#Rex's Garrett
rexs-models · 11 months
Package from Hattons arrived!
1st up:
Airfix Autocoach
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Ive already taken the roof off, since i noticed that it had a switch on the bottom that turns internal lights on! So i wanted to see how it worked and I found that whoever built the kit didnt use heatshrink, didnt secure the battery, and didn't have very strong joins to the battery & light on the earth side, so I'll have to resolder that & cover his joins.
2nd project:
Imma make a garret >:)
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These two old 3f's that are mechanically sound will make up the chassis of my new Garret Project!
3rd project:
Mail van!
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This one will be a simple repaint, but also a strange repair; it has two levers beneath it, one that opens a 'drop off' side for mail, and one that opens the catching side. The catching side isnt connected to its lever.
A buncha pullmans
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These are to match a pullman i already have, which i named after my sister! These three will by named by my sister. I just gotta work on the couplers and some other bits.
Ill make post once the whole set is done
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quorras · 2 years
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Garrett Hedlund's SDCC Sam Flynn Figure: A Saga
(images from various sources idk, all taken from the Tron Legacy booth during SDCC 2010)
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hardcore-lonewolf · 10 months
Matt Ferris As James Garrett
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"Who talks to a kid like that?"
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Gonn - Don't Need Your Lovin'
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writermuses · 2 years
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artistaforever · 5 months
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Keith is acting suspicious.
Lance is sure of it. Beyond his usual shiftiness, his awkwardness, his tendency towards privacy. Lance knows his boyfriend, and he knows him well, and as such he knows enough to realise that his boyfriend is acting fuckin’ dubious.
Lance is going to snoop. (Yeah, yeah, ethical schmethical. Snooping fosters distrust in relationships and makes things tense blah blah blah. Lance recognises that. He also grew up with fucking Hunk Garrett and His Entire Family, so he also recognises that snooping is simply the best way to gather information. Fair’s fair.)
He waits until his boyfriend’s snores start to kick up, making the bedroom sound like an illegal motorized lawnmower race, and then carefully starts scooching out of his arms.
It takes a while — Keith likes to hold him. (Lance has to take a moment to calm himself down after the thought, lest he start to giggle giddily to himself, reminded that Keith loves him so much that at his most unguarded, his first instinct is to crush Lance in his arms. It’s exhilarating.) But slowly and steadily he manages to slide out of the arms around his waist, filling the newly hollow space with a pillow, and tumbles to the floor. He takes a moment, crossing his legs and sitting next to the bed, to look up at Keith, at the ratty mess of his bedhead and wide open snoring mouth and the tank top skewed across his torso, the hickeys Lance left all across his chest and collarbones peeking out.
“You are such a shit,” he whispers fondly. “I love you so bad it makes me want to, like, bite you or something. You make me weird.”
He watches Keith’s chest rise and fall until his legs fall asleep, wherein he flops onto the hardwood, wiggling his legs through the pins and needles and screeching silently into his arm (worst feeling in the WORLD) until his legs no longer feel like they’re on fire, and then he inches himself towards the right corner of the room like an inchworm.
(It’s three in the morning. No one is awake to judge him to give him shit or laugh at him or anything. He can do what he likes.)
He pulls himself up to his knees when he finally makes it to the corner, loosening his shoulders in preparation. The room is dark, so it’ll be a challenge, but this is not the first time he’s done this. Hell, it isn’t even the fiftieth. He’s a nosy person. He could do this in his sleep, probably, so in the dark is no problem.
As slowly as he can manage, to make sure it’s silent, he pries off the metal grate covering of the air vent, setting it down gently beside him. Laying down on his stomach again to get a better angle, he reaches down into the wide tube, following the curve of the cool metal, arm buried up to his shoulder, until he’s reached as far as he physically can. He carefully starts brushing his hands along the air vent, searching, feeling. It shouldn’t be too far down since his arms are way longer than Keith’s (Lance enjoys calling him T-Rex, which Keith hates and literally everyone else who knows them loves. It’s great).
Finally, his fingers brush on something small, compact, sturdy, and soft. He wraps his fist around it and slowly drags it out of the vent, keeping it in his fist as he crawls out of the bedroom and down the hall, somersaulting into the kitchen. He heads over to the fridge, figuring that if he uses the fridge light and Keith walks in, he can just pretend he’s getting a snack or something, shoving the thing he found into his pants. Keith’ll be too out of it to question it, anyway.
Laughing quietly and evilly to himself as he pulls open the fridge door, he brings his closed fist up to the light, examining the treasure he found. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light, to take in what’s in front of him.
He gasps sharply when he processes, and the treasure slips out of his hands, clattering loudly to the floor.
He freezes immediately, listening for the telltale signs of his boyfriend snorting awake, noticing Lance’s side of the bed is empty, then the sound of his footsteps as he comes to look for him.
But, fortunately, there’s nothing. The only thing Lance hears are Keith’s continued snores.
Rapidly, Lance scoops up the box and brings it back to the light. It’s unmistakable — there’s only one thing that houses in a small hinged velvet box. It explains the shiftiness over the last few weeks, too, the nervousness that Keith has been disgusting as mysterious intrigue.
Keith is going to propose. Keith is going to propose!
Smiling so widely his face hurts, Lance flicks open the box, bringing his face closer to carefully inspect the ring inside.
It’s difficult to see in the dull blue light of the fridge, but Lance starts to cry when he sees it, because he recognises this ring. This is Keith’s dad’s ring; old, heavy gold, classic princess cut diamond, simple and polished and elegant. This is the ring Keith often wears around his neck, although he rarely has as of late, for now obvious reasons. This is the ring Keith has carried with him for almost two decades. This is, without a doubt, Keith’s most prized Earthly possession, and his intent is to gift it to Lance, as a promise of his love and trust and faithfulness.
Lance has to sit down so he doesn’t pass out. He grabs a dishtowel on the way to the floor, pressing it to his face to muffle his absolutely wailing sobs, the most ugly crying he’s literally ever done in his life.
He’s so glad he snooped. If he had this reaction when Keith finally summoned the balls to ask him, his engagement photos would be so embarrassing.
He paused mid-sniffle.
