#Revealtion 5
graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Revelation 5: The Seven-Sealed Scroll
As John watched, a paean of praise broke forth. It was only then John saw that the right hand of the One sitting upon the throne. #Revelation5 #Sevenseals #SevenSealedScroll
It makes sense the throne would have captured John’s attention first. It was at the center of his vision, glorious, radiating a cascade of rainbow light. That he noticed the elders next also makes sense, as they were human in appearance. The four living beasts were also at the center of the scene, and their unique presentation must have taken time to take in. As John watched, a paean of praise…
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hazelolive · 4 years
*2 hours after Damien is All settled in at the hall of lazereth and Kera is back at the hall of lamentation*
Kera was sitting alone in her room just absentmindedly doodly something in her sketch book. When she had a startling revealtion!
She got up and straight ran to the Avatar of Wraths room.
"Satan! I have a bone to pick with you."
The blond let out a sigh and put the book he had been reading down. While he didnt always like the nicknames she used to address him the fact that she was using his full name showed she meant business.
"Why what is it this time?"
"I just realized something!"
"And that would be?" He said with a slight sigh he had just gotten to a really good part in his book so he was hoping this wouldnt take to long.
"When Damien was questioned as to why and how he showed up to that student council meeting he said a blond demon had told him to go there."
"And Im not much of a detective but you happened to have left the room only 15 minutes prior to him showing up. And Your hair color matches the demons in question."
The avatar of wrath didnt get to see this side of Kera very often. Honeslty he found it a little attractive whenever she decided to use her detective anaylis skills to try and solve what was going on. Espically since he was the guilty party in this case. You would never be able to get him to admit it though. And just maybe hed be able to use a cheesy line or two he'd had saved up but only if the right opurtunity presented itself.
"I cannot deny that fact but I believe you have no solid evidence to paint me as your guilty party. Im nowhere near the only demon at school with blond hair."
"But you are the only one on the student council."
"While that may be true it is common knowledge to most of the student body where the Student council room is."
"But That room is off limits to them and I dont think many would be so bold as to venture over there. And even if they were a with the sheer timing of the encounter with Damien do to his poor sense of direction itd have to be someone who knew the student council schedule and had just left from the meeting so they wouldnt be to far away from the scene of the crime yet and could provide directions that even he couldnt mess up."
"Meaning it could only have been you."
He had gotten closer to her during her rebuttal close enough to quickly lean it towards her at a moments notice. Which he close to do just then.
"Thats some pretty damming evidence there. I'll can confirm your accusations but my next question will be why?"
"Yes why or I guess we can say what. Youve caught me red handed. I was the one who gave that lost demon directions. What are you going to do now." He said leaning down with a smirk on his face inches away from hers.
She flushed a little had a light blush on her face but shoved him back.
"Im going to ask you why."
Huh? He wasnt exspecting this reaction.
"Damien told me how frantic and panicked he was but I know how he must of looked from the outside. A slightly crazed demon covered in dirt stains frantically asking anyone he can where Kera is."
"He was my friend yes but what if he hadnt been? What if he was some sort of crazed stalker that he just carelessly sent into the room where I was."
Oh. All the pieces decided to click into his brain right then and there. Kera was worried and thought he had just carelessly sent a stray crazy demon after her.
"I see."
"You see! Is that all you have to say! What if he had been dangerous!" She said starting to get all mad.
He would give Kera credit where it was due and admit that when Kera got really angry she was a force to be reckoned with almost on the same level as his own. But she was also adorable when she was just a little huffy.
"As much as I hate to say anything positive about this man but you were in the same room as Lucifer and the king of the devildom. Even if he were a threat he would of been quickly dealt with. Because I heard that story to and that Damien gave Lucifer quite the headache which is a win in my book."
"Yeah but what if they hadnt been."
He walked towards Kera and grabbed her chin tilting it up so she was making eye contact with him instead of looking at the ground.
"I knew they were going to be since I heard Diavolo say he wanted to speak with Lucifer after the meeting. Besides even if they werent lets not forget youve came a long way since youve first got here. You went from not being able to defend yourself or use magic at all to knowing basic to medium level spells. So I know for a fact that you couldve sent him running if you needed."
