#Rhett and link stripping
asherlockstudy · 8 days
Wonderhole E2, E3 & E4
I am going to write about these three in the same post because there is significantly less to write about episodes 3 & 4 than about the first and the second episodes and even last year's monthly videos. I am hoping there will be more to discuss in the upcoming Red vs Blue episode. I wonder whether they considered the Flight Simulation and the Time Capsule so "heavy" that they decided to ease it a bit before the finale. I guess we will find out soon.
We Time Traveled to the Year 2224
Certainly, the Rhinkiest of these three episodes and the one which certainly belongs to the One Story saga.
Rhett and Link decide to pursue extended longevity and eternal life. Rhett explains how they just have to survive in a good condition for 20-30 years more and then they will be able to achieve it. At face value this is not exactly Rhett's crap by the way. I was reading a book about the progress in geriatric medicine and this was stated there; whoever makes it to twenty years from now will hopefully have a lot of new age medicine available to delay growing old and the health issues associated with it.
This episode has some of the most lewd jokes Rhett and Link have ever made. However, they are often given so offhandedly that I did not see much seriousness, any significant symbolism in them. For example, yes, they suck anal toys (Link sucks Rhett's heavily used one) but this was just meant to be an adult joke, I'm not gonna derive any meaning for their relationship through this. Another example is Rhett's titanium - tight ass or the "I don't think I can last much longer with you inside me".
"From journeys long and miles worn, within these walls you are reborn. When weary soul sole is stripped away, whether from work or whether play, come to me with offerings and I will show you fresh new strings." Now, that's more interesting. Rhett points out that there is a double meaning in this. This totally reminds me of the concept of the Bahau Moon riddle, although there the allegory was a little different. Here it is nowhere as serious but it remains 100% sexually coded.
There are two mentions of their wives, one is that they are waiting for their wives "to be thawed", the other is that they both look distressed and uncomfortable when the letter from their past selves assumes their families are doing all right. My speculation is that their wives' bodies were cryopreserved until a revival became scientifically possible. So they are waiting for them to be thawed but it has not happened yet. What does this tell us though? It tells us that whatever knowledge or decision they had to make to achieve eternal life, they shared it with each other and not with their family members. Somehow, there was a choice made or there was a consequence that led to Rhett and Link living forever together but the revival of the wives, maybe even the children, was desirable yet secondary, optional. That's... that's something, for sure.
Did you guys notice the name of the shop next to the shoe repair shop? Their commitment is crazy:
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We actually do get some pretty interesting themes here. Rhett and Link visit a shoe soul sole repair shop and the owner promises to keep their clue for the time capsule hidden inside a treasure box, protected very well. This just seems to hint at somebody keeping a secret very well and Rhett and Link completely trusting them to keep doing so. Is the time capsule an allegory for... truth? The official premise (or whatever it is) seems to further support this:
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Keep it buried... as long as possible.
The next clues lead them to the desert, the same desert where they dug the medium (and the huge) sized holes. They even wear similar outfits; some of the garments are the same and some are changed. This was clear homage to the Hole Digging video. Besides, Rhett and Link have said there is connection between all these videos (although they probably have made it too hard to discern this for their own good).
There they pick up a fight, disagreeing about the direction they should follow. Rhett prefers the one way, the main way, the standard way pointed by the play button, whereas Link argues they should try "all the ways". The argument escalates and Link screams how Rhett's longevity idea has stuck them into an eternal hellscape (the 2224 universe seems to be particularly unfree and restrictive). Link also adds he 'd rather be with Rhett at their pod watching a sequel of Fast & the Furious than in this adventure, hunt and all, which must be 2224's equivalent for domesticity. Link protests that Rhett is not always right but he simply never changes and in his fury he missteps and falls from a cliff to his death.
During Link's last moments, Rhett desperately considers carrying Link to the nearest cloning facility and put his chip to another Link, a loud nod to their Sketchtober 2015 BFFs video. With the very subtle prompt "Put me in you" Link implores Rhett to put his chip in him, in an attempt to rescue his consciousness. Rhett complies, so he tries to save Link. We return to the One Story tropes (not that we ever left them with this one) where Rhett needs to save Link from something and like we will also see here the only outcome is that Rhett gets destroyed as well. Rhett finds the treasure box only to see there was a whole lot of nothing inside it. In a deteriorating condition he returns to the former grounds of Mythical where the semi-android hacker working there gives him two options: a) they yank Link's consciousness chip out and he's gone forever but Rhett lives on or b) they yank out both chips which have merged and become one and save them in a deadlock in a hard drive.
