#Resident Evil Umbrella Asylum
judasiskariot · 2 months
RE: Umbrella Asylum - Chapter 4: Knowledge is power, power is life
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Albert Wesker Umbrella Laboratory
Story:Are you interested in what everyday life was like for the Umbrella scientists? The daily routine in the laboratory? The daily routine and fate of the test subjects with no hope of rescue? The true horror in an Umbrella laboratory or just the price of progress...
Category/Content: Accompany Umbrella scientists on their latest experiment
Long fic with more chapters to come, Chapter 1 Prolog, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3
w/c: 1,305 words in this chapter;more to come . ao3. 18+ only . nsfw (to come) . german version(also on AO3)
tags/warnings:     Resident Evil, Biohazard, Umbrella Corporation, Dr. Albert Wesker, Smut, Female/Male,Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Horror, Drama, Thriller, Angst, Darkfic
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Chapter 4
Knowledge is power, power is life
Right, Dr. Marcus?
The laboratory was illuminated; unpleasant and bitingly illuminated by fluorescent tubes that could cause a slight flicker from time to time. The constant was their easy hum, if you listened closely. Still, it was dark at the same time, and the somber, oppressive atmosphere would increase.
Albert Wesker, however, had no time to listen closely – even if he was unconsciously always perceiving everything; he had an incredible, almost too military, understanding – he listened more to the high-frequency Kilohertz beeping of the ECG, which together with him monitored his latest experimental subject.
At some point, her body had begun to adapt - which didn't necessarily alleviate the pain, but it was irrelevant to him anyway - and not just to be swamped by the injection solution. Now the question remained open as to whether she would succumb to it or not, for even though she lay still, the struggle inside continued. And it was important that it should not remain a struggle, because there were only winners or losers, the important thing was the adaptation, as with all carbon-based living things. Would the protein compounds be accepted without cellular degradation?
Wesker's mind worked analytically and objectively. Philosophical applications could be made in his spare time, when he noticed the beauty of his work every once in a while over a train of wine. Rearranging mitochondria and making malleable protein connections could be a nice thing, but sitting here in front of a living, human experiment, he was already trying to make his mind work like a flow cytometer.
Although he had spoken differently to her at the beginning, he was well aware that he was dealing with a human being. But not only had his capacity for empathy suffered in all those years at Arklay - where they had consumed countless subjects - but so had his patience. To discuss with him the human dispositions, to make him a bad conscience, or to beg for salvation, these had become abhorrent to him. Wesker wanted to achieve something, something that seemed to have been lost in the mountains.
So he waited to see if his subject would wake up again, while Napier's body had given her the redemption of a powerlessness and was now painfully struggling without her awake consciousness.
Attentive blue eyes, again veiled by black sunglasses, glided figuratively over narrow wrists and ankles that bore striking traces of fixations. Red belt marks from cutting and chafing. They had probably fixed the young woman in the Asylum often and not exactly gently. He could only think of two reasons for this, and a third scurried through his thoughts, with even Wesker briefly having to forget his face in disgust.
It would also often flourish here during the experiments to be fixed – if only for self-protection from the peripheral physical reactions.
His eyes wandered on the pale skin of her slender arms, where many red puncture holes, some of which had discolored into a hematoma, stood out.
He realized that the reports from above in the Asylum hardly contained the truth of what they had administered to her. It was illegal. It was indiscriminate. It was, in part, perverse cruelty. The puncture holes of the needles on her arm witnessed this and told him exactly what he could also see from the blood data, which he had analyzed by the way. They had pumped the young Napier full of all sorts of drugs. Most of them to calm down, still others – he could only speculate about this, because he did not want to get into the conversation with these purveyors in the first place – to perhaps observe their effect if they were new recipes that had not yet been released. It could have been sadistic barbarism.
In any case, none of this was conducive to his work. Any substance could falsify the results and put its subjects in a state that diminished their natural suitability and value for the experiments.
With such incompetence and unprofessionalism he had to fight his way around here.
Probably the biggest red flags for Albert Wesker. In addition to possibly colorful clothes for himself.
Why did he take this on himself anyway? Why did he endure such a thing when his own kingdom was waiting for him at Arklay? Together with William Birkin he was the head of the research department there and everything went as the two commissioned it.
However, research into the T-virus in Arklay stagnated. This has been going on for years. But what was almost worse for him was the incomprehensible result that the founder of Umbrella, Oswell Spencer, was expecting: a virus that was 100% deadly.
It made no sense to Wesker. Just as the cost of researching bioweapons could not outweigh their true market value. Birkin did not question this, for him every scientific curiosity was reason enough, and he lived in his own world, in which he could continue to experiment forever. Create. Destroy. Create.
Albert, on the other hand, was troubled by not knowing what the head of the Umbrella really wanted, because with time he had become more and more aware that he was missing something and he did not want to be a puppet, a marionette of others. No rat in the maze, no better than his experiments that would never understand their true destiny.
So he had come up with a very simple equation: if he discovered something so groundbreaking that matched his conjectures that Spencer was genuinely interested in, he would prove worthy of initiation. And then. . . wait and see. Wait and see if he liked what he learned.
Having failed to progress at Arklay, and being unable to completely turn the research there on its head – only because of William Birkin, and still the manager of the facility – let alone change it for his purely private benefit, without anyone knowing, and possibly contributing something to Spencer that Wesker did not want, he had been looking for alternatives.
He had stumbled upon the Asylum, where Umbrella had his ominous red-and-white fingers, and had applied there to support colleagues in the research facility below. His competence and qualifications had quickly earned him that he was the first point of contact when it came to research, but he was not the leader of the whole thing. Because then this would be completely different:
Quality, competence and scientific objectivity, coupled with care and not hobby sadism, because you had only a limited amount of staff available. The nurses and guards of the Asylum were also partly employed here; fortunately not the few limited doctors that the sanatorium officially needed.
Besides his Umbrella colleagues – or rather lackeys? – in the secret underground research facility, the rest had either always been a bit macabre in their minds, or they snapped because of the power to do whatever they wanted with other people.
It was limited in containment. This was also recognised by Wesker's blue eyes after they discovered bruises on the young woman's skin that had not been left by a puncture. And as yet unhealed red marks on her temples revealed to him that the ward had not lied with the electric shock therapy.
Injuries from the fixing straps, bruising from injections, burns from electric shocks. . . this could be done better and optimized.
The subjects did not have to be tortured unnecessarily, after all, their bodies would be heavily stressed by the experiments anyway and should be in a corresponding state for this. Thus, one should carry out everything one did competently, without such visible evidence.
It would certainly improve under his watch. His subject, her body, her being, was to be transformed and reshaped according to his ideas of the experiment, and not according to the influences of the raw barbaric violence that prevailed in the surroundings of the Asylum.
