oallisonandrade · 4 years
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Essa série, que é uma das minhas histórias e jornadas favoritas de autodescoberta e de superação e de sobrevivência em um mundo caótico e opressor, escrita por uma das minhas autoras favoritas, foi finalizada pela segunda vez em Março de 2020. Era pra ter sido só uma trilogia lá em 2014, e aí a mulher apareceu dizendo que teria mais 3 livros e agora seria uma série de 6 e eu fiquei ??ué?? mas super animado. Mesmo enrolando mais um pouco, me esforcei pra ler tudo desde o começo e pegar finalmente o fim do livro 3 (que era originalmente o final; e só fui terminar em 2019, mais de um ano depois que me propus a começar do zero). Também enrolei mais ainda pra ler essa nova parte da série pelo tempo que consegui e agora, quase 1 ano depois do lançamento do último livro, ela finalmente acabou pra mim. E eu tô muito triste e feliz e me sentindo grato e, acima de tudo, satisfeito. Só queria deixar isso registrado aqui mesmo. Obrigado pelos estresses, Tahereh. ❤️
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [26] - Breaking the Rules
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Fighting for the crown comes with decisions.
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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Growing up as your father’s heir, you had to memorize certain rules.
Honoring the alliances was one of them. No family could survive on its own in this line of work against all the others, and it was a matter of honor not to cross or go behind your allies.
Not putting civilians in danger was another. The business and its deals or disagreements could only affect the people who chose to be in it, civilians were always off limits.
But the most important rule that was drilled into your and every heir’s head?
Never, ever do anything to break the truce.
Your head shot up and you tried to smile at Becca. “Yeah?”
“Are you okay?”
No you really weren’t.
What you and Bucky were planning was way too dangerous, which meant that you couldn’t say that to anyone, Becca included.
“Sure!” you said as Leila came back to the table, carrying coffees.
“Thanks babe,” Becca pecked her on the lips and she smiled at her.
“Not a problem!” she said. “So, is there any reason why you look so gloomy, Y/N?”
“Gloomy?” you asked with a small laugh. “I don’t look gloomy.”
“Is Ethan being his tortured lover self again?”
“He’s not—” you stopped yourself. “I haven’t talked to him in a while actually.”
“Bucky then?”
“Oh is this about that girl you told me about?” Becca asked. “Anna?”
You blinked a couple of times. “Uh…”
“Anna?” Leila asked and Becca waved a hand in the air.
“This incredibly hot woman Bucky is doing business with.”
“Did I say she was incredibly hot?”
“You said hot and I stalked her,” Becca said helpfully, “She is incredibly hot.”
“Thanks a lot Bec,” you muttered and Leila tilted her head.
“Let me see!”
“I’m not gloomy because of Anna,” you said and paused for a moment. “Although, Bucky does have a meeting with her today.”
“Here,” Becca said, handing her the phone and Leila raised her brows, staring at the screen before licking her lips.
“Maybe she just has a terrible personality.”
“You guys are the best,” you muttered and Becca let out a laugh.
“We’re joking, obviously you’re hotter.”
“For some reason I highly doubt that,” you pointed out and Leila rolled her eyes at you.
“You are,” she said. “But jealousy is less about looks and more about the vibes.”
“I’m not jealous!” you said, your voice going a pitch higher before you cleared your throat. “I wasn’t even thinking about her until you brought her up.”
“Then what—” Becca started but your phone started vibrating on the table, making you grimace when your eyes fell on the caller ID.
“Excuse me for a moment,” you said and grabbed your phone, then walked out of the café to answer it. “Auntie?”
“Y/N hi honey!” her cheerful voice reached you. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
“Nah, I’m just with my friends,” you said and she hummed.
“Well then, clear out your schedule for the afternoon because we’re having an aunt-niece lunch,” she said, making your eyes widen.
“Oh I actually—I had this thing—”
“I already made the reservation, I’ll send you the details,” she cut off your stammering. “See you in two hours!”
With that, she hung up and you threw your head back, letting out a groan.
“Great,” you muttered to yourself. “Just what I needed today.”
Of course your aunt had picked a restaurant in your father’s territory and of course it was already swarming with your father’s people. Unlike you, she had no problem with being followed by bodyguards even if the restaurant seemed to be closed to any other people but you two and the bodyguards, so you tried not to roll your eyes as you sat down, the waitress bringing your food almost immediately. You pulled your brows together and your aunt sat up straighter.
“I ordered for the both of us already,” she said, making you hum.
“Wonderful,” you said. “Thanks.”
“So,” she smiled at you. “I figured today is as good of a day as any to catch up!”
No, today was supposed to be about you having an existential crisis at home, and yet here you were.
“How’s marriage going?”
Jesus Christ.
“It’s going well,” you said curtly before digging into the salad in front of you. “And you? How are you after the break up?”
“Oh,” she waved a dismissive hand. “Let’s not talk about that. Bucky seems like he grew into such a gentleman!”
“Mm hm.”
“And George is happy being retired?”
You thought for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Bucky is doing a great job,” you said, unaware of the proud tone in your voice. “So yes. He probably does miss being more involved in the business but it’s Bucky’s time now. George knows it.”
“Promising heir turns into successful king, not much of a surprise there,” she commented and you sipped your wine.
“And speaking of heirs…” your aunt said, making your eyes shoot up to hers.
Yeah, you had walked right into that.
You knew that everything you said and did, even the smallest reaction would be reported back to either Ian or your father, so you had to keep your calm. Even though anger had started to boil deep inside you, you lowered your wine glass, tilting your head at her.
“Your father may have mentioned that things between you and him are rather tense lately,” she said. “Especially after him naming Ian as his heir.”
You frowned, feigning confusion before taking your fork into your mouth again.
“I didn’t think they were tense,” you said after swallowing your bite. “Is that what he thinks?”
She paused only for a moment.
“It is,” she said. “And you know how important family is. We don’t always have to see eye to eye, but we do have to support each other.”
“Does father think I won’t support Ian?” you asked silkily and she licked her lips, deep in thought.
“Ian worked really hard to be where he is right now, Y/N,” she said, making you pull your brows together. “I am aware that you might feel some resentment but that position belongs to Ian now. And we as his family must make sure to make his job easier.”
You wanted to laugh at the audacity but managed to keep your expression under control. Of course she supported him, that much wasn’t surprising but—
Ian working for where he was?
He hadn’t even bothered to go through half of the training you had.
“I don’t know why you’re telling me this,” you told her. “It’s father’s job to make Ian’s job easier, he was the one who named him heir. What I think about his decision doesn’t hold any power in this, I’m not in the business—”
“Yes you are.”
You scoffed. “Well, that’s news to me then. Do you know something I don’t?”
She shot you a look.
“You and I both know that some bosses in the city support you to become the heir, not Ian.”
You bit back a smirk and took another sip of your wine.
“Which is normal, outsiders can have different ideas, it’s the family that decides on the heir,” she said. “But Bucky…Bucky is family now.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t control Bucky.”
“Yes you do,” she insisted. “And Bucky doesn’t necessarily like Ian, does he?”
The realization dawned on you in a second; your father hadn’t put your aunt up to this.
Ian had, because he felt threatened by Bucky.
Which in all honesty was a bit insulting, because even with other bosses supporting you to become the heir, he still didn’t think you yourself were a viable threat to him.
You pushed at your salad with your fork, pretending to be nonchalant.
“Strange as it may sound, me and Bucky don’t really spend our time talking about Ian,” you said and your aunt heaved a sigh, then reached out to clasp her hand over yours.
“Honey,” she said. “You know what will happen if a war breaks out.”
“Tell that to Ian, not me,” you said. “He seemed to be very interested in a war the last time we spoke. I know what happens if a war breaks out, does he?”
“He’s still very excited to prove himself,” she said, making you clench your jaw. “So he may come across a bit… wild but he will not start a war.”
