#Reset AU
bijellyfishy · 11 months
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That moment when your trying to get your ex best friend to remember you. 😔
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dragoncxv360 · 1 month
CW for a see through dress with underwear underneath
Drawings of mine and my friends’ oc Lulu, featuring Clips’ hand lol @alexandraisyes @polaris-stuff
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Close ups under the cut (including the underwear without the skirt layers)
Reblogs appreciated (though I understand this drawing is a bit more risqué and not everybody is going to reblog that kinda stuff)
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kaseyskat · 4 months
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i feel like i have a new au to share every time i have writing to share for wip weds but tbh thats just what its like in my head anyways uhhhh happy wip weds! this is an au im calling the reset au- where the kiddads as of the end of s2 are sent back to their childhood selves specifically in the ravenloft castle with the doodler no longer involved, giving them a chance to make things better for themselves and their families if only they would take it :)
plain text under the cut:
"We don't know how much time we have," Terry reminds them all. "I don't remember how long after Grant's arrival it was before our dads were showing up. We should make a plan." 
"The plan is to survive," Grant says bitterly, and his pacing only speeds up, making him almost dizzying to watch. "I mean, what else can we do? Pray to God and hope we can go back?" 
Sparrow makes a muffled noise that Terry can't quite interpret. Lark grimaces, and he shifts a little, pulling Sparrow even closer into him. 
"This sucks," Nicky complains, and when Terry glances at him, he's fiddling with his fingers, staring at his arms with wonder and confliction. "I don't even know if I can help. Or if I should." 
Right. Because the last time they saw each other, it was fighting in the depths of hell after being reminded of the way they had all betrayed Nicky and his trust of them. Terry winces. 
Nicky didn't forgive me, but he said it was a start and we could grow from that, he reminds himself with a shudder. Besides, we have to work together to get through this, right? 
"Terry's right," Sparrow rasps, and he peeks up from Lark's chest with a hollow expression that looks wrong on his twelve year old face. "We have a chance to make things better this time around, we cannot waste it. Maybe then we can go back." 
"Link must be so afraid," Grant frets, and he groans, finally sitting down on the floor and hanging his head. "This is so messed up. I don't want to be twelve again!" 
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
I just read your reset au and I have to say, Sass must’ve really been pissed off to go through the trouble or setting that up!
Sass: (Repeating it like a mantra) It's for a good cause, it's for a good cause...
Alya: (From inside the classroom) Are we sure it's not because Marinette is jealous over Lila? Maybe we should try talking to her about it again just to be sure.
Sass: (Twitching) It's. For. A. Good. Cause.
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kittydragondraws · 4 months
au partially based on undertale
uzi ends up getting killed by n and a mysterious entity (god i wonder what it could be) offers her a chance to go back and do things differently. at first she refuses but then the entity entices her with the idea of getting to save everybody who had died, including herself. after saying that uzi agrees, and is sent back in time to right before she gave her railgun presentation.
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
Hey all!
For the rest of the day, I will be accepting character asks (asks where I respond in character) for ALL of my AUs! Find Yourself, With Great Power Comes, Reset, Super Naturals, even PIZZA PLACE or any of the ones you've heard me offhandedly mention. Not Tachophobia though. :) I don't really have the authority for that.
So, again. ANY character, ANY AU, ANY question (as long as it's appropriate), and I will respond in character!
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lunmiar · 1 year
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novarhetta · 1 year
Reset AU- Compromise
Warnings: It's a lil' spooky lol
Word count: 542
Ophelia's shoes tread lightly against the dirt ground beneath her. The sun shone brightly amidst a clear blue sky above, and a couple of birds even flew overhead, singing their twittering tune. Even the buildings she passed seemed brighter than usual today. To anyone else, this might seem normal, or even a wonderfully joyous day to be out and about. But to Ophelia, it was simply a reminder at how facetious this world could be.
Home is happy today. Something must have happened. This is concerning.
She took meticulous notes of her surroundings as she went along. Though on edge, she ensured that her stature and attitude maintained its usual deadpan-but-proud posture. After all, it had gotten her this far, and even Hair understood the memo by now. She tapped her pencil against her ponytail, reminding Hair to not appear so stiff ad Home slowly crept into view.
Three resets in and they were finally finding loopholes, ways to ensure that their memories both remained in tact, and even ways to provide longevity to the memories of other neighbors after a reset, though this had proven to be far more arduous a task than the former. So far, they seemed to have been able to jog Wally's memories and just a small handful of Julie's and Frank's. It seemed that anyone not more closely connected to Home, or those who were unfortunately of lower intelligence, would provide a higher challenge to restore. But Ophelia was certain that they would one day soon be able to help them all. And once that was achieved, they might be able to overthrow Home, and stop the resets altogether.