In some chapters I will include references/shoutouts to other fandoms. If you think you have found the Easter Egg, write it in the comments or in a personal message, for those who do not like to comment publicly 😉
I'm sorry for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and perhaps a strange choice of words, but English is not my native language. I am grateful for tips on translation programs. Because the translation takes an incredible amount of time.
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alpydk · 27 days
🌿 🌸
Good morning anon. Thanks for the ask, talking about fics I love! I did a huge post the other day so quickly going to add them in here as well. - Recommend only one hahahahahaahahahahahaahaha.
🌿Rec someone else’s BG3 fic and tell us what you like about it!
The 5 from the other day (Find the post here to see why)
Alchemy 410 Broken Horizons Weave me the Sunshine Professor Dekarios Twin Compasses
And now some more that I didn't link Weave and Woods - @weaveandwood - Honestly I just love the pairing. Auroria is such a good character who I genuinly see ending up with Gale. And it's not been all that eay relationship where they fall in love and are happy. They have their challanges. I most of all love seeing her learn new spells because that doesn't really happen in fics and its great to see. (Especially how proud she is with it.) "The second, third, fifth, ninth tries were similar. On the tenth try, she thought she saw a few sparks of electricity surrounding the arrow, sending a surge of pride through her. She was close, she could feel it. " - Come on Ori, you can do it!
Strange Highways - I have been on about this fic since chapter one. No fic has caught be like this. It's like it calls to my chaotic nature and I will keep screaming it into the Tumblr void like some insane looney fan. Just me alone with my billboard - READ THIS FIC. It's Cazador in a rock group in the 80's. It's funny, has amazing music referances but most of all it's just so fucking good to read.
The words spoke to his soul, into the very depths of it. He felt them with every cell of his body. This was not like the weak melodies bards played back in Faerûn. This music had authority. It had power.
Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
It was perfect. He imagined saying the words, making them his own. This was a supreme incantation, it had to be. This one would make people obey. Just Fuck Yeah!
--- Paperback Writer - (Short 600 words) - Haarlep edits Raphael's novel. It's fucking funny and I love it. Simple as. "Quivering, the hero took my hand I’m pretty sure Tav told you not to touch them, and it made you pout for a week."
And now the non Bg3 ones... because oops...
RE: Umbrella Asylum (Resident Evil) - @judasiskariot - It's got that lab, depressing, in your head build up mood. You know the one, everything is clinical but there is evil shit going on. The descriptions are fucking beautiful and I love it. "Icy blue eyes that were at least as cold as the black lenses of the glasses." - Just that about Wesker. I still think of it even now. ---- La Petite Mort - One of the most beautifully written crackfics I've ever read. Barbie/Dracula. - Just try it and love it. He should have gotten rid of her by now. Made a meal out of her, at least, even if only the once: her blood will surely be sweet, so sweet, heady and deep and dark when he drinks from her.
But he keeps finding excuses.
Not yet. If I'm honest my reading of fics has been limited recently. I have a few too many that just seem to have been abandoned and I'm becoming hesitant to start up reading newer chapter fics. I'm also a little put off when I see things at chapter 54 and then find its over 200k worth of words to catch up on. Yeah, I need to have people recommend fics to me so if people want to send me asks with their recs go ahead.
🌸Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it! Only one.... But I'm so good. (They say, going through the 40 fics knowing they really could be better.) I'm my own worst critic. Fuck it, you get more than one. This is my answer!
Cabinet of Oddities - It's Nana's story. What started all this chaos. It is love and adventure and mental illness and healing all rolled into one big Galemancer sized ball. 56k words of just me. I may also be writing the sequel/prequel right now... “A kiss does not necessarily have to mean love though, just as a hug certainly does not. Is that what you were expecting to feel?” He looked into her eyes. He had always been that of the hopeless romantic. As much as he wanted to believe his own words, he knew he was not the type to kiss without love, or at least potential love.
She gazed back at him. “I’m not sure. I wasn’t expecting to feel fear though.”
“And, do you fear me?” He hoped that she would say no. That maybe this feeling could blossom, that all their unspoken feelings could be revealed and yet he was also nervous of her answer. That if she said no, it would be something else holding him to this mortal coil, someone else who would eventually realise he was not good enough.  Just look how fucking good that is. (I'm not allowed to be down on myself so the other end of the spectrum it is)
--- Tattered Souls - RuganxGale (Also writing the sequel right now) - This is my ZhentWeave baby. This is all for me. I love it and that's all that matters. Honestly writing something like has been extremely liberating and I recommend everyone write something like this at some point. “Just get out of here...” Rugan’s voice was weak, his gravely tones quiet, and he tried to lift himself from the ground.
Gale spoke calmly, keeping his eyes on the mercenaries in front of him. “Not without you.” He could unleash the lightning bolt and possibly fire a magic missile before being hit if he moved quick enough.
“This isn’t your fight.” A hacking cough brought up small amounts of blood, which were spat onto the ground. “Just leave.”
An arrow flew from a trigger-happy archer whistling past Gale’s ear and he almost unleashed the lightning bolt in reaction, stopping only as he saw Rugan stand before him in defence of the female Zhentarim.
“Gale, not your fight...” Love me some cliches and tropes. Love them.
--- Okay, last rec. Not that anyone will read all of this, anyway. You're all looking for your own fics after all (I do that then get quietly depressed when my name isn't on the list... But we all do that, right? Right???)
Where is that child now, I wonder? - Gale past short (500 words). I keep thinking of this one a lot recently. Of young Gale and his relationship with his father. This is probably more a head cannon than an actual fic but it's stuck with me. - I recommend a read if you're looking for ideas. "No! I won't let my son read poetry and become like a delicate flowered prick of an elf. Weak, pathetic! No, he will do as I say and do it when I tell him to!" 
Again, thanks for the ask. I do love talking about recommendations and I have a number of Chase whump fics on the bookmarks list, as well as a few quick one shots I've enjoyed. Would love recs from others as said - The more angst the better. :)
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nintendocafe · 5 years
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Resident Evil series coming to Netflix
The town of Clearfield, MD has long stood in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated behemoths – the Umbrella Corporation, the decommissioned Greenwood Asylum, and Washington, D.C. Today, twenty-six years after the discovery of the T-Virus, secrets held by the three will start to be revealed at the first signs of outbreak
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gladimetyou · 4 years
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On the Mechanics of the G-Virus (Golgotha)
1.  Implantation of virus through a “G Embryo”, a packet of infected and adaptable tissues, exposure to infected biomass, or a direct injection 2. Global bodily infection in 1-3 hours unless DEVIL is administered to dissolve infected tissues and vaccinate the host 3. Dissemination through the body via attachment to the spinal cord by the G Embryo
Origin The G-Virus was created through the torture and experimentation on Lisa Trevor by William Birkin and Annette Birkin. Golgotha came about when Lisa’s body obliterated Progenitor strains and her body adapted the loose RNA transcriptions into its own genetic structures, which destroyed her body and mind. I can not stress enough that Lisa was tortured by the research team. After Lisa had “outlived her usefulness”, plans were made to eliminate her. This proved almost impossible due to the virus.
