happened: every few months, they’d bring the civilians out of their homes, line them up in the village square, and remind them what they needed to do: run. First and foremost, run. Head to the docks. Get on the boats. Get as far away as possible.
And then, they’d run through it, make everybody go through the motions of what they needed to do if she ever came.
But there were things they failed to take into account: first, her soldier and her prince were quick on their feet and bloodthirsty. Second, there was a difference between running because you were told to and running because you would get your spinal chord ripped out of your body and your heart devoured if you didn’t.
It was chaos. The village streets were strewn with corpses and red with blood when Iola and Ajax came out of their home. Iola told Miranda to close her eyes and keep her head down. She had her face buried in Ajax’s neck. She was only five years old, only a little bit older than Iola when the Sons of Ares had taken her. She didn’t need to see these things.
“No matter what happens, you keep running.” Iola said to Ajax.
“Promise me. Miranda is your priority. Not me.”
“I…I promise.”
They began to run, heading towards the fishing docks. They wouldn’t try to get onto the larger boat that had been built for this very situation. They’d take Ajax’s fishing boat. Ajax could navigate the waters, take them to safety. They weren’t going to leave Miranda’s fate in somebody else’s hands.
They made it to the docks. Ajax jumped into the boat, Miranda still in his arms.
Just as Iola was about to get into the boat, she felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back.
“Go!” Iola yelled.
She smelled crushed sage and incense, masked under layer upon layer of blood. She knew who grabbed her before they spun her around.
There she was, face to face with The Goddess of Blood. Her face was twisted into a mask of cruelty, her white, flowing dress stained with blood, clumps of flesh and gore clinging to her hair.
Iola froze. She wanted to ask her why she was doing this. She wanted to ask her what happened to her, why she’d killed her uncle and all of those villagers. She wanted to beg her to stop. But her voice was stuck in her throat. She didn’t want to be afraid. She shouldn’t have been afraid of her own mother.
The Goddess of Blood seemed frozen too. She reached out, stroking her thumb along Iola’s jawline, her eyes boring deep into her.
“Pathetic human.” She murmured.
Iola found her voice. “Wait—”
Things would have played out differently if her mother had found Iola earlier in the night. She would have fed on her, and she would have recognized her own blood, realized how it tasted just like her brother’s. She would have stopped then. She would have ordered her soldier and her prince to retreat. She would have held Iola in her arms. She would have spent eternity atoning for what she’d spent the last twenty years doing.
But it was late in the evening. Her mother had gorged herself on innocent blood, and she’d had enough. She was just killing now, trying to make the humans that occupied this small village feel the pain that she’d had to live with.
It was over before it even began. Her mother swiftly broke her neck, nearly tearing Iola’s head clean off. Iola barely knew what was happening before it was over. She didn’t hear Miranda scream, the sound traveling across the water because at that point, Ajax was a hundred feet from the dock.
It was a quick death. A mother’s final act of unintentional kindness.
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livelaughlovecassie · 3 months
Alicent & Aegon is Rheya & Gaius. To me.
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korgbelmont · 2 months
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Edit of Rheya as an Indigo Lantern
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abelflints · 1 year
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Rheya's portrait from BB book 2 without the cracks!
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myautumnrose · 2 years
Playchoices “Big Bads” have a meeting…
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gaiuskamilah · 2 months
Bloodbound and the Politics of Dominance and Submission: Introduction
You exist because of my mercy, Banner. I gifted you my blood, which Turned you into the god you are. As any creation before his maker, it is not too much to ask that you bend the knee. — Bloodbound, book 1, chapter 10
First released in March 2018, Bloodbound is one of Choices’s most successful stories to date, cementing its place in the top 10 with millions of plays, a completed trilogy, a holiday special, an additional VIP exclusive book, and even a semi-canon official story on the now defunct app, Storyloom. It follows the journey of the main character—who will be referred to interchangeably by her default name Amy, for convenience—as a job interview turns out to be her entry point into the world of vampires.
Many people’s first impression of Bloodbound is that it is Choices’ own version of Fifty Shades of Grey, but with vampires. These impressions are not completely unfounded. The cover directly references a Fifty Shades photo shoot, and the first chapter is full of Fifty Shades references: Nicole Anderson, Raines Corp.’s vice president, looks like the the assistant who ushers Anastasia Steele to her interview with Christian Grey; Amy has an interview with Adrian Raines, a Christian Grey-inspired CEO character dressed in gray; and Amy makes a comment on Adrian’s gifts which she’s tasked to deliver, which calls back to the pencil Christian gives Anastasia during their interview.
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Fifty Shades of Grey cover for Entertainment Weekly, 2013 / Bloodbound book 1 cover for the new user interface, 2020
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Still from Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) / Nicole Anderson in Bloodbound 1, chapter 1
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Still from Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) / Main Character in Bloodbound 1, chapter 1
But why highlight references to a series known for its depiction of BDSM? These references to Fifty Shades, as comical as it may seem to some, adds to the themes of Bloodbound. It is because like Fifty Shades, Bloodbound is a story of dominance and submission, about power struggles that trap people within a never ending cycle of violence. Bloodbound specifically does so by using allusions to sexual violence, and how it is legitimized and made possible by politics, class, culture, family, and perhaps most overtly, religion, in order to preserve the status quo.