A deadlock is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, resulting in both programs ceasing to function.
Rhett opts for the latter. He sacrifices his life and follows Link. Meanwhile, the hacker indeed saves their consciousnesses - which have become one - in this deadlock, "alone" in a hard drive and hides the hard drive in the previously empty box. They place the box in a dusty shelf and there is this implication that nobody will know or care about this ever again. Also, the fact that it is a deadock is important as well: we have two consciousnesses operating like computer programs which are apparently assessing data differently and this leads them to a deadlock that neutralises them both. So, to bring this to reality, the reason there is so much delay or nothing happens at all is because they have completely different mindsets about what's to be done and how it should be approached. This is actually something we have discussed several times before, how they seem to be on a totally different page.
Beyond the interpretations that can be made for this, we see again a conclusion that we have seen before in several scripted videos. In Hazel, they end up trapped in the woods of the middle room for eternity, in the Brown Diamond they remain trapped to the Bahau Moon to their deaths, in the Unhaunted House they are murdered inside this house without any witness. We have this theme of their souls, their consciousnesses, sometimes even their physical bodies being trapped together, as one, forever without anyone knowing.
So, if we attempt to connect all these pieces together, first of all we get the "wherever you go, I go", the timelessness, the forever. This is a promise to each other, they will be together forever. Then we also have the buried time capsule, which Rhett wants to keep buried for as long as possible, which eventually leads to a long, torturous life that frustrates Link deeply. Link tries to distance himself from this situation but he falls to his death (because it's impossible for him to just let go). Rhett has the choice to go on on his own but instead he opts to try and save Link or die along in his efforts, which is what happens. Ultimately what remains of them is their love, their joined souls, consciousnesses and how they poured their truth in their creation and although it endures forever, it is for nobody to see.
Again, this is the classic story arc we see in most of their scripted videos. Whether it is because he loses control (Digging a Medium sized Hole), memory and freedom (Hazel, TLCOBC), his very life (UnHaunted House, Time Capsule), Link needs to be saved by Rhett but Rhett falls in the trap even more deeply and condemns them together.
Regarding the emptiness of the box, an Anon I just received has a great interpretation that finds me very agreeable, I am linking their mail here. What I will write here is basically the same or very close to what they describe, maybe with a slightly darker twist. Throughout the video, we have the concept of time which seems to be eternal but is not (at some point Rhett says about eternity that it feels like "you have too much time yet not enough") and even though current Rhett and Link seem to be amused by the idea of a scavenger hunt for an empty box, the surviving future Rhett found it disappointing. We can only imagine how mad it would make Link, had he not died already, because he was already frustrated and angry for the hunt alone, so he would probably be furious if he saw what the "reward" was. Moreover, Link puts the blame on Rhett for all of this and it's true that Rhett came up with this idea.
It's like an allegory for Rhett who has this drive and ambition for their career, their creativity, a life of adventure in this context and with this obsession he overlooks and delays other things that in truth may be more meaningful. Years will pass and Rhett will be looking for his masterpiece, their peak creation, recognition and eventually they will go, retire, withdraw, die and nothing will remain behind except for their love, the connection of their souls, which was what was truly timeless about them yet it was the one thing that was kept buried in a box in the dust and never brought to light properly. In the end, nobody appreciated it for what it truly was, neither an observer nor they, for they wasted their time delaying it and trying to find meaning elsewhere. By "they", let's be real, I mostly mean Rhett.
To my understanding this is self-reflection, maybe also a critique of Rhett to himself, a warning of what could be coming, something that Link seems to have notified him about multiple times (the e-mail, everybody?) but maybe it's poor timing to say this now, I sense there is a lot of distance to be run still from theory and creativity to actual action. This video alludes to a reality in which the action was not taken.