William Birkin took the G-Virus and T-Virus to continue research and experimentation in the recently constructed NEST, below Raccoon City and beside its power plant. After some time, Albert Wesker planned to leave Umbrella, prompting William to do the same by stabbing Umbrella in the back. William entered talks with the US Government, intending to offer to sell Golgotha research for asylum. 
However, Birkin’s actions were noticed by Spencer and Umbrella’s paramilitary, the USS, was called to take the Doctor into custody. The USS instead shot Dr. Birkin, who injected himself with Golgotha before he expired. William then began to mutated uncontrollably, and infect those around him. Those without compatible genetic structures died and became G-Mutants. During this rampage, William infected Sherry with a G embryo. Sherry Birkin was then treated for the infection with DEVIL.
cw for medical talk, resident evil monster pictures, and descriptions of body fluids below.
Mechanics Golgotha was, on the surface, intended to be a regenerative viral infection. It stimulated cell growth in the same way that many cancers did, but without the malignancy and reprogramming of cells. The surface ideal for Golgotha was very quickly scrapped for the mutagenic properties. 
G infects hosts in three ways. The first is through the production of “embryos”, which are packets of extremely aggressively growing cells that behave in a facsimile of life to infect other subjects. 
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A G Embryo. 
G Embryos are formed from infected stimulated stem cells in a host. A healthy host can produce hundreds of G embryos from their own available biomass. This capacity continues to grow with the consumption of other creatures. A sign of a G infected creature is biomass in the surrounding area.
Biomass in this context is defined as a “slurry of organic material” It is often red tinted, and can range from a solid to a copper-colored liquid. This mass smells like concentrated bile and oxides, and it is infectious if consumed or exposed to open wounds.
Each G-monster has the capacity to spawn G-embryos. These embryos burrow into a host’s esophagus and crack their spinal cord, immediately pumping out instructions to the body to create biomass from infected cells. G embryos secrete infected biomass into the person’s stomach, causing incredibly sharp pain in the area as the biomass begins to dissolve tissue. This leads to sepsis and death within a few hours. An infected person can complain of severe stomach pains, or chest pains. Pains are sharp or burning in the stomach area, and throbbing in the chest area. The particular mode of infection will likely tear the esophagus with the size of the embryo. An average G embryo is the size of an orange.
The second way is through contact with bodily fluids or infected biomass. G infected have the capacity to spread to a lesser degree this way. When compared to the T-Virus, whose spread and viral load allows for incredible exponential growth, G-Virus lacks in the ability to infect as quickly, however it remains infectious for far longer than T, for up to fourteen days after initial exposure.
The third way is through intravenous injection. 
Symptoms for G-infection are as follows: the subject’s immune system begins to violently respond, resulting in engorged veins, severe fever, pallor, internal hemorrhaging, and meningeal bleeding. From this point, G will program the subject to create as much biomass as it can, out of any available biomass it has. This mass is programmed to expand further in response to trauma, so killing these creatures is difficult. The only recorded way to stop G is with the antigen compound known as DEVIL. 
This antigen de-activates the infected tissues of Golgotha, allowing them to break down as normal, as long as the host’s body has not been overcome by the G-embryo and can engage in normal bodily functions. The antigen needs to be administered to the host in a very short window of time (1-3 hours after) for this process to be successful.
Post-DEVIL injection, the host will be nauseated and likely vomit brown or black bile. This is an expulsion of dead stomach lining tissue and infectious G-biomass. If vomiting persists, intensive care is required.
One of the signature tells of G-infection are the eyes that it produces. This suggests that at some point in time, the G virus infected a host cell, and programmed within that cell were the instructions for human eyes but a little to the left. The G eyes are weak points for G-monsters, holding a direct line to the creature’s modified circulatory and nervous systems. Popping a G eye is equal to cutting an artery. 
BOWs that display multiple eyes have likely roots in G-virus.
Due to her infection and subsequent vaccination, Sherry walked away developing impossibly fast regenerative abilities, slowed aging, and an immune system that nukes everything it contacts.
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newstfionline · 5 years
Multiple demands for sweeping change (WSJ) It is impossible to draw neat lines connecting the unrest that is spanning the globe. But the fact that people have poured into the streets in so many places--often sharing tactics and even slogans--has given the turmoil the contours of a new social movement, echoing past upheavals such as the Arab Spring and the student protests of 1968. The immediate sparks vary from country to country. But underlying the unrest are an often similar mix of social and economic discord helping fuel demands for sweeping changes to the existing political order.​
Robots go to school (MIT Technology Review)​ Alphabet X, the company’s early research and development division, has unveiled the Everyday Robot project, whose aim is to develop a “general-purpose learning robot.” The idea is to equip robots with cameras and complex machine-learning software, letting them observe the world around them and learn from it without needing to be taught every potential situation they may encounter. The early prototype robots are learning how to sort trash. It sounds mundane, but it’s tough to get robots to identify different types of objects, and then how to grasp them. Alphabet X claims that its robots are currently putting less than 5% of trash in the wrong place, versus an error rate of 20% among the office’s humans.​
A coming tidal wave of homes hitting the market (WSJ) The U.S. is at the beginning of a tidal wave of homes hitting the market on the scale of the housing bubble in the mid-2000s. This time it won’t be driven by overbuilding, easy credit or irrational exuberance, but by an inevitable fact of life: the passing of the baby boomer generation. One in eight owner-occupied homes in the U.S., or roughly nine million residences, are set to hit the market from 2017 through 2027 as the baby boomers start to die in larger numbers, according to an analysis by Issi Romem conducted while he was a senior director of housing and urban economics at Zillow. That is up from roughly 7 million homes in the prior decade. By 2037, one quarter of the U.S. for-sale housing stock, or roughly 21 million homes will be vacated by seniors. That is more than twice the number of new properties built during a 10-year period that spanned the last housing bubble.​
Colombia president orders curfew in capital following unrest (AP) Colombian President Iván Duque ordered a curfew in the nation’s capital Friday amid continuing unrest following a massive march a day before that brought tens of thousands to the streets in a strong message of rejection against his conservative government. The president said he was invoking the rarely used measure to contain ongoing clashes between police and demonstrators in the city of 7 million, shortly after officers pushed back thick crowds of protesters banging pots and pans in the storied Plaza Bolivar.
Tens of thousands march in France to condemn domestic violence (Reuters) Tens of thousands of people took the streets of Paris and other French cities on Saturday to protest against domestic violence, after more than 130 women are believed to have been killed by their partner or ex-partner in France this year.