A little embarrassed of himself, he slides up his phone, holding the ring box up to his tear-swollen and smiling face to snap a picture. He looks like a mess, but it’s important to him to have a physical memory of the moment he first learned Keith planned to marry him. He’s sure he’ll cry more over it the next time he’s feeling sappy and emotional.
He doesn’t realise how long he sits, fridge wide open, back to the cabinet doors of the kitchen island, staring in awe at the ring, until his watch starts to beep.
“Fuck,” he curses, scrambling to his feet. It’s six o’clock. Keith’ll be up in fifteen minutes to go on his morning run, Lance has literally been mooning over his ring for two and a half hours.
He runs back to the bedroom, barely remembering at the last second time muffle his footsteps, shoving the ring back into the vent and pressing the grate back onto the hole. Keith stirs slightly at the noise, so Lance abandons any thought of whether or not the ring box is positioned back exactly where he found it and fuckin’ dives for the bed, reburying himself in his boyfriend’s arms and hoping he can pass it off as just having shifted around in his sleep or something. Apparently he squirms and kicks a lot (which is a lie that Keith perpetuates to take attention away from the severity of his snores), so it should be fine. Probably.
“Wh—L’nce?” Keith mumbles, stirring from behind him. He inhales deeply, arms pulling away from Lance’s and stretching out above him. Lance’s heart pounds. He forces himself to stay relaxed, to avoid squeezing his eyes shut. He prays that Keith doesn’t notice how sweaty he is.
Keith leans over to press a lingering kiss to his neck, then chuckles. Lance can feel the imprint of his smile on his skin, and tamping down his own reflexive smile is literally the hardest thing he has ever had to do in his entire life.
“You’re warm as hell,” Keith murmurs, dragging his lips down his neck, across his shoulders. His hand comes to rest in his hip, curling into the hollow there. “Betcha you were squrimin’ around in y’re sleep last night, ya worm. Betcha I’ve got bruises on my shins.” His shoulders, pressed against Lance’s back, shake with his laughter, because he is a shithead who is so lucky that Lance loves him. He presses one final kiss to Lance’s skin and then rolls out of bed. Lance listens carefully as he gets dressed in his jogging clothes and runs a brush through his hair. He falls half asleep listening to the familiar sounds, rousing slightly again when Keith ducks back in to kiss Lance’s head one last time before heading out.
Lance smiles as he falls asleep for real, after the sound of the front door opening and closing.
He’s gonna clown that dumbass so goddamn badly.
Lance has a love-hate relationship with pranks. On one hand, the one and only time he was sent into an asthma attack so bad he had to go to the hospital was after he and Hunk wrapped every single thing in Veronica’s room with aluminum foil while she was away on a trip, and upon seeing her reaction laughed so hard his lungs basically collapsed. He still can’t think of that without laughing. On the other hand, he’s had more than enough cruel pranks shoved his way, and never in his life wants anyone to feel humiliated because of something he did.
He can’t not prank Keith, though. He’s literally beat Keith to his own proposal. A prank is in order.
Usually, he’d call Hunk for something like that. They’ve been partners in crimes for most of their lives, after all. Pidge too, honestly. He knows they’d both get a kick out of this whole situation as well.
But…even if those dunderheads were capable of keeping their mouths shut, which they’re not, Lance kind of wants to…well, he wants to keep his proposal to himself. He likes being in on it. He likes being to only one in on it, actually. Honestly, the only thing he wants to do is brag to Keith that he knows, which defeats the whole purpose.
He straightens abruptly. A smirk spreads across his face.
He has an idea.
The first step is recon. He needs access to the ring, regularly and long-term, but all will be for naught if Keith realises it’s missing. He needs to know if Keith stashed the ring when he decided to propose and avoided thinking about it, or if he checks on it frequently and stresses himself out about when he’s finally going to go through with it. Both are very Keith options. In fact Lance wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow managed both at the same time, as impossible as that seems.
To get around the issue, Lance goes Spy Barbie. He waits until Keith goes out for his weekly coffee date with Shiro and Adam and then digs through his makeup kit, setting aside what he needs and sitting next to the air vent grate. He spends a good amount of time polishing the metal, making sure it’s as fresh and untouched as it was when it was first put in its package, and then he uses a wide end brush to apply a thin layer of highlighter to the white metal. He takes great care to ensure that no colour is visible, only a slight sheen if one were to look closely. And Keith doesn’t have any reason to look closely, and since Lance knows the universe loves him, he won’t.
The next step is waiting. Lance acts completely normally when Keith gets home, if a little giddy. Keith most certainly notices Lance’s giggles and affection and the way he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself, but he doesn’t seem to mind or question it. Lance does sometimes get like this, after all.
He scored a hot as hell boyfriend. He’s allowed to be a little awed sometimes. He doesn’t feel weird about it.
He does, however, mellow out in the next few days. Keith takes him to a car show, which is fucking wicked, and somehow manages to get himself and Lance behind the wheels of two 200 horsepower Mustangs for them to race, which is so exhilarating that Lance doesn’t have words for it. He just yells and jumps around about it a lot. He doesn’t actually manage to find words for a couple hours after he totally smokes Keith’s ass, but whatever. It’s cool. Keith tried his best and everything, Lance is sure.
A week later, when Keith is out on his coffee date again, Lance gets to work. He cuts a large square of parchment paper and covers it with clear packing tape, careful not to touch the sticky side, overlapping strips so they make one giant tape sheet.
Once the parchment sheet is covered, he peels off the tape, and as planned it comes off in one large sheet, slightly bigger than the air vent grate. Again careful to steer clear of the sticky part, he places the tape sheet sticky side down onto the grate, pressing down hard and rubbing to smooth it out completely flat. Once he’s sure it’s totally stuck down, he picks at one corner until it’s loose, then slowly and meticulously peels the whole sheet back. He holds the tape, now showcasing the concealer-print of the grate, up to the light, examining it with the utmost scrutiny.
Not one single fingerprint in sight. Keith has not touched the grate at all, hasn’t dug into his secret hiding spot. He is taking the refusing to think about it route, then.
Lance smirks. He reaches down and scoops up the ring, placing the grate back where it belongs and skipping out to the living room, humming jovially to himself.