“Funny how everyone around him seems to have to make excuses for him.”
“So many people died before the truce,” she insisted. “So many families. I know that your father promised you that position, but you cannot set the whole city on fire just because he changed his mind. Ian is the heir now, you and everyone else need to make your peace with it.”
Anger was pulsing through your veins and you dug your fingernails into your palm, then pushed at your plate and stood up.
“I have this thing, so…”
“And for the record, I’m not setting the whole city on fire,” you told her. “Make sure to hear the same thing from Ian, will you? Because from the looks of it, people aren’t that thrilled to do business with him when he’s been foaming at the mouth to start a war.”
With that, you walked out of the restaurant with your bodyguards following you.
As much as you hated to admit, your aunt’s words did manage to make you even more restless. You had tried to take a nap but it was no use, and by the time Bucky got home, you had been pacing in the apartment for almost an hour now. He had some blood on him so he had gone straight to the bathroom to take a long shower, and when he came back, he found you by the window, your gaze fixed on the skyline.
“Hey beautiful.”
You looked over your shoulder and tried to smile at him.
“Hey,” you said. “Whose blood was it?”
“Some idiot,” he said. “Not important. Are you okay?”
“How was the meeting with Anna?”
“It was good, everything is going pretty smoothly. Are you okay?”
You turned around to see him better, then nodded your head.
“Sure!” you said. “There’s uh…there’s dinner in the—”
“What’s going on?” he cut you off, stepping closer to you and you heaved a sigh, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Nothing, it’s just…it’s been a long day.”
“I thought you were meeting Becca today.”
“I did,” you said. “Then my aunt asked to have lunch together so that totally ruined my day.”
He raised his brows. “What did she say?”
“Usual bullshit,” you said. “She wants me to support Ian.”
Bucky snorted. “Yeah, that’s gonna happen.”
“And Ian is intimidated by you.”
“Good,” Bucky said. “Does he also know the only reason he’s alive is because of the truce he’s been so excited to break? Someone should let him know.”
“He thinks he’s untouchable, you know that,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “He doesn’t even carry a gun, he’s that sure of himself. Ryan carries his gun for him.”
Bucky threw his head back. “Does he—” he started but was cut off when his phone vibrated on the table. Your heart skipped a beat as he read the text message, then held up the phone.
“So…” he said. “Are we doing this tonight?”
You swallowed thickly, your heartbeat getting faster before you ran a hand over your face.
“Bucky, is this a mistake?”
He tilted his head. “Why would it be a mistake?”
“We’re ordering a hit on a shipment,” you whispered. “That’s breaking the truce.”
“Eh, it’s not like they’ll know who did it.”
“But if they somehow figure it out?” you insisted as you stepped away from him to pace in the room again. “I keep telling myself Ian is the wrong choice, but what does it say about me that I’m willing to risk war? That I’m willing to risk so much bloodshed just to get there?”
“That you have what it takes.”
“Do I?” you asked him. “At that cost? You heard the same thing I did while we were growing up, over and over again. Never break the truce—”
“We’re not breaking the truce,” he assured you. “No one will know it’s us, and even if they did somehow figure it out; your father will kill me on grounds of breaking the truce sweetheart, nothing will happen to you.”
Even the thought of it was enough to send a shiver down your spine.
“Don’t say that,” you murmured, rubbing at your eyes. “Just don’t.”
He shot you a playful smile. “I thought you wanted me dead.”
“If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead,” you grumbled as you approached the window to look outside again. “It just feels…”
“Overwhelming?” he asked you as he came closer before his hands clasped over your shoulders, massaging there, making your eyes flutter close.
“A little,” you admitted and he hummed.
 “Of course it’s overwhelming, we’re pushing you to the top.”
You opened your eyes again, then turned around to look at him better.
“Why are you risking your own life for this?”
“Because I want to see you at the top of the food chain,” he said, then flashed you a smirk. “And on top of me but—”
“Bucky,” you said warningly as if that didn’t make your stomach do a happy flip despite the tension and he chuckled.
“Because unlike what your father seems to think, you’re the right choice for this.”
“And you still think that about me even if I’m putting the truce in danger right now?” you asked and his smile widened.
“You could shoot me right now and I’d still think that, princess.”
You nibbled on your lip, a warmth spreading in your chest before you let out a bitter chuckle.
“We’re both fucked up, you do realize that?”
“I know,” he said. “But fucked up or not, will you be alright when Ian inevitably burns your father’s empire down? The empire that belongs to you?”
You swallowed thickly as he ran his fingertips over your bare arm, awakening fire underneath your skin.
“Stop playing by your father’s rules,” he said, his voice a low murmur. “It’s your game now, you make the rules.”
You pursed your lips together before taking a deep breath, then looked up at him.
“Give the order.”
Bucky smiled at you, then touched the phone’s screen before taking it to his ear.
“Do it,” he said, then hung up, making you let out a breath, your head spinning because of the adrenaline rushing through you. Bucky stepped closer to press a kiss on your temple and you rested your forehead on his chest for a moment, letting his irresistible scent fill your nostrils.
“You’re alright.”
“I’m alright,” you muttered to his chest and pulled back to nod your head as if trying to convince yourself. “I am.”
“You are,” Bucky said, then smiled at you. “So let’s get drinks and dessert, hm? To celebrate your first ever hit order in the business?”
A nervous laughter climbed up your throat. “What?”
“Yeah I’ll even put a candle on the champagne— or on the cake, I haven’t decided yet,” he told you, pulling you by the wrist through the room while you giggled.
“Bucky wait, I need to do my makeup if we’re going out—”
“Less whining more walking princess, come on,” he said and you snatched your coat off the hanger as you walked past it, then followed him out of the apartment, still smiling.
Chapter 27
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luvyeni · 2 years
hii !! would it be possible to request for a txt and nct dream reaction where their partner (preferably a fem!reader) has always felt left out by them or their friends? thank u <33
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pairings. ot5 txt x fem!reader
wc. 676
warnings. none
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—{🍰}... SOOBIN ! ⋮
When you tell him you feel left out of your friend group, he's gonna make you feel better immediately.
The moment you sighed, he was quick to figure out what the problem was so he could fix it. "what's wrong baby?"
"my friends went clubbing again, and they didn't even bother to ask me, they look like they're having so much fun." you showed him the videos.
He took your phone, putting on the table.
"let's have a movie night okay, let's ignore everyone; order some food and watch your favorite movie. would you like that love?"
—{🍰}... YEONJUN ! ⋮
he'd say something, he doesn't like his girlfriend being treated like that.
he was confused when you called him to pick you up from the library where you were doing a project with friends, because he'd only dropped you off a hour before, there was no way you were done.
but when you told him your friends were leaving you out and ignoring you making you do the project yourself, he was livid, but all he wanted was to quickly get you out of the situation, so he was out the door.
he found you in the library, and he could tell you were upset doing the project. but did your friends care? no, they were too busy laughing about something they were looking at on the phone.
"babygirl." he smiled walking up to the table. "let's go." He helped you pack everything up. "what about our project?" yeonjun turned to them.
"you mean the project in which only my girlfriend will be getting a A? figure it out, don't contact her for anything anymore, you two can figure it out together since you like doing that anyway."
—{🍰} ... BEOMGYU ! ⋮
like yeonjun, beomgyu is gonna say something.
when you first told him about your friends leaving you out, he thought you were joking, so he brushed it off, but when he actually saw it...pissed was a understatement.
He didn't want to be here in the first place, but you were so excited for him to meet your "friends", so he gave in, and let you drag him out.
But he could himself getting angrier and angrier everytime your friends would ignore something you say, or started an entire conversation WHILE you were speaking.
"princess, let's go do something else, they're clearly busy with each other, next time just go on a date with each other, don't invite my girlfriend just to leave her out."