Delhi’s water safe? (London Times) Delhi’s tap water has been declared unsafe to drink as politicians vie for control of the Indian capital in state elections dominated by a pollution crisis. The city is not only the most polluted capital on earth, but its residents are drinking the unsafest water in the country, a government report said. That is contradicted by local officials, including Arvind Kejriwal, the city’s chief minister, who claimed that its water was cleaner than any in Europe. His rivals have challenged him to serve unfiltered tap water at civic events.​ Roughly 20 million people live in Delhi. ​It is the world’s fifth-most populous city.
Hong Kong’s clouds of tear gas spark health panic (Reuters) Hong Kong residents have become distracted this week by fears of dioxin poisoning, as worry grows about the effects of about 10,000 rounds of tear gas fired across the financial hub over more than five months of anti-government protests. Many people are steering clear of fresh fruit and vegetables and warning family and friends to wait a week before eating anything that might have been exposed to the gas that has shrouded various neighborhoods at times over the months.
Pope denounces ‘evil’ of nukes as he fulfills Japan dream (AP) Pope Francis denounced the “evil” of nuclear weapons on Saturday as he began a three-day visit to Japan and fulfilled a dream to be a missionary in a land with a rich but bloody Christian past. The pope’s plane landed in the rain in Tokyo, where he received a small welcome at the airport before heading to the Vatican residence to meet with Japanese bishops. Streets near the residence were lined with smiling well-wishers holding umbrellas. One group held a banner that read: “Gracias! We love you.”
A Chinese spy in Australia (SMH) A Chinese spy has risked his life to defect to Australia and is now offering a trove of unprecedented inside intelligence on how China conducts its interference operations abroad. Wang “William” Liqiang is the first Chinese operative to ever blow his cover. He has revealed the identities of China’s senior military intelligence officers in Hong Kong, as well as providing details of how they fund and conduct political interference operations in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia. Mr Wang has taken his material to Australia’s counter-espionage agency, ASIO, and is seeking political asylum--potentially opening another front in Australia’s challenging bilateral relationship with China. A sworn statement Mr Wang provided ASIO in October states: “I have personally been involved and participated in a series of espionage activities”. He faces certain detention and possible execution if he returns to China.​
Lebanon’s Financial Crisis (Washington Post) Over recent weeks, ATMs in Lebanon have been spitting back bank cards, refusing to provide dollars to those who ask for them, though people here have long used the American currency alongside the Lebanese pound. Dollars have virtually disappeared. Panicked tenants have begun asking to pay their rent in pounds, but landlords are refusing to accept them as the local currency hemorrhages value. Some restaurants and bars have stopped taking credit cards, instead requiring cash to pay vendors. Other eateries have limited their menus, unable to pay for imported goods in dollars. Lebanon is facing not just political turmoil, with daily protests across the country, but a financial emergency as well.​
Landslides kill at least 36 people as heavy rains lash northwestern Kenya (Reuters) At least 36 people, including seven children, have been killed by landslides triggered by unusually heavy rains in northwestern Kenya, a local official said on Saturday.
Plane crashes in eastern DR Congo with about 17 passengers on board (Reuters) A passenger plane with about 17 passengers on board crashed on Sunday in the city of Goma in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, killing several people, the provincial governor’s office said.
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
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Netflix Resident Evil Show description Revealed The town of Clearfield, MD has long stood in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated behemoths – the Umbrella Corporation, the decommissioned Greenwood Asylum, and Washington, D.C.
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x-enter · 5 years
New Details Revealed For Netflix's RESIDENT EVIL Series
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Last year it was announced that Netflix would be producing a live-action Resident Evil series. The series is being developed by Constantine Film, who was behind the original film franchise.
In the initial announcement, we learned that the series would “expand the Resident Evil universe and deepen the exciting mythology.” They go on to say that the series will keep “the basic premise, which also served as a setup for the movie franchise. The drama series will explore the dark inner workings of the Umbrella Corporation and the new world order caused by the outbreak of the T-Virus.” The series is also “expected to incorporate all of Resident Evil’s signature elements, including action sequences and easter eggs.”
We now have some new details to share with you regarding the story. Netflix recently updated its Media Center page and accidentally posted an official story synopsis of the project. They realized they made a mistake by posting it and pulled it down, but not before the Internet got a hold of it! Here’s the description:
"The town of Clearfield, MD has long stood in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated behemoths – the Umbrella Corporation, the decommissioned Greenwood Asylum, and Washington, D.C. Today, twenty-six years after the discovery of the T-Virus, secrets held by the three will start to be revealed at the first signs of outbreak.”
The series is expected to go into production soon and I’m curious to see how it turns out. I hope that they get a great and talented creative team to bring it to life.
It has finally been confirmed that a Netflix adaptation of Resident Evil is in the works. Attached is a description taken from Netflix's Media Center. See also a WaybackMachine archive of the search result we took a few minutes ago:https://t.co/sAtmqupwuV pic.twitter.com/wmPgoLtafI
— Resident Evil Wiki (@RE_Wiki)
February 7, 2020
source https://geektyrant.com/news/new-details-reveled-for-netflixs-resident-evil-series
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simsxwrites · 7 years
This is my writing blog associated with my simblr account simsxbacon. I decided to keep my writing separate from that account to avoid messiness.
To start off, my story revolves around a wealthy aristocratic family from Nottingham, England. The Hamilton’s are a long line of billionaire dukedom succession owning a multibillionaire enterprise with an umbrella of different businesses such as Applied science for medical development, technology, real estate, aviation, weapon development and recently entertainment.
The family seems normal from the surface, but in fact, it is plagued with a mutant gene and a curse that stretches for 1000 years.
Main Characters:
1. Joseph Jeremy Albert Hamilton II:
He’s the current Duke of Nottingham and The Earl of Oxfordshire and the CEO to the Hamilton Enterprises after his father and twin brother passed away in an aircraft accident.
He used to be a pyro before undergoing an experiment forced by his father that led to him losing his powers. However, His powers were in reality magic rather than a genetic mutation. It was a curse laid down by a 1000-year-old witch during the Viking era.
The witch is part of a Celtic coven known as Wianic populated entirely by females. She got angry with one of their ancestors for burning down her village and thus laying a curse that only affects the firstborn sons with fire powers.
2. Gabriella Anna Amelia Hamilton:
She is an Irish heiress to the Scott Business, daughter of Bernard Simon Scott and Madam Louise Beatrice Scott; a French daughter of a count. She owns and runs a Magazine company “The FashMag” and is a Fashion influential.
She’s in fact secretly adopted and her real mother is yet to be revealed. However, Gabriella is a direct descendant of the witch from the Wianic coven, but her mother before her managed to conceal her daughter’s powers making sure she lives a normal life.
3. Louis William Richard Hamilton IV:
He’s the eldest son and the heir to The Dukedom of Nottingham making him The Marquees of Nottingham and current Earl of Oxfordshire which is one of his father’s subsidiary titles that he holds by courtesy. He’s married to Taylor London May, an American daughter of a deceased businessman and together they have a daughter Lady Juliette Rae Hamilton.