"Lets face it your almost as scary as me when you get mad."
She said and decided to puff out her cheeks
"Yes almost." He said deflating her cheeks with two fingers. She was so cute and he wanted nothing more to kiss her in that moment but didnt feel like it would be the most appropriate. So he let go and was about to take a step away. When she suddenly decided to kiss him on the cheek.
He blinked 5 times in a row in confusion.
"Thank you." She said twisting her fingers a little bit most likely slightly self conscious. He wanted to say something witty and clever back. Anything but found himself stunned and speechless.
Kera simply giggled at the blush on his cheeks and the hand that was now glued to his face where she had kissed him.
That'd show em to tease her. She ran out of the room quickly and decisevely before he came back to his senses and tried to get his own version of revenge.
@buttered-ghost-toast @anjchan8
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tomkaastra-blog · 7 years
        So I looked, and there was a Lamb, slaughtered but standing tall. He came to the One Seated on the Throne and took the scroll from his right hand. The moment he took the scroll, [the heavenly hosts] fell down and worshiped the Lamb.  And they sang a new song:
Worthy! Take the scroll, open its seals. Slain! Paying in blood, you bought men and women, Bought them back from all over the earth,
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goalsuccess777 · 5 years
Sabbath Or The Lords Day
7 May 2012 First Posted in Facebook
                     SABBATH, AND THE LORD' S DAY
IN YESHUA we who belive in him have Freedom, we have been freed from the law wich was a heavy burden . by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.gal 2-16 For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. gal 2-19
yashua having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. colossians 2-14
I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.” gal 2-21
Matthew 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." means that if yashua is with you he is greater than the temple wherein if the priestst profane the sabbath even then remain blameless matthew 12-5 HE is greater than the temple.he it is who gave the commandment of sabbath,he is the creator he has all rights with him regarding sabbath.
hence if he is living in you you are free from the law and He being the lord of sabbath you can go around with your regular work for he said “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” john 5-16.17 in response to the sabbath issue.
Further more  One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. Romans 14-5,6 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ colossians 2-16.17
now this is all about sabbath the 7 th day that is saturday.
but in the church age we the true christian belivers observe the lords day that is sunday the 1 st day of the week and this is from the 1st century apostellic times
Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb john 20-1
Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?”
She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.”
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!”
She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher). john 20- 14 to 16
Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. luke 24-13,30,31
Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. john 20-19,20
Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight .ACTS 20-7
LORD YESHUA gave his revelation to john on the lords day that is the first day of the week that is sunday revelastion 1-10    I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. says john
hence we see that the lord was resurrected on the first day of the week, He began revealing himself to the disciples on that day,He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them, to his disciples on the 1st day of the week after His Resurrection,        The church broke the bread on first day of the week and john recived the revealtion on the Lords day that is sunday
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The bitch named Karma: Section 8
Optimus was waiting at the door for me. "You're late. Why is he here?" "Because I'm his sparkmate and it will cause more stress to be apart from me than his carrier. Speaking of which, I will be going to see daily. If you do not agree to at least that then I will defect and go there full time. I will not allow you to hurt Jazz more than he already has been. He's a sparkling and he needs his carrier." Optimus didn't say anything for a few long kliks before he walked away from me... Jazz wasn't so sure about everyone crowding him. They all wanted to mush over him but he wasn't having any of it. Sunstreaker plopped down beside me snarling at the others mechs and sending them scurrying away. "You called." I didn't look over at him as