We Went to Extremes to Drink a Cloud
Episode 3 is not as heavy with meaning and symbolism. It is surely a "retelling" of their childhood dreams and their commitment to bring them to fruition. Young Rhett and Link promised to do something great together when they grew up and drinking a cloud is likely the symbolism of this struggle. They try a lot, in many different ways, but it's never exactly what they are looking for. In the end they are very happy they managed to do it, although the method they employed seemed very underwhelming and fake to me, which might be the point, I don't know. Of course this is a huge part of their relationship; achieving something great together. It's just that I did not find anything to mention beyond this, except of course for the very heavy deepthroating insinuations when they were drinking the fog.
Now to the important stuff, will the Fog Chasers song be released? SOON PLEASE???
We Chopped Down a Tree with a Peanut Butter Axe
To be honest with you I don't want to write about this episode because I don't want to watch it again. Not because it made me emotional but because watching the squirrel family again is equivalent to torture for me. I am sorry but I actually really disliked this episode. Fortunately, there is still not much to say here either. Or maybe I did not notice because I was impatient to be done with it....
The episode is largely a tribute to Ben and it offers this exposition they had also done in a very heartfelt Ear Biscuit episode. In Ben's memory they chose to chop down a tree in their state with a peanut butter axe made by their university; peanut butter because Ben died from testicular cancer and tree chopping because Ben thought it was fun.
The only thing I wonder is whether there is any meaning with what happens with the squirrel family and whether it is a side story not associated to Ben's life. I wonder this because Rhett and Link seem to have thought about it thoroughly; the tree would go down anyway, they will plant 1000 trees in its place, so it's all good. Even though they have thought this through, it turns out there will be victims due to their decision. A flying squirrel family, with a non-winged squirrel stepfather whose home is obviously going to be destroyed. Rhett and Link cause the dissolution of this family and this is what I find interesting. The kids eventually try to see the positive side: they are close to adulthood anyway, so they choose to leave home behind and start their own lives. The stepdad, the non-winged squirrel, literally opts to stay at home and die. The mother squirrel tries to change his mind but it's not like she's losing her mind about it to be honest and soon she goes too and leaves him behind. Who the stepfather squirrel stands for - if he stands for anyone in the first place - I cannot say. But I did find interesting this side theme of Rhett and Link's action basically leading to a family falling apart and everyone taking a separate path in life (or death).
One Story Masterlist here
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amjadxxx · 14 days
Ok, so i finally found the time to watch the latest ear biscuits… And i have alot of thoughts..will not thoughts, just one big thought..
It's about RHETT… rhett, and his facial expressions throughout the whole podcast..
Starting with him just not understanding at all how link thinks he looks less of himself without the glasses. Becuse to rhett, as he said many times before. he's known link with glasses longer than without them. so THIS is the unusual for him (link wearing glasses) idk, i just find that extremely endearing and heartwarming..
the whole strip club conversation.. rhett kinda looked.. offended?? or was it that he was intrigued by the way link's brain workes? Every time link would go on a tangent explaining why he's uncomfortable with the idea of someon getting aroused around him. just look at rhett's face, i couldn't place his reaction..
and finally, but most importantly… The WAY rhett looked at link at the end of the ep… when link lowered his voice and said the "let's see what names you call me with my head between your legs" rhett just LOOKED.. not even a blink, except his eyelashes fluttering as if he was not expecting link to say it, or to say it in THAT way… and i just- i don't know,(there was also this part where rhett looks at links groin area for a couple of seconds, at a very important part of the conversation. they were literally just talking about getting an erction next to your friend, and then jenna reads an erotic part of the novel and rhett is..checking??? If you wanna see for yourself what I'm talking about -it's arond 1:15:44 in the video virgin- might just be imaging this😃)
Btw i call bullshit on rhett saying he wouldn't care what any of his friends are doing or feeling if he was in a strip club, becuse he would be too distracted by the striper. I don't by it… mabye if it was someone other than link.. i mean just look how he kept looking over at him when jenna was reading the novel.. wanting to see his reaction to it…
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nealsbian · 19 days
having a fan conversation with rhett and link at the strip club
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
LOL Rhett and Link try to speak Greek, it’s very funny! The interesting thing I am noticing is that if they didn’t try so hard to do some weird “foreign accent” and said the phrases with their very plain Californian accent, they would somehow sound more accurate. Especially Link sounds like he could pronounce Greek decently if he stripped his speech off all the silly excess. They legitimately sound more Greek when they speak English rather than Greek, this is quite some feat XD
[However, anyone non-Greek speaking here, R&L would have done better if they didn’t give them to pronounce an exact transliteration. Greek is not pronounced exactly as it is written so transliterating it in English based on how it’s written and not how it’s spoken creates this mess.]