He received the CEO of Hamilton’s Technology and Applied science division in America at the age of 18 and currently resides there. He has a vast interest in mechanical engineering and quantum physics and his 215 IQ helped him get a Nobel award in biomedical engineering for developing a Nano-technology for the surgical field.
He has a black belt in multiple types of martial arts and is fluent in 12 languages (French, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Hebrew, Persian, Irish, Latin, and Mandarin) and one of his hidden talents is that he has a golden voice similar to Michael Buble’s.
Being the eldest son, he received the pyro curse from his father. At the age of 5, he accidentally set a tragic fire accident in his pre-school which ended the lives of 34 individuals, children and adults. He was admitted to the supposed hospital which is, in fact, a government-run asylum for mutant experimentation and he was there for 4 years where he met his best friend William. His pyro curse shows in his DNA as a mutated gene and among his powers that he gained being in an asylum is super hearing and is able to hear anything clearly in a 2-mile radius among that is people’s heart beats in which he prides himself as a lie detector. Moreover, he recently managed to combine his genetic mutation with someone else’s giving him the ability to regenerate his cells at a fast rate.
4. Zoe Elizabeth Marie Hamilton:
Youngest daughter of the Hamilton’s and is addressed as Lady Hamilton of Nottingham. She’s known as a vegetarian and a fashion icon after her mother. She’s fluent in Spanish, French, Arabic, Irish and Latin and currently runs the Voice of youth foundation and is studying Journalism at Boston University to be a fashion journalist.
Being a descendant of the Wianic coven and a daughter of a mutant means that she carries the gene, but didn’t show any signs until a later age. Aside from being a witch, she’s psionic; means that she’s able to read and control peoples mind as well as telekinesis. She developed the ability after a rough encounter with her ex-boyfriend William that rendered her with amnesia, and this activated her powers slowly.
After going through amnesia that wiped her most recent memories, she suffered from serious mental health issues by the end of her high school year. She managed to fake her death for two years taking up the identity of Sophie Martin. Her return caused a controversy, but she managed to come out as innocent after a trial that lasted for one month and is recently engaged to Tyler Craig Witt, an American ex-playboy, and current graphic designer.
5. Abraham Alexander Johns:
He’s originally Prince Nicholas James Phillip Windsor-Hamilton. He was the 36th in line to the English throne before he presumably died in an aircraft accident along with his twin brother, Richard Henry Charles Windsor-Hamilton and his eldest sister, Isabella Alice Windsor-Hamilton. Among the deceased was his lawyer father, Lord Matthew Edward Cornelius Hamilton III and his mother, Princess Helena of York. Moreover, due to his past as a prince, he’s fluent in multiple languages such as French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Russian and Latin.
He later took up the identity of Abraham, an American orphan that dropped out of law school twice, first from Harvard then from Boston University and decided to venture into the world as a volunteer in the WWOOF program aiding people with their farm and produce industry. He now resides in Los Angeles, California as an animal shelter worker and is slowly starting up his gaming YouTube channel.
Nicholas/Abraham is a Druid and he currently can only turn into a raven and he’s considered as slightly larger than a normal raven. Among his abilities are super strength and the ability to talk to animals which he finds rather annoying at times, but very helpful in his work field.
6. William Ludwig Luxembourg:
The son of Dr. Wilfred Arnold Luxembourg, a German scientist specialized in neurosis and genetic engineering and younger brother to the deceased Arthur Gerald Luxembourg. He’s known as a scientist and a researcher at Hamilton’s enterprises in a private basement lab. He’s also known as Zoe’s abusive ex-boyfriend and Louis’s best friend.
He has been homeschooled all his life and due to his impressive 250 IQ, he graduated high school from the age of 13, received his B.Sc. in Biochemistry, Neurology, Computer science and Physics engineering at the age of 15 and later, masters in genetics engineering at 17 and he’s currently working on getting his Ph.D. to advance his genetic engineering field.
The reason why Louis and William met in the first place is that he has a genetic mutation as well. His powers are mainly psionic which means much like Zoe, he could read and control people’s minds as well telekinesis and he has used his powers for evil rather than good and prides himself as a puppet master.
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americanegg · 5 years
I like how the basis of some horror games for why the protagonist is in this scary place/situation is literally “so basically... they’re a little stupid and no one is stopping them”
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judasiskariot · 2 months
RE: Umbrella Asylum Chapter 3: The Beginning
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Albert Wesker Umbrella Laboratory
Story: Are you interested in what everyday life was like for the Umbrella scientists? The daily routine in the laboratory? The daily routine and fate of the test subjects with no hope of rescue? The true horror in an Umbrella laboratory or just the price of progress...
Category/Content: Accompany Umbrella scientists on their latest experiment
Long fic with more chapters to come, Chapter 1 Prolog, Chapter 2
w/c: 1,036 words in this chapter;more to come . ao3 . 18+ only . nsfw (to come) . german version(also on AO3)
tags:     Resident Evil, Biohazard, Umbrella Corporation, Dr. Albert Wesker, Smut, Female/Male, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Horror, Drama, Thriller, Angst
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The beginning The lines between humanity and emotional cruelty blur under the neon light of the oppressive atmosphere of the laboratory. The sterility of the objects, surfaces and walls could not disguise the horrors they must have already seen, and their cold surfaces reflected admonishingly and then faded away. Screams and witnesses forever barking and yet unheard of. The medical cutlery was not smeared with blood, but accurately arranged, but even the smell of disinfectant could not disguise the cutlery’s silent cries for blood. “What kind of facility is this? Who owns it?” the new subject’s questions trickled down to the virologist. “Any pre-existing conditions? Allergies?” His voice was still reserved as he proceeded according to protocol without looking up from the clipboard. “What is this research about? You can’t just put people in asylums against their will, to do illegal experiments on them. That will become public!” she decided to ignore his words just as he did with hers. The man in his lab coat let out a brief sigh and slowly took off his black sunglasses – every move seemed to have been planned – before he lifted his athletic figure from his desk and sat down on the chair next to the test rig and now for the first time properly looked at her: Icy blue eyes that were at least as cold as the black lenses of the glasses. “Just answer me the questions; it saves me time. Then I’ll be in a better mood and it could save you extra pain around the turn. ” It was a fact he stated here, but given the coldness of his eyes, it might as well have been mistaken for a threat. He made it clear who was in charge here and what would happen if his orders were not followed. The scientist managed to straighten her arm, but only after stroking latex examination gloves over his own hands. Everything was cold and sterile. For him simply correct, proper, clean. And in the end, always more efficient. Experienced and savvy, his fingers reached for a vein and finally fixed her right hand in the right position. He had quickly put the instruments together on the metal side table and, just as quickly, a needle landed in her arm to draw blood. “I don’t want to spend hours looking for diseases in your blood that could negatively affect my research and waste my time. So I ask again: Pre-existing conditions? Allergies?” “You can’t do this! This is all wrong and OUCH!” she breathed and shrugged as he painfully pulled the needle from her arm, interrupting the protest. This had been pure intention, since his trained hands otherwise worked with perfidious perfection, which the young woman in front of him understood at once. His subject fixed him with her suddenly extremely stubborn eyes, and seemed to understand that if she did not obey him, it would be like this. What had become of the previously embarrassed little mouse? The guards had not yet shocked her body and soul. “No, nothing,” she finally pressed out between her teeth. At least the annoying winks, beggings and appeals to his humanity had probably already driven her out in the Asylum. She and her brother seemed to have understood that there was no humanity in this place, and a plea for mercy passed only meaninglessly, unheard in the dark, like a whisper in the wind. “What is this about? What is this research about?” Curiosity seemed to remain. "You're an experiment, you don't talk to me if you're not asked," came the blonde scientist's cold and hard response. Slowly he felt a slight irritation. He wouldn't argue with an experiment, it wasn't worth his breath. Quickly, his subjects were wired via electrodes so that he could closely monitor their vital signs via a screen. Routine, precision was in every of his moves.