my fingers rubbed over Jazz's back. "I have a favor to ask of you." He grunted. "I'm listening." "It'll cost you almost a deca-cycle in the brig." He snapped his optics to me but I shoved him away. "I want you to start a fight with me ." He growled. "Why?!" "Jazz needs his carrier and being here is not the best situation for him. Do you agree?" He sighed. "Fine. I owe you one for sending me into the lake anyhow... Why don't you go run back to the cons Prowl?!" Jazz looked between us before he smirked. "Yer just as sneaky as ah am." "Watch your mouth Sunstreaker. I am still your Superior officer." His lips pulled up and a few mechs noticed us. "My superior officer?! Or Megatron's fragging lap dog?! Let's face it Prowl! You've been over there for 5 vorns without even looking back!" "You're going to be spending time in the brig if you don't watch your glossa." His optics flicked over was Optimus stepped into the room before he lunged at me. We tumbled over the back of the couch, managing to crush my door as he got in a punch that made my helm swim. It hurt bad but if it got Jazz back home it was worth it. I managed to flip us over as Optimus yelled at us. Sunstreaker kicked me off of him and took another swing that he left open for Optimus to catch. "Enough! Sunstreaker you will explain what is going on this instant!" He was jerked away from me as Ironhide hurried over to help me up. "What the frag was that about?! You OK Prowl?!" I grunted, trying to put weight on my left leg only for it to buckle as Jazz scrambled up into my arms whirling loudly. *I trust that was good enough for you Prowl.* *Yes Sunstreaker. That was perfect. I owe you one.* He snarled, making too lunge at me when Optimus loosened his grip. Sideswipe stepped into the room and ran over looking at me. "What the frag is going on Sunny?!" "Don't fragging call me that!" Optimus shoved him from the room I was taken down to the medbay to get fixed up....... Ironhide stopped beside me and a door twitched without looking up. Jazz shifted over slightly, he knew what was coming and I didn't want him caught in the cross fire. "Can I help you?" "Lose the sparkling and stand up Prowl." Jazz jumped from my lap yelling for help as he threw a punch that knocked me dizzy for a moment. I growled, swinging back as he smirked. *Gotta hand it to you Prowl. You don't mess around when your being a sneaky fragger.* *How about you take it a little easier on the next punch. I said make it look good, not take my helm off.* He chuckled and lunged as Optimus came running into the room in time for another mech I hadn't made a deal with to grab me from behind. "Knock his con loving helm off!" Ironhide froze and I glared. *You heard the mech. Don't let on its fake!* He laughed and drove his fist into my middle making my tank turn before Optimus yanked them both off me. My knees hit the floor and I was glad he hadn't hit me any harder than he did. "What in Primus name is going on here?! Take him to the brig and lock him up with your brother! Ratchet, take Prowl to the medbay! Again!" The other mech was grabbed and yanked along as he smirked at me. I really hoped I didn't have real enemies here.... Optimus stepped into the medbay as Ratchet worked at repairing the cracked struts. "This is the second time in a week he's landed in my medbay because he got beat up, Prime!" Optimus gave me a systematic look as he patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry old friend. I do not understand why they are acting like that." I pulled my shoulder from his hand. "5 vorns I spent with Megatron with only one scuffle that resulted in damage to a door. I was back here barely 1 week and I've been sent to the medbay twice because I've been attacked under your watch. Maybe it's just me, but Megatron was doing a far better job of keeping me online than you are." He swallowed hard, looking at me as Ratchet jacked in to take me offline while he fixed some of the more expensive damage to my middle.... Jazz POV: I really had to hand it to him. Prowl was one pit of an actor. The big mech was already discussing sending him back to my carrier as the medic fixed him. I wished he didn't have to get hurt but I would be glad to get home to my creators and sister. Ratchet seemed to think it wouldn't take to long yet to get him fixed. "Why don't you hop down Jazz? I don't want to risk you getting caught in the cross fire if Prowl reacting badly when he wakes." The big mech, Optimus set me gently on my peds beside the table. I sighed stretching as far as I could to see my sparkmate but it wasn't enough. Finally, I gave up and decided to poke around. I hadn't explored this room yet, there might be some cool places to hide in that back room. A mischievous grin spread over my face before I darted towards it and slipped inside. It was dark in here so I had to adjust my visor to the