—{🍰}... TAEHYUN ! ⋮
taehyun loves you, but he would tell you straight up, they're bad friends and you should stay away from them, he'd delete them out your life for you.
"where are you?" he pointed to the group picture. taehyun hated this group of friends you had, constantly leaving you out of everything and when they did invite you, they didn't even attempt to make you feel wanted.
"oh, they needed someone to take the photos so they made me do it." he was pissed, he was tired of them doing this to you.
"give me your phone." confused you handed it to him. he took it, blocking all their numbers.
"this has gone on far too long, they continously do this, you don't need them, i blocked them for you, leave it like that.
—{🍰}... HUENING KAI ! ⋮
kai is sweetheart, so his main priority is making you feel wanted and loved.
He heard you sniffling in your room, concerned, he walked in to see you balled up, holding your phone in your hand.
"baby what's wrong? are you hurt?" you shook your head. "it's stupid."
"it's not stupid, tell me baby." he held your head in his lap. "it's my friends, they're constantly leaving me out of things, when i ask them to hang out they say they're busy, but then they're posting pictures together." he let you cry as much as you want.
"awe baby, im so sorry they're such bad friends." he massaged your scalp. "how about we go do something, let's go to your favorite restaurant and then go see a movie, would you like that? hmm?"
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Please do the gang+Tim and curly with like a waitress (p.s I love your writing)
Omllll thank you so much! 😭🫶And yessssssssssssss I’d love to do that for you pookie!
The Gang + Shepard boys x F!Waitress reader (you can insert waiter/they to make it gn!)
Ponyboy Curtis
-hot damn
-you’re a fine waitress if he ever saw one
-he’s kinda shy tbh
-over time will get more comfortable flirting with you
-he overtips you with what little money he has
-he finds out when all your shifts are and when they end
-and always seems to come “by coincidence” whenever your shifts are
-he starts learning small things about you, asking about you to your co workers so much that literally everyone knows he likes you
-except for you, apparently
-“Well if it isn’t my favorite waitress, y/n.” Is what he always greets you with
-one day he finally asks you out
-you guys are so cute together
Johnny Cade
-he’s even more shy than pony
-he looks at you and is like internally going crazy
-when you ask him for his order he says it so quietly you need to ask him to repeat several times
-and he gets red in the face, and you patiently wait with your notepad and a smile
-“It’s ok sir, please, take your time.”
-he finally says his order loud enough for you to hear and you smile, writing on your sketchpad
-over a few weeks, he comes to the restaurant more
-and you eventually ask him out, writing down the question on your notepad, ripping it out and giving it to him
-Reading: Johnny, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?
-whenever you get back he has the biggest grin on his face, and is nodding yes eagerly
-what takes you by surprise is when he stands up, grabs your waist, and kisses you in front of everyone in the restaurant
-earning a few cheers and whoops
Sodapop Curtis
-he gets being in the service industry
-and he especially gets being attractive in the service industry
-which is why he tries not to immediately hit on you
-he’s definitely the type to call you “sweetheart”
-does subtle things like winking at you whenever you take his order
-he starts coming to that restaurant far more often and notices when you start coming to his gas station more often
-doing the same things to him, calling him sweetheart and winking whenever you check out
-it’s a mutual thing, a flirty joke between the two of you
-but one day, he decides to ask you out, and it becomes less than a joke
-you two start dating and are very cute together
-you both rant about customers being rude and kind of mutually understand the power dynamic in a way not many people do
Darry Curtis
-he’s out in the resturant with Sodapop and Ponyboy
-when he sees youre the waiter he instantly feels embarrassed of ponyboy and soda
-“You guys… stop actin’ like damn fools!”
-“Darry, why? You never act like this at restaurants.” Pony would ask
-“Just…. Stop. There’s someone I want to look good in front of.”
-“OoOoOOh someone has a crushhhhhhh.” Sodapop would tease
-as you walked over to the table, Darry was arguing with them
-“Can I help you?” You spoke up with a giggle
-Darry is red in the face as he orders for everyone
Dallas Winston
-you saw how this man treats waitresses
-he would give you no respect lol
-absolutely takes advantage of the power dynamic because he would be one of those assholes
-he calls you “sweetheart” “sweetie” “princess” and other more vulgar names
-he very obviously checks you out to even the point where your oblivious ass notices
-he probably shoots straws at you (like that one deleted scene)
-to tease flirt
-he always comes to the restaurant and it’s like ooop Dallas Winston’s coming I need coffeee this morning
-he comes to you outside of the restaurant one day
-the usual harassment
-and you turn to him and give him a nice hard slap
-and then lean up and give give a nice hard kiss
-he’s shocked, but before long blinks twice and then smirks, kissing you back
-he’s protective over you and any other guy who even winks at you at the restaurant will have Dally on their doorstep the next day
Two Bit Mathews
-he definitely tease flirts with you
-also calls you his favorite waitress like pony
-orders the most childish shit 💀
-like chocolate cake with chicken nuggies or something like that
-and he probably asks you out the soonest
-flirts with you, not as aggressive or vulgar as dally but still quite obvious
-“That’s the pretty lady who gives me discounts on Dino nuggets!” When talking about you to the gang
-you guys are cute and have inside jokes about Dino nuggies
Steve Randle
-he knows you from whenever you’ve come to get your car fixed before
-he’s always believed that you were pretty and given you discounts 
-and you do the same thing for him at your restaurant
-it’s a mutual kind of cute thing that you guys both do to each other
-even if he hadn’t already been giving you discounts for cars, you would’ve probably given him a restaurant discount too
-You are probably friends for the longest out of the gang
-one day he’s talking to soda pop about you, which is when soda pop realizes how down bad he is for you
-Sodapop makes him ask you out 
-you guys are really cute together and always do favors for each other 
Tim Shepard
-he got a booth at your restaurant
-he saw you and immediately thought you were cute 
- he acts kind of neutral around you, I mean, he still obviously flirts a bit and checks you out
- but not enough that you think you’re he’s going to do what he does 
-what he does is wait until your shift is done and meet you outside the restaurant
-and starts heavily, flirting, offering you a cigarette
-when you explain that you don’t smoke and start walking home, he follows you
-you turned to him in anger because you don’t like that he’s following you home and he surprisingly listens to you
-but he does show up the next day at your restaurant
-Eventually, he ask you out
-you say yes and every night after your shift, he walks home with you to make sure you get there safely
-and even comes back to your apartment with you sometimes 😏😏😏
Curly Shapard
-this little shit is just as obnoxious as Dally
-he checks you out very obviously
-also absolutely takes advantage of the power dynamic
-he annoys you put you put up with him because well
-he tips you pretty well
-he keeps coming at the same time and day and eventually he gets onto the usual customer chart
-where you can say “The regular?”
-and one day there’s a male costumer being particularly sleazy
-trying to grab you
-and Curly punches him hard “You don’t touch her again, asswipe.” And spits on him
-you chuckle and grin at him “Take it outside, Curly.”
-and he comes back in and this time, you ask him out
-he’s pretty protective once you two are dating and everyone’s astonished to how he pulled you
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exponho · 6 months
A confiança;
Me perguntaram dias desses se eu perdoaria alguém que me quebrasse, depois tentasse justificar, mas não, eu não perdoaria. Apesar de já ter sido a pessoa que perdoa, que insiste no lado bom das pessoas, eu não consigo mais fingir que um "perdão" restaura a confiança. E é por isso que não consigo deixar o vaso quebrado dentro da sala, ele precisa ser jogado fora, ele pode ter trincado uma, duas vezes, mas quando ele se joga da prateleira e eu o recoloco igual, mas nada muda, eu não quero mais.
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Six
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Five> < Chapter Seven
Her fingers tightened the screw of her earring, stumbling at the last step, she stopped herself from crashing onto the floor.
The breakfast table was untouched.