An elongated ampoule was then extracted from a sealed container from the cabinet. The blonde woman in the operating chair became visibly more nervous at the sight of the ominous green liquid, which the ECG alone showed. The minimal room for manoeuvre she had left was used to push herself in the other direction. "What's this stuff?" she asked in panic, her pupils dilated with shock. “I don’t have to explain its purpose before my experiment. ” "No!" she exclaimed as he approached her with the injection and began squirming as she could. “All right, then. ” The scientist fixed her with another strap to her head and around her torso. “And if you don’t remain a good girl now, then I have a wonderful treatment of Curare here. I can give it to you so that you are trapped in your own body: no way to communicate anymore, but you feel everything exactly. Do you prefer that?” She remained silent. He no longer expected a fightback. Although, most people could be so improbably stupid and preferred to complicate everything. It would be better for everyone not to upset him. His subject's big brown eyes widened with fear as the injection shot into her arm. It took only a few seconds after the plunger was fully pressed through and all the contents landed in her vein that the veins came out blue and a jolt went through her body. A scream of pain echoed through the room as she pressed her back in agony, pressing her chest so far up that her slender body almost tore through the strap. The beeping of the ECG almost went through the ceiling. At some point, she didn't know what her painful screams were and what the device was. Or were the screams of the agony of other subjects mixed in? In the end, she didn’t even know where her body began and the pain ended. They were one, as if this would go on forever. Wesker observed everything in a cold calculated manner and recorded the values from the electrocardiogram under Experiment 84721. The battle between body and injection should go on for a while. For him, it was data. For the young woman who was now doomed to be his subject, it was a nightmare that only reality could so cruelly and painfully realize.
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elmundotech · 5 years
Posted details about Resident Evil TV series disappears on Netflix
Posted details about #ResidentEvil #TVSeries disappears on #Netflix - #videogames #TV #elmundotech
Resident Evil
Posted details on a Netflix media page about the upcoming Resident Evil TV series has disappeared from the streaming service’s web site.
The removed information included the series’ synopsis:
“The town of Clearfield, MD has long stood in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated behemoths – the Umbrella Corporation, the decommissioned Greenwood Asylum, and Washington, D.C. Today,…
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Netflix publishes then pulls Resident Evil show plot description • Eurogamer.net
Set 26 years after the discovery of the T-Virus.
Netflix published a plot description of its unannounced Resident Evil show – before quickly pulling the information.
The Twitter account for the Resident Evil Wiki revealed the description of the Netflix adaptation of Resident Evil, which was published to Netflix’s Media Center. It’s gone now, but with the power of the Wayback Machine, we can travel into the past to reveal that which we should not yet know.
It has finally been confirmed that a Netflix adaptation of Resident Evil is in the works. Attached is a description taken from Netflix’s Media Center. See also a WaybackMachine archive of the search result we took a few minutes ago:https://t.co/sAtmqupwuV pic.twitter.com/wmPgoLtafI
— Resident Evil Wiki (@RE_Wiki) February 7, 2020
Here’s the description:
“The town of Clearfield, MD has long stood in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated behemoths – the Umbrella Corporation, the decommissioned Greenwood Asylum, and Washington, D.C. Today, 26 years after the discovery of the T-Virus, secrets held by the three will start to be revealed at the first signs of outbreak.”
So, what does this tell us? Not much! Clearfield, MD doesn’t appear in the Resident Evil universe, from what I can tell, and I’m not familiar with Greenwood Asylum in the context of the horror franchise. Of course, the evil Umbrella Corporation will be familiar to Resident Evil fans, but I’m thinking we’re going to see unfamiliar locations from this Netflix show.
In January 2019, Deadline reported “the plan is for the series to expand the Resident Evil universe and deepen the existing mythology”. Apparently the show will keep the basic premise of Resident Evil, and “explore the dark inner workings of the Umbrella Corporation and the new world order caused by the outbreak of the T-virus”.
Things are certainly hotting up in the world of Resident Evil. The Resident Evil 3 remake is out soon, and it looks like Capcom is sticking with a first-person view for Resident Evil 8, after the successful Resident Evil 7.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/netflix-publishes-then-pulls-resident-evil-show-plot-description-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=netflix-publishes-then-pulls-resident-evil-show-plot-description-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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gaminghardware0 · 5 years
Netflix reveals Resident Evil plot – get ready for a T-virus outbreak in, uh, “Clearfield, MD”
Resident Evil is coming to Netflix. After early reports a year ago about a Netflix series based on the classic zombie games, a plot description for the series has popped on on the streaming service's official site. RE has already had loads of live-action adaptations that have played fast and loose with the source material, and it sounds like the TV series will also be taking some liberties.
"The town of Clearfield, MD has long stood in the shadow of three seemingly unrelated behemoths – the Umbrella Corporation, the decommissioned Greenwood Asylum, and Washington, DC," the official description says. "Today, twenty-six years after the discovery of the T-Virus, secrets held by the three will start to be revealed at the first signs of outbreak."
The plot description shows up in searches for 'Resident Evil' on Netflix's media-focused site, as the folks at the Resident Evil Wiki noticed today. The name of the series also shows up in the full list of Netflix-produced shows on the same site. The series is listed for one season, but all related links take you to error messages.
View the full site
from https://www.pcgamesn.com/resident-evil-netflix
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mr-shoo · 7 years
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Nestled away in Tickfaw, Louisiana lies a hidden gem. The Rise Haunted House. This venue exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds. They have 3 attractions on site: The Rise, The Asylum, and Zombie Paintball. I decided to break the review down in 3 parts. Part 1 we will talk about the Zombie Paintball attraction.