BONUS they eat “Gyros” in the main episode and 
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I have no idea what the heck this is. Man, they straight up lie in Greek American restaurants... Not only this does not look like Gyros or like something I would remotely care to eat in general but OF COURSE it’s made of lamb *facepalm* They said they liked it though...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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chemicalalice · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 MasterList
Here we go again and already late HAHAHAHA totally my MO 😘
This year when I say Kinktober, I mean KinktoBER, not KinkTOBER. I am going to write 31 pieces over the three-BER months. Writing 31 pieces in one month is just not possible for me. I am not as planned out as last year (and I still didn't finish last year) but trying is better than not writing at all!
Below are all the prompts from @flightlessangelwings and the banner is from @the-purity-pen. Thank you!
If there are three prompts it means I haven't chosen which to write yet lol Like last year, I will update this post as I decide what I am writing and link it when it is posted. I hope what I come up with is enjoyable to someone out there lol
Thank you!
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Love bites - Rhett Abbott (Outer Range)
Bath/shower -Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Exhibitionism - William Miller (Triple Frontier)
Sex pollen - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Threesome - King Harold Fine Hair and Halfdan the Black (Vikings)
A/B/O - Robb Stark (Game of Thrones)
Slow and soft // Partner swap // Spanking
Cockwarming // Temperature play // Rough sex
Formal wear
Body worship // Being recorded // Anonymous sex
Size kink
Lap dance
Praise kink
Corruption - Orson Krennic (Star Wars)
Hate sex - Murph Connors (Den of Thieves)
Voice kink - Beau Hutton (Country Strong)
Face sitting // Deep throating // Choking
Wax play
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
goodnight!!! my sister and I just hung out for like seven straight hours and we played a rhett and link music video playlist in the background while she worked on her project and watched the hell’s kitchen season 20 finale then both videos where safiya nygaard and tyler go to every hotel on the vegas strip. which are incredible btw I need to do that so fucking bad why do people go to las vegas to gamble and drink when there’s so much else to do it’s like disneyland but better
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twistedboxy · 2 years
@mythicalshipping this is for you
Have some pure fluff all!
“Rhett, I’m home!” Link shouted as he took off his coat and petted the dogs. No answer so he continued walking upstairs to their bedroom. He tried again this time getting a response.
 “I’m in the bath.” His husband answered. Link found Rhett in their custom made tub.
“Hey there, care to join me? I just got in and the water should be to your liking.”
“I’d love to.” Link went to grab a towel for himself. Once he rejoined Rhett in the bathroom, he quickly stripped, settling into the tub laying back against his husband. The two sat quietly just feeling the warmth of the bath.
After a bit Rhett nudged Link. “Hey, can I wash your hair?” Link hummed in approval, adjusting his position. Rhett grabbed some handfuls of water soaking Link’s head. Once he was satisfied he moved on to the shampoo. The air was filled with the scent of sage and lavender. Rhett massaged the shampoo gently into Link’s locks. Link leaned into the touch making soft noises. 
“So nice.” He said. Rhett started the process again but adding little kisses here and there. 
Once all the soap was washed out, Link turned to face Rhett “Your turn.” Link started the same way Rhett did.Rhett enjoyed the feeling of Link’s hands on him. They sat in silence just enjoying the moment. Link broke the silence “Your hair has gotten so long, I love it.” 
“I’m glad you do.” Link continued playing with the strands distributing the soap. Rhett did the same as Link sinking into the feeling of having his hair washed. It didn’t go unnoticed by Link who reciprocated with little kisses all over his face. Rhett giggled at the little kisses Link was giving him. Once Link finished he cupped Rhett’s face in his hands giving him the most romantic kiss he could.