“Where are they ?”
Sumi pursed her lips and cocked her head towards the living room.
Taken aback at this change in routine, Khushi tiptoed into the living room.
The TV blazed on. A stern looking reporter broke the news.
“Sources have claimed that the Raizada group is entrusting their latest venture of 12 luxury hotels across India to Rocky Khandelwal. While Mr Khandelwal is new to business, his clients say he brings a youthful aspect to his work-“
“Oh Shashi!” Her mummy’s despair broke through her shock.
“It’s okay Garima . These things happen in business.”
“But why not tell us if you are going to do whatever that corrupt son-in-law tells you to do?!”
“Well, family comes first for Rajiv. But yes it would have saved us a lot of time had he told us earlier. Even yesterday, he didn’t mention a word-“
Khushi felt a feeling of dread begin in the pit of her stomach.
Had she caused this? Had that lunch caused Arnav to tell his father that the Guptas were not worth the deal? Had she and her big mouth cost her papa crores?
Her papa stood up, stunned at the tears in her eyes. 
“Come on Khushi, this is part of business “ he engulfed her in a hug. “ Disappointments are part of life beta, no need to cry over them “
“Khushi, “ her mum smiled. “Come,have breakfast. Let’s not fret anymore about this!”
Raizada Group
She stared at the imposing building. She wanted to take the day off. But with no excuse to give, she found herself driven by Hari Prakash to this swanky office.
She stepped into the air conditioned space, and took the elevator to the top floor.
Her desk brought back uncomfortable feelings from yesterday. She pushed them to the back of her mind and began to work.
By noon, she had called all the suppliers and arranged deliveries with the telephone Aman had lent her. Satisfied, she shut her notebook with a smile.
She looked up to see Arnav, walking towards her.
“Let’s have lunch? I know of this great Mexican restaura-“
That infuriatingly handsome frown appeared between his brows again.
“I am done with today’s task. And I cannot begin without suppliers and workers.All of them will come here tomorrow. So I don’t think there’s any need for me to be here now.”
“Then I’ll drop you home after lunc-”
“My driver is down. Thank you, but there’s no need for you to do that Mr. Raizada”
His frown deepened.
“What’s going on Khushi?”
“Nothing, I wish to go home.”
“Stop it! The least I am asking you is to be honest with me!”
She stared as his eyes filled with anxiety.
No matter how embarrassed she felt, she couldn’t see him distressed.
“I am sorry for what I did yesterday. I overstepped a line and I just don’t want it to happen again.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“Everything alright?”  Khushi had never been as glad to see Aman as she was now.
“Yes! I was just leaving Aman “
“The hell you are!”
“ASR!” Aman said, clearly astounded at seeing his boss lose his cool.
“In my office. Now,” Arnav gritted out in a low voice.
She took a sip from the glass of water Arnav had poured for her.
“Now will you tell me what you were saying?” he ran a hand through his hair.
“I asked you yesterday. About…the hotel deal”
Understanding dawned on him.
“Um..Khushi that-“
“It’s fine!” She hastened to cut off his explanation “My papa said it’s part of business. You don’t have to explain”
It was her turn to frown. Why did this man appear more confused than before?
“The 12 hotels, which my papa wanted ... .Your father gave it to Rocky Khandelwal. I don’t know if it was because of what I blurted out at lunch..I didn’t mean to”
She finally looked up from her lap, and saw Arnav had shock painted across his face.
“Okay”she filled the silence awkwardly.
“Khushi I need to go now, I’ll see you later”
He grabbed his coat and rushed out leaving a flustered girl behind.
“So….you are crazy about him but he sabotaged your dad?” Payal frowned.
The curling iron twisted around her locks with expertise and revealed a beautiful curl.
“Yes, that’s about it….” Khushi played with the frill on Payal’s duvet.
“Well, that isn’t surprising, you know! Everyone knows that Rocky supports Shyam Jha in elections. Half of his party’s funds are from the Khandelwals!”
Kicking off her heels, Khushi flopped on the bed.
Payal joined her.
“What is surprising is that Rajiv Raizada did that! They are actually not that kind of people”
Khushi’s face fell.
“It’s not your fault K! Arnav is a jerk if a simple question led him to give the contract to someone else!”
“He’s not a jerk.” she smiled sadly.
“God! That was quick!” Payal laughed.
“How quickly you have fallen for him…” 
“I don’t think it's that, Payal, “ she sighed.
“Then why are you not angry with him Khushi? Why are you finding yourself giving excuses for him?”she persisted.
“Ufff! My head hurts”
“Come on then, let's go watch a movie!”
Her wrist watch struck eight, as she hurried down the porch and rang the bell.
The door swung open and Garima greeted her with a broad smile. 
“Mummy? Everything alright?”
“We have company!”
“Why are you whispering?”
With a tug she pulled Khushi into the house.
She walked into the dining room, with her mum at her heels.
There under the beautiful chandelier, sat Mr Raizada and his son.
“Well Khushi, come on sit down” her papa pulled out a chair for her.
Confused and dazed, she plonked herself on the chair.
“So Khushi, how is the designing for Arnav going on?” Rajiv asked with a genuine smile.
“It’s going well Mr Raizada. I start the renovation tomorrow “
“Please beta, drop the formality! “
“Yes uncle” she muttered shyly.
“Arnav told me that you were designing a professional space for the first time?”
“Yes, but since it’s his personal office, it’s not that different “
“Khushi even designed my sister’s boutique, “ her mum chimed in proudly.
She took the chance to glance at Arnav, who had remained quiet so far. She could swear that she saw him smirk while chewing.
As the older folks chatted along, she kept looking at him, desperately wishing for mind reading abilities at that moment.
“Well, we’ll take our leave,” Rajiv uncle announced.
There amidst the clamour of chairs and fond smiles, Guptas bid the Raizadas goodbye.
“What is going on?!” Khushi screeched.
“We got the deal” her mummy bubbled up in excitement.
“They came to dinner for that?”
“It’s late Khushi” her papa loosened his tie “Go to your room now”
“Yes darling, it’s very late” With a kiss her mum followed her papa upstairs.
A girl left flustered! Again!
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
@jalebi-weds-bluetooth @barshifan @andli @shiyaravi @muttonthings @hand-picked-star @msbhagirathi @phuljari @sankititaliya @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @laadgovernors @laadgovernorandsankadevi @leila1 @hi-this-is-permabanned @arshispyaar @minpdnim @thedustyshehnai @bigfatreader @arshiradio @simplycurlz @scorpio-smiles @bengudill @exosexosekai @0218fm
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ddelicadezas · 4 months
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"Mãe, guarda o meu coração do perigo, livra-me de todo o mal pelo caminho, acalma a minha alma, guia os meus pensamentos, restaura a minha força, renova a minha fé, ilumina os meus passos, seja a minha paz em meio aos dias difíceis e turbulentos. Amém!"
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eemcintyre · 1 year
Surprise Me (Tom Cruise)
I've been pondering on this absolute unit for a while. Please appreciate the amount of time, energy, and NYC restaurant research I had to do, lol
TW- none
Summary- One of your friends, after a poor track record of setting you up on blind dates, gets one more chance and makes the most of it. You meet the date for dinner at an elegant NYC restaurant to discover that your friend has set you up with Tom Cruise.
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Y/N was one of those people who had told herself, her whole life, that she would never go on a blind date. No matter how many months or years went by of being single, she had refused to stoop to what she perceived to be such a desperate level. Moreover, she was not actively looking for a relationship, as she was generally happy on her own, living a full life of work, hobbies, travel, and friendship.
However, one lapse- one lonely, alcohol-induced, self-pitying night of self-disclosure with a friend later, and that friend, Nikki, had become obsessed with setting her up. Nikki had arranged a number of dates for her with a number of men, who despite Nikki’s good intentions, mostly turned out to be questionable at best, and occasionally were potential serial killers at worst. Tonight was Nikki’s last chance- she promised that this time would be different and would make up for all of the other terrible evenings and to just trust her. Promises, promises.