low light. Nothing stood out too much, the walls were bare, the few tables that littered the room were all empty. All but one... A clothe was draped over it and it looked like there may be someone recharging under there. My helm tipped to the side before I grinned wide and ran over to climb my way to the top. "Hi! Whatcha doing back here?" No one answered for a few seconds and I tapped at their chest. "Ya feeling OK? Could get the medic.... Why won't ya talk to meh?" He still didn't do so much as push the the cover back to look at me, so I yanked it down to see if he was really recharging or just trying to wait me out. I blinked as I saw his optics were offline, and gently reached out to touch his face, only to find he was cold. Mine brightened so much and I jerked my hand back with a whimper. This mech wasn't recharging... He had offlined..." I pulled my hand back to my chest as I looked at him. Something about him seemed very familiar but I was sure I'd never met him before. My frame shifted a little closer so I could see him better and that only made the feeling get worse. "Wonder what happened to ya..." Very carefully I touched his cheek, though a sudden flash of memories I didn't recalling having before filled my mind making me gasp. I saw my carrier coming towards me, but the giddy joy I usually felt when he chased me was absent. In its stead was a jumble of nervous determination, longing and I drive to change something I couldn't quite catch before a new revealtion settled in my mind. This mech was me! I was offline! My carrier had ripped me in half and tossed me way like garbage... My vents whirled as a broken sob ripped its way from my vocalizer before I was running to the one person that always made me feel better. "Prowl!!" Prowl POV: The sudden scream of my name had me bolting from the table as Jazz came at me just as fast as he could from the back room where his old frame was kept. He slammed into me, sobbing so hard I worried he might do damage. "Its meh! It's meh! He killed meh, carrier killed meh!" His frame trembled so hard against mine as Ratchet looked like he might glitch. "Shh Jazz... I know, it's alright." His fingers curled so tight into my chest it hurt while he screamed so loud he glitched his vocalizer. "Primus is it really him?!..." Ratchet looked hopeful but unwilling to let himself believe just yet. "Yes Ratchet. It's really him." Optimus narrowed his optics at me suddenly. "You knew. How long?" Jazz's shuddering eased just a bit as I held him tighter. "The day before he offlined. My sister was contacted by Soundwave who informed her that Megatron was going through a heat cycle. He's the master mind behind this plan. He told me what they had wanted to do and ask for my approval. Those 3 vorns without him were well worth it to have peace again. Don't you think Sir?" They both just looked at me before I took Jazz somewhere quite so he could come to terms with everything without being pestered by a bunch of mechs. They would be swarming him soon enough.... His sobs finally turned to soft sniffles and hiccups as he laid against me. "That really true Prowl?... Ah left so ya could stop fighting?..." I sighed, rubbing over his back. "Yes. That's the reason you like me so much. We were together before, we were bonded. I was worried I had not made the right choice when you were gone so long Jazz... I am glad to have you back..." He swallowed hard, before his optics flicked to mine. "Ah wish ah could remember everything... Just keep seeing meh carrier look at meh with such hate! Ah don't think ah can see him again!" "What happened is over-" "Not for meh it isn't! Ya didn't have to see him hate ya as he ripped ya in half! Ah can't see him again after that!" Tears started anew as I tried to clear them away. "Oh Jazz... I know that it hurts to think about, but things have changed. 10 vorns ago your carrier would have ripped my doors off without giving me a second glance." "Yer not helpin..." "The point is, he's changed a lot. And you're to blame for that. You and Starchime mean the whole world to him Jazz. There's is nothing that could make him hurt you now. Trust me, I've seen the way he acts around you and he is not the same mech that hurt you before." He wouldn't look at me as he clung to my chest. "Ah don't think ah'll ever be able to look at him the same..." "It will take time. I'm sure he will not force you..." He didn't say anything else as I cradled him in my arms. *I'm sorry. Jazz went exploring while I was in the medbay and found his offline frame. He remembers what you did to him and is very distressed. I will try to calm him down but I'm not sure if he'll trust you for some time now.* The data-burst pinged as received before one came back. *I know. I sent Ravage to watch you while you're there.