First things first, make sure you plan around the weather because this is an outdoor attraction(we almost got rained on). We arrived early and was able to get in towards the front of the line. As you wait in line there is a guy dressed in full military gear with an AR-15 (I am pretty sure it was a legit UNLOADED rifle, I did not get a chance to look too closely). The military aspect gives you the idea that the military is there to control the zombie outbreak. It felt a little resident evil-ish to me personally, it probably did not help that the military figure had a patch that resembled the Umbrella Corporation. After waiting your turn in line you get passed through to a staging area that holds about 28 people. One side of the staging area is marked as “upper level” and the other “lower level.” These sides designate where you will be on the trailer. In this staging area the military figure barks out the rules to the attraction like a drill sergeant. Kids be warned, if you do not listen to this guy he will make it known he is not happy. He opens the gate and allows the lower level to load up and then the upper level (I chose upper level). The trailer is a double decker steel platform with all the guns mounted to the right hand side of it. The guns they use are all Tippman 98′s and BT-4′s that are remote charged through a piping system, for you paintball saavy readers’ information. Once on board you are again instructed by another military figure that explains you are only to fire your weapon when the flood lights attached to the trailer go dark. When the lights come on you are to cease fire. SImple rules right? Yeah most of the kids on board were too excited to pay attention. You start off with 80 paintball rounds. There will be 2 reload stops throughout the adventure where you can pay $5 to reload your gun with 80 more paintballs. I am an experienced paintball player so I made my initial 80 rounds last the entire run, one shot, one kill mentality. Now as far as the details during the adventure goes, well you will have to visit them to find out for yourself. I will tell you though, that it is super fun. I mean c’mon, how often do you get to shoot zombies outside of a video game?! You could tell everyone on the trailer was just as excited. Every time a zombie emerged, the trailer would be drowned by the sound of about 28 paintball guns rapid firing followed by the sight of lime green paintballs spraying into the dark at them. It was epic. The whole experience lasted about 15-20 minutes as you travel through the woods finding little buildings that have zombies inhabiting them. This experience is unique to most haunts and should be experienced by all. Find your way to the Rise Haunted House Zombie Paintball attraction and try to escape the zombie outbreak alive! 
Check back for Part 2!
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judasiskariot · 2 months
RE: Umbrella Asylum - CHAPTER 2
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🏖⭐☣Happy Arklay S.T.A.R.S. Mansion Incident Day 07/24/1998☣⭐🏖
Albert Wesker
Umbrella Laboratory
Story: Are you interested in what everyday life was like for the Umbrella scientists? The daily routine in the laboratory? The daily routine and fate of the test subjects with no hope of rescue? The true horror in an Umbrella laboratory or just the price of progress...
Category/Content: Accompany Umbrella scientists on their latest experiment
Long fic with more chapters to come, Chapter 1 here
w/c: 1,686 words in this chapter;more to come . ao3 . 18+ only . nsfw (to come) . german version(also on AO3)
tags:     Resident Evil, Biohazard, Umbrella Corporation, Dr. Albert Wesker, Smut, F/M, Female/Male,  Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Horror, Drama, Thriller, Angst
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Humanity Ends Here
This is where humanity ends
The sparkle of scalpel blades under neon lights.
The smell of ether.
Medicine and pills that were supposed to heal people, but made people sick.
Health twisted into madness and disease.
What was meant by the asylum upstairs?
The so-called sanatorium was more or less just a cover and the Umbrella Corporation wrapped this cover around its research facility.
The international, billion-dollar pharmaceutical company was unofficially more interested in gaining even more money and power by developing weapons for biological warfare. But this may not have been the true interest of the founder named Spencer.
To the public, it was a pharmaceutical company that contributed a lot to research into medicines and made an entire city flourish economically and almost single-handedly provided it with jobs. Thus the friend of the entire public interest.
A deceptive and fatal misconception.
Beneath the institution - which was operated by Umbrella in about as much official capacity as its non-pharmaceutical research - was one of its laboratories. The human and animal experiments that took place here made one understand:
This is where humanity ended.
The sanatorium was the perfect cover for all medical equipment and supplies of chemicals and medicines and, above all, it provided human resources. Normally no soul would stray into this antediluvian institution and be missed. That was the point of it; but for the public's sake it housed enough suitable patients to present a clean image in an emergency. Fortunately, hardly anyone cared about people labeled “crazy” by society. A person without rights quickly became a person without dignity because he was a person without protection.
But how many souls were here through no fault of their own? Very conscious? Fully understanding what happened to them? Very well, defined by society as mentally healthy?
Corridors in which the screams and sounds echoed like a memorial to dying hope.
Corridors whose every flicker of light cast evil shadows; Shadows like evidence of the absence of humanity.
Corridors whose mere presence promised a story of cruelty, without ever being able to capture their true horror in words, let alone pictures.
So many fates. So many lives. So much torment. So many nightmares.
Every day. Each night. Every hour. Every second. A painfully long eternity.
The painful reality.
The horrible reality for brother and sister.
The Napier siblings sat huddled together in their new, dark, underground cell. There was still horror in their eyes from what they had seen on their forcible transport down there. They had witnessed something they never thought possible. The asylum had already been hell on earth for them, but their “transfer” made them realize that there were greater horrors:
Genetic experiments on living humans in a secret research facility beneath the sanatorium.
Images that seemed to come from a gruesome novel or a terrible horror film; Images that only seemed to harbor a nightmare filled with sweat of fear had become their reality here. It was reality and they couldn't close the book, change the channel or open their eyes to finally escape this torture of a nightmare.
The noises and screams on the way to their cell had caused pure panic in them. They were completely different screams than the long-term, grueling shouts, stammering and groaning of the inmates that they had to endure so far.
But when the voices of the guards outside the door could be heard again, the panic only increased. Jacob - whom everyone just called Jack - put his arm around his younger sister Harleen, who had previously been called Lee by her friends before all of this, in an attempt to calm her down.
“Stand back!” was ordered according to protocol and the wards only entered after the two prisoners were standing against the opposite wall, which could be observed through a small barred window in the door.
Several of them then entered with disgusting grins and the two siblings, who were already shaking and clinging to each other, held each other even tighter. Mischief emanated from them, which seemed to literally drip from every single one of their pores.
“Come on, hold on to her!”
Two of the tall guards grabbed the woman and brutally tore the two apart.
“Leave her alone!” the brother shouted in panic and his attempt to hold his sister with his eyes wide in shock and attack the giants was suddenly stopped when two others held him by his arms. As ruthless as a vice.
“Keep him calm! He can watch.”
The blonde kicked and screamed as the guard in front of her began to tear at her white prison clothes and push her legs apart. The air was ominously filled with the cries of the struggling prisoners, which reflected less anger and hatred and more pure fear. In between, the almost grunting, amused voices of the group of men in nursing whites.
"Stop it now!" Jack's voice was loud but a little shaky, full of fear and panic that turned into nausea at the sight of his sister fighting tooth and nail not to be undressed. With all his remaining strength, he tried to tear himself away to protect his sister, only to collapse to his knees in pain the next moment with a choking rattle. It was the guards' fists that dug painfully into the pit of his stomach that almost knocked him off his feet. The two men began to punch his stomach again and again and he found himself gasping for breath.