Y/N exited the taxi that had taken her to La Grande Boucherie, the restaurant that she and her date had agreed on for the evening. It was an open-air French establishment situated in an alley between two avenues. From across the street where the taxi had dropped her off, she could see fairy lights wrapped around several small trees inside the restaurant, twinkling in the descending dusk.
All she knew about her date, from their text conversations spanning the last few days and the description of Nikki, was that his name was Tom, he was handsome with dark hair, fun and energetic, and that he worked in the filmmaking business. As Y/N lived in New York, it was not at all unusual to run into people in the film industry rather frequently- even she herself had worked in costume design, and currently production design. Although, he and Nikki were both a bit vague when she asked what exactly it was that he did. She figured that meant he was probably one of those “aspiring actors” who really make their living doing guided NYC tours or waiting tables and had a bit part in a B movie once.  
Y/N had never been to La Grande Boucherie before, and it looked a little more high-end than she had anticipated. Elaborate fixtures of spherical lights hung from the vaulted ceiling, and large tropical plants provided a small canopy by one of the walls. Although “Tom” had mentioned that the place was on the elegant side, she almost wondered if she was underdressed, in a simple, mid-length, classic black dress. But she figured the date wouldn’t last a particularly long time anyway.
If tonight’s a disaster, this is the last time you set me up and I swear I’ll key your car in revenge, she texted her friend a final time before slipping her phone into her purse and crossing the busy street. She wondered why she was feeling a bit nervous when she had been on so many unsuccessful dates and her expectations had become so low. No matter how hard she tried to suppress it, it appeared that a miniscule part of her remained hopeful about finding someone. And at this point, she really had no idea what to expect, as this was a much nicer place than where her previous dates had invited her. Though, of course, men with money had just as much potential to be terrible dates as those without, she was terribly curious, and equally intimidated. What had her friend gotten her into this time?
Upon reaching the front of the restaurant, she briefly scanned her reflection in the window, adjusting her purse strap on her shoulder and shrugging. She also took a moment to evaluate the atmosphere of the restaurant up close. Soft jazz music glided through the entryway, and the building smelled of a combination of rich, sizzling French meats and soups, and the luxury perfumes and colognes of the affluent people who dined there. She was not necessarily worried about the dinner being expensive- she made enough money to be able to splurge on something nice from time to time- but doubted that the overall night’s experience would be worth it, no matter how good the meal was.
Her gaze roved over the occupants of each table, but none of them appeared to be the mysterious “Tom,” either not fitting the description or already accompanied by other guests. Luckily, “Tom” had texted her a table number to look for. Approaching the hostess’ podium, Y/N inquired “Hi. Can you point me in the direction of Table 16?”
The hostess answered with a knowing smile that puzzled Y/N. “Good evening. Of course. It’s the one in the far-right corner by that display of pink flowers.”
“Thank you,” Y/N murmured, spotting the table and the back of the head of the man sitting in one of the chairs.
“Enjoy your night, ma’am.”
“You too.”
Y/N crept slowly across the tiled restaurant floor to Table 16, frustrated with herself at how on-edge she was. Feeling like she was being observed by everyone she passed, she almost tripped on a chair leg. Rounding the last corner and reaching her destination, she braced herself to greet “Tom” and finally see what he looked like.
Sitting at the table was a man in a simple black suit and white dress shirt with the first two buttons undone. He had short, dark brown hair, a few strands brushing his forehead, with green eyes that stood out against his pale skin, and a distinctive mole on his left cheek. Y/N froze, momentarily forgetting everything about what she was going to say, where she was, what she was doing there, and how to talk.
From his seat at the table, Tom Cruise grinned and said “Hello.”
“Oh gosh… wait- oh my gosh, you’re…”
“I am,” he grinned wider and shrugged. He was about to say more, when Y/N continued:
“I am so sorry, I- I must be at the wrong table. They told me Table 16 and pointed me this way-” she gestured frantically, feeling her face grow hot.
“Well, you found it,” Tom confirmed, gesturing to the small sign on the tabletop. “This is Table 16.”
“Oh, um, well, he must have texted me the wrong number… I am so, so sorry, this is embarrassing. I was supposed to meet someone here, and…”
“Wait, hold on- is your name Y/N?” Tom inquired, cocking his head to the side.
“…Yes, it is,” she answered slowly, feeling lightheaded.
“Do you know Nikki?” He leaned toward her from his chair. The look on her face was her answer. “I think we’re supposed to go on a date tonight,” he stated matter-of-factly, beckoning to the chair across from him. “Sit down.”
“Oh, there’s got to be a mistake here somewhere…” Y/N said, her stomach performing feats of acrobatics as she stood rooted to her spot.
“You won’t even give me a chance?” he teased, fixing her with puppy-dog eyes. “I thought we got along pretty well over text.”
“No- I mean, it’s not that, I just…” Y/N brought her hands to her head in embarrassment as she stammered, finally managing to move and take a step back from the table. “I’ll be right back; I just need to- I just need to use the restroom- I’ll just be a minute.”
“You will come back, right?” he joked, although his eyes betrayed genuine concern that she was about to make an escape.
“Yes, I’ll be back.”
“Promise.” She spun around and took several rapid steps in the opposite direction of the table before she heard him call out “It’s the other way.”
“Wow. I can’t believe you; I mean, what the fu-” Y/N hissed into her phone, holed up in one of the women’s bathroom stalls of La Grande Boucherie.
“-What?” Nikki’s voice sounded from the phone speaker innocently.
“You know exactly what you did-”
“-Are you actually calling me right now to complain about being set up with Tom Cruise? I told you that I was coming in clutch for you this time.”
“What the hell are you trying to do to me?? I am not prepared for this!” She snapped, detecting the footsteps of whoever else had also been in the bathroom as they exited rapidly.
“What do you mean? I’m sure you’re wearing something nice, you always do, and I know you know how to eat…”
“Okay, okay, calm down…”
“Why didn’t you tell me??” Y/N groaned, emerging from the stall to examine her hair, makeup, and outfit, which seemed to have gone from “possibly slightly underdressed” to totally inadequate.
“You know you never would have gone if I’d told you. You would have either thought I was trying to prank you or you would have had the aneurysm that you’re having right now.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” Y/N snapped defeatedly.
“Act like yourself? Do what you would normally do?” Nikki replied, exasperated. “He was interested in you just off of my description and you guys’ texting.”
A pink tint rose to Y/N’s face. “He was? You’re not just telling me that?”
“Hey, I’m a little crafty, but I’m not evil.”
“…What did he say?”
“He thought it was cool that you’ve done production design and costume work, he liked that you’re kind of outdoorsy… he was interested, okay? Get out there and talk to him instead of talking to me!”
“We are going to have a serious talk about this…” Y/N muttered, straightening the wrinkles in her outfit and heading for the door.
“You can tell me all about it tomorrow. Trust me, I’ll want to know every detail.” Nikki paused. “And you said I’d never set you up with anyone good.” Y/N could hear the triumphant smirk in Nikki’s voice and hung up, rolling her eyes.
“Be calm. He’s just a person. He’s just a guy,” she said to herself as she neared Table 16 once again, relieved to see that Tom still sat there.
“I told you I would come back,” she managed a smile, moving to slide into the other empty chair, when Tom rose from his place to pull it out for her.
“I’m glad you did,” he added, smiling back and looking equally relieved as they finally faced each other at the table. “I ordered us an appetizer and some drinks while you were gone. I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so hopefully it’s all okay…”
“Oh, I’m not picky.” Silence fell briefly, and before it could become too awkward, Y/N decided to address what was certainly weighing heavily on both of them. “So, you and I got off on the wrong foot and I want to apologize. I was just totally caught off-guard…”
“Nikki didn’t tell you?”