* My brows furrowed as I looked up to the vent. That was the only place he could be. "You had better not be caught sneaking around. Get down here." Jazz looked at me, confused until the vent grate clattered to the floor and Ravage was on the bed. He nuzzled into Jazz who tugged him into our cuddle pile. "Hey Kitty... Sparker sent ya, didn't he?" "No. Your carrier did. He worries over you Jazz, just as I do." He snorted. "Yeah, so much so he ripped meh in half and threw meh off a building." I blew out a vent, watching him. "Ya should have told meh. Ya knew and ya said nothing." He pushed away from me suddenly leaving me feeling very open. "Where are you going?" "Anywhere yer not!" My spark clenched inside its casing and the cat bot looked between us rapidly. "Go with him Ravage." His optics caught mine and I pushed him lightly. "I'll be OK. He needs someone he knows." He just looked at me for a second before pushing his helm into my hand letting me rub his audios. Then he left through the still open door leaving me to myself... I groaned as my blade slid through my protoform. Energon trickled down my plating as the pain helped to numb my spark. My denta clenched and unclenched a few times as my optics flickered. The door opened suddenly and they brightened, jerking around to see who had entered. Jazz was standing there, optics just as bright as mine before he scrambled into my arms. "Ah'll get Ratchet!" My arms tightened around him, keeping him with me. "No. I need you with me..." "But yer hurt! What happened?!" His fingers ran over my sliced protoform and tears ran down his face. "I would rather have the pain on my frame than my spark. I will be fine, this is hardly the first time I've cut Jazz." He looked really distressed as I rubbed down his face. "Ya did that, because ah left... Didn't ya?..." I blew out a vent and held him tighter. "Let me weld the plate back into place then we'll go do what ever you want." "Yer not getting away that easy! Yer gone to Ratchet to get that fixed even if ah gotta drag ya there! Let's go!" He stood up, yanking me to my peds. "Jazz I don't-" "Ya lost the right to tell meh what ya need when ya ripped yer plating off and sliced through yer protoform! Move, Prowler! For ah gotta someone to make ya!" He was very insistent and I had doubts he would let up until I went. With a vent I let him tug me across the room and out the door towards Ratchet.... Jazz POV: I glared at Prowl as he came online once more. He groaned, lifting a hand to flop over his optics. "Yeah. That's what ya get! Doing something so fragging stupid! Y'all be lucky if ah don't have sparker lock ya up so ah know yer not gonna hurt yerself!" One optic peeked out before he had me in his arms halting any farther rant that may have been voiced. "Unless you were with me, that would only make things so much worse..." Fingers ran down my back, soothing away my worry until I was as calm as I could be once more. "I am sorry for causing you so much distress. I had expected to be finished by the time you got back. I would not have inflicted more damage than my self repairs could handle." My optics narrowed as a short wave of old memories from when I was the other mech filled my mind. This was what he had been doing when is caught him cleaning his blade before. Cut himself sharpening it my aft! I should have seen through that. "Get him back to the room and make him behave himself!" Prowl grunted. "Jazz is always well behaved for me." "I was talking to Jazz! He's the only one that seems to be able to keep you in line! I'm sure if he'd remembered he would kick your aft for all the old damage there!" The angry medic swung a wrench at him but I caught it before it could hit and managed to bite his wrist, making him drop it. "You are lucky you're so young! You try that when you're a grown mech again and I'll yank your denta out!" Her slammed the wrench to the table but I just snorted. Prowl wouldn't let him follow through with the threat. "Come on Prowler. Ah'll get ya settled in bed." I glared at the medic for good measure as Prowl scooped me up and carried me away....
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graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Revelation: The Lion is a Lamb
For prophets, visions tend to be highly symbolic, with imagery that arouses heightened passions as well as points to an absolute reality. In a sense, visions are both a veil, and a veil being removed. #Revelation5 #LionisaLamb #SevenEyes #SevenHorns
Symbology For prophets, visions tend to be highly symbolic, with imagery that arouses heightened passions as well as points to an absolute reality. In a sense, visions are both a veil, and a veil being removed. A veil, because what is seen only represents, or indicates, the true reality. But also a removal of the veil, for once the symbology has been deciphered, what is revealed displays a…
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