The first picture Lance snaps, while biting his lip so hard to keep back his laughter it bleeds, is once again in the dead of night, two weeks after Lance first discovered the ring. Keith is sprawled out on his back this time, arms and legs askew, sheets tangled somewhere around his legs. Lance shifts so they’re both facing the same direction, then holds up his phone camera, trying to figure out how to artfully position himself for utmost devastation upon discovery. He decides eventually on a classic.
He heads over to the dresser to pick out his cutest pajamas, settling on the red spaghetti strap top with lace and short-shorts, debating on accessorizing and deciding at the last minute not to bother except for lip gloss, which is always appropriate. He climbs into bed next to Keith, gently laying his head on his chest and maneuvering one arm to wrap around Lance’s hips. The other he leaves flopped on top of the pillows. He leaves Keith’s mouth wide open because it’s funny, and goes the extra mile to mess up Keith’s hair worse than it already is, because that’s funnier. Finally he flicks open the ring case with his left hand and holds it to his face, grinning widely, and uses his right to snap a picture of the two of them. Once he’s satisfied with it, he untangles himself from the bed again, puts the ring away, presses a sticky lip gloss kiss to Keith’s cheek for funsies, and crawls back into bed for real. His sleep is sound as a baby’s.
The next photo doesn’t actually happen for another month. Lance fears overdoing it, and also kind of fears getting caught with the ring, so he leaves it in its hiding spot until the opportunity for another cheeky photo presents itself.
The opportunity in question arrives when Keith announces that he has arranged to drive down to the secluded beach that Lance took him too early in their relationship to spend the day. At first Lance thinks he’s proposing for real, and to check he waits until Keith has the car all packed up and ready to go and then pretends to run inside to go to the washroom. Instead he ducks into their room and tears into the air vent, grasping around until his fingers close around the box.
He scoffs to himself. Wimp.
He quickly shoves the box into his fanny pack (fanny packs are COOL and CONVENIENT and Lance will not hear a word of controversy on the subject, they are absolutely nothing like Keith’s dweeb utility belt) and sprints back to the car. When Keith asks him why he’s smirking, Lance manages to convince him that he’s just excited for the beach.
Lance should have been an actor, honestly.
He mostly forgets about the ring while they’re there. He has enough sense to keep it in the car instead of on the beach so it doesn’t get stolen, unlikely as it is, and just enjoys the day with his boyfriend. He convinces Keith to go jet skiing with him and cackles to himself as he purposely sends Keith flying off the back of it. He screeches at the top of his lungs later when Keith scoops him up from his nap and literally chucks him into the ice cold water. The two of them make really garbage sculptures of their friends in the sand to amuse themselves. They gather ugly seashells and send pictures to their friends asking them if they’ve been turned into mollusks, since there is a resemblance. The whole day was a blast. Lance firmly slots it in his top ten days of all time.
When they go for a long walk to watch the sunset, Lance snaps a picture with the ring and a very teasing grin the second Keith has his back turned. He will bring up how this was a perfect moment to propose, and he will pat Keith’s head condescendingly about it. He can’t wait.
The third photo is another dead-of-night-situation. Lance knows it’s repetitive, but it’s easy and it’s funny and Lance can’t resist.
To change things up a bit, he decides not to be in the photo, and also to see just how much he can get away with.
Keith is on his side, this time, one hand tucked under the pillow, one hand held loose and open on top of it. He’s been tired, lately, and when Lance says he fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow, he is not exaggerating. In fact Lance is reasonably certain he passed out in the way down. He is KOed. He’s unconscious. He is absolutely dogged out.
The timing is perfect.
Carefully, aware of the consequences should Lance make a mistake, he removes the ring from its box. He realizes abruptly that it’s the first time he’s ever done that, despite his ridiculous quest, and he finds that he can’t quite let go of the ring just yet. The metal feels cool and smooth on his finger tips; worn, even. It’s shinier than it used to be, which means Keith has probably had it professionally retouched. Resized too, probably, although Lance can’t quite bring himself to check. The diamond catches the minimal light in the room and refracts into rainbows that fall softly on Keith’s lax face, highlighting his sharp jawline, his softly squished cheek, his relaxed brow. He looks so dorky when he sleeps, completely free of the furrow of concentration that usually resides in between his eyebrows, his resting frown. His mouth is always wide open when he’s out, and the echoing of his snores is so comically loud and ridiculous but absolutely something that Lance can’t live without. He has them recorded, actually, for the rare nights they’re not home together, on the rare night Lance has to sleep alone.
Smiling softly to himself, Lance places the ring in Keith’s open palm. He rests his hand on top of Keith’s for a moment, just because he can, just to relish in the scratch of Keith’s callouses on his skin, before pulling back and steadying his phone to snap a picture. He catches it right as Keith inhales heavily, right as his nose scrunches up.
It’s goofy as hell. It’s perfect.
The fourth picture is the riskiest, Lance thinks. He’s taken to carrying the ring around with him everywhere, almost as if he is the one planning to propose, just in case he has a moment when Keith’s back is turned. (There really aren’t that many. Keith faces him a lot. He likes to hold Lance hand and kiss his face, neither of which you can do from behind. Lance fucking loves his boyfriend so much.)
They’re at a Thing. Lance’s parents are celebrating their fortieth anniversary, and obviously Lance is bringing Keith, and since Keith is his mother’s favourite he is encouraged to bring his family as well, which means Shiro and Adam are coming, and if Hunk and Pidge weren’t invited then someone would cry and nothing would be right in the world, and of course Veronica is bringing Allura, and Coran comes because Lance’s dad thinks he’s the funniest man to walk the Earth. And of course all Lance’s relatives are there.
The point is that it’s a full house. A couple full houses, actually, since their neighbours are also involved. It’s a lot of people in one place.
As is protocol in crowded places, Keith is essentially glued to Lance’s side. Lance is quite happy with this arrangement, because he gets to show his boyfriend off like the hot piece of ass he is, especially to his rude ass great aunties and uncles who always had something to say about Lance and his single-ness when he was still rocking braces. So.