"Jack! No!" his sister cried out in pain and no longer paid attention to her attacker, but looked at her brother with wide eyes, "Leave him alone! Please leave him alone! Don’t hurt him!”
“First I need the test subject with…”
This scene of inhumane violence and desperate defense was suddenly interrupted when a man in a lab coat stood in the cell in the middle. However, he didn't pay any attention to the scenery, his focus was elsewhere and his gaze was focused on his clipboard with documents. His tone was just unemotional but firm.
“First I need the test subject with…” the scientist’s slender finger ran over his document until he found the desired spot and pointed in the direction of the woman, “…blood group 0.”
Only then did he raise his head and seem to see what was going on.
“We still have work to do here,” grumbled the guard, who was still holding his unzipped belt in his hand.
A cold voice that was as unmoved as it was authoritarian replied: “You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t interfere with my research. And a time delay has a hindering effect on this. Continue when I’m done.”
The henchmen laughed and only God knew what there was to laugh about, thought Jacob Napier at that moment.
 "Only when you're done with her, then we can't do anything with her anymore."
Reluctantly but obediently, they finally let go of the two of them and Jack seemed relieved that his sister was saved from these savages for the time being thanks to the scientist's appearance.
She saw it differently. Her gaze remained on the blonde in the lab coat and she didn't move away from her tormentors towards him. Someone who rose above such sadistic monsters but nevertheless did research here. How much safer could it be with someone like that? In particular, the guards' last words echoed in her head, giving her a bad premonition. A horrible…
She pulled at her partially torn clothing.
Silent, intimidated. Head lowered to avoid any eye contact.
Before she had been a bit louder and had to be literally dragged here, but that wasn't even a great effort for several full-grown men. After the young Napier was forcefully brought into the office and laboratory amid shouts of protest, the first thing she did was quickly look around to explore the room:
The room contained a heavy desk. On this one computer and neatly sorted files. Almost too clean; almost meticulous. Behind it is a glass display case and cabinets with a variety of medical instruments, as well as metal surgical instruments and many ampoules with a wide variety of active ingredients.
Behind the desk in the far left corner was a heavy metal door set into the wall, which, like the access door, was also locked with an electronic combination lock.
No escape.
On the left wall was another door that led into a private bathroom and on the same wall in the left corner, there was a control panel and a whole row of surveillance monitors.
To the right of the table was an examination stretcher positioned at an angle on which arms and legs could be fixed. There was enough examination equipment to make any hospital jealous.
Even though everything was sterilely clean, that didn't hide the horror that the sight radiated.
The guards had pressed the new test subject onto this same operating table and fixed his legs and left hand so that the right hand was initially free for the Umbrella Scientist's upcoming projects.
But now the young woman lay there in silence with her eyes downcast and, ashamed, using her free hand to straighten her white clothes, some of which had been torn by her attackers.
No more protesting, no more attempts to defend yourself.
The virologist was alone with his test subject.
The emotionless look didn't quite understand why her biggest concern was fixing her clothes. She seemed to him like a lost little girl.
She really was lost. Completely lost.
Left helpless.
Without any human emotion, he turned back to his short report for the executive department, entered the last data that was relevant to them - or rather he assessed that it was relevant to them; without any statistics that broke everything down perfectly in detail, as something like that only caused enthusiasm among himself and his colleagues - and finally signed.
The prisoner's head now rose slightly and craned around with rapidly searching eyes to catch a glimpse of the paper.
He signed with Albert Wesker.
Happy Arklay Day 07/24/98
Have a blonde, shades-wearing, blue eyed Umbrella lab Wesker.
(I call him Dr. Sexy MD)
Happy Resident Evil day you all!
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judasiskariot · 2 months
lovely angst master @alpydk tagged me and OH MY TYRANT you read my RE fanfic so far?! 😱 Thank you for the kudos 😘💜 kudos back love 💖
So I shall answer in perfect WIP and thank you very very much for the tag, because it is:
🏖⭐☣Happy Arklay S.T.A.R.S. Mansion Incident Day 07/24/1998☣⭐🏖
(Should I tag someone? Well @damadisangue and @nihil-ism I heard you were working on some RE thingys...share on this holy day with us what you got so far. Only if you want to, of course 😉)
So here is my WIP on my Resident Evil Umbrella Asylum fic
Have some angst and bloody science horror:
Screams and witnesses forever barking and yet unheard. The medical cutlery was not smeared with blood, but accurately arranged, but even the smell of disinfectant could not disguise the cutlery’s silent cries for blood. The man in his lab coat let out a brief sigh and slowly took off his black sunglasses before he lifted his athletic figure from his desk and sat down on the chair next to the test rig: Icy blue eyes that were at least as cold as the black lenses of the glasses. “Just answer me the questions; it saves me time. Then I’ll be in a better mood and it could save you extra pain.” It was a fact he stated here, but given the coldness of his eyes, it might as well have been mistaken for a threat.
….. The blonde woman didn’t know much more about Sheila than her name. But that was enough for her. To the tormentors, they were all the same. And that may be true, that they all became equal, but in a good way. They were all in the same hell. They had to be there for each other. Then no one was left alone. And then a name was enough. You could take so much from them. And if they didn't manage to get to know their stories to take them to the grave or tell them further, at least  keep, hold on tight and desperate on the names Umbrella wanted to take away from them. Their name, their identity, their humanity, their lives, their individuality. The blonde turned her gaze to the right and gazed into the black-haired woman‘s face. Harleen prayed to God not to take Sheila away. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “You’re faster than me, don’t turn around! I’m right behind you!” she exclaimed to him, her voice urging in haste. So Jack hurried on, sporty long legs, go much more distance than Harleen. “Please help me. Don’t leave me here. Please. Please. I have children. And a husband. Please I want to see my children again. ” Harleen stopped and looked down the aisle. Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and I also procrastinate with some unholy, shameless smut 😏🤭
That kept him from moving his hips against her. Because that would have been extremely rude. Without giving her time to breathe, he quickly pushed her back. They collided with his desk and his firm body pressed her hard against it before he used his arms to put her on the desk, pushing her legs apart to stand between them. Muffling noises pressed into his mouth, but his imperious lips and tongue would not let her lips go, and her nose needed to be enough for her to breath. She opened her mouth to breath better. That was a mistake. Wesker's tongue slid more tightly between her lips and defiantly held her own tongue. The beauty was that after initial surprise, the young woman never just kept quiet and passively let things happen. No, as expected, her tongue reacted to the game challenge and danced around his. With the lace stroking, necked, sliding. Just as little as she was passive when he fucked her from behind, bent over on his desk.
(no not this one, this is the light vanilla part. The unoly part remains under wraps yet, unless someone needs to know.)
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