“No- well, she knew I never would have gone if I’d known-”
“Do you really hate me that much?” he chuckled. “I mean, I know not all of my movies have been great…”
“Not at all, it’s not that, I just would have been too scared.” Y/N dropped her gaze to her hands, twisted tightly together in her lap.
“Well, it’s normal to be nervous, but come on, I’m not so scary now, am I?” He leaned forward with his elbows on the table, smirking.
Y/N gathered the courage to meet his gaze. “No,” she admitted, with a grin. “I just feel out of place here, in this restaurant, in this whole situation.”
“I think you fit right in,” Tom assured her. “Actually, before our conversation went off the rails earlier, I was going to say that you look stunning.”
“T-thank you, you do too,” she stammered, feeling the blush creeping over her face again, cringing at her reply. He laughed, but it was a good-natured laugh, not seeming to be at her expense.
“Thanks. I tried.”
Y/N finally took a sip of the drink that Tom had ordered for her, a sparkling cocktail that tasted of cranberry and lemon. “This is good,” she nodded.
“I made a good choice?”
“Yes, you did, thank you.”
Soon after, the appetizers arrived- a roasted beet and endive salad. As they started to eat, Tom suggested:
“Now, why don’t we just start the night over? Hi, I’m Tom.”
“I’m Y/N,” she replied, and they both laughed between mouthfuls.
“You mentioned that you do behind-the-scenes work for film projects- what are you working on right now?”
“Oh, just a local documentary thing. Street art and its origins, styles, and cultural significance. Terribly exciting, I know.”
“Of course it is. But you’d rather be doing something else?”
“Like everyone else around here, I have higher aspirations. I know everyone has to work their way up- you know that better than anyone- but I also know that not everyone who puts the work in ends up making it, and it usually just comes down to chance and luck- being in the right place at the right time or knowing the right people. I’m just afraid that my miracle is never gonna happen, y’know?”
“Well, I really believe that if it’s what you’re meant to do, as long as you stay dedicated and a step ahead of everyone else, it’ll happen. We’re just not all on the same timetable. It happened early on for me, but for a lot of other people, they didn’t ‘make it’ until they were in their thirties, forties, hell, fifties…” He took a taste of his own drink- a non-alcoholic cocktail.
“I hope I don’t have to wait that long,” she said, half joking and half serious. “But what projects are you involved in at the moment?”
He obliged to the change in topic. “I have a lot going on with this action-movie satire piece. It’s one of those ones that’s been stuck in development hell for a few years, so there’s just a lot of negotiating back and forth; it gets tedious after a while, but I think we’re finally getting things nailed down. It’s looking like it’ll be a lot of fun once we get past the initial stages.”
During the course of this conversation, they realized that they should begin perusing the menu and decide on their main courses. As she examined the options, Y/N reminded herself that she could afford to spend a bit extra once in a while, yet the prices still managed to stun her. It must have been visible on her face, because Tom said “Order whatever looks good. I’m buying tonight.”
As Y/N opened her mouth to strongly protest, he held up his hand. “Nikki said you’d complain, but you can’t change my mind. It’s been a while since I’ve gone out, I want us to have a good time, and besides, it’s the way I was raised.” He shrugged, folding his hands in front of him on the tabletop. “Don’t worry, I don’t expect anything, and I know you’re capable of paying if I let you, I just want to. Okay?”
When the server appeared with their entrees, the dusk had long since turned to nighttime darkness, allowing the fairy lights and orb ceiling fixtures to bathe all of the restaurant’s occupants in a warm glow. Y/N had ended up deciding on a mushroom ravioli dish, while Tom ordered a filet, and they shared a portion of seafood that he insisted she try. She was surprised to admit that she was feeling remarkably more at-ease.
“I am obsessed with this place,” he said offhandedly, having made it about halfway through his steak.
“I can see why,” Y/N giggled. “So, tell me: what is it you like to do when you’re not sword-fighting people or scaling the sides of buildings?”
Tom laughed, using one hand to smooth his hair back. “On those rare occasions, I like to do things like rock-climb, fly…”
She coughed on her food. “Fly? Oh yeah, that’s right.”
“Or cook, watch sports... I can have fun with both feet on the ground too. I’m down for just about anything.” He cocked an eyebrow. “What do you get into when you’re not designing the aesthetics of local documentaries?”
“Well, I enjoy a good hike or some skating, and I can be a bit arts and crafts-y when I want to. I do some drawing and painting when I’m between big work projects.”
She was amazed at how attentively he listened, and how he didn’t do it just to respond, but to ask questions as well. She was used to enduring her date’s life story without getting more than a few words in edgewise. She reminded herself that his entire job was to be a convincing actor, and so to not become too optimistic or believing of how he appeared. But damn, if it wasn’t difficult the longer they maintained eye contact and sat so closely and laughed with each other amidst the dim, cozy lighting and the soft jazz piano. Maybe she wouldn’t totally eviscerate Nikki after all.
After making it to the end of dinner, standing on the street outside, they prepared to part ways.
“You can ride along with me and my driver can drop you off,” he proposed.
“No, that’s extremely sweet of you, but you’ve done more than enough,” Y/N insisted. “You can’t change my mind.” Her eyes gleamed mischievously at him as she referenced their conversation near the beginning of the evening.
“Well, Y/N,” Tom sighed, “I’ve got to admit that tonight was the best time I’ve had in a while. You didn’t think it turned out so bad, right?”
“Not bad at all,” she replied, clutching her coat in both hands as a soft breeze passed.
“Good enough to do it again sometime? Soon?” he asked, eying her expectantly as the two of them shifted awkwardly back and forth on the pavement.
“Oh, I suppose,” she teased, though her expression was beaming. “This is the most fun I’ve had in a while too.”
A limousine pulled up to the curb next to them. She deduced that it was Tom’s aforementioned ride, but he was determined to stay until she flagged down a taxi, uncomfortable with the idea of leaving her on the street alone at night.
“You’ll have to think about what you’d like to do next. Maybe we could go flying,” he joked, as she eventually caught a passing cab driver’s attention.
“Maybe,” she chuckled as she approached the taxi. Tom opened the door for her, and before she slid inside, he placed a hand on her shoulder and murmured “Have a good night. Be safe.”
“Goodbye, Tom,” she slid into the backseat of the cab, smiling at him and then to herself as the cab started on its path to her home. Basking in the feeling of his touch on her shoulder and the slight giddiness that the earlier cocktail afforded, she lost herself in contemplation of the evening’s events, wondering where they might lead.
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confusedgoldenflower · 8 months
Back at it again with FQ shitposts 😃<—white dad smile
FX, drunk and choosing to speed run into death: yeah, Mu Qing’s food is good—is edible, but there’s better at any restaura-aggttnghhhhh
MQ: *vents for approx six hours and five minutes [insert that in ancient Chinese time] about how his cooking is impeccable and even if there’s merchants better at it than him, at least he‘s never washed rice with soap or didn’t comprehend the meaning of boiling literally anything and thought that licking plates was good enough TM in cleaning as he beats FX*
Another instance~~~
FX, drunk and craving the touch of literally anyone: *steals MQ’s clothes to wear in his face*
MQ: -Pei, your continual insistence of sex upon me is not only disgusting, it’s—WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? THOSE ARE MY CLOTHES! TAKE THEM OFF. NOW! GIVE THEM BACK!!!
PM: ohoho?