One thing about Keith, though, is that everyone who meets him is doomed to fall in love with him forever and ever, or so Lance has noticed. His niece and nephew are no exception, and immediately upon catching sight of their uncle — Keith, that is, Lance may as well be dead meat when Tio Keith is available, which, rude — they descend upon him not unlike a vulture may descend upon a recently deceased armadillo. Or whatever. Lance didn’t grow up in the desert, he doesn’t know what happens there.
Occupied as he is, one child hanging off each arm, Keith cannot keep his vice grip on Lance’s hand. Occupied as he is, two children talking at him in a mix of Spanish and English so rapid that Lance himself cannot keep up, which is saying something because his nickname for many years was and aptly so Motormouth, Keith cannot have his full attention on Lance. In fact, even, his back is delightfully turned.
Lance doesn’t hesitate. He flicks open the ring box and snaps a picture. His grin is nothing short of gleeful and he is entirely unapologetic.
When he turns back around, ring box stuffed back into his pocket, he realizes Nadia is staring at him with wide eyes.
“You, shush,” Lance says, and then switches to Spanish so Keith, who is still learning, will miss it, “or I’ll choose a random child to be my flower girl. I swear.”
She glares at him. “This is why Tio Keith is my favourite,” she mutters, because she is a snot who acts as if Lance does not and has not for her whole life taken her on all sorts of cool awesome amazing trips and bought her cool awesome amazing presents. Who was it who bought them recorders when they were seven to terrorize Luis with? Lance. Who was it to take them to a live rocket taking off the summer they turned nine? Lance.
“You’re a brat,” he informs her.
She sticks her tongue out at him, snickering. “Side genes.”
Lance unfortunately has nothing to say to that and also refuses to be roasted by an eleven year old, so he yanks Keith away as penance and takes him to a corner somewhere to make out. He feels very smug about it.
The fifth time doesn’t happen.
The fifth time is a clusterfuck.
The fifth time, it’s night again, and Lance honestly doesn’t even plan on taking another picture. He’s just next to the vent, lying on his belly, legs kicking in the air as he inspects the ring for the billionth time. He’s so excited. He can’t wait to wear this on his finger. He can’t wait for Keith to put it there. He’s can’t wait to be Keith’s husband, is the crux of it all. It’s like groundhog day except with literal euphoria. Lance is the luckiest man literally alive, and Keith hasn’t even hinted towards a plan to pop the question yet.
“You are the nosiest motherfucker in the planet, you shithead.”
Lance yelps, startling so bad he almost brains himself on the floor and nearly drops the ring. He manages to catch himself with the grace of God and also probably luck, or neither of those things, but either way Lance heart nearly pounds out of his chest.
“You scared me, you butthead!”
Keith chuckles. His voice is low and raspy from sleep, vowels still rounded from the accent that only comes out when he’s mad or drunk or tired. Lance’s belly swoops. Keith grabs Lance’s ankle and tugs, dragging him over to him, pulling him upright when he’s close enough. Lance goes into him fully, curling up into him, head tucked under his chin. Keith’s hands come to rest on top of his, sliding the ring box from him.
“How long have you known, you snoop?”
“Six months,” Lance answers. “In my defense, you were acting suspicious as all hell.”
Keith kisses his head. “Fair.”
“I need to know everything about everything or I’ll die. You know this.”
Keith snorts. He takes Lance’s left hand and smooths it flat, spreading out his fingers. “Yeah. Ruined my plans, though.”
“Oh, please. You and I both know there were no plans involved. You walked by a shop advertising ring retouching and walked in before you even thought about it.”
Keith says nothing. Lance grins and presses on.
“I bet you cried the whole time, too.”
“Shut up. I’m gonna keep the ring.”
Lance kisses him on the chest, the closest place he can reach, through his sleep shirt. “No, you’re not.”
“Mhm.” Keith plucks the ring out of the box with one hand, setting it on the ground beside them and grabbing Lance’s hand with his other. “You’re right. I’m not.”
He doesn’t move for a while, except to stroke his thumb over the palm of Lance’s hand, over and over again. Lance likes the feeling. He’s always likes the feeling of Keith’s hands in him.
“I know this isn’t a fancy dinner or sunset on the beach or with your whole family present,” he murmurs. “But I’m tired of waiting, if you don’t mind me jumping the gun.”
Lance smiles widely. A tear leaks out of his eye, dripping down his face and onto Keith’s hand.
“I don’t.”
“Good.” Keith holds the ring just above Lance’s finger, poised, ready to slide it on but waiting for permission. “Lance Sanchez, will you marry me?”
“Keith Gyeong, I would want nothing more.”
Unhesitant at last, Keith slides his father’s ring onto Lance’s finger, centring it so the diamond shines brightly in the middle. It fits perfectly.
The tears stream down Lance’s face, and he can’t for the life of him pretend that they’re not, not that he’d bother. He buries his face in his fiancé’s neck and feels Keith’s own tears soaking his hair.
“I took a bunch of sneaky pictures of me holding the ring in front of you,” Lance admits.
Keith laughs. “Of course you did.”
“I carried the ring around for months.”
“Checks out.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Lance.”
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
Keith hums, tilting his head up and kissing him properly, entwining their hands so they can both feel the ring press against skin. “No more waiting for you, sweetheart.”
based on this post
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shinigami-striker · 21 days
September 2024 Birthdays | Sunday, 09.01.24
Here are the upcoming birthdays in the month of September 2024 down below:
Sunday, September 1
Dave Wittenberg (voice of Kakashi Katake in the English dub of the Naruto anime and its video game tie-ins since 2005)
Monday, September 2
Faye Mata (voice of Aqua in Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! and Ling Xiaoyu in Tekken: Bloodline)
Keanu Reeves (official voice of Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024 movie) premiering on Friday, December 20, 2024 in North America)
Tuesday, September 3
Khoi Dao (25th birthday coming soon) (voiced Mauro Abelard in the 2021 video game, Shadowverse: Champion's Battle, which is based on the 2020 anime of the same name)
R. Bruce Elliot (current voice of Captain Ginyu since the 2010 release of Dragon Ball Z Kai through Funimation)
Wednesday, September 4
John DiMiaggio (voiced Bender in Futurama, Bobo Haha in Generator Rex, and Jake the Dog from Adventure Time)
Morgan Lauré Garrett (voiced Shiki Misaki in The World Ends With You: The Animation and Nadeshiko Kagamihara in Laid-Back Camp)
Thursday, September 5
Max Mittelman (voice of Saitama in One-Punch Man)
Friday, September 6
Idris Elba (voiced Knuckles the Echidna in both the Sonic live-action movies since Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022 movie) and Knuckles the Series)
Robin Atkin Downes (voiced Gary in Regular Show and Emperor Nefarious in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart)
Tuesday, September 10
Amanda Celine Miller (voiced MAGES. in Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory in 2013 exclusively for the PlayStation 3 console)
Thursday, September 12
Shelby Lindley (voice of Tsumugi Kotobuki in K-On!)