In the following essays, I will put to writing the specific ways in which Bloodbound has discussed this currency of violence in-text. However, I do not intend to solely focus on this legitimization of suffering, as doing so would ignore the thesis of the series as a whole: the destruction of the cycle of violence. I want to explore the ways in which hegemonic violence is structured, and how it is ultimately torn down.
Essays to be linked as I publish them:
Do You Consent?
Your Blood is Mine
This Idea of Faith
The Loom of Fate
tags | @kainebell @itlovesinthewoods (let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from this series!)
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zathra · 1 year
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this is such a rheya song
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puredoesnotmeankind · 10 months
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Get yourself a man who can do both
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(This awesome Halloween-themed poster is the handiwork of @sazanes!)
Welcome to our first ever Lily Spencer Appreciation Week!!
She's a tech-savvy gamer, the best friend you could ask for, amazingly funny, and often uses her humour to cope with extremely stressful situations. She loves everything supernatural - even writing werewolf fanfic.
Bloodbound has seen her grow from an ordinary woman just navigating a world she thinks is normal, to a baby vampire, to someone confident in her skills and powers and ready to join the fight against forces like Gaius Augustine and Rheya Apostolous.
This week is about celebrating every aspect that makes Lily the fantastic character she is! We will be beginning at Halloween, then spending some of the first week of November celebrating her as a character! Hope you will join us!!
Here's what that schedule will look like:
31st October - Happy Halloween!! 🎃
1st November - Lily the Gamer
2nd November - Lily from Wisconsin/Throwback
3rd November - Lily the Baby Vampire
4th November - Lily's Friendships/Relationships/Family
Any and all content is welcome!! Fic, art, edits, moodboards, gifs, meta, headcanons... everything goes! Our only requirement is that the pieces should be centered around Lily, and feature her in a positive way. WIPs and Throwback pieces are also welcome.
Be sure to tag @lilyspencerappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your posts. Also make sure that you tag your posts with #lilyspencerappreciationweek and #LSAW! This is to make sure we don't miss any of your posts!
A lot of fan content blogs will be running some great events around this time, and we highly encourage you to check them out! @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesoctober, @choicesnovchallenge, @choicesholidays, @choicesprompts, @choicespride, @choicesflashfics. If there are any other Choices fan content blogs you would like us to tag, let us know!
See you all at Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🦇 🎃 👻 🦇 🎃 👻 🦇
✅✅signal boosts are always appreciated!✅✅
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dutifullynuttywitch · 9 months
Avatar: art by the wonderful @lilyoffandoms
Header: created by the amazing @aallotarenunelma gifted by my lovely friend @thosehallowedhalls 💛
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Meet my MC: Autumn Nightbloom
Things left unsaid Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Ⓜ️🔥 Angst, Explicit/NSFW)
Reflections on the eve of battle Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, angst)
A Thief's Oath Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Pancake mornings ✒️🎨Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
A Whitetower Festival Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Gifts & commissions
Bumbling adversaries 🐝 A gift for the lovely Dani
Untitled Birthday Lovely gifts by the amazing @thosehallowedhalls 💛
In the arms of night A wonderful gift from Dani @storyofmychoices
Autumn nightbloom portrait 🎨A gift by the incredibly talented @lilyoffandoms
Mal and Autumn waltz 🎨A beautiful art commission by @hydn-jpg.
Pancake mornings 🎨Gorgeous art commission by Artbyainna (IG), gift from the @choicesficwriterscreations January 2024 reading event. Post blades 2.
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Meet my MC: Eva Archer ✒️🎨
Starlit night ✒️🎨Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen, fluff)  
Sisterly advice Eva Archer and Brynn Archer (teen)
Close call Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen)
Happy birthday Eva Troy Hassan x Eva Archer f!mc drabble by the wonderful @inlocusmads 💛
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Heaven's Secret 1 Revisited Dino x f!mc, Lucifer x f!mc, Sammy x Adi, other pairings
Mature / explicit content Ⓜ️🔥
A self-indulgent rewrite of Heaven’s Secret 1. It stays mostly true to the original story, delving into some of the main characters’ motivations and POVs, and a little more world-building. Dino-Lucifer-MC love triangle, and explorations of Vicky's relationship with Malbonte. Other pairings to come up.
Daddy Luci Lucifer x Vicky and Levvy (daughter) (G: domestic fluff)
Art of Lucifer and Vicky 🎨commission by the very talented @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Lucifer moodboard
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Meet my MC: Aurélie Bajolière
Dance féerique Cal Lowell x Aurélie Bajolière (f!mc) (general fluff)
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Meet my MC: Geneviève of Carmelide
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Redemption is a perpetual journey Kamilah Sayeed x Gaius Augustine (m angst)
What if Gaius had his moment of retribution? Gaius Augustine, Rheya Apostolous (t angst)
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A Pact with Lucifer Lucifer x f!mc 🔥 (E: NSFW smut)
Wounded Pride Lucifer x f!mc 🔥 (E: NSFW smut)
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