FX: *makes ✌🏻 at PM from the floor as he’s being choked out. Gn king, MQ’s gonna make you sleep for a while🫡*
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xvxnux · 2 years
` +18 ~ sexual dynamics with your fs ~ `
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀minor do not interact
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` pic one ,
hmnmmm, i can see that the sexual dynamic between you and your fs is going to be quite interesting. you or that person may have a lot of kinks. i don’t see that both of you like the things i’m going to say next, only one of you likes all these things (you or the person). i see that the dynamic between you will be pretty crazy, you will be dealing with a person who sees everything in the intimate moment (maybe it’s because that person has a lot of kinks), your fs really likes to venture into the sexual act, your fs may like to leave marks on your body and would play with knives if you did. your fs is a born submissive who will enjoy degradation, crying (he wants to cry with so much pleasure and beg you for anything), deprivation (this person will love it if you deprive him of cum) will enjoy being marked and will also enjoy to take orders. i see that this person can take a long time to feel safe to show this side to you for fear that you won’t like it and discard it or think badly of it. this person may be very fond of sex toys and accessories. i see that after you do everything that person needs you will probably be rewarded, as if your fs thank you for doing a good job lol (fs in this pile are very attractive and sexually experienced people).
+: if your interest is in women, i see that this person’s moan will be very characteristic (can be a bashful person)! if your interest is in men this person will not have a huge cock, reasonable, will be very good at oral sex! (some men may like anal stimulation). degradation, deprivation, reproduction.
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` pic two ,
welcome to vanilla! your sexual dynamics with your fs tend to be more romantic, i see that your fs is not one to experiment or risk many things in the sexual. not that it will be a limited sex but i see that you will fit in quite well. this person might like to see you beg and have a little more control but when it comes to playing inside, this person will definitely not have the habit of playing inside. i see your fs will be a more cautious person, your fs can be very work oriented (can be a very busy person, full schedule. quickies will be common) and when she (this person) finally have an intimate moment she may not have so much energy and that’s why she can be limit into something more practical and fast, it will probably be something that can annoy she a little but i see that little by little she will fit in and your fs trying to be a little more open to other things. i didn’t have much information, i saw a lot of tiredness and busyness… preoccupation with work.
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` pic three ,
your sexual dynamics with your fs will be the way you like it, anyway i see you will match and fit in very well. your fs will see all your adventures and even if he is not used to doing something he (adapt for your preference) don’t like in sex, he will do it for you. i see one of you are going to enjoy voyeur (wow). i see that both will like to dominate, it will be an interesting dynamic but in the end who will give in will be you lol. your person may enjoy sex with more lust, and may think a lot about sex with you when you are away (may tease you in public). your person will probably like wines a lot, go to expensive restaurants and can give you a lot of clothes…. your person will not be able to stand being close to you without touching you: especially if you are wearing a satin dress or social clothes. here it tells me a lot about the possible style of your person: if you like a woman, she probably likes to wear dresses and heels, a very warm energy… if you like a man, I see that he likes to wear formal clothes when he goes out, blouse no suit….sleeves rolled up….expensive watch. your person will definitely tease you everywhere and depending on your sexual desire you can propose sex in public places (parking lots, bathrooms…)! your person is that kind of person who would easily give you mouth under a restaurant table or even touch your private part teasing you… (my god i want one of these😭😭😭)
+: my bitch, cum, fingering, bruises, candles, cum inside, hot kisses….
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
not a dream
My friend is competing on Croatia's version of Dancing With the Stars / Strictly Come Dancing and we were talking about his last week's performance and I told him how I even downloaded the voting app to vote for him so I can support him (despite never voting in any local show previously ever in my life) and somehow we got to the topic of my grandma and how she's watched all seasons of the show and is a big fan and he told me he has a surprise for her today and he's been sending me videos of the cast members from rehearsals today where they're all saying hi to her by name and if that's not the sweetest thing ever, idk what is! She's so happy right now.
Ever since we lost papi, she hasn't been happy much, so it's really endearing to see her being happy like this again. Such a sweet gesture as well!
Fellow Croats remember the name Mario Mandarić because fame didn't change the man and it made him if anything, even kinder!
Also, Mario has the coolest tattoos!
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izzielizzie · 1 year
Hey! What are your OOU couples wedding headcanons? 😍 (ilysm queen xoxo)
phoebe and knox
their wedding is the biggest and fanciest of the bayview crew's wedding
curtesy of melissa lawton ofc
they get married right out of college and no one can convince me otherwise
the first ones to get married
they just spent a lot of time not being together because of outside influences and now they just want to spend the rest of their lives together
all of phoebe + knox's family is there
plus the santoses, the bayview crew, ash & eli, and nonny
knox asks owen to be his best man and it makes phoebe cry for like three days straight
maeve is maid of honor
phoebe struggles with picking the wedding party because she should chose emma as maid of honor but maeve is her best friend and she was there for phoebe when no one else (other than knox) was
emma is actually the one who says phoebe should ask maeve
maeve throws herself into wedding planning
she and melissa are a force to be reckoned with
they're married in knox's back yard
phoebe chooses to wear a replica of her mother's dress but she asks ashton to help her sew on lace detail to make it her own
addy does phoebe's hair and keely does her makeup
phoebe plans on walking down the aisle by herself but as she's getting ready she realizes she doesn't actually want to be by herself
before she puts on her dress she hunts down cooper and pulls him aside
"it's okay if you don't want to, but you were there for me at a time when i really needed support. would you maybe want to walk down the aisle with me?"
cooper can't answer for a few minutes because he's full on sobbing
of course he says yes, and phoebe is so happy she thought to ask him
there's a lot of crying at the wedding because phoebe looks so beautiful and happy and knox looks so happy and they're just so in love
cooper and kris
they have a small wedding after kris graduates from medical school
it's at contigo
the restaurant is closed for the day
it's a small guest list: the bayview crew, nonny and lucas, kris's immediate family and friends, the santos family, and ash & eli
it's less of a wedding and more of a party since cooper and kris decided to just go to a courthouse a few days earlier
they all take turns telling stories about cooper and kris (obviously addy and keely's idea)
addy and phoebe baked the cake themselves
and luis learned how to cook some of kris's favorite dishes from germany over facetime with kris's mom
there's a lot of laughter and good food, which is exactly what coop and kris always wanted
addy and keely
they don't have a wedding
they wake up one day, decide to get married, get married, and then plan a joint facetime with their family/friends to tell them
phoebe and maeve take it upon themselves to throw a surprise party for the girls
they bake so many desserts and buy cute pastel pink decorations
luis and ash do all the cooking
they throw the party in kris and cooper's apartment
keely and addy love it so much
bronwyn and nate
bronwyn's parents plan most of the wedding since bron was busy finishing law school and nate became a partner in myers construction
it's held in the rojas' back yard
maeve is maid of honor and knox is best man
addy and phoebe are bridesmaids too
bronwyn wears a gorgeous dress that her grandmother made for her
nate's vows are in spanish
keely has to run interference with bronwyn's makeup because she's crying so hard at the vows
(i like to believe that nate went to mr rojas for help with his vows)
maeve puts together a slideshow of pictures of the couple instead of her speech, and the last picture is one that ellen took of them when they were little and still attending st. pius together
they print and frame the picture, and it lives on a shelf in their living room
maeve and luis
i kind of feel like maeve and luis don't get married for a while
maeve is a spanish teacher and luis is opening a restaurant so they don't have a lot of money for things like a wedding
luis proposes the night that the restaurant opens (yes this is @glitterandgoldrush's headcanon and i'm in love with it)
they just get married at a courthouse
but they have a potluck dinner that night with friends and family
it's everything they ever wanted
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caminhadacomdeus · 2 months
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Na minha caminhada de transformação e renovação, o Salmo 23 tem sido como um abraço divino nos momentos mais difíceis. Quando me sinto perdida ou cansada, lembro-me que Deus é o meu Pastor, que cuida de mim como um pastor zeloso cuida das suas ovelhas. Ele guia-me, protege-me e restaura-me, mesmo nas situações mais sombrias.🙏🕊
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jrlrc · 2 days
Es el priismo, estúpido!