Friday, September 13 (Friday the 13th)
J.G. Quintel (creator and voice of both Mordecai and High Five Ghost in Regular Show)
Sunday, September 15
Ben Schwartz (voiced Dewey Duck in DuckTales (2017 TV series), Leonardo in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Sonic in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie series since 2020)
Colleen O'Shaughnessey (voiced Jazz Fenton in Danny Phantom and both Miles "Tails" Prower (since 2014; replacing Kate Higgins) and Charmy Bee (since 2010) in the Sonic the Hedgehog video games)
Scott McNeil (voiced Wolverine in X-Men: Evolution, Guts Man in the English dub of Mega Man NT Warrior, and Voltar in League of Super Evil)
Tuesday, September 17
Charles Martinet (voice actor; former voice of Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, and Toadsworth in most of the Super Mario games between 1992 and 2022) (succeeded by Kevin Afghani starting with both Super Mario Bros. Wonder and WarioWare: Move It! and onward since 2023)
Friday, September 20
Sarah Natochenny (voiced Ash Ketchum in the English dub of the Pokemon anime between 2006 through 2023; replacing Veronica Taylor)
Saturday, September 21
Erin Fitzgerald (former voice of Noire/Black Heart in the Hyperdimension Neptunia video game series between 2011 through 2016; replaced by Erica Mendez since the 2017 release of Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online due to complications with the SAG Contracts at the time)
Sunday, September 22
Megan Hollingshead (voiced Nurse Joy in the English dub of the Pokemon anime and Mai Valentine in the English dub of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime)
Michelle Ruff (voiced Tsukasa Hiiragi in the English dub of Lucky Star and Crimson Viper in Street Fighter 4)
Wayne Grayson (50th birthday coming soon; voiced Michelangelo in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series) between 2003 through 2009)
Wednesday, September 25
Mark Hamill (voiced Skips/Walks in Regular Show between 2010 through 2017)
Friday, September 27
Alicyn Packard (45th birthday coming soon; voiced Mistress Death in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite and Hinaichi in the English dub of The Vampire Dies in No Time)
Debi Derryberry (voiced Jimmy Neutron in Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and formerly Coco Bandicoot in several Crash Bandicoot video games between 2001 and 2021)
Jad Saxton (45th birthday coming soon; voiced Itsuka Kendo in the English dub of My Hero Academia and Chika Fujiwara in the English dub of Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
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kb1301 · 3 months
The Blorbos Board
This is the Blorbos Board where I just list down all the blorbos I have! They're my favorite characters from any franchise or fandom. There will definitely be lots of them so I may not be able to list all of them. Anything in bold and red means they're my favorite of favorites.
#kb blorbos (general tag for all things blorbo)
Call of Duty
Ghost (Original and Reboot)
Soap (Original and Reboot)
Rodolfo / Rudy
Keegan P Russ
Logan Walker
Sebastian Krueger
Barrage (it’s literally a fucking skin for the default operators but wtaf)
Destiny 2
Lord Shaxx
Ikora Rey
Lord Felwinter
Andal Brask
Misraaks / Mithrax
Baldur's Gate 3
Default Durge
Rainbow Six Siege
Thermite (This is my attack main in the game)
Pulse (This is my defense main in the game)
Ace (He's just here being pretty)
Stardew Valley
Mass Effect
Garrus Vakarian
Liara T'Soni
Urdnot Wrex
Commander Shepard
Kasumi Goto
Kaidan Alenko
Mordin Solus
Dragon Age
Alistair Theirin
Hawke (Garrett or Marian or Custom)
Varric Tethras
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Josephine Montilyet
Blackwall / Thom Rainier
Dimension 20
The Bad Kids
The Dream Team
The Taste Buds
The Gunner Channel / The Wurst Crew
Pack of Pixies
Oisin Hakinvar
Mary Ann Skuttle
Elder Scrolls
Teldryn Sero
Craig Boone
Veronica Santangelo
Arcade Gannon
Rose of Sharon Cassidy
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard
Lucy MacLean
Norm MacLean
Darkest Dungeon
Crusader (Reynauld)
Highwayman (Dismas)
Vestal (Junia)
Plague Doctor (Paracelsus)
Bounty Hunter (Tardif)
Leper (Baldwin)
Flagellant (Damian)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kusakabe Atsuya
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Takuma Ino
Kong Shiu
Itadori Yuuji
Okkotsu Yuuta
Zenin Maki
Deadpool / Wade Wilson (Marvel)
Wolverine / Logan Hewlett (Marvel)
Captain (Risk of Rain 2)
Bandit (Risk of Rain 2) <- My main
Commando (Risk of Rain 2)
Ramattra (Overwatch)
Moira (Overwatch)
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protectxthem · 7 months
the rules are simple ! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people).
Probably Ryan Butcher
whoever else I get muse for
Harrison Wells (and his multiverse doppelgangers)
Eobard Thawne
Sara Lance
Cisco Ramon
William Clayton
Barry Allen
Bart Allen
Pat Dugan
Mike Dugan
Boba Fett
Commander Cody
Captain Rex
Xander Kesyk (OC)
Cobb Vanth
Cassian Andor
Atticus Saxon (OC)
Everett Lang
Harlan Briggs
Garrett Briggs
Eddie Thawne
Thomas Mangum
Ryder Barton (OC)
(I'm probably missing a few, but yeah these are the ones I remember)
See above
stolen off the dash
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pwlanier · 2 years
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The Estate of Snuff Garrett (1938-2015 )
18K Gold Edward H. Bohlin Buckle Set with Snuff's initials in Rubies, and Exotic Belts with Extra Tips.