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harper44 · 12 days
Hiii, love you'r ficsss😆 and i was thinking, how about a fic about rhett and link going to a strip club together for the first time (like they talked about in the leatest ear biscuits..) but one of them gets arousd… Or maybe both of them… I feel like you HAVE to give your friend a helping hand in that situation.. so what if they enjoyed it a bit much😏😳…
What a delicious prompt, Anon!! I am not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind, but this is what came to me while I thought about your prompt! Link decided to give a helping hand...
College age Rhink with a smidgen of religious guilt!
I have not listened to the ear biscuits, so I hope this lives up to your expectations!
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chrysolipsist · 1 year
watching twitter slowly burn down
that site is just depressing to look at now. While I understand those people who are saying to block every blue check account and are basically actively rooting for the site's self-immolation, it feels a little too mean spirited to me. I would sooner just look at something else. Even though it seems like many of the people who bought into this "$8 free speech" thing have some of the worst opinions of all time, there are at least a half dozen cat image aggregator accounts with blue checks, for one.
I first started using twitter in 2013. I used the site to browse accounts when sitting around waiting rooms, mostly. It was mostly a way to read things I found humorous. The site was better back then, I think. Since the 2016 election cycle it has been nothing but politics (not that it wasn't before, but it wasn't till 2016 that it became eternally pervasive). After a while that gets grueling. As does the abundance of sites who are really just "horrible-thing" aggregators; post after post saying "get a load of this guy" and it's like some weirdo who thinks women's orgasms are a myth or some such thing.
But from 2013-2016 the site had become a go-to web page for scrolling. Now, in the year 2023, I can scarcely remember what I used to do on the internet a decade ago. Back then I used to have tons of bookmarks--these days I have very few. The web has condensed into "content" hosted on a diminishing number of major venues, and the situation kind of sucks. I don't even know where to begin. Maybe good old fark.com? It's been forever since I opened up that page. I mean, I guess it's a start.
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So from looking at this I learned that "Butt Drugs" in Corydon, IN, is closing. The place from that one Rhett & Link commercial with the iconic theme song.
I guess somethingawful is still around, but has been rather dormant for several years. Lord knows who is running it now. I'd occasionally check out some of the articles from time to time, and I suppose it's only a matter of time before that's lost. Some of the writing for article series on the site was pretty good. For example, the "Roamin' Dad" articles were some of the funniest things I've ever read.
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I can barely remember what I used to do when firing up a web browser in the old days. I think Yahoo! used to be a destination. I used to read the news and I would make trolling comments on the news articles but rarely looked back to check whether people enjoyed them or not. These days the site is fully equivalent to a mainstream news site. I guess it's okay but that's not really how I prefer to take in my news. Too much opinion, celebrity news, and so forth shows up. I guess I could probably log in and customize it but that seems like a lot of work for something I'm not likely to actually get into using again.
I used to read web comics frequently. I started in 1999 or thereabouts when I read an article about a time traveler convention, which noted that "technically you would only need one time traveler convention," which was attributed to the web comic "Cat and Girl" which is still around and which still has links to other comics which, at one time, were all active. I have always enjoyed the toothpaste guy's stuff, John Allison, and the French dude. Boulet. And then there's Achewood, which has been dormant for several years but I still reread parts of it on occasion. Rarely does a week go by without something making me remember an Achewood strip.
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Around the year 2010, plus or minus a few years, the "Cheezburger" sites were popular. Such as "failblog" I guess it's still around, but looks like it's mainly memes now. Not so much "fails". That whole thing has moved to video. I guess I could talk about YouTube but I'm really trying to think about what I used to look at on the web years ago.
All right, that's about as much trying to remember as I feel like doing at the moment. Maybe I'll revisit this later.
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kpuff-gifs · 7 years
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Source #1 (****)
Source #2 (****)
Gif set requested by @survivormind :D
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petekaos · 3 years
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Always in my mind, it was just the two of us in the classroom.
CHANON & POM The Gifted (2018), dir. Waasuthep Ketpech
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captainsourwolf · 4 years
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jacularmetteld · 5 years
R&L IG live 10/27/2019
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lovelyrhink · 6 years
rhett giving link’s asscheek a soft little kiss before destroying him
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mythicalevenings · 7 years
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“I’ve been found out! I am Bean Boy!” [x]
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Trying to make it sexy, but it’s very difficult. [x]
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