Confundido y arrogante, de mala manera gratuita, un “universitario” con el que no había tenido contacto en años aparece y me dice que AMLO no es priista y que no es restauración lo que hace. Por qué? Porque dijo Mauricio Merino. Ah… Y ya. Como pejista: sin argumentos, sin hechos suficientes, encadenado a un nombre. Merino fue mi profesor y jefe, y el reaparecido sigue en el closet del pejismo (pobre hombrecito!), así que creyó tener la oportunidad de refutarme: “tu maestro dice lo contrario”. Bueno, me río un poco y paso a la refutación. Refuto al pejista vergonzante y a Merino, con el que estoy en desacuerdo sobre la caracterización de AMLO y no tengo ningún problema para decirlo en público.
A Merino lo conozco bien como pluma y psicología y está equivocado. Puedo decirlo, sin deslealtad, porque Merino fue mi profesor y jefe pero no fui ni soy su esclavo. Yo soy yo como analista. Hay que ser estúpido para creer que yo diría o dejaría de decir algo porque Merino dice lo que quiere decir… Pero de estupideces, como de poses y grillas ridículas, está llena la “vida cultural” de este país.
El profe se ha equivocado varias veces sobre AMLO. Ha dicho que es fascista, que es revolucionario y que no es priista. Pero el presidente no es fascista sino que tiene rasgos compartidos con los fascistas, no es revolucionario sino autoritario, un reformista autoritario en medios y fines, y sí es -por eso mismo- priista.
Que quede claro: AMLO es priista y su proceso-proyecto político es una restauración.
AMLO y PRI tienen diferencias pero también similitudes, las diferencias son menos que las similitudes y no cambian la relación esencial. Teniendo más similitudes, que tengan diferencias sólo significa que AMLO es un tipo de priista, y eso es lo que he estado diciendo. Un priismo, por tanto, revuelto con muchos otros polvos, como neoliberalismo, conservadurismo religioso y populismo, y también militarismo, corrupción, pragmatismo, personalismo. Pero todo dentro de la olla priista -el autoritarismo.
Un guisado político que ha sido poco nutritivo para la mayoría, casi totalmente descompuesto para la historia por tantos ingredientes podridos, un producto realmente pestilente.
La restauración en curso del sistema autoritario priista no es perfecta, ya que no puede ser total, pero es restauración. Que no se restaure el 100% no significa que no se restaura nada o se restaure poco. Es una restauración, imperfecta, pero restauración. Con todo respeto, el profe Merino anda muy desencaminado (y lamento que haya escrito aquel artículo periodístico que, aunque no haya querido, distorsiona y deslava el mal que fue el priismo gobernante).
Tómese el ejemplo de la reforma judicial. Es parte del “plan C” e incluye elecciones judiciales; eso debe estar claro, desde hace mucho tiempo. Las elecciones judiciales no existían en el priato pero existía el poder Judicial subordinado al Ejecutivo (y desde ahí a su partido), y la subordinación judicial será el resultado de las elecciones judiciales. Así, hay una diferencia en uno de los medios entre AMLO y el priismo pero una similitud de fin y resultado. AMLO es priista.
Esencialmente priista. López Obrador es antidivisión de poderes, antidemocrático, antipluralista, centralizador, autoritario. Es sólo que a eso añade algunos otros medios, fines y resultados. Es eso, todo eso. Y por eso, lo de AMLO puede ser visto como peor, como dice MM, pero no por eso deja de ser priista. Es un priista con su priismo. Lo he dicho y lo seguiré diciendo, aunque no le guste a mis “amigos” pejistas y aunque otros digan lo que necesitan decir.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I know many jikookers like to think that JK is the one who gives a dominating vibe between jikook, but I don't know, it does not seem like that to me, at least not all the time. I can't be sure but JM screams more dominating (in a good way) than JK. Yes, JM likes to get pampered and be scolded by JK, but there are many instances where JM will just look at JK (more like telepathic convo between them) and the latter will melt or do whatever JM wants.
some examples that easily come to mind are the vminkook LA live (where JM cast JK a meaningful look and scolded/called JK when JK went looking for food in the room) and their moments in muster sowozoo 2021 (especially in day 2).
I think when it comes to some decisions and big changes, JK lets JM take the reins in their relationship more often, too. Of course, JK's input is also important, but it seems to me like JK trusts JM more with these things based on their dynamics. in bed......, well, I think they may be switching it up. 💀
JM just has that insane duality, but it baffles me how others just box him to always be soft and submissive when he can be (very) dominating and assertive too. Anyways, as long as jikook love, communicate, and respect each other then it wouldn't really matter who is more dominating or what. ✌️
I talk here about how Jimin clearly calls the shots in the relationship
There is sooooooooooooo many compilations of Jimin large but in charge moments. So I won't reshare them. Instead I will show this popular-ish moment.
V is touching all over JK like he's want to do. That's not new. JK is used to it, Jimin is used to it and Jikookers are definitely used to it. Jimin could see that in his periphery but that didn't bother him. It wasn't until JK started touching V that Jimin was like; "umm....whatchu doing?" And JK takes his hand off immediately. And that wasn't all, he then straightnes up so V's hand falls off his back.
JK saw his man had noticed and so he acted correctly. Like you said anon, Jimin is the boss. Anyone saying otherwise hasn't been paying attention. In the bedroom though, that seems to be a whole different story.
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Edit: this is also another moment where JK was being difficult. He wanted to be on Jimin's team but Jimin made him pick Vhope's team. The way he snapped at him though 🤭
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susieporta · 6 months
*Maestro, come posso affrontare l'isolamento?*
"Pulisci la tua casa.
A fondo. In tutti gli angoli. Anche quelli che non hai mai avuto la voglia, il coraggio e la pazienza di toccare. Rendi la tua casa splendente e curata.
Togli la polvere, le ragnatele, le impurità. Anche quelle più nascoste. La tua casa rappresenta te stesso: se ti prendi cura di essa, ti prendi cura anche di te."
"Maestro ma il tempo è lungo. Dopo essermi preso cura di me attraverso la mia casa come posso vivere l'isolamento?"
"Aggiusta quello che può essere aggiustato ed elimina ciò che non ti serve più.
Dedicati al rammendo, ricama gli strappi dei tuoi pantaloni, cuci ben bene gli orli sfilacciati dei tuoi abiti, restaura un mobile, ripara tutto ciò che vale la pena riparare.
Il resto, buttalo. Con gratitudine. E con consapevolezza che il suo ciclo è terminato.
Aggiustare ed eliminare fuori di te permette di aggiustare o eliminare ciò che c'è dentro di te."
"Maestro e poi? Cosa posso fare tutto il tempo da solo?"
"Semina. Anche un solo seme in un vaso.
Prenditi cura di una pianta, annaffiala ogni giorno, parlaci, dalle un nome, togli le foglie secche e le erbacce che possono soffocarla e rubarle energia vitale preziosa.
E' un modo di prenderti cura dei tuoi semi interiori, dei tuoi desideri, dei tuoi intenti, dei tuoi ideali."
"Maestro, e se il vuoto viene a farmi visita? Se arrivano la paura della malattia e della morte?"
"Parlaci. Prepara la tavola anche per loro, riserva un posto per ciascuna tua paura.
Invitale a cena con te. E chiedi loro come mai son giunte da così lontano fino alla tua casa. Che messaggio vogliono portarti. Cosa vogliono comunicarti."
"Maestro, non penso di potercela fare..."
"Non è l'isolamento il tuo problema ma il timore di affrontare i tuoi draghi interiori. Che hai sempre voluto allontanare da te.
Ora non puoi fuggire.
Guardali negli occhi, ascoltali e scoprirai che ti hanno messo con le spalle al muro.
Ti hanno isolato per poterti parlare. Come i semi che possono germogliare solo se sono da soli"
Elena Bernabè
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