Cattle Brand Engraved Colt Single Action. Bohlin marked sterling and 14K gold grips with high relief steer head.
Pair of Tom Mix Circus Original Lithograph Posters.
Roy Rogers' Personal Eagle Boots, a gift from Roy to Snuff.
If you don’t know who Snuff Garret is, you need to Google him immediately. One of the greatest American music record producers of all time, Snuff wasn’t just rich and famous, he was ostentatious and hilarious, fun and funny, brilliant, quick, and as foul mouthed as a man could be. He was a hoot. And he was a cowboy.
Thomas Leslie “Snuff” Garrett was born in Dallas, Texas. He dropped out of high school, became a disc jockey in Lubbock, and went on to become the most successful record producer of the 1960s and 1970s. A few of his stable of artists included Bobby Vee, Gary Lewis & the Playboys, Johnny Burnette, Del Shannon, Cher, Brenda Lee, Nancy Sinatra and countless others. He worked with Phil Spector, Carole King, Leon Russell, Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds. Snuff’s great talent was his ability to know a hit song when he heard one, and know who should sing it. He was, to everyone’s agreement, a genius in that respect.
Snuff loved music, and he loved art. Along with his music friends, and Hollywood friends, Snuff had artist friends. Olaf Wieghorst, Joe Beeler, Michael Coleman, John Hampton, Tom Ryan, Gary Niblett, Harley Brown and many others. Snuff’s home was filled with art from his cowboy artist buddies. It was also filled with movie posters. Framed original lithographs hung floor to ceiling, featuring the antics of Tom Mix, Roy Rogers, Rex Allen and the others. Every room in Snuff’s house was a testament to his many passions.
Of his many famous friends, Roy Rogers and Snuff had a particularly special relationship. Snuff grew up on Hollywood cowboys and he worshipped Roy. When, as an adult, he met and worked with Roy, the two became fast friends. Frequently Snuff referred to Roy as a “father figure.” It was clear in the way that Snuff emulated Roy (from his suits to his boots), that he had great respect for the man. They remained dear friends for life.
Old West Events
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
OC List 3.0 WIP
(Note: Characters intended for one story, may also appear in other stories as well.
Of Swords and Pens
Owens Family
Jeremiah Owains (Blaise ancestor)
Timothy Owens (Blaise great uncle)
Lewis Owens (Father, deceased)
Eliza Owens (Mother, deceased)
Blaise Owens (first child, Neutral)
Joanna Owens (second child, Frist Responders)
Victor Owens (fourth third child, Neutral)
Mary Owens (née Rivers, wife of Victor / widow of Lawrence)
Lawrence Owens (fourth child, Neutral, deceased)
Connor Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Lawrence)
June Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Blaise)
First Responders
Garrett Bearlitz (Head/Leader of the First Responders)
Dr. Ruby Mortis
Manatena Berrocal
Franz Weißschloss aka “The Hospital Chaplain” (Still unsure)
Obdulio Bravo (formerly Tigris Empire)
Charl Mountebank
Leonid Aksakov / Akdow (joins later)
Army of the Fauna Republic
Arthur P. Bellum (Commanding Officer)
Turner Coats (Lieutenant / Three Star General)
Horace Wings (Lieutenant/Three Star General)
Clover Luckfoot (Private)
Nikolai Akdow (Army Scientist)
Nutmeg Cinnamon (Army Cook)
Dr. Lis Polarny (Army Doctor)
Seren E. Ness (Moral officer)
Army of the Tigris Empire
Cecilio Pryde (Commanding Officer)
Coop D'état (Lieutenant / Three Star General)
Minerva Border (Valorised Private)
Giordano "Cannelloni" Castellani (Army Cook)
Weregeld Schein (Lawyer)
Aeolus Piston aka Soldier 040 (Bodyguard of Weregeld)
Page aka Soldier 404 (Bodyguard of Weregeld)
Vasily Akdow (Assistant Army Scientist)
Ministry of Vision
"Ace" (Minister / Head of the Ministry)
Ian Snapshot (Enforcer #1)
Fed Geeman (Enforcer #2)
Magnus Dandy aka "The Therapist" ("Contractor/Freelancer")
Neutral / Part of no Organization
Tonic Corner (Shop vendor)
Elias Corner (war journalist / I̷̧̠̼̠̤̭̊͒̇͒̉̉̌ṇ̷̢̨̥̟͚̭̜̙̲͎͍̣̄̾̆̏̈́͋̓̅́̈́͋̄͑͐̚c̶͈̭͌͂̉͊̑̾̃̍̍̚a̷̛͖̘̝͖͌͂̈́̍̀͛͗̏̎̕͠r̷̳̠̖͙̣͙̲̭͕̮̫̬͓̒̎̀̆͐͊̓̿͊͘͜͜͠͝ǹ̵̯͖͎̜̱̬̬ͅā̷̪̣̻̤͈͒̀̉̈̆̈́̀̚͠ͅt̶̡̮̬̺̪̜̦̭͕̹͙̟̅̓́͊͌̿̏͜ͅi̴̡͈͇̜͔̣͓̐͛̐̅̍̄͌̇̐̉̾͘̕͝͝ò̸̖̑͒̂ǹ̶̢̧̹̭͖͓̹̻̋̔̈̈́͛̚͠ ̵͉̮̞̺̱̫̬̠̹̯̖̥͔͔̃̀́̐̄͗̽̑́̊ǫ̵̢̼̟͈̣͚̻̟̜̜̪̙̼̿̀̂̇̈̈́͌͗̀́͑̑̚f̷̧̱̐̉̈̃̅̊̅͐̊̋ ̴̙͍͕̻̆̈́̋̚ͅD̵͔̝̮̦̖̻̳̹̼͆̈e̷͈̮̻̰͂̊̈́̎͆̈̿̾̃̾̌̔͝ͅa̴̢̱̱̝͚̱̤͚̜̼̲̗̍̋͜ṭ̶̡̛̺͈̤̙̃͌͒̍̅́̋̀h̸̛͕͙̮͈̀̎̎͜)
Father Job Fahim (Bishop)
Halyna Aksakov (deceased) (Kathrina's and Nikolai's mother)
Lupus Bytes (CEO and Founder of Lupus Industries)
Other stories and characters
The City / The Walls an Gates of New Constantinople
Jay Mortis (Gravedigger in the City)
Aviso Grand (former Singer in the City)
Keratin Grand (Older sister of Aviso, Hotel Owner in the City)
Kathrina Akdow (Waitress in a restaurant in Trailerpark Town)
Michael "Mike" Melkboer (Milkman in the City)
Charly Doe (Government Worker in Trailerpark Town)
Quintus Imperium (Court Clerk in the City)
Lily Ordnung (Herbalist who lives alone in an isolated hut)
Janus Gates (Singer who lives in Trailerpark Town)
Constance Jacquemart ( The Phantom of the City)
“The Architect of the City” (Founder of the City)
"Father" Jerome Alabaster (City Council Member)
"Father" Urban Bacchus
“Father” Denarius Snooze
“Father” Bartholomew Ekzem
Tinker Cruso (City Council Member)
Rex Imperium (City Council Member)
Albert “Al” Clear / The Launderer (City Council Member)
Fil M. Helmer (City Council Member)
Age Aeon (City Council Member)