"Hair, I know that you know what I am about to ask-"
'I lost everything last time. If that happens again-'
"I will not allow it. Your preserving my mind allowed me to bring you back. I wasn't as fragmented this time. If we can repeat the success, then I can…"
'I know. But you've also seen the risks. I nearly died last reset. The only reason you had any chance at bringing me back was BECAUSE I wasn't dead. If Home finds out-'
"Home will not find out. The only other one that knows of your survival is Wally, and I trust him implicitly."
'Wally lives INSIDE of Home. What if he cracks? What if- what if Home has already been told? Your logic is replaced by faith!'
"A faith I will follow… with logic. They do not have to be separate. You're going to have to compromise at some point, Hair."
'I will do this, but this compromise feels unfair.'
Life often is.
Ophelia shifts from speaking aloud to speaking within her mind as Home's shadow looms over them. The soft squish of dirt is replaced by a rather harsh creak when her feet take their first steps onto the front steps of Home. Her mind ran through the things that she would soon say, as if thumbing through files in a cabinet. Her compromises were not just with Hair, or even Wally, but Home as well. The very reason she was allowed to persevere was her knowledge.
Creak, squeeeak. (So, what did you learn today?)
"Hello, Home. I have much to tell you."
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alloftimeandspacetosee · 11 months
Reset AU Masterlist
a spin from the Apocalypse AU in which they succeed in making the apocalypse never happen by sending Jay back in time to do a better job of raising Nyx
Electric Boogaloo (Arlette)
Let's Go Steal A Science Experiment (Aurora)
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bxnnie-bxwl · 5 months
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funtime bonnie having an instant calming affect on funtime freddy
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bigfatbreak · 6 months
If the Kwami remember the old timeline, then Wayzz, Tikki and Plagg must remember Adrien and Marinette, right? Wouldn't they lead Fu to them? Or is something preventing Fu from doing that/Fu thinks it's too risky to make a move with Hawkmoth/Gabriel watching??
well... hm, there's kind of a problem. The timeline was mostly reset, but there are lingering echoes that things aren't right. For one, the Kwami remember the last timeline - so do the Sentikids, and in fact, so do robots/AI's of any fashion. Not only that, but some mechanisms, nonorganics, exist as though the last timeline was still in place, like passwords and lingering, half-corrupted photographs in dead links and dead blogs.
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uh. ehe. oops.
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bijellyfishy · 8 months
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That moment when your trying to convince your ex besties to be more than friends
But doesn’t meant you’ll keep that promise
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keikakudom · 2 months
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redemption. it's that easy
(inspired by this tweet)
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kaseyskat · 3 months
thinking about the things i have done to the twins in reset au and giggling
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attleboy · 4 months
I hold you SO SO closed in my handsss,,, I love seeing you in my notifications it's always such an honor and makes my day so much
omg hiiii mushroom!! :D i'm gonna be honest, i've been staring at this trying to figure out how to respond for a while but i am far too flattered to think of a good response! consider me rendered speechless...
anyway, i just hope you know the feeling is mutual and i am also very happy when i see you around!!! i'm going to use this as an excuse to toss some carnival au art your way which you'd enjoy, i hope?? ^-^
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yes this one's based off madagascar 3 which... please don't judge me too hard for that... that movie's iconic (to me at least 😭)
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there's more to these but idk i wasn't feeling it so crops are all i'm giving out
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this one i'll probably still finish but i like how caine looks so here's a sneak peek
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that was all pomni and caine wasn't it uhhh. whoops... here's a couple jax i also like that guy
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and this isn't the carnival au, but it IS showtime and i know you love them... technically a wip but it's gonna take sooo many rendered pages to finish that idk if i'll ever actually get it done so just take this bit
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okay that's it, ty again for stopping by!!!
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
For Sonic (Reset AU) how would you yourself describe Tails? How important is he to you?
(Keep in mind that his answer changes daily. I feel like this is the most common one though.)
"He’s my brother! At least, that's what he told me. I don't actually remember, but apparently that's normal? He can't be lying though. There's pictures of us all over the house! I really like Tails. He's nice to me and we've done a lot of fun things together today! We went to a farmers market today. I got some hot chocolate and a donut!"
The bright smile that's been present on Sonic’s face this whole time slips a little. He fidgets with the sleeve of his sweater. "I hope I don't forget about today. I don't want to forget about my brother. I love him."
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