Reverend / Pastor Mitchell Canon (City Council Member)
Adam Ordnung (City Council Member)
Castor Montan
Robert "Rec" Eiver
Engelbert Mohn (Scientist)
Friedrich Waldmann (Scientist)
Ignaz Gottlieb Färber (Scientist)
Ovid Crows (Oracle)
Rise of the Marauders
Gene Corner (Leader)
Broken Heart Cult / Cult of the Broken Heart
Grey Mane Club
Followers of the Moon
Blood Moorn Order
Church of the Righteous Cross
Lupus Industries
Owens Minerals and Metal Works
Trailer Park Town
The City
The “Peace”
Fauna Republic
Tigris Empire
Misc / For Later / Future stories
Chadli Spox
Claire du Rand
Sasha du Rand
Shade Merango
Bradley Bear
Lukas U. Naris
Dwight Cahoon
Franz (last name yet to be determined)
Thomas Lieberg / Gilgamesh (Broken Heart Cult)
Gotthard Lieberg
Queen Mafalda the III.
Mikhail Shukov
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New York Jets: A Legacy of Grit and Hope
The New York Jets, one of the most storied franchises in the NFL, have a rich history filled with moments of triumph, heartbreak, and resilience. Established in 1960 as a charter member of the American Football League (AFL), the team has long been a beloved part of the fabric of New York sports culture.
Early Years and AFL Dominance
Originally called the New York Titans, the franchise struggled financially in its first few years before being purchased by Sonny Werblin in 1963, who renamed the team to the Jets. This change was symbolic, as it came during a time of innovation and growth for New York City, particularly with the construction of Shea Stadium near LaGuardia Airport, where the team would play for several years.
Under the leadership of head coach Weeb Ewbank and quarterback Joe Namath, the Jets became a force in the late 1960s. Namath, a larger-than-life figure with swagger and talent, guaranteed a Jets victory before the 1969 Super Bowl against the heavily favored Baltimore Colts. His bold prediction came true, and the Jets won Super Bowl III, 16–7, delivering one of the greatest upsets in NFL history. This win was significant as it solidified the AFL’s credibility and eventually led to the AFL-NFL merger.
The Post-Super Bowl Era and Challenges
After their Super Bowl win, the Jets struggled to replicate that success. The team faced several ups and downs throughout the 1970s and 1980s, with moments of promise but few deep playoff runs. While they consistently produced top-tier talent like running back Freeman McNeil and defensive lineman Mark Gastineau, the team’s inability to achieve consistent success became a source of frustration for fans.
The 1982 season was a bright spot, with the Jets reaching the AFC Championship Game, only to fall to the Miami Dolphins in the now-infamous “Mud Bowl.” Despite the loss, it was a period of growth for the franchise, driven by an aggressive defense and a developing offensive core.
The Parcells Era and Playoff Push
The Jets began to show signs of revitalization in the late 1990s when legendary coach Bill Parcells took over the reins. Parcells led the Jets to the playoffs in 1998, reaching the AFC Championship Game. While they fell short of another Super Bowl appearance, Parcells’ leadership brought a renewed sense of hope and discipline to the team, setting the foundation for future successes.
The Rex Ryan Years: Swagger and Hope
One of the most exciting periods for Jets fans came during the Rex Ryan era (2009–2014). Ryan’s larger-than-life personality and defensive mindset reinvigorated the team. With rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez at the helm, the Jets made back-to-back appearances in the AFC Championship Games in 2009 and 2010. Despite falling short both times, Ryan’s confidence and the team’s physical style of play gave fans reason to believe the Jets were on the cusp of something special.
Players like Darrelle Revis, one of the best cornerbacks in NFL history, became the face of the franchise during this period. Revis Island, as he was known, consistently shut down the league’s best receivers, making the Jets’ defense a nightmare for opponents.
Recent Struggles and Rebuilding
The last decade has been difficult for the Jets, marked by coaching changes, quarterback instability, and a lack of playoff appearances. While the team has consistently sought to rebuild through the NFL Draft and free agency, results have often been disappointing.
The 2021 season saw the arrival of Robert Saleh as head coach, bringing a new sense of optimism to the franchise. With young talents like quarterback Zach Wilson, defensive tackle Quinnen Williams, and wide receiver Garrett Wilson, the Jets are in the midst of a rebuild aimed at long-term success.
A Fan Base Rooted in Hope
Through thick and thin, the Jets fanbase has remained loyal, embodying the spirit of resilience. The “Gang Green” faithful continue to pack MetLife Stadium, holding onto the hope that their team will once again rise to the top of the NFL. As the franchise works toward finding the right mix of talent, leadership, and luck, the story of the New York Jets is far from over.
The New York Jets are more than just a football team — they are a symbol of perseverance and loyalty. From their iconic Super Bowl III victory to their ongoing quest for consistency, the Jets’ journey is one filled with moments of brilliance and heartbreak. As the franchise looks to the future, fans can take solace in knowing that the spirit of the Black Knight remains, and the hope for another Super Bowl victory endures.
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mrqu3nt1n · 4 months
Ronan Cousland
Warden Commander of Ferelden
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"This is the path I've chosen. I am a Cousland after all and we do what must be done. ."
Youngest child of Teryn Bryce Cousland and Eleanor Cousland. Ronan is one of the few remaining after a treacherous attack that happened on Castle Cousland in Highever, Ferelden orchestrated by Arl Rendon Howe, a man who was once their friend.
Main Information:
Full name: Ronan Cousland
Titles: Warden Commander of Ferelden, the Hero of Ferelden, Champion of Redcliffe, Ser/Lord Cousland, Prince Consort of Ferelden (future)
Nicknames: Ro, Handsome Commander, Sweetheart, My Heart (used by Alistair only)
Birthdate: 9:05 Dragon
Age: 22 (Dragon Age Origins), 30-32 (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Gender: Male (he/him/his)
Sexuality: Gay
Nationality: Fereldan
Languages: English, a little Dalish thanks to Zevran
Current Location: Denerim, Ferelden
Occupation: Warden Commander of Ferelden, Prince Consort
Hair colour: Brown
Hair style: Usually slicked back, kept short
Eye colour: Dark blue
Height: 5'8 or 172cm
Weight: 178lbs
Scars: Large one crossing the bridge of his nose, knuckles and chest though the most noticeable is on his face.
Tattoos: Many, he'd got countless. Both of his arms, pieces go onto his chest, has a couple on his legs and back as well.
Clothing Style: Nobility, Warden Commander outfit when going off to battle.
Faceclaim: Tom Hardy
First impression: Ronan can be seen as rather cold when first met, he never seems to have his guard down around people unless he knows them but he is incredibly good at taking control of situations, Ronan knows when people are bullshitting him no matter what.
What he is really like: He's a damaged man, he was thrown into a job that he barely even had the skills for after leaving his parents to die after the attack on his home. Ronan in reality struggles a lot but he was lucky enough to have people to support him. Once you get through his defenses he's a gentle and charming man, he only ever truly relaxes when he is with Alistair though.
Positive traits: Charming, head-strong, natural leader, intelligent, strategic, protective, honourable
Negative traits: Blunt, cold, secretive, self-depricating, prone to burn himself out, jealous
Likes: Duelling, riding, swimming, training younger soldiers
Dislikes: The Deep Roads, spiders, getting hurt, rejection
Father: Bryce Cousland (deceased)
Mother: Eleanor Cousland (deceased)
Brother: Fergus Cousland
Sister-in-law: Oriana Cousland (deceased)
Nephew: Oren Cousland (deceased)
Lover/Fiancé/Best-friend: King Alistair Theirin
Close friends: Morrigan, Zevran Arainai, Leliana, Wynne, Rex (Mabari)
Friends: Cullen Rutherford, Garrett Hawke, Ambrose Trevelyan, Cassandra Pentaghast, Josephine Montilyet, Teagan Guerrin, Duncan (deceased), Nathaniel Howe (former enemy), Anders
Children: Kieran (son with Morrigan), Alexander Theirin (adopted son with Alistair)
Dragon Age/Roleplay Info:
Class: Warrior
Specialisation: Champion
Abilities: War Cry, Rally, Motivate, Superiority, Warden training.
Shipped with: Alistair Theirin, he can have platonic ships but his endgame is Alistair and it will be forever.
Genres: Romance, angst/comfort, fluff, familial, horror, action-adventure, modern era, medieval era, nsfw (18+), sfw (all)
I will add to this with anymore information I can think of, thank you for reading this :) - Quentin
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Shane Ghostkeeper Shares Classic Rock-Style Tune “Sunbeam” from New Album ‘Songs For My People’
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Fans of independent Canadian music will likely recognize the name Shane Ghostkeeper from his namesake project GHOSTKEEPER, a band that has been responsible for some of the more thrilling music to emerge from Alberta during the last 15 years. But while his parent band trades in a highly unique, left-of-centre approach to indie rock, Shane Ghostkeeper’s new album, Songs For My People, is a deeply reverential tribute to the music he absorbed while growing up in the Northern Alberta Métis communities of Paddle Prairie, High Level, and Rocky Lane. Truly a family affair, it’s out now on Victory Pool Records and can be streamed here.
From the opening notes of the album, this notion rings true wholeheartedly; shades of classic boot stompin’ anthems shine through, offering glimmers of Waylon Jennings, Johnny Horton, and Conway Twitty; and the singer took a particular shred of influence from the “Bakersfield sound” scene, a strain of ’60s-era artists that infused traditional country & western songwriting with the electrified, then-new zing of rock & roll.
Presented “as a gift to my people, an exploration of the country & western and roots records they surrounded me with since childhood,” it wouldn’t truly be a Shane Ghostkeeper project without a few flashes of sonic risk-taking, with the latest single “Sunbeam” sporting a lightly psychedelic overcoat in tribute to Shane’s T. Rex and Led Zeppelin-loving Uncle Tucker. 
"Sunbeam was written for my late Uncle Tucker and the family he left behind. I was unable to attend his funeral so I wrote this to express my condolences and support for my Aunty Lorraine and my cousins. Tucker was a huge force in the Paddle Prairie Metis Settlement community and beyond, and he was a fiercely dedicated father and husband.”
Further extending the concept of “family,” Shane recruited a close-knit crew of collaborators to help him bring this project to life. Producer extraordinaire Lorrie Matheson (Rae Spoon, Art Bergmann), who has been part of the Ghostkeeper world since day one, and bandmates in the main Ghostkeeper band: drummer Eric Hamelin (known for his work with JOYFULTALK and drumming on Alvvays’ smash hit “Archie, Marry Me”), bassist Ryan Bourne (Chad Van Gaalen), and guitarist and pedal steel player Wayne Garrett (Surf Kitties). 
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goprotoz · 2 years
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Books for UI UX Designers
Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug
The Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garrett
Seductive Interaction Design by Stephen Anderson
Designing Interfaces by Jenifer Tidwell
Sprint by Jake Knapp
About Face by Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin & Christopher Noessel
The UX Book by Rex Hartson and Pardha Pyla
The Shape of Design by